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Discworld LegacyChapter 2



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Welcome back to the Discworld Legacy.

Great A'Tuin is the founder and a knowledge sim with a silly hat and a goofy grin. He is named after a giant turtle that swims through space and support the Disc, upon which all the characters whose names I use live. The name seemed appropriate as My Great A'Tuin is the base from which the legacy begins.

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Robin is his wife, another knowledge sim who doesn't seem to be too happy to be talking to someone on the phone. She is depressingly similar to Great A'Tuin and they have an annoyingly perfect relationship, I just can't bring myself to do anything to make it more interesting as they are so sweet together.

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This is the eldest Angua. She is named after a werewolf whose serves in Ankh-Morpork's City Watch. The original Angua is a "well-developed girl with ash-blonde hair", except when she is a wolf, then she has blonde fur which is as long as a mane around her ears. She is intelligent and capable, and has the added ability to be able to smell colour and tear out a person's jugular when a wolf. She is also in a long term relationship with another guard - Carrot (whose name I will use later).

My Angua is a family sim with the life time want of marrying off 6 children. Her personality is one of extremes - neat, shy, active, serious and nice. She is turned on by Red hair (appropriate given the original Angua's boyfriend is a red head) and facial hair and turned off by stink (also appropriate given how much more sensitive original Angua's nose is when she is a wolf).

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Agnes is the second born. She is named after a young witch from Lancre - Agnes Nitt. When we first meet her she is a member of an amateur coven, and is a "small fat sixteen-year-old girl with a naturally rosy complexion". However unlike the other members Agnes does actually have some magical talent and later becomes the third member of a coven that also includes Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg (names to be used later). Agnes also happens to have a inner personality called Perdita, who is the thin person inside every fat person. She has all the thoughts that Agnes is too nice to have.

My Agnes is currently a child. She is more balanced in personality than her sister and only time will tell what she wants out of life.

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The youngest child is Albert, named after Death's manservant, The original Albert was once called Alberto Malich the Wise and was founder of Unseen University. He is 67 years old but has seen 2,000 years go past on the Disc, this is because he lives in Death's kingdom where time doesn't happen. At first glance he is a small, hunched old man, however he is actually quite tall and wiry. He has a red nose that constantly drips.

My Albert is still a toddler, his personality is less extreme than Angua's but more so than Agnes'.

And now I hand over to my sims to tell the story.

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Robin's Diary - Day 23

Today was Albert's birthday. I spent the evening with him teaching him to talk and walk, while I was disappointed that his first word wasn't Mummy, teddy is a great achievement and I'm happy.

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Like Angua Albert is attracted to the shape sorter, if I let him he would spend all day playing with it .

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My girls are such good friends. I was afraid that now Angua is a teen she would start to ignore her little sister, but she still takes time to play with her. Angua has told me that she really wants a large family one day, and can't wait until she has children of her own.

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Robin's Diary - Day 24

Today started out well. I've been promoted to Intern, it means more responsibility at work and more time away from my children, but at least it's one step closer to my dream - being Chief of Staff at a top hospital.

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Angua is determined to be a good sister, she's always prepared to sit down and read to Agnes, or help her with her homework. I think she's practising for when she has children.

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Things went wrong in the evening though. I nearly burnt the house down. I can't think what went wrong, I mean I've cooked Salmon thousands of times before, I don't know how the fire started. Thank goodness for that smoke alarm.

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It meant that a firefighter was quickly on the scene to put the fire out.

[Not bad looking, I'll have to keep him in mind for the future]

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Great A'Tuin and I have been doing so well in our careers, that we decided we could afford to enlarge the house. The fire was also a factor in our decision, the kitchen needed completely redoing, so why not make it part of a larger building project.

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We now have two floor, the bedrooms are on the top floor. The girls share a room, while Albert will have one of his own when he is older. We also added a second bathroom up here, it's really needed with 5 people in the house.

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On the ground floor we now have a separate living room in what was the girls' bedroom. We've enlarged the kitchen/dinner to take up the space where our bedroom was, which means we have more space to put all Albert's toys.

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Robin's Diary - Day 25

Like me, my husband is doing well at work, he was promoted again to Top Secret Researcher, obviously this means he can't actually tell me what he does, but I'm sure it's important.

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Robin's Diary - Day 26

Today was the day Albert became a child. I'm sad that I'm not going to have anymore children so they'll never be another of my kids needing to be taught to walk or to talk (the potty training I won't miss so much). Though I know that one of my children will be having their children in this house, so there is always that to look forward to.

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I can tell already Albert is going to be a very handsome young man, but for now he is still a carefree child, carefree until he starts school tomorrow at least.

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Agnes is delighted to have a playmate again, Angua isn't as much fun now she is a teen.

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Angua's diary - Day 26

Dear diary

Today I did something I've been planning to do for a while. You see there's this guy at school who I really like, we've talked a bit so I know that we get on. So anyway, I invited him over to my house asking if he wanted it to be a date, I can barely believe that I dared to ask that. He said YES!!!

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I spent the time until he arrived worrying that this was a joke or that he would change his mind or something. But he didn't!

We started of slowly, I was nervous, I've never done this kind of thing before.

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After a while I got up the nerve to try and flirt with him. I don't think I was very good, but he seemed to like it.

[I love shy sims, they are so cute]

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Things were going so well, and I decided to see if he LIKE liked me or just liked me. So I leaned in for a kiss, I was so sure he was going to push me away and tell me I was just a friend, but he didn't!!

