Download - Catering After Action Report - · International Services 15th and 16th June 2003. Ceremonies Services will

Page 1: Catering After Action Report - · International Services 15th and 16th June 2003. Ceremonies Services will

Catering After Action Report

2003 Catering Operating Plan and After Action Report

Table of Contents 1. OVERVIEW.........................................................................................................................2

1.1. Functional Goal ................................................................................................................2 1.2. Summary of Activities .....................................................................................................2 1.3. Dates of Operation ...........................................................................................................3

1.3.1. Pre-Games ....................................................................................................................3 1.3.2. Games Time .................................................................................................................4

2.1. GOC Structure..................................................................................................................6 2.2. Venue Structure................................................................................................................7

3. SCOPE & DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS ..................................................................9 3.1. Scope ................................................................................................................................9

3.1.1. Functions Provided.....................................................................................................10 3.1.2. Constituent Groups Provided For...............................................................................12 3.1.3. Types of Venues.........................................................................................................12

3.2. Description of Operations ..............................................................................................14 3.2.1. Delegation Members ..................................................................................................14 3.2.2. Volunteers ..................................................................................................................22 3.2.3. Guests .........................................................................................................................26 3.2.4. Media..........................................................................................................................27 3.2.5. Family Members ........................................................................................................27 3.2.6. Spectators ...................................................................................................................27 3.2.7. Warehousing...............................................................................................................28

4. POLICIES & PROCEDURES ...........................................................................................28 4.1. Polices ............................................................................................................................28 4. 2 Procedures............................................................................................................................47

5. TIMELINE.........................................................................................................................66 5.1. Milestone Summary .......................................................................................................66

6. APPENDICES....................................................................................................................72 6.1. GOC Catering Games Planner Job Descriptions............................................................30

6.1.1 Catering Games Planner for Accommodation Venues ..............................................30 6.1.2 Catering Games Planner for Lunches.........................................................................31 6.1.3 Catering Games Planner for Volunteers.....................................................................32 6.1.4 Catering Games Planner for Airports.........................................................................33 6.1.5 Catering Games Planner- Ceremonies .......................................................................34 6.1.6 Catering Gamers Planner for Competition venues.....................................................35

6.2 Venue Catering Team Job Descriptions.........................................................................36 6.2.1 Venue Catering Coordinator Competition Venues .................................................36 6.2.2 Venue Catering Coordinator Accommodation Venues............................................37

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In summary, the Catering Team aim to identify, source, order, co-ordinate & distribute all food and beverage items required in Competition Venues, Accommodation Venues, Operations Venues, Airports and Ceremonies Venue for all participants in the 2003 Special Olympics World Games. These participants will include Delegation Members, Officials, Technical Delegates, Media, Volunteers, Guests and Family Members and Spectators.

In conjunction with this aim we will consider nutritional, dietary and cultural requirements of all participants while taking into consideration budgetary constraints and also sponsorship arrangements.


Delegation Members will include Athletes, Coaches, HOD s, AHOD s and AS

Family members refer to those officially registered for the Games.

1.1. Functional Goal

To ensure a memorable dining experience for all those participating in the games.

To establish suitable menus that offer nutritional support to all participants of the 2003 Special Olympics World Summer Games, including special needs.

To provide all meals/snacks/beverages on time and with the correct quantities

To offer a variety of foods that will cover participants with dietary and cultural restrictions including special needs.

After Action Comments

These goals were a very good basis to work from & keep in mind when drafting plans, in training & in rolling out the operation

After Action Recommendations

Considering the importance of the FA volunteer role an additional goal referring to volunteer recruitment , training & motivation would be important:

To recruit, train & motivate a team of catering volunteers to assist with our operation

1.2. Summary of Activities

The Catering Team aim to identify, source, order, co-ordinate & distribute all foods required in Competition Venues, Accommodation Venues, Operations Venues, Airports and Ceremonies Venue for all participants in the 2003 Special Olympics World Summer Games.

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These participants will include Delegation Members, Officials, Technical Delegates, Media, Volunteers, Guests, Family Members and Spectators.

The following outlines the constituent groups catered for and the meal service provided for each group:

Delegation Members

- Breakfast in accommodation venues - Lunch in competition venues - Dinner in accommodation venues - Snacks & Refreshments in competition and other venues - Beverages in all venues

Officials & Technical Delegates - Lunch in competition venues - Snacks & Refreshments in competition venues - Beverages in competition venues

Volunteers - Breakfast in all venues, depending on shift - Lunch in all venues - Snacks & Refreshments in all venues - Beverages in all venues - Dinner in accommodation venues

Media/ Guests/ Sponsors - Snacks & Refreshments in competition venues - Beverages in competition venues

Spectators - The facility to purchase for food and beverages

Family Members - Stock for Snacks & Refreshments in competition venues

After Action Comments

This section accurately summarised the scope of the catering operation

1.3. Dates of Operation

1.3.1. Pre-Games

Catering Games Planners

Monthly meetings of Catering Games Planners from September 2001- 3rd Tuesday of every month.

Monthly training sessions for Venue Catering Coordinators from January 2003

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Site visits from May 2001

Weekly meetings of all Catering Games Planners from May 2003.

Full time during World Games June 20th 29th 2003

Venue Catering Coordinators

Recruited & inducted by December 2002

Bi Monthly Quarterly Update meetings for the full group

Site Visits as required from January 2003

Meetings with Venue Managers & venue Teams from February 2003

Full time during World Games June 20th 29th 2003

1.3.2. Games Time

Accommodation Venues

Breakfast & Dinner Food service will commence in residences on the arrival date of the Delegations from their Host Towns. This is expected to be June 20th arrival dates and times will be advised by International Services. Food Service in residences shall finish on Monday 30th

June after breakfast. Departure dates and times will be advised by International Services and special arrangements will be made if delegations are remaining in their residence after 30th June.

Continental Breakfasts This service will operate in pre-determined Accommodation Venues from 22nd June to 30th June 2003 inclusive. The venues are as follows:




Maynooth( North Campus)


Dartry( Trinity Hall)

Competition Venues

Lunches This service will operate for Delegation Members, Officials and Technical Delegates in all Competition Venues from 21st June to 29th June inclusive.

Guests This hospitality service will operate in all Competition Venues from 22nd- June to 29th

June 2003 from 9.00am 6.00pm each day.

Families Reception areas in Competition Venues This service will operate for accredited Family Members in all Competition Venues from 22nd- June to 29th June inclusive. The Catering Team will be responsible for the delivery of bulk catering items eg tea/coffee, biscuits etc. and also equipment required to operate the service eg. Berco boilers, baskets, table covering. Family Volunteers will deliver the service.

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Media This service will operate in all Competition Venues from 22nd June 29th June inclusive. This service will also operate at Opening & Closing Ceremony

Vending The Catering Team will ensure that all Competition Venues will have sufficient facilities to cater for Family Members and Spectators from June 21st June 29th inclusive. All efforts will be made to ensure that Sponsor Products will be available for purchase

All Venues

Volunteers Catering for Volunteers will commence with Airport volunteers on 15th June & finish on July 1st.

Beverages We will coordinate the supply, delivery & service of cold drinks from Coca Cola to all venues from June 21st June 29th inclusive

Special Event Venues

Airports To meet with specified flights at Dublin, Shannon & Belfast Airports on dates advised by International Services 15th and 16th June 2003.

Ceremonies Services will be provided at the Opening Ceremony on 21st June 2003 & the Closing Ceremony on 29th June 2003.

Warehousing This operation will commence on June 15th 2003 to facilitate the Airport arrivals & will finish with the packs for the Closing Ceremony.

After Action Comments

Volunteer Catering: Very important to establish these dates accurately & stick by them, particularly with Volunteer Catering- Games Catering for Volunteers could run for months before & after the Games & the expectation here needs to be managed

Delegation member s departure Information flight departures made planning for late departures very difficult. The GOC put pressure on venue teams & facilities when all involved were tired & not prepared for what was a difficult operation.

Catering Team: Games Planners were on board in good time & were well informed /trained by the games. Coordinators that had been involved for National Games 2002 Test Event had a clearer idea of what was expected of them & a clearer understanding of the training sessions

After Action Recommendations

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Volunteer Catering: Strict policies need to be defined regarding the timeframe for volunteer catering for pre & post games & this communicated clearly. Policies across the GOC for handling Ad Hoc catering arrangements for volunteers prior to Games. Different departments handled this differently and this could lead to bad feeling.

Delegations Departure: It is Vital to gather this information & stress how important it is to receive it. Also important to establish a policy of what catering will be provided for late departures and communicate this information well ahead of games time to the delegations.

Catering Team: Aim to recruit coordinators & have them in place by the test event

this will assist in their overall training & also you will know if you need to reassign stronger/weaker coordinators


2.1. GOC Structure The Catering Team structure is outlined in Section 7 Appendices (Diagram 1) together with Job Descriptions (7.1). The team is headed by a Catering Manager who in turn reports to the General Manager Participant Services.

Ten Catering Games Planners have responsibility for the following areas:

Accommodation Dining- Breakfast & Evening Meals offered in a Dining Hall in all Accommodation Venues.

Boxed Lunches - covering Delegation Members, Officials & Technical Delegates.

Volunteers - Covering snacks, lunches, beverages, breakfast & evening meals.

Airports - covering Dublin, Shannon and Belfast Airports from 15th June 2003.

Ceremonies covering the Opening & Closing Ceremonies.

Guests - covering all aspects of the VIP hospitality suites in all Competition Venues.

Competition Venues - to co ordinate & standardise all Competition Venues & liaise with Venue Catering Coordinators.

Warehousing - to co ordinate the distribution & transportation of all pre-packed items from the warehouse to the required Venues.

Packing - to co-ordinate the packing of boxed lunches where venues are unable to pack on site, ceremonies packs, airport packs & other miscellaneous catering bulk supplies.

Personnel & Training - To co-ordinate the selection, training & rostering of all catering volunteers.

After Action Comments

The Games Planners structure worked well. Some areas here would have taken ownership for their areas quiet late but really owned them when they did. Games time the catering manager was backed up by a superb team of specialists.

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The role of the Volunteer ( VMS & Training) Games Planner is very difficult to stay on top of as a volunteer.

After Action Recommendations

The Volunteer (VMS & Training) Games Planner needs to be a full time position as this area takes a huge time commitment & is critical for the operation. The role is key & needs constant attention and management. There were some overqualified volunteers missed out for key roles as we did not have the time/process to assess them & match them to suitable positions.

2.2. Venue Structure Each Venue will be structured as outlined in Section 7 Appendices (Diagrams 2(A) and 2(B)) and associated Job Descriptions (7.2).

Venue Catering Coordinators

26 Accommodation Venue Catering Coordinators 20 Competition Venue Catering Coordinators 3 Dual role Venue Catering Coordinators- DCU ,UCD & Belfast

Catering Coordinators will act as Duty Managers for the Catering Area and will be under the direct control of the Venue Operations Manager, while also taking instructions from the Catering Games Planner for Accommodation Venues or the Catering Games Planner - Competition Venues.

Catering Team Leaders Under the direct control of the Venue Catering Coordinator these Catering Team Leaders will co-ordinate & supervise the Volunteers under their direction in a specific catering area - Guests, Volunteers etc.

Catering Assistants Recruited from general applications to the Volunteer program, Catering Assistants will be appointed to all Venues to distribute food items.

After Action Comments

The venue structure was a huge success. In the perfect situation where all coordinators were recruited and attended meetings etc it really worked.

Important to find the balance between venue training & FA training, both from an information point of view & the dates /times of session- at different stages catering coordinators would have had two meetings to attend. These meeting schedules need to

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While venue training was standardised & structured, FA training was not & it differed greatly from FA to FA. This left the Venue Meetings/Training sessions with a variance on coordinators knowledge.

Titles changed a couple of times during the planning stage- this caused confusion & wasted time as documents had to be changed.

At some points GOC were seen the badies in venues as GOC decisions were made with the big picture in mind & not a specific venue.

Team leaders were recruited but got no extra training- time & logistics did not allow for it. This left the team leaders wondering about their role.

