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Page 1: CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS A. Introduction · 38 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS A. Introduction As the main part of the research, this chapter presents the findings and the discussions of the research.




A. Introduction

As the main part of the research, this chapter presents the findings and the

discussions of the research. Through the chapter, the researcher would like to

reveal the analysis of the data based on the problems statement in Chapter I. To

obtain the goal of the research, the researcher has several aims that have been

portrayed in the previous chapter. They are to appear the way children characters

apply refusal expressions, to show types of refusal expression, and to describe the

reason why children characters employ refusal expressions influenced by social

distance in the novel entitled “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas”.

The researcher analyzed 23 data containing the kinds of refusal expression

based on Takashi and Weltz (In Widowati, 2011) theory. It is correlated with the

existence of social distance as one of indirectness factors in uttering refusal

expressions (Leech in Thomas, 1995). The data are collected after classifying

them based on classifications of refusal and social distance theories. Direct

refusal, indirect refusal, and adjunct to refusal as the types of refusal expression

used by the children are found in the novel. There are direct and indirect ways

employed by the children to convey the choice of refusal expressions. In this edge,

the chapter describes the situation of contexts, participants, and interactions in the

data analysis related to each other in analyzing the refusals and the existence of

social distance which influences the choice of refusal expressions stated by the

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children characters. The use of each refusal strategy is used to understand the

meaning of the utterance and achieve the goal of the utterance in the certain

context. All of those are matched with theories after classifying the data.

Table 4.1 The number of the data containing refusal expressions

Types of refusal


Strategies of refusal



DR Non performative statement 5

Mitigated negative willingness 1

IDR Repetition of part of request 1

Excuse/Reason/Explanation 10

Topic switch 1

Criticize the request/requester 4

AR Pause fillers 1

Total 23

From the table above, it can be seen that there are three types of refusal,

namely direct refusal, indirect refusal, and indirect refusal. Direct refusal includes

in 5 data in the form of non performative statement and I datum in the form of

mitigated negative statement. Meanwhile, indirect refusal covers with 1 datum in

the form of repetition of part of request, 10 data in the form of

excuse/reason/explanation, 1 datum in the form of topic switch, and 4 data in the

form of criticize the request or requester. Then, adjunct to refusal consists of 1

datum in the form of pause fillers. It can be concluded that an indirect refusal is

mostly employed by the children characters to refuse an action.

To analyze the data, the researcher employs three main points in showing

the way of analyzing the data to achieve the goal of the research which is proper

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with the problems statement of the research. Those will be drawn in the following


1) Showing the data which cover with refusal expressions executed by the

children in the novel either to older interlocutor or interlocutor of an

equal age.

2) Presenting description of context of the data which contains the setting

of the data, the situation of the data, and the participants involved in.

3) Demonstrating the analysis of the data which includes data

interpretation based on the classifications of refusal expression with

Takashi and Weltz’s theory (In Widowati, 2011), the way and the

reason of social distance as a factor of indirectness in affecting the

refusals with Thomas’s theory (1995).

A. Findings

B.1.A Direct Refusal

A way of an action applied in delivering refusal expressions without any

reasons of what the speaker wants to get a meaning in talking his/her utterance is

called direct action in the refusal. The goal of the speaker utterance has been

showed in direct refusal clearly. Thus, the hearers do not need to interpret of what

the intention of the speaker’s utterance actually is. In this way, the speaker does

not pay attention of the hearer’s face threatening act when they perform a refusal

expression. It is triggered by the relation between the speaker and the hearer

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which is in close relation and they know well to each other. In the research, there

are 6 data included in types of direct refusal. Those are showed in the data below:

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 04/DR/C-P

'Come, come,' said Father,. 'Let's have none of that,' he said. 'A home is not

a building or a street or a city or something so artificial as bricks and mortar.

A home is where one's family is, isn't that right?'

'Yes, but—'

'And our family is here, Bruno. At Out-With. Ergo, this must be our home.'

'But Grandfather and Grandmother are in Berlin,' he said.'And they're our

family too. So this can't be our home.'

'Yes, Bruno, they are. But you and I and Mother and Gretel are the most

important people in our family and this is where we live now. At Out-With.

Now, don't look so unhappy about it!', 'You haven't even given it a chance

yet. You might like it here.'

'I don't like it here,' insisted Bruno.

'Bruno…' said Father in a tired voice.

'Bruno, sometimes there are things we need to do in life that we don't have a

choice in,' said Father. 'And I'm afraid this is one of them. This is my work,

important work. Important to our country. Important to the Fury. You'll

understand that some day.'

'I want to go home,' said Bruno.

'You need to realize that you are at home,' he said. 'This is it for the

foreseeable future.'

B.1.2 Description of context

Bruno and his father are the participants involved in the dialogue. Bruno

waits his father in the front of father’s office room when the father is meeting with

the soldiers. The purpose of Bruno waiting for him is to change the father’s

mindset living in their new house at Outh-With. After meeting, he looks at Bruno

waiting for him in the front of the office room. Then, he invites the son to come in

his office room. He has known that his son would like to say something about his

decision moving from their old house in Berlin. In the room, the father tries to

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give an explanation, a reason, and suggestion as the basic of his decision staying

at Out-With.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

The choice of a direct refusal “I don’t like it here” and a direct command “I

want to go home” are used by children to refuse the father’s action. In the

conversation, Bruno shows that he has a close relationship with his father since

they are a nuclear family. With the strategy, he commands his father to bring him

back to Berlin directly since he knows the fact of the difference situation between

his house in Berlin and Outh-With.

Looking at the conversation, it can be seen that he expresses a refusal. He

refuses the father’s reason, explanation, and suggestion as the father’s basic

decision moving from their old house in Berlin by performing a direct refusal “I

don’t like it here” in the form of non-performative statement.

The reason why children utter a direct refusal is that he wants to show an

easy conversation to his father since the conversation between Bruno and his

father are in the informal conversation. Therefore, Bruno does not use a polite

utterance to refuse the father’s suggestion and he performs the refusal in a free


B.1.1 Data description

Datum 05/DR/C-P

'Did you do something bad in work? I know that everyone says you're an

important man and that the Fury has big things in mind for you, but he'd

hardly send you to a place like this if you hadn't done something that he

wanted to punish you for.'

'You don't understand the significance of such a position,' Father said.

'Well, I don't think you can have been very good at your job if it means we

all have to move away from a very nice home and our friends and come to a

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horrible place like this. I think you must have done something wrong and

you should go and apologize to the Fury and maybe that will be an end to it.

Maybe he'll forgive you if you're very sincere about it.'

'I wonder if you are being very brave,' he said, 'rather than merely

disrespectful. Perhaps that's not such a bad thing.'

'I didn't mean—'

'But you will be quiet now,' said Father, 'I have been very considerate of

your feelings here, Bruno, because I know that this move is difficult for you.

And I have listened to what you have to say, even though your youth and

inexperience force you to phrase things in an insolent manner. And you'll

notice that I have not reacted to any of this. But the moment has come when

you will simply have to accept that—'

'I don't want to accept it!' shouted Bruno,

B.1.2 Description of context

By the datum 05, it can be drawn that there are Bruno and his father as the

participants in the conversation above. Their conversation takes place in the office

room of the father. Bruno asks him about something wrong that he has done. That

is why Fury was angry and sent him to the place like at Outh-With. Consequently,

the Fury gives him a duty to go to Outh-With where he has to move from Berlin

and come to a horrible place like their new house at Outh-With. Then, he suggests

him to do apologizing in order that Fury ends the father’s duty at Outh-With.

However, the father comments Bruno’s suggestion by stating that Bruno is in

insolent manner. He also declares that his son must accept the moment of staying

at Outh-With.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

By using a direct refusal “I don’t want to accept it”, it shows a close

relation between Bruno and the father. Therefore, he is able to reject the request

without the respectfulness. Bruno shows that he hates to live in the new house at

Outh-With. He wants to come back to his old house in Berlin.

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In the datum above, he performs a direct refusal in the form of non-

performative statement to refuse the father’s request. He performs refusal

expression in the word “I don’t want to accept it” when the father requests him to

accept his decision moving from Berlin.

Showing an easy conversation in informal situation is the reason why

children state a direct refusal since he utters what he wants freely. The father

requests him to accept the situation that he really cannot to accept.

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 15/DR/C-S

'You'll have to forgive my brother, Lieutenant Kotler,' said Gretel,

'He's a very ignorant little boy.'

'I am not ignorant,' snapped Bruno,

'You'll have to forgive my sister, Lieutenant Kotler,' he added politely, 'but

she's a Hopeless Case. There's very little we can do for her. The doctors say

she's gone past the point of help.'

'Shut up,' said Gretel,

'You shut up,' said Bruno

'Children, please,' said Mother.

