Download - Chapter 8 Systems in Organizations. What organisms require… Energy Water Living space Other materials.

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  • Chapter 8 Systems in Organizations
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  • What organisms require Energy Water Living space Other materials
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  • Characteristics of life Grows and develop Respond to the environment Reproduce Organization
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  • Multicellular organisms Plants and animals All have organ systems
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  • Tissues All the cells that are the same belong in a group of tissues A tissue is a group of cells working together to perform a particular function Provide protection Nerve tissues carry signals Muscle tissues provide movement
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  • Organs 2 or more types of tissues working together to carry out a function Brain Lungs Heart
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  • Organ Systems Group of organs working together to perform a function Circulatory system-the heart pumps blood through blood vessels. The blood transports nutrients to the rest of the body and carries wastes
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  • Digestive System Mouth- esophagus- stomach- small intestine and large intestine Pancreas, liver and gall bladder release chemicals necessary for digestion A failure in acids (enzymes, amino acids) in the stomachs may back up causing pain in the esophagus
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  • Organs and organ systems adjust to the environment Through a Stimulus
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  • STIMULUS A response Example: when you hear a loud noise you jump
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  • Plant Stimuli Many plants move their leaves during the day in response to changes in light These leaf movements are caused by changes in the cells of the joints where the lead meets the stem (This happens because of hormones or chemical messenger auxin)
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  • Plant stimulus Venus Fly Trap uses the stimulus of touch. It eats flies to get nutrients
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  • Animals respond to stimuli They change colors and patterns of their skin Chameleons-respond to mood temperature and light because of specialized cells in the skin
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  • Animals respond to Stimuli Winter cold reduces food so animals Hibernate. They slow down and use less energy. Raccoons, skunks chipmunks and hedgehogs all hibernate. Bears hibernate. Their heart beats drops from 40-50 beats to 8 beats. They may hibernate for 100 days.
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  • Cells- tissues- organs and organ systems make up an organ system
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  • Plants
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  • Grass, wildflowers, vegetables, bushes, vines, trees, water lilies and cacti
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  • Plant Tissues 3 types Dermal tissue Vascular tissue Ground tissue
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  • Dermal Tissue For protection and exchange Protects underlying tissue from injury or drying out. Waxy coating protects the plant from giving off too much water Stomata are openings in the dermal tissue that control the plants exchange of water, vapor, oxygen and carbon dioxide with the atmosphere
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  • Vascular Tissue For support and transport Xylem and phloem Xylem transports water and dissolved nutrients from roots up to the stem and the leaves Phloem carries energy rich sugars and carbohydrates down a stem and to the roots Xylem is long and hollow pipes Phloem contains specialized cells to help transport sugars form the leaves when they are produced to the rest of the plant
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  • Ground Tissue For Photosynthesis storage and support Ground tissue makes up most of the plant 3 main functions Cells in ground tissues contains most of the chloroplasts in the plant. Therefore most of the photosynthesis takes place in the ground tissue Some ground tissue cells are specialized for storing sugars and starches. The tissue is found in the stems, roots, fruits and seeds Another type of ground cell provides support to the plant
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  • Plant Organs Roots Stems leaves
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  • Plant Organ Systems Root System Anchors a plant and allows the exchange of materials with a soil Stores excess sugars from photosynthesis in starch Beets, Turnips, and carrots are all explains of root storage systems
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  • Plant Organ System Shoot System Stems and leaves Stems provide support for plants above ground Leaves are the organs for photosynthesis
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  • Dont Kill the trees Trees can be hurt by natural and human causes A wound can become and entry place for viruses, fungi and insects House plants can out grow their place and their roots can become crowded, so they will not absorb enough water and nutrients
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  • Plants have to adapt Modified Stems Modified Roots Modified Leaves Tendril
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  • Animals
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  • Animals are multicellular organisms Specialized cells are organs into tissues organs and systems
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  • Animal Tissue 4 Types of Tissues Epithelial Nerve Muscle Connective Sponges have specialized cells but no tissues Jellyfish have tissues but no organs
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  • Epithelial Tissue Covers the outside of animals skin Provides Protections and allows for absorption and secretions Also covers the surface of internal cavities
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  • Epithelial Tissue The mouth, esophagus and stomach are lined with epithelial tissue Lungs are lined with epithelial tissue that allows for exchange of gases
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  • Nerve Tissue Transmits or sends electrical impulses from one part of the body to another Sends impulses to the brain to respond to stimuli
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  • Nerve Tissues 2 types of Nerve Tissues Neurons- Cells that conduct nerve impulses Glial- cells do not conduct nerve impulses. They provide support, nourishment and protection for neurons.
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  • Muscle Tissue Movement 2 Types Voluntary- Muscle that moves when animals direct them to Involuntary- muscles that manage move movement of internal organs.
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  • Connective Tissues Joins body parts together providing protection and support Tendon and ligaments are connective tissues that bind tissues together. Tendons connect the muscles to bones and cartilage of the internal skeleton Ligaments connect bones and cartilage together creating a unified structure
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  • Connective Tissues Fat and Blood Fat protects gives us energy and insulates the body Blood delivers oxygen, food molecules and other nutrients and removes wastes such as carbon dioxide
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  • Animals Adapt to the Environment through the help of tissues Eyes Skin Skeletal system
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  • Eyes Eyes are organs that respond to light Compound eyes adapt to, and respond to motion
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  • Skin Skin is a large organ Mammals and birds have feathers and fish have scales Skin provides protection, support and regulates body temperature
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  • Skeletal System Vertebrates- Endoskeleton-this is connective tissues, bone and cartilage, ligaments and tendons Invertebrates- Exoskeleton- this is a strong but flexible out covering that supports and protects animals. When animals grow they shed the exoskeleton
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  • Respiratory System
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  • Circulatory System
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  • Skeletal System
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  • Lymphatic System
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  • Endocrine System
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  • Digestive System
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  • Nervous System
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  • Muscular System
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  • Integumentary System
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  • Urinary System
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  • Reproductive System
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  • New words Equilibrium---equal Homeostasis ---stable Concentration---concentrate What you need to know: The ability of the body to maintain internal conditions within normal ranges is homeostasis
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  • Body Temperature The bodys normal temperature is 98-99 F (37 C) Integumentary, circulatory, muscular, respiratory and nervous systems are all responsible for maintaining body temperature The evaporation of sweat from you skin helps to cool your body
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  • Ion Concentration Kidneys help to keep the volume of water in your body constant Concentration refers to the amount of one substance that is dissolved in another Less water : high level of concentration of substances More water: low level of concentration of substances Ion is atom of an element that has gained or lost one or more electrons
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  • Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations Respiratory and Circulatory systems maintain the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration in the blood
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  • Other Nutrients The Liver: part of the digestive system The liver maintains HOMESOTSTASIS. It filters, stores and releases materials as needed Pancreas: part of the Digestive and Endocrine systems The pancreas releases insulin after a meal to remove the glucose form the blood. When you exercise or between meals the pancreas releases glycogen which signals the liver to restore glucoses back
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  • The Endocrine System Releases hormones that are transported throughout the body Hormones are chemicals that are made in one organ, travel though the blood and produce an effect in targeted cells Targeted cells have special structures called receptors that allow them to respond to a chemical messenger Hormones Insulin glucagon adrenaline
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  • Hormones and Glands Glands are structures of the Endocrine system that are specialized tissues Many glands produce hormones and release them into the circulatory system P. 298-299
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  • Homeostasis can be disrupted :/ Dehydration Hypothermia Diabetes