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The German Energy Transition

THE fEaTurE documEnTary from carl-a. fEcHnErDirector of the hit film THE 4TH REVOLUTION – ENERGY AUTONOMY fechnerMedia: Production

Become a film sponsor!

Support the film!

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TaBlE of ConTEnTS

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1 . An invitation

2. Why this film?

3. This is what it’s about: the contents of the film

4. What happens next: the schedule

5. Our offers for sponsors

6. Setting an example: THE 4TH REVOLUTION

7. Meet the filmmakers


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You are holding in your hands an invitation. An invitation to join forces with a multitude of dedicated individuals to bring into being a multimedia project that has at its heart a major documentary feature film about the energy transition.

Through a breath-taking story, stunning images and rousing music, this film will offer an inside view of a modern revolution – on the ground, using examples from all over Germany.

After seeing this film, people will no longer be able to claim that the change to our energy supply that is essential for our survival is nothing more than an idealistic dream. The film will bring to life the battle around the quantum leap that faces our society.

We want to change things. Together with you.

We are sending you this offer specifically in your capacity as a major player in the energy transition. Please read on to find out about how this project can be made a reality, what you can bring to it and how you can benefit from it as a supporter or sponsor.

Carl-A. FechnerDirector

Dear reader,


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We know that the catastrophic consequences of Hiroshima, Harrisburg and Chernobyl are still far from being resolved, and that we are not yet even able to recognise the full extent of those of fukushima.

We know that global greenhouse gas emissions are rising fast despite the Kyoto Protocol, and that we will no longer be able to meet the target of limiting warming to 2 degrees.

We know that, if usage levels continue to increase as they are at the moment, our stocks of uranium, natural gas and oil will start to decline within the next 50 years.

We know that the mining of brown and black coal lays waste to whole swathes of land and is extremely harmful for the environment.

We know that the incidence of catastrophic floods, heat waves, tornados and hurricanes is rising dramatically due to climate change.

We know that, every year, hundreds of thousands of people die of health problems and mil-lions of people die of hunger as a result of climate change.

We know that the battle for the last fossil fuels is endangering even peaceful alliances and could lead the world to the brink of total anarchy.

We know that industrial polluters are granted subsidies and tax breaks by politicians the whole world over.

We know that the federal Republic of Germany spends 86 million euros a year on importing fossil and nuclear fuels.

We know that the transition to renewable energies is an existential neces-sity for our entire global civilisation, and that it is an opportunity to pro-mote justice and peace.

WE HavE a PRoBlEm


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WiR HaBEn Ein PRoBlEmWhat does the energy transition mean for you and me? What economic, ecological and social opportunities does it offer? What are the problems and risks connected to it? What do we stand to gain, and at what price?

This documentary film will take a journalistic, analytical perspective, supported by in-depth research, to tell the moving stories of activists, companies, doubters and critics, and through this to project onto the global media stage the daily struggle of countless people for the energy transition. This film will put a stop to apocalyptic scenarios and detached discussions of the feasibility of the energy transition: it will be entertaining, exciting, fascinating, and will not point any moralising fingers at anyone. Nevertheless, it will remain intransigent on issues where there is no room for conciliation.

CHANGE aims to reach a global audience of millions with its real-life stories of a country in transition.

WE HavE an iDEa

CHANGE - A GERMAN ENERGIEWENDE (WT) will present the conflict that is taking place around the issue of the energy transition, and how it is rising up from the grassroots – in a decentralised and regional manner.

We need a counterforce to the power of major corporations and the politicians that support them, who together are hold-ing onto the old energy system despite climate change, con-flicts over resources, and all of the injustices that go along with these. Our film will take a stand against this. It will show that the once-in-a-lifetime challenge that faces us all is some-thing that we are actually capable of overcoming.

Every individual, every family, every community, every institution, here at home and everywhere in the world, can make a decision and become part of the global solution. We just have to want it and fight for it!




