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CHAPTER Auditory PathwayRepresentations ofSpeech Sounds inHumansDaniel A. Abrams and Nina Kraus

INTRODUCTIONAn essential function of the central auditory system is theneural encoding of speech sounds. The ability of the brain totranslate the acoustic events in the speech signal into mean-ingful linguistic constructs relies in part on the representa-tion of the acoustic structure of speech by the central nervoussystem. Consequently, an understanding of how the nervoussystem accomplishes this task would provide important in-sight into the basis of language perception and cognitivefunction.

One of the challenges faced by researchers interestedin this subject is that speech is a complex acoustic signalthat is rich in both spectral and temporal features. In ev-eryday listening situations, the abundance of acoustic cuesin the speech signal provides enormous perceptual benefitsto listeners. For example, it has been shown that listenersare able to shift their attention between different acousticcues when perceiving speech from different talkers to com-pensate for the inherent variability in the acoustic proper-ties of speech between individuals (Nusbaum and Morin,1992).

There are two basic approaches that researchers haveadopted for conducting experiments on speech perceptionand underlying physiology. One approach uses “simple”acoustic stimuli, such as tones and clicks, as a means tocontrol for the complexity of the speech signal. While simplestimuli enable researchers to reduce the acoustics of speechto its most basic elements, the auditory system is nonlinear(Sachs and Young, 1979; Sachs et al., 1983; Rauschecker,1997; Nagarajan et al., 2002), and therefore, responses to

simple stimuli generally do not accurately predict responsesto actual speech sounds. A second approach uses speechand speech-like stimuli (Song et al., 2006). There are manyadvantages to this approach. First, these stimuli are moreecologically valid than simple stimuli. Second, a completedescription of how the auditory system responds to speechcan only be obtained by using speech stimuli, given thenonlinearity of the auditory system. Third, long-termexposure to speech sounds and the subsequent use of thesespeech sounds in linguistic contexts induces plastic changesin the auditory pathway, which may alter neural represen-tation of speech in a manner that cannot be predicted bysimple stimuli. Fourth, when speech stimuli are chosencarefully, the acoustic properties of the signal can still be wellcontrolled.

This chapter reviews the literature that has begun toelucidate how the human auditory system encodes acousticfeatures of speech. This chapter is organized into five sec-tions, with each section describing what is currently knownabout how the brain represents a particular acoustic featurepresent in speech (Table 26.1). These acoustic features of Tab. 1

speech were chosen because of their essential roles in nor-mal speech perception. Each section contains a descriptionof the acoustic feature and an elaboration of its relevance tospeech perception, followed by a review and assessment ofthe data for that acoustic feature. An important consider-ation is that the acoustic features described in this chapterare not mutually exclusive. For example, one section of thischapter describes the neural encoding of “periodicity,” whichrefers to acoustic events that occur at regular time intervals.Many features in the speech signal are periodic; however,


Sticky Note
Please remove this reference and replace it with the following references: Galbraith GC, Amaya EM, de Rivera JM, Donan NM, Duong MT, Hsu JN, Tran K, Tsang LP. (2004) Brain stem evoked response to forward and reversed speech in humans. Neuroreport. 15(13):2057-60. Krishnan, (2005) -- this is already referenced in the chapter. Kraus and Nicol (2005) -- this is already referenced in the chapter. K. Banai & N. Kraus (in press). The dynamic brainstem: implications for CAPD. In: D. McFarland and A. Cacace (eds). Current Controversies in Central Auditory Processing Disorder. Plural Publishing Inc: San Diego, CA. Musacchia G, Strait D, Kraus N. (2008) Relationships between behavior, brainstem and cortical encoding of seen and heard speech in musicians and nonmusicians. Hear Res 241:34-42.
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TABLE 26.1 Title

Acoustic features Feature’s role inin speech the speech signal Brainstem measure Cortical measure

Formant structure Ubiquitous in vowels,approximants, and nasals;essential for vowel perception


N100m source location; STSactivity (fMRI)

Periodicity Temporal cue for fundamentalfrequency and low formantfrequencies (50–500 Hz)


N100m source location andamplitude; nonprimaryauditory cortex activitypatterns (fMRI)


Consonant identification; signalthe presence of diphthongsand glides; linguistic pitch


Left vs. right STG activity(fMRI)

Acoustic onsets Phoneme identification ABR onset complex N100m source location;N100 latency

Speech envelope Syllable and low-frequency(<50 Hz) patterns in speech

N/A N100m phase-locking

STS, superior temporal sulcus; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; STG, superior temporal gyrus; ABR, auditory brainstem

AUTHOR:Please providetitle for Table26.1.

response; N/A, not applicable.

describing the neurophysiologic encoding of all of the peri-odic features that are processed simultaneously in the speechstimulus in a study of the auditory system would be experi-mentally unwieldy. Consequently, for the sake of simplicityand to reflect the manner in which they have been investi-gated in the auditory neuroscience literature, some relatedacoustic features will be discussed in separate sections. Ef-forts will be made throughout the chapter to identify whenthere is overlap among acoustic features.

THE SIGNAL: BASIC SPEECHACOUSTICSThe speech signal can be described according to a number ofbasic physical attributes (Johnson, 1997). An understandingof these acoustic attributes is essential to any discussion ofhow the auditory system encodes speech. The linguistic rolesof these acoustic features are described separately within eachsection of the chapter.

Fundamental frequency. The fundamental frequency isa low-frequency component of speech that results from theperiodic beating of the vocal folds. In Figure 26.1A, the fre-Fig. 1

quency content of the naturally produced speech sentence“The young boy left home” is plotted as a function of time;greater amounts of energy at a given frequency are repre-sented with red lines, while smaller amounts of energy aredepicted in blue. The fundamental frequency can be seen asthe horizontal band of energy in Figure 26.1A that is clos-est to the x-axis (i.e., lowest in frequency). The fundamentalfrequency is notated F0 and provides the perceived pitch ofan individual’s voice.

Harmonic structure. An acoustic phenomenon that is re-lated to the fundamental frequency of speech is known as theharmonic structure of speech. Speech harmonics, which areinteger multiples of the fundamental frequency, are presentin ongoing speech. The harmonic structure of speech is dis-played in Figure 26.1A as the regularly spaced horizontalbands of energy seen throughout the sentence.

Formant structure. Another essential acoustic featureof speech is the formant structure. Formant structure de-scribes a series of discrete peaks in the frequency spectrumof speech that are the result of an interaction between thefrequency of vibration of the vocal folds and the resonanceswithin a speaker’s vocal tract. The frequency of these peaks,as well as the relative frequency between peaks, varies fordifferent speech sounds. The formant structure of speechinteracts with the harmonic structure of speech; the har-monic structure is represented by integer multiples of thefundamental frequency, and harmonics that are close to aresonant frequency of the vocal tract are formants. In Fig-ure 26.1, the formant structure of speech is represented bythe series of horizontal and occasionally diagonal red linesthat run through most of the speech utterance. The word“left” has been enlarged in Figure 26.1B to better illustratethis phenomenon. The broad and dark red patches seen inthis figure represent the peaks in the frequency spectrumof speech that are the result of an interaction between thefrequency of vibration of the vocal folds and the resonancesof a speaker’s vocal tract. The frequency of these peaks, aswell as the relative frequency between peaks, varies for dif-ferent speech sounds within the sentence. The lowest fre-quency formant is known as the first formant and is no-tated F1, while subsequent formants are notated F2, F3,etc.

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Title: Acoustic features in speech and neurophysiologic representation
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Please remove the word "red" if figure will be b/w
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Please remove the first word of this sentence, "Speech"
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Please change this sentence so that it reads: "The fundamental frequency is notated F0 and contributes to the perceived pitch of an individual's voice."
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FIGURE 26.1 Spectrogram for the naturally produced speech sentence ‘‘The young boy left home.”(A) The complete sentence; (B) the word ‘‘left” is enlarged to illustrate the frequency structure; thefundamental frequency (F0) and formants (F1-F3) are represented in the spectrogram by broad red linesof energy.

