Download - Changing the Game: Increasing Female Sport Initiative ......02 Increasing Female Participation in Sport Initiative Guidelines Guidelines About VicHealth VicHealth is a pioneer in health

Page 1: Changing the Game: Increasing Female Sport Initiative ......02 Increasing Female Participation in Sport Initiative Guidelines Guidelines About VicHealth VicHealth is a pioneer in health


Changing the Game: Increasing Female Participation in Sport InitiativeGuidelines

Important informationAcross 2015-2017, your state sporting body could share in a pool of $1.2M (ex GST).

Opening date Monday 6 October 2014

Closing date Thursday 30 October 2014 – 4pm

Assessment panel meeting and interviews with shortlisted state sporting bodies

Early December 2014

Notifications anticipated

Late February 2015

Funding commences Monday 2 March 2015

Please register your details and apply online for VicHealth’s Increasing Female Participation in Sport Initiative using the online application system.

Emailed or faxed applications will not be accepted.

You can request a word version of this application form if required.

Before applying, please ensure you have thoroughly read and understood both the: • Terms & Conditions• Guidelines

Got a question?If you have questions regarding these Guidelines or the Terms and Conditions, please email [email protected]

If you are having issues with the online application please call 03 9667 1380.

Encouraging regular physical activityThe Increasing Female Participation in Sport Initiative is aimed at driving innovative approaches through sport to increase female participation and engagement in sport and physical activity. To achieve this we want to partner with a small number of state sporting bodies over a two-year period (2015 to 2017).

A share of up to $1.2M in VicHealth funding is available over the two-year period for successful organisations under this initiative.

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About VicHealth VicHealth is a pioneer in health promotion with a focus on promoting good health and preventing chronic disease.

One of our strategic imperatives is to encourage regular physical activity.

To get more Victorians physically active, VicHealth focuses on making physical activity participation part of everyday living, through active recreation and sport.

Encouraging regular physical activity through sportRegular physical activity has health, social and economic benefits and is ranked second only to tobacco control as the most important factor in promoting good health and preventing chronic disease in Australia. Yet less than a third of Australians are getting enough physical activity to benefit their health1, with lifestyles becoming increasingly sedentary.

Why is VicHealth focusing on female participation in sport? At VicHealth we know that not enough females are sufficiently physically active2 and participation levels decline as females get older.3 From a health perspective, that’s not good news!

In Victoria, statistics show four times as many females (44%) are choosing to participate in non-organised or more flexible physical activity offerings compared to organised physical activity (9%). 4 Of this organised participation, female participation through sporting or recreational clubs is lower compared to males.5 VicHealth is keen to tap into this trend and work with sport to provide opportunities that engage females who don’t currently participate in the traditional offerings sport has provided through clubs and competitions.

It’s not just lower participation that is an issue. It’s known that women’s sport receives much less media coverage than male sport, with only nine per cent of television news media coverage devoted to it. 6 VicHealth wants to see female sport become more prominent in the public eye with an increased profile of female sport through the media and online communications space. We want more Victorians knowing that female sport matters and we want to inspire more females to get active through sport, throughout their life.

Over a third of Australian adult females have been sports spectators at events in the past year 7, which demonstrates that many women are passionate about sport. Not only are sports events a great place to get health messages to females but there’s also a great opportunity to get more females off the sidelines and actively participating as well.

That’s a lot of good reasons why VicHealth wants to work with sports to get more female Victorians regularly active through sport.

If you want to know more click here.

What’s the Increasing Female Participation in Sport Initiative?The Increasing Female Participation in Sport Initiative is a new VicHealth investment aimed at driving innovative approaches through sport to increase female participation and engagement in sport and physical activity. To achieve this we want to partner with a small number of State Sporting Associations (SSAs)/Disability State Sporting Bodies (DSSBs) over a two year period (2015 to 2017).

Our objectives – VicHealth is thinking big! 1. Our focus is on getting tens of thousands of Victorian females

who are inactive and somewhat active to become active more regularly through sport.

2. VicHealth wants to raise the profile of female sport and be a champion for female sport and health on a large scale. We also want to reach more than a hundred thousand females in Victoria and beyond.

If you want to work with us to get more female Victorians active through your sport, have the skills, tools, know-how, similar vision and a great proposal, we want to hear from your sport.