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„Evidence of the threat of “climate catastrophe” and of dwindling oil and gas resources find a receptive audience among a credulous section of our population, above all among people who neither question nor check the information they are given.“ Reader letter from Bartenstein, March 20066

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THE ConTEnTS of THE film

1. Development of Renewable Energies2. Public Services3. Energy management4. Exports5. opponents6. Consumption7. Energy Efficiency8. industry9. Green iT10. Storage

„The change from nuclear and atomic energies to renewable energies is a vital imperative for the sustainability of human civilisation.“ Dr Hermann Scheer, Winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize and Former Member of the German Parliament (†2010)

11. mobility12. Power networks13. Energy Cooperatives14. Psychology15. Costs16. Political Guidelines17. nuclear Energy /England18. nuclear Energy /Japan19. Environmentally-friendly Energy Providers20. Security of Supply


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iT’S alREaDy a REaliTy

Currently, around 382,000 people are employed in the rene-wable energy industry in Germany. The current legislation is threatening tens of thousands of these jobs. But this crisis can be overcome. These figures will rise.

Currently, over 130 million tonnes of greenhouse gases such as CO2 are saved annually in Ger-many through the use of renewable energies. and this figure is rising.

Currently, around 6 billion euros are saved annually in Germany in terms of costs for the import of fossil fuels. and this figure is rising.

Currently, the general community avoids over 8.5 billion euros in taxes and health costs [annu-ally] in Germany through the use of renewable energies. and this figure is rising.

Currently, renewable energies cover around 25 per cent of national electric power consump-tion, over 10 per cent of heating consumption and around six per cent of fuel consumption. and these figures are rising.


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mit themselves to the energy transition is probably rooted in the beauty of the regions or cities in which they live. They can sense that profound changes are on the way, and want to keep this space for themselves and for their children’s children. In order to achieve this, they take risks, sacrifice their free time, challenge the system. The film will portray players who are fighting for their cause with a frequently fascinating mix of stubbornness, passion and knowledge. And it will also portray their opponents. This will create room for tension and authenticity.

CHANGE - The German Energy Transition (WT) will tell the personal stories of these individuals, interweav-ing them with each other, connecting the people and scenes of action involved so that they create a real docu-mentation of our current time. The most important “fields of tension”, which are decisive for the speed and ultimately the success of the energy transition, will be brought to life for the viewer.

in Germany, activists are fighting against sceptics, many small groups against a few big ones, innovation against the establishment and progress against stagnation.


The energy transition works – what a message that would be! The experiment could provide a model that we have not had until now, and find billions of imitators all over the world.

Many municipalities in this country are well on the way to going far beyond the Government’s targets and reaching one hundred per cent renewable energy levels not just for electricity, but also for heating and mobility by 2030.

And yet there is a great amount of scepticism in this country, encouraged by headlines about the lack of stor-age capacity for renewable energies, insufficient network stability and costs in the billions of euros landing on the shoulders of the taxpayer. There is no doubt that Germany is facing one of the biggest structural shifts since the start of the industrial age. And in doing so, it must guarantee the functionality and competitiveness of its economic power. For this reason, fields of conflict are appearing, and victories and defeats occur on a day-to-day basis in the process of transitioning our energy supply. The battle around the energy transition has many faces, and is above all a human battle. For many people, their decision to com-


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marlene Potthoff

As project manager for “Cariteam”, Marlene Potthoff is not just committed to promoting an energy-efficient lifestyle, she also wants to support the integration of individuals into the job market. “Cariteam”, the en-ergy saving service and electricity saving monitor of the Frankfurt Caritas Asso-ciation, trains unemployed people up as energy consultants. Potthoff has been working in the environmental movement for over 20 years. Her aim with “Car-iteam” is to create a service that benefits both people and the environment.

Johannes van Bergen

As an energy entrepreneur, he has become the model for municipal energy suppliers transitioning towards 100% renewable energy across the whole of Germany. Over the course of his 22 years as

managing director of the Schwäbisch Hall municipal energy supplier, he devel-oped the company into an energy supplier that benefits citizens, the community and the environment. In 2012, he received the prize of “energy manager of the year” for this achievement.

