Download - Celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Trust - Pro … · HISTORY OF OUR LADY OF TRUST • The picture of Our Lady of


Celebration of theFeast of

Our Lady of Trust









Chapter 1 – History

Chapter 2 – Reason for Celebration

Chapter 3 – Spreading the Devotion

Chapter 4 – A Way of Life

Chapter 5 – Ways to Commemorate/Examples of Celebrations

Chapter 6 – Writings & Prayers of Bishop Giaquinta

Chapter 7 – Eight Examples of Rosaries

Chapter 8– Six Examples of Litanies



Chapter 1 – History of Our Lady of Trust and Date of Celebration...................................................................pp 1-2

Chapter 2 – Why We Celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Trust.............................................................................p 3

Meditation by Bishop Giaquinta.........................................................p 3Image of Our Lady of Trust................................................................p 4Prayer to Our Lady of Trust................................................................p 4

Chapter 3 – Ways to Spread the Devotion.............................................................pp 5-8

Chapter 4 – Making Prayer to Our Lady of Trust a Way of Life..................................................................................... p 9

Chapter 5 – Ways to Commemorate the Feast..................................................... p 10Examples of CelebrationsNine Day Novena............................................................................pp 11-13

Prayer Service.................................................................................... p 14Candle Celebration.............................................................................p 15Holy Hour.......................................................................................pp 16-18Four Weeks of Meditation................................................................. p19

Chapter 6 – Some Writings and Prayers of Bishop Giaquinta on Our Blessed Mother...............................................pp 20-21

Chapter 7 – Eight Examples of Rosaries Honoring Our Lady............................p 221. Rosary of Trust – by Sts. Bernard and Ambrose......................................... p 232. Our Lady, a Model of Trust – by Bishop Guglielmo Giaquinta..........pp 23-243. Mary, Disciple of the Lord........................................................pp 24-254. “Risk Rosary”............................................................................pp 25-265. Aspects of Mary’s Life that Aided Her in Becoming Our Model of Trust...........................................pp 26-276. Mary and the Eucharist – Reflections of Teresa Monaghen.................pp 28-297. Mary and Her Son, Jesus...........................................................pp 29-318. A Rosary for Life.......................................................................pp 31-33

Chapter 8 – Six Examples of Litanies Honoring Our Lady................................p 341. A Litany of Trust.......................................................................... p 352. Mary Our Model........................................................................... p 353. Litany of Our Lady of Loreto....................................................pp 36-374. A Litany of Our Holy Mother....................................................pp 37-385. A Litany to the Mother of Divine Grace................................... pp 38-396. A Litany of Mary, Mother of the Church...................................pp 39-40

Chapter 1

History of Our Lady of Trust

Date of Celebration


• The picture of Our Lady of Confidence was painted by the great Italian painter Carlo Maratta (1625-1713) who was knighted by Pope Clement XI in 1704 and made court painter by Louis XIV the same year.

• Maratta gave the picture to a noblewoman, Clair Isabella Fornari (June 25 1697- December 9, 1744), the Abbess of the Convent of Poor Claire of St. Francis in the city of Todi.

• The Abbess – today the Venerable Sister Clair Isabel Fornari – embraced a life of severe penance and was favored with many mystical graces. She had a great devotion to sacred images, especially those of Mary. She treasured the picture Maratta gave her and would meditate on it during her prayer time.

• Our Lady promised Sister Clair that she would give special graces to all those throughout the ages who would venerate the image of our Lady of Trust. “My Heavenly Mother assured me,” said the Abbess, “that she would give a special tenderness and devotion toward her to everyone who contemplated this image” (the original and copies).

• Sister Clair advised her spiritual director, Father Gazali, to take the picture with him whenever he traveled. Father Gazali always found a great sense of peace and consolation from it. He kept the picture until his death (July 29, 1762). After this his possessions, including the image, were given to the Sisters of the Monastery of St. Francis of Todi where they are today.

• In the Major Seminary in Rome there is an identical picture of our Lady of Confidence. How can this be? Sister Clair had another spiritual advisor, Father Crivelli, who was the spiritual director of the German College in Rome. While visiting Foligno, Father Crivelli became seriously sick, but was suddenly healed as soon as Sister sent him the original painting. He was so moved by this healing that he wanted a copy of the image which he took to Rome and then to the local seminary. From this simple beginning the devotion spread so that by the 1830’s Our Lady of Trust had become the patroness of the Major Seminary in Rome.

• Our Lady of Trust protected the seminarians in times of crisis. In 1837, the scourge of Asiatic flu claimed many lives. The seminarians and their families were put under the protection of Mary; not one of them contracted the disease! In thanksgiving, two crowns were fashioned in gold and placed on the images of Mary and the Child Jesus.

• During World War I, more than 100 seminarians were forced into the Italian military. The seminarians placed themselves under the special care of Mary of Trust. They all returned home safely. To repay the goodness of their Queen, the seminarians put diadems on the crowns of Mother and Child!


• The devotion to Our Lady of Trust has spread worldwide. The Feast of Our Lady of Trust is celebrated on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday.

• Bishop Giaquinta, who studied in the Major Seminary in Rome, had a great devotion for Our Lady of Trust. He chose her as patroness of both the Apostolic Oblates and the Pro Sanctity Movement. Bishop Giaquinta had a painter repaint the image with the finger of Jesus pointing to Mary’s heart.

• The Pro Sanctity Family - Priests, Sodales, Apostolic Oblates, Cooperatives, Social Animators, and members of the Movement - love our Lady of Trust very much and foster devotion toward her.

• In 1973, when Pro Sanctity reached Omaha, Msgr. Peter Dunne was introduced to Our Lady of Trust. In 1974, when the first Bethany was opened, an image of Mary of Trust was placed in the Chapel. The sculptor, Mike Montag, has sculptured the first statue of our Lady of Trust.

• The future Chapel in Elkhorn will be dedicated to Our Lady of Trust, as Msgr. Peter Dunne has suggested!




Our Lady of TrustMemories by Franca Salvo, A.O.

• On June 15, 1955, I entered the Chapel of the Apostolic Oblates in Rome at Via delle Egadi, and I saw the image of Our Lady of Trust for the first time! It was a big picture hanging in the middle of the main wall of the Chapel.

• I looked and looked at the picture and noticed some details that touched me deeply. What I perceived strengthened me in my resolution to give my life to the Lord through the hands of Mary. I treasured those moments... They have accompanied me on my journey, and are with me still.

• Bishop Giaquinta, the founder of the Apostolic Oblates and the whole Pro Sanctity Family, had a great devotion to Mary, Mother of Trust. Listening to him talk on Mary was like... listening to a beautiful melody. The only thing you would want was to love Mary like he did! How many times I heard him speaking of Mary of Trust, how many! He always used to end his meditations and presentations with Mary! He wrote books on Mary. His prayers and poems on Mary are beautiful! (see PRAYERS, page 46 on. The Prayer to Our Lady of Trust; O Mary, Trust, and the Hymn “To Mary of Trust” translated few days ago, and edited by Rita Hejkal).

• Let us look together at the picture:• Mary is holding the Baby Jesus; her left arm surrounds her Son and her

fingers rest gently on Jesus’ shoulder. Her right hand holds a white cloth which she presses to Jesus’ side. Was Mary anticipating the lanced side of Jesus from which the whole sacramental life of the Church would spring forth?

• Jesus has His right arm around Mary’s neck; His left arm is turned toward Mary with His finger pointing out to the heart of His mother. Is Jesus inviting us to go to Mary to learn how to love and serve God?

