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The Gatheringof the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina

May/June 2015 • Vol. 20 Issue 3 Bringing Baptists of North Carolina Together for Christ-Centered Ministry

spotlight on transformation2015 CBFNC GENERAL ASSEMBLY

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During CBFNC’s 2015-2016 fiscal year, we are giving special attention to one of the Areas of Focus developed during the 20th Anniversary Vision Process – Clarifying Identity and Covenant. That section of the vision document reads:

“We will help our participating congregations to discern, articulate, and renew the covenants, mutual expectations, and reciprocal promises which shape their sense of identity and sustain their sense of community. We will clarify the nature of the commitments which knit together CBFNC, its participating congregations and other partners in witness, mission, and ministry. We will encourage the development of greater interdependence and deeper relationship among our congregations. We will nurture the capacities of our congregations and of CBFNC as a whole for creative and reconciling relationships which are nourished by promise-making and promise-keeping and which point toward the Beloved Community.”

Identity seeks to explore the question, “Who are we?” Covenant addresses the question, “How do we relate to one another?” Many of the articles in The Gathering during the next twelve months seek to respond to these questions and reflect on what it means for the individuals, churches and partners of CBFNC to share life together as a “Beloved Community.”

2 • The Gathering – May/June 2015

When I was in the seventh grade, we spent a good portion of English class diagramming sentences. Nobody enjoyed it, but it was a good way to learn grammar, parts of speech, sentence structure, and other elements of writing that have served me well in school, work and life. Those junior high sentence diagrams even helped me learn Greek in seminary.

Which part of speech is the word, “Baptist”? Sometimes we use it as a noun, as in, “I am a Baptist.” Sometimes we use it as an adjective, as in, “I attend a Baptist church.” I come from a long line of Baptist folks. I’m proud of my Baptist heritage. I’ve devoted my life to serving Jesus through Baptist churches and Baptist ministries. But the older I get, the more I think that I’m most faithful to the Baptist way of discipleship when I use Baptist as an adjective rather than as a noun. For me, the adjective, Baptist, functions best when it modifies the noun, Christian, as in, “I’m a Baptist Christian.”

Baptists are Christians. We aren’t the only Christians. We don’t claim to be superior to other Christians. But first and foremost (even before we are Baptists), we are Christians. How can we make this claim?

First, Baptists are Christians because We Belong.

Baptists are Christians because we belong to the larger Christian Church. We have a place on the Christian family tree. We can trace our lineage back to English Separatists (with influence from the Anabaptists). The English Separatists came from the Anglicans, one of the major branches of the Protestant Reformation.

If we keep going down the trunk of the tree, we find ourselves at the Roman Catholic Church (and can see where our Eastern Orthodox kindred branched off), then the church of the Middle Ages, then the apostolic church and the churches of the New Testament.

If we back up and look at the whole tree, we can see Christ’s church, in all of its glorious unity and its many diversions, distinctions and divisions. We differ in some important ways from many other branches and twigs on the tree. But we have more in common than not. We belong to them and they belong to us and we all belong to Christ.

Second, Baptists are Christians because We Believe.

Baptists are Christians because we have the same core beliefs as others in the larger Christian Church. While we don’t require one another to recite a particular creed or confession, we believe, in the main, what other Christians believe. We believe in one, Triune God – Father, Son and Spirit – Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer. We believe Jesus is the incarnation of the Eternal God. He was born into a human family, lived on earth, was put to death, and was raised from the dead. We believe God does not remain remote from creation, but reveals himself to creation in many ways. We believe the Bible is a unique and normative expression of God’s

the grammar of identity by Larry Hovis, CBFNC Executive Coordinator

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A newly formed network of churches, individuals and CBF Field Personnel are working together among some of the most overlooked immigrants in our state. The coalition is partnering with the Elon University School of Law’s Humanitarian Immigration Law Clinic.

“There is a lot of energy in our group,” says Kim Hovis, coalition member. “By working together we are able to accomplish so much more than by ourselves.”

“The partnership extends the Christian community of our churches to those who have no community,” says Mason Smith, pastor of First, Elon. “We are advocating on behalf of asylum seekers in our area, helping them with food and housing security. When we learned of this need in our community, we immediately agreed to help.”

