




With the quickening pace of modernization, the Railway

travelers today expect much more from the system than the railways

did in the past in the form of amenities. The provision of passenger

amenities is, therefore, one of the important objectives of the Indian

Railways both as a business ethic and as a social obligation. The

Indian Railways has issued a Citizens’ Charter on Passenger services

in which, it has been pledged to ensure adequate passenger amenities

in trains and at Railway stations. One of the thrust areas in the VIII

Plan was to provide basic passenger amenities at all stations on a

priority basis. The introduction of economic liberalization in July 1991

threw a major challenge before the Indian Railways. As a result, it

took several measures to modernize the rolling stock, tractions and

coaches. Steam locos were phased out altogether. Besides, it entered

into joint venture with State Governments to give a fillip to various

railway projects, both urban and non-urban. Special emphasis was

laid on customer care and user-friendly services.

This chapter deals with the problems faced by the passengers in

Indian Railways. The researcher has identified the following problems:


1. Problems related to platform.

2. Problems related to reservation and booking counters.

3. Problems related to enquiry.

4. Problems related to compartments.

5. Problems related to waiting and retiring room.

In order to analyse the problems faced by the passengers of Indian

Railways, the researcher has used the Garrett’s ranking method to

rank the important problems faced by the passengers in Indian

Railways. The variables like Type of train, Class of travel, Purpose of

the journey, Residence, Usage pattern and Awareness of the

passengers are tested with the above-said problems related to Indian

Railways by using the well-known statistical tool of ‘Chi – Square


Garrett’s Ranking Technique

Garrett’s Ranking Technique was used to rank the important

problems faced by the Passengers in Indian Railways. The collected

pieces of information from the respondents of passengers were

arranged and converted into mean score values and then in turn

ranked using Garrett’s Ranking Technique.

100 (Rij-0.05) Per cent position = --------------------

Ni Where,

Rij : Rank gives for its factor by the jth individual.

Ni : Number of reasons ranked by the jth individual.


Chi – Square Test The Chi – Square test represents a useful method of comparing

experimentally obtained data with those expected theoretically. The

following formula has been used:

(ƒo-ƒe)2 Chi-square test (x 2)= Σ----------- ƒe

Where, ƒo = Observed frequency.

ƒe = Expected frequency.

Degree of freedom (d.f) = (r-1) (c-1)

If the calculated value is greater than the table value at a

particular significant level, say 0.05 level, it is concluded that the

factor is dependent on variable for which Chi–Square is computed. If

the calculated value is less than the table value, it is concluded that

the factor is independent on the variable.


The aim of the researcher is to highlight the dominant variable

whose impact is deep in situation. The researcher identified the

problems related to platform that follow: a) Overcrowd b) unauthorized

entry, c) Lack of infrastructure facility d) Misconduct of porters and

e) Misbehaviors of public. The aim of this analysis is to identify the

foremost problem related with the platform. In order to get out of

these problems, the passengers look forward to the Indian Railways to

ensure the quality of service. Table 5.1 shows the various problems

related to platform with their mean score and rank.


Table 5.1

Problems Related to Platform

S.No Problems Mean Score Rank

1 Overcrowd 60.09 II

2 Unauthorized entry 38.40 V

3 Infrastructure facilities 56.83 III

4 Misconduct of porters 46.04 IV

5 Misbehavior of public 68.76 I

Source: Primary data

It is observed from the table that being the misbehaviors of

public has the highest mean score of 68.76 and it ranks first among

the various problems faced in platform. Misconduct and mischief of

the public on the platform is the major issue in Indian Railways.

Overcrowd with the mean score of 60.09 and infrastructure facilities

with the mean score of 56.83 hold the second and the third ranks

respectively. Misconduct of porters with the mean score of 46.04 and

unauthorized entry with the mean score of 38.40 hold the fourth and

the fifth ranks respectively. It is inferred from the analysis that the

main problem related to platform is being misbehavior of public.

5.2.1Type of Train and Problems Related to Platform Passenger, Express, Super Fast and Special trains are the

various types of trains operated by the Indian Railways in Madurai

Division. Problems related to platform were tested with the

passengers traveled in different type of trains.


Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between type of train and

problems related to platform. The ranking scores of respondents

belonging to various types of trains are furnished in Table5.2.

Table 5.2

Type of Train and Problems Related to Platform

S.No Problems Passenger Express Super

Fast Special Total

1 Overcrowd 450 450 360 324 1584

2 Unauthorized


366 288 224 178 1056

3 Infrastructure


378 344 396 162 1280

4 Misconduct of


320 300 240 228 1088

5 Misbehavior of


646 658 460 428 2192

Total 2160 2040 1680 1320 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 86.57

Table value at 5% significant level for 12 d.f = 21.03

The calculated value is greater than the table value. It implies

that the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between

type of train and problems related to platform’ holds good. This

confirms statistically that there is a significant relationship between

type of train and problems related to platform.


