Download - 编者的话 - For You Information · 语指导外国禅修者;2002年, 于缅甸若开邦古亚创建海边椰 林道场;2003年起,应邀于缅 甸、马来西亚、新加坡、中国

Page 1: 编者的话 - For You Information · 语指导外国禅修者;2002年, 于缅甸若开邦古亚创建海边椰 林道场;2003年起,应邀于缅 甸、马来西亚、新加坡、中国

4 PBFor You Information 佛友资讯

本雅难陀尊者(Ven. U Puññānanda)



序目5 重温弥陀梦 再叙同窗情 - 弥陀校友会6-8 国际佛教11 要闻综述 12 为大地母亲 传播绿化树食与健康家庭生活意识 - 赖玉珠(道怡翻译)14-15 捍卫延续弥陀精神 - 弥陀校友会16-17 人物专访 - 过忍辱的生活̶̶本雅难陀尊者访谈18 记一位心里没有“刺儿”的阿姨 - 水滴19 忍气吞声就是修忍辱行吗? - 圣严法师20 就这样 - 圣凯法师21 世语心说 - 天花乱坠21 诗词小雅 - 法性寺六祖戒坛;雷雨夜秉烛读经;临江仙22 “见行堂语”系列漫画23 学佛Q&A - 学诚法师解惑答疑24 不丹之“特别” - 阿雪爱朝圣25 阿含故事 - 嗔恨心的过患26-27 路在西方,你准备好了没有? - 益西彭措堪布28-29 四圣谛讲记(八) - 广超法师30 珍馐素食 35 佛教日历




本刊所刊载之文章纯属作者与受访者之个人意见,不代表本刊立场。The views and opinons expressed or implied in For You Information are strictly those of the

writers’ and interviewees’ and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher’s.









25, Lorong 22, Geylang,Singapore 398682Fax : 6742 0862

办公时间 Office Hours : 星期二至星期六 Tue-Sat 8.30am-5.00pm

主编 Chief Editor : 赖云强 (Lye Wan Keong)

中/英文编辑 CH/EN Editor : 禾乐; Pema Rinchen [email protected]

设计 Graphic Design : K Ho Tel: 6742 6721 [email protected]

广告业务 Marketing : Tel: 6742 6728 [email protected]

行政 Administration : Lynn Huang Tel: 6742 6728

海外特约记者 Overseas Correspondent : 如海

出版社 Publisher : For You Information Ltd印刷公司 Printed by : Seng Printing & Company

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Page 2: 编者的话 - For You Information · 语指导外国禅修者;2002年, 于缅甸若开邦古亚创建海边椰 林道场;2003年起,应邀于缅 甸、马来西亚、新加坡、中国

34 PBFor You Information 佛友资讯

Before we take a peek into the August Issue, we would like to take some time to reflect on what we have dis-covered and learnt from the most recent cave rescue mission in Tham Luang cave complex in Chiang Rai this July. From the initial report of the missing 12 soccer play-ers and their coach, to the gripping news of the flooded caves and the sad demise of Mr Saman Gunan who sacrificed his life during the rescue mission of evacua-tion and then the miraculous successful rescue, we saw how the world came together in many ways to help, to provide support and “simply” to be together – epitomis-ing the good nature and compassion we all have in our hearts. May all the survivors find strength and closure, and likewise, we hope just as in the Singapore Buddhist Federation’s Facebook condolence message: May Mr Saman Gunan attain Nirvana!

This issue, we feature Palelai Buddhist Temple’s Sima Demarcation and Ordination Hall Consecration and Opening Ceremony and would like to extend our hearti-est congratulations to this important and auspicious milestone in the Singapore Buddha Dharma history.

Following last issue’s Dharma Talk feature: “The 5 Eyes in Buddhism” and “Through the Lens of a Buddhist Film”, we hope readers can learn more about what is beyond the human eye and also gain more insights to the Surangama Sutra. In Thanissaro Bhikkhu’s translat-ed work on the Loka Sutta, we learn how we can better survey and navigate the world, in “Surveying the World”.

Lastly, may the luminosity of the Buddha Dharma con-tinue to shine and be a lamp upon all sentient beings!

CONTENTS38-47 Buddhist Activities48-49 Buddhist Community and Social Services51 Buddhist News52-53 Buddhist Events – Palelai Buddhist Temple Sima Demarcation and Ordination Hall Consecration and Opening Ceremony54-55 Special Feature – Love for Mother Earth By Joyce Lye56-57 Beyond Vesak – Reflections and Thoughts An Interview with Evan Koh58-59 Dharma Talks – The 5 Eyes in Buddhism (Part 2) By Dr. Shen Chia Teng60-61 Chronicles of Buddhism in Singapore – History of Tibetan Buddhism in Singapore By Dr. Jeffrey Po 62-63 Through the Lens of A Buddhist Film – The Surangama Sutra – Volume 2 (Part 1)64 Dharma Discourse – Is It Alright for Buddhist to Gamble? By Shen Shi’An65 Surveying the World – The Loka Sutta By Thanissaro Bhikkhu 66 Why Buddhism is True – The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment 67 The Eighth World Youth Buddhist Symposium – Artificial Intelligence and Buddhism

Founded in 1989 by Venerable Guang Chao, For You Information continues to promote Buddhism, related teachings and educational philosophy. Being a non-profit publication, we like to thank and appeal to all readers, contributors and benefactors for the continued support in the propagating the Dharma.

Cover Photography: Courtesy of People’s Buddhism Study Society

On the cover is Venerable U. Punnananda, the Abbot of Ku Doeh Forest Meditation Center, Myanmar. Ven. Punnananda has practised meditation foremost with Pa Auk Sayadaw with his early education with University of Yangoon prior to monastic life. Venerable is a most competent and experienced teacher and

many yogis have found swift and smooth progress un-der his coaching. Recently, he conducted a 7-day Medi-tation Retreat at the People’s Buddhism Study Society from 22-28 June 2018.


Editor’s Note

“People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognise: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child – our own two eyes. All is a miracle.”

- Thich Nhat Hanh

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