Those being served are clients of the Elon Humanitarian Immigration Law Clinic. Elon is the only Law Clinic in N.C. offering free legal support to asylum seekers. On average, the Clinic uses 180 hours of support per case. To hire a typical Immigration Lawyer for an asylum case would cost the client around $18,000.

“We found out an asylum seeker from Rwanda lived in our area,” says Kim Wyatt, CBF Field Personnel serving in the Research Triangle. “Marc and I are sharing simple things like our time and knowledge of the community with our new friend. It is the right thing to do. It is being the presence of Christ to strangers as Jesus taught us.”

The Wyatts are serving as facilitators for the new coalition. Kim and Marc are helping us identify, mobilize and serve internationals in North Carolina, thanks to a three-year partnership between CBFNC and Global Missions. You and your church are invited to join this growing coalition of CBFNC churches and individuals serving asylum seekers in our state. You can help by praying, making a tax-deductible gift to the CBFNC Asylum Seeker Emergency Support Fund, donating items, extending Christian community, and advocating on behalf of an asylum seeker located in your area.

For more information, contact Kim and Marc Wyatt, CBF Advocates for Internationals, at [email protected] or call (910) 632-4181. Visit for more information about the Humanitarian Immigration Law Clinic.

asylum seekers by Linda Jones, CBFNC Missions Coordinator and Marc Wyatt, CBF Advocate for Internationals

The Gathering – May/June 2015 • 3

revelation, our guide for faith and practice. We believe people are separated from God by their sin and that God offers reconciliation to humanity through Jesus Christ, forming the reconciled into one body called the Church. We believe people are called to join God’s work of reconciling all creation to God. We believe God is working to consummate history by bringing into being a new heaven and new earth. These ideas don’t exhaust our beliefs. We don’t agree on all the details. But we do, in general, join with other Christians to believe these things.

Third, Baptists are Christians because We Behave.

Baptists are Christians because our belonging and our believing lead us (at our best) to behaving and living after the example of our Savior and Lord. In some ways, this is the least important factor. We confess that our behavior always falls short. We can’t earn forgiveness. It comes as sheer gift. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God— not the result of works, so that no one may boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). On the other hand, it is the most important factor. If our belonging and our believing don’t lead to a change in us and don’t lead us to make a positive change in the world, what do they matter? “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works?” (James 2:14).

We are Christians because our relationship to Christ and each other changes us for the better. These relationships call, equip and empower us to behave in ways that positively transform the world more and more into the likeness of the Triune God. We still fall short and mess up. We still need forgiveness. We still need to forgive. We are always a work in progress. But because we believe and belong, we behave in ways that make a difference for us, for each other, and for the world.

Baptists are Christians. We aren’t the only Christians. We aren’t the best Christians. (There aren’t any “best” Christians – we all are sinners saved by grace). But before we are anything else – even Baptists – we are Christians. It’s simple grammar.

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4 • The Gathering – May/June 2015

From the overall theme, to the opening panel discussion, to 93 workshops, the 2015 CBFNC General Assembly emphasized “Transforming Together.”

Providence in Charlotte hosted the General Assembly March 19-20 during an experimental Thursday-Friday format. Pre-registration was at an all-time high, and overall attendance was on track with previous years.

On a weekend when two CBFNC churches elected female pastors, Lisa Rust rose to her role as moderator for the next two years.

“It’s an honor to serve and I’m reassured by the dedication and thoughtfulness of the team with which I’ll be serving,” said Rust, a member of First, Lumberton. “We face some of the same conditions that our churches face regarding finances, and we will be the best stewards we can be while maintaining our commitment to our core values.”

Rust had served two years as moderator-elect, a role now assumed by Doug Murray, pastor of First, Wilson.

“As a layperson I love CBFNC,” Rust said. “There are lots of ministers in leadership and I’m just as significant and insignificant as each of them. I’m pleased to be part of an organization where I can offer what I offer as a female and as a layperson.”

