Download - Chapter 1.… · Chapter 1 | Overview of Accounting Research 5 Tax research is performed by (and for) corporations and other entities that consider the tax consequences in planning

Page 1: Chapter 1.… · Chapter 1 | Overview of Accounting Research 5 Tax research is performed by (and for) corporations and other entities that consider the tax consequences in planning



Learning O



1. identify partieswhoperformaccountingresearch,andcircumstancesinwhich


2. Recognize thedifferentsourcesofguidanceapplicabletodifferentresearchenviron-


3. identify keystandardsettersinvolvedinestablishingU.S.accountingguidance.




Youareaseniororgraduate-level accountingstudent,or youareanassociate inan






■■ Anunderstandingofwhichresearchtoolsapplyineachresearchenvironment

■■ Theabilitytofindrelevantguidancewithinthesetools

■■ Theabilitytounderstandtheguidanceyoufind

■■ Theabilitytoeffectivelycommunicateyourresearchresults

You’vecometotherightplacetoobtaintheseskills.Byactivelyparticipating in the

lessons in this book, andbypracticing your skills through researchexercises andcase





Page 2: Chapter 1.… · Chapter 1 | Overview of Accounting Research 5 Tax research is performed by (and for) corporations and other entities that consider the tax consequences in planning

Organization of This ChapterThis chapter begins by identifying the circumstances in which accounting research is


summarizeswhichsourcesofguidancea researcher shouldconsult in various research






toU.S.publicandnonpubliccompanies.Discussionofmorespecificareasof research,




Who Performs Accounting Research,

and When?

1. Environmentswhereresearchisperformed

2. Partieswhoperformresearch

3. Whenisresearchperformed?

sources of Guidance Applicable to Different

Research Environments

1. Accounting(publicvs.privatecompanies)

2. International

3. Governmental

4. Tax,and

5. Auditingresearch.

introduction to Accounting standard


1. SEC




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4 Chapter 1 | Overview of Accounting Research

whO perFOrms accOunTing research, and when?

The term accounting research is used to describe two very different types of research:

■■ Research done in practice, by accountants and other interested parties, for example in con-junction with the preparation or review of financial statements or tax returns; and

■■ Academic research, primarily done by candidates pursuing—or academics who have obtained—a PhD in accounting.

This book focuses solely on the accounting research that is done in practice. Accountants often need to consult guidance requirements in order to determine the appropriate accounting treatment for a transaction or event, or to locate guidelines for the preparation of financial state-ments. In particular, accounting research may be necessary for transactions that are new or infre-quent for a company, or for which a company does not have an established accounting practice. Accounting research is generally only performed for transactions and events that are considered material to an entity and that are therefore relevant to users of an entity’s financial statements.

“Information is material [emphasis added] if omitting it or misstating it could influence deci-sions that users make on the basis of the financial information of a specific reporting entity.”1

Materiality can be evaluated based on the quantitative significance of an item or based on its qualitative significance. As a general rule of thumb, more resources are generally devoted to researching an entity’s most material business issues, and less resources are generally devoted to less material issues.

Recognizing the importance of research skills, the uniform CPA exam tests candidates’researchandothercriticalthinkingskillsthrough“task-basedsimulations”(orcasestudies).Task-basedsimulationshaveat timesaccountedforasmuchas40–50%ofcandidates’exam scores on each of the regulation (REG), auditing (AUD), and financial accounting(FAR)sectionsoftheexam.2CarefulattentiontothelessonsinthisbookwillhelpstudentsdeveloptheresearchskillsnecessaryforsuccessbothprofessionallyandontheCPAexam.

Environments in Which Accounting Research is PerformedAccounting research is performed in a variety of environments, including in public and nonpub-lic companies (domestic and international), governments, and for purposes of researching tax requirements.

