Download - Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)

Page 1: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


Female. Blach, puhtwent. Head wanting. Thorns piirplisli I)lark. with a dingy whitish stripe along rach side ; disk of the pectns ding!- whitish. Anterior t ib i s ding:p whitish above. Wings blackish; veins black ; halteres dingy whitish, with blarkish knobs. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 20 lines.

Male? Black. Head whitish xl)out, the month. Antennre piceoiis. Thorax purplish cnpreonr, nit,h a dingy whitish stripe along each side ; pectus livid. Abdomen with two lanceolate apical aiqxmtlxges ; hind borders of the segments whitish. Wings brownish rinereons, with slight whitish streaks on the exterior nreolets. Length of t,lw body 7 lines ; of the wings Ici lincs.

21. SARGUS R E D H I B E N R , 11. s. b ' m ~ Cymeus, xnteiinis t'ulvis. tlro- raris lateribns anticis purl)iir"s'cntibus, ahdomine I>urpnreo, peilihiis albidis, tibiis posticis femoribnsqne nigricante strigatis, nlis cinereis. Vur. 6 . Vertice purpniw, thorace viridi.

Female. Blue. Antenna: tau np. Thoras purplish o n car11 ritlc i u front. Abdomen purple, niurh broader than the thorax. Legs whitish ; femora with a blackisli streak above towards the tips; hind tibia: with a blackish apicitl streak. Wings cinereoils ; wins black ; stigma blackish. IIalteres tucvny. l 'ar. /3. Vertex pnrple. Thorn\ green.

I his may be a local variety of S. m&illirrus, but differs from that sl1ecic.s by the dark marks on its Iiind legs, and by the wing-veins being b h r h at the h e .

Length of the body 34-4 lincs ; of the wings 7-9 lines. ,.

2%. SARGUS MACTANS, n. s . Vwm. Cupreo-viridis, abtloniiirc c n ~ ) ~ e o , pedibns testaceis, tibiis pusticis Imsi nigris, alis cinereis apices v e m s obscurioribns.

Female. Cupreous green. with riiiersoiis down. IIend ivaiiting. .ti)- tlomen ciipreous. Legs test:iccoiis ; hind tibise \)lack for half the length from the base. Wings cincwons, darker from the discal areolet to the tips ; veins black ; stignia h r o m ; halteres t,estaceons. Lengtl? of the body 44 lines; of the wiugx 10 lines.

23. SARGUS INACTUS, ti. s. i7ln.9. hlbitlo-testnceus, vertice nigro, thoracis disco scntellique apicc1 pnrpweis, pectore maculis tlnahns cupreis, alis cinereis.

Disk of the thoras nntl srn- telluin towards the tip pnrple ; pcctus with a cnpreous spot on each side. Wings cinereons; veins 1)lack ; stigma dark brown ; t l iwal arcolet shorter than that of the two prereding species. Lengtl: of

the body 5 ? lines ; of the wiigs 10 lines.

Male. Whitish testaceous. Vertex blarlr.

Gen. Nenxa, Walk.

2.1. NERSA IMPENDENS, 1 1 . s. Mus ~t Fcem. Nigra, ciiiereo-siibto- nicntosa, antennis tarsis i)o$tcrioribns hnlterilJiisque twtnreis, tarssi

LTXFN. pnoc.--xooiJoay. I 3

Page 2: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


anticis tihiisqne piceis, alis cinereis spud costam exteriorem nigri- cantibus.

Male and Female. Black, with very slight cinereous pubescence. An- tennae, posterior tarsi, and halteres testaceous ; tibise and fore tarsi piceoiis. Wings cinereous, blackish along the exterior part of the costa; wins and stigma black. Length of the body 33- lines ; of the wings 6 lines.

Gen. EOLVA, 11. g.

Corpus lineare. Proboscis lanceolata. Palpi poiwcti, lineares, eapnt non superantes. Antenncc Ianceolatre. Scutellum inernie. ilhdomeii thorace longius. Pedes brevinsculi, femoribus posticis incrassatis snb- serratis. AZe sat angusta.

Body linear. Head not broader than the thorax. Proboscis lanccolate. Palpi porrect, linear, rounded at the tips, not extending beyond the head. Antemre lanceolate, shorter than the breadth of the head ; joints indistinct. Thorax with a humeral callus a i d a linear callus on enrh side. Scutellum unarmed. Abdomen rather longer tban the thorax. Legs rather short ; hind femora incrassatecl, minutely ser- rated beneath ; hind tibire very slightly curved, applied to the femora. Wings rather narrow; 1st and 2nd cubital veins rather long ; length of the discal areolet more than thrice its breadth ; 3rd and 4th exter- no-medial veins connected towartls the border; anal and subanal veins connected at some distance from the border.

25. SOLVA INAMCENA, 11. s. Fam. Cinereo-nigra, palpis, thoracis callis, scutello, abdominis lrteribus, ventre pedibusqne testaceis, an- tennis testaceis apice nigris, abdominis segmentis testaceo marginatis, alis subcinereis.

Female. Cinereous black. Mouth, palpi, calli of the thorax, scutellum, abdomen beneath and along each side except at the base, legs, and halteres testaceous. Antennae testaceous except towards the tips. IIintl borders of the abdominal segments testaceous. Wings greyish ; veins black, testaceous towards the base. Length of the body 2+-3 lines; of the wings 5-6 lines.

Gen. AN~JSALTS, u. g.

Fern. Corpus elongatum, soblineare. Anteancc filiformes ; flagellum lineare. Thorax longi-ellipticus ; srutellum bispinosum. Abdomen ellipticum, thorace paullo latius non longius. Pedes longiusculi. A l e angusta.

Head a little broader than the thorax. Eyes prominent. Palpi very short. Rntennre filiform, much longer than the breadth of the head ; flagellum linear, about twice the length of the scape ; joints indistinct. Thorax elongate-elliptical ; \cutellurn armed with two obliqiielv nscending spines. Alitlomen

Female. Body elongate, nearly linear,

Page 3: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)

MR. WALKER OX 1 ~ I l ” ~ E I ~ ~ ~ COLLECTED AT 31AKE8Y.llL 99

elliptical, a little broallrr but not longer than the thorax. Legs rather long. Wings narrow; 1st cabitd vein about onc-fourth the lengtli of the 2nd; four cxteruo-mcdial veins complete ; subanal vein curved, joining the anal vein at some tlistaiice from the border ; discal areolet elongated and attenuated exteriorly ; exterior side very short.

26. AMPSALIS GENIATA, 11. Y. Fwrem. Ferrugineo-fusca, antennis ni- gris basi fulvis, thoraee vittis tluahis testaceis, scutello testacco, apice spinisque et pectoris disco uigris, abdomine nigro, basi vittis duabus interruptis lateralibus pedibusqt~e testaceis, alis cinereis apices versus fuscescentibus.

Ferruginous brown. Autcnn;e black, tawny tonards the base. Thorax with two testareous stripes ; scutellum testaceons ; tip aiid spines black. Disk of tlic pertus black. Abdo~nen black ; 11 iiiterrupted stripe along each side testaccous. Legs arid lialteres tes- taceous. Wings grey, broirnisli in front towards the tills ; veins Illack, testaceous at the base ; stiginn testaccous. 1,engtli of tlic body 6 lines ; of the wings 11 lines.


&ll. ‘1‘KAC’ANA, 11. g.

Mas et Fcem. Corpus clongatum. Proboscis lanceolata. diztei i t tce

grades, filiformes, capite t,ransverso vix breviores. Thorax longi-elli1)- ticus ; scutellum bispinosuui. Abdomen thorace paullo longius c.t latius. Pedes longiuscoli. A l e longae, non latae.

Head rather broader than tbc forc part of the thorax. Antenna: slender, filiform, about as long as the breadth of the head ; 3rd joint long ; 4th and following jviuts shorter. Thorax elongatt.-ellil)tir:il, with a distinct linear callus dong each side ; scntcllum armed \$it 11 two obliquely ascending spines. Abdomen elongate-elliptical, most attenuated towards the basc, a little broader and longer than the tho- rax. Wiiips long, not broad ; 1st subcubital vein liarilly one-third the lengtli of lie ‘711~1; four externo-medial veins complete ; subanal vein curved, joining the anal vein near the border ; discal areolet oblong, narrower exteriorly ; exterior side vcry short.

27. T R A c a N a ITERADILIS , n . s. Mas et Fern. Cinereo-nigra, cx1)it.c antico fulvo, antennis nlbitlo-tlavis basi nigricantibus, peclibus fulvis, tibiis posticis femoribusque nigro-fuscatis, alis cincreis al’ices I ~ C ~ S I I S

nigricantibus. Mas. Abtloinine fulvo maculis latcralibus n i g h I+% vi ~

hbtlominis basi lateribuscjue fiilvia. Head in front and calh of the

thorax tawny. Antenna: wliiti?li ycllom, blacliisli at the base. Legs tawny ; femora nud hind tiliizr bantletl with black. Wings grey, black- is11 tow:iiJs the tips ; w i u r !J!:wI< ; !i:ilteres ta\stly. M u k . Abdoinei: tawny, n 3 h soiiir b1:ic-k yii)!,. I I I I b ~ t ( . l i <ids. i e l . 2 . .ikuloriiiw t a w i : ~

Male and Female. Body elongate. Mouth Iaticeolate ; palpi very short.

Legs rather long.

Male atid Female. Cinereons black.

.- ,I

Page 4: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)

100 hlR. WALKER O N i ) I

at the base and nloug eiidi sitlr. wings 10 lines.

Length of thc I~ocIy L) linvs ; oi’ tllc

Gt iz . RUSAPIIA, 11. g.

.llas et Fwm. Corpus niigiistt , elongaturn, lineare. A ? i / m t / c p p- cilcs, filifornies, cnpite trail rso longiores ; artirulus :)“” hsifnrulis. Sczctellum spinis tlunl)iin lougis acntis nrnintum. Abrlolt/ol tllol.:lw

vix longins ant Intiiis. Prtlrs breves. Ala :ingust=. Male and Female. Body nai~ow, elongated, linear. Month and p:il[)l

extremely short. Airtenn:c. slencler, filiform, longer than the hr(’:ultli of the head ; 3rd joint long, fusiform ; joints of the flagellnm inlli- stinct. Thorax nearly linear, a little narrower in front ; scatcllrlm armed with two long, arutc, hardly ascending spines. AL{!?!ven sub- fnsiform, narrowcst townrds the base, very little 1,rontlrr mi(l Iongcr than the thorax. ’v\’ings narrow ; 1st ral)itd rviri n t .nr l~ half the length of the % i d ; three complete esterno-mctlinl veins : sub- anal vein curved, joining tlic anal vein at some little dist:uire from the border ; discal areolet obloug ; exterior side short.

Legs shoit,.

28. ROSAPHA H A B I L I S , 11. s. M a s et Frent. Fulvn, capitc niitcuiiis- que nigris, his bnsi fulvis, tlioracis inacula antiea eloiigita, spiuis ;ipicr, tibiis posticis nl’iccs vcrsiis tsrsisque anterioribas nigris, tarsis postiris albis apice nigris, alis cinerasccntibus apices versus nigris. Fwm. Abdomine supra nigro, basi lateribusque fulris.

Tawny. IIead black, white beneath along the ryes . Antennn: black; Ist, 2 d , and 3rd joints tawny. Thorax w i t h at1

elongated black spot in front ; spines of the scutellum black towards the tips. Hind tibi:r to\vartls the tips and anterior tarsi black ; hind tarsi white with blrick tips. Wings greyish, blackish in front towards the tips ; veins black, tnwny at the base ; stigma ferrnginous brown. Female. Abdomen hlnrk above, except at the base arid along cnch sitlc. Length of the hod! :<$ lines ; of the wings 7 lines.

Male and Female.

( ieu. I ~ J B A , n. g

Fcem. Corpus breve, crassiiin, latun]. C c p t parvum. Antennce capite transvcrso vix brcviores. Scutellum inerme. Abdomen globosum, thorace valde latins. Pedes breves. A l e mediocres.

Female. Body thick, short, broad. Head much narrower than the thorax. Aritennre nearly as long as the breadth of the head ; 3rd joint broader and longer than the flagel- lum, of which the joints arc short, compact, and minutely setulose. Thorax a little lougcr than broad; scutellum unarmed. Abtloinen globose, very much I)roader and a little longer than the tliorax. Legs short. Wings motlerat.ely broad ; 1st cubital vein iiot one-tliird of the length of the 2nd ; foirr complete externo-medial veins ; srhau:il

Proboscis :nit1 palpi very short.

Page 5: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)

b l R . WALKE11 OX j)ll’TI?R,\ COLLECTED AT hIAKESShR. 101

vvio ciirvecl, joining tht: a n d vriii at soinc distance from the border ; discal areolet elongated c\trriorly, irregnlarly triangular ; cstcrior side very short.

2!). RUBA INF’LATA, 11. . 3ln.s. Testarea, valde pnbescens, capitc srtbtus guttis tlnabns n ris, alis sub-cinereis apices versus fiiscesccn- tibus, stigmate flavescentc.

Head nitli :i black dot on each side of the month. l~lngelliim of the nnteunx bl:cck. Thorax and abtlomcn very piilws- cent. Wings sliglitly p ,y is t i , Itrowuish towards the t i p , aud esltc- rially so in front ; veins Iilack, test:iccwus at the base ; stigma yellowish, 1,crigth of the body 4 lines ; of t l w wings 7 lines.

M d e . Testaceous.

( k L k J 1 , rr lvI) lL, 11. g. l4r’in. C o r p s longiiiscrilnn, tltyiwsswn. Caput oblonguni, marg~ne

Iiosttico elevato. Arifenttre capitc transverso v i s breviores ; articulus :{“* fusiformis ; flagellnin coinl”cssilin, lanceolatum. Scute lhr~ s”i- ~iosuni. A3domen ellipticum, tholere latius no11 lougius. Pedes breves, graciles. L4/rc augustt;c.

bkttwle. Body sornewliat cloiiqitcd and depressetl. I I e d somewlitit oblong ; eyes nearly contiguous iri front, ilivergiug hindwrrtl, wlicre tlierc is :in elevatcd inargin. A n t e n n ~ nearly as long as tlic bre:itltli ot’ the llcatl ; 3rd joint fusiform, fully half t,lie length of the flagelltun, wllich is compressed and laticcolatc, and with indistinct joints. ‘L’lior;m slightly widening hindward ; scutrlluni with SIS ‘I very niinute sI)iiiw. .\hilomen elliptical, broader but not longer tlian the tiiorax. l ~ t g s aliort, slender. Wings nwrow; 1st cubital vein less than one-third tlie length of the 2nd ; three coiii- plete externo-medial veius ; sidi~i~: iI vein joiniug the anal vein :it some alistnnee from the border ; disc:iI areolet elongatcd, its exterior side wry short.

30. T I N D A ~ ~ O I ) ~ P F . R A , 11. s. Fwm. Nigra, antennis basi testaceis. Id ibus testaceis, fcmoribiis posterioribus supra obscurioribus, alis cinercis costani versus s i ~ l ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ i e ~ i ~ i t i b t ~ s .

b ’ ~ ~ / k . l$lack, Iiardly sliiiiiiig. Jtiitcunz t.evtaecous towards the base. Leks testareous ; postcriiir frniora soniewliat tlarlcer al)ovc!, except townrtls the Imsc. Wiiigs grey, slightly I)laekisli :ilong most of tlie cwst;i ; vcins blach ; Idtc.rcs tcstuccons. I ~ e i ~ g t h of tlic body 3 lines ; of tlic wiiigs 5 lirics.

Month and palpi very short.

a t . l i . f i l R U ( I h , 11. g. .t~os. Corpus rontractuni, hrc*ve, I:ituni, crassnni. Vertex gibbosus.

Oculi rnxgni. Antmira: ltrt~vissitut;t* ; articulus 3“’ rotundiis; aristii :ipic:ilis, gracilliiiia. ‘I%or.cts gibt)outis ; scritclliun clevirtnm, ronicum, I)ostic,c I)roduct,uni. , - l / d o v / v / / I I W I I S V ~ ~ ~ I I I I I , thor:ice brevius. P(dcs I ) i v r t l s , gr:irilt!s, sinipliccs I / tr Iirmiiisculx.

Page 6: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


Male. Body contracted, short, broad, thick. Head almost as broad as thc thorax ; vertex gibbous ; eyes large, bare ; month extremely short and small ; antemix very short, 3rd joint round; arista apical, very slender, a little longer than the antennz ; thorax gibbous ; SCU-

tcllum very gibbons, forming an upriglit cone, somewhat gibbous and conical hindward, wliere it is liorizontal ; ahdoinen a little broader than long, much shorter than the thorax; legs short, slender, simple ; wings rather short ; veins in structure likc those of Oaycera.

31. SARUGA CONIFERA, n. s. Mas. Anthracina, antennis pedibus- qne albido-testaceis, thorace rnaculis duabus magnis Bavo-tomentosis, femorihus nigris, genibus fulvis, alis albidis.

Coal-black ; antennc and legs whitish testaccous ; thorax with ii large yellow tonientose spot on each side in front of the scutelhm ; femora black ; knees tawny ; wings whitish vitreous; veins and stigma whitish testaceous, the former black t,ownrds tlic base. Length of the body 23 lines ; of the wings 5 lines.

X d e .

Pam. TABANIDB, Leach

Gen. TABAXUS, Lim. i32. TABANUS SUCCURVUS, n. s. l%m. Nigricanti-fuscus, capite ferru-

gineo, callo longo lanceolato gracillimo, palpis piceis, antennis nigris, scgmentorum abdominalium marginibus posticis subpallidioribus, tibiis subtns rofescenti-piceis, alis obscurc cinereis apud venas fusces- centibus.