CBFNC adopted a 2015-2016 budget of $3,708,865, about 5% lower than the previous year. Of that, $1.4 million will be used for operations and services, and $2.3 million will be distributed to ministry partners through the Mission Resource Plan. This is the fourth year in which allocations have been decreased. CBFNC treasurer Mike Eddinger said 2015 income will likely fall about $100,000 short of budget. He said the new budget “is a sensitive and realistic approach to our current situation.” Funds are not being received in the amount required to support ministries consistent with past levels, so, Eddinger said, distributions are being reviewed.

Executive Coordinator Larry Hovis felt that “excitement, energy and enthusiasm” permeated the meeting. “I just kept hearing from everyone over and over how much energy there was and how much they appreciated the Assembly,” he said.

Opening panelTen people representing five “transformed” congregations

opened the General Assembly by discussing their experiences as a panel. Their congregations ranged from small churches to large, from rural to urban, but each had a story of transformation. Most credited leadership coaching offered through CBFNC for the guidance and encouragement they

spotlight on transformation

by Norman Jameson

See more pictures from our Assembly at

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needed to make their transformative steps.First, Waynesville, said they went from “being an institutional

church to an incarnational church focused on meeting the 70% of people who aren’t like us,” said pastor Robert Prince. “We are transforming the community by reaching into the community and sharing the gospel.”

This came after hearing “a fairly ugly litany of our own reputation in our own home town,” said associate pastor John Daniels. That awakening came after coach Eddie Hammett simply walked around town and asked residents their opinion of the church.

Greg Rogers, pastor of Oakmont in Greenville, said his church grew open to transformation once they realized they had to “plow the ground spiritually.” After they had passed on an opportunity to buy an adjoining apartment complex two years earlier, they were prepared spiritually to move forward when it unexpectedly became available again. Now that complex is a center of community ministry for the church.

Bill Slater, pastor of Wake Forest in Wake Forest, said the transformation in his congregation means they are “now a can-do church instead of a can’t-do church.” Now members who once “were dug in and didn’t want new people” are welcoming members to the growing church.

Both Neill’s Creek in Angier, and Grace Crossing in Charlotte, described similar experiences.

Hammett explained his coaching process as helping churches to “unlock dreams” where they can then “turn pain into meaning.”

“The opening panel discussion met our goals both of informing churches about the opportunity for renewal, as well as inspiring them that there is hope for their congregations,” said Hovis.

ScheduleRandom interviews with participants indicated that church

staff liked the Thursday/Friday schedule a lot. It gives them a chance to be home on Saturday and prepare physically and spiritually for Sunday. They said the weekday schedule makes it more difficult for laity to participate, but laity participation is not high even on weekends, as they tend to see Assembly as an event for church staff. “After 20 years we felt it was time to try a new schedule to see how it impacted our attendance,” said Hovis. “Many, many people told me they liked it.”

Three days in March 2016 are blocked for the General Assembly at Hayes Barton in Raleigh, with the theme “Beloved Community.” CBFNC staff and officers will determine the days on which to hold the Assembly.

“We can sustain very meaningful, dynamic crowds for years to come,” said Hovis. “There is still a strong desire for Cooperative Baptists to gather in North Carolina for the kinds of things we’ve historically done together.”

Two winners of $10,000 Lolley Scholarships for divinity school education, funded through the CBFNC endowment committee, were announced. Winners were Rob Lee, student at Duke University School of Divinity, and Seth Hix, Wake Forest University School of Divinity.

A Grace Note from the CBFNC Hunger Fund was given to Healing Springs Acres, a farm near Denton which donates food to local food banks. Operator Don Durham is former executive director of the CBF National Foundation, who left that position to start Healing Springs.

A new racial reconciliation Bible study curriculum was unveiled, a significant step in the CBFNC racial reconciliation team’s eight-year effort to keep the topic before North Carolina Baptists. The free curriculum and teaching notes are available online at

Norman Jameson is a writer and funds development consultant. Follow him at

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• Offsite workshop excursions offering field discussions on issues like payday lending

• Return of the Silent Auction

• Increased number of spaces in the age-level assemblies

• Childcare available for the Wednesday night service

• The whole event is still under one roof. Assembly will be hosted and held at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Dallas, Texas.

