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    Bibliograhical Description

    1. III Gy 128 50-lecie zagłady Romów. Warszawa, 1994. 152 pp. 2. IV Gy 201 60 Jahre. Vergangen, verdrängt, vergessen? Herbolzheim: Stadt Herbolzheim, 2003.

    156 pp. 3. 0 650 Jahre Roma Kultur im Kosovo und ihre Vernichtung. Das Pogrom. Köln,

    [1999]. 32 pp. 4. IV Gy 167 A Pleasant Fiction. The Human Rights Situation of Roma in Macedonia. Budapest:

    European Roma Rights Center, 1998. 106 pp. (Country Reports Series № 7) 5. III Gy 167 A Special Remedy. Roma and Schools for the Mentally Handicapped in the Czech

    Republic. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1999. 138 pp. (Country Reports Series № 8).

    6. III Gy 60 A társadalom peremén. Budapest: Néprajzi Múzeum, 1989. 96 pp. 7. Äberg, Kai. “Nää laulut kato kertoo meijän elämästä”. Tutkimus romanien

    laulukultturista Itä-Suomessa 1990-luvilla. Helsinki, 2002. 256 pp. 8. Äberg, Kai. Romanilauluja Itä-Suomesta. Helsinki, 2003. 91 pp. 9. Acces egal la educaţie de calitate pentru romi. Raport de Monitorizare 2007.

    Budapest and New York: Open Society Institute, 2007. 161 pp. 10. Accesul Romlor la servicii sociale. Realităţi si tenndinţe în anul 2005. Coord. Gelu

    Duminică. Bucureşti, 2006. 84 pp. 11. III Gy 96 Achim, Viorel. The Roma in Romanian History. Budapest: CEU Press, 1998. 234

    pp. 12. III Gy 130

    Acković, Dragoljub. Istorija informisanja Roma u Jugoslaviji. Novi Sad: Društvo

    Vojvodine za jezik i književnost Roma, 1994. 180 pp. 13. III Gy 171 Acković, Dragoljub. Nacija smo, a ne Cigani. Pregled aktivnosti romskih i

    neromskih društvenih i političkih organizacija i pojedinaca o romskoj problematici u nekadašnjoj Jugoslaviji. Beograd: Rrominterpress, 2001. 245 pp.

    14. III Gy 121 Acković, Dragoljub. Oni su ubili njegove oči. Beograd: Stručna knjiga, 1997. 606 pp.

    15. IV Gy 127 Acković, Dragoljub. Roma Suffering in Jasenovac. Beograd: Stručna knjiga, 1995. 118 pp.

    16. IV Gy 279 Acković, Dragoljub. Tetkica Bibija. Proslave Bibije u ogledalu dnevne i periodične štampe u poslednjih sto godina. Beograd: Rrominterpress, 2004. 152 pp.

    17. IV Gy 18 Acković, Dragoljub. Ubili su istinu o nama. Beograd: Rrominterpress, 2001. 158 pp. 18. IV Gy 279 Acković, Vesna. Vokalna muzika Roma u Jugoslaviji. // Vocal Romas Music in

    Yugoslavia. Beograd: Rrominterpress, 1999. 225 pp. 19. III Gy 39 Acton, Thomas. (Ed.) Gypsy Politics and Traveller Identity. Hatfield: University of

    Hertfordshire Press, 1997. 174 pp. 20. III Gy 40 Acton, Thomas; Mundy, Gary. (Eds.) Romani Culture and Gypsy Identity.

    Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1997. 204 pp. 21. IV Gy 3 Acton, Thomas; Dalphinis, Morgan. (Eds.) Language, Blacks and Gypsies.

    Languages Without a Written Tradition and their Role in Education. London: Whiting & Birch, 2000. 252 pp.

  • 22. Acton, Tomas; Galland, David. Romanichal Gypsies. Hove: Wayland, 1977. 48 pp. 23. Adamová, Erika. Konverzačný lexikón rómskej gramatiky. Bratislava: Štatni

    pedagogiceský ústav, 2007. 88 pp. 24. 0 Addres Book of Roma Women Activists. Skopje: Roma Center of Skopje, 2003. 25. Advancing Education of Roma in Bulgaria. Country Assessment and the Roma

    Education Fund’s Strategic Directions. Budapest: Roma Education Fund, 70 pp. 26. Advancing Education of Roma in Hungary. Country Assessment and the Roma

    Education Fund’s Strategic Directions. Budapest: Roma Education Fund, 64 pp. 27. Advancing Education of Roma in Macedonia. Country Assessment and the Roma

    Education Fund’s Strategic Directions. Budapest: Roma Education Fund, 56 pp. 28. Advancing Education of Roma in Romania. Country Assessment and the Roma

    Education Fund’s Strategic Directions. Budapest: Roma Education Fund, 64 pp. 29. Advancing Education of Roma in Serbia. Country Assessment and the Roma

    Education Fund’s Strategic Directions. Budapest: Roma Education Fund, 54 pp. 30. Advancing Education of Roma in Slovakia. Country Assessment and the Roma

    Education Fund’s Strategic Directions. Budapest: Roma Education Fund, 66 pp. 31. Advancing Education of Roma in the Czech Republic. Country Assessment and

    the Roma Education Fund’s Strategic Directions. Budapest: Roma Education Fund, 55 pp. 32. Ajutoro o Pral. Compilat de Watson Goodman. 48 pp. 33. Akkan, Başak Ekim et al. Romanlar ve sosyal politika. Istanbul: Cem Turan Ofset,

    2007. 112 pp. 34. IV Gy 37 Aksu, Mustafa. Türkiye'de çingene olmak. Kasim: Ozan Yayincilik, 2003. 144 pp. 35. IV Gy 185 Alangu, Tahir. Çingene Hikâyeleri. Istanbul: Nil yayinevi, 1972. 330 pp. 36. III Gy 6 Alfaro, Antonio Gómes. Die große Razzia gegen die Gitanos. Berlin: Parabolis,

    1998. 124 pp. (Interface Collection: 2) 37. III Gy 172 Alpha 97. Basic Education & Institutional Environments. Ed. Jean-Paul Hautecoeur.

    Toronto: Culture Concepts Publishers & Institut de l’UNESCO pour l’Education, 1997. 372 pp.

    38. III Gy 113 Ali, Leman et al. Vakărimata - pustik vaś i jekhto klàsa. Bucureşti: Editura didactică şi pedagogică, R.A., 2005. 184 pp.

    39. IV Gy 134 Alpman, Nazim. Çingeneler: "Başka dünyanin insanlari". Kasim: Ozan Yayincilik, 1997. 200 pp.

    40. Alpman, Nazim; Acton, Tomas; Marsh, Adrian; Ingirlioglu, Emine Onaran. “Roman” Olmak. [Edirne]: EDROM, [2007]. 20 pp.

    41. II Gy 9 Amadei, Maura et al. An Omnibus for the Rom. Roma: Il Ventaglio, 1994. 340 pp. 42. III Gy 185 Ambulance not on the way. The Disgrace of Health Care for Roma in Europe.

    Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 2006. 89 pp. 43. P Gy 14 Ame - Ola. Cikno etnopolitikano alavari. Автори: Валерий Русанов и др. Прев.

    Димитър Илиев. София: Фондация АКСЕС, 2002. 98 pp. 44. IV Gy 93

    Angelova, Kamelia. (Ed.) Roma Shadow Report. On implementation of the FCNM.

    Protection of National Minorities in Bulgaria: The Case of Roma. Sofia: Romani baht Foundation and Human Rights Project, 2003. 46 pp.

    45. Annual Report 2004. Fundacion Secretariado Gitano. Madrid, 2005. 102 pp. 46. Annual Report 2005. Fundacion Secretariado Gitano. Madrid, 2006. 116 pp.

  • 47. II Gy 73 Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Interetnice. // Ежегодник Института межэтнических исследованиий. Vol. 3. Chisineu: Chisineu: Inst. de Relaţii Interetnice - Аcad. de Şt. A Moldovei, 196 pp.

    48. II Gy 73

    Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Interetnice. // Ежегодник Института межэтнических исследованиий. Vol. 4. Chisineu: Inst. de Relaţii Interetnice - Аcad. de Şt. a Moldovei, 2005. 228 pp.

    49. II Gy 73

    Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Interetnice. // Ежегодник Института межэтнических исследованиий. Vol. 5. Chisineu: Inst. de Relaţii Interetnice - Аcad. de Şt. a Moldovei, 2005. 176 pp.

    50. II Gy 73

    Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Interetnice. // Ежегодник Института межэтнических исследованиий. Vol. 6. Chisineu: Inst. de Relaţii Interetnice - Аcad. de Şt. a Moldovei, 2006. 190 pp.

    51. Antić, Petar. Povrede prava Roma u Srbiji. Beograd: Centar za Prava manina, 2001. 66 pp. // Antić, Petar. Abuses of Roma Rights in Serbia. Belgrade: Minority Rights Center, 2001. 69 pp.

    52. Armut und Ausgrenzung in Europa – am Beispiel Roma. Stuttgart: Theodor Heuss Press, 2006. 64 pp.

    53. At Risk: Roma and the Displaced in Southeastern Europe. Bratislava: UNDP, 2006. 132 pp. // Pe risko: E Roma thai e Hasardine/dislocrime ande Teluni thaj Chachune rigeskiri Europa. Bratislava: UNDP, 2006. 39 pp.

    54. IV Gy 245

    Auzias, Claire. Les Tsiganes ou le destin sauvage des Roms de l'Est. Paris: Éditions Michalon, 1995. 130 pp.

    55. IV Gy 83

    Av shamisti. Khizimi il mashkaramindipintsa i rromani manushwn katar u zis Sliven ti turyal listi. Sofia: Fondatsiya Andral, 2002. 80 pp.

    56. IV Gy 225

    Avila, Demetrio et al. Rapport du Stage International de Formation pour animateurs et animatrices de Jeunesse Roms/Tsiganes. Strasbourg: Conseil de l'Europe, 1999. 70 pp.

    57. III Gy 144

    Bakker, Peter; Matras, Yaron. Bibliography of Modern Romani Linguistics. Including a Guide to Romani Linguistics. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2003. 366 pp.

    58. III Gy 35 Bakker, Peter; Kyuchukov, Hristo. (Eds.) What is the Romani Language? Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2000. 140 pp. (Interface Collection: 21)

    59. Balazs, Matjenyi; Balazs, Vizi. A Minority in Europe. Selected International Documents Regarding the Roma. Budapest: Gondolat, 2007. 241 pp.

    60. IV Gy 164 Balvín, Jaroslav et al. Romové a etika multikulturní výchovy. 13. setkání Hnutí R v Brně a Rudňanech 6-8. května 1999. Praha: Hnutí R, 1999. 200 pp.

    61. IV Gy 164

    Balvín, Jaroslav et al. Romové a jejich učitelé. 12. setkání Hnutí R v Květušíně. 27-28. listopadu 1998. Praha: Hnutí R, 1999. 144 pp.

    62. Bancroft, Angus. Roma and Gypsy-Travellers in Europe. Modernity, Race, Space and Exclusion. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005. 198 pp.

    63. IV Gy 174 Banga, Dezider. Lyrika. Bratislava: Mikromex, 1992. 228 pp. 64. III Gy 80

    Barany, Zoltan. The East European Gypsies: Regime Change, Marginality, and

    Ethnopolitics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. 408 pp. 65. IV Gy 159 Bari, Károly. A Tizenket kiralyfi. Cigany nepmesek. Budapest: Romano Kher, 1996.

    200 pp. 66. IV Gy 226 Bari, Károly. Le vēšeski dēj. Budapest: Országos Közmúvelódési Központ, 1990.

    506 pp.

  • 67. IVа Gy 3

    Bari, Károly. Gypsy Folklore. CD I-X. Hungary & Romania. Budapest: OSI, 1999. 350 pp.

    68. Bartosz, Adam. Amen Roma. // Jame Roma. // My romowie. Tarnów: Muzeum Okręgowego w Tarnowie, 2008. 46 pp.

    69. IV Gy 96 Bartosz, Adam. Cyganie. Historia i kultura. Tarnów: Kulturalne Stowarzyszenie Romów, 1993. 20 pp.

    70. Bartosz, Adam. Cyganie. Rroma. Gypsies. Tarnów: Muzeum Etnograficzne, 1998. 61 pp.

    71. Bartosz, Adam. Katalog zbiorów cyganologicznych Muzeum Okręgowego w Tarnowie. // Catalogue of the Romani Colections at the District Muzeum in Tarnow. Tarnów: Muzeum Okręgowego w Tarnowie, 1998. 103 pp.

    72. IV Gy 117

    Bartosz, Adam. Neboj sa Cigána. // Na dara Romestar. Sobrance: Romani vodzi, 2004. 252 pp.

    73. III Gy 65 Bartosz, Adam. Nie bój się Cygana. Sejny: Pogranicze, 1994. 206 pp. 74. III Gy 118 Bašić, Goran. (Ed.) Demokratija i multikulturalnost u jugostičnoj Evropi. //

    Democracy and Multiculturalism in South East Europe. Beograd: Centar Etnicity Research Centar, 2003. 472 pp. (Biblioteka Etnos)

    75. Băţălan, Costică. Rromane taxtaja. Nestemate din folclorul Rromilor. Bucuresti & Cluj: Kriterion, 2002. 220 pp.

    76. IV Gy 186

    Beiträge zur Antiziganismusforschung. Band 1. Aufklärung und Antiziganismus. Seeheim, 2005. 158 pp.