Female. Blackish brown. Head ferruginous, with a long lanccolate and very slender callus between the nearly contiguous eyes ; under side clothed with black hairs. Proboscis black. Palpi piceous. An- tennae black ; 3rd joint with a small horn. Hind borders of the ab- dominal segments slightly paler in the niiddle. Tibioe reddish piceous beneath. Wings dark grey, brownish about the veins towards the base ; veins black, piceous towards the base ; fore branch of the cubitat vein simple, nearly straight ; lialteres ferrugiuous, with luteous knobs. Length of the body 11 lines ; of the wings 22 lines.

33. TABANUS FACTIOSUS, n. s. Fern. Nigicanti-fuscus, capite tes- tacco, callo nigro gracili lanceolato, palpis piceis, thorace cinereo, ab- domine rufescenti-piceo, maculis dorsalibus trigonis albidis, sepmen- torum venttralium marginibus posticis testaceis.

Ferizde. Blackish brown. Head with testaceous tomentnm and with a slender lanccolate black callus between the eyes. Proboscis black ; palpi piceous. Thorax with cine- reous down ; pectus paler and more thickly clothed with paler down. Abdomen reddish piceous, with a whitis11 triangular spot on the liind bordcr of each segment ; hind borders of the ventral segments testa- ccous. Legs piceous; femora black ; tibiae tawny beneath. Wings grey, with x brownish tint in front ; wins black, fcrruginous towards

Antennn: with a very sinall horn.

Page 7: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)

MIL. \TALKER ON l)Il''I'l~;It.\ C'(I1,LECTEU h'L' MhKESSAlt. 1o;j

the base ; fore braiich of t h e c~iil)ital vein siiiil)k, near1g Straight ; lisltercs ferrnginous, with \rIiitish-~elIow knobs. Length of the body 10 lines ; of tlie wings 22 lines.

.'jl. TABANUS m D v c E x s , 11. 8 . I.iem. Cinereo-niger, capite albido, callo nigro longo clavato, palpis dbitlis, antennis iiigris ris dentatis. thorace vittis quatnor cin , abdomine vittis tribus albitlis, segmentis rentralibus albido niarg s, tibiis fdvis apice nigris, alis ciiiercis striga snbcostali nigricaiite, Ii:tltcribus piceis spice testaccie.

Piwnulr. Cinereous black. IIcad xhitish, clothcd with nliite hairs beneath ; callus black, loiig, c1:iv:ite ; palpi whitish ; anteiiiiae black, with an extremely small tooth ; thorax with four cinereous stripes ; pectus cinereous ; abdomcn with three whitish stripes, the dorsal one much more conspicnous tliiin the lateral pair ; hind borders of the ventral segments whit,ish ; tibiie tawny with black tips. Wings cine- reous, with a blackisli siib-costal strtsak ; veins black ; fore branch of the citbital vein simple, nearly straight ; halteres piceous, with luteous knobs. Length of the body 10 lilies ; of the wings 20 lines.

35. TABANUS SPOLIATUS, n. s. Mas. Cinereo-niger, albitlo tomen- tosus, rapite cinereo, palpis testaceis, antennis nigris basi rnfesceutibus vix dentatis, thoracis lateribus fulvescentibus, abdomine rufescentc marulis dorsalibus trigonis albidis, segmentis ventralibns albiclo mar- ginatis, tibiis rufesccntibns iiigro lineatis, alis ciuereis aputl costarn fuscescentibus, linltcribns alhirlis.

Allied to T. UNIYENTRIS aiitl to T. INTERNUS, but distinct. This may prove to be the male of 7'. reducens, though it is wry differ-

ent in appearance. Mule . Cinereous bluck, with whitish tomentnni, which is visible when viewcd horizontally; head cinereous ; palpi tes- taceous, very short ; antennz black, reddish at the base, witli au ex- tremely small tooth ; thorax tlull-tawny along each side ; abdomen reddish, with a small triangulnr whitish spot on the hind border of' each segment ; hind bortlcrs of the ventral segments whitish ; tibiz reddish with a black h i e ; wings ciiicreous, brownish along the costa ; veins black, ferrugiiious nt tlic 11asc ; fore brmch of the cubital vein simple, nearly straight; 1i:iltcres whitish. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 16 lilies.

ILtnIIxTUS, T I . s. FWUI. Cinereo-riiger, capite albitlo, callo angusto subliuwvi, pilpis albitlis, :intviinis nigris basi rutis

\-is tlentatis, abdominc f t ~ ~ i i g i l i c o :+ce uigro innrtllis trigonis ~ m r - giiiibusqne posticis testa , tibiis fnlvis, alis ciiiercis spud costant siibluritlis, haltcribits tixstwcis.

Ciuercous black ; IN^ nliiiisli ; callus loi~g, black, slcntlcr. iie:irly linear ; palpi nliilisli ; niitt~wi;c bI:icL, rctl :it tlie IIRSC; tootli

extreiiiely small a i d obtusc ; iibtloineii ferrngiiious, black ttmxrtls thc tip ; each scgiiieiit with a triangular spot and the hind 1)o~tlc~ testn- ceoiis ; t ibie tawnj- ; wings cii~c.rt~ous, slightly Inrid along the costri :


Page 8: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


veins black, ferruginous at the base ; halteres testacenus. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 12 lines.

3 7 . TABANUS FLEXILIY, 11. s. Farm. Cinereus, testaceo tomentosus, callo nigro longo gracillimo, palpis testaceis, antennis ochraceis sub- tlcntatis apice nigris, abdomine ferrugineo fusco maculis dorsalibus triponis marginibusque posticis testaceis, tibiis basi fulvis, alis ciuereis spud costam subluridis fusco bifasciatis, halteribus testaceis apice albis.

Female. Cinereous, with testaceous tomenturn ; head with a black, long, extremely slender callus ; palpi teataceous ; antennae ochraceous, with black tips and with a very small black tooth ; pectus whitish ; abdo- men ferruginow brown ; each segment with a large triangular spot a d with the hind border testaceous ; tibite tawny towards the base ; wings cinereous, somewhat lurid along the costa, with two irregular brown bands ; 1st band short, discal, 2nd abbreviated hindward ; veins black, ferruginous at the base; fore branch of the cubitdl vein snnple, nearly straight ; haltcres testacenus with white tips. Length of thc body 8 lines ; of the wings I 6 lines.

(;en, CrrlLrsoPx. JIf?l+??l,

*'jH. CHHYSOI'S FASCIATUS, n'%d. see \'Ol. 1. p. 113.

Fam. ASILXDX:, Leach.

Subfniii. &fYUASl'I'ES, Wiilk.

Qen. M Y ~ A S , Fahi..

39. M Y D A S BASITASCIA, 11. s. Fcrvn. >itra, antennis clavatls, ab- itoniine fascia basali flava apice nitente, feninribus tibiisqne posticis rufescentibus, alis cinereis apnd venas ochmceis.

Deep black; antennae clavate, a little longer than the brcadth of the head ; abdomen with a slender yellow band very near the baac, shining at the tip ; hind femora and hind tibire reddish ; wings cine- wow, ochraceons about the veins, which are also ochraceoas. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 22 lines.


Subfain. DASYPOCIONITI.;~, Walk.

Gen. DISCOCEPILLLA, i l f icpurcrt.

10. DISCOCEPHALA PANDENM, n. s. Mas. Picea, proboscitle palpis- clue nigris, pectore thoracisque lateribus albidis, abdomine subtus pal- lide cinereo maculis lateralibus nigris, pedibus fulvis, genibus nigris, tarsis piceis, alis fuscescentibus cinereo strigatis et marginatis, halte- ribus albidis. Fcem. Abdomine fulvo, alis cinereis.

,PI&. Piceous ; front facets of the eyes large; proboscis and palpi black ; mystax with four bristles ; pectos and sides of the thorax whitish ; ;kbtlomen beneath pale-cinereons, with black shining spots along each side ; legs tawny ; trochantrrs and knees hlack ; tarsi piceous ; wings

Page 9: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)

,1111. WALKEll OK l)ll''rI3ItA <'OLLECTEI) AT JIAKIISSAR. 105

brownish, ciiiereous along the liind border, and with cinereous streaks in the disks of the areolcts ; halteres whitish. Female. Abdomen and lialteres tawny; wings cinereous. Length of the body 4-5 lines ; of the wings 10-12 lines.

SU?Jf;illll. ~ ~ ~ L l ' I I R I r I ~ E 8 , ?'vdh".

Chi. LAPHRIA. Pa&.

41. LAPHRIA C O N C L U D E N S , n. s. Fam. Aurata, capite pilis flaris. antennis flavis nrticulo 3' rufescente fusiformi, thorace vittis tribiis nigris, abdomine fulvo lituris tlnabus fasciaqiie interrnpta fasciisque diiabiis ventralibus nigris, petlibus fnlvis, alis cinereis apid apices nigricantibns, halteribus pallide favis.

Gilded ; head clothed a ith pale-yellow hairs ; niystax with several bristles ; proboscis linear, tawny ; antennz ycllow ; 3rd joint reddish, elongate fnsiform ; thorax with 3 black stripes, the lateral pair abhreviated ; abdomen tawny ; 4th and 5th ventral segments with black hands ; 4th dorsal segment with a slight black mark on each sidc ; 5th with a widcly interriiptcd black band; legs tawny ; wings citic- reoiis, blackish towards the tips ; veins black, ferruginous towards the hase ; haltercs pale yellow. 1,ength of the body 1 1 lines ; of tlir wings 20 lines.

42. L . \ P H R I A VULCASVS. II-irrl. Sec Vol. I . 1). 10.

4il. L a P l l ~ l a ' r A P H I U S , W u / k . Cut. Dipt. pt. 2 , %so. Inhabits also the l'liilippiiie Islantls.

34. LAPHRIA REQUISITA, n. s . AIns et Fam.


Viritlis, rapite aurato, antennarurn xrticdo 3" longi-fiisiformi, femoribns posticis incras- satis, alis nigricantihus basi et, apud costam cinereis, halteribns tes- taceis. Mas. Femoribus anterioribus incrassatis, halteribns ex parte nigricantibns. Fern. hbtlomine I)iirI)uraseenti-cyaneo basi viridi.

Green ; head gilded in front, with whitish hairs beneath ; mystax with R few 1)liick bristles ; third joint of the antenna: elongate-fusiforni ; liintl fcinora iiirrassatetl. Wings blackish, ciiiereous near the base and along iiearly half t,he length of the costa ; veins black ; halteres tcstacrons. U u l c . Anterior femora incrassatetl ; lialteres partly blacltisli. b'unfi /e . Abdomen piirplish blue, green towards the h e . Lengt,li of the body 7-~9 lines ; of the wings 14-Ifi lines.

ilfutle and F u n n l e .

45. L A P E ~ R I A k>AwrrrA, 11. R . Mas. N i p , capite aurato. antennarrini articiilo 3" sublineari, tlioracc lineis tribus cinereis, latrribns ocliraceo- pilosis, inaculis duabus Iiunicrnlilius testaceis, ahtlomiiie apicc cyancs- centi-nigro tliinidio Imsali ocliraceo-piloso, pctlibus aurato. iiilosis, fis- inoribus incrassatis, alis nigwantibns tlimitlio b i 4 i fcre sribliiriliitlo. li:~lteril~ns tcatwcis. b ' w i / i , .\ii(cnnarum articulo 3' longi-fiisiforriii.

Page 10: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


maculis duabus humeralibus albidis, abdomine nigricaiiti-cupreo, dimidio basali cinereo piloso.

Black ; head brightly gilded above, clothed with luteous hairs beneath ; mystax with some black bristles ; 3rd joint of the antenna: nearly linear, conical at the tip, a little longer than the 1st and the 2nd together; thorax with three slender cinereous lines ; sides with ochra- ceous hairs ; two humcral testaceous spots ; abdomen bluish-black towards the tip ; lst, 2nd, mntl3rd scgmeuts with ochraceous hairs; legs with gilded hairs and aaith black bristles ; femora incrassated, especially the hind pair; wings blackish, almost limpitl for nearly half the length from the base, which is partly blackish ; the blackish part emitting some streaks into the limpid part ; veins black ; halteres testaceous. Female. Third joint of the antenna: elongate fusiform ; two liumeral whitish spots ; lst, 2nd, and 3rd abdominal segments with cinereous hairs ; following segments blackish cupreous. Length of the body 7-9 lines ; of the wings 14-16 lines.

46. LAPHRIA COMPLENS, n. s. Fern. Niga, capite argenteo, anten- narum articulo 3" fusiformi, thorace strigis duabus anticis obliquis maculisque duabus pectoralibus argenteis, abdomine purpnreo maculis duabus argenteis, pedibus purpurascenti-nigris, femoribus non incras- satis, alis nigricantibus, halteribus apice testaceis.

Black ; head silvery, with black hairs beneath ; mystax with several black bristles ; third joint of the antennse fusiform ; thorax with an oblique silvery streak on each side in front ; pectus with a sil- very spot on each side; abdomen purple, with a silvery spot on each side of the 4th segment ; legs purplish-black ; femora not incrassated ; wings blackish ; veins black ; discal veinlet and third externo-medial vein nearly forming one straight line ; halteres with testaceous knobs. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 12 lines.

47. LAPHRIA DIOCTRIOIDES, n. s. Fern. Nigra, teuuis, linearis, facie pectoreque argenteis, antennis liuearibus, ahdomine mnculis lateralibus pedibusque fulvis, femoribus posticis nigro fasciatis, tibiis tarsisque posticis nigris, alis cinereis, halteribus pallide flavis.

Black, slender, linear; face silvery ; mystax with four black bristles ; antennae slender, linear, nearly as long as the breadth of the head ; pectus silvery ; abdomen w i t h tawny dots along each side ; legs tawny ; a black ring on each hind trochanter ; hind femora with a black baud ; hind tibiae and hind tarsi black, the latter tawny beneath ; wings ciuereous ; veins black ; hnlteres pale yellow. Length of the body 2: lines ; of the wings 5 lines.




Subfain. ASILITES, WWk. Gen. TRVPANEA, Hncp.

4s. THUIJANEA STRENUA, n. s . Fam. Nigra, robusta, capite fusces- centi-cinereo, pilis subtus flavescenti-cinercis, abdomine fuscesccnti-

Page 11: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


nigro fascia basali fasciculari all)a apice iiigro nitente, pedibus crassis, alis fuscescentibus vitta sortlide nlbida, haltcribus fulvis.

Ulack, stout ; bead brownish cinereous, very thickly clothed beneath with y.ellowish ririercnous hairs ; epistonia very prominent ; mystax with a few black bristles above and with many yellowish cine- reous bristles below ; palpi with short black bristles ; 3rd joint of tlic antennae elongate conical ; thorns with black bristles hindward ant1 along each side ; pectna cincreons ; abdomen brownish black, with a basal band of white tufts ; tip black, shining; legs very stout ; pul- villi reddish ; wings brownish ; radial areolet with a dingy whitish stripe ; veins black ; halteres tawny. Length of the body 11 lines ; of the wings 22 lines.

49. TIWPANEA CALORIPICA, n. s. Mas et Fam. Ochracea, capite aurato, antennis nigris, thorace vittato, abdomine maculis magnis trans- versis subquadratis nigris, pcilihus rufis crassis, tarsis nigris, alis cine- reis vitta sortlide albida, haltcribus fulvis. Mas. Pectore abrlomine- que cinereis, liujus fasciculo siibapicali argenteo. Fc~m. Peetore testaceo, abclornine fnlvo.

Ochraceoins ; head gilded in front, thickly clothed beneath ; epistomn prominent ; mystax with numerous gilded bristles and above with a few black bristles ; palpi with short black Iiiistles ; antennae black ; third joint fusiforni ; thorax with slender indistinct stripes ; abdomen with a large black transverse subquadrate spot on each segment ; legs red, very stout ; tarsi black ; wings cinereous ; radial areolet with a dingy whitish stripe ; veins black ; halteres tawny. Male. Head with whitish hairs beneath ; pectus and abdomen cine- reous, the latter with a silvery-white subapical tuft. FemaZe. Head with gilded hairs beneath ; pectus testaceous ; abdomen tawny. Length of the body 9-11 lines; of the wings 18-20 lines.


Mule and Female.

Gen. ASILUS, Linn.

50. ASILUS DETERMINATUS, n. s . Mas et Fam. Cinereo-niger, ca- pite subanrato, antennis nigris, thorace vittis tribus cinereis, pedibus fnlvis robnstis, femoribus iiigro vittatis, tibiis apice tarsisque nigris, alis fuscis, lialteribns testaceis. Nus. Abdomine $is basalibns In- teis. Fern. Abdomine pilis basalibns cinereis dimidio apicali stylato.

Cincreous blacli ; head slightly gilded in front, with l~ale hxirs beneath ; epistonia not prominent; mj-stax with many pale, and above with a few Iilacii bristlcs ; antenaa, black ; third ,joint lan- ceolnte ; arista nearly as long a s all the preceding joints ; thorax with three cincreous stripes, the lateral pair dilated towards the liumcrus ou each side ; pectus cinereous ; legs tawny, stout ; femora striped above with black ; tarsi and tips uf the tibiz black ; wings brown ; \-&is black ; lialteres testaceous. 11laZe. Abdomen with luteons linirs towards the b a ~ . b'c~inale. Abdomeii with cincreous hairs

Mule and Female.

Page 12: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


towards the base ; nearly half the apical part xtylate. body 10-12 lines ; of the wings 18-20 lines.

