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On Overview on Celiac disease

Celiac disease which is even known as the celiac sprue and the enteropathy which is known to be

gluten sensitive and it is basically the autoimmune and digestive disorder which results in the

damage of lining of small intestine while foods with gluten which are eaten. However, Glutens are

form of protein which is found in few grains and damage to intestine makes it quite hard for your

body to absorb the nutrients, particularly fat, iron, calcium and folate.

Now the question is what are the main causes of celiac disease, the immune system of body is

designed for protecting it from the foreign encroacher. When the people having celiac disease eat

the foods that contain gluten, the immune system begins to forms the antibodies to gluten that attack

the lining of intestine. It causes the inflammation in intestines and also damages villi which are hair-

like structures over lining of small intestine. Moreover, nutrients from the food are usually absorbed

by villi. If villi get damaged, person is unable to absorb the nutrients properly which finally ends up

as malnourished, in spite of the quantity which she or he eats.

The main celiac disease symptoms which are often observed by the patients are mentioned below:

digestive problems such as abdominal bloating, gas, pain, diarrhea, weight loss and pale


Severe rash on your skin which is known as dermatitis herpetiformis

Anemia that means deficiency of iron which leads to reducing the blood count

muscle cramps and bone or joint pain

growth concerns in kids

sensation of tingling

Missing of the menstrual periods in women

Celiac disease treatment is not such specific which is effective with medicine however it is

suggested to follow celiac disease prevention measure. If you have the celiac disease, you will not

be able to eat the foods which comprise gluten which include rye, wheat, oats and barley. Dropping

the consumption of gluten from diet generally enhances to condition in just few days and yet ends

with symptoms of disease. In many cases, villi get healed in just 6 months.

You will need to remain on the diet for rest of life; eating the gluten will damage the intestine and

will also restart your problem. Few people suffering from celiac disease have the damage to

intestines which is the diet free from gluten that will not assist them. Such patients need to receive

the supplements of nutrition.