B.1.2 Data of context

The participants in the conversation above are Bruno, Gretel, and their

mother. It is conducted in the dining room when father, mother, Lieutenant Kotler,

Gretel, and Bruno have a dinner together. At this time, Bruno is having the

conversation with the father. He tells that he hates history because learning history

is very bored for him. Then, the sister apologizes to Lieutenant Kotler as the man

whom she admires and says his brother as an ignorant boy because of Bruno’s

utterance delivering his hate to learn history. By the presence of Gretel’s

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apologizing, it triggers Bruno to mock his sister back as a hopeless case. The

situation makes them in the contradiction situation to each other.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

Bruno executes a direct refusal “You shut up”. As a direct strategy in

uttering refusal, it shows intimate relation between Bruno and Gretel. By using the

strategy, Bruno expresses his dislike towards Gretel’s utterance calling him as an

ignorant boy in front of some people. Then, he reflects his anger to his sister with

a direct refusal.

In the situation, he conveys refusal expression eagerly. He refuses Gretel’s

command. She commands him to stop mocking her as a girl in hopeless case. The

command makes Bruno uncomfortable, because it is started form Gretel’s

utterance calling him as an ignorant boy. The refusal is stated by Bruno with a

direct refusal in the form of non-performative statement “You shut up”.

To show his feeling freer in the informal situation is the reason why children

state a direct refusal. Hence, the choice of direct utterance prefers to use by Bruno

than indirect ones in refusing the sister’s command while he and the family have a


B.1.1 Data description

Datum 13/DR/C-F

'You don't have any bread, do you?'

'Nothing at all,' he said. 'Dinner isn't served until half past six. What time do

you have yours?'

I think I'd better get back,' he said.

'Perhaps you can come to dinner with us one evening,' said Bruno,

'Perhaps,' said Shmuel,

'Or I could come to you,' said Bruno. 'Perhaps I could come and meet your

friends,' he added hopefully.

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'You're on the wrong side of the fence though,' said Shmuel.

'I could crawl under,' said Bruno,

'I have to go back,' he said.

'Some other afternoon then,' said Bruno.

'I'm not supposed to be here. If they catch me I'll be in trouble.'

B.1.2 Data of context

The conversation takes place in the side of wired fence of the camp. Bruno

and Shmuel are the participants in the conversation above. Bruno meets his new

friend in the side of wired fence. He talks to each other every day like he has done

previously. He asks Shmuel about the number of other boys who live over the

camp. In other sides, Shmuel asks him some bread to eat because he gets pain in

his stomach. Unfortunately, Bruno does not have any bread for Shmuel, because

the dinner is not served until half past six. The situation makes him to convey a

wish. He wants to invite Shmuel coming in his dinner one evening. In other sides,

he also wants to come and meet Shmuel’s friend on the side of the fence some

other afternoon.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

Shmuel delivers a direct refusal by stating the word “I’m not supposed to be

here” combined with a reason “If they catch me I'll be in trouble”. Those are

used to tell a close relation between Bruno and Shmuel in the conversation above

since have known well to each other. Hence, Shmuel tends to use a direct strategy

to express a refusal toward Bruno’s wishing.

From the datum above, it can be seen that Shmuel is producing a refusal

expression for an action in the form of direct refusal, specifically mitigated

negative willingness. He really wants to refuse Bruno’s wishing in the word “I’m

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not supposed to be here”. He also uses a reason “If they catch me I'll be in


Bruno performs a direct refusal because he wants to show an easy

conversation in the informal situation. It is as the reason why children say a direct

refusal. In the conversation, he conveys his utterance to be more direct when he

utters a refusal freely.

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 19/DR/C-F

Im sorry, Shmuel,' he said. 'I should have given you some chicken too. Are

you hungry?'

'That's a question you never have to ask me,' said Shmuel

'Wait there, I'll cut some off for you,' said Bruno,

'No, if he comes back—' said Shmuel,

'If who comes back? You don't mean Lieutenant Kotler?'

'I'm just supposed to be cleaning the glasses,' he said,

B.1.2 Data of context

Bruno and Shmuel are the participants in the conversation above. It takes

place in the kitchen of Bruno’s new house at Outh-With. In the conversation,

Bruno is full of food in his mouth. At the moment, he does not realize that he has

not given the food to Shmuel. Then, he apologizes to Shmuel. He thinks that he

should offer Shmuel some chicken too. After that, he cut some chicken off for


B.1.3 Data interpretation

Shmuel produces a directness form by saying the word “No”. A direct way

and the use of a reason “If he comes back”, and “I’m just supposed to be

cleaning the glasses” are appeared by Shmuel to tell that he has close relation

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with Bruno as his close friend. At the time, Bruno offers him to eat some of

chicken. With the close relationship that he has, it triggers him to refuse Bruno’s

offering directly.

At the datum, there is a refusal expression executed by Shmuel directly. The

refusal is classified in the form of non-performative statement. In the case, he

refuses Bruno’s offering by stating word “No”. Through the refusal, He wants to

show his anxiety when someone finds out him eating the food.

The informal situation is happened in the conversation. It reflects that there

is an easy conversation conducted by Bruno and Shmuel. It is as the reason why

children utter a direct refusal. Shmuel feels free to deliver a refusal expression

towards the offering since they are in an equal age.

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 20/DR/C-F

'Well, you don't have to eat them so quickly,' said Bruno. 'You'll make

yourself sick.'

I don't care,' said Shmuel. 'Thank you, Bruno.'

B.1.2 Data of context

The datum occurs in the kitchen of Bruno’s house. The participants are

Bruno and Shmuel. Shmuel eats some of chicken that Bruno has cut. Bruno is

very happy looking at Shmuel in well-eating. Nevertheless, he sees Shmuel eating

the food very quickly. Looking at his friend in a bad way of eating, he suggests

Shmuel in order to eat the food slowly. He thinks that the food is able to make

Shmuel’s digestion will be in trouble.

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B.1.3 Data interpretation

With a direct refusal “I don’t care”, it portrays that Shmuel has close

relationship with Bruno. Through the strategy, Shmuel tells that the situation is

not good for him to eat the food slowly. Meanwhile, the expression of thanking

“Thank you” after uttering the refusal is employed to appreciate Bruno’s


The situation performs that Shmuel utters a refusal expression. He refuses

Bruno’s suggestion to eat the food slowly in order that Shmuel’s digestion does

not in trouble. He states the refusal by saying “I don’t care”. It is type of direct

refusal in the form of non-performative statement in which it is correlated with an

expression of thanking “Thank you”.

An easy conversation shown by Shmuel in the informal situation

conversation is as the reason why children express a direct refusal. Thus, it tends

to be used in refusing Bruno’s suggestion in free expression in which he offers

him to eat some of chicken.

B.1.B Indirect Refusal

The strategy of indirect refusal is usually used to avoid threatening face of

the interlocutor in order that the interlocutor’s feeling does not hurt. Therefore, the

speaker usually utters an indirect refusal to refuse a request, invitation, command,

etc to the interlocutor indirectly. By using an indirect form, they feel comfort to

reject the action that they cannot to do. Besides, it is used to minimize negative

face of the interlocutor. It is also employed to make the refusal softly when the

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speaker performs a refusal distance relationship. There are 16 data consisting of

indirect refusal and those will be presented in the following data:

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 01/IR/C-P

'You'll have to say goodbye to your friends for the time being,' said Mother.

'Say goodbye to them?' he asked, 'Say goodbye to them?' 'Say goodbye to

Karl and Daniel and Martin?' he continued, 'But we had plans,' he


'Plans?' asked Mother. 'What sort of plans?'

'Well, that would be telling,' said Bruno,

I'm sorry, Bruno,' said Mother, 'but your plans are just going to have to wait.

We don't have a choice in this.'

'But, Mother!'

'Bruno, that's enough,' she said,

B.1.2 Data of context

The dialogue occurs in the Bruno’s home at Berlin. The participants are

Bruno and his mother. The family maids pack all the things including the personal

stuff of Bruno. Then, he asks his mother through a strong question about the

happenings that he has seen. At the times, he does not understand the reason why

the mother’s is going through his things. Then, she says that they have to leave all

their life in Berlin, such as the house, school, friends, etc. Moreover, the mother

requests him to say goodbye to the three close friends (Karl, Daniel, and Martin).

Those situations make him get frightened of his mother’s requesting while he and

the close friends have had plans.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

By stating an indirect refusal in the word “say goodbye to them” and use of

reasoning “But we had plans” and an address form “Mother”, Bruno wants to

save the positive face of the mother in order that her feeling does not hurt since he

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refuses the mother’s request to say goodbye to his three best friends. It implicates

distance relationship between Bruno and the mother.