Public companies (e.g., companies that issue publicly traded debt or equity securities) are generally required to file financial statements with the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commis-sion). By contrast, nonpublic, or private, companies are generally not required to file financial statements with the SEC; however, financial statements may be necessary to satisfy lenders, ven-ture capitalists, or other stakeholders. In both cases, research is frequently necessary to ensure that the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with all applicable accounting standards.

Outside of the United States, accounting research is performed by public and nonpublic companies, as required by their national laws to issue financial statements. Many non-U.S. coun-tries prepare their financial statements in accordance with IFRS (International Financial Report-ing Standards); other countries continue to follow country-specific financial reporting guidance.

Governmental entities, including state, local, and federal governments and agencies, are frequently required to prepare financial statements to demonstrate how they have used the funds allocated to them. Accountants involved in the preparation of governmental financial statements must be able to research and understand requirements for their preparation.

1 FASB Concepts Statement No. 8, Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, Chapter 1 (September 2010). Paragraph QC11.2 AICPA, Content and Skill Specifications for the Uniform CPA Examination. Approved by the Board of Examiners May 15, 2009 (Reference changes approved by the Board on January 19, 2011). Effective July 1, 2011. Page 35.

[ TiP ] from the


Page 4: Chapter 1.… · Chapter 1 | Overview of Accounting Research 5 Tax research is performed by (and for) corporations and other entities that consider the tax consequences in planning

5Chapter 1 | Overview of Accounting Research

Tax research is performed by (and for) corporations and other entities that consider the tax consequences in planning transactions and that are required to report their activities to a govern-ment body (federal, state, and/or local). To understand tax reporting requirements, and to take advantage of all available tax incentive programs, researchers must become familiar with tax research sources ranging from the Internal Revenue Code to court decisions.

Parties Performing Accounting ResearchParties typically involved in performing accounting research (as illustrated in Figure 1-1) include

■■ Corporate accountants: Accountants working for a company may be involved in the preparation of the company’s financial statements or tax returns, or may be involved in tax planning. These corporate accountants can also be referred to as “preparers” of financial statements or tax returns.

■■ Auditors: When audited financial statements are required, auditors must review whether a company’s financial statements are presented fairly in conformity with GAAP (gener-ally accepted accounting principles). This often involves researching whether a company’s accounting positions are supportable based on requirements in the accounting guidance.

In some cases (particularly for small companies), accounting firm personnel may be engaged to help companies prepare their accounting records and financial statements. This service may involve performing accounting research on behalf of a company.

■■ Regulators: Regulatory agencies (which can be either governmental or independent) are responsible for overseeing certain corporations and industries. Certain regulators, such as the SEC, routinely review the financial statements of companies they oversee. Regulators may need to perform research to understand positions taken in companies’ financial statements.

■■ Investors: Professional investors often monitor accounting positions taken by companies and, in some cases, may raise concerns (or make adjustments to models they maintain) when a compa-ny’s accounting positions are inconsistent with other companies in the same industry. Investors perform research as necessary to understand accounting guidance requirements, and alternative accounting methods. Investors may also be referred to as “users” of financial statements.

Corporate Accountants





Before a transaction


After company documentation is


Parties Performing Accounting Research

After financial statements are


Will i Ever Perform Accounting Research?Yes. No matter what accounting career path you pursue, you can expect to perform accounting research. In fact, you will likely be asked to research basic issues during your very first intern-ship, or during your first year in the profession. At this early stage in your career, your research will generally be reviewed by a supervisor before it is relied on or shared with a client. That

Figure 1-1


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said, a well-documented, supportable, initial recommendation and research from you will open doors to higher-level projects.

Your Role as a Researcher




When is Research Performed?Accounting research can occur at different stages in the financial reporting process, as described below. Ideally, as illustrated in Figure 1-1, companies with sufficient resources (often, public companies) will research the accounting for a transaction before the transaction takes place. However, the accounting research process may differ for small or nonpublic companies, which may be subject to more resource constraints and which generally have less user demand for financial statements. In these environments, research may only occur as financial statements are being prepared, or it may occur at the request of an auditor seeking further support for a company’s accounting methods.

