Download - Chamada artigos para comemoração 25 anos da Leiden University

  • 7/30/2019 Chamada artigos para comemorao 25 anos da Leiden University


    2. Special Issue onFoucault andInternational LawOne of the highlights ofLJILvolume

    25 will be the special issue on Foucault

    and International Law. This special issue

    will explore the relevance of Foucault's

    thought to international law and legaltheory. Foucault's work continues to

    provide fertile suggestions for

    rethinking many of our established

    notions of law, right(s), sovereignty and

    legal subjectivity. Yet to date there

    have been, with some notable

    exceptions, few sustained treatments

    of Foucault's relevance to international

    law and international legal theory.Following a call for papers, selected

    authors have been invited to contribute

    to the special issue.

    Unsolicited papers will also still be

    considered. Potential contributors are

    encouraged to contact either of the

    guest editors to discuss their proposals

    at [email protected] or

    [email protected].

    1. Hugo Grotius PrizeIn the rst issue of volume 1 of the Leiden Journal of

    International Law (LJIL), the editors announced the Hugo

    Grotius Award and they made a promise: the next issue will

    contain more information. On the occasion of its 25th

    anniversary, LJILhas decided to follow up on this promise.

    In co-operation with the Grotius Centre for InternationalLegal Studies, the Editorial Board is pleased to announce

    the implementation of the Hugo Grotius Award.

    This biennial prize will be awarded to the author(s) of the

    article that best presented or examined a new trend in

    international legal thinking. In honour of the winning

    author(s) and article, a one-day seminar will be organized at

    the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies which has

    the subject matter of the article as its central theme. As the

    key note speaker of this seminar, the author(s) will be offeredthe opportunity to present his/her/their ideas to the academic

    community and the international judiciary present in

    The Hague. In addition, the author(s) will be offered 250

    worth of books from Cambridge University Press.

    The rst award ceremony will be held in Spring 2012.

    Articles from all sections in the volumes 20-24 will be

    considered. The second award, to be presented in 2014, will

    consider all articles in the two preceding volumes 25 and

    26. The Editorial Board will propose a shortlist and the nalselection will be made by a jury composed of the

    Editor-in-Chief and two prominent academics and/or

    practitioners in the eld of international law. Current

    members of the editorial board are not eligible for the award.

    2012 marks Leiden Journal of International Law(LJIL)s 25th anniversary.Several initiatives are launched to celebrate this Silver Jubilee, including the

    establishment of an LJILbiennial prize for the article that best presented or examined

    a new trend in international legal thinking and the Foucault Special Issue.