Download - CFIRE Newsletter March 2008

Page 1: CFIRE Newsletter March 2008

This is a very exciting time for the CFIRE Family. Our na-tional training conference is approaching very rapidly. Praises be to our Heavenly Father. The Jacksonville Chapter is doing a fabulous

job on preparing and organiz-ing this year’s conference. So Saints, now is the time to pre-pare your SF 182 before the deadline and that has been set in most functions for March 28, 2008 with no exceptions.

Praises be to God, that every year our national conference training gets better and better. Continue to pray for the Chair-person Carole Xulu and her conference staff daily. Re-member time waits for no one.

Volume 1, Issue 1

Our National CFIRE Conference 2008 Jacksonville, Florida is slated for June 24—27, 2008

March 2008

































Congratulations' to Brother Jesse Botello Retiring First and foremost, I thank my Lord Jesus Christ for giving me all these years, for my IRS career, and for everything

else. I started working at IRS on No-vember 6, 1966. After complet-ing school, I joined

the Air Force and did my four years service. One month after getting out of the Air Force, I started working at IRS and have held many different positions in just about all dif-ferent Operations. Some of those positions either no longer exist, or have changed names. For example, Training Office, Error Correction, Re-ject Perfection, Computer room, Exam, Case Classifier (selecting work from Under reporter to be worked in Exam), ASFR, ACS Collec-tions, PAS, 14 month detail to what used to be the Dallas

Regional Office as an analyst to help with setting up the Automated Examination Sys-tem, and a detail to CI (Criminal Investigation). I have been a manager for the past 18 years. In my early years with IRS, I was active with NTEU as a steward, chief steward, and first vice-president. I have been a VITA volunteer for many years in the past, a mentor for middle school students, and played the saxophone for different events at IRS. I once played at the installation of one of our Directors in Austin, Texas where I opened the ceremony with the National Anthem. I have also played at all of our CFIRE National Day of Prayer events and at last year’s na-tional conference Praise Night. I have been president of our CFIRE chapter since the beginning of our chapter in July 1998. I have attended all of our national conferences and have met many wonderful people. IRS has been good to me and I believe God has blessed me throughout my IRS career. I will certainly

miss all the friends I am used to seeing every day and will certainly miss all my CFIRE family. I thank Lexie for her vision of CFIRE. CFIRE has been a tremendous blessing for me and has helped me grow spiritually. I wish I could name each one of you that I have interacted with, but the list would be much too long. To all the members all over the country, the executives that have been involved with CFIRE, our National Officers, may God continue to bless you and God Bless America and CFIRE.

Health Information 2

Loving Your Children 3

Prayer Request 4

From Victor in Africa 5

Testimony 6

Home for Africa 7

Bible Quiz 11

Inside this issue:

Page 2: CFIRE Newsletter March 2008

This topic provides information for parents who have children age 11 years and younger with type 1 diabe-tes. Before reading this topic, you may want to read Type 1 Diabetes: Recently Diagnosed.

∗ If this topic does not answer your questions, one of the following topics may meet your needs.

∗ Type 1 Diabetes, if you want to learn about type 1 diabetes but do not have the disease

∗ Type 1 Diabetes: Recently Diag-nosed, if you have been told re-cently that you or your child has type 1 diabetes

∗ Type 1 Diabetes: Living with the Disease, if you or your adoles-cent has type 1 diabetes. If you have not read the topic Type 1 Diabetes: Recently Diagnosed, you may want to read it first.

Type 1 Diabetes: Living with Compli-cations, if you have complications, such as eye, kidney, heart, nerve, or blood vessel disease, caused by dia-betes WHAT IS TYPE 1 DIABETES?

Type 1 diabetes is a lifelong disease that develops when your child's pan-creas stops producing enough insulin. Insulin lets blood sugar—also called glucose—enter the body's cells, where it is used for energy. Without insulin, glucose cannot be used for energy, and the amount of sugar in the blood rises above a safe level. It isn't easy for you or your child to cope with this disease, but knowing as much as possible about type 1 diabetes and its progression can help. Information can give you and your child the resources and coping skills you both need.