In the conversation, Bruno expresses an indirect refusal to refuse the

mother’s request. It is avoidance-verbal in the form of repetition of part of request,

etc by stating the word “say goodbye to them?” repeatedly as the form of his

refusal. It is combined with a reason “But we had plans” and an address form

“Mother” to refuse the mother’s request.

Bruno wants to mark respect towards the mother’s position (as interlocutor

in legitimate power) by adding address form “Mother”. It is the reason why

children convey an indirect refusal. It is also employed to persuade his mother in

order to change her decision leaving their luxury life in Berlin.

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 02/IR/C-P

'Bruno, why don't you just go upstairs and help Maria unpack?' she asked.

'But there's no point unpacking if we're only going to—'

'Bruno, just do it, please!' snapped Mother,

B.1.2 Data of context

The participants are Bruno and his mother. The conversation takes place in

Bruno’s new house at “Outh-With”. In the situation, Bruno tries to change his

mother mindset moving from their house before in Berlin. He also attempts to

convince his mother that she has done a bad idea. He requests the mother to forget

all about the new house, make all of those as a part of experience, and go back to

their house in Berlin.

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B.1.3 Data interpretation

Bruno utters an indirect refusal in the word “But there's no point

unpacking if we're only going to—”. There is distance relationship between

Bruno and his mother. It is shown by performing a reason to refuse the mother’s

action. He employs an indirect refusal to avoid negative face of the mother since

they have intimate relationship. He refuses the mother’s request to go upstairs and

help his maid unpack.

In the case, he uses the type of indirect refusal in the form of

excuse/reason/explanation sub strategies refusal. It is performed by using the word

“But there's no point unpacking if we're only going to—” while he refuses to

stay in their new house. He tends to express his desire going back to their house in

Berlin indirectly.

In the case, Bruno wants to show respect to the mother who has power as

his parent and Superordinate interlocutor to request the son in doing an action.

Hence, the use of indirect refusal is still used to refuses the mother’s action. It is

the reason why children apply an indirect refusal.

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 06/IR/C-P

'Go to your room, Bruno,' he said

'I'm not going to—'. 'It's not about that,' said Bruno quickly. 'I just have

one other question.' 'Who are all those people outside?' he said finally. 'Soldiers, Bruno,' he said. 'And secretaries. Staff workers. You've seen them

all before, of course.'

'No, not them,' said Bruno. 'The people I see from my window. In the huts,

in the distance. They're all dressed the same.'

'Ah, those people,' said Father, 'Those people… well, they're not people at

all, Bruno.'

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B.1.2 Data of context

There are two participants in the conversation above. They are Bruno and

his father. It is carried out in his father office room. In this situation, the father’s

commands to leave the father’s office room because the conversation has to be

end. Nevertheless, Bruno has one more question to his father. He asks him about

the presence of the people who is dressing up the same clothe outside the house.

He tells that he looks at them from the distance of his window room.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

Bruno states an indirect refusal strategy to convey a refusal towards the

father’s command. The use of reasoning “I'm not going to—'.'It's not about

that”, telling “'I just have one other question.'”, and questioning form “'Who are

all those people outside?'” are employed by Bruno to satisfy positive face of his

father. It is because there is distance relationship between Bruno and the father.

The datum indicates that there is a refusal expression executed by Bruno

when they are having the conversation. He refuses the father’s command by

uttering an indirect refusal in the form of excuse/reason/explanation. It is

represented by the word “I'm not going to—'.'It's not about that,” combined with

telling “'I just have one other question.' ” and questioning form “'Who are all

those people outside?'” to complete his refusal.

Bruno wants to express respect to his father as a parent and the commandant

of the soldiers. It is used to be more polite to him. Because he is as superodinate

interlocutor and he has a power to command his son to go to his room. Those are

as the reason why children use an indirect refusal.

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B.1.1 Data description

Datum 07/IR/C-M

'You're part of the family, aren't you?' said Bruno,

'I'm not sure whether your father would agree with that,' said Maria,

'Well, you've been brought here against your will, just like I have. If you ask

me, we're all in the same boat. And it's leaking.'

Your father knows what is for the best,' she said. 'You must trust in that.'

'But I'm not sure I do,' said Bruno. I think he's made a terrible mistake.'

B.1.2 Data of context

The conversation in the datum above takes place in the kitchen of the new

house at Outh-With. Bruno and Maria are the participants in the conversation.

Bruno intimidates Maria by emphasizing that she is as a part of the family. Hence,

Maria should have the same boat with him to reject the father’s decision living at

Outh-With. Nevertheless, she states that his father has known what the best for his

all important family is.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

There is distance between Bruno and Maria. It is expressed by saying an

indirect refusal strategy with an opinion. An indirect strategy “But I'm not sure I

do” in the form of reasoning is employed to save positive face of Maria when he

refuses Maria’s suggestion. Meanwhile, the opinion “I think he's made a terrible

mistake” is also utilized to emphasize that he does not believe in his father

decision. Thus, he cannot accept a terrible mistake that the father has made for the

family to live in the new house at Out-With.

Feeling disappointed to the family’s maid response who gives him a

suggestion, it triggers Bruno to deliver a refusal indirectly. He makes an indirect

refusal in the word “But I'm not sure I do,'” in the form of

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excuse/reason/explanation strategy. He also uses an opinion to complete a refusal

“I think he's made a terrible mistake” to refuse Maria’s suggestion.

Showing his politeness to Maria as older interlocutor is the reason why

children express a refusal. Bruno applies an indirect form of refusal to be more

polite in producing his refusal towards Maria, although she is as his family maid.

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 9/IR/C-P

'What on earth happened to you?' asked Mother

'I made a swing and then I fell off it,' explained Bruno. 'And then the swing

hit me on the head and I nearly fainted, but Pavel came out and brought me

in and cleaned it all up and put a bandage on me and it stung very badly but

I didn't cry. I didn't cry once, did I, Pavel?'

'The wound has been cleaned,' he said quietly,'There's nothing to worry


'Go to your room, Bruno,' said Mother,

'But I—'

'Don't argue with me—go to your room!' she insisted,

B.1.2 Data of context

The conversation occurs in the kitchen. Bruno and Pavel are the participants

in the datum above. Pavel is a waiter and vegetables peeler in Bruno’s new house.

In his daily activity as one of Bruno’s new maids at Out-With, he always wears

pyjamas. In the situation, the mother of Bruno is coming from outside. She looks

at Pavel is cleaning up and bandaging on Bruno’s legs. She is very shocked in

there. Then, Bruno tries to calm down the mother by conveying a reason of why

the legs are getting hurt. Unfortunately, his mother is still doubtful about all the

things that Bruno said. Therefore, she commands his son to go to his room


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B.1.3 Data interpretation

The social distance is expressed by saying an indirect refusal strategy. An

indirectness form is used to minimize negative face of the mother in the word

“But I—” and he wants to prevent the appearance of misunderstanding between

him and the mother. Therefore, he does not use a directness speech to refuse the

mother’s command. The strategy is also employed to tell the reason why Bruno

and pavel look very close to each other in the conversation.

Bruno utters an indirect refusal. It is categorized in the form of

excuse/reason/explanation strategy. In the datum, he refuses the mother’s

command. It is because the mother surprise in looking at the son with Pavel.

Bruno refuses the mother’s commands to go to his room by saying “But I—”.

The reason why children execute refusal expression is that to present respect

towards the mother because Bruno is as subordinate interlocutor. Hence, he states

an indirect refusal to refuse the mother command in which she commands him to

stop having a small talk with Pavel (a person who assists him while he fell off

from the swing he made).

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 10/IR/C-P

'Children, upstairs,' said Mother quickly. 'Go to your rooms.'

'But we don't want to,' protested Gretel. 'Can't we play down here?'

'No, children,' she insisted. 'Go upstairs and close the door behind you.'

'Children, upstairs now!' said Mother,

B.1.2 Data of context

There are three participants in the conversation. It is carried out by Bruno,

Gretel, and their mother. It happens in their luxury house in Berlin to celebrate the

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father’s position as the commandant of soldiers in World War-II. It is also to say

farewell with friends, neighbors, and the soldier in Berlin. At the time, Bruno and

Gretel are very joyful because their grandfather and grandmother join them in the


Unfortunately, the happiness has to be end. It is because there are different

point of views in appreciating the father’s new position between grandfather,

grandmother, and the mother. Regarding the conversation in the bad situation, the

mother commands the children to go upstairs. In the situation, she does not want

the children looking at all the bad things that will be happened in the conversation.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

The social distance is delivered by uttering an indirect refusal strategy “But

we don't want to”. An indirect refusal is applied to avoid negative face of the

mother. In the case, she does not want to hurt the mother’s feeling since she

refuses the mother’s command. Meanwhile, the use of asking permission is

applied to persuade the mother in order to allow her and the brother playing in the


In the datum 10, Gretel produces a refusal expression. Type of her refusal is

indirect refusal. It is classified in the form of excuse/reason/explanation strategy

“But we don't want to,'”. It is combined with permission “Can't we play down

here?” to refuse the mother’s command.