THE MEASURES OFBRAIN ACTIVITYWe begin by describing the neurophysiologic measures thathave been used to probe auditory responses to speech andspeech-like stimuli; comprehensive descriptions of thesemeasures can be found elsewhere (Sato, 1990; Hall, 1992;Jezzard et al., 2001) as well as in various chapters in this text.Historically, the basic research on the neurophysiology ofspeech perception has borrowed a number of clinical toolsto assess auditory system function.

Brainstem Responses

The auditory brainstem response (ABR) consists of smallvoltages originating from auditory structures in the brain-stem in response to sound. Although these responses do notpinpoint the specific origin of auditory activity among theauditory brainstem nuclei, the great strength of the ABR(and auditory potentials in general) is that they preciselyreflect the time-course of neural activity at the microsec-ond level. The ABR is typically measured with a single activeelectrode referenced to the earlobe or nose. Clinical evalua-tions using the ABR typically use brief acoustic stimuli, suchas clicks and tones, to elicit brainstem activity. The ABR isunique among the auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) be-cause of the remarkable reliability of this response, bothwithin and across subjects. In the clinic, the ABR is usedto assess the integrity of the auditory periphery and lowerbrainstem (Hall, 1992). The response consists of a number of

peaks, with wave V being the most clinically reliable. Devia-tions on the order of microseconds are deemed “abnormal”in the clinic and are associated with some form of periph-eral hearing damage or with retrocochlear pathologies. Re-search using the ABR to probe acoustic processing of speechuses similar recording procedures but different acousticstimuli.

Cortical Responses


Cortical evoked responses are used as a research tool toprobe auditory function in normal and clinical populations.Cortical evoked potentials are small voltages originatingfrom auditory structures in the cortex in response to sound.These potentials are typically measured with multiple elec-trodes, often referenced to a “common reference,” which isthe average response measured across all electrodes. Corticalevoked “fields” are the magnetic counterpart to corticalevoked potentials; however, instead of measuring voltageacross the scalp, the magnetic fields produced by brainactivity are measured. Electroencephalography (EEG) is thetechnique by which evoked potentials are measured, andmagnetoencephalography (MEG) is the technique by whichevoked fields are measured. Similar to the ABR, the strengthof assessing cortical evoked potentials and fields is thatthey provide detailed information about the time-course ofactivation and how sound is encoded by temporal responseproperties of large populations of auditory neurons,although this technique is limited in its spatial resolution.

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sentence should read: "...although these techniques are limited in their spatial resolution."
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Due to large inter- and intrasubject variability in corticalresponses, they are not generally used clinically. Results fromthese two methodologies are generally compatible, despitesome differences in the neural generators that contributeto each of these responses. Studies using both EEG andMEG are described interchangeably throughout this chapterdespite the subtle differences between the measures. Thenomenclature of waveform peaks is similar for EEG andMEG and typically involves an N or P, depicting a negativeor positive deflection, followed by a number indicatingthe approximate latency of the peak. Finally, the letter “m”follows the latency for MEG results. For example, N100 andN100m are the labels for a negative deflection at 100 ms asmeasured by EEG and MEG, respectively.

Functional Imaging

Functional imaging of the auditory system is another often-used technique to quantify auditory activity in the brain. Thetechnology that is used to measure these responses, as wellas the results they yield, is considerably different from thepreviously described techniques. The primary difference isthat functional imaging is an indirect measure of neural ac-tivity; that is, instead of measuring voltages or fields resultingfrom activity in auditory neurons, functional imaging mea-sures hemodynamics, a term used to describe changes inmetabolism as a result of changes in brain activity. The dataproduced by these measures produce a three-dimensionalmap of activity within the brain as a result of a given stim-ulus. The strong correlation between actual neural activ-ity and blood flow to the same areas of the brain (Smithet al., 2002a) has made functional imaging a valuable in-vestigative tool to measure auditory activity in the brain.The two methods of functional imaging described here arefunctional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positronemission tomography (PET). The difference between thesetwo techniques is that fMRI measures natural levels of oxy-gen in the brain because oxygen is consumed by neuronswhen they become active. PET, however, requires the in-jection of a radioactive isotope into a subject. The isotopeemits positrons, which can be detected by a scanner, as itcirculates in the subject’s bloodstream. Increases in neu-ral activity draw more blood and, consequently, more ofthe radioactive isotope to a given region of the brain. Themain advantage that functional imaging offers relative toevoked potentials and evoked fields is that it provides ex-tremely accurate spatial information regarding the originof neural activity in the brain. A disadvantage is the poorresolution in the temporal domain; neural activity is of-ten integrated over the course of seconds, which is consid-ered extremely slow given that speech tokens are as briefas 30 ms. Although recent work using functional imag-ing has begun describing activity in subcortical regions, thework described here will only cover studies of the temporalcortex.




Periodicity refers to regular temporal fluctuations in thespeech signal between 50 and 500 Hz (Rosen, 1992). Impor-tant aspects of the speech signal that contain periodic acous-tic information include the fundamental frequency and low-frequency components of the formant structure (note thatencoding of the formant structure of speech is covered in alater section). The acoustic information provided by period-icity conveys both phonetic information as well as prosodiccues, such as intonation and stress, in the speech signal. Asstated in Rosen’s paper, this category of temporal informa-tion represents both the periodic features in speech and thedistinction between the periodic and aperiodic portions ofthe signal, which fluctuate at much faster rates.

This section will review studies describing the neuralrepresentation of relatively stationary periodic componentsin the speech signal, most notably the fundamental fre-quency. An understanding of the mechanism for encodinga simple periodic feature of the speech signal, the F0, willfacilitate descriptions of complex periodic features of thespeech signal, such as the formant structure and frequencymodulations.


Auditory BrainstemThe short-latency frequency-following response (FFR) is anelectrophysiologic measure of phase-locked neural activityoriginating from brainstem nuclei that represents responsesto periodic acoustic stimuli up to approximately 1,000 Hz(Smith et al., 1975; Stillman et al., 1978; Gardi et al., 1979;Galbraith et al., 2000). Based on the frequency range thatcan be measured with the FFR, a representation of the fun-damental frequency can be measured using this methodol-ogy (Cunningham et al., 2001; King et al., 2002; Krishnanet al., 2004; 2005; Russo et al., 2004; 2005; Wible et al., 2004;Johnson et al., 2005), as well as the F1 in some instances(encoding of F1 is discussed in detail in the FormantStructure section).

A number of studies have shown that F0 is representedwithin the steady-state portion of the brainstem response(i.e., FFR) according to a series of negative peaks that aretemporally spaced in correspondence to the wavelength ofthe fundamental frequency. An example of F0 representa-tion in the FFR can be seen in Figure 26.2, which shows the Fig. 2

waveform of the speech stimulus /da/ (top), an experimen-tal stimulus that has been studied in great detail, as well asthe brainstem response to this speech sound (bottom). Acursory inspection of this figure shows that the primary pe-riodic features of the speech waveform provided by the F0

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please add the following references here: Musacchia G, Sams M, Skoe E, Kraus N. (2007) Musicians have enhanced subcortical auditory and audiovisual processing of speech and music. Proc Nat Acad Sci 104(40):15894-15898 Wong PCM, Skoe E, Russo NM, Dees T, Kraus N. (2007) Musical experience shapes human brainstem encoding of linguistic pitch patterns. Nature Neurosci 10:420-422. Song JH, Skoe E, Wong PCM, Kraus N. (in press) Plasticity in the adult human auditory brainstem following short-term linguistic training. J Cogn Neurosci DOI: 10.1162/jocn.2008.20131 Russo NM, Bradlow AR, Skoe E, Trommer BL, Nicol T, Zecker S, Kraus N (2008) Deficient Brainstem Encoding of Pitch in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Clinical Neurophys 119(8)1720-1731.
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Please change the first sentence in the paragraph to: "Periodicity, as defined by Rosen, refers to temporal fluctuations in the speech signal between 50 and 500 Hz (Rosen, 1992).
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FIGURE 26.2 Acousticwaveform of thesynthesized speechstimulus /da/ (above) andgrand average auditorybrainstem responses to/da/ (below). The stimulushas been moved forwardin time to the latency ofonset responses (peak V)to enable directcomparisons withbrainstem responses.Peaks V and A reflect theonset of the speech sound,and peak O reflectsstimulus offset. Peaks D, E,and F represent aphase-lockedrepresentation to thefundamental frequency ofthe speech stimulus, andthe peaks between D, E,and F occur at the F1frequency.

are clearly represented in peaks D, E, and F of the FFR brain-stem response. Importantly, it has been shown that the FFRis highly sensitive to F0 frequency; this aspect of the brain-stem response accurately “tracks” modulations in frequency(Krishnan et al., 2004), a topic that is discussed in depth inthe Frequency Transitions section of this chapter.

