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Chapter 2 Motion in

One Dimension

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Motion is relative.

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An object can be moving with respect to one object and at the same time be at rest or moving at a different speed with respect to another.

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Frame of Reference

Is the point with which a motion is described.

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How fast are you moving

at this moment?

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Depends upon how you look at it?

If you look at it from the point of view with the room, most of you are not moving.

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If you look at it from the point of view from outer space, then you are moving as fast as the earth is rotating.

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Or from out side the solar system, the earth is moving

around the sun at a speed of

approximately 100,000 km/hr.

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Relative Motion Animation

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Vector A physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction.

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Ex:10 km, North

15 m/s, SW

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ScalarA physical quantity that has magnitude, but no direction.

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Ex: 55 km/hr

19 m

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Distance How far an object has moved.

No direction, therefore a scalar.

Ex: 20 km

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DisplacementThe change in position of an


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Difference b/n Distance & Displacement

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Change in position

=Final position – Initial position

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x = xf – xi

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Note: Displacement is not always equal to distance moved.

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Displacement has a specific

direction, therefore it is a


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Displacement can be positive (+) or negative


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On the x-axis displacement to the right is (+) and displacement to the left is (-).

On the y-axis displacement upwards is (+) and displacement downwards is (-).

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Measure of how fast something

is moving.

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Is the distance covered per unit of time.

ex: 72 km/hr or 20 m/s

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Speed Unitsm/s, km/hr, or cm/s, same as velocity units.

Since speed has no direction, it is a scalar.

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The fast speed possible is the speed of light.

Which is 3 x 108 m/s (299,792,458 m/s)

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Instantaneous Speed

Is the speed of an object at any instant.

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Instantaneous Speed

Is the speed of an object at any instant.Ex: speedometer reading

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Average SpeedThe total distance divided by the time

interval during which the displacement occurred. (Vavg)

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Change in position

Vavg = ---------------------- Change in time

total distance = -----------------------

time interval

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Xvavg = ------ t

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xf – xi

vavg = --------- t

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The cheetah averages 70 m/s over 30 seconds. How far does it travel in those 30 seconds?



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VelocityIs the rate of change

of displacement.It is speed with a direction. (vector)

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The Vavg can

be (+) or (-), depending on the sign of the displacement.

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Three Ways to Change Velocity 

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Three Ways to Change Velocity 

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Ex 1: During a trip, a plane flies directly

East with an average velocity of 35 m/s. What distance does

the plane cover in 45 minutes?

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G: Vavg = 35 m/s, t= 45 min= 2700 s

U: X = ?

E: X = (Vavg )(t)S: X=(35m/s)(2700s)S: X = 94,500 m, E

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With your group, work together to solve practice problems: 2, 4, and 6 on page 44 (HP). Do these

problems in your notes. I will check for them in the

notebook check. Also use the GUESS method.

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2) 3.1 km4) 3 hr6a) 6.4 Hour6b) 77 km/hr South

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Velocity is not the same as


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Uniform MotionBoth velocity/speed and direction of the body/object remain

the same.

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Accelerated Motion

Is when the velocity/speed of

the object is changing.

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Acceleration (aavg)

Is the rate of change of velocity.

How fast you change your velocity

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How do you know your accelerating?

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How do you know your accelerating?

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aavg has direction and magnitude; therefore, it is a


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Change in Velocity

aavg = ---------------

Time interval

for change

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v vf – vi

aavg = --- = ---------

t t

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Units: m/s2 or cm/s2

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If acceleration is negative (-) it means the object is slowing down or decelerating

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Uniform Accelerated Motion

Constant acceleration,meaning the velocity changes by

the same amount each time interval.

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Ex 2: A car slows down with an acceleration of –1.5 m/s2. How long does it take for the car to stop

from 15.0 m/s to 0.0 m/s?

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G: aavg = -1.5 m/s2, vf = 0.0m/s vi = 15 m/s

U: t = ?

E: aavg = (vf – vi) / t

or t = (vf – vi) / aavg

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t = (0m/s – 15 m/s)

(-1.5 m/s2)

t = 10 s

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Do practice problems, on page 49 (HP), #2 and 4.

Work together with groups. These must be in

notes and you need to use the GUESS Method

to solve them.

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Displacement (x) depends upon: aavg, vi ,

and t.

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For an object moving with a uniform acceleration.

The vavg is the average of the vi and the vf.

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vi + vf

vavg = ------- 2

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By setting both vavg equations equal to each


x vi + vf

----- = ------- t 2

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Multiply both side by t

x = ½ (vi + vf)t

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Ex 3: Adam, in his AMC Pacer, is moving at a velocity of 27 m/s, he applies the brakes and comes to a stop in 5.5 seconds. How far did

move before he came to a stop?

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G: vi =27 m/s vf =0 m/s t= 5.5 s

U: x E: x = ½ (vi + vf)tS: x = ½(27 m/s+

0m/s)5.5sS: x = 74.3 m

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Final velocity (vf) depends upon: vi,

t, & aavg

From the aavg equation:

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Multiple both sides by time


aavgt = vf - vi

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Then add vi to both sides.

vf = vi + aavgt

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Ex 4: A pilot flying at 60 m/s opens the throttles

to the engines, uniformly accelerating the jet at a rate of 0.75

m/s2 for 8 seconds, what is his final speed?

