Download - Chapter 1 Sections 1 & 2 World of Physical Science & Exploring Physical Science.


Chapter 1 Sections 1 & 2

• World of Physical Science

• &

• Exploring Physical Science

• I. That’s ScienceA. Everyday science! 1. putting on sunglasses

2. timing microwave popcorn3. using brakes on a bike

B. Matter & Energy Physical Science 1. Physical Science = study of matter & energy

a. matter = ‘stuff’ everything is made ofb. energy

1. all matter has energy2. partly responsible for rainbow,

energy to throw a ball, food, matter that isn’t moving

c. division of matter & energy =

Chemistry & Physics

2. Chemistry

a. studying all forms of matter & how they interact

1. properties & structure, how substances behave under

certain conditions, how matter can go through changes

2. periodic table

• 3. Physics

a.Energy & how it affects matter

1.Understand motion, force, gravity, electricity, light,

& heat

Zero gravity force and motion

• C. Physical Science is all around YOU,

• 1. the basis of other sciences

2. Astronomy, Meteorology, Botany, Geology,

Oceanography, Biology, Ecology

D. Physical Science in action = jobs involving physical science – not necessarily scientists

Using The Scientific Method

What is the Scientific Method

• A series of steps that scientist use to answer questions and solve problems

Several Distinct Steps• Ask a question

• Form a hypothesis

• Test the hypothesis

• Analyze the results

• Draw conclusion

• Communicate results

Order of Steps

• Some time the steps are done in a different order

• Sometimes steps are skipped or repeated

• It depends on what works best to answer the question

Technology• The application of knowledge, tools,

and materials to solve problems and accomplish task.– Examples: computers, light bulbs

Goals Science and Technology

• Science

– to gain knowledge of the natural world

• Technology

– to apply scientific understanding to solve problems

Technology is sometimes called applied science

Group Activity• Work in groups

(Your Tables)• Make a list of 10

observations about technology in the classroom

• Tell how each example of technology improves the classroom for teaching

Ask a Question?

• Helps you focus your investigation and identify what you want to find out.

• Ask a question after you have made lots of observations

Observations• Any use of senses to gather information

–Measurements• Color• Temperature• Volume• Mass• Weight

Real World Question

• Dog House Science or Technology

Form a Hypothesis• Hypothesis- A possible explanation or

answer to your question

• Must be testable– Example: A doghouse made with lighter colors

will produce a cooler living environment.

Before Testing Hypothesis

• Make a prediction in the “If…..then…” format.

• Example: If heat is absorbed by dark colors and repelled by light colors then a doghouse made of light colors will be cooler.

Test the Hypothesis• Test your prediction

• Conduct a controlled Experiment

Controlled Experiments

• Control Group • Experimental Group

•Both groups are the same except for one factor in the experimental group called the variable

•Sometime a controlled experiment is not possible

•Example researching stars

•How would you conduct star research?


• Any pieces of information acquired through experimentation

• Quantitative = data obtained by measurement

• Qualitative = data obtained by visual observation

Analyze the Results

• Done after you collect and record data–Calculations of Data

–Organizing data in graphs and table

Number (in Millions) of Civilian/Noninstitutionalized Persons with Diagnosed Diabetes, United States,


Draw Conclusion

• Explaining your results

• Tell if your hypothesis was supported or not

• Tell if project created new questions

Communicate Results

• Science Fair

• Journals

• Web Site

• New people might use your information and modify it.

Building Scientific Knowledge• Theories-a unifying explanation for a

broad range of Hypothesis.–A theory can explain an observation

–Predict an observation possibly made in future• Special Theory of Relativity • Evolution• Cell Theory • Atomic Theory

Building Scientific Knowledge

• Laws- a summary of many experimental results and observations– Tells how things work

– Laws tell what happen not why it happens


Boyle's law, Charles' Law , Law of Gravity