A hypothesis regarding the brainstem’s encoding of dif-ferent aspects of the speech signal has been proposed in arecent paper (Kraus and Nicol, 2005). Specifically, it is pro-posed that the source (referring to vocal fold vibration) andfilter aspects (vocal musculature in the production of speech)of a speech signal show dissociation in their acoustic repre-sentation in the auditory brainstem. The source portion ofthe brainstem’s response to speech is the representation of theF0, while the filter refers to all other features, including speechonset, offset, and the representation of formant frequencies.For example, it has been demonstrated that brainstem re-sponses are correlated within source and filter classes but arenot correlated between classes (Russo et al., 2004). More-over, in a study of children with language-learning disabili-ties whose behavioral deficits may be attributable to centralauditory processing disorders, it has been shown that sourcerepresentation in the auditory brainstem is normal, whilefilter class representation is impaired (Cunningham et al.,2001; King et al., 2002; Hayes et al., 2003; Wible et al.,2004; 2005). These data suggest that the acoustic represen-tations of source and filter aspects of a given speech signalare differentially processed and provide evidence for neural

specialization at the level of the brainstem. Additionally, itis proposed that this scheme may constitute brainstem ori-gins for cortical “what,” “where” pathways (Kraus and Nicol,2005).

CortexIt has been shown that neurons in the auditory cortex re-spond robustly with time-locked responses to slow rates ofstimulation (< ∼25 Hz) and generally do not phase-lock tofrequencies greater than approximately 100 Hz (Creutzfeldtet al., 1980; Eggermont, 1991; Steinschneider et al., 1998; Luet al., 2001). Therefore, cortical phase-locking to the funda-mental frequency of speech, which is greater than 100 Hz, ispoor, and it is generally thought that the brainstem’s phase-locked (i.e., linear) representation of F0 is transformed at thelevel of cortex to a more abstract representation. For example,it has been shown that cortical neurons produce sustained,nonsynchronized discharges throughout a high-frequency(>50 Hz) stimulus (Lu et al., 2001), resulting in a more ab-stract representation of the stimulus frequency compared totime-locked neural activation.

An important aspect of F0 perception is that listenersnative to a particular language are able to perceive a givenspeech sound as invariant regardless of the speaker’s F0,which varies considerably among men (F0 = ∼100 Hz),women (F0 = ∼200 Hz), and children (F0 = up to 400 Hz).For example, the speech sound “dog” is categorized by a lis-tener to mean the exact same thing regardless of whether

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Please change this parenthetical statement to "(i.e., temporal)"
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Please add the following sentence: "An interesting note is that a recent study showed that source cues (f0) are abnormally represented in many children with autism spectrum disorder, which has important implications for some of their behavioral deficits (Russo et al., 2008)." Here is the complete reference for Russo et al., 2008: Russo NM, Bradlow AR, Skoe E, Trommer BL, Nicol T, Zecker S, Kraus N (2008) Deficient Brainstem Encoding of Pitch in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Clinical Neurophys 119(8)1720-1731.
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an adult or a child produces the vocalization, even thoughthere is a considerable difference in the acoustic propertiesof the adult’s and child’s vocalization with respect to thefundamental frequency. To address how auditory corticalresponses reflect relatively large variations in F0 betweenspeakers, N100m cortical responses were measured withMEG for a set of Finnish vowel and vowel-like stimuli thatvaried in F0, while keeping all other formant information(F1-F4) constant (Makela et al., 2002). Results indicated thatN100m responses were extremely similar in spatial activationpattern and amplitude for all vowel and vowel-like stimuli,irrespective of the F0. This is a particularly intriguing find-ing given that N100m responses differed when 100-, 200-,and 400-Hz puretone stimuli were presented to the samesubjects in a control condition. The similarity of the speech-evoked brain responses, which were independent of the F0frequency, suggests that variances in F0 may be filtered outof the neural representation by the time it reaches the cor-tex. The authors suggest that the insensitivity of cortical re-sponses to variations in the F0 may facilitate the semanticcategorization of the speech sound. In other words, since theF0 does not provide essential acoustic information relevantto the semantic meaning of the speech sound, it may be thecase that the cortex does not respond to this aspect of thestimulus in favor of other acoustic features that are essentialfor decoding word meaning.

In summary, periodicity of the fundamental frequencyis robustly represented in the FFR of the ABR. Moreover, therepresentation of the fundamental frequency is normal inlearning-disabled children despite the abnormal represen-tations of speech-sound onset and first formant frequency.This disparity in the learning-disabled auditory system pro-vides evidence that different features of speech sounds maybe served by different neural mechanisms and/or popula-tions. In the cortex, MEG results show that cortical responsesare relatively insensitive to changes in the fundamental fre-quency of speech sounds, suggesting that the differences be-tween F0s between speakers are filtered out by the time theyreach the level of auditory cortex.

Formant Structure


Formant structure describes a series of discrete peaks in thefrequency spectrum of speech that are the result of an in-teraction between the frequency of vibration of the vocalfolds and the resonances within a speaker’s vocal tract (seeintroduction of this chapter for a more complete acoustic de-scription of the formant structure). The formant structureis a dominant acoustic feature of sonorants, a class of speechsounds that includes vowels, approximants, and nasals. Theformant structure has a special role in the perception of vow-els in that formant frequencies, particularly the relationshipbetween F1 and F2 (Peterson and Barney, 1952), are the pri-mary phonetic determinants of vowels. For example, the es-sential acoustic difference between /u/ and /i/ is a positive

shift in F2 frequency (Peterson and Barney, 1952). Due tothe special role of formants for vowel perception, much ofthe research regarding the formant structure of speech usesvowel stimuli.


Auditory BrainstemThe question of how the human auditory brainstem repre-sents important components of the formant structure wasaddressed in a study by Krishnan (2002). In this study, brain-stem (FFR) responses to three steady-state vowels were mea-sured, and the spectral content of the responses were com-pared to that of the vowel stimuli. All three of the stimulihad approximately the same fundamental frequency; how-ever, the first two formant frequencies were different in eachof the vowel stimuli. Results indicate that at higher stimulusintensities, the brainstem FFR accurately represents F1 andF2; however, the representation of F1 has an increased rep-resentation relative to F2. The author indicates the similaritybetween this finding and a similar result in a classic study ofvowel representation in the auditory nerve of anesthetizedcats (Sachs and Young, 1979) in which the predominanceof the representation to F1 was also demonstrated. Thesedata provide evidence that phase-locking serves as a mecha-nism for encoding critical components of the formant struc-ture not only in the auditory nerve, but also in the auditorybrainstem.

Auditory CortexA number of studies have described the representation offormant structure in the human cortex as a means of in-vestigating whether a cortical map of phonemes, termed the“phonemotopic” map, exists in the human brain. Specifi-cally, researchers want to know if the phonemotopic map isindependent of the tonotopic map or, alternatively, whetherphonemes are more simply represented according to theirfrequency content along the tonotopic gradient in auditorycortex. To this end, investigators have measured cortical re-sponses to vowel stimuli, a class of speech sounds that differacoustically from one another according to the distributionof F1-F2 formant frequencies. Vowel stimuli also offer theadvantage of exhibiting no temporal structure beyond theperiodicity of the formants.

