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  • 8/14/2019 Chapter 6-Tanya and the Werewolves


  • 8/14/2019 Chapter 6-Tanya and the Werewolves


    Hello? I picked up the cordless phone.

    Bella! Alices voice sounded jubilant on the other end. Could you come

    drive the BMW to school? Its a little crowded in Edwards Volvo and I

    think well need it.

    The words Edwards Volvo even made my heart clench.

    But Alice, I protested. I cant. I dont know the way there, I have red

    eyes, and what if I attack someone? You and Rosalie were right next to me

    at the mall so I didnt kill anyone, but I cant do this.

    You can so missy! Ive already seen a vision and youll do great. Just pop

    in some brown contacts from in the bathroom and youll be fine. I promise

    you wont attack anyone.

    Okay. When do I pick you up?

    Schools almost over so drive on down now. The directions to the school

    are in the dashboard.

    You were prepared for this vision werent you?

    Yep. Now dont rain on my parade and come on down here!

    Aye aye captain.

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    Oh and just a heads up. Dont be alarmed by the attention.

    She hung up without a goodbye. I put the phone back in the cradle and

    shook my head. What was up with Alice these days? Shes seeing the

    strangest things lately.

    I had popped in the contacts and was backing out of the garage right now. I

    left Esme a note incase she came home early from shopping at Home Depot.

    Carlisle was at the hospital from six in the morning to seven at night so he

    wasnt expected back home for four more hours.

    The directions to the school were easy enough. It only took me one look

    over to remember the street names to turn at and what roads to stay on. The

    school was slightly bigger than the one back home in Forks, but not by a

    large number. Many people didnt live in this town.

    The place reeked of human. How does my family just sit around and ignore

    their blood? But for some reason, the smell didnt entice me, but it actually

    was repulsing. There was just too much of it. It was like perfume. The aroma

    was great when squeezed once on, but too much made you gag. That was

    exactly how it was like right now.

    I found the Volvo and parked in an empty space next to it. The car was near

    the front doors of the school unluckily. Now people will be able to see me.


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    The ear splitting rang of the bell signaled that school was over. I got out of

    the car and waited for my family. They werent the first out of the building

    which was also bad. Alice practically left me with the population to fawn

    over me. I got many whistles and hollers for me to come and join the boys in

    their cars. I just ignored them. But one had the nerve to come over and

    actually talk to me.

    He was probably very good looking to teenage girls, but my heart only

    belongs to one person. The boy standing in front of me had blonde hair with

    brown high lights and cream colored skin. His teeth were white, but had a

    sheen of yellow plaque. Eww. He was wearing a royal blue and gold

    letterman jacket, so I could only guess he was on some type of sports team.

    His hazel eyes were looking me up and down, and rested on my chest. The

    filthy human didnt even have the nerve to say hello.

    I coughed and crossed my arms in front of my chest. He looked up at me

    unashamed and smiled in a way that was supposed to be attractive.

    Hey, Im Chad. He put out his hand for me to shake. I just stared at it and

    responded stiffly.


    Nice to meet you Bella. He lowered his hand, a little embarrassed.

    I nodded.

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    Umm, I know I just met you, but what are you doing Friday night?

    He was really going to try that on me? If he only knew what I was, he would

    be running away, screaming his head off.

    No thank you.

    Oh cmon. How about next Friday?

    She said no Chad.

    Someone answered for me and slung their arm over my shoulders. I looked

    up to see Edward shooting daggers at him. He pulled me more into his side

    in a protective way. Chad was clearly afraid and backed off.

    Is he giving you trouble sweetheart? Edward acted perfectly and to top it

    off, he kissed me on my temple.

    The gaping hole in my chest got bigger. This was just lying, this was just

    lying. His kissed still left a burning sensation on my head and I wondered

    how it would feel on my lips.

    Im okay. My voice was a little strained. It was noticeable to vampires, but

    not to the boy in front of us.

    Chad gritted his teeth and mumbled before he walked off.

