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12 Chapter 2, Section 1

Chapter 2, Section 1

Planet Earth (Pages 33–36)

Setting a Purpose for Reading Think about these questions as you read:• Where is Earth located in our solar system?• How is Earth shaped?• What is Earth’s structure?• What types of landforms are found on Earth?

As you read pages 33–36 in your textbook, complete this graphic organizer by

describing the four components of Earth.

Component Description





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Chapter 2, Section 1 13

Scan the section before you begin to read. As you glancequickly over the lines of text, look for key words orphrases that will tell you what the text will cover. Write thekey words or phrases. Then use the key words andphrases to write a statement explaining the lesson content.Revise your statement when you are finished reading thesection.

Define the following academic vocabulary words from this lesson.

Use the following term that you studied earlier in a sentence that reflects the term’s meaning.


Whatthe section

is about

Key words or phrases


physical(Chapter 1, Section 1)

Our Solar System (pages 33–35)

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14 Chapter 2, Section 1

As you read the lesson, write down questions you haveabout what you read. When you have finished reading thelesson, answer your questions.

Write the letter of the correct definition in Group B next to the correct term from this lesson in Group A. One definition will not be used.

Group A Group A

____ 1. hydrosphere

____ 2. lithosphere

____ 3. atmosphere

____ 4. bioshpere

____ 5. continental shelf

Fill in the blank with the correct place from this lesson.

Dead Sea Asia North America

Mount Everest Australia Europe

Mariana Trench Antarctica South America


1. Two continents that stand alone are ________________________ and

____________________________ .

2. _______________________ and _____________________ are actuallyparts of one large landmass called Eurasia.

a. the part of the earth that supports life

b. seven large landmasses

c. a layer of gases extending thousandsof miles above Earth

d. the part of the continent that extendsunderwater

e. the part of the earth made up of bodies of water

f. the part of the earth made up of land

Getting to Know Earth (pages 35–36)

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Chapter 2, Section 1 15

3. The Isthmus of Panama links the continents of ____________________

and ____________________________ .

4. At the Sinai Peninsula, the human-made Suez Canal separates

___________________________ and ___________________________ .

5. The highest point on Earth is in South Asia at the top of

____________________________ .

6. The lowest dry land point is the shore of the _____________________in Southwest Asia.

7. Earth’s lowest known depression lies under the Pacific Ocean southwest of Guam in the long, underwater canyon called the

____________________________ .

Define the following academic vocabulary words from this lesson.

Use the following terms that you studied earlier in a sentence that reflects the term’s meaning.



globe(Chapter 1, Section 1)

feature(Chapter 1, Section 1)

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16 Chapter 2, Section 1

Now that you have read the section, write the answers tothe questions that were included in Setting a Purpose forReading at the beginning of the lesson.

Where is Earth located in our solar system?

How is Earth shaped?

What types of landforms are found on Earth?

What is Earth’s structure?

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Chapter 2, Section 2 17

Chapter 2, Section 2

Forces of Change (Pages 37–43)

Setting a Purpose for Reading Think about these questions as you read:• How do Earth’s layers contribute to the planet’s physical characteristics?• How do internal and external forces of change affect Earth’s surface

differently?• What external forces affect Earth’s surface?

As you read pages 37–43 in your textbook, complete this graphic organizer by

using the major headings of the section to create an outline similar to the one


Forces of Change

I. Earth’s Structure

A. __________________________________________________________

B. __________________________________________________________

II. Internal Forces of Change

A. __________________________________________________________

B. __________________________________________________________

C. __________________________________________________________

D. __________________________________________________________

III. External Forces of Change

A. __________________________________________________________

B. __________________________________________________________

C. __________________________________________________________


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18 Chapter 2, Section 2

As you read this section, write down terms or concepts youfind confusing. Reread the section to clarify the confusingterms and concepts. Write an explanation of the terms andconcepts.

Define the following key terms from this lesson.

Circle the letter of the word that has the closest meaning tothe underlined word from this lesson.

1. Some forces that change the earth, such as wind, occur on the earth’ssurface.

a. develop b. happen c. begin

2. Some of the elements that make up the outer core of Earth include silicon, aluminum, iron, magnesium, and oxygen.

a. models b. landforms c. substances


plate tectonics





Earth’s Structure (pages 37–39)

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Chapter 2, Section 2 19

As you read this section, think about what grabs yourattention as you read. Write down facts you find interest-ing or surprising in the lesson.

Write the letter of the correct definition in Group B next to the correct term in Group A. One definition will not beused.

Group A

1. subduction

2. accretion

3. spreading

4. folds

5. faults

Explain why each of these places from this lesson isimportant.