What will it be like for my child to live with type 1 diabetes?

Living with type 1 diabetes requires daily attention to what and how much

your child eats, insulin injections, blood sugar monitoring, and physical exercise. These will always be a part of your child’s daily routine and are the most important part of your child’s diabetes treatment. Taking care of your child’s diabetes takes a lot of time and energy. It will become a big part of your and your child’s life. But it will help your child feel better and have a good quality of life. You may worry about your child developing diabetic complications, such as eye, kidney, heart, blood vessel, and nerve diseases. For some reason, children seem protected from compli-cations during childhood. However, persistent high blood sugar levels during childhood and adolescence increase the risk for having these complications in early adulthood. If your adolescent has diabetes, tight control of blood sugar levels can pre-vent complications from developing in early adulthood.

What symptoms should I watch for? As your child lives with type 1 diabe-tes, you need to watch for signs of high and low blood sugar. If you are concerned about your child’s blood sugar, do a home blood sugar test—don't rely on symptoms alone.

• Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) can develop when your child takes more insulin than needed, eats too little food, or is more active than usual. Low blood sugar usually devel-ops within 10 to 15 minutes. Early symptoms include sweating, weak-ness, shakiness, and hunger; how-ever, your child's symptoms may vary. Over time, your child may not

notice these symptoms. If not treated, low blood sugar can get worse and lead to confusion, slurred speech, and loss of consciousness.

High blood sugar (hyperglycemia) can develop when your child feels sick or stressed, misses an insulin dose, or eats more than usual. Early symptoms are increased thirst, in-creased urination, increased hunger, and blurred vision. High blood sugar usually develops slowly over a few days or weeks. HOW OFTEN DOES MY CHILD NEED TO SEE THE DOCTOR?

See your child's doctor at least every 3 to 4 months to evaluate how well the treatment is working. During these visits, the doctor will do some tests to evaluate your child's blood sugar control. Based on these results, your child's treatment plan could change. When your child is 10 years old or starts puberty, he or she will start having screening exams and tests for diabetic complications. The timing varies depending on the type of test.

How will my child's treatment change over time? Your child's insulin dose, possibly the types of insulin, and the way insulin is given (by injection or insulin pump) may change over time. Your child's nutritional needs will also vary, but spreading carbohydrate throughout the day will always be im-portant. Carbohydrate is the nutrient that most affects blood sugar. When your child enters puberty, his or her insulin requirements will alter dramatically. During this time of rapid growth and development, your child's

treatment will change to keep pace with a chang-ing body.

Health Information: Is this topic for you or a family

Medical Bag


Page 3: CFIRE Newsletter March 2008

This article is dedicated to all of the Mothers and Fathers who have adult children with current and pass family issues.

Some of you parents are op-pressed, browbeaten, broken and wonder why your children are behaving in the manner that they do. The disrespectful behavior and they tend to al-ways bring up the past child-hood experiences. However, as long as you helping them financially they are happy for a minute. Do you know anyone in this category?

Let’s first acknowledge the fact that Jesus loves all of His chil-dren despite their issues. Je-sus tells us to love one an-other. The bible also tells us in Exodus 20:12 “Honour thy fa-ther and they mother: that thy days may be long upon

the land which the Lord they God giveth thee.”

Don’t ask why but some years ago I was watch-ing one of

the talk show television pro-

grams and this young lady show no respect to her mother.

