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  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    Chapter 21Power Supplies

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    1. The output rectifer is:


    A. 60-Hz ac.  B. Smooth dc.

      C. Pulsating dc.

      . 120-Hz ac.

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    2 . Which o the ollowing might not be needed in power supply?

      A. !he trans"ormer.

      B. !he #lter.

      C. !he recti#er.


    . All o" the a$o%e are generall& needed.

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    3. O the ollowing appliances, which would neebiggest transormer?


    A. A cloc' radio.  B. A !( $roadcast transmitter.

      C. A shortwa%e radio recei%er.

      . A home !( set.

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    . !n ad"antage o ull#wa"e bridge rectifca


    A. )t uses the whole trans"ormer secondathe entire ac input c&cle.

      B. )t costs less than other recti#er t&pes.

      C. )t cuts o* hal" o" the ac wa%e c&cle.


    . )t ne%er needs a regulator.

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    $. %n. a supply designed to pro"ide high power"oltage, the best rectifer design would proba

      A. Hal"-wa%e.

      B. +ull-wa%e, center-tap.

      C. Bridge.

      . (oltage multiplier.

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    &. The part o a power supply immediately precethe regulator is:


    A. !he trans"ormer.  B. !he recti#er.

      C. !he #lter.

      . !he ac input.

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    '. % a hal#wa"e rectifer is used with 11'#( rms )house mains*, the a"erage dc output "oltage is

      A. 2. (.  B. 10 (.

      C. 11 (.

      . /2 (.

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza



      11rms 2 3 16.46(p

      A%erage %alue output

    (a%g 3 3 3 52.668V or 52.67V


  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    +. % a ull#wa"e bridge circuit is used with atransormer whose secondary pro"ides $ the -%( across the diodes is about:

      A. 0 (.  B. 0 (.

      C. 100 (.

      . 140 (.

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    . The principal disad"antage o a "oltage multi


    A. 7cessi%e current.  B. 7cessi%e %oltage.

      C. )nsu8cient recti#cation.

      . Poor regulation.

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    1. ! transormer secondary pro"ides 1 ( rms t"oltage#doubler circuit. The dc output "oltage is

      A. 14 (.  B. 20 (.

      C. 2 (.


    . /6 (.

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    11. The ripple re/uency rom a ull#wa"e rect


    A. !wice that "rom a hal"-wa%e circuit.  B. !he same as that "rom a hal"-wa%e circ

      C. Hal" that "rom a hal"-wa%e circuit.

      . 9ne-"ourth that "rom a hal"-wa%e circu

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    10. Which o the ollowing would mae the besor a power supply?


    A. A capacitor in series.  B. A cho'e in series.

      C. A capacitor in series and a cho'e in parallel.

      . A capacitor in parallel and a cho'e in series.

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    13. % you needed e2ceptionally good ripple fltera power supply, the best approach would be to:


    A. Connect se%eral capacitors in parallel.  B. :se a cho'e-input #lter.

      C. Connect se%eral cho'es in series.

      . :se two capacitor;cho'e sections one

    the other.

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    1. (oltage regulation can be accomplished by adiode connected in:


    A. Parallel with the #lter output, "orward-$  B. Parallel with the #lter output, re%erse-$

      C. Series with the #lter output, "orward-$

      . Series with the #lter output, re%erse-$

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    1$. ! current surge taes place when a power sufrst turned on because:


    A. !he trans"ormer core is suddenl&magnetized.

      B. !he diodes suddenl& start to conduct.

      C. !he #lter capacitor

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    1&. Transient suppression minimi4es the cha


    A. iode "ailure.  B. !rans"ormer "ailure.

      C. +ilter capacitor "ailure.

      . Poor %oltage regulation.

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    1'. % a use blows, and it is replaced with one halower current rating, there5s a good chance that:


    A. !he power suppl& will $e se%erel& dam  B. !he diodes will not recti"&.

      C. !he "use will $low out right awa&.

      . !ransient suppressors won>t wor'.

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    1+. ! use with nothing but a straiwire inside is probably:

      A. A slow-$low t&pe.  B. A ?uic'-$rea' t&pe.

      C. 9" a low current rating.

      . 9" a high current rating.

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    1. 6leeder resistors are:

      A. Connected in parallel with #lter capacitors.

      B. 9" low ohmic %alue.

      C. *ecti%e "or transient suppression.

      . *ecti%e "or surge suppression.

  • 8/17/2019 Chapter 21 Mendoza


    0. To ser"ice a power supply withwhich you are not completely ami

     you should:  A. )nstall $leeder resistors.

      B. :se proper "using.

      C. @ea%e it alone and ha%e a pro"essionalon it.

      . :se a %oltage regulator.