Download - CHAPTER 8- FOOD AND NUTRITION (SEC 2 & 3). OBJECTIVE Students will be able to differentiate between types of nutrients and explain how they impact a.

Page 1: CHAPTER 8- FOOD AND NUTRITION (SEC 2 & 3). OBJECTIVE  Students will be able to differentiate between types of nutrients and explain how they impact a.


Page 2: CHAPTER 8- FOOD AND NUTRITION (SEC 2 & 3). OBJECTIVE  Students will be able to differentiate between types of nutrients and explain how they impact a.


Students will be able to differentiate between types of nutrients and explain how they impact a healthy diet.

Page 3: CHAPTER 8- FOOD AND NUTRITION (SEC 2 & 3). OBJECTIVE  Students will be able to differentiate between types of nutrients and explain how they impact a.


James Lind- 1700’sBrainstorm with the person next to you to come up with a list of 5-10 things you already know (or think you know) about vitamins and minerals ( types, what they do for your body, why they’re important) there are no wrong answers! We will correct any wrong information.

Page 4: CHAPTER 8- FOOD AND NUTRITION (SEC 2 & 3). OBJECTIVE  Students will be able to differentiate between types of nutrients and explain how they impact a.


Nutrients that are made by living things, they do not provide you with energy or aid in the make up of cells.

They play a role in various chemical reactions in the body ( Example: Vitamin K helps your blood clot).

Your body can make some vitamins (vitamin d), others are supplied in food.

There are two different classes of vitamins ( fat- soluble, and water soluble)

Page 5: CHAPTER 8- FOOD AND NUTRITION (SEC 2 & 3). OBJECTIVE  Students will be able to differentiate between types of nutrients and explain how they impact a.


Vitamins A, D, E, K are fat soluble and can be stored by the body.

The absorption of fat soluble vitamins is enhanced by dietary fat, extra vitamins (A,D) are often added to food prepared with fat substitutes so they can be better absorbed.

Vitamin poisioning

Page 6: CHAPTER 8- FOOD AND NUTRITION (SEC 2 & 3). OBJECTIVE  Students will be able to differentiate between types of nutrients and explain how they impact a.


Page 7: CHAPTER 8- FOOD AND NUTRITION (SEC 2 & 3). OBJECTIVE  Students will be able to differentiate between types of nutrients and explain how they impact a.


Vitamins B (1,2,3,6,12), Pantothenic acid, Folic acid, Biotin, C. Mostly found in fruits and vegetables .

Cannot be stored in the body, it is important to eat foods that supply them EVERYDAY. Excess water soluble vitamins are eliminated in urine.

Pantothenic Acid and Biotin and biotin allow your body to obtain energy from the macronutrients carbohydrates, protein and fat. Your body also uses pantothenic acid to produce hormones and cholesterol.

Vitamin B6 acts as a coenzyme, which means it helps chemical reactions take place. It plays a vital role in the creation of nonessential amino acids and helps your body break down glycogen, which is the storage form of the simple sugar glucose. Vitamin B6 also helps your body metabolize carbohydrates, protein and fat and keeps your immune system and nervous system healthy.

Vitamin B12 keeps your nervous system functioning properly and your red blood cells healthy. Your body also needs vitamin B12 to metabolize fatty acids and amino acids and to synthesize the DNA in your cells.

Vitamin C Your body needs vitamin C to make collagen, the most plentiful protein in your body. Collagen helps keep your bones, skin, teeth and blood vessels healthy. Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant, helping to reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. Contrary to popular belief, vitamin C does not help cure the common cold, but it does keep your immune system healthy.

Page 8: CHAPTER 8- FOOD AND NUTRITION (SEC 2 & 3). OBJECTIVE  Students will be able to differentiate between types of nutrients and explain how they impact a.


Folate Your body needs folate to create DNA. Because of this, folate plays an extremely important role in preventing birth defects during early pregnancy. Folate also helps maintain the health of your red blood cells.

Thiamine The first B vitamin that researchers discovered, thiamine plays a vital role in the transmission of nerve impulses by keeping your nerves healthy. Thiamine also allows your body to break down alcohol and metabolize carbohydrates and amino acids.

Riboflavin Like many other B vitamins, riboflavin helps your body metabolize carbohydrates, protein and fats. Riboflavin also protects the health of your body’s cells and enhances the function of some of the other B vitamins, niacin and vitamin B12.

Niacin Niacin protects the health of your skin cells and keeps your digestive system functioning properly. Niacin may also help your body metabolize fat. In large amounts, niacin can help lower LDL and triglyceride levels, while raising HDL, or good cholesterol, levels. You should not take niacin in high doses without your doctor's recommendation.

Page 9: CHAPTER 8- FOOD AND NUTRITION (SEC 2 & 3). OBJECTIVE  Students will be able to differentiate between types of nutrients and explain how they impact a.


Nutrients that occur in rock and soil, they are only required in small amounts.

24 different minerals have been shown to be essential for good health, 7 are needed in significant amounts; calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, and sulfur. Others are only needed in trace amounts.

Minerals perform a wide variety of functions. (next slide)

Page 10: CHAPTER 8- FOOD AND NUTRITION (SEC 2 & 3). OBJECTIVE  Students will be able to differentiate between types of nutrients and explain how they impact a.


Page 11: CHAPTER 8- FOOD AND NUTRITION (SEC 2 & 3). OBJECTIVE  Students will be able to differentiate between types of nutrients and explain how they impact a.


Everyday you need at least 10 8oz cups of water (female) 14 cups (male)

Fruits & Veggies, juices contain water Typically drinks that contain caffeine are NOT a

good source of water.

Water helps humans maintain HOMEOSTASIS; the process of maintaining a steady stat inside your body.

Water regulates body temp (sweat) contains electrolytes that regulate processes in

the cell (i.e. sodium/potassium)

Page 12: CHAPTER 8- FOOD AND NUTRITION (SEC 2 & 3). OBJECTIVE  Students will be able to differentiate between types of nutrients and explain how they impact a.


Your book on pages 203, 205, 207 have charts listing the sources and functions of vitamins/minerals. Using these charts as a reference Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper.

Analyze your intake of different vitamins and minerals based on the examples shown on the chart (water soluble, fat soluble, and minerals).

Which vitamins and minerals would you suspect your lacking and why?

Which vitamins or minerals do you think you successfully incorporate into your diet? explain