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Page 2: Central You Say, We Pay - Project information 2014

Stronger Communities

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Project no: 1

Amount Requested £3,000 Project DescriptionStockport Drama Group have been working with MaD Theatre for about 1 ½ years and currently meet at Stockport Labour Club every Thursday.

They have been involved in writing and performing the successful ‘Pints of Swill and Pork Scratchings’ and ‘They’ve Just Nipped Out For Fags’. The group would like to continue to work with MaD to produce and perform more drama productions. The funding would pay for drama workshop leaders, props and costumes. Who will benefit? The group is open to anyone aged 6 years and over living in Central Stockport. 27 people will benefit (15 children and young people and 12 adults).

Stockport Drama Group and MaD TheatreProject Name: To Produce and Perform Drama


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Project no: 2

Amount Requested £2,990 Project DescriptionHOFFA has been providing fishing trips for adults on Lancashire Hill Estate for three years. They would like to provide fishing trips and a competition for adults living on Lancashire Hill and Hollywood Towers. Funding will pay for 10 fishing trips, fishing equipment, day tickets, publicity, minibus and trailer hire, refreshments, trophies and insurance. Who will benefit? Residents living in Hollywood Towers and on Lancashire Hill Estate. 30 adults will benefit.

HOFFA (Hooked on Family Fishing Association)Project Name: Fishing Trips and Competition for Hollywood Towers and Lancashire Hill Residents

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Project no: 3

Amount Requested £1,087 Project DescriptionLove Heaton Norris is a new group that is run by residents, school governors and staff from a local church. They all ‘Love Heaton Norris’ and aim to make it a better place to live, work and play. They want to work with local community champions, organise events, and promote all that is good about Heaton Norris. YSWP funding will pay for equipment, a website, publicity, stationery, refreshments and venue hire. Who will benefit? The group is based in Heaton Norris. They feel that everyone living, studying and working in Heaton Norris will benefit.

Love Heaton NorrisProject Name: Making Heaton Norris a great place to live

work and play

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Project no: 4

Amount Requested £3,000 Project DescriptionSpring Gardens Residents Group is a new group which would like to encourage more community activity on their estate. Residents would like to deliver activities for older people, deliver sports activities, and activities for children and young people. They would like to bring the community together by organising an event and a trip out. They would also like to promote what goes happens on the estate and develop themselves as a group through training. Who will benefit? The group is based on Spring Gardens Estate, just off St Mary’s Way. Approximately 240 residents live on Spring Gardens Estate.

Spring Gardens Residents GroupProject Name: Activities and Community Events

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Children and Young People

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Project no: 5

Amount Requested £2,935 Project DescriptionKidz Rule is a play group that meets at Heaton Norris Pavilion once a fortnight. The group would like to provide creative and messy activities for young children and purchase play equipment. They would like to fund first aid training for parents.

They would like to go on 2-3 trips during the year (Blue Planet, Monkey Forest, and Let Loose). Who will benefit? The group is based at Heaton Norris, but anyone is welcome.

60 people will benefit (35 children and young people and 25 adults).

Kidz RuleProject Name: Activities for Children, Courses for

Volunteers and Educational Trips for Families

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Project no: 6

Amount Requested £3,000 Project DescriptionRising Stars Chill Zone is a creative play and learn space for young people aged 7-13 years living around Central Stockport.

The project will run for up to 3 hours on Thursdays for 30 weeks at Lancashire Hill Community Centre. The project will help young people to improve their skills, self-esteem and confidence. Who will benefit? The group will meet at Lancashire Hill Community Centre, but is open to any young person that lives in Central Stockport. 15 children and young people will benefit.

Rising StarsProject Name: Chill Out Zone Plus

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Project no: 7

Amount Requested £3,000 Project DescriptionYoung Voices is a Radio and Media skill training workshop for young people aged 14-18 years old living in Central Stockport.

Young people will gain media and communication skills which will allow them to voice their views and that of the youth community in a positive way.

