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LUCA LIONELLO(former ATHIEST Now a Catholic!)

Luca Lionello (born on January 9, 1964) is an Italian Actor who came international attention in 2004, when he played the role of Judas Iscariot in Mel Gibson’s The Passion of The Christ movie.

Luca was an atheist until 2004, when he became Roman Catholic, owing to his experience filming The Passion of The Christ. He also played the role of St. Barnabas in Imperium: St. Peter.

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This is how protestant baptize their newly recruited member.

Come & Join them!

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Did the bible just fall from the sky so protestants can used it in attacking Catholics? No!!!!

Thanks to the CATHOLIC CHURCH who compiled & canonized the bible on late 4th century A.D.

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Anti-Catholic hates us, and they will die hating us.. That’s what we called LOSSERS!

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This is what happen when Mat 23:8-10, “ Call no man your ‘father’, for

you have but one father in heaven,” is interpreted literally.

I’m sorry Mr. Steve, We are Protestant and our Pastor told us not to call anyone ‘father’, So,

you are no longer my ‘father’…

hmm..Okay, My son, That’s the problem of Protestantism and I am now planning to

join the Catholic Church…

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Catholic Church can do exist without protest-ants. But Protestantism cannot exist without the Church they are

protesting at. Take note the root-word ‘protest’.

“I am compelled to concede that without the Papist (Catholic Church), we knew nothing about the bible.”

- Martin Luther (Father of Protestantism)

Take away the bible from the Catholic Church and She will still continue to exist. Remove the bible from the protestants and they will cease to exist. Catholic Church had existed 300 years before the bible was made. For the ‘Bible’ must be a product of the Church. Not the church/s be the product of the bible.

After Martin Luther invented the “Bible Alone” doctrine, there are now 40,000 protestant denominations that sprung out and still dividing to this day. The funny thing is, they are united in attacking the Catholic Church, while they are attacking each others faith.

Remember, in Matt 16:18 Jesus said, “I will build my ‘Church”’ – not ‘Churches’.

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Dr. Scott Sullivan(former Protestant Now a Catholic!)

Dr. Scott M. Sullivan is an American professor and founder of classical Theist Productions. He earned PhD major in Philosophy from University of St. Thomas. He became international Kickboxing competitor, also received black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He completed BA in History in University of Southern Indiana. Scott began questioning that led to lot of research on topics like “Existence of God” and finding “True Religion”. It was also this research that eventually brought about his conversion to Catholicism.

Scott was raised in a non-denomination evangelical protestant, and then to atheism. In a bookstore, he stumbled upon the Handbook of Christian Apologetics by Dr. Peter Kreeft. This began his journey to back to Christ and eventually to Catholic Church. Visit his website:

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Fr. Jerry Brown(former Episcopalian Priest Now a Catholic!)

Fr. Jerry Brown grow up in Napa, California. His mother was baptized Catholic but he was baptized Presbyterian. As a teen he told his father he wanted to be a Catholic priest. Instead, his father directed him to the local Episcopal church which he joined eventually becoming a priest.

In 1995, Fr. Jerry he began his journey to the Catholic Church and eventually became a priest. He owes his conversion when he witnessed the charity catholic priest and nuns ministering patients of AIDS in San Francisco.

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Thomas Smith was a former Mormon missionary turned Protestant Minister who was received into the Catholic Church in 1996. Thomas lives on his family in Southeastern Idaho.

“I scoured libraries and electronic sources for early Christian writings, and discovered as so many converts before and after me.”

THOMAS SMITH (former Mormon & Protestant Minister Now Catholic!)

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Thomas Daniel Conway (born December 15, 1933) is an American actor, writer, director and comedian. He was a former protestant.

On October 2, 2014, Conway revealed that he had converted to the Catholic Church.Thomas Daniel Conway

(former protestant)

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David Armstrong (born on July 30, 1958) is an American Christian apologist, author and blogger. Armstrong holds a Bachelor of Arts, Sociology (cum laude) from Wayne University. He was raised a Methodist and converted to Arminian Evangelicalism in 1977, then to Jesus Movement and Messianic Judaism.