CHANGE - The German Energy Transition (WT) reveals its stories through examples of the experiences and destinies of exceptional indi-viduals – entrepreneurs, energy suppliers, farm-ers, activists, Hartz IV instructors (consultants for people receiving the German jobseeker’s allow-ance) and scientists. These are people who are fighting for a social energy transition, and who are a part of it. Who connect global thinking to local businesses. Who strive for sustainability and energy autonomy in their own lives. But the film will also portray people who stand against this, and remain imprisoned in the past.


“The chance of replacing the structure of the German electricity supply, which developed over 100 years and is based on large-scale power plants, with a system of small, decentralised installations seems so slight, if you take a close look at the situation, that only a small number of reasonable politicians would bet even a single coal or nuclear power station on it.”Welt Online, Februar 200910

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Prof. Dr. martina Klärle

As a professor, managing director of the Frankfurt Research Institute for Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geomatics and entrepreneur in the field of land management, she is pas-sionately committed to her applied research in the field of potential analysis based on the available area for renewable energies. And her position is clear: there is enough room in Germany to achieve the energy transition while balancing all relevant interests.

Rudolf Bühler

He is the founder and Chairman of the Schwäbisch Hall Agricultural Producers Association, which currently has over 1,200 members. He believes that sustainability is the basic guiding prin-ciple of farmers. For this reason, he does not believe that conventional, energy-intensive farming is a credible option for the future. Instead of this, he argues in favour not only of an efficient use of energy and resources, but also for “plus-energy farming”.

But the film will also tell the story of individuals who fight against the decentralisation of the energy industry on a day-to-day ba-

sis. It will show the reasons, arguments and motivations that they bring into play with the aim of maintaining existing structures.

“Cities and local communities will take on a central significance as part of the energy transition!”Roger Kehle, President of the Baden-Württemberg Community Council


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fiElDS of TEnSion in THE EnERGy TRanSiTion

The wind doesn’t blow all the time, and the sun doesn’t

shine at night either.

Hydroplants, biogas plants, wood-fired power sta-tions and geothermal power plants can supplement sun and wind power in a greenhouse-gas neutral

manner. The trick is in the mix.

Solar energy is only worth it in africa.

The solar radiation that Germany receives contains around 80 times our

energy requirements.

We can’t afford renewable energies. We need to invest a maximum of 13.6 billi-

on euros a year until 2020, after which the amount required will decrease fast. and from

2030, we will actually be making a profit, because renewables will grow increasingly


Electric cars can never drive far enough, and are just as bad for the environment.

What we need are new mobility concepts. The car industry just needs to work seriously

on developing them. Companies that don’t do this are implying that they’re not interested. This is the best way to end up as a dinosaur.

no farmer can afford to prac-

tise organic or even environ-

mentally-friendly farming.

The energy expenditure of an environ-

mentally-friendly farm currently amounts

to 14 per cent of the expenditure

necessary for an equivalent surface with

conventional farming.


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Up until today, brown and black coal power plants have destroyed around 100 square kilometres of landscape in Germany, and have led to the displacement of around 300,000

individuals.Wind turbines ruin the landscape.

Renewable energies only work thanks to subsidies,

and thus at the cost of the taxpayer.

Public funding for brown and black coal alone amounted to around 355 billion euros

from 1970 to 2010, and will cost the tax-payer a further 20 billion euros up until 2018

as a result of the Coal funding act.

Biofuel production means that people in developing countries have to starve.

in each company, production processes can be optimised in such a way as to save on water, electricity, heating and waste. This has a noticeably positive effect on companies’ balance sheets.

The energy transition undermines the security of industrial energy supply and thus endangers economic growth and

our international competitiveness.

Energy crops create agricultu-ral deserts and destroy species


Thanks to agroforestry systems, mixed fruit farming and extensive

use of grass lands, energy crops can ecologically enrich the agricultural


a sustainable use of biofuels can enable small-scale farmers all over the world to develop a second source of income and

reduce their dependency on expensive fossil fuels. farmers can become

energy producers.