To respect the mother who has a power in commanding her children to go to

their each room is the reason why children utter refusal expression. It is performed

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by the use of modal “can” to ask permission after producing an indirect refusal to

refuse the mother’s command in order to make her refusal to be more polite.

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 11/IR/C-T

'Those things are useless to you,' insisted the teacher.' A sound

understanding of the social sciences is far more important in this day and


'Grandmother always let us perform in plays back in Berlin,' Bruno

pointed out.

'Your grandmother was not your teacher though, was she?' asked Herr Liszt.

'She was your grandmother. And here I am your teacher, so you will study

the things that I say are important and not just the things you like yourself.'

'But aren't books important?' asked Bruno.

'Books about things that matter in the world, of course,' explained Herr

Liszt. 'But not storybooks. Not books about things that never happened.

How much do you know of your history anyway, young man?'

'Well, I know I was born on April the fifteenth nineteen thirty-four—' said


'Not your history,' interrupted Herr Liszt. 'Not your own personal history. I

mean the history of who you are, where you come from. Your family's

heritage. The Fatherland.'

B.1.2 Data of context

The dialogue is conducted by Bruno and Herr Liszt (as Bruno’s and Gretel

social science private teacher). Bruno’s father invites Herr Liszt to teach the

children since they lost the school in Berlin. It happens in the learning corner of

their new house room at Outh-With. Bruno prefers to read a play and poetry than

the social science which they are learning in the day. Therefore, Bruno never asks

Herr Liszt about the study. As the teacher who encourages his student, Herr Liszt

explains that social science is far more important to learn than play or poetry in

the age for him.

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B.1.3 Data interpretation

The social distance is executed by expressing an indirect refusal strategy in

the form of reasoning “Grandmother always let us perform in plays back in

Berlin” completed with questioning “But aren’t books important?”. Even

though, they are as a teacher and student, there is distance relationship between

them. Thus, the strategy of indirect refusal is used to prevent the negative face of

the teacher. Thus, he prefers to use an indirectness speech to refuse the teacher’s


Bruno refuses the teacher’s suggestion. The teacher suggests him to learn

social science than storybook or art, because those things are useless for him. In

uttering the refusal expression, he employs an indirect refusal “Grandmother

always let us perform in plays back in Berlin” in a part of

excuse/reason/explanation strategy followed by a question “But aren’t books

important?” to complete his refusal. Through the formulas, Bruno wants to

persuade the teacher in order that he allows him to read a play or poetry.

To appear respect towards the teacher is a reason of children state the

refusal. It is because he is as subordinate interlocutor performing a refusal

expression to superordinate interlocutor who has higher status to suggest him. The

strategy of indirect form is more appropriate to be used in uttering the refusal.

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 14/IR/C-P

'Herr Liszt won't let us read poetry or plays,' complained Bruno. 'I asked

him if we could read them just one day a week but he said no, not while he

was in charge of our education.'

'I'm sure he has his reasons,' said Father,

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'All he wants us to do is study history and geography,' said Bruno.'And

I'm starting to hate history and geography'

'Don't say hate, Bruno, please,' said Mother.

B.1.2 Data of context

There is a conversation conducted by Bruno and his father. It occurs in the

dining room. The dinner runs as usual. Pavel serves the foods for Bruno, Gretel,

Father, mother, and Lieutenant Kotler. Nevertheless, it pauses at a few second

when Pavel sets the plates down in front of them. To switch the bad situation,

Bruno conveys a complaint to the father about the social science’s teacher

enthusiastically. He says that Herr Liszt would not let Bruno to read poetry or

play until he finishes in charge of our education.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

The social distance is performed by performing an indirect refusal “All he

wants us to do is study history and geography” completed by telling expression

“And I'm starting to hate history and geography” to express the refusal. A

distance relation between Bruno with the father affects him to perform an indirect

refusal than direct ones since he wants to save his father face.

In the datum is found that Bruno utters a refusal expression. He refuses the

father’s indirect request by stating “All he wants us to do is study history and

geography” and it is completed with an expression of telling “And I'm starting to

hate history and geography” indirectly. His refusal is classified into indirect

refusal in the form of excuse/reason/explanation strategy.

Showing a respect towards the father who has a power and status as

superordinate interlocutor is the reason why children use refusal expression. He

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requests Bruno as his son to do something that he wants. Therefore, an indirect

refusal is more appropriate used to refuse the father’s indirect request.

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 08/IR/C-M

'I still think he's made a terrible mistake,' said Bruno

'Even if you do, you mustn't say it out loud,' said Maria quickly, 'Promise

me you won't.'

'But why?' he asked. 'I'm only saying what I feel. I'm allowed to do that,

aren't I?

'No,' she said. 'No, you're not.'

'I'm not allowed to say what I feel?' he repeated,

'No,' she insisted, 'Just keep quiet about it, Bruno. Don't you know how

much trouble you could cause? For all of us?'

'I was only saying I didn't like it here, that's all. I was just making

conversation while you put the clothes away. It's not like I'm planning on

running away or anything. Although if I did I don't think anyone could

criticize me for it.'

'And worry your mother and father half to death?' asked Maria. 'Bruno,

What more can we do than that after all? It's not up to us to change things.'

B.1.2 Data of context

Bruno and Maria are as the participants in the conversation above. It is done in

Gretel’s room when Maria is tidying Gretel’s room. Bruno shares his dislike

living at Outh-With to Maria. Then, he plans to get away from Outh-with.

Suddenly, Gretel comes in and she surprises in looking at Bruno in her room. At

the time, Gretel feels uncomfortable if a boy comes in her room. Then, she

commands Bruno to get out. In other sides, she requests Maria (as the family

maid) to run her a bath. Looking at his sister behavior is less polite, Bruno tells

Gretel that Maria does not here for. After that, he continues to talk about the

father’s terrible mistake which brings them in the place like Out-With.

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B.1.3 Data interpretation

The social distance is stated by an indirect refusal strategy. A good relation

that he has with Maria does not make Bruno to state a directness form. But the

strategy of asking a reason “But why?”, giving a reason “I'm only saying what I

feel”, and a tagging question “I'm allowed to do that, aren't I?” are performed by

Bruno to save his made face in refusing the request in order that Maria feels what

he has felt in the new house at Out-With.

In the conversation can be seen that Bruno expresses a refusal to his maid.

Bruno refuses Maria’s request by saying the word “But why?. It is combined

with a reason “I'm only saying what I feel” and a tag question “I'm allowed to do

that, aren't I?”. In the occasion, she requests him to do promising. His refusal

includes in an indirect refusal in the form excuse/reason/explanation strategy. The

refusal is triggered by disagreement of Maria about Bruno’s point of view. He

says that the father has made a terrible mistake for all the family. Hence, the

family should not stay in the place like Out-With.

The politeness is shown the reason why children employ refusal expression.

In the conversation, his maid as superordinate interlocutor requests Bruno as

subordinate interlocutor to do promising in order not to say his father as a person

who has made a terrible mistake for the family. Thus, a polite utterance in the

form of indirect refusal is fit to be used in refusing the maid’s request.

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 03/IR/C-S

'I miss Karl and Daniel and Martin,' said Bruno

'And I miss Hilda and Isobel and Louise,' said Gretel,

'I don't think the other children look at all friendly,' said Bruno,

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'Bruno, will you please explain to me what you meant by that last remark?'

asked Gretel.

'There's a forest over there,' said Bruno,

'Bruno!' snapped Gretel,

'What?' he asked,

B.1.2 Data of context

The dialogue takes place in the Bruno’s room at Outh-With. It involves two

participants, namely Bruno and Gretel (as Bruno’s sister). Gretel comes in

Bruno’s room. In having the conversation, Bruno says that he really misses his

friends in Berlin. Then, Gretel tells Bruno that she misses her friends as well.

Unfortunately, Bruno does not give a positive opinion to Gretel’s utterance. He

states that there are no friendly people like his three close friends. Paying attention

of his critical opinion, Gretel requests him to explain more the meaning of his

utterance. Moreover, Bruno tries to avoid Gretel’s request by changing the topic

of the conversation.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

The social distance is expressed by an indirect refusal strategy. Thus, he is

less to employ a direct refusal. He tends to use an indirect refusal in order to avoid

the face threatening act of the sister by changing the topic of their conversation in

the word “'There's a forest over there,' said Bruno”. The use of questioning form

“what?” is used to prevent a contradiction which will be happened between them.