Another lady young’s mouth was so wicked and foul, Sa-tan had to be her father. This made me think of my family and friends who are experi-encing issues with their adult children. Then I thought about the scripture that says in Isaiah 13:17-19 “17 See, I will stir up against them the Medes, who do not care for silver and have no delight in gold. 18 Their bows will strike down the young men; they will have no mercy on infants nor will they look with compassion on children. 19 Babylon, the jewel of king-doms, the glory of the Babylo-nians' [a] pride, will be over-thrown by God like Sodom and Gomorrah. Rebellion has ex-isted since the beginning of time. We must acknowledge that rebellion was the sin of the followers of Korah (Num. 16), of those who murmured and protested against their leaders and against those who had special privileges and bless-ings that they themselves did not have. This rebellious spirit can be especially found among the pious. God punished the children of Korah in the most severe way possible. They had to pay for their rebellious spirit with death. A rebellious spirit

contains the poison of the devil, for Satan is the chief of rebels. Because Satan did not have the same position as God, he rebelled against Him. We can see that the spirit of rebellion is born out of envy and pride. Satan makes every effort to pour this poison into the hearts of believers and to get them into his hands. It is a destructive force, just as hum-ble, serving love is a construc-tive force. Loving builds the kingdom of love, but the spirit of rebellion builds hell. Every rebellious spirit of criticism, of protest against arrangements made by our superiors, adds bricks to the building of the kingdom of hell.

Loving Your Children

It is a destructive

force, just as

humble, serving

love is a

constructive force.

Page 3 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1

Proverbs 15 1) A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. 2) The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness'

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Managing Your Boss

Problem: Invariably, when people think of managing someone at work they think of it as a one way street. They think of their boss managing them. Yet, in my experience, I've found that bosses also need to be managed.

Bosses need to be managed by their people because they often over- or under- manage them. For example, they over-manage by micromanaging and continually checking on a project's status. They under-manage by not giving their people enough direction, detail or feedback.

These kinds of problems occur for a number of reasons. Managers are often promoted from technical positions and they have rarely been trained to have good people skills. Many times, they also don't have any good role models for what a manager should do. And they rarely get feedback as to how they're doing.

So, if you have a boss who over- or under- manages you, what can you do to get what you need from him or her? How can you effectively manage your boss?

Solution: Here are some practical things you can do to manage your boss: • Remember your purpose - Don't let your boss sidetrack you from your goals and purpose. Focus

on what needs to get accomplished and use the rest of these tips to get your boss' support. • Understand your boss' problems - Ask your boss what kind of pressures he or she is under. Now

you may not think it's your place to do that, but it can make a great difference in your understand-ing why your boss is not managing you properly.

• Compliment what is working - Give your boss positive feedback on what is working in your rela-tionship. For example, say "Thanks for your valuable feedback," when he or she gives you a useful response.

• Be a role model - If you want your boss to do certain things, do them yourself. For example, if he or she doesn't listen well, practice active listening in your interactions. He or she will probably match your positive behavior.

• Let him or her be wrong - Remember that your boss has the right to be wrong or make a mis-take. Try to correct something a few times and if it doesn't work, let it go. You won't always be able to save him or her.

Example: The manager of a nonprofit organization was having a difficult time with a female board member. She wanted to do things her way and she was very insistent and inflexible. He hired me to coach him on how to communicate with her more effectively. I taught him the things I've mentioned above: he asked about her problems; he was a good role model for active listening and problem solving; and he complimented her on what was working.

Results: She responded beautifully and their relationship got much easier. Since they stopped argu-ing with each other, they were able to cut their meeting time by 75%. And they began to get better results from their collaborative efforts.

Summary: Bosses need to be managed as much as anyone else. Try putting these techniques to work. Doing so should measurably improve your relationship with your boss.

John 15:19-21 (New International Version)19If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not

belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.'[a] If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me.

From the Internet

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Beatrice Williamson Johnson (CFIRE Western Region VP) fell ill at work last week and was taken to the hospital. She is re-covering very nicely. Please keep her in your prayers.