The method that has been used to investigate the re-lationship between the tonotopic map in human auditorycortex and the representation of formant structure has beento compare cortical source locations for tones and specificspeech sounds with similar frequency components. For ex-ample, in one study (Diesch and Luce, 1997), N100m sourcelocation was measured in response to separately presented600-Hz and 2,100-Hz puretones, as well as a two-tone com-posite signal comprising the component puretones (i.e.,simultaneous presentation of the 600-Hz and 2,100-Hz pure-tones). These responses were compared to isolated formants,

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Please change this last sentence to the following: "In the cortex, MEG results suggest that the spatial organization of cortical responses are relatively insensitive to changes in the fundamental frequency of speech, however it remains a possibility that F0 is coded in cortex in another manner.
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Please delete the sentence beginning with: "In other words...", and please add the following sentences in its place: An alternative interpretation of this finding is that the representation of F0 has been transformed at he level of cortex in a manner that was not reflected in these particular spatial activation measures. For example, it is plausible that the F0 is transformed to a rate-based code at the level of cortex as opposed to a place code. If this were the case, then the F0 would not be expected to be reflected in the spatial maps described in this study.
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defined as the first and second formant frequencies of a vowelstimulus, complete with their harmonic structure, separatedfrom the rest of the frequency components of the stimulus(i.e., F0, higher formant frequencies). These isolated for-mants had the same frequency as the tonal stimuli (i.e., 600Hz and 2,100 Hz). Finally, a two-formant composite sig-nal, which constituted a vowel, was also presented. Resultsindicated that the N100m source in response to the vowelstimulus was different in location from that predicted byboth the puretone responses and by the superposition ofresponses to the component single-formant stimuli. Thesedata indicate that formant structure is spatially representedin human cortex differently than the linear sum of responsesto the component formant stimuli and suggest that formantstructure is represented orthogonal to the tonotopic map.The authors of this work hypothesize that the different spa-tial representation of the vowel stimuli reflects the additionalacoustic components of the vowel stimuli, including the har-monic and formant structures. The authors of this work re-frain from stating a potentially more intriguing conclusion;that is, does the spatial representation of the vowel stimuliin some way reflect the behavioral experience of the sub-jects with these speech sounds? For example, it is possiblethat a larger, or different, population of cortical neuronsis recruited for sounds that are familiar or have significantecologic importance relative to the population recruited forpuretones or single formant frequencies and that the sourcelocation for the vowels reflects this phenomenon.

Additional studies have attempted to better describe theacoustic representation of vowels in the human brain. In onestudy, Obleser et al. (2003) addressed the neurophysiologyunderlying a classic study of speech acoustics in which it wasshown that the distinction of vowels is largely carried by thefrequency relationship of F1 and F2 (Peterson and Barney,1952). To this end, cortical source locations were measuredin response to German vowels that differ naturally in theirF1-F2 relationships. Results indicated that the location ofthe N100m source reflects the frequency relationship of theF1-F2 formant components. This finding was replicated ina second study using 450 natural speech exemplars of threeRussian vowels; again, the spectral distance between F1 andF2 was reflected in the dipole location of N100m responses(Shestakova et al., 2004). In both studies, the authors sug-gested that cortical sensitivity to F1-F2 differences can beexplained by inhibitory response patterns in the auditorycortex; the closer the F1 frequency is to F2, the greater thereciprocal neural inhibition, which, in turn, influences thelocation of the dipole source as measured by MEG (Obleseret al., 2003).

While these studies provide evidence that the cortex rep-resents the formant structure of vowels in a manner that is(1) unrelated to the tonotopic map and (2) organized ac-cording to the perceptually essential formant frequencies,these findings require a number of caveats. First, the sourcelocations described in these studies represent the center ofgravity, as a single point in three-dimensional space in the

cortex, of the neural contributors to a given N100m response(Naatanen and Picton, 1987). Because it is known that theN100 response has as many as six separate cortical generators,the N100m sources for even a simple cortical map (i.e., thetonotopic map), let alone a complex map such as the putativephonemotopic map, represent at least a partial abstraction ofthe underlying anatomy and should not be viewed as an ex-act representation of well-described auditory maps in animalmodels (Schreiner, 1998). This is particularly relevant giventhat the clear tonotopic gradient in the auditory cortex is nolonger apparent when puretone stimuli are presented above50 dB sound pressure level (SPL) (Schreiner, 1998), such asthe levels used in the MEG experiments described in thissection. In addition, it has not yet been definitively shownthat the neural representations of phonemes described inthese studies truly constitute a “phonemotopic” map. Thepresence of a phonemotopic map suggests behavioral rele-vance of phoneme stimuli beyond their acoustic attributes.None of the studies described here have tested whether corti-cal responses to the F1-F2 components for nonnative vowelsounds show similar sensitivity as native phonemes. Despitethese limitations, these studies provide consistent evidencethat a perceptually critical aspect of the formant structureof vowels, the F1-F2 relationship, is represented in a spatialmap in the auditory cortex as early as approximately 100 msafter stimulus onset.

Another line of evidence has used functional imaging toshow the particular regions of the temporal cortex that aresensitive to the formant structure of speech sounds relativeto other natural and vocally generated (e.g., laughs, coughs)sounds (Belin et al., 2000). Cortical responses to natural vocalstimuli were compared to vocal stimuli in which the formantstructure of speech was replaced by white noise and scram-bled vocal sounds. All stimuli were matched for overall RMSenergy. In both of these experimental conditions, the altered AUTHOR:

Please defineRMS.

spectral information was modulated by the original ampli-tude envelope of the speech signal. Results from this exper-iment indicated that all stimuli activated regions along thesuperior temporal sulcus (STS), a cortical region consistingof unimodal auditory and multimodal areas that is hypoth-esized to be a critical speech processing center subsequent tomore rudimentary acoustic processing in the superior tem-poral gyrus. However, responses to the natural vocal stimuliwere significantly larger and more widespread throughoutthe STS, particularly in the right hemisphere, than for thespectrally manipulated vocal stimuli. These data indicate thatthe formant structure of speech deeply affects activity pat-terns in the STS, a speech-selective region of temporal cortex,even when the temporal components of the signals are heldconstant. Moreover, these data suggest a right hemispherebias for processing the formant structure, which supports themore general hypothesis that the right hemisphere is dom-inant for resolving spectral components in acoustic signals(Zatorre and Belin, 2001; Zatorre et al., 2002).

An interesting consideration is how cortical asymme-tries in response to the acoustic features of speech relate to

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well-established cerebral asymmetries for higher order lan-guage processing, such as phonemic and semantic processing(Geschwind and Galaburda, 1985; Binder et al., 1997; Hickokand Poeppel, 2004), which are strongly lateralized to the lefthemisphere. While a direct link between these forms of asym-metry has not been established, a plausible scenario is thatthe acoustic-level asymmetries precede and serve as the in-put to phonemic and semantic processing in left hemispherelanguage regions. If this is the case, it remains to be seenwhat physiologic advantage a right hemisphere preferencefor formant structure processing (Belin et al., 2000) mightoffer given that phonemic and semantic processing of speechstimuli takes place in the opposite hemisphere, therebyrequiring transmission through the corpus callosum. Futurestudies investigating acoustic-level asymmetries and theirinterface with higher order language asymmetries wouldprovide essential information regarding the functionalneuroanatomy of speech perception.

