Download - Chafee presentation youth transitioning 2011

  • 1. West Virginia Chafee FosterCare Independence Program1

2. PurposesTo identify childrenwho are likely toremain in foster careuntil 18 years of ageand to help thesechildren attain self-sufficiency byproviding transitionalservices.2 3. PurposesAssist children likelyto remain in fostercare until 18 years ofage with theeducation, training,and servicesnecessary to obtainemployment.3 4. PurposesAssist children likely to remain infoster care until 18 years of ageprepare for and enter post-secondary educational and traininginstitutions:CollegesUniversitiesTechnical Schools4Vocational Schools 5. Purposes Provide personal and emotional support, through mentors and the promotion of interactions with dedicated adults, to children aging out of foster care.5 6. Purposes Provide transitional services and other appropriate supportive services to children between 18 and 21 years of age to complement their own efforts to achieve self-sufficiency.6 7. Purposes Make available vouchers for education and training, including post-secondary training and education, to youths who have aged out of foster care.7 8. Purposes Provide services to youth who leave Foster Care to Guardianship or Adoption at age 16.8 9. Who, What, When of Chafee We have regional staff with a territory that covers that entiregreat state of West Virginia. What we are has developed from the Independent LivingPrograms and was solidified by Federal Legislation in 1999. When should youth access Chafee Services? At age 14 for Life Skills Assessments & Learning Plans Through Multidisciplinary Team Meetings as the youth plans their future, & develops transition plans. When youth are within 6 months of graduating High School or obtaining the GED.9 10. Location of StaffState Office,CharlestonCabell Co. Office,HuntingtonWood Co. Office,ParkersburgBerkeley Co. Office,MartinsburgRaleigh Co. Office,BeckleyTucker Co. DHHRGrafton 10 11. Chafee Staff Technical Assistance Youth in Care Assist with Life Skills Assessments Assist with Life Skills Curriculum MDT Support/Attend/Development of YouthTransition Plans Consults for Educational Plans/Placements/Transitional Services 11 12. Chafee Staff Technical Assistance Youth in Care Referrals and Linkages for: Education Supports Assessments Other Transitional Living Services12 13. Chafee Staff Assistance Youth 18+ (In Care and Out of Care) Case Management for Chafee Array of Services Employment Guidance/Referrals Supportive Counseling Medical Card Housing Startup Assistance Linkage to Community Support Educational Assistance 13 14. The FC-18The FC-18 is not placing a youth in custody.The FC-18 is a CONTRACT with a youth enrolledin an educational or career program.The FC-18 is for continuing to obtain foster careservices, which includes transitioning services.14 15. Chafee Staff Assistance with ETVTo participate in this program youth must meet thefollowing criteria: Youth must be under 21 years old and must have completedyour high school diploma or GED Youth must be enrolled in a post secondary educationalprogram/ vocational program/ trade school.. Youth must make progress toward your educational goals andabide by the rules each semester/ reporting period15 16. Expectations for All ETV Students Youth must maintain a 2.0 GPA AND an 80% completion rateeach semester. If youth fall below this expectation, they may be granted oneimprovement period and must comply with the conditions setforth in an educational improvement plan for continuation ofETV services/funding. Youth must be in good standing with the rules/regulations ofthe educational institution. If the educational institution findsyouth in violation of their rules/regulations, this mayconstitute non-compliance with Chafee expectations. 16 17. Supports for All ETV Students Youth can access tutoring and additional services through theOffice of Disability Services. Career Services through the Universities . Youth can use TRIO and Student Support Services. Summer programs offer students the ability to travel, learnand grow as adults. We encourage youth to participate in internships. We provide opportunities for Educational ImprovementPeriods to get back on track to graduation!17 18. Referral Process Any youth who is in Foster Care, ready to graduate highschool or get a GED, 18 years old or will be 18 years old soonshould be referred 6 months prior to graduation or dateleaving care. Fill out the referral form: FAX 304-558-4563, Email [email protected] Referral form is on the website Or Google WV Chafee 18 19. Youth Transitioning Summer Conference Cedar Lakes19 20. Youth TransitioningMini-ConferencesAround the State20 21. From Chafee Legislation to theNational Youth in Transition Database Foster