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Chapter 9The Muscular System

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Skeletal Muscle Structure

Tendon – connect muscle to bone

Fascia – outermost covering; covers entire muscle & continuous w/tendon; separates muscle from adjacent muscles

Aponeuroses- connect muscle tomuscle

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Skeletal Muscle Structure

Coverings: Epimysium – covers entire muscle

(under fascia) Perimysium – covers

muscle bundle (fascicle) Endomysium –

covers each fiber (cell) Sarcolemma – cell


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Skeletal Muscle Structure – Cont.

Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) channels for transport Myofibrils – threads that compose muscle fibers;

contain protein filaments:1. actin – thin2. myosin – thick

Skeletal Muscle Structure

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Skeletal Muscle Structure

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Muscle Fiber (muscle cell)

Cisternae of SR – enlarged portions

Transverse tubules (T-tubules) – important in muscle contraction

Sarcoplasm – cytoplasm

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Breakdown of Skeletal Muscle

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Parts of a Sarcomere (functional unit of a muscle)

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Parts of a Sarcomere

•Z lines – end points• M line – middle• I band – on either side of Z line; actin filaments only• H zone – on either side of M line; myosin filaments only• A band – overlapping actin & myosin filaments

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Parts of a Sarcomere

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Neuromuscular Junction – junction b/t motor neuron & muscle

Motor neuron – carries impulse from brain or spinal cord to muscle

Motor end plate – end of muscle fiber; many nuclei & mitochon-dria located here

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Neuromuscular Junction

Neurotransmitters (ntm) chemicals that help carry impulses

Motor unit – 1 motorneuron & fibers thatit stimulates

Synaptic vesicles – store neurotransmitter; most common – acetylcholine (ACh)

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Electron Micrograph Neuromuscular Junction

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4 Proteins in Muscle Cells:

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Troponin & Tropomyosin

4 proteins are found in muscle cells: actin, myosin, troponin & tropomyosin

troponin – appear as globules; providea binding site for Ca+²

tropomyosin – appear as ribbons; cover the myosincross-bridgebinding sites in a relaxed muscle

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Sliding Filament Theory (How Muscles Contract)

• Muscle fiber stimulated by release of ACh from synaptic vesicles of neuron

• ACh causes impulse to travel to muscle cell membrane

• Transverse tubules (T-tubules) carry impulse deep into muscle fibers

• Sarcoplasmic reticulum releases Ca ions (Ca²+)

• Ca²+ bind to troponin, tropomyosin moves, exposing binding sites on actin filaments

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Cross Bridge Animation

• cross bridge animation

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Sliding Filament Theory (How Muscles Contract )

• Linkages form b/t actin & myosin

• Actin filaments move inward, shortening the sarcomere

• Muscle fiber relaxes when Ca²+ are transported back to S.R.

• The enzyme cholinesterase (or AChesterase) decomposes ACh

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Sliding Filament Theory

Relaxed muscle – binding sites on actin are covered by tropomyosin

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Sliding Filament Theory

Ca²+ binds to troponin Tropomyosin

slides out of the way Myosin binds to actin &

pulls inward Sarcomeres

shorten & muscle contracts

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Sliding Filament Animation

sliding filament animation

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Sliding Filament Theory

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Energy for Muscle Contraction

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) provides the energy for muscle contraction

When ATP is converted to ADP (adenosine diphosphate) by losing the last phosphate, energy is released.

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Energy for Muscle Contraction • Cells depend on cellular respiration of glucose to synthesize ATP

•An additional source is creatine phosphate

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Energy for Muscle Contraction

Creatine phosphate stores excess energy

Can be used to convert ADP back into ATP

Anaerobic respiration (in the absence of O2) provides few ATP’s, while aerobic resp. (in the presence of O2) provides many ATP’s

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Creatine Phosphate

High amts. of ATP - ATP is used to Low amts. of ATP – CP is used synthesize CP, which stores energy to resynthesize ATP.for later use.

