Download - CH 12 Reconstruction 1865 - 1877. Journal Entry – Tues. Feb 16 Read An American Story on page 386. What would life be like to be a freed slave during.

Page 1: CH 12 Reconstruction 1865 - 1877. Journal Entry – Tues. Feb 16 Read An American Story on page 386. What would life be like to be a freed slave during.

CH 12Reconstruction

1865 - 1877

Page 2: CH 12 Reconstruction 1865 - 1877. Journal Entry – Tues. Feb 16 Read An American Story on page 386. What would life be like to be a freed slave during.

Journal Entry – Tues. Feb 16

Read “An American Story” on page 386. What would life be like to be a freed

slave during Reconstruction?

Read “I know why the caged bird sings” by Maya Angelou How had things changed in the 1960’s?

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Sec 1 Reconstruction Plans

There were two basic plans for how to bring the South back into the Union following the Civil War

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2 Differing Plans

- Lincoln’s Plan – A moderate policy that would reconcile

the South with the Union instead of punishing it for treason

- Radical Republican’s Plan – “revolutionize southern institutions,

habits, and manners”

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Lincoln’s Plan

In Dec 1863, Lincoln set forth his plan in the Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction

Amnesty – a pardon to all Southerners who took an oath of loyalty to the U.S. and accepted the end of slavery

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Radical Republicans

Led by Thaddeus Stevens of Pennsylvania and Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts.

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3 Main Goals of Radical Republicans

1) prevent the leaders of the Confederacy from returning to power after the war

2) make the Republican Party powerful in the South

3) Help African Americans achieve equality under the law and the right to vote.

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The Freedmen’s Bureau

Established in the last years of the Civil War

Meant to provide food, clothing, and education for the thousands of free African Americans in the South

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Discussion Question

Do you think Presidents Johnson and Lincoln were wise in not seeking harsh treatment for the southern states in their plans for Reconstruction?

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Sec 2Congressional Reconstruction

Andrew Johnson became president after Lincoln’s assassination He was a former

Democrat from Tennessee who had owned slaves

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Johnson’s reconstruction plan was much like Lincolns

However, as Southern states rejoined the union, Republicans began to fear the Democrats influence in Congress

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Black Codes

- laws passed in the South during Reconstruction to control Freedmen

These along with Democrats joining Congress outraged Republicans and made them enact their own Reconstruction plans

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In and effort to override the Black Codes, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866

Fearing the courts might overturn it, they introduced it as the 14th Amendment

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Congressional Elections of 1866

Republicans achieved an overwhelming victory, winning almost a 3 – 1 majority in Congress

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In March 1867, Congress passed the Military Reconstruction Act

By 1868 six states had rejoined the union, NC, SC, FL, AL, LA, AR

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Also in 1868, Johnson became the first president to be impeached

However, the Senate was one vote short of removing him from office.

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Election of 1868

Grant won the presidential election of 1868 on the Republican ticket

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15th Amendment

In 1870, Congress passed the 15th Amendment, saying the right to vote “shall not be denied on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude”.

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Sec 3 Republican Rule

As Southern politics and society changed, some began to try to profit from the change with power and money.

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Carpetbaggers – Northerners who moved to the South to profit from Reconstruction

Scalawags –Southerners who worked with the Republicans in hopes of rising in society Former Whigs, small farm owners,


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Southern Politics

Many educated blacks from the North served as early leaders. Former slaves soon became involved in the process.

Saw success on all levels of government.

Republicans also had support from poor white farmers.

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Reforms In the South

Repealed Black Codes Medical Improvements (Hospitals,

Etc.) New transportation systems Corruption

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African American Communities

Education Public Schools (40% enrolled by 1876) Beginnings of the HBCU system


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Southern Resistance

Ku Klux Klan - started in 1866 by former confederate soldiers in Pulaski, Tenn. It’s goal was to retake the South for

Democrats Enforcement Acts

1. Federal crime to interfere with voting2. Federal elections under the supervision

of federal marshals.3. Ku Klux Klan Act

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Sec 4 Reconstruction Collapses

Grant became president in 1868 but had little experience as a politician

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Scandals of Grant Second Term

Whiskey Ring

Credit Mobilier

Tweed Ring “Boss” Tweed

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Reconstruction Ends

By 1876 Democrats had taken back control of most of all the southern legislatures

Jim Crow Laws – laws in the southern states after Reconstruction that stripped African Americans of basic rights like voting.

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Election of 1876

Republicans nominated Rutherford B. Hayes for president, who won 185 electoral votes

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Democrats nominated Samuel Tilden, who had 184 electoral votes, one away from winning the election

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Hayes was deemed the winner of the election through the Compromise of 1877

The deal allowed Hayes to be named the winner in return for pulling the troops out of the South and ending reconstruction

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With the end of Reconstruction former slaves lost all hope to receive land of their own

Most resorted to either becoming tenant farmers or share croppers

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Essay Question

Explain the events of the Reconstruction period in terms of the competing plans, Republican control, and then the end of Reconstruction