The deadline for volunteer recruitment needs to be communicated to applying volunteers earlier. Catering required a large number of volunteers and spent valuable time at a critical planning stage in directly targeting groups. If we had known at that stage that we would have been over subscribed in volunteer numbers it would have taken huge pressure off.

It was difficult to assess the catering volunteer requirements in competition venues as our FA was reliant on the other FA numbers to assess our volunteer numbers.

After Action Recommendations

When recruiting Coordinators only work with committed volunteers. If coordinators are not attending meetings etc do not carry them along in the hope that things will improve. It will only waste time as you have to repeat meetings/copy training material & eventually you may lose them anyway as they are not interested.

Catering recruited coordinators who in some cases brought a deputy with them. This gave us a very strong team & both members covered the meetings between them. It also meant that both Coordinator & Deputy knew each other & worked well together.

Catering aimed to have deputy coordinators in all venues this would have meant that if we had drop outs we had a pool of trained coordinators who would take on a venue. This did work in a number of situations & was invaluable. I would highly recommend this strategy

Important to emphasis the good working relationship between GOC & venue teams

Meeting/Training session schedules need to be established well in advance so venue meetings & FA training sessions do not overlap. This did happen but catering had already got training dates set at that stage.

We also found that if you set out your training dates & gave the list of dates out well in advance to coordinators, with a reminder nearer the date, that the attendance was excellent.

Team leaders could be invited to a specific job training session or asked to remain after a session for another more detailed module. Alternatively after venue training

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the coordinator could have done additional training with the Team Leaders at venue level.


3.1. Scope The Catering Team will identify, source, order, co ordinate & distribute all food & beverages required in Accommodation Venues, Competition Venues, Operations Venues, Airports and Ceremonies Venue for all participants in the 2003 Special Olympics World Games. These participants will include Delegation Members, Officials, Technical Delegates, Media, Volunteers, Guests, Family Members and Spectators.

The following outlines the constituent groups catered for and the meal service provided for each group:

Delegation Members - Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner - Snacks & Refreshments - Beverages

Officials & Technical Delegates - Breakfast- in Hotel accommodation - Lunch - Snacks & Refreshments - Beverages - Dinner- self organising

Volunteers - Breakfast- depending on venue and shift - Lunch - Snacks & Refreshments - Beverages - Dinner- depending on venue and shift.

Media/ Guests/ Sponsors - Snacks & Refreshments - Beverages

Family Members - Snacks & Refreshments - Beverages at Parents Evening

Spectators - The facility to purchase lunch, Snacks & Refreshments

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3.1.1. Functions Provided The Catering area will provide all meals, snacks and beverages to participant groups in all Venues during the Games. Breakfast Delegation Members

a) Accommodation Venues: hot & cold breakfast served each morning. b) Boxed Breakfasts: option of cold boxed breakfast in self-catering residences. Volunteers

a) Accommodation Venues: hot & cold breakfast served each morning. b) Competition Venues: light breakfast for volunteers who start work earlier than 7.00am c) Operations Venues: Prepacked breakfast in MOC, Motor Pool

Light breakfast in Operations Venues Lunch Delegation Members, Officials and Technical Delegates

a) Accommodation Venues: lunch only supplied in Accommodation Venues if delegation members cannot attend a Competition or Special Event Venue due to illness.

b) Competition Venues: a pre-packed cold lunch, together with tea, coffee & soup.


a) Accommodation Venues: a pre-packed cold lunch available between 12.00pm and 2.00pm b) Competition Venues: a pre-packed cold lunch, together with tea, coffee & soup. c) Operations Venues: a pre-packed cold lunch. d) Airports: a pre-packed cold lunch. e) Ceremonies: a pre-packed cold lunch. f) Operations Venues a cold lunch available in MOC, a hot carvery lunch

available in a local restaurant on a voucher basis for office venues Light Refreshments & Snacks. Delegation Members, Officials and Technical Delegates

a) Competition Venues: tea / coffee facilities and sweet snack items available all day. b) Airports: sweet snack items will be available in the Delegation

Welcome Centre from June 15th. c) Ceremonies: Snack packs will be available for Delegations at various

times during Staging and the Ceremony itself. Guests & Sponsors

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a) Competition Venues: Light refreshments and snacks in the Guest Centre each day.


a) Competition Venues: Light refreshments and snacks in the Media Centre each day. b) Ceremonies: Light refreshments and snacks in the Media Centre for

both Opening and Closing Ceremonies. Family Members

a) Competition Venues: A stock of light refreshments and sweet snack items will be provided for the Families area in each Competition Venue.


a) Accommodation Venues: A stock of light refreshments and sweet snack items will be provided in the Volunteer Rest Area.

b) Competition Venues: Hot & cold Beverages and sweet snack items will be provided in the Volunteer Rest Areas.

c) Operations Venues: Stock of tea/coffee and snacks will be provided. d) Airports: A service of tea/coffee and sweet snack items will be

available. e) Ceremonies: A service of tea/coffee and sweet snack items will be

available. Dinner Delegation Members

Accommodation Venues: Delegation Members will be provided with a hot & cold evening meal.

Officials & Technical Delegates

Sports & Competition will provide a cash allowance for Officials & Technical Delegates to allow them to purchase their own evening meal.


a) Accommodation Venues: Volunteers will be provided with a hot & cold evening meal. A stock of cold meals or snacks will be supplied for Volunteers working over a night shift.

b) Operations Venues: Volunteers working a night shift will be provided with a stock of cold meals or snacks or vouchers for a local restaurant. Beverages - Coca Cola Product The ordering, delivery and supply of all Coca Cola products will be co-ordinated by Catering Services and Logistics. Delegation Members, Officials and Technical Delegates

a) Competition Venues b) Accommodation Venues c) Operations Venues

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d) Airports e) Ceremonies Beverages will also be available for volunteers in Blanchardstown Shopping Centre on the night of Tuesday 24th June.


a) Competition Venues: Beverages will be available in all Guest centres. Media

a) Competition Venues: Beverages will be available in all Media Centres. b) Ceremonies: Beverages will be available in the Media Centre in Croke Park. Volunteers

a) Accommodation Venues: Beverages will be served in the Volunteer Rest Area. b) Competition Venues: Beverages will be served in the Volunteer Rest Area. c) Operations Venues: A stock of Beverages for will be available in these Venues. d) Airports: Beverages will be available for Volunteers in these Venues. e) Ceremonies: Beverages will be available for Volunteers involved in

Opening and Closing Ceremonies. Family Members

Coke Cola product will be supplied for the Parents Night- product & fridges will provided by catering, Clipped wings volunteers will serve the product.

3.1.2. Constituent Groups Provided For

Delegation Members

Officials and Technical Delegates




Family Members


3.1.3. Types of Venues

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Catering Services will be provided to constituent groups in the following Venues:

All Accommodation Venues

All Competition Venues (including Olympic Town and Healthy Athlete)

Airports (Dublin, Belfast & Shannon)

Ceremonies (Croke Park)

Miscellaneous Venues - Dublin Castle

- Blanchardstown Shopping centre - Point Depot

Operations Venues - Warehouse(s) - MOC - Park House, Grand Canal Street.

After Action Comments

Under the section detailing the groups provided for the plan should clearly state the groups included & not included. We had issues with Bus Drivers who caused considerable trouble in venues looking to be catered for.

We had issues with groups of volunteers who felt that GOC catering was not sufficient- particularly Civil Defence. This had been clearly communicated prior to the Games & at venue level it still caused a lot of problems.

For smaller competition venues that did not have onsite public catering facilities it was difficulty to source vendors who would provide a service as the spectator numbers would not justify a profitable operation. In some cases it was not possible to supply the standard service we set out to provide.

Family Services Coordinators had different interpretation of what catering was supplying. In some cases they thought at venue level it was catering volunteers serving in their areas. This lead to conflict between coordinators at venue level.

After Action Recommendations

The groups not entitled to GOC catering should be clearly identified in the Operating Plan & this information communicated to their organisations prior to the event.

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Groups who offer their services as volunteers need to come onboard with the overall good of the games in mind. In some cases we would have been better off with out such groups and working with individual volunteers who would have loved to been involved.

Spectator catering in venues that did not have facilities may be supplemented by GOC or be built in to the catering sponsor contract (eg O Briens) to supply where need be.

Cross FA training for Coordinators is essential. Catering attended a training session for Volunteer Services Coordinators & Family Services Coordinators in an informal way this could be more structured and be a huge benefit.

3.2. Description of Operations

3.2.1. Delegation Members

Meal Ticket Behind each Delegation Members Accreditation a second card will hang. This card will detail the lunch and dinner entitlements and must be produced at each lunch and dinner service. This card will be punched when lunch/dinner is collected. Breakfast & Dinner


Breakfast menus have been devised to offer both hot and cold options on a 5 day cycle.

Dinner menus have been devised to incorporate a choice of main course, to include: a hot meat dish, a second hot dish- often fish & a third hot non-meat dish. Side orders with the main course will always offer a vegetable, potato and rice dish together with a choice of salads. Menus are on a 10-day cycle and will therefore offer a different menu for each day of the games.

Provision will always be made for special dietary needs/cultural needs & these will be looked at on a Venue-by-Venue basis. Following receipt of Registration material from Delegations, a schedule will be drawn up of special dietary needs pertaining to individual participants. This information will be used to ensure that delegation members have access to special diets in their Accommodation Venue.

All menus will be displayed in the 6 official languages of the games and these display boards will be in a prominent location in the Dining Halls.


Numbers will be the Delegation Members resident in that venue.


Food services in Accommodation Venues will be provided for by the on site caterer.


See attached Schedule (1) for the daily timetable of meal times for each Accommodation Venue.

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Each venue will have non-volunteer service staff employed directly by the Venue management as part of the service normally provided. This service will be supplemented with Special Olympics volunteers to help with athlete s specific needs e.g. assist with carrying trays, clearing tables etc.

In a number of venues the Restaurant/Dining Hall will have the required number of settings for athletes. In such Venues, we will assign Delegations to specific seats, clearly named and they will remain in these seats for the duration of the Games. This will ease service as delegations will not have to be split up or experience delays in finding tables and will also make them comfortable with the operation.

Larger venues will operate on a rotation basis and we will ensure that this works as smoothly as possible e.g. assisting with clearing trays, directing Delegation members to fill tables fully before moving to another table. Meals should take no longer than one hour from time of entry into the dining hall.

Boxed Breakfast

Boxed breakfasts will be offered to Delegations resident in the Accommodation Venues listed below i.e. those that have self catering facilities. This will alleviate pressure in the main Restaurant during peak early morning times. Boxed breakfasts may be ordered by Delegations as outlined in Procedure (2) on page 33.




Maynooth( North Campus)


Dartry( Trinity Hall)


The number of Boxed Breakfasts required in each Venue will be determined as outlined in Procedure (2) on page 33.


Boxed breakfasts will be assembled by the catering department of each Accommodation Venue. They will be packed in individual units one pack per delegation member.

Content is as follows: bread roll or individually wrapped sliced bread, 1 small carton Fruit Juice; Milk, Butter & Jam, 1 x 30g cereal pack, Yoghurt.


Confirmed numbers will be given to the on-site Caterer each evening who will ensure that the correct quantities are delivered to the distribution point by 6.00am each morning.


Pre-ordered Boxed Breakfasts will be available for collection by Coaches at the main reception area of their Accommodation block. This distribution point will be manned by Catering Volunteers from 6.00am to 8.00am daily.

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After Action Comments Accommodation Venues: Menus The menus here were chosen with a number of different points to be considered:

a) The number of accommodation venues & our wish to standardise meals

b) The different levels of capabilities & service at these accommodation venues- aiming to keep the menus as simple as possible.

c) Giving delegation members a taste of Irish menus.

d) Aiming to cover as broad a number of tastes as possible

Generally Breakfast & Dinner menus worked well- instructions that the vegetarian option would be popular was taken on board by venues. Any specific queries/requests were dealt with at a venue level. Coordinators got to know these specific queries. The standard items i.e. the additional side options on all meals were very important as these could supplement a meal if a delegation member was not happy with the choice on any day. Reviewing the menus the Asian countries would have found it very different from what they were used to- we did not receive very many negative comments but did have to supplement the Chinese delegation with Pot Noodles We had looked at the supply & availability of Hallal meat for specific religious diets but did not put these meats in place until requested to do so. Boxed breakfast take up was small. Volume: There were nights where groups were invited out for dinner- notice on this was short which upset the facilities caterer and meant GOC did not have an opportunity to cancel the meals & were charged. Service: The buffets worked well, but on buffets Hallal Meat needs to be on a completely separate service station- the actual meat & all other items of food eaten by these delegation can not see pork products. Lunch: In accommodation venues we did not offer an option to collect lunch. This was decided to encourage delegations to attend special events and not remain in accommodation venues during the day. We did have a number of request were delegations would have like to have lunch onsite.

