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Chapter 7

Cellular respiration

Page 2: Chapter 7 Cellular respiration .

“Stop and Think” pg. 340

1. What variable or variables affected the volume in your test tube? Provide evidence for your answer using that your team and other teams collected.

2. Yeast needs a source of food in the form of chemical energy for cellular respiration. What do you think was the source of chemical energy in the investigation?

3. Anacharis gave of the same gas in Part I Cellular Activities in Plant as the gas that was in the test tube. Where do you think the gas came from? Use what you know about the law of conservation of matter. Write your ideas down in your notebook.

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“Stop and Think” pg. 340

1. Yeast was the variable that affected the volume of gas

2. Sugar was the source of chemical energy in the investigation

3. Gas did not come from the air, right? So where did it come from?

The gas came from the molecules that must have been in the yeast and Anacharis.

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Quick Review

Sound Familiar?


Cell Analogy Project

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Cellular Respiration Occurs in the cytosol and the mitochondria

MitochondriaCytosol: jelly like substance in the cytoplasm

Mitochondria: ?

"cellular power house“, they generate most of the cell's supply of (ATP), used as a source of chemical energy

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We have the where but what is cellular respiration?• Occurs within all living things plants and animals• Is essential for survival • Is the process of breaking down glucose for energy• Wait didn’t we just make glucose in photosynthesis? All that work we did and now we are going to break it down?• Yup!

6 CO2 + 6 H2O C6H12O6 + 6 O2

• Look Familiar?

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP

Photosynthesis equation.

• WHOA! Mind blown?

Cellular Respiration Equation

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Can occur with or without oxygenAerobic Respiration: Cellular respiration with oxygen

Three Stages:• Each stage involves a series of chemical reactions to

produce ATP for energy

Stages include:Glycolysis

Krebs CycleElectron Transport Chain

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• First stage aerobic respiration• Occurs Cytosol• Glucose: two molecules of pyruvate

• Rearrangement of Carbon atoms: pyruvate. ATP and NADH are produced

• Begin 6-Carbon Sugar

• Two ATP molecules transfer a phosphate to glucose

• Glucose: two molecules containing 3 carbons



• Two molecules of pyruvate formed

• Pyruvate: carbon molecule found at the end product of glycolysis

Diagram modified by: Tiffany Adams



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Krebs Cycle In Mitochondria• 2 molecules of

pyruvate enter the mitochondria

• Each pyruvate is converted to a two-carbon molecule

• Enzymes release CO2 from pyruvate

• NADH & ATP produced

• Two more ATP molecules




C C C PyruvateNAD+








Krebs Cycle



Created by Tiffany Adams based on textbook Figure 7.11 page 324. BSCS Science: An Inquiry Approach. Colorado: Kendall Hunt, 2006

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Electron Transport Chain

• Uses the NADH from previous stages (INPUT)

• NADH molecules carry the H atoms

• H separated: electrons & protons

• Electrons move from carrier to the next they release Energy

• Protons are pumped across the membrane (concentration gradient) • this drives ATP production

as protons DIFFUSE back to the mitochondria

• Protons diffuse are pumped thru ATP synthase (creating the most ATP) (OUTPUT)

• End: electrons and protons join with O2 to form H2O (OUTPUT)

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Anaerobic Respiration• Anaerobic respiration: oxygen NOT required• Glucose: pyruvate and small amount of ATP• ATP production ends glycolysis • Pyruvate is converted into other molecules


Fermentation/Lactate Net ATP =2

Anaerobic Respiration

Aerobic Respiration

Citric acid cycle= Krebs cycle

Net ATP=36

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Page 13: Chapter 7 Cellular respiration .

Biosynthesis• ATP provides energy for biosynthesis

reactions in cells• Biosynthesis reactions form larger, more

complex molecules from less-complex molecules• Such as the formation of starch from

glucose • Biosynthesis helps organisms to grow and

maintain their structure• Definition provided by definition• biological production of chemical

substances: the synthesis of chemical substances as the result of biological activity

Page 14: Chapter 7 Cellular respiration .

“Stop and Think” pg. 3441. Where does cellular respiration take place?2. Why do you think it is important that plants contain

mitochondria?3. What evidence do you have that cellular respiration occurs in

plant cells? Think back to your investigation of Anacharis. What gases did the plant exchange?

4. How is combustion similar to respiration? Recall that you learned about combustion of methane in the Matter Is Marvelous Unit. The reactions are shown here.

5. Compare aerobic and anaerobic respiration use a T-table or Venn diagram to list any similarities and differences between them.

Combustion CH4 + 2 O2 CO2 + H2O + heat

Cellular Respiration C6H12 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP

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“Stop and Think” pg. 3441. Inside the cells2. Because it is where the cellular respiration takes

place in plant cells as well as yeast and animal cells

3. When we saw a decrease in pH with the Anacharis. This indicates that the Anacharis can five off carbon dioxide, which is a product of cellular respiration

4. Combustion and cellular respiration both give off carbon dioxide, water, and energy. Combustion the energy is heat and in Cellular respiration the energy is ATP

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5. Compare aerobic and anaerobic respiration use a T-table or Venn diagram to list any similarities and differences between them.

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“Reflect and Connect” pg. 3451. What functions are ATP molecules used for?2. What role does glucose play in cellular respiration?3. Create a concept map of the process of cellular respiration using

the following words and any other words you would like to add. Remember to use verbs to connect the concepts to show relationships. Arrange the concept map so that the most universal concept is at the top.• Cellular Respiration• Water• Carbon Dioxide• ATP

4. Why is cellular respiration important to all living things, including plants?

5. What do you think the relationship is between photosynthesis and cellular respiration? Keep in mind how the reactants, products, and energy in these processes might be related the generalized equations are shown here

Photosynthesis: 6 CO2 + 6 H2O C6H12O6 + 6 O2

Cellular Respiration: C6H12O6 + 6 O2 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP

• Oxygen• Biosynthesis

reactions• Glucose

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“Reflect and Connect” pg. 345

1. ATP molecules are needed for basic cell functions such as active transport across membranes and biosynthesis molecules.

2. Glucose provides the energy that is converted to ATP during cellular respiration

3.Concept map on next slide4. Cellular respiration is important for all living

things because it provides energy in the form of ATP that is necessary to carry out basic cellular processes.

5. You provide me the answers.

Page 19: Chapter 7 Cellular respiration .

3. Concept Map

Cellular Respiration

Is used in







Is use

d in

Biosynthesis reactions

Gives off

Is used in

Gives off

Gives off

Krebs Cycle

Electron Transport







Anaerobic respiration


out O


With O



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Glycolysis Eastern Colorado Style

Bennett/ Strasburg, Colorado