In 1991, Dave embraced Catholicism largely as a result of reading fellow convert’s writing of John Cardinal Newman – a former Anglican priest. He began his website, “Biblical Evidence of Catholicism”, in 1997.

Dave Armstrong(former anti-catholic protestant)

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Mark Weightman Bauerlain (born on 1959) is an English professor at Emory University and book author. He earned doctorate in English from UCLA in 1988. He was a former anti-catholic protestant.

In 2012, Mark announced his conversion to Roman Catholicism. He described himself as educational conservative.

Mark Bauerlain(former anti-catholic protestant)

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Mark P. Shea is a popular American blogger, writer and speaker. He was a double-jump convert: raised more or less as an agnostic pagan, and became a non-denominational evangelical in 1979.

In 1987 he entered the Catholic Church. He has been published in the Catholic World Report, New Oxford Review, The Door, Catholic Digest. Shea also appeared on EWTN and a known apologist.(former agnostic & protestant)

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Benedict Ashley (born on May 13, 1915) is an American theologian and philosopher. As a young man, Ashley committed to atheist and communist.

In 1948, he was baptized in the Catholic Church through his studies in the works of St. Thomas Aquinas. He then entered the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) in which he was ordained.

Benedict Ashley(former atheist/communist)

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Edward Fesser (born on May 13, 1968) is an American philosopher and professor. He graduated from the University of California in 1999 with a PhD in Philosophy. Fesser had been an atheist during his early adulthood.

His deep readings from books of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas led him back to Christian belief in God and the Catholic Faith. He is known for his book, The Last Superstition: A Refutation of the New Atheism.

Edward Fesser(former atheist)

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Sally Read (born on 1971 in Suffolk) is a British poet and psychiatric nurse. She received her BA from Open University and in masters from University of South Dakota.

She was raised an atheist, but on December 14, 2010 she embraced Roman Catholicism. She live in the Hermitage of the Three Holy Hierarchs, which is an eparchial-rite form of consecrated life under the jurisdiction of the Bishop.

Sally Read(former atheist)

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Leah Libresco prominent American atheist blogger for the religion website Patheos. She announced her latest decision to become Catholic after several years of debating to smart Christians, in her atheist stand.

She wrote in her blog: “There was one religion that seemed like the most promising way to reach back to that living Truth - the Catholic Church”.

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Dr. Holly Ordway prominent American atheist professor. Holly earned PhD in Literature. She is working as English professor and director at Houston Baptist University.

She wrote a book, “Not God’s Type: An Atheist Academic Lays Down Her Arms, a story of her conversion to Catholicism. Visit her website at

Dr. HOLLY ORDWAY(former atheist professor)

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R. J. Stove (born on 1961 in Sydney) is an Australian writer, editor, composer and organist. Stove graduated from Sydney University in 1985. He is the author of four books: Prince of Music; The Unsleeping Eye, A Student’s Guide to Music History and Cesar Frank: His Life and Times.

Stove was raised as an atheist, but he converted to Roman Catholicism in 2002.

R.J. STOVE(former atheist)

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Chris Haw (born on 1981) is an important figure of New Monasticism. He was baptized catholic and attended catholic churches as a child until his mother joined protestant – Willow Creek Community Church. He studied theology in Villanova University. He wrote a book: “Jesus for President: Politics for Ordinary Radicals” .

Chris and his wife Cassie embraced back the Catholic faith. He write a Christian apologetic book, “From Willow Creek to Sacred Heart: Rekindling My Love for Catholicism” that described his conversion.

Chris Haw(former evangelical protestant)

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Abby Johnson (born on 1980) is an American Pro-life activist who previously worked at Planned Parenthood (that advocates abortion) as the clinic director. She resigned after watching an abortion on ultrasound. She hold a degree in Psychology from the Texas University.