The young people will produce a series of radio shows after completing their training. YSWP funding will pay for sessional staff, publicity, refreshments, and studio hire. Who will benefit? The project will be delivered at Hallam Mill in Stockport, but is open to any young person that lives in Central Stockport. 10 young people will benefit.

Rising StarsProject Name: Young Voices

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Project no: 8

Amount Requested £3,000 Project DescriptionThe group meets every Tuesday at Lancashire Hill Community Centre and provides activities and events for families on Lancashire Hill Estate. They have put together a plan of activities, training and events for the year. This includes purchasing equipment to ensure the safety of the children, training for parents and other adults on the estate, and holding for community events. Who will benefit? The group is based on Lancashire Hill Estate. 80 people will benefit (45 children and young people and 35 adults).

Lancashire Hill Family GroupProject Name: Activities and Community Events for


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Project no: 9

Amount Requested £2,000 Project Description1st Heaton Norris Brownies and Guides meet at All Saints Church in Heaton Norris and is run by volunteers. They provide a safe environment for young girls to learn new skills, make friends, help their community and have fun. They would like to purchase camping equipment which would allow them to take the Brownies and Guides away to a camp. The girls will be involved in planning where they go. Who will benefit? The group meets at All Saints Church in Heaton Norris.

56 people will benefit (51 children and young people and 5 adults).

1st Heaton Norris Brownies and GuidesProject Name: Camping for Brownies and Guides

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Project no: 10

Amount Requested £3,000 Project DescriptionSt Thomas’ Praise and Play is a new parent/carer and baby/toddler group that runs every Tuesday morning at St Thomas’ Church near Mottram Street. They currently use donated equipment, but would like to purchase their own new equipment and storage for the play group. These toys would be educational, promote healthy lifestyles and promote multi-cultural and disability awareness. Who will benefit? The group meets at St Thomas’ Church near Mottram Street.

100 people will benefit (60 children and young people and 40 adults).

St Thomas’ Church Praise and PlayProject Name: Baby and Toddler Group

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Project no: 11

Amount Requested £2,960 Project DescriptionMETRA are a new Tenants and Residents Association established in April 2014. They would like to provide activities for families that are moving onto the estate. They would like organise a trip to a local venue for children and families where they can ask them what activities they are interested in. Families would then meet on a weekly basis to organise their own activities which might be arts, sports, and educational trips out.

You Say, We Pay funding would get this group off the ground. Who will benefit? METRA are based on Mottram Street Estate.

119 people will benefit (75 children and young people and 44 adults).

Mottram Street Tenants and Residents Association (METRA)Project Name: Activities for Families on

Mottram Street Estate

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Project no: 12

Amount Requested £3,000 Project DescriptionThe group is made up of three local people that have experience in youth work and music. The aim of their group is to positively influence hard to reach young people via music and lyric workshops. They will work with 10 specially chosen young people aged over 15 years who may have been involved in crime, drugs, violence, or anti-social behaviour.

They will deliver 8 x 2 hour workshops followed by a 2-4 hour live performance. Who will benefit? 20 young people will benefit.

Progressive AudioProject Name: Music and Lyric Workshops

for Young People

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Older People

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Amount Requested £1,808 Project DescriptionThe Welcome Café and Social group is an older persons group that meets at the Triangle Church every Thursday morning. The group would like to learn IT skills to be able to use computers and access the internet. YSWP funding would pay for a 10 week IT course. They would also like funding to pay for yearly bowling charges for 14 people to help them stay fit and active. Who will benefit? The group meets at the Triangle Church near Lancashire Hill and Heaton Norris. 75 adults will benefit.

Welcome Café and Social GroupProject Name: Keeping the Mind and Body Active

Project no: 13

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Amount Requested £1,244 Project DescriptionThe group would like to deliver activities in the evening for residents, most of whom are elderly, living around York Street Estate.