    77. IV Gy 186 Beiträge zur Antiziganismusforschung. Band 2. Antiziganismus heute. Seeheim, 2005. 158 pp.

    78. IV Gy 186

    Beiträge zur Antiziganismusforschung. Band 3. Diebstahl im Blick. Seeheim, 2005. 200 pp.

    79. II Gy 86 Belišová, Jana. Hoj na nej na. Phurikane gil’a. Tanečné rómske piesne. Bratislava: Žudro, 2006. 201 pp.

    80. II Gy 54 Belišová, Jana. Phurikane gil'a. Starodávne Rómske piesne. Zborník piesní. Bratislava: OSI, 2002. 120 pp.

    81. II Gy 53 Belišová, Jana. Phurikane gil'a. Starodávne Rómske piesne. Bratislava: OSI, 2002. 148 pp.

    82. Belišová, Jana. Phurikane gil'a. Ancient Roma songs. Bratislava: Žudro Civic Association, 2005. 156 pp.

    83. IVа Gy 2

    Benfante, Filippo. Il paese dei campi. La segregazione razziale dei Rom in Italia. Napoli: Carta, 2000. 110 pp.

    84. Bercovici, Konrad. The Story of the Gypsies. (History of the Romany). London & Toronto: Jonathan Cape, 1930. 320 pp.

    85. Bercovici, Konrad. The Gypsies in Romania. [separate] 86. Berki Mrenica, Ján; Botoșová, Anina. Rómske piesme a múdre slová. Bratislava:

    Komprint, 2006. 88 pp. 87. III Gy 186 Bernal, Jorge. Le paramiche le trayoske: los cuentos de la vida: selección de cuentos

    Gitanos. Buenos Aires: Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 2005. 148 pp. 88. П IV Gy 59 Bernáth, Gabor. (Ed.) Roma Holocaust. Tulеlоk emlеkeznek. Budapest, 2001. 148

    pp. (Roma Sajtóközpont Könyvek: 2) 89. П IV Gy 59 Bernáth, Gabor. (Ed.) Zor-sila najaripe mashkar e Roma (1940-1985). //

  • Kényszermosdatások a cigánytelepeken. // Forced bathings in Romani settlements. Budapest: Roma Sajtóközpont, 2002. 146 pp. (Roma Sajtóközpont Könyvek: 3)

    90. II Gy 120

    Bewegliche Horizonte. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Bernhard Streck. Hrsg. Geisenhainer, K. & Lange, K. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2005. 610 pp.

    91. III Gy 104

    Beyond, Camps and Forced Labour. Current International Research on Survivors of Nazi Persecution. Proceedings of the International Conference. London, 29-31 January 2003. Eds. Steinert, J.-D. & Weber-Newth, I. Osnabrück, 2005, CD. 102 pp.

    92. 0 Bibliografie Romistické Literatury. Olomouc, 1994. 148 pp. 93. II Gy 7

    Blaschke, Jochen. The Roma. A Transnational European population. Berlin:

    Parabolis, 2004. 64 pp. 94. Bloch, Jules. Les Tsiganes. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1969. 128 pp. 95. Bobu, Nicolae. Carte despre rromi. Cutimă justițiară – judecata de pace a rromilor.

    Tg-Giu: Gorjeanul, 2000. 153 pp. 96. IV Gy 233 Bódi, Zsuzsanna. A magyarországi cigányság kultúrája. Válogatott bibliográfia.

    Budapest, 2002. 236 pp. 97. II Gy 71 Bódi, Zsuzsanna. Magyarorzági cigány mesterségek: Budapest: Cigány

    Népművészek Országos Egyesülete,2001. 32 pp. 98. II Gy 69

    Boretzky, Norbert. Die Vlach-Dialekte des Romani. Strukturen – Sprachgeschichte

    – Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse – Dialektkarten. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2003. 256 pp.

    99. Boretzky, Norbert. Romani. Grammatik des Kalderaš-Dialekts mit Texten und Glossar. In Kommission bei Otto Harrassowitz. Wiesbaden, 1994. 305 pp.

    100. II Gy 68 Boretzky, Norbert; Igla, Birgit. Kommentierter Dialektatlas des Romani. Teil. 1. Vergleich der Dialekte. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2004. 344 pp. Teil. 2. Dialektkarten mit einer CD Rom. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2004. 372 pp.

    101. Borrow, George. The Zincali. An Account of the Gypsies of Spain. Honolulu: University Press of the Pacific, 2002. 433 pp.

    102. IV Gy 100

    Botev, Hristo. Poeziya. Transl. Savcho Savchev. Sofiya: Fondatsiya Andral, 2003. 40 pp.

    103. Botey, Francesc. Une culture folk parmi nous. Le people Gitan. Toulouse: Privat, 1971. 148 pp.

    104. Breaking the Cycle of Exclusion. Roma Children in South East Europe. Belgrade: UNICEF, 2007. 82 pp.

    105. IV Gy 14

    Brizani, Imer Traja. Otroci, zapojte z nami! // Ćhavalen, gilaven amencar! Ljubljana: Studio Print, 2005. 96 pp.

    106. Broadering the Agenda. The Status of Romani Women in Romania. New York: Open Society Institute, 2006. 88 pp.

    107. Buckler, Sarah. Fire in the Dark. Telling Gypsiness in North East England. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2007. 234 pp.

    108. Budai-Deleanu, Ioan. Țiganiada. Bucureşti: STEFAN, 2003. 351 pp. 109. III Gy 119 Burszta, Wojciech; Kamusella, Tomasz; Wojciechowski, Sebastian. (Eds.)

    Nationalisms. Across the Globe. An overview of the nationalism of state-endowed and stateless nations. Vol. 1. Europe. Poznań: School of Humanities and Journalism, 2005. 502 pp.

    110. Cace, Sorin; Cantarji, Vasile; Sali, Nicolae; Alla, Marin. Roma in the Republic of

  • Moldova. Chisinau: UNDP Moldova, 2007. 118 pp. 111. Cahn, Claude. (Ed.) Roma Rights: Race, Justice, and Strategies for Equality. New

    York: International Debate Education Ass., 2002. 275 pp. 112. Chalenges of the Roma Decade 2005 - 2015. Annual Reports for 2006 and Calendar

    of Events for 2007. Belgrade: Agency for Human and Minority Rights & Roma National Strategy Secretariat, 2007. 210 pp.

    113. IV Gy 39

    Campani, Giovanna; Lapov, Zoran (Eds.) Dinamiche identitarie. Multilinguismo ed educazione interculturale. Torino: L'Harmattan Italia, 2001. 262 pp.

    114. IV Gy 167

    Campland. Racial Segregation of Roma in Italy. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 2000. 114 pp. (Country Reports Series № 9)

    115. IV Gy 250

    Cangár, Ján. Ľudia z rodiny Rómov. // Manuša andar e familia Roma. Nové Zámky: Crocus, 2003. 240 pp.

    116. Cerepovicschi, Leonid. Ghilea ai chălibă romani. Chisinau: Pontos, 2002. 69 pp. 117. IV Gy 213 Cherata, Lucian. Devlikano Lil anda Rrom. Craiova: Arves, 2004. 414 pp. 118. Czech Republic: Improving Employment Chances of the Roma. Document of the

    World Bank. Praha: Government of the Czech Republic, 2008. 100 pp. 119. III Gy 125

    Children of Bulgaria. Police Violence and Arbitrary Confinement. New York:

    Human Rights Watch, 1996. 146 pp. 120. III Gy 134 Cioabă, Luminiţa Mihai. O Čem o Hasardo. // Ţara perduta. // The Lost Country. //

    Das Verlorene Land. Sibiu: Editura Etape, 2002. 386 pp. 121. Cioabă, Luminiţa Mihai. Poems. Deva: Călăuza, 2006, 80 pp. 122. Cioabă, Luminiţa Mihai. Poemurea dă arateara da arateara thai ades. // Poezii de

    ieri şi de azi. // Gedichte von gestern und heute. // Poems of yesterday and today. Sibiu: Neodrom, 2007, 236 pp.

    123. Cioabă, Luminiţa Mihai. Romane Asva. // Lacrimi Rome. Bucureşti: Ro Media, 2006, 276 pp.

    124. Cioabă, Violeta. Vraja ochilor. Sibiu: Neodrom, 2007, 139 pp. 125. Comunităţile de Romi din România. O hartă a sărăciei comunitare prin sondjul

    PROROMI. Bucureşti: Banca Mondiale, 2005. 78 pp. 126. Conference Reader. Roma and the Economy. Bratislava, 2006. 52 pp. 127. Confronting a Hidden Disease. TB in Roma Communities. A Researsh Report. New

    York: Open Society Institute, 2007. 43 pp, 128. III Gy 134 Congres Europeu de la Joventut Gitana. Barcelona: Union Romani, 1997. 112 pp. 129. III Gy143

    Constantinescu, Barbu. Probe de limba şi literature ţiganilor din Romănia. Romane

    Gilea. Paramíce Romané. // Specimens from the Language and the Literature of the Gypsies in Romania. Romane Gilea. Paramíce Romané. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Limes, 2005. 156 pp.

    130. Copoiu, Petre. Rromane paramíća. // Poveşti ţigănesti. Bucureşti: Kriterion, 1996. 146 pp.

    131. Cordovan Ionel; Palfi-Tamaş, Noemi. Limba şi literatura rromani pentru pentru anul VII de studiu. I rromani ćhib thaj i literatùra vaś I siklŏvipnasqo berś. Bucureşti: Vanemonde, 2008. 102 pp.

    132. III Gy 61

    Cortiade, Marcel. Dialektologikano pućhipnasqo lil vaś-i klasifikàcia e rromane ćhibăqe. // Dialectological Inquiry for a Classification of the Dialects of the Romani Language. // Enquette dialectologique puor une classification des parlers de la langue

  • romani. Besièrs: Agéncia Occitana de comunicacion, 1992. 94 pp. 133. IV Gy 147 Crowe, David M. A History of the Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia. New

    York: St. Martin's Griffin, 1996. 318 pp. 134. IV Gy 40 Cultural Policy and Cultural Diversity. Serbia. // Kulturna politika i kulturna

    raznovrsnost. Srbija. Belgrade: Center for Study in Cultural Development, 2004. 92 pp. 135. IV Gy 10

    Cunningham, Kathleen E. A Moving Way of Life: Poems. [S. l.]: Cambridgeshire

    Team for Traveller Education, 1997. 44 pp. 136. IV Gy 272 Cvetković, Vladimir. Sa margina. Romi i zanimanja. // Tare agora. E Roma thaj e

    bućaripa. // From the Margins. Roma and vocation. Niš: Punta, 2003. 296 pp. 137. IV Gy 58

    Čvorović, Jelena. Gypsy Narratives. From Poverty to Culture. Beograd: Srpska

    akademija nauka i umetnosti, 2004. 178 pp. (Posebna izdanja. Etnografski institut SANU, Vol. 51)

    138. Cyganie – Romowie. Zapominiane obrazy. Fotografie Janusz Helfer. Warszawa: DiG & Stowarzyszenie Romów w Polsce, 2005. 174 pp.

    139. Danbakli, Marielle. Roma, Gypsies: Texts issued by International Institutions. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2001. 274 pp. (Interface Collection: 5, II ed. )

    140. IV Gy 218

    Darmstadt. Auschwitz. Die Verfolgung der Sinti in Darmstadt. Frankfurt am Main, 1995. 118 pp.

    141. Ал. II 1780 Gy 3

    Davidová, Eva. Romano drom - cesty Romů. 1945-1990. Změny v postavení a způsobu života Romů v Čechách, na Moravě a na Slovensku. Olomouc: Univ. Palackého, 2000. 244 pp.

    142. III Gy 99

    Davidová, Eva; Žižka, Jan. A letelepedett ciganysag nepzeneje Csehszlovakiaban. // Folk Music of the Sedentary Gypsies of Czechoslovakia. Budapest: Madyar Tudomanyos Akademia Zenetudomanyi Intezet, 1991. 208 pp.

    143. III Gy 167 Davis, Barbara. (Ed.) Rromanipe(n): O kulturnom identitetu Roma. Beograd: Care International, 2005. 200 pp.

    144. Dekada inkluzije Roma (2005 – 2015). Akcioni planovi za unapredivanje polozaj Roma u Srbiji. Beograd: Liga za Dekadu Roma, 2007. 42 pp.

    145. Dekada Roma. Informator Centra za prava manjina. // Decade of Roma. Information Booklet of Minority Rights Center. Beograd, 2005. 80 pp.

