Download - Ceramic Magazine

  • Bilim, Teknik ve Endstri Dergisi . Scientific, Technical and Industrial Journal

    Mart - Haziran 2013March - June 2013Sektrel : 42ISSN 1304 - 6578 cretsizdir / Free of ChargeTrkiye Seramik Federasyonu DergisiJournal of Turkish Ceramic Federation


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    i i n d e k i l e r c o n t e n t s



    4 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

  • 88mSe teKnoloji tRKiyede yaPlmam CihazlaR RetiyoRmSe teKnoloji PRoduCeS equPment PRevouSly not PRoduCed n tuRKey80PaKiStan KaRaide 4. aSna SeRamiK tRienali4th aSna Clay tRennal at KaRaCh PaKStan 68dounun yzylCentuRy of the eaSt56Kil buGn Sizi anlatR, yaRn biR baKaSnClay today deSCRbeS you, tomoRRow Somebody elSe...



    i i n d e k i l e r c o n t e n t s


    66Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013 seramik 5

  • Yazm KurallarSeramik malzemelerle ilgili (Cam, imento, Emaye dahil) orijinal aratrma, davetli makale, derleme, teknik rapor ve haber trndeki yazlar bilgisayarda yazlm olarak PC Word belgesi formatnda e-posta ile iletilmeli, ayrca kat kts da Trkiye Seramik Federasyonu adresine gnderilmelidir. Yazar, makalesinde yer alacak grseller 304 dpi znrlkte elektronik olarak taranp CDde teslim etmelidir. Eger bu mmkn deilse mutlaka dia ve kart bask (10x15 cm) eklinde gnderilmelidir. Yazlarda kullanlan ekil, ema grafikler Word Belgesi iine yaptrlmamal, her biri tek bir resim belgesi olarak CD ile gnderilmelidir. Kullanlan kaynaklar metin iinde numaralandrlmal, metin sonunda mutlaka toplanmaldr. Bilim ve sanat makalelerinde zet ksmnn olmas zorunludur. Gnderilecek makalelerin maksimum 1500 szc gememesi gerekmektedir. Gnderilen ya da istenen her yaznn kabul edilip edilmemesi ya da dzeltme istenmesinde Yayn Kurulu tam yetkilidir. Sanatsal ve Bilimsel bal altnda deerlendirilecek makaleler mutlaka en az bir hakem tarafndan deerlendirildikten sonra Yayn Kurulunca incelenmektedir. Dergideki yazlardan kaynak gstermek kouluyla alnt yaplabilir. Dergiye gnderilen yazlar yaynlansn ya da yaynlanmasn yazarna iade edilmez. zgn ya da derleme yazlardaki bilgiler ve grler yazarn sorumluluundadr. Ticari reklamlar firmalarn sorumluluundadr.

    Yayna hazrlk / Prepared for publication by

    Genel Yayn Ynetmeni / Managing EditorBlent Tatlcan - [email protected]

    Yayn Koordinatr / Editorial CoordinatorAylin Muhaddisolu - [email protected]

    Yayn Danman / Production ConsultantMimar / Architect Heval Zeliha Yksel

    [email protected]

    Grsel Ynetmen/Art EditorMehmet Akif Dilmen - [email protected]

    Fotoraf Editr / Photography EditorMurat Saraslan (Santral)

    ngilizce eviriler/ English TranslationsAli Turan Aksoy

    letiim / CommunicationsTel: 0212 262 07 66 Gsm: 0533 440 66 91

    [email protected] yolu cad. No:10/B Saryer / STANBUL

    Bask / PublishingFRS Matbaaclk Mas- Sit Matbaaclar Sitesi

    5. Cad. 34 Baclar 34204 stanbul

    Bu dergi Seramik Tantm Grubunun katklaryla yaynlanmaktadr.This journal is published with contributions from Turkish Ceramics Promotion Group


    Trkiye Seramik Federasyonu DergisiJournal of Turkish Ceramics Federation

    Trkiye Seramik Federasyonu Adna Sahibi / Publisher for Turkish Ceramics FederationZeynep Bodur Okyay

    Genel Koordinatr-Sorumlu Mdr / General Coordinator-Responsible EditorGermiyan Saatiolu - [email protected]

    Sanat Editrleri / Art EditorsYrd. Do. Candan Gngr (Dokuz Eyll niversitesi)[email protected]. Gr. Mutlu Bakaya Yac (Hacettepe niversitesi)[email protected] Batukan [email protected]

    Bilim Editrleri / Science EditorsProf. Dr. Akn Altun (Dokuz Eyll niversitesi)[email protected]. Dr. Z.Engin Erkmen (Marmara niversitesi)[email protected]. Dr. Recep Artr (Marmara niversitesi)[email protected]. Dr. Taner Kavas (Afyon Kocatepe niveristesi)[email protected]

    Yayn Kurulu / Editorial BoardProf. Dr. Ahmet Ekerim (Yldz Teknik niversitesi)Prof. Gngr Gner (Marmara niversitesi)Prof. Dr. skender Ik (Dumlupnar niversitesi)Prof. Meltem Kaya Ertl (Mimar Sinan Gzel Sanatlar niversitesi)Prof. Sleyman Belen (Mimar Sinan Gzel Sanatlar niversitesi) Prof. mr Bakrer (Ortadou Teknik niversitesi)Prof. Sevim izer (Dokuz Eyll niversitesi)Do. Dr. H. Aygl Yeprem (Yldz Teknik niversitesi)Kemal Yldrm (Ak Yap)Nesil Var (Creavit)Itr Avuncar (Vitra Karo)H. Oya Berik Yanarda (Kale Grubu) Ebru Uzluer (Bien Seramik)Gler ankaya (Hitit Seramik)Ebru Tzner Ava (Elmor A..)Yeim Bilgi Yrkolu (Kale Grubu)Sevgin Utlul (Seramik Tantm Grubu)Glen Bayer (T. Seramik Federasyonu)Belgin zdoan (T. Seramik Federasyonu)Gzde Tfeki Mercan (Kale Grubu)

    Yayn Tr / Type of PublicationYerel Sreli Yayn / Local PeriodicalYnetim Yeri / AddressATATRK MAH. NAMIK KEMAL CAD. EKNCOLU SOK. NO:44/1ATAEHR/STANBULTEL: 0216 629 01 00 FAKS: 0216 629 01 10 WEB: www.serfed.comE MAL: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

    Hakemli bir dergidir / Refereed Journal

    Bilim, Teknik ve Endstri Dergisi . Scientific, Technical and Industrial Journal

    Mart - Haziran 2013March - June 2013Sektrel : 42ISSN 1304 - 6578 cretsizdir / Free of ChargeTrkiye Seramik Federasyonu DergisiJournal of Turkish Ceramic Federation


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    Kapak Fotoraf: Tuba nder Demirciolu Eseri

    6 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

  • chairmans message / bakann mesaj

    Deerli okuyucular,

    Seramik dnyasnn yeni saysyla tekrar birlikteyiz.

    2013 ylnn ilk eyrei sektrmzn dsal etkenleri asndan nemli gelimelerle devam ediyor. Bunlardan en nemlisi pek o-umuzun da katld Trkiye Seramik Sektr Strateji Belgesi ve Ey-lem Plan tantm toplantsyd. Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanmz Sayn Nihat Ergnn katlmyla, sektrmzn 2016ya uzanan yol haritas 21 Ocak gn akland. Bylece seramik sektr ilk ulusal strateji planna kavumu oldu.

    Hep sylediimiz gibi, sektrmzn bugn ulat konumdan daha nemlisi, nmzde dnya seramik pazarlarnda elde ede-bileceimiz ok daha byk bir potansiyelin var olmasdr. Seramik sektrnn kullanm alannn genilemesi, gelimekte olan yeni pa-zarlar, sektrn bugne kadar etkili ulamad alternatif pazarlar, Avrupann retim gcnn sekteye uramas ve Avrupa retimi-nin darya kaymas gibi tm bu frsatlar sektrmzn bugnk bykln ve dnya pazar payn 10 yl sonra en az drde kat-layabileceini ihtimalinin gl bir ekilde nmzde var olduunu gstermektedir.

    Sektrmzn Adan Zye tm sorunlarnn masaya yatrld ve et-kin nlemlerin planland bu belgenin detaylarn eitli platform-larda sizlere sunacaz. Ama zetle, hem Sayn Bakanmzn, hem o gn aramzda bulunarak bizleri onurlandran Trkiye hracatlar Meclisi Bakanmz Sayn Mehmet Bykekinin hem de SERFED adna benim, tantm toplants konumalarmzda ortak olarak, sektrmzn daha ilerilere gideceine dair inancn dile getiril-mi olmasn ok nemli buluyorum. Mimarlarmzdan ustalarmza, datm alarmzdan, retim, sat, pazarlama, tasarm ve destek ekiplerimize kadar tm seramik dnyamzn bu inanc benimseye-rek ortaya koyduumuz hedeflere ulamas gerekiyor. Hepimizin zerine den bir grev de, Resmi Gazetede yaymlanarak artk devletin de taahhd haline gelen bu yol haritasndaki eylemlerin takip edilmesidir.

    Yine bu dnemde 27 ubat 3 Mart tarihleri arasnda, dnyann en nemli fuar organizasyonlarndan birisi olan, seramik-banyo sektrnn sahneye kt 25. Uniceray gerekletireceiz. Bu yl Unicerann zellikle uluslararas niteliinin arln artrmasn bekli-yoruz. Nihai tketicinin de olduka ilgisini ekecek zengin bir prog-rama sahip olan Unicerada bulumak zere hepinize sayglarm sunuyor, dergimizi keyifle okumanz diliyorum.

    Valued readers,

    Once again we are with you with the new issue of Ceramic Magazine.

    The first quarter of 2013 has been the scene of important develop-ments in terms of exterior actors of our industry. The most important one was Turkish Ceramic Industry Strategy Document and Action Plan introduction meeting most of us participated in. With participa-tion of Nihat Ergn, Esq., our Minister for Science, Industry and Techno-logy, the roadmap of our industry until 2006 was announced on Janu-ary 21. Hence, the ceramic industry got its first national strategy plan.

    As we have been saying, whats even more important than our industrys present position is the much greater potential which we can attain in the world ceramic markets in days ahead. All these op-portunities like the expansion of uses of the ceramic industry, emer-ging new markets, the alternative markets to which the industry was unable to reach effectively so far, the disruption in the productive power of Europe and Europe productions shifting to other countries indicate that there is a great possibility that our industry may increase its present size and its global market share minimum fourfold in 10 years does exist.

    We will present in various platforms of the details of this document where all problems from A to Z of our industry are operated on and effective measures planned. However, in summary, I find it very important in the name both of myself and also SERFED, that it was articulated in their introduction meeting speeches by both our Esteemed Minister and also our Turkish Exporters Assembly Pre-sident Mehmet Bykeki, Esq. who honored us with his presence, that there is the belief that our industry will go even farther. All our world of ceramics ranging from our architects, craftsmen, distribu-tion networks and our production, sales, marketing, design and support teams must achieve the targets we designate, adopting this belief. A duty for all of us is to follow the actions in this roadmap which has now become an undertaking of the state after being published in the Official Gazette.

    Again in this period, we will hold Unicera 25 which is one of the most important trade fair events where the ceramic bathroom industry ta-kes the stage from February 27 to March 3. This year, we expect that especially Uniceras international aspect will become predominant. I would like to give all of you my best regards for meeting at Unicera which has a rich program, which will be of great interest to the end consumer too, hoping that you will enjoy reading our magazine.