5.2.2 Class of Travel and Problems Related to Platform

Problems related to platform are tested with the class in which

the passengers traveled in Indian Railways.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between class-wise travel

particulars of passengers and problems related to platform’. The

ranking scores of respondents belonging to different class of travel are

furnished in Table 5.3.

Table 5.3

Class of Travel and Problems Related to Platform

S.No Problems Class of Travel

Total II Class I Class A C

1 Overcrowd 904 384 296 1584

2 Unauthorized entry 640 236 180 1056

3 Infrastructure facilities 756 280 244 1280

4 Misconduct of porters 656 260 172 1088

5 Misbehavior of public 1244 520 428 2192

Total 4200 1680 1320 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 12.51

Table value at 5% significant level for 8 d.f = 15.51

The calculated value is less than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between class

of travel and problems related to platform’ does not hold good.

This statistically reveals that there is no significant relationship

between class of travel and problems related to platform.


5.2.3 Purpose of the Journey and Problems Related to Platform

The purpose of the journey is tested with problems related to


Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between purpose of the

journey and problems related to platform’. The ranking scores of the

respondents are furnished in Table 5.4.

Table 5.4

Purpose of the Journey and Problems Related to Platform

S.No Problems Purpose

Total Business Personal

1 Overcrowd 992 592 1584

2 Unauthorized entry 688 368 1056

3 Infrastructure facilities 736 544 1280

4 Misconduct of porters 636 452 1088

5 Misbehavior of public 1268 924 2192

Total 4320 2880 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 24.88

Table value at 5% significant level for 4 d.f = 9.49.

The calculated value is more than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between

purpose of the journey and problems related to platform’ holds

good. Thus it is statistically revealed that there is a significant

relationship between purpose of the journey and problems related to



5.2.4 Residence and Problems Related to Platform

The residence of the passengers is tested with problems related

to platform.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between residence of the

passengers and problems related to platform are furnished in Table


Table 5.5

Residence and Problems Related to Platform

S.No Problems


Total Urban Rural

1 Overcrowd 1016 568 1584

2 Unauthorized entry 568 488 1056

3 Infrastructure facilities 724 556 1280

4 Misconduct of porters 648 440 1088

5 Misbehavior of public 1244 948 2192

Total 4200 3000 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 35.54

Table value at 5% significant level for 4 d.f = 9.49.

The calculated value is seen to be more than the table value. It

implies that the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship

between residence of the passengers and problems related to

platform’ holds good. This reveals statistically that there is a

significant relationship between residence of the passengers and

problems related to platform.


5.2.5 Usage pattern and Problems Related to Platform Problems related to platform are tested with the usage pattern of


Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between Usage pattern

and problems related to platform’. The ranking scores of respondents

belonging to different Usage pattern are furnished in Table 5.6.

Table 5.6

Usage pattern and Problems Related to Platform

S.No Problems Usage pattern

Total Single Family Both

1 Overcrowd 664 624 296 1584

2 Unauthorized


400 476 180 1056

3 Infrastructure


516 520 244 1280

4 Misconduct of


416 500 172 1088

5 Misbehavior of


1004 820 368 2192

Total 3000 2940 1260 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 40.66

Table value at 5% significant level for 8 d.f = 15.51

The calculated value is more than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between Usage

pattern and problems related to platform’ holds good. This


statistically reveals that there is a significant relationship between

Usage pattern and problems related to platform.

5.2.6 Awareness and Problems Related to Platform

The Passenger’s Awareness is tested with problems related to


Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between awareness and

problems related to platform’. The ranking scores of the respondents

are furnished in Table 5.7.

Table 5.7

Awareness and Problems Related to Platform

S.No Problems Awareness

Total Aware Non aware

1 Overcrowd 1016 568 1584

2 Unauthorized entry 726 330 1056

3 Infrastructure facilities 796 484 1280

4 Misconduct of porters 716 372 1088

5 Misbehavior of public 1310 882 2192

Total 4560 2640 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 30.68

Table value at 5% significant level for 4 d.f = 9.49.

The calculated value is more than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between

awareness and problems related to platform’ holds good. Thus it

is statistically revealed that there is a significant relationship between

awareness and problems related to platform.




The aim of the researcher is to highlight the dominant variable

whose impact is deep in situation. Booking facilities provided at the

station for issue of tickets to the public through Advanced Reservation

Window or Current Booking Window. The researcher identified the

problems related to reservation and booking counters that follow: a)

Inconvenient time b) Undue influence of agents, c) Cumbersome

procedure d) Abnormal charges and e) Insufficient number of

counters. The aim of this analysis is to identify the foremost problem

related with the reservation and booking counters. Table 5.8 shows

the various problems related to reservation and booking counters with

their mean score and rank.

