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    Chapter 5

    Basic Office Applications


    Describe how word processing and

    desktop publishing software have

    revolutionized writing and publishing

    Discuss the potential impact of desktoppublishing and Web publishing on theconcept of freedom of the press

    Speculate about future developments inword processing and digital publishing

    Objectives (continued)

    Describe the basic functions andapplications of spreadsheets and othertypes of statistical and simulationprograms

    Explain how computers can be used toanswer What if? questions

    Explain how computers are used as toolsfor simulating mechanical, biological, andsocial systems

    Doug Engelbart ExploresHyperspace

    Doug Engelbart One of the pioneers of the computer hardware and


    In 1968, he demonstrated his Augment system: Mouse

    Video display editing

    Mixed text and graphics, windowing


    Shared-screen video conferencing

    Computer conferencing

    Groupware Hypermedia

    Word Processors and Other WordTools

    Working with a word processor involvesseveral steps:

    Entering text

    Editing text

    Formatting the document

    Proofreading the document

    Saving the document on disk

    Printing the document

    Word Processors and Other WordTools

    Entering, Editing, and Formatting Text

    Entering text

    Text displayed on the screen and stored in the computersRAM

    Save your work periodically because RAM is not permanent


    Editing text

    Navigating to different parts of a document

    Inserting or deleting text at any point

    Moving & copying text

    Searching and replacing words or phrases

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    Word Processors and Other WordTools

    Formatting commands

    Formatting characters

    Measured by point size (one point =1/72 inch)

    A font is a size and style of typeface

    Serif fonts have serifs or fine lines at the ends ofeach character

    Monospaced fonts and proportionally spaced fonts

    Word Processors and Other WordTools

    Formatting paragraphs involves:

    Margin settings

    Line spacing



    J ustification

    Word Processors and Other WordTools

    Formatting the document Style sheets

    Headers and footers

    Multiple variable-width columns


    Automatic editing features

    Hidden comments

    Table of contents and indexes

    Coaching and help features (sometimes called

    wizards) Conversion to HTML for Web publishing

    Word Processors and Other WordTools

    Rules of Thumb: Word Processing Is NotTyping

    Use the Return or Enter key only when youmust Word wrap moves text to the next line

    Use tabs and margin guides, not thespacebar, to align columns WYSIWYG is a matter of degree

    Text that looks perfectly aligned onscreenmay not line up on paper

    Word Processors and Other WordTools

    Dont underline Use italics and boldface for emphasis; italicize

    book and journal titles

    Use only one space after a period Proportionally spaced fonts look better without

    double spaces

    Take advantage of special characters Bullets (), em dashes (), and curly quotes

    ( ) make your work look more professional

    Word Processors and Other WordTools

    The Wordsmiths Toolbox

    Outliners and IdeaProcessors are effective


    Arranging information intolevels

    Rearranging ideas and


    Hiding and revealing levelsof detail as needed

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    Word Processors and Other WordTools

    Synonym Finders

    A computerized

    thesaurus can

    provideinstantaneousfeedback forsynonyms andantonyms

    Word Processors and Other WordTools

    Digital References Dictionaries, quotation

    books, encyclopedias,atlases, almanacs andother references are nowavailable in digital form

    The biggest advantage ofthe electronic form is speed

    The biggest drawback isthat quick and easy copyingmight tempt writers toplagiarize

    Word Processors and Other WordTools

    Spelling Checkers

    Compare words inyour document with

    words in a disk-

    based dictionary

    Words might beflagged, but youmake the decision to

    ignore or change thespelling

    Word Processors and Other WordTools

    Grammar and StyleCheckers Analyzes each word in

    context, checking forerrors of content

    Checks spelling Points out possible errors

    and suggestsimprovements

    Analyzes prose complexityusing measurements such

    as sentence length andparagraph length

    Word Processors and Other WordTools

    Form Letter Generators Mail merge capabilities produce personalized

    form lettersCreate a database with names

    Create a form letter

    Merge the database with the form letter to create apersonalized letter

    Incorporate custom paragraphs based on therecipients personal dataMakes each letter look as if it were individually