Length of the

51. ASILUS INTHODUCENS, 11. s. Fern. Cinereo-niger, capite aurato, antennis nigris, thorace vittis duabus lateribusque cinereis, abdo- mine fasciculis quatnor basalibus cinereis dimidio apicali stylato, pedibus nigris robustis rufo variis, alis fuscescentibus, halteribus fulvis. Mas 1 Capite argenteo, abdominc fascia basali fascicnlari fasciaque subapicali albidis latis, alis obscure cinereis.

Cinereoils black ; head gilded in front, with cinereous hairs beneath ; cpistoma slightly prominent ; mystax with several gilded bristles, and above with a few black bristles : antennae black ; 3rd joint lanceolate, nearly as long as the arista : thorax with two cinereous stripes, which are dilated on each humerus ; sides and pectus cinercous : abdomen with two cinereous tofts on each side at the base; nearly half the apical part stylate : legs black, stout; femora red beneath and partly above; tibiEe with a broad red band: wings brownish, somewhat paler towards the base and about the borders of the posterior arcolets ; veins black ; halteres tawny.

Male 'I Head silvery in front; mystas with several white, and above witb a few black bristles ; abdomen with a broad whitish tufted band at the base, and with a broad whitish subapical band ; wings dark cine- reous, partly paler, as in the female. Length of the body 8-12 lines ; of the wings 12-1F lines.

52. ASILLIS AREOLARIG, n. s. Mas. Cinereo-niger, capite aurato, an- tennis nigris basi fulvis, thorace vittis tribus cinereis, abdomine apice nigro nitente segmentis cinereo marginatis, pcdibus fulvis, tarsis pos- terioribus nigris, alis fuecescenti-cinereis pallido lituratis triente basali albido, halteribus testaceis. Fem 4 Antennarum articulo 3" fnsiformi, d i s fnsccsccntibus hyalino lituratis.

Cinewous black ; head gilded in front, clothed with black hairs beneath ; cpistoma promiuent ; mystax with many gilded bristles, and above with a few black bristles; antennie black, tawny towards the base ; thorax with three slender cinereous stripes, sides and pcctus rinercous ; abdomen black and shining at the tip, hind borders of the segments cincreous ; legs tawny ; posterior tarsi hlack ; wings brown- ish ciuercous, with paler marks in most of the arcolets, white on more than one-third of the leugth from the base ; veins black, tawny towards hase ; halteres testaccous.

Fe;e,nnle ? Epistoma less prominent ; third joint of the antenna: fusiforin. hartily half the length of the arista ; wings brownish ; marginal areo- lets with a nearly colourlcss spot in each. Length of the body 10 lines ; of the wings 18 lines.

5;$. , isitus mmuIcoRNis, 11. s. Fern. Cinereus, cnpite argentco, ailtriiiiis testaceis parvis, thoracc vittis duabus fuscescentibus, abdo- ]nine obsrurc cinrrco scgiuentis trstaceo niargiriatis, pedibus fnlvis,



Page 13: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)

MR. WALKER ON DIPTEBA COLLXCTI1) AT NAKESSSE. lo!) genubus tarsisque nigris, alis cinereis apice obscurioribus, Iialteribns testaceis.

Female. Cinereous ; head silvery white in front ; epistoma very slightl) prominent ; mystax with some ~ l i i t e bristles, and above with very few black bristles : antennze testacetins ; 3rd joiut conical, much shorter than the 1st joint, aucl not inore than one-fourth of thc length of tht, arista : thorax with two broivriisli stripes : abdomen dark ciuereous ; hind borders of the segnicnh testaceous ; legs tawny ; tarsi, except at the base and knees, black : wings cinereous, dark cinereous towards the tips ; veins black, tawny towards the base ; lialteres testaceoiis. Length of the body F lines ; of the wings 13 lines.


Gen. C ~ M S T I U S , IZZigei- 54. O&i;\IATIus SCITULIJS, 11. s . &!as et F E ~ L . Fulvus, gracilis, rapite

cinereo antice albo, antennis nigris basi fulvis, thoracis disco cinereo- nigro, pectore testaceo, abdomiliis segmentis pallido marginatis, alis cinereis, halteribus testaceis.

Tawny, slender ; head cinereous above, white iu front ; mystax with several white bristles; antenns black, tawiiy towards the base. 3rd joint lilnreolate, arista not longer than the 3rd joint ; disk of the t.liorux cinereous black ; pectus testaceous; hind borders of the abdominal segments pale; tarsi black towards the tips ; wings cinereous ; veins black, tawuy towards the base ; halteres tcs- taceous.

55. OMMATIUS s'rRIcTus, 11. s. Mas. Niger, angustus, capite argen- teo, pectore albido-cinereo, abtlomine fusco mnrulis trigonis nigris, segmentis albido marginatis, pedibns fulvis, genibus tarsisqne nigris, alis subcinereis estus nigricautibus, halteribus testaceis.

Mule. Black, narrow ; head silvery white in front ; mystas with very few white bristles ; third joint of the antenns elonpate-roniral ; arista a little longer than all the preceding joints together ; pectns whitish cinereous ; abdomen broivii, each segment with a black triangular spot and m-ith a whitish hind border; legs tawny ; knees and tarsi black, the latter tawny at the base; wings greyish, exterior half blackish ; vcius black ; Iisltcres testaceous. Length of the body 4-4 lines ; of the wings 7-8 lines.

Male and Female.

Length of the body 6-7 lines ; of the wings 11-12 lines.

GC11. LEPTtOGASTEB, itfeigen 56. LEPTOGASTER M U N D A , 11. s. ,Ilus. Cinerea, capite argentco, pr+

boscide antennisque fnlvia, thorace lineis duabus fuscis, abdominr longo gracili apicem versus snbdilatato, segmentorum marginibns ma- culisque quatuor subapicalibas testaceis, pedibiw fulvis, femoribus tibiisque posticis nigro fasciatis, alis subcinereis, halteribus testarris.

Male. Cinereous ; head silvery white ; proboscis and antenns tawny ; thorax with two brown lines ; ahloinen long, slender, slightly dilated

Page 14: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


towards the tip, hind borders of the segments testaceous, two tes- taceous spots on each side towards the tip ; legs tawny, hind femora and hind tibiae with a block band on each ; wings slightly greyish ; veins black, tawny at the base ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 8 lines.

Fam. LEPTIDB, Westzu.

Gen. LEPTIS, Fubr.

57. LEPTIS FERRUGINOSA, Wied. Iieliomeia ferruginea, Dolichall. Dr. Dolichall has described this species and several other Diptera in a

Zoological Journal published in Java. I am unable to refer to this work, but have adopted the names with which he has ticketed the species in Mr. Wallace’s collection.

Heliomeia has the aspect of Leptis, but is distinguished by the subanal and anal veins being united before they join the border of the wing, thus agreeing with Chrysopila, from which it differs in the shorter third joint of the antennz, and in the more slender arista.

See Vol. I. p. 118.

Gen. SUEAGINA, n. g.

Faem. Corpus lineare. Caput thorace vix angustius. Proboscis porrecta, compressa, capitis latitudine paullo brevior. Palpi lanceolati, porrecti. Antenne brevissime ; articulus 3 u 8 rotundus; arista gracilis, nuda. Abdomen subdepressum, thorace non duplo longius, apice obtnsum. Pedes nudi, inermes, longiusculi, sat grades. Aka mediocres, areola discali longissima.

Head almost as broad as the thorax ; vertex and front of equal breadth. Proboscis porrect, com- pressed, a little shorter than the breadth of the head. Palpi lanceo- late, contiguous to the proboscis. Antennae very short ; 3rd joint round ; arista slender, bare, longer than the antenna. Thorax a little narrower in front. Abdomen somewhat flat, less than twice the length of the thorax, obtuse at the tip. Legs bare, unarmed, rather long and slender. Wings moderately long and broad ; radial vein slightly curved ; forks of the cnbital vein a little longer than the preceding part ; 3rd externo-medial vein inclined beyond the discal areolet towards the 4th, which is straight ; snbaual and anal veins united close to the border ; discal areolet nearly six times longer than broad, its fore side hardly angular.

55. YURAGINA ILLUCENS, n. s. Fcern. Cinereo-nigra, capite argenteo- cinereo supra atro, palpis antennisque nigris, thorace vittis duabus cinereis, abdomine basi cinereo rnaculis dnabus rnagnis basalibus apice- que testaceis, petlibus nigris, femoribus testaceis nigro cinctis, tibiis interrnediis luridis, alis fuscis postice cincreis albo bifnsciatis et bi- st rigatis.

Female. Body linear, moderately broad.

Page 15: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


Female. Cinereous black ; head silvery grey, deep black above ; probos- cis, palpi, and antennae black ; thorax with two cinereous stripes ; pectus cinereous ; abdomen cinereous at the base ; two large basal and lateral spots and the tip trstaceous ; legs black, femora testa- ceous, anterior femora black towards the base, hind femora with :I

broad black band, mitltlle tibia: lurid ; wings brown, cinereous along the basal part of the intrrior horder ; two white abbreviated banils and two white intermediate streaks ; veins black ; halteres tcstaceous, with black knobs. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 12 lines.

~IlbfZLIIl. ‘rIIE I< EVITES, V?Cbk.

Gcw. TIIEI~EVA, Lntr. 5!). Thercva congrua, CZ’aZA. See Vol. 11. p. 90.

Subfun. I ~ U N I ~ Y L I T E S , Walk .

Qcn. ANTHRAX, Pabr.

60. Anthrax Tantalus, Fabr. Brit. Syst. iv. 260.15. Inhabits also EIindostan, China, and Java.

61. Anthrax semiscita, W u R .

63. ANTHRAX PRETENDENB, n. 9. FEm. Nigra, fulvo tomentosa, thorace strigis duabus albidis, abdomine fasciis albidis maculisquc: duabus apicnlibus albis, alis subcinereis basi nigris apud costam nigri- cantibus, halteribus albidis.

Black ; head with tawny tomentum in front, cinereous behind and beneath; thorax wit11 tawny hairs in front and on each side, a whitish streak on each side by the base of the wing; abdomen with whitish bands, and with a white spot on each side at the tip, sides with tawny hairs at the base ; wings slightly cinercons, black at the base, blackish along nearly half the length of the costa; veins black ; radial vein forming a riglit angle at its base, curved towards its t i p ; fore braneh of the cubital veiu deeply curved ; cxtemo-medial veins almost straight ; subannl :tnd anal veins approximate on the hind border ; halteres whitish. Leiigth of the body 6 lines ; of tlie wings 12 lines.

This and the two following specics belong to the group of which A . hotfeiztotta is tlie type.

63. ANTHRAX ANTECEDENS, 11. s . Fmm. Nigra, flavescente pilosn, capite , cinerco, abtlominc fiisciis late interruptis giittisque duabus apicalibus albis, lateribus anticis albo pilosis, alis hyalinis basi nigri- canti-fuscis.

Ulacli ; Iietil cinrrrous in fi.ont and bei:e:ith ; thorns nitti pale-

See Vol. I. p. 118.



Page 16: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


yellowish hairs in front and on each side ; abclomen with broadly interrupted white bands, a white dot on each side a t the tip, sides with white hairs towards tlie base ; wings hyaline, blackish brown at the base ; veins black ; radial vein rnrved towards the tip; fore bran[+ of the cubital vein deeply curved ; externo-medial veins straight ; sub- anal and anal veins somewhat approximate on the hind border, Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings S lines.

Mus. n'igra, albo pilosa, capite abdo- minisque lateribus nigro pilosis, abdomine fasciis dnabus pallidis, alis subcinereis basi et apuil costam nigricantibus, litura costali basali argentea.

Black ; head and sides of the abdomen clothed with short black hairs ; antennae very short, 3rd joint round ; thorax clotlied with white hairs in front and along each side ; abdomen with two slendrr pale bands ; wings slightly greyish, blackisli at the base and along lialt' the length of tlie costa, which has a silvery mark at its base; veins black; radial vein curved towwds its tip ; fore hmnch of the cubital vein deeply curved ; externo-medial veins straight ; subanal and anal veins somewhilt approximate on the hind border. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines.

64. AIITHRAS C O N G R U A , 11. s.


65, ANTHRAX DEMONSTRANS, n. s. Folm. Nigra, flavescente pilosa, ca- pite cinereo, abdomine fascia snbinterrupta guttisque duabus apicalibus albis, lateribus nigro pilosis basi luteo pilosis, alis nigricantibus lmsi et apud costam nigris.

Black ; head witli einereous tomeatum behind and beneath ; thorax with yellowish hairs on each side; abdomen with a white middle band, which is almost interrnpted in the middle and slightly dilated on cach side, a white dot on each side at the tip ; sides witli black hairs, and at the hase with luteous hairs ; wings blackish, black at the base and along the costa ; radial vein forming a rouncled angle at its base, as deeply ciirved towards its tip as is the fore branch of the ciibital rein, to which it is parallel ; 1 s t and 2nd externo-medial veins undulating, 3rd nearly straight ; subanal and anal veins approximate on the hind border. Length of the body 5 lines: of the wings 10 lines.

Folm.; Nigra, nigro pilosa, ant,ennis brevissimis rtrticulo 3" rotundo, pedibus piceis, alis nigricantihiis, albido strigatis, apice et apud marginem postienm cinereis.

Black; head and sides of the thorax and of the abdomen clothed with short black hairs ; antennoe very short, 3rd joint ronnd ; legs piceons; wings blackish, dark grey at the tips and along the hind border ; discal, pobrachial, 3rd externo-medial, and anal areolets nith whitish streaks; radial vein undnlafng towartis its tip ; fore- branch of the cubital vein slightly curved ; externo-medial veins straight ; subanal and anal veins approximating closely on the hind




Page 17: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


border; hind side of thc discal areolet forming a right angle, and emit- ting thence the stump of a vcin. Length of the body 4$ lines ; of the wings 9 lines.

67. ANTIIRAS DEGENERA, kliclk. See Vol. I. 11. 15. var. Illas et FEm. Nigra, angusta, fulvo-pilosa, capite cinerco, antennarum ar- ticnlo 3" coaico, pectore snbargouteo, abdomine fasciis cluabus rcntrc pedibus halteribusquc fulvis, tarsis nigris, alis fiiscis, apicc marginc- que postico cinercis.

Black, iiarrow, head cinereous ; 3rd joint of the an- tenna: conical; arista very short; thorax with tawny hairs; pectus silvery cinereous ; abdonicn with two lateral tawny stripes, which are broadest in the female ; undersirlte, legs and halteres tawny; tarsi black ; wings brown, long, narrow, cinercous towards the tips and along the hind border ; radial vein curved towards its tip : fore branch of the cubital vein slightly curved, sliaq>Iy angular a t its base ; externo-medial veins straight; subanal anrl aiial reins approximate on the hind bor- der. Hind femora with black tips ; angle of the fore branch of the crthital vein emitting tltr stump of a win.

Sitlcs of the abdomcn less tawny ; wings dadi howii, cinercous at the tips ; forc l i lxucli of the cubital rein deeply currcd, with its arigle emitting the stump of a vein. Length of the body 3:--5 lines ; of the wiugs 8-1 2 lincs.

This species is closely diet1 to A. f p w i d a , and, like the two preccdirrg specics, approaches the Australian group (snh-g. Neurin), which is distinguished by the long wings VI itli contorted vciiis.

68. ANTHRAX PROFEIIENS, 11. s. 31~s. Btm, angiuta, aldomiuis la- tcrihus bssalibus albo-pilasis, xlis loiicjs atris aptid margincin posticuni exteriorem limpidis, p i c t o discnli albo, litura esteriore transversa albida.

Deep black, slender ; head clotlied with short black hairs ; an- tenna: and arista very short ; 3rd joint round ; abtloinen with white hairs on each side at the Iiase ; wings long, deep black, limpid along the exterior part of the hind border ; a white point in the discal areolet, and a little transverse whitish mark at the base of the fore branch of tlie cubital vein ; tlie latter deeply curved. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines.

Male nnd Female.


V w . 6. Female.

Male .

Allied to the groiip of which A . liyaloera is the type.

Gcn. STSTROPUS, ?Vied. 69. SYSTROPUS SPIIECOIDES, 11. s. Xas. Niger, capite albido-tes-

taceo, antennis apices vcrsus laiiceolatis, thorace strigis quatuor late- mlibus pallidc flavis, abclouiii~te luritlo basi et apicem versus uigro, pctiolo longissimo, femoribns sulkus tibiisque apice Iiiridis, alis nigri- cante-cinereis, halteribus albidis nigro fasciatis.

Black ; head white liehind, whitish testaceous in front about the illale. LINN. PR0C.-ZOOLOOT. 8

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eyes; proboscis longer than the breadth of the head, its sheaths diver- ging and convoluted at tbe tips ; antennae a little longer than the pro- boscis, lauceolate towards the tips ; thorax with two pale-yellow streaks on each side, one in front, the other behind the wing; abdomen lurid, black at the base, above, and towards the tip, where it is fusiform ; its petiole vcry long and slender ; femora beneath and tibiae towards the tips lurid; wings blackish grey ; veins black; halteres whitish, with a black subapical band. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 8 lines.

Pam. DOLICHOPIDZE, Leach. Gen. PSILOPUS, Beige#.

70. PSILOPUS SPECTABILIS, n. s. Mas. Aureo-viridis, capite pur- purascente-cyaneo, antice argenteo, antennis testaceis, thorace vittis tribus cupreis, scutello cyaneo, abdonlinis lateribas cupreis, pedibus flavis, alis albis, costa lituris dualxis costalibus lutescentibus, halteribus testaceis.

Bright golden green; head purplish blue, with silvery tomentum in front ; antennae testaceous ; arista black, shorter than the thorax; thorax with three bright cupreons stripes ; scutellum blue ; pectus silvery ; abdomen bright cupreous along each side ; legs yellow ; tarsi black towards the tips ; wings white, brown along the costa and on more than one-third of the length from tlie tips, with the exception of the hind border ; the costal brown part including two transverse lutescent marks, beyond which there is a brown band ; veins black ; fore branch of the prebrachial vein nearly straight ; discal transverse vein straight ; halteres testaceous. Length of the hody 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines.