After Action Recommendations Place volunteers at key points on the buffet i.e. cutlery stations, water points etc will speed things up. Where the restaurant/dining room could seat the entire resident number in one sitting venues preassign tables per delegation for the duration of their stay. This meant it was easy to track down a HOD /DAL if needed and also meant that the Delegation knew where they were sitting each night. Work on religious mixes per Delegation & assess where the requests for Hallal meat will be

this needs to be available & served correctly from the start.

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Book service times for widest possible range this allows for greater flexibility if competition runs late. We had booked a three hour dining window booked for dinner. Assess the delegations to establish if they are dining out on any night. This could be a question for them on arrival at the Delegation Welcome Centre. 'Birthday Cakes Instructions should be given to the catering supplier in Accommodation Venues about having a stock of birthday cakes & candles available over the duration of the stay. A number of Delegations were celebrating birthdays & the arrangements were usually very last minute. The cakes do not have to be very impressive as it is a gesture to make a fuss of the Athlete/Coach/Volunteer.

A search by date of birth & by accommodation venue on both GMS & VMS prior to arrival would provide the required numbers very easily and make the ordering of cakes more professional.'

Strictly refuse any requests where groups wish to have food catered for in their accommodation venues by outside group s i.e. local ethnic caterers/ Embassies. Lunch

a) Competition Venues


The packed lunch menus for athletes have been developed to include the following:

A meat sandwich or roll /an alternative non meat sandwich or roll or wrap

A juice carton

A Piece of Fruit

A sweet snack item

A cutlery pack to include a plastic knife, a napkin, salt /pepper sachets Menus will operate on a 5-day x 2 cycles, where all aspects of the lunch will vary for 5 days & then be repeated. It is intended to offer a choice with the meat /non-meat items however, if one of the choices runs-out, participants will have to take what is available. The content of the sandwich/roll item will be explained in the six official languages of the Games and displayed on large poster boards in the Athlete Rest Areas. A short description of the fillings included in the sandwich/roll item will be included on individual packaging in the six official languages of the Games.

Volume: Delegation members must collect Boxed Lunch in Competition or Special Event Venue

Delegations will be asked to confirm the Venue at which they will require lunches each day. This will be done as outlined in Procedure (1) on page 32. The Lunch Ordering System will operate during the dinner service in each Accommodation Venue for the following day. The Venue Catering Co-Ordinator will be responsible for ensuring that all orders are received.

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Sandwiches/rolls, Milk product & fruit will be delivered directly from the service provider at an agreed time to each Venue. Delivery will be in refrigerated vans( except fruit) and it will be the responsibility of the Venue Catering Co-Ordinator to ensure that these items continue to be stored in refrigerated units in the Venue.


In Competition Venues, lunches will be served in the Athlete and Officials Rest Areas from 11.00am to 3.00pm daily. Service will be buffet style with a different station offering lunch packs, sandwiches and hot beverages

Catering Assistants will be on hand to assist with carrying bulk lunches, directing guests to tables, clearing tables & waste management.

b) Accommodation Venues

We will provide a light lunch only for Delegation members who are unable to travel ( eg due to illness) to a competition venue. The content will depend on the individual circumstance & will be coordinated on an individual basis through the Venue Coordinator to the On Site Caterer Snacks & Refreshments

a) Competition Venues

This service will offer tea/coffee & Hot Chocolate with a sweet snack item. This sweet snack will change on a daily basis to avoid repetition.

Volumes required will be determined using the Lunch Ordering system.

Snack items will be delivered direct to the venues & stored prior to the start of the Games.

Delegation Members will be offered tea/coffee facilities from 9.00am to 5.00pm on competition days. This service will be on a buffet style service where delegates will collect snack items and then move on to the hot beverage station to collect tea/coffee/soup as required.

After Action Comments

Advanced Lunch Ordering System: This worked very well & gave invaluable information to us. The Coordinators got to know the Head Coaches & gathering the information became very easy as the week went on. Content: Good feed back on the general content, requests for more fruit. Salad boxes were the least popular but still good to have as an option. Some delegations felt that the lunch was not substantial enough, while others did not want their teams overeating. Hot chocolate was very popular across all venues. Daily Delivery: The daily delivery of sandwiches caused some trouble with sandwiches being delivered up to 11.00am. Direct to Venue Delivery: This delivery prior to the games by suppliers was essential due

to the large volumes required. It was difficult to assess the storage required per venue as gathering information on cases per pallet & case dimensions was hard. In a lot of cases we

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were waiting on products /lunch content to be decided before we could assess this space requirement.

After Action Recommendations Content: Have fruit baskets available on the buffet stations with a selection of fruit that can be taken to supplement lunches & snacks- just watch here that the fruit is not been stock piled & stored for later. Deliveries/Storage: The information on case size of the larger products is essential. Bulky items like Coke/water, crisps, cups etc take up huge storage space. A number of games deliveries may be required in larger venues. It is essential that storage facilities are large enough & have good access. Work on this area early on in the planning process will pay off. If products /content have not been decided assess that largest possible case sizes to give a feel for the storage space required Daily delivery: With all suppliers/ sub contractors assess their capabilities to deliver within the timelines each day & with the volume in mind. Also ask for their contingency plans if their operation runs into trouble.

b) Ceremonies

Opening Ceremony

On the day of the Opening Ceremony, Delegation Members will have their main meal at lunchtime in their Accommodation Venue.

Arrival pack On arrival to the Staging Area, refreshment packs will be available for all delegations. These will be delivered to Clonliffe College from the Warehouse to be distribution.

Snack Pack During the Opening Ceremony delegation members will have access to a refreshment pack which will have been placed under their individual seats prior to the start of the Ceremony. The content of these packs will be delivered from the Warehouse to be packed on site.

Evening Pack A light snack will be available on the bus after the Ceremony for the journey to the accommodation venue. .

Closing Ceremony

On the day of the Closing Ceremony, Delegation Members will have their main meal at lunchtime in their Accommodation Venue.

Snack Pack During the Opening Ceremony delegation members will have access to a refreshment pack which will have been placed under their individual seats prior to the start of the Ceremony. The content of these packs will be delivered from the Warehouse to be packed on site.

Evening Pack A light snack will be available on the bus after the Ceremony for the journey to the accommodation venue.

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After Action Comments Pitch snack content: Some feedback from Opening that this was not substantial enough. We added an additional cereal bar for closing & also put an addition bar on the buses going home. Water: We had distributed a bottle of water per delegation member as they left their accommodation venue- this worked very well & took pressure away from the Ceremonies operation in Croke Park. If the weather had been very warm for the evening in Croke Park we could have required huge amounts of water for hydration. Bus Snack: Some bus drivers were not happy to have food on their buses.

After Action Recommendations Water: Have access to spare water/juicer on site overestimate this requirement as it could be a huge problem not readily available.


Dublin/ Shannon & Belfast

1. Refreshments during Accreditation process A light snack of a cereal bar & water will be available in the Delegation Welcome Centre. 2. Distribution of Snack pack on departure for Host Town A pre-packed boxed lunch will be available to delegations This pack will consist of a juice carton, fruit item, sweet snack item and sandwich together with a cutlery pack. Distribution of these items will take place in the National Show Centre where the Host Town buses will be parked Note : This pack will not be offered to Team USA as their trip to Host Town is so short.

After Action Comments Delegation Welcome Centre: The delegations here were offered a cereal bar & water & the main snack was put on the Host Town buses. Delegation Members could have been waiting in the DWC for a number of hours & the first snack was not substantial enough. Drinks: We had all drink products chilled a large number of Delegations wanted drinks at room temperature. Bus Snack: Some Host Town bus drivers were not happy to have food on their buses. Host Towns: Some committees had organised their own catering arrangements for the journey home from the airport.

After Action Recommendations DWC: Offer the substantial snack meal at the DWC. Delegations had very long flights etc with some having no cash to buy food at interconnecting airports. This is also the first point of contact with the Delegations & this is where we need to make an impression. Host Towns: Clearly communicate the catering arrangements to host towns, what GOC are providing and what they need/ do not need to organise. They are also contracting the buses & they need to communicate that food will be served on the bus. Beverages

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Coca Cola products including Water, Isotonic drinks etc will be available in the following locations: a) Accommodation Venues: available during entertainment sessions. b) Competition Venue: available during competition times. c) Ceremonies: available throughout the proceedings. d) Airports: available at the Delegation Welcome Centres.

Quantities required in all Venues will be determined by Catering Services and agreed with Coca Cola Ltd prior to Games Time.

Officials & Technical Delegates Breakfast & Dinner

Officials & Technical Delegates will have breakfast in the Accommodation venue in which they are resident.

A cash amount will be issued in order for them to purchase dinner at their own discretion. This will be coordinated by Sports & Competition Lunch b) Competition venues Menus Packed lunches will be available in all Competition venues to include the following:

A meat sandwich or roll /an alternative non meat sandwich or roll or wrap

A juice carton

A Piece of Fruit

A sweet snack item

A cutlery pack to include a plastic knife, a napkin, salt /pepper sachets

Menus will operate on a 5-day x 2 cycles, where all aspects of the lunch will vary for 5 days & then be repeated. It is intended to offer a choice with the meat /non-meat items

however, if one of the choices runs-out, participants will have to take what is available.

The content of the sandwich/roll item will be explained in the six official languages of the Games and displayed on large poster boards in the Athlete Rest Areas.

A short description of the fillings included in the sandwich/roll item will be included on individual packaging in the six official languages of the Games.


Numbers required will be determined by the Sports Commissioner in each venue prior to Games time.


Sandwiches/rolls, Milk product & fruit will be delivered directly from the service provider at an agreed time to each Venue. Delivery will be in refrigerated vans( except fruit) and it will be the responsibility of the Venue Catering Co-Ordinator to ensure that these items continue to be stored in refrigerated units in the Venue.


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Lunches will be served in the Officials Rest Areas from 11.00am to 3.00pm daily. Service will be buffet style with a different station offering lunch packs, sandwiches and hot beverages

Catering Assistants will be on hand to assist with carrying bulk lunches, directing guests to tables, clearing tables & waste management. Snacks & Refreshments

This service will offer tea/coffee & Hot Chocolate with a sweet snack item. This sweet snack will change on a daily basis to avoid repetition.

Volumes required will be determined with reference to the Sports Commissioner in each Venue.

Snack items will be delivered direct from suppliers. Stocks of tea, coffee etc will be stored on site prior to the Games.

Officials & Technical Delegates will be offered tea/coffee facilities in the Officials Rest Area from 9.00am to 5.00pm on competition days. This service will be on a buffet style service where they will collect snack items and then move on to the hot beverage station to collect tea/coffee/soup as required.

3.2.2. Volunteers Breakfast & Dinner a) Accommodation Venues


Breakfast menus have been devised to offer both hot and cold options on a 5 day cycle.

Volunteers will dine either before or after the main meal service times in the Venue.

Dinner menus have been devised to incorporate a choice of main course, to include: a hot meat dish, a second hot dish- often fish & a third hot non-meat dish. Side orders with the main course will always offer a vegetable, potato and rice dish together with a choice of salads. Menus are on a 10-day cycle and will therefore offer a different menu for each day of the games.

Provision will be made for special dietary needs & these will be looked at on a Venue-by-Venue basis. This information will be gathered prior to Games Time by Volunteer Services and it will be the responsibility of the Volunteers Co-Ordinator in each Venue to pass on specific needs to the Catering Co-Ordinator.


The Volunteer Management System will provide details of numbers and shift times in each Venue.


