Download - CDE Marketplace: guest presenter SETsquared


Accelerating Growth Harnessing the power of the Marketplace

A Partnership of 5 research-intensive HEI’s with a 12 year+ commitment to innovation & entrepreneurship

Five ‘owned & operated’ SETsquared Centres supported by:

ID, Central Team with business plan & budget approval from:

Management Board of University Partners’ Research & Innovation Directors

Executive Board of University Partners’ PVCs for Research

What is SETsquared?

So what’s the ‘start-up’ problem? Start-Up Business ‘Success’ is a ‘Multi-event Line-up’: Company has sufficient finance at right time Management is capable & focused Development goes to plan Deployment goes to plan Competitors behave as expected Customers behave as expected IP is competitive & defensible Management, Board & Shareholders behave as expected

Thanks to Prof. Dimov, University of Bath & Source: Zider (1998)

So what’s the ‘start-up’ problem? Start-Up Business ‘Success’ is a ‘Multi-event Line-up’: - Event Probability Company has sufficient finance at right time – 80% Management is capable & focused – 80% Development goes to plan – 80% Deployment goes to plan – 80% Competitors behave as expected – 80% Customers behave as expected – 80% IP is competitive & defensible – 80% Management, Board & Shareholders behave as expected – 80%

Thanks to Prof. Dimov, University of Bath & Source: Zider (1998)

Combined probability of success Business ‘Failure’ is a multi-event ‘Pile-Up’

Combined probability of success Business ‘Failure’ is a multi-event ‘Pile-Up’

A ‘Marketplace’ of help & support

£15M Raised

£2M Raised

£195M Trade Sale to Cisco

£XXM Trade Sale to Maxim

£XM Trade Sale to Jonas Group

£9M Raised

£XXM Trade Sale to Twitter

£150k Raised £300k Raised £800k Raised

£25M Raised £20M Raised

Good luck with the Elevator Pitches!