In summary, the brainstem encodes lower formant fre-quencies, which are critical to vowel perception, with phase-locked responses. Converging evidence indicates that the cor-tex encodes a perceptually essential aspect of the formantstructure of speech. Specifically, the F1-F2 relationship isspatially mapped in the cortex at approximately 100 ms af-ter stimulus onset as measured by N100m source location.In addition, functional imaging data provide evidence thatthe STS, a nonprimary region of temporal cortex, is moreresponsive to speech stimuli that contain formant structurethan speech in which the formant structure has been replacedwith other sounds. Together, these results suggest that bothprimary and nonprimary regions of temporal cortex are sen-sitive to aspects of the formant structure that are essential fornormal perception.

Frequency Transitions


Frequency transitions of the fundamental and formant fre-quencies permeate ongoing speech. In English, modulationof the fundamental frequency typically does not provide seg-mental cues; rather, it provides suprasegmental cues such asthe intent (e.g., question or statement) and emotional stateof the speaker. In other languages, such as Mandarin andThai, modulations to the fundamental frequency providephonetic cues. Formant transitions, on the other hand, arecritical to speech perception of English in that they serveas a cue for consonant identification and signal the pres-ence of diphthongs and glides (Lehiste and Peterson, 1961).Moreover, formant transitions also have been shown to playa role in vowel identification (Nearey and Assmann, 1986).The movements of formant frequencies can be distilled tothree basic forms that occur during an ongoing sequence ofphonemes (taken from Lehiste and Peterson [1961]): (1) themovement of a formant from the initiation of the consonantuntil the beginning of the vowel in a consonant-vowel combi-

nation, (2) the movement of a formant from one vowel to an-other vowel (i.e., in a diphthong), and (3) formant movementfrom a vowel until vowel termination for a vowel-consonantcombination. The frequency modulations that occur dur-ing formant transitions can occur at relatively fast rates(∼40 ms) while spanning large frequency ranges (>2,000 Hzin F2 transitions).


Auditory BrainstemThe short-latency FFR is able to “track,” or follow, frequencychanges in speech. This phenomenon was demonstrated ina study of FFR tracking of the fundamental frequency (F0)in Mandarin speech sounds (Krishnan et al., 2004). In thisstudy, FFR to four different tonal permutations of the Man-darin word “yi” were measured in a group of native Mandarinspeakers. Specifically, synthetic stimuli consisted of “yi” pro-nounced with (1) a flat F0 contour, (2) a rising F0 contour,(3) a falling F0 contour, and (4) a concave F0 contour that felland then rose in frequency. In Mandarin, which is a “tonal”language, these four stimuli are different words; the F0 con-tour provides the only acoustic cue to differentiate them.Results indicated that the FFR represented the fundamentalfrequency modulations for all of the stimulus conditions, ir-respective of the form of the frequency contour. These dataindicate that the FFR represents phase-locked activity in thebrainstem for rapidly changing frequency components inspeech, an essential acoustic cue for consonant identification.

A similar methodology was used in another study byKrishnan et al. (2005) to investigate the role of language ex-perience on auditory brainstem encoding of pitch. FFRs tothe “yi” stimuli described earlier were measured in nativeMandarin speakers as well as native speakers of AmericanEnglish, to whom the stimuli bear no linguistic value. Re-sults from this study indicate greater FFR pitch strength andpitch tracking in the Chinese subjects compared to the na-tive English speakers across all four of the Mandarin tones.The FFR of the Chinese subjects also indicated increasedharmonic representation of the fundamental frequency (i.e.,larger neural representation of the harmonic content of theF0) compared to the English speakers. These data indicatethat responses from the auditory brainstem reflect the be-havioral experience of a listener by enhancing the neuralrepresentation of linguistically relevant acoustic features.

A hypothesis proposed by Ahissar and Hochstein (2004)may explain how experience engenders plasticity at low lev-els of sensory systems. Their “reverse hierarchy” theory pro-poses that when a naı̈ve subject attempts to perform a per-ceptual task, the performance on that task is governed by the“top” of a sensory hierarchy. As this “top” level of the systemmasters performance on the task, over time, lower levels ofthe system are modified and refined to provide more pre-cise encoding of sensory information. This can be thoughtof as an efferent pathway–mediated tuning of afferent sen-sory input. While the reverse hierarchy theory does not

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please remove the word "typically"
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Hickok and Poeppel, 2007 (Nature reviews Neuroscience- are less emphatic about asymmetries especially for phonemic processing.
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Please add the words "and most languages in the world" after the word "English"
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please add the words "and harmonics" after the word "modulations"
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Please add the following sentence to the end of this paragraph.: A recent study showed that it is also possible to distinguish different formant transitions present in stop consonants through brainstem timing (Johnson et al., in press). Here is the complete reference for the paper cited above: Johnson, K.L., Nicol, T.G., Zecker, S.G., Bradlow, A, Skoe, E., Kraus, N. (in press). Brainstem encoding of voiced consonant-vowel stop syllables.Clinical Neurophysiology
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explicitly discuss plasticity of the brainstem, this theory couldaccount for the findings of Krishnan. Specifically, due to theimportance of extracting lexical information present in pitchcontours, native Mandarin speakers are “expert” at encodingthis acoustic feature, which is accomplished, at least in part,by extreme precision and robustness of sensory encodingin low levels of the auditory system such as the brainstem.Native English speakers, who are not required to extract lex-ical meaning from pitch contours, are relative novices at thisform of pitch tracking, and consequently, their brainstemshave not acquired this level of modification.

An interesting question that was not addressed in thisstudy but was proposed as a discussion item is whether na-tive Mandarin speakers are better than English speakers atpitch tracking the F0 exclusively for familiar speech soundsor whether Mandarin speakers’ superior performance wouldextend to all periodic acoustic signals, including nonnativespeech sounds. This question would address whether a life-time of experience using F0 to extract linguistic meaninggenerally improves the auditory system’s ability to track alltypes of pitches or, alternatively, whether this phenomenon isexclusive to pitches present in familiar speech sounds. Datafrom our lab suggest that another form of long-term au-ditory experience, musicianship, contributes to enhancedneural encoding of speech sounds in the auditory brainstemrelative to nonmusicians (Wong et al., 2004). This findingprovides evidence that expertise associated with one type ofacoustic signal (i.e., music) provides a general augmentationof the auditory system that is manifested in brain responsesto another type of acoustic signal (i.e., speech) and indicatesthat auditory experience can modify basic sensory encoding.

Auditory CortexSimilar to Krishnan’s work involving the brainstem, multiplestudies have investigated cortical processing of F0 pitch con-tours and its relationship to language experience (Gandouret al., 1998; Klein et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2001). The mostconvincing of these studies is that by Wong et al. (2004).In this study, native Mandarin and native English speakersunderwent PET scanning during passive listening and whileperforming a pitch discrimination task. Stimuli consistedof (1) Mandarin speech sounds that contained modulationsof the fundamental frequency signaling lexical meaning and(2) English speech sounds that also contained modulations tothe fundamental frequency; however, F0 modulations neverprovide lexical information in English. Imaging results indi-cated that native Mandarin speakers showed significant acti-vation of the left anterior insular cortex, adjacent to Broca’sarea, only when discriminating Mandarin speech sounds(but not when engaged in passive listening); the homolo-gous right anterior insula was activated when this group dis-criminated English speech sounds, as well as when nativeEnglish speakers discriminated both Mandarin and Englishspeech sounds. These data suggest that the left anterior in-sula is involved in auditory processing of modulations to thefundamental frequency only when those modulations are

associated with lexical processing. Moreover, these data sug-gest that the neural processing of acoustic signals is contextdependent and is not solely based on the acoustic attributesof the stimuli.