• Jesus and Mary are not looking at each other; their glance is upon the person who looks at the picture. Their glance conveys peace, inspires confidence and hope, fills the heart with tenderness... And this is the promise that Mary made to Sr. Clair Isabelle Fornari, “By means of her Son, every person who with trust looks at this image will be granted within themselves a particular tenderness and devotion to her.”

• Some more reflections:• Mary is wrapped up in her Son: Jesus is her all.• Jesus rests in Mary’s arms. He invites us to go to Mary; to draw trust from her

heart; to learn from Mary to walk in faith, hope and love; to hope against hope; to keep on loving even at the foot of the Cross.

• The embrace of Mary and Jesus expresses an invitation: to appreciate and strive to develop that tender bond of love uniting the Mother to the Son... a love that is poured out upon us, as their look directed toward those who look at the image seems to suggest.

• Mary pressing a cloth to the Child Jesus’ side: is she inviting us to reflect on the price her Son paid to bring about ‘the new creation’? Is Mary reassuring us that Jesus loves us infinitely, has given us His very life through the Sacraments of Mother Church, and that we, thus, have nothing to fear? She looks at us and looks... She wishes to free us from our fears, to transform us, and to unite us to her Son...

• We have many fears. The word fear and fear not is found 327 in the Bible! The word trust 205, and confidence 36!

• In the particular time we are in, especially after September 11, devotion to our Lady of Trust is the answer. We groan under personal pains, sufferings, anxiety, uncertainties and confusion: Mary will give us the peace, certainty and trust we need. Let us go to her, to her school and learn.

• At the Annunciation (Lk 1:26-38) Mary listens, questions, understands, gives her availability. “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word” (Lk 1:38).

• At the Visitation (Lk 1:39-56), Mary is greeted by Elizabeth with words put in her heart by the Holy Spirit, “Blest are you among women... Blest is she who trusted that the Lord’s words to her would be fulfilled.” (Lk 1:42/45) And Mary sings the beautiful Magnificat (Lk 1:46-55). She sings of the greatness of God and of her nothingness. “God Who is mighty has done great things for me and holy is His name” (Lk 1:49) .. “All ages to come will call me blessed” (Lk 1:48). How true!

• At the birth of Jesus (Lk 2:1-20), Mary sees the Angels singing, sees the Shepherds... treasures all these things and reflects on them “in her heart” (Lk 2:19).

• At Cana (Jn 2:1-11) Mary is fully present - as always! - sees needs, goes to her Son presenting the needs of her children. “They have no more wine,” and instructs those waiting on table, “do whatever He tells you” (Jn 2:5). We know what happened! “Jesus performed the first of His signs” (Jn 2:11).

• At the foot of the Cross, Mary stands and listens to the words of her Son, “ Woman, behold your son!” “Behold your mother!” (Jn 19:26-27).

• At the Cenacle, where the Apostles gather in prayer, Mary, the mother of Jesus, is with them (Acts 1:14)

Ad Iesum per MariamTo Jesus through Mary!


Our Lady of Trust has long been the Patroness of the Apostolic Oblates and of the Pro Sanctity Movement. The gift of her protection and guidance was brought to us by the deep devotion of our founder, Bishop William Giaquinta, who came to know Our Lady of Trust while in the Major Seminary of St. John Lateran in Rome.

In writings dated February 20, 1977, bishop Giaquinta provides material for meditation ex-pressed through his own thoughts on Our Lady of Trust.

“It seems to me that the trust of Our Lady has its roots in a poverty open to acceptance. The Madonna knows she is a poor creature, but exactly for this reason she can count on the om-nipotence of God: God, the all-powerful, has chosen her precise-ly because she was poor, and Our Lady has at the same time the awareness both of her poverty and of her richness that comes from trusting in the omnipotence of God.

The second element is openness to acceptance because the Madonna has the certainty that nothing happens by chance. Our Lady does not conceive of life’s events as happening by chance or that she has met up with blind fate. Chance does not exist – rather, there is the grand reality of the love of God, to this God who makes himself sweetly or strongly part of her life, and SHE LETS HIM TAKE OVER.

Here we have the source of trust in Our Lady: her poverty, the richness of God, the certainty that what befalls her is an expres-sion of love, an expression of the will of God. When all problems increase, when injustice seems obvious, how is it possible to think that also in these cases there is the will of God and His love that weaves through our life? To believe is the source of trust.

These thoughts on Our Lady are not just words, because they are expressed concretely in her existence, an existence that one sees turned inside out by the word and will of God.”



Drawn by the need of your help in the many trials that engulf us in this life, we come to your feet, O Virgin of Trust, to pour out to the heart of a mother our wishes and failings.

Although it is our duty to strive for perfection, it is also true that our mortal body makes the path difficult, and the enemies of our soul cease not from their attacks, while everywhere we are enticed to leave the difficult and straight way known by only a few travelers.

And all the while, our suffering along the way, our own interior weakness and temptations press heavily to torment us and produce in our souls a feeling of faintness and sadness, which means only one thing: distrust, in ourselves, in our ideal, in the means to attain it.

But your motherly look which follows us, and your Immaculate Heart, which your Son points out to us, open our souls to a new feeling – the assurance of your help. And we want it, O Mary. We ask it of you, we beg for it, O loving Mother.

When sin entices us, stay with us and be our strength. When mediocrity absorbs us, do not leave us. When the ascent to the perfection of the Father leaves us weary, whisper a word of help, O Mary – trust!

If we will listen to this word of yours, the way will be easier, the goal closer, and our confidence more certain that we shall reach sanctity.

So repeat this word often – trust. Repeat it to us and to everybody, O Mary, because all people must become saints. Amen.

Bishop Guglielmo Giaquinta


Chapter 3

Ways to Spread the Devotion

Chapter 4

Making Prayer

to Our Lady of Trust

a Way of Life


1. Use a copy of the prayer to Our Lady of Trust (p 4) as a bookmark for you Bible and say the prayer each time you begin to read from the Scriptures.

2. Display a picture of Our Lady of Trust in your home as a reminder to think of her and pray to her often.

3. Occasionally recite one of the meditative rosaries (examples are given in another section of this packet) to Our Lady of Trust instead of praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.

4. As a part of your thanksgiving after communion (or at any time) ask for her intercession: “Dear Blessed Mother Mary, Our Lady of Trust, show me how to trust Father, Son and Holy Spirit as you did.”

5. On days when you feel you cannot trust anyone or anything, take a moment to tell Our Lady of Trust about the way you feel – from your heart and in your own words.

6. Make a commitment to yourself to attend the annual celebration in honor of Our Lady of Trust sponsored by your Pro Sanctity Center. Examples of celebrations are given in another section of this packet.

7. These are only a few suggestions – you will probably think of many more that suit you and your prayer life.


Chapter 5

Ways to Commemorate the Feast

Examples of Celebrations


1. Nine Day Novena of Scripture and Prayers

2. Prayer Service

3. Candle Celebration

4. Holy Hour

5. Four Weeks of Meditation

6. Study/discussion of Bishop Giaquinta’s writings on Our Lady of Trust

7. Talent Show

8. Retreat

9. Rosaries that can be used as part of above celebrations

10. Litanies that can be used as part of above celebrations

*A special mass may be celebrated in conjunction with any of the above celebrations.



We ask Mary to intercede for us that we will have the TRUST to lead good lives, to become saints and help others on this path. We know we cannot do it with our own resources, but together with Mary, we turn to the Lord who will accomplish in us what we cannot do alone.