If you’re interested, keep reading for more detail on what we need from you.

How much funding is available?A share of up to $1.2M in funding is available over 2015 to 2017* for SSAs/DSSBs under this initiative. You’ll need to provide a detailed budget as part of your application as to how much investment you need from VicHealth to achieve female participation and reach outcomes.

*Funds will be distributed over three financial years

Did you know?More than two thirds of Australian female adults were classified as being sedentary or having low levels of exercise. Levels are 38% sedentary, 35% low, 19% moderate and 8% high.1

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Who can apply?Only Victorian SSAs* and DSSBs** are eligible to submit applications.

* SSAs must be recognised by Sport and Recreation Victoria (SRV).

** DSSBs must also be recognised by SRV.

Who is not eligible to apply?• SSAs where the head is a deliberate target within the rules

of the sport are not eligible to apply. • All other organisations that are not recognised as SSAs or


The selection criteriaYour application must address each of the selection criterion even if your SSA/DSSB is stronger in one or more, but not necessarily all of the criteria.

Below is what VicHealth is looking for in your applications.

1. Participation – getting more females activeVicHealth is aspiring to get more females more regularly active through sport. We’ll be most impressed by how you demonstrate you can get those females who are inactive and somewhat active more active through your sport. The more females you can get regularly physically active the more impressed we’ll be.

Growing participation can focus on providing offerings that address current barriers to participation or creating new and innovative solutions to unmet needs. We believe there are lots of ways to participate in sport, so you should consider flexible, social and less organised participation opportunities alongside your sports current offerings. We’re interested in approaches that are innovative and have the power to really motivate and engage females to get out and active. They may be new ideas or they may extend and build on your sport’s current offerings. Consider providing a range of fun ways to get active through your sport.

VicHealth recognises that each sport is different with varying pathways for participants from grassroots to elite and different ways sport is delivered – whether it is through clubs, programs, events and other unique offerings. We’ll take notice if you can show us that your SSA/DSSB can offer a range of ways to engage more female Victorians, across the whole of your sport.

Whilst your proposal may involve a brand spanking new initiative we want to see how it connects and integrates into your sport in a meaningful way and builds participation not just now but into the future.

VicHealth cares about ensuring that everyone has an equal chance to get active so think about how your initiative will be inclusive and accessible to enable all females to participate.

VicHealth feels passionate about building evidence and sharing it across the sports sector in order to make Victoria the healthiest state. So, we’ll need your sport to be measuring the impacts of your work as a big part of what you do. That means measuring participation, tracking your success and sharing your learnings with us, and the sector, along the way.

2. Promotional opportunities – raising the profile of female’s sport and delivering VicHealth messages

VicHealth is passionate about raising the profile of female sport. We want to see and hear more about female sport in the media, online, at events and in day-to-day public conversation. We’ll be impressed if you can show us how you can work with us to achieve this not just in Victoria but beyond.

Communicating important health messages and promoting VicHealth and our work to females across Victoria is an important part of this initiative. Demonstrating that your sport is savvy in the communications and media space and knows how to maximise your channels to reach as many females as possible will be a big plus. VicHealth wants to know what promotional opportunities your sport can offer including the specific benefits you’ll offer us through this partnership.

3. SSA/DSSB attributes – what your sport offersVicHealth wants to work with SSAs/DSSBs that are committed and have capacity to get more females active and reach thousands of Victorians through their communications.

We also know that connecting and collaborating with partners is critical to success. We’re interested in who needs to be at your side at a local and national level within and outside your sport to make your initiative succeed.

4. Legacy – beyond VicHealth fundingVicHealth is not after a short-term fix that doesn’t last! We want to see that getting females regularly active becomes a central and ongoing part of your sport’s business. We’ll be impressed with approaches that significantly increase participation now and can be self-sustainable into the future.

VicHealth can give your sport an initial boost to help you get started, but you will need to show us your SSA/DSSB has a clear plan of how your initiative can stand on its own two feet beyond the VicHealth funding.

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VicHealth supportVicHealth sees this initiative as a real partnership with your sport. We’ll be working alongside you all the way to help you get the most wins for your sport and VicHealth.