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“according to a study carried out by the Karlsruhe institute for Technology (KiT), electricity prices will actually rise by 70 per cent by 2025. The reason for this is supposedly the costs for the energy transition and the planned shutting down of nuclear power plants, according to the expert report commissioned by the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of industry and Commerce.” Focus Online, „The biggest misconceptions about the energy transition“, June 2012


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The film CHANGE - The German Energy Transition (WT) will be produced in four versions:

Cinema version: 90 minutes, English and German for cinema and special screenings, then various additional language versionsTv version: 90 minutes, optional 45 - 52 minute international Tv versionDvD version: 90 minutes, first edition in English and German, with comprehensive didactic bonus materialinternet version: short clips to integrate into a cross-media concept using all major social media channels

The cinema film will be produced in 4K with the most modern film technology. Production costs will run to around one million euros.

The financing campaign was started by the Energiewende Hohenlohe e.V. film funding association in July 2012. In July 2013, Tübinger KommunalPartner GmbH joined the project as a co-production partner. It financed the script/treatment and, once the treatment was completed, announced that it would contribute several hundred thousand euros to the funding of the film. Once the film is fully financed, shooting should start in September 2014.

The film is scheduled to have a festive cinema premiere in September 2015.

Should the funding of the film be delayed, all further stages in its production would be pushed back accordingly.

But we guarantee one thing: this project will be made.


“The big energy groups make a profit from large-scale power plants and controlling energy networks. a decentralised energy supply using renewable energies is viewed as a threat by these groups, because it would allow medium-sized businesses and private entre-preneurs to participate in the market as well. These groups are therefore using their power to prevent this structural change. and the close interdependence between these groups and the political world helps them to do this.”Felix Creutzig and Jan Christoph Goldschmidt, Publication of the German National Library 15

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=>How can CHanGE - The German Energy Transition (WT) be produced independently in practice?

The answer is surprisingly simple: by raising the capital we need from so many funders that the influence of each individual funder is limited. a decentralised structure. in this way, the content of the film will implement the solutions it is advocating – including in terms of how it is financed.

This is why we would like to attract as many sponsors and supporters as possible to work with us as partners on the film.


“Up until now, the energy transition has mainly had social effects: electricity prices are rising – and with them, the number of Hartz iv benefit recipients whose power supply is disconnected because they can no longer pay their electricity bill.” Spiegel Online, „E.On Manager calls for Hartz IV bonus for environmentally friendly energy“, June 2012

We are offering 1,000 building blocks of 1,000 euros each. By purchasing just one of the building blocks for this exceptional media project, you will already be helping us as a supporter.

Of course, you can also buy more building blocks, and distinguish yourself as a sponsor or main sponsor. your contribution will be worth it! Whoever gives money to the film will also receive so-mething in exchange: read on to find out what services you will receive for your contribution...


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“Pillorying renewable energies by accusing them of driving costs, and thus calling into question the entire energy transition is an irres-ponsible and disgraceful campaign led by the opponents of the energy transition.”LNV Chairman Reiner Ehret

WHaT Will yoU GET oUT of THiS?

vtv main SPonSoR from 150 film building blocks at 1.000 euros each

As a main sponsor, you will get a lot of attention: with your logo in the credits of the cinema film, on posters and flyers and on the website, you will be seen as the most important partner of CHanGE. To acknowledge this, we will offer you the following exclusive services:

• Your logo, link and own text will be highlighted in comparison to those of the sponsors: on the website, in the credits and in the media accompanying the film.• You will receive 1,000 DvDs of the finished cinema version – with an individual imprint upon request. On top of this, you will receive 10 DvDs signed by the director.• You will have the opportunity to get increased media attention as an exclusive partner at the local cinema premiere.• Upon request, you will also be named as a main sponsor of CHANGE on the website of the hit film THE FOURTH REVOLUTION.• You will receive a MAIN SPONSOR certificate.

SUPPoRTER from 1 film building block at 1.000 euros each

You will be mentioned by name, with a link, on our website.• Your name will be included in the credits.• You will receive 50 Dv Ds of the finished cinema version.• A decorative certificate will attest the amount and purpose of your contribution.