Table 5.8

Problems Related to Reservation and Booking Counters

S.No Problems Mean Score Rank

1 Inconvenient time 55.32 II

2 Undue influence of agents 56.89 I

3 Cumbersome procedure 48.67 III

4 Abnormal charges 41.68 V

5 Insufficient number of counters 45.07 IV

Source: Primary data


It is inferred from the table that foremost problem is Undue

influence of agents has the highest mean score of 56.89 and it ranks

the first among the various problems related to the reservation and

booking counters. Inconvenient time with the mean score of 55.32 and

cumbersome procedure with the mean score of 48.67 holds second

and third rank. The insufficient number of counters with the mean

score of 45.07 and abnormal charges with the mean score of 41.68

hold the fourth and the fifth ranks respectively. It is observed from the

above analysis that the major problem related to reservation and

booking counters is that it is undue influence of agents.

5.3.1 Type of Train and Problems Related to Reservation and

Booking Counters Passenger, Express, Super Fast and Special trains are the

various types of trains operated by the Indian Railways in Madurai

Division. Problems related to reservation and booking counters are

tested train-wise.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between type of train and

problems related to reservation and booking counters. The ranking

scores of respondents belonging to various type of trains are furnished

in Table 5.9.


Table 5.9 Type of Train and Problems Related to Reservation and

Booking Counters

S.No Problems Passenger Express Super

Fast Special Total

1 Inconvenient time 468 454 376 282 1580

2 Undue influence of agents

636 620 508 368 2132

3 Cumbersome procedure

424 378 318 224 1344

4 Abnormal charges 316 300 244 160 1020

5 Insufficient number of counters

316 288 234 286 1124

Total 2160 2040 1680 1320 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 48.80

Table value at 5% significant level for 12 d.f = 21.03

The calculated value is more than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between type of

train and problems related to reservation and booking counters’

holds good. This confirms statistically that there is a significant

relationship between type of train and problems related to reservation

and booking counters.

5.3.2. Class of Travel and Problems Related to Reservation and

Booking Counters

Problems related to reservation and booking counters are tested

with the class in which the passengers traveled in Indian Railways.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between class of travel

and problems related to reservation and booking counters’. The


ranking scores of respondents belonging to different class of travel are

furnished in Table 5.10.

Table 5.10

Class of Travel and Problems Related to reservation and

booking counters

S.No Problems Class of Travel

Total II Class I Class A C

1 Inconvenient time 930 404 246 1580

2 Undue influence of agents 1230 510 392 2132

3 Cumbersome procedure 812 328 204 1344

4 Abnormal charges 612 230 178 1020

5 Insufficient number of counters

616 208 300 1124

Total 4200 1680 1320 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 =77.11

Table value at 5% significant level for 8 d.f = 15.51

The calculated value is more than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between class

of travel and problems related to reservation and booking

counters’ holds good. This statistically reveals that there is a

significant relationship between class of travel and problems related to

reservation and booking counters.

5.3.3 Purpose of the Journey and Problems Related to

Reservation and booking counters

The purpose of the journey is tested with problems related to

reservation and booking counters.


Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between purpose of the

journey and problems related to reservation and booking counters’.

The ranking scores of the respondents are furnished in Table 5.11.

Table 5.11 Purpose of the Journey and Problems Related to Reservation

and booking counters

S.No Problems Purpose

Total Business Personal

1 Inconvenient time 940 640 1580

2 Undue influence of agents 1272 860 2132

3 Cumbersome procedure 824 520 1344

4 Abnormal charges 624 396 1020

5 Insufficient number of


660 464 1124

Total 4320 2880 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 2.59

Table value at 5% significant level for 4 d.f = 9.49.

The calculated value is less than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between

purpose of the journey and problems related to reservation and

booking counters’ does not hold good. Thus it is statistically revealed

that there is no significant relationship between purpose of the

journey and problems related to reservation and booking counters.

5.3.4 Residence and Problems Related to Reservation and

booking counters

The residence of the passengers is tested with problems related

to reservation and booking counters.


Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between residence of the

passengers and problems related to reservation and booking

counters’. The ranking scores of the passengers are furnished in Table


Table 5.12 Residence and Problems Related to Reservation and booking


S.No Problems Residence

Total Urban Rural

1 Inconvenient time 930 650 1580

2 Undue influence of agents 1280 852 2132

3 Cumbersome procedure 808 536 1344

4 Abnormal charges 612 408 1020

5 Insufficient number of counters 570 554 1124

Total 4200 3000 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 32.52

Table value at 5% significant level for 4 d.f = 9.49.

The calculated value is seen to be more than the table value. It

implies that the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship

between residence of the passengers and problems related to

reservation and booking counters’ holds good. This reveals

statistically that there is a significant relationship between residence

of the passengers and problems related to reservation and booking



5.3.5 Usage pattern and Problems Related to Reservation and

booking counters

Problems related to reservation and booking counters are tested

with the usage pattern of passengers.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between Usage pattern

and problems related to reservation and booking counters’. The

ranking scores of respondents belonging to different Usage pattern are

furnished in Table 5.13.