We suggest the following method:

1. Read the passage given. Read it several times.

2. Take note of the words or phrases that strike you personally.

3. Pause, pray and offer your desire to grow in trust that this Word will bear fruit in you.

4. Write down your thoughts and prayers and/or share with another person the inspirations that the Lord entrusted to you.

The daily readings are taken from the Catholic Catechism and Sacred Scripture. Each one highlights the theme of CONFIDENCE. The word confidence means to act with trust. May this novena strengthen our convictions to be men and women who step out in truth: “God’s will be done.”





Day One (2633)When we share in God’s saving love, we understand that every need can become the ob-ject of petition. Christ, who assumed all things in order to redeem all things, is glorified by what we ask the Father in his name. (John 14:13) It is with this CONFIDENCE that St. James and St. Paul exhort us to pray at al times. (James 1:5-8)Point to Ponder: How confidently do we pray? Ask for the gift of a deep and meaningful prayer life.

Day Two (2758)Our Father: at this name love is aroused in us… and the CONFIDENCE of obtaining what we are about to ask. What would he not give to his children who ask, since he has already granted them the gift of being his children? (St. Augustine)Point to Ponder: Do we really believe that what we ask for, we will receive? Our Father is generous.

Day Three (Hebrews 3:13-15)For we share in Christ, if only we hold our first confidence firm to the end,… (Hebrews 4:15-17) Let us then with CONFIDENCE draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.Point to Ponder: What Christ has, we share in. Let us turn to Jesus, for all we need can be found in him!

Day Four (1 John 2:27-29)And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we have CONFIDENCE and not shrink from him in shame at his coming.Point to Ponder: Reflect on what it means to ‘abide’ in God. Pray for the grace of understanding.

Day Five (736)Through the Holy Spirit we are restored to paradise, led back to the Kingdom of Heaven, adopted as children, given CONFIDENCE to call God ‘Father’ and to share in Christ’s grace, called children of light and given a share in eternal glory. (St. Basil)Point to Ponder: Feel weak? Turn to the Holy Spirit for strength.

Day Six (991)Belief in the resurrection of the dead has been an essential element of the Christian faith from its beginnings. The CONFIDENCE of Christians is the resurrection of the dead. Believing this we live.Point to Ponder: Our confidence comes from the POWER of the resurrection!

Day Seven (1 Peter 1:20-22)Through him you have CONFIDENCE in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.Point to Ponder: The more we are aware of what God did for us through the resurrection, the more con-fident in our faith we become.


Day Eight (1 John 5:13-15)And this is the CONFIDENCE we have in him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.Point to Ponder: God hears us!

Day Nine (2620)The prayer of Jesus involves a loving adherence to the will of the Father even to the Cross, and an absolute CONFIDENCE in being heard.Point to Ponder: Mary lived daily with a loving adherence to the will of the Father. She was and is a woman of great confidence, one to whom we can turn for help.



INTRODUCTION We come together on this feast to pray for trust in the presence of the image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Trust. It is confidence in Mary’s motherly love, and God’s promise to be with us always, that give us a great sense of peace. She will always be with us. We are never alone.


THEMEOur theme for today is two-fold: Risk that requires Trust and Trust that requires Risk. Mary is our model of trust because she knew how to Risk. We turn to her and ask her to whisper that sacred word in our hearts – Trust. Repeat it often, Mary, until we all become saints!

REFLECTIONS ON THE IMAGEAfter the leader has given some reflections on the image and given a short quiet time has been allowed the people for their own reflections, the leader asks them to take pencil and paper provided and write down a fear or wish that they desire to entrust to Our Mother of Trust and place it in the basket provided. A song may be played while people are writing.










FIRST READING (Luke 1: 26-38)Let us contemplate Mary in the scene of the Annunciation. Mary is the model of trust. She is a model for the trust she had in God: “Ecce – Behold; Fiat – Be it done to me” are signs of her abandonment to the Lord and, therefore, her trust.



SECOND READING (from scripture or the writings of Bishop Giaquinta on OLT)


PROCESSIONAll light their small candle from Mary’s large candle before they process to the place where a meal will be served. Small candles are placed on the tables, people are seated and bread is placed on the tables.

BLESSING OF THE BREAD (After each statement the people respond AMEN)Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation: you bring forth bread from the earth. AMEN.God is blessed in all his gifts and holy in all his works. AMEN.All the world hopes in you, O Lord, that you will give us food in our hunger. AMEN.Blessed are you, O Mary, you gave us Jesus, the Bread of Life. AMEN.

THE THIRD DECADE OF THE ROSARY IS SAID This decade is offered in thanksgiving for the gift of Jesus, bread, Eucharist, Savior who was born into this world in the womb of Mary.


FOURTH & FIFTH DECADES OF THE ROSARYTo be said after completion of the meal. Each decade may be preceded by a prayer, such as: (1) Let us be led like little children and trust that Mary will lead us to Jesus. (2) Let us grow in wisdom and grace with the help of Mary, our mother and guide. (3) Let us find courage in the courage of Mary who stood below the cross.





INTRODUCTION: Trust or confidence is the firm belief in the honesty and integrity of another person. It gives to the mind and to the heart a sense of security and of reliability in the loyalty of others. Trust is indeed the foundation for every solid and intimate friendship and the basis to every up-building relationship. Without trust there is insecurity, uncertainty and even fear! Trust is a necessary virtue among people in everyday life, but it is even more necessary in our dealing with the unknown – with the divine and mysterious plans of God. Trust is in fact, an act of faith, which enables us to do everything without fear, knowing that ‘God will provide.’ WE ALL NEED TO TRUST, BUT ALSO TO BE TRUSTED!



INTRODUCTION TO THE FIRST READING Confidence and Faith in God: This first reading tells us of the consequences of the first ‘act’ of mistrust on the part of humanity. When God forbade man the fruit of the tree of knowledge, He was asking man to put his trust in Him. But from the very beginning, man and woman preferred to put their trust in a lie! Both of them tasted the fruit of this empty confidence. To believe in God’s word is to choose between two wisdoms, the wisdom of God and the wisdom of the world. That is the challenge in our daily life.



OUR RESPONSE: Hymn of a grateful heart (Psalm 138)Together: I will give thanks to you, O Lord, with all my hear;

In the presence of the angels I will sing your praise.I will worship at your holy temple and give thanks to your namebecause of your kindness and your truth;for you have made great above all things your name and your promise.When I called you answered me; you built up strength within me.Though I walk in distress you preserve me; against the anger of my enemies you raise your hand; your right hand saves me.The Lord will complete what he has done for me;Your kindness, O Lord, endures forever.Forsake not the work of your hands.



INTRODUCTION TO THE SECOND READINGConfidence and Humble Prayer: The people of Israel did not learn from the example of Abraham, who was confident up to the moment of sacrifice that ‘God will provide.’ When they found themselves without earthly support in the desert, they yearned for slavery again and murmured against the Lord. Israel chose not to rely on its God. In this Gospel message, Jesus recalls the need to reject every Lord and master and to rely on the ‘One’ whose power, wisdom and fatherly love will never fail to care for us. He asks that we be confident and trusting. We love to be ‘in charge’ and that is why surrender is so difficult! How much do we really trust?



OUR RESPONSE: Lord, give us trust!Leader: When we hope for peace in ourselves, with others and in the world, and

experience wars instead… (Response)Leader: When we long for holiness, for prayer, and for goodness in ourselves and

in others, but find struggle, sin and pride… (Response)Leader: When we desire spiritual growth in our youth, for wisdom and maturity in

their life and feel helpless in the face of the many pressures they undergo… (Response)

Leader: When we experience sadness, division, illness in families and find ourselves unable to alleviate and to heal…(Response)

Leader: When we feel anxious over what to eat, what to wear, or how to provide for many needs, forgetting your divine providence… (Response)

Together: God and Father of all gifts, we praise you, the source of all we have and are. Teach us to acknowledge always the many good things your infinite providence has given us. Help us to love you with all our heart and to trust you with all our strength, so that we may be free from anxiety and experience the peace of your care. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.


