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  • 7/28/2019 CFC Afghanistan Review, 04 June 2013


    C I V I L - M I L I T A R Y F U S I O N C E N T R E

    Comprehensive Information on Complex Crises

    Afghanistan Review04 June 2013Week 23

    Economic Development

    Governance & Rule of Law

    Security & Force Protection

    Social & Strategic Infrastructure

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    This document provides an overview of developments in Afghanistan from 21 May 03 June 2013, with

    hyperlinks to source material highlighted in blue and underlined in the text. For more information on the

    topics below, or other issues pertaining to events in Afghanistan, contact the members of the Afghanistan

    Team by

    Economic Development Matthew [email protected] high-ranking Afghan officials, including ministers, deputy ministers and gover-

    nors from all provinces,attended a conferenceon 28 May to discuss the upcoming fouryear economic plan, reports Wadsam. Afghan Minister of Economy Abdul Hadi Ar

    ghandiwal cited various improvements made in different economic sectors but also stressed the

    need for additional developments in electricity, agriculture, road construction and maintenance,

    potable water, and the establishment of markets and expansion of investments. According to

    Arghandiwal these elements should be incorporated into the four-year economic plan in hopes

    of mitigating the economic risks that Afghanistan may face after 2014. The plan will be sub-

    mitted to the Council of Ministers for approval within a month and a half. Lingering security

    concerns within Afghanistan areslowing or haltingforeign projects and discouraging foreign

    investments, according to Tolo News. The Afghan Chamber of Commerce and Industries be-

    lieves the government is not working seriously enough to provide security. A reduction of the

    current high security risks in Afghanistan is vital to make investment in the country appealing

    Recently, the chief of Marriott Hotels in the Middle East said they have halted construction of

    their, USD 80 million, five-star hotel due to security concerns. Khan Jan Alokozai, Deputy Di-rector of the Afghan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (ACCI), stated, There is no doubt

    this [security issues] has caused a negative impact on the production and investments and that

    our country is getting closer to experiencing an economic recession. Security concerns, abduc

    tions have badly affected the investments in the country. In an effort to boost bilateral cooper

    ation and trade, Afghanistan and Australia established ajoint trade council,statesPajhwok Af-

    ghan News. In an official ceremony held in Kabul, the Australian ambassador to Afghanistan

    Jon Philip also stated that he would like to see Australian aid to Afghanistans agricultural se c

    tor grow from AUD 180 million to AUD 200 million after 2014.

    The Insurance Department of the Afghan Ministry of Finance announced on 26 May thatthree

    additional insurance companieswill begin operating in Afghanistan, writes Wadsam. The an

    nouncement comes amid concerns about the underdevelopment of the insurance sector within


    Highlighted Topics Clicking the links in this list will take you to the appropriate section. Afghanistan and Australiaestablish a joint trade council to boost bilateral trade. The American University promotes networking amongAfghan businesswomen. Qayum Karzaiplans to run in the 2014 Afghan presidential election. Britain will grant a visa package to up to600 Afghan interpreters. Insurgents storm theICRC officein Jalalabad. Taliban launch a coordinated attack against theIOM officein Kabul. The United States fails to deliver on promises to increase theDahla DamReservoir. UNEP warns thatAfghanistans water resourcesare under stress.
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    04 June 2013 Page 2

    the country. ACCI Executive Director Mobhammd Qurban Haqjo stated that an absence of proper insurance laws and public aware

    ness were the main factors behind the weakness in the insurance sector. Currently, there are only four private insurance companies and

    one national insurance company operating inside Afghanistan. The culture of insurance is currently limited to the business and con-

    struction sectors and is not widespread among the general public.

    As the use of mobile phones in Afghanistan has radically increased during the last decade, so has the use of products based on this

    technology. For instance, according to a report by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the use ofmo

    bile money technology, wherein customers may store money digitally in lieu of carrying cash, is gaining popularity. If mobile phone

    usage continues to grow in Afghanistan, a country with over eighteen million mobile phone users currently, the use of mobile money

    will potentially alter the way in which transactions are conducted. Such technology can be used to distribute salaries and social service

    benefits, pay bills, and complete business and personal transactions without the need for cash. In similar news, the Afghan governmentlaunched a programme known as DEWAE designed to foster a national culture of innovation in the field of information technology

    reports a United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistans press release. The initiative, backed by the World Bank, seeks to har

    ness new technologies that facilitate efficiency in government bureaus Those generating the best ideas may garner cash awards in the

    four categories of mobile technology, mobile government, young technologists, and innovators and information and communication

    technology (ICT) champions.