71. PSILOPUS FILIPER, n. s. Mas . Viriclescente-cyaneus, capite pec- toreque argenteis, antennis pedibusque nigris, arista longissima, ab- rlomine viridi fasciis nigris, tibiis anterioribus albidis, alis subcinereis. Fmi . ? Viridis, capite cyaneo, tibiis anterioribus testaceis.

Greenish blue; head and pectus with silvery white tomentum ; antennae black; arista much longer than the body; abdomen green, with a black band on the base of each segment; legs black, long, slender ; anterior tibia: dingy whitish ; wings slightly cinereous ; veins black ; fore branch of the prabrnchial vein much curved ; discal trans- verse vein very slightly undulating.

Female? Bright green; head blue, its fore part and the pectus with silvery white tomentum ; abdomen with black bands ; anterior tibiz testaceous; discal transverse vein straight. Length of the body 23 lines; of the wings 5 lines.

72 , PSILOPUS ~FSTIMATUS, 11. s. Mas. Viridis, capite pectoreque argenteis, antennis nigris basi testaceis, abdomine fasciis latis nigi-is, pedibus flavescentibus, femoribus posticis apice tarsisque nigris, alis subcinereis, halteribus testaceis.



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Mule. Bright green ; head in front and pectus silvery white ; antenna, black, testaceous at the base ; arista about as long as the thorax ; ab- domen with a broad black band on the base of each segment; legs yellowish, stout ; tarsi black ; femora paler than the tibiz ; hind femora with black tips; wings greyish ; veins black ; cubital vein slightly curved : fore branch of the prrebrachial vein much curved ; discal transverse vein straight ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 2% lines ; of the wings 5 lines.

73. PSILOPUS ABRUPTUS, 11. s. Mns. Viridis, capite cyaneo, facie pec- toreque subargenteis, antennis pedibus halteribusque nigris, abdomine cyanescente-viridi, alis cinereis.

Bright green ; head blue ; its fore part and the pectus somewhat silvery ; antenne black ; arista liadlly longer than the thorax; abdo- men bluish green ; legs black ; wings grey ; veins black ; fore branch of the cubital vein forming a much rounded right angle, from whence it is straight to its tip ; diacal transverse vein straight, parted by half its length from the border, and by less than its length from the fork of the cubital ; halteres black. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 3 lines.


Gen. DoLIcIIorus, Lutr. 74. DOLICHOPUS C I N E R E U S , 11. s. Mas. Cinereus, capite albo, an-

tennis fulvis, pcctore albido, abdomiuc fasciis zeneo-nigris, pedibus testaceis, tarsis anterioribns apice nigricantibus, tibiis posticis apice tarsisque posticis n igh , alis cinereis, hnlteribus testaceis.

Cinereons, not metallic ; ! r e d white between the eyes ; antennze tawny ; 3rd joint ellipticd ; arista black, much longer than the an- tennz ; pectus whitish ; abdomen with an aaeons black band on each segment ; legs testaceous, stout ; anterior tarsi blackish towards the tips ; hind tusi and tips of hind titlice black; wings grejy ; veins black ; prrebrachial vein forming a right angle at its flexure, much curved from thence to the border ; tliscal transverse vein slightly bent out- wards ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 5 lines.


75. DOLICHOPUS PRBDICANS, n. s. Fern. Cinereus, capite pectoreque albis, antennis fulvis, thoracc vitta apiceque viridibns, abdomine ma- culis lateralibns albis, petlibus testaceis, femoribus posticis nigro linea- tis, alis cinereis bnsi nigricantibus, halteribus fulvis.

Cinercons ; head mitl ~iertus white ; anteunz tawuy : arista black, longer than the anternire ; tliorax with a dorsal stripe and the hind part green; abdomcn with white spots along cach side; legs testaceous, stout; t i b k beset witlr black spines ; tarsi black towards the tips ; hind femora with i i b lxk line ; wings cinereons, blackish towards the base; veins black; prrebrachial vein gently curved out- wards at its flexure, straight from thence to the border; discal tranr-



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verse vein straight ; halteres tawny. Length of the body 2+ lines ; of the wings 4 lines.

76. DOLICHOPUS PROVECTUS, n. s . Fern. Viritlis, capite pectoreque argenteis, antennis nigris latinsculis basi testaceis, thorace vittis duabus nigris, abdomine fasciis argenteis, pedibus nigris, robustis spinosis, tibiis testaceis, alis obscure cinereis.

Bright green ; head in front and pectus silvely white; antennac black, rather broad, testaceous towards the base ; 3rd joint conical ; arista much longer than the antennn: ; thorax with a black stripe on each side ; abdomen with silvery white bands; legs black, stout, spi- nose ; tibise tcstaceous ; wings dark grey ; veins black ; praebrachial vein forming a very obtuse angle at its flexure, straight from thence to the border ; discal transverse vein straight. Length of the body 23 lines ; of the wings 4 lines.

77. DOLICHOPUS PRBMISSUS, n. s. Mus. Obscnre viridis, capite pectoreque cinereis, antennis nigris, abdoniine viridescente-nigro, pedi- bus nigris vix spinosis, tibiis ferrugineis, alis obscure cinereis, hal- teribus fulvis.

Dark green ; head in front and pectus ciuerrous ; antenna: black, very smsll and short; 3rd joint conical ; arista as long as the breadth of the head ; abdomen greenish black ; legs black, hardly spinose or setose ; tibin: ferruginous ; wings dark grey ; veins black ; pra:brachisl vein hardly bent between the straight discal transverse vein and the border ; hal- teres tawny.

78. DOLICHOPUS PROVENIENS, n. s. F m t . Obsrnre viridis, capite albo, antennis nigris, thorace vittis duabns pectorcqne cinereis, ab- domine cyaiiescente-viridi fasciis cupreis, pedibns nigris, femoribus anterioribns iipice tibiisque fnlvis, alis nigricantibrls, halt.eribus fulvis.

1)ai-k greeu; liead white in front and nhout the eyes; antenna: black ; 3rd joint round ; arista slrorter tllan the breadth of the head ; thorax with two cinereous stripes ; pectus rincreous ; abdomen bluish green, with cupreous bands ; legs black ; tibia: ant1 tips of anterior femora tawny ; wings blacltish ; veins black ; pxbrachial vein quite straight ; discal transverse vein straight, parted by twice its length from the end of the subanal vein; llalteres tawny. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines.


Male. Approaches the Psilopi in some of its cliaracters.

Length of the body 2 liues ; of the wings 3;- lines.


Gen. CHRTSOTUS, Meigelz.

79. CiiRysoTus EXACTUS, n. s. Mas. Obscure viridis, cinereo-tomen- tosus, antennis pedibusque nigris, abdoniine obscure cupreo, tibiis anticis fulvis, alis cinereis.

Dark green, with cinereous tomentum ; antennae black ; 3rd joint conical ; arista much shorter than the breadth of the head ; ab- domen dark-cupreons ; legs black j fore tibia: tawny ; wings grey ;


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veins black ; przbrac1ii:iI vein hardly bent exteriorly ; disral transversc vein parted by more tlian forrr times its length from the eud of the snbanal vein. Length of the body I t line; of the wings 2 lines.

&ll. l ~ l A l l l € O R G S , .&igelt.

PO. DIAPHORUS RESU3lEKs , I l X . See Vol. 11. p. 93.


Gcii. C’ADREIIA, n. g. Mm. Corpus breviuscnlrrm, sat gracile. Cuput thorace vix angustius ;

facies subobliqua. Aatenm brerissimae ; arista apicalis, longa, sub- pubcscens. Abdomen ovat.tuni, thorace vix longius. Pedes posteriores robusti ; tibin: posticz cnlcnre aliicali arcuata. A h angustae, lan- ceolatae.

Body rather short and slender; head nearly as broad as the thorax ; face slightly obliqnc. Antenna: extremely short; arista long, apical, minntely puhcscent. Abdomen oval, hardly longer or broader than the thorax. Posterior lcgs stoirt ; hind tibiae with a curved apiral spur. Wings narrow, 1anreol;ite ; cubitd vein and prn:brachial vein parallel, the latter endiiig at the tip of the wing ; tliscal transverse rein straight, ending at fd1 tliricc, its length froin the border and a t ncarly thrice its lcngth froin thc Ixzbracllial transverse.


81. CADREMA LoscaorrrERorum, 11. s. ilh. Testacea, antennis luteis, thoracis disco ct met;itliorace nigris, abdomine apiceni verstis nigricante, alis vitreis niacula apicali nigricante.

Testaceous ; antenilre luteoiis ; disli of the thorax and mcta- thorax black ; nbdoincn Ilncltisli towards the tip ; wings vitreons, with a bliickish apical spot ; veins black, testaceons towarrls the base. 1,cngtli of the body 11 line ; of tlic wings 4 lines.


F,zm. PLATPPEZIDZ, Hnlidq.

Gen. PLATPPEZA, JIeiyeiz. 82. PLATYPEZA GLAUCESCESS, 11. s. Mas et E’cem. Piceo-nigra,

capite g-utta atra, thoracis disco c~alicscente-cinereo, abdomine nigro, pedibus haltcribusque piceis, tarsis dbidis, posticis “atatis, alis vitreis.

l’iccous black ; head nith a deep black clot in front ; disk of the thorax with :I blnish-cinereous tinge ;. abdomen black ; legs piceous ; tarsi whitislr ; hind tarsi dilated ; mings quite vitreons ; reins black ; iliscal trans e vein piir‘tecl by nearly twice its length from the border, and by nrorc th in twice its leugth from the fork of the prabrachial vein ; fore branch of the latter joining the termination of the costal vein at the tip of the wing, close to the end of the cubital vein; lialtercs piceoiis. Leiigtli of thc body 1-l+ line j of the wings 2-52; lines.

.Male atid Femule.

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Fnm. BTl’l’HIDX,, Letrch. Gcn. CITRIA, l?abi,.

83. CERIA LATERALIS, n. s. Mas. N i p , capite vittis guttisqw duabus, thorace maculis octo, pectore fasciis duabus, abdorninc ma- culis duabus basalibus fasciisque duabus flavis, antennarum petiolo pedibusque rufis, a h subcinereis, basi costa strigaque fuscis, halteribus flavis.

Black ; hcad with two j-cllow stripes in front, and nit11 R yellow dot on each side at th r haw of the antennz ; petiole of the latter rctl- dish ; 3rd joint elongate-fiisiform : thorax with three yellow calli on each side ; scutellum iritli two oblique fusiform yellow spots which are united hindward ; p o t u s with a yellow band on each side ; abdomen with a slender petiole which is as long as the terminal fusiform part ; a yellow spot on each sitlc of the base; hind borders of the 1st and 2nd scgmcnts ycllow ; legs red ; tarsi piccons ; wings greyish, dark brown at the base, whcnrc a dark brown streak proceeds to the disk ; costa dark brown, blacliish exteriorly ; veins black ; lialteres yellow. Length of the body 12 lines; of the vings 16 lines.


Crcii. B~ILESTA, Latp . 84. MILESIA CONSPICIENUA, 11. S. f i ! U S et FEm. Nigra, capite flW0

maculis duabus nigris, pa11)is nntennisque rnfescentibus, thorace vittis fasciis maculisquc duabns, scutclli niargiiie abdominequc fasciis tribus flavis, abdomine fasciis tribus chdybeis, pedibus luteis, femorihuu nigro vittatis, tamis nigris apice luteis, alis cinereis apud costam fnscis.

Black ; licad yellow, with an elongate black spot above tlic antcnnnc, aiitl with another above tlic epistoma ; mouth black ; palpi and antennat reddish ; thorax with two ycllow stripes ; each of its sides in front with a large yellow spot, the latter connected with a band across the pertiis ; two yellow bands, the 1st interrupted ; scutellum bordered with yollow ; pectus with two ycllow bands on each side ; abdomen with tlirec yellow bauds and with three clial~-beous bands ; 3rd ydlow bnntl slightly interrupted ; legs luteous ; femora striped benentli wit11 1)laek ; tarsi black, with luteons tips ; wings grey, brown along thc costa ; veins black ; lialtercs yellow. ilfule. Abdo- men with a subnliical iiitcrrii1)tcd band ; 1st band notched on the hind side. i % ? ~ ~ l e . 1”irst :ihtloniinal band slightly interrupted. Length of the body 8-9 lines; of tlic wings 14-16 lines.

Male and Female.

( fcu. (.+R.LPTOMYZA, TVied. 85. GnAwoMuzh ‘ r I n I A L I s , It‘lk. F7u!nz. ? Lutea, crassa, h t n , Imbcscens, vertice et epistoniatis linea nigris,

thoracis maculis dnnl)irs, disco postico, scutelli pwtoriuquc cliscis cu- preo-nigris, abdomine fasciis tribus nigris, femoribus anterioribus tibiisquc nigro fasciatis.

Female? Lutcous, pubescent, broad, thick ; vert,ex black ; epistoma

See Vol. 11. 1’. 9.5.

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conical, forked at the tip, with a lilark line ; proboscis longer than thc thorax, black towards tlic base ; arista plumosc ; two large spots on the thorax, its disk hiiitla:irtl, disk of the scntellum and disk of t h pcctus cupreous blacli ; abtloriicu highly arched, with three black bands which are producetl aid slightly interrupted in tlie middle ; apical band very broad ; tilire atitl anterior femora with black bands ; wings with a luteous stigma. IJcngtli of the body 5 liues; of tlic wings 8 lines.

Gen. EmwuIs, Latr . 86. Eristalis crassus, Fabr.

Inhabits also Hindostan.

87. Eristalis Ahepus, Wlk. Cat. E p t . lit. 3, 62.5.

88. ERIBTALIB Bo3rBoInEs. 11. s. flfas. Ater, capitc nlho, aristn nuda, thorace pubescente fascia cinerea fasciaque chalybeo-nigra, pec- tore cinereo, abdomine fasciis quatuor chalybeo-nigris, vittis daabus veutralibus latis albidis, t.ibiis basi Anvis, alis nigrieautc-fuseis cinereo marginatis, haltcribus flavis.

Deep black ; heat1 with blark liairs on the front and with white tomentum in front and behi i~d; arista simple ; thorax thiclcly pubes- cent, having in front a c.increons baud which is tawny on cacli sidc, and a ehalybeoas black hinder baud ; scutelluni chalybcous-black ; pectus ciucreous ; abdomcn with h 1 r chalybcons-black bauds ; the 1st widely interrupted ; uiidcr sitlc with a broad short wliitisli s t r i p on each side; hind ( a i d antcrior'?) tibiz yellow at tlic base; wings blackish-brown, cinereous towards the tips and aloug tlie hind border ; veins black ; halteres yellow. Length of the body 64 lines ; of tlic wings 11 lincs.

Bwt. Syst. IV. 281, 12.

Inhabits also China.


Gen. I~BLOPI~ILCS, N e i p z .

The two following Helophili may I I C merely varieties of If. p a d r i -

89. ~IELOPIIILUS C O N S O i t f i . 11. S. N u s . Nigcr, thorace vittis quatuor flailis, scutello lntco, abdotnine rittis tribus luteis tribusqae clidybeis, tibiis basi lutcis, fcuiorilnis pusticis iucrassatis, alis cincreis a p d cos- tam fuscescentibus, lialtcribus flaris.

Male. Black ; thorax with foiir ycllow stripes ; scutelluni lutcoiis ; pcctus cinereous ; abdonieii wit11 tlirec luteous Lands and with fom clialybcous bands ; 1 st liitcous 0:intl interrupted, w r y bro:itl; 3rd and 4th slightly excavated ou the h i t 1 sitlc ; tibiic luteous towards the base ; Iiind femora incrassatctl ; hind tibiz curved ; wings rincrcons, brownish along tlie costa ; veins black ; haltcrcs ycllon~. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 9 lines.

90. ~IELOPHILUS C O N C L U B U S , 11. s. Mas. Nigcr, capite albo, anterrnis


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rnfescentibus, arist,:r nnda, thorace vittis qnatnor flavis, scntclln fulro, abdomine fasciis qnatnor linenqne transversa flavis fasciaqne chalyl)ca, pectibus nigro-lutcis, tarsis nigris, aIis ciriereis a p I costam subhtscis, halteribas flavis.

&!aZe, Black ; heat1 white, with a black callus above the antcnnz, wliicli are reddish ; ariatn siniplc ; proboscis I J I X ! ~ ; tliorax with 4 y e l l o ~ stripes ; scutcllnni t:iu iiy ; pcctiis with a t)road oblique p:ilc J CIICJW band on each side ; :d)tIonicn wit11 4 yellow bniids ; 1st and 2nd bantls very broad ; 1st iiitcwiiljtetl ; 2nd interrnptcd except in frolit, xylicre tliere is a ycllow tr:nisvcrsc linc ; 3rd and 4th narrow, with a. e11dy- beous band along the hinil border of the 3rd ; legs lnteous, sided with black ; tarsi ivliolly black ; wings grey, slightly brown alnng the costa; veins black, tawny towards the base ; halteres yellow. LcligtIl of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. ’

Gen. MERODON, &bi*. 91. MERODON INTERVENIENS, n. s. Mas. Pnscus, flnvescente-rinerco

tonientosus, capitc tcstacco, nutennis nigris, arista nuda, scutello fulvo, abdominc fasciis septcm veiitrcque tcstaccis, pctlibns fulvis, feinorhus nigro vittatis, femoribus posticis incrassatis, tibiis posticis nigris, alis cincreis litura costali iiigricnritc, haltcribus flavis.

