Download - CCSD Parent Enrollment Options Form Safe Restart Supplemental … · 2020. 7. 29. · CCSD Virtual Academy 6 The CCSD Virtual Academy offers an alternative, viable option to serve

Page 1: CCSD Parent Enrollment Options Form Safe Restart Supplemental … · 2020. 7. 29. · CCSD Virtual Academy 6 The CCSD Virtual Academy offers an alternative, viable option to serve
Page 2: CCSD Parent Enrollment Options Form Safe Restart Supplemental … · 2020. 7. 29. · CCSD Virtual Academy 6 The CCSD Virtual Academy offers an alternative, viable option to serve

Operational Safety


● Disinfectiona. Facilities: twice per day for all bathrooms and touch surfaces; fogging once per weekb. Buses: twice per day

● Facility improvementsa. Desk dividers where neededb. Bottle fillers installed in all schoolsc. HVAC: analysis of all schools complete; upgrading filters where possible; ensure that

all fresh air equipment is fully operational; portable HEPA units in nurse clinics● Buses

a. Maximum of capacity will be limited according to state guidelinesb. Routing plan being developed to provide additional runs where possible

● Nutrition Servicesa. Touch free breakfast and lunch pick-up in cafeteria (eating in classrooms)b. Arranging for virtual school meal pick-up

● COVID protocola. In-place for positive cases; contact tracing completed by Nursing Departmentb. Will refine school notification procedures

All will be aligned with the MUSC Back-to-School playbook

Page 3: CCSD Parent Enrollment Options Form Safe Restart Supplemental … · 2020. 7. 29. · CCSD Virtual Academy 6 The CCSD Virtual Academy offers an alternative, viable option to serve

Parent Enrollment Options

In-Person AABB


Option 1Traditional/In-Person

Option 2Virtual Academy

Page 4: CCSD Parent Enrollment Options Form Safe Restart Supplemental … · 2020. 7. 29. · CCSD Virtual Academy 6 The CCSD Virtual Academy offers an alternative, viable option to serve


Sample In-Person AA/BB ScheduleTime Group A

Monday and Tuesday/B Group learning at home

Wednesday Group BThursday and Friday/A Group

Learning at Home


Arrival/Breakfast • Student Asynchronous Learning and Independent Work*

• Individualized Student Support

• Teachers - Individual and Collaborative Planning, Grading, andProfessional Development


English/Language Arts English/Language Arts

Art/Music/P.E. Art/Music/P.E.

Lunch Lunch

• Recess – Establish schedule throughout the day for small groups students to go outside

• Rotational Teacher Planning

• Recess – Establish schedule throughout the day for small groups of students to go outside

• Rotational Teacher Planning


Mathematics * Note: A/B group rotation, no live instruction on Wednesdays for the first month. After this month, this will be an alternating instructional day. Week 1 - AAABBWeek 2 - AABBB


Science or Social Studies Science or Social Studies

• Intervention Supports • Social Emotional Wellbeing

Community Circles • Targeted Skill Recovery

• Intervention Supports • Social Emotional Wellbeing

Community Circles • Targeted Skill Recovery

Preparing for at-home learning Preparing for at-home learning

Dismissal Dismissal

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Sample Virtual Academy ScheduleTime Monday - Friday


7:00-7:30 Breakfast

7:30-8:00 Class Check-in /Individual Student Conferences/Social Emotional Well-Being - held in person via video/teleconferencing

8:00-9:00 Mathematics - 30 minutes of direct instruction/small group instruction; 30 minutes individual work

9:00-10:00 English Language Arts - 30 minutes of direct instruction/small group instruction; 30 minutes individual work

10:00-10:15 Break/Recess

10:15-11:15 Rotations: Interventions, Supports, Small Groups, Special Services or Playlist/Digital Content

11:15-12:15 Lunch


12:15-1:10 Science or Social Studies

1:10-2:00 Art, Music, P.E, Library, Technology

2:00-2:40 Rotations: Interventions, Supports, Small Groups, Special Services or Playlist/Digital Content

*Note: This is only a sample of what a schedule for a student in elementary school might look like.

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CCSD Virtual Academy


The CCSD Virtual Academy offers an alternative, viable option to serve the K-12 educational needs of students for the 2020-2021 school year. ● Offers comprehensive, full-time, tuition-free learning for all students enrolled in

a Charleston County School District school● Operates like a program school, with students remaining enrolled in their

home/base school for athletics or other activities● Delivers a quality curriculum from proven providers, including Florida Virtual,

VirtualSC, and Edgenuity● Scheduled class-time (face-to-face video conferencing in real time) and

independent learning time that can be scheduled at any time as is developmentally appropriate

● Commitment for one semester for high school; and one quarter for middle (unless taking high school courses) and elementary students

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Frequently Asked Questions: Virtual Academy● QUESTION: Will students in Virtual Academy be taught by their home school teachers and

assigned with other students from their home school?○ ANSWER: Students will be taught by CCSD teachers who are scheduled in the Virtual

Academy based on their course needs. Student grade level cohorts and course assignments are composed of students across the district, not from just one school or attendance area.

● QUESTION: Are all virtual or online programs and schools (ie. Connections Academy, K-12 Education, etc…) the same, so if a student enrolls in a virtual school other than CCSD’s Virtual Academy, will they still be a CCSD student?

○ ANSWER: CCSD’s Virtual Academy operates as a program academy, not a stand-alone school, so students earn their course credits (and diploma, if applicable) through their CCSD home/base CCSD school and stay enrolled in their CCSD home/base school.

● QUESTION: Will the Virtual Academy offer all courses available in my elementary, middle, or high school?

○ ANSWER: Virtual Academy will offer all core academic courses with honors and AP level courses that are consistently offered in most CCSD middle and high schools. Specialized elective courses offered only at select schools may not be available.

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Frequently Asked Questions: Virtual Academy● QUESTION: If I enroll in the CCSD Virtual Academy, will I be able to keep my school

choice seat?

○ ANSWER: All students must be registered in a CCSD school to enroll in the Virtual

Academy. CCSD will “hold” a student’s school choice seat for the 2020-2021 school

year for those who CCSD Virtual Academy. *If a student withdraws from CCSD to

enroll in a virtual/online school outside of CCSD, the student’s seat will not be held.

● QUESTION: Will special services like ESOL, Gifted and Talented, Exceptional Children,

504, etc., be offered in the Virtual Academy?

○ ANSWER: Special services will be offered for students in all CCSD schools and

programs, including the Virtual Academy. How these services will look will depend

on student need and mode required.

● QUESTION: My student is in a CCSD charter school, so is the CCSD Virtual Academy an

option for him/her.

○ ANSWER: CCSD Virtual Academy is open for any student who is enrolled in a CCSD

school, including charters. Parents wishing to stay enrolled in their CCSD charter

school, should work with their charter school principal to gain approval for

enrolling in the CCSD Virtual Academy.