Download - Chapter 4 Preparing for Negotiation He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become amonster.(G.w.Nietzsche,1844-1900)

Page 2: Chapter 4 Preparing for Negotiation He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become amonster.(G.w.Nietzsche,1844-1900)

Questions in focus

1. What is teamwork?

2. Why do the parties need to form coalitions?

3. How to form coalitions?

4. How can you make a coalition work?

5. How to build integrative agreements?

Page 3: Chapter 4 Preparing for Negotiation He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become amonster.(G.w.Nietzsche,1844-1900)

How can conflicts between groups How can conflicts between groups be resolved successfully through be resolved successfully through

negotiationsnegotiations? • And related to this,

how can we get win-win settlements from inter-group negotiation without suffering the destructive side effects of inter-group competition and conflict escalation?

• Effective teamwork.

• Forming and maintaining coalitions.

• Devising integrative solution.

Page 4: Chapter 4 Preparing for Negotiation He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become amonster.(G.w.Nietzsche,1844-1900)


1 .Teamwork*What is needed for

effective teamwork?*What roles are

needed?*Key points for

managing your negotiating team

*Who else may be involved?

Page 5: Chapter 4 Preparing for Negotiation He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become amonster.(G.w.Nietzsche,1844-1900)

Outlines (Continued)

2.Forming coalitions*How effective are

coalitions in negotiation?

*What are the problem associated with maintaining a coalition?

*How can you make a coalition work?

*Twenty tips for making a coalition work

Page 6: Chapter 4 Preparing for Negotiation He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become amonster.(G.w.Nietzsche,1844-1900)

Outline (Continue)

3.Building integrative agreements

*How can you achieve integrative agreements?

*What are the routes for moving from opposing demands to a solution that reconciles the two parties’ interests?

*Key questions for devising integrative solution

*Which approach works best?

*Achieving integrative agreements through principled negotiation’

Page 7: Chapter 4 Preparing for Negotiation He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become amonster.(G.w.Nietzsche,1844-1900)


• The hangers must be The hangers must be swung in cadence, when swung in cadence, when more than one is more than one is hammering the iron. hammering the iron. (Giordano Bruno, 1548-(Giordano Bruno, 1548-1600)1600)

• Many of the most Many of the most important negotiations important negotiations between organizations or between organizations or groups are handled by groups are handled by teams that represent the teams that represent the largerlarger

Page 8: Chapter 4 Preparing for Negotiation He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become amonster.(G.w.Nietzsche,1844-1900)

*What is needed for effective teamwork?

To be deductive, negotiating

teams need to co-ordinate the activities of the

individuals participating in the discussion.

Page 9: Chapter 4 Preparing for Negotiation He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become amonster.(G.w.Nietzsche,1844-1900)

*What roles are needed?

No1.The spokesperson will normally be the

most experienced negotiator in the

team.No2.The back-up

acts as the spokesperson’s


Page 10: Chapter 4 Preparing for Negotiation He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become amonster.(G.w.Nietzsche,1844-1900)

*Key points for managing your negotiating team

• Guidelines:• Reading book P80• Pitfalls to avoid:Autocratic team

leadership. Trying to do everything yourself before and during the negotiation.

Blaming someone else for every mistake and difficulty.