Care Independence Act (Chafee Act)(1999) Replaced the Independent Living Program of1986 Created the John H. Chafee Foster CareIndependence Program Made provisions for services to youth who hadexited care at 18 but were not yet 212121 22. From Chafee Legislation to theNational Youth in Transition Database The Final Rule from the Federal Government was provided tothe States July of 2008 The WV NYTD Team came back from DC and got right to thetask of developing the policy, practice and data systems tomeet the NYTD Requirements. WV was selected as one of 9 states to participate in the PilotProject to test the data systems with the Federal Team. WV NYTD completed systems and policy requirements andbegan training across the state: Ansell Casey Life Skills Assessments Youth Transitioning Screens in FACTS22 22 23. Congratulations WV received accolades from the Federal Teamfor having completed their system first! WV was given the opportunity to participatein the data transfer test phase, and waspraised for our data accuracy. WV statewide implementation of ACLSAProcess has been hailed by Casey Foundationas the right way.2323 24. The Right Way to do Life Skills Assessments Ansell Casey Life Skills Assessments Web-based, Current, Easy, FREE ACLSA replaces Daniel and Phillip Roy Documentation in FACTS provides accessibilityto all staff.24 25. ProcessYouth Assessment Caretaker Assessment Youth takes the Caretaker(s) take theassessment on-line assessment on-line Results are provided to: Matching Score Report DHHR Worker is generated Provider Caretaker Results are Chafeeplaced in FACTS File Results are placed inCabinet for easyFACTS File Cabinet for retrievaleasy retrieval 25 26. Creation of the Learning Plan Once the Youth hascompleted the assessment,a learning plan is createdbased upon the areas thatthe Youth wants to work toimprove. The Youth selects from anumber of FREEmaterials /activities. The Learning Plan is alsosaved to the FACTS FileCabinet. 26 27. Youth Perspective Youth VoiceWhat we learned through the Ansell-Caseyimplementation was that youth engagement isthe key to success.The NYTD Project will only be successful withyouth engagement. 27 28. National Youth in Transition DatabaseNYTD requires that States engage in two data collection &reporting activities on: 1. Each youth who receives independent living services; and 2. The outcomes of youth who are aging out of Foster Care.So that the reporting of demographic, services and outcomesdata is accurate, every worker should document in FACTS,especially the Education Screens, Independent LivingAssessments, Addresses, Phone Numbers and Relationships.28 29. Youth Survey in FACTSThe Youth Survey must be completed by the assignedworker for youth at age 17.29 30. Youth SurveyFollow-up surveys will becompleted onyouth at age 19and again at age 21! 30 31. Dont ForgetYouth Perspective.Youth Voice.Theyll tell you: 31 32. Dont ForgetThe reason for the survey is that right now wedo not know the statistics that can help us arguefor change in Foster Care, Adoption Policy andPermanency.32 33. Great Young PeopleI have the ultimate privilege to workwith and get to know great youngpeople.Im going to introduce some of themto you in a bit, but let me tell youabout a few who couldnt be here.33 34. The Time Is NOW NYTD Implementation& Compliance beganOctober 1, 2010. States are required tocollect data beginningOctober 1, 2010, andsubmitted first reportMay 15, 2011. Surveys are due foryouth who are 17. 34 35. We are here to assist! Chafee Staff can assist Chafee Staff continue with group assessments. ACLSA training of provider Agencies.35 36. Thank You Contact:Toll-Free 1-866-720-3605The West Virginia Chafee Foster CareIndependence Program,350 Capitol Street, Room 691,Charleston, WV 25301Fax [email protected] 36 37. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Websites helpful for transitioning youth: Casey Family Programs: National Resource Center for Youth Development: Its My Move: Foster Care Alumni: National Child Welfare Resource Center on Legal and Judicial Issues: Child Welfare Information Gateway: Center for Juvenile Justice Reform: 38. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES National Governors Association publication TheTransition to Adulthood: How States Can SupportOlder Youth in Foster Its My Life publication from Casey FamilyPrograms, available at FLUX: Life After Foster Care Available for order at (703)299 6767 or online at 39. ADDITIONAL College Foundation of West VirginiaTrue Independence can be ordered from the NationalResource Center for Youth Services, University of OK, 4502E 41st Street Building 4W Tulsa OK 74135-2512 Phone 918-660-3700 FAX Foster Club National The West VirginiaChafee Foster Care Independence Program