Regardless of the stage at which research is performed, you’ll notice that documentation is one essential outcome of performing research. The importance of documentation is further discussed in Chapter 3 of this book.

Researching a Proposed TransactionPerforming accounting research before a transaction occurs is beneficial for a few reasons. This research allows

■■ Company management to evaluate whether the expected financial statement impacts of the transaction, as drafted, are acceptable.

■■ Management to adjust forecasted earnings to reflect the expected impacts of the transaction.■■ The accounting team to prepare timely documentation of the expected accounting position.■■ The audit team to review the proposed accounting treatment before the transaction is


Corporate management teams are frequently on the lookout for business opportunities that are profitable and aligned with their companies’ strategic objectives. While management evalu-ates the merits of a potential transaction, the company’s accounting team should be engaged concurrently to evaluate the accounting implications of the transaction. Management will take the expected financial statement impacts of the transaction into consideration when assessing whether the transaction is worth pursuing.


For example, assume that a company is closely monitoring its debt-to-equity ratio to remain compliant with its current debt covenants (promises to lenders). Said another way, assume the company has very little remaining “debt capacity” (ability to issue more debt under its current debt covenants).

If the company needs to raise additional capital, it would likely evaluate potential instruments to confirm that they would be accounted for as equity, not debt, before executing a final agreement with a bank. The company’s accounting department would be responsible for researching the details of the capital issuance to determine whether the issuance would indeed be accounted for as equity instead of debt.


[ YOU ]Try 1.1

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In addition to being responsible for reporting past transactions and events, corporate manag-ers (particularly at public companies) are often held equally accountable for providing accurate short- and long-term earnings forecasts. Investors rely on corporate earnings forecasts in setting a reasonable share price for a company’s stock. Accordingly, once management determines that a proposed transaction is worth pursuing, the company must adjust its future earnings expecta-tions to reflect the anticipated financial statement impacts of the transaction. Figure 1-2 depicts an example in which management asks the accounting team to evaluate the financial statement impacts of a proposed transaction.

For their part, the accounting team must not only communicate the financial statement impacts of a transaction to management, but they must also document the research supporting their accounting conclusions. This documentation serves as support for the proposed accounting treatment shared with management and is the preliminary support for the accounting position to be reflected in the financial statements. This research should be saved in company files for future reference and updated with final contracts if the transaction is executed.

Management Accounting Team

We’re considering an Investment in a key supplier through a stock-for-stock exchange. How would this transaction affect our financial statements?

Certain accounting elections must be documented at the time a transaction is executed. For example, so-called contemporaneous, or concurrent, documentation requirements apply to enti-ties electing hedge accounting for their derivative positions (this election reduces the income statement volatility resulting from changes in the fair value of derivative instruments).3 In order to comply with this contemporaneous documentation requirement, companies should review draft transaction documents in advance of execution to evaluate whether the proposed instru-ment will meet all required criteria for hedge accounting.

Finally, researching and documenting the planned accounting for a transaction allows a com-pany’s auditors to offer their tentative concurrence with the proposed treatment before a transac-tion is recorded. While the accounting remains the responsibility of management (and auditors must take care to maintain their independence from management), it is often helpful for auditors to review draft agreements—as well as management’s documentation of an accounting issue—in order to perform their own independent research and offer a preliminary view of management’s position. Seeking this auditor “buy in” early in the process can minimize last-minute differences of opinion that could arise at quarter- or year-end, when financial statements are being finalized.

Researching a Past TransactionWhen it is not possible to research a transaction before its execution, accounting research may be necessary at the time when, or after, a transaction occurs. The purpose of this research is simply to determine how to record the event in the financial statements, and to document this determina-tion. Figure 1-3 illustrates a sample situation in which accountants must perform research related to a past transaction.