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Food services in Accommodation Venues will be provided for by the on site caterer.


Meals will be served to Volunteers either before or after delegations have eaten. Volunteers will be issued with a Meal Voucher at the start of their shift and they will have to produce this in the dining hall in order to acquire a meal.

b) Competition venues

Breakfast Menu

A Breakfast bap or Breakfast roll together with tea and coffee will be available in the Venues.


The amount required will be predetermined by the amount of Volunteers working the early shift in a Venue.


Delivery will be on a daily basis from the service provider. Service

Volunteers will be issued with a Meal Voucher at the start of their shift and breakfast items will be available in the Volunteer Rest Area. Lunch

a) Accommodation Venues A light lunch pack e.g. sandwiches will be available for any Volunteers working in an Accommodation during the day. This will be provided by the on site caterer.

b) Competition & Operations Venues, Airports & Ceremonies Venue Menus The packed lunch menus for Volunteers have been developed to include the following:

A meat sandwich or roll /an alternative non meat sandwich or roll or wrap

A juice carton

A Piece of Fruit

A sweet snack item

A cutlery pack to include a plastic knife, a napkin, salt /pepper sachets

Menus will operate on a 5-day x 2 cycles, where all aspects of the lunch will vary for 5 days & then be repeated. It is intended to offer a choice with the meat /non-meat items however, if one of the choices runs-out, volunteers will have to take what is available.

In some venue where it is not possible to provide GOC catering a voucher system will be used to offer volunteers the services of pre determined contracted restaurants. Volume

Numbers required will be determined prior to Games time using the Volunteer Management Database. The Volunteers Co-Ordinator in each Venue will be obliged to confirm volumes with the Catering Co-Ordinator on a daily basis.

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Sandwiches/rolls will be delivered directly from the service provider at an agreed time to each Venue. Delivery will be in refrigerated vans and it will be the responsibility of the Venue Catering Co-Ordinator to ensure that these items continue to be stored in refrigerated units in the Venue.


Lunches will be served in the Volunteers Rest Area from 11.00am to 3.00pm daily. Service will be buffet style with a different station offering lunch packs, sandwiches and hot beverages. Volunteers will be issued with a Meal Voucher at the start of their shift and will be obliged to produce this to obtain food items. Snacks & Refreshments

a) Accommodation Venues

Tea, Coffee and sweet snack items will be available in the Volunteer Rest area in all venues.

Volunteer numbers will be determined using the Volunteer Management Database (VMS).

Stock of all requirements for this service will be delivered from the Warehouse

This area will operate on a self service basis. Catering Services will ensure that adequate stocks, equipment etc are available.

b) Competition Venues

This service will offer Tea/Coffee & Hot Chocolate together with a sweet snack item that will change on a daily basis to avoid repetition.

Volunteer numbers will be determined using the Volunteer Management Database (VMS).

Stock of all requirements for this service will be delivered from the Warehouse.

This service will be on a buffet style service where Volunteers will go to a service station to collect tea/coffee/ as required. Volunteers will be issued with Snack Vouchers at the start of their shift and will be obliged to produce these to obtain food items.

c) Ceremonies

Refreshments including tea, coffee and snack items will be available both in the Staging Area and Croke Park itself.

Volunteer numbers will be determined using the Volunteer Management Database (VMS).

Stock of all requirements for this service will be delivered from the Warehouse.

This service will be on a buffet style service where Volunteers will go to a service station to collect tea/coffee/ as required. Volunteers will be issued with Snack Vouchers at the start of their shift and will be obliged to produce these to obtain food items.

d) Airports - Dublin Airport

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Snacks and Refreshments will be available to Volunteers involved in Airport Operations as follows:

For those operating in the main terminal building, refreshments will be available at the O Brien s Irish Sandwich Bar outlet, upon production of a valid snack voucher.

Refreshments will be available for Volunteers operating in the Delegation Welcome Centre and at the National Show Centre.

Volumes required will be determined from the Volunteer Management System (VMS) and will be confirmed to the Catering Co-Ordinator by the Volunteers Co-Ordinator.

Refreshments in the Delegation Welcome Centre will be provided by the facility owner whereas those required for the National Show Centre will be delivered from the Warehouse. Beverages Coca Cola products including Water, Isotonic drinks etc will be available in the following locations: a) Accommodation Venues: available during entertainment sessions. b) Competition Venue: available during competition times. c) Ceremonies: available throughout the proceedings. d) Airports: available at the Delegation Welcome Centres.

Quantities required in all Venues will be determined by Catering Services and agreed with Coca Cola Ltd prior to Games Time. Details regarding distribution, refrigeration etc are currently being developed and will be include in the next draft of the Operating Plan.

After Action Comments Generally: While in the most part volunteers were very appreciative about the catering arrangements there were individuals & groups who rude & difficult to deal with. This was experienced by catering volunteers in volunteer rest areas and also in venues by facilities staff. Accommodation Venues: Night Meals: Not all volunteers on nights required a full plated main course. Snacks: A large amount of snacks were consumed in the Volunteer Rest Areas Competition Venues: Set up Days: Plans were made with a nationwide garage chain to supply lunches that were to be collected at the nearest garage per venue. In some cases these sites were some distance from the venue. Numbers were also difficult to assess & were subject to change. McDonald Vouchers: A number of McDonald Vouchers were issued to the Logistics Manager and this worked well for distribution between Motor Pool, Signage, Site & Logistics teams. Special Diets: The volunteer requests for special diets were far in excess of Delegation Members & in some cases were not possible to provide i.e. no butter, no mayonaisse. This had been explained at training session and in venues some volunteers were very difficult to deal with. Ceremonies Numbers: Volunteer numbers were very difficult to establish & changes 3 days before the Opening Ceremony from 1400 to 2,000. Even with these numbers we were not able to get a

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clear idea of where these volunteers would be based i.e. Clonliffe College or Croke Park and which Volunteer Rest Area they would eat in.

After Action Recommendations General Point: It needs to be emphasised at training that the catering teams are also volunteers and that they should be treated respectfully. Volunteers represent the games and while in venues should be mindful of this. Vouchers: If making use of Vouchers be aware of competing brands that may embarrass existing sponsors Special Diets: A list of specific special diets should be drawn up i.e. Celiac, Diabetic Vegetarian. These should be the only options supplied by GOC and volunteers with other requests be encouraged to bring their own lunch where fridge space will be provided. This need be strongly communicated during training sessions Accommodation Venues: Night Meals: Organise lighter meals at night also i.e. sandwiches. Snacks: Overestimate requirements here & also only issue daily requirements to the rest area. Competition Venues: Set Up Days: I would recommend that arrangements are made per venue with an on site facility or local facility with a delivery system in place. This keeps the arrangements local. The Catering Coordinator should also be in place with a team of rostered catering volunteers 1 / 2 days before the start date to manage these arrangements. Ceremonies: Numbers: Rosters need to be collated & information passed on well in advance of the games. FAs need to be put under pressure to supply this information

3.2.3. Guests Snacks, Refreshments & Beverages

Light refreshments including Sandwiches, Snack items, Tea/Coffee and Coca Cola products will be served in designated Guest Hospitality Areas mainly in Competition Venues.

The GOC Guest Services Manager will provide the numbers of Guests expected at each Venue and Catering Services will ensure that adequate stocks are available to meet requirements.

Bulk food items will be delivered on a daily basis from the Warehouse to individual Venues.

In Competition Venues the Catering Games Planner for Guests will liase with the Guest Services Manager regarding the layout, times of service & type of service for the Guest hospitality area. This information will in turn be passed on to the Venue Catering Coordinator who will oversee the operation on this hospitality area.

After Action Comments Numbers: Numbers for these areas were difficult to assess & so estimation was made & wastage did occur. Standards: Unfortunate catering was not able to provide the original standard of service that had been intended due to restrictions put in place by local Health Inspectors.

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3.2.4. Media Snacks, Refreshments & Beverages

Light refreshments including Sandwiches, Snack items, Tea/Coffee and Coca Cola products will be served in designated Media Hospitality Areas mainly in Competition Venues. This service will also be available at the Opening and Closing Ceremony.

The GOC Media Manager will provide the number of Media personnel expected at each Venue and Catering Services will ensure that adequate stocks are available to meet requirements.

In those venues where there is not a designated Media area, refreshments will be served in the Guest Hospitality area.

3.2.5. Family Members Snacks & Refreshments

In all Competition Venues we will supply a stock of light refreshments for the designated Family Members hospitality area. This will include tea/coffee, cups milks, sugars, light sweet snacks etc.

The GOC Families Manager will provide details of the numbers expected to visit the Families Hospitality area each day. Catering Services will ensure that adequate supplies are delivered to meet requirements.

A Reordering system will be available via the Catering Command Centre

For these areas, bulk stock will be delivered prior to June 20th and stored on site. These will be delivered directly to the Venues by the service provider.

3.2.6. Spectators

Catering Services will ensure that all Competition Venues have sufficient catering outlets/facilities to service Spectators. A minimum level of service of food items will be available for purchase as follows:



Sweet snack items

Cold drinks Where existing facilities are available at Venues, those vendors will be asked to provide catering facilities during Games Time. In those Venues where there are no existing Catering facilities, Catering Services will contract suppliers to provide this service.

All efforts will be made to ensure that Sponsor Products will be available for purchase After Action Comments

It was difficult to source vendors for smaller venues where it was not a profitable venture

After Action Recommendations GOC may look at paying a fee to have services in place.

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3.2.7. Warehousing

The Warehouse operation will provide a comprehensive process of gathering all Venue numbers & catering requirements and will collate this information in such a way as to ensure that the Packing and final distribution of all catering items is as efficient as possible.

The warehouse team will operate from a warehouse on the Navan Road. They will work with the Logistics department to determine routes, load vehicles & deliver pre-packed food items to all Games venues.

Pre Games Delivery

Bulk stock direct from the suppliers of non date sensitive stock i.e. Tea/Coffee/Soup, cups, sugar, napkins, cutlery sets will be delivered and stored on site in Venues in the week prior to the Games.

Daily Delivery

Sandwiches will be delivered direct to venues by Freshways

Milk products will be delivered directly by Glanbia

Fruit will be supplied directly from Keelings.

After Action Comments

This operation worked extremely well from a catering point of view with an excellent team recruited from the lessons we learned at National Games 2003.

After Action Recommendations Delivery: All goods to be delivered to the warehouse should be ordered for delivery two weeks before the start date of operations. They should be stored in the catering section of the warehouse with all the delivery dockets available to catering to check. Rostering: The warehouse volunteers need to be rostered for a week before the games & a week after the games. Extra volunteers need to be recruited to cover this timeframe. Volunteers: If operating from an existing GOC warehouse an independent forklift driver is a huge advantage. Transport: While we used the transport system we also had 4 independent volunteers that could drive GOC vans & their own vans if need be. This left us able to troubleshoot if need be. Bikers: We only became aware of the availability of these later in the week & we could have used these.


4.1. Polices

The following Policies relating to the Catering area are outlined in detail on subsequent pages: Catering

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01 Cat Policy Entitlements to GOC Catering 02 Cat Policy Glass in Competition Venues 03 Cat Policy Public Access to Catering Facilities 04 Cat Policy Compliance with relevant Food Hygiene Regulations 05 Cat Policy Delivery dockets will be issued with all Cat. deliveries from the warehouse 06 Cat Policy Menus will be displayed in all venues 07 Cat Policy Service of Hot Beverages 08 Cat Policy Operation of Catering in Family Hospitality Areas 09 Cat Policy Entitlement to light breakfast in Competition Venues 10 Cat Policy Boxed Breakfast option in Accommodation Venues 11 Cat Policy Dates of GOC Catering Operations 12 Cat Policy Catering in Guest Lounges 13 Cat Policy Boxed Lunch provision in alternative venues 14 Cat Policy Packing Boxed Lunches in Competition Venues 15 Cat Policy Responsibility for Lounge Areas 16 Cat Policy Times for Service for Catering 17 Cat Policy Signing items to GOC account in Accommodation Venues


Lead Functional Area


Policy Number CAT-1 Policy Title Entitlements to GOC Catering Other FAs affected All

Policy Statement

All persons registered on VMS will be entitled to GOC catering.

