Download - CBCA 2015

  1. 1. Reading for Pleasure (CBCA Winners) Plus Top Reads for 2015! Paul Macdonald M Ed B Ed The Childrens Bookshop Beecroft [email protected]
  2. 2. 2 Reading for pleasure is the most important way to advance literacy attainment in children. National Literacy Trust UK 2006
  3. 3. In a Nutshell 36 Books on the List 26 Females represented 72% Female contributions. Teachers Notes for All Diversity Video Links e.g.
  4. 4. Teaching Ideas Display/Activity Using the light bulb template found here print off and make available for students to write brief comments about a book which has 'lit up their world'. Take some time beforehand to brainstorm what this means. Each student who recommends a book can have their photo taken to accompany their 'light bulb'. Display on a wall in the library and students can speak about each to the class. ---------------------------------------------------- Activity with School Staff Different students can interview staff to find out a book title from their childhood which 'lit up their world'. Students can create an ebook using power point slides and movie maker/smore brochure/flipsnack or a filmed interview which can then be shared.
  5. 5. Need for Diversity A US-led campaign to address the lack of diversity in children literature has sparked over-overdue conversations in Australia Books and Publishing, 2015 Gender Representation Cultural Representation People with Disabilities Representation of cultural, ethnic and religious minorities Representation of family units.
  6. 6. BOOK WEEK 2015 Books light up our world
  7. 7. Older Readers
  8. 8. Interesting Category 2 Debuts- Nona and Me, The Minnow Deceased (parents)/ grieving dominate Outsiders prevalent Page-turners rule this year. Romance is the leading genre mixed with social realism.
  9. 9. With Are You Seeing Me? having just hit the shelves in Australia, Id like to share with you some insight into what inspired me to write the novel. Anyone whos spent any time with me knows I am Dad to a set of twins: one girl, one boy. My daughter is neurotypical, which is how people in the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) community sometimes refer to regular, everyday kids who do not have autism. She is amazing. She plays trumpet, creates short animated films and adores The Hunger Games. My son, who is three minutes younger than my daughter, is diagnosed with autism. He is amazing, too. He is awesome at Minecraft, swims like a champ and enjoys Pixar films. They will officially be teenagers in 2014. Are You Seeing Me? is a gift to my daughter. She was due a book my previous novel, Kindling, was a gift to my son. (By the way, all of my books are gifts for my beautiful wife). When I first started considering what to write, I kept coming back to a message I held dear for my daughter: You should never feel like you must be your brothers keeper. Love him, as he loves you, but live your own life to the full.
  10. 10. Descriptive Writing- Are You Seeing Me? A king tide of blood pummels my eardrums. The onlookers are panes of glass.For a fleeting moment, there is only stillness; the wait to discover if the tall ship of clarity has dropped anchor in the swirling eddies of sensory distress. (p. 7)
  11. 11. XF4&
  12. 12. The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl has cemented Melissa Keil onto my favourite author list.the characters are wonderful and I wish I lived in Eden Valley so I could know them, spend time with them, be friends with them. Lily Reads Books
  13. 13. Picturebooks Teaching Notes for All!
  14. 14. One day I found a scrap of wonderfulness. Her wings were wounded but in her heart there was hope. Hills bleached gold, a baked blue sky, Leaves lay limp in air sucked dry. I want to thank the river, too. Its like its taught me that Im really part of everything; how to slow right down, to really look, to listen, and to just breathe.
  15. 15. Oscar Wilde wrote some stories that were similar to Margaret Wilds The Stone Lion. The best-known of these are The Happy Prince, The Selfish Giant and The Nightingale. Chose one of these stories and consider the ways in which it is similar to The Stone Lion.
  16. 16. Early Childhood- Teachers Notes for all
  17. 17. Go To Sleep, Jessie! Teacher Notes Written by Libby Gleeson Illustrated by Freya Blackwood Published by Litte Hare, November 2014 WRITING STYLE Libby Gleeson uses her trademark pared-back minimalist style with a focus on dialogue and action. The story is told in the first person, so that the reader sees everything through the narrators eyes, but the simple impartial voice allows space for the readers to engage individually with the story and develop their own conclusions. Libby avoids telling the reader too much, at the same time as providing enough information to develop a vivid and insightful narrative. For example, she avoids telling us the narrator is angry or frustrated or empathetic, but we are able to understand the anger, frustration or empathy through her dialogue and actions. The vocabulary repeats certain pairs of contrastsscreaming/quiet, upstairs/ downstairsto suggest the dissonance, disconnection and exasperation that the narrator experiences. ILLUSTRATION STYLE The contrasts expressed in the text are amplified in the illustrations. Freya has chosen a palette based on orange and blue, which fall opposite each other on the colour wheel. The orange represents warmth and light and is used to illustrate the downstairs scenes, and the deep blue is the colour of the dark room upstairs where the children are trying to sleep. Further plays of visual contrasts are found in the depiction of light versus dark, tidy versus messy. Freya uses a combination of full-bleed pictures and multiple picture-boxes to show how a sequence of events can happen in one part of the house while a single event occurs in another. Multiple levels in the pictures, repeated diagonals, and strong horizontals and verticals that divide the page help contribute to a range of responses in the reader. Most importantly, Freyas illustrations show Jessies side of the story ... the frustration of a tiny child unable to express that all she wants is a cuddle! The illustrations also add humour to the story.
  18. 18. Younger Readers
  19. 19. Mapping Withering-by-Sea Activity: Create a map of the town Withering-by- Sea using accurate information from the novel. The map should be created on A3 paper. Consider using mapping symbols and grid referencing to identify key landmarks from the novel. The novel contains some clues to help you:
  20. 20.
  21. 21. Two Wolves also employs powerful metaphors and similes, again to convey the greatest meaning and emotion with the fewest possible words. Here are a few examples: Ben took a bite from a microwaved jam doughnut. The jam was lava on his tongue (p. 2) Ben watched, eyes alert, pupils black and big as marbles (p. 103) It shook low and heavy through his bones like a train through a mountain tunnel. (p. 210)
  22. 22. Eve Pownall
  23. 23. au/news/2014-09- 26/history-of- convicts-in-van- diemens- land/5771658
  24. 24. Crichton
  25. 25. Whats Hot? A quick review.
  26. 26. Focus Areas- National Curriculum Expanded View of Literacy Multi-Modal Texts National Identity Indigenous Focus Focus on Asia Sustainability Greater Focus on Language
  27. 27. Sustainability Random House. Sustainability and the Environment Environmental education for sustainability is such an important topic for all years of schooling. So we thought we'd pull together some of the best fiction books with environmental themes. These titles are set to empower and inspire your students to think about and take action toward a sustainable future.
  28. 28. Asian Focus- Picturebooks
  29. 29.
  30. 30. Picture Books 51
  31. 31. Easy Reads Abound
  32. 32. Impact of Diary of a Wimpy Kid 54
  33. 33. David Walliams The New Roald Dahl!
  34. 34. Junior Fiction
  35. 35. Transition Reads
  36. 36. Cool Non-Fiction
  37. 37. Children who know adults who read for pleasure take it for granted that reading is a valuable and worthwhile activity (Csikszentmihalyi, 1991) 59
  38. 38. 60 Adult Reads
  39. 39. Book of the Year?
  40. 40. 64 Paul Macdonald M Ed B Ed The Childrens Bookshop Beecroft [email protected]