TimelinesImportant dates for your diary:

Applications open Monday 6 October 2014

Applications close Thursday 30 October 2014 – 4pm

Notification of interview if required

Late November 2014

Assessment panel meeting and interviews with shortlisted state sporting bodies

Early December 2014

State sporting bodies notified

Late February 2015

Funding commences Monday 2 March 2015

Funding completed Friday 30 June 2017

How do you apply?First up, your SSA/DSSB will need to register online and answer the questions on our online application form. If your application makes the shortlist your organisation will get the chance to discuss your application in more detail with our assessment panel face-to-face.

How will applications be assessed?VicHealth will be assessing your application against the selection criteria described in these guidelines.

Stages of assessment1. A VicHealth shortlisting group will review your application.2. Shortlisted organisations may be asked to attend an

interview with a panel of experts representing the sport and health promotion sector.

3. SSAs/DSSBs will be advised by email of the outcome of their application.

VicHealth will make a final funding decision based on the best mix of applications from SSAs/DSSBs to deliver on the overall objectives of the initiative. This recognises that selected SSAs/DSSBs may be stronger in one or more, but not necessarily all of the selection criteria.

Grant conditionsAll applicants are required to accept these Terms and Conditions.

In addition the successful SSAs/DSSBs will be required to enter into a Funding Agreement with VicHealth and may be required to:

• produce a yearly work plan and budget• participate in meetings with VicHealth• participate in VicHealth evaluation of the initiative• participate in education and training sessions as directed• comply with VicHealth branding guidelines.

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Increasing Female Participation in Sport Initiative

Terms and ConditionsThese terms and conditions (Terms and Conditions) apply to the ‘Increasing Female Participation in Sport Initiative’ (Initiative) which is being administered by The Victorian Health Promotion Foundation.

By participating in the Initiative, You agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. In the event of any conflict between any terms referred to in any VicHealth promotional and/or marketing materials and these Terms and Conditions, these Terms and Conditions take precedence.

The Initiative and eligibility requirements1. The Initiative is administered by VicHealth in accordance

with these Terms and Conditions.

2. The Initiative commences on Monday 6 October 2014 and all Applications must be received by VicHealth by 16.00 Eastern Standard Time on the closing date of Thursday 30 October 2014.

3. The Initiative will operate on the Initiative Webpage. By participating in the Initiative, You agree to act in accordance with:

a) these Terms and Conditions; and

b) the terms and conditions of the VicHealth Website which are located here.

Eligibility to apply for Funding4. The Initiative is aimed at providing grants to Victorian State

Sporting Associations/Disability State Sporting Bodies located in Victoria to increase female participation and engagement in sport and physical activity.

5. More information about the Initiative objectives and Selection Criteria can be found in the Initiative Guidelines on page 3 of this document.

6. VicHealth will not fund an organisation if:

a) the organisation engages in combat where the head is a deliberate target within the rules of sport, including but not limited to boxing, taekwondo, kickboxing and mixed martial arts; and/or

b) the organisation is not an eligible Victorian State Sporting Association/Disability State Sporting Body at the date of the Application.

Stages of the Initiative7. There are two stages of the Initiative:

a) Stage 1 – Submission of an Application;

b) Stage 2 – Present to an assessment panel.

Stage 1 – Submission of an Application8. You may participate in the Initiative at any time between

Monday 6 October 2014 and the closing date on 16:00 hours Eastern Standard Time on Thursday 30 October 2014. Late entries will not be accepted.

9. To participate in the Initiative You must complete the Application and provide (amongst other information) Your organisation name(s), key contact name, email address, postal address, contact telephone number, ABN number (if applicable) and GST status.

10. You agree to pay Your own costs in relation to this Initiative, including but not limited by:

a) applying for this Initiative;

b) completing the Application;

c) developing any Application Material;

d) complying with these Terms and Conditions and/or Initiative Guidelines;

e) executing a Standard Funding Agreement; or

f) attending to any other matter in relation to the Initiative.

11. By submitting an Application You warrant that You are an authorised representative with the authority to bind Your organisation to these Terms and Conditions.

12. VicHealth will not accept Applications by email, post, facsimile or any other method that does not involve completing the online Application Form.