    The American University of Afghanistan (AUAF) in Kabul inaugurated theInternational Centre for Afghan Womens Economic De

    velopment(ICAWED) on 25 May, highlights Wadsam. The purpose of this centre is to provide a networking platform for Afghan

    businesswomen, female entrepreneurs and associations to coordinate and share ideas on the development of Afghanistans economy

    The US Deputy Ambassador to Afghanistan Tina Kaidanow stated at the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Afghanistans future will depend

    on whether women are able to live up to their full potential in every sector of Afgha n society. This new centre will house services

    provided by various non-governmental organisations working on womens issues in Afghanistan, such as the US-Afghan Womens

    Council, the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Initiative and AUAFs professional developmen t programmes devoted to womens em

    powerment. The centre will offer training for women in the two critical areas of information and communication technology and in-dustries indigenous to Afghanistan. The indigenous industry critical area will focus on bringing industries to scale and market through

    development of supply chains and logistics.

    Additional news regarding economic development in Afghanistan from the last two weeks is summarised below:

    Mohammad Asif Rahimi, Afghan Minister of Agriculture, stated thatmore than four tonnesof saffron where exported from Afghanistan in the last year, reports Bakthar News. The minister stated that there had been a 120 kg increase in exports of the crop

    last year compared to 2011. Rahimi also noted that the crop was exported to the United States, Germany, Italy, and Spain at USD

    1600 per kg. Saffron may prove to be a viable alternative to poppy production for some Afghan farmers in the future.

    Exports have increased atHairatan dry port, according to Tolo News. As of March 2013, exports from Afghanistan using Hairatanincreased by 67 per cent compared to last year. Meanwhile, imports to the country have shown a decrease of 46 per cent compared

    to the previous year. Mohammad Yaqub Zazai, head of the Hairatan port services office cited the effects of high import tariffs and

    the disappearance of goods at the port as the primary factors behind this decline.

    Governance & Rule of Law Katerina [email protected] President Hamid Karzais older brother,Qayum Karzai, announced his intentionto run in the 2014 Afghan presidentia

    election in a bid to maintain political power within the countrys most powerful family, reports Reuters. According to Presi

    dent Karzais younger brother, Mahmoud Karzai, Qayum will officially announce his candidacy soon. According to Kabul

    based political analysts, President Karzai will likely endorse his brothers bid for the presidency to ensure he would not be scrutinised

    for any misdeeds during his tenure as a leader. Meanwhile, other analysts suggest that the lack of President Karzais support to Qayum

    would signal a family rift. According to Mahmoud Karzai, if Qayum becomes the next president, fighting rampant corruption will be

    his main priority, adding it [corruption] has defamed us to the whole world. In related news, President Karzai dispelled ru mours tha

    he will attempt to stay in power beyond April 2014 presidential elections, stating there is no circumstance that will allow me tostay

    as president, highlights The New York Times.

    During Afghan President Hamid Karzais visit to India, Indian President PranabMukherjee expressed his commitmentto Afghanistanduring the transition period, noting that India is prepared to expand bilateral assistance to Afghanistan in areas of institution-building

    training and equipment provision, reports Daily Outlook Afghanistan. Mukherjee called for strengthening and deepening of relations

    between the two countries in all areas as prescribed in the Strategic Partnership Agreement. During the meeting, President Karza

    evaluated the relations between the two countries as greater than any time before. In addition, surveys reportedly indicate that Af

    ghans rank India as one the most popular countries. Karzai also disclosed that he came to India with a wish listof military equip

    ment he hoped India could provide to Afghanistan, adds Indian Express. Meanwhile, Karzais diplomatic outreach to India hasevoked

    concerns in Pakistan, reports The New York Times. President Karzai dismissed Pakistani concerns by noting that Afghanistans rela

    tions with India will not be at the cost of Pakistan or a cause for worry for Pakistan, further adding that since Afghanistan is a sover-

    eign country, it has the right to choose its friends.