In addition to studies of the neural representation of F0modulations, a number of studies have also addressed thecortical representation of formant frequency modulation inhumans. It is known that neurons in the auditory cortexdo not phase-lock to frequencies greater than approximately100 Hz (Creutzfeldt et al., 1980; Eggermont, 1991; Stein-schneider et al., 1998; Lu et al., 2001), whereas the formantstructure of speech consists of frequencies almost exclusivelyabove 100 Hz. Consequently, the cortical representation offrequency modulation as measured by evoked potentials isabstract (i.e., not represented with time-locked responses)relative to that described for the auditory brainstem. One cor-tical mechanism that has received considerable attention forthe processing of rapid formant modulations is that of asym-metric processing in the left hemisphere auditory cortex. Amore general hypothesis proposes that the left hemisphereauditory cortex is specialized for all forms of rapid acousticstimuli and serves as an early acoustic analysis stage at thelevel of the cortex. A significant piece of evidence in supportof this hypothesis was provided in a study of cortical activa-tion patterns for rapid and slow formant frequency modu-lations (Belin et al., 1998). In this study, nonspeech soundscontaining temporal and spectral characteristics similar tospeech sounds were presented to listeners as they were PETscanned. Nonspeech sounds were used so that any corticalasymmetry could not be associated with well-known asym-metries for language processing. Results indicated that theleft superior temporal gyrus (STG), including primary au-ditory cortex, showed greater activation than the right STGfor rapid (40 ms) formant frequency transitions but not forslow (200 ms) transitions. In addition, a left hemisphere re-gion of prefrontal cortex was asymmetrically activated forthe rapid formant transition, which was corroborated in aseparate fMRI study that used nearly identical acoustic stim-uli (Temple et al., 2000). These data suggest that left hemi-sphere auditory regions preferentially process rapid formantmodulations present in ongoing speech.

In summary, results measured from the auditory brain-stem indicate that modulations in the fundamental fre-quency of speech are faithfully encoded in the FFR. Moreover,these particular brainstem responses appear to be shapedby linguistic experience, a remarkable finding that indi-cates that cognitive processes (e.g., language) influence ba-sic sensory processing. In the cortex, a mechanism for en-coding frequency modulation is the specialization of lefthemisphere auditory regions. Results indicate that rapid fre-quency changes in speech-like stimuli preferentially activatethe left hemisphere relative to slower frequency changes.In addition, the anterior insular cortex is activated for theprocessing of F0 modulations; the left hemisphere insula isspecifically activated when F0 modulations provide lexicalinformation to a native speaker, while the right hemisphere

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Please add the following sentence: "Finally, it was shown that left-hemisphere preference for rapid acoustic signals is correlated to the timing of responses measured in the auditory brainstem (Abrams et al., 2006)" Abrams DA, Nicol T, Zecker SG, Kraus N. Auditory brainstem timing predicts cerebral asymmetry for speech. J Neurosci. 2006 Oct 25;26(43):11131-7.
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please add the words "et al." after the name "Krishnan"
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Please add the following sentence: A recent study examined this particular question by measuring brainstem responses to speech-like stimuli characterized by linear F0 contours in native Mandarin and English speakers (Xu et al. 2006). Linear F0 contours are not characteristic of either English or Mandarin, however they resemble the curvilinear contours in Mandarin. Results of this study showed that native English and Mandarin speakers had similar brainstem responses to the linear contours. This suggests that language experience specifically tunes the auditory brainstem to the pitch contours that are inherent to an individual's native language, and this tuning does not generalize to non-native pitch contours. Here is the entire Xu (2006) reference: Xu Y, Krishnan A, Gandour JT. (2006) Specificity of experience-dependent pitch representation in the brainstem. Neuroreport. 17(15):1601-5.
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Please remove the sentence: "The most convincing of these studies is that by Wong et al. (2004)." Please begin the next sentence with "In one study,"
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Please add the following refs: Chandrasekaran B, Krishnan A, Gandour JT. (2008) Relative influence of musical and linguistic experience on early cortical processing of pitch contours.Brain Lang, [Epub ahead of print]. Chandrasekaran B, Krishnan A, Gandour JT. (2007) Mismatch negativity to pitch contours is influenced by language experience. Brain Res. 1128(1):148-56.
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Please add the following reference after Wong et al., 2004: Musacchia G, Sams M, Skoe E, Kraus N. (2007) Musicians have enhanced subcortical auditory and audiovisual processing of speech and music. Proc Nat Acad Sci 104(40):15894-15898
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insula is activated when F0 modulations do not providelexical information. These cortical findings would appearto be contradictory; the former indicates that asymmetricactivation by left hemisphere structures is based on physi-cal parameters of the speech signal, irrespective of linguisticcontent, while the latter suggests that linguistic context isessential for left asymmetric insular processing of F0 modu-lations. However, Wong et al. (2004) stated that these resultscan be reconciled if the insular activity shown in their studyoccurs after the “acoustically specialized” cortical activitydescribed by Belin et al. (1998) and Temple et al. (2000). Ifthis were true, it would indicate two independent levels ofcortical asymmetry: one based on the acoustic attributes ofthe signal and one based on the linguistic relevance to thelistener. This hypothesis needs to be tested in future studies.


Acoustic onsets are defined here as the spectral and tempo-ral features present at the beginning (the initial ∼40 ms) ofspeech sounds. While the acoustics of phonemes are onlyslightly altered based on their location in a word (i.e., be-ginning, middle, or end of a word), an emphasis has beenput on acoustic onsets in the neurophysiologic literature.Consequently, acoustic onsets are discussed here separately,despite some overlap with acoustic features (i.e., frequencytransitions) discussed previously.

Onset acoustics of speech sounds vary considerably inboth their spectral and temporal attributes. In some cases, thespectral features of the onset are essential for perception (e.g.,the onset frequency of F3 for discriminating /da/ vs. /ga/),whereas in other cases, temporal attributes of onsets are thecritical feature for perception. A frequently studied acous-tic phenomenon associated with the temporal attributes ofspeech-sound onset is that of voice onset time (VOT), whichis present in stop consonants. The VOT is defined as the dura-tion of time between the release of a stop consonant by speecharticulators and the beginning of vocal fold vibration. Theduration of the VOT is the acoustic cue that enables differ-entiation between consonants that are otherwise extremelysimilar (e.g., /da/ vs. /ta/, /ba/ vs. /pa/, /ga/ vs. /ka/).


Auditory BrainstemThe brainstem response to speech-sound onset has beenstudied extensively (Cunningham et al., 2001; King et al.,2002; Russo et al., 2004; 2005; Wible et al., 2004; 2005; Banaiet al., 2005; Johnson et al., 2005; Kraus and Nicol, 2005). Thefirst components of the speech-evoked ABR reflect the onsetof the brainstem response to the stimulus (Fig. 26.2). Speechonset is represented in the brainstem response at approxi-mately 7 ms in the form of two peaks, positive peak V andnegative peak A.

Findings from a number of studies have demonstratedthat the brainstem’s response to acoustic transients is closelylinked to auditory perception and to language-based cor-tical function such as literacy. These studies have investi-gated brainstem responses to speech in normal children andchildren with language-based learning disabilities (LD), apopulation that has consistently demonstrated perceptualdeficits in auditory tasks using both simple (Tallal and Piercy,1973; Reed, 1989; Hari and Kiesila, 1996; Wright et al., 1997;Hari et al., 1999; Nagarajan et al., 1999; Ahissar et al., 2001;Benasich and Tallal, 2002; Witton et al., 2002) and complex(Tallal and Piercy, 1975; Kraus et al., 1996; Bradlow et al.,1999; 2003; Ramus et al., 2003) acoustic stimuli. A generalhypothesis proposes a causal link between basic auditoryperceptual deficits in LDs and higher level language skills,such as reading and phonologic tasks (Tallal et al., 1993), al-though this relationship has been debated (Mody et al., 1997;Schulte-Korne et al., 1998; Bishop et al., 1999; Ramus et al.,2003). In support of a hypothesis linking basic auditory func-tion and language skills, studies of the auditory brainstemindicate a fundamental deficiency in the synchrony of audi-tory neurons in the brainstem for a significant proportion oflanguage-disabled subjects.