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    Cullen can get any girl he wanted, and he just had to have the hottest one.

    Are you really okay? Edward asked me once he was out of hearing range.

    Yes. It was just a human, I looked up into his eyes.

    No, I meant are you actually okay.

    I shook my head and bit my bottom lip. He sighed.

    Dont feel sad Bella. I wont leave you. Never again.

    That isnt what Im sad about! Im depressed you have another love! Gosh, I

    thought you were smart for someone who is over one hundred years old.

    Guess I was wrong. He moved closer so our foreheads were touching.

    Please see that I love you, He begged quietly.

    I I choked.


    Interrupted once again. I sighed.

    Edward cleared his throat and we pulled away. Tanya was of course

    sauntering over to us with the rest of the family. Her family wasnt with her

    so I guess she abandoned them. Alice looked pissed at her. So this was a

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    plan of hers! What did she see? Ooh I was going to strangle that pixie if she

    didnt give me any explanations.

    Tanya gave Edward a tight hug with her arms around his neck. He left his

    arms limp against his sides and looked at anything except for her. So he was

    embarrassed to be intimate with her in public. Thats understandable. I

    would be embarrassed to kiss Edward in front of Charlie when I was human.

    Hes just shy to show affection for Tanya in front of his family.

    Thanks again for letting me catch a ride in your car Alice. Tanya smiled

    warmly at her. My sisters wanted to go to the mall and I didnt.

    Oh, so the rest of the family was getting close to Tanya. Well it does make

    sense. If Tanya and Edward gotmarried.I suppressed a growl. NO way

    in hell wasshe marrying him. Anyways, if they were to get married, they she

    would become a sister in law. Whatever was ours was hers. Maybe I should

    try and get closer to Tanya? Over my pile of ashes, my mind thought


    Its fine, Alice was still a little upset from earlier. The boys will all take

    the Volvo and we girls will take the BMW.

    I handed Rosalie over the keys and we all got into our cars. Unfortunately

    for me, I got stuck in the backseat with the wicked witch of the west. She

    giggled and waved flirtatiously at the guys as the drove off. They didnt

    wave back.

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    The car ride as I hoped would be a quiet ride, butshejust had to open that

    big mouth of hers.

    I miss Edward already, She sighed. But for some reason he doesnt look


    Youjustnoticed? Wow

    Hes seemed down all the time. I think it was that human who he was

    lusting after a year ago. She quirked her lips for a second. I told him she

    was bad news. I mean, how could you have a relationship with someone

    who cant even repay you back sexually?

    I was grinding my teeth together by now. Who gave her the authority to talk

    like that about me? Alice and Rosalie looked at me warily from the back. I

    just smiled back at them and lifted my eyebrows before looking back out the


    And honestly, humans arent that pretty. He probably just went for her to

    get rid of some release.

    Actually, Rosalie cut in. She was very beautiful and Edward still loves

    her to this day. I gave Rose a thankful glance and she gave me a half smile.

    Tanya didnt notice our exchange.

    Then where is she? Did you meet her Bella? Tanya turned to me.

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    Alice and Rosalie were giving her shocked looks.

    No. I lived in Phoenix. The family told me the girl was from Forks. I

    played along.

    See, even the town must have been as boring as she was!

    One more word Blondie and I will kill you.

    And if he did sleep with her, she must have been a slut. Edward wouldnt

    go for someone without practice. He must have met her in a strip club,

    giving head to some drunk guy.

    Oh thats it bitch! My hands were curling into claws and were lifting slowly

    off my lap. Just a short distance from her neck.

    Oh look were here! Alice interrupted loudly.

    As soon as Rosalie parked in the garage I zipped out of the car and into the


    Whats her problem? I heard Tanya sneer.

    Must have been the humans, Rosalie mumbled.

    I tore the contacts out of my eyes, but instead of the perfect vision I saw,

    everything around me was in a red haze. I could smell Jasper along with the

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    boys in the living room. He looked at me perplexed when I stalked into the


    Jasper, I hissed urgently.