• Great hotel room rates at $121/night

• Meet field personnel and learn about their global work

• DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) has added new routes and is a convenient way to get from the airport to Assembly

• Spend a week laughing with and learning from 1500 other Cooperative Baptists

There are so many reasons to come...

Casting a VISION for the future of the Fellowship through

• Business Sessions impacting the work of CBF• Addresses from Executive Coordinator, Suzii Paynter

and Kasey Jones, CBF’s Moderator• State and regional gatherings with your local CBF office

INSPIRATION to find and continue your God-given mission at

• Leadership Institute • Workshops centered on opportunities and models for mission

involvement including two off-site opportunities for guided tours associated with the community impact of payday lending and the role of the faith community in the aftermath of the assassination of President Kennedy

Finding REST AND FELLOWSHIP in opportunities for both collective and individual renewal during

• Evening receptions in The Gathering Place• Prayer Retreat • Group fitness opportunities and free health screenings• Meal events like the Newcomer breakfasts, WE Lunches,

Network breakfasts and auxiliary events with CBF partners

Worship and CELEBRATION through stories of missions, ministries and God’s work at

• Worship services led by George Mason of Wilshire Baptist Church and Freddie Haynes of Friendship West Baptist Church along with musician and improviser, Ken Medema.

• Commissioning Service for new field personnel, chaplains, pastoral counselors and church starters

• Worship, music and ministry opportunity workshops

Sharing BEST PRACTICES and resources for meeting ministry needs through

• Workshops about issues facing the modern church, trends and tools in ministry and resources for teaching and learning

• Over 50 interactive exhibitor booths in The Gathering Place• Offering for Global Missions information and material

At General Assembly, we’re forming together around learning, loving and leading as a Fellowship.

Make plans now to join us in Dallas June 15-19, 2015

Register now for free at

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“It is a safe place for my child. It is his special day.” “She loves it so much, I can’t tell her it is Buddy Break weekend, or she won’t sleep all week.” “It is the best thing I have ever been involved with for my child.” “I know my two children will be taken care of, and, very importantly, they will not be judged.” These quotes are from parents of special needs children who participate in a monthly Buddy Break at Greystone in Raleigh.

Nancy Register, a member at Greystone, heard about the national Buddy Break program while listening to the radio. “I had a burden that our church needed some ministry that could involve all ages working together. I do not have a special-needs child, but when I heard about how this program works, I knew, ‘This is it!’”

One Saturday a month, 12-20 special-needs chil-dren aged 3-19, enter the fellowship hall of Greystone, immedi-ately recognized and appreciated. Buddies are the volunteers who give parents a respite and give chil-dren an opportunity to explore art, music or just to play games.

“They get to choose what they want to do, which is something rare for them. Their Buddy finds out what they want to do that day, then escorts them to that center and stays with them. They can do one center all day or they can move to as many centers as they choose,” said Nancy. “Now that we have been going for two years, the Buddies and the children know each other and feel very comfortable around one another.”

One of those Buddies is Lauren Jones, a senior at Sanderson High School. “I came to be a Buddy through the Key Club to get service hours. I thought it was really cool, so I got trained to be a Buddy, which is pretty easy.” Lauren is a Buddy to Madison. “She is so sweet. Usually, she just wants to go to the library to read books about animals, so that’s what we do. I am not really doing this for hours anymore. I like seeing all the children and seeing how they cope with their predicaments. I used to only see special-needs children from a distance or on TV and would think,

‘how could you take care of someone like that?’ But this has changed my perspective. Now I think that someday I would like to adopt a special-needs child. You find that the key is learning how to communicate with this person. Once you discover that, you can have a really good relationship.”

Lauren is one of many Buddies who are not members at Greystone. The ministry is open to leadership from outside the congregation as long as the person takes the training and pays for a background check.

I visited Buddy Break on Valentine’s Day. The children could make heart puzzles or dig though a huge container of rice looking for hearts. “We have some things that are consistent every month,

because consistency is important for some. But we also have a theme each month so some things will change. In March, the tactile box will be filled with green colored noodles,” said Annette McSpadden, another coordinator.