Table 5.13 Usage pattern and Problems Related to

Reservation and booking counters

S.No Problems Usage pattern

Total Single Family Both

1 Inconvenient time 672 684 224 1580

2 Undue influence of agents 898 902 332 2132

3 Cumbersome procedure 580 564 200 1344

4 Abnormal charges 410 392 218 1020

5 Insufficient number of counters 440 398 286 1124

Total 3000 2940 1260 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 85.83

Table value at 5% significant level for 8 d.f = 15.51

The calculated value is more than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between Usage

pattern and problems related to reservation and booking

counters’ holds good. This statistically reveals that there is a

significant relationship between Usage pattern and problems related

to reservation and booking counters.


5.3.6 Awareness and Problems Related to Reservation and

booking counters

The Awareness about with problems related to reservation and

booking counters is tested.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between awareness and

problems related to reservation and booking counters’. The ranking

scores of the respondents are furnished in Table 5.14.

Table 5.14 Awareness and Problems Related to Reservation and booking


S.No Problems Awareness

Total Aware Non aware

1 Inconvenient time 1020 560 1580

2 Undue influence of agents 1360 772 2132

3 Cumbersome procedure 824 520 1344

4 Abnormal charges 672 348 1020

5 Insufficient number of counters 684 440 1124

Total 4560 2640 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 9.41

Table value at 5% significant level for 4 d.f = 9.49.

The calculated value is less than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between

awareness and problems related to reservation and booking

counters’ does not hold good. Thus it is statistically revealed that

there is no significant relationship between awareness and problems

related to reservation and booking counters.



Indian Railways offers various facilities and amenities to the

passengers for providing comfort, convenience and satisfaction. Out

of these, enquiry counter plays a vital role in customer service. The

information on fares, availability position of seats and berth is

accessible at any passenger reservation system terminal.

Computerization has brought about transparency in the reservation

system. The researcher identified the following problems related to

enquiry that follow: a) Poor response b) Inadequate information, c)

Improper maintenance of touch screen d) Waiting for long time in

queue and e) Lack of Advanced communication systems. The aim of

this analysis is to identify the foremost problem related with the

enquiry. Table 5.15 shows the various problems related to enquiry

with their mean score and rank.

Table 5.15

Problems Related to Enquiry

S.No Problems Mean Score Rank

1 Poor response 64.63 I

2 Inadequate information 63.26 II

3 Improper maintenance of touch


42.68 III

4 Waiting for long time in queue 37.54 V

5 Lack of Advanced communication


39.71 IV

Source: Primary data


Table 5.15 reveals that poor response has the highest mean score

of 64.63 and it stands the first among the various problems.

Inadequate information with the mean score of 63.26 holds the second

rank. Improper maintenance of touch screen with the mean score of

42.68 holds the third rank. The lack of advanced communication

systems with the mean score of 39.71 and Waiting for long time in

queue with the mean score of 37.54 hold the fourth and the fifth

ranks respectively. It is inferred from the analysis that the major

problem is the poor response.

5.4.1 Type of Train and Problems Related to Enquiry

Passenger, Express, Super Fast and Special trains are the

various types of trains operated by the Indian Railways in Madurai

Division. Problems related to enquiry are tested train-wise.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between type of train and

problems related to enquiry. The ranking scores of respondents

belonging to various types of trains are furnished in Table 5.16.


Table 5.16

Type of Train and Problems Related to Enquiry

S.No Problems Passenger Express Super

Fast Special Total

1 Poor response 640 612 504 364 2120

2 Inadequate


448 424 352 232 1456



maintenance of

touch screen

408 372 318 190 1288

4 Waiting for long

time in queue

344 320 260 228 1152


Lack of Advanced



320 312 246 306 1184

Total 2160 2040 1680 1320 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 65.61

Table value at 5% significant level for 12 d.f = 21.03

The calculated value is greater than the table value. It implies

that the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between

type of train and problems related to enquiry’ holds good. This

confirms statistically that there is a significant relationship between

type of train and problems related to enquiry.

5.4.2 Class of Travel and Problems Related to Enquiry

Problems related to enquiry are tested with the class in which

the passengers traveled in Indian Railways.


Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between class of travel

and problems related to enquiry’. The ranking scores of respondents

belonging to different class of travel are furnished in Table 5.17.

Table 5.17 Class of Travel and Problems Related to enquiry

S.No Problems Class of Travel

Total II Class I Class A C

1 Poor response 1246 508 366 2120

2 Inadequate information 860 352 244 1456

3 Improper maintenance

of touch screen

780 306 202 1288

4 Waiting for long time in


684 278 190 1152

5 Lack of Advanced

communication systems

630 236 318 1184

Total 4200 1680 1320 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 71.21

Table value at 5% significant level for 8 d.f = 15.51

The calculated value is greater than the table value. It implies

that the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between

class of travel and problems related to enquiry’ holds good. This

statistically reveals that there is a significant relationship between

class of travel and problems related to enquiry.