    He catapulted so many calm waves at me I collapsed in the open seat on the

    couch. I am never going in another car ride with Tanya. And if I am ever

    alone with her again, she is not coming out alive.

    I can see the car ride went well, Emmett joked.

    I glared at him and bared my teeth. He pretended to look scared and put a

    cushion in front of him as a shield. Edward looked concerned.

    What happened?

    I ignored him and tried to focus on the weatherman on the TV screen. Hmm,

    we were expecting another four inches of snow tonight.

    Was it Tanya? He tried again.

    My eyes flickered to him for a second and then back to the TV.

    Id rather not talk about it, I said through clenched teeth.

    What did she say?

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    Alice and Rosalie along with Esme joined the room.

    Its not every day you get called a slut, Alice answered Edwards question.

    My hands gripped the arm rests too tightly and there was a rip of the fabric.

    Oops. Edward looked furious and got up to leave the room. I knew his

    intentions before even trying to exit the room. I simply put my foot out and

    he tripped. Emmett of course, pointed and laughed. Edward looked up at me

    like what the hell?

    Its not worth it. I explained and moved my foot back in. When she gets

    me angry,Illhurt her.

    Where is she anyway? Asked Esme.

    She went home. Rosalie told her.

    Hallelujah! I exclaimed.

    Emmett and Jasper snickered at me.

    What? How would you like it if someone practically calledyou a whore? I


    Emmett and Jasper snapped to their senses and got protective.

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    No one says that about my baby sister, Emmett tried to get up. I pushed

    him down with a flick of my finger.

    Do I have to trip you too? I gestured to Edward who was still on the floor.

    Why cant you let us defend you Bella? Jasper whined.

    Because I can do it myself. Besides, chivalry is dead anyway. I explained.

    Its not dead! The Cullen boys keep it alive! Alice disagreed.

    And we never get repaid for holding open all those doors, Emmett


    Edward got off the floor and sat back down on the couch. He was still mad. I

    didnt have to be Jasper to tell that seeing how he kept eyeing the back door.

    Dont even think about it. I said to him and he scowled.

    What was his problem anyway? He didnt get mad at me when I did

    something wrong. Well, Im not as mean as her mind you. When you were

    in love, couldnt you never stay mad at your significant other? That was

    weird. But eh, couples do have arguments once in a while.

    The family and I watched TV while waiting for Carlisle to come home. It

    was five minutes till he was expected home when I heard a noise that

    triggered something in the back of my brain. The howl of a wolf.

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    Ooh, looks like a new pack is in tonight, Emmett said excitedly. He was

    always excited for more hunting game.

    But this howl was different. It wasnt regular like most. It wasmournful? I

    got off the couch and started to walk towards the sound outside.

    No, I disagreed. Its not a regular wolf.

    Bella! The family called after me. But I didnt go back. The howl was

    from in our backyard. Animals are usually smart enough to stay far from the

    house. Our scent wasnt appetizing to them.

    When I finally saw it, I gasped. The wolf was defiantly not an ordinary wolf.

    It was horse sized with russet colored fur. Next to it was another of its

    brethren. The other was bigger and had black fur. The wolf with russet fur

    locked its black eye on me and then I instantly knew.

    Jake. I breathed.

    He whined back at me and his ears folded down.

    Oh Jake. Ive missed you so much. I took a hesitant step forward.

    The wolf next to him growled at me and I stepped back.

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    Thats no way to think about a lady Sam. Edwards voice came from

    behind me.

    I looked to see my family along with Carlisle. I didnt know they had joined

    us. Jacob and Sam snarled at Edward viciously.

    Nice to see you again too, He challenged.

    Sam looked at Jacob and barked at him. They jumped into a bush and then

    there was the sound of growling and ripping. A few seconds later, Jacob and

    Sam came back in human form with shorts on.

    Bella, Jacob sadly looked at me.