INTRODUCTION TO THE THIRD READINGConfidence in Times of Trial: Jesus completed his sacrifice and died with a cry of trust on his lips: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” By this act of trustful love, Jesus won victory over the forces of evil and left us an example of unconditional trust in the Father. The first disciples were able to live out Jesus’ example as they witnessed with great confidence. They trusted in God’s help and in His faithfulness; they knew that God’s grace will complete its work and that nothing will “separate them from the love of Christ.” In this reading, St. Paul tells us what level of confidence Christians should have.




OUR RESPONSE:Together: I trust in you, Lord; deliver me; my life is in your hands.

Through your love save me.Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.

Look at me and answer me, Lord, my God.Open my eyes that I may not sleep in death. Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.

Guard me like the pupil of your eye.Hide me in the shadow of your wingsInto your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.

I lie down and sleep in peace.You alone Lord keep me safe.Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.

In joy I will look upon your face, Lord, when I awake.I will be satisfied with your face.Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.






We can say that the mystery of the Redemption took shape beneath the heart of the Virgin of Nazareth when she pronounced her “fiat.” From then on, under the special influence of the Holy Spirit, this heart, the heart of both a virgin and a mother, has always gone out to all those whom Christ has embraced and continues to embrace with inexhaustible love. For that reason her heart must also have the inexhaustibility of a mother.


The special characteristic of the motherly love that Mother of God inserts in the mystery of the Redemption and the life of the Church finds in its exceptional closeness to man and all that happens to him. It is in this that the mystery of the Mother consists. The Church, which looks to her with special love and hope, wishes to make this mystery her own in an ever deeper manner. For in this, the Church also recognizes the way for her daily life, which is each person.


Through her maternal presence, the Church acquires certainty that she is truly living the life of her Master and Lord and that she is living the mystery of Redemption in all its life-giving profundity and fullness.


I wish the Church to devote herself to this prayer, together with Mary the Mother of Jesus as the apostles and disciples of the Lord did in the Upper Room in Jerusalem after his Ascension. Above all, I implore Mary, the heavenly Mother of the Church, to be so good as to devote herself to this prayer of humanity’s New Advent, together with us who make up the Church, that is to say the mystical body of her only Son. I hope that through this prayer we shall be able to receive the Holy Spirit coming upon us and thus become Christ’s witnesses “to the ends of the earth,” like those who went forth from the Upper Room in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost.


Chapter 6

Some Writings and Prayers

of Bishop Giaquinta

on Our Blessed Mother



I. Mary, Our Lady of Trust, the poor, abandoned woman of openness, quick to accept, teach us this secret of acceptance, and as a consequence, of trustful CONFIDENCE, of abandonment to the mystery of the love of God.

II. There is no doubt that Our Lady lived with a certain amount of under-standing of the mystery of salvation, but she lived by faith. In the mys-tery of faith, there were many things she did not know. She knew how to accept with love the risk of faith.

III. Our Blessed Mother thought of herself as a slave of God. We can and must do the same. Look to her for help.

IV. For our Blessed Mother, the future was an adventure of the Spirit. She knew generally what would happen, but not in detail. Yet she accepted everything. We, too, must be open to the work of the Spirit, ready to ac-cept, if need be, the risk and the pain of our adventure in the Spirit.

V. Our Blessed Mother was touched by God and conceived the Lord Jesus. We must strive to give birth to Jesus also. On our part, changing de-pends on our will. Otherwise Jesus can touch us many times and his touch will have no effect. Let us pray to our Blessed Mother to strength-en our wills and deepen our love so that we may change at God’s touch.

VI. Remember our Blessed Mother when she met with Elizabeth. Mary wasn’t ashamed or hesitant to admit that she was the Mother of God. We must ask her help to be proud of having been called by God [to be holy] – proud enough to speak of it “from the rooftops.”

VII. MARY, OUR MOTHER AND OUR MODEL (Spirituality of the Pro Sanctity Movement, Chapter 6, pp 1-6)

VIII. MARY, MOTHER OF THE CHURCH AND OUR MOTHER (The Ce-nacle, 2nd Edition, Chapter XV, pp 69-73)


I. We come to you, holy Mary, mother of us who are not yet holy, so that you can give us love for your Son, the joy of the Spirit, a longing for the


perfection of the Father and the hope of reaching you – someday – in the land of the saints.

II. Our Mother, Mary (Prayers, 1st English Edition, p 49)

III. Mary, Mother of Holiness (Prayers, 1st English Edition, pp 50-1)

IV. “Here I Am,” the Virgin Answers (Prayers, 1st English Edition, pp52-3)

V. Fiat (Prayers, 1st English Edition, p 54))

VI. Our Yes With Mary (Prayers, 1st English Edition, p 54)

VII. Heart of a Mother (Prayers, 1st English Edition, p 55)


Chapter 7

Eight Examples of Rosaries

Honoring Our Lady


Meditative Rosaries

In Honor of Our Lady


1 – Rosary of Trust – By St. Bernard & St. Ambrose

First Mystery – Mary said to the angel, How can this be since I do not know manO Virgin, you have heard that you will conceive and bear a Son. You have heard

that it will not be by man, but by the Holy Spirit. The angel awaits an answer. We to, are waiting, O Lady, why do you delay? Why are you afraid? Believe, give praise and re-ceive. Let humility be bold. Let modesty be confident.

Second Mystery – Awake, O sleeper. Arise from the dead and Christ will give you light.Arise in faith, hasten in devotion, open in praise and thanksgiving. “Behold, the

handmaid of the Lord,” she says, “be it done to me according to your word.”

Third Mystery – Know that Elizabeth, your kinswoman, has conceived a son in her old age. She who was thought to be sterile is now in her sixth month, for nothing is impossi-ble with God.

When the angel revealed his message to the Virgin Mary, he gave her a sign to win her trust. He told her of the motherhood of an old and barren woman to show that God is able to do all that he wills.

Fourth Mystery – Thereupon, Mary set out, proceeding in haste into the hill country to a town of Judah where she entered Zechariah’s house and greeted Elizabeth.

When she hears the angel’s message, Mary sets out for the hill country. She does not disbelieve God’s word. She feels no uncertainty over the message or doubt about the sign. She goes eager in purpose, dutiful in conscience, hastening for joy.

Fifth Mystery – How beautiful are the feet of those who announce good news. Faith, then comes through hearing, and what is heard is the word of Christ.

You are also blessed because you have heard and believed. A soul that believes both conceives and brings forth the Word of God and acknowledges his work.

2 - Our Lady, a Model of Trust – By Bishop Guglielmo Giaquinta

First Mystery – Let us contemplate Mary at the Annunciation (Luke 1:26-38)Mary is a model of trust. She is a model for the trust she had in God: “Ecce – Be-

hold,” “Fiat – Be it done to me” are signs of her abandonment to the Lord and therefore, her trust.

Second Mystery – Let us contemplate the last words of Elizabeth to Mary (Luke 1:45)“Blessed is she who trusted the Lord’s word to her would be fulfilled.” Our Lady

then, appears to us as someone on whom God has been able to depend and in whom He has placed His trust. Let us ask ourselves if God can count on us, can have trust in us.