5.4.3 Purpose of the Journey and Problems Related to Enquiry

The purpose of the journey is tested with problems related to


Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between purpose of the

journey and problems related to enquiry’. The ranking scores of the

respondents are furnished in Table 5.18.

Table 5.18 Purpose of the Journey and Problems Related to Enquiry

S.No Problems Purpose

Total Business Personal

1 Poor response 1284 836 2120

2 Inadequate information 872 584 1456

3 Improper maintenance

of touch screen

740 548 1288

4 Waiting for long time in


708 444 1152

5 Lack of Advanced

communication systems

716 468 1184

Total 4320 2880 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 4.90

Table value at 5% significant level for 4 d.f = 9.49.

The calculated value is less than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between

purpose of the journey and problems related to enquiry’ does not

hold good. Thus it is statistically revealed that there is no significant

relationship between purpose of the journey and problems related to



5.4.4 Residence and Problems Related to Enquiry

The residence of the passengers is tested with problems related

to enquiry.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between residence of the

passengers and problems related to enquiry’. The ranking scores of

the passengers are furnished in Table 5.19

Table 5.19

Residence and Problems Related to Enquiry

S.No Problems


Total Urban Rural

1 Poor response 1264 856 2120

2 Inadequate information 868 588 1456

3 Improper maintenance of touch screen 768 520 1288

4 Waiting for long time in queue 682 470 1152

5 Lack of Advanced communication


618 566 1184

Total 4200 3000 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 22.03

Table value at 5% significant level for 4 d.f = 9.49.

The calculated value is seen to be more than the table value. It

implies that the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship

between residence of the passengers and problems related to

enquiry’ holds good. This reveals statistically that there is a

significant relationship between residence of the passengers and

problems related to enquiry.


5.4.5 Usage pattern and Problems Related to Enquiry

Problems related to enquiry are tested with the usage pattern of


Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between Usage pattern

and problems related to enquiry’. The ranking scores of respondents

belonging to different Usage pattern are furnished in Table 5.20.

Table 5.20 Usage pattern and Problems Related to Enquiry

S.No Problems Usage pattern

Total Single Family Both

1 Poor response 892 896 332 2120

2 Inadequate information 648 604 204 1456

3 Improper maintenance of

touch screen

552 564 172 1288

4 Waiting for long time in


410 468 274 1152

5 Lack of Advanced

communication systems

490 496 198 1184

Total 3000 2940 1260 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 71.16

Table value at 5% significant level for 8 d.f = 15.51

The calculated value is more than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between Usage

pattern and problems related to enquiry’ holds good. This

statistically reveals that there is a significant relationship between

Usage pattern and problems related to enquiry.


5.4.6 Awareness and Problems Related to Enquiry

The Awareness is tested with problems related to enquiry.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between awareness and

problems related to enquiry’. The ranking scores of the respondents

are furnished in Table 5.21.

Table 5.21

Awareness and Problems Related to Enquiry

S.No Problems Awareness

Total Aware Non aware

1 Poor response 1321 799 2120

2 Inadequate information 904 552 1456

3 Improper maintenance of

touch screen 807 481 1288

4 Waiting for long time in

queue 734 418 1152

5 Lack of Advanced

communication systems 794 390 1184

Total 4560 2640 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 9.34

Table value at 5% significant level for 4 d.f = 9.49.

The calculated value is less than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between

awareness and problems related to enquiry’ does not holds good.

Thus it is statistically revealed that there is no significant relationship

between awareness and problems related to enquiry.



Integral Coach Factory was set up in collaboration with a

Swedish concern to manufacture anti-telescopic metal-bodied

compartments. The new compartments have drastically reduced

causalities in train accidents with improved fittings and features to

enhance their crashworthiness. The researcher identified the

problems related to compartments that follow: a) Lack of security, b)

Poor sanitation, c) Disturbance from hawkers d) Improper

maintenance of electrical fittings and e) Maintenance of seats and

berths. The aim of this analysis is to identify the foremost problem

related with the compartments. Table 5.22 shows the various

problems related to compartments with their mean score and rank.

Table 5.22

Problems Related to Compartments

S.No Problems Mean Score Rank

1 Lack of security 63.96 I

2 Poor sanitation 44.75 IV

3 Disturbance from hawkers 60.19 II

4 Improper maintenance of

electrical fittings

51.62 III

5 Maintenance of seats and berths 35.43 V

Source: Primary data

Table 5.22 reveals that lack of security has the highest mean

score of 63.96 and it ranks the first among the various problems

related to compartments. Disturbance from hawkers with the mean

score of 60.19 holds the second rank. Improper maintenance of


electrical fittings with the mean score of 51.62 holds the third rank.

Poor sanitation with the mean score of 44.75 and Maintenance of

seats and berths with the mean score of 35.43 hold the fourth and the

fifth ranks respectively. It is inferred from the above analysis that the

major problem related to compartments is lack of security.