Grown; heat1 with short black hairs on the vertex, white beliiiitl, pale testaceons, and with a. brown stripe in front ; proboscis and an- tenna: black ; arista simple ; t,horas thickly clothed with yellowisli cinereons down ; scutcllinn tawny ; pectus cincrcons ; abdomen ($in- ilric-conical, with seven tcstaceous bands ; uniler side testaceom ; legs tawny ; femora stripctl with black ; hind femora incrass:ited ; liiiitl tibiie curved, black; wings cinereous, with a t)lacltisli innrk by the middle of the costa ; veins black, halteres yellow. Lcngtll of the body G lilies ; of the wiiigs 10 lincs.


Oeii. VOLUCELLI, Geqf . 92. VOLUCELLA UECORATA, n. s. Mas. Fulva, oculis thoraceqne pu-

bescentibns, hnjus disro cupreo-nigro, abdoinine cnpreo-nigro fiwiis tribus flavis, pedibns piceo-fiilris, tarsis piceis h i fulvis, alis vitreis, costa Intea extns fiiscrscentr, Iialteribns apicc niveis.

Male. Tawny ; cpistonia very proniiiicnt ; cyes pubescent ; arista broadly plumose ; tlior:ix I)iil)csccnt ; disk rnpreons-l)lacli ; ~1bthJlllPtl cnprcous-blnr I(, witli t 11 ycllow bnnils ; 1st band shaded with picroiis ; t: IJireoris, t:iiviiy :it tlic 1x1 luteons nnil exteriorly IJ~OI\ iiisli nlo!ig the costa ; towards the tips ; Iraltcws nitli snow-nhite knobs. body 7 lincs; of t l iv wiiigs 14 lines.

Lcngth of the

93. UARYTEHOCERA G I D B U L A , n. s. Fa.7n. Cq)rco-nigra, cq’ite fla-

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vescente vitta cupyeo-uigra, anteruiis fukis, thoracis Intcribas fasciaqne flavis, abdorniriis 1ateril)ns fiisciis tribus flavis strigisque trihus flavis, pedibus flavis, tibiis posticis fcmoribnsqnc nigris apice flavis, alis cinereis, litura costali fasciisqne tlunhus extcrioribus iligricnntibus.

Female. Cupreous b1;icli ; liead in front yello\\-ish with a cupreous-black stripe ; nntcnn;e tarvny ; %rtl joint long, liuear, obtnse at tllc t ip; thoras yellow along each side ant1 with a yellow Iiand in front of the scutclluni ; abdomcii yclloiv along cadi side aiiil with tlirce ycllow bauds ; 1st band entire ; 2nd nrarly interrupted ; 3rd emitting a lan- ceolate streak in front and two Iiiiid\vard streaks mhicli extend to the tip; legs yellow ; femora ant1 hind tibia: black with yellow tips; wings cinereous, with a blackish inark by the midcllc of the costa, and with two exterior slender blacl\ish bands ; veins black ; haitcrcs yellow. Length of the body 2; lines ; of the wings 4 lines.

Gen. Eummus, 31eiagen. 94. EUMERUS P I G U R A K S , n. s. Ertz . Niger, cnpite albo vittn cyanea,

scutelli margine postico fulvo, ;\\)domine nigro-xneo fxsciis dnalins nlbis, 2" ixiterrnpta, tarsis snbtus gcnubusque testaceis, alis sub- cinereis.

Black, nearly cj-lindrical ; hcnd whitish, with n dark blue stripe on the vertex ; antennic wit11 whitish tomeriturn ; 3rd joint sorncwlmt dilated, ratlier broader t1i:m long ; scutclluni tawny along the hind border ; pectns cinereons ; abtloincn ~1Icotts-black, minutely punc- tured, witli two wliitc ban;ls, pl;iccd oblique with regard to the scg- nicuts, the 2nd intcrrnptctl ; t:irsi beneath and knees tcstaceous ; wings greyish j veins b1:rc.k ; cuhital vein much contorted ; lialteres testaceous.


Length of tlie body 5g lines ; of the wings 6 lines.

Gen. S m r m a , St. Pnlg. 95. SYRITTA ILLUCIDA, 11. s. Fmz. Bnea, capitc argenteo, vertice

nigro punctis duobns nigris, antcnnis pallicle rufis, zibdomine fasciis duabns latis interrnptis testaceis niaculisque duabus subapicalibus albis, pedibns tcstaceis, fcnioribus tibiisqiie posticis nigris, his rufo fasciatis, alis subcinereis.

Eneons ; head silvwy wliitc ; vcrtes black, with an elongated white point on each sidc ; aiitcnn:c pale red ; pcctus and sides of tlic thorax whitish ; abdomcn wi th tv o broad internqited testaceom bands ; apical segment wit11 a white qjot on each side at the h e ; under sidc testaceous escept iicar the lit) ; legs testaccons; h i r id femora and hind tibiz black, tlic latter with :L rcd Iiand ; wings greyish-vitreous ; veins black.


Length of the botly :18 lines ; of tlic wings 5 lines.

G C l l . BhCL'IIA, 2%6/'. 96, DACCIIA DISPAR, 11. s. JJtrs . (hprco-nigra, capite chalybco-nigro

vittis dnabns flavis, antelinis rufis, tliorace maculis quatuor luteis, ab-

Page 26: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


domine fasciis duabus arcuatis luteis, pedibus rufescentibus, alis sub- cinereis, costa fasciaque nigricante fuscis, halteribus fulvis. Fam. Scu- tello flavo apud discum nigricante, abdominis petiolo fulvo, fascia 2" non arcuata, apice chalybeo, pedibus testaceis, posticis nigro fasciatis.

Cupreous black ; head ehalybeous black, with a yellow stripe on each side in front; antennre red, very short; 3rd joint conical ; arista black, short ; tliorax with two luteons spots on each side; the 1st pair joining a luteous band on each side of the pectus ; abdomen petiolated, clavate, with two much-arched lutcous bands ; legs reddish ; wings slightly cinereous, blackish-brown along the costa, and with an irregular blackish-brown band, whicli hardly extends to the hind bor- der ; veins black; halteres tawny.

Scutellum yellow, with a blackish disk ; abdomen much corn- pressed, with a long slender linear tawny petiole ; the 2nd yellow band not arched ; tip clialybeous ; legs testaccous; hind femora slightly banded with black ; hind tibize black towards the tips. Length of the body 43-5 lines ; of the wiugs 8-9 lines.



Gen. SYRPIIUS, Fabr. 97. Syrphus consequens, Ftlk . See Vol. I. 1'. 1s.

Fam. MUSCIDB, Lntr . Subfam. TACHINIDES, Walk.

Gen. NENOR~EA, JIacp.

98. NEMOREA AMPLIFICAKS, n. s. Fern. Cinereo-nigra, capite tes- taceo, frontalibus nigris, palpis fulvis, antennis piceis, thorace vittis quinque nigris, scutello ferrugineo, abdomine piceo fasciis duabus latis interruptis cinereis, alis cinereis basi et apud costam fuscis.

Cinereous black, with black IJristles ; head testaceom, more cinereous beneath ; frontalia black, slightly widening to the face, with a row of bristles along each side ; facialia not bristly ; epistoma not pro- minent ; palpi tawny; antcnnze piceous, not extending to the epistoma ; 3rd joint linear, rounded at the tip, full twice the length of the 2nd ; arista nearly twice the length of the 3rd, stout for full half its length ; thorax with five slender black stripes, thickly beset with long stout bristles ; scutellum ferruginous except towards its base ; abdomen piceous, setose towards its tip; 2nd and 3rd segments with broad interrupted cinereous bands along their fore borders ; legs stout, bristly ; wings grey, brown at the base and in front; veins black ; prrebrachial vein forming a slightly obtuse angle at its flexure, from whence it is very slightly curved inward to its tip ; discal transverse vein straight, excepting a very sliglit inward bend near its base, parted by rather more than half its length from the border, and from the flex- ure of the pracbrachial ; alnlre cinereous-white. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 14 lines.


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99. NEMORZA TENEBROSA, 11. s. Fern. Cinereo-nigra, capite albido, frontalibus nigris, oculis pubescentibus, palpis et antennarum articulo 20 rufescentibus, thorace lineis quinque nigris, scutello rufo, abdomine obscure rufescente tessellis cinercis, femoribus posticis fimbriatis, alis cinereis, basi costa et venarinn inarginibus obscure fuscis.

Cinereous black, with black bristles ; head whitish ; frontalia black, slightly widening to the face, with a row of bristles along each side and beyond i t ; facinlia bristly along most of tlie length ; epi- stoma not prominent ; cyes pubescent ; palpi reddish ; antennrc not nearly reaching the epistoma ; 3rd joint linear, slender, obtuse at the tip, much less than twice the length of the 2nd, which is reddish; arista stout for full half its length, much longer than the 3rd joint ; thorax with five black lines ; scntellum red, black at the base ; abdo- men dark reddish, slightly tessellated with cinereous ; legs black, bristly ; hind femora fringed with short black hairs ; wings grey, dark brown at the base, aloiig the costa and along the black veins ; praebrachial vein forming a right angle at its flexure, from whence it is slightly curved inward to its tip ; discal transverse vein much curved inward near its base, parted by much less than its length from the border and by rather less than its length from the flexure of the prse- brachial ; alnlie lurid-cinereons. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 12 lines.


Gea. MASICBRA, X a y . 100. MASICERA DOTATA, 11. s. F i m . Cinerea, capite albo, frontalibus

atris, oculis nu&, proboscide palpisque fnlvis, thorace vittis quatuor nigris, abdoniine longi-clliptico fasciis cinereis, alis luridis angustis, dimidio apicali obscure fiisco, margine postico cinereo, halteribus tes- taccis.

Cinereous, beset with numerous long stout black bristles ; head white, clothed bcliintl arid beneath with white hairs ; frontalia deep black, sliglitly witlcning towards the face, with stout bristles along each side ; facidia without bristles except by the epistoma, wbicli is not prominent ; cyes harc ; proboscis and palpi tawny ; an- tennse nearly reaching tlie cpistoma ; 3rd joint slightly broader to- wards thc tip, which is rounded, about four times the length of the 2nd ; arista stout at the base, vcry much longer than the 3rd joint ; thorax with four black stripes ; :il)tlomen elongate-elliptical, its bristles stouter than those of the thorns ; a cinereous band along the fore- border of each segment ; lips black, stout, bristly ; wings lurid, nar- row, dark b r o m on tlie exterior half, cinereous along tlie hind border ; veins tarmy, black exteriorly ; prsebrachial vein extending rather beyond the slightly acute angle which i t forms at its fiexiire, much curved inward from thence to its tip ; discal transverse vein undu- lating, parted 1:s rather less than its length from the border and from the flexure of the praebracliial ; a l ~ i l i ~ cinereous ; halteres testaceous. Length of tlie body G lines ; of the wings 12 lines.


Page 28: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


101. MASICERA IIORRENS, n. s. Fwm. Albido-cinema, valde setosa, capite albo, facie obliqua, oculis pnbcscentibus, thorace vittis quatuor nigris, abtloniine subfusifornii spinoso fasciis tribns latis subinter- ruptis albidis, alis cinereis basi ct apud costain subfuscis, aliilis albitio- cinereis.

Whitish cinereous, thickly beset with long stout black bristles ; head white, clothed behind and beneath with white hairs ; frontalia deep black, hardly widening towards the face, with bristles along each side and beyond it ; face oblique ; facialis with bristles along nearly two-thirds of the length ; epistoma not prominent; eyes pubescent ; p l p i black, rather long ; antenilre nearly reaching the epistoma ; 3rd joint linear, rounded at the tip, full four times the length of the 2nd; arista wry much longer than tlic 3rd joint, stout for more than one- third of its length ; thorax with fonr black s t r ips ; abdomen nearly fusiform, more spinose than bristly, with thrcc broad slightly inter- rupted whitish bands on the fore borders of the scgmcnts ; legs black, stout, bristly; wings grey, sliglitly brown a t the base and along the costa ; veins black ; przebracliial vein forming a somewhat rounded right angle at its flexnre, near which it is much corvcd inward and is thence straight to its tip ; discd transverse vein undulating, parted by about its length from the border and by mnch lcss than its length from the flexure of the 1)rtcbrachial ; a l u k whitish cinereous. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 12 lines.

102. MASICERA I M M E R S A , n. s. Fccm. Albido-cincrea, capite argcn- tco, oculis nu&, palpis, antennis pcdibusqnc nigris, thorace lineis quatuor nigris, abdomine nigro fasciis tribiis latis interruptis cinereis, alis cinereis, alulis albiilo-cinercis albo marginatis.

Whitish cinereous, with a few black bristles ; head silIiery white, with white hairs behind and beneath ; frontalia black, widen- ing towards the face, with a row of bristles along each side ; faeialia without bristles ; epistoma not prominent ; eyes bare ; palpi black ; antennze not reaching the epistoma; 3rd joint linear, roundcd at the tip, about four times the length of the 2nd; arista slender, very much longer than the 3rd joint ; thorax nith four slender black lines ; ab- domen black, conical, not longer than the thorax, with three broad interrupted cinereous bands along the fore borders of the segments ; legs black, stout ; wings grey ; reins black ; przebrachial vein forming a slightly rounded and obtuse angle at its flexure, from whence it is slightly curved inward to its tip ; discal transverse vein slightly undu- lating, parted by much less than its length from the border and from thc flexure of the przebrachial ; aliilcc whitish cinereous with white borders. Length of the body 1 lines ; of the wings 7 lines.

103. MASICERA PROGNOSTICANS, n. s. Fern. Cinerea, gracilis, capite albo, ahdomine iiigro cylindrico fasciis albis, alis cinereis, alulis hal- teribusque albis.

Fmule .


Page 29: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


Cinereom, slender ; he;ad white ; frontalin decp black, linear, with stout bristles along cnch sitlc ; facialia witliout bristles ; epistonin not prominent ; eyes bare ; pallii short, sleiider ; antennn: reaching the epistoma ; 3rd joint linear, ionnded at the tip, about sis times tlre length of the 2nd ; arista rather slender, not much longer than tho 3rd joint ; abdomen bhcli, cyliui(rical, very much longer thaii tlie thorax, with a white baud on thc fore border of each sogment ; wings cinereoiis ; vciiis black ; pr~br:ichial vein foriniiig a slightly rounded and extremely obtuse angle :it thc flexure, straight from thence to thc tip ; discal traiisverse Ycin straight, parted by about its lciigtli from the border, ant1 by niuclr than its length from the flexure of the lnxbrachial ; d i i h an11 haltercs nhite. Length of the body 2 ; lines; of the wings 44 lines.


Creii. BLTILIGASTEE, J h q . 104. XURYGASTER RIDIIICNI)A, 11. s. Fens. Cinerea, capite arpenteo,

oculis pi~besccntibns, palpis fulris clavatis, antennis piceis, thoracc Iirieis qnatnor nigris, abdoininc nigro fasciis tribns lstis alldo-cinereis, petlibus nigris, alis subcin isi et apnd costam subluridis, l i d - teribns fiilris.

E'emcrlr. Cinereons, witli bla les ; head silvery white in front ant1 behind, clothed bchintl nnil bcnrnth with white hairs ; frontalin deq? bl;icli, hardly \vi(lening towards tlie epistoma, with a few black bristles along each side aiid l~eyoutl ; f:ic*i:tlia without biistles ; cpistoma not proriiinent ; exes pnbcscent ; p l p i tawny, clavate ; antemi,l: piccons, :tlniost reaching tlic el)istoma ; 3rd joint linear, slightly ronnded at tlie tip, ncarly thrice the Icngth of the 2nd ; nrista slender, ucry mncli louger tlinii the 3rd joint ; tliorax with four black lines ; :rbdomen black, conical, a little brontlcr and longer tlian tile tlioras, with tliwc broad wliitisli-ciiiereous banils. somewhat spinose totmrds t)ie tip ; legs black, hardly bristly ; rriugs greyish, with n lurid tinge at the base ant1 along part of the costa ; veins black, tawny towads the base ; pwbracliial rein fuming n roiiiitlecl and obtuse angle a t its fliesnrc, nearly straight from theucc to its tip ; discal tr:nisversc vein hnrdly undulating, parted by littlc inure tli:ni half its leiigtli from the Lortler, ant1 by inuch less than its leugtli from the flcxnrc of the pc1)rwlii:d ; alala: cinercons; halteres tairiiy. Length of the body 45 lines; of the wings Y lines.

105. EURYGASTER REMITTENS, 11. s. Fms. Cinerea, cnpitc albo, oeulis pubcscentibus, pnlpis, anterinis pedibusque nigris, thoracc lirieis qnatuor nigris, sentello rnfo, ab(1oniinc n i p f:isciis ciucreis fere inter- ruptis, segmenti 2i lateribns rufccacentibus, nlis cinereis basi fuscaes- ccntibus, alulis albidis.

Cinereous, slightly bristly ; liead white, clothed bchiiid arid beneath with white hairs ; frontdia deep black, widening towirds tlre face, with a row of bristles along each sick a d beyond ; facialia without


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bristles ; epistoma not prominent ; eyes pubescent ; palpi black, short ; antenna almost reaching the epistoma ; 3rd joint slightly widening towards the tip, which is rounded ; arista slender, very much longer than the 3rd joint ; thorax with four black lines ; scutellum red, black at the base; abdomen black, conical, somewhat pilose at the tip, hardly broader or longer than the thorax, with cinereous nearly inter- rupted bands ; 2nd segment reddish on each side ; legs black, slightly bristly ; wings grey, brownish at the base ; veins black ; prcbrachial vein forming a slightly obtuse angle at its 5exure, from whence it is hardly curved inward to its tip ; discal transverse vein very slightly undulating, parted by a little more than half its length from the border, and by about half its length from the flexure of the prae- brachial; alnlae whitish. Leugtli of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 8 lines.