    146. Demeter, Emil. Will There Be Another Day? Prague: Institute of Ethnology, 2006. 37 pp.

    147. IV Gy 188 Demeter, Gejza. O mule maškar amende. Praha: Romani čhib, 1992. 16 pp. 148. IV Gy 171 Demetrová, Helena. Rom k Romovi cestu najde. Praha: Romani čhib, 1994. 56 pp. 149. II Gy 51 Denied a Future? The Right to Education of Roma/Gypsy & Traveller Children in

    Europe. Vol. 1. South-Eastern Europe. London: Save the Children, 2001. 150. II Gy 51 Denied a Future? The Right to Education of Roma/Gypsy & Traveller Children in

    Europe. Vol. 2. Western & Central Europe. London: Save the Children, 2001. 151. II Gy 51

    Denied a Future? The Right to Education of Roma/Gypsy & Traveller Children in

    Europe. Vol. [3]. International legislation handbook. London: Save the Children, 2001. 152. II Gy 51 Denied a Future? The Right to Education of Roma/Gypsy & Traveller Children in

    Europe. Vol. [4]. Summary. London: Save the Children, 2001. 153. IV Gy 44

    Der Rom und der Teufel. Märchen, Erzählungen und Lieder der Roma aus dem

    Burgenland. // O rom taj o beng. Romane pamaristscha, phukajiptscha taj gila andar o Burgenland. Hrsg. Halwachs, D. W.; Gärtner-Horvath, E.; Wogg, M. Klagenfurt: Drava, 2000. 256 pp.

  • 154. III Gy 139 Despre învăţătură / UNICEF. Bucureşti; Speed Promotion, 2005. 20 pp. 155. IV Gy 143

    Die schlaue Romni. Märchen und Lieder der Roma. // E Bengali Romni. So Roma

    phenen taj gilaben. Hrsg. Fennesz-Juhasz, Christine; Petra Cech; Dieter W. Halwachs; Mozes F. Heinschink. Klagenfurt: Drava Verlag, 2003. 352 pp.

    156. III Gy 135 Dimitrijevič, Nenad (Ed.) Managing Multiethnic Local Communities in the Countries of the Former Yugoslavia. [Budapest]: Local Government and Public Service Initiative, 2000. 468 pp.

    157. IV Gy 301 Dino, Luan. Egjiptianët e Shqiperësë. Studium historik dhe shoqëror. Tiranë: ERI, 2004. 187 pp.

    158. III Gy 124

    Diversity in Action. Local Public Managmant of Multi-ethnic Communities in Central and Eastern Europe. Budapest: OSI, 2001. 390 pp.

    159. IV Gy 167

    Divide and Deport. Roma & Sinti in Austria. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1996. 62 pp. (Country Reports Series № 1)

    160. IV Gy 249 Djurić, Rajko. Die Literatur der Roma und Sinti. Berlin: Parabolis, 2002. 208 pp. 161. IV Gy 203 Djurić, Rajko. Istoria literaturii rrome. Bucureşti: Credis, 2002. 180 pp. 162. Djurić, Rajko. Istorija Roma (pre I posle Aušvica). Beograd: Politika, 2006. 361 pp. 163. III Gy 108 Đurić, Rajko. Gramatika e rromane čhibaki. // Граматика ромског jезика. Beograd:

    Откровење, 2005. 366 pp. 164. Djurić, Rajko; Demir, Lătif M. Tikni historija e Romengiri. // Кратка историjа на

    ромите. Skopje: RKES Darhia, 2002. 206 pp. 165. IV Gy 36 Doncsev, Toso. (Ed.) Measures taken by the State to Promote the Social Integration

    of Roma living in Hungary. // Disposition étatiques en vue de favoriser l'intégration sociale des Tsiganes de Hongrie. Budapest: Office for National and Ethnic Minorities, 2000. 72 pp.

    166. III 4288 Gy 5

    Đorđević, Dragoljub. (Ed.) Roma Religious Culture. Niš: Yugoslav Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2003. 192 pp.

    167. IV Gy 271 Ðorđević, Dragoljub. Romi: od zaboravljene do manjine u usponu. Niš: Odbor za građansku inicijativu, 2004. 203 pp.

    168. III Gy 92 Đorđević, Dragoljub. (Ed.) Romska anketa. Iskustva, izveštaji, preporuke. Niš: Komrenski sociološki susreti, 2001. 54 pp.

    169. III Gy 166 Ðorđević, Dragoljub et al. Romas and Others - Others and Romas. Sofia: Institute for Social Values and Structures, 2004. 129 pp.

    170. III Gy 157 Ðorđević, Dragoljub, Filipović, Mirijana. Sociologija romskog identiteta. Dva izborna kursa. // Sociology of Roma Identity. Two optional courses. // Sociologija taro romano identiteti: dui elekcijake kursija. Niš: Komrenski sociološki susreti, 2002. 387 pp.

    171. IV Gy 273 Ðorđević, Dragoljub; Živković, Jovan. Romi na raskršću. Niš: Punta, 2002. 242 pp. 172. 0 Drosu, Ekaterina. (Ed.) Etnia Roma din Republica Moldova. // The Roma minority

    of the Republic of Moldova. Chişinău: As. Juvlia Romani, 2002. 173. E Konvencija andar eliminacija katar sa e oblika e diskriminacijake opromos e

    džuvlja: E Iskustva thaj o praktikano keripe. // Konvencija o eliminaciji svih oblika diskriminacije prema ženama: Iskustva i praktična primena. Priredile Slavica Vasić, Ðurđica Zorić. Beograd: Bibija, 2005. 123 pp.

    174. Education of Roma children in Europe. Texts and activities of the Council of Europe concerning education. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2006. 121 pp.

    175. III Gy 136 Education of Roma/Gypsy children in Europe. Training Modules for Teachers in the History, Culture and Language of the Roma. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2003. 42

  • pp. 176. Educational and Vocational Training Programmes for Roma in Bulgaria.

    Recommendation Brochure. Berlin: Parabolis, 2006. 49 pp. 177. IV Gy 244 Edukácia Rómskych detí v Európskom kontexte. Bratislava: Comenius, 2002. 286

    pp. 178. Ein Strich durchs Vergessen. Berlin, 1996. 51 pp. 179. Engebrigtsen, Ada I. Exploring Gypsinnes. Power, Exchange and Interdependence

    in a Transylvanian Vilage. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2007. 217 pp. 180. Equal Acces to Quality Education for Roma. Volume 1. Monitoring Reports. 2007.

    Bulgaria. Hungary. Romania. Serbia. Budapest / New York: Open Society Institute, 2007. 618 pp.

    181. Equality for Roma in Europe. A Roadmap for Action. Prepared by Lanna Hollo, with contribution of Sheila Quinn. Budapest / New York: Open Society Institute, 2006. 88 pp.

    182. III Gy 38 Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe. A Selected and Annotated Bibliography. Edited by Margit Feischmidt. Budapest: Local Government and Public Service Initiative, 2001. 256 pp.

    183. III Gy 77 Ethnobarometer. Working Paper Series. 8. Roma’s Identities in Southeastern Europe: Bulgaria. Rome: Ethnobarometer International Research Network on Interethnic Politics and Migration, 2003.

    184. III Gy 77 Ethnobarometer. Working Paper Series. 9. Roma’s Identities in Southeastern Europe: Macedonia. Rome: Ethnobarometer International Research Network on Interethnic Politics and Migration, 2005.

    185. III Gy 26 EU Accession Monitoring Program. Monitoring the EU Accession Process: Minority Protection. Vol. 1. An Assessment of Selected Policies in Candidate States. Budapest: Open Society Institute, EU Accession Monitoring Program, 2002. 634 pp.

    186. III Gy 26 EU Accession Monitoring Program. Monitoring the EU Accession Process: Minority Protection. Vol. 2. Case Studies in Selected Member States. Budapest: Open Society Institute, EU Accession Monitoring Program, 447 pp.

    187. III Gy 173 Europäische Roma. // Roma in Europa. Berlin: Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge, 2006. 161 pp.

    188. II Gy 70 Europäisches Festival der Musik der Roma und Sinti. Berlin 2003. Amen avas kethane... // Wir kommen zusammen... Europäisches Festival der Musik der Roma und Sinti, 22. Mai bis 25. Mai 2003. Programm. Berlin: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 2003. 84 pp.

    189. III Gy 153 Evaluarea programelor pentru comunităţile de Romi din România. Coord. Sorin Cace, Gelu Duminică, Marian Preda. Bucureşti, 2006. 96 pp.

    190. Evaluation Report for the Implementation of PHARE BG 0104.01 “Roma Population Integration”. Sofia: Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance “Amalipe”, 2006. 96 pp.

    191. Evangelia Matejostyr. Baltyko Romani Čhib. Translated by V. Kalinin. 1999. 83 pp. 192. II Gy 32 Experiencias y trayectorias de еxito escolar de Gitanas y Gitanos en Espana.

    Encrucijadas sobre educacion, genero y cambio cultural. Ed. Jose Eugenio Abajo y Silvia Carrasco. Madrid: Instituto de la mujer. 222 pp.

  • 193. Eyice, Semavi et al. (Eds.) Bir Çingene Yolculuğu. Istanbul: Fatih Belediye Başkanlığı, 2008. 180 pp.

    194. IV Gy 215 Fabianová, Tera. Jak jsem chodila do školy. České Budějovice: Nakladatelství a vydavatelství UDO, 1992. 24 pp.

    195. IV Gy 200 Fabianová, Tera; Hübschmannová, Milena. Čavargoš tulák. Praha: Apeiron, 1991. 196. II Gy 8 Faces of Poverty, Faces of Hope. Bratislava: UNDP, 2005. 86 pp. 197. Farhi, Moris. Children of the Rainbow. London: Saqi Books, 1999. 389 pp. 198. II Gy 42 Fenyes, Csaba; McDonald, Christina; Mеszаros, Anita. (Eds.) The Roma

    education. Resource book. Vol. 1. Budapest: OSI, 2001. 199. IV Gy 243 Ferková, Ilona. Čorde čhave. Společenství Romů na Moravě. 96 pp. 200. IV Gy 189 Ferková, Ilona. Mosarda peske o dživipen. Praha: Romani čhib, 1992. 201. III Gy 28 Fernández Jimenez, Diego Luis. Jeunes Roms, Tsiganes et Voyageurs en Europe.

    Rapport du stage de formation pour animateurs et dirigeants de jeunesse minoritaire "Situation et perspectives des jeuness minoritaire "Situation et perspectives des jeunes Roms, Tsiganes et Voyageurs en Europe"". Strasbourg: Centre Européen de la jeunesse, 1996. 96 pp.

    202. III Gy 75 Fernández Jiménez, Diego Luis. Situación y perspectivas de la juventud Gitana en Europa. Barcelona: Instituto Romano de Servicios sociales y culturales, [1995]. 144 pp.

    203. Ficowski, Jerzy. Cyganie na polskich drogach. Krakow - Wroclaw: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1985. 426 pp.

    204. Florin, Kyösti. TuRom. Successful Mutual Integration. Guidebook. Jyvaskyilä, 2007. 38 pp.

    205. III Gy 174 Fonseca, Isabel. Bury me Standing. The Gypsies and Their Journey. New York: Knopf, 1995. 322 pp.

    206. III Gy 79 Fraser, Angus. The Gypsies. Oxford UK & Cambridge USA: Blackwell Publishers, 1995. 362 pp.

    207. III Gy 133 Fundamentos del pensamiento Gitano hoy. Ponencia aprobada por el Comite Nacional de la Union Romani. Sevilla, Novembre de 1994. Barcelona: Union Romani, 1994. 38 pp.

    208. Gabal, Ivan; Čada, Karel; Snopek, Jan. Klič k posielni integračni politiky obci. Socialni vyloučeni Romu a Česka společnost. Praha: Otevrena společnost, 2008. 56 pp.

    209. Ganeva, Zornitza. El dessarrollo de la identitad nacional y étnica en niños y adolescentes búlgaros: autocategorización, identificatión y esteriotipos. San Sebastian, 2008. 327 pp. [Ph.D. Dissertation]

    210. Gașparová, Eva. Metodická príručka k Učebnici rómskeho jazyka. Bratislava: Štatni pedagogiceský ústav, 2007. 96 pp.

    211. Gașparová, Eva; Koptová, Anna; Lukačová, Ingrid. Romaňi čhib. Učebnica rómskeho jazyka. // Angluňi gend’i perdal o maškarutne školi. Severocentralno dialektos. Košice: Štatni pedagogiceský ústav, 2007. 128 pp.

    212. IV Gy 131 Gay y Blasco, Paloma. Gypsies in Madrid. Sex, Gender and the Performance of Identity. Oxford: Berg, 1999. 198 pp.

    213. II Gy 31 Gillsater, Clare et al. (Ed.) Roma in an Expanding Europe. Challenge for the Future. A Summary of Policy Discussions and Conference Proceedings (june 30 - july 1, 2003, Budapest). Washington: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 2004. 104 pp.

  • 214. III Gy 147 Gilsenbach, Reimar. Von Tschudemann zu Seemann. Zwei Prozesse aus der Geschichte deutscher Sinti. Berlin: Parabolis, 2000. 188 pp. (Interface Collection: 18)

    215. Gilsenbach, Reimar. Weltchronik der Zigeuner. Teil 1: Von den Anfängen bis 1599. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1997. 332 pp. (Studien zur Tsiganologie und Folkloristik: 10)

    216. Gilsenbach, Reimar. Weltchronik der Zigeuner. Teil 4: Von 1930 bis 1960. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1998. 369 pp. (Studien zur Tsiganologie und Folkloristik: 24)

    217. II Gy 60 Gina, Anton; Koreck, Maria; Kővari, Roberta Szabó. Ghid de eduţcaţie civică: Material didactic auxiliary pentru clasele cu elevi romi (III-VII). Beatrice hellen Almăţan. Cluj-Napoca: Editura AMM, 2004. 84 pp.