After several hours of playing, reading or making crafts, the children gather for a final program. Recent programs have included therapy dogs, fire en-gines, and often music. Faith is woven through

the day, such as a prior month’s theme on the story of Noah.“Buddy Break ministers to people all over our county and it

involves persons of all ages in our church. Persons as young as 14 can, and do, volunteer. Sunday school classes fix meals for the volunteers. One Sunday school class even made lasagnas for the Mother’s Day Buddy Break for the mothers to take home with them,” said Nancy. One person serving lunch the day I visited was Martha Castleberry, age 89. “I hope this is as helpful for the parents as it is for me,” she said. “This program started the year my husband died and it has given me a great outlet.”

Greystone celebrated their 30th anniversary last year with a campaign called Pay It Forward. Their goal was to raise $30,000 for ministries reaching persons outside the church. Part of those funds will be used to offer matching grants to churches interested in beginning their own Buddy Break ministry. For more infor-mation on Buddy Break or the grant, contact Nancy Register at [email protected].

buddy break by Rick Jordan, CBFNC Church Resources Coordinator

a ministry for all

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8 • The Gathering – May/June 2015

John 4:37-38 “For in this is the saying true, ‘One sows, and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap a crop for which you did not labor. And you have benefited from their labor.”

How many times in our ministry do we begin endeavors that just seem to fall into place? Other times we feel as if we are beating our heads against the wall. Perhaps it’s because we think of these as MY project, rather than God’s.

Three years ago, two friends, Jay Bissett and Joe Yelton, reconnected. Both were youth at First, Asheville, during the 1970s. There, they heard sermons by Dr. Cecil Sherman that taught that Christianity was love put into action. They learned of a compassionate Jesus that did not judge, but healed, welcomed, and taught.

Today, Jay Bissett is a United Methodist pastor serving the Reeves Chapel and Sardis congregations. Joe Yelton is Pastor of Hominy in Candler. These churches serve the community of Hom-iny Valley, a rapidly developing urban area in southwest Asheville. It is an area that is historically populated by white mill workers and farmers, but recently Latino and upper-middle-class neighborhoods have emerged. Hominy Valley has some of the highest rates of poverty in Buncombe County, with 62% of its elementary school children eligible for free or reduced lunches. It is also an area that has been very under-served by medical practices. In the midst of these challenges, Asheville-Buncombe Community Christian Ministries (ABCCM) has been seeking to serve those who struggle economically through its Hominy Valley Crisis Ministry. As Ex-ecutive Director Scott Rogers says, “ABCCM is only as far away as a person’s next meal and only as meaningful as their last.”

Joe Yelton has served as Pastor of Hominy for 18 years. In 1999, Hominy developed a ministry initiative that included the development of a crisis and medical ministry on land previously purchased by the church and made available to the center for free.

The Hominy Valley Crisis Ministry was born and served 1,600 client-families in its first year.

Jay Bissett was appointed to two Methodist Churches in Hominy Valley in 2010. Dale Stockton was a faithful attender at one of these churches and a weekly volunteer at the Hominy Cri-sis Ministry. When Jay visited the center at Dale’s invitation, he

was shocked at how small and inadequate the facility was.

Since Jay had prior involve-ment with the operation and building of other food pantries, Jay met with Joe Yelton, Scott Rogers, and Robb Webb, Rural Church Director for the Duke Endowment. A grant applica-tion was submitted to build a small facility behind the exist-

ing building for housing the Food Pantry. After several revisions, the Duke Endowment generously funded the project.

Meanwhile, Joe and Scott, working with others at Hominy, expanded the vision. Using the Duke Endowment grant, a new fa-cility equipped to assist clients was proposed. Long-time members of Hominy with a passion for educational development and crisis assistance, Jack and Carolyn Ferguson, gave more than $1 million so that the crisis and medical ministries could operate adequately. In November of 2014, the new 10,000-square-foot Hominy Valley Crisis Center and Ferguson Charitable Center was opened.

From an original grant of $150,000 plus other grants and gifts, ecumenical support and gifts-in-kind donations by contractors, architects, and tradesmen, the eventual $1.6 million project is virtually debt-free.