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    04 June 2013 Page 3

    British company, Public Interest Lawyers, concluded that the British militarybreached the law by detainingup to 85 Afghans for up to

    14 months without charge and access to lawyers, reports Reuters. The Afghans were reportedly held at Britains temporary detention

    facilities at Camp Bastion in Afghanistans southernHelmandprovince. The British Ministry of Defence (MoD) refused the allega-

    tions, stating All UK detentions in Afghanistan are legal under the U.N. mandate. In November 2012, British Defence Secretary

    Philip Hammond prohibited the transfer of prisoners to Afghan authorities due to fears of mistreatment. Hammond told theBBCthat i

    was the very same company that filed a case against British MoD precisely to prevent us handing them [detainees] over to the Af

    ghan judicial authorities. Although British forces operating in Afghanistan as part of the International Security Assis tance Force

    (ISAF) are notpermitted to hold suspectsfor more than 96 hours, in exceptional circumstances they can detain them for a longer

    time, addsBBC. According to a Ministrys spokesman, Many are either suspected killers of British troops or known to be involved in

    the preparation, facilitation or laying of improvised explosive devices. Aimal Faizi, Afghan President Hamid Karzais spokesman,

    noted that the Afghan government isinvestigating the detentions, writesReuters. In related news,Khaama Press reports that Afghan

    President Hamid Karzai demands the transfer of Afghandetainees from Guantanamoprison to Afghanistan. Meanwhile, US President

    Barack Obama has urged the US Congress to lift a ban on the transfer of these detainees.

    Britain will grant a five-yearvisa to 600 former Afghan translatorswho have worked with the British military in Afghanistan to pro-

    tect them from a risk of Taliban reprisal, reports The Associated Press (AP). Only interpreters who provided their service between

    December 2012 and 2014 and served at least a year on the frontline will be eligible for the visa. The visa package will include free

    travel to Britain and three months accommodation for the interpreters and their immediate family members. Those who do not qualify

    for the five-year visa will receive funds equivalent to their current wage as well as training and education with the Afghan security

    forces. A statement from British Prime Minister David Camerons office noted These proposals give them a choice: The opportu nity

    to go on working in Afghanistan, learning new skills and to go on rebuilding their country, or to come and make a new start in Brit-

    ain. This policy announcement differs from Camerons May 2013 recommendation that Afghan interpreters should remain in Af

    ghanistan since the country cannot afford to lose skilled people needed to help rebuild Afghanistan.

    According to Amnesty Internationals latestreport, thehumanitarian rights situationin Afghanistan remains worrisome due to contin-uous violence against the civilian population, including women, girls and displaced people, reports Khaama Press. As the Afghan

    authorities are assuming responsibility for the countrys security, Amnesty International researcher Horia Mosadiq urged the Afghan

    government and parliament to prioritise human rights. Mosadiq urged that international troop withdrawal should not also mean with

    drawal of support to help protect and promote human rights in Afghanistan. Mosadiq , on a positive note, highlighted the increase of

    civil society activism in the country, particularly due to the womens movement.

    According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), at least 600 Afghan women and girlsare presently in a prison following accusations of

    moral crimes to include running away from home or extramarital affairs, reports United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan

    (UNAMA). The Deputy Director of the Asia Division of HRW, Phelim Kine, warns that imprisonment of Afghan girls for moral

    crimes has got much worse and the commitments by senior government officials to end such abuses have had little practical impact.

    Kine notes that women convicted of moral crimes usually flee homes to escape domestic violence, underage marriage, rapes, threat o

    honour killing and other abuses. In related news, more than200 male students staged a protestinKabul, calling for the abrogation

    of a presidential decree on Elimination of Violence Against Women which they view as un-Islamic and violating Sharia law, reports

    The New York Times. One student protestor expressed that the decree, which punishes underage and forced marriage, rape and domes-

    tic violence, was imposed by foreigners.

    A number of other articles related to governance and rule of law appeared over the past two weeks, including those below:

    According to a Talibans spokesman, Qari Yousef Ahmadi, a delegation of senior Afghan Taliban members travelled to Iranat theinvitation of Iranian officials despite a long history of hostility between the Sunni Taliban and Irans Shia authorities, reports The

    Guardian. However, the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairscould not confirm the visit, addsPakistani Tribune.

    During his speech in the Loya Jirga, Afghan President Hamid Karzai urged foreign nations not to interferein the Afghan peaceprocess, stating If foreigners did not follow our way and consider another path which will have a negative impact on Afghanistan

    then we will discuss with you [Loya Jirga] and will take actions to disgrace them, quotes Khaama Press. Meanwhile, he further

    urged Taliban fighters to join the Afghan security forces in the fight against Afghanistan enemies.