Just wanted to know the "good report" on the past prayer re-quests for 2007....the knee sur-gery, the grandson & grand-mother, the church celebrations, anniversaries, revivals, the fami-lies going through bereavement, the missing special agent, etc... Let us all hold fast to the profes-sion of our faith , for God has said that He will never leave us or forsake us … The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with us all .... for He is Emmanuel - God with us. Adrienne W. Hickman CCFIRE - Chaplain 4800/ATL From Andres Asdell A friend of mine at church, "Ski" Milanowski, has been able to set up a chapel at the Boise airport after many years of effort. Would you join us in prayer and praise for this unique ministry to the travel-ing public and TSA-airline employees? Hi all, I’ve attached a rather lengthy list of prayer concerns. I haven’t been updating you as frequently lately so this is kind of an on-going list, and I will keep you updated. Since it is rather long, if you like you could prayer over one or two items daily or pick a day of the

week to cover the whole list. I just appreciate you lifting these concerns before the throne. God is blessing the ministry, and I’m especially grateful for the two new Chris-tians in recent months. You may be aware that I re-cently attended Focus On The Family’s “Truth Project” seminar. I have never been as excited about small group material. Sharry and I are going through the 12 lessons, one per week. When we have reviewed them all we will be inviting a half dozen couples (singles too). Thanks for praying. Ski Please include with Prayer list Kelsey and Pastor Debra Commons looking for her Godly employment position for Christ. Also, Praise Report- Co-Pastor Cynthia Williams Has arrived safely in AF-RICA. Love ya for all you do. God's going to celebrate each of you for your faithfulness towards Him. . . Some people stated they were not able to open recent CFIRE message sent today. So I am sending this attachment again. Should you get it more than 1, 2 or 3x please de-lete. Also, if you would like your name taken off our email list please forward me your name and email address and I will be glad to remove you. Shout Outs: Again, ladies you have a blessing to get in touch with me today no later than 2pm if you would like to be included in the trip to TX. If

you are not in Illinois you are also welcome to meet us there, I just need to know your name so I can give a count to Birdie by tomor-row morning. Loving you to life and Get ready for an Encounter with Yahweh!!!! I'm soo excited about this move of God that I am and hope you are preparing your-selves before the Encounter. . . . . . (This trip is being sponsored by the CFIRE Illinois Chapter Presi-dent-Casondria Echols with the Agreement Center-Sr. Pastor Dr. Thomas Michael through Birdie- All Praise and Glory To God for The GIFT OF HIS EN-COUNTER) Come Away for Such A Time As This, The Table Is Set Just For Y.O.U. . . . . From Andy Baby Josh news Josh went to California yester-day ... to be evaluated by the liver transplant team at Stan-ford Children's hospital. ... he looks great and we're hopeful that if he needs a transplant at all it will be later not sooner. The evaluation should give us a better idea of what the future holds for his liver, the success level of the surgery he had in December, and how he's do-ing overall. They'll return to Walla Walla Friday evening. ... Thanks for keeping him in your prayers. He's doing good!

Prayer Request and Praise Reports around the Nation


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Hello, you all I arrived in Nairobi, Kenya at 10:00 p.m. last night (Tuesday Feb 19). It was a great trip over, however, none of our bags made it. So I'm wear-ing the same clothes I had on when you saw me Mon-day. I know... LOL... Other then that things seem all right. Our host greeted us with exuberance. We are really happy to see


When we got to the place we are staying, the police challenged us when we tried to get into the guest-house we are staying. It was funny to me but not to others. I saw God sending his ministering angels to protect us (he has more then 72,000 angels to keep us in all

his ways…glory). Others may have saw something different. (smile) The Mennonite Guest House is a quaint little place. We have small, but clean, rooms. I'm sleeping on a twin bed with a foam mat-tress. Not like the one at home. This is also a Bed and Breakfast arrangement. You don't get to each all you want, but what we do get is ok. The grounds are beauti-ful. They have a great prayer

garden (that’s what I call it), beautiful flowers, huge trees, old fashion swing from a big tree, green grass… you get the picture. The weather is great, around 72 degrees. Keep us in your prayers. I am here with Apostle Mat-thew Evans, Elder Catherine Robinson and Prophetess Angela Horrey. Our team went from 9 to us 4 due to the fear of unrest. Another team that comes around the same time we do had their team go from 50 to 12. However, we realize God has not given us the spirit of fear and we have been called for such a time as this. We believe we have a life chang-ing Word from the Lord for the people here during this season of their struggles. We desire to preach to them in season and out of season. We believed to preach a Word of encouragement to our brothers and sisters in their time of despair. God has been faithful to them. Apostle Samuel (host Pastor) gave us an encourag-ing word last night when he picked us up. He said no one from his congregation had been lost due to the vio-lence. He further encour-aged us when he shared that he and another Pastor (Bishop Peter) from the two