James B. Duke, founder of the Duke Endowment; Dr. Cecil Sherman; Rev. Joe Yelton; Rev. Jay Bissett; Dale Stockton; Jack and Carolyn Ferguson ... the list continues of those who labored to “prepare fields they would not reap.” In ministry, we are not planting for ourselves. The seeds we plant today may bear fruit in the future.

my project orGod’s project?

by Jay Bissett, Pastor, Reeves Chapel UMC & Sardis UMC, Asheville, and Joe Yelton, Pastor, Hominy Baptist Church, Candler

A story of relationships, spiritual formation, asset development, and collaboration, with sacrificial living & giving

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The Gathering – May/June 2015 • 9

Did you know that CBFNC partners with four NC divinity schools to support theological education and schol-arship divinity students? These NC partner schools are Campbell Divinity School, Baptist House of Studies at Duke University, Gardner-Webb University School of Divinity and Wake Forest University School of Divinity.

Beyond North Carolina, CBFNC partners with out-of-state seminaries or divinity schools to scholarship North Carolina students who attend their schools. These out-of-state schools include Princeton Theological Seminary, Tru-ett Theological Seminary (Baylor), McAfee School of Theology (Mercer) and Baptist University of the Americas.

Did you ever wonder what each of these schools has in common with each other and with all Christians?

Each of these schools has a mission statement that is unique to their own school; however, each has common beliefs and supports shared ministry with CBF and the Christian community at-large.

Words or phrases like Christ-centered ... equipping and forming students for practical, Baptist and Christian ministry ... integrating scholarship with Christian life ... challenging students to make a difference in the world through a variety of ministries ... all describe or define these common beliefs or shared ministry. Most of these words or phrases come directly from the mission statements of our partner schools.

Some characteristics that describe common beliefs and shared ministry are exhibited in the diversity of the student or faculty population, in the attraction of students to a particular school, or where students choose to serve following graduation from a specific institution. Recently, I asked divinity school faculty or staff to comment on their observations of their students. Amber Johnson, Director of Admissions at Campbell, writes, “From its beginning, Campbell Divinity School has embodied its mission to be Christ-centered, Bible-based, and ministry-focused. This mission directs our teaching and forms our community. It is who we are. As a community, our mission reflects our common beliefs and our shared ministry with all Christians.”

Tiffani Harris, Assistant Director of Spiritual Formation at Truett, writes, “Our faculty and students participate weekly in small groups which foster community and spiritual growth. Within covenant groups, our students are exposed to Christian practices and disciplines that are commonly shared by Chris-tians from many traditions, all over the world.”

CBFNC partners and relates with seminaries and divinity schools because we support theological education that embraces common beliefs and makes a difference (through shared ministry) in the present and future of THE Church.

Recently, divinity students from our partner schools were gathered at a conference and engaged in a spiritual formation discussion. When asked “How does asking and praying ‘God questions’ guide your leadership ability as well as your church’s missional journey?”, Daniel Potter from Wake Forest Divinity School responded, “As a leader of the church, I must be spiritually grounded. These spiritual questions like ‘Who does God want me to be?’ and ‘What does God want me to do?’ can help me re-center. Further, it will be a wonderful example that can challenge my church members to do the same.”

How will you respond to these questions? We are a people who have common beliefs and shared ministry. We are in relationship with God, with Christ, with each other! “It is who we are!”

Stephanie Bohannon, Campbell University Divinity School; Curtis Freeman, Director, Baptist House of Studies at Duke University.

Emily Davis, Gardner-Webb University School of Divinity; Jaimie Fitzgerald, Gardner-Webb; Daniel Potter, Wake Forest University School of Divinity.

what do WE have by Ka’thy Gore Chappell,

in common?

CBFNC Leadership Development Coordinator

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Ministers on the Move Compiled by Jack Causey, Ministerial Resources Coordinator

Our encouragement and support go to the following ministers who have recently moved:

Mygenta Spivey has been called as the Minister of Youth for Morningside Baptist Church in Asheville.

Shirley Womble is now serving on staff of Masonboro Baptist Church in Wilmington as Minister of Children, Families and Church Administration.

Marcus Garner is on staff of the Masonboro Baptist Church in Wilmington as Connect Worship Leader.