Members of the following constituent groups are entitled to one lunch per day during the Games period ( refer to policy no 13)

- Delegation Members - Global Messengers - Volunteers- who work more than a 6 hour shift - Officials - Guests - Sponsors

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- Media

Some volunteers (e.g. those working on fit-out or tear-down) will also be entitled to a boxed lunch on days just prior to and after the Games period. Exact numbers and dates will be defined on a venue by venue basis.

The following groups will not be provided with a lunch: - Family members - Contractors - Spectators

Additional explanation or information (optional)

A lunch voucher entitles the bearer to a boxed lunch, comprising of:

- sandwich, wrap or roll - piece of fruit - biscuit or bar - juice carton - Tea/coffee

This policy does not cover provision of light refreshments and tea/coffee, which varies for each constituent group.

The Volunteers group include all GOC and SOI staff


Lead Functional Area


Policy Number CAT-2 Policy Title Glass in Venues Other FAs affected All

Policy Statement

Beverages will not be served or supplied to any constituent group in glass bottles.

Beverages to Delegation Members in all Venues will be served in paper or plastic cups.

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Additional explanation or information (optional)

Coca Cola are sponsors of cold Beverages and will supply branded paper cups.


Lead Functional Area


Policy Number CAT-3 Policy Title Public Access to Catering Facilities Other FAs affected

Policy Statement

The Catering Team will ensure that all Competition Venues will have sufficient facilities to cater for Spectators.

We will ensure that if these facilities are not on site that we contract other suppliers i.e. Mobile units, franchise operations, Outdoor Caterers

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Additional explanation or information (optional)

We will source suppliers for catering services, however these caterers will be responsible for their own service & profits. The catering functional area will not be paying any fees for this service.


Lead Functional Area


Policy Number CAT-4 Policy Title Compliance with relevant Food Hygiene Regulations Other FAs affected

Policy Statement

We will comply with Food Hygiene & Food Safety Regulations to ensure that we pose no risk to the participant groups we serve.

We will consult with and take advice/recommendations from the relevant authorities to ensure that safe practices are inherent in the catering operation.

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Additional explanation or information (optional)

Venue Catering Coordinators will receive the required specific training in this area and Catering Assistants will also be trained in basic food safety as detailed in legislation.


Lead Functional Area


Policy Number CAT-5 Policy Title Delivery dockets will be issued with all Catering deliveries from

the warehouse Other FAs affected All Venues

Policy Statement

All catering deliveries from the catering central warehouse will include a detailed Delivery Docket that will itemise the content of that delivery.

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Additional explanation or information (optional)


Lead Functional Area


Policy Number CAT-6 Policy Title Menus will be displayed in all venues Other FAs affected

Policy Statement

In Accommodation Venues we will display the menu for the day in the 6 official languages of the Games.

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In Competition Venues we will display the full content of the Sandwiches in the 6 official languages of the Games.

Additional explanation or information (optional)

These display boards will be poster size and mounted at points close to the service stations.

When a menu includes a pork product we will ensure that this is clearly marked.


Lead Functional Area


Policy Number CAT-7 Policy Title Service of Hot Beverages Other FAs affected All Competition Venues

Policy Statement

All Hot Beverages served in Competition Venues will be served in cups with lids secured.

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Additional explanation or information (optional)

These beverages will include tea, coffee, soup & hot chocolate. We will also provide 4 cup carriers to avoid spillage.

In some Guest Lounges we will serve tea/coffee in crockery cups this policy will not apply in these areas.


Lead Functional Area


Policy Number CAT-8 Policy Title Operation of Catering in Family Hospitality Areas Other FAs affected Family Services, Logistics

Policy Statement

Catering Services will supply the stock of required catering items for service in Family Members Lounge. This includes:

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Milk Jiggers


Juice cartons


Catering Services will also supply the required equipment :

Burco Boilers


Baskets for display

Table coverings

Additional explanation or information (optional)

The stock levels & quantities of all the above will be agreed with Family Services.

Operating and managing of service and stock will be done by Family Services.


Lead Functional Area


Policy Number CAT-9 Policy Title Entitlements to light breakfast in competition venues Other FAs affected All FAs in competition venues

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Policy Statement

Volunteers who open up venues and start their shift earlier than 7.00am will be entitled to light breakfast.

This number of volunteers will be established on a venue by venue basis

Additional explanation or information (optional)

Once this number has been established it will be the responsibility of the Volunteer Coordinator to issue these vouchers- the supply of these items will match the number of vouchers available.

All volunteers eligible for a light breakfast should be included on the Volunteer Roster Sheet.


Lead Functional Area


Policy Number CAT-10 Policy Title A Boxed Breakfast option will only be available in the

Accommodation Venues with suitable self catering facilities Other FAs affected Delegation Services, Housing

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Policy Statement

A Boxed Breakfast option will be available in the Accommodation Venues with suitable self catering facilities. These venues are as follows




Maynooth (North Campus)


Dartry (Trinity Hall)

Additional explanation or information (optional)

A strict ordering procedure will be in place to manage this facility. See Catering-10.1


Lead Functional Area


Policy Number CAT-11 Policy Title Dates of GOC Catering Operations

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Other FAs affected All FAs

Policy Statement

GOC Catering will commence & finish for the constituent groups as follows:

Group Commence Finish Delegation Members June 15th- Airport June 30th - Breakfast Volunteers 15th June 1st July Officials & TD s June 21st

Competition Venues June 29th Competition Venues

Guests June 18th - Airport June 29th Competition Venues

Media June 21st MPC June 29th

Closing Ceremony Family Members June 22nd

Competition Venues June 29th Competition Venues

Sponsors June 22nd

Competition Venues June 29th Competition Venues

Spectators June 21st

Opening Ceremony June 29th

Closing Ceremony

Additional explanation or information (optional)

Catering arrangements have been organised for specific events/ receptions directly by the FA responsible for some of these groups: Parents evening by Family Services Media reception by Media Services Guests catering by Guest Services Volunteers training by Volunteer Services


Lead Functional Area


Policy Number CAT-12 Policy Title Catering in Guest Lounges

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Other FAs affected Guest Services,

Policy Statement

Where practicably possible catering will upgrade its standard service in the Guest Lounge as follows:

Use crockery & cutlery

Use linen table cloths

Serve sandwiches dressed on plate/platters- not in plastic

Serve snack items out of wrapper

Additional explanation or information (optional)

This upgrade will be established on a venue by venue basis- eg RDS has excellent kitchen facilities to allow catering to wash crockery & cutlery, while smaller venues will not have this facility.

Catering Staff will manage and serve refreshments in Guest Lounges.


Lead Functional Area


Policy Number CAT-13

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Policy Title Boxed Lunch provision in alternative venues Other FAs affected All

Policy Statement

Catering will presume that Delegation Members will collect their boxed lunch in the Venue in which their sport takes place.

In order to facilitate team members who are free on a particular day i.e. who have no competition and wish to travel to an alternative sports venue, an advance lunch ordering system will be in operation.

In order to be able to receive lunch at an alternative venue, each Head Coach needs to complete an Alternative Venue Lunch Form.

Additional explanation or information (optional)

This pre-ordering system will only apply if the Delegation member intends to be at the other Venue during lunch service operating times.

Lunches will not be available at Accommodation Venues.


Lead Functional Area


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Policy Number CAT-14 Policy Title Packing Boxed Lunch in competition venue Other FAs affected Logistics

Policy Statement

Catering Volunteers will pack Boxed Lunches in competition venues to ensure that an individual pack is of the highest quality

Additional explanation or information (optional)

Where space is limited in a competition venue the boxed lunches may be delivered from the warehouse- this will be assessed on a venue by venue basis.


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Lead Functional Area


Policy Number CAT-15 Policy Title Responsibility for areas where food & beverages are consumed Other FAs affected Family Services, Volunteer Services, Media, Guest Services,

venue Operations Signed off by Tracy McDaid, Marie O Brien, Denis Doolan

Policy Statement

The following Functional Areas will be responsible for the daily operations of rest areas/lounges:

Athlete Lounge: Catering Volunteer Lounge: Catering Media Work Room: Catering Family Hospitality: Family Services Guest Lounge: Catering Public Vending/Concessions: Franchisee

Additional explanation or information (optional)

Daily Operations includes setting up of stock, preparation of lunch packs, serving lunch/snack packs, serving tea/coffee and clearing up the area after use.


Lead Functional Catering

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Area Policy Number CAT-16 Policy Title Times of service for Catering Other FAs affected All FAs Policy Statement Accommodation Venues

The times of catering services in accommodation venues is as follows:



Friday 20-Jun-03 NONE 6.00PM 9.00PM

Saturday 21-Jun-03 6.00AM - 9.30AM 2.00PM 4.00PM

Sunday 22-Jun-03 7.00AM - 9.30AM 7.30PM 9.30PM

Monday 23-Jun-03 6.00AM - 9.30AM 6.00PM 9.00PM

Tuesday 24-Jun-03 6.00AM - 9.30AM 4.30PM 7.00PM

Wednesday 25-Jun-03 6.00AM - 9.30AM 6.00PM 9.00PM

Thursday 26-Jun-03 6.00AM - 9.30AM 6.00PM 9.00PM

Friday 27-Jun-03 6.00AM - 9.30AM 6.00PM 9.00PM

Saturday 28-Jun-03 6.00AM - 9.30AM 6.00PM 9.00PM

Sunday 29-Jun-03 6.00AM - 9.30AM 3.00PM 5.00PM

Monday 30-Jun-03 6.00AM - 9.30AM NONE

Competition Venues The times of catering services in Competition Venues in Athlete Lounges, Family Hospitality areas, Guest Lounges, Media Work Rooms and Spectator vending is as follows:

Lunch service will operate from 11.00am


Refreshment service will operate from 9.00am 5.00pm

Beverage service will operate from 9.00am 5.00pm

The times in Volunteer Rest Areas is as follows:

Breakfast service will operate from 8.30am 11.00am

Lunch service will operate from 11.00am 3.00pm

Refreshment service will operate from 8am -6.30pm

Beverage service will operate from 8am -6.30pm Closing times in these venues will be determined on a venue by venue basis.

These times of service will apply for normal full days of competition. Please refer to individual venues schedules for alterations in the times.

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2003 SOWSG Policy

Lead Functional Area


Procedure Number CAT-17 Procedure Title Signing items to GOC account in

Accommodation Venues Other FAs affected All FAs

Policy Statement 1. The only person in a Venue entitled to sign/post an invoice for services/food/beverages to the Main Master Account is the Venue Manager. This does not take into account pre-ordered services/food/ beverages covered in the main contract.

Venue Manager

2. The receipt of items being purchased needs to be signed by the VM & dated.

Additional explanation or information

1. Facility Managers will be strictly informed that only signed dockets will be paid for. Any invoice without the relevant signature will be returned unpaid.

Catering Co-Ordinator

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4. 2 Procedures 1.1 Cat Procedure Tracking Delegation Members meal entitlements & collection 4.1 Cat Procedure Food Safety Check List for Catering Coordinators 10.1 Cat Procedure Boxed Breakfast Ordering System for Delegation Members 13.1 Cat Procedure Advance Lunch Ordering System for Delegation Members 18.1 Cat Procedure Compiling & delivering daily Catering stock 18.2 Cat Procedure Assessing catering stock levels in venues 18.3 Cat Procedure Reordering specific daily stocks via Catering HQ 19.1 Cat Procedure Distribution of Special Diets at Competition Venues 19.2 Cat Procedure Distribution of Special Diets at Ceremonies 19.3 Cat Procedure Special Diets for Volunteers 20.1 Cat Procedure Start-up Procedure for Competition Venues

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Lead Functional Area


Procedure Number CAT-1.1 Procedure Title Tracking Delegation Members meal

entitlements & collection Other FAs affected Delegation Services, Accreditation

DESCRIPTION: STANDARD PROCEDURE(S) Group dealt with: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. A second card will hang behind each Delegation Members Accreditation. This card will detail the lunch and dinner entitlements.