13. All valid Applications will be assessed by VicHealth starting the week beginning Monday 3 November 2014. A panel of judges will assess Your Application against the Selection Criteria and will create a shortlist of organisations for participation in Stage 2 of the Initiative.

14. If, after submitting Your Application, Your Application is shortlisted by VicHealth, You will be notified and invited to participate in Stage 2 of the Initiative. VicHealth will provide this notification on or around mid-November 2014 by email at the email address provided by You in Your Application.

Stage 2 – Present to assessment panel15. If You are a Shortlisted Organisation, at the conclusion of

Stage 1 of the Initiative, You may be required to participate in Stage 2 by attending an assessment panel interview.

16. The purpose of the assessment panel interview is to allow VicHealth the opportunity to assess Your Application as more fully described in clauses 18 to 22 below.

17. The assessment panel interview will be held at 15-31 Pelham Street, Carlton 3053 on Tuesday 9 December 2014, between 2pm and 5pm. Full details of the assessment panel interview will be confirmed to You at the time that You are notified that Your Application has been shortlisted (or shortly thereafter).

Want to boost participationGet new participants through TeamUpVicHealth encourages your sport to consider posting sporting opportunities on VicHealth’s TeamUp app. TeamUp is a unique smartphone and Facebook ‘physical activity marketplace’ app. TeamUp encourages people to connect and take part in any physical activity, when and where they want. It links people with a range of opportunities across 150 sports and activities, so that they can choose what suits them best: from club membership, to a completely casual kick in the park. The TeamUp app helps people overcome some of the key barriers to participation in physical activity, such as time, transport, social isolation and cost. Visit

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Assessment of Shortlisted Applications 18. At the conclusion of Stage 2 of the Initiative, VicHealth will:

a) assess all Applications provided by Shortlisted Organisations against the Selection Criteria; and

b) in its sole discretion, select the Successful Applications.

19. In assessing the Shortlisted Applications, VicHealth may:

a) consider any Application provided by the Shortlisted Organisation, including any Application Material, assessment panel interview or any other matter; and

b) place any weight on the Selection Criteria as it sees fit.

Selection Criteria 20. The assessment of Applications in Stages 1 and 2 of this

Initiative will be made against the following Selection Criteria:

a) Participation – The capacity of the Project to create new opportunities to get more females regularly physically active through sport by helping those who are inactive and somewhat active to become more active

b) Promotional opportunities – The ability of the Project to raise the profile of female’s sport and deliver health messages through communication channels in alignment with the VicHealth brand

c) SSA/DSSB Partner attributes – The organisational commitment and capacity of the Project to deliver greater female participation, including a whole-of-sport proposition with national support and a proven ability to measure relevant outcomes

d) Legacy – The Project provides a clear approach for sustainable, long-term impact for improved regular female participation outcomes in sport.

21. You acknowledge and accept that VicHealth may allocate different weightings to this Selection Criteria in its assessment of Applications and any decision to do so is at the sole discretion of VicHealth.

22. More information about VicHealth’s Selection Criteria can be found in the Initiative Webpage here.

Announcement of Successful Organisations23. All Applications will be assessed by VicHealth starting the

week beginning Monday 3 November 2014.

24. VicHealth will announce the Successful Organisations on the Initiative Webpage in March 2015.

Provision of grant to Successful Organisation/s of the Initiative25. If You are a Successful Organisation, VicHealth will provide

You with a grant to be used towards implementing the Project in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

26. Any decision by VicHealth to select a Successful Organisation or the amount of grant to be provided to a Successful Organisation will be at the sole discretion of VicHealth.

27. If You are a Successful Organisation, the provision of the grant to You is subject to You agreeing to enter in to a Standard Funding Agreement with VicHealth, the terms and conditions of which will be determined by VicHealth.

VicHealth’s decisions are final28. For the avoidance of doubt, any decision by VicHealth on any

matter in relation to the Initiative is final and is not subject to review. This includes a decision by VicHealth to:

a) Accept an Application;

b) Determine which organisation will be a Successful Organisation or the number of Successful Organisations; or

c) Determine the amount of any grant.

29. You acknowledge and agree that VicHealth is under no obligation to discuss or provide feedback to You in relation to an Application You have submitted.