3 FASB Accounting Standards Codification 815-20-25-3 (Derivatives and Hedging - Hedging).

Figure 1-2


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Following are examples of circumstances in which research may be required at the time of, or after, a transaction is executed:

■■ The transaction was time-sensitive; therefore, there was not sufficient lead time to research its accounting treatment.

■■ The transaction was highly confidential; therefore, details of the transaction were only released to the accounting team after the transaction was executed.

■■ The transaction or event could not have been anticipated; for example, the company suffered from a building fire or natural disaster.

■■ Communication broke down between the dealmakers in the organization and the accounting team; consequently, the accounting team was only informed of the transaction after it was executed.

■■ The preparer has limited resources and therefore only performs research at the time financial statements are being prepared. For example, the company is a small or nonpublic company, and management is not required to prepare earnings forecasts.

■■ Finally, documentation (and—as necessary—research) prepared previously, for proposed transactions, should be updated to reflect final contract terms.

Oh, no! Thanks for letting us know.We’ve already closed the books for this accounting period but haven’t issued our financial statements yet. Let me review the guidance on whether our financial statements should generally be adjusted for this type of event. In either event, we should document the basis for the decision we make.

Operations Team

Accounting Team

Bad news . . .a key customer just declared bankruptcy, and our financial statements (for the period just ending) reflect a significant account receivable due from this customer.

Take particular note of the fourth bullet above; a communications failure between a com-pany’s operations teams and accounting team should be reviewed to determine what went wrong. To avoid a recurrence of the communications failure, a formal process in which material or unusual contracts are reviewed by the accounting team may need to be established.

As with the process for researching proposed transactions, accounting research performed for past transactions should be documented and shared with the company’s audit team. This documentation and review process will support the accounting positions reflected in the finan-cial statements.

Research Performed After Financial statement issuanceAfter financial statements have been issued, accounting research may be performed by various parties, as follows:

■■ Investors may research a company’s choice of accounting methods and may seek to under-stand alternatives available in the literature. Using this information, investors may choose to adjust their internal models to improve consistency across companies they are evaluating.

■■ Regulators, such as the SEC, or industry-specific regulatory agencies like the Federal Railroad Administration, are frequently charged with the mission of protecting the public’s

Figure 1-3


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interest by overseeing companies within their jurisdictions. To that end, certain regulators periodically review the amounts and disclosures presented in the financial statements of companies they oversee (see an example of an SEC review in Figure 1-4). To assess whether the companies’ accounting judgments and disclosures are appropriate, certain regulators may perform research to familiarize themselves with accounting requirements.

■■ Attorneys may perform accounting research as necessary to understand business issues relat-ed to accounting, including financial accounting, tax law, and securities law. Additionally, an attorney may perform accounting research in order to argue that a company’s financial reporting has harmed an investor or other interested party; the attorney must support such arguments with citations from accounting guidance.

Questions from these parties may require corporate accountants to perform further research to explain or defend their accounting positions taken. Robust, timely documentation of account-ing positions (before financial statement issuance) can assist corporate accountants in respond-ing to such inquiries.

Securities and Exchange



Comment letter:For your fair value measurements using unobservable inputs, please tell us what valuation models you used to determine fair values and provide the assumptions used in those models.

Research for the Purpose of shaping Future Accounting standardsAccounting standards are dynamic; that is, the current body of accounting guidance is continu-ally being reviewed and is periodically revised. Many of the parties who perform accounting research (such as corporate accountants, investors, auditors, and regulators) also perform research for the purpose of shaping future accounting standards. This research could include, for example, reviewing existing guidance closely to provide the FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) with ideas for improvements to the guidance, or it could include reviewing existing guidance for areas of inconsistency.

The FASB’s process for updating accounting guidance depends heavily on input from these “constituents” (a.k.a., interested parties). Chapter 13 introduces readers to the FASB’s process for updating accounting guidance and describes steps that researchers can take to stay current.

