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Ch 6. More Metadata Ch 6. More Metadata VocabulariesVocabularies

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Open Directory vCard in RDF Event Markup Using Multiple Vocabularies

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Open Directory ProjectOpen Directory Project

Web Site increases impoliticly. Divide Web Site by Category. Produce comprehensive directory to

Web by editors. The ODP is a Web directory, not a

search engine. The ODP is simply a data provider.

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[email protected]

Open Directory ProjectOpen Directory Project Sign up

Choose a topic. Adding, Deleting and Updating links.

→ Generate the RDF behind the directory structure. Creates a database.

DMOZ(Directory Mozilla) Open Directory Project The Open Directory Project is the largest, most

comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors.

Over 3.8 million sites, 57,238 editors, over 460,000 categories

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Open Directory ProjectOpen Directory Project

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vCard in RDF vCard in RDF vCard

Electronic business card. Industry standard to exchange business card through


History Versit Consortium(Apple, IBM, Lucent, Siemens)

: Work to promote vCard and vCalendar technologies. 1996 : Developed by the International Mail

Consortium (IMC) Standardized by the IETF in RFC 2425

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[email protected]

vCard in RDFvCard in RDF Features

vCards carry vital directory information such as name, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and Internet URLs.

vCard can also have graphics and multimedia including photographs, company logos, audio clips such as for name pronunciation.

vCard support multiple languages. The vCard is operating system independent.

vCard version 3 is defined in two parts RFC 2425 : MIME Content-Type for Directory

Information RFC 2426 : vCard MIME Directory Profile

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[email protected]

vCard in RDFvCard in RDF

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf =

xmlns:vcard = "" >

<rdf:Description rdf:about = "">

<vcard:fn> Johan Hjelm </vcard:fn>

<vcard:email> Johan.Hjelm@ </vcard:email>

<vcard:org> Nippon Ericsson KK </vard:org>



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Element Qualifier Purpose Notes

FNTo specify the formatted text corresponding to the name of the object the vCard represents

The property must be present in the vCard object

NFamily, Given, Middle, Other, Prefix, Suffix

To specify the components of the name of the object the vCard represents

The property must be present in the vCard object

NICKNAMETo specify the text corresponding to the nickname of the object the vCard represents

It can be used to specify a familiar form of a proper name specified by the FN or N types


To specify an image or photograph information that annotates some aspect of the vCard represents

The type can include the type parameter “TYPE” to specify the graphic image format type

BDAY To specify the birth date of the object the vCard represents

The default is a single date value


To specify the components of the delivery address for the vCard object

The component values must be specified in their corresponding position


To specify the formatted text corresponding to delivery address of the object the vCard represents

The type value is formatted text that can be used to present a delivery address label for the vCard object

vCard Metadata Set #1

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vCard Metadata Set #2

Element Qualifier Purpose Notes



To specify the telephone number for telephony communication with the object the vCard represents

The value of this type is specified in a canonical form in order to specify an unambiguous representation of the globally unique telephone endpoint


To specify the electronic mail address for communication with the object the vCard represents

The type can include the type parameter “TYPE” to specify the format or preference of the electronic mail address

MAILERTo specify the type of electronic mail software that is used by the individual associated with the vCard

This information can provide assistance to a correspondent regarding the type of data representation which can be used, and how they can be packaged

TZTo specify information related to the time zone of the object the vCard represents

The type value consists of a dingle value

GEOTo specify information related to the global positioning of the object the vCard represents

The value specifies latitude and longitude, in that order

TITLETo specify the job title, functional position or function of the object the vCard represents

This type is based on the X.520 Title attribute

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vCard Metadata Set #3

Element Qualifier Purpose Notes

ROLETo specify information concerning the role, occupation, or business category of the object the vCard represents

This property is included as an organizational type to avoid confusion with the semantics of the TITLE type and incorrect usage of that type when the semantics of this type is intended


To specify a graphic image of a logo associated with the object the vCard represents

The type can include the type parameter “TYPE” to specify the graphic image format type

AGENT administrator,assistant,secretary

To specify information about another person who will act on behalf of the individual or resource associated with the vCard

A key characteristic of the Agent type is that it represents somebody or something is separately addressable

ORG name,partTo specify the organizational name and units associated with the vCard

The type value is a structured type consisting of the organization name, followed by one or more levels of organizational unit names

CATEGORIES To specify application category information about the vCard

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vCard Metadata Set #4

Element Qualifier Purpose Notes

NOTETo specify supplemental information or a comment that is associated with the vCard

The type is based on the X.520 Description attribute

PRODID To specify the identifier for the product that created the vCard object

Implementations should use a method such as that specified for Formal Public Identifiers in ISO 9070 to assure that the text value is unique

REV To specify revision information about the current vCard

The value distinguishes the current revision of the information in this vCard for other renditions of the information



To specify the family name or given name text to be used for national-language-specific sorting of the FN and N types

The sort string is used to provide family name or given name text that is to be used in locate- or national–language-specific sorting of the formatted name and structured name types


To specify a digital sound content information that annotates some aspect of the vCard

The type can include the type parameter “TYPE” to specify the audio format type

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vCard Metadata Set #5

Element Qualifier Purpose Notes

UIDTo specify a value that represents a globally unique identifier corresponding to the individual or resource associated with the vCard

The type is used to uniquely identify the object that the vCard represents

URLTo specify a uniform resource locator associated with the object that the vCard refers to

VERSION To specify the version of the vCard specification used to format this vCard

The property must be present in the vCard object

CLASS To specify the access classification for a vCard object

An access classification is only one component of the general security model for a directory service. The classification attribute provides a method of capturing the intent of the owner for general access to information described by the vCard object

KEYTo specify a public key or authentication certificate associated with the object that the vCard represents

The type can include the type parameter TYPE to specify the public key or authentication certificate format

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[email protected]

Event Markup Event Markup SKi(Structured Knowledge initiative, Svenska

Kalenderinitiativet ) To describe a public events.

History 1998.03 : Swedish Calendar Initiative was born. 1998.11 : IETF standard RFC-2445(Internet

Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar))

1999.12 : SKICal-draft 1.01 SKi format is based on VEVENT, VTODO,


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[email protected]

Event MarkupEvent Markup※ VEVENT

- Provide a grouping of component properties that describe an event .


UID:[email protected]




SUMMARY:Annual Employee Review




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[email protected]

Event MarkupEvent Markup※ VTODO - Provide a grouping of component properties that describe an event .


UID:[email protected]



SUMMARY:1996 Income Tax Preparation






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[email protected]

Event MarkupEvent Markup※ VALARM

- Provide a grouping of component properties that define an alarm.








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[email protected]

Event MarkupEvent Markup<?xml version="1.0"?>





<rdf:Description about="">

<ski:x-ski-placename>Sydney Opera House</ski:x-ski-placename>



<rdf:Bag ID="Performer">

<rdf:li>"Victor Borge"</rdf:li>

<rdf:li>"James Galway"</rdf:li>



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[email protected]

Event MarkupEvent Markup <ski:x-ski-openingtimes>

<rdf:Bag ID="Openingtimes">







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[email protected]

Using Multiple Vocabularies Using Multiple Vocabularies

Multiple VocabulariesUse RDF for division of multiple

vocabularies.RDF is a system to describe properties of

objects . RDF syntax and grammar document describes

the semantics. RDF schema describes how to create a


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