30. You also acknowledge and accept that VicHealth will not enter in to any correspondence with You unless Your Application is a Successful Application.

31. If there is a change to Your contact information, You must notify VicHealth as soon as reasonably practicable following that change and give VicHealth the relevant details of that change.

Warranties32. By participating in this Initiative, You represent and

warrant that:

b) You have obtained all rights, licences, and permissions necessary, in writing, from any person who may have helped create Your Application and any Application Materials submitted as part of this Initiative; and

c) Your Application and any Application Materials submitted as part of this Initiative complies with these Terms and Conditions (and any applicable third party terms and conditions), and:

i. is Your original work;

ii. has not previously been submitted in any other Initiative, competition or promotion, including any third party promotion or event;

iii. does not contain any use of the names, likenesses, photographs, or other identifying elements, in whole or in part, of any person, living or dead, without permission of the relevant person or their parent or legal guardian using the relevant consent form available on the VicHealth Website;

iv. does not include trade marks, logos, or copyright protected material which belong to third parties unless You have permission from the owner to use the same in Your entry (including, but not limited to, company names, music, photographs, motion picture or television programme clips or audio tracks, works of art, or images published on or in websites, television, movies, or other media);

v. is not subject to any third party agreements, and VicHealth will not be required to pay any licence fees, royalties or other sums to any person or entity as a result of using the Application and/or any Application Materials in accordance with these Terms and Conditions;

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vi. does not defame, misrepresent, or contain disparaging remarks or any other content which could adversely affect the name, reputation or goodwill of VicHealth or any other individuals and/or entities, the determination of which shall remain in the sole discretion of VicHealth;

vii. does not contain pornographic or sexual content, hateful or offensive content, content which promotes violence or harm to another living creature or any other offensive, obscene or inappropriate content, the determination of which shall remain in the sole discretion of VicHealth;

viii. does not include threats of any kind or that intimidate, harass, or bully anyone, or invade the privacy of any person, the determination of which shall remain in the sole discretion of VicHealth;

ix. does not violate any applicable laws or include any content that may encourage or provide instructions for a criminal offence;

x. does not feature, refer to, or mention any brands competing with VicHealth; and

xi. along with any electronic method of communication used to submit it to VicHealth, does not contain any known virus, trojan horse, worm, trapdoor or similar software that may in any way infect or affect any of VicHealth’s (or a third party’s) hardware or software systems.

Right to remove or reject organisations33. VicHealth reserves the right to remove or reject from

the Initiative (including from the Initiative Webpage) an organisation that has entered the Initiative if:

a) VicHealth decides not to shortlist the organisation’s Application following an assessment of the Application against the Selection Criteria;

b) the organisation’s Application or Application Material is illegible, incomplete or fraudulent or does not comply with these Terms and Conditions;

c) the organisation has breached these Terms and Conditions or VicHealth suspects that the organisation has breached these Terms and Conditions;

d) VicHealth receives a complaint about the organisation from a third party in relation to an Application, Application Materials or any matter relating to this Initiative;

e) the organisation has tampered with the operation of the Initiative, has engaged in cheating, hacking, deception or any other unfair practices such as intending to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other organisations or VicHealth and/or any of its agents or representatives, or VicHealth suspects, on reasonable grounds, that it has done so; or

f) the organisation submitting the Application does any act or does anything that is contrary to prevailing community standards, or is otherwise regarded by the public as unacceptable.

g) VicHealth otherwise thinks it is appropriate to do so.

Intellectual Property 34. Subject to clauses 35 to 37, You will retain all copyright and

any other intellectual property rights in the Application and any Application Materials developed by You pursuant to this Initiative.

35. By submitting an Application and any Application Materials as part of the Initiative, You grant to VicHealth a worldwide, exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable license (including a right to sub-license) to use, reproduce, distribute, adapt (including without limitation edit, modify, translate and reformat), derive, transmit, publish, communicate, display and perform (publicly or otherwise), the Application and any Application Materials for the purpose of evaluating the Application and any Application Materials, and for VicHealth’s marketing, advertising and/or promotional activities, which may include, but is not limited to, using, publishing or communicating the Application and any Application Materials on a website (including the VicHealth Website and/or Initiative Webpage), social media or other digital media.