5.4.7 Type of Train and Problems Related to Compartments Passenger, Express, Super Fast and Special trains are the

various types of trains operated by the Indian Railways in Madurai

Division. Problems related to compartments are tested train-wise.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between type of train and

problems related to compartments. The ranking scores of respondents

belonging to various types of trains are furnished in Table 5.23.

Table 5.23 Type of Train and Problems Related to Compartments

S.No Problems Passenger Express Super

Fast Special Total

1 Lack of security 612 584 460 330 1986

2 Poor sanitation 310 322 260 202 1094

3 Disturbance from


548 510 424 310 1792

4 Improper maintenance

of electrical fittings

402 360 308 210 1280

5 Maintenance of seats

and berths

288 264 228 268 1048

Total 2160 2040 1680 1320 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 48.08

Table value at 5% significant level for 12 d.f = 21.03


The calculated value is greater than the table value. It implies

that the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between

type of train and problems related to compartments’ holds good.

This confirms statistically that there is a significant relationship

between type of train and problems related to compartments.

5.4.8 Class of Travel and Problems Related to Compartments

Problems related to compartments are tested with the class in

which the passengers traveled in Indian Railways.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between class of travel

and problems related to compartments’. The ranking scores of

respondents belonging to different class of travel are furnished in

Table 5.24.

Table 5.24 Class of Travel and Problems Related to compartments

S.No Problems Class of Travel

Total II Class I Class A C

1 Lack of security 1162 463 361 1986

2 Poor sanitation 639 255 200 1094

3 Disturbance from hawkers 1052 418 322 1792

4 Improper maintenance of

electrical fittings 761 299 220 1280

5 Maintenance of seats and

berths 586 245 217 1048

Total 4200 1680 1320 7200 Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 5.77

Table value at 5% significant level for 8 d.f = 15.51


The calculated value is less than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between class

of travel and problems related to compartments’ does not hold

good. This statistically reveals that there is no significant relationship

between class of travel and problems related to compartments.

5.4.9 Purpose of the Journey and Problems Related to


The purpose of the journey is tested with problems related to


Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between purpose of the

journey and problems related to compartments’. The ranking scores of

the respondents are furnished in Table 5.25.

Table 5.25 Purpose of the Journey and Problems Related to compartments

S.No Problems Purpose

Total Business Personal

1 Lack of security 1190 796 1986

2 Poor sanitation 658 436 1094

3 Disturbance from hawkers 1070 722 1792

4 Improper maintenance of

electrical fittings 776 504 1280

5 Maintenance of seats and

berths 626 422 1048

Total 4320 2880 7200 Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 0.32

Table value at 5% significant level for 4 d.f = 9.49.


The calculated value is less than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between

purpose of the journey and problems related to compartments’

does not hold good. Thus it is statistically revealed that there is no

significant relationship between purpose of the journey and problems

related to compartments.

5.4.10 Residence and Problems Related to Compartments

The residence of the passengers is tested with problems related

to compartments.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between residence of the

passengers and problems related to compartments’. The ranking

scores of the passengers are furnished in Table 5.26

Table 5.26 Residence and Problems Related to Compartments

S.No Problems Residence

Total Urban Rural

1 Lack of security 1128 858 1986

2 Poor sanitation 612 482 1094

3 Disturbance from hawkers 1024 768 1792

4 Improper maintenance of

electrical fittings

720 560 1280

5 Maintenance of seats and berths 716 332 1048

Total 4200 3000 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 50.84

Table value at 5% significant level for 4 d.f = 9.49.


The calculated value is seen to be more than the table value. It

implies that the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship

between residence of the passengers and problems related to

compartments’ holds good. This reveals statistically that there is a

significant relationship between residence of the passengers and

problems related to compartments.

5.4.11 Usage pattern and Problems Related to Compartments

Problems related to compartments are tested with the usage

pattern of passengers.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between Usage pattern

and problems related to compartments’. The ranking scores of

respondents belonging to different Usage pattern are furnished in

Table 5.27.

Table 5.27

Usage pattern and Problems Related to Compartments

S.No Problems Usage pattern

Total Single Family Both 1 Lack of security 820 830 336 1986

2 Poor sanitation 460 464 170 1094

3 Disturbance from hawkers

748 744 300 1792

4 Improper maintenance of electrical fittings

548 536 196 1280

5 Maintenance of seats and berths

424 366 258 1048

Total 3000 2940 1260 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 48.72

Table value at 5% significant level for 8 d.f = 15.51


The calculated value is more than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between Usage

pattern and problems related to compartments’ holds good. This

statistically reveals that there is a significant relationship between

Usage pattern and problems related to compartments.

5.4.12 Awareness and Problems Related to Compartments

The Awareness is tested with problems related to


Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between awareness and

problems related to compartments’. The ranking scores of the

respondents are furnished in Table 5.28.