2. Catering will attach these cards and the lanyards to the accreditation pass in the warehouse from May 15th May 30th


3. The cards will be white for all Delegation Members. The same colour coding will exist on these cards for special diets:

Celiac- Green

Diabetic- Purple

Miscellaneous Diets- Orange Miscellaneous diets will be covered by another coloured card that must be looked at to establish the diet i.e. nut allergy, bean allergy, non-dairy.


2. This card must be produced at each lunch & dinner service and will be punched when that meal is collected.

Catering Coordinator


Scenario One: An accreditation is missing Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. The Delegation Member will be day passed Accreditation

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for the venue they are in and a second accreditation ordered. Catering will provide information on special diets if required.

2. Delegation Services will issue the Delegation Member a day pass catering voucher for the required meals when they are in that venue.

Delegation Services

3. The Catering Coordinator will check with the Catering HQ to ensure that the Delegation Member did not require a special diet.

Catering Coordinator

4. When the new accreditation is issued Accreditation will ensure that a new Meal Ticket is attached.


Scenario Two: Handling a dispute about collection of a meal. Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. The Catering Coordinator is called to make the decision on any interpretation/misinterpretation of the hole punch.

Catering Coordinator

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Lead Functional Area


Procedure Number CAT-4.1 Procedure Title Food Hygiene & Food Safety checklist for

Catering Venue Coordinators Other FAs affected Health & Safety

DESCRIPTION: STANDARD PROCEDURE(S) Group dealt with: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. The daily check list is designed to cover all Food Hygiene & Food Safety aspects of a Competition Venue

Catering Venue Coordinators

2. The check list is completed at stages throughout the day as required eg.

a) Temperature check on Freshways van b) Cleanliness Check on Freshways van c) Temperature Check on fridges d) Temperature probe on sandwich in

fridges e) Temperature probe on sandwich at

ambient temperature

Catering Venue Coordinators

3. The check list is dated & signed by the Venue Catering Coordinator at the end of each day & filed on site with a copy faxed to the Catering Command centre.

Catering Venue Coordinators


Scenario One: Freshways delivery van is not at correct temperature

Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. A call is place to Catering HQ and details given

Catering Coordinator.

2. If the temperature is outside the guideline Temperature these sandwiches are refused.

Games Planner

3. Catering HQ contacts Freshways & requests Games Planner

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a new delivery.


Lead Functional Area


Procedure Number CAT-10.1 Procedure Title Boxed Breakfast Ordering System for

Delegation Members Other FAs affected Delegation Services,Housing

DESCRIPTION: STANDARD PROCEDURE(S) Group dealt with: What the steps are: Who does them: Delegation Members

1. An ordering table will be in the Restaurant each day from June 20th during breakfast service.

Catering Team Leader

2. A sample of the Boxed Breakfast will be available to see at that table.

Catering Team Leader

3. Head Coaches can order breakfasts each morning for the following & subsequent morning/s.

Head Coach

4. On ordering they will receive a copy of the order- order slip .

Catering Team Leader

5. By 10.00am each day a master list is compiled and the orders will be given to the Facilities Caterer for packing & for collection/delivery on the next day.

Catering Venue Coordinator

6. Breakfasts will be collected/delivered at 5.30am each morning from the Facilities Caterer.

Catering Team Leader

7. Breakfast will be distributed from a pre determined point adjacent to each Residence Block from 6.00am to 8.30am

Catering Team Leader

8. The Head Coach will redeem the Breakfasts by producing the order slip.

Head Coach

9. On collecting the breakfast the delegation is marked off the Master List.

Catering Team Leader


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Scenario One: A Head Coach wants to collect breakfast & has

no Order Slip Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. The Master list is checked to see if record of order is there.

Catering Team Leader

2. If copy of order is on master list it can be given out.

Catering Team Leader

3. If no record of order is on the master list no boxed breakfast is available & they must go to the restaurant for breakfast.

Catering Team Leader


Scenario Two: An order for Boxed Breakfast is not collected Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. Pull out the original Order Slip Catering Team Leader

2. Double check the order Cat Team Leader

3. Contact the Head Coach/DAL & check what happened

Cat Team Leader

4. Explain that this can not reoccur while providing explanation of correct procedure to follow on subsequent days

Cat Team Leader

5. If it happens a second time no order for Boxed Breakfast will be taken.

Cat Team Leader


Scenario Three: An order for Breakfast was made & collected & the Delegation Members also go to the Main Restaurant for Breakfast on that day

Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. Pull out the original Order Slip Catering Venue Coordinator

2. Double check the order Catering Venue Coordinator

3. Contact the Head Coach/DAL & check what happened

Catering Venue Coordinator

4. Politely explain that this can not reoccur Catering Venue Coordinator

5. If it happens a second time no order for Boxed Breakfast will be taken.

Catering Venue Coordinator

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Boxed Breakfast Order Form

Delegation Name India

Order placed by Tim Wilson Date for collection Monday 23rd June Total number of persons 14 pax Room numbers Merville 1.3, Merville 1.5, Merville 1.7

Any special dietary requirements

1 Ceoliac

Order taken By Ellen Reidy Date: Sunday 22nd June

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2003 SOWSG PROCEDURE Lead Functional Area


Procedure Number CAT 13.1 Procedure Title Advance Ordering system for Delegation

Members eating at alternative venues Other FAs affected

DESCRIPTION: STANDARD PROCEDURE(S) Group dealt with: What the steps are: Who does them: Delegation Members 1. It will be assumed that Delegation members

will collect Lunches in the venue that their competition takes place.

Head Coach

2. In order to be able to receive lunch in an alternative venue that a team wish to visit, each head coach needs to complete an Advance Order Lunch Form

Head Coach

3. The Catering Coordinator in each Accommodation venue will be responsible for collecting orders from each Head Coach for the following days requirements

Catering Coordinators

4. They will gather this information from each Head Coach by 8.30pm during dinner service in the venue.

Head Coach

5. They will issue each Head Coach with a summary of their order.

Catering Coordinators

6. Catering Coordinators will compile these orders onto their Box Lunch Order Sheet & E mail or fax them to the Catering HQ.

Catering Coordinators

7. Catering HQ will receipt these orders & chase venues who are behind schedule

Games Planners

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8. By 11.00pm Catering HQ will issue a Master Lunch Ordering Sheet to the following:

a) Warehouse b) Freshways c) O Briens ( for special diets) d) Competition Venue- Catering


Games Planners


Scenario One: No order is received from a Delegation Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. We assume they will attend the venue that their Athletes are competing in

Games Planners

DESCRIPTION: CONTINGENCY PROCEDURE(S) Scenario Two: A Delegation is not eating in their

Accommodation Venue on a particular night Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. The delegation must place their order the night before for the following two days

Catering Coordinators

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Lead Functional Area


Procedure Number CAT-18.1 Procedure Title Compiling & Delivering Daily Catering

Stocks from Warehouse to Competition Venues Other FAs affected All venues

DESCRIPTION: STANDARD PROCEDURE(S) Group dealt with: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. Volunteers & Officials numbers will be known in advance of the Games.

Catering Games Planners

2. Delegation Members numbers will be received in the Catering HQ at 11.00pm each night for the next day.

Catering Games Planner- Lunches

3. Guests, Sponsors & Media will be a predetermined number.

Catering Games Planners

4. All these numbers will be processed and compiled on a master list.

Catering Games Planner- warehouse

5. From this Master List an individual Delivery Docket will be printed per venue by 12.00am. In some venues these deliveries will be subdivided by area within a venue eg. RDS Main Arena & Simmonscourt.

Catering Games Planner Warehouse

6. These deliveries will be organised in the warehouse from 12.00am 5.00am

Catering Games Planner

7. From 5.00am 6.00am these will be loaded in to Vans for despatch

Catering Games Planner/Logistics

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8. Deliveries will arrive in venues between 6.30am 7.30am. Delivery times will be established on a venue by venue basis


9. Each Venue Catering Coordinator will call back to Catering Command Centre to confirm delivery is on time & correct.

Catering Venue Coordinators


Scenario One: Delays in receiving Delegation Numbers Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. We will work on figures with Competing Delegation Numbers by sport in a venue with a % overage to cover numbers increasing

Catering Games Planner

Steps 4 8 will then be followed As above


Scenario Two: Deliveries are late leaving the warehouse Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. Establish what Venues are going to be getting late deliveries & what stock is on board

Games Planner

2. Clarify with the Venue if they can open & operate with the stock in hand

Games Planner/ Cat Coordinator

3. If they can open /start service update them with the new delivery time

Games Planner

4. If they can not open check with nearest Venue to see if opening stock can be moved

Games Planner

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Lead Functional Area


Procedure Number CAT-18.2 Procedure Title Assessing catering stock levels in venues Other FAs affected All venues

DESCRIPTION: STANDARD PROCEDURE(S) Group dealt with: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. A predetermined level of stock for dry goods & non date sensitive stock will be delivered to Venues during fit out.

Games Planners

2. A stock sheet will be issued on Wednesday 25th June to each Venue Catering Coordinator to assess the stock levels.

Catering Venue Coordinator

3. This sheet will be fed back to catering HQ to assess overall requirements needed to run until the end of venue schedule.

Games Planner

4. Games Planner will revert to Venue Catering Coordinator with result of the exercise.

Games Planner


Scenario One: A Venue needs extra stock to operate for remaining days.

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Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. Stock levels will be assessed by Catering HQ and stock will be issued from the warehouse

Games Planner

Scenario Two: A Venue has excess stock to operate for

remaining days. Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. The required operating stock level will be assessed and excess will be collected by logistics and returned to warehouse stock.

Games Planner


Lead Functional Area


Procedure Number CAT-18.3 Procedure Title Reordering specific daily stocks via Catering

HQ Other FAs affected All venues

DESCRIPTION: STANDARD PROCEDURE(S) Group dealt with: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. The Catering Venue Coordinator will call the Catering HQ

Catering Venue Coordinator

2. The Catering HQ will establish the nearest supply of the required product- warehouse, nearest other venue with stock , O Briens Franchisee etc.

Games Planner

3. The Catering HQ will organise collection & delivery of product using most efficient means available as follows:

a) Refrigerated Product using either of 2 catering mobile refrigerated vans.

Games Planner

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b) Dry Goods by contacting logistics


Lead Functional Area


Procedure Number CAT-19.1 Procedure Title Distribution of Medical Diets in competition

venues Other FAs affected Medical

DESCRIPTION: STANDARD PROCEDURE(S) Group dealt with: What the steps are: Who does them: Delegation Members Volunteers Officials

Specific medical diets for packs/lunches will be bagged in specific colour coded bags as a standard procedure right across the Games

Coeliac- Green

Diabetic- Purple

Miscellaneous Diets- Orange With this card catering volunteers will look at the specific detail printed on the card to ascertain the exact requirements


Information regarding this colour system to be supplied to Head Coaches through Delegation


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In Competition Venues these special packs will be kept in one fridge and distributed from the main catering service area for that particular group


A back up /emergency stock of required products will also be kept in all Medical centres eg. biscuits, diet drinks



Scenario: The correct diet is not available in the specific venue

Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. Check what can be eaten & make up packs from existing stocks

Catering Coordinator

2. Check back up stock in Medical Area Catering/Medical

3. Check nearest Competition Venue for stock of required items

Catering HQ

4. Check with Catering HQ to see how long delivery from supplier would take.

Catering HQ


Lead Functional Area


Procedure Number CAT-19.2 Procedure Title Distribution of Special Diets at Ceremonies Other FAs affected Medical

DESCRIPTION: STANDARD PROCEDURE(S) Group dealt with: What the steps are: Who does them: Delegation Members

Specific medical diets for packs/lunches will be bagged in specific colour coded bags as a standard procedure right across the Games

Coeliac- Green

Diabetic- Purple

Miscellaneous - Orange


All Delegation Members food packs will be placed under the seats at Croke Park. We will place a standard pack under all seats.


4 distribution points will be set up in Croke Park to distribute the specific requirements for


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any diet in colour coded individual bags.

It will be the responsibility of the coaches/chaperones to distribute these specific items and remove any risk items from the original pack

Head Coaches

This system will be explained to all HODs during the walk through on June 20th.

Games Planner


Scenario: A Delegation needs extra food/special diets Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

Catering will have a back up supply of all stock. Delegation Members who need additional food/ special diets can alert Ceremonies Volunteers who will operate a runner system from these store rooms to the Field of Play.