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The rest of the evening was really magical. I'm sure it's more than a crush that I have on him. I really hope he feels the same way.

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By the end of the evening we were officially going out.

This is so great - I have a boyfriend!!

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Great A'Tuin diary - Day 26

I've been promoted to Theorist, but my career isn't my main focus at the moment. I've spent the last few days studying really hard, there is still so much more left to learn. I do feel I'm making progress though.

[Great A'Tuin has maxed Logic and Cleaning, 2/7 done]

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[The family that skills together stays together?]

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Robin's diary - Day 27

I've been promoted to Resident, but that's not the most important thing that happened today. Today Agnes became a teen and joined her sister in having to decide what to do with the rest of her life.

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[I like this picture because of Great A'Tuin's jump and Albert's face, he looks so happy about the fact his sister is a teen]

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[Agnes is a wealth sim with the life time want to earn $100,000, I've never managed that with a sim, but I'll give it a try if she's heir.]

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Agnes wants to earn as much money as she can, I've tried to tell her there's more to life, but since when has a teenager listened to her mother. To this end she has found an after school job as a Door to Door Poller, I'm not sure I really want her wandering the streets knocking on strangers' doors, but she assures me she'll be safe.

Spurred on by her sister Angua found a job as School Crossing Guard, she wants to be able to protect people, my daughter has grown into such a responsible young woman.

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Great A'Tuin diary - Day 28

Everything in this house constantly breaks, I'm forever repairing things. If it's not the bath then it the shower, and if that's fine then the TV is smoking.

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[This painting may not look like much but Angua earned 6 creativity points through painting it. I have never known a sim skill so fast, by this point she has all the skill points she will need for her future job, plus full cooking and cleaning]

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Great A'Tuin diary - Day 29

Lots of achievements today. Angua has proved that she can be trusted and so has been promoted to Parking Lot Attendant. My wife has been promoted to General Practitioner.

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And little Albert got his first A+

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Robin's diary - Day 30

My husband may be an accomplished scientist, but he's not much of an artist.

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Now that Agnes is a teen Angua has taken to looking after Albert, in the same way she did her sister.

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I'm still as attracted to my husband as I was all those years ago when I first met him, I'm sure we'll be together for a very long time.

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Agnes had an eventful day today. One of my relatives heard about her hard work and sent her $100 for her good report card. At work she was less lucky - she was fined $50 for disturbing the peace after trying out a song and dance routine as a way of getting people to answer her questions Despite this Agnes got her promotion today, she's now a Campaign Worker, I'm glad that she won't be wandering the street anymore. She managed to get a ride home in the limo that came to collect her father.

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Great A'Tuin has managed to reach the pinnacle of the science career, he is now a Mad Scientist (not sure what I think about his job title), he won't tell me much about what he does but I'm sure it's important.

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Despite all the important work he is doing Great A'Tuin still finds time to be a good father to his children, and a good husband to me.

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Great A'Tuin's Diary - day 31

We're remodelling.

I was working on my latest project, a machine that will reanimate the dead. When I discovered that my incompetent assistant had lost the schematics. I had just one more connection to make but was it the green wire or the orange wire. I crossed my fingers and connected the green wire.

Success! The geraniums that had been brown, wilted and dead were now green and alive. This was a great advance for the horticultural community and the patent netted me $55,000. With part of the money I purchased a small lot on which I will one day establish a small business.

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With the rest of the money we've rebuilt the family home. It's now twice as big as the old house.

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Downstairs we have a dedicated area for infants, with two nurseries and a playroom. Our kitchen/dinner can now seat six. And we have 2 of the 4 bathrooms.

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The remaining 2 bathrooms are upstairs, along with 4 bedrooms. There are two bedrooms for the children, one for Robin and I, and one for the future, for the child that decides to stay at home and carry on my legacy.

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Angua returned from work with a promotion. It seems she impressed her boss with the suggestion of valet parking, and he got her a promotion to Security Guard.

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Today was also Albert's birthday.

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Albert has grown into a fine young man who wants to be friends with everyone, and become a successful entrepreneur.

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[Albert is a popularity sim with the life time want of owning 5 top level businesses]

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With both of her younger siblings teens Angua decided it was time to head of to university, she has earned a number of scholarships, and should be able to afford a nice place to live.

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Agnes was sorry to see her go, the two girls were very close.

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I was very proud to see my daughter go to university, something I never had a chance to do. I'm sure she'll do very well there.

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Albert's Diary - day 32

It's just me and my parents now. Agnes has followed Angua off to university. I'll be leaving soon too, there's just a couple more things I want to do.

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Dad's managed to get closer to his goal.

[Creativity, cooking and mechanical done now - 5/7]

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Albert's Diary - day 33

I'm all ready to go to uni now. I've done everything that I wanted to do as a teen - 5 best friends and a girlfriend.

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My girlfriend's name is Alicia Jayapalan, we met when she walked past her house, I fancied her straight away.

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We became best friends so fast, and when I asked her out she said yes without having to pause for thought.

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[The portraits of my founder and his spouse are ready]

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Robin's Diary - day 33

The last of my children have left. I'm glad that they've gone to university, but I'm going to miss them.

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Although there are benefits to having the place to ourselves again.

With the three 1st generation children gone to university I'll end this chapter. Next time will be the adventures of Angua, Agnes and Albert at university, where they'll start a Greek house, make friends, find spouses and maybe do some studying.

None of the custom content is made by me, so a big thanks to all those talented people who make it