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More on Factoring Trinomials

Factor trinomials by grouping when the coefficient of the squared term is not 1.Factor trinomials by using the FOIL method.



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Trinomials such as 2x2 + 7x + 6, in which the coefficient of the squared term is not 1, are factored with extensions of the methods from the previous sections. One such method uses factoring by grouping from Section 6.1.

More on Factoring Trinomials

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Objective 11

Factor trinomials by groupingwhen the coefficient of the

squaredterm is not 1.

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Factor trinomials by grouping when the coefficient of the squared term is not 1.

Recall that a trinomial such as m2 + 3m + 2 is factored by finding two numbers whose product is 2 and whose sum is 3. To factor 2x2 + 7x + 6, we look for two integers whose product is 2 · 6 = 12 and whose sum is 7.

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22 7 6x x


Product is 2 · 6 = 12

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Factor trinomials by grouping when the coefficient of the squared term is not 1. (cont’d)

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By considering pairs of positive integers whose product is 12, we find the necessary integers to be 3 and 4. We use these integers to write the middle term, 7x, as 7x = 3x + 4x. The trinomial 2x2 + 7x + 6 becomes

2 22 6 2 67 3 4 .x xx x x

22 3 4 6x x x

2 3 2 32x x x

2 2 3x x

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23 3 1 1p p p

Factoring Trinomials by Grouping

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23 4 1p p

212 16 3z z

2 28 6 5r rt t

3 1 1p p


23 3 1 1p p p

3 1 1 1p p p

212 18 2 3z z z 212 18 2 3z z z 6 2 3 1(2 3)z z z 6 1 2 3z z

2 28 10 4 5r rt rt t 2 28 10 4 5r rt rt t

2 4 5r t r t 2 4 5 1 4 5r r t t r t

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Factor 6p4 + 21p3 + 9p2.

2 23 2 6 1 3p p p p


Factoring a Trinomial with a Common Factor by Grouping

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2 23 2 7 3p p p

2 23 2 6 1 3p p p p

23 2 1 3p p p

23 2 3 1 3p p p p

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Objective 22

Factor trinomials by using theFOIL method.

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Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley

To factor 2x2 + 7x + 6, again using an alternate method explained in Section 6.2, we use the FOIL method in reverse. We want to write the equation 2x2 + 7x + 6 as the product of two binomials.

Factor trinomials by using the FOIL method.

Slide 6.3 - 10

22 7 6 x x

The product of the two first terms of the binomials is 2x2. The possible factors of 2x2 are 2x and x or −2x and −x. Since all terms of the trinomial are positive, we consider only positive factors. Thus, we have

22 7 6 2 . x x x x

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The product of the two last terms, 6, can be factored as 1 · 6, 6 · 1, 3 · 2, or 3 · 2. Try each pair to find the pair that gives the correct middle term, 7x.

Factor trinomials by using the FOIL method. (cont’d)

Slide 6.3 - 11

2 6 1x x 6x2x8x


2 1 6x x

If the terms of the original polynomial have greatest common factor 1, then all of that polynomials binomial factors also have GCF 1.

Incorrect Incorrect

Now try the number 2 and 3 as factors of 6. Because of the common factor 2 in 2x + 2, (2x + 2)(x + 3) will not work, so we try (2x + 3)(x + 2).

2 3 2x x 3x4x7x


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Factoring a Trinomial with All Positive Terms by Using FOIL

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Factor 6p2 + 19p + 10.

3 2 2 5p p 4 p

15 p19 p

6 10 1 1p p 10 p6 p

16 p 2 10 3 1p p

13p2 p


6 2 1 5p p 2 p

30 p32 p


Incorrect Correct

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Factoring a Trinomial with a Negative Middle Term by Using FOIL

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Factor 10m2 – 23m + 12.

2 3 5 4m m 15m8m


2 12 5 1m m 60m2m


10 2 1 6m m 2m60m

62mIncorrect Incorrect


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Factor 5p2 + 13p – 6.


Factoring a Trinomial with a Negative Last Term by Using FOIL

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5 2 3p p 2 p


5 3 2p p 3p15p12 p


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Factor 6m2 + 11mn – 10n2.

EXAMPLE 6 Factoring a Trinomial with Two Variables

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3 2 2 5m n m n 4mn



6 10 1m n m n 10mn6mn


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EXAMPLE 7 Factoring Trinomials with Common Factors

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4 3 228 58 30x x x 3 2 224 32 6x x y xy

22 14 29 152 xx x

22 7 3 2 5x x x

2 212 16 32 x yx xy

2 6 2 3x x y x y