Abby was raised a Baptist. She and her husband joined Lutheran and then to Episcopal Church. In the Easter of 2012, she embraced the Roman Catholic Faith. Visit

Abby Johnson(former protestant abortionist)

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Alex Jones (born on 1941) is an African-American preacher and leader who converted from Pentecostalism to Catholicism. He studied Masters in Pastoral Studies from Sacred Heart Major Seminary. He was a senior pastor of Maranatha Christian Church and Pentecostal Church in Detroit.

In 1998 Jones road to conversion began when he read some Catholic material and thereafter began conducting church services using Catholic liturgy. Members of the Maranatha church also joined Jones to begin process of Catholic conversion in 2001.

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BRENT HUBBS is a 29 year old educational leader, lay philosopher and blogger. A former protestant preached and bible teacher. He holds a BA in Theology from Oral Roberts University and has done graduate course in Philosophy. He was born and raised into a reverent Pentecostal family.

On November 23, 2008, he and his entire family entered full communion with the Catholic Church. He attributed his conversion while reading Rome Sweet Home by Scott Hahn – who is also a Catholic convert.

Hubbs’ Family(former protestant


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Dawn Eden (born on February 10, 1943) is an American author and journalist who was formerly a rock historian and tabloid newspaper headline writer. Eden was raised into Jewish household. She is the grand-niece of poet Alma Denny.

In 1999, Eden had a born-again experience that led her to anti-catholic protestant. However, In 2006, she embraced the Catholic Church. She is featured in EWTN and NBC’s Today Show.

Dawn Eden(former Jewish & born-again)

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Jennifer Fulwiler is an American writer from Austin Texas. When she grew up she didn’t believe in God – for short she’s an Atheist. She married Joe who was an anti-catholic. However, Jennifer was converted to Catholicism when she read the book of C.S Lewis – who also was a convert to Catholicism.

Jennifer is now a columnist for Envoy Magazine, a regular guest on Relevant Radio and EWTN radio networks. She is also writing blog on her conversion on

Jennifer Fulwiler(former Atheist)

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Vittorio Messori (born on 1941) is an Italian journalist and writer. He graduated political science in Turin. Messori had a completely secular upbringing. He was a former agnostic.

In July 1964, Messori was converted to Catholicism. He writes several books and is considered as most translated catholic writer in the world. Vittorio Messori

(former Agnostic)

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Joseph Pearce (born on 1961) is an English born writer and director of Center of Faith and Culture. He was formerly an anti-catholic protestant.

In July 1989 he was converted to Catholicism he repudiated his earlier views and now writes from a catholic perspective. Pearce attributes his conversion from reading the book of G.K. Chesterton – who was also a convert.

Joseph Pearce(former Protestant Agnostic)

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Lila Grace Rose (born on July 27, 1988) is an American Pro-life activist and the founder of Live Action. She was raised as Evangelical Protestant. She studied in University of California with major in History.

Rose was converted to Catholicism. He was featured in CNN’s documentary Right on the Edge. She is active against abortion in the US.

Lila Grace Rose(former protestant)

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Dr. Paul Schenk (born on July 27, 1988) is an American Pro-life activist and personalist. He studied in Luther Rice University in biblical studies. He received Master of Arts in Theology as summa cum laude. He was raised as Jewish and then to different protestant congregations.

Schenk resigned as rector of Reformed Episcopal Church and on November 7, 2003. And on February 29, 2004 he was received into full communion with the Catholic Church, by Fr. Frank Pavone in Archdiocese of New York. Currently, he is the parish priest in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Paul Schenk(former Jewish & protestant)

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Delia Smith (born on June 18, 1941) is an English cook and TV presenter. She is UK’s best-selling cookery author. She was baptized in Anglican Church and attended Methodist Sunday School.

At the age of 22, she converted to Roman Catholic Church. Her first two short religious books are, Feast for Lent and Feast for Advent. She wrote a longer book of prayer known as, A Journey to God.