106. EURYCASTER APTA, it. s. Fum. Cinerca, capite albo, oculis nudis, palpis, antennis, pcdibusque nigris, thorace vittis qiiatuor indistinctis, abdominis vitta dorsali et seginentorum ni:rrginibus posticis nigris, alis cincrcis apud costam fuscescentibus, alulis albido-cinereis.

Female. Ciuereous, with few bristles ; head white ; frontalia black, narrow, linear, with a row of bristles along each side nnd beyond; facialia without bristles ; cpistoma not prominent ; eyes bare ; palpi black ; antenna: almost reaching the cpistoma ; 3rd joint linear, rounded at the tip, about four times the length of the 2nd; arista slender, very much longer than the 4th joint ; thorax with four indistinct black stripes ; abdomen conical, espccially setose towards the tip, very little longer than the thorax ; 1st segment, hind borders of the other seg- ments and dorsal stripe black ; legs black ; wings grey, brownish along the costa ; veins black ; prebrachial vein forming an obtuse angle at its dexure, hardly curved inward from thence to its tip ; discal transverse vein slightly undulating, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by a little less than its length from the flexure of the prcbrachial; a l u h whitish cinercous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 7 lines.

107. EURYGASTER CONGLOMERATA, n. s. Faern. Cinerco-nigra, capite albo, oculis pubescentibus, palpis, antennis pedibusque nigris, thorace lineis quatuor anticis nigris, thorace postico abdomineque anthracinis, tibiis posticis subfimbriatis, alis cinereis, alulis textaceo-albis.

Cinereous black ; head white, with white hairs behind and beneath ; frontalia deep black, linear, with a row of bristles along each side and beyond ; facialix without bristles; epistoma not prominent ; eyes pubescent ; palpi black ; antenna: reaching the epistoma; 3rd joint linear, rounded at the tip, six times the length of the 2nd ; arista much longer than the 3rd joint, stout to half its length ; thorax with four black lines ; hind part and abdomen coal black, shining, the latter conical, not longer than the thorax, setose towards the tip ; legs black ;


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hind tibise slightly fringed ; wings grey; veins black; prrebrachial vein forming a hardly obtuse angle at its flexure, almost straight from thence to its tip ; rliscal transverse vein undnlating, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by a little less than its length from the flexure of the I~razbrachial; alulre testaceons white, very large. Length of the body 4 & lines ; of the wings 8 lines.

108. EURY GASTER PROMINENS, 11. s. Jlus. Cinereo-nigra, capite albo, oculis pubescentibus, palpis, antennis pedibnsque nigris, thoraee lineis quatuor indistinctis, abdominis bnsi vitta clorsali et segmentorum mar- ginibus posticis nigris, scntelli apice rnfeseente, abdomine segmenti 2' lateribus snbrufcseentibus, d i s cinereis, alulis albis.

ilfu2e. Cinereous black ; hcad wliite,with white hairs behind and beneath ; frontalia deep black, witlening to the epistoma, with a row of bristles along each side and beyout1 ; f':tcialia without bristles; epistoma not prominent ; eyes pubesceut ; palpi black; antennz extending to the epistoma ; 3rd joint linear, liarrow, rounded at the tip, full four times the length of the 2nd ; arista much longer tlian the 3rd joint, stout to nearly lialf its length ; thorax with four indistinct black lines ; scutel- lum reddish towards its tip ; abdomen nearly oval, ciuereous, not longer than the thorax ; 1st seginent, hind borders of the following segments, and dorsal stripc black ; 2nd segment slightly reddish on each side; legs black ; wings grey ; veins black ; I)i*zebrachial vein forming a right an& at its fkwire, near whicli it is very slightly curved inward, and is thcncc straight to its t ip; discal transverse vein hardly undulating, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by less than its Icngt,h from the flexure of the prrebrachial; d n l z white, very large. Length of the body 3& lines ; of the wings 6+ lines.

109. EURYGASTER DEDUCENS, 11. s. Fern. Cinerea, capite albo, oculis nudis, palpis, antennis pedibasque nigris, thoraee lineis quatuor, ab- dominis basi faseiisqnc tribus nigris, scutello rufescente, alis cinereis basi nigris, alulis albis.

1~'evemaZe. Cinereous, bristly, head white, with whitish hairs bebind and beneath ; frontalia deep black, widening to the face, with black bristles along each side and bcpntl ; faeialia without bristles, except by the cpistoma, which is sliglitlj prominent ; eyes bare ; antenna: reaching the cpistoma ; 3rd joint lincw, ratlier broad, sliglitly rounded at the tip, about four times the length of' the 2nd; arista much longer than the 3rd joint, stout to l i d f its leirgth ; thorax with four black lines ; scntellum reddish ; abdonieu conical, not longcr than the thorax, blacli at the base, and with threc black bands on the hind borders of the segments ; wings grey, blacli at the base ; veins black, testaceous at the base, except along tlic costa ; pmbrachial yein forming an ob- tnse angle at its flexure, sliglitly curved inward from thence to its tip ; discal transverse vein straiglit, except a slight curve a t its base, parted

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by a little more than half its length from the border, and by much less than its length frcjm the flexure of the IirTebrachial ; alulze white. Length of the body 3; lines ; uf the wings 7 lines.

110. EURYGASTER CONTRACTA, 11. s. FCOIL. Cinerea, brevis, capite albo, palpis, antennis pcdibustlue nigris, thorace vittis quatuor nigris, abdominc nigro fanciis tribns latis subiiiterruptis argenteo-cinereis, alis cinereis bnsi nigricantibus, aliilis albis,

Cinereous, short ; head white ; frontalia dccp black, widening slightly towards the face, with stout bristles along each side ; facialia without bristles ; epistoma not prominent ; cyes bare ; palpi and legs black ; antennze reaching the epistoma; 3rd joint linear, rounded at the tip, about four timm the length of the second ; arista stout for almost one-third of the length ; thorax with four black stripes ; abdo- inen black, nearly oval, not longer than the thorax, with three broad slightly interrupted silvery ciriercous bands ; wings cinereous, blackish at the base ; veins black; pmbmchial vein forming an obtuse angle at its flexure, nearly straight from thence to its tip ; tliscal transverse vein curved inward towards its basc, parted by less than its length from the border, ant1 by about its lengtli from the flesnre of the prz- bracliial; slulz whitc. Length of the body 2~i lines , . of the wings 4+ lines.

Fu~va, rnpite snbtus et apud ocnlos nlbido, antennis ~d l i c l e Iiitck aliicc firscescentibus, ab- dominc maculis tribiis dorsdibus nigris, d i s cinercis spud costani luridis apice fuscis, Iialteribo3 tcstaceis.

Tawny, with blacli bristles ; liead testaceow, whitish about the eyes and beneath ; frontalin pale Inteous, widening to the cpistoma, beset with bristles along eacli side ; facialia without hristles ; epistonia not prominent ; eyes bare ; ;~ntenuz palc lutcons, almost reaching the epistonia ; 3rd joint linear, bro\\nish towards the tip; arista stout to abont one-third of tlie length ; abdomen nearly oval, hardly louger or broader than the thorax, with three black dorsal spots ; tarsi piceons ; wings grey, lurid along the costa, hrown towards the tips, except along the hind border; prxbrachial vein forming a slightly obtuse angle at its flexure, much curved inwad from thence to its t ip; discal trans- verse vein undulating, psrtetl by much less than its length from the border, and by about its length from the flexure of the prebrachial ; alulz and halteres testaccous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 7 lines.

Fmnle .

111. EURYGASTER PROGRESS. \ , 11. s. ~ m .


Gen. AIwrorn, Neigea 112. METOI~IA INSPECTANS, 11. s. F e w . Cinerea, capite niagno ar-

genteo subconico, facie perobliqaa, thoracc rittis quatnor, abdominis vitta dorsali et segmentoram marginihus posticis nigris ; alis cinereis, alnlis albis, linlteribus piccis.

Page 33: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)

SIR. WALKER 04 l ~ T T ’ T l < II.\ CC!TJ,RC’TI?D I T >IAK

Female. Cinerenns ; large, silvery, almost clonirnl iu front ; fron- talia black, linear, with a few bristles along each side ; face very 011-

lique ; facialia without hristlcs ; cpistoma not prominelit ; eyes bwc, ; proboscis and palpi black, very short ; antennrr: extending to the epi- stoma, 3rd joint linear, rouutled at the tip, full six times thr length of the 2nd ; arista longer than the 3 r d joint ; stout to ne*rly half its length ; thorax with four black stripes, the outer pair interrupted ; abdomen conical, not longer than the thoras, hind borders of tlie seg- ments and dorsal stripe black ; legs black, rather short and stout ; wings grey ; veins black ; priebriicllial vein forming an almost right angle and emitting a brauch at its flexure, from whence i t is slightly curved inward to its t ip; discal transverse vein straight, parted by much less than its length from the border and by very much less than its length from the flexure of tlie preebrachial ; alulee white ; halteres piceous.

113. METOPIA INSTRUENS, n. s. Fmm. Cinerea, capite subronico ar- genteo micante, facie pcrohliqna, palpis antennis peclibusquc niyis, thorace vittis quatnor nipris. abtlomine e maculis nigris trivittato, nlis cinereis.

Cinereons ; head brilliant silvery, almost conical ; face very ol~lique ; facialia with bristles along each side ; epistoma not promi- nent ; eyes bare ; palpi nntl Icgs black ; antennz reaching the epi- stoma, 3rd joint linear, rounded at the tip, ahout six times the length of the 2nd ; arista longcr than the 3rd, stout to about one-third ofits length ; thorax with four black stripes ; abdomen s i th three rows o f triangular black spots ; wings cinereous ; veins black ; priebracbial vein forming an obtuse angle, and emitting a branch at its flexure, slightly curved inward from thence to its tip ; discal transverse vein straight, parted by more than its length from the border and from the flexure of the prchrachinl : ~ l i i l a - whitr. Length of the bndv ,3 lines ; of the wings 5 lines.

Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 5 lines.


Sitbfain. I)ESIJ)ER, Walk.

&ll. 1)EXIA. &%‘@JPn.

1 4. DEXIA BASIFERA, n. s. Fmz. Testaceo-albn, capitis antici Ia- teribus palpisque fulvis, oculis nutlis, antennis pallide Inteia, tho- race vittis quatuor nigris, abdomine fulvo fusiformi macnlis trigonis nigris, macnla fasciaque testacein, peclibus nigris longis, femoribus fulvis apice nigris, tibiis ex pnrte fulvcscentibus, alis cinereis apud veniis nigricantibus, fascia b a d obliqna a h , alnlis albis.

Group of D. dongipes. Female. Testaceous white, narrow, bristly ; head somewhat prominent ;

frontalia black, slightly wideiriiig towards the epistoma, with a few long stout black bristles 011 each side ; facialia without bristles ; epi- stoma not prominent; sides of thc peristoma tawny rnrl diglitl! pro-

r , rm PROC.-ZOOLOOI-. 9

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duced; eyes bare ; proboscis and palpi tawny, the former geniculateit, rather long; antennae pale luteous, 3rd joint lanceolate, not reaching the epistorna, thrice the length of the second ; arista plumose : thorax with two slender deep black stripes and Mith two exterior broad black- ish stripes ; scutellum with six black spiues : abdomen tawny, fusiform, longer than the thorax, with little black hairs, with several black spines, and with a triangular black spot on the hind border of each segment ; 3rd segment with a testaceous spot at the base, 4th with a testaceous basal baud : legs long, black ; femora tawny, with black tips ; tibia: partly dark tawny : wiugs cinereous, blackish along the veins, with an oblique white basal band; costa black at the base ; veins black, testa- wous in the white part; praebrachial vein forming a slightly acute angle and emitting a short stump at its flexure, curved inward from thence to its tip ; tliscal transverse vein undulating, parted by hardly more than half its length from the border, and by less than its length from the flexure of the prrcbrac.hia1; alulae white. Length of tlie body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines.

Subaurato-cinerea, abdomine testaceo lanceolato longissimo fasciis inaculisque trigonis nigris connexis, pedibus anticis longissimis, alis aputl costam nigricantibus, venis vix nigricante marginatis.

Pale gilded cinereoas, narrow, bristlj ; frontalin piceous, widen- ing much towa& the epistorna, with bristles along each side ; sides of the peristoma much produced ; thorax with four deep black stripes, the outer pair rather broad ; abdomen testaccous, lanceolate, twice the length of the thorax ; hind border of each segment with a black band wliicli is connected with n triangnlar bl,wk spot; legs very long, fore legs extremely long ; wings blackish along the costa, hardly blackish along the veins; prlebrachial vein curved sliglitly inward near its flex- ure, almost straight from thcuce to its tip. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 12 lines.

115. DEXIA INCLUDENS, n. s. Faern. Aka, capitc apud oculos albo, palpis antenuis peilibusquc nigris, thorace vittis duabus cinereis, ab- doniinc lanceolato fasciis tribus albis late interruptis, pedibus longins- culis, alis nigricanti-cinereis, halteribus testaceis.

Deep black ; head cinereons in front, white about the eyes ; vertcx narrow ; frontalia widening to the facc, with bristles along each side ; facialia without bristles ; epistoma not prominent ; palpi slen- der ; antennae reaching the epistoma, 3rd joint narrow, linear, about four times the length of the Ptid ; thorax cinereous on each side, and with two cinereous stripes ; abdomen lanceolate, setose, nearly twice tlie length of tlie thorax, with three widely interrupted white bauds ; legs rather long ; wings blackish grey ; veins black ; praebrachial vein forming a very obtuse and slightly rounded angle at its flexure, almost straight from thence to its tip ; discal transverse vein almost straight, parted by hardly less than its length from the border, and by much niorc than its length froin the flexure of the priebrachial ; alnlaz




Page 35: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)

whitish ; hal tees trstaceoris. wings 6 lines.

1,ctiigth of the body 3; lilies ; of tlic.

I.irm. Cinereai capite :tlbo 1:ttcribiis anticis piceis, palpis pcdibnsque nigris, antennis testweis, thorace vittis tribus nigris, abdoinine hasi lat.criI)us fasciaqne nigris, pnnctis Istera- libus albis, petlibus longiuscdis, aIis cinereis, alulis albis.

Cinereoas ; head white, pieeous on each side in front ; fron- ta lk tlecp black, slightly widening to the face, with bristles along each side ; facialia nitliont bristles; cpistoma not prominent ; palpi and legs black ; antennz testaceocs, not reaching the epistoma, 3rd joint not thrice the length of the 2nd ; thorax with three black stripes, the the lateral pair abbreviated hindward ; abdomen a little longer than the thorax, black and with white points along each side, Mack at thc base and with a black banJ on tlie liind border of the 2nd seglneut ; legs rather long ; wings ciiiereous; veins black ; przehraclrial vein forming a rounded and very obtuse angle at its flexure, almost straight from thence to its tip ; disml transrerse vein nearly straight, piiitrtl

by less than its length from the border, and by very much more than its lengtli from the flexnrc of the pr~brachia l ; alnla: white ; haltere* pireous. Length of the Iiocly 2: lines; of the wings 4 line?.

1 16. DEXIA PRECEDENS, 1 1 . s.

F ' m d e .

( f en . '~ 'OltOC~! .4 , u. g. Frem. Corpus gracile, sublinearc. Proboscis palpique brevissimi. A / / -

tenna? brevissima:, arista u u h Thorux brevis. A b d o m r ~ long mum, thorace plus duple longins Pedes longissimi. A l e anglI6t~C.

Head as broad as the thorax. Proboscis and palpi very short. Antennze very short, not nearly es- tending to the epistomx ; 3 r d joint linear, rounded at the tip, about. twice the length of the 2nd; :wista hare, stout towards the h e , fit11 twice thc length of the :3rtl joint.. Thorax short. Abtlomcn ver!- elongate-fusiforni, more thaii twiw tlie length of the thorax. Legs. very long. Wings narrow.

117. TOROCCA A B D O M I S A L I R , 11. s. Fern. Viritlis, capite ~ieetoreque albis, proboscide palpisqne fulvis, antennis pedibusque nigris, abtlo- mine fulvo segmentoruni inarginibus posticis vittaqne dorsxli nigris, alis nigricanti-cinereis, alulis albido-cinereis.

Green, bristly ; he;d and pectns white ; frontalia deep black, widening to the face, with a rcnv of Iiristles ;dong each side ; facialia ~vithout bristles ; epistorna not proininent ; eyes bare ; proboscis anti palpi tawny ; antenna: bl;& : ;ibtloinen tawny, with a few spines ; liind borders of the segments black ; 1 st segment black at the base, a11d with a broad hlack stripe : legs hlack ; wings blackish eiuereons ; veins black ; pr;ebracliial vein for~niug an almost riglit angle, and emitting a short stump at its tlexnrr, nearly straight from thence to i t s tip ; cliscal transverse veil vtvy undnlating, parted bv about half its

Female. Body slender, nearly linear.



Page 36: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


length from the border, and by much less than its length from the flexure of the prtbrachial ; alul;e whitish rinereous. Length of the body 5: lines ; of the wings ,Y lines.



118. Sarcophaga invaria, Wulk.

1 19. Sarcophaga aliena, IVuZli.

120. SARCOPHAGA MENDAX, n. s. Mas. Cinerea, capite albo, palpia antennis pedibusque nigris, thornce vittisque lineisque duabus nigris, nbtlomine tessellato vittis tribus nigris, vittis lateralibus e strigis lan- ceolatis, alis cinereis, alalis albis.

