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Hair Loss is Men: Different Causes, Different Solutions

Cause #1: It’s Genetic!

If your dad’s balding scalp is not much of a concern to you, please note that the condition may be coming soon to you! If the thing is genetic, you will inherit it from your mother. You can ascertain the future of your hair if you closely observe the pattern of hair loss in your relatives. Also, inherited hair loss like Androgenic Alopecia, occur in a very definite pattern. So, if you happen to suffer from it, you can determine the condition very easily.

Androgenic Alopecia

Using over-the-counter drugs like Minoxidil, and prescribed pills like Finasteride can be a solution. However, stopping the use of the former may lead to the return of the condition, and prolonged use of the latter might interfere with your sexual functions.


Cause #2: You’re Stressed Out!

This is perhaps the most common cause of hair fall in men of modern times. Continuous stress at work and in your home, or an illness, or even an injury can result in your hormones becoming imbalanced. This will eventually lead to your tresses falling out…


Getting rid of the stress is the only way out. However, you might also want to consider consulting a doctor. And who knows, there might also arise the need to visit a clinic for hair transplant in India!

Cause #3: You’re on a Poor / Wrong Diet!

What’s hair? – It’s Keratine, a protein. If your diet doesn’t have enough protein, you might be losing more hair than what’s normal. Too little iron also contributes to the situation. Also, are you completely dependent on a lot of junk food and salty dishes? If yes, then it is time to seriously change your diet.


Include protein and iron rich ingredients in your diet. You can also depend on protein supplement powders and iron tablets for some time. However, remember not to overuse them.

Cause #4: You Over-Shampoo Your Hair!

Although often overlooked, this is one of the main reasons why your hairline is thinning. The scalp has an abundance of natural oils that are required to keep your hair in good health. When you over-shampoo, you tend to rob the scalp of these oils and render them lifeless. The result is a mass of frizzy, dry hair, which breaks very easily.


Stop shampooing your hair every day. Don’t keep it lathered for a long time. And, if at all, you cannot bring yourself to avoiding this habit, try to use a mild, baby shampoo at least.

Cause #5: You’re Suffering From Low Blood Circulation

Yes, even this can cause baldness. Each follicle that nurtures a strand of hair gets its nourishment form the blood stream. Therefore, if there’s an issue with your circulatory system, it is likely that you’ll lose hair.

Solution: Go, visit a doctor immediately!

Cause #6: You are Excessively Using Styling Products

Products like gels and dyes can definitely make your hair manageable. However, they take a toll on the follicles, thereby damaging your hair, and ultimately leading to balding or thinning.


It’s good to follow your favorite celeb, or a trending hairstyle. But, remember, your hair might not be able to endure the torture. Keep your attempt gentle.

Cause #7: You Smoke a Lot!

Smoking increases the chances of hair loss if it’s a hereditary thing for you. Also, the smoke impairs blood circulation and weakens the hair follicles.

Solution: Turn into a nonsmoker, what else?

And, If You Thought Hair Loss Is More Common In Women…

1. And, If You Thought Hair Loss Is More Common In Women…

2. More men than women are struggling to save their mane.

3. Young people in their 20s and 30s are suffering more.

4. The prime reasons, of course, are diet, stress and lifestyle.

Don’t Worry if You are on the Wrong Side

Don’t just sit back and suffer. There’s a way out of the problem. Fix it when the time’s handy, don’t be stressed even if you are on the wrong side as Hair Transplant is best way to treat baldness and hair loss.

Get back lush natural looking hair Now!