Catering Ceremonies

A back up /emergency stock of required products will also be kept in all Medical Centres eg. Biscuits, diet drinks

Catering Medical

2003 SOWSG Procedure Lead Functional Area


Procedure Number CAT-19.3 Procedure Title Ordering Special Diets for Volunteers Other FAs affected Volunteer Services

DESCRIPTION: STANDARD PROCEDURE(S) Group dealt with: What the steps are: Who does them: Volunteers with special dietary needs

1. Catering will provide vegetarian meals as a standard meal choice at all venues.


2. At job specific training in March & April catering will take a sample survey to indicate what diets we need to consider.


3. At Venue Training (May) the relevant Venue Manager, as part of the Venue walkthrough, will make it known to all staff that anyone who has special catering needs ( i.e. such as diabetic or Coeliac etc.) must make themselves known directly to the Venue Catering Co-ordinator,

Venue Manager and Venue Catering Co-ordinator

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who will then plan meal ordering accordingly.

4. This information is fed back to Catering FA for recording.

5. The diets required per venue will be added to the advance ordering system special diets records and totalled for our suppliers

6. Diets will be collected in volunteer rest areas at the food service areas.


Scenario One: In the case that a Volunteer is not captured at Venue Training as requiring a special diet but does in fact require such a diet

Venue Catering Co-ordinator

Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. Catering can provide adequate food if they are given 48 hour notification .

Venue Catering Co-ordinator

2. Follow steps in Contingency 2 Venue Catering Co-ordinator


Scenario Two: A Special Diet is provided but is not suitable Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. Catering will establish with the Volunteer exactly what they can eat.

Venue Catering Co-ordinator

2. Catering can make up a pack of suitable items from there existing stock eg. make up a pack with double the items they can eat , 2 pieces of fruit, 2 bags of crisps

Venue Catering Co-ordinator

3. Catering can check with Catering HQ as to the closest location of such a diet

Venue Catering Co-ordinator

4. Catering can source such a meal with local suppliers.

Venue Catering Co-ordinator

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Lead Functional Area


Procedure Number CAT-20.1 Procedure Title Start up procedures for catering areas in

competition venues Other FAs affected All venues

DESCRIPTION: STANDARD PROCEDURE(S) Group dealt with: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. A predetermined standard lay up for service tables & dining tables will be agreed and issued from Catering HQ

Games Planners

2. Numbers expected to the venue for any day will be available in the venue by 6.00am. This information will have been faxed from Catering HQ

Games Planners

3. The catering coordinator will determine the Catering Venue

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working stock levels for each service area required


4.Burco Boilers will be filled and turned on by first team member on duty

Catering Venue Coordinator

5. Catering coordinator will organise the packing teams for Boxed Lunch packing

Catering Venue Coordinator

6. Coordinator will brief the first shift about the days activites.

Catering Venue Coordinator


Scenario Two: On site fridges are not at correct temperature/broken

Group: What the steps are: Who does them:

1. Product is probed to ensure it is still at safe temperature. If it is follow on to step 2. If stock is not at correct temperature it is thrown out and stock levels assessed (follow procedure 18.2)

Catering Venue Coordinator

2. Call Catering HQ & request immediate use of a mobile fridge ( two on hand for use during games & extras with O Briens)

Catering Venue Coordinator

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After Action Comments: These policies & Procedures are a very useful training tool for coordinators & they found them helpful in venue training It is well worth putting the time & effort into these

After Action Recommendations: Draw up an early list of these policies, even if you don t have the finer details , these can then be added to. Spend time on drafting these as they form the basis of your entire operation Get interdepartmental agreement as it is critical for the policies & procedures to be carried out.


5.1. Milestone Summary




Catering FA Plan 25/04/03

FA Staffing

17/04/03 Key FA Management Team Recruited 01/08/01 Preliminary FA Staff Estimates completed 20/02/02 Venue Catering Co-Ordinators recruited 31/10/02 Review 1 FA Volunteer estimates completed 04/10/02 Catering Volunteer Numbers confirmed 01/11/02 Venue Catering Volunteers recruited 14/03/03 Venue Catering Volunteers rostered 17/04/03

Staff Training

21/03/03 Key FA Management Team NG Training Completed 31/01/02 FA Cluster Managers NG Training completed 15/03/02 Venue FA Manager NG Training completed 01/04/02 Venue FA Team NG Training completed 31/05/02 Key FA Management Team WG Training completed 27/09/02 Venue Catering Co-Ordinators WG Training completed 31/01/03 Catering Volunteers Training completed 28/03/03 Training Manuals Drafted 29/11/02 Training Manuals Reviewed 27/12/02

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Training Manuals completed and printed 21/03/03

Operating Plan/Contingency Plan/AAR


Draft 1 - Operating Plan agreed 18/12/01 Draft 2 - Operating Plan agreed 29/03/02 Revised Operating Plan agreed 15/11/02 Insert to Venue Operating Plans completed 29/11/02 Draft 1

Catering Contingency Plan 27/12/02 Input to HOD Manual completed 17/01/03 Final Insert to Venue Operating Plans completed 03/03/03 Final Operating Plan agreed 14/02/03 Final Catering Contingency Plan completed 04/04/03 AAR submitted 31/07/03

Dining Halls

Contact made with all Dining Halls by Catering Team rep 25/10/02 Catering Co-Ordinator appointed to all Dining Halls 29/11/02




Dining Halls visited by Catering Co-Ordinators 27/12/02 Breakfast & Dinner Menus re-drafted 18/10/02 Ordering & Distribution of Con. Breakfasts Draft 05/03/02 Meal Services in Accomm. Venues confirmed 12/03/02 Catering Managers in Dining Halls contacted 31/05/02 Dining Halls re-visited 28/10/02 Dining Halls re-visited 28/03/03 Obtain HSSAP certification from all Food Suppliers 30/05/02 Dining Hall Service Contingency Plans Draft 1 31/05/02 Dining Hall Service Contingency Plans Draft 2 29/11/02 Dining Hall Service Contingency Plans Final 21/03/03

Lunches - Delegations/Staff & Officials

Catering Managers initial meeting with Sponsors Sports Venues Visits re Lunch Locations 12/02/02 Organisation Chart for Lunch Team in place 19/02/02 Menus for Lunches Confirmed 26/03/02 Lunch Supplier Confirmed 30/11/01 Lunch Delivery & Distribution System established 21/12/01 Lunch Ordering System established 01/03/02 Lunch Tracking & Accountability System established 01/03/02 Obtain HSSAP certification from all Food Suppliers 30/05/02 Lunch Service Contingency Plans Draft 1 31/05/02 Lunch Service Contingency Plans Draft 2 29/11/02 Lunch Service Contingency Plans Final 21/03/03

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Boxed Breakfasts

Boxed Breakfast Draft Menus completed Boxed Breakfast Menus & Prices Confirmed 30/04/02 Boxed Breakfast Delivery & Distribution System established 21/12/01 Boxed Breakfast Ordering System established 01/03/02 Boxed Breakfast Tracking & Accountability System establ 01/03/02 Boxed Breakfast Service Contingency Plans Draft 1 31/05/02 Boxed Breakfast Service Contingency Plans Draft 2 29/11/02 Boxed Breakfast Service Contingency Plans Final 21/03/03


Vending Arrangements in all Sports Venues assessed 26/02/02 Food Vendors for each Venue confirmed 27/08/02 Vending arrangements for all venues confirmed 27/08/02 Obtain HSSAP certification from all Food Suppliers 30/05/02 Vending Suppliers re-visited 28/10/02 Vending Suppliers re-visited 28/03/03 Vending Service Contingency Plans Draft 1 31/05/02 Vending Service Contingency Plans Draft 2 29/11/02 Vending Service Contingency Plans Final 21/03/03





Airport Food Services Menu Drafted Menus & Prices on Airport Food Services Confirmed 12/08/02 Food Vendors for each Venue confirmed 12/08/02 Airport Org Chart confirmed 01/04/02 Obtain HSSAP certification from all Food Suppliers 30/05/02 Airport Suppliers re-visited 28/10/02 Airport Suppliers re-visited 28/03/03 Airport Food Service Contingency Plans Draft 1 31/05/02 Airport Food Service Contingency Plans Draft 2 29/11/02 Airport Food Service Contingency Plans Final 21/03/03

Opening / Closing Ceremony

Ceremonies Food Services Menu Drafted 11/03/02 Possible Food Suppliers short-listed 17/06/02 Menus & Prices on Ceremonies Food Services Confirmed 15/07/02 Food Vendors for each Venue confirmed 15/07/02 Ceremonies Org Chart confirmed 01/04/02 Obtain HSSAP certification from all Food Suppliers 30/05/02 Ceremonies Suppliers re-visited 28/10/02 Ceremonies Suppliers re-visited 28/03/03 Ceremonies Food Service Contingency Plans Draft 1 31/05/02 Ceremonies Food Service Contingency Plans Draft 2 29/11/02

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Ceremonies Food Service Contingency Plans Final 21/03/03

Hospitality Areas

Needs Identified for Guest/Families/Media 12/03/02 Needs Identified for Staff & Officials 12/03/02 Hospitality & Rest Area Services System established 12/03/02

Special Events (Blanchardstown/The Point)

Needs Identified for Special Events 01/08/01 Special Events Venues re-visited 28/10/02 Special EventsVenues re-visited 28/03/03 Ceremonies Food Service Contingency Plans Draft 1 31/05/02 Ceremonies Food Service Contingency Plans Draft 2 29/11/02 Ceremonies Food Service Contingency Plans Final 21/03/03

Catering Co-Ordinator - Command Centre

All Sports Venues Visited 12/02/02 No. of Volunteers required completed 13/02/02 Catering Command Centre Org Chart in place 13/02/02 "Standards set for Lunch, Volunteer & Hospitality Areas" 11/03/02 FF&E requirements for Catering identified 01/03/02 Revise standards for Lunch Distribution Areas 30/09/02




Revise Standards for Volunteer Lunch Distribution Areas 30/09/02 Revise Standards for Hospitality Areas 30/09/02

Catering Waste Management Policies & Procedures

Existing Waste Management Services identified 29/03/02 Catering & Games Waste Management Service established 30/04/02 Catering Waste Management Services Draft 2 29/10/02 Catering Waste Management Services Final 14/03/03

After Action Comments: These timelines are excellent at keeping you structured & on schedule

After Action Recommendations: Spend time on the first draft of these & ensure that you have the order correct- eg the decisions on menu content affects storage & delivery & needs to be set early.

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After Action Comments: These timelines are excellent at keeping you structured & on schedule

After Action Recommendations: Spend time on the first draft of these & ensure that you have the order correct- eg the decisions on menu content affects storage & delivery & needs to be set early.