From the datum above, it can be seen that Bruno refuses Gretel’s request by

uttering the word “There’s a forest over there” in the form of avoidance (verbal,

topic switch) strategy and it is correlated with a question form “what?” to refuse

his sister request. To deliver his refusal, he employs the strategy to perform the

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difference point of view between them. Bruno disagrees with the sister’s utterance

about her friends wryly.

To be more polite is as the reason why children express refusal expression.

Thus, Bruno needs to use an indirect form by changing the topic of their speaking

to talk with Gretel. As Gretel’s brother, he tries to act a good behavior by

employing a polite refusal to his sister as older interlocutor.

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 12/IR/C-F

'The train was horrible,' said Shmuel. 'There were too many of us in the

carriages for one thing. And there was no air to breathe. And it smelled


'That's because you all crowded onto one train,' said Bruno,

'When we came here, there was another one on the other side of the platform

but no one seemed to see it. That was the one we got.

You should have got on it too.'

'I don't think we would have been allowed,' said Shmuel, 'We weren't able

to get out of our carriage.'

'The doors are at the end,' explained Bruno.

'There weren't any doors,' said Shmuel.

'Of course there were doors,' said Bruno. 'They're at the end,' he repeated.

'Just past the buffet section.'

'There weren't any doors,' insisted Shmuel. 'If there had been, we would all

have got off.'

B.1.2 Data of context

Bruno and Shmuel are the participants in the conversation above. They carry

out the conversation in the side of wired fence. They sit down on the ground and

cross their each leg. Then, they share the changes of their life to each other.

Shmuel tells how the soldiers changed his beautiful life before, brought all of his

family with the horrible train in a big wall like the camp, and obeyed them to stay

in one room. Meanwhile, Bruno shares that the changes of his life happened when

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the family have to leave the old house in Berlin. In addition, Shmuel tells that

there was another one on the other side of the platform in the camp.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

The social distance is executed by an indirect form “I don’t think we would

have been allowed” completed with a reason “We weren’t able to get out of our

carriage” after stating the refusal. An indirectness speech is applied to prevent

negative face of his close friend since he produces a refusal.

Listening to Shmuel who looked at another one on the other side of the

platform, it makes Bruno to express his suggestion. He suggests Shmuel to get on

the side. Unfortunately, he refuses the suggestion indirectly with the word “I

don’t think we would have been allowed”. It is type of indirect refusal in the form

of criticize the request/requester, etc (statement of negative feeling or opinion)

followed by a reason “We weren’t able to get out of our carriage”.

To express politeness is the reason why children deliver an indirect speech

to refuse Bruno’s suggestion. Bruno’s status as the son of the commandant of the

soldier in the camp at Outh-With triggers him to deliver an indirect refusal.

Therefore, a polite utterance tends to be used by Shmuel to refuse an action.

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 16/IR/C-F

'If Father knew you were talking to imaginary friends, you'd be in for it,'

said Gretel. 'I think you should stop.'

'Why?' asked Bruno.

'Because it's not healthy,' she said. 'It's the first sign of madness.'

'I don't think I can stop,' he said after a very long pause. 'I don't think I

want to.'

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B.1.2 Data of context

The setting of the conversation is in the Bruno’s room. The participants are

Bruno and Gretel. Gretel comes in her brother room. She shares that she hates the

heavy rain, because it makes nothing to do. Bruno has the same feeling with his

sister. He tells that the heavy rain makes his imaginary friend waiting for him in

the side of wired fence. Knowing the bad habit of her brother who talks with an

imaginary friend, Gretel suggests him to stop talking with the imaginary’s friend.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

The social distance is said with an indirect refusal form “I don’t think I can

stop” and an opinion “I don’t think I want to”. He uses an indirectness in order to

minimize negative face of Gretel when he refuses his sister suggestion. It is also

applied to avoid the sister’s feeling gets hurt because of his refusal.

The datum above shows Bruno refuses Gretel’s suggestion indirectly in the

word “I don’t think I can stop”. It is type of indirect refusal in the form of

criticize the request/requester, etc (statement of negative feeling or opinion)

strategy. The strategy is combined with an opinion and “I don’t think I want to”.

In the case, he pretends to have an imaginary friend, because the imaginary friend

talked by Bruno is Shmuel as his real friend.

Conveying politeness is the reason why children apply an indirect refusal. In

the case, the sister is older than Bruno. Hence, he as subordinate interlocutor

needs to apply an indirectness speech in marking a polite utterance to refuse the

sister’s suggestion.

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B.1.1 Data description

Datum 18/IR/C-F

'I'm very glad you're here,' he said, 'If only you didn't have to polish the

glasses, I could show you my room.'

'He told me not to move from this seat or there'd be trouble.' said Shmuel

'I wouldn't mind him,' said Bruno. 'This isn't his house, it's mine, and when

Father's away I'm in charge.

B.1.2 Data of context

Bruno and Shmuel are the participants in the conversation. It takes place in

the kitchen of Bruno’s new house at Outh-With. Bruno faces the biggest surprise

of his life when he looks at his a long way friend from the other side of the fence

sitting down and cleaning up the glasses in the kitchen. He is very glad looking at

Shmuel in his house. Then, he plans to invite Shmuel coming in his room if he

does not polish the glasses.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

The social distance is stated with an indirectness form. It is because he

wants to satisfy positive face of Bruno as his friend by executing “He told me not

to move from this seat or there'd be trouble”. Besides, he does not want to hurt

Bruno’s feeling since he utters the refusal. It is also employed to avoid

misunderstanding between Bruno and Shmuel because of the refusal.

In datum above, Shmuel conveys a refusal expression for an action.. In

delivering his refusal, he employs an indirect refusal in the form of

excuse/reason/explanation by saying “He told me not to move from this seat or

there'd be trouble” to refuse Bruno’s invitation. In the occasion, Bruno would like

to invite Shmuel coming in his room.

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The reason why children convey an indirect refusal is that to state

politeness. The similar age does not affect Shmuel to perform a direct refusal

because Bruno is as a son of the commandant of the soldiers and the owner of the

house which has different status with him. By using an indirect refusal of

reasoning, it is used to make his refusal softer.

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 21/IR/C-F

'I thought you weren't coming any more,' said Bruno.

'I came yesterday and the day before that and you weren't here.'

'I'm sorry,' said Shmuel. 'Something happened.'

'Well?' asked Bruno. 'What was it?'

'Papa,' said Shmuel. 'We can't find him.'

'Can't find him? That's very odd. You mean he's lost?'

'I suppose so,' said Shmuel. 'He was here on Monday and then he went on

work duty with some other men and none of them have come back.'

'And hasn't he written you a letter?' asked Bruno. 'Or left a note to say when

he'll be coming back?'

'No,' said Shmuel. 'How odd,' said Bruno. 'Have you looked for him?' he


'Of course I have,' said Shmuel. I did what you're always talking about. I did

some exploration.' 'And there was no sign?' 'None.'

'Well, that's very strange,' said Bruno. 'But I think there must be a simple


'And what's that?' asked Shmuel.

'I imagine the men were taken to work in another town and they have to stay

there for a few days until the work is done. And the post isn't very good here

anyway. I expect he'll turn up one day soon.'

'I hope so,' said Shmuel. 'I don't know what we're supposed to do without


'I could ask Father if you wanted,' said Bruno.

'I don't think that would be a good idea,' said Shmuel,

'Why not?' he asked. 'Father is very knowledgeable about life on that side of

the fence.'

'I don't think the soldiers like us,' said Shmuel.

B.1.2 Data of context

Bruno and Shmuel are as the participant in the conversation above. They

carry out the conversation in the side of the wired fence of the camp. Bruno fells

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happy when he looks at Shmuel sitting down and crossing his legs in the side of

the wired fence. In the situation, Bruno tells that he came as usual but Shmuel did

not come. Then, Shmuel apologizes to Bruno. In other sides, Bruno looks his

friend get pale. He asks Shmuel about what is going on him. Then, Shmuel tells

him that his papa has lost while he goes on work duty with other men. Shmuel is

anxious with his papa. With sympathy, Bruno offers his assistance to ask his

father about the existence of Shmuel’s papa if he wants.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

An indirectness form is used by Shmuel to show the existence of social

distance in influencing the refusal. In the datum, there is distant relationship

between Bruno and Shmuel. It is conveyed in the word “I don’t think that would

be a good idea”. It is completed with an opinion “I don’t think the soldiers like

us”. Those strategies are used to minimize negative face of Bruno in order that he

can accept the refusal.

With the datum draws that Shmuel executes type of indirect refusal in the

form of criticize the request/requester, etc (statement of negative feeling or

opinion) strategy. The refusal is produced by uttering “I don’t think that would be

a good idea” and “I don’t think the soldiers like us” to refuse Bruno’s offering.

To be more polite is the reason why children utter an indirect refusal.

Bruno’s status as the son of the commandant of the soldiers in the camp affects

Shmuel to use an indirect refusal. Therefore, an equal age does not affect him to

deliver a direct refusal.

