Download - Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

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Chapter 2: Developing

Page 2: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

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Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives

LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting Ideas

Page 3: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

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Chapter 2: Developing

• There are two key steps in the developing stage of the writing process. – Write a thesis statement – Develop the supporting ideas

LO1 Key Steps in Developing

Page 4: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

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Chapter 2: Developing

• Your thesis statement is the main idea that you want to express. – A clear thesis statement presents the topic of the essay and it includes

a controlling idea.

LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement

Page 5: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

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Chapter 2: Developing

• When you develop your thesis statement, ask yourself the following questions to help you avoid thesis statement errors: – Is my thesis statement a complete statement? – Does my thesis statement have a controlling idea?– Can I support my thesis statement in an essay? – Does my thesis statement make a valid and interesting point?

LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement

Page 6: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

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Chapter 2: Developing

• Most writers must revise their thesis statements to make them strong, interesting, and supportable. – When you plan your thesis, ask yourself if you can support it with at

least three ideas.

• If not, you have to modify your thesis statement.

LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement

Page 7: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

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Chapter 2: Developing

• To create a focused thesis statement, you should follow these steps: – Find your topic. – Narrow your topic. – Develop a thesis statement that you can support with evidence.

LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement

Page 8: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

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Chapter 2: Developing

• After writing your thesis statement, plan your supporting ideas.

LO3 Develop Supporting Ideas

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Chapter 2: Developing

• Each body paragraph has a topic sentence that expresses the main idea of the paragraph.– Details and examples support the topic sentence.

LO3 Developing the Supporting Ideas

Page 10: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

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Chapter 2: Developing

• When you develop supporting ideas, make certain they all focus on the central point that you are making in the thesis statement.

LO3 Developing the Supporting Ideas

Page 11: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

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Which of the following is not a key step in developing the

main idea of an essay? A. Writing a thesis statementB. Writing the first draftC. Developing the supporting ideasD. Finding facts, examples, or anecdotes that

best support your ideas

Page 12: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education Inc.

Which of the following is not a key step in developing the

main idea of an essay? A. Writing a thesis statementB. Writing the first draftC. Developing the supporting ideasD. Finding facts, examples, or anecdotes that

best support your ideas

LO1 Key Steps in Developing the Main Idea

Page 13: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education Inc.

Your thesis is

A. the opinion that you want to express.B. a preview of the main points you will

make.C. the controlling idea of your essay.D. the main idea that you want to express.

Page 14: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education Inc.

Your thesis is

A. the opinion that you want to express.B. a preview of the main points you will

make.C. the controlling idea of your essay.D. the main idea that you want to express.

LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement

Page 15: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

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What is a controlling idea?

A. The part of the thesis statement that expresses the writer’s opinion, attitude, or feeling about the topic

B. The part of the thesis statement that previews the points the writer will make in his or her essay

C. The part of the thesis statement that previews the research that will be presented in the essay

D. The part of the thesis statement that tells what your topic is

Page 16: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education Inc.

What is a controlling idea?

A. The part of the thesis statement that expresses the writer’s opinion, attitude, or feeling about the topic

B. The part of the thesis statement that previews the points the writer will make in his or her essay

C. The part of the thesis statement that previews the research that will be presented in the essay

D. The part of the thesis statement that tells what your topic is

LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement

Page 17: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education Inc.

If you cannot support your thesis statement with at least

three ideas,A. you should revise it. B. you have a strong thesis statement. C. you should make your thesis more vivid. D. you should make your thesis more


Page 18: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education Inc.

If you cannot support your thesis statement with at least

three ideas,A. you should revise it. B. you have a strong thesis statement. C. you should make your thesis more vivid. D. you should make your thesis more


LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement

Meegan Thompson
Mark correct answer.
Page 19: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education Inc.

In a strong essay,

A. every idea in the essay is different.B. some body paragraphs have supporting

details.C. every idea in the essay is unified and helps

to strengthen the essay’s thesis. D. some body paragraphs have a topic


Page 20: Chapter 2: Developing. Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives LO1 Key Steps in Developing LO2 Writing a Thesis Statement LO3 Developing the Supporting.

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education Inc.

In a strong essay,

A. every idea in the essay is different.B. some body paragraphs have supporting

details.C. every idea in the essay is unified and helps to

strengthen the essay’s thesis. D. some body paragraphs have a topic


LO3 Develop the Supporting Ideas