    Zeynep Bodur OkyaySERFED Bakan / Chairman of SERFED

    Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013 seramik 7

  • ksa ksa / short news

    8 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

    27 ubat3 Mart 2013 tarihleri arasnda gerekletirilen Uluslararas Seramik Banyo Mutfak Fuarnda yeni rnleri ile gz dol-duracak olan Bien, doallk ile dijital teknolojiyi harmanlad rnlerini ilk defa sergileyecek. Bu yl 25incisi dzenlenecek olan fuarda Bien, yeniliki tasarmlar, modern tasarmlar ve srprizleriyle ne karak, sadece Trkiyede deil dnya apnda da nc bir retici olarak seramikteki gcn yanstacak. UNICERA Fuarnn Bien iin ok nemli olduunun altn izen Bien Sat Grup Bakan Metin Savc, Trkiyede dijital teknojiyle duvar karosu reten ilk markayz. Teknoloji ve tasarm bir araya getiren rnlerimiz ile UNICERA Fuarnda farkllk yaratacamza inanyoruz. Hem tasarm ve hem de retim ekibimizin uzun sredir yapt almalarn karln yeni sezonda alacamz dnyoruz. Fuara zel rnlerimizi ilk defa sunacamz iin byk bir heyecan duyuyoruz dedi. rn gamna her yl 30 rn eklediklerini vurgulayan Savc, szlerini yle srdrd: 2013 ylnda duvar ve yer karolarnn yan sra seramik salk sektrnde yeni tasarmlarmz kararak, dekorasyonda modann belirleyicisi olmaya devam edeceiz. 2012de toplam 35 milyon Euro deerinde srl porselen ve yer karosu fabrikasna yatrm yaptk. hracat ciromuz ise 25 milyon dolar oldu. 2013teki hedefimiz i ve d satlar toplam 130 milyon dolarlk ciroya ulamak.

    BieN, 2013 UNCera UlUSlararaS Seramik BaNyo mUTfak fUarNda TreNd BelirleyeCek yeNi TaSarmlaryla SahNeye kyor

  • short news / ksa ksa

    Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013 seramik 9

    Bien, which will draw attention with its new products at the International Ceramic Bathroom Kitchen Trade Fair held February 27-March 3, 2013, will exhibit its wares which batch naturality and digital technology for the first time. At the trade fair, 25th of which will be held this year, Bien will reflect its power in ceramic as a pioneer manufacturer not only in Turkey but also worldwide, coming to the fore with its innovative and modern designs and surprises. Bien Sales Group Head Metin Savc, who underscores that UNICERA Trade Fair is very important for Bien, said We are the first brand in Turkey producing wall tiles with digital technology. We believe that well create a difference at UNICERA Trade Fair without products which bring technology and design together. We believe that we will get the result of our work carried out for a long time both by our design and also production teams in the new season. We are very excited because we will present our products specific to the trade fair for the first time. Stressing that they are adding 30 products to their product range each year, Savc added; In 2013, in addition to wall and floor tiles, introducing our new designs in the ceramic sanitary ware sector, we will continue to be the setter of fashion in decoration. We made total investments of 35 million Euro in 2012 in our glazed porcelain and floor tile plant. Our export turnover was 25 million Dollars. Our target in 2013 is to reach a total turnover of 130 million Dollars in terms of domestic and international sales.

    bieN oN staGe with New desiGNs to set a treNd at 2013 uNiCera iNterNatioNal CeramiC bathroom kitCheN trade fair

    BEN STANDI SRPRZLERLE DOLU OLACAKBien, seramik ve seramik salk gereleri rnlerini UNICERA Fuarnda 3 hol 321 nolu stantta sergileyecek. Dnyada kul-lanlan en son teknolojiye gre seilen robotlu yksek basnl dkm sistemleri, robot srlamalar ve robot talama makine-leri ile retilen Seramik Salk Gereleri rnlerinin bulunaca- stant toplam 480 metrekarelik alanda kuruldu. Bien stan-dnda, seramikte toplam 30 yeni seri yan sra, Seramik Salk Gereleri rnlerinden de yeni rnler sergilenecek.

    BEN STAND TO BE FULL OF SURPRSES Bien will exhibit its ceramic tile and ceramic sanitary ware products at UNICERA Trade Fair at stand no. 321 in hall no. 3. The stand, which will feature the ceramic sanitary ware manufactured using the robot high pressure casting systems, robot glazings and robot grinding machines selec-ted according to the latest technologies employed in the world, is set up on an area of 480 square meters. In addition to 30 new series, new ceramic sanitary ware will be on disp-lay at the Bien stand.

  • ksa ksa / short news

    10 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

    Bienin yeni rn Saba, ok yaknda mekanlarda yerini alacak. Seramik r-nn farkl mekanlara tamak iin yola kan Bien, fark yaratacak rn Saba ile mekanlarda tatl bir esinti yaratacak. Beyaz rengiyle sadelik ve duruluu yan-stan Saba, parlak ve ayn zamanda sade rnleri sevenlerin tercihi olacak. 30x60 ebadnda retilen beyaz dekoru ile seri, ev ii ve ev d kullanma uygun olmas sebebiyle ok geni bir kullanm yelpazesine sahip bulunuyor. rn ge-ometrik ve asimetrik izgileri ile soyut grnt veren bir tarza sahip. Hatla-rndaki soyut efekt, renklerindeki sade-likle dinginlik kazanyor. Bir yandan ok hareketli ve izgisel olan dekoru dier yanda duru renkleri rne farkllk ve estetik katyor. Seri, tm yaam alanlar yan sra sanat galerilerinde, otellerde ve kafelerde fark yaratmak isteyenlerin tercihi olacak.

    Biens new product Saba will find its place in spaces very shortly. Bien, setting out to carry ceramic ware to different spaces, will create a sweet breeze in spaces with its discerning product Saba. Reflecting plainness and lucidity with its white color, Saba will be the choice of those who like bright and at the same time, plain products. With its white decor of 30x60, the series has a very broad usage spectrum as it is fit for interior and exterior use. The product, with its geometrical and asymmetrical lines, has a style giving an abstract image. The abstract effect in its lines gains serenity with the plainness in colors. The decor, which is very lively and linear on the one hand; on the other hand, its lucid colors introduce difference and aesthetics to the product. The series will be the choice of those wishing to create a difference in ad-dition to all living spaces, in art galleries, hotels and cafs.

    Saba mekaNlarN TaTl Bir eSiNTiSi olaCakwill be a sweet breeze for spaCes

  • Trkiyede kullanclarn ihtiyalarn gzeten, ihra-catta ve ulusal pazarda rne katma deer ve re-kabeti stnlk kazandran, iyi tasarmlar dllen-dirmek amacyla bir TURQUALITY etkinlii olarak T.C. Ekonomi Bakanl, Trkiye hracatlar Meclisi ve Endstriyel Tasarmclar Meslek Kuruluunun (ETMK) ibirlii ile dzenlenen Design Turkey Endstriyel Ta-sarm dlleri, Hali Kongre Merkezinde dzenle-nen trenle sahiplerini buldu. Design Turkey 2012 En-dstriyel Tasarm dllerine rn tasarm olarak 410 bavuru yaplrken, jri tarafndan gerekletirilen n eleme sonrasnda 376 rn ikinci aamaya katlma-ya hak kazand. Bu seneki Design Turkey yarmasn-da Zafer DOAN, Aldonat SUNAR, Metin Murat EL-BEYL, Ali YILDIZ ve Esin IRALI tarafndan tasarlanan SEREL Amphora Serisi yap kategorisinde yi Tasarm dl almaya hak kazand.

    Design TURKEY Industrial Design Awards, organized with collaboration of Republic of Turkey Ministry for Economy, Turkish Exporters Assembly and Industrial Designers Professi-onal Association (ETMK) as a TURQUALITY event for rewar-ding good designs which promote the needs of users in Turkey, bringing added value and competitive superiority to the product in exports and the national market, went to their winners in a ceremony held at Hali Convention Center. 410 applications were made for Design Turkey 2012 Industrial Design Awards as product design with 376 products getting the chance to go into the next phase as a result of the pre-screening held by the jury. At this years Design Turkey contest, SEREL Amphora Series designed by Zafer DOAN, Aldonat SUNAR, Metin Murat ELBEYL, Ali YILDIZ and Esin IRALI won the right to receive the Good Design Award in the building category.

    news / haber

    Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013 seramik 11

    Serel amPhora SeriSiNe iyi TaSarm dlGood desiGN award to serel amphora series

  • ksa ksa / short news

    12 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

    AMACIMIZ YALIN, BAST, ANCAK ARPICI BR YAPI OLUTURMAKTrkiyenin seramik alannda nc markas Kalebodur spon-sorluunda, Arkitera Mimarlk Merkezi tarafndan gerekleti-rilen ARKV Bulumalar devam ediyor. Henz tamamlanma-m projelerin, mimarlar tarafndan ele alnd ve katlmc grup ile tartld ARKV Bulumalarnn 26ncsnda, Swan-ke Hayden Connell Mimarlk (SHCA) Proje Direktr Blent Dndar tarafndan katlmclara bilgi aktarld. Katlmclara rnek daireleri gezdirerek bilgi aktaran Blent Dn-dar, yaln, basit, ancak arpc bir yap oluturmay amaladklarn syledi. Projenin hazrlk, tasarm ve uygulama srelerini aktaran Blent Dndar, yo-un emek sarf edilmi, uzun soluklu bir alma iinde olduklarn belirtti. Blgeyi iyi bildiklerini kaydeden Dn-dar, daha nce farkl projelerle birlik-te gerekletirdikleri Extensa Bomonti Apartman projesi ile edindikleri deneyimi de, Bomonti Modern Palasa yansttkla-rn syledi. Dndar, Bomonti Modern Palasn, bugne kadar alt birok proje arasnda ayr bir nem tadn belirte-rek, projeyi, her aamasnda takip ettiini aklad.

    EVRESEL FAKTRLER VE ENERJ PERFORMANSI DA ETKL Srasyla, konum, arsa, analizler, ynelim, ktle almas, planlama, cephe tasarm, i mekan ve peyzaj detaylarn paylaan Blent Dndar, yaln, basit, ancak modern, arpc bir yap oluturmann tasarm amalar olduunu vurgulad. evresel faktrlerin ve enerji performansnn da projede et-kili olduunu ifade eden Dndar, tm analizler sonucunda binann uzun cephelerin Dou-Bat ynne yerletirildiini, ktle almasnda farkl varyasyonlarla, kutu formunun g-rnrl ortaya koyacak ekilde ykseltildiini anlatt.

    MODLER KURGU, GRDAL SSTEMTek daire yapsndan kan modlle bina btnne ulald-n syleyen Dndar; tek daireden oluturulan aks sistemine dier dairelerin oturtulup, gridal bir sistem oluturulduunu kaydetti. Projede: 1+1, 2+1, penthouse tipi olmak zere 98 adet daire bulunduunu ve her daireye ait otopark olduu-nu anlatan Dndar, blgedeki otopark skntsnn nemine deinerek, bu sorunu yarm katlarla zdklerini aktard. Bl-ge dokusuyla uyum iin d cephede toprak renklerinin ter-cih edildiini belirten Dndar, i mekannn Arketipo Design tarafndan projelendirilen yapnn vaziyet plannda arkaya ekilerek, n tarafta nemli bir hacimde peyzaj alan yaratl-dn szlerine ekledi.

    OUR PURPOSE S TO CREATE A PLAN, SMPLE BUT STRKNG BULDNG Arkiv Meetings held by Arkitera Architecture Center under the sponsorship of Turkeys leader brand in the field of ceramics, Kale-bodur, are going on. In the 26th of the ARKIV Meetings, where yet uncompleted projects are handled and discussed with participants by their architects, the participants were briefed by Swanke Hay-den Connell Architecture (SHCA) Project Director Blent Dndar.