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B.1.1 Data description

Datum 22/IR/C-F

'Anyway,' said Bruno, 'I have something to tell you too.'

'You do?' asked Shmuel,

'Yes. I'm going back to Berlin.'

'When?' he asked,

'Well, this is Thursday,' said Bruno. 'And we're leaving on Saturday. After


'But for how long?' asked Shmuel.

'I think it's forever,' said Bruno. 'Mother doesn't like it at Out-With—she

says it's no place to bring up two children—so Father is staying here to work

because the Fury has big things in mind for him, but the rest of us are going


'So I won't see you again?' asked Shmuel.

'Well, someday, yes,' said Bruno. 'You could come on a holiday to Berlin.

You can't stay here forever after all. Can you?' Shmuel shook his head.

'I suppose not,' he said sadly.

'I won't have anyone to talk to any more when you're gone,' he added.

'No,' said Bruno. 'I'll miss you too, Shmuel,' 'So tomorrow will be the last

time we see each other until then,' he continued. 'We'll have to say our

goodbyes then. I'll try to bring you an extra special treat.'

'I wish we'd got to play together,' said Bruno

'So do I,' said Shmuel.

'We've been talking to each other for more than a year and we never got to

play once. And do you know what else?' he added. 'AH this time I've been

watching where you live from out of my bedroom window and I've never

even seen for myself what it's like.'

'You wouldn't like it,' said Shmuel. 'Yours is much nicer,' he added.

'I'd still like to have seen it,' said Bruno.

'Well?' said Shmuel. 'Why don't you then?'

'I don't think I'd be allowed,' he said doubtfully.

'Well, you're probably not allowed to come here and talk to me every day

either,' said Shmuel. 'But you still do it, don't you?'

'But if I was caught I'd be in trouble,' said Bruno,

B.1.2 Data of context

Bruno and Shmuel conduct the conversation in which it takes place in the

side of the wired fence. They are as the participants in the datum above. Bruno

informs that he is going to back to Berlin. Shmuel is very sad to hear the bad

news. Bruno and Shmuel have been talking to each other for more than a year.

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Nevertheless, they never go to play once. Then, he tells that he cannot imagine

how he has been watching Shmuel’s life from out his bedroom window. Besides,

he talks that he has never seen for himself what it was like. In addition, Bruno

wishes that he is able to go to play together. The situation makes Shmuel uttering

indirect request in the form of questioning.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

The social distance is uttered by an indirectness form. It is said with the

word “I don't think I'd be allowed” and the use of reasoning in the word “But if I

was caught I’d will be in trouble”. Those are used to avoid negative face of

Shmuel. With the strategy, he also wants to convey that Shmuel’s request does not

able to be realized.

Bruno refuses Shmuel’s indirect request. He requests him to attain the

wishing in order that he is able to play together. His refusal is delivered by using

type of indirect refusal in the form of criticize the request/requester (statement of

negative feeling or opinion). It is performed by uttering the word “I don't think

I'd be allowed” strategy. It is combined with a reason “But if I was caught I’d

will be in trouble” in refusing the request.

Performing politeness is the reason why children express an indirect refusal.

With the strategy of indirect refusal and a reason, Bruno expects that Shmuel

understands the purpose of Bruno’s refusal to avoid themselves in a trouble. The

similar age does not influence him to express a direct refusal since he wants to

soften the refusal.

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B.1.1 Data description

Datum 23/IR/C-F

'Hello, Bruno,' he said

'Hello, Shmuel,' said Bruno.

'I wasn't sure if we'd ever see each other again—with the rain and

everything, I mean,' said Shmuel. 'I thought you might be kept indoors.'

'It was touch and go for a while,' said Bruno. 'What with the weather being

so bad.'

'You still want to help me find Papa?' asked Shmuel,

'Of course,' he said, 'I wouldn't let you down.'

'Thanks,' said Bruno,

'Well, turn round,V said Bruno. 'I don't want you watching me.'

'When was this last washed?' he called out,

I don't know if it's ever been washed,' said Shmuel.

'Turn round!' shouted Bruno.

'There,' he said. 'You can turn back now.'

'Do you know what this reminds me of?' asked Bruno, and Shmuel shook

his head.

'What?' he asked.

'It reminds me of Grandmother,' he said. 'You remember I told you about


The one who died?' Shmuel nodded,

'It reminds me of the plays she used to put on with Gretel and me,' Bruno

said, 'It reminds me of how she always had the right costume for me to

wear. You wear the right outfit and you feel like the person you're

pretending to be, she always told me. I suppose that's what I'm doing, isn't

it? Pretending to be a person from the other side of the fence.

'A Jew, you mean,' said Shmuel.

'Yes,' said Bruno, 'That's right.'

'You'll have to leave them behind too,' Shmuel pointed.

'But the mud,'. 'You can't expect me to go barefoot.' Bruno looked


'You'll be recognized otherwise,' said Shmuel. 'You don't have any choice.'

B.1.2 Data of context

Bruno and Shmuel are as the participants in the conversation. It happens in

the camp on the side of the wired fence. Bruno wants to help Shmuel looking for

his papa. Then, Bruno commands Shmuel to look for a pair of striped pyjamas for

him. Then, they arrange a plan in order that Bruno is able to break through the

wired fence. Arriving at the side of the wired fence in the tomorrow morning,

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Bruno put off his clothe, except the footwear. He dresses up pairs of striped

pyjamas that Shmuel brings for him. After that, they dig a hole under the wired

fence in order that Bruno can enter the camp. In the case, he is pretending to be a

person from other sides of the fence in the camp.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

The social distance is delivered with an indirect form. An indirect refusal in

the form of reasoning in the word “But the mud” is applied to save positive of

Shmuel when he states a refusal. With the expression telling, he informs that he

cannot put off his boat. In the case, he shows the solidarity in order not to hurt the

friend’s feeling when he refuses to put off his footwear. Hence, he tends to use an

indirect refusal to refuse the friend’s command.

In the conversation, Bruno refuses Shmuel’s command to leave all sets of

his footwear across the fence. He refuses the command with type of indirect

refusal in the form of excuse/reason/explanation strategy by producing the word

“But the mud”. He also employs the strategy of telling “You can’t expect me to

go barefoot” to support the refusal.

The reason why children employ an indirect refusal is that to show a polite

utterance. It is shown by employing a reason to refuse the action. In the

conversation, he tries to tell that he is uncomfortable with the existence of the mud

inside the camp. Although they are in an equal age, it does not make him to

execute a direct refusal. Through an indirectness speech, he wants to give more

understanding to Shmuel in which he really cannot do what Shmuel wants.

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B.1.C Adjunct to Refusal

As a part of types of refusal expression, adjunct to refusal is usually used to

give an additional expression in uttering refusal expression. The hearer needs an

adjunct in performing a refusal to appreciate the speaker’s action when he/she

refuses an action. The strategy is usually used in the beginning or the end of

executing the main refusal. The expressions are … thank you, well …, I’d love to

…, etc. In the data, the researcher only found out 1datum type of adjunct to

refusal in the form of pause fillers strategy. It is can be seen as follow:

B.1.1 Data description

Datum 17/AR/C-SS

'Hello, little man,' the soldier said,

'Hello,' said Bruno, frowning.

'What are you up to then?'

'I'm going in there to read my book,' he said, 'Treasure Island,' he said.

'What's it about then?'

'Well, there's an island,' said Bruno. 'And there's treasure on it.'

'I could have guessed that,' said Kotler. 'Tell me something I don't know

about it.'

'There's a pirate in it,' said Bruno. 'Called Long John Silver. And a boy

called Jim Hawkins.'

'An English boy?' asked Kotler.

'Yes,' said Bruno. 'Grunt,' grunted Kotler.

'Sorry,' he said. 'Oh, I'm so sorry,' he repeated.

'Aren't you quick,' muttered Lieutenant Kotler. 'All set for the party, are we?'

he asked.

'Well, I am,' said Bruno. I can't speak for you.'

'There'll be a lot of people here,' said Lieutenant Kotler, 'We'll be on your

best behaviour, won't we?'

'Well, I'll be,' said Bruno. 'I can't speak for you.'

'You've a lot to say for such a little man,' said Lieutenant Kotler.

B.1.2 Data of context

The conversation occurs in the living room between Bruno and Lieutenant

Kotler. They are the participants in the conversation above. Bruno goes to the

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living room to read his new book. The title of the book is Treasure Island.

Suddenly, he meets Lieutenant Kotler who is just leaving the kitchen through the

hallway and they address to each other. Then, Kotler asks what his activity is. He

tells that he is going to read the book in the living room. Unfortunately,

Lieutenant Kotler does not believe in Bruno. Then, he whips out the book from

Bruno’s hand. After that, he commands Bruno to be on the behavior indirectly by

employing a tag question.