Table 5.28

Awareness and Problems Related to Compartments

S.No Problems Awareness

Total Aware Non aware

1 Lack of security 1278 708 1986

2 Poor sanitation 618 476 1094

3 Disturbance from hawkers 1144 648 1792

4 Improper maintenance of

electrical fittings

812 468 1280

5 Maintenance of seats and


708 340 1048

Total 4560 2640 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 31.20

Table value at 5% significant level for 4 d.f = 9.49.


The calculated value is more than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between

awareness and problems related to compartments’ holds good.

Thus it is statistically revealed that there is a significant relationship

between awareness and problems related to compartments.


Waiting hall is a space provided for the passengers who are

waiting for their next train. The Railways are also providing lodging

facilities to the passengers although to a limited extent in the form of

retiring rooms. Retiring Room and dormitories is one of the desirable

amenities in stations. Only those holding valid tickets for

inward/outward journey are eligible to make user of this amenity. It is

available at a very reasonable cost. The provision of retiring rooms

should be made only where a minimum of 40% occupation was

expected. Table 5.29 shows the various problems related to waiting

and retiring rooms with their mean score and rank.

Table 5.29

Problems Related to Waiting and Retiring Rooms

S.No Problems Mean Score Rank

1 Poor maintenance 44.93 IV 2 Misuse of co-passengers 63.78 I 3 Inadequate facilities 56.91 III 4 Misuse of employees 60.39 II 5 Exorbitant rent 41.86 V

Source: Primary data


Table 5.29 reveals that Misuse of co-passengers has the highest

mean score of 63.78 and it ranks the first among the various problems

related to waiting and retiring rooms. Misuse of employees with the

mean score of 60.39 holds the second rank and inadequate facility

with the mean score of 56.91 holds the third rank. Poor maintenance

with the mean score of 44.93 and Exorbitant rent with the mean score

of 41.86 hold the fourth and the fifth ranks respectively. It is inferred

from the above analysis that the major problem related to waiting and

retiring rooms is Misuse of co-passengers.

5.5.1 Type of Train and Problems Related to Waiting and Retiring


Passenger, Express, Super Fast and Special trains are the

various types of trains operated by the Indian Railways in Madurai

Division. Problems related to waiting and retiring rooms are tested


Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between type of train and

problems related to waiting and retiring rooms. The ranking scores of

respondents belonging to various types of trains are furnished in

Table 5.30.


Table 5.30

Type of Train and Problems Related to Waiting and Retiring


S.No Problems Passenger Express Super

Fast Special Total

1 Poor maintenance 438 410 304 238 1390

2 Misuse of co-


548 534 450 324 1856

3 Inadequate facilities 396 372 262 250 1280

4 Misuse of employees 478 430 386 294 1588

5 Exorbitant rent 300 294 278 214 1086

Total 2160 2040 1680 1320 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 19.64

Table value at 5% significant level for 12 d.f = 21.03

The calculated value is less than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between type of

train and problems related to waiting and retiring rooms’ does

not hold good. This confirms statistically that there is no significant

relationship between type of train and problems related to waiting and

retiring rooms.

5.5.2 Class of Travel and Problems Related to Waiting and

Retiring rooms

Problems related to waiting and retiring rooms are tested with

the class in which the passengers traveled in Indian Railways.


Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between class of travel

and problems related to waiting and retiring rooms’. The ranking

scores of respondents belonging to different class of travel are

furnished in Table 5.31.

Table 5.31

Class of Travel and Problems Related to waiting and Retiring


S.No Problems Class of Travel

Total II Class I Class A C

1 Poor maintenance

814 324 252 1390

2 Misuse of co-passengers 1086 433 337 1856

3 Inadequate facilities 755 299 226 1280

4 Misuse of employees 939 371 278 1588

5 Exorbitant rent 606 253 227 1086

Total 4200 1680 1320 7200 Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 6.20

Table value at 5% significant level for 8 d.f = 15.51

The calculated value is less than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between class

of travel and problems related to waiting and retiring rooms’

does not hold good. This statistically reveals that there is no

significant relationship between class of travel and problems related to

waiting and retiring rooms.


5.5.3 Purpose of the Journey and Problems Related to Waiting

and Retiring rooms

The purpose of the journey is tested with problems related to

waiting and retiring rooms.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between purpose of the

journey and problems related to waiting and retiring rooms’. The

ranking scores of the respondents are furnished in Table 5.32.

Table 5.32

Purpose of the Journey and Problems Related to Waiting and

Retiring rooms

S.No Problems Purpose

Total Business Personal

1 Poor maintenance 852 538 1390

2 Misuse of co-passengers 1118 738 1856

3 Inadequate facilities 790 490 1280

4 Misuse of employees 974 614 1588

5 Exorbitant rent 586 500 1086

Total 4320 2880 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 20.28

Table value at 5% significant level for 4 d.f = 9.49.

The calculated value is more than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between

purpose of the journey and problems related to waiting and

retiring rooms’ holds good. Thus it is statistically revealed that there


is a significant relationship between purpose of the journey and

problems related to waiting and retiring rooms.