36. You hereby represent and warrant that You have all permissions necessary to grant the rights provided for in clause 35 and that any use of such Application including any Application Materials by, or on behalf of, VicHealth shall comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations and not infringe or otherwise violate the intellectual property, moral rights or other rights of any third party.

37. By participating in the Initiative, You accept and agree that You waive any moral rights You may have in relation to Your Application and any Application Materials You submit, and that VicHealth may use any names, photographs or video footage featured in the Application and/or Application Materials in its publicity materials without any obligation for VicHealth to provide acknowledgment, payment or other compensation to You. This includes making such names and photographs available on the VicHealth Website, the Initiative Webpage and other advertising and promotional materials.

Confidentiality 38. Confidential Information disclosed by VicHealth to You

during the Initiative must only be used for the express purpose for which it was disclosed. You agree to keep in strict confidence all technical or commercial know-how, specifications, inventions, processes or initiatives which are of a confidential nature and have been disclosed by VicHealth to You. You must not, without the prior written consent of VicHealth, use or disclose the Confidential Information, or permit such Confidential Information to be used or disclosed by any third party, except:

a) where it is necessary for the purposes of the Initiative;

b) where You have obtained the prior written permission from VicHealth;

c) to Your officer’s agents, professional advisers, employees, contractors and insurers, subject to those persons first being bound by confidentiality obligations in relation to that Confidential Information.

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Privacy39. In administering this Initiative, VicHealth will collect

personal information, including without limitation, the names and contact details of persons applying for Funding.

40. Any personal information collected by VicHealth in administering the Initiative will be managed in accordance with the Information Privacy Principles (IPP’s), the Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic), and VicHealth’s Privacy Statement which is available here.

41. You acknowledge and accept that personal information will be shared with VicHealth’s employees, agents and subcontractors to the extent necessary for the Initiative to be delivered and for VicHealth’s promotional purposes.

VicHealth consent forms42. If You are a Successful Organisation, You must obtain:

a) Privacy and moral rights consents from all individuals appearing in photographs and/or video footage provided, or their parents or legal guardians (where applicable);

b) A copyright licence from all individuals or legal entities contributing intellectual property to Your photograph or video footage.

43. In obtaining such consents or licences, you must use the relevant consent forms appearing on the VicHealth Website and provide the signed consent forms upon receiving notification that Your Application is a Successful Application. VicHealth will require You to return the completed consent forms. The consent forms can be found here.

Indemnity44. By participating in this Initiative, You will indemnify and hold

VicHealth and its officers, employees and agents harmless against any loss, liability, or injury arising out of, or in connection with, this Initiative including without limitation:

a) any breach of these Terms and Conditions or the terms and conditions on the VicHealth Website;

b) any warranty given by You under these Terms and Conditions being incorrect or misleading in any way;

c) any breach of confidentiality or breach of privacy by You;

d) any infringement of a third party’s intellectual property rights;

e) any defamatory statement;

f) any unlawful activity;

g) any negligent act or failure to act by You; or

h) anything else which causes loss, liability, or injury.

Modification, cancellation or suspension of this Initiative45. VicHealth reserves the right, at any time and in its sole

discretion, to:

a) alter the structure and/or timing of the Initiative;

b) vary or extend any time or date specified in these Terms and Conditions;

c) require additional information or clarification from and organisation submitting an Application;

d) modify, cancel, terminate or suspend this Initiative in whole or in part;

and will not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by You or any other person as a result of exercising any of its rights in accordance with this clause 45.

46. If VicHealth exercises any of its rights outlined in clause 45, VicHealth will notify You in writing.

Disclaimer47. VicHealth is not responsible and disclaims all liability for any

condition, circumstances, losses, failures or delays caused by events beyond its control.