Third Mystery – Let us contemplate Mary before the Christ Child in the manger (Luke 2:19)

“Mary treasured all these things and reflected on them in her heart.” We can think of the Holy Spirit, of the ceaseless interior motions he had within Mary – she who adhered fully to the plan of the Father, could not but follow faithfully the single move-ments of the Spirit who therefore had trust in her, who could count on her.

Fourth Mystery – Let us contemplate Mary at the wedding in Cana (John 2: 1ff.)Christ goes before, I would say with a giant step, and the mother follows. Christ

can count on the fidelity of Mary. He can have trust in her.

Fifth Mystery – Let us contemplate Mary at the foot of the Cross of Christ (John 19:25-27)

Even though Our Lady had reasons not to trust, Mary accepts with faith, with serenity and with trust. She had trust in the love of God, she was open to acceptance of the mystery, open at every moment – from the encounter with the angel to the encounter with the Cross.

3 – Mary, Disciple of the Lord

Mary is the woman who, in silence, in prayer, in contemplation, chose to be the faithful disciple of the Word of the Father. Let us accompany Mary in our prayer with the same availability and openness to the will of the Father, and through her intercession, let us ask the Father to be the Master of our hearts, conforming our life to the life of Christ.

First Mystery – Mary, the Daughter who understands and welcomes the Word(Luke 8:15) As for the seed that fell on rich soil, they are the ones who, when they

have heard the word, embrace it with a generous and good heart and bear fruit through perseverance.

We praise you and bless you, O Father, for the marvels you have worked in each one of us. Through the intercession of Mary, the faithful disciple of the Word made Flesh. Help us to become true disciples of Christ, always attentive to his word and faith-ful to his teachings.

Second Mystery – Mary, the Virgin of Silence(John 12:24) Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat to the ground and

dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.We praise you and we bless you, O Father for your continued presence in our life.

Through the intercession of Mary who meditated in her heart on the Word of salvation, give us the gift of silence within our sensitivity and our memories, to reach an interior si-lence, that favorite place where your Son can be known and loved.


Third Mystery – Mary, Mother of Grace and Queen of Mercy(John 2:3) When the wine ran short, the Mother of Jesus said to him, “They have

no wine.”We praise you and we bless you, O Father, for your infinite goodness. Through

the intercession of Mary, whom you willed to be the Mother of the Redeemer, help us in-timately adhere to Christ, the Mediator too cooperate ever more with the mystery of Re-demption.

Fourth Mystery – Mary, Dwelling of the Heavenly Sacraments(Luke 1: 30-31) Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have

found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus.”

We praise you and we bless you, O Father, because you willed that your Son be-come incarnate in the womb of Mary. Help us, through her intercession, to be the fertile ground that welcomes the seed of your Word, to shine with the light of your Son to illu-minate your people.

Fifth Mystery – Mary, Mother of Joy(Zechariah 2:14) Sing and rejoice, O daughter Zion! See, I am coming to dwell

among you, says the Lord.We praise you and we bless you, O Father, for having given us Mary, our

thoughtful sister and mother. Give us, through her intercession, the joy of recognizing you in every creature and at every moment of our life to sing together with Mary and the saints the joy of a Father who loves us infinitely.

4 – “Risk Rosary”

The theme of this rosary is Risk that requires Trust and Trust that requires Risk. Mary is our model of Trust because she knew how to Risk. We turn to her and ask her to whisper that sacred word in our hearts – TRUST. Repeat it often, Mary, until we all become saints!

First MysteryMany of us think that when the Blessed Virgin gave her “Fiat – yes, be it done to

me,” she already had a clear vision of what her life would be like. This is not true. Our Lady lived with a certain amount of understanding of salvation, but she also lived by faith. There are many things she did not know. She did know one thing – how to accept with love the risk of faith.

Second MysteryRisk in faith is a participation in the unconditional love of Jesus for the Father and

all persons. This is the real motive for which we accept it, rather choose and love it. Mary said it and accepted it first: “Behold, be it done to me as you say.”


Third MysteryRisk in faith is proof of our love for the Lord. Mary did not know what was going

to happen to her, but she said ‘yes’ anyway. This was her act of love for the Lord – for love she faced the risk.

Fourth MysteryThere was no earthly security in Mary’s life to assure her that everything would

turn out all right. Mary had to trust – a trust that came from deep within her being, in or-der to respond peacefully and positively to the Lord.

Fifth MysteryMary risked being obedient to the Lord’s request. She renounced her own will,

judgment, vision and experience in order to immerse herself in the reality of faith and the mystery of trust.

5 – Aspects of Mary’s Life that Aided her in Becoming Our Model of Trust

First MysteryThe angel appeared to you Mary, and said, “Rejoice, O highly favored daughter.

The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women.” You were deeply troubled by these words and wondered what this greeting might mean. The angel continued, “Do not fear, Mary, you have found favor with God. You shall conceive and bear a son and give him the name, Jesus. Great will be his dignity and he will be called, “Son of the Most High.” Mary questioned, “How can this be, since I do not know man?” The angel an-swered, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will over-shadow you. Hence, the offspring to be born will be called, ‘Son of God.’ “Elizabeth, your relative, has conceived a son in her old age. She who was thought to be sterile is in her sixth month. Nothing is impossible with God.”

Your response, upon hearing this, “I am the servant of the Lord. Be it done to me according to your will.” With this, the angel left. In this mystery, we see a young wom-an with courage. With this, the grace to trust. We invoke our Blessed Mother to give us the gift of sight of faith.

Second MysteryAfter the angel left, you proceeded in haste to the hill country to a town of Judea

into the house of Zechariah where you greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard your voice the child leapt in her womb for joy. Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Who am I that the mother of my Lord should come to me. Blessed is she who trusted that the words to her would be fulfilled.”

In this mystery, we rejoice with Mary in her meeting with Elizabeth. So often our ability to trust in God is unnoticed. Despite any fear that Mary experienced, she was able to rejoice in truth with her dear friend. We also invoke our Blessed Mother to assist us to maintain relationships with one another that inspire trust.


Third Mystery Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to Jerusalem that he might be presented to the

Lord. For it was written that every first-born shall be consecrated to the Lord. There lived in Jerusalem at the time a just and pious man named Simeon. It had been revealed to him that he would not experience death until he had seen the anointed of the Lord. He came to the temple inspired by the Spirit and when the parents brought in the child to per-form the customary ritual of the law, he took Jesus in his arms and blessed him with these words. “Now, Master, you can dismiss your servant in peace. You have fulfilled your word.” Amazed at what was being said, you were blessed by Simeon who told you, “This child is destined to be the downfall and rise of many in Israel.”

In this mystery, we reflect that Mary experiences both joy and pain in this meet-ing. She had a foreshadowing of the life she would experience with her son. Her re-sponse was one of acceptance and trust. We invoke Mary, our mother, to help us accept circumstances we experience with trust as she did.

Fourth MysteryEach year Mary and Joseph traveled to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover.

When Jesus was twelve, they went up for the celebration as was their custom. When they were returning, the child remained behind, unknown to his parents. Thinking he was in the party, they continued the journey for a day, believing that Jesus was among the rela-tives. Not finding him, they returned to Jerusalem and began searching for him. On the third day, they came upon him in the temple sitting among the teachers, listening to them, and asking them questions. All who heard him were amazed at his intelligence and an-swers. When his parents saw him they were astonished and said to him, “Son, why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been searching for you in sorrow.” Did you not know I must be in my Father’s house?”