warring tribes love each other and continue to do ministry together in love. What a demonstration of the love of Jesus and unity in spirit, mind and thought. Bishop Peter is from Na-kuru, Kenya. That is were we did our outdoor crusade last year and was pretty vio-lent there during the upris-ing. Many lives lost there. However, due to the recent negotiation, violence has subsided and the curfews are lifted. They are even allowed to have gatherings again. They were also halted during the uprisings. Our brothers and sisters there are asking us to come for one day and we are praying to do the will of the Lord. At present, we plan to visit them for one day. I found out when we landed, that I will be kicking off the work again this year. We will start out with a service this afternoon (Feb 20th) and workshops and a service the rest of the week. Pray that God will fill my mouth with his Word. I will write again soon. God Bless…. Pastor Victor from Nairobi, Kenya. 2/20/2008

From Victor while in Africa

I saw God sending his

ministering angels to

protect us (he has more

then 72,000 angels to

keep us in all his



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I have had this disease for roughly 13 years. Today I don’t fall as much as I once did and I sleep the whole night through (sounds like a baby … sleeping through the night). (ha ha ha) The bible talks about your end being better then your beginning and that is so with me and having MS. I went through a lot of ups and down with this disease in the beginning …..Feelings in my body like: falling, loose bowels, fatigue, and so much more, and the uncertainty. I couldn’t walk was my first sign some-thing gone wrong. I was on my way to work and I fell and could not get up and my legs would not work for me. When I did get up, I had to literately drag my leg down the street until someone came to help me. I spent a week in the hospital for them to tell me that I had a 99.9 per-cent chance of having MS. Then my life took a downward ride, a bumpy ride. Eventually my life was a little easy, I wasn’t falling, sleeping was good, I was-n’t tired as much and I thought I had my life back, but no, then everything started all over again and I was taken off the medicine (Avonex).

I was told that I would go without any-thing in my system, for a month to clear the old medicine out to get ready for the new medicine. Was this good? … The only good part was when I didn’t have anything in my system, and that worked for me for awhile, but what is that old saying, all good things must come to an end; And it did, cause I thought that being without anything in me was good. But what do I know; I’m just a person with a disease that I wish I could throw in the river or somewhere. Let’s go back. When I was off Avonex, it was because it had stopped doing what it was suppose to do and that was to make me well or at least seem like I was well, and it worked for awhile. What I’m told is that I have MS and I will have it for the rest of my life. All of this may be true but I am a God fearing, strong black woman. And mid-way thru this disease I realized that I have MS but it does not have me and I fight it everyday ---- when I need to be laying down and not doing nothing but resting I get up and do something …. Cause I remember a time when I could not get up or do anything …. I remember a time when putting on shoes was a big task for me. Keeping

on weight was not happening either so now I learned how to love my self just the way I am with MS and all its ups and down because for me that is my life. I’m not angry or hurt that I have this dis-ease but there was a time when I was. I know that in spite of this disease God will and can use me in his kingdom to do his will. My life has not always been like this but now I strive to move above this and grow and let others know just because I have this disease I’m still me. If you would have known me before this, I was an ok person to know. I smile more to take away any hurt or pain that I might be feeling but you will never know, what’s mine is for me. MS to me might be a hard thing to handle but I had to live with it for more then 10 years. You too would learn how to adapt. That’s where I am today. In the mist of this disease I had two sons the apple of my eye, and don’t let me forget their father, my husband …. Who has been there for me the whole time even though it was hard at times but manageable? Be-cause of my sickness, it brought the family together.

