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Keeping our own energy systems clear and balanced

is foundational for being at our best physically, men-

tally, emotionally and spiritually. For energy medicine

practitioners, it is essential for being effective in ourhealing work with clients. Awareness is key and one

way to be aware of our own energetic state is to do a

self-assessment of our chakras. When we know where

our imbalances lie, we can use techniques on ourselves

to clear and rebalance our energy systems.

Below is a chart for recording the state of your chakras.

You can use it to look for patterns over time or simply

before and after a self-treatment. Tere are many ways

of assessing your own chakras and you may already

have your own method. For those who don’t, we haveincluded three methods below. wo of these methods

rely on the body to express its inner wisdom.

Ways to assess your chakras:

1. Use a pendulum. Hold your pendulum in one

hand with your other hand below the pendulum,

palm up. Ten ask your pendulum to show you

each chakra starting with the crown. ake a mo-

ment with each chakra to note the swing of the

pendulum. If it swings in a clockwise circle and

about 4” in diameter, your chakra is open and

balanced. If it swings in any other pattern or in

a smaller or larger circle, it is compromised and

needs some loving attention. If you don’t own a

pendulum, a tea bag with a string or a necklace

with a weighty pendant can do in a pinch.

2. Standing with your feet hip-distance apart and

your knees soft (not locked), start circling your

hips in a clockwise circle. Once your hips are

loosened up and circling freely, place your hand on

your crown chakra and ask to be shown the spin

of that chakra. Your hips will act like a pendulum

and show you the direction of the spin of yourcrown chakra. A clockwise spin of your hips means

your chakra is open and balanced. Any other

direction, whether in a straight line, an elliptical

shape or a counter-clockwise circle, indicates the

chakra is compromised. Note the direction of

the crown chakra. Ten continue to each chakra,

finishing with the root chakra.

3. Another way to assess your chakras is to use

muscle testing. Writer Sandy Wright* (watch for

her article in an upcoming issue of Energy Maga-zine) explains a simple method of muscle test-

ing: standing straight and balanced, lean forward

and tell your body that this is what a ‘yes’ looks

like. Ten lean backwards and tell your body this

is what a ‘no’ looks like. Stand straight and bal-

anced again; now ask your body to show you a

‘yes.’ Wait patiently without thinking about it too

much. Your body should feel pulled in the forward

direction. It is very subtle but noticeable. Once

you feel comfortable using muscle testing, you can

pose the question, “Is my crown (or other) chakra

open and balanced?”  Or conversely, “Does my root

chakra need to be balanced?” 

Record your findings below, then offer yourself some

self-care. Tere is plenty of space to make notes about

your assessment.

Depending on the energy modality you practice, you

may have your own self-care techniques for clear-

Chakra Self-Assessment

© 2015 Energy Magazine 

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ing your chakras. Here are three techniques from the Heal-

ing ouch perspective to try. o quickly clear compromised

chakras, use either Magnetic Passes/Hands in Motion (HIM) or

Magnetic Passes/Hands Still (HS). o use HIM, hold your palms

facing the chakra but not touching the body. With a gentle

brushing movement, sweep your hands above the chakra with

the intention of clearing it. Continue until you feel an energetic

shift or the process feels complete. o use HS, place your hands

on or above the compromised chakra, holding the intention to

clear and open it. If you have more time, try the full-body tech-

nique Self Chakra Connection to balance and open the entire

body (find it on the Healing ouch Program website - www.


After you have given yourself an energy treatment, check your

chakras again to see the results of your self-care. If one or moreof your chakras is still compromised, be gentle with yourself. If

you have the time, you can clear it now using the same tech-

nique, another method, or come back to it later. Your body,

mind and spirit will be grateful for whatever energetic care you

offer yourself.

Regular assessment and self-care is helpful to remain clear

and balanced. Our energy fields shift moment by moment in

response to both external and internal factors. For some, daily

assessment may work best. For others, weekly may be more

realistic. Experiment with what works best for you.


Before beginning any energy technique, center and ground

yourself. Being centered is being fully present, connected with-

in, focused and open to guidance. o center, take a few deep

breaths and as you exhale, release tension, worry and thoughts.

As you breathe in, receive calm and replenishing energy.

Grounding is feeling connected to the earth and to your own

physical body, being alert and conscious of the present mo-

ment. o ground, you can imagine yourself as a tree with roots

reaching into the earth or just focus on your feet. You can also

use images or affirmations to facilitate being fully present and

in the body.

*Sandy Wright -

© 2015 Energy Magazine

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Chakra Self-Assessment

© 2015 Energy Magazine

SacralLower Abdomen just

below Navel


Base of Spine and

Perineal Floor

Solar Plexus

at the Solar Plexus


at the Heart

Crown On the Top

of the Head


Between the Eyebrows


Center & Base of the


Before Self-Care After Self-Care

Date ____________________