SPonSoR from 20 film building blocks at 1.000 euros each

As a supporter, sponsor or main sponsor, you will be supporting one of the most important films of our day, you will be investing in the development of the environ-mental and sustainability awareness of coming genera-tions, and you will be able to advertise yourself and your company on our websites, and use them to present your most important projects.

• You will be able to present yourself on our websites with a logo, link and a statement of your choice.• Your company will be mentioned as sponsor and will have its logo displayed in the film credits.• In addition, you have the option of presenting yourself in the media accompanying the film: on the DVD cover, the accompanying booklet, the cinema poster, on flyers and brochures.• You will receive 250 DvDs – with an individual im print on request.• You will receive a SPONSOR certificate.


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EvERy BUilDinG BloCK CoUnTS!

Do you want to be a part of this?

Use our form on or get in touch with our project team, led by Ms Linda Gehbauer.

We would be happy to advise you further by telephone at 07462/ 92392 22 or by email at [email protected].

as a supporter, sponsor or main sponsor, you will be supporting this film project in favour of the energy transition. you will be affirming your position and increa-sing your profile.

The film is aimed at players in the energy transition, and thus also at you, your clients and business partners!

You will be able to use the DVDs personally, in your private and professional environ-ment, and thus to put out the message of the decentralised energy transition into the world.

Contributions to the project can be deducted from your taxes as business expenses.


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Whether you join us as a supporter, sponsor or main sponsor: your personal and financial commitment will make you a part of an energy transition community beyond social and political divisions, striving for a free, just and emancipated society. you will be acting as part of a network of like-minded movers and shakers, and – if you want to – you will receive continuous personal information about the project and the issues it deals with. as a member of this community, you will be tak-ing an active part in redesigning the world.

What progress is the project making? Who is on the team? Who is a supporter, who is a sponsor?

The fastest and best way to get information about what is going on, and to take part in it, is via the website:

This is where the community meets. The website pro-vides a portal on which associations, municipalities and private individuals can present their projects in the field of renewable energy and exchange ideas. This is where the grassroots energy transition is at home.

We are also active on social networks. You can visit our blog, talks to us on facebook, follow us on Twitter and view our latest clips on youTube.

We look forward to your visit!

moRE THan a film

w w w. g e r m a n e n e rg i e w e n d e - d e r f i l m . d e



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moDEl: THE 4TH REvolUTon – EnERGy aUTonomy

The film

The documentary film THE 4TH REVOLUTION – ENERGY AUTONOMY, which premiered in Berlin in March 2010, puts forward an inspiring vision:

A global community whose energy supply is taken from 100%

renewable sources – accessible, affordable and clean for all.

A global restructuring that would reorder existing power dynamics and dis-tribute capital more equally could start now. We just have to do it!

But how? This is what the film shows, using exemplary projects and their pio-neers in ten countries: the most energy-efficient office building in the world is in Germany, and produces more energy than it uses. Renewable energies guarantee the livelihood of families in Mali and Bangladesh using direct financing models. Alternative energy concepts are revolutionising the car industry and promoting new modes of mobility.

Over a production period of four years, director Carl-A. Fechner and his team followed committed celebrities, and talked to top managers, African mothers, bankers and ambitious activists all over the world. At the end of this highly topical film, there was and is a new beginning for many people.

THE 4TH REVOLUTION on DvD you can purchase the Director’s Edition of the film with over 80 minutes of wide-ranging bonus mate-rial (e.g. didactic materials for school lessons) online at, via or in shops.

as a result of the global interest in the film, it is now also available directly from fechnermEDia as an international DvD in English, french, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish and Japanese. Please mention the phrase “international DvD” when you get in touch.


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an idea to emulate

Since 2012, over 2,000 so-called “hand-on DVDs” have been circulating in Switzerland through filme für die Erde (“Films for the Earth”), under the management of Kai Pulver. One DVD spends 3 weeks on average in the same hands, and is seen by around 10 people during this time, before it is sent on to someone else.