My husband and I, we have been thru some hard times but he has really been there for me and sometimes it is a little scary for the family. ….. Seeing mommy the way I am but I let them know that we have to be strong. Then I start wonder-ing if my boys will get this disease but I have to believe and know if they or just one of them get this disease that God will be there for them as he has been here for me. Sometimes I am strong but it is these times when I just want to cry like a baby.

Having MS is like a roller coaster some-times, you feel good then other times you feel like dirt. But I have it but not for life, having this is not my down fall it’s everything else in my life. (ha ha) My life is not so bad, I can get up and go or I can lie down and sleep when I’m ready but I take everything in strides …. Believe it or not having MS has made me stronger, little weaker but stronger, if you know what I mean. When I feel like I can’t go on, I push my self and I know I shouldn’t do that but if someone ever told me that you couldn’t or shouldn’t do something it makes me want to fight

more or just do more to show or say I can do this or that …. I don’t care what anybody says about me, I am a fighter when I have to be and when I need to be, I am a black woman living in a white/man’s world and that’s what makes me fight the more… sitting here writing this makes me think and know that I can do all things cause I am a child of God, I’m on the top not the bottom, I have been on the bottom too long now it’s my turn to get on top and stay there.

Now I’m back to a brand new medicine (tysabri) and a whole new start with something new and different. Well that’s what they told me and I believe them, well you can’t believe everything you hear. Now I’m off the new medi-cine, No the Doctor did not take me off I took my self off … I was going thru chest pain and not being able to breath, things I never went thru with the old medicine. Right now today, I feel a lot better and stronger and glad to be off the medicine. My mind is intact and I can walk without help. I Thank God every day for being right here with me and for me. When the Doctor was told that I was not taking the medicine, he wasn’t surprised, he just simply told me to let him know if things change and I feel worse. Now the wheels are turning in my head he acted almost like he kind of expected something not good because he didn’t try to talk me back into taking the medi-cine.

Let’s go back when I first started taking the new medicine (tysabri) … I was told that one of the side effects was dealing with the brain and that didn’t scare me as much as it should have but I decided that I would give it a shot and now I’m here a couple of months after the fact …. Next time a doctor tells me that there is a new medicine and that the medicine is not doing what it needs to do, find out more about the new medicine before taking anything. Today is a brand new day and I feel God’s power around me and with me. I do feel stronger and able to do the will of the Lord that is why I am writing my story to let everyone know.


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As I look at the political race for presidency, I see many people of color, of which I am one, happy one of our own has a chance of holding the highest office in this nation and it makes them proud. Other races back him be-cause they too are excited

about a diverse white house. Whites are surprised too at the num-ber of people supporting one not of their race. The slogan, “For a change”, has people ready to

place their hope in a change. My Hope is

not their hope. As I look at the hope others have in a female in this race, I see women, of which I am one, happy one of our own has a chance of holding the highest office in this nation and it makes them proud. Other women have fought for gender equality and are ex-cited because at last equal jobs may be given to women

across America. Men are sur-prised too at the number of people supporting one not of their gender. Finally there is hope for our daughters. My Hope is not their hope. As I look at the hope others have in the conservative in the race, I see a conservative people, of which I am one, happy one of our own has a chance of keeping hold of the highest office in this nation and it makes them proud. Other parties may back him because they do not like the other alternatives especially with the “preacher” removed from the race. Their hope is in status-quo. My Hope is not their hope. My race, gender, or political philosophies do not shape or determine where my hope is placed. My Hope is based on Christian principals; my Hope is based on faith; my Hope is based on eternal promises; my Hope is based on a stan-dard being silenced because race, gender, and philoso-phies matters more. My Hope is in Jesus Christ and I will kneel and pray for those in authority over me regardless of race, gender, or thought. I will kneel and pray for the one He has chosen in such a time as this. I will pray the one chosen will have an ear to hear His calling and a heart for His commands. I know but one thing to

change the heart of God and that is this, "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their bad ways, then I will hear from heaven and will for-give their wrongs and heal their land." This is when Gods eyes will be opened and His ears attentive to our prayers in this nation, Amer-ica. My hope is in seeking the face of God so He can heal our na-tion and world. Where is your hope? Peace, Charlene Stevenson W.I.S.D.O.M Ministries March 2008