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G: aavg= 0.75 m/s2, t=8s, vi= 60 m/s

U: vf = ?

E: vf = vi + aavg t

S: vf =60 m/s +

(0.75m/s2 x 8 s)S: vf = 66 m/s

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With our final speed equation, we can

substitute it into the x equation. This allows us to find x without

knowing vf.

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We are going to substitute

vf = vi + aavgt into

x = ½ (vi + vf)t

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Where vf is, replace it with

(vi + aavgt)x = ½ (vi + vi + aavgt)t

x = ½ (2vit + aavgt2)

x = vit + ½ aavgt2

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Ex 5: A plane flying at 80 m/s is uniformly

accelerated at a rate of 2 m/s2. What distance will it travel during a 10 second interval after acceleration


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G: t= 10 s, a =2m/s2, vi = 80 m/s,

U: x = ?

E: x = vit + ½ a t2

S: x = (80 m/s)(10 s) + ½(2 m/s2)(10 s)2

S: x = 900 m

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Open books to page 56 and read it. Try

and follow the algebra and

substitution for our last equation.

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Final velocity after any displacement.

vf2 = vi

2 + 2aavgx

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Ex 6: A bullet leaves the barrel of a gun, 0.5 m long, with a muzzle

velocity of 500 m/s. Find (a) its acceleration and

(b) the time it was in the barrel.

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G: x=0.5 m, vf =500m/s, vi = 0 m/s

U: aavg = ?

E: vf2 – vi

2 = 2aavgx or aavg = (vf

2 – vi2) / 2x

S: aavg =(500 2 – 0 2)/(2 x 0.5)

S: aavg = 2.5 x 105 m/s2

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G: x =0.5 m, vf =500m/s vi = 0 m/s

U: t = ?

E: x = vit + ½ aavgt2 or t2 = 2 x /aavg

S: t2 = 2(0.5) / 2.5 x 105 S: t = 0.002 s

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Free Falling Objects

Galileo showed that a body falls with a

constant acceleration of 9.81 m/s2.

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Acceleration of Gravity

g = – 9.81 m/s2

(For convenience we will use –

10 m/s2)

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That means after 1 sec the object will have increased its

speed by 10 m/s.So if starting from rest:

After 1 sec – 10 m/sAfter 2 sec – 20 m/sAfter 3 sec – 30 m/s

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Ex 7: A stone dropped from a cliff hits the

ground 3 seconds later. Find (a) the speed with which the stone hits the

ground, and (b) the distance it fell.

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G: t =3 sec,vi =0 m/s aavg = g = - 10 m/s2

U: vf = ?

E: vf = vi + aavgt

S:vf=0 m/s+(- 10 m/s2)(3s)

S: vf = - 30 m/s

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G: t =3 sec, vi =0 m/s aavg = g = –9.81 m/s2

U: x= ?

E: x = vi t + ½ aavgt 2

S: x = (0 m/s)(3 s) + ½ (– 10 m/s2)(3 s)2

S: x = – 45 m

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Free falling bodies always have the same downward acceleration

Even though an object may be moving upwards, its acceleration is downwards.

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The velocity is positive, but is decreasing.

When it reaches the peak, the velocity is

zero, but still accelerating downwards.

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Then the object begins to fall with

a negative velocity.

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A ball is thrown straight up with

an initial velocity of 30 m/s.

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t (s) y (m) Vf (m/s) Aavg


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t (s) y (m) Vf (m/s) Aavg

(m/s2)0.00 -101.00 -102.00 -103.00 -104.00 -105.00 -106.00 -10

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t (s) y (m) Vf (m/s) Aavg


0.00 30 -101.00 20 -102.00 10 -103.00 0 -104.00 -10 -105.00 -20 -106.00 -30 -10

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t (s) y (m) Vf (m/s) Aavg


0.00 0 30 -101.00 25 20 -102.00 40 10 -103.00 45 0 -104.00 40 -10 -105.00 25 -20 -106.00 0 -30 -10

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Ex 8: Amber hits a volleyball, so that it moves with an initial

velocity of 6m/s straight upward. If the ball starts from 2 m off the floor. How long will it remain in the air before hitting

the floor? Assume she is the last person to touch it.

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G: Vi = 6 m/s, x = -2 m, aavg= -10 m/s2

U: t :There is no easy equation to use so we need to find t

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So we need to find the Vf first.

E: vf2 = vi

2 + 2aavgx

S: vf2 =(6m/s)2 +

2(-10 m/s2)(- 2m)S: vf = +/- 8.7 m/s, since its

moving downwards its – 8.7 m/s

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Now we can find the time t.

E: aavg = (vf – vi) / t or

t = (vf – vi) / aavg

S: t = (- 8.7 m/s – 6m/s) / (-10 m/s2)

S: t = 1.47 s