Delia Smith(former protestant)

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Timo Juhani Soini (born May 30, 1962) is a Finnish politician an founder of the Finns Party. He is a deputy Prime Minister of Finland. He graduated master of political science in Helsinki in 1998. He was a former Lutheran protestant.

Soini embraced Catholicism on 1988, he is now a devout Catholic which he became as a result on his many trips to Ireland. His views on religious and moral issues are in line with the teaching of the Catholic Church.

Timo Soini(former Lutheran Protestant)

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Newton Gingrich (born on June 17, 1943) is former speaker of US house of representative. He was a former protestant member.

Newt after being raised Lutheran and spending most of his adult life in Southern Baptist, he converted to Roman Catholicism in 2009. He had two previous marriages that ended in divorce while he was a still a protestant. He is now happily married to a catholic wife – Callista Gingrich, since 2000.

Newt Gingrich(former Lutheran & Baptist)

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Lawrence Alan Kudlow (born on August 20, 1947) is an American conservative economist, television personality and newspaper columnist. He was the host of CNBC’s The Kudlow Report. He graduated in University of Rochester in a degree in history. He was raised in Jewish religion.

In mid-1990s Kudlow entered a 12-step program to deal his addiction to cocaine. He subsequently converted to Catholicism with the guidance of Fr. John McCloskey III.

Lawrence Kudlow(former Jewish)

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Walter Jones Jr. (born on February 10, 1943) is a current US representative for North Carolina’s 3rd district. He graduated Bachelor of Arts in Barton College North, Carolina.

Jones was raised in Southern Baptist Church but embraced the Roman Catholic Faith.

Walter Jones Jr.(former Baptist)

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Katharine Lucy Mary (born on February 22, 1933) is a first degree cousin of Queen Elizabeth II who gain the title Duchess of Kent. She was a former Anglican church member.

However, in 1994, Duchess of Kent gained attention for her conversion to Catholicism. The first senior Royal to convert publicly in the United Kingdom.

Katharine, Duchess of Kent(former Anglican protestant)

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Allen R. Hunt (born January 6, 1964) is an American author and speaker. He was a former Methodist Pastor.

On January 2008, Hunt announced his intention to leave United Methodist Church and joined Catholicism. He now partners with Matthew Kelly at the Dynamic Catholic Institute.Allen R. Hunt

(former Methodist Pastor)

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Piyush “Bobby” Jindal (born June 10, 1971) is the current governor of Louisiana, USA. He was raised in a Hindu household. He was converted to Christianity while studying in Baton Rouge. He earned degree in Political Science, Biology, and graduated with honors.

In the fall of 1989, Bobby was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church during his first year in Brown University.

Gov. Bobby Jindal (former Hindu)

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Sam Brownback (born September 12, 1956) is the current governor of Kansas, USA. Studied law in Kansas State University. He was raised in a protestant origin and then to evangelicalism before his conversion to Catholicism in 2002.

Gov. Sam Brownback (former protestant)

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Keith Newton (born 10 April 1952) is an Anglican English prelate who embraced the Roman Catholic Church on January 2011. Newton had served as a priest and bishop of the Anglican Church most recently having served as Bishop of Richborough in the Province of Canterbury from 2002 until 31 December 2010.On 8 November 2010, Newton announced his intention to leave the Church of England at the end of the year in order to join the proposed personal ordinariate of the Roman Catholic Church for former Anglicans.

Newton was received into the Roman Catholic Church on 1 January 2011, at Westminster Cathedral.

Keith Newton (former Anglican Priest)

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Andrew Burnham (born 19 March 1948) is a current priest of the Roman Catholic Church. Burnham was formerly a bishop of the Anglican Church and served as the third Bishop of Ebbsfleet in the Province of Canterbury from 2000 to 2010.

He resigned in order to be received into the Roman Catholic Church. He was ordained as a Roman Catholic priest for the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham on 15 January 2011.