1. Name one benefit of researching the accounting for a transaction before it occurs.2. Name one circumstance in which it might not be possible to research the accounting

for a transaction until after it has occurred.

diFFerenT guidance FOr each research enVirOnmenT

Each research environment (financial, governmental, tax, international, and audit) is subject to a different set of standards. Figure 1-5 identifies the rule makers (or “standard setters”) for each research environment.

Figure 1-4


✓ ■Knowledge Check

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This book will introduce you to each of the preceding research environments and standard setters. In practice, you will likely specialize in only one or two of the boxes shown in Figure 1-5; for example, public company accountants and auditors will primarily perform research using FASB guidance (for accounting) and PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board) guidance (for auditing).

Preparer Type Accounting standard setter Audit Type Auditing standard setter

Privatecompanies FASB* Auditsofprivatecompanies


Publiccompanies FASBandSEC Auditsofpubliccompanies










Internationalcompanies IASB(InternationalAccountingStandardsBoard),orotherlocalstandard-setter




Tax research, by contrast, requires researchers to consult multiple sources including the Internal Revenue Code, tax regulations, IRS rulings and other guidance, and judicial rulings. Sources of tax research guidance are listed in Figure 1-6; note that this list is not all-inclusive. See Chapter 11 for a more complete discussion of tax sources.

sources for Tax Research

StatutorySources •InternalRevenueCode•Otherstatuteswithtax-relatedprovisions(e.g.,


AdministrativeSources •Treasuryregulations•IRSRevenueRulings•Writtenadministrativeagencydeterminations

JudicialSources •U.S.SupremeCourt•U.S.CourtofAppeals•U.S.DistrictCourt•U.S.CourtofFederalClaims•U.S.TaxCourt

Following is an introduction to key U.S. accounting standard setters, which will set the stage for the accounting research topics discussed in Chapters 2–8. The standard setters responsible for creating auditing, tax, governmental, and international accounting guidance are introduced in Chapters 9–12.

accOunTing sTandard-seTTing BOdies

The next several chapters of this book (Chapters 2–8) provide in-depth coverage of the guid-ance and research process involved in performing U.S. accounting research. In preparation for these chapters, following is a brief history of—and introduction to—the standard-setting bodies

Figure 1-5


Figure 1-6


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primarily responsible for establishing U.S. accounting guidance. Having a basic familiarity with these standard setters provides context for understanding the accounting guidance applicable today.

This history follows a chronological order, beginning with the SEC—the first entity given formal authority to establish U.S. accounting standards. Figure 1-7 illustrates a timeline of key U.S. accounting standard setters.

Today, theFASB

Codificationis the solesource of

authoritativeGAAP for


Standard-setting bodies and primary guidance issued

Committee on Accounting

Procedure (CAP)*



Accounting Principles Board (APB)*

FASB Codification established

Financial Accounting Standards Board


1962 1973 2009

Accounting Research Bulletins

FASB StatementsAPB Opinions

* A committee formed by the AICPA

The securities and Exchange CommissionFollowing a crisis in investor confidence resulting from the Great Depression, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “1934 Act”) created the SEC with the objective of providing inves-tors with reliable financial information about public companies. First and foremost, the SEC’s role is to act as a law enforcement agency, tasked with the authority to enforce securities laws in order to protect the investing public. The SEC describes the work of its Division of Enforcement, in part, as follows:

Each year the SEC brings hundreds of civil enforcement actions against individuals and companies for violation of the securities laws. Typical infractions include insider trading, accounting fraud, and providing false or misleading information about securities and the companies that issue them.4

A second authority granted to the SEC in the 1934 Act was the authority to establish account-ing standards. The SEC elected to delegate this responsibility—first to the AICPA (American Insti-tute of Certified Public Accountants) and later to the FASB. (Notably, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 established criteria—such as funding and independence requirements—related to the SEC’s choice of standard-setter.) The FASB website describes its relationship to the SEC as follows:

The SEC has statutory authority to establish financial accounting and reporting standards for publicly held companies under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Throughout its history, however, the Commission’s policy has been to rely on the private sector for this function to the extent that the private sector demonstrates ability to fulfill the responsibility in the public interest.5

As noted, the SEC relies on the private sector to establish accounting guidance, on condi-tion that the private sector demonstrates its “ability to fulfill” this responsibility. Accordingly,

4, “About” - “What We Do.” Accessed July 13, 20125, “Facts about FASB.” Accessed June 14, 2012.