B.1.3 Data interpretation

The social distance is expressed with an indirect form as an extra of refusal

expression (adjunct to refusal). An indirect way by using an adjunct in the form of

pause filler is used to minimize face threatening act of Kotler while he refuses

Kotler’s request. With the strategy, he requests him not to talk much more words

indirectly. Here, he wants to show his dislike to Kotler.

Bruno executes a refusal. It is type of adjunct to refusal in the form of pause

fillers strategy. The refusal is stated in the following word “Well, I am,'. I can't

speak for you” and “Well, I'll be,'.’I can't speak for you” to refuse Lieutenant

Kotler’s indirect command by applying a tag question.

A politeness is shown the reason why children convey an indirect refusal. In

the conversation, Kotler has supordinate position as the interlocutor. Therefore,

the status of Bruno as the son of commandant of soldier does not far influence his

refusal towards superordinate interlocutor. The use of the word “Well” as an

additional strategy in the beginning of expressing a refusal is applied to mark the

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refusal softer. Therefore, the strategy is used to be more polite to older


B. Summary

In this part, it contains the summary of the research findings. It will show

the way children express the choice of refusal expressions, kinds of refusal

expression, and the reason why children perform the choice of refusal influenced

by social distance in the novel. Those can be shown as follow:

1. The Way Children Perform The Choice of Refusals in the Novel Entitled

“The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas”

In the findings above, the utterance of the children in executing refusal

expressions is affected by the presence of social distance. The children are in

close relationship, they tends to use an directness way in the form of direct refusal

with strategy of non-performative statement and mitigated negative willingness to

deliver the refusals. In other words, the children know well the interlocutor. Thus,

a direct form prefers to use in uttering the refusal.

Meanwhile, the children use an indirectness form with the strategy of

repetition of part of request, excuse/reason/explanation, criticize of part of request,

topic switch, and type of adjunct to refusal in the form of pause filler related with

reasoning, telling, questioning, stating a tag question, giving an opinion and

asking permission in order to save the positive face of the interlocutor when the

children characters express the refusals. It indicates the distance relationship

between the children to the interlocutors.

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In can be portrayed that the children characters tend to employ an indirect

refusal in order not to hurt the interlocutors’ feeling. Thus, they are less to use a

direct refusal. In addition, they are mostly employed types of indirect refusal in

the form of excuse/reason/explanation. It shows that there is a distance

relationship between the children to the interlocutors.

2. Types of Refusal Expressions Employed by the Children Characters

From the findings above, there are 23 data containing refusal expressions in

the novel entitled “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas” delivered by the children

characters. The researcher found out three kinds of refusal expression based on

Takashi and Weltz (In Widowati, 2011). There are 5 data in the type of direct

refusal which contain non performative statement, and mitigated negative

willingness. Then, there are 17 data in the type of indirect refusal which include in

repetition of part of request, excuse/reason/explanation, topic switch, and criticize

the request/requester. The last, there is only one datum type of adjunct to refusal

which consists of pause fillers. From the summary above, the children characters

tend to use types of indirect refusal in refusing an action.

3. The Reason Why Children Characters Express The Choice of Refusals in

the Novel entitled “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas”

There are three main points as the reason why the children characters stating

refusal expressions in which those refusals are influenced by social distance. The

reason why children characters perform refusal expressions is that to show respect

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by stating an indirect refusal and adding address form “mother”, to show

politeness by using an indirect refusal, giving acceptable reason to make the

refusal softer, using the modal “can” as permission, and adding an adjunct “well”

before conveying the refusal, and to show an easy conversation by uttering what

the children characters think directly and freely.

C. Discussion

It contains the answer of the problems statement of the research. The whole

results of the analysis will be discussed in the subchapter. This includes in three

points: The way children characters state the choice of refusal expressions, kinds

of refusal expression, and the reason why children characters deliver the choice of

refusal expression. Those have been previously analyzed in the data analysis.

1. The Way Children Characters Execute the Choice of Refusal Expressions

The children characters deliver refusal expressions affected by the

existence of social distance. They have different ways in expressing the refusals

towards the interlocutors. It can be a direct and an indirect way in uttering the

refusals. The use of direct and indirect way in performing the refusals show how

close or distance the relationship between the children and the interlocutors is.

The description of the relation between the choice of refusals with the way social

distance influences those refusals can be seen table below:

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4.2 The relation the choice of refusals with the way children characters employ

those refusals

Kinds of


Strategies of refusal The way children characters apply the

choice of refusal expressions

DR Non-performative


1. The speaker is in a close


2. The speaker produces a direct

refusal command combined with

direct command

3. The speaker expresses a direct

refusal completed with the

expression of thanking

Mitigated negative


1. The speaker is in a close


2. The speaker performs a direct

refusal related with a reason

IDR Repetition of part of


1. The speaker is in a distance


2. The speaker repeats the request

3. The speaker applies a reason



1. The speaker is in a distance

relationship employs a reason in

the form of asking a reason

combined with giving a reason,

questioning, performing a tag

question, giving an opinion, and

asking a permission

Topic Switch 1. The speaker is in a distance

relationship switches the topic of

the conversation combined with a

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Criticize the


1. The speaker is in a distance

relationship executes a negative

opinion or feeling supported by

reasoning, and telling expression

AR Pause fillers 1. The speaker is in a distance

relationship applies an extra

modification of refusal

A direct strategy is uttered by the refuter when he/she executes the refusal

expressions directly. On other words, the refusals can be said explicitly or clearly.

The strategy is usually expressed in the utterance “No”, “I,m not supposed to be

here”, etc. In other sides, indirect refusal and adjunct to refusal strategy (an extra

strategy of refusal) is executed by the refuter when he/she express the refusal

expression indirectly or implicitly. It means that the refusals are not delivered

clearly enough. Hence, the strategy cannot be seen in a clear utterance. There are

other goals to say an utterance in speech acts, specifically, refusal expression.

The choice of direct and indirect refusal expression used by children are

influenced by the presence of social distance. As the general point of this research,

the findings on the table above show that the children tend to employ a direct

strategy in the form of non-performative statement and mitigated negative

willingness combined with a direct command, the expression of thanking, and the

expression of reasoning to refuse the interlocutor’s action when they are in

intimate relation. Those can be found in the datum 04, 05, 13, 15, 19, and 20. On

contrary, an indirect strategy is expressed by the children in the form of

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excuse/reason/explanation, repetition of part of request, criticize the

request/requester, topic switch, and adjunct to refusal in the form of pause fillers

completed with reasoning, questioning, telling, tagging question, and giving an

opinion, asking permission to refuse the interlocutor’s action. Those strategies are

used to show positive face or minimize negative face of the interlocutor or

maintain the relation when the children utter face threatening act in the form of

refusal in distance relationship. Those can be found in the datum 01, 02, 03, 06,

07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22 and 23. Thus, there are other factors,

namely power and solidarity which influence the choice of the refusals produced

by the children characters to refuse an action.

Those findings are appropriate with Thomas’ theory (1995). He states the

people who know well to each other or close or in the same of age, status, etc,

they prefer to use a direct strategy than indirect strategy ones. Bruno utters a

refusal to Shmuel directly. It is because they do know well to each other and they

have spent much time. Hence, Shmuel tends to use a direct strategy to refuse

Bruno’s action.

In other sides, the children employ an indirect strategy completed with

reasoning, telling, questioning, giving an opinion, expressing a tag question,

and asking permission to refuse the interlocutor’s action, such as an invitation,

suggestion, request, command, etc. It is applied to convey their great intention.

There is the goal of the speaker to satisfy the interlocutor’s positive face as stated

by Brown and Levinson (1989:125). In one of the data in the research, Bruno uses

an indirect refusal strategy to refuse the mother’s request. The relation between

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Bruno and the mother are distance although they are in the nuclear family. It is

because he does not want to hurt the mother’s feeling and he avoids negative face

of his mother. Hence, Bruno prefers to use an indirect refusal than direct refusal


The finding is similar with Nugroho (2000). He found that the characters

tend to be indirect to satisfy the positive face of the interlocutor. While, there is

different finding with Floris and Loanata (2011). They found the higher status of

the speaker gives more influence than the social distance itself.