Andrew Burnham (former Anglican Priest)

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John Charles Broadhurst (born 20 July 1942) is an English priest of the Roman Catholic Church. Broadhurst was formerly a bishop of the Anglican Church and served as the Bishop of Fulham in the Diocese of London from 1996 to 2010. On 8 November 2010 Broadhurst announced that he intended leaving the Church of England to become a Roman Catholic

He resigned in order to be received into the Roman Catholic Church and became catholic a priest in 2011.

John Charles Broadhurst (former Anglican Priest)

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Nicole Kidman When Nicole Kidman divorced Tom Cruise in 2001, she ditched Scientology and experienced a “spiritual homecoming”, returning to the Catholic Church.

Nicole Kidman (former Scientology member)

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Frances Shand Kydd

Mother of Princess Diana, converted to Roman Catholicism late in life. In the years before her death in 2004 at 68, she devoted herself to Catholic charity work.

France Shand Kydd (former Anglican Church member)

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Ulf Ekman is a former charismatic pastor and the founder of the charismatic Livets Ord (Word of Life) organization in Sweden, which brought the Word of Faith movement to that country. Ekman is now Catholic. The founder of a 3,300-member mega-church in one of Sweden's largest cities announced on March 9 his decision to leave his protestant congregation and join the Roman Catholic Church.

Ulf Ekman (former protestant pastor)

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Tim Staples was a former member of Southern Baptist Church who as a teen came back to faith in Christ through the witness of televangelists. During his four-year tour with the U.S. Marine Corps, he became friends with a Marine well-versed in his Catholic Faith who challenged Tim to study Catholicism from Catholic and historical sources. He is now a prominent Catholic apologist.


Tim Staples (former Baptist)

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Dr. Scott Hahn (born October 28, 1957) is a Catholic theologian, contemporary author, consultant, professor, and Christian apologist.

A former Presbyterian minister who converted to Catholicism, Hahn's academic works include Rome Sweet Home and The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth.

Dr. Scott Hahn (former Presbyterian minister)

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Anthony Charles Blair (born May 6 1953) was a Prime Minister in United Kingdom. He was formerly an Anglican Church member.

However, on December 22, 2007, it was disclosed that Blair had joined the Catholic Church. He was named as one of the most influential catholic in Great Britain.

PM Tony Blair (former Anglican member)

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William Henry Gates III (born October 28, 1955) is an American business magnate and founder of Microsoft. He was formerly a member of protestant congregational church. His wife Melinda Gates is a catholic, of which Bill Gates later joined on:

“The moral system of religion, I think, are super important. We’ve raised our kids in a religious way; they’ve gone to the Catholic Church that Melinda goes to and I participate”.

Bill Gates (former protestant member)

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Princess Irene Emma Elisabeth of the Netherlands (born August 5, 1939) is the Princess of Lippe-Biesterfeld. She was converted to Catholicism on 1964 from her former protestant religion Calvinism.

Princess Irene (former Calvinist)

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John Charles Wright (born October 1961) is American writer of science fiction and fantasy novels. He was a former lawyer and newspaper editor.

On 2008, at age of 42, Wright converted from Atheism to Catholicism. Which he credited through his vision of the Virgin Mary.

John Wright (former Atheist)

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Lord Nicholas Charles Windsor (born July 25, 1970) is the youngest child of the Duke of Kent, a great grand son of King George V.

In a private ceremony in 2001 he was received in the Catholic Church. He is the first male of the royal blood to convert to Catholicism since King Charles II.

Lord Nicholas Windsor (former Anglican protestant)

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Dr. Peter John Kreeft (born March 16, 1937) is a 20th century philosopher, Christian apologist and university professor. He had debated some known Atheists in the US.

He was converted to Catholicism from Calvinism after he studied that the Catholic Church can traced its history back to early times.

Dr. Peter Kreeft (former Calvinist protestant)