    Word Processors and Other WordTools

    Collaborative Writing

    Tools Groupware: software

    designed to be used by aworkgroup

    Provides for collaborativewriting and editing

    Tracks changes andidentifies by the originatorsname

    Compares documentversions and highlightsdifferences in documents

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    Word Processors and Other WordTools

    Emerging Word Tools

    Processing handwritten words

    Processing words with software that can

    reliably recognize human speech

    Anticipating a writers needs, acting as anelectronic editor or co-author

    The Desktop Publishing Story

    What Is DesktopPublishing?

    The process ofproducing a book,magazine, or otherpublicationincludes severalsteps: Writing text

    Editing text

    The Desktop Publishing Story

    Producing drawings, photographs, andother graphics to accompany the text

    Designing a basic format for the publication

    Typesetting text

    Arranging text and graphics on pages

    Typesetting and printing pages

    Binding pages into a finished publication

    The Desktop Publishing Story

    With modern desktop publishing technology(DTP), the production process can beaccomplished with sophisticated tools that areaffordable and easy to use

    A desktop publishing system generally includes:

    One or more Macs or PCs

    A scanner

    Transforms photographs and hand-drawn images into

    computer-readable documents A high-resolution printer

    The Desktop Publishing Story

    Desktop publishing software:

    Image editing software

    Page-layout software combinesthe various source documentsinto a coherent, visually

    appealing publication



    Adobe InDesign

    The Desktop Publishing Story

    Why Desktop Publishing?

    Saves money

    Saves time

    Can reduce the number of

    publication errors

    Offers new hope for everyindividuals right to publish

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    The Desktop Publishing Story

    Rules of Thumb: Beyond DESKTOP TaCkY!?

    Plan before you publish

    Use appropriate fonts Dont go style-crazy

    Look at your document through your readers eyes

    Learn from the masters

    Know your limitations

    Remember the message

    The purpose of publishing is communication; dont try to use

    technology to disguise the lack of something to communicate

    The Desktop Publishing Story

    Beyond the Printed Page Paperless Publishing and the Web

    A common prediction is that desktop publishingandpaper publishing in generalwill be replaced bypaperless electronic media

    Electronic Books and Digital Paper The electronic book, or ebook, is a handheld device

    that can contain anything from todays top newsstories to lengthy novels

    Digital paper, or epaper, is a flexible, portable, paper-like material that can dynamically display black-and-white text and images on its surface

    The Desktop Publishing Story

    Creating Professional-looking Documents

    Rules of Thumb:

    Plan before you publish

    Use appropriate fonts

    Dont go style-crazy

    View your document through your readers eyes

    Learn from the masters

    Know your limitations

    Remember the message

    The Spreadsheet: Software forSimulation and Speculation

    The Malleable Matrix The spreadsheet

    consists of:

    Cells (theintersection of a rowand column)

    Addresses (columnletter and row

    number, e.g., A1,C12)

    The Spreadsheet: Software forSimulation and Speculation

    Spreadsheets cancontain:

    Values, such asnumbers and dates

    Labels, such as

    column and reportheadings, thatexplain what thevalues mean

    The Spreadsheet: Software forSimulation and Speculation

    Formulas allow you to

    create instructionsusing mathematicalexpressions andcommands +(plus)

    - (minus)


    / (division)



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    The Spreadsheet: Software forSimulation and Speculation

    Screen Test:

    Creating a Worksheet

    with Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet programs

    work in much the sameway and share most of

    these features: Spreadsheets offer

    many automatic features

    such as replication ofdata

    The Spreadsheet: Software forSimulation and Speculation

    Spreadsheets Automatic Features

    The Spreadsheet: Software forSimulation and Speculation

    Formulas can be:

    Relative, so theyrefer to different

    cells when they are


    Absolute, so theformula referencesnever change whenthey are copied

    The Spreadsheet: Software forSimulation and Speculation


    Any time achange isentered intothe

    spreadsheet,all data relatedto the change


    The Spreadsheet: Software forSimulation and Speculation

    Functions (e.g., SUM,

    AVG, SQRT) automatecomplex calculations Macros store

    keystrokes andcommands so they canbe played backautomatically

    Templates offer ready-to-use worksheets withlabels and formulasalready entered

    The Spreadsheet: Software forSimulation and Speculation

    Linking spreadsheets together

    When the values change in onespreadsheet, the data isautomatically updated in all linkedspreadsheets

    Database capabilities Search for information

    Sort the data by a specific criteria

    Merge the data with a wordprocessor

    Generate reports

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    The Spreadsheet: Software forSimulation and Speculation

    Rules of Thumb: Avoiding Spreadsheet


    Plan the worksheet before you startentering values and formulas

    Make your assumptions as accurate aspossible

    Double-check every formula and value

    The Spreadsheet: Software forSimulation and Speculation

    Make formulas readable

    Check your output against other systems

    Build in cross-checks

    Change the input data values and studythe results

    Take advantage of pre-programmedfunctions, templates, and macros

    Use a spreadsheet as a decision-makingaid, not as a decision-maker

    The Spreadsheet: Software forSimulation and Speculation

    What If? Questions

    Spreadsheets allow you to change

    numbers and instantly see the effects ofthose changes

    What if I enter this value?

    Equation solvers

    Some spreadsheets generate data needed tofit a given equation and target value

    The Spreadsheet: Software forSimulation and Speculation

    Spreadsheet Graphics:

    From Digits to Drawings

    Charts allow you to turnnumbers into visual data

    Pie charts (show relativeproportions to the whole)

    Line charts (show trends

    or relationships over time)

    The Spreadsheet: Software forSimulation and Speculation

    Bar charts (use if data falls into a fewcategories)

    Scatter charts (use to discover, rather thanto display, a relationship between twovariables)

    The Spreadsheet: Software forSimulation and Speculation

    Rules of Thumb: Making Smart Charts

    Choose the right chart for the job

    Think about the message youre trying to convey

    Pie charts, bar charts, line charts, and scatter chartsare not interchangeable

    Keep it simple, familiar, and understandable

    Use charts in magazines, books, and newspapers asmodels

    Strive to reveal the truth, not hide it

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    Statistical Software: BeyondSpreadsheets

    Money Managers

    Accounting and Financial Management

    software allows you to do electronicallyhandle routine transactions such as: Writing checks

    Balancing accounts

    Creating budgets

    Online banking services

    Tax preparation

    Statistical Software: BeyondSpreadsheets

    Automatic Mathematics

    Mathematics processing software

    Software turns abstract mathematicalrelationships into visual objects (Example:Mathematica by Wolfram)

    Generally, they include an interactive, wizard-like question and-answer mode, a programminglanguage, and tools for creating interactivedocuments that combine text,numericalexpressions, and graphics

    Statistical Software: BeyondSpreadsheets

    Statistics and Data Analysis

    Statistical and data analysissoftware Collects and analyzes data that

    tests the strength of datarelationships

    Can produce graphs showing howtwo or more variables relate to eachother

    Can often uncover trends bybrowsing through two- and three-dimensional graphs of data, lookingfor unusual patterns in the dots andlines that appear on the screen

    Statistical Software: BeyondSpreadsheets

    Scientific Visualization

    Scientific visualization software usesshape, location in space, color, brightness,and motion to help us visualize data

    Visualization helps researchers seerelationships that might have beenobscure or even impossible to graspwithout computer-aided visualization tools

    Calculated Risks: ComputerModeling and Simulation

    Computer modeling uses computers to create

    abstract models of objects, organisms,organizations, and processes

    Examples of popular computer models:

    Games (chess boards, sports arenas, andmythological societies)