5.5.4 Residence and Problems Related to Waiting and Retiring


The residence of the passengers is tested with problems related

to waiting and retiring rooms.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between residence of the

passengers and problems related to waiting and retiring rooms’. The

ranking scores of the passengers are furnished in Table 5.33

Table 5.33

Residence and Problems Related to Waiting and Retiring rooms

S.No Problems Residence

Total Urban Rural

1 Poor maintenance 868 522 1390

2 Misuse of co-passengers 1124 732 1856

3 Inadequate facilities 756 524 1280

4 Misuse of employees 856 732 1588

5 Exorbitant rent 596 490 1086

Total 4200 3000 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 31.94

Table value at 5% significant level for 4 d.f = 9.49.

The calculated value is seen to be more than the table value. It

implies that the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship

between the residence of the passengers and the problems

related to waiting and retiring rooms’ holds good. This reveals

statistically that there is a significant relationship between the


residence of the passengers and the problems related to waiting and

retiring rooms.

5.5.5 Usage pattern and Problems Related to Waiting and retiring


Problems related to waiting and retiring rooms are tested with

the usage pattern of passengers.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between Usage pattern

and problems related to waiting and retiring rooms’. The ranking

scores of respondents belonging to different Usage pattern are

furnished in Table 5.34.

Table 5.34 Usage pattern and Problems Related to Waiting and Retiring


S.No Problems Usage pattern

Total Single Family Both

1 Poor maintenance 604 594 192 1390

2 Misuse of co-passengers 784 768 304 1856

3 Inadequate facilities 548 534 198 1280

4 Misuse of employees 660 658 270 1588

5 Exorbitant rent 404 386 296 1086

Total 3000 2940 1260 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 90.46

Table value at 5% significant level for 8 d.f = 15.51

The calculated value is more than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between Usage

pattern and problems related to waiting and retiring rooms’

holds good. This statistically reveals that there is a significant


relationship between Usage pattern and problems related to waiting

and retiring rooms.

5.5.6 Awareness and Problems Related to Waiting and retiring


The Awareness is tested with problems related to waiting and

retiring rooms.

Ha: ‘there is a significant relationship between awareness and

problems related to waiting and retiring rooms’. The ranking scores of

the respondents are furnished in Table 5.35.

Table 5.35

Awareness and Problems Related to Waiting and Retiring


S.No Problems Awareness

Total Aware Non aware

1 Poor maintenance 898 492 1390

2 Misuse of co-passengers 1186 670 1856

3 Inadequate facilities 826 454 1280

4 Misuse of employees 1002 586 1588

5 Exorbitant rent 648 438 1086

Total 4560 2640 7200

Source: Primary data

Calculated value of x 2 = 8.34

Table value at 5% significant level for 4 d.f = 9.49.

The calculated value is less than the table value. It implies that

the hypothesis ‘there is a significant relationship between

awareness and problems related to waiting and retiring rooms’

does not hold good. Thus it is statistically revealed that there is no


significant relationship between awareness and problems related to

waiting and retiring rooms.

5.7. A SUM UP

The introduction of economic liberalization in July 1991 threw a

major challenge before the Indian Railways. As a result, it took several

measures to modernize the rolling stock, tractions and coaches.

Special emphasis was laid on customer care and user-friendly

services. Even then there are certain problems faced by the

passengers in Indian Railways. The passengers are facing problems

related to platform, reservation and booking counters, enquiry,

compartments, waiting and retiring room and general services. The

variables like Type of train, Class of travel, Purpose of the journey,

Residence, Usage pattern and Awareness of the passengers are tested

with the above-said problems related to Indian Railways by using the

well-known statistical tool of ‘Chi – Square test’. The analysis

revealed that the main problem related to platform form is being the

misbehavior of public.

The analysis reveals that there is no significant relationship

between class of travel and problems related to platform. All other

variables of type of train, purpose of the journey, residence, usage

pattern and awareness have significant relationship with problem

related to platform.

The major problem faced by the passengers in terms of

reservation and booking counters is the undue influence of agents. It

is found that the two variables of purpose of the journey and


awareness have no significant relationship with problem related to

reservation and booking counters.

Poor response is one of the major problems faced by the

passengers. The study concludes that there is no significant

relationship between purpose of the journey and awareness and

problems related to enquiry. All other four variables - type of train,

class of travel, residence and usage pattern have significant

relationship with problems related to enquiry.

The major problem faced by the passengers in relation to

compartments is lack of security. The study reveals that there is no

significant relationship between class of travel and purpose of the

journey problem related to compartments. All other variables of type

of train, residence, usage pattern and awareness have significant

relationship with problem related to compartments.

It is found that the main problem related to waiting and retiring

rooms is the misuse of co-passengers. The study discloses that the

variables of purpose of the journey, residence and usage pattern have

significant relationship with the problem related to waiting and

retiring rooms.