In this mystery, we realize that Mary did not understand what Jesus meant. Jesus returned with them and was obedient. In this mystery, we ask Mary to help us to trust God in circumstances that we don’t understand. Mary, give us the grace to respond as you did and hold things in our heart as we come to realize that we don’t have to under-stand all things to have faith.

Fifth MysteryIn this mystery we reflect on the experience Mary underwent as she looked into

the eyes of her son as he struggled through the streets of Jerusalem on his way to be cru-cified. Jesus was dragging the cross with the assistance of Simon of Cyrene. A great crowd of people watched and Mary heard the women beating their breasts and lamenting over her son. She heard him say to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but for yourselves and for your children.”

In this mystery, we realize that Mary’s practice of trust pays off. In her moment of deepest sorrow she continues to feel as anyone would as they watched the death of someone they loved dearly. In this dark moment, her response was one of trust. How those words of Jesus must have echoed within you. Did you recall the words of the An-gel Gabriel? Did you think of the words of Simeon? We reflect with joy at our mother’s response of love as she accepts this pain. We ask her to assist us with the trust needed to respond to our darkest moments.


6 – Mary and the Eucharist (Reflections of Teresa Monaghen)

First Mystery – Mary who does the will of God: The AnnunciationIn this first mystery we hear Mary say, “Amen.” She says “Amen” and receives

the seed of Christ in her womb. It was pure mystery for her, but deep in her heart, after pausing and pondering, giving time for the Spirit to strengthen her, she says “Amen.” Because of Mary’s “Amen,” we have Jesus with us today.

Do we realize that every time we say, “Amen” and receive the Body of Christ that we have just done what Mary did? Are we aware that through the power of the Holy Spirit that Christ grows in us and with him, we find the strength to share him with others. May our “Amen” ring out strong so that others will receive Jesus from us today.

Second Mystery – Mary who serves others: The VisitationIn this second mystery, I am very aware of how humbling it is to have someone

bring communion to you when for reasons of sickness or lack of opportunity you do not have the possibility of attending mass. The God of the entire universe comes into my home, to my door and into my heart. This is how Elizabeth must have felt when Mary came to her and brought her “first communion.” In the Gospel of Luke we hear Elizabeth cry out, “And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord come to me?”

Dear Mary, first minister of the Eucharist, you brought Jesus to Elizabeth and to the entire world. Let me imagine that every time I receive the Lord, it is you who bring him to me. How honored and humbled I am to have the Mother of My Lord come to my home, my door, bringing Jesus to my heart. Thank you, Mary, there is no greater service than to bring Jesus, Eucharist, Holy Communion, bread for the journey, viaticum, to oth-ers. We pray not only to receive the Lord in humility, but also for the grace to be a bearer of Jesus bringing him to others.

Third Mystery – Mary who brings Christ to the world: The NativityThe other day, while sitting on a plane, waiting for my flight to take off, I was

taken by a beautiful woman who came in with a most beautiful baby in her arms. Not only was I taken and attracted to this scene, but also it was easily discernible that anyone on board who saw her could not help but turn a head. It was hard not to stare for there was such beauty and tenderness in seeing the two together. Without realizing it, the woman brought joy to everyone who saw her and her baby.

In this third mystery, we stare in amazement at the most beloved mother and child – Mary and the Child Jesus. Mary brings in our midst the most beautiful child, but in this scene, we do not have to remain at a distance, glancing only and trying not to stare, we can hold this child. Mary brings this child to us and allows us to receive him – yes, in communion we receive him, receive him, and if we are attentive, aware, and prepared, our hearts are filled with joy. Jesus comes to us in the arms of Mary and she allows us to hold him and be transformed by him in our hearts.

Fourth Mystery – Mary and Bethlehem: House of BreadRecently, while in the Holy Land, I had the opportunity to actually go to Bethle-

hem and enter the Basilica that covers over the site where Jesus was born. It was not at all what I expected. It was very poor and dirty and, due to the divisions among Christians


in the Holy Land, it was even difficult to find a tabernacle that held the sacred hosts. How sad I was at this state of affairs, but as I reflected it came clear to me that Jesus chose to be born ‘in the hard rock walls of a grotto’ that was certainly difficult for both Mary and Jesus. He continues to be born in poverty every time the sacred mysteries are celebrated, and he comes to us in a world filled with division and lack of understanding of his true presence. Eucharist is nourishment for our souls. We receive this food from the grotto of Bethlehem, from the rock walls of poverty in which Jesus was born.

Mary welcomes us as she welcomed the shepherds and the magi. She welcomes us with hospitality fit for royalty. She brings out the choicest food, and she brings us to Jesus. Let us not forget that in the poverty of a small morsel of bread, is the finest and most expensive food given to any mortal. “God so loved the world that He gave us His only Son and we receive him in the arms of Mary. May our souls be ready to receive and may he find a warm and welcoming place.

Fifth Mystery – Mary and Nazareth: School of the SaviorToday ‘home schooling’ is very popular as is evidenced by the growing numbers

of people choosing to keep their children at home and provide the opportunity for educa-tion in this manner. In reality, every home is a school of learning even when the children go off to school. It is in the home that we ‘practice’ the lessons of life. It is in the home that fundamental beliefs are lived out. It is in the home that we learn to live what we have consumed in books or we reject those teachings because in the home we are learn-ing to live in another manner.

In the home of Nazareth, Mary and Joseph were the primary teachers. We learn from the life of Jesus what they must have taught with their lives. He embodied the teaching of his home life. In the Eucharist we learn what kind of school of life Jesus was taught in. Jesus teaches us by the way he continues to live among us. He learned to give in a hidden, but powerful way. He allows himself to be consumed for the spiritual nour-ishment of others. Let us return to the home of Nazareth – to Mary and Joseph – and let them become our primary teachers. We can learn the lessons they taught by meditating deeply on their lives. They will teach us how to become bread for others. We, too, can become bread for the life of the world if we pay attention to our lessons in the school of the Savior.

7 – Mary and her Son, Jesus

First Mystery – Mary of NazarethMary of Nazareth was a young teenager. She was a good child, but that was no

great surprise since her mother, Anna, and her father, Joachim, were good, holy people. Yet, on the day that has come to be known as The Annunciation, the Angel Gabriel spoke of Mary’s goodness in a holy new dimension: “Rejoice, O highly favored daughter! The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women. Do not fear, Mary, you have found fa-vor with God.”

What did all this mean? Even Mary did not know. She did not know that her re-demption had been accomplished from the moment of her own conception. She certainly did not know how she could fulfill the angel’s next prediction that she would conceive


and bear a son, yet still remain a virgin. Assured the Holy Spirit would come upon her, Mary asked no more.

God had great plans for her. The decision was hers. At that moment, this little teenage girl held the fate of mankind in her hands. Her response – swift, sure, simple – “Let it be done to me according to his word.” And so it was dons. The Word became Flesh, God became man, and Mary of Nazareth was his dwelling place.

Second Mystery – Mary of BethlehemJesus was conceived in love. First in the love of God, the Father, for mankind –

this Father who loved the world so much that He gave us His Only Begotten son; in the love of the Father for his daughter, Mary – this Father who had done great things for her; in the love of the daughter for the Father – expressed as she unquestioningly accepts His will; in the love of the Holy Spirit who transformed God’s will into living Flesh within this maiden; and in her love, in turn, for her spouse – this life-giving Spirit and source of her Divine Maternity.

Physically the body of Jesus was formed and delivered just like any other baby born throughout the history of mankind. If the birth was painless, this fact makes neither Son nor mother less human. It simply follows that Mary’s Immaculate Conception would also free her from the pains of childbirth which were among the consequences of original sin.