People in Switzerland can register and log in on and follow the routes of the DVDs online on a map. The result is fantastic already: over 600,000 people have seen, discussed and recom-mended the film thanks to this platform.


• official financial supporters of the film: 337 private individuals, institutions, organisations, groups and companies, and one main sponsor

• official supporters for the distribution of the film: 224 event part-ners in 220 cities in Germany

• 131,500 viewers at the box office in Germany, austria and Swit-zerland

• Three million Tv viewers for four Tv broadcasts and countless repeats in Germany and france alone (arte), further broadcasts to over seven million viewers in over 30 countries

• Translations into 28 languages so far, shown in over 70 festivals all over the world

• Cinema launch in Japan in 20 cinemas on 14/01/2012 with extensive press coverage, screenings in over 100 special events with multipliers, pedagogues and journalists and over 50 personal appearances of the director in front of over 10,000 viewers

(Date of these figures and information: 1 August 2013)


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The Team

Edwin Kraus has been a successful and innovative entrepreneur in the field of renewable energy for many years. After completing his MBA, he got involved with energy-saving technologies in 1975. As early as 1979, he set up a monovalent heat pump system in his home, including an energy fence, roof absorber and ice latent storage, which was presented on Drehscheibe, a programme on German public service broadcaster ZDF. Kraus has founded companies such as FAINEST Umwelt AG, Firma S+K Energietechnik and, in the past year, Diekra-Energie vom Land. As the CEO of S+K, and together with his son, he built up a company that employs 45 people and has projected, delivered and installed over 600 biofuel heating systems and over 2,000 pho-tovoltaic systems.

Edwin Kraus is the conceptual initiator of the film project. He is married, has two grown up children and two grandchildren, and lives in the small village of Kirchberg-Gaggstatt. The entrepreneur is the Chairman of the “Energiewende Hohenlohe e.V” film funding association, which is committed to the funding of CHANGE – The German Energy Transition (WT).

[email protected]

Linda Gehbauer studied media pedagogics at the University of Koblenz-Landau. She gained experi-ence of the media industry by working for SWR-Kindernetz, Radio Regenbogen and the RTL media group. As Assistant Director of Little Plow Films, Los Angeles, she supported the preparation of socially critical film projects both in content and organisa-tional terms.

Linda Gehbauer is coordinating the sponsorship cam-paign of the media project CHANGE – The German Energy Transition (WT). She is responsible for its internal and external communication and for the strate-gic development of the project as one of the director’s personal team.

[email protected]


Edwin Kraus


linda Gehbauer


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Carl-A. Fechner is a licensed pedagogue, journalist, filmmaker and pro-ducer. After working for two years as managing director of the touring theatre company Berliner Compagnie, and a brief stint as ARD foreign correspondent, he founded fechnerMEDIA GmbH in 1989 in the capacity of managing part-ner. For over 25 years, Fechner’s company has thus been showing examples of sustainable action – in numerous, international award-winning documentary films, public campaigns and cross-media projects. After making over 50 TV documentary films, he made his cinema debut in 2010 with THE 4TH REVO-LUTION – ENERGY AUTONOMY. As a winner of the European Solar Prize and of the B.A.U.M. Environmental Prize, Carl-A. Fechner has been convinced of the necessity of a fundamental change of perspective for many years.

Carl-A. Fechner lives with his wife and children in Baden-Württemberg.

Carl-A. Fechner is the director of CHANGE – The German Energy Transi-tion (WT). As the managing director of fechnerMEDIA GmbH, he is respon-sible for the content and artistic design of fechnerMEDIA films and media campaigns.

Director‘s note

“Change” – it’s a term that electrifies the world. We can make things move, we have the opportunity to take our fates into our own hands. 5% of society can change the face of the earth. We can make that decision.

Many people have done it already. People who are at the heart of our film: children who plant billions of trees. Companies that trim their operations to make them more energy-efficient. Business directors who restructure their companies into green giants. Mothers and fathers who bring sustainability to life in their children’s day-to-day routines. They can all satisfy our desire for positive stories, for role models, for people we can identify with.