Artwork taken from Charles H. Davis web-friend. COM

My Hope for America Submitted by Brother Allen

my Hope is

based on faith;

my Hope is

based on



Page 8 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1

Page 9: CFIRE Newsletter March 2008

A. Although things are not perfect B. Because of trial or pain C. Continue in thanksgiving D. Do not begin to blame E. Even when the times are hard F. Fierce winds are bound to blow G. God is forever able H. Hold on to what you know I. Imagine life without His love J. Joy would cease to be K. Keep thanking Him for all the things L. Love imparts to thee M. Move out of ‘Camp Complaining’ N. No weapon that is known O. On earth can yield the power P. Praise can do alone Q. Quit looking at the future R. Redeem the time at hand S. Start every day with worship T. To ‘Thank’ is a command U. Until we see Him coming V. Victorious in the sky W.We’ll run the race with gratitude X. Exalting God most high Y. Yes, there will be good times and yes some will be bad but…. Z. Zion waits in glory, where none is ever sad!!!

Christian Alphabet Page 9 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1

Page 10: CFIRE Newsletter March 2008

If you would like your chap-ter’s story in the CFIRE newsletter, please email me and I will see that it gets there.

The Charlotte CFIRE chap-ter began March 12, 1998 under the leadership of Jammie Smith (now Plummer) after reading an article about CFIRE. She contacted the Austin Chap-ter to get some information regarding CFIRE and was informed there was a CFIRE Greensboro chapter. Both chapters were under the same "umbrella" headed by Larry Walters. Larry spoke

with District Di-rector Bob Starkey getting approval for the Charlotte chapter to have weekly bible study meetings in the POD. Officers were selected

as fol-lows: Jammie Smith - Chair-person, Ginny Hansen - Co-chairperson, Peggy Burton - Chaplain, Tony Treat - Treasurer and Barbara Parker - Secretary.

The chapter began study-ing the Book of Revelation for about a year. But, due to Jammie and other partici-pants’ workload and frequent

travel the group met less fre-quent until eventually the meetings ceased.

After transferring to the Charlotte POD the end of June 1998 Barbara Parker told me about CFIRE and how they would have weekly meetings and how it began growing until the participants’ workload took them away from the of-fice.

She encouraged me to begin having weekly or monthly meetings since the chapter was on a hiatus and no one stepped up to the plate to take on its leadership. After prayer and consideration I agreed to become the Char-lotte chapter president Janu-ary 2001-present. In the be-ginning we met once a month and each member would host a bible study les-son of their choice, invite a guest speaker from their lo-

cal church to bring God in-spired messages and have SER Regional VP come at the end of the year to bring an encouraging word to the people . During the past two years we began studying Beth Moore - Breaking Free series and identifying your spiritual gifts.

Although we were chal-lenged in the past with lack of participation from our members, during the past three years, God has blessed us with new mem-bers. Currently we are studying T.D. Jakes new book - Repositioning Your-self and are able to hold weekly Wednesday meet-ings in our new facility where space is no longer an issue.

Recently we held bi-annual elections and the officers are as follows:

President - Audrey C Chisolm

Vice-President - Michelle Walker

Chaplain - Michael Porter

Secretary - Tracy Williams

Treasurer - Michelle Gaston

We are so thankful to God for allowing us to have the opportunity to encourage one another, share testimo-nies, pray and grow together as we study God's Word in the workplace.