    218. Gjorgjevic, Tihomir D. Die Zigeuner in Serbien. II Teil. – In: Mittellungen in Zigeunerkunde. Organ der Gesellschaft für Zigeunerforshung. II Band. Budapest, 1906.

    219. Good practice guide for the social inclusion of Roma in Europe. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Department de Governació I Administracions Publiques, Secretaria d'Acció Ciutadana, 2008. 382 pp.

    220. IV Gy 236 Grevemeyer, Jan-Heeren. Geschichte als Utopie. Die Roma Bulgariens. Berlin: Parabolis, 1998. 274 pp.

    221. Grigore, Delia; Petcuţ, Petre; Sandu, Mariana. Istoria şi tradiţile minorităţii rromani. Manual pentru clasele a VI-a si a VII-a. Bucureşti: Sigma, 2005. 104 pp.

    222. III Gy 83 Grigorova, Evelina; Draganova, Desislava. (Eds.) Dialects and Languages of the Bulgarian Roma with Special Focus on Prosody and Intonation. Sofia: ETO, 2004. 130 pp.

    223. IV Gy 193 Grim, Jakob. I Praxali čhaj. Skopje: Romano ilo, 2000. 8 pp. 224. IV Gy 192 Grim, Jakob. O Ramče thaj i Esma. Skopje: Romano ilo, 2000. 22 pp. 225. III Gy 89 Guy, Will. (Ed.) Between Past and Future. The Roma of Central and Eastern Europe.

    Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2001. 430 pp. 226. Gypsy Architecture. Houses of the Roma in Eastern Europe. Texts Renata Calzi,

    Patricio Corno. Fotographs Carlo Gianferro. Stuttgard/London: Ed. Axel Menges, 2007. 160 pp.

    227. IV Gy 91 Haliti, Bajram. Badalesi angrustin. // Небески прстен. Beograd: Stručna kniga, 2000. 148 pp.

    228. Haliti, Bajram. Dukhavni upral o hramo merimasko e kosmetese rromendje. // Tugovanka nad hramom smrti kosmetskim romima. // A Lament over the Temple of Death for Romanys of Kosovo. Beograd: Caligraph, 2006. 139 pp.

    229. Haliti, Bajram. E Roma anglal e mudarimasko duvari e Aušvicosko. // Romi pred zidom smrti u Aušvica. Zemun: Biograf, 2003. 232 pp.

    230. Haliti, Bajram. Razmisljanja o romskom pitanju. Beograd: Nolit, 2006. 476 pp. 231. Haliti, Bajram. Romski sa izgovorom. Beograd: Nolit, 2007. 84 pp. 232. IV Gy 198 Haluška, Vladislav. O Božím Sidorkovi. Praha: Signeta, 2003. 90 pp. 233. IV Gy 17 Halwachs, Dieter W. Amaro vakeripe Roman hi. // Unsere Sprache ist Roman.

    Texte, Glossar und Grammatik der burgenländischen Romani-Variante. Klagenfurt: Drava, 1998. 240 pp.

    234. Halwachs, Dieter W.; Menz, Florian. (Hg.) Die Sprache der Roma. Perspektiven der Romani-Forschung in Österreich im interdisziplinären und internatyionalen Kontext. Klagenfurt: Drava, 1999. 392 pp.

  • 235. III Gy 52 Halwachs, Dieter W.; Schrammel, Barbara; Ambrosch, Gerd. General and Applied Romani Linguistics. Proceedings from the 6th International Conference on Romani Linguistics. Graz, Austria, 2002. München: Lincom Europa, 2005. 190 pp.

    236. III Gy 31 Hancock, Ian F. We are the Romani People. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2002. 180 pp. (Interface Collection: 28 )

    237. III Gy 115 Hedman, Henry. Romanikielen kielioppiopas. Helsinki: Opetushallitus, 1996. 244 pp.

    238. Heinschik, Mozes F.; Hemetek, Ursula. (Hg.) Roma. Das unbekante Volk. Schicksal und Kultur. Wien: Bohlau, 1992. 206 pp.

    239. IV Gy 304 Heller, Wilfried et al. Ethnizität in der Transformation. Zur Situation nationaler Minderheiten in Rumänien. Berlin: Lit, 2006. 162 pp.

    240. II Gy 34 Heltai, Gаspаr. Szаz fabula magyarul - cigаnyul. Kеszult a Gordulо Nyomda Kft - ben Vezetо: Praszler Jоzsefnе. 288 pp.

    241. IV Gy 218 Heuss, Herbert. Darmstädt. Auschwitz. Die Verfolgung der Sinti in Darmstadt. Frankfurt, 1995. 117 pp.

    242. IV Gy 305 Hirt, Tomáš; Jakoubek, Marek. (Eds.) Romové v osidlech sociálního vyloučení. Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 2006. 414 pp.

    243. II Gy 88 Hivešová-Šilanová, Daniela; Godla, Milan. Pherasuňi abeceda. / Veselá abeceda. Jazyková výchova. Košice: Projekt Schola, 2005. 85 pp.

    244. III 2588 Horváthová, Emilia. Cigáni na Slovensku. Historicko-etnografický náčrt. Bratislava: SAV, 1964.

    245. I Gy 1 Horváthová Jana. Devleskere čhave. Svedectvom starých pohl’adníc. Brno: Muzeum romské kultury, 2006. 176 pp.

    246. II Gy 17 Horváthová, Jana. Kapitoly z dějin Romů. Brno: Člověk v tísni, společnost při ČT, Nakladatelství Lidové Noviny, 2002. 84 pp.

    247. III Gy 29 Horváthová, Jana. (Ed.) Le Romengro murdaripen andro dujto baro mariben. // Genocida Romů v době druhé světové války. // Genocide of Roma during World War Two. Praha: Slovo 21, 2003. 188 pp.

    248. IV Gy 220 Horvátová, Agnesa. Pal e Bari Rama the aver paramisa. Praha: Signeta, 2003. 112 pp.

    249. II Gy 52 Hübschmannová, Milena. Amari Abeceda. Praha: Fortuna, 1998. 64 pp. 250. IV Gy 237 Hübschmannová, Milena. Goďaver lava phure Romendar. Moudrá slova starých

    Romů. Praha: Apeiron,1991. 46 pp. 251. III Gy 184 Hübschmannová, Milena. Po židoch cigáni. Praha: Triáda, 2005. 898 pp. 252. IV Gy 156 Hübschmannová, Milena. Romské pohádky. Praha: Nakladatelstvi Fortuna, 1999.

    310 pp. 253. P Gy 15 Hübschmannová, Milena. Romsko-Český a Česko-Romský kapesní slovník. Praha:

    Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1991. 652 pp. 254. IV Gy 118 Ibrahim, Sali. Romani mitologia. Sofia: Romane kulturako centros ELITI, 2004. 248

    pp. 255. ICTM. Abstarcts of the 39th World Conference of the International Council for

    Traditional Music. 4-11 July. Vienna / Austria. 297 pp. 256. Ilić, Rozalija. Dokle ? Kragujevac: Romski informativni centar, 2001. 159 pp. 257. II Gy 64 Ilić, Rozalija. Zlatne kočije. Priručnik za voditelje radionica iz oblasti romske

    kulture. Kragujevac: Romski informativni centar, 2005. 36 pp.

  • 258. III Gy 111 Ilić, Rozalija; Ilić, Emilija. (Eds.) Običaji i tradicija Roma Kragujevca. Kragujevac: Romski informativni centar, 2002. 88 pp.

    259. Ilić, Rozalija; Cvetjić, Slobodan; Babović, Marija. Položaj Roma na tržištu rada u Šumadijskom okrugu. Kragujevac: Romski informativni centar, 2007. 114 pp.

    260. IV Gy 45 In Search of Happy Gypsies. Persecution of Pariah Minorities in Russia. Budapest: European Roma Rights Centre, 2005. 252 pp. (Country Reports Series № 14)

    261. Informationen und Empfehlungen zur Berufus- und Bildungsförderung für Sinti und Roma in Deutschland. Berlin: Parabolis, 2007. 196 pp.

    262. III Gy 154 Ionescu, Maria; Cace, Sorin. Politici publice pentru romi. Evoluţii şi perspective. Bucureşti: Ed. Expert, 2006. 152 pp.

    263. Ionescu, Maria; Cace, Sorin. Practici pozitive in comunitatile de rromi. Bucureşti: Împreună, 2003. 139 pp.

    264. Ionescu, Vasile; Sarău, Gheorghe; Stanciu, Filip. Ghid de practici pozitive pentru educaţia copilor romi. Bucureşti: Romani CRISS, 2004. 112 pp.

    265. Ал. II Gy 6 Irmak, Huseyin. Kâğithane Hıdırellez Roman şenliği. Kağithane belediyesi. Mayis, 1999. 24 pp.

    266. 0 Iskreno i jednostavno. [Kragujevac]: Romski Informativni Centar. 267. III Gy 56 Ivanov, Andrey (Ed.) Breaking the Vicious Circle. Sofia: Spolu International

    Foundation, 2000. 100 pp. 268. III Gy 158 Izazovi Decade Roma. Prired. Jovan Živković. Niš: Sven, 2005. 97 pp. 269. IV Gy 202 Izvestaj sa Regionalne konferencije romskih NVO. Kragujevac: Romski

    Informativni Centar, 2003. 160 pp. 270. Jabuka u srcu. // Phabaj ano ilo. // Apple in the heart. Smotra kulturnih dostignića

    Roma Srbije. Priredili Kadrija Šainović, Osman Balić. Nis: Krug, 2002. 115 pp, 271. Jacobs, Fabian; Ries, Johannes. Roma-/Zigeunerkulturen in neuen Perspektiven. //

    Romani/Gypsy Cultures in New Perspectives. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitatsverlag, 2008. 296 pp.

    272. III Gy 109 Jakšić, Božidar; Bašic, Goran. Umetnost preživljavanja. Gde i kako žive Romi u Srbiji. Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2005. 296 pp.

    273. IV Gy 191 Jašarov, Sejdo. Mirikle. Skopje: Rama 1, 1996. 82 pp. 274. 0 Jekh, duj, trin … Romanes. Hamburg: Roman National Congress. 18 pp. 275. IV Gy 157 Jekhetanutna čhibaha... Společnym jazykem... Sborník ze semináře o Romskem

    jazyce. Luhačovice 12-14 června 2003. Brno: Vydalo Společenství Romů na Moravě, 2003. 100 pp.

    276. Jitariu, Cristina (Ed.) Diversitate culturală pentru medicul de familie. Ghid introductiv în diversitatea culturii rome. Boston: JSI Researsh & Training Institute, 2007. 85 pp.

    277. Jovanović, Danica. Iz srca naših Romkinja. Život Romkinja na Banatu. // Katar o ilo amare Romnjengo. Trajo Romnjengo ando Banato. Novi Sad: Udruženje “Roma” - Novi Bečej, 2004. 82 pp.

    278. Jovanović, Jelena et al. Prilozi za istraživanje tradicije Rima u Sremu. Novi Sad: Futura, 2002. 40 pp.

    279. IV Gy 207 Jovanović, Pajko. Rromane čirikljorra. Novi Sad: Društvo Vojvodine za jezik i književnost Roma, 2003. 36 pp.

    280. Junghaus, Timea; Szekely, Katalin. (Eds.) Meet Your Neighbours. Contemporary Roma Art from Europe. Open Society Institut, 2006. 220 pp.

  • 281. Junghaus, Timea; Szekely, Katalin. (Eds.) Paradise Lost. The First Roma Pavilion. La Biennale di Venezia 2007. Open Society Institut, 2007. 168 pp.

    282. Jurkova, Zuzana. (Ed.) Romská hudba na přelomu tusísciletí. // Romani music at the Turn of the Millennium. Praha: Studio Saga, 2003. 133 pp.

    283. Jurkova, Zuzana et al. (Eds.) Minority: Construct or Reality? On Reflection and Self-realization of Minorities in History. Bratislava: Zing Print, 2007. 190 pp.

    284. IV Gy 132 Kaçan, Metin. Ağir roman. Roman. Istanbul: Can yayinlari, 2002. 148 pp. 285. III 4302

    Gy 8 Kaj Džas // Kam kráčaš. Súbor textov zo seminárneho cyklu “S Rómani žiť

    budeme”. Bratislava: Nadácia Milana Šimečku, 2001. 232 pp. 286. III Gy 12 Kaj pe sina, kaj pe nana. Amare pamaristscha. Hrsg. Gerd Ambrosch et al.

    Graz: Romani-Projekt & Oberwart: Verein Roma, 2000. 72 pp. 287. Kajtazi, Veljko. Sara I prijateli. // E Sara thaj amaljipe. Zagreb: Udruga za

    promicanje obrazovanja Roma u RH “Uali Sara”, 2008. 20 pp. 288. IV Gy 247 Karsai, Ervin. Cigány - Magyar képes Olvasókönyv. Budapest: Nyírő András, 1991,

    144 pp. 289. IV Gy 135 Kaygili, Osman Cemal. Çingeneler. Kaygili. Ankara: Bilgi Yayinevi, 1972. 328 pp. 290. Kelso, Michelle; Popa, Ana-Maria. Dureri Ascunse. Persecutarea Romilor din

    România 1942-1944. Ghidul profesorului. Bucureşti: Asociaţia pentru Dialog şi Educaţie Civică, 2006. 82 pp.

