Download - Changing SEO Trends for Year 2015


Changing SEO Trends for Year 2015

Internet is evolving so do the ways to promote websites or the Search Engine Optimization.

Things are different now, many techniques have lost their relevance with time and many other are now decisive in setting up your website online marketing performance.

Changing SEO Trends for Year 2015

In Year 2015 we are facing a transition in SEO trends, so Let us learn “Changing SEO Trends for Year 2015”

There are some ultimate reasons why investing in SEO is a good idea

1. SEO is an 'investment' not a cost2. SEO enhances the sales drastically3. Comes with Variable Pricing4. SEO never involves a huge amount5. SEO keeps you from missing out free advertisement6. SEO offers social sharing7. Improves Website Visibility

Changing SEO Trends for Year 2015

Earlier year 2011 was the year of transition for SEO when Google made algorithm changes in Panda in the form of content relevancy and content freshness. A great loop begins and the SEO trends are changing ever since, every year or so.

Changing SEO Trends for Year 2015

Now days the SEO industry is virtually recognizable which used to seem a difficult task in 2011 or earlier.

Changing SEO Trends for Year 2015

In 2014, guest blogging has been redefined which was definitely the biggest buzzword in 2013 and earlier.

Changing SEO Trends for Year 2015

The search algorithm can now easily understand the ‘conversational phrases’. So the most important change in 2015 would be the existence of ‘Conversational Phrase’.

SEO trends in 2015

Change in keyword phrase

Pointing the Brands and Traditional Links

Changing SEO Trends for Year 2015

Links should appear natural from a wide range of high quality sources.

User behavior and Mobile Optimization

Changing SEO Trends for Year 2015

From 2015 SEO campaigns will not only support mobile optimization but also consider responsive website as an SEO pointer.

Content Marketing

Changing SEO Trends for Year 2015

You can say “Content is still the king” but now its value is much more than before.

Integration with Social Media

Changing SEO Trends for Year 2015

Google is getting more on to artificial intelligence and quite capable to judging Quality content Sharing valuable sources. Social Media has its importance but only for quality content and link sources.

Focus on the technical element

Changing SEO Trends for Year 2015

Without high value content an SEO technical sound website will fail.

Emphasis on building relationship

Changing SEO Trends for Year 2015

Search ranking will increasingly become more about building relationship and less about technical strategies.

Changing SEO Trends for Year 2015

Link to the Blog – Changing SEO Trends 2015