    Blent Dndar, giving information to par-ticipants who toured the model suites, said that they sought to create a plain, simple but striking building. Conveying the preparation, design and application processes of the project, Blent Dndar noted that they were in an activity where intense efforts were spent, which is long-winded. Stating that they know the area well, Dndar said that they reflected the experience they gained in the Extensa

    Bomonti Building project which they undertook together with dif-ferent projects previously to Bomonti Modern Palace. Dndar, po-inting out that Bomonti Modern Palace has a separate important place among numerous projects he worked on so far, remarked that he followed the project in its every stage.

    ENVRONMENTAL FACTORS AND ENERGY PERFORMANCE ALSO EFFECTVE Sharing the details in sequence; the position, plot, analysis, ori-entation, mass study, planning, faade design, interior and land-scape, Blent Dndar stressed that creating a plain, simple but modern, striking building is the objective of design. Pointing out that environmental factors and energy performance are also ef-fective in the project, Dndar said that as a result of the analyses, the long faades of the building were situated in the East-West di-rection and that the box form was raised to reveal visibility through different variations in mass study.

    Modular setup, gridal system Noting that the whole of the building was reached through a mo-dule starting with a single suite structure, Dndar pointed out that the other apartments were seated on the axis system formed of a single suite, forming a gridal system. Explaining that the project features 98 suites of 1+1, 2+1 and penthouse styles with a car park for each suite; Dndar, touching upon the importance of the par-king lot problem in the region, said that they solved these prob-lems by semi-storeys. Noting that earth colors were opted for on the exterior to match the texture of the area, Dndar noted that a single landscape area was created at the front of the building, the interior of which is designed by Arketipo Design, which was set back in the layout plan.

    kaleBodUr - arkiv BUlUmalarNN 26NCS BomoNTi moderN PalaSTa GerekleTi26th kalebodur arkiV meetiNGs held at bomoNti moderN palas

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  • 14 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

    bizden / from us

    RakamlaRla Dnya Seramik Sektr ve

    trk SeramikleriWorld Ceramic Industry and

    Turkish Ceramicswith Figures

    Trk seramik sektr yapt ticari almlar, teknik gelimeler, inovasyon ve tasarma verdii nemle her geen

    gn marka ve rn deerini artrmaktadr. Bunun en nemli yansmas ise ihracat rakamlarnda grlmektedir.

    The Turkish ceramic industry has been increasing its brand and product value day by day with its commercial

    initiatives, technical developments, and its commitment to innovation and design. The most important implication of

    this is observed in export figures.

  • Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013 seramik 15

    from us / bizden

    Trkiye geneli seramik ihracat rakamlarna bakldn-da 2012 yl ihracat geen yla oranla deerde %6 art kaydederek 1 milyar 23 milyon Dolar olarak ger-eklemitir. Sz konusu dnemde seramik sektrn-de en fazla ihracat gerekletirilen lkeler Almanya, Irak, ngiltere, srail ve Fransa olmutur. Bu lkeler Trk Seramikleri Tantm Grubu tarafndan da yakndan takip edilmekte, tantm almalar bu lkeler hedef alnarak yaplmaktadr. Dikkat ekici olarak, ilk 20 ih-ra pazar ierisinde ihracatta en nemli art %44 ile Irakda gereklemitir. nemli art grlen balca lkeler Rusya (%37), ABD (%32), S. Arabistan (%32) ve Kanada (%31) olmutur. hracatta d yaanan en nemli lke ise ihracatta ilk srada yer alan Almanya olmutur. Almanyaya ynelik seramik sektr ihracat miktarda %4, deerde %15 azalmtr. Seramik sekt-rnn en nemli alt mal gruplar toplam sektr ihraca-tndan ald %57 payla seramik kaplama malzemeleri ve %18 payla seramik salk gereleridir. Bu iki grup ayn zamanda, Seramik Tantm Grubu tarafndan tan-tm yaplan gruplardr. Sektrleri incelediimizde, Sera-mik Kaplama Malzemeleri Sektr 2012 yl ihracat bir nceki yla gre %11 artarak 591 milyon Dolar olurken, Seramik Salk Gereleri Sektr ihracat bir nceki yla gre %3 artarak 188 milyon Dolar olmutur. Dnya seramik kaplama malzemeleri retimi, 2010 ylnda 9.546 milyon m2 olarak gereklemi. 2011 ylnda bu rakam %10,1 artla 10.512 milyon m2ye ulamtr. Hemen hemen tm ktalarda da retim art yaanmtr. Son 3 yldr iyileme eilimini sr-dren Trkiye ise dnya seramik kaplama malzeme-leri retim sralamasnda 9. sradadr. Trkiyenin 2011 yl retimi bir nceki yla gre %6 artla 260 milyon m2ye ulaarak 2007 ylndaki seviyeyi yakalam-tr. Dnya seramik kaplama malzemeleri tketimin-de ise 11. srada olan Trkiyede yurt ii karo talebi %9,4 artarak 2011 ylnda 169,2 milyon m2 olmutur. Yurt ii talebin ise neredeyse tamam yerel retimden karlanmaktadr. thalat, sadece 4,5 milyon m2dir. 2000li yllarn balarndan itibaren kapasitede ya-kalanan bu art ile Trk Seramik Sektr dnyada nemli bir oyuncu haline gelmitir. 2011 ylnda dn-ya SKM ihracat %8,7 artarak 1.960 milyon m2den 2.130 milyon m2ye ulamtr. 2012 yl sonu itibari ile Trk seramik kaplama malzemeleri ihracat 591 mil-yon Dolar aarak dnya sralamasnda 4. srada yer almaktadr. Deer bakmndan Trkiyenin balca pazarlar srasyla Almanya, Irak, srail, ngiltere ve Azerbaycandr. Miktar bakmndan en fazla ihracat yaplan lke Irakdr. Iraka ynelik ihracat 2012 ylnda %56 artarak 10,8 milyon m2 olmutur. Dnya seramik salk gereleri ihracat 2011 ylnda bir nceki yla oranla %6 art kaydederek 4,3 milyar Dolar seviye-sinde gereklemitir. Trkiye dnya seramik salk gereleri ihracatndan ald %4 payla 5. srada yer almaktadr. Sektrn 2012 yl ihracat bir nceki yla gre %3 artarak 188 milyon Dolar olmutur.

    Looking at Turkeys overall ceramic figures; exports for 2012, with an increase of 6 % by value compared to last year, has become 1,023,000,000 Dollars. In the same period, the countries to which most exports were made in the ceramic industry were Germany, Iraq, UK, Israel and France. These countries are tracked grossly also by Turkish Ceramic Promotion Group, with promo-tion activities taking place targeting these countries. It is noteworthy that the most important increase in exports among the top 20 export markets took place with Iraq with 44 %. Other countries with significant increases were Russia (37 %), USA (32 %), Saudi Ara-bia (32 %) and Canada (31 %). The most important countries where a drop in exports was observed is Germany which ranks first in export figures. The exports from ceramic industry to Germany have decreased 4 % by quantity and 15 % by value. The most impor-tant sub-product groups in the ceramic industry are ceramic tile with 57 % and ceramic sanitary ware with 18 %. These two groups are also the ones promoted by Ceramic Promotion Group. Looking at the figures, while the exports of ceramic tile industry in 2012 was 591 million Dollars with an increase of 11 % over the previous year, the exports of Ceramic Sanitary Ware Industry were 188 million Dollars with a rise of 3 % over the previous year. World ceramic tile production was 9.546 million m2 in 2010, reaching 10.512 million m2 with an in-crease of 10.1 % in 2011. There was a production increase almost in all continents. Turkey, which is displaying a trend of improvement in the last 3 years, ranks 9th in production of ceramic tile worldwide. Turkeys year 2011 production, reach-ing 260 million m2 with a rise of 6 % over the previ-ous year, has captured the level in 2007. Domes-tic tile in Turkey, which ranks 11th in production of ceramic tile worldwide, has increased by 9.4 %, reaching 169.2 million m2 in 2011. Almost entirety of domestic demand is covered by local pro-duction. Imports amount to only 4.5 million m2. With this increase captured capacity-wise starting from early 2000s, the Turkish Ceramic Industry has become an important player in the world. World ce-ramic tile exports have risen by 8.7 % in 2011, going up from 1.960 million m2 to 2,130 million m2. Exports of Turkish ceramic tile as of end of 2012 ranks fourth worldwide, going over 591 million USD. Value-wise, Tur-keys main markets are Germany, Iraq, Israel, UK and Azerbaijan in order. The country to which most exports were made by quantity is Iraq. Exports to Iraq were 10.8 million m2, with a rise of 56 % in 2012. World ceramic sanitary ware exports were 4.3 billion Dollars with a rise of 6 % over the previous year in 2011. Turkey ranks 5th with its 4 % share of world ceramic sanitary ware exports. Year 2012 exports of the industry was 188 million USD with an increase of 3 % over the previous year.

  • 16 Kasm 2012-ubat 2013 / November 2012-February 2013

    Kaynaklar: Orta Anadolu hracat BirlikleriCeramic World ReviewTrade Map

    Sources: Central Anatolia Exports UnionsCeramic World Review

    Trade Map

    bizden / from us




    1 Ocak- 31 Aralk January 1 December 31


    1 Ocak- 31 Aralk January 1 December 31

    2012 (%) DeiimChange



    Value ($)Bir.FiatUnit P.

    Miktar Amount (m2)

    Deer Value ($)

    Bir.FiatUnit P.



    1 ALMANYA GERMANY 8.575.784 74.867.926 8,7 8.362.251 65.927.419 7,9 -2,5 -11,9 2 IRAK IRAQ 6.940.763 38.478.279 5,5 10.806.581 60.704.600 5,6 55,7 57,8 3 SRAL ISRAEL 10.720.689 56.146.932 5,2 10.708.495 58.209.250 5,4 -0,1 3,7 4 NGLTERE UK 8.616.221 47.102.259 5,5 9.153.744 54.091.194 5,9 6,2 14,8 5 AZERBAYCAN - AZERBAIJAN 6.209.202 32.690.076 5,3 7.485.306 34.559.754 4,6 20,6 5,7 6 KANADA CANADA 4.312.105 25.392.764 5,9 5.721.943 33.787.318 5,9 32,7 33,1 7 FRANSA FRANCE 4.122.082 27.893.546 6,8 4.378.576 28.493.056 6,5 6,2 2,1 8 ABD USA 2.433.371 16.148.509 6,6 3.644.016 25.895.502 7,1 49,8 60,4 9 GRCSTAN GEORGIA 4.680.027 20.033.439 4,3 4.725.665 21.867.359 4,6 1,0 9,2 10 RUSYA RUSSIA 1.269.029 11.594.269 9,1 1.950.028 16.402.629 8,4 53,7 41,5 11 ROMANYA - RUMANIA 2.867.067 14.979.504 5,2 3.393.013 16.078.798 4,7 18,3 7,3 12 LBYA LIBYA 164.216 1.361.823 8,3 3.830.867 13.705.483 3,6 2.232,8 906,4 13 BELKA BELGIUM 1.894.826 12.224.154 6,5 2.015.404 11.898.613 5,9 6,4 -2,7 14 FNLANDYA FINLAND 1.635.021 11.893.265 7,3 1.758.101 11.805.908 6,7 7,5 -0,7 15 SUUD ARABSTAN SAUDI ARABIA 1.007.536 7.352.077 7,3 1.575.959 11.036.223 7,0 56,4 50,1