Karen Bass Driscoll is now serving as Director of Music Ministries at First Baptist Church of Clinton.

Lauren McCollister has been called as Minister of Music at Neill’s Creek Baptist Church in Angier.

Andrew Garnett is now serving on staff of Forest Hills Baptist Church in Raleigh as Minister for Serving Christ.

Stacy Nowell has been called as pastor of First Baptist Church of Huntersville.

Emily Hull McGee has been called as pastor of First Baptist Church of Winston-Salem.

Memorial Baptist Church in Buies Creek has called Ed Beddingfield as pastor.

First Baptist Church of High Point has called Joel Campbell as pastor.

When you make a move or know of someone who has changed places of ministry, let us know at [email protected]. For assistance to search committees and ministers seeking vocational discernment, visit our reference and referral page on our website at or call 336-759-3456 or 888-822-1944.

CBFNC Honorary and Memorial Gifts Donald and Marion Horton, Knightdale; in honor of Don Horton

Your gifts to a CBFNC endowment fund can plant seeds of blessing, hope, and help. Designate a gift for scholarships, new church starts, or where it is most needed. Contact Jim Hylton at [email protected] or (336) 759-3456 for more information.

First, BiscoeFirst, FayettevilleFirst, GrahamFirst, GreensboroFirst, HendersonFirst, LenoirFirst, LibertyFirst, Mount AiryFirst, West JeffersonFirst, Winston-SalemGreystone, RaleighProvidence, CharlotteSnyder Memorial, FayettevilleTrinity, RaleighWestwood, Cary

Coordinator Visits February 2015 - March 2015

CBFNC ministry coordinators are available to visit your church to speak, preach, teach, consult, lead and minister in ways appropriate to your context. Contact the CBFNC office for more information.

February 2015 Contributions Undesignated - $69,866 Designated - $189,178March 2015 Contributions Undesignated - $87,979 Designated - $174,175

April 2014 - March 2015 Monthly Undesignated Goal: $123,657

CBFNCFinancial Report:

Donate to CBFNC today!

Choose a particular ministry, our Mission & Ministry Offering or undesignated

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May/June 2015

phone: 336.759.3456 • phone: 888.822.1944 • fax: 336.759.3459 • [email protected] •

The Gatheringof the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina

Larry Hovis ............. Executive Coordinator.................... [email protected]

Ka’thy Gore Chappell ... Leadership Development [email protected]

Rick Jordan ............ Church Resources Coordinator ......... [email protected]

Linda Jones ............ Missions Coordinator ..................... [email protected]

Jim Hylton ............. Business Administration Coordinator ... [email protected]

Jack Causey ............. Ministerial Resources Coordinator ..... [email protected]

Coordinating CouncilLisa Rust, Lumberton, ModeratorDoug Murray, Wilson, Moderator-ElectMarion Horton, Knightdale, RecorderRay Ammons, Clinton, Past-ModeratorMike Eddinger, Cary, TreasurerNancy Baxley, Winston-SalemMike Queen, WilmingtonKathy Driver, RaleighJeff Mathis, SylvaHeather Folliard, Chapel HillWayne Hill, Wake ForestBeth Thompson, GreenvilleAndy Jung, Albemarle

Collegiate Ministry TeamSeth Asbill, ZebulonRenee Pouloit Bridges, CaryLee Colbert, SmithfieldChristy Correll-Hughes, ClemmonsKevin Moore, Spring HopeRobin Roberts, Ralegih

Faith Formation Ministry CouncilBarbara Glasgow, Zebulon, ChairScott Thrailkill, Goldsboro, Chair-ElectGiles Blankenship, FayettevilleBrian Harrington, LibertyKerrie Clayton Jordan, SmithfieldSusan McConnell, ShelbyLouisa Monroe, FayettevilleTyler Roach, MorgantonMatt Roberts, MarionKay Smith, Hickory

Leadership Development Ministry CouncilShane Nixon, Mocksville, ChairKheresa Harmon, Shelby, Chair-ElectSarah Boberg, Red SpringsJerry Chiles, RaleighBuddy Corbin, AshevilleJeanell Cox, DurhamJohn Daniels, WaynesvilleStacey Grimm, BurlingtonMark Reece, Mount AiryLeah Reed, Rolesville