    Models of organisms, objects, and organizations

    Flight simulators and simulations of science labactivities

    Business, city, or nation management simulations

    Calculated Risks: ComputerModeling and Simulation

    Computer Simulations: The Rewards

    Computer simulations are widely used

    There are many reasons:






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    Calculated Risks: ComputerModeling and SimulationComputer Simulations: The Risk

    GIGO Revisited

    The accuracy of a simulation depends on how closelyits mathematical model corresponds to the systembeing simulated

    Some models suffer from faulty assumptions Some models contain hidden assumptions that may

    not even be obvious to their creators

    Some models go astray simply because of clerical orhuman errors

    Still, garbage in, garbage out is a basic rule ofsimulation

    Calculated Risks: ComputerModeling and Simulation

    Making Reality Fit the Machine Some simulations are so complex that

    researchers need to simplify modelsand streamline calculations to get themto run on the best hardware available

    Sometimes this simplification of realityis deliberate; more often itsunconscious

    Either way, information can be lost,and the loss may compromise theintegrity of the simulation and call theresults into question

    Calculated Risks: ComputerModeling and Simulation

    The Illusion of Infallibility

    A computer simulation, whether generated by a PCspreadsheet or churned out by a supercomputer, canbe an invaluable decision making aid

    The risk is that the people who make decisions withcomputers will turn over too much of their decision-

    making power to the computer

    Risks can be magnified because people takecomputers seriously

    Inventing the Future: TrulyIntelligent Agents

    Future user interfaces will be based on agentsrather than on tools

    Agents are software programs designed to bemanaged rather than manipulated

    An intelligent software agent can: Ask questions as well as respond to commands

    Pay attention to its users work patterns

    Serve as a guide and a coach

    Take on its owners goals

    Use reasoning to fabricate goals of its own

    Inventing the Future: TrulyIntelligent Agents

    Tomorrows agents will be better able to

    compete with human assistants Future agents may possess a degree of


    A well-trained software agent in the future mightaccomplish these tasks: Remind you that its time to get the tires rotated on

    your car, and make an appointment for the rotation

    Distribute notes to the other members of your studygroup or work group, and tell you which membersopened those notes

    Inventing the Future: TrulyIntelligent Agents

    Keep you posted on new articles on subjects

    that interest you, and know enough about thosesubjects to be selective without being rigid

    Manage your appointments and keep track ofyour communications

    Teach you new applications and answerreference questions

    Defend your system and your home fromviruses, intruders, and other security breaches

    Help protect your privacy on and off the Net

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    Surveys a variety of applications that

    people use to manipulate words and


    Considers software tools for working withwords

    From outliners to sophisticated referencetools and numbers

    From spreadsheets to statistical packages

    and money managers

    Summary (continued)

    Looks at how desktop-publishingtechnology has transformed the publishing

    process and provided more people withthe power to communicate in print

    Examines how scientific visualizationsoftware can help us understandrelationships that are invisible to the nakedeye and how computer simulationssimulate reality for work and pleasure

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    Chapter 6

    Graphics, Digital Media, andMultimedia


    Compare and contrast several types of computergraphics programs used by artists,

    photographers, designers, and others Explain how computers are changing the way

    professionals and amateurs work with video,animation, audio, and music

    Describe several ways that computers are usedto create multimedia materials in the arts,entertainment, education, and business

    Objectives (continued)

    Explain the relationship betweenhypermedia and multimedia, describing

    applications of each

    Describe several present and futureapplications for multimedia technology

    Tim Berners-Lee Weaves the Webfor Everybody

    Born in London in 1955

    Wanted to create an open-endeddistributed hypertext system with noboundaries, so scientists everywherecould link their work together

    Invented the World Wide Web andgave it to all

    Now works at MIT

    Heads the World Wide Web Consortium(W3C)

    Focus on Computer Graphics

    Painting: Bitmapped Graphics

    Painting software:

    Paints pixels on the screen with apointing device

    Pointer movements are translatedinto lines and patterns on the


    Stores an image at 300 dots perinch or higher

    Focus on Computer Graphics

    Pixels: tiny dots of white, black, or color that

    make up images on the screen The palette of tools mimics real-world painting

    tools Also contains other tools that are unique to computers

    Bitmapped graphics (or raster graphics):pictures that show how the pixels are mappedon the screen

    Color depth: the number of bits devoted to eachpixel

    Resolution: the density of the pixels

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    Focus on Computer Graphics

    Image Processing:

    Photographic Editing by Computer

    Allows the user to manipulate photographs andother high resolution images with tools such asAdobe Photoshop

    Far more powerful than traditional photo-retouching techniques Can distort and combine photos as demonstrated in

    the tabloids

    Can create fabricated images that show no evidenceof tampering

    Focus on Computer Graphics

    Digital photo management software

    programs such as Apple iPhoto and

    Microsoft PictureIt! simplify and automatecommon tasks associated with capturing,organizing, editing, and sharing digitalimages

    Take an image

    Combine it with

    other objects Make a statement

    Focus on Computer Graphics

    Drawing: Object-Oriented Graphics

    Drawing software stores a picture as acollection of lines and shapes (calledobject-oriented or vector graphics)

    Memory demands on storage are not ashigh as for bitmapped images

    Many drawing toolsline, shape, and text

    toolsare similar to painting tools inbitmapped programs

    Focus on Computer Graphics

    PostScript: a standard page-descriptionlanguage for describing text fonts, illustrations,and other elements of the printed page

    Used by professional drawing programs such asAdobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand

    Built into many laser printers and other high-endoutput devices so those devices can understand and

    follow PostScript instructions

    PostScript-based drawing software constructs aPostScript program as the user draws

    Focus on Computer Graphics

    Bit-mapped painting

    (pixels) gives you theseadvantages:

    More control over textures,shading and fine detail

    Appropriate for screendisplays, simulating

    natural paint media andembellishing photographs

    Focus on Computer Graphics

    Object-oriented drawing gives you theseadvantages:

    Better for creating printed graphs, charts, andillustrations

    Lines are cleaner and shapes are smoother

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    Focus on Computer Graphics

    Some integrated programs contain bothdrawing and painting modules

    Allows you to choose the right tool for eachjob

    Some programs merge features of both ina single application Blurring the distinction between types

    Offers new possibilities for amateur andprofessional illustrators

    Focus on Computer Graphics

    Rules of Thumb:

    Creating Smart Art

    Reprogram yourself . . . relax Choose the right tool for the


    Borrow from the best

    Dont borrow withoutpermission

    Protect your own work U.S. Copyright Office Web Site:

    Focus on Computer Graphics

    3-D Modeling Software

    Used to create three-dimensional objects withtools similar to those in drawing software

    Goal for some applications: to create ananimated presentation on a computer screen orvideotape

    Flexible: can create a 3-D model, rotate it, view itfrom different angles

    Can walk-through a 3-D environment thatexists only in the computers memory

    Focus on Computer Graphics

    Images in wireframe view; those on theright are fully rendered to add surface


    Focus on Computer Graphics

    CAD/CAM: Turning Pictures into Products

    Computer Aided Design (CAD) software:

    Allows engineers, designers, and architects tocreate designs on screen for products rangingfrom computer chips to public buildings

    Can test product prototypes

    Cheaper, faster, and more accurate than

    traditional design-by-hand techniques

    Focus on Computer Graphics

    Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) isthe process by which data related to theproduct design are fed into a program that

    controls the manufacturing of parts

    Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)refers to the combination of CAD/CAM andis a major step toward a fully automated


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    Focus on Computer Graphics

    Presentation Graphics:

    Bringing Lectures to Life

    Automates the creation of visual aids forlectures, training sessions, salesdemonstrations, and other presentations

    Create slide shows directly on computer

    monitors or LCD projectors, including stillimages, animation, and video clips

    Focus on Computer Graphics


    You start by creating an outline of the main

    points of your talk, arranging headings andpoints in the appropriate order

    You can design the background, borders, andtext format yourself, or select a professionallydesigned template from the collection thatcomes with PowerPoint