Ciuereous ; head white, clothed hehind and beneath with cine- reow hairs ; frontalia deep black, widening towards the face ; palpi and antennae black ; thorax with five black stripes,the exterior pair incomplete, the middle cinereous intervals interlined ; abdomen tessel- lated, with three black stripes, the lateral pnir forming lanceolate streaks on the 3rd and 4th segments; legs black, very stout; wings grey; veins black; prtzbrachial vein forming a right angle at its flexure, near which it is curved inward, and is thence almost straight to its tip ; discal transverse vein slightly curved near eacb end, parted by much less than its length from the border, and from the flexure of the przbrachial ; alultz white. Length of the body G lines ; of the wings 10 lines.

Fern. Cinerea, capitis lateri- bus anticis, palpis, antennis perlibusqae nigris, thorace vittis tribns lineisque duabus nigiis, abdomine fasciis tribus snbinterruptis albidis, alis cinereis, alulis albis.

Cinereous ; head with black hairs behind and beneath ; fron- talia black, broad, slightly widening towards the face ; a deep black space on each side of the face ; palpi black, rather long ; antennae rather short, not nearly reaching the epistoma, 3rd joint slightly plu- mose ; thorax with three black stripes, the two middle cinereous iutervals interlined ; abdomen with three broad slightly interrupted whitish bands ; legs black, very stout ; wings grey ; veins black, slightly blackish-hordered ; praebrachial vein forming a right angle at its flexure, near which it is cnrved inward, and is thence straight to its tip ; discal transverse vein very slightly undolating, parted by much less than its length from the border and from the flexure of the prle- brachial ; alulie white. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 8; lines.

See Vol. 111. p. 103.

See Vol. I. p. 22.




Subfam. MUSCIDES, Walk.

Gen. IYIA, Meigem. 122. Idia snstmlis, Wflrlk. See Vol. 111. 1). 103.

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123. IDIA PROLATA, n. s. (Groiip lihyncomya, Desvoidy). F a m Vi- ridis, sat angusta, capite testaceo frontalibus facie niaculisqne tluabus anticis nigris, antennis hnlteribnsqae testaceis, rllxlornine cpneo pur- pureo cupreoque vario fasriis dnahns aureo-viriclibus, pedibus nigris , alis cinereis basi et apices versus fiiscis.

Green, rather narrow, with slight cinereous tomentnm : head testaceous, white behind ; froutalia and face black and shining, the former linear; a black spot on each side of the peristoma ; e p - stoma rather prominent, ; eyes bare ; antennae testaceous, not new reaching the epistoma, 3rd joint about thrice the length of the 2nd ; abdomen blue, tinged with purple and with cuprcons, a little broader than the thorax, with two goltlrn green bands which are widely inter- rupted above ; legs black ; wings grey, brown at the base and towards the tips, witb the esception of the hind border; veins black ; przbra- chial vein forming a much roundcd and very obtuse angle at its fles- ure, which is near the border, riearly straight from tbeuce to its till ; discal transverse vein slightly curved outward, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by about its length from the flexure of the prmbrachial ; alula: and halteres testaceons. Length of the body 32 lines ; of the wings 5 lines.


Gen. R I m c + k , Linn. 144. MUSCA PKOSPEHA, 11.8. (Geo. Silbomyia, Jlacy.) . Fwm. Aurato-

viridis, capite argenteo, facie i ) t t IpiA antennis pedibusque nigria, oculis nudis, pectore maculis duabus argeuteis, abdomiiie spinoso, apice p r - purco maculis duabus argcuteia, alis nigiicantibus basi et apud Cos~dlll nigris, alulis albis. VUT. /3. ‘l’horacis disco cupreo, abdotuiue subtus cyaneo-purpureo. J’ur. y . hbdoniiiiis disco cupreo, palpis fiilvis.

Deep golden green, thickly beset with very stout bristles ; head silvery white ; vertex green on each side ; frontalia piceous, vcry broad, with long stout bristles 011 each side ; facialia without bristlcs ; face black, deeply keeled, the keel partly white ; epistoma slightly prominent ; eyes bare ; palpi long, sobclavate ; antennae alinost leach- iug the epistoma, 3rd joint full four times the length of the h d ; pectus with a silvery spot oil each side; abdomen elongate-oval, it

little longer than the thorns, with long stout spines hindward, pur- ple at the tip, where there is a silvery spot on each side ; legs black, very stout ; wings blackish, black at the base and along part of the costa ; veins black ; praebrachial vein forming a rounded right angle at its flexure, near which it is curved inward, and is thence straight to its tip ; discal transverse vein unclulating, parted by xio ore than half its length from the border and by less than half its length from the flexure of the prsbracliial ; alnlae white. Var. p. Disk of the thorns bright cupreons; abdomeii blue and purple beneath. Var. y. Lihe Var. j3 ; palpi tawny ; disk of the ;ddoinen bright rupreous. Leiigtll of the bod3 7-8 lines; d’ thc Hitigs 18-14 lines.


Page 38: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)
Page 39: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)

MR. WALKER ON 1)1P'I'l~:l1B COLLECTEU l'l' J I n K

I'iceous, linear, with a ftw bristles along each side ; facialia without bristles ; epistoma rather prominent ; eyes bare ; palpi testaceous ; antenna almost reaching the epistoma, 3rd joint four times the lengtll of the 2nd ; abdomen of the fcinale purplish blue, tawny towards the the base, broader but iiot longer than the thorax ; tibiz above, and tarsi towards the tips, pireous; wings grey, larid towartls the base ; veins hlack, tawny towards the base ; prabracliial vein forming a right, and much rounded angle at its flexure, much curved inward from thence t o its tip ; clisenl transverse vein undulatiug, long, parted I)? more than half its length from the border, and by less than its leiigtli from the flexure of the przbraehial ; alulae testaceom. Lcngtli of the body 4-5 lines ; of tlic wings 8--10 lines.

1'29. MUSCA F A V I L L A C E A , ti. s. (11 . snbg. Anisomyia). I.con. Fiilvn, longinscnla, capite antico p:ilpisque testaceis, antennis cinereo-fdv is, thorace vittis tribus cinereis, abdoniine nigro basi testaceo faseiis tribns argenteo-cinereis, alis riiit:reis. L ' w . /3. Thoracc cinereo, abtlotniuL fulvo cinereo-tessellato segmentis nigro marginatis.

Tawny, rather long, with ldack bristles ; heat1 testaeeons 111

front, whitish and with whitish hairs beneath and hindrvard ; froii- talia extremely broad, with a eiiiereous line, beset with six bri. along each side ; facialia without lwistles ; epistoma prominent ; bare ; palpi testaceous ; anteniix greyish tawny, reaehing the q n - stoma, 3rd joint four times tlie Icngth of the 2nd ; thorax with three indistinct cinercous stripes ; abdomen black, elongate-oval, a little longer and broader than thc tliornx, with a testaccous basal band, and with three silvery grey bands which are testaceous beneath, ventral segments wholly testaceow ; wiiigs cinereous ; veins hlack, tawiiy towards the base ; pr:ehrachial vein forming a roundcd and obtuse angle at its flexure, slightly eiirvcd inward from thence to its tip ; cliscal transverse vein slightly nntlulating, parted by a little more than half its length from the border, and from the flexure of the prlrbra- chial ; alulae testaceoris. T'trr. /j. Thorax cinereous ; abdomen tawny. tessellated with cinereous, hint1 borders of the segments black. 1,engtll of the body 5-6 lines ; of the wings 10-12 lines.



129, Musca obtrusa, W a l k .

130. hlusca flaviceps, Macg. 131. MUSCA SELECTA, n. s. (Gen. Lucilia, Deso.). Fa~m. Aoreo-

viridis, longinscula, capite testaceo, epistomate elevato, palpis fiilvis, antcnnis pallide rnfis, tliorsc-e vittis tribus cupreis, pedibus nigris, alis nigricanti-cinereis margine postico einereo, alulis albidis testaceo mar- ginatis, hnlteribus fulvis .

llrigllt golden green, rather long ; head testaccons, cinereoris and with rvllitieh hairs behind and beneath ; frontalia ilecp black, linear. thickly beset with bristles along each side ; episton~a prominent ; palpi

See 1-01, 111. p. 105

See Vol. 1. p. 23.


Page 40: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


tawny; antennae pale red, not uear reuching the epistorna, 3rd joint less than thrice the length of the 2nd; thorax with three slender bright cupreous stripes ; abdomen wantiug ; legs black ; wings black- ish grey, grey along the hind border ; veins black; praebrschial vein forming a very obtuse and much rounded angle at its flexure, slightly curved inward between the flesure and the tip ; discal transverse vein iindulating, parted by more than half its length from the border, and by much less than its length from the flrxnre of the przbrachial ; a l i h whitish, with testaceous borders ; halteres tawny. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines.

132. MWSCA SPERATA, n. s. (Gem Lucilia, Dew.). Mas. Aureo- viridis, capite nigro-einereo, proboscide palpis antennis pedibusque nigris, thoracis disco cupreo, alis cinereis bitsi et apud costam sub- luridis, alulis obscure cinereis.

Golden green ; head cinereous black ; eyes bare ; proboscis, pal& and antennie black, the latter not reaching the epistoma ; disk of the thorax bright cupreous; abdomen shorter than the thorax ; legs black ; wings grey, with a lurid tinge at the base and along part of the costa ; veins black ; praebrachial vein forming a rounded and very obtuse angle at its flexure, liarilly curved inward from theiice to its tip ; discal transverse vein very sliglitly curved inward behind the middle, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by liardly less thau its lriigtli from the flexure of the prchrachial ; alula: dwk grey.

133. MUSCA INSCRIBENS, 11. s. (Gen. Chrysomyia, Desv.). Fum, Aureo-viridis, capite albo, palpis fulvis, antennis piceis, abdomine seg- mentorum marginibus pedibusque nigris, alis cinereis basi nigrican- tibns, alulis cinereo-albis.

Deep bright green ; head white ; frontalia black, linear ; palpi tawny ; anteuna: piceouu, nearly reaching the epistoma ; abdomen almost as long as the thorax, hind borders of the segments black ; legs black ; wings grey, blackish at the base ; veins black ; przbrachial vein forming au obtuse and rounded angle at its flexure, hardly curved iuward from thence to its tip ; discal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by little more than lialf its lengt,li from the border, and by lunch less than its length from the flexure of the przbrachial ; alula: cinereous with white borders, the upper pair white. Length of the body 43 liues ; of the wings H lines.

134. MUSCA ELRCTA, n. s. (Cen. Lucilia, Desv.). Mas et Faern. Tiridis, capite albo, palpis auteunis pedibusque nigris, alis cinereis, alulis albido-cinrreis. Fam. Frontis lateribus nigris. Vur. p, Mas. Aureo-viridis.

Male and Female. Bright green ; herd white, that of the female black ant1 shining on each side of the broad dull black front&; antennz black, nearly reaching the cpistnnia ; ahdoinen a little broader and shorter tlian t h r 1110ras ; I c p I)l:!cli ; W I I I K S grey ; reins black ; prz-


Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines.


Page 41: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)

MU. WALKE11 OX 1)ll'TLILA CULLECTEU A'l' N h K E S d A l t . 187

brachial vein forming a very obtuse and much-rounded anple at its flexure, almost straight from tlicuce to the border ; cliscal transverse vein slightly carved inwirtl in tlie iniclclle, parted hy mnch less tlmu its length from the bortlcr, and b!- hardly less than its length fwui the flexure of tlie przbrucliial; alnke whitish cinereous ; lower nlula. of' the male dark cinercous. Lengtli of the body 41 lines; of the vviiigs 8 lines.

Male, Var. p. Golden-green ; tlie four alulre dark cinereons.

135. MUSCA FORTUNATA, n (Gen. Chrysomyia, Dasu.). Mus. sub- aurato viridis, capite albo. palpis tiilvis, antennis piceis, ahiloniine seg- mentorum niurginihns posticis ryaneis, pedibus nigris, alis obscure cinereis basi nigricantibus, alulis albidis.

Bright green, slightly gililctl ; head wJhite ; eyes not contiguous ; frontalia black, narrow, linrar ; pdpi tawny ; antennae piceous, nearly reaching the epistoina ; ahloinen not longer than the thorax, hind borders of the segments dark blue; legs black ; wings dark grey, blackish at the base ; veins hlaclc ; priebrachial veiu forming an obtuse and slightly-rounded angle at its flexure, a h o s t straight from thence to its tip ; tliscal transversc vein hardly undulating, parted by little more than half its length from the horcler, and by much more than half its length from thc flexure of tlie przbrachial ; alnlz whitish. Length of the body 9-3; lines ; of the wiugs 6-7 lines.



136. MUSCA INTKAHENS, 11. s. (Gen. Lucilia, Desv.). Fa7n. Cya- nescenti-viridis, capite a l h , palpis antennis pedibusque nigris, ulis cinereis, alulis obscure cinereis, halteribus testaceis.

Bright bluish green ; liead white ; frontalia dull black ; palpi, antennE, antl legs blnclc ; alirlornen not longer than the thorax ; legs black ; wings grey ; veins black ; 1)rzbrachial vein forming n rounded and very obtuse angle at its flexure, straight from tlience to its tip ; discal transverse vein hiirtlly bent iuward, parted by more tliuii half its length from the border, and by about its length from the flexure of the praebrachial ; alnlc darl i eiiicreous ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wiiigs 6 lines.

This species very much rcseinblcs M. electu, but may bc distinguislietl hv its narrower botly antl by some slight differences in tlie veins of the wings.


137. MUSCA OIJTATA, n. s. (Gem Pyrellia, Desu.). Mas. Viritlis, ca- pite albido, palpis antennis ~iedihusque nigris, alis cinereis, alnlis cinereis testaceo marginatis.

Bright green ; head 11 liit,ish in front ; palpi and anteniize b1;icIi : abdoinen a little broader a i d xllortcr than tlie thorax ; I c p l,lnc.l, ;

wings cinercous ; reiiis I)l;wk : 1)rsvI)rarhial vein forniing a gc~iitle iqwvc

straight, parted by mucli niorc~ tli:in half its lengtli froin tlic bortlt.~.


;it tlre flesurc), straight I'rc~~i i tlicwc to the tip ; iliscal trail V I ' I I 1

Page 42: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


and bv about its lengtli froin the tlesure of the praebrachial ; alul;e cinereous, with testaceous borders. Length of the body 3-3$ lines ; of the wings 6-7 lines.

1%. MUSCA PROFERENS, n. s. (Gem Pyrellia, Desv.). Mas. Nigri- canti-viridis, palpis antennis pedibusque nigris, alis cinereis, alulis ob- scure cinereis, halteribus apice pallidis.

31aZe. Blackish-green, shining ; eyes contiguous ; palpi and antenna: black, the latter nearly reaching the epistoma; abdomen a little broader and shorter than the thoras ; legs black ; wings cinereous ; veins black; przebrachial vein forming a gentle curve at its flexure, straight from thence to its tip ; discal transverse vein straight, parted by more than half its length from tlic border, and hardly more than its length from the flexure of the l)mbrachial; alula: dark cinereous; halteres with pale knobs. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines.

See Vol. I. 1’. SF.

Fern. Purpurea, pu- bescens, capite nigro, facie subobliqua, palpis antennis pedibusqoe nigris, abdomine lato crasso. alis fuscescenti-cinereis basi nigricanti- bus, alulis obscurioribus. Vnr. 13. Viridescenti-cyanea, scutello purpureo.

Brilliant purple ; head black, shining, narrower than the tlro- rax ; frontalia dull, linear ; face slightly oblique ; palpi and antenna: black, the latter not reaching the epistoma ; thorax and abdomen with thick black pubescence ; abdomen very thick, shorter and mucli broader than the thorax; legs black ; wings brownish grey, blackish at the base ; veins black ; przbrachial vein forming a much-rounded and very oblique curve at its flexure, liardly curved inward from thence to its tip ; d i d transverse vein liardly undulating, parted by much more than half its length from the borclcr, and by much less than its lengtli from the flexure of the priebracliial ; alulze dark brownish grey. Vur. 8. Bright greenish blue; scntellnm purple. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines.

139. Mosca rcfixa, Walk.

1-40. MUSCA GAVISA, n. s. (n. subg. Neomyia).


141. Mufca dornestica, Linn.

142. MUSCA CONDUCENS, n. s. Mas. Cinerea, capite albo, palpis an- tennis perlibusquc nigris, tliorace vittis duabus latis nigris, abdomine tcstaceo linea dorsali nigra basi apiceque cinereo-nigris, alis cinereis.

Cinereous ; head white ; eyes bare ; palpi slender, subclavatc ; antennae not reaching the epistoma; thorax with two broad black stripes ; abdomen dull testaceous, cinereous black a.t the base and towards tllc tip, and with a black dorsal line ; wings cinereous ; veins black; przbrachial vein forming a rounded and very obtuse angle at its flexure, slightly curved inward from thence to its tip ; discal trans- verse vein curved inward, partcd by full half its length from the bor- der, and by a little more than its Icngth from the flexure of the pa:-

Scc Vol. I. p. 128.


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brachial ; alnl*: einercoiis. 44 lines.

miiie ochraceo, alis subciiicr itilma, haltcrilnis p:illitle testa Ulaeli ; hem1 uliitisli al~orit~ the eyes, which are red aiid biirr :

anteiiiiz not reaching the epiutuina ; aBdoincii ocliraceo1la, a little shorter than the tliorax ; wings sliglitly grel-is11 ; rcins l)l:wk, testa- ceous towards tlic base ; I”’:el)racllial vein forniiiig an obtuse angle at the flexure, straight froin tlieiwc to the border ; iliscal trausverse veiii straight, parted by less than its Irngtli from the border, and by triore than its length from tlic flcsiire of the przbrachial; halteres pale tes- taceous.