We follow them on their journeys and through their struggles for a sustain-able future with inspiring images. These are film stories that bring to life the visions of the protagonists and the most important scientific, technical, politi-cal and social discoveries.

Directorand producer

Carl-a. fechner


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The film production companyfechnerMEDIA

fechnerMEDIA GmbH is an independent film production com-pany with offices in Immendingen, Cologne and Berlin, working on an international level with an emphasis on issues related to the fields of sustainability, renewable energies and social justice. Since 1989, fechnerMEDIA has been producing documentary films, prime time TV documentaries and image and information films and cross-media campaigns.

a company with experience. With films that will affect you...


... preisgekrönt...

and many more

Kindernothilfe Media Prize 2013 * Best Children and Youth Film Green Me Award 2013 * Baikal Film Festival Audience Award 2012 * Nominated for the Cosmic Cine Award 2011 * Special Prize of the NaturVision Jury 2011 * TOP 3 German Sustaina-bility Prize 2010 * Nomination for the German Economic Film Prize 2010 * Nominated for the German Camera Prize 2010 * “Particularly Valuable” Mention and “Documentary Film of the Month” 2010, Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung * B.A.U.M. Environmental Prize 2009 * TV Journalist Prize unendlich viel energie 2008 * European Solar Prize 1998

...produced for public service and private broad-casters...

...award-winning (extract)

fechnerMEDIA has proved it in over 50 TV documentaries and in the major cinema film THE 4TH REVOLUTION – ENERGY

AUTONOMY: we can inspire and convince people through moving images – about your issues and ours: renewable energy,

sustainability, social responsibility. Including:

The 4th Revolution - Energy Autonomy (cinema)When you‘ve gone, I‘ll still be there - Children fight for their world(ARD)

Feeding Cities + City of the Future (arte theme Evening)


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“If the German government was really serious about the energy transition, they would raise their development goals. Just 35 per cent renewable energy by 2020 – the government already had this target before Fukushima. This shows you that there isn’t really a serious desire to achieve the energy transi-tion. 50 to 60 per cent environmentally-friendly electricity in Germany by 2020 would be no problem at all. Our society would be on board with this. My suggestion is a “Dächertec” (“Rooftec”) instead of a Desertec (solar electricity from the desert). Why go so far away, when there is enough wind and sun power available in Germany to easily achieve a 100 per cent energy transition in combina-tion with hydropower, biomass, geothermal energy and wave energy?

We see once more here that the issue of structure is decisive. Desertec is based on structures that old energy suppliers understand, which will need to be equipped with huge cables from North Africa to Central Europe.Millions of small installations here, on the other hand, require decentralised structures, which are not susceptible to risk. The key principle of a successful energy transition with renewables is: energy from the region for the region – just like in Hohenlohe. The money then stays in the region, and jobs are cre-ated locally. And all of this in the interest of citizens, craftsmen and medium-sized companies. This is why I am supporting the project CHANGE – The German Energy Transition (WT) and why I am asking you to promote the project as a SPONSOR together with numerous other passionate indi-viduals.” (franz alt)


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“The energy transition has halted before it even got started. The political world lacks the necessary decisiveness, and industry lacks incentives to invest the billions that are necessary to set up the requisite infrastructure. Will the costs be passed on to users?” Der Spiegel, „Nothing fits“, May 2012

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fechnerMEDIA GmbHCarl-A. FechnerSchwarzwaldstraße 45D-78194 Immendingen







Bitte nennen Sie uns mit folgendem Namen im Abspann!

Bitte senden Sie mir (max. 250) didaktisch aufbereitete DVDs der Kinofassung zu!

Bitte drucken Sie mein Firmenlogo/Namen auf allen Medien wie DVD-Cover,Begleitheft, Kinoplakat, Flyer und Broschüren!

Bitte erstellen Sie mein persönliches DVD-Cover mit folgendem Aufdruck:

Bitte tragen Sie mich für den Newsletter des Medienprojektes ein!