Figure 1-7


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the SEC closely monitors the FASB’s agenda and rou-tinely provides input on tentative decisions reached by the FASB. The SEC also has the authority to decide whether the United States will adopt IFRS or, if not, what relationship should exist between U.S. GAAP and international accounting standards.

For its part, the SEC periodically issues account-ing guidance applicable primarily to public com-panies. For example, the SEC establishes public company financial statement and disclosure require-ments through its Regulations S-X and S-K. The SEC also periodically issues interpretive guidance on topics of key interest to the SEC, in the form of Staff Accounting Bulletins (SABs) and Financial Reporting Releases (FRRs).

Finally, it is worth noting that the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance reviews, at least every three

years, the financial statements and disclosures of all companies with publicly traded securities.6 These reviews can result in comment letters to corporations requesting additional explanation of a company’s financial reporting. In some cases, unsatisfactory responses to comment letters, for material matters, can result in the SEC requesting that a company restate previously issued financial statements. Chapter 4, on nonauthoritative sources, describes how researchers can use the SEC website to search for company filings and SEC correspondence.

The SEC is headed by five commissioners, each appointed by the President of the United States, and each serving a five-year term. The President designates one of the commissioners to serve as Chairman of the SEC. Current SEC Chairman, Mary Jo White, is shown in Figure 1-8.

The American institute of Certified Public AccountantsAs noted, the SEC initially delegated its accounting standard-setting authority to the AICPA. Founded in 1887, the AICPA is the professional association for CPAs in the United States. In 1936, the AICPA formed the Committee on Accounting Procedure (CAP), and in 1959 replaced this committee with the Accounting Principles Board (APB). The membership of both entities consisted of volunteers who also maintained full-time positions with other employers. These early standard setters were criticized for their lack of independence, their slow response time to emerging issues, and for their failure to develop a conceptual framework to guide their decisions. The APB was dissolved in 1973 and was replaced by the FASB. Still today, a portion of the guid-ance issued by the CAP and the APB continues to be in effect within the FASB’s Accounting Standards Codification.

Upon the dissolution of the APB, the AICPA formed an accounting standards committee to continue its participation in, and influence over, standard setting. In the years that followed, this committee issued guidance including AICPA Statements of Position (SOPs), industry-specific Audit and Accounting Guides (A&A Guides), and Practice Bulletins, some of which is still part of the body of GAAP today. In recent years, citing concerns about standards overload, the AICPA has limited its issuance of accounting guidance to industry-specific issues (through A&A Guides and related interpretive guidance), and—in 2013—introduced a “non-GAAP” financial reporting framework for small- and medium-sized private companies (see Chapter 4), while leaving broader accounting standard-setting responsibility to the FASB.

While its role in establishing GAAP has diminished over time, the AICPA remains a key authority in establishing standards for auditing and for accountants’ professional conduct. This role is discussed further in Chapter 9.

6 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Sec. 408(c). Also known as Public Law 107-204. July 30, 2002.




Figure 1-8


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The Financial Accounting standards BoardThe FASB was created in 1973, following the dissolu-tion of the APB. The FASB is an independent orga-nization focused on developing standards that result in decision-useful information for investors and other financial statement users. Both the SEC and the AICPA recognize the FASB as the entity with authority to set accounting standards for nongovernmental entities. To that end, the FASB developed and maintains the FASB Accounting Standards Codification, described in detail in the next chapter.