If the surroundings at Bethlehem were more primitive that Mary and Joseph had hoped to provide for the birth of the redeemer, they were not in a position to alter the sit-uation. God’s will for His Son was again being manifested to Mary … and again she did not know where it would lead her next. But again, she was ready to accept it as she “trea-sured all these things in her heart.”

Third Mystery – Mary of CanaCana was a time of joy for Mother and Son as they attended a wedding feast.

Then, with the depletion of the wine, several things began to happen. Mary became wor-ried about the reputation of the bride and groom, but she had faith that her Son could do something to help them, and she had trust that He would do it.

Mary’s concern for the couple foreshadows her role as mediatrix wherein she will place herself between God and man, interceding for mankind’s wants and needs. The story’s happy ending shows that neither her faith nor her trust in Jesus was misplaced.

The time for Jesus to begin his public ministry had not yet come, but by acceding to His mother’s request, still another chain of events was set in motion. Now the ministry of the Son had indeed begun and he would leave the familiar surroundings of Nazareth to preach the good news to all people. At the same time, and ironically at her own urging, He would also leave Mary. She was now in the care of His heavenly father, as the son takes the first step that will inevitably lead to Calvary.

Fourth Mystery – Mary of CalvaryFor three years, Jesus had lived the life of an itinerant preacher, introducing his

Father to the world – his Father who was gentle and compassionate; this Father who loved the world so much that He gave to it His Only Begotten Son. Many in the world, unwilling or unable to understand the teachings of Jesus, were overwhelmed by the de-


mands of such an all-consuming and were not able to endure the Son who persisted in re-minding them of it day after day. And so the Son was condemned to die – to die as a criminal hanging on a cross high above the earth.

Standing at the foot of the cross were the steadfast few who understood all too well about the demands of love. There were Mary His Mother, His Mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, Mary Magdalene and the disciple John. As Jesus looks down upon His weeping mother, He presents her new son and, in turn, presents His own mother to John. Jesus intended that the mother who gave Him life would not be without protection and support as she neared the end of her own life. John would see to that. But the new motherhood Jesus bestowed on Mary was not for John alone. This was the introduction of His mother to the world as the mother of all mankind.

Jesus, the Son who was dying to redeem the world, would not do so until he had given to the world both His Father and His Mother.

Fifth Mystery – Mary of Jerusalem After Jesus ascended into heaven, the apostles returned to Jerusalem where they

gathered in the Upper Room and devoted themselves to constant prayer. St. Like tells us in the Acts of the Apostles that there were some women in their company, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and His brothers.

How fitting that Mary be among those who eagerly awaited the promised gift of the Holy Spirit. For she alone already had received the Holy Spirit and had been His spouse since the day of the Annunciation. Mary, the first to believe, the mother who con-tinued to believe during the darkest hours of Good Friday, led the way to Pentecost for those whose faltering faith had newly been revitalized after the Resurrection.

On that day when the Church was founded, the apostles were commissioned to go forth and bear witness to the crucified and risen Christ. Mary’s mission was unique. As the only one with knowledge of the hidden life of Christ, and indeed, the only who was present at the birth of Christ and at the birth of His Church, Mary was the single witness to the mystery of Jesus. Thus, now, as on the first Pentecost, when the Church contem-plates the mystery of the Incarnation, it approaches Jesus through Mary. The Church meditates on her faith that preceded and literally gave substance to its own apostolic mis-sion.

The new motherhood that Jesus conferred on Mary from the cross did not end with her presence in the Upper Room at Jerusalem. On the contrary, the motherhood of Mary for the Church, her availability as a model of faith and a channel of grace for Christ’s followers will continue as long as there are people to be redeemed.

8 – A Rosary for Life

First Mystery – The AnnunciationThe scene we call the Annunciation might as easily be called the ‘Conception of

the Lord.” We placed it nine months before the Lord’s birth and we took it as the first moment in which Our Lady became a tabernacle, tenting within her own womb the Most High Lord. From the moment He was conceived, there were no differences between the way Jesus grew in the womb of Mary and the way each of us grows in the womb of our


mother. His embryonic life followed the normal pattern of human development and growth. He began too small to be seen, developed into a tiny being the size of a grain of sand, and eventually to a full baby at his birth. The moment of the annunciation was the beginning of his human life on earth. Though hidden as if in the deepest, most distant place in the ocean, it was still just as real as if there were a worldwide broadcast of the event for all to see.

In Scripture, to give a name indicates a kind of power over the one named. Adam named the animals; Jesus gave the name Peter to Simon. Dear Mary, by giving your di-vine son the name of Jesus, you had power over him. Today, mothers still have power over their unborn children, with the opportunity to give them life or death. Help them to choose life, to preserve life – the precious and beautiful life of the child within the womb!

Second Mystery – Visitation: All Stages of Life are SacredIn this scene, we are reminded of God’s special call to us at every stage of life.

First, we have Elizabeth, an old woman, ‘advanced in years,’ chosen by God for a special purpose. Her age was not a deterrent in God’s eyes, rather it was her gift and within her she bore her gift to the world, John the Baptist. Mary is the young adult on the scene. Hardly into her teens, she too, is chosen. Her age is not a problem; she too, is to bring into the world the greatest gift of all – the Messiah, the Savior. How blessed is she, at her time in life, to be looked upon with favor by the Lord. Finally we have the smallest of human beings: Jesus and John in the womb, in fetal form, kicking and dancing with life. Already they are more alive than most of us already born. They respond with joy in the presence of each other. They are living their call from within and ready to give their gifts to whomever will receive them.

Life at all stages from the moment of conception to old age is sacred and has a particular call to live out and a gift to give to the world. Let us pray that soon life will be protected from the moment of conception and that every person to be given the freedom to respond to the Lord’s call and be allowed to bring his or her gift into the world.

Third Mystery – MagnificatYoung, pregnant, and for all intents without security, Mary cried out with joy, not

with pain. She praised God for the life that swelled within her. She praised the Mighty One for the great happening inside her! She was alive. Her baby was alive. God was us-ing her for great things and HOLY, HOLY, HOLY was his name!

Fourth Mystery – Jesus in the Womb of MaryPerhaps only during Advent do we think of Jesus growing in the womb of Mary,

our Blessed Mother. There is a chapel where there is a lovely silver statue of Our Lady pregnant with Jesus. He is in her womb and she is showing. It is an unusual image of Our Lady, since we most often see her carrying her newborn child or at the time of the Lord’s passion, but here during pregnancy, she actually carries him within her. It is the same way we were all carried in the womb of our mother. After just a few weeks, the be-ginnings of his sacred heart began to push blood through his little body. Tiny hands and fingers that would later bless, heal, feed and praise his Father, formed while he was with-in her. The microscopic feet and toes that one day would carry him across the plains, val-leys and mountains of Palestine took shape within her. Her blood literally ran through his


body, and though in his humanity he was not conscious of her, she was ever conscious of him. He who is life itself grew in life, beginning with the first moment of his conception, drawing life from Mary.

Dear Mother Mary, we call you and honor you as the mother of life. We ask you to help all pregnant mothers be aware of the gift of the child or children within them. May they protect that life, honor and treasure it as the gift from God that it really is. The miracle was not only that Jesus lived within you, but that new life grows within all moth-ers!

Fifth Mystery – Nativity: The Look of LoveDear Mary, as you held your child Jesus in your arms you looked on him in love.

You did not regret saying yes to the Lord. You did not wonder if you should have had this child. You did not question if he was healthy, whole or unblemished. You just loved him!