    LKE - COUNTRY 1 Ocak - 31 Aralk 2011January 1 December 31

    1 Ocak - 31 Aralk 2011January 1 December 31

    (%) DeiimChange

    Kodlu Miktar Adet

    Coded Quantity Units

    Deer Value($)

    Bir.FiatUnit Price

    Kodlu Miktar Adet

    Coded Quantity Units

    Deer Value($)

    Bir.FiatUnit Price


    Deer Value($)

    1 ALMANYA - GERMANY 825.141 25.552.376 31,0 822.540 25.578.965 31,1 -0,3 0,1 2 FRANSA FRANCE 830.051 19.406.467 23,4 1.120.677 19.166.892 17,1 35,0 -1,2 3 NGLTERE - UK 1.447.554 18.300.055 12,6 1.424.296 17.797.470 12,5 -1,6 -2,7 4 TALYA - ITALY 702.732 20.287.916 28,9 581.932 16.945.631 29,1 -17,2 -16,5 5 IRAK - IRAQ 564.847 10.185.215 18,0 765.011 12.741.061 16,7 35,4 25,1 6 ABD - US 191.302 7.049.633 36,9 193.391 8.256.446 42,7 1,1 17,1 7 BULGARSTAN - BULGARIA 199.058 5.043.627 25,3 244.269 6.582.982 26,9 22,7 30,5 8 RUSYA - RUSSIA 122.394 3.546.531 29,0 166.250 6.544.283 39,4 35,8 84,5 9 SRAL - ISRAEL 325.487 5.829.917 17,9 333.882 6.140.413 18,4 2,6 5,3 10 LBYA - LIBYA 57.835 866.429 15,0 740.502 5.767.579 7,8 1.180,4 565,7 11 AZERBAYCAN - AZERBAIJAN 230.240 5.558.863 24,1 248.599 5.767.014 23,2 8,0 3,7 12 SPANYA - SPAIN 179.999 6.738.039 37,4 178.494 4.410.312 24,7 -0,8 -34,5 13 TRKMENSTAN TURKMENISTAN 110.072 2.680.893 24,4 351.677 3.017.416 8,6 219,5 12,6 14 SVE SWEDEN 67.238 2.541.816 37,8 60.036 2.663.928 44,4 -10,7 4,8 15 AVUSTRALYA - AUSTRALIA 534.114 2.776.101 5,2 384.038 2.288.391 6,0 -28,1 -17,6

  • Devlet ve zel Sektr ibirliiyle hazrlanan Seramik Sektrnn yol haritaS aklanD:

    trk Seramik Sektr Dnya liDerliine hazrlanyorThE RoaDMap oF ThE CERaMiC inDuSTRy gETTing pREpaRED ThRough CollaboRaTion oF govERnMEnT anD pRivaTE SECToR DiSCloSED:

    TuRkiSh CERaMiC inDuSTRy gETS REaDy FoR global lEaDERShip


    bizden / from us

    18 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

  • from us / bizden

    Seramik sektrne nemli frsatlar yaratan ve rotasn izen Seramik Sektr Strateji Belgesi ve Eylem Plan yrrle girdi. Devlet ve zel sektr ibirliiyle hazrlanan Seramik Sektr Strateji Belgesi ve Eylem Plan, Bilim, Sanayi ve Tek-noloji Bakan Nihat Ergnn ak-lamasyla uygulamaya geti. Sera-mik sektrnn imajn ykseltmek ve kresel pazar payn artrmak vizyonuyla, Bilim, Sanayi ve Tekno-loji Bakan Nihat Ergnn ncl-nde hazrlanan eylem plan, sek-trn yol haritasn ortaya koyuyor. Trkiye hracatlar Meclisi Baka-n Mehmet Bykeki, Trkiye Sera-mik Federasyonu Bakan Zeynep Bodur Okyay ve i dn-yasnn nde gelen isimlerinin katld tantm toplantsnda, Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakan Nihat Ergn tarafndan kamuoyuna duyurulan eylem planyla, ulusal ve uluslararas pazarda etkili olmak isteyen sektrn nndeki engellerin kaldrlmas hedefleniyor.

    K FARKLI HEDEF N 27 EYLEM PLANITrkiyenin ok daha byk bir potansiyel tadn vurgu-layan Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakan Nihat Ergn, sektrn nndeki sreci doru ynetebilmek iin bir yol haritas ha-zrladklarn syledi. Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakan Nihat Ergn, sektrnn imajn ykseltmek ve kresel pazar pay-n artrmak vizyonuyla, Kalite ve Verimlilii Artrmak ve ve D Pazarda Ticaret ve Rekabet artlarnn Korunmas ve yiletirilmesi balklaryla iki farkl hedef iin 27 eylem belirlediklerini aklad.

    KALEBODUR UZUN BR DNEM SEKTRN SM OLDUKonumasnda, Kalebodurun uzun bir dnem seramik sek-trnn ismi olarak kullanldn ifade eden Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakan Nihat Ergn, Trkiyede baz rnlerin yakn gemiine baktmzda unu gryoruz; bir dnem insanlar evlerine mozaik yaptryorlard, sonra ini karo yap-trmaya baladlar. Sonra da dediler ki Kalebodur yapt-ralm. Kalebodur, btn bu sektrn adeta ismi olmaya balad uzunca bir dnem. Halen bu devam ediyor. te bunda brahim Aabeyin (Kale Grubunun kurucusu b-rahim Bodur) ok byk rol, katks var. Seramik sektrnn gerekten duayeni saylan bir bymzle bugn birlikte olmaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz dedi.

    STRATEJ BELGES SEKTRE IIK TUTUYORSeramik Sektr Strateji Belgesi ve Eylem Plannn zel sektre k tuttuunu belirten Trkiye Seramik Federasyonu Bakan Zeynep Bodur Okyay, Sektrmz adna son yl-larda atlan en mhim admlardan biri olarak grdm bu alma, lkemiz iin nemli bir srdrlebilirlik unsuru ola-rak grdmz devlet ve zel sektr ibirlii ilkesine en kayda deer rneklerden birisi oldu dedi.

    Ceramic Industry Strategic Document and Action Plan creating significant opportunities and drawing the course of ceramic industry goes into effect. Ce-ramic Industry Strategy Document and Action Plan, prepared through colla-boration of government and the private sector was launched upon an announ-cement by Minister for Science, Industry and Technology Nihat Ergn. With the vi-sion of raising the image and increasing the global market share of the ceramic industry, the action plan prepared under the leadership of Minister for Science, In-dustry and Technology Nihat Ergn reve-als the roadmap of the industry. With the action plan announced to the public

    by Minister for Science, Industry and Technology Nihat Ergn at the promotion meeting attended by Turkish Exporters Assembly President Mehmet Bykeki, Turkish Ceramic Federation President Zeynep Bo-dur Okyay and leaders of the business world, it is aimed to eliminate the obstacles in front of the industry desiring to be effective in the na-tional and international markets.

    27 ACTION PLANS FOR TWO SEPARATE TARGETS Stressing that Turkey bears a much larger potential, Minister for Sci-ence, Industry and Technology Nihat Ergn said that they prepa-red a roadmap for managing the process before the industry pro-perly. Minister for Science, Industry and Technology Nihat Ergn announced that with the vision of raising the image and increa-sing the global market share of the industry, they set 27 actions for two separate targets under the headings Increasing Quality and Productivity and Conservation and Improvement of Trade and Competition Conditions in the Local and International Markets.

    KALEBODUR WAS THE NAME OF THE INDUSTRY FOR A LONG TIME PERIOD Noting that Kalebodur has been used as the name of the ce-ramic industry for a long time in his speech, Minister for Science, Industry and Technology Nihat Ergn remarked Looking at the recent history of certain products in Turkey, we see this; for a while people had mosaics built in their homes, then they started to have tiles made. Then they said Lets have Kalebodur. Kalebodur, for a long time, almost became the name of the whole industry. It is still so. Here, Ibrahim Aabey (Founder of Kale Group Ibrahim Bodur) has had a great role, contribution in this. We are so happy today to be together with an elder who is the true doyenne of the ceramic industry.

    STRATEGY DOCUMENT SHEDS LIGHT ON THE INDUSTRY Turkish Ceramic Federation President Zeynep Bodur Okyay, who pointed out that Ceramic Industry Strategy Document and Action Plan sheds light on the private sector, said, This work, which I see to be one of the most important steps taken in recent years in the name of our industry, has been one of the most notable specimens of the principle of collaboration of government and private sector which we see as one of the important sustainability elements for our country.

    Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013 seramik 19

  • RKETLERMZ ULUSAL PLANLARDAN YARARLANIYORSeramik sektrnn ilk ulusal strateji planna kavutuunu ifade eden Zeynep Bodur Okyay, Yllar boyu ou za-man el yordamyla yrdmz yollarda imdi bu planlar bizlere k tutuyor. irketlerimiz kendi stratejik planlarn ya-parken, yatrmlarn tasarlayp rnlerini gelitirirken, AR-GE admlarn atarken artk bu ulusal ve sektrel makro planla-rn alfabesinden yararlanyor diye konutu.

    40 MLYAR DOLARLIK LER SERAMK PAZARINDAN NEDEN PAY ALMAYALIM? Seramik artk sadece seramik olmaktan kmtr diyen Zeynep Bodur Okyay, uzay, savunma ve havaclk sanayii, enerji retim ve iletimi, stma ve soutma, otomotiv, yeni evre teknolojileri, elektronik sanayi gibi en hzl teknoloji ge-litiren sektrlerde seramik rnleri kullanldn vurgulad. leri seramik malzemelerin dnyadaki pazarnn 40 milyar dolan seviyesinde olduunun altn izen Zeynep Bodur Ok-yay, bu alana Neden bu pazardan pay almayalm diye baktklarn syledi.

    SEKTRMZ DNYA DEVLERYLE REKABETE GRDTrk seramik sektrnn karo ihracatnda dnya 4ncs, seramik salk gerelerinde ise Avrupann en byk retici-si ve ihracats olduunu kaydeden Zeynep Bodur Okyay, unlar syledi: Trk seramik sektr, bir zamanlar dnya-nn ulalmaz seramik devleri olarak grlen talya ve s-panya ile artk sk bir rekabete girdi. Sektrmz, kendisini gl klan zelliklerle dnya seramik retiminin daha da nemli bir oyuncusu olmaya namzettir. Kamu ve zel sek-trn stlenecei sorumluluklar belirlendiHem kamu hem de zel sektrn zerine den sorumluluklar tarif eden nemli maddelerin de bulunduu stratejide; sektrn ihti-ya duyduu teknik standartlar, yeniliki rnlerin retim ve satna ynelik tevik mekanizmalar, yeni ham mad-de aratrmalar, sektrde piyasa denetiminin glendi-rilmesi, ihracat kredilerinin bytlmesi ve KOB ortak giriimlerinin desteklenmesi ile ilgili balklar ne kyor.

    OUR COMPANIES NOW MAKE USE OF NATIONAL PLANS Zeynep Bodur Okyay, pointing out that the ceramic industry has got its first national strategy plan, added, Now, these plans pave the way for us on these roads we took mostly with the aid of hands through the years. When making their own strategic plans and design their investments and develop their products, taking steps on R&D, our companies now make use of the alphabet of these national and sectoral macro plans.

    WHY NOT TAKE A SHARE OF THE ADVANCE CERAMIC MARKET OF 40 BILLION DOLLARS? Noting that Ceramic has not just ceramic any more, Zeynep Bodur Okyay stressed that in sectors developing technology most rapidly like space, defence end aviation, energy produc-tion and transmission, heating and cooling, automotive, new environmental technologies and electronics, ceramic ware are in use. Underscoring that advance ceramic materials have a world market of about 40 billion Dollars, Zeynep Bodur Okyay said that they looked at this field saying, Why not pick up a sha-re of this market?

    OUR INDUSTRY IS IN COMPETITION WITH WORLD GIANTS Stating that the Turkish ceramic industry is 4th in the world in the exports of tile and the largest manufacturer and exporter in Euro-pe in ceramic sanitary ware, Zeynep Bodur Okyay added, The Turkish ceramic industry is now in a fierce competition with Italy and Spain which seemed to be inaccessible ceramic giants of the world at a time. Our industry, with its characteristics making it mighty, is a candidate to become even a further significant pla-yer of global ceramic production. Responsibilities to be assu-med by government and private sector set The strategy, which contains important items described in the responsibilities falling both on the government and also the private sector, features headings like; technical standard needed by the industry, subsidy mechanisms for production and sale of innovative pro-ducts, new raw material research, strengthening of market supervision in the industry, enlargement of export loans and support of SMSE joint ventures.

    20 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

    bizden / from us

  • 22 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

    haber / news

    Seramik Salk Gereleri reticileri Dernei (SERSA), TSE stan-dartlarnn gzden geirilmesi, standartlarn retici firmalar ve TSE tarafndan farkl yorumlanmas nedeni ile retici firmalarn yaad zorluklar hakknda bir toplant dzenledi. 5 Aralk 2012 tarihinde Trkiye Seramik Federasyonu (SERFED) binasn-da gerekletirilen toplantda bakanlk seimi yenilendi ve SEREL firmasndan Fsun Yldrm tekrar bakanla seildi.

    TOPLANTIDA ALINAN DER KARARLAR SE UNLARDI: Teknik kurul yelerinin tamamnn ayna komitesine de ye

    olmas, teknik kurul almalarnn ayna komitesi al-malar ile beraber yrtlmesi,

    takm ve balant hortumu tedarik eden tedariki firmalarn EN 14124, EN 13618 ve boaltma vanas g-venilirlii deklarasyonlarnn TSE tarafndan kabul edilmesi ynnde gr bildirilmesi,

    ye olduklar halde Trk Standartlarndaki revizyonlarnn firmalara gnderilmediinin TSEye bildirilmesi,

    Tst EN 997 madde su ile doyurulma sresinin 15+15/-10 sn olarak deitirilmesinin TSEye bildirilmesi,

    Tst EN 997 madde etv scaklnn 110 5 oC olarak TSEye bildirilmesi,

    EN 14055 rezervuar standardnn takm ya da monoblok olarak sa-tlan rezervuarlar kapsamad, bu tip rezervuarlarn EN 997ye tabi olduunun Fransa CSTB tarafndan da teyit edildii bildirilmitir.

    TS EN 33 5. sayfadaki rn resimlerin hatal olduunun TSEye bildirilmesi, TS EN 13407 standardndaki hatalarn dzeltilmesi konusu-

    nun TSEnin i programnda olduu bildirilmitir. TS EN 14688 madde 4.3n ok tabakal lavabolara ait

    olduu iin ssg reticilerini kapsamad, bu konuda LGA ve CSTBnin grlerinin TSE ye iletilmesi,

    TS EN 14527 madde 4.3.4n ok tabakal lavabolara ait olduu iin ssg reticilerini kapsamad,

    TS EN 13310 madde 4.4 ve 4.5in ok tabakal lavabolara ait olduu iin ssg reticilerini kapsamad

    Ceramic Sanitary Ware Manufacturers Association (SERSA) held a conference for reviewing TSE standards and difficulties faced by manufacturers due to interpretation differently of standards by manufacturers and TSE. At the meeting held at Turkish Ceramic Federation (SERFED) building on December 5, 2012, the election for chairmanship was renewed and Fsun Yldrm from SEREL was elected once again as chair.

    OTHER RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED AT THE MEETING WERE AS FOLLOWS: The entirety of technical committee members be also mem-

    bers of the mirror committee, that technical committee activi-ties are conducted together with mirror committee activities,

    Opinion be cited that EN 14124 and EN 13618 and discharge valve reliability declarations of suppliers supplying interior and connection hoses be accepted by TSE,

    TSE be notified that Turkish Standard revisions are not sent to firms although they are members,

    TSE be notified that in Tst EN 997 article, water saturation time be revised as 15+15/-10 sec.,

    TSE be notified that kiln temperature in Tst EN 997 article is 110 5 oC,

    That EN 14055 tank standard does not cover tanks sold as a set or monoblocks, and that such type of tanks being governed by EN 997 is also confirmed by CSTB France,

    TSE be notified that product pictures in TS EN 33 page 5 are er-roneous,

    Correction of mistakes in TS EN 13407 is in TSEs work program, That as TSE EN 14688 article 4.3 is for multi-layer washbasins, it

    does not involve ceramic sanitary ware manufacturers; and opinions of LGA and CSTB in this regard be notified to TSE,

    That TS EN 14527 article 4.3.4 does not involve ceramic sanitary ware manufacturers as they are for multi-layer washbasins,

    That TS EN 13310 articles 4.4 and 4.5 do not involve ceramic sanitary ware manufacturers as they are for multi-layer wash-basins

    Seramik Salk Gereleri reTiCileri derNeiNiN SoN ToPlaNTS Serfed BiNaSNda GerekleTirildithe latest meetiNG of CeramiC saNitary ware maNufaCturers assoCiatioN held at serfed buildiNG

  • la commedia a soggetto.meTiNSiz komedila commedia a soggetto.a Comedy without sCriptSeramik sanats Serdar Aslan, ilk kiisel seramik hey-kel ve illstrasyon sergisini, zmir talyan Konsolosluu katklaryla, zmir talyan Kltr Merkezinde zmirli izleyi-cilerle buluturdu. 28 Ocak 11 ubat 2013 tarihlerin-de gerekleen sergisinde Aslan, Commedia dell Arte karakterleri ile birlikte insan Maske ilikisini irdeliyor. Aslan, sergisiyle ilgili unlar sylyor: evresinden ve en nemlisi kendisinden uzaklaan bizlerin, maskelerin-den arnp kendi karakterlerini yaamalarn neriyorum. Onlar zel yapan, bilinmezlikler ierisindeki sradanlk-lardr. nsanlarn sosyal yaamlarnda edindikleri effaf maskelerin, baz zamanlarda kendilerine uymadn hatrlatarak bu konu zerine dnmelerini istedim. Bana ilham veren, 16. ve 17. yzyl talyan sokak tiyatro-su Commedia dell Arte karakterleri; Arlecchino, Zanni, Pulcinella, Il Dottore, Il Capitano, Pantalone, Bauta ve Brighelladan yardm alarak bu dncelerimi sanat yoluyla somutlatrdm. almalarda maskeyi n plana kartarak karakterlerin stlendii roller ile uyumlar ze-rine nermeler gelitirdim. Yzlerdeki sradanlklar bilinli bir ekilde ortaya kartarak yaamlarnda her zaman maske takmak zorunda kalan bireyleri yanstmaya a-ltm. nsanlar maskesiz ekilde dnnce, baskn ya da snk karakterini grebilmek, hissedebilmek mm-kn olabiliyor. Fakat maskeleri altnda gizlendikleri ka-rakterin bir paras hatta klesi olduklar andan itibaren kendimi gereksiz bir oyunun ierisinde teki oyuncu gibi hissediyorum. nemli olan MASKE oluyor ve asl karak-ter kendinden ve evresinden farkna bile varamadan uzaklayor. Gereksiz bir gizeme, karanla ve bilin-mezlie doru srkleniyor. Gerek hayatn ierisinde, doalama ve ou zaman ko-mik duruma dt bir oyun sergilenmeye balyor. Sergiyi la commedia a soggetto. Profesyonel olduklarn zanneden maske gdml amatrlerin metinsiz ko-medisi olarak adlandrdm.

    Ceramic fine artist Serdar Aslan brought to viewers from Izmir his first solo ceramic sculpture and illustrati-on exhibition at Izmir Italian Culture Center with cont-ributions from Izmir Italian Consulate. At his show held from January 28 until February 11, 2013, Aslan deals with, alongside of Commedia dell Arte characters, the relationship of the human being Mask. Aslan had this to say on his exhibition: I propose that we, who are getting distanced from their environment and most importantly, ourselves, should get rid of the-ir masks and live their own characters. What makes them special is their ordinariness within the unknown. Reminding that the transparent masks acquired by people in their social lives sometimes dont fit them-selves, I wanted them to think about this. Getting sup-port from those inspired me, 16th and 17th Century Italian street theater Commedia dell Arte characters; Arlecchino, Zanni, Pulcinella, Il Dottore, Il Capitano, Pantalone, Bauta and Brighella, I put these thoughts of mine into concrete form through art. Stressing the mask in my works, I developed propositions on the har-mony of characters with the roles they took on. I tried to reflect the individuals who have to wear a mask all the time in their lives, revealing the ordinariness in the faces consciously. Thinking of people without masks, it becomes possible to see and feel their dominant or weak characters. But I find myself as the other player in an unnecessary play once they become a part or even slave of the character in whom they hide under their masks. The MASK becomes important and the real character is distant from himself and his environ-ment without even being aware of it. He drifts towards an unnecessary mystery, darkness and the unknown. A play starts to be displayed in real life which is imp-rovised and most of the time, he becomes comical. I call the exhibition la commedia a soggetto, the non-scripted comedy of mask-guided amateurs thin-king they are professional.

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    Galeri fede BUlUma 2MEETING 2 IN GALLERY FE Galeri FEnin ev sahiplii yapt 21 Aralk 2012- 9 Ocak 2013 tarihleri arasnda gerekleen BULUMA 2 sergisi modern Trk sanatndan geni bir yelpazeyi arlad. Sergide yer alan sanatlar arasnda Avni Arba, Filiz Baaran, Eti Behar, Tuba nder Demirciolu, Ayten Yeti Dou, Devrim Erbil, Abit Gner, Mahir Gven, Ergin nan, Zeki Faik zer, Mbin Orhon, Mustafa Pilevneli, Sleyman Saim Tekcan, Adnan Turani, Burhan Uygur gibi usta isimler vard. Byle bir sergi ve-silesiyle Galeri FE, modern Trk sanatnda grlen slupsal eitliliin yan sra sanat tarihinde yaanan dnm izlemeyi mmkn kld. Serginin bir dier yn ise heykel ve resim gibi sanatn farkl kollarn bir arada sunmakt. BULUMA 2 sergisi Tuba nder Demirciolunun seramik sanatna getirdii yeni yaklamlar gzlemlemek iin gzel bir zemin oldu. Sanatnn kulland malzemeyi ok farkl uygula-malarla sunduu yaptlar, tad nitelikli kurgusallyla da adeta izleyicileri byledi. zellikle insanln varoluuna, bu varoluun tad anlam katmanlarna deinen sanatnn seramiiyle can verdii bedenleri kefetme yolculuu heyecan vericidir. Bu beden-leri bir strktr, bir yap olarak tasvir etmeyi reddeden Tuba nder Demirciolu, onlara hayatn ok samimi bir perspektifinden bakarak can katar. nk insan olmak bir sreci tar. te bu sreci fark eden ve fark ettiren sanat yaptlarn olutururken her bir katman insanln ontolojisi zerine yapt derin incelemelere dayandrm-tr. Bylece gelien hayatla ve geen zamanla birlikte insan teklik-ten oklua eriir. zleyici iin byle bir karlama kukusuz gl bir insanlk deneyimi salar.

    The exhibition MEETING 2 held from December 21, 2012 to January 9, 2013 hosted by Galeri FE played host to a wide spectrum of modern Turkish art. There were master names like Avni Arba, Filiz Baaran, Eti Behar, Tuba nder Demirciolu, Ayten Yeti Dou, Devrim Erbil, Abit Gner, Mahir Gven, Ergin nan, Zeki Faik zer, Mbin Orhon, Mus-tafa Pilevneli, Sleyman Saim Tekcan, Adnan Turani and Burhan Uy-gur among the attendees of the exhibition. On the occasion of such an exhibition, Galeri FE made it possible to view the stylistic diversity in the modern Turkish art and also the transformation in art history. Yet, another aspect of the exhibition was to present different disciplines of art together like sculpture and art. The exhibition MEETING 2 was a good platform to observe new approaches introduced by Tuba n-der Demirciolu to the art of ceramics. The works, where the artist pre-sented the material she used with very diverse applications, almost charmed the viewers with the high quality scenarios they bear. The jo-urney of discovering the bodies given life by her ceramic of the artist, touching upon especially the existence of humanity and the layers of meaning borne by such existence, is exciting. Tuba nder Demir-ciolu, refusing to depict such bodies as a structure, a construction, adds life to them looking at them from a very profound perspective of life. Because being a human involves a process. So the artist, who no-tices and causes to be noticed this process when forming her works, has relied each layer on her profound examination of the ontology of humanity. Hence, the individual achieves plurality from singularity with advancing life and elapsing time. Such an encounter undoubtedly ensures a mighty human experience for the viewer.

    26 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

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    Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013 seramik 27

    Mustafa Aatekin 23 Ocak-9 ubat 2013 tarihleri arasnda An-kara Nurol Sanat Galerisinde at kiisel cam sergisiyle yeni dnem almalarn izleyenlerin beenisine sundu. Sanat sergide yer alan eserlerinde fzyondan (cam ii seramik) el boyama vitraya, frn dkmden scak cam fleme ve serbest ekillendirmeye kadar farkl tekniklerde rettii cam eserleri sanatseverlerle buluturdu. Sekizinci kiisel sergisini aan sanat, Camsiparane adyla dzenledii serginin temasn yle aklyor:Cansiparane; cann verircesine, zveriyle m-cadele etme Hayatmzda en zorlandmz, en nemli, en utaki direnlerimizi tanmla-yan bir szcktr cansiperane. ok y-lan, biriken olmazlarmzn, uzun zahmetli, ac, dram ve zorluk-lar iinde oluveriini anlatr. Cansiparane bazen srecin sonunda bir olumlamadr, vgdr tm olup bitene, talandrr yorgunluu. Ba-zen de tm bu sre sonuna dair kk bir beklentidir. Her sa-nat yenilenmek, var olabilmek iin kendi malzemesiyle syler syleyecei-ni; benimse szm camladr. retim s-reci zahmetlidir, emek, sabr ve disiplinli bir tempo ister. Cam ile sylemek cansi-perane bir diren tar iinde, kar duru, ide-al, ama ve mcadele hep vardr. Bu yzden hayata ve sanata kar cansiparane bir duru gerekir. Bu sergide yer alan almalar tm bu olularn, direnlerin camlaarak formlarda vcut bulmasdr. Bu balamda Camsiparane zn-de kiisel bir i dkmde haykrn ta kendisidir.

    Mustafa Aatekin exhibited his new period works with the solo glass exhibition he held at Ankara Nurol Art Gallery from January 23 to February 9, 2013. The fine artist brought to art lovers at the

    exhibition his glass works created by different techniques ranging from fusion (intra-glass ceramic) to hand painted

    stained glass, from kiln casting to hot glass blowing and free forming. The artist, opening his eighth solo show describes the theme of the exhibition he held with the name Camsiparane: Cansiparane; to fight, to give your life with sac-

    rifice Cansiparane is a word describing our stands we have more difficulty with that are

    most important at the very extreme in our lives. It explains formation of our highly accumulated deposited negatives wit-

    hin long, tiresome, painful drama and hardships. Cansiparane sometimes is

    an affirmation at the end of a pro-cess, is a praise to whats going on;

    it crowns fatigue. And sometimes it is a small expectation regar-ding the end of all this process. Each fine artist says what he has

    to say with his own material to rejuvenate, to exist; my expression,

    on the other hand, is with glass. The production process is difficult; it requires

    labor, patience and a disciplined pace. Saying with glass involves a cansiparane (self-sacrificing) resistance within it-self. There is withstanding ideal purpose and struggle all there. The-refore, you have to have a cansiparane stance against life and art. The works contained in this exhibition is the materialization of all these objects and stands in forms through vitrification. In this sense, Camsiparane in essence is the scream itself, in a self outpour.

    Cam SerGiSi aNkara NUrol SaNaT GaleriSiNdeGlass exhibitioN at aNkara Nurol art Gallery


  • sergi / exhibition

    28 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013


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    Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013 seramik 29

    Figen Iktans show titled Time was opened to viewers at Antalya State Fine Arts Gallery in the summer months of 2012. This exhibition featuring the most recent period works of Iktan focused on the concepts of TIME and LIFE. Science and technology, digital age and rapidly consumed time Change Time and Life These concepts transform into form and surface research in Iktans work with printing techniques frequently meeting with pictorial expression on ceramic surfaces. Figen Iktann Zaman adl sergisi, 2012nin yaz aylarnda arasnda Antalya Devlet Gzel Sanatlar Galeri-sinde izleyicilerle bulutu. Iktann son dnem almalarnn yer ald bu sergi ZAMAN ve YAAM kavram-lar zerinde younlamaktayd. Bilim ve teknoloji, dijital a ve hzla tkenen zaman Deiim Zaman ve Yaam Bu kavramlar, Iktann almalarnda form ve yzey aratrmalarna dnmekte, seramik yzeylerinde bask teknikleri resimsel anlatmla ska bulumaktadr.

  • sergi / exhibition

    30 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

    ToTemler kaPadokyadaKoreli Seramik sanats Kim Yong Moonun seramiklerinden ve fotoraf sanats Ahmet zyurtun fotoraflarndan oluan sergi, Kore Kltr Merkezinin Ankaradaki galerisinde izleyicilerle bulutu. Kim Yong Moon, seramik zerine olan hayallerinin pe-ine derken, yaamn neredeyse seramik retmeye ve bu seramiklerini piirecei frnlar ina etmeye adam bir sanat. Ha-cettepe niversitesi GSF Seramik Blmnde almakta olup, son yla birok sergi, Macsabal Frn ve 3 lkede organizas-yonunu yapt Macsabal Festivallerini sdrd. Tm bu almalarna ilave olarak bu kez karmza totemleriyle kyor. Korede uzun yllar nce alm olduu totemleri, yeni yorumlar katarak Trk izleyicilerle tekrar buluturuyor. Kim Yong Moonun Ahmet zyurt ile tanmas zerine fotoraf ekimi iin Ankaradan Kapadokyaya tanan totemler, zyurtun fotoraf yorumlaryla artk Kapadokyal olmular. Farkl bir corafya ve kltre ait bu totemler, bambaka bir corafyada adeta evlerine kavumu gibiler. Fotoraflarda Kapadokyann doal dokusu ve totemler uyum iinde grlyor. Bu totemler; elle ekillendirilmi, yksek boyutlu seramiklerdir ve Kim Yong Moonun Hacettepe niversitesi Gzel Sanatlar Fakltesi Seramik Blmne kazandrd kendi frnnda, 1300 0Cde pimilerdir. Ahmet zyurt ve Kim Yong Moonun Kore Kltr Merkezindeki karma sergileri, 10 Mart 2013 tarihine kadar gezilebilir.

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    Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013 seramik 31

    totems iN CappadoCiaThe exhibition comprising ceramic ware of Korean Fine Artist Kim Yong Moon and photography artist Ahmet zyurt met viewers at Korean Culture Centers gallery in Ankara. While Kim Yong Moon pursued his dreams on ceramics, he is a fine artist who dedicated his life almost to producing ceramics and building the kilns in which he would fire such ceramic ware. He is with Hacettepe University Faculty of Fine Arts Ceramic Department, managing to fit numerous exhibitions, macsa-bal kilns and macsabal festivals he organized in three countries into the last three years. In addition to all this, he now appears before us with his totems. He reintroduces the totems he worked on many ye-ars ago in Korea to Turkish viewers, adding new interpretations. The totems carried from Ankara to Cappadocia for photo shoots when Kim Yong Moon met Ahmet zyurt, now became Cappadocians with the photographic interpretations of zyurt. These totems from a different geography and culture have almost found a home in a total and dif-ferent geography. Cappodocias natural texture and the totems seem to be in harmony in the photos. These totems are handcrafted, large sized ceramic ware and were fired at 1300 0C in Kim Yong Moons own kiln he built for Hacettepe University, Faculty of Fine Arts Ceramics De-partment. The mixed exhibition by Ahmet zyurt and Kim Yong Moon at Korean Culture Center may be visited until March 10, 2013.

  • 32 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

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    romaNya milli GN kUTlamalarNda yldz iBram SerGiSiyildiz ibram exhibitioN at rumaNia NatioNal day CelebratioNs

  • Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013 seramik 33

    Romanya Milli Gn ve Romen Diplo-masisinin 150. Yl Dileri Bakanlnda alan iki ayr sergi ile kutland. Dileri Bakanl ve Romanya Bykeliliinin birlikte dzenledikleri Trk-Romen Kl-trnn ortak akm isimli fotoraf ser-gisi ve Yldz bramn Toprak ile Ykse-len htiam temal seramik sergisi ald. Sergilerin aln Bykeli Mstear Yar-dmcs Hasan G yapt. Sergi al-na Romanyann Ankara Bykelisi Radu Onofrei de katld. 03-10 Aralk 2012 tarihleri arasnda T.C. Dileri Bakanl Suna okgr Ilcak Sanat Galerisinde gerekletirilen sergisinin al koktey-linde yapt konumada sanat Yldz bram unlar syledi: Sayn Mstear, Sayn Romanya bykelisi, Deerli Ko-nuklar, Ekselanslarnz, Deerli Bayanlar ve Baylar Romanya Milli Gn ve Ro-men Diplomasisinin 150. yl dolaysyla, Trkiye Cumhuriyeti Dileri Bakanl ve Romanya Bykeliliinin birlikte d-zenledikleri bu zel karlama vesilesi ile eserlerimin sergilenmesinden dolay minnet duyuyorum ve teekkrlerimi sunuyorum. Burada bulunmak benim iin onur vericidir. Romanya doumlu bir Trk olarak, her iki milletin kltrne srekli etkileim iinde kalarak ok zen-gin olan sanatsal anlatmlar yakndan yaam olmam benim bir ayrcalktr, bundan dolay ok mutluyum. Eserlerim, sanatsal kiiliimde esas olarak var olan Trk ve Romen kltrlerinin arasndaki birliktelik ve iletiimin bir ifadesidir. Sergi-yi btn itibariyle beeneceinizi mit ediyorum ve tekrar bu serginin gerek-lemesine vesile olan herkese ve bu akam burada sizinle bir arada bulunma ansn ev sahiplii yaparak imkan salayan galeriye kranlarm sunuyorum.

    Rumanian National Day and 150th Year of Rumanian Diplomacy were celebrated with two separate exhibitions held at Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The photograph exhibition en-titled Common stream of Turkish-Rumanian Culture organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Rumanian Embassy and Yldz Ibrams ce-ramic show with the theme Magnificence Ri-sing with Earth were opened. The exhibitions were inaugurated by Ambassador Deputy Undersecretariat Hasan G. Rumanias Ambassador to Ankara, Radu Onofrei, atten-ded opening of the exhibition. In the speech she gave in the opening cocktail party of the exhibition held at Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs Suna okgr Ilcak Art Gallery from December 03 to December 10, 2012, fine artist Yldz Ibram said: Esteemed Under-secretary, Esteemed Rumanian Ambassador, Esteemed Guests, Your Excellencies, Valued Ladies and Gentlemen I am grateful as my works are exhibited on the occasion of this special function organized together with Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Rumanian Embassy on the occasion of Rumanian National Day and year 150 of Ru-manian diplomacy and would like to express my thanks. It is a great honor to be here for me. As a Rumania-born Turk, it is a privilege for me that I have experienced the very rich artistic expressions closely remaining in con-tinuous interaction with the cultures of both nations, I am so happy for that. My works are statements of the union and communication between the Turkish and Rumanian cultures which actually exist in my artistic personality. I hope that as a whole you will appreciate the exhibition and once again, I would like to exp-

    ress my gratitude to everyone who was instrumental in this exhibition taking place and the gallery, which gave me the chance to be here with you this evening, hosting the event.

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  • 34 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

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    klTrleraraS diyaloGBerlin Bakonsolosluu ve Sakarya niversitesi Gzel Sanat-lar Fakltesi ibirliiyle dzenlenen Kltrleraras Diyalog /InterkulturellerDialog balkl sergi getiimiz Ekim aynda Berlin Trkevinde gerekletirildi. Sergide; resim, heykel, seramik ve tekstil disiplinlerinden alt sanatnn 21 eseri yer ald. Sergide eserleri yer alan Hayriye Ko Baara, Nilgn Bilge, Mustafa Erden, Murat Ertrk, Neslihan zgen ve Didem Ati zhekim; kltrleraras etkileim sayesinde var olan toplumsal farkndalklar sanatn diliyle arttrmak ve olu-acak yeni kltrel yapya sanatla tanklk etmek amacyla yola ktlar. Sakarya niversitesi Gzel Sanatlar Fakltesi Dekan Prof. Nilgn Bilgenin iftetelli ve Horon adl heykel-leri; geleneksel Trk danslarn-daki ritim, uyum, dayanma ve dengeyi dile getirirken, At isimli heykeli savata eini, sev-diklerini, evlatlarn kaybeden kadnlarn haykrn biimlen-dirmekteydi. Seramik sanats Mustafa Erden ise eserlerinde sava temasn iki farkl bak as ile deerlendirdi. Bedel balkl almasnda Kurtu-lu savanda kanla ve canla denen hakl bir mcadelenin bedelini sunarken, Vebalde devlerin (lider, kral, padiah, bakan vs.) iktidar hrs iin top-lumlar haksz yere, birbirleriyle arptrmalarn eletirdi.

    iNterCultural dialoGue The exhibition entitled InterkulturellerDialog held with collaborati-on of Berlin Chief Consulate and Sakarya University Faculty of Fine Arts was held in last October at Berlin Trkevi. Twenty-one works of six artists from art, sculpture, ceramic and textile disciplines took place in the exhibition. Hayriye Ko Baara, Nilgn Bilge, Mustafa Erden, Murat Ertrk, Neslihan zgen and Didem Ati zhekim, whose works are displayed in the exhibition, set out to enhance the social awareness that exist, thanks to intercultural interaction through the language of art and to witness through art the new cultural structure to be formed. While sculptures called iftetelli and Horon by Dean, Sakarya University Faculty of Fine Arts Prof. Nilgn Bilge, articulated the rhythm, harmony, solidarity and ba-

    lance in the traditional Turkish dances, the sculpture called At (Requiem) depicted the scream of women who lost their spouses, their loved ones, their children. Ceramic fine artist Mustafa Erden, on the other hand, dealt with the theme war in his works through two different perspectives. While he presented the price of a righ-tful struggle paid for blood and life in the War of Independence in his work entitled Bedel (Price), he criticized giants (leaders, kings, sultans, presidents, etc.) having societies fight with each other with no justification for their power ambition in Vebal (Blame).

    Mustafa Erden Vebal Blame from Mustafa Erden

    Nilgn Bilge Horon

    Horon from Nilgn Bilge

    Nilgn Bilge iftetelli

    iftetelli from Nilgn Bilge

  • sergi / exhibition

    Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013 seramik 35

    nsanlar sadece sanata ilgilerinin olduunu dnp ile-rinde var olan yetenei bugne kadar fark etmemi olabi-liyorlar. Okullardaki yetersiz sanat eitimleri ile doru yn-lendirilmemi ya da bu yetenekleri krelmi olabiliyor. Bu nedenle genellikle sanata ok uzak duruyorlar. Sanatsal alana girebilme ansn bulabilen insan says ok az. Bunu yenmeyi misyon edinmi bir sanat olarak Tuba nder Demirciolu daha fazla kiiyi sanatla i ie getirebilmek ve hayatlarnda yepyeni bir kap amak adna uzun yllar-dr atlyesinde, insan saran ve ken-di macerasna eken artistik seramik dersleri vermektedir. Marmara niversitesi Gzel Sanatlar Fakltesi Seramik ve Cam Anasanat dalnda Yksek Lisans ve Sanatta Yeter-lilik eitimini tamamlayan Tuba nder Demirciolunun almalar, yurtii ve yurtdnda dzenlenen pek ok sergi-de yer ald. Birok katalogda ve zel koleksiyonda eserleri bulunan sanat-nn, bitmeyen bir aray, dinmeyen bir heyecan ile kendi sanat felsefesini yanstan eserlerinin yan sra baka bir sevdas da bilgi ve birikimlerini, ilgisi ve yetenei olan istekli kiilere aktararak seramik sanatnn daha fazla yaylma-sn salamak. Demirciolu, bu ary iinde hisse-den, bu ie gnl verenler ile 2001 y-lndan beri atlyesinde almalarn srdrmektedir. Atlyede dier atlye almalarndan farkl olarak akademik eitime paralel hobiden teye gemeyi hedefleyen al-malar yaplmaktadr. Haftada gn yaplan dersler hem retim, hem meditasyon, hem de keyifli paylamlarla gzel dostluklarn kurulduu son derece huzurlu bir ortamda ger-eklemektedir. Tuba nder Demirciolunun atlyesine devam eden rencilerin nc Atlye Seramik Sergisi 16-31 Aralk 2012 tarihleri arasnda Byk Kulp sanat ga-lerisinde sanatseverler tarafndan izlendi. Bu sergide eser-leri yer alan, idem Aksakal, Deniz n, Didem De-miralp, Ferda rem Kaya Klolu, Nadia Koak ve zlem Menekay da, kilin bysne kaplarak yllardr bu serveni heyecanla yayorlar. 2011 ylndaki son sergilerinden son-ra 16-31 Aralk 2012 Byk Kulp Sanat Galerisinde sergi-ledikleri eserlerini, byk emekle, keyifle ve st teknikleri de barndran zengin bir skalada reterek, sanatseverler ile paylamann heyecann yaadlar.

    People, thinking that they are only interested in art, may not have noticed so far the talent they have. They may not have been gu-ided properly through the inadequate art education in schools or any talent they may have may be blunted. Therefore, generally they stay far away from art. The number of people who get the chance to get involved in the field of art is very small. As a fine artist, having made her mission to overcome this, Tuba nder De-mirciolu has been offering artistic ceramic courses which emb-race a person, drawing it to its own journey in her studio for a long

    time to be able to intertwine more peop-le with art, opening a brand new door in their lives. The works of Tuba nder Demirciolu, who completed her Masters and Art Proficiency education in Marmara Uni-versity Faculty of Fine Arts Ceramic and Glass Main Art Discipline, were exhibited in numerous shows organized locally and abroad. In addition to the works reflecting an unending quest, an unstoppable ex-citement and her own art philosophy of the artist who has works featured in many catalogs and private collections, another love of her is ensuring that the art of ce-ramic is spread more and more by con-veying her knowledge and accumulation to desirous people with interest and talent. Demirciolu has been pursuing her ac-tivities in her studio since 2001 with those feeling this call within themselves being committed to it. At the studio, unlike ot-her studio activities, work is carried out

    in parallel with academic courses, seeking to go beyond just a hobby. The courses offered three times a week take place in an extremely peaceful medium where beautiful friendships are set up through production, meditation and also pleasurable sharing. The third studio ceramic show of students attending Tuba nder Demirciolus studio were viewed by art lovers at Byk Kulp art gallery from December 16 to December 31, 2012. idem Aksa-kal, Deniz n, Didem Demiralp, Ferda rem Kaya Klolu, Nadia Koak and zlem Menekay, whose works were on display at the exhibition, have been going through this journey over the years being enchanted by clay. After their last show in 2011, they felt the excitement of creating their works they exhibited in Byk Kulp Art Gallery from December 16 to December 31, 2012 with great effort, with delight and in a rich scale accommodating su-perior techniques, living the excitement of sharing them with lo-vers of art.

    Seramik STdyo SerGiSi: Birlemeler CeramiC studio show:uNioNs

    Tuba nder Demirciolu

  • UlUSlararaS Seramik Sanatlar Derneinin hinDiStan bUlUmaSIndia Meeting of International Ceramic Artists Association

    etkinlik / event

    36 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

    Ira Chaudhuri

    Li Xinyi

    Chirayu Sinha Kumar

    Mutlu Bakaya

    Vineet Kacker

    Sally Walk

    Maro Kerossioti

    Alejandrina Cappadoro

    Shin JeongSoon

    M. Tzm Kzlcan

    Lee Middleman

    Iosifina Kosma

    Li Lizuyan

    Lee Bockyou

    Vinod Daroz

    Julia Repina

    Vilma Villaverde

    Trivani Tiwari

  • event / etkinlik

    Uluslararas Seramik Sanatlar Derneinin iki kez inin Zibo kentinde toplanarak gerekletirdii forum, sergi ve altaylarn ncs Li Ziyuann bakanlnda, Rakesh Agrawaln ev sahipliinde, Purushottam Dhumaln yneti-minde ve Hintli seramik sanats Madhur Senin koordina-trlnde Hindistann Baroda ehrindeki Uttrayan Sanat Vakf tesislerinde 31 Kasm-16 Aralk 2012 tarihleri arasnda byk bir baaryla gereklemitir. Aslnda kimya mhendisi olan ve Hindistan ekonomisine ok byk katk salayan Barodal iadam Rakesh Agra-wal, 2007 ylnda nehir kenarnda ald 50 dnmlk arazi-nin, 12 dnmlk ksmna Uttrayan Sanat Vakfn kurmutur. Plastic sanatlarn 5 dalnn mevcut olduu altay alanlar ve bu vakf arazisi, sanatlarn orada alp, rettikleri ya-ptlarla doludur. Bugne kadar ta heykel sempozyumlarna pek ok farkl lkeden pek ok sanat katlarak koleksiyonun gelime-sine katkda bulunmakta ve Rakesh Agrawal da vakfn kaplarn ve imkanlarn bu sanatlara cmerte aarak Hindistanda ve dnyada sanatn gelimesine katkda bu-lunmaktadr. Agrawal, yaklak 16 yldr sanata olan youn tutkusu ile oluturduu kabaca 2500 eserden oluan bir koleksiyona sahiptir. Bu koleksiyona; Uluslararas Seramik Sanatlar Dernei yelerinin gerek yanlarnda getirerek baladklar, gerekse orada alarak rettikleri seramik eserler de ilave olmutur. ok yaknda; tm koleksiyon ve

    The third one of the forums, exhibitions and workshops held by International Ceramic Artists Association meeting in the city of Zibo of China took place chaired by Li Ziyuan, hosted by Rakesh Agrawal, directed by Purushottam Dhumal, coor-dinated by Indian ceramic fine artist Madhur Sen with great success from November 31 to December 16, 2012, at Uttra-yan Art Foundation facilities in the city of Baroda of India. A businessman from Baroda, Rakesh Agrawal, who is actu-ally a chemical engineer who has made great contributions to Indian economy, has set up the Utrayan Art Foundation on a 12-donum section of a land of 50 donums he purcha-sed on river side in 2007. The workshop grounds and founda-tion land accommodating 5 disciplines of plastic arts are full of works worked on and created by fine artists there. Numerous fine artists from a lot of different countries have participated in the stone sculpture symposiums contribu-ting to the development of the collection with Rakesh Ag-rawal contributing to development of art in India and the world, opening the doors and facilities of the foundation to such artists generously. Agrawal owns a collection roughly comprising 2500 works he formed through his passion to-wards art over approximately 16 years. Ceramic works eit-her brought along and donated by or also created on the grounds by International Ceramic Artists Association mem-bers were added to this collection. Very shortly, the whole collection and ceramic works will be placed in a museum

    Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013 seramik 37

  • etkinlik / event

    38 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

    seramik eserler, vakf arazisinde 60.000 m2lik bir alana ina edilecek olan mze iine yerletirileceklerdir. Dernek yesi sanatlar ve Hintli sanatlar; doayla i ie, nehir kenarna tesis edilmi altay alanlarnda yaratclkla-rn kullanarak vakfa yeni eserler kazandrmlardr. Burada bir-likte alan Hintli sanatlarn Barodadaki eserlerinin bulun-duu mekanlar ziyaret edilirken, mze, saray, tapnak, Gzel Sanatlar Fakltesi ve Baroda Seramik Merkezi de ziyaret edi-len yerler arasndadr. Bu yl, Uluslararas Seramik Sanatlar Derneinden bu etkinlie; Li Ziyuan, Lee Middleman, Maro Kerossioti, Vilma Villaverde, M. Tzm Kzlcan, Mutlu Baka-ya, Alejandrina Cappadoro, Vineet Kacker, Iosifina Kosma, Lee Bockyou, Li Xinyi, Julia Repina, Shin Jeongsoon, Mad-hur Sen ve Sally Walk katlrken, Hindistandan ise; Ira Cha-udhuri, Jyotsna Bhatt, P. R. Daroz, Vinod Daroz, Chirayu Kumar Sinha ve Trivani Tiwari katlmlardr. Etkinlik srasnda sanatlarn eserlerinden oluan sergi, Uttrayan Sanat Vakfnn ehir mer-kezindeki sanat galerisinde gerek-lemi ve dernek sanatlarn ma-kalelerinden oluan 159 sayfalk bir kitap inde baslm ve sanatlara datlmtr. Seramik altay alann-da 2 byk, 1 kk gazl seramik frn ve 1 odun piirimi frn bulunmakta-dr. Ayrca Mutlu Bakaya, Uttrayan Sanat Vakf yneticisi Purushottam Dhumaln byk istek ve abala-ryla ve Baroda Gzel Sanatlar Fa-kltesi rencileri ve hocalarndan Jayanti Rabadiann katlmlaryla bir Kat Frn altay gerekle-tirmitir. Bu altaya Julia Repina, Triveni Tiwari, Chirayu Sinha Kumar, Vilma Villaverde, Alejandrina Cap-padoro ve Madhur Sen, yardmla-ryla byk katk salamlardr.

    to be built on an area of 60,000 m2 on foundation grounds. Association member artists and Indian artists have intro-duced new works to the foundation using their creativity on workshop areas set up within nature on the river bank. Spaces where the works of Indian artists working here to-gether are found in Baroda, were visited alongside of the museum, palace, temple, Faculty of Fine Arts and Baro-da Ceramic Center. This year, from International Ceramic Artists Association; Li Ziyuan, Lee Middleman, Maro Keros-sioti, Vilma Villaverde, M. Tzm Kzlcan, Mutlu Bakaya, Alejandrina Cappadoro, Vineet Kacker, Iosifina Kosma, Lee Bockyou, Li Xinyi, Julia Repina, Shin Jeongsoon, Mad-hur Sen and Sally Walk attended this event; with Ira Cha-udhuri, Jyotsna Bhatt, P. R. Daroz, Vinod Daroz, Chirayu Kumar Sinha and Trivani Tiwari attending from India.

    The exhibition made up of fine artists was held at the art gallery of Uttra-

    yan Art Foundation at the core of the city and a book of 159 pages comprising articles by association artists was printed in

    China and distributed to artists. The ceramic workshop gro-und accommodates 1 large, 2 small gas ceramic kilns and 1 wood firing kiln. Also, Mutlu Bakaya, through great desire

    and efforts of Uttrayan Art Foun-dation director Purushottam Dhu-mal and with participations of Ba-roda Faculty of Fine Arts students and instructor Jayanti Rabadia,

    held a Paper Kiln workshop. This workshop was supported by Julia Repina, Triveni Tiwari, Chirayu Sin-

    ha Kumar, Vilma Villaverde, Ale-jandrina Cappadoro and Madhur Sen by their efforts.

    P.R. Daroz

  • 40 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

    sylei / interview

  • Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013 seramik 41

    sylei / interview

    Nafi GRAL, Ktahya Porselen, Ktahya Seramik ve Ktahya Ambalaj tesislerinin bulunduu Ktahya Porselen San. A..nin Ynetim Kurulu Bakan. Ayn zamanda halen Ktahya Ticaret ve Sanayi Odas Ynetim Kurulu Bakanl grevini sr-drmekte. hayatnn ilk basama aa sanayi olmu. Daha sonra, madencilik, kiremit ve tula sanayi, porselen, seramik, vitrifiye, ambalaj, cam sektrlerinde ve turizm alanlarnda, yaklak 8400 kiinin hizmet verdii Grallar Grubunun bir ferdi olarak almalarn srdrmeye devam etmi. 2008 ylnda TBMM stn Hizmet dln alan Gral, Nafi Gral Eitim Vakfnn da kurucusu. Trkiye Seramik Sektrnn nde gelen isimlerinden Sayn Gral ile 50 yllk i yaam ve seramik ma-ceras hakknda konutuk.

    Nafi GRAL is the Chairman of the Board, Ktahya Porselen San. A.. comprising Ktahya Porselen, Ktahya Seramik and Ktahya Ambalaj. At the same time, he serves as Chairman of the Board of K-tahya Chamber of Trade and Industry. The first step in his business life was the forest industry. Then, he has continued to serve as a member of Grallar Group in the fields of mining, tile and brick industry, porcelain, ceramic, vitreous ware, packing and glass industries and tourism, employ-ing approximately 8,400 people. Recipient of Republic of Turkey Grand Assembly Superior Service Award in 2008, Nafi Gral is also the founder of Nafi Gral Education Foundation. We talked about his 50-year-long business life and his ceramic adven-ture with Mr. Gral, a leading name of the Turkish ceramic industry.


    F GRA

    L Hazrlayan: Prof. Dr. skender Ik



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  • 42 Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013

    HEr gN yEN Br HEyEcaNla gNE

    BalarIM BEN. HEyEcaNIM BENM Tc

    gcM olDuu N, gErEk HayaTIMDa

    gErEk sosyal soruMluluuMuN

    gErEkTrD alIMalarIM gErE yaPTIIM HEr BaNa

    ok HEyEcaN VErr.

    I start the day wIth a great new excItement

    every day. sInce excItement Is my drIvIng

    force, anythIng I do excItes me both In my

    busIness lIfe and also my socIal responsIbIlIty


    Aile olarak sanayileme ve istihdam alannda lkemize byk hizmetler verdiniz ve vermeye de devam ediyorsunuz. Bize Gral Grupun geliiminden bahseder misiniz?1961 ylnda babamn yannda i hayatna atldm. O tarihlerde kereste retimi yapyorduk. Aile olarak 1966 ve 1976 yllarnda iki otel ina ederek turizm sektr ile tantk. 1973 ylnda kmr madencilii, 1980 ve 1982 yllarnda iki kiremit fabrikas, 1984 ylnda Ktahya Porselen, 1989 ylnda Ktahya Seramik, 1994 ylnda ise Ktahya Ambalaj Gral Grubuna kattk. 52 yldr alyorum. Sanrm almaktan besleniyorum. Hayattaki tek korkum, almaktan uzaklamak.You offered and continue to offer great services to our country as a family in the fields of industrialization and employment. Could you tell us about how Gral Group developed? I joined the life of business beside my father in 1961. At the time, we were producing lumber. As a family, we got introduced to the tourism industry, building two hotels as a family in 1966 and 1976. We dealt with coal mining in 1973 and we introduced two tile factories in 1980 and 1982, Ktahya Porselen in 1984, Ktahya Seramik in 1989 and Ktahya Ambalaj in 1994 to the Gral Group. I have been working for 52 years. I believe Im nurtured by working. My only fear in life is to be distanced from working.

    sylei / interview

    ktahya Porselen fabrikas iinden bir grntAn nterior scene of the Ktahya Porselen fuctory

  • Mart Haziran 2013 / March June 2013 seramik 43

    Seramik sektrndeki yolculuunuza nasl baladnz? Ne-den bu sektre yatrm yapmay istediniz?Porselen retirken, ikinci bir sektr araynda olduk. Aray-larmz sonucunda, porselen ile ayn kkten gelen seramik retimine karar verdik. Seramik ve porselen, her ne kadar retim teknolojileri farkl olsa da znde doadan gelen minerallerin ate ile bulumasndan ibaret. Gerek porselen gerekse seramik ate ile bulumas ile hayat bulduu iin biz retimlerimizi Atete aan iekler olarak kabul edi-yor ve bu szleri sloganmz olarak kullanyoruz.

    Bu sektre girmenizden gnmze kadar, seramik konu-sunda Trk Seramik Sektr nasl bir deiim yaad?lk seramik retimi 1950li yllarda balad. Rekabet olma-d iin bu sektr olmas lazm gelen seviyede gerekle-medi. Ne zaman yeni yeni fabrikalar devreye girdi, rekabet balad ve rekabetle birlikte sektr gelime srecine girdi. Avrupada gerileyen seramik sektrnn bu gnk kapa-sitesine bakarsak, Trkiye miktar olarak Avrupada retim liderliini yakalad.

    Mutlaka alma hayatnzda yaadnz unutulmaz hatra-larnz olmutur. Unutamadnz bir annz bizimle paylar msnz?Alman Rozenthall firmasn almamz teklif edildi bize. Gittik, grdk, konutuk anlatmz sandmz bir anda elimiz-den kayd gitti. Neden alamadk? sorusunu aratrrken grdk ki, kresel tecrbe eksikliimiz bizi hayal krklna uratm. Hemen tecrbe eksikliimizi giderme alma-larna baladk. u anda Alman Mitterteich firmasnn sa-hibi olmak baarsn elde ettik. Bu baarlarmz daha da devam edecek.

    Bu sektrn bir Duayeni olarak niversitelerde bilhassa se-ramik mhendislii, sanat veya bilimi okuyan genlere neler tavsiye edersiniz? Gelecekleri iin nelere dikkat et-sinler? Ne gibi donanmlara sahip olmaya alsnlar?lerini ak derecesinde sevmeleri halinde baar gelir. Sevmiyorlarsa hi uramasnlar. Her alanda, seven insann neler yapabildiine yaantmzn her gnnde tank oluyo-ruz. rencilere genlere tavsiyem, i aramasnlar, kendi ilerini kursunlar. Kendi iini kurmak isteyenler iin en msait kulvardr seramik sektr.