The FASB’s seven full-time board members are required to represent a diversity of backgrounds. Specif-ically, board members must “collectively have knowl-edge and experience in investing, accounting, finance, business, accounting education, and research.”7 These board members are appointed by the FASB’s par-ent organization, the Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF). The FAF oversees the operations of the FASB; its objective, in part, is to protect the independence and integrity of the standard-setting process.8 Figure 1-9 depicts the current Chairman of the FASB, Russell G. Golden, who was appointed in 2013.

As required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the FASB is primarily funded by accounting support fees assessed to public companies. Companies pay a share of this fee based on the size of their market capitalization (that is, the market value of a company’s outstanding shares). This funding mechanism is designed to maintain the FASB’s independence; that is, rather than rely on donations that could impair the Board’s objectivity, public companies are required to participate in supporting the FASB’s operations.

In response to criticism that compliance with GAAP is too burdensome for nonpublic com-panies, in 2012 the FAF created the Private Company Council (PCC). This Council has already begun to identify areas within existing GAAP that can be simplified for private companies and also plans to advise the FASB regarding private-company implications of its current projects. Chapter 13 provides further discussion of the FASB’s “due process” for issuing new accounting guidance.

The standard setters responsible for establishing auditing, tax, international, and govern-mental accounting standards will be introduced in Chapters 9–12 of this book. For now, under-standing the roles of these three U.S. accounting standard setters will provide the foundation for your next challenge: learning to perform great accounting research.

3. Fill in the blanks: The sEC has _______________ authority to establish accounting stan-dards but has historically delegated this authority to the _______________ sector.

4. What does the sEC view as its most important role?5. What two committees did the AiCPA form, which were at one point responsible for

setting accounting standards?6. What were some of the criticisms raised regarding these first two standard-setting


7 FASB Rules of Procedure, amended and restated through January 1, 2012. Page 8.8 FASB Rules of Procedure, amended and restated through January 1, 2012. Page 6.

✓ ■Knowledge Check






Figure 1-9


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chapTer summaryPerforming accounting research is integral to the work of many corporate accountants, auditors, investors, and regulators. Ideally, accounting research is performed before transactions take place; however, this is not always fea-sible given resource constraints. Sources of research vary based on the diverse research environments (accounting, governmental, audit, tax, and international); therefore, it is important for practitioners to understand which standard setter has authority before beginning research. Finally, it is important for beginning researchers to understand that no one organization is responsible for the vast population of accounting guidance available today—many organizations have been involved in creating and revising accounting guidance over time. Like the standard setters themselves, accounting guidance continually evolves in response to market and regulatory needs.

reView QuesTiOns

1. Differentiate between the requirements for public (versus nonpublic) companies to prepare financial statements, and state why – in both cases – accounting research is frequently necessary.

2. Name two reasons for which accounting research should ideally be performed before a transaction is executed. 3. Identify four parties who typically perform accounting research and state why they perform research. 4. To what research environment do the following standards apply?

a. Standards of the GASB b. Standards of the FASB c. Standards of the AICPA d. Standards of the IASB

5. List the organizations, in chronological order, that have historically been responsible for setting accounting standards.

6. Define “accounting support fees” and explain why these fees help the FASB maintain its independence.


1. Perform an Internet search for the Wall Street Journal’s “Marketwatch” website. Enter the stock symbol “IBM” into the search bar on that site, and then click on the tab for “Analyst Estimates.” a. What is the “mean” earnings per share estimate for this quarter? (Indicate what date your information is “as

of”—i.e., the date on which you performed this search.) b. What is the mean EPS estimate for the next fiscal year? (Indicate what date your information is “as of.”) c. Explain why performing accounting research before a transaction occurs might be important to IBM’s

management. 2. Go to and type “Accounting Method” into the search bar. Summarize one of the headlines and

issues discussed in the search results. Brainstorm (and explain) why readers of the Wall Street Journal might have an interest in this article.