48. To the maximum extent permitted by law, VicHealth and its officers, employees and agents assume no responsibility for any damage, loss, costs, expenses (including special, indirect or consequential losses, or loss of profits) arising out of, or in connection with, this Initiative including without limitation:

a) any technical, hardware or software failures, lost, faulty or unavailable network connections or difficulties of any kind that may limit or prohibit your ability to participate in the Initiative;

b) any lost, damaged, defaced, incomplete, illegible or otherwise unreadable Application or Application Material;

c) any unauthorised access to, or theft, destruction or alteration of, any Application or Application Material at any point in the operation of this Initiative;

d) any infringement of third party’s intellectual property rights, breach of confidentiality or breach of privacy or other action which arises as a result of:

i. Your submission of an Application, Application Material or other submission; or

ii. VicHealth’s use or disclosure of Applications, Application Material or other submission in accordance with these Terms and Conditions; or

e) any defamatory statement; or

f) any unlawful activity by any person; or

g) a ny breach by You of any third party terms and conditions;

h) any breach of these Terms and Conditions by You or any misleading warranty provided by You; or

i) anything else which causes loss, liability, or injury.

49. By participating in this Initiative, You voluntarily and knowingly release, discharge and relinquish any and all claims, actions and lawsuits of any kind against VicHealth and agree that no claim relating to any loss or injury arising as a result of any of the above shall be made against VicHealth.

Governing Law50. These Terms and Conditions are governed by, and are to be

construed in accordance with the laws applicable in Victoria and You irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria. You waive any right to object to any proceedings being brought in those courts.

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Definitions“Application” means the online application form made by an organisation to participate in the Initiative;

“Application Material” means all material including but not limited to; documents, equipment, software (include source code and object code), goods, information and data stored by any means including all copies and extracts of the same and other tangible and intangible works created by You pursuant to Your Application and implementation of the Project;

“Initiative” means the ‘Increasing Female Participation in Sport Initiative’ which is administered by VicHealth on the Initiative Website;

“Initiative Guidelines” means the Female Participation In Physical Activity Initiative Guidelines on page 1 to 4 of this document;

“Initiative Webpage” means the webpage on the VicHealth Website here;

“Project” means a project to be implemented by a Successful Organisation in accordance with the Standard Funding Agreement;

“Project Period” means Monday 2 March 2015 – Friday 30 June 2017;

“Selection Criteria” means the selection criteria set out in clause 20;

“Standard Funding Agreement” means a funding agreement between VicHealth and a Successful Organisation for the provision of a grant to implement the organisation’s Project;

“Shortlisted Application” means an Application that has been shortlisted by VicHealth to enable the Shortlisted Organisation to participate in Stage 2 of this Initiative;

“Shortlisted Organisation” means an organisation who is shortlisted by VicHealth to participate in Stage 2 of the Initiative;

“Successful Application” means an Application that is selected by VicHealth at the end of Stage 2 which will result in VicHealth providing a grant to a Successful Organisation;

“Successful Organisation” means an organisation whose Application is selected by VicHealth as the Successful Application;

“VicHealth” means the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, a statutory authority established pursuant to The Tobacco Act 1987 (Vic), ABN 20734406352 of 15-31 Pelham Street, Carlton 3053;

“Victorian State Sporting Associations” means recognised state sporting associations listed on the State Government Victoria website located here;

“Disability State Sporting Bodies” means a recognised disability state sporting organisations by the State Government of Victoria as at the date of this Initiative;

“VicHealth Website” means the VicHealth website at;

“You, Your” means the organisation who has submitted an Application.

Notes1. ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) 2012, Australian Health Survey:

First results, 2011–12, cat no. 4364.0.55.001, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra.

2. Ibid.3. ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) 2013, Participation in Sport and

Physical Recreation, 2011-2012 cat. no. 4177.0, Australian Sports Commission, Canberra.

4. Australian Sports Commission 2010, Participation in Exercise Recreation and Sport Survey, 2010 Annual Report, Australian Sports Commission, Canberra.

5. Eime, R.M., et al., Integrating public health and sport management: Sport participation trends 2001-2010, Sport Management Review (2014), viewed 22 September 2014, < j.smr.2014.05.004>.

6. Australian Sports Commission 2010, Towards a Level Playing Field: sport and gender in Australian Media, January 2008 -2009, Australian Sports Commission, Canberra.

7. Australian Bureau of Statistics 2013, cat. no. 4156.0.55.001, Women in Sport: The State of Play 2013, viewed 22 September 2014.

Victorian Health Promotion Foundation PO Box 154 Carlton South Victoria 3053 Australia T +61 3 9667 1333 F +61 3 9667 1375 [email protected]

October 2014 Publication number: P-PA-193

VicHealth acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government