Here is the history of the Charlotte CFIRE chapter as e-mailed to me, by Audrey Chisolm, President.

them away from the

office. She encouraged

me to begin having

weekly or monthly

meetings since the

chapter was on a hiatus

and no one stepped up to

the plate to take on its



Page 11: CFIRE Newsletter March 2008

Page 11 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1

RUNEY, Timothy Russell Age 45 of Madison, formerly of Madison, WI, left us unexpectedly on January 29, 2008 as a result of a Brain Stem Hemorrhage. Tim was a 1980 graduate of West High School and a huge fan of the Wisconsin Badgers and Green Bay Packers. He served his country in the Army Reserves, and received a degree in History from Tennessee State University. Timothy was known as an absolute moral individual, with high integrity and a giving spirit. He was consid-ered highly intelligent and very passionate about many things, especially cooking for others and was known for "Tim's Lasagna." He married Stephanie, the love of his life, near the Wisconsin Dells in 2003 and the couple returned there every year to celebrate their anniversary with family, and to spoil the nieces and nephews at the Corner Candy Store. Tim was preceded in death by his father, Russell Runey and mother-in-law, Norma Roush. He is survived by loving wife, Stephanie; their "furry" kids, Sammy and Lilli; mother, Elinor Runey; father-in-law, Barry (Louise) Podell; sis-ters, Collen Runey, Peggy (Clint) Badker, Sheri (Chuck) Rector; sister-in-laws, Barbara (Dick) Wells, Martha Richards; nieces and nephews, Tomas, Stacie, Wyatt, Ashley, Sean, Trinity, Britt-ney, Jessica, and another on the way; as well as many other family members and friends. The family wishes to extend a very special thanks to Tim and Colleen Bowles, along with everyone who expressed their love and support during this brief but difficult time.

Brother Timothy Russell Runey

In Memoriam of Brother Runey

You are cordially invited to

Christian Fundamentalist Internal Revenue Employees

Date: Thursday, March 20, 2008

Place: Second Floor, Room 2A, William J. Green Federal Bldg Time: 12 PM until 1:00 PM

Featuring Guest Speaker

Reverend Dr. James Poulson

Music by The Sounds of Joy Light refreshments will be served.

This program is not official time

Page 12: CFIRE Newsletter March 2008

We are a group of Christians at various locations around the country within the Internal Revenue Service. Our goal is to represent Jesus Christ by providing IRS employees spiritual help, moral support, and various worship activities. 501 West Ocean Blvd Suite 2100

Long Beach, California 90802

Chr is t ian Fundamental is t In ternal Revenue Employees (CFIRE)

562-491-7776-Office 562-951-6910-Fax E-mail: [email protected]

GOD is truly able to handle any problem.


We are on the web


Bible Quiz Submitted by Brother Richard Allen Question 1: Which apostle walked on the water toward Jesus, but then began to sink? Reference: Matthew 14:22-31 A) John the Baptist B) Paul C) Judas Iscariot D) Peter

Question 2: What kind of bird brought an olive leaf back to Noah in the ark? Reference: Genesis 8:11 A) Fox B) Raven C) Ram D) Dove

Question 3: What was the name of Solomon's mother? Reference: II Samuel 12:24 A) Bathsheba B) Eve C) Pharaoh's Daughter D) Rachel

Question 4: Where did Joseph and Mary lay baby Jesus be-cause there was no room in the inn? Reference: Luke 2:7 A) A Manger B) Sun, Moon, and Stars C) Garden of Eden D) The Temple

Question 5: Who was thrown into a lion's den, but NOT eaten by the lions? Reference: Daniel 6:16-22 A) Jonah B) Daniel

B) Solomon C) Gideon

Question 6: Who was Abel's older brother? Reference: Genesis 4:1-2 A) Esau B) Noah C) Cain D) Adam

Question 7: What is the last book in the New Testament? Reference: Bible Table of Contents A) Revelation B) Genesis C) Acts D) Malachi Question 8: Who was Jacob's older brother? Reference: Genesis 25:25-26 A) Adam B) Cain C) Abraham D) Esau Question 9: Who lost his strength when his hair was cut? Reference: Judges 16:16-19 A) Moses B) Samson C) Aaron D) Lot Question 10: When Elijah built the altar on Mount Carmel how many stones did he use? Reference: I Kings 18:31 A) 3 B) 7 C) 2 D)12