To have a look of love for every human person is to see Jesus in every person. Mary, give us your look of love for every person, from conception to old age; a look of love for the beautiful and most blemished – for those we care about and understand and those we find hard to look on and cannot understand. It is not easy in some cases, but we imitate your wonder and awe at seeing in every person the face of Jesus. Amen.


Chapter 8

Six Examples of Litanies

Honoring Our Lady


Litanies of Love

In Honor of Our Lady


1 – A Litany of Trust

Response: Your will be done

Trust in me: I will always protect you (R)Trust me: Give me your entire self – body, mind and soul (R)Trust me: Give me your work and apostolate (R)Trust me: Give me your worries and preoccupations (R)Trust me: Give me all that you possess, all that you are and will be, all that you do

and will do (R)Trust me: Give without counting the costs, give in the measure I have given to

You (R)Trust me: Give yourself to me, join me in my redemptive work (R)Trust me: I love you (R – Your will be done, we love you.)

2 – A Litany of Mary Our Model

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercyChrist have mercy, Christ have mercyLord have mercy, Lord have mercyChrist, hear us, Christ, graciously hear usModel of strength Pray for usModel of gentleness “Model of Trust “Model of courage “Model of patience “Model of risk “Model of openness “Model of perseverance “Comforter of the afflicted “Cause of our joy “First Disciple “Woman of mercy “Woman of faith “Woman of contemplation “Woman of wisdom “Woman of understanding “Woman, pregnant with hope “Woman, centered in God “

All: Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of thepromises of Christ.


3 – Litany of Our Lady of Loreto

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercyChrist have mercy, Christ have mercyLord have mercy, Lord have mercyChrist, hear us, Christ, graciously hear usGod, Our Father in Heaven, have mercy on usGod the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on usGod, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on usHoly Trinity, One God, have mercy on us

Holy Mary, pray for usHoly Mother of God, “Holy Virgin of Virgins, “Mother of Christ, “Mother of the Church, “Mother of divine grace “Mother most pure, “Mother most chaste, “Mother always a virgin, “Mother without fault, “Mother worthy of love, “Mother most admirable “Mother of good counsel “Mother of our Creator, “Mother of our Savior, “

Virgin most prudent, “Virgin worthy of honor, “Virgin worthy of praise, “Virgin most powerful, “Virgin most clement, “Virgin most faithful, “Model of holiness, “Seat of wisdom, “Cause of our joy, “Temple of the Holy Spirit, “Temple of glory, “Model of true piety, “Mystical rose, “Tower of David, “Tower of ivory, “Splendor of grace, “Ark of the new covenant “Gate of heaven, “Morning star, “


Health of the sick, pray for usRefuge of sinners, “Comforter of the afflicted, “Help of Christians, “

Queen of Angels “Queen of Patriarchs, “Queen of Prophets, “Queen of Apostles, “Queen of Martyrs, “Queen of Confessors, “Queen of Virgins, “Queen of all saints, “Queen conceived without

original sin, “Queen assumed into

Heaven, “Queen of the holy rosary, “Queen of peace “

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, spare us O LordLamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, graciously hear us O LordLamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Pray for us, Queen of the Holy Rosary, that we may be made worthy of the Promises of Christ.

4 – A Litany of Our Holy Mother

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercyChrist have mercy, Christ have mercyLord have mercy, Lord have mercyChrist, hear us, Christ, graciously hear usGod, Our Father in Heaven, have mercy on usGod the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on usGod, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on usHoly Trinity, One God, have mercy on us

Holy Mary, pray for usHoly Mother of God, “Holy Virgin of Virgins, “Mother of the Church, “Mother of God’s People, “Mother of a pilgrim people, “Mother of all Christians, “


Mother of the redeemed, pray for usMother of the poor, “Mother of the living, “Mother of the spiritual life, “Mother of family life, “Mother of sorrows, ‘Mother of reconciliation, “Mary, immaculately

conceived, “Mary, assumed into heaven, “Mary, our intercessor, “

Model for married couples, “Model for all mothers, “Model for all women, “Model for youth, “Model for religious, “Model of all virtues, “

Handmaid of the Lord, “Guardian of unborn

children, “Health of the sick, “Refuge of sinners, “Help for all Christians, “Queen of justice, “Queen of peace, “Queen of the home, “Queen of all saints, “

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, spare us O LordLamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, graciously hear us O LordLamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on usLord, hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

O, Lord we pray that through the intercession of Mary, we may be preserved from all sin and led to everlasting, joyful life with you. We ask that you will grant us the grace to become more like her in our daily life. We ask this in your name, Lord Jesus. Amen.

5 – A Litany to the Mother of Divine Grace

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercyChrist have mercy, Christ have mercyLord have mercy, Lord have mercyChrist, hear us, Christ, graciously hear us


God, Our Father in Heaven, have mercy on usGod the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on usGod, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on usHoly Trinity, One God, have mercy on usMother of Christ, Mother of Divine Grace, purest of Mothers, pray for usMother most worthy of our love, deserving of our admiration, pray for usMother most prudent, most venerable, most renowned of all virgins, pray for usMother most powerful, mildest and fairest of all, pray for usVessel of the Spirit, channel of grace, glorious vessel of holiness, pray for usMary of Nazareth, greeted by the Angel, hearing the invitation of grace,

pray for us Holy Mary, Handmaid of the Lord, consenting that it be done unto you

according to the Angel’s word, pray for us Blessed Mary, greeted by Elizabeth, with whom you magnified your Lord,

pray for usMary, bringing forth the infant Savior, wrapping him in swaddling clothes

laying him in the manger, pray for usMother of the Holy Family, heart of the holy house, pray for usHoly Mary, purest spouse of Joseph, pray for usHoly Mary, treasuring all these things and pondering them in your heart,

pray for usBlessed Mary, instructing the wine stewards to “Do whatever he tells you,”

pray for usUnited heart to Heart with the work of your Son, Holy Mary, pray for usAt the foot of the Cross, your heart broken with grief, Sorrowful Mother,

pray for usAt the news of his rising, of his living again, Joyful Mother, pray for usMother of the infant Church, gathering the disciples, to await the coming of the

Paraclete, holy Mary, pray for usModel of all who would follow your Son, Mother of all in the order of grace,

channel through which all graces flow to us, pray for us

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, Lord Jesus,grant us your peace.

Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be worthy of the promisesof Christ.

6 – A Litany of Mary, Mother of the Church

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercyChrist have mercy, Christ have mercyLord have mercy, Lord have mercyChrist, hear us, Christ, graciously hear usGod, Our Father in Heaven, have mercy on usGod the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us


God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on usHoly Trinity, One God, have mercy on us

Holy Mary, pray for usHoly Mother of God, “Woman of faith, “Most honored of all virgins, “Joy of Israel, “Honor of our people, “Model of prayer and virtue, “Incentive to trust, “Temple of the Holy Spirit, “Spouse of Joseph, “Mother of Jesus, “Faithful follower of Jesus, “Mother of the Church, “Image of the Church at prayer, “Our Lady of Guadalupe,

Patroness of the Americas, “Mary Immaculate, Patroness of

the United States, “Advocate of life, “Guide for the young, “Friend of the single, “Companion of the married, “Voice for the unborn, “Mother of mothers, “Support of the family, “Comforter of the sick, “Nurse of the aged, “Echo of the suffering, “Consoler of the widowed, “Strength of the broken-hearted, “Hymn of the joyful, “Hope of the poor, “Example of detachment for the rich, “Goal of pilgrims, “Resort of the traveler, “Protector of the exile, “Woman most whole, “Virgin most free, “Wife most loving, “Mother most fulfilled, “Queen of love, “

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us!