    The program places your text on this templatefor each slide in the presentation

    Focus on Computer Graphics

    You can print overhead transparencies orhave slides made, but since there is a bigscreen computer system in the lectureroom, you opt to create an interactiveslideshow with animated visual transitionsbetween slides

    Microsoft Producer lets you combine apresentation with a video of the speaker

    and a table of contents

    Rules of Thumb: Making PowerfulPresentations

    Remember your goal Remember your audience Outline your ideas Be stingy with words Keep it simple

    Use a consistent design Be smart with art

    Keep each slide focused

    Tell them what youre going to tell them, then tellthem, then tell them what you told them

    Dynamic Media: Beyond thePrinted Page

    Modern media contains dynamicinformation, which is information thatchanges over time or in response to user



    Desktop Video


    Hypertext and hypermedia

    Dynamic Media: Beyond thePrinted Page

    Animation: Graphics in Time

    Each frame of computer-based animation

    is a computer-drawn picture; the computerdisplays these frames in rapid succession

    Tweening: Instead of drawing each frameby hand, the animator can create keyframes and objects and use software to

    help fill in the gaps

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    Dynamic Media: Beyond thePrinted Page

    Desktop Video: Computers, Film, and TV

    Analog and Digital Video

    A video digitizer can convert analog video

    signals from a television broadcast orvideotape into digital data

    Dynamic Media: Beyond thePrinted Page

    Many video digitizers can import signals fromtelevisions, videotapes, video cameras, andother sources Signals displayed on the computers screen in real

    timeat the same time theyre created or imported

    Digital video cameras capture footage in digitalform

    Digital video can be copied, edited, stored, andplayed back without any loss of quality

    Digital video will soon replace analog video formost applications

    Dynamic Media: Beyond thePrinted Page

    Video Production Goes Digital

    Today most video editing is done using nonlinear editingtechnology

    Video editing software, such as Adobe Premiere, makesit easy to eliminate extraneous footage, combine clipsfrom multiple takes, splice together scenes, createspecific effects and other activities

    Morphs are video clips in which one imagemetamorphoses into another

    Data compression software and hardware are used to

    squeeze data out of movies so that they can be stored insmaller spaces

    Dynamic Media: Beyond thePrinted Page

    Many Web sites deliver streaming videocontent to viewers with fast broadband

    Internet connections

    Dynamic Media: Beyond thePrinted Page

    The Synthetic Musician:

    Computers and Audio Audio digitizer captures sound and

    stores it as a data file

    Synthesizer an electronic instrumentthat synthesizes sounds usingmathematical formulas

    MIDI (Musical Instrument DigitalInterface) standard interface thatallows electronic instruments andcomputers to communicate with eachother

    Dynamic Media: Beyond thePrinted Page

    Music is digitized on audio CDs at a high

    sampling rate and bit depthhigh enough thatits hard to tell the difference between theoriginal analog sound and the final digitalrecording

    The iTunes Music Store helps Mac andWindows users purchase music by their favoriteartists in protected digital format

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    Dynamic Media: Beyond thePrinted Page

    Rule of Thumb:

    Digital Audio Dos and Donts

    Dont steal

    Understand streaming and downloading

    Know your file formats

    Dont over-compress

    Dynamic Media: Beyond thePrinted Page

    Samplers, Synthesizers, and Sequencers:

    Digital Audio and MIDI

    Multimedia computers can control avariety of electronic musical instrumentsand sound sources using MIDI

    MIDI commands can be interpreted by avariety of: Music synthesizers


    Dynamic Media: Beyond thePrinted Page

    A piano-style keyboard sends MIDI signals to thecomputer Computer interprets the MIDI commands using sequencing


    Sequencing software turns a computer into a musicalcomposing, recording, and editing machine

    Electronicamusic designed from the ground up withdigital technology Some of the most interesting sequenced music