The brainstem’s response to acoustic transients in speechfeatures prominently in distinguishing LD from normal(control) subjects. A number of studies have provided com-pelling evidence that the representation of speech onset(Cunningham et al., 2000; King et al., 2002; Wible et al., 2004;2005; Banai et al., 2005) is abnormal in a significant propor-tion of LD subjects. For example, brainstem responses to thespeech syllable /da/ were measured for a group of 33 normaland 54 LD children; a “normal range” was established fromthe results of the normal subjects (King et al., 2002). Resultsindicated that 20 LD subjects (37%) showed abnormally lateresponses to onset peak A. Another study showed a signif-icant difference between normal and LD subjects based onanother measure of the brainstem’s representation of acous-tic transients (Wible et al., 2004). Specifically, it was shownthat the slope between onset peaks V and A to the /da/syllable was significantly smaller in LD subjects comparedto normal subjects. The authors of this study indicate thatthe diminished V/A slope demonstrated by LDs is a mea-sure of abnormal synchrony to the onset transients of thestimulus and could be the result of abnormal neural conduc-tion by brainstem generators. The suggestion of abnormalneural conduction is consistent with anatomic findings ofdeficient axonal myelination in the temporal cortex of LDsubjects (Klingberg et al., 2000). In another study (Banaiet al., 2005), LD subjects with abnormal brainstem timingfor acoustic transients were more likely to have a more se-vere form of LD, manifested in poorer scores on measuresof literacy, compared to LD subjects with normal brainstemresponses.

Taken together, these data suggest that the brainstemresponses to acoustic transients can not only differentiate asubpopulation of LD persons from normal subjects, but can

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Please add the following reference to this list: Johnson KL, Nicol T, Kraus N. (2008) Developmental plasticity in the human auditory brainstem J Neurosci 28(15):4000-4007.
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also differentiate the LD population in terms of the sever-ity of the disability. Findings from the brainstem measuresalso indicate a link between sensory encoding and cognitiveprocesses such as literacy. An important question is whetherthe link between sensory encoding and cognition is a causalone and, if so, whether brainstem deficits are responsiblefor cortical deficits (or vice versa). Alternatively, these twoabnormalities may be merely coincident. Nevertheless, theconsistent findings of brainstem abnormalities in a certainportion of the LD population have led to the incorpora-tion of this experimental paradigm into the clinical evalu-ation of LD and central auditory processing disorders. The“BioMAP” (Biological Marker of Auditory Processing, Bio-logic Systems Corp., Mundelein, IL) measures and analyzesthe brainstem response to speech and has been shown to be areliable measure for the objective evaluation of children withlearning and listening disorders.

Auditory CortexCortical encoding of spectral features of speech-sound onsetshas been reported in the literature, most recently in a paperby Obleser et al. (2006). In this paper, it was shown that aspectral contrast at speech onset, resulting from consonantplace of articulation (e.g., front-produced consonant /d/ or/t/ vs. back-produced consonant /g/ or /k/), is mapped alongthe anterior-posterior axis in the auditory cortex as mea-sured by N100m source location. This is significant becauseit indicates that phonemes differentially activate regions ofauditory cortex according to their spectral characteristics atspeech onset. It was also shown that the discrete mapping ofconsonants according to onset acoustics is effectively erasedwhen the speech stimuli are manipulated to become unintel-ligible despite keeping the spectral complexity of the stimulilargely the same. This stimulus manipulation was accom-plished by altering the spectral distribution of the stimuli.The authors argue that this latter finding indicates that thecortex is spatially mapping only those sounds that are intel-ligible to listeners. These data provide important evidencethat cortical spatial representations may serve as an impor-tant mechanism for the encoding of spectral characteristicsin speech-sound onsets. In addition to differences in spatialrepresentations for place of articulation contrast, cortical re-sponses also showed latency differences for these contrasts.Specifically, it was shown that front consonants, which havehigher frequency onsets, elicited earlier N100m responsesthan back consonants. This finding is consistent with near-field recordings measured from animal models indicatingearlier response latencies for speech onsets with higher fre-quency formants (McGee et al., 1996).

Cortical responses to temporal features of speech-soundonsets have also been reported in the literature, all of whichhave used VOT contrasts as stimuli. These studies were per-formed by measuring obligatory evoked potentials (N100 re-sponses) to continua of consonant-vowel speech sounds thatvaried gradually according to VOT (Sharma and Dorman,1999; 2000). Additionally, perception of these phonetic con-

trasts was also measured using the same continua as a meansof addressing whether cortical responses reflected categor-ical perception of the phonemes. Neurophysiologic resultsindicated that for both /ba/-/pa/ and /ga/-/ka/ phonetic con-trasts, one large negative peak was evident at approximately100 ms in the response waveform for stimulus VOTs <40 ms.Importantly, a second negative peak in the response wave-form emerged for stimulus VOTs of 40 ms, and this secondpeak occurred approximately 40 ms after the first peak andwas thought to represent the onset of voicing in the stim-ulus. Moreover, as the VOT of the stimulus increased induration, the lag between the second peak relative to thefirst increased proportionally, resulting in a strong correla-tion between VOT and the latency between the successivepeaks (r = ∼0.80). The onset of double peaks in corticalresponses with a VOT of 40 ms is consistent with neuro-physiologic responses measured directly from the auditorycortex of humans (Steinschneider et al., 1999). An importantconsideration is that the onset of the double peak occurredat 40 ms for both the /ba/-/pa/ and /ga/-/ka/ phonetic con-trasts. In contrast, behavioral results require different VOTsto distinguish the /ba/-/pa/ and /ga/-/ka/ phonetic contrasts.Specifically, a VOT of ∼40 ms was required for listeners tocorrectly identify /pa/ from /ba/, while a VOT of ∼60 ms wasrequired for correct identification of /ga/ from /ka/. Takentogether, these data indicate that the cortical responses re-flect the actual VOT at 40 ms irrespective of the categoricalperception of the phonetic contrasts, which in the case of the/ga/-/ka/ contrast requires 60 ms.

Brainstem-Cortex RelationshipsIn addition to linking precise brainstem timing of acoustictransients to linguistic function, it has also been shown thatabnormal encoding of acoustic transients in the brainstemis related to abnormal auditory responses measured at thelevel of cortex. In addition to their imprecise representationof sounds at the auditory brainstem, a significant propor-tion of LDs have also consistently demonstrated abnormalrepresentations of simple (Menell et al., 1999; Ahissar et al.,2000) and complex (Kraus et al., 1996; Bradlow et al., 1999;Ahissar et al., 2001; Wible et al., 2002; 2005; Banai et al.,2005) acoustic stimuli at the level of the auditory cortex.Three recent studies linked abnormal neural synchrony foracoustic transients at the auditory brainstem to abnormalrepresentations of sounds in the cortex. In one study (Wibleet al., 2005), it was shown that a brainstem measure of theencoding of acoustic transients, the duration of time be-tween onset peaks V and A, was positively correlated to theauditory cortex’s susceptibility to background noise in bothnormal and LD subjects. Specifically, the longer the dura-tion between onset peaks V and A, the more degraded cor-tical responses became in the presence of background noise.In another study, it was shown that individuals with abnor-mal brainstem timing to acoustic transients were more likelyto indicate reduced cortical sensitivity to acoustic change,as measured by the mismatch negativity (MMN) response

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(Banai et al., 2005). Finally, a third study showed that brain-stem timing for speech-sound onset and offset predicts thedegree of cortical asymmetry for speech sounds measuredacross a group of children with a wide range of reading skills(Abrams et al., 2006). Thus, results from these studies indi-cate that abnormal encoding of acoustic onsets at the brain-stem may be a critical marker for systemic auditory deficitsmanifested at multiple levels of the auditory system, includ-ing the cortex.

In summary, evidence from examining the ABR indi-cates that acoustic transients are encoded in a relatively sim-ple fashion in the brainstem, yet they represent a complexphenomenon that is related to linguistic ability and corticalfunction. In the cortex, results indicate that spectral contrastsof speech onsets are mapped along the anterior-posterior axisin the auditory cortex, while temporal attributes of speechonsets, as manifested by the VOT, are precisely encoded withdouble-peaked N100 responses.