2. Kinds of Refusal Expression Delivered by Children Characters

Looking at the finding above, I found three kinds of refusal expression

based on Takashi and Weltz theory (In Widowati, 2011), namely: Direct refusal,

indirect refusal and adjunct to refusal. Direct refusal contains non performative

statement, and mitigated negative willingness. Meanwhile, indirect refusal

includes in repetition of part of request, excuse/reason/explanation, topic switch,

and criticize the request/requester. Then, adjunct to refusal consists of pause

fillers. Those can be concluded that the type of direct refusal contains 2 strategies

of refusal, an indirect refusal covers with 4 strategies of refusal, and adjunct to

refusal consists of 1 strategy of refusal. There are the descriptions of types of

refusal. Those can be explained in the description below:

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1. Direct Refusal

a. Non-Performative Statement

The strategy of non-performative statement is applied when

someone refuses an action in the form of invitation, request,

suggestion, command, etc by saying the word “No, I don’t like

it here, and you shut up” directly.

b. Mitigated Negative Willingness

It is type of direct refusal in which someone does not willingness

to do something that other people want. It is usually expressed in

the word “I’m not supposed to be here”. It is followed by

negation “Not”.

2. Indirect Refusal

a. Repetition of Part of Request

It is one of indirect refusal strategies. The speaker repeats the

words, utterances, sentences which contain repetition of the word

stated by the requester. A speaker may refuse something or

someone by repeating part of request: Say goodbye to them?.

b. Excuse/Reason/Explanation

In this category, the character usually refuses an action correlated

with some acceptable reasons, explanations, and excuses

generally or specifically. It is expressed by saying “But there’s

no point if we’re only going to .., “He told me not to move from

the seat or there’d be trouble”, etc”.

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c. Topic Switch

In doing communication, the character may change the topic of

the conversation when he/she refuses an action. It is used to take

away the general topic of the conversation, for example:

I miss Karl and Daniel and Martin said Bruno

And I miss Hilda and Isobel and Louise said Gretel

I don’t think the other children look at all friendly said


Bruno, will you please explain to me what you meant by

that last remark? Asked Gretel

There’s a forest over there said Bruno

d. Criticize the Request/Requester

In this strategy, the character attempts to dissuade the

interlocutor by criticizing the requester or request. On other

words, the speaker states negative feeling or opinion, for

instance: “I don’t think I can stop, “I don’t think I’d be

allowed”, etc.

3. Adjunct to Refusal

a. Pause Fillers

An extra modification of the refusal strategy including an adjunct

is that to protect the face of the interlocutor while someone utters

a refusal expression. It is shown in the word “well …,”, etc.

To make it easier, the kinds and strategies of refusal expression employed

by the children characters in the novel entitled “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas”.

Those will be drawn in the following table below:

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Table 4.3 Kinds of Refusal Expression

Kinds of refusal Strategies of refusal Data Percentage

DR Non-performative


04, 05, 15, 19 &



Mitigated negative


13 4.35%

IDR Repetition of part of


01 4.35%

Excuse/reason/explanation 02, 06, 07, 08, 09,

10, 11, 14, 18 &



Topic switch 03

Criticize the


12, 16, 21 & 22 17.39%

AR Pause fillers 17 4.35%

Total 23 100%

The table above shows that kinds of refusal expression are categorized in

three types with their strategies based on Takashi and Weltz (In Widowati, 2011),

namely direct refusal, indirect refusal and adjunct to refusal. Direct refusal

consists of 6 data with 2 strategies of refusal: non-performative statement

(21.74%), and mitigated negative willingness (4.35%). Meanwhile, indirect

refusal contains 10 data with 4 strategies of refusal: repetition of part of request

(4.35%), excuse/reason/explanation (43.47%), topic switch (4.35%), and criticize

the request/requester (17.39%). Then Adjunct to refusal only includes 1 datum,

namely pause fillers (4.35%). According the table above, the use of indirect

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refusal in the form of excuse/reason/explanation is mostly used by the children in

uttering the refusals.

The researcher found refusal expressions, namely direct refusal strategy

including non-performative statement can be found in the datum 04, 05, 15, 19,

and 20. Then, direct refusal strategy covering mitigated negative willingness can

be found in the datum 13. Moreover, indirect refusal strategy consisting of

repetition of part of request can be found in the datum 01. In addition, indirect

refusal in the form of excuse/reason/explanation strategy can be found in the

datum 02, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 14, 18, and 23. Meanwhile, indirect refusal in the

form of topic switch strategy can be found in the datum 03. The next is indirect in

the form of criticize to the request/requester can be found in the datum 12, 16, 21,

and 22. The last strategy is adjunct to refusal containing pause fillers can be found

in the datum 17.

The findings on this research show that the children prefer to use types of

indirect refusal in the form of excuse/reason/explanation when they deliver a

refusal to refuse the interlocutor’s invitation, suggestion, request, command, etc

than the direct ones. From the findings above, there is the difference and

similarity of the research from the previous research which has been observed by

Wibowo (2013) and Handayani (2015). In their findings, the characters frequently

tend to be more direct in uttering a refusal expression to refuse an action towards

the interlocutors. It means that someone utters the refusal expression directly or

explicitly. Meanwhile, Aswari (2011) and Widowati (2011) found the characters

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mostly use an indirect strategy to perform refusal expressions to the interlocutors.

Their findings are in the same line with this research.

3. The Reason Why Children Produce the Choice of Refusal Expressions

According to the data analysis previously, there are several reasons why

children utter the choice of refusals in the novel influenced by social distance. The

difference choice of refusals will show different reasons when the children refuse

an action. The explanation of the relation between the choice of refusals with the

reason social distance influences those refusals can be drawn as follow:

4.4 The relation the choice of refusals with the reason why children expresses

those refusals

Kinds of


Strategies of refusal The reason why children express the

choice of refusal expressions

DR Non-performative


1. The refusal expression is chosen to

show an easy conversation in

performing free expression in the

close relationship

Mitigated negative


1. The refusal expression is used to

perform what the speakers think

freely in the close relationship. It

reflects an easy conversation in the

informal situation

IDR Repetition of part of


1. The refusal expression is applied

to show respect which shown by

uttering an address form “Mother”

in the distance relationship

Excuse/Reason/Explana 1. The refusal expression is employed

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tion to show politeness in the distance

relationship by using acceptable

reason an asking permission with

the use of modal “can”

2. The refusal expression is utilized

to show respect in a distance

relationship. The speaker tries to

comfort the interlocutor by using

acceptable reason

Topic Switch 1. The refusal expression is delivered

to show politeness. The speaker

makes the refusal softer by using

an indirect refusal combined with a

reason in the distance relationship

Criticize the


1. The refusal expression is executed

to show politeness with giving a

reason to soften the refusal in a

distance relationship

AR Pause fillers 1. The refusal expression is produced

to show politeness. The speaker

marks a polite utterance by adding

an adjunct “well” in a distance


The children employ certain types and strategies of refusal expressions in

the form of direct, indirect and adjunct since the refusal is a face-threatening act.

There are some reasons the children perform the refusals which is affected by

social distance:

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1. Direct refusal

To ease the conversation

In the informal situation, a direct refusal prefers to be used since the

children express what they feel and think freer or more direct. In the

conversation, they try to ease the conversation. Those can be found in the

datum 04, 05, 15, 13, 19, and 20.

2. Indirect and adjunct to refusal

To show respect

The children tend to show their respect towards the interlocutors. The

subordinate speakers try to comfort his superordinate interlocutors,

specifically the interlocutor who has a power. For example, the use of

address form “mother” to respect the superordinate interlocutor. Those

can be found in the datum 01, 02, 06, 09, 10, 11, and 14.

To show politeness

It concerns on how the children maintain the relationship. The children

try not to hurt their interlocutor’s feeling. The use of reason or

explanation, modal, an adjunct before or after expressing the refusal is

that to make the refusals softer. Those can be found in the datum 07, 08,

03, 12, 16, 18, 21, 17, 22, and 23.

The findings are appropriate with Thomas’ theory (1995), explains why

he/she is speaking in a particular way in the particular factors. In the case, Bruno

performs a refusal expression to his father action directly. It is because he wants to

ease the conversation by showing his feeling freely in the informal situation. It

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can be seen that the context of informal situation influences the Bruno in uttering

the choice of particular refusals to refuse an action.

In other sides, Bruno uses an indirect refusal strategy to refuse the mother’s

request. He applies the strategy, because he wants to show his respect to his

mother by saying an address form “mother” as stated by Thomas. When a person

talks to others who have power or authority, such as role, age, or status, etc, the

greater degree of indirectness tends to be used (p.125-127).

In addition, an indirect strategy is also used to show politeness. Bruno says a

refusal expression in a polite utterance to the superordinate interlocutors by using

an indirect refusal completed with a reason to soften the refusals. It fits with

Thomas theory. In the theory, he proposes that politeness/regard for face is as a

reason and an effort to convey an indirectness speech when they are having the

conversation (p.143).

According to the discussion above, it can be concluded that the children

characters in the novel execute particular types and strategies of refusal to refuse

an offer, request, invitation, suggestion, command, etc. In delivering the refusal,

the children employ a direct and indirect ways since the refusals are influenced by

the existence of social distance. Then, different types and strategies of refusal

evoke different reasons why children perform the choice of refusals.