    During aMeshrano Jirga session, the Vice-Chair of the House, Mohammad Alam Izedyar assessed that the recent increase in Tali-bans attacks have signalled that theTaliban is not prepared for peace talks, reports Tolo News. According to Afghan Senators, themajority of these attacks have been perpetrated with Pakistani government support.

    On 26 May, Afghanistans Independent Election Commission (IEC)commenced the voter registrationfor presidential and provincial council elections scheduled for 05 April 2014, highlights Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty . Head of the IEC, Fazel Ahmad

    Manawi, noted that voter registration teams will only go to areas sufficiently secured by Afghan police. In an effort to increase

    transparency, around 300,000 letterspermitting monitoring of the registrationprocess were issued to the representatives of politica

    parties, civil society and media organisations, adds UNAMA.
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    04 June 2013 Page 4

    Security & Force Protection Francois Van [email protected] 24 May, five to six Taliban insurgents staged a coordinated attackon a heavily guarded residential area housing the Interna

    tional Organization for Migration (IOM) offices and other international agencies in Kabul, reports The New York Times. A

    hospital run by the Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS domestic intelligence) and the headquarters of the Afghan

    Public Protection Force (APPF) are alsolocated in that sector, highlightsFrance 24. While the Taliban tried to blast their way to the

    compound with suicide vests, rocket-propelled launchers (RPG) and light weapons, the Afghan security forces managed to counter the

    insurgent attacks, thereby ensuring the international agency employees were unharmed, adds The New York Times.Norwegian Specia

    Forcessupported the Afghan security forces during the attack, mentions Reuters. However, the five hours long attack left four peoplekilled, including a six-year old girl, one private guard and an Afghan police officer. Thirteen persons were also wounded, including

    one International Labour Organization member (ILO) and three IOM staff, reports Reuters. All attackers died, said General Moham

    mad Ayoub Salangi, Kabuls police chief. IOMs chief for Afghanistan, Richard Danziger, said it remains unclearwhether the IOM

    office was specifically targeted, although attackers infiltrated the facility, says The Guardian. The Taliban claimed responsibility for

    the attack, explaining they were targeting a CIA safe house. This incident is the latest case of complex attacks launched i n the hear

    of Kabul since the raid targeting the Afghan traffic police headquarters in January 2013, which lasted nine hours, highlights The New

    York Times. An ISAF official assesses that the Afghan polices Quick Reaction Force, along with other units, responded quickly and

    competently. At the same time, Amrullah Aman, a retired Afghan general and a military analyst, stresses that Afghan security forces

    still need better training and equipment.

    Also, on 29 May, insurgents stormed the offices of the International Committee of the Red Cross(ICRC) inJalalabad, reports The

    New York Times. All seven Western personnel escaped the attack after Afghan security forces evacuated the staff and surrounded the

    facility. The attack left one guard dead and another injured after an insurgent blew himself up at the compounds entrance, which

    allowed insurgents to infiltrate the building before starting a gun battle with the Afghan forces. The raid involved a suicide bomberand three gunmen, said an Afghan Ministry of Interior (MoI) spokesman, quotes Reuters. The Afghan MoI said security forces recov-

    ered thebodies of two attackers, addsAgence France-Press. It is the first concerted attack targeting the ICRC since the organisation

    started working in the country thirty years ago, adds The New York Times. This attack is even more uncommon, as the ICRC is re-

    spected by all the conflict parties including the Taliban - for its impartial approach to humanitarian assistance. The Taliban late

    deniedthey had staged the attack targeting the ICRC compound, recognising they had previously co-operated with the humanitarian

    organisation, including in ICRC-led polio vaccination campaigns, writes The Guardian. In reaction to the attack, the ICRC decided to

    suspend its activities across Afghanistan and close the Jalalabad office, says Jacques De Maio, ICRCs South -Asia chief, reports


    According to local authorities inFaryabprovince, at leasteighty school girls were poisonedon 04 June, says Khaama Press. A loca

    Afghan official said initially three girls fell unconscious after an unknown man hurled apoisonous substanceinto the air from outside

    the targeted girls school, explains Pajhwok. The official added that the Afghan security forces had launched a man hunt to find the

    attacker. However, education ministry officials denied militants involvement was behind the poisoning and called it a psychologica

    issue, saysKhaama Press. This comes after several girls were poisoned in north-easternTakharprovince of Afghanistan last month

    Education officials also warned that the Afghan authorities would challenge school girls who posit claims of being poisoned in the

    future, mentionsKhaama Press.