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Importance of Myoglobin l.a. carried by blood to liver; liver can convert l.a. to glucose, but requires ATP (ATP being used for muscle contraction)

myoglobin – stores O2

in muscle cells; gives muscle its red color

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Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Respiration

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Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Respiration

Carried by blood to liver; liver can convert l.a. to glucose, but requires ATP (ATP being used for muscle contraction)

Imp. b/c blood supplyduring muscle contr. may decrease

As l.a. accumulates, O2 debt occurs

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•Strenuous exercise leads to O2 deficiency & lactic acid buildup

•ATP provides energy for muscle contraction

•Amt. of O2 needed to convert accumulated l.a. to glucose & restore ATP levels = O2 debt

•L.A. accumulation leads to muscle fatigue b/c pH of muscle cell is lowered & muscle cannot contract

Oxygen Debt

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•Muscle cramp – fatigued muscle has lack of ATP needed to move Ca+² back into S.R.; cross bridges not broken

•Rigor mortis – takes up to 72 hrs. to occur; sarcolemma becomes more permeable to Ca+² & ATP levels insufficient

Muscle Cramp

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•Pattern or graph of a muscle contraction•A single contraction is called a muscle twitch•3 parts:•Latent (lag) phase – brief pd. of delay b/t when the stimulus is applied & actual contraction occurs•Contraction•Relaxation – return to original state

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Patterns of Contraction a) Muscle Twitch –

single contraction b) Staircase Effect

many stimuli closelyspaced w/completerelaxation in b/t; each contraction generate incr. force

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Patterns of Contraction c) Summation – when

the 2nd stimulus occursduring the relaxationpd. of 1st contr.; the2nd contr. generatesmore force

d) Tetany – when twitches fuse into 1 sustained contr.

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Muscle Facts If a muscle is stimulated twice in quick

succession, it may not respond the 2nd time – called refractory period

Threshold – the minimum stimulus needed to cause a contraction

All-or-none – increasing the strength of the stimulation does NOT incr. the degree of contraction (a muscle contracts completely or not at all)

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More Facts Incr. stimulation from motor neurons

causes a greater # of motor units to contract & vice versa

Called recruitment of motor units Incr. the rate of stimulation also incr.

the degree of contraction Muscle tone – a sustained contraction

caused by nerve impulses from s.c. to a small # of muscle fibers in the back, neck, etc.; maintains posture

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Origin & Insertion

Origin – end of musclethat attaches to stationary bone

Insertion – end of musclethat attaches to movingbone

During contr., insertion is pulled toward origin

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Muscle Functions in Groups

Prime mover – responsible for most of the movement (ex.- biceps)

Synergist – aids the prime mover

Antagonist – resists the prime mover & causes

movement in the opposite direction (ex. - triceps)

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Structural Differences of 3 Types of Muscle

Skeletal Muscle

Smooth Muscle

Cardiac Muscle

Cells elongated w/multiple nuclei/cell

Cells spindle-shaped w/1 nucleus/cell

Cells branching w/1 nucleus/cell

T-tubules present

No T-tubules T-tubules lg.; releases lg.

amts. of Ca++; can contract longer (Ca channel blockers)




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Functional Differences of 3 Types of Muscle

Skeletal Muscle Smooth Muscle Cardiac MuscleNeeds nerve impulse

for contractionDisplays rhythmicity

& cells stimulates each other (as in


Displays rhythmicity & self-excitation

Ca+² binds to troponin

Ca+² binds to calmodulin

Ca+² binds to troponin

Not affected by hormones

Hormones may affect contraction

Hormones may affect rate of contr.

Contracts & relaxes rapidly

Slower to contract but can maintain

contraction longer

Contracts & relaxes at a certain rate

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Functional Differences - Continued

Skeletal Muscle

Smooth Muscle

Cardiac Muscle

Not affected by stretching

Stretching of fibers may

stimulate contr.(ex.-stomach)

Remains in a refractory pd.

until contraction ends (tetany won’t occur)

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Fast Twitch vs. Slow Twitch Muscle

Fast Twitch Slow Twitch

Contracts quickly, tires easily (sprinter)

Contracts slowly, tires slowly (long


Fewer mitochondria More mitochondria

Less myoglobin More myoglobin

White muscle Red muscle

Composes smaller muscles (eyes,

hands, etc.)

Composes lg. muscles (legs, back,


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Levers• Parts of a lever:

wt., force, pivot3 types of levers:

• 1st class – W-P-F(seesaw/scissors)

• 2nd class – P-W-F(wheelbarrow)

• 3rd class – W-F-P(forceps)

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Bones & Muscles as Levers

• Forearm bends – 3rd class lever (biceps attaches at a pt. on the radius below the elbow joint)

• Forearm straightens - 1st class lever ((triceps attaches at a pt. on the ulna above the elbow joint)

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Bones & Muscles as Levers

Standing on tip-toe – 2nd class lever(P-W-F)