Ja, zum Film zum großen Wechsel!Wir unterstützen das Medienprojekt CHANGE - EIN DEUTSCHES ENERGIEMÄRCHEN (AT)

als Sponsor,

mit Bausteinen (ab 20) à 1.000 Euro zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. (entfällt bei Privatpersonen),

gesamt Euro, die wir in den nächsten zwei Wochen auf das Konto des Filmprojekts

bei der fechnerMEDIA GmbH einzahlen.

(Name, Vorname und gegebenenfalls Firma)

(PLZ, Ort, Straße)

Danke!fechnerMEDIA bedankt sich für Ihre Unterstützung!

Ich garantiere Ihnen dafür folgende Gegenleistung:

Dafür stehe ich persönlich ein.

Immendingen, im Januar 2014



R w



Ort, Datum Carl-A. Fechner, Produzent

Ort, Datum Unterschrift / Stempel

ProduzentfechnerMEDIA GmbHCarl-A. FechnerSchwarzwaldstraße 45D-78194 Immendingen

KontofechnerMEDIA GmbHGLS Gemeinschaftsbank eGKto-Nr. 8 041 132 700BLZ 430 609 67

Füllen Sie die beiliegenden Formulare aus, schicken oder faxen Sie uns diese zu oder kontaktieren Sie uns, auch unter

• Wir werden Ihre Unterstützung ausschließlich für die Herstellung und Verbreitung des Films CHANGE! EIN DEUTSCHES ENERGIEMÄRCHEN (AT) einsetzen.

• Wir werden Sie über den Fortgang des Projektes und der Finanzierung kontinuierlich auf dem Laufenden halten.

• Wir werden Ihnen auf Wunsch auf den Websiten und Webspace zur Verfügung stellen, um Ihr Unternehmen darzustellen. Zu diesem Zweck können Sie ein Statement über den Grund Ihres Engagements und ein Bild oder ein Firmenlogo veröffentlichen. Ein Link führt dann zu Ihrer Website.

• Wir übergeben Ihnen 250 didaktisch aufbereitete DVDs der Kino-Fassung zu Ihrer persönlichen Verfügung. Diese werden etwa 6 Monate nach der Uraufführung des Films produziert.

• Wir werden Ihnen auf Wunsch die DVD-Cover mit einem individuellen Aufdruck versehen.

• Wir werden das Logo Ihres Unternehmens auf Wunsch in der Kino- und DVD-Version im Ab-spann des Films zeigen.

• Wir werden Ihnen auf Wunsch Ihr Firmenlogo oder Ihren Namen auf allen Medien wie DVD-Cover, Begleitheft, Kinoplakat, Flyern und Broschüren abdrucken.

mail: [email protected]: 07462 / 92392-12fax: 07462 / 92392-20

fechnerMedia: Produktion

Join US!

Get involved to ensure that the energy tran-sition is successful – decentralised, regional, socially just.

In Germany and all over the world!

Our project team leader, Linda Gehbauer, will be more than happy to hear any questions, proposals and criti-cisms you may have, and to provide you with SUPPORTER or SPONSOR forms; feel free to contact her by telephone or by email.

Give us a call, join in, support our film project!

Thank you!

CHANGE - The German Energy Transition (WT) Linda Gehbauer Project Manager fechnerMEDIA Schwarzwaldstraße 45 D - 78194 Immendingen Tel.: 07462 / 92392 -22 [email protected]


Page 27: Change: German energytransition english

“lavishly-conceived catastrophic scenarios determine our image of the world. i want to put the same intensity and quality of enter-tainment and information into bringing to life opportunities, solutions and perspectives. Because people’s desire for a real vision has no limits.“Carl-A. Fechner, Director


order the TRailER on DvD:

[email protected]


Page 28: Change: German energytransition english

fechnerMedia: ProduktionfechnermEDia GmbH Tel.: +49 (0) 7462 / 92392-0

Schwarzwaldstraße 45 fax: +49 (0) 7462 / 92392-20

78194 immendingen

“The immediate transition to renewable energies is no burden, but rather the greatest tangible social and economic opportunity for the future.”

Dr. Hermann Scheer, Winner of the Alternative Nobel Price (†2010)