    Im sorry Jake. I quietly looked down.

    And you, Jake turned to Edward. What gives you the right to come back

    into my best friends life after breaking her heart you bloodsucker!

    Edward remained silent.

    You Cullens have broken the treaty. You bit Bella and Im sure youre all

    aware of the consequences. Sam said with his voice full of authority.

    You have to know why I bit her, Carlisle pleaded. Sam nodded. She was

    dying in her own room. Someone had come into her home and had beaten

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    her. Stitches in the back of Bellas head were bleeding swiftly and I only had

    two seconds to change her when Alice, Emmett, and I arrived.

    Is this true? Sam turned to me.

    Yes, I nodded. My old boyfriend from Phoenix decided for a surprise


    We did smell a different human scent in the house, Jake told us. I cant

    believe we let him get away.

    Oh dont worry, Emmett grinned. I took care of him.

    I shuddered. I did not want to know what he did to him.

    You drank his blood, Sam was appalled.

    No, Emmett wrinkled his nose. And let his contaminated blood inside

    me? Disgusting.

    Well so much for not wanting to know what happened.

    But there is still the consequences, Sam looked at me and took a step


    There were hisses of protest from my family. Edward put himself in front of

    me in a protective stance.

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    Sam, Jake please! I begged. They were just trying to save my life. Would

    you have let me die?

    Jake faltered. He stood on the spot, like he couldnt move. His eyes flickered

    between me and Sam rapidly.

    Jacob! Come! Sam barked.

    It seemed like it was an eternity before Jake made his decision. I was

    holding my breath. Please Jake please! Jake locked his jaw and stood up

    straighter. He gave me one long look. Oh no, hes going to help him.

    Sam, I will not do as you ask. Im the original alpha and will not do your

    bidding. I refuse to hurt my best friend. She may not be human, but why

    cant we get along? I agree I would have never chosen thislife style for

    her, but as long as she is happy then I am okay with her being avampire.

    Jakes voice rang with the authority of a true leader.

    The breath I had been holding released. My eyes shined with the tears that

    could not shed. Theres my best buddy.

    Jacob Black! Sam gasped.

    Now, I am going to leave. You can try and take the Cullens, but I dont

    think youll come out alive. I know we wouldnt if we had tried. Oh and

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    when youre ready Bella, come back to Forks for a visit. Everyone else

    misses you. Jake waved farewell to me before running off into the forest.

    Sam looked at the eight of us. He couldnt take us now even if he tried.

    There was a pause of silence and then he zipped away from the area. The

    family was still tense and on guard, ready for a surprise attack. And

    naturally, Emmett was the first to break the silence.

    Oh yeah thats right! Take that you little pups!

    We all laughed at Emmett. We all straightened out of our defensive


    How did you know about the werewolves secret? Carlisle asked me.

    I was getting angry at Jake for not visiting me for over two weeks. It got so

    annoying that I just drove down to La Push one day and knocked on his

    door. Jake answered the door, but I got him mad. And he sort of phased right

    in front of me. Luckily Sam was nearby so he didnt hurt me, but I now

    know not to anger a werewolf. I explained.

    You out of all people Bella are the only one to get in trouble with two

    mythical creatures. Alice shook her head in disbelief.

    Come on family, lets all go inside. Esme ushered us in.

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    Edward caught my arm and pulled me back towards him. Esme noticed and

    closed the glass sliding door behind her to give us some privacy.

    Yes? I asked him.

    You told me you didnt have a boyfriend before Forks. You said there was

    no one else you wanted before me. Why did you lie? He asked so many


    Because he wasnt a good boyfriend. And I didnt want him anyway. I

    actually tried to get rid of him as soon as he and I started dating. Now, if you

    will excuse me, I am going to go inside.

    I left him in the snow. I could sense he was still looking at me with a

    confused emotion. Of course I never wanted Nick. He was abusive and

    cruel. He could never measure up to how good Edward was to me. And no

    girl will love Edward the same way I love him.