The Speech Envelope


The speech envelope refers to the temporal fluctuations inthe speech signal between 2 and 50 Hz. The dominant fre-quency of the speech envelope is at ∼4 Hz, which reflectsthe average syllabic rate of speech (Steeneken and Houtgast,1980). Envelope frequencies in normal speech are generallybelow 8 Hz (Houtgast and Steeneken, 1985), and the per-ceptually essential frequencies of the speech envelope are be-tween 4 and 16 Hz (Drullman et al., 1994; van der Horst et al.,1999), although frequencies above 16 Hz contribute slightlyto speech recognition (Shannon et al., 1995). The speech en-velope provides phonetic and prosodic cues to the durationof speech segments, manner of articulation, the presence(or absence) of voicing, syllabication, and stress (van derHorst et al., 1999). The perceptual significance of the speechenvelope has been investigated using a number of method-ologies (Drullman et al., 1994; Shannon et al., 1995; Smithet al., 2002b), and taken together, these data indicate that thespeech envelope is both necessary and sufficient for normalspeech recognition.


Only a few studies have investigated how the human brainrepresents the slow temporal information of the speech enve-lope. It should be noted that the representation of the speechenvelope in humans has only been studied at the level ofthe cortex since measuring ABRs typically involves filteringout the neurophysiologic responses below ∼100 Hz (Hall,1992). Since speech envelope frequencies are between 2 and50 Hz, any linear representation of the speech envelope inbrainstem responses is removed with brainstem filtering.

In one MEG study, responses from the auditory cor-tex to natural and time-compressed (i.e., rapid) speech sen-

tences were measured while subjects listened for seman-tic incongruities in experimental sentences (Ahissar et al.,2001). Results indicate that the human cortex synchronizesits response to the contours of the speech envelope, a phe-nomenon known as “phase-locking,” and mimics the fre-quency content of the speech envelope, which the investi-gators called “frequency matching.” Moreover, it was shownthat these two neurophysiologic measures correlate with sub-jects’ ability to perceive the speech sentences; as speech sen-tences become more difficult to perceive due to increasedtime compression, the ability of the cortex to phase-lock andfrequency match is more impaired. These results are in con-cert with results from the animal literature, which show thatcortical neurons of the primary auditory cortex representthe temporal envelope of complex acoustic stimuli (i.e., ani-mal communication calls) by phase-locking to this temporalfeature of the stimulus (Wang et al., 1995; Gehr et al., 2000;Nagarajan et al., 2002).

A second line of inquiry into the cortical represen-tation of speech envelope cues was described previouslyin this chapter in the discussion of cortical responses toVOT (Sharma and Dorman, 1999; 2000; Sharma et al.,2000). Acoustically, VOT is a slow temporal cue in speech(40 to 60 ms; 17 to 25 Hz) that falls within the rangeof speech envelope frequencies. As discussed earlier, neu-rophysiologic results indicate that for both /ba/-/pa/ and/ga/-/ka/ phonetic contrasts, cortical N100 responses pre-cisely represent the acoustic attributes of VOT. In addition, itwas shown that neural responses are independent of the cate-gorical perception of these phonetic contrasts (see the Acous-tic Onsets section for a more detailed description of thisstudy).

On the surface, it may appear that the findings fromthese experiments contradict one another since corticalphase-locking to the speech envelope correlates with percep-tion in one study (Ahissar et al., 2001), while phase-lockingfails to correlate with perception in other studies (Sharmaand Dorman, 1999; 2000; Sharma et al., 2000). These data arenot, however, in contradiction to one another. In both cases,an a priori requirement for perception is phase-locking to thespeech envelope; there is no evidence for perception in theabsence of accurate phase-locking to the temporal envelopein either study. The primary difference between the studiesis that, despite phase-locking to the temporal envelope inthe /ka/ stimulus condition at a VOT of ∼40 ms, reliableperception of /ka/ occurs at approximately 60 ms. This sug-gests that accurate phase-locking is required for perception;however, perception cannot be predicted by phase-lockingalone. Presumably, in the case of the /ka/ VOT stimulus, thereis another processing stage that uses the phase-locked tem-poral information in conjunction with additional auditory-linguistic information (e.g., repeated exposure to /ka/ stimuliwith 60-ms VOT) as a means of forming phonetic categoryboundaries. The questions of if and how category bound-aries are established, irrespective of auditory phase-locking,require additional investigation.

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Please remove this final sentence ("These results are in concert...") and replace with the following sentence: " A recent study has added to this literature by showing that right-hemisphere auditory cortex is dominant for processing speech envelope cues (Abrams et al., 2008). This study supports the hypothesis that human auditory cortex is asymmetric in processing acoustic rate information, with left-hemisphere regions showing preference for rapid acoustic features in speech (i.e., formant transitions) while the right-hemisphere is asymmetric for slow temporal features (i.e., the speech envelope; Poeppel, 2003). Please add these refs: Abrams D, Nicol T, Zecker S, Kraus N. (2008) Right-hemisphere auditory cortex is dominant for coding syllable patterns in speech. J Neurosci 28(15):3958-3965. Poeppel D (2003) The analysis of speech in different temporal integration windows: cerebral lateralization as "asymmetric sampling in time." Speech Commun 41:245–255
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Chapter 26 ■ Auditory Pathway Representations of Speech Sounds in Humans 623

CONCLUSIONSpeech is a highly complex signal composed of a varietyof acoustic features, all of which are important for normalspeech perception. Normal perception of these acoustic fea-tures certainly relies on their neural encoding, which has beenthe subject of this review. An obvious conclusion from thesestudies is that the central auditory system is a remarkablemachine, able to simultaneously process the multiple acous-tic cues of ongoing speech in order to decode a linguisticmessage. Furthermore, how the human brain is innately anddynamically programmed to use any number of these acous-tic cues for the purpose of language, given the appropriatedegree and type of stimulus exposure, further underscoresthe magnificence of this system.

A limitation of this chapter is that it has adopted a largely“bottom-up” approach to the acoustic encoding of speechsounds; neural encoding of acoustic signals is generally dis-cussed as an afferent phenomenon with minimal consider-ation for the dynamic interactions provided by top-downconnections in the auditory system (Xiao and Suga, 2002;Perrot et al., 2006). A notable exception to this includes workby Krishnan et al. (2004), which was described in the sec-tion on frequency modulation, in which the role of languageexperience was shown to affect sensory encoding in the au-ditory brainstem. Another limitation to this chapter is that ithas also ignored the influence of other systems of the centralnervous system, such as cognitive and emotional effects onauditory processing of speech, which most certainly have arole in shaping auditory activity.

To garner a greater understanding of how the centralauditory system processes speech, it is important to con-

sider both subcortical and cortical auditory regions. Acrossthe acoustic features described in this review, the brainstemappears to represent acoustic events in a relatively linear fash-ion. The fundamental frequency and its modulation are rep-resented with highly synchronized activity as reflected bythe FFR; speech-sound onset is represented with highly pre-dictable neural activation patterns that vary within fractionsof milliseconds. Alternatively, the cortex appears to trans-form many of these acoustic cues, resulting in more complexrepresentations of acoustic features of speech. For example,many of the cortical findings described here are based onthe spatial representation of acoustic features (i.e., the re-lationship between F1-F2 required for vowel identification;the differentiation of speech transients; the encoding of peri-odicity). Because cortical neurons are not able to phase-lockto high-frequency events, it is tempting to propose that thecortex has found an alternative method for encoding thesefeatures based on the activity of spatially distributed neu-ral populations. The extent to which these acoustic featuresare truly represented via a spatial organization in cortex isa future challenge that will likely be achieved using high-resolution imaging technologies in concert with EEG andMEG technologies.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe would like to thank Karen Banai and Trent Nicol fortheir comments on a previous draft of this chapter. Thiswork is supported by the National Institutes of Health grantR01 DC01510-10 and National Organization for HearingResearch grant 340-B208.

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