3. Brainstorm an example of a financial accounting issue that would be researched before a transaction is finalized, an accounting issue that would be researched after a transaction has been executed, and an accounting issue that would be researched following financial statement issuance.

4. The chapter states that a communications failure between the company’s accounting team and operations teams could result in company accountants evaluating the accounting for a transaction after it has occurred. Brainstorm a process that companies could put in place to encourage the timely communication of proposed transactions.

5. Go to and locate (under “Latest News” on the bottom left side of the homepage) a recent news release. Describe the subject matter of the news release then identify two parties (such as parties depicted in Figure 1-1) who would be interested in this issue. Be as specific as possible, describing why the parties might be monitoring this issue.

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6. The SEC has five divisions. Using as a starting point, name these five divisions. Next, looking back at the chapter or using the SEC website, identify the division that the SEC believes is most important.

7. Using, go to “Regulations” then “Staff Interpretations.” Locate Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 99 (“SAB 99”) and summarize the issue addressed by this guidance.

8. Using, go to Divisions, then Division of Corporate Finance. Under Statutes, Rules, and Forms, go to Rules then to “Regulation S-K.” Under Item 303 (Management’s Discussion and Analysis) of Regulation S-K, list the five items (items 303(a)(1-5)) that must be included in a public company’s MD&A disclosures. (Hint: The first item is “Liquidity.”)

9. Go to, then go to Division of Enforcement. Under Federal Court Actions, locate the June 29, 2012, enforcement action brought against Peter Madoff. Summarize the charges brought by the SEC against Mr. Madoff.

case sTudy QuesTiOns

Relationship Between the FaSB and SEC The relationship between the FASB and the SEC has been dynamic over time. Given that the SEC is a government agency, and that it has delegated its standard-setting power to the FASB, the SEC has periodically been lobbied by both lawmakers and corporations who have disagreed with FASB decisions. Using an Internet search engine such as Google, locate one article involving both the FASB and SEC; the article does not have to be current. In approximately one page, double-spaced, summarize the issue raised in the article and the interplay you observe between these two organizations in the article.

Variation, Case 1-1(Alt.): See the instructions to Case 1-1 above; rather than documenting your observations about the interplay between these organizations, come to class prepared to describe your article and to discuss your observations to your fellow classmates. In this Case 1-1(Alt), you are not being asked to submit any documentation of your findings.Researching Original FaSB Standards Using the FASB website, locate the original (“pre-Codification” standard) FASB Statement No. 2, Accounting for Research and Development Costs (as amended). In approximately one para-graph, state how research and development costs “encompassed by this standard” should be accounted for, and cite the FASB standard and paragraph number that provides this guidance. State also which disclosures are required for entities engaging in research and development activities. Finally, summarize the background for this project; specifi-cally, what was the Board’s rationale (as described in Appendix A) for issuing guidance on research and development activities?Parties Performing accounting Research (FaSB Comment letters) In July 2010, the FASB solicited feedback on a proposed Accounting Standards Update related to loss contingency disclosures. The FASB issued this standard in response to financial statement users’ concerns that existing loss contingency disclosures did not provide adequate, decision-useful information. The response from companies to this proposal was strong and swift. In this case study, you are asked to review a comment letter related to this proposal, then to respond to the questions below. Respond using complete sentences.

To begin, go to then navigate to Projects, then Comment Letters. Click on the link next to Contingencies (Topic 450)–July 2010. Locate Comment Letter No. 70, from J.P. Morgan Chase. Read pages 1–3 of this comment letter, then respond to the following:

1. In the first paragraph, how does J.P. Morgan identify itself—as a “user” of financial statements, or as a preparer, or other? Explain.

2. What competing priorities does J.P. Morgan acknowledge that the Board must address in issuing this proposal? 3. What are some of the concerns that J.P. Morgan raises in its comments, related to the proposal? 4. Now read page five of the comment letter. What “user perspective” does J.P. Morgan share with the FASB on

this page?