111. MUSCA P R I E D I C E N S , 11. s. ((:en, Graptoniyza, Deso.). Fww. N i p , capite albido-cinertw, pdpis antennis pedibusque nigris, tliorarrs vittis quatnor albido-cilicrcis, abhin ine testaceo maciilis nigris, d i s cinereis, haltcribus tcst,aeeis.

Fernole. Black ; head whitisti ciiiereoiis ; frontalia cleep black, linear, witll bristles dong each side ; fwin1i:i without bristles j epistonm not pro-

3 r d joint about four tiuics tlic length of the 2nd ; tliorns with fonr stripes, tnctntlioras ant1 peetiis whitish cinereous ; abilomen testa- eeous ; four black si)ot,.i oii e:di segment excupting the 1st; legs black ; wings cinereous ; reiiis l ) l : ~ ~ ~ l i , testaceoiis towaiils the base ; 1)rzbrachial vein forming it curve at its flexure, which is very near tlie bortler ; discal transverse reill almost straight, parted by little morc than half its leugth froin the border, arid by more than its length from tlie flexure of the prahwliial ; aliilx and lialteres tcstaccous. Length of the body 33 lines ; of the ninps 7 lines.

145. i’vlusca CoLLEc’rA, t i . s . dlrrs. Viritlis, cinereo tomentosa, (~a - pite aIbo antice testaceo, paliiis :iiitennisque fdvis, a\)dornine testaceo apice viridi linea dorsali n i p , pctlibus uigris, tibiis obscure fulvis, aliv cinereis, haltcribus testaceis.

M d e . Grecn, with cinereoils tomeiitum ; lieail rvliite, testaccons ant1 ratlier prominent in front ; vyes h u e , contiguous ; epistoma slightl! prominent ; proboscis 1)l:tt~li ; p l p i tawny ; anterinre tawny, not near reacliing the epistonia, 3rd joint not inorc than twice the leii@lt 01 the 2nd ; arista sim1)lc, inore t l iai i twice the lengtli of tlic 3rd joint ; abdomen testaceous, green towards tlic tip, with a black dorsal line ; legs black ; tibia: (lark tawny ; wiiigs grey ; veins black, tcstaceuria towards the base ; przel)raclii:il rein forming a very obtiisc aiitl miich- ronnded angle at its flcsiire, from wlience it is Iiardlj- curvet1 inwar11 to its tip ; discal transverse rciii curred outward, p r t e d hy riirieli rnoi‘e ttiaii half its length from tlic bortlcr, a i d 0~ liartlly less t11:t i i its Iriqtli from tlie flexwe of tlie prxI)rnc*liial ; alul:e pale cinereous, nitli test;(- ceons borders ; hakeres tcst:ic.eoits. Length of the body 2; lirics : 01 t tic wings 5 lines.

I,eii$li of tlie body 2; lines ; of the wiugs

143, M U S C A X A X T I I O > l I ~ l ~ A , Fmm. Nigra, capit,e albitlo, al


Length of tlie butly 2; lilies ; of tlie wiugs 4 1111~s.

minent; proboscis and pl11i G1:iek ; antennn: reaching the c.1 ’ Ilstolnn. ’

Page 44: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


Subfum. L4NT110MYIDE8, Walk.

Gen. ARICIA, Jlncy.

146. Aricia significans, WaZk.

147. ARICIA CONTRARIA, n. s. 31as et Fcm. Picea, capite argenteo, palpis pedibusque nigris, antennis testaceis, scutello fnlvo, abdominc nigro, alis cinereis basi et apud costam subluridis.

Piceous, head silvery about the eyes ; frontalia dull black ; palpi and legs black ; antennz testaceous, reaching the epi- stoma, 3rd joint about four tiines the lengtll of the 2nd; thorax with fonr indistinct cinereous stripes ; scutelluiri tawny ; abdomen black, shining, a little broader but not longer than the thorax; wings grey, rather broad, with a lurid tinge towards thc base and along the costa; veins black, tawny towards the base ; discal transverse vein hardly undulating, or slightly curved inward, parted by much more than its length from the przbrachial, and by much less than its length from the border.

148. ARICIA INTEGRA, n. s. 320s. Testaceo-cinerea, capite albo, palpis nigris, antennis testaceis hasi uigris, thorace lineis quatuor nigriv postice obsoletis, pedibus fulvis, tarsis piccis, alis cinereis apud costam subluridis, halteribus testnceia.

Testaceous-cinereous ; head white ; frontalia deep black, widen- ing in front ; palpi black ; antennae testaceous, black a t the base, nearly reaching the epistoma, 3rd joint about four times the length of the 2nd ; thorax with four hlack lines which are obsolete hindward ; ah- doinen nearly oval, not longer than the thorax; legs tawny; tarsi piceous ; wings grey, with a slight lurid tirige towards the costa; veins black ; cliscal transverse vein curved inward towards the base, parted by ahout its length from tbe przbrachix! transverse, and by much less than its length from the border; alulze and halteres testaceous. Length of the body 3; lines ; of the wings 7 lines.

Cinerea, capite ar- genteo, palpis nigris, antennis piceis, thorace vittis quatuor nigris, abdomine maculis quatuor nigris, pedibus fulvis, alis cinereis apud costam subluridis, costa nigra.

Cinereous ; head silvery white ; palpi black; an- tennae piceous, tawny at the base, reaching the epistoma, 3rd joint about four times the length of the 2nd ; thorax with four black stripes ; abdomen nearly oval, not longer than the thorax, 2nd and 3d seg- ments with two black spots on each ; legs tawny ; tarsi black ; wings cinereous, with a lurid tinge along the costa, which is black ; veins hlack, tawny towards the base ; discal transverse vein slightly bent inward, parted by about its length from the przbrachial transverse, and by much less than its length from the border. Length of the hotly 4 lines; of the wings I; lines.

See Vol. 111. p. 107.

izlnle and Female.

Length of the body 3-4 lines ; of the wings 6-8 lines.


149. ARICIA N I G R I C O S T A , n. s. 17fUs et Fern.

XaZe and Female.

Page 45: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)

Cieii. ?~PILO(+ASTER JIacp 150. S P I L O G A S T E R X A N T I I O C E R A S , n. S. FCf!m. Alba, Capite RrgClI-

teo, palpis pedibusque uigris, antcnnis pallide testaceis basi nigris, thoracis fascia lata scutelloque nigris, thorace vitta fasciisque iloabns nigris, alis cinereis apud rostani subluridis.

White ; head silvery white ; frontalia broad, deep black ; pro- boscis, palpi, and legs black ; antennae pale testaceous, reaching the epistoma, black at, the brise, .?rtl joint about four times the length of the 2nd ; thorax with a 1)road black band ; scutellum black ; abdo- men cinereous, elongate, mitli a slender black stripe and with t\i o black bands; wings ciri'ereous, with a lurid tinge along tlie costii ; veins black, tawny towards the base ; cliscal transverse veiii bent inward towards the base, parted by hardly mare than its length from the prre- brachial transverse, and by much less than its leugtli from the bordw ; alulie white.


Length of tlic body 3+ lines ; of tlie wings 7 lines.

Gen. ANTHOX-ITIA, Xeigen. 151. Anthomyia procellaria, Walk. See Vol. 111. p. 108.

Qen. Lism, Neiyen. 152. LISPE B I M A C U L A T A , n. s. Fern. Nigra, capite atro antice nu-

rato subtus albido, pectorc pedibusque cinereis, alidomine vitta cinerea maculis dnabus subapicalibus albis, femoribus interinediis basi dilntatis, alis cinereis, halteribus testaceis.

Black; head deep black al)ovc, gilded in front, whitish on each side beneath ; pectus ant1 legs cinereous ; abdomen with :I

slender cinereoiis stripe, a d with a white spot a n each side near t h t b

tip ; knees pale; middle femora dilated at the base ; wings cinereoiis ; veins black, tawny at the base; discal transverse vein parted by less than its length from the bortler, and by about twice its length from the prsbrachial transverw ; haltcres testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings (i lines.


Gen. C'RSOSTA, Beigeti.

153. CAXNOSIA L C T E I C O H N I S , U'uZX-. (see Val. 111. p. 108). Fen). Cana, eapite aiimto, frontalibiis peilibusyue fulvis, palpis albis, an- tennis pallicle luteis, al)doniine snbtcstaceo apice can0 rnaculis quatuor nigris, alis ci~ierasccntil~~~~s, halteribns testaceis.

This is probably the fernalc of C. Itcteicornis, though the wings have no trace of an apical spot.

Fe~nak~. Hoary ; liead pak gildcd, hoary behind and beneath ; frontalia tawny, widening slightly in f~oi i t ; palpi white ; antenns pale luteous, reaching tlie epistoma, 3rtl jo in t linear, rounded :it the ti]), six times tlie length of tlie 2nd ; arista I'lumose to full half its length ; abtlo- men dull testaceous, I m r y toivartls the tip, where it is

Page 46: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


above, 3rd and 4th segnietits with a black dorsal spot on each, 4th and 5th segments wit,h a black spot on each side ; legs tawny ; tarsi piccous ; wings greyish ; veins black, testaceous at the base ; discal transverse vein pnrted by a little lcss than its length from the border, and by mnch more than its length from the prebrachial trans- verse ; a l u h pale cinereous ; halteies testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings (i lines.

154. C B N O S I A S I G N A T A , 11. s . Fern. Cinereo-fulva, capite antennis pedibus halterihusque testaceis, thoracis vittis quatuor scutclli disco abdominisque vitta nigris, nlis cinereis suLlnrirlis.

Frrnule. Cinereous-tawny ; head testaccous, white about the eyes ; antenns testaceous, not near reaching the cpistoina, 3rd joint elon- gate-couical, about twice the length of the 2nd ; arista plumosc to the tip ; thorax with four black stripes, the outer pair interrupted ; disk of thc s c n t t l l u n l bhck ; abdomen vi th a black stripe, which is inter- rnpted on the liiud border of each segment ; legs testaceous ; wings grey with a slight lurid tinge ; veins tawny, costal vein black, discal transverse vein parted by little more than half its length from the bor- der, and by about twice its leiigtli from the przbrachial transverse ; halteres testaceons. Length of the body 2% lines; of the wings 5 lines.

155. C ~ N O S I A RESFONDENS, n. 8 . Faem. Cana, capite apud oculos albo, palpis albidis, antennis halteribnsquc testaceis, thorace lineis tribns nigris, abdomine subfusiformi e macnlis nigris trivittato, pedibns nigris, femoribus apice tibiisqne fulvis, nlis cinereis, alulis albis.

Hoary ; head white about tlie eyes ; frontalia reddish ; palpi whitish ; anteunze testaceous, 3rd joint long, slcnder, nearly reach- iug the epistoma ; thorax with three black lines ; abdomen nearly fnsiform, a little longer than tlic thorax, rvit,h three black spots oil

each scgment, legs black, femora towards the tips ant1 tihie tawny ; wings grey ; discal transverse vein parted by about twice its length from the przebracliial tiansverse, and by about its length from the border ; alnlse white ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 2 ; lines; of the wings 5 liiics.


Sttbfniii. I~ELOSIYZIDES, Fo11en. Gen. XARNUTA, RislX..

156. Xarnnta leucotelus, Wulk. See Vol. I. 13. 23.

Gen. CORDPLURA, Pallen. 157. CORDYLURA BISIGNATA, n. s. Mus. Nigra, vis nitens, an-

tennis breviusculis, arista pnbesrentc, abdomine cglindrico macnlis duabus lateralibiis albis, pedibus non spinosis, alis olmnre cinereis, alulis albis.

Black, hardly shining ; head wlritc behinil, testaceons towards the epistonia ; anteiinie iiut 11ciir rc;ichiny tlie epistoma. 3rd joint


Page 47: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)

MR. WALICEIt ON 1)l l''I'IC1i.i COLLECTED AT h U K E S S A R . 143

linear, rounded at the tip, full twice the length of the secoud ; arista pubescent ; abdomen ryliiidrical, a little longer than the thoras, n it11 a white spot on each sitlc in tlie middle ; legs unarmed, moderately long; wings dark grey; veins black ; discal transverse vein straight, upright, parted by a little less than its length from the border, and by full twice its length froni the prlebrachial transverse ; alulle whitr. Length of the body 2 lilies ; of tlie wings 3+ lines.

Gen. J~FELOMYZA, AaZZeii. 158. HELOMYZA OBSEKVAKS, n. s. Mas. Fulva, antennaram arti-

culo 3" conico brevi, arista plumosa, abdomine guttis quatuor dorsx- libus nonnullisque ventralibus nigris, segmentis al'uido marginatis, alir: subcinereis.

Mak. Tawny, with a few black bristles ; antennae short, 3rd joiiit. conical, less than twice the length of the 2nd ; arista plumose ; abdo- men conical, not longer than the thorax, hind borders of the seg- ments whitish, fourth scgineut with a black dot, fifth segment with three black dots, some lilaeli dots along each side beneath ; wings greyish ; veins black, tcs taceons at the base ; tliscal transverse vein straight, upright, parted hy fidl lialf its length from the border, and by nearly twice its length from the prlebrachial transverse. Length of the body 2+ lines; of tlie wings 5 lines.

159. I I E L O M Y Z A TRIPU.V(:'I'IFEKA, n. s. &2??b. Fulva, antcnuarnni articulo 30 conico, arista I'liuiiosa, itbdomine fasciis palliclis guttaquc apicali atra, alis cinereis nntice sul)luridis.

Tawny, with hlack hristles ; head whitish about the eyes ; third joint of the antenna: conical, hardly twice the length of the 2nd ; arista plumose to the tip ; abdoincn with a pale band on the liiritl bor- der of each scgment, ant1 $1 ith a black apical dot ; wings grey, with a lurid tinge in front ; veilis hlticli ; tliscal transverse vein straight, up- right, clouded with brorvn, Irartctl by less than its Icngth from the border, and by more than twice its length from the pr~bracliial trans- verse.

160. HELOMVZA C ~ P I O S . ~ , 1 1 . s. Fern. Cinema, capite vitta testa- cea, antennis fulvis hrei imis basi nigris, arista plumosa, thorace maculis plurimis fuscis, srutello fiilvo basi nigro, abdorniiie nigro vitta et segmentorum tnargiiiibus 11osticis fulvis, tibiis fulvo cinctis, alis cinereis nigricante maciilatis.

Cinercous ; head slightly ferruginous, tyitli a dull testaceous stripe on the front, whitish about the eyes ; epistoma not prominelit; autennz tawny, black towards the base, very short, not esteritling beyoud half the length of the hcc, 3rd joint conical, much longer than the 2nd ; arista. \ ihui iosc ; thorax with three rows of varions brown spots ; scutellnni tan I I J , 1)l:ick at the base ; pcctns with brown spots ; abdomen hlnch, ovd , i i o t longer than tlie thorax, with a stripe


Length of the hotly 2 1inc.s ; of the wings 4 lines.


Page 48: Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Makessar, in Celebes, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. (continued)


iiud the hind borders of the segments tawny : legs black, short; tibiae tawny, black at the base a i d at the tips : wings grey, slightly lurid in front, with numerous partly conflucnt blackish spots ; veins black ; discal transverse vein straiglit, upright, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by about twice its length from the prabrachial transverse ; halteres tawny. Length of the body 2& lines ; of tlie wings 4 lines.

Gen. S C i o M P z A , Fh7Ipn.. 161. SCIOMYZ.4 HEPLEXA, 11. s. Fern. Picea, capite ferrugineo lituris

albis, antennis pedibus thoracisque vittis quatuor rufescentibus, ab- domine nigro fasciis rufescentibus, feniorihus nigris, tihiis nigro bifas- ciatis, alis nigrieantibus albido trifasciatis margine postico cinereo.

Female. Piceous; head with several black bristles, white about the eyes, ferruginous above, with a nhite transverse line hindward, with a partly black partly white mark on each side, and with an abbreviated whitish streak in tlie middle ; antennse reddish, piceous towards the tips, 3rd joint conical, less than twice the length of the 2nd ; arista plumose ; thorax with four reddish stripes, the outer pair incomplete ; abdomen black, with a reddish band on the fore border of each seg- nient ; legs reddish, femora black, tibiie with two black bands; wiugs blackish, with three irregular abbreviated whitish bands, cine- reous along tlie hind border; veins black ; discal transverse vein straight, upright, parted by less t,lian its length from the border, ant1 hy nearly twice its length frotn the prebrachial transverse ; halteres testaceous.

152. SCIOMYZA? L E U C O M E L A N A . n. s. Fwm. Picea, nitens, subtns alha, capite plano, antenuis rutis apice nigris, arista plurnosa, abdoniinc nigro, pedibus halteribusqne testaceis, alis nigricantibus acutis.

Piceous, shining ; head flat above, a little narrower than the thorax ; epistoma, sides of the peristoma, u ~ l e r side and disk of the pectus white ; antenwe red, reaching the epistoma, third joint elon- gate-conical, black towards the tip ; arista plumose ; scutellum large ; abdomen oval, black, hardly longer or broader than the thorax ; legs short, testaceous ; wings blackish, paler along the hind border, rather pointed at the tips ; costa very convex ; veins black, radial vein slightly curved, cubital vein aud przbrachial vein converging towards the tip ; tlisral transverse vein nearly straight and upright, parted by more than its length from the border, and by nearly twice its length from the pmbrachial transverse ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines.

Length of the body 2Q lines ; of the wings 5 lines.


Gcn. ~ I B L A D A , n. g.

Fcem. Corpus sat robusturn. Caput transvcrsum, thorace vix angus- tius. Antrane capitis latit,iiiline brevicwes ; arthillis :ius lanreolatus,