    The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reports an increasing use of the synthetic drug crystal methamphetaminein

    Afghanistan, saysReuters. The UNODC says that the number of seized crystal meth samples tripled to 48 in 2012 compared with the

    previous year. In addition, the organisation fears that the potential power vacuum left by the international forces after 2014 migh

    exacerbate local addiction to the synthetic drug and Afghanistan might become a new crystal meth transit hub b etween Iranwhere

    the drug is producedand eastern Asia.

    A number of other articles related to deadly incidents and casualties in Afghanistan appeared over the past two weeks, including those


    Afghan officials said at least25 Taliban fighters were killedand dozens more wounded during clashes with Afghan security forcesbacked by local anti-Taliban militiamen, on 31 May inGhazniprovince, reports RFE/RL. Provincial officials stated that Pakistannationals were present among the insurgents. The area has been witnessing the development of a grassroots uprising initiated by

    local residents against the insurgency. At the same time,Logarprovince also witnessed increasingly organised local resistance

    against the insurgency, led by Farhad Akbari, a 33 year-old former construction engineerwho is now leading local villagers and

    gunmen in a rebellion against insurgents, reports The Washington Post. Farhad Akbari says he has been recruiting seventy mem-

    bers and has driven the Taliban away from at least 100 local villages. The local force works closely with the Afghan National Po-

    lice (ANP), even if Afghan officials fear that those local militias might challenge Kabuls authority, adds The Washington Post.

    A suicide bomber targeting US troops outside an Afghan government office on Monday killed nine childrenwalking home fromschool and wounded two Americans on 03 June, says AFP. This incident echoes another case of civilian loss which occurred on

    the same day in eastern Afghanistan as a local family drove their vehicle over a roadside bomb,killing all seven people inside, says

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    The Washington Post. The UN blamed militant attacks for 84 per cent of the recent civilian casualties, saying that tactics like sui-

    cide attacks near schools and planting roadside bombs around the country may amount to war crimes, reminds The Post.

    Wali-ur Rehman Mehsud, thedeputy commander of Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan(TTP), was killed in a US drone strike on 29 Mayin North Waziristan, Pakistan, reports RFE/RL. TTP immediately appointed anew deputy commander, according to The New York

    Times, even if the deputy loss might result in internal struggles and riftsinside the insurgent group. Although the operation might

    trigger fresh violence in Pakistan and the region, the death of Mehsud represents asetbackfor the insurgency addsRFE/RL.

    Social & Strategic Infrastructure Rainer [email protected] of thousands of villagers and farmers are frustrated by the failure of US forces promise to increase the volume ofDahla

    Dam reservoir, reports The Star. The project will raise the Dahla Dam by five meters. The Dam is located in the Taliban heart

    land ofKandaharprovince. The project was scheduled to be completed by the US military following the withdrawal of Cana

    dian forces. Residents and farmers who depend on irrigated water complain that the canals dry up during the hottest months of the

    year. According to The Star, this unfulfilled promise has created resentment towards the Afghan government and the internationa

    troops. The United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) said in in 2012 that they planned to award the construction contract in

    spring 2013 but this deadline has been pushed to summer, but it is not clear yet if the US government will approve the funding by

    then. Although villagers living near the dam are most affected, Arghandab district tribal elder Haki Agha Jan says The whole o

    Kandahar province is frustrated with this dam, as eighty per cent of Kandaharis live along the Arghandab River, which is fed by the

    reservoir. Jan expresses, There is only one more year left before the Americans withdraw, so were afraid that they will never keep

    their promises. [} They are never truthful and should never be trusted. In the last 12 years, they didnt even fix the electricity prob

    lems. The USACE estimate it will take at least two and a half years to raise the dam at a cost of USD 100 million. Before the US

    forces arrived in Kandahar, local authorities and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) disagreed on the urgency of

    the project. CIDA, which spent USD 50 million on some minor reparations to the dam, argued that the irrigation canal was full in thesummer while Sher Mohammad Atail, an Afghan engineer working for the Arghandab Irrigation Rehabilitation Project, said that the

    canals are forty per cent below of the required level, and some stretches had too little water or none at all.