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Diagram 1 - GOC Organisation Chart

Diagram 2(A) - Accommodation Venues Organisation Chart

Diagram 2(B) - Competition Venues Organisation Chart

Diagram 3 - Catering HQ

Form 1 - Boxed Lunch Exceptions Report

Form 2 - Lunch table

Form 3 - Special Diet Locator Fax

Form 4 - Accommodation Venue Catering Feedback Form

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Form 1 Boxed Lunch Exceptions Report

2003 Special Olympics World Games Boxed Lunch Exceptions Report Venue Name: Day: Catering Coordinator: Date:


Fax To: (01)869 1832 before 8:30pm

Boxed Lunch Exceptions Report for: DAY: SATURDAY DATE: 27-JUN-2003

We have made contact with all delegations at our venue

Some delegations did not dine here this evening, and we have not made contact

These are the delegations that did not dine, and could not be contacted:

Information Update for blank lunch venues: Delegation Sport Numbers

Lunch Venue


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Please notify split if delegation is breaking up

Continued on following page

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Continuation page

Venue Name: Catering Coordinator:

Information Update for changes to existing information:

Previous Info New Info

Delegation Sport Venue Numbers Venue Numbers

Please notify split if delegation is breaking up

Additional Comments relating to boxed lunches:

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Form 2 Lunch Table Lunch Date 27/06/2003 Friday

Delegation Residing At

CGW Clongowes Wood College



Delegation Sport (blank) UCD







Mo R

T on



I L l

E lm




EE.SO Isle of Man Aquatics (swimming) 7


Athletics/Track & Field 7


Bowling 3


Cycling 2


Equestrian 3


Golf 3


Gymnastics (Artistic) 3

3 EE.SO Isle of Man Total









EE.SO Norway Aquatics (swimming) 6


Athletics/Track & Field 9


Football (Soccer) Team 13


Team Handball 14


EE.SO Norway Total






LA.SO Ecuador Aquatics (swimming) 4


Athletics/Track & Field 19


Basketball Team 11 1


Cycling 6


Football (Soccer) Team 19


Gymnastics (Artistic) 2


Gymnastics (Rhythmic) 2


Tennis 3

3 LA.SO Ecuador Total










LA.SO Venezuela Aquatics (swimming) 26


Athletics/Track & Field 30


Basketball Team 11


Bocce 8


Bowling 11


Cycling 3


Equestrian 3


Football (Soccer) Team 12


Golf 2


Gymnastics (Artistic) 8


Gymnastics (Rhythmic) 1


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Powerlifting 4


Table Tennis 5


Team Handball 10


LA.SO Venezuela Total












Grand Total

11 25














Form 3 Special Diet Locator Fax 2003 Special Olympics World Games SPECIAL DIETS LOCATOR FAX Venue Name:


Catering Coordinator:



Fax To: (01)869 1832 before 8:30pm each evening

Special Diets Locator Report for: DAY: FRIDAY DATE: 27 June

We have made contact with all athletes having special dietary needs at our venue

Some athletes with special dietary needs did not dine here this evening, and we have not made contact

These are the athletes that did not dine, and could not be contacted:

Information for athletes with special dietary needs: Delegation Sport Athlete/Diet Lunch Venue AF.SO Zimbabwe Bocce Hamilton, Melidina N

Dairy Free Diet

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Form 4- Accommodation Venue Catering feedback form ACCOMMODATION - CATERING FEEDBACK REPORT































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After Action Comments: These forms are an excellent training tool for coordinators as it puts the operation & their role into perspective Coordinators need to see these forms & be comfortable with how they will operate at games time..

After Action Recommendations: Have all forms completed & available for last training sessions with Coordinators. Let the coordinators see the importance of these forms & how vital receiving the completed information is.

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6.1. GOC Catering Games Planner Job Descriptions

6.1.1 Catering Games Planner for Accommodation Venues

Title: Catering Games Planner for Accommodation Venues

Department: Participants Services

Supervisor: Catering Manager

Summary: To plan, co-ordinate and oversee the catering arrangements for Delegation Members Breakfast & Dinner in all Accommodation Venues

Duties & Responsibilities:

Pre Games:

- To plan menus for breakfasts and dinners to take into account of nutritional, cultural & special dietary needs

- To liase with on site Catering Managers in all residences - To put in place an operations plan with regard to timings, volunteers, seating

arrangements - To recruit where possible the dining hall supervisors - To assist with recruiting volunteers, training manual preparation and on site training

Games Time:

- To liase between GOC and on site catering managers with regard to numbers - To man the catering control centre and trouble shoot where necessary - To identify and implement changes as seen fit where necessary in the operations plan,

menus, timings etc. - To log total numbers of meals - To check, through the Venue Catering Coordinators on numbers of volunteers - To ensure that all health regulations are adhered to on site in the residences. - To liase with logistics with regard to signage. - Commitment: Monthly meetings from September 2001. These meetings will become more frequent as the games approach Full days for the duration of pre games & 2003 games

Qualifications: Catering and customer service background Ability to look at and plan large operations Attention to detail Ability to deal with last minute changes and crisis Strong administrative & communication skills Strong leadership & management skills Computer proficiency

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Full driving licence

6.1.2 Catering Games Planner for Lunches

Title: Catering Games Planners for Lunches

Department: Participants Services

Supervisor: Catering Manager

Summary: To plan, co-ordinate and oversee the catering arrangements for Delegation members in all Competition Venues.

Duties & Responsibilities:

Pre Games:

- To plan a menu cycle for lunches to take into account of nutritional, cultural & special dietary needs

- To design and implement an ordering system for lunches - To liase with suppliers - To put in place an operations plan with regard to timings, volunteers, storage, off

loading, seating arrangements, furniture, service, clean up. - Plan for emergency meal purchasing - To recruit where possible supervisors for lunch areas - To assist with training manual preparation and on site training

Games Time:

- To collect, collate and co ordinate the lunch orders, numbers and locations - To co ordinate deliveries and storage of lunches - To man the catering control centre and trouble shoot where necessary - To identify and implement changes as seen fit where necessary in the operations plan,

menus, timings etc. - To log total numbers of Lunches - To liase with logistics with regard to signage. - Oversee pick up of unclaimed food by charitable organisations

Commitment: Monthly meetings from September 2001. These meetings will become more frequent as the games approach Full days for the duration of pre games & 2003 games

Qualifications: Catering and customer service background/Ability to look at and plan large operations Attention to detail/Ability to deal with last minute changes and crisis Strong administrative & communication skills

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Strong leadership & management skills/Computer proficiency/Full driving licence

6.1.3 Catering Games Planner for Volunteers

Title: Catering Games Planners for Volunteers

Department: Participants Services

Supervisor: Catering Manager

Summary: To plan, co-ordinate and oversee the catering arrangements for Volunteers in all Venues.

Duties & Responsibilities:

Pre Games:

- To establish a timetable of entitlements for Volunteers - To plan menus to take into account nutritional needs, dietary requirements - To design and implement an ordering system for volunteers - To liase with suppliers - Plan for emergency meal purchasing - To put in place an operations plan with regard to timings, volunteers, storage, off

loading, seating arrangements, service, clean up. - To assist with training manual preparation and on site training

Games Time:

- To collate orders, numbers and locations - To co ordinate deliveries and storage of meals, snacks etc. - To man the catering control centre and trouble shoot where necessary - To identify and implement changes as seen fit where necessary in the operations plan,

menus, timings etc. - To log total numbers of meals & snacks served - To log numbers of volunteers - To liase with logistics with regard to signage. - Oversee pick up of unclaimed food by charitable organisations

Commitment: Monthly meetings from September 2001. These meetings will become more frequent as the games approach Full days for the duration of pre games & 2003 games

Qualifications: Catering and customer service background/Ability to look at and plan large operations Attention to detail/Ability to deal with last minute changes and crisis Strong administrative & communication skills

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Strong leadership & management skills/Computer proficiency/Full driving licence

6.1.4 Catering Games Planner for Airports

Title: Catering Games Planner for Airports

Department: Participants Services

Supervisor: Games Catering Manager

Summary: To plan, co-ordinate and oversee the catering arrangements for Athletes & Coaches arriving at Dublin, Shannon and Belfast Airports.

Duties & Responsibilities:

Pre Games:

- To plan menu and type of service for the arrival reception and to take into account of nutritional, cultural & special dietary needs

- To liase with suppliers - To put in place an operations plan with regard to timings, volunteers, seating

arrangements, clean up. - To recruit where possible supervisors for this service - To assist with training manual preparation and on site training

Games Time:

- To liase between GOC with regard to numbers and times - To log total numbers of meals - To oversee all catering arrangements during the arrival reception - To ensure that all health regulations are adhered to on site. - To liase with logistics with regard to signage. - Oversee pick up of unclaimed food by charitable organisations

Commitment: Monthly meetings from September 2001. These meetings will become more frequent as the games approach Full day for the duration of arrivals period

Qualifications: Catering and customer service background Ability to look at and plan large operations Attention to detail/Ability to deal with last minute changes and crisis Strong administrative & communication skills Strong leadership & management skills Computer proficiency/Full driving licence

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6.1.5 Catering Games Planner- Ceremonies

Title: Catering Games Planner- Ceremonies

Department: Participants Services

Supervisor: Games Catering Manager

Summary: To plan, co-ordinate and oversee the catering arrangements for Delegate Members & Volunteers involved with Opening & Closing Ceremonies

Duties & Responsibilities:

Pre Games:

- To plan the menu and type of service for Delegation Members and to take into account of nutritional, cultural & special dietary needs

- To plan and co ordinate snack for under each chair in the stadium - To liase with suppliers - To put in place an operations plan with regard to timings, volunteers & clean up. - To recruit where possible supervisors for this service - To assist with training manual preparation and on site training

Games Time:

- To liase between GOC with regard to numbers and times - To log total numbers of meals - To ensure that all health regulations are adhered to on site. - Oversee pick up of unclaimed food by charitable organisations - To co ordinate clean up operation

Commitment: Monthly meetings from September 2001. These meetings will become more frequent as the games approach Full day for the duration of arrivals period

Qualifications: Catering and customer service background Ability to look at and plan large operations Attention to detail/Ability to deal with last minute changes and crisis Strong administrative & communication skills Strong leadership & management skills Computer proficiency/Full driving licence

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6.1.6 Catering Gamers Planner for Competition venues

Title: Catering Gamers Planner for Competition venues

Department: Participants Services

Supervisor: Games Catering Manager

Summary: To plan co-ordinate and oversee the on site catering arrangements in all the Competition Venues (through individual Venue Catering Coordinators). This includes Delegation members& Officials lunches and breaks, Volunteer meals & rest areas, Guests and Families reception areas etc.

Duties & Responsibilities:

Pre Games:

- To liase with relevant Catering Games Planners to set standards for service, number of volunteers, types of service, clean up waste disposal.

- To liase with training department on preparation of training manuals and implementation of training.

- To recruit Competition Venue Catering Co Ordinators. - To liase with Competition Venue Catering Co Ordinators on all aspects of the

Catreing Operation in a specific venue. - Games Time:

- To man the catering control centre and trouble shoot where necessary - To identify and implement changes as seen fit where necessary in the operations plan,

menus, timings etc. - To ensure that all health regulations are adhered to on site in the residences. - To liase with logistics with regard to signage.

Commitment: Monthly meetings from September 2001. These meetings will become more frequent as the games approach Full days for the duration of pre games & 2003 games

Qualifications: Catering and customer service background/Ability to look at and plan large operations Attention to detail/Ability to deal with last minute changes and crisis Strong administrative & communication skills Strong leadership & management skills/Computer proficiency/Full driving licence

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6.2 Venue Catering Team Job Descriptions

6.2.1 Venue Catering Coordinator Competition Venues

Title: Venue Catering Coordinator Competition Venues

Department: Participants Services

Supervisor: Catering Games Planner for Competition Venues

Summary: To oversee the catering arrangements for a designated Competition Venue Athlete/Coach lunches, Volunteers, Vending & Guests.

Duties & Responsibilities:

Pre games:

- To assist with the recruitment of Volunteers for a specific venue - To assist with the training & rostering of Volunteers for the specific venue

Games Time:

- To liase with the Catering Games Planner for Competition Venues with regard to service, standards, deliveries, storage etc.

- To liase with the overall Venue General Manager. - To co ordinate supervisors & volunteers between all catering areas in the particular

Competition Venue. - To oversee clean up & waste disposal.

Commitment: To attend Training sessions from January 2003 Full days for the duration of pre games & 2003 games

Qualifications: Catering and customer service background Ability to deal with last minute changes and crisis Strong communication skills Good leadership skills

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6.2.2 Venue Catering Coordinator Accommodation Venues

Title: Venue Catering Coordinator Accommodation Venues

Department: Participants Services

Supervisor: Catering Games Planner for Accommodation Venues

Summary: To oversee the catering arrangements for a designated dining halls

Breakfasts, Continental Breakfast distribution & Dinner

Duties & Responsibilities:

Pre games:

- To assist with the recruitment of Volunteers for a specific venue - To assist with the training & rostering of Volunteers for the specific venue

Games Time:

- To liase with Catering Games Planner for Accommodation Venues with regard to service, standards etc.

- To liase with the Accommodation Venue Manager. - To liase with the On site Catering Manager - To co ordinate Catering volunteers in the particular residence. - To report any difficulties on the ground with menus, timings etc.

Commitment: To attend Training Sessions from January 2003 Full days for the duration of pre games & 2003 games

Qualifications: Catering and customer service background Ability to deal with last minute changes and crisis Strong communication skills Good leadership skills

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