San AndreasFault

Group B

a. cracks in the earth’s crust

b. a process in which a heavier sea platedives beneath a lighter continental plate

c. sudden, violent movements of platesalong a fault line

d. a process in which pieces of the earth’scrust come together slowly as the seaplate slides under the continental plate

e. bends in layers of rock

f. a process in which sea plates pull apart

Ring of Fire

Internal Forces of Change (pages 39–41)

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20 Chapter 2, Section 2

Define the following academic vocabulary words from this lesson.

Use the following term that you studied earlier in a sentence that reflects the term’s meaning.

Read the title and main headings of the lesson. Write astatement predicting what the lesson will be about andwhat will be included in the text. As you read, change your prediction if it does not match what you learn.

Choose one of the following terms from this lesson to fill ineach blank. One term will not be used.

weathering erosion loess glaciers moraines

1. China’s Yellow River basin is thickly covered with a fertile, yellow-gray

soil called ____________________________ .

2. ____________________________ are large piles of rocks and debrisleft behind when glaciers melted and receded.

3. The process that breaks down rocks on the earth’s surface into

smaller pieces is called ________________________ .

range (Chapter 1, Section 2)



External Forces of Change (pages 42–43)

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Chapter 2, Section 2 21

4. The wearing away of the earth’s surface by wind, glaciers, and moving

water is called ____________________ .

Choose one of these two academic vocabulary terms fromthis lesson to fill in each blank.

1. Water seeps into cracks and __________________ when it freezes.

2. Glacier movements change the landscape by _____________________the directions of rivers.

Use the following terms that you studied earlier in a sentence that reflects the term’s meaning.

Now that you have read the section, write the answers tothe questions that were included in Setting a Purpose forReading at the beginning of the lesson.

How do Earth’s layers contribute to the planet’s physical characteristics?

How do internal and external forces of change affect Earth’s surface differently?

What external forces affect Earth’s surface?

locations(Chapter 1, Section 1)



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22 Chapter 2, Section 3

Chapter 2, Section 3

Earth’s Water (Pages 46–49)

Setting a Purpose for Reading Think about these questions as you read:• How does the amount of water on Earth remain fairly constant?• How is the water that makes up 70 percent of the Earth’s surface

distributed?• Why is freshwater important to humans?

As you read pages 46–49 in your textbook, complete this graphic organizer by

listing the processes that contribute to the water cycle.

Water Cycle

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Chapter 2, Section 3 23

As you read, write two questions about the main ideas presented in the text. After you have finished reading,write the answers to these questions.



Write the letter of the correct definition in Group B next tothe correct term from this lesson in Group A. One defini-tion will not be used.

Group A

1. water cycle

2. evaporation

3. condensation

4. precipitation

Circle the letter of the word that has the closest meaning tothe underlined word from this lesson.

1. The major parts of the water cycle are condensation and evaporation.

a. main b. short c. common

2. The amount of moisture that a place gets varies from season to season.

a. falls b. changes c. increases

Group B

a. a process in which excess water vaporchanges into liquid water

b. the regular movement of water fromoceans to the air to the ground andfinally back to the oceans

c. freshwater found in lakes, springs, andrivers

d. moisture in the form of rain, snow, orsleet

e. the changing of liquid water into vaporor gas



Water Cycle (pages 46–47)

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24 Chapter 2, Section 3

Use the following term that you studied earlier in a sentence that reflects the term’s meaning.

Visualize the information described in this section to helpyou understand and remember what you have read. First,read the section. Next, ask yourself, What would this looklike? Finally, write a description of the pictures you visualized on the lines below.

Define or describe the following key term from this lesson.

Explain why the following places from this lesson areimportant.

Pacific Ocean


hydrosphere(Chapter 2, Section 2)

Atlantic Ocean

Indian Ocean

Bodies of Salt Water (pages 47–48)

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Chapter 2, Section 3 25

Define the following vocabulary words from this lesson.

Read the title and quickly look over the lesson to get a general idea of the lesson’s content. Then write a sentenceor two explaining what the lesson is about.

Define or describe the following key terms from this lesson.



Arctic Ocean



Bodies of Freshwater (pages 48–49)

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26 Chapter 2, Section 3

Circle the letter of the word that has the closest meaning tothe underlined word from this lesson.

1. Since most of Earth’s freshwater is frozen in glaciers and ice caps, it isnot available for people to drink.

a. agreeable b. knowledgeable c. obtainable

2. People usually settle in places where there is a constant supply ofwater.

a. regular b. fresh c. large

Use the following terms that you studied earlier in a sentence that reflects the term’s meaning.

Now that you have read the section, write the answers tothe questions that were included in Setting a Purpose forReading at the beginning of the lesson.

How does the amount of water on Earth remain fairly constant?

How is the water that makes up 70 percent of Earth’s surface distributed?

Why is freshwater important to humans?

place(Chapter 1, Section 1)

regions(Chapter 1, Section 1)