    In other water resource management news, Andrew Scanlon, the head of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in Af

    ghanistan, warned that the countryswater resources are under stress, writes OOSKAnews. Scanlon said, the challenge amidst efforts

    for national development and growth is to understand, recognize and take action to manage and protect the biodiversity resources that

    the country possesses, and on which its sustainable development in future decades will be built. UNEP alerts that Afghanistan is one

    of the most vulnerable countries, with very fragile natural ecosystems that suffer from population growth, climatic variability and

    frequent droughts and floods. Seventy-five per cent of the country is classified as vulnerable and eighty per cent of the water supply

    comes from snowmelt. UNEP warns that water supply in both urban and rural areas is threatened due to water scarcity, mismanage-

    ment and damaged water systems. Eighty per cent of the countrys population relies on sub sistence agriculture, and poor sanitation

    and waste management pose a serious menace to water sources.

    During an official visit to Kabul, Indian President Pranab Mukherjee offered to provide moretraining and assistance to the reconstruc-tionto Afghanistan after the international troops withdraw from the country, highlights Al Jazeera. India is prepared to increase bi

    lateral contribution to institution-building, training and equipment to the extent India can, said Mukherjee. Indian assistance wil

    focus on training the Afghanistan National Army and infrastructure development. India has so far invested USD 2 billion in rebuilding

    transport infrastructure, hospitals andenergy in rural areas. In addition, India is also supporting Afghanistan in rebuilding its police

    forces as well as its judiciary and diplomatic services. Currently, India, Iran and Afghanistan are also discussing the development of

    the Chahbahar port and further road and transport links to and from Afghanistan. Chahbahar port is the most feasible alternative route

    from India to Afghanistan, since Pakistan denies India road access to Afghanistan.

    In the following weeks, Gurbanguli Berdimuhammedov, Turkmen President, will inaugurate the construction works of the Atamirat

    ImamnazarAkina Railway, which is one phase of theTurkmenistanAfghanistanTajikistanRailway, according to Trend. Presi

    dent Hamid Karzai and Tajik President Emomoli Rahmon will also attend the inauguration ceremony in Ashgabat. The three countries

    are still working to formalise financial assistance with the Asian Development Bank and the Islamic Development Bank. The stretch

    linking Atamirat and Imamnazar will be built by the Turkmen Ministry of Railway Transport, whereas the one linking Imambazar and

    Akina will likely be constructed by the Afghan government.

    A number of other social and strategic infrastructure issues emerged over the past two weeks, including those summarised below:

    The Pakistani government has announced that due to thepolitical transition in the country, the Pakistani portion of the IranPakistan (IP) gas pipeline will not be completed by 31 December 2014 as initially planned, writes Dawn. The Pakistani Minister of

    Petroleum and National Resources, however, said that Iran will write off the penalties on the delay. According to the contract pen-

    alties are USD 200 million per month.

    The government of Japan announced the purchase of 106 pieces of road construction and maintenance equipment worth USD 30million, report Khaama Press. The equipment includes snow clearing machines, which will be crucial to keep the Bamian Da

    Kundi and GhazniGhor highways free of snow during the winter.

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    04 June 2013 Page 6

    The Ministry of Information Technology and Communications and the Kabul Mayor signed a Memorandum of Understanding tointroduceGlobal Positioning System(GPS) technology in Kabul, according to Wadsam. The project will be launched in Kabul and

    extended to Mazar-e Sharif, Kandahar, Herat, Kunduz and Jalalabad at a cost of USD 25 million. The contract was awarded to a

    foreign firm due to the lack of local companies specialising in GPS systems. The project will collect coordinates of each relevant

    place and produce an electronic map.

    Drones: Myths and Reality in Pakistan, International Crisis Group, Asia Report N. 247, May 2013.

    Afghanistan Price Bulletin, FEWS NET & WFP, May 2013. Annual Report & Final Accounts 2012, Swedish Committee for Afghanistan, May 2013.

    States of Fragility, Forced Migration Review Issue 43, Refugees Studies Centre, University of Oxford.

    Afghanistan Programme Plane 2013, Concern Worldwide, May 2013.

    A Little Bit Poppy-free and Little Bit Eradicated: opium poppy cultivation in Balkh and Badakshan Provinces in 2011-2012,

    Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit.

    Afghanistan Special Report: Pre-Harvest Assessment May 2013, FEWS NET and FAO, May 2013.

    Afghanistan: Humanitarian Snapshot, UNOCHA, May 2013.

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    for publication in the Afghanistan Review newsletter should be relevant to the CFCs mission as a knowledge management andinformation sharing institution.

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