Missions Ministry CouncilBlake Dempsey, Nashville, ChairPaula McCosh, Fayetteville, Chair-ElectDebbie Baughn, MarionPaul Burgess, BensonGreg Burris, Siler CityKent Cranford, GastoniaSara Lamkin, LouisburgMason Smith, ElonChrista Warise, Winston-SalemMike Womble, WilmingtonMarc and Kim Wyatt, Raleigh, Ex-Officio

Endowment Management BoardAndrew Barnhill, WilmingtonRon Cava, HendersonAustin Connors, RaleighScott Hudgins, Winston-SalemNorman Jameson, Winston-Salem

Wanda Kidd ........ College Ministry Coordinator [email protected]

Eddie Hammett ... Church and Clergy Coach [email protected]

Javier Benitez .....Hispanic Network Leader Coach [email protected]

Rebekah Ayers ... Programs Manager [email protected]

Sarah Mitchell .... Communications Manager [email protected]

Gail McAlister .... Financial Manager [email protected]

Regional CoordinatorsWestern: Gail Coulter ............................. [email protected]: David Smith ............................ [email protected]: Bill Leathers ................................ [email protected] Central: Drag Kimrey ..................... [email protected]

North Central: Randy Carter ...................... [email protected] Capital: Tom Jackson .............................. [email protected] North: Ron Cava ......................... [email protected]: Mike Johnson ......................... [email protected]: Jesse Croom ........................... [email protected]

Ministerial Transitions FacilitatorsWestern: Terry Hamrick ........................... [email protected]: Jack Causey .............................. [email protected]

Southeast: Mike Queen ............................... [email protected]: Michael Cogdill .......................... [email protected]

CBFNC College MinistersAshley Mangrum ... UNC Chapel Hill ..................... [email protected] Powers ... East Carolina............................. [email protected] Privette ...... Appalachian ................... [email protected]

Danny Steis ............. Duke University ..................... [email protected] Stone.............. Western North Carolina [email protected] Towles ............ Wake Forest ................................. [email protected]

Page 12: CBFNC May/June 2015



8025 North Point Blvd., Suite 205Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North CarolinaBringing Baptists of North Carolina Together for Christ-Centered Ministry

Return Service

Impacting Tomorrow Central NC Teaching CongregationMay 2, 2015Neill’s Creek, Angier

Hispanic Network - Men’s RetreatMay 29-30, 2015

Foothills Regional Gathering: An evening with Suzii PaynterJune 6, 2015Viewmont, Hickory Hispanic Network - Family RetreatJune 12, 2015

Hispanic Network - Children’s RetreatJuly 25-26, 2015

Hispanic Network - Youth RetreatAugust 14-16, 2015

Baptist Ideals TourAugust 23-26, 2015Williamsburg, VA

Hispanic Network - Women’s RetreatAugust 28-30, 2015

Youth Whitewater Rafting RetreatSeptember 5-7, 2015Blue Ridge Assembly, Black Mountain

Hispanic Network - Mother and Daughter RetreatSeptember 26, 2015

Youth Beach RetreatOctober 2-4, 2015Caswell

2015 Minister’s RetreatOctober 5-7, 2015St. Francis Springs, Stoneville

Regional Impacting Tomorrow Eastern NC Teaching CongregationOctober 10, 2015Oakmont, Greenville

Congregational Coach CertificationOctober 19-20, 2015Christmount Conference Center, Black Mountain

Welcome Event for New MinistersOctober 22, 2015CBFNC offices, Winston-Salem

Children’s Missions DayNovember 14, Zion Baptist, ShelbyNovember 14, Zebulon Baptist, ZebulonNovember 21, Oakmont Baptist, Greenville

Regional Impacting Tomorrow Churches Teaching ChurchesFebruary 6, 2016First, Mocksville

Youth Choir FestivalMarch 4-5, 2016Knollwood, Winston-Salem

Regional Impacting Tomorrow Western NC Teaching CongregationApril 16, 2016First, Waynesville

Upcoming Events ~ MAY/JUNE EDITION