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Chameleons and CodasChameleons and Codas

Unit 9

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bangs (Am E)on the fringes (of something)a) not completely belonging to or accepted by a

group of people who share the same job, activities etc:

a small group on the fringes of the art worldb) also on the fringe at the part of something

that is farthest from the centre [= on the edge of something]:

Nina remained on the fringe of the crowd.

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1 [u] the sense which you use to hear sounds She has remarkable hearing for a lady of her age. a child with a hearing disability

2 [c] a meeting of a court or special committee to find out the facts about a case: a court hearing

3 [countable usually singular] an opportunity for someone to explain their actions, ideas, or opinions: Let's give both sides a fair hearing.

hearing-aid n. hearing-impaired adj.

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She's deaf and dumb (=unable to hear or speak) and communicates using sign language.

stone deaf adj.: completely unable to hear I think Mum's going a bit deaf. be deaf to something literary to be unwilling to hear or li

sten to something: (be blind to sth.) She was deaf to his pleas.

turn a deaf ear (to something): to be unwilling to listen to what someone is saying or asking: (turn a blind eye) The factory owners turned a deaf ear to the demands of the

workers. fall on deaf ears : if advice or a warning falls on deaf ear

s, everyone ignores it She was struck dumb with terror.

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license / licence

the freedom or opportunity to behave in a way that is wrong or immoral licence to do something Police say it gives youngsters licence to break the


freedom to do or say what you think is best: Headteachers should be allowed greater licence i

n the exercise of their power.

driving license/driver’s license, grant/issue a license, a license to do sth., do sth. without a license

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not knowing about or not noticing something that is happening around you [= unaware] oblivious of/to He seemed oblivious to the fact that he had hurt

her. seemingly/apparently oblivious Congress was seemingly oblivious to these


obliviousness noun [u]

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to argue about something unimportant [= quarrel] squabble over/about The kids always squabble about who should do the

dishes.. squabble with He's squabbling with the referee. synonyms: fight, quarrel, have a row British English to argue about unimportant things: squabble,

bicker, quibble to stop arguing: bury the hatchet (a small axe), settle

your differences, make your peace with somebody, make it up

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similar words: main, key, chief, principal, leading, vital, crucial, essential, significant, pivotal

not important: unimportant, trivial, minor, irrelevant, insignificant

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or else

used to say what another possibility might be: The salesman will reduce the price or else include

free insurance.

used to threaten someone: Hand over the money, or else!

used to say that there will be a bad result if someone does not do something: Hurry up or else we'll miss the train.

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to become weaker and unable to continue in an effective way: The economy is showing signs of faltering.

to speak in a voice that sounds weak and uncertain, and keeps stopping: Laurie's voice faltered as she tried to thank him.

to become less certain and determined that you want to do something: We must not falter in our resolve.

to stop walking or to walk in an unsteady way because you suddenly feel weak or afraid: She faltered for a moment.

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if a bird or insect flutters, or if it flutters its wings, it flies by moving its wings lightly up and down: A small bird fluttered past the window.

to make small gentle movements in the air: Dead leaves fluttered slowly to the ground. The flag fluttered in the light breeze. flutter

if your eyelids flutter, they move slightly when you are asleep: Her eyelids fluttered but did not open.

flutter your eyelashes (at somebody) if a woman flutters her eyelashes at a man, she looks at him and moves her eyes to make herself attractive to him

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His wife scowled when he came home late again.

I wonder why he is wearing an angry scowl.

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someone with enlightened attitudes has sensible, modern views and treats people fairly and kindly enlightened attitude/approach etc 'Empowerment' is the new buzz-word in

enlightened management circles.

showing a good understanding or knowledge of something: We don't actually know, but I can make an

enlightened guess.

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back off

to stop telling someone what to do, or stop criticizing them, especially so that they can deal with something themselves: I think you should back off for a while. Back off, Marc! Let me run my own life!

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saddle somebody with something

to make someone have a job or problem that is difficult or boring and that they do not want: I've been saddled with organizing the whole party! Many farms were saddled with debts.

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strode, stridden (to walk quickly with long steps) stroll in a relaxed way for pleasure wander with no aim or direction stride in a confident or angry way march soldiers hike for long distances in the countryside or the

mountains tiptoe very quietly wade through water stagger in an unsteady way because you are drunk or

injured limp with difficulty because one leg is painful or injured

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bowl over

to completely surprise someone The news bowled me over. I was totally bowled over by the beautiful gift from

the office staff.

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noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline a social gathering that became rambunctious and

out of hand; a boisterous crowd; a robustious group of teenagers; beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings

is sympathy for the vulnerability of ordinary human beings

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to be troubled; worry She'll fret herself to death one of th

ese days.

to be worn or eaten away; become corroded The metal is fretted with the acid.