    Dynamic Media: Beyond thePrinted Page

    A growing number of musicians depend onsequencers to play along with live

    musicians in performances

    Abelons Live is a sequencer with special

    features for bridging the communication gapbetween human players and computer inconcert

    Dynamic Media: Beyond thePrinted Page

    Hypertext and Hypermedia

    Hypertext refers to information linked innon-sequential ways

    Hypermedia combines text, numbers,graphics, animation, sound effects, music,and other media in hyperlinked documents Useful for on-line help files

    Lets the user jump between documents allover the Internet

    Dynamic Media: Beyond thePrinted Page

    Hypermedia documents can bedisorienting and leave readers wonderingwhat theyve missed

    Documents dont always have the linksreaders want

    Authors cant build every possible connectioninto documents

    Some readers get frustrated because theycant easily get here from there

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    Dynamic Media: Beyond thePrinted Page

    Documents sometimes contain lost links,

    Especially on the Web, where even a popular

    page can disappear

    Documents dont encourage scribbledmargin notes, highlighting, or turned pagecorners for marking key passages

    Hardware can be hard on humans

    The art of hypermedia is still in its infancy

    Interactive Multimedia:Eye, Ear, Hand, and Mind

    Interactive Multimedia:

    What Is It?

    A combination of text, graphics,animation, video, music, voice,and sound effects that allows theuser to take an active part in theexperience

    Requirements: high-quality colormonitors, fast processors, largememory, CD-ROM drives,speakers, and sound cards

    Interactive Multimedia:Eye, Ear, Hand, and Mind

    Multimedia Authoring:

    Making Mixed Media

    Uses authoring programssuch as HyperStudio andMetaCard

    Binds source documentstogether to communicate

    with users in anaesthetically pleasing way

    Interactive Multimedia: Eye, Ear,Hand, and Mind

    Multimedia authoring involvesprogramming objects on thescreen to react, or behave, inparticular ways under particularcircumstances

    Macromedia Director MX, one ofthe most popular of suchpackages, includes pre-writtenbehaviors that can be attached to

    on-screen buttons, images, andother objects

    Interactive Multimedia: Eye, Ear,Hand, and Mind

    Rules of Thumb:

    Making Interactive Multimedia Work

    Be consistent in visual appearance

    Use graphical metaphors to guide viewers

    Keep the screen clean and uncluttered

    Include multimedia elements to enliven thepresentation

    Focus on the message

    Give the user control

    Test your presentation with those unfamiliar with thesubject

    Interactive Multimedia: Eye, Ear,Hand, and Mind

    Inventing the Future:

    Shared Virtual Spaces

    Virtual reality combines virtualworlds with networking Places multiple participants in a

    virtual space

    People see representations of eachother, sometimes called avatars

    Most avatars today are cartoonish,but they convey a sense of presenceand emotion

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    Interactive Multimedia: Eye, Ear,Hand, and Mind

    Tele-immersion: Uses multiple cameras and high-speed networks to

    create a videoconferencing environment in whichmultiple remote users can interact with each otherand with computer-generated objects

    Combines the display and interaction techniques ofvirtual reality with new vision technologies that allowparticipants to move around in shared virtual spaces,all the while maintaining their unique points of view

    Augmented reality (AR): The use of computer displays that add virtual

    information to a persons sensory perceptions


    Computer graphics today encompass more thanquantitative charts and graphs generated by

    spreadsheets Computers today arent limited to working with

    static images; theyre widely used to create andedit documents in media that change over timeor in response to user interaction

    The interactive nature of the personal computermakes it possible to create nonlinear documentsthat enable users to take individual pathsthrough information

    Summary (continued)

    Today we can create or explore hypermediadocuments interactive documents that mix text,graphics, sounds, and moving images with onscreennavigation buttonson disk and on the World WideWeb

    Multimedia computer systems make a new kind ofsoftware possiblesoftware that uses text, graphics,animation, video, music, voice, and sound effects tocommunicate

    Regardless of the hardware, interactive multimedia

    software enables the user to control the presentationrather than just watch or listen passively