    291. III Gy 37 Kenrick, Donald. Gypsies: From the Ganges to the Thames. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2004. 128 pp. (Interface Collection: 3)

    292. III Gy 37 Kenrick, Donald. Von Indien bis zum Mittelmeer. Die Wanderwege der Sinti und Roma. Berlin: Parabolis, 1998. 62 pp. (Interface Collection: 3)

    293. III Gy 37 Kenrick, Donald. Romengiro Drom. Indijatyr ke Maškiratuno Derjav. Berlin: Parabolis, 2001. 70 pp. (Interface Collection: 3)

    294. P Gy 10 Kenrick, Donald. Historical Dictionary of the Gypsies. London: The Scarecrow Press, 1998. 232 pp.

    295. Kenrick, Donald. Dicţionar istorical ţiganilor (romilor). Cluj-Napoka: Motiv, 2002. 232 pp.

    296. III Gy 146 Kenrick, Donald. (Ed.) In the Shadow of the Swastika. Tom 1. From the “Race Science” to the Camps. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1999. (Interface Collecion: 12)

    297. III Gy 146 Kenrick, Donald. (Ed.) In the Shadow of the Swastika. Tom 2. The Gypsies during the Second World War. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1999. (Interface Collecion: 13)

    298. III Gy 146 Kenrick, Donald. (Ed.) Sinti und Roma unter dem Nazi-Regime. Vol. 1. Von der “Rassenforschung” zu den Lagern. Berlin: Parabolis, 1996. 140 pp. (Interface Collection: 12)

    299. III Gy 146 Kenrick, Donald. (Ed.) Sinti und Roma unter dem Nazi-Regime. Vol. 2. Die Verfolgung im besetzten Europa. Berlin: Parabolis, 2000. 238 pp. (Interface Collection: 13)

    300. Kenrick, Donald. (Ed.) Bibaxtale Berśa. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1996. 162 pp. (Interface Collecion: 10)

    301. III Gy 123 Kenrick, Donald; Puxon, Grattan. Sinti und Roma - die Vernichtung eines Volkes im NS-Staat. Göttingen: Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, 1981. 192 pp.

    302. Kertesi, Gabor; Kezdi, Gabor. Expected Long-Term Budgetary Benefits to Roma

  • Eduction in Hungary. Budapest: Roma Education Fund, 2006. 60 pp. 303. Kertész-Wilkinson, Irén. Vásár van előttem. Egyéni alkotások es társadalmi

    kotextusok egy dél-magyuarországi oláhcigany lassú dalban. // The Fair is Ahead of Me. Individual Creativity and Social Contexts in the Performances of a Southern Hungarian Vlach Gypsy Slow Song. Budapest: Madyar Tudomanyos Akademia Zenetudomanyi Intezet, 1997. 316 pp.

    304. III Gy 100 Király, Ernő; Katalin Kovalcsik. Vajdasági cigány népzenei gyűjtése. // Ernő Király’s Collection of Gypsy Folk Music from Voivodina. Budapest: Madyar Tudomanyos Akademia Zenetudomanyi Intezet, 1992. 268 pp.

    305. II Gy 22 Kjučukov, Xristo. Amari Romani lumja. 1 kotor. Sofia: Бизнес бридж, 1997. 31 pp. 306. II Gy 22 Kjučukov, Xristo. Amari Romani lumja. 2 kotor. Sofia: Tilia, 2000. 48 pp. 307. II Gy 22 Kjučukov, Xristo. Amari Romani lumja. 3 kotor. Sofia: IКТUS, 2001. 32 pp. 308. II Gy 22 Kjučukov, Xristo. Amari Romani lumja. 4 kotor. Sofia: IКТUS, 2001. 24 pp. 309. 0 Kjučukov, Xristo. Me ginav ži ko deš. Sofia: Diversity, 2002. 12 pp. 310. III Gy 130 Klímová-Alexander, Ilona. The Romani Voice in World Politics. The United

    Nations and Non-State Actors. Hants: Ashgate, 2005. 196 pp. 311. Kolukırık, Suat. (Ed.) Yerüzünün Yabancıları Çingeneler. Istanbul: Simurg, 2008.

    127 pp. 312. IV Gy 294 Koncepcia integrovaného vzdelávania rómskych detí a mládeže, vrátane rozvoja

    stredoškolského a vysokoškolského vzdelávania. Bratislava: Ministerstvo školstva Slovenskej republiky, 2004. 161 pp.

    313. IV Gy 206 Konczei, Csilla; Lacatus, Ileana. Ilonka Néni. Cluj-Napoka: Editura Fundatiei Pentru Studii Europene, 2002. 334 pp.

    314. Kostenko, Lina. Romaii muza. Sibiu: Neodrom, 2007, 102 pp. 315. III Gy 183 Kotvanová, Alena et al. Migrácia a Rómovia. Historické, sociálne a politické

    súvislosti. Bratislava: Slovenský inštitút medzinárodných štúdií, 2002. 99 pp. 316. IV Gy 22 Kovacheva, Lilyana. O rom dzhanel o drom. [Sofia, 2000]. 142 pp. 317. IV Gy 255 Kovacheva, Lilyana. Rom know the way. Delhi: Kafla [2000]. 140 pp. 318. III Gy 98

    Kovalcsik, Katalin. Slovákiai oláhcigány népdalok. // Vlach Gypsy Folk Songs in

    Slovakia. Budapest: Madyar Tudományos Akadémia Zenetudomanyi Intezet, 1985. 186 pp.

    319. III Gy 117 Kovalcsik, Katalin. Tavaszi virágok I. Beás cigány iskolai énekeskönyv (Hangkazettával). Pécs: Gandhi Középiskola, 1994. 120 pp.

    320. III Gy 117 Kovalcsik, Katalin. Tavaszi virágok II. Beás cigány iskolai énekeskönyv (Hangkazettával). Pécs: Gandhi Középiskola, 1994. 120 pp.

    321. III Gy 116 Kovalcsik, Katalin; Orsós, Anna. Az aranyhajú lány. Beás cigány népmesegyűjtemény. Pécs: Gandhi Középiskola, 1994. 212 pp.

    322. III Gy 95 Kovats, Andras. (Ed.) Roma Migration. Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Minority Research, 2002. 196 pp.

    323. IV Gy 197 Kovacs, Jozsef Hontalan. Sequoiabeszed. Mohacs, 1995. 166 pp. 324. IV Gy 120

    Kováč, Milan; Mann, Arne B. (Eds.) Boh všetko vidí. Duchovný svet Rómov na

    Slovensku. // O del sa dikhel. Romano pataviben pre Slovensko. Bratislava: Chronos, 2003. 346 pp.

    325. Krasnići, Alija. Ane mamijaći angalji. Kraguevac: Studio D & M, 2004. 62 pp. 326. Krasnići, Alija. Armandineja phabov ane rrapa. Subotica: Rromane pustika –

  • Romske knjige, 2008. 64 pp. 327. Krasnići, Alija. Đilja amare dukhenđe. Kraguevac: Studio D & M, 2004. 63 pp. 328. Krasnići, Alija. Đilja parvarde sunenca. Kraguevac, 2003. 63 pp. 329. Krasnići, Alija. Đuvdimase bibahhtaljimate. Kraguevac, 2002. 160 pp. 330. Krasnići, Alija. Đuvdipe akhardo korkorripe. Subotica: Rromane pustika – Romske

    knjige, 2008. 104 pp. 331. Krasnići, Alija. E ćehrajin pe palma. Kraguevac: Studio D & M, 2004. 62 pp. 332. Krasnići, Alija. E bahh paćardi ćorimasa. Kraguevac: Studio D & M, 2005. 64 pp. 333. Krasnići, Alija. E Erđanosko suno. Kraguevac: Maškaripe e rromane kulturako /

    Centar za kulturu Roma, 2007. 63 pp. 334. Krasnići, Alija. Elvira .... Kraguevac & Niš: Imprime, 2000. 64 pp. 335. Krasnići, Alija. Kamljipe thaj dukhajpe. Kraguevac: Studio D & M, 2004. 63 pp. 336. Krasnići, Alija. Kaj garadol o suno? Kraguevac: Studio D & M, 2004. 62 pp. 337. Krasnići, Alija. Kana tu đane, đanav vi me ... Kraguevac: Studio D & M, 2004. 62

    pp. 338. Krasnići, Alija. Kasko si o kham? Kraguevac: Studio D & M, 2004. 62 pp. 339. Krasnići, Alija. Korkoripe hamime čerćimasa. Kraguevac: Studio D & M, 2006. 102

    pp. 340. Krasnići, Alija. Ma rov dejone munrrije. Kraguevac: Studio D & M, 2004. 62 pp. 341. IV Gy 216 Krasnići, Alija. Ljimora munrre ljimorende. Priština: Enis Graf, 1997. 64 pp. 342. Krasnići, Alija. Papo, mamije, bibije ... Kraguevac: Studio D & M, 2004. 62 pp. 343. IV Gy 176 Krasnići, Alija. Prekal efta plajna. Priština: Pergament, 1995. 60 pp. 344. IV Gy 217 Krasnići, Alija. Rat Rromano. Priština, 1997. 64 pp. 345. Krasnići, Alija. Rromane kanrralje droma. Priština: Pergament, 1995. 64 pp. 346. Krasnići, Alija. Rromani arrmaj. Kraguevac: Studio D & M, 2004. 64 pp. 347. Krasnići, Alija. Rromani kalji paramići. Priština: Pergament, 1995. 63 pp. 348. Krasnići, Alija. Rromani mahlava. Kraguevac & Niš: Imprime, 2000. 63 pp. 349. Krasnići, Alija. So vaćaren e đuvutna? Kraguevac: Studio D & M, 2004. 61 pp. 350. Krasnići, Alija. Vurma palje vurma. Kraguevac: Studio D & M, 2004. 63 pp. 351. IV Gy 219 Krasnići, Ali. Звездани снови. Приштина: Jединство, 1989. 96 pp. 352. Krasnići, Alija. (Ured.) Antologija e rromane poezijaći ane Srbija. // Antologija

    romske poezije u Srbiji. Subotica & Kraguevac: Marković. 214 pp. 353. Krasnići, Alija. (Ured.) Dev!la, ker man kir. Rromane paramića andar-e Kósova ta e

    Metohia. // Bože, pretvor me u mrava! Romske bajke sa Kosova I Metohije. // Lord, Turn Me Into an Ant! Gipsy Fajry Tales from Kosovo and Metohia. Beograd: Cemtar za stvaralaštvo mladih, 2001. [3 Books]

    354. Krasnići, Alija. (Ured.) Izabrane pesme Slobodana Berberskog. Kraguevac: Centar za kulturu Roma, 2001. 155 pp.

    355. IV Gy 129 Krasnići, Alija; Mehmed Saćip. Poezija romska, antologija romske poezije u Jugoslaviji. Niš, 1999. 160 pp.

    356. IV Gy 283 Krausnick, Michail. Wo sind sie hingekommen? Der unterschlagene Völkermord an den Sinti und Roma. Gerlingen: Bleicher, 1995. 250 pp.

    357. III 4301 Gy 7

    Krekovičová, Eva. Medzi toleranciou a bariérami. Obraz Rómov a Židov v Slovenskom folklóre. Bratislava: AEP, 1999. 228 pp.

    358. IV Gy 268 Krekovičová, Eva. Mentálne obrazy, stereotypy a mýty vo folklore a v politike.

  • Bratisava: Ústav etnológie SAV, 2005. 128 pp. 359. Kriza, Ildikó. (Ed.) A mesemondó Rostás Mihály. – Ciganisztikai tanulmányok. 5.

    Budapest: MTA Nejprajzi Kutato Csoport, 1988. 201 pp. 360. Kuba, Jan; Melo, Jose. O Drom. Zigeuners in Nederland. Catalogus bij de

    fototentoonstelling. - O Drom. Tijdschrift over zigeuners. Jaar. 5, nr. 3, 1990. 65 pp. 361. III Gy 163 Kultura. Časopis za teoriju i sociologiju kulture i medija. Beograd, 2002. 354 pp. 362. Kur’ani. Irame ki romani čhib Muharem Serbezovski. Sarajevo: Romano lil, 2005.

    748 pp. 363. III Gy 32 Kurtiàde, Marcel. Śirpustik amare ćhibăqiri. Toulouse: Centre national de

    documentation pédagogique & Besièrs: Agéncia Occitana de comunicacion, 1992. 60 pp. 364. Kyuchukov, Hristo. Desegregation of Roma Schools in Bulgaria. Sofia: SEGA,

    2006. 166 pp. 365. II Gy 80 Kyuchukov, Hristo. My name was Hussein. Boyds Mills Press, 2004. 32 pp. 366. IV Gy 76 Kyuchukov. Hristo. (Ed.) New Aspects of Roma Children Education.

    Sofia: Diversity, 2002. 178 pp. 367. Ал. II Gy 43 Kyuchukov, Hristo; Hancock, Ian F. A History of the Romani People. Boyds Mills

    Press, 2005. 32 pp. 368. La Littérature des Rroms, Sintés et Kalés. - Missives. La Revue de la Société

    Littéraire de la Poste et de France Telecom, Mars, 2002. 369. III Gy 44 Lapov, Zoran. Vaćaré romané? Diversità a confronto: percorsi delle identità Rom.

    Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2004. 206 pp. 370. III Gy 33 Leblon, Bernard. Gypsies and Flamenco. The Emergence of the Art of Flamenco in

    Andalusia. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2003. 136 pp. (Interface Collection: 6)

    371. III Gy 33 Leblon, Bernard. Gitanos und Flamenco. Die Entstehung des Flamenco in Andalusien. Berlin: Parabolis, 1997. 114 pp. (Interface Collection: 6)

    372. III Gy 47 Leder, Stefan; Streck, Bernhard. (Hrsg.) Shifts and Drifts in Nomaden-Sedentary Relations. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2006.

    373. P Gy 6 Lee, Ronald. Learn Romani. Hertfordshire: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2005. 312 pp.

    374. Leland, Charles G. The Gypsies. Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1924. 372 pp. 375. III Gy 94 Lemon, Alaina. Between Two Fires. Gypsy Performance and Romani Memory from

    Pushkin to Postsocialism. London: Duke University Press, 2000. 308 pp. 376. Les politisation de l’identité dans les Balkans contemporains. – Est-Ouest. Revue

    d'études comparatives. Vol. 38. No. 4, 2007. 377. III Gy 34 Liégeois, Jean-Pierre. Die schulische Betreuung ethnischer Minderheiten: Das

    Beispiel der Sinti und Roma. Berlin: Parabolis, 1999. 332 pp. 378. Liégeois, Jean-Pierre. Gypsies. An Illustrated History. London: Saqi, 2005. 192 pp. 379. IV 3258

    Gy 9 Liégeois, Jean-Pierre. Gypsies and Travellers. Socio-Cultural Data. Socio-Political

    Data. Strasbourg: Council for Cultural Cooperation, 1987. 218 pp. 380. IV Gy 19 Liégeois, Jean-Pierre. Roma, Gypsies, Travellers. Strasbourg: Council of Europe,

    1994. 324 pp. (Interface Collection: 17) 381. III Gy 145 Liégeois, Jean-Pierre. Roma, Sinti, Fahrende. Berlin: Parabolis, 2002. 406 pp.

    (Interface Collection: 17) 382. Liégeois, Jean-Pierre. Roma in Europe. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publ., 2007.

  • 307 pp. 383. Lil rudimatenqoro vaś ol trebimata haj o lachipen le kreśtinosqoro ortodòkso.

    Bucureśti: I Sfinto Arhïepiskopìa le Bucureśtenqiri, 2006. 448 pp. 384. Lindgren, Tuula. Draba kentoha. A Guide for Roma parents on laguage skills

    development of the children. Espoo: Wellprint Oy, 2006. 385. III Gy 62 Lleshi, Alma (Ed.) Zhvillim komuniteti. Tirane: Unioni i Rromeve tе Shqipеrisе

    “Amaro Drom”, 2005. 72 pp. 386. IV Gy 222 Locke, Sue. Travelling Light. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1997. 148 pp. 387. III Gy 87 Lockwood, William; Salo, Sheila. Gypsies and Travelers in North America. An

    Annotated Bibliography. Cheverly: The Gypsy Lore Society, 1994. 196 pp. 388. П IV Gy

    223 Losemann, Anne; Henning Schwanke. Eine Karpatenreise. Tsiganologische

    Beobachtungen. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag GmbH, 2005. 94 pp. 389. Lundgren, Gunilla. (Ed.) Bi khersko bi limoresko. Utan hus utan grav. Romska

    sånger och dikter. Värnamo: Wachlström & Widstrand, 2002. 131 pp. 390. III Gy 36 Lundgren, Gunilla; Taikon, Alyosha. From Coppersmith to Nurse. Alyosha - the

    Son of a Gypsy Chief. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2003. 116 pp. (Interface Collection: 29).

    391. IV a 9 Magdolenova, Kristina. Duj lumi. Roma Press Agency, 2005. 189 pp. 392. Mailat, Paula; Mărkuş, Olga; Cionca, Mirena. Mirri ćhib, I Rromani. Tărgu

    Mureş: Academprint, 2000. 93 pp. 393. II Gy 65 Malowanki dla dzieci. Tarnów: Muzeum Okregowe w Tarnowie, 2001. 16 pp. 394. II Gy 59 Mărkuş, Olga. I rromani ćhib vaś o dujto berś. Bucureşti: Es Print’98, 2005. 64 pp. 395. II Gy 58 Markus, Olga. Limba şi literature maternă rromani: caiet clasa a II-a. Bukureşti: Es

    Print ’98, 2005. 71 pp. 396. Mărkuş, Olga; Bitos, Leontina. E siklovnesqo liloro. Tărgu Mureş: Mureş, 2002. 90

    pp. 397. II Gy 78 Marsh, Adrian; Strand, Elin. (Eds.) Gypsies and the Problem of Identities.

    Contextual, Constructed and Contestead. Istanbul: Swedish Researh Institute in Istanbul, 2006, 230 pp.

    398. IV 3304 Gy 3 Martinez, Nicole. Les Tsiganes. Paris: Presses Univ. de France, 1986. 126 pp. 399. Marushiakova, Elena. (Ed.) Dynamics of National Identity and Transnational

    Identities in the Process of European Integration. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. 505 pp.

    400. IV Gy 2 Marushiakova, Elena; Popov, Vesselin. Gypsies (Roma) in Bulgaria. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1997. 216 pp.

    401. III Gy 140 Marushiakova, Elena; Popov, Vesselin. Gypsies in the Ottoman Empire. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2001. 114 pp. (Collection Interface: 22)

    402. III Gy 86 Marushiakova, Elena; Popov, Vesselin. Osmanlı imparatorluğu’nda Çingeneler. Istanbul: Homer kitabevi, 2006. 112 pp.

    403. III Gy 140 Marushiakova, Elena; Popov, Vesselin. Romi u Turskom Carstvu. Subotica: Čikoš Holding, 2003. 128 pp. (Collection Interface: 22)

    404. П III Gy 57 Marushiakova, Elena et al. Dienstleistungsnomadismus am Schwarzen Meer. Zigeunergruppen zwischen Symbiose und Dissidenz. - Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg), 16, 2005. 72 pp.

    405. IV Gy 77 Marushiakova, Elena et al. Identity Formation among Minorities in the Balkans: The cases of Roms, Egyptians and Ashkali in Kosovo. Sofia: Minority Studies Society

  • Studii Romani, 2001. 60 pp. Udo Mischek, Vesselin Popov and Bernhard Streck. Zigeuner am Schwarzen Meer. Leipzig: Eudora Verlag, 2008.

    406. Marushiakova, Elena, Udo Mischek, Vesselin Popov and Bernhard Streck. Zigeuner am Schwarzen Meer. Leipzig: Eudora Verlag, 2008.

    407. III Gy 110 Matras, Yaron. Romani. A Linguistic Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. 292 pp.

    408. III Gy 78 Matras, Yaron; Winterberg, Hans; Zimmermann, Michael. (Eds.) Sinti, Roma, Gypsies: Sprache - Geschichte - Gegenwart. Berlin: Metropol, 2003. 300 pp.

    409. III Gy 107 Mayall, David. Gypsy Identities 1500-2000. From Egipcyans and Moon-men to the Ethnic Romany. London: Routledge, 2004. 314 pp.

    410. II 1781 Gy 4

    McDonald, Christina et al. (Eds.) The Roma Education Resource Book. Overviews and Policy Issues, Methods and Practice, Language and Culture. Budapest: Open Society Institut, 2001. 326 pp.

    411. Mediating Romani Health. Policy and Program Opportunities. New York: Open Society Institute, 2006. 85 pp.

    412. Mediji ano butčhibjenge amalipe. Tromalipe thaj djevpibe. Beč: OSCE, 2003. 171 pp.

    413. IV Gy 153 Memoáry Romskych žen. Karolina - Cesta životem v cikánskem voze. Elina – Saga rodu Holomků. Brno: Muzeum romske kultúry, 2004. 126 pp.

    414. III Gy 73 Mihajlović, Miroslav. Ašunero. Medelaha El Galija. Kruševac: Bagdala, 2001. 86 pp.

    415. II Gy 44 Mihajlović, Miroslav. Molilese. Medelaha El Galja. CIP, 2005. 58 pp. 416. Ал. III

    Gy 71 Mihajlović, Miroslav (Ed.) Druga likovna kolonija LUR-a. Trstenik: Udruženje

    likovnih umetnika, 2002. 16 pp. 417. III Gy 54 Milý Bore... Profesoru Ctiboru Nečasovi k jeho sedmdesátým narozeninám věnují

    přátelé, kolegové a žáci. Eds. Dvořák, T., Vlček, R., Vykoupil, L. Brno: Historický ústav AV ČR; Historický ústav FF MU; Matice Moravská, 2003. 408 pp.

    418. IV Gy 20 Minderheitenschutz für Sinti und Roma im Rahmen des Europarates, der KSZE und der UNO. // Minority protection for Sinti and Roma within the Framework of the Council of Europe, the CSCE and the UNO. Heidelberg: Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma, 1994. 144 pp.

    419. Minorities et migrations en Bulgarie. – Hommes & migrations. No. 1275, septembre – octobre 2008.

    420. II Gy 25 Minorités in the Media. Realities and Prejudices. Sofia: Human Rights Project, 1997. 104 pp.

    421. III Gy 112 Mirga, Andrzej; Mroz, Leh. Romi. Razlike i netolerancija. Beograd: Akapit, 1997. 208 pp.

    422. III Gy 182 Mitro, Veronika. Nevidljive. Ljudska prava Romkinja u Vojvodini. Novi Sad: Futura publikacije, 2004. 50 pp.

    423. Mitro, Veronika; Aleksandrović, Maria. Devica, da ili ne? Novi Sad: AB print. 2003. 46 pp.

    424. Mitro, Veronika; Jovanović, Jelena; Šain, Danica. Spremni za brak, da ili ne? // Ready for Mariage, yes or no? Novi Sad: AB print. 2004. 110 pp.

    425. IVa Gy 1 Miri jеkti Biblia andre сitrende. // Moja prvа Biblia v obrаzkoch v dialekte Karpatskej rоmčiny juhozаpadnеho Slovenska. Bratislava: International Bible Society, 2002. 258 pp.

  • 426. IVa Gy 1 Mri elsebni Biblia andre kipоra. // Moja prvа Biblia v obrаzkoch v stredoslovenskej rоmčine. Bratislava: International Bible Society, 1999. 258 pp.

    427. IVa Gy 1 Mri prvo Biblia ando obrаzki. // Moja prvа Biblia v obrаzkoch v zаpadoslovenskom dialekte rоmskeho jazyka. Bratislava: International Bible Society, 2002. 258 pp.

    428. Moca, Rudolf. O picătură de viaţă. Cluj – Napoca: AMM, 2007. 72 pp. 429. III 2838

    Gy 11 Mode, Heinz, Wölffling, Siegfried. Zigeuner. Der Weg eines Volkes in

    Deutschland. Leipzig: Koehler & Amelang, 1968. 214 pp. 430. III Gy 160 Modeli kulturne politike u uslovima multikulturnih društava na Balkanu i

    evrointegracionih procesa. // Regional Development and Internation of the Balkans Into the EU Structures. Balkan Crossroads and Alternatives. Prired. L. Mitrović, D. Ðorđević, Dragan Todorović. Niš: Sven, 2004. 236 pp.

    431. III Gy 22 Moving beyond Walls. The Stolipinovo People taking Charge of their Community. Sofia: C.E.G.A., 1997. 108 pp.

    432. III Gy 17 Mróz, Lech. Dzieje Cyganów-Romów w Rzeczypospolitej XV-XVIII w. Warszawa: DiG, 2001. 538 pp.

    433. II Gy 87 Mustafić, Refika. (Ured.) Ciganeska. Uvod u romsku istoriju, jezik i kulturu. Niš: Punta, 2006. 213 pp.

    434. P Gy 8 Naday, Gyula. Szotar. [Budapest]. 78 pp. 435. IV Gy 184 Nagy, Gusztav. Szivbolygod Korul. Magyar es cigany nyelvu versek, mesek,

    muforditasok. Budapest: Keszult a Cerberus Kft, 1997. 154 pp. 436. III 404 Gy 2 Nečas, Ctibor. Českoslovenští Romové v letech 1938-1945. Brno: Masarykova

    Univerzita, 1994. 220 pp. 437. IV Gy 162 Nečas, Ctibor. Z Brna do Auschwitz-Birkenau. Brno: Muzeum romské kultury,

    2000. 64 pp. 438. IV Gy 199 Necitelní cizinci. Jak se (ne)píše o cizincích v Českém tisku. Praha: Multikulturní

    centrum, 2003. 94 pp. 439. IV Gy 313 Nedelcu, Cristian. Canonul marginalului. Încercare de analiză a bancului. Craiova:

    Reprograph, 2006. 228 pp. 440. Nedžo – Neziri, Nedžmedin. Eh, kad bih mogao da poljubim svoj kućni prag …

    Kraguevac: NB Print, 2003. 114 pp. 441. Nedžo – Neziri, Nedžmedin. Eh, kana kama šajiv te ćumidav o prago munrre

    ćheresko … Kraguevac: NB Print, 2002. 128 pp. 442. Nedžo – Neziri, Nedžmedin. Ma bistar … // Ne zaboravi … Kraguevac: Romski

    informormativni centar, 2002. 99 pp. 443. Nedžo – Neziri, Nedžmedin. Munrro ilo ratvalo. // Moje srce krvavo. Kraguevac:

    Marković, 2006. 64 pp. 444. IV Gy 167 No Record of the Case. Roma in Albania. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center,

    1997. 94 pp. (Country Reports Series № 5) 445. O Svunto Evandyeliomo sar o Mathe ramosardya les. Pey romani shib boldas les

    Choli Daroczi Jozsef. Budapest: Szent Istvan Tarsulat, 1991. 162 pp. 446. IV Gy 205 Okely, Judith. The Traveller-Gypsies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

    2002. 250 pp. 447. IV Gy 172 Oláh, Vlado. Khamori luludi - slunečnice. Romska poezie. Praha: Reprostudio

    Danek, 1996. 80 pp. 448. IV Gy 296 Oláh, Vlado. Khamutno kamiben. // Žár lásky. Praha, 2005. 87 pp.

  • 449. IV Gy 80 Opre Roma! // Erhebt Euch! Eine Einführung in die Geschichte und Situation der Roma. Roma-Union Ftm. Hrsg. Ellen Leidgeb & Nicole Horn. 1. Aufl. München: AG-SPAK-Bücher & München: Glas, 1994. 196 pp.

    450. IV Gy 312 Osmani, Ibrahim. Pomirenje. Beograd: Multikulturni centar “Narajan” - Preševo. 267 pp.

    451. Ostalowska, Lidia. Cygan to cygan. Warszawa: Twoj STYL, 2000. 232 pp. 452. III Gy 122 Özkan, Ali Rafet. Türkiye çigeneleri. Ankara: Külütr Bakanliği, 2000. 144 pp. 453. IV Gy 253 Pal oda, so kerenas le devlaskere bičhade. Praha: G plus G, 2000. 144 pp. 454. 0 Paspati, G. A. Études sur les Tchinghianés ou Bohémiens de l’Empire Ottoman.

    Constantinople, 594 pp. [copie] 455. IVа Gy 4 Patočková, Katarina. Najradšej ťa mám v posteli. Bratislava: Vydalo Študio, 1994.

    94 pp. 456. IV Gy 169 Patočková, Katarina. Som Cigánka. Bratislava: Mikromex, 1992. 82 pp. 457. II Gy 35 Perdeyi, Yiktin; Virаn, Eyledin. Yapi Kredi Karagöz Koleksiyonu. 2004. 368 pp. 458. Ал. II Gy 67 Pernot, Mathieu. Tsiganes 1995-1998. Actes Sud, 1999. 110 pp. 459. IV Gy 209 Perspektive multikulturalizam u državama Zapadnog Balkana. Beograd: Centar

    za istraživanje etniciteta, 2004. 236 pp. 460. III Gy 97 Pettan, Svanibor. Roma muzsikusok koszovóban. Kölcsönhatás és kreativitás. //

    Rom Musicians in Kosovo. Interaction and Creativity. Budapest: Madyar Tudományos Akadémia Zenetudomanyi Intezet, 2002. 310 pp.

    461. III Gy 43 Pichon, Philippe. Voyage en Tsiganie: Enquête chez les nomades en France. Paris: Les Éditions de Paris, 2002. 206 pp.

    462. Po Tito šelbrešutnipe pindžardol. Niš: Prosveta, 1980. 120 pp. 463. IV Gy 280 Poetski branovi. // Poeziakere dalge. Куманово: Центар за култура “Траjко

    Прокопиев”, 2005. 90 pp. 464. Polakowski, Andrzey. Pożegnanie taboru. Fotografie. 1967. Lublin: Petit, 2007. 96

    pp. 465. Policy-making for Roma in the European Union. - Equal Voices. Issue 16, June

    2005. 35 pp. 466. III 1932 Popp Serboianu, C. J. Les Tsiganes. Histoire - Ethnographie - Linguistique -

    Grammaire - Dictionaire. Paris: Payot, 1930. 467. Potra, George. Contribuţiuni la istoricul ţiganilor din România. [II ed.}] Bucureşti:

    Mihai Dascal, 2002. 371 pp. 468. Probacion Gitana y Empleo. Un estudio comparado. Madrid: Fundation

    Secretariado Gitano, 2005. 122 pp. 469. Probacion Gitana y Empleo. Informe sobre. Conclusiones, Recomendaciones y

    Propuestas. Madrid: Fundation Secretariado Gitano, 2005. 27 pp. 470. Proceedings Discontinued. The Inertia of Roma Rights Change in Ukraine.

    Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 2006. 112 pp. (Country Reports Series № 16) 471. IV Gy 167 Profession: Prisoner. Roma in Detention in Bulgaria. Budapest: European Roma

    Rights Center, 1997. 78 pp. (Country Reports Series № 6) 472. IV Gy 181 Promoting Roma Integration at the Local Level. Practical Guidance for NGOs and

    Public Authorities. London: European Dialogue, 2005. 90 pp. 473. IV Gy 119 Qirici, Mina T. Romët e Shqipërië në Folklor. Tipare & Dallime. // Roma of Albania

    in folklore. Features & Distinctions. // O folkloro e Rromengo tar-i Albania.

  • Tirana: Cultural Multiethnic Association Equal, 2004. 456 pp. 474. Qirici, Mina T. Sar kerga o Devel e Rrome. Alosarde Paramissă prekalo rromane

    folkloresqe motivă. Tirana: Klean, 2007. 181 pp. 475. IV Gy 152 Racová, Anna; Horecký, Ján. Slovenská karpatská Rómčina. Bratislava: Veda,

    2000. 78 pp. 476. IV Gy 309 Rácová, Anna; Horecký, Ján. Syntax. Slovenskej karpatskej rómčiny. Bratislava:

    IRIS, 2006. 147 pp. 477. Rădulescu, Speranţa. Taifasuri despre muzica ţigãneascã. // Chats about Gypsy

    music. Bucureşti: Paideia, 2004. 247 pp. 478. Radulovački, Ljiljana. Romi u Sremu. Neki vidovi usmenog folklora Roma u

    Sremu. Beograd: Nova, 2004. 160 pp. 479. IV Gy 235 Raichová, Irena. Romové a Nacionalismus. Brno: Vydání první, 2001. 248 pp. 480. IV Gy 182 Rajić, Zdravko. Garjonalje sa dinci. Zagreb: Zapis, 2004. 32 pp. 481. IV Gy 285 Reaching the Romanlar. A Feasibility Study Report. Mapping a number of Roman

    communities in Istanbul international Romani Studies Network. Istanbul: Consulate General of Sweden, 2006. 65 pp.

    482. Reemstma, Katrin. Sinti und Roma. Geschichte, Kultur, Gegenwart. München: C. H. Beck, 1996. 199 pp.

    483. IV Gy 170 Reiznerová, Margita. Kali. Praha: Romani Čhib, 1994. 50 pp. 484. II Gy 48 Report on the Situation of Roma and Sinti in the OSCE Area. High

    Commissioner on National Minorities. Hague, 2000. 176 pp. 485. Reyniers, Alain. Tsigane, heureux sit u es libre ! Paris: Ed. UNESCO, 1998. 486. Ries, Johannes. Antibürger – Gottenskinder. Über die kulturelle Souveranität

    siebenbürgischer Zigeuner und den Einfluss des Pfingstchristentums. Leipzig: Der Fakultät fur Geschichte, Kunst- und Orientwissenschaften der Universität Leipzig, 2005. 464 pp. [Ph.D. Dissertation]

    487. III Gy 126

    Rights Denied. The Roma of Hungary. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1996. 148 pp.

    488. Rodriges, Peter R. Monitor Racism & the Extreme Right: Roma and Sinti. Amsterdame: Anne Frank House & Leiden: Leiden University, 2004. 68 pp.

    489. Roma: 15.000.000 European citizens. Brussels: Offce MEP Els de Groen, 2005. 64 pp.

    490. Roma and the Economy: The Promotion of Vocation and Education for Roma in Bulgaria. Berlin: Parabolis, 2007. 93 pp.

    491. Roma and the Economy: The Promotion of Vocation and Education for Roma in the Czech Republic. Berlin: Parabolis, 2007. 182 pp.

    492. Roma and the Economy: The Promotion of Vocation and Education for Roma in Italy. Berlin: Parabolis, 2007. 163 pp.

    493. Roma and the Economy: The Promotion of Vocation and Education for Sinti und Roma in Germany. Berlin: Parabolis, 2007. 246 pp.

    494. Roma und der Arbeitsmarkt: Berufus- und Bildungsförderung für Sinti und Roma in Deutschland. Berlin: Parabolis, 2007. 253 pp.

    495. Roma Education Fund. Annual Report 2006. Budapest: Roma Education Fund, 2007. 100 pp.

    496. Roma in Ost- und Südosteuropa. - Ost-West-Gegeninformationen, 11 Jhrgang, 3, 1999.

  • 497. 0 Roma Community Center “Drom” Kumanovo. Report 1997-2002. Kumanovo, 2003.

    498. Roma Inclusion. Lessons Learned from OSI’s Roma Programming. New York: Open Society Institute, 2006. 40 pp.

    499. IV Gy 150 Romane Lila. Budapest: Romano Kher, 2003. 196 pp. 500. III Gy 168 Romanlar. Social doku projesi araştirmalari. 6. Istanbul: Büyükşehir belediyesi,

    2004. 118 pp. 501. 0 Romano barvalipe. София: Проект “Правата на човека”. 30 pp. 502. 0 Romanov, Manuś. 17 purane rromane gilă andar-i Bälgaria. Tarnuv, 1990. 40 pp. 503. IV Gy 212 Romi. Od zaboravljene do manjine u usponu. Niš: Odbor za građansku inicijativu,

    2004. 204 pp. 504. IV Gy 24 Romi u Srbiju. Beograd: Centar za antiratnu akciju & Institut za kriminološka i

    sociološka istraživanja, 1998.126 pp. 505. III Gy 45 Romi u Srbiji. Beograd: Fond za humanitarno pravo, 2003. 206 pp. 506. IV Gy 154 Romové: bydlení, soužití. Praha: Socioklub, 2000. 126 pp. 507. II Gy 15 Romové. Tradice a současnost. // O Roma. Angoder the akának. Brno: Moravské

    zemské museum & Muzeum Romské kultury, 1999. 92 pp. 508. III Gy 188 Roms on Integration. I. Analyses and recommendations. Flensburg: Sida, 2005. 120

    pp. 509. III Gy 188 Roms on Integration. II. Analyses and recommendations. Flensburg: Sida, 2006.

    110 pp. 510. IV Gy 126 Romsko naselje "Mali London" u Pančevu. Problemi i moguća rešenja. // Rroma

    settlement “Mali London” in Pančevo. Problems and Possible Solutions. // E rromani enklava "Mali London" ando Pančevo. Problema thaj sar šaj kerenpe. Beograd: Društvo za unapredjivanje romskih naselja & Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, 1999. 192 pp.

    511. II Gy 72 Rona, Susan; Lee, Linda E. School Success for Roma Children. Step by Step Special Schools Initiative. Interim Report - December 2001. New York, NY: Open society institut, 2001. 44 pp.

    512. IV Gy 35 Rosnerova, Gabriela. (Ed.) Romany in the Town. Praha: Socioklub, 2003. 94 pp. 513. IV Gy 308 Rostás-Farkas, György. Cigányságom vállalom (Grizhij muro romanipe). Budapest:

    Nyírő András, 1992. 74 pp. 514. IV Gy 248 Rostás-Farkas, György. Maladyipe Találkozás. Budapest: Nyírő András, 1993. 160

    pp. 515. IV Gy 183

    Rostás-Farkas, Gyorgy. Tietek a szivem. Budapest: Keszult az ASPY Studio KFT,

    1994. 124 pp. 516. P Gy 13 Rostás-Farkas, Gyorgy and Karsai, Ervin. Cigani-magyar, magyar-cigani szotar.

    Budapest: Kossuth Konyvkiado, 1991. 320 pp. 517. Rose, Romani. Roma and Sinti - Human Rights for Europe’s Largest Minority.

    Heidelberg: Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma, 2007. 48 pp. 518. IV Gy 190 Rusenko, Arnošt. Trin Pheňa. Praha: Romani čhib, 1992. 14 pp. 519. III Gy 137 Rusu, Horatiu; Voicu, Bogdan. (Eds.) European Integration from East to East. Civil

    Society and Ethnic Minorities in a Changing World. Sibiu: Psihomedia, 2005. 266 pp. 520. IV Gy 208 Saćip, Mehmed. Mirikle. Gnjilane: Prosveta, 1998. 44 pp. 521. Saitović-Lukin, Baja et al. Romani Naratives abouth Pre-death, Death and After-

  • deaher Customs. // Romano vakeriba kotar anglunomeribasere, meribasere thai palomeribasere adetya. Niš: Yugoslav Society for the Scientific Study of Religion & Sven, 2005. 335 pp.

    522. III Gy 164 Saitović-Lukin, Baja et al. Romani Cult Places and culture of Death. // Romane kultna thana thay I kultura meribasiri. Niš: Yugoslav Society for the Scientific Study of Religion: Sven, 2005. 426 pp.

    523. Salerno, Giuseppe. O Realiteto thaj o paćape e Rromeng an Srbia. // Stvarnost i nade Roma u Srbiji. // Réalité et espoirs de Roms en Serbie. Beograd.

    524. Sali, Nicolae; Duminica, Ion. Emergența societății civile. Romii în Republica Moldova: Între toleranță şi prejudecăți. Chişinău: Academia de ştinte a Moldovei, 2006. 136 pp.

    525. III 4287 Gy 4

    Salo, Sheila; Pronai, Csaba. (Eds.) Ethnic Identities in Dynamic Perspective. Proceeding of the 2002 Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society. Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2003. 268 pp.

    526. Sar vaš e škola. // Jak na školu. Praha: Slovo 21, 2003. 48 pp. 527. Sarău, Gheorghe. (Ed.) Biblikane teksturenqo kidipen anθ-i rromani ćhib. Culegere

    de texte biblice în limba rromani. Bucureşti: Kriterion, 2002. 134 pp. 528. IV Gy 210 Sarău, Gheorghe. (Ed.) Cele mai iubite cantece rrome. Braşov: Editura "Orientul

    Latin", 2000. 186 pp. 529. III Gy 114 Sarău, Gheorghe. (Ed.) Culegere de texte în Limba Rromani. Manual pentru anii II-

    IV de studiu. Bucureşti: Editura didactică şi pedagogică, R.A., 2005. 186 pp. 530. Sarău, Gheorghe. Curs de limba Rromani. Cluj – Napoca: Dacia, 2000. 254 pp. 531. Sarău, Gheorghe. Dicționar rrom - romăn. Bucureşti: Vanemonde, 2003. 222 pp. 532. Sarău, Gheorghe. Dicționar rrom - romăn. Bucureşti: Sigma, 2006. 222 pp. 533. II Gy 57 Sarău, Gheorghe. Limba şi literatura rromani. Manual pentru clasa I. I rromani ćhib

    aj literatùra (vaś i jekhto klàsa). Bucureşti: Sigma, 2006. 64 pp. 534. Sarău, Gheorghe. Limba şi literatura rromani. Manual pentru clasa a II-a. I rromani

    ćhib thaj i literatùra (vaś i dujto klàsa). Bucureşti: Sigma, 2006. 64 pp. 535. Sarău, Gheorghe. Limba şi literatura rromani. Manual pentru clasa a III-a. I rromani

    ćhib aj literatùra (vaś i trinto klàsa). Bucureşti: Sigma, 2005. 104 pp. 536. Sarău, Gheorghe. Limba şi literatura rromani pentru clasa a IV-a. I rromani ćhib

    thaj i literatùra (vaś i śtarto klàsa). Bucureşti: Sigma, 2005. 104 pp. 537. Sarău, Gheorghe. Limba şi literatura rromani pentru anul V de studiu. I rromani

    ćhib thaj i literatùra vaś panзto siklŏvipnasqo berś). Bucureşti: Sigma, 2007. 118 pp. 538. Sarău, Gheorghe. Limba şi literatura rromani. Manual pentru clasa a IX-a. I rromani

    ćhib thaj i literatùra (vaś i enăto klàsa). Bucureşti: Sigma, 2006. 200 pp. 539. IVа Gy 6 Sarău, Gheorghe. Rromii, India si Limba Rromani. Bucureşti: Editura Kriterion,

    1998. 258 pp. 540. Sarău, Gheorghe; Moise, Gabriela; Căldăraru, Marius. Limba şi literatura

    rromani pentru pentru anul VII de studiu. I rromani ćhib thaj i literatùra vaś I siklŏvipnasqo berś. Bucureşti: Vanemonde, 2008. 104 pp.

    541. P Gy 11 Sarău, Gheorghe et al. (Eds.) Dicționar romăn - rrom: lexicul modern, rar şi vechi. Bucureşti: Vanemonde, 2003. 268 pp.

    542. Savić, Svenka. (Ed.) Romkinnje. Novi Sad: Futura publikatsije, 2004. 217 pp. 543. Savić, Svenka et al. (Eds.) Univerzitet u Novom Sadu. Škola romologije. Novi Sad:

  • Futura, 2006. 186 pp. 544. III Gy 76 Savić, Svenka; Mitro, Veronika. (Eds.) Rromnja. Trajo purane Rromnjango ande

    Vojvodina. Novi Sad: Futura, 2004. 214 pp. 545. Ал. III Gy

    181 Sbírky Muzea romské kultury. Výtvarné umění. Brno: Muzeum romské kultury,

    2005. 190 pp. 546. Schmidt, Heinz G. Die Zigeuner kommen! Markus Reinhard entdect sein Volk.

    Wien: Picus, 2007. 166 pp. 547. IV Gy 204 Schoolland, Ken. Avanture Džonatana Gulibla. Novi Sad: Rromani matica ande

    Jugoslavija, 2000. 94 pp. 548. III Gy 86 Scholarship and the Gypsy Struggle. Commitment in Romani Studies. A Collection

    of Papers and Poems to Celebrate Donald Kenrick's Seventieth Year. Ed. Thomas Acton. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2000.

    549. IV Gy 155 Šebková, Hana. Romaňi čhib. Praha: Nakladatelstvi Fortuna, 1999. 96 pp. 550. IV Gy 251 Šebková, Hana. Romaňi čhib. Klíč k učebnici slovenské romštiny. Praha:

    Nakladatelství Fortuna, 1999. 96 pp. 551. IV Gy 252 Šebková, Hana. Romaňi čhib. Učebnice slovenské romštiny. Praha: Nakladatelství

    Fortuna, 2001. 270 pp. 552. Security a la Italiana. Fingerprinting, Extreme Violence and Harassment of Roma in

    Italy. Budapest: European Roma Right Center, 2008. 110 pp. 553. IV Gy 133 Şenlikoğlu, Emine Özkan Çingene. Hayattan izler. Istanbul: Mektup yayinlari,

    1996. 312 pp. 554. III Gy 129 Separate and Unequal. Combating Discrimination against Roma in Education.

    Budapest: Public Interest Law Initiative, 2004. 372 pp. 555. Sikimić, Biljana; Hristov, Petko. (Eds.) Kurban in the Balkans. Belgrade: Institute

    for Balkan Studies, 2007. 302 pp. 556. Simpson-Hebert, Mayling; Mitrović, Aleksandra; Zajić, Gradimir; Petrvić,

    Miloš. Papinati život. Romi sakupljači otpada u Beogradu. Beograd: Otkrovenje, 2006. 98 pp.

    557. III Gy 72 Slapšak, Svetlana. Dečija prava. // Čhavorenge čačipena. Beograd: Fond za humanitarno pravo, 2000. 40 s.

    558. Slee, Yvonne. Amare Fohki. (Our Folk). Brisbane: Amber Press. 559. Slee, Yvonne. Read About Gypsies. Brisbane: Amber Press. 560. Slee, Yvonne. Romanies are Gypsies, Gypsies are Romanies. Brisbane: Amber Press,

    2005. 561. Slee, Yvonne. Torn Away, Forever. Adelaide: Amber Press, 1996. 159 pp. 562. Socialni začlenovani prostřednictvim socialnich služeb: Situace Romu a

    Travelleru. Budapest: European Roma Right Center & Numena, 2007. 82 pp. 563. IV Gy 211 Stănescu, Valerica. Legile şatrei. // Le krisa le rromenqe. Bucureşti: Vanemonde,

    2004. 124 pp. 564. Stănescu, Valerica. Cu moartea’n ochi. Bucureşti: MarLink, 2007. 167 pp. 565. IV Gy 95 Stankiewich, Stanisław (Ed.) Gila Romane. // Zbiorek piesni Romskich. [Bialystok]:

    Rom po drom. 58 pp. 566. III Gy 88 Stewart, Michael. The Time of the Gypsies. Boulder Colorado: Westview Press,

    1997. 302 pp. 567. III Gy 53 Stigmata. Segregated Schooling of Roma in Central and Eastern Europe. Budapest:

  • European Roma Rights Center, 2004. 122 pp. 568. IV Gy 15 Stojka, Peter; Pivoň, Rastislav. Náš život. // Amáro Trajo. Bratislava: SD studio,

    2003. 138 pp. 569. IV Gy 254 Stojka, Peter et al. Dúral me avilem. Z dálky jsem přišel. Avri kidine le vlašika

    ďiľa. Výbor z Olašské písňové poezije. Praha: Karel Holub Ars Bohemica, 2000. 142 pp. 570. IV Gy 88 Stojko, Steva et al. Kali čirikli. // Der schwarze Vogel. Köln: Rom e. V. & Rromano

    pero, 1998. 128 pp. 571. IV Gy 187 Strategija za obrazovanje. Roma u Kragujevcu. Beograd: Romski Informativni

    Centar, 2004. 138 pp. 572. IV Gy 167 Sudden Rage at Dawn. Violence against Roma in Romania. Budapest: European

    Roma Rights Center, 1996. 62 pp. (Country Reports Series № 2) 573. Supporting Local Romani Coordinators. A Practical Guide to Integrating Roms in

    Municipal Government. Belgrade / Skopje: European Centre for Minority Issues, 2007. 60 pp.

    574. IV 3252 Gy 1

    Sutherland, Anne. Gypsies: The Hidden Americans. Prospect Heights, Illinois: Waveland Press, 1975. 330 pp.

    575. IV Gy 180

    Szegal, Borisz. Roma gyermekek ertelmi. Budapest: Press-Coord & Alex-Typo, 2000. 98 pp.

    576. II 1632 Gy 1

    Szuhay, Peter; Barati, Antonia. (Eds.) Pictures of the History of Gypsies in Hungary in the 20-th Century. World is a Ladder, which Some go Up, Some go Down. Anthropological Photo-album. Budapest: Neprajzi muzeum, 1993. 366 pp.

    577. IV Gy 30 Tanner, Arno. (Ed.) The Forgotten Minorities of Eastern Europe. The History and Today of Selected Ethnic Groups in Five Countries. Helsinki: East-West Books, 2004. 250 pp.

    578. Tauber, Elisabeth. Du wirst keinen Ehemann nehmen! Respect, Bedeutung der Toten und Fluchtheirat bei den Sinti Estraixaria. Berlin: Lit, 2006. 270 pp.

    579. III Gy 103 Tcherenkov, Lev; Laederich, Stephane. The Roma. Otherwise known as Gypsies, Gitanos, Tsiganes, Ţigani, Çingene, Zigeuner, Bohémiens, Travellers, Fahrende, etc. Vol. 1. History, Language, and Groups. Basel: Schwabe Verlag, 2004. 516 pp. Vol. 2. Traditions and Texts. Basel: Schwabe Verlag, 2004. 580 pp.

    580. III Gy 148 The ethnic situation in Bulgaria. Researches in 1992. Sofia: Club’90, 1993. 156 pp. 581. The Glass Box: Exlusion of Roma from Employment. Budapest: European Roma

    Rights Center, 2007. 97 pp. 582. The Impact of Legilation and Policies on School Segregation of Romani Children.

    Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 2007. 66 pp. 583. The Invisible. Human Rights of Romani Women in Vojvodina. // Nevidljve. Ludska

    prava romkinja u Vojvodini. Novi Sad: Futura, 2004. 100 pp. 584. IV Gy 167 The Misery of Law. The Rights of Roma in the Transcarpathian Region of Ukraine.

    Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1997. 94 pp. (Country Reports Series № 4) 585. The Situation of Roma in Enlarged European Union. European Comission, 2005.

    56 pp. 586. The Situation of Roma in Latvia. Riga: Latvian Centre for Human Rights and

    Ethnic Studies, 2003. 79 pp. 587. The UNESCO Courier. The Gypsies. October 1984. 588. III Gy 142

    Thelen, Peter. (Ed.) Roma in Europe. From Social Exclusion to Active Participation.

    Skopje: Friedrich Ebert Stiffung, 2005. 230 pp.

  • 589. III Gy 142

    Thelen, Peter. (Ed.) Roma in Europe. Vom Objekt der Ausgrenzung zum Subjekt politischen Handelns. Herausgeber: Peter Thelen. Skopje: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2005. 258 pp.

    590. IV Gy 167 Time of the Skinheads. Denial and Exclusion of Roma in Slovakia. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1997. 86 pp. (Country Reports Series № 3)

    591. III Gy 81 Todorović, Dragan. (Ed.) Evangelization Conversion Proselytism. XI Annual International YSSSR Conference. Niš: Yugoslav Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2004. 102 pp.

    592. IV Gy 29 Tomova, Ilona. The Gypsies in the Transition Period. Sofia: International Center for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations, 1995. 144 pp.

    593. III Gy 63 Tornau, Arune. Latcho drom. Vilnius: Tyto Alba, 1997. 48 pp. 594. III Gy 13 Tusa ande akhoren khelos ... Lovarenge paramiči. Hrsg. Petra Cech et al.

    Graz: Romani-Projekt & Wien: Romano Centro, 2000. 94 pp. 595. Un dictionnaire rromani oublié: le “Gyök-Szótár” de F. Sztojka. Réédité par

    Marcel Courthiade. Paris: INALCO & Rromani baxt, 2007. 200 pp. 596. Úspešné projekty zamerané na riešenie rómskej problematiky. // Successful

    projects oriented towards the solution of the Roma Issue. Bratislava: Ministerstvo výstavby a rrgionalneho rozvoja, 2006. 32 