They would like to hold curry evenings, race evenings, film nights and hot pot suppers. They would also like to attract younger residents to the centre. At the moment they can only serve light refreshments. YSWP funding would allow them to purchase equipment that would enable them to serve hot food. Who will benefit? York Street Community Centre is based in the centre of York Street Estate in Edgeley. 46 adults will benefit.

York Street Residents AssociationProject Name: York Street Estate Evening Entertainment

Project no: 14

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Amount Requested £3,000 Project DescriptionSeven Miles Out is a community arts and events space in Stockport Market Place. They run the Teenage Market and want to encourage young people to be creative and set up their own business. They want to run a project aimed at young people aged 14 years + that would run every Saturday for 12 weeks. They will have 2 artist mentors each week as well as business sessions for young entrepreneurs. Who will benefit? The project will be open to any young person aged 14 years + living in Central Stockport. 30 young people will benefit (aged 14-25 years).

Seven Miles Out and the Teenage MarketProject Name: SK Create

Project no: 15

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Amount Requested £3,000 Project DescriptionAtomic Women’s Group is a new social group for women set up by two Central residents. They would like to meet once a month at Seven Miles Out in Stockport’s Marketplace for two hours. The purpose of the group is to create a community of women who can support each other and share knowledge. The group will decide what activities will take place, but this could be learning to sing, art/craft workshops, learning to dance, talks from local people or learning a new skill. YSWP funding will pay for materials, artist fees, publicity, refreshments and rent. Who will benefit? The group will be open to women living in Central Stockport. 15 adults will benefit.

Atomic Women’s GroupProject Name: Social and Arts Group for Women

Project no: 16

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Amount Requested £3,000 Project DescriptionThe volunteers at Heaton Norris Pavilion and other local residents have been working with Sustrans, a national charity, on a project called Pocket Places. This project will be delivered by CERA who will deliver bicycle repair and maintenance sessions at Heaton Norris Pavilion for children and parents, adults and women only.

YSWP funding will pay for bicycle parts, 2 mechanics and equipment per session, and publicity. Who will benefit? The courses will take place at Heaton Norris Pavilion and Park. 72 people will benefit (40 children and young people and 32 adults).

Heaton Norris Pavilion and CERAProject Name: Bicycle Maintenance Courses

Project no: 17

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Amount Requested £2,500 Project DescriptionStart the week is for people that identify with mental health and social isolation issues. The group would like to do a photography project exploring elements of the five ways to well-being i.e. connect, learn, be active, give and take notice.

YSWP funding would pay for digital cameras, a laptop, coach to the seaside, rent and public liability insurance. Who will benefit? Start the Week meets every Monday at Tiviot Dale Church at the bottom of Lancashire Hill. 25 adults will benefit.

Start the Week Project Name: Photography Project

Project no: 18

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Amount Requested £3,000 Project DescriptionHatton Hilltop Sanctuary is a small wildlife area within Heaton Norris Park. The group would like to set up a wildlife website so people can find out what is going on in the sanctuary and to watch the wildlife that lives there. They would also like to organise night bat walks where you can use bat monitors to detect the bats that live in the park. A ‘bat expert’ will also talk about bats and why they are important. Who will benefit? Hatton Hilltop Sanctuary is based in Heaton Norris Park. 100 people will benefit (50 children and young people and 50 adults).

Hatton Hilltop SanctuaryProject Name: Wildlife Website and Bat Walks

Project no: 19

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Amount Requested £3,000 Project DescriptionThe Friends of Heaton Norris Park would like to set up a Junior Friends of Heaton Norris Park for children and young people. They are keen to get children and young people to keep the park clean and appreciate the wildlife in the park. They would like to try orienteering and survival and bush craft skills. They would also like to visit other parks in the area which will inspire people to improve their own park. Who will benefit? 100 people will benefit (50 children and young people and 50 adults).

Friends of Heaton Norris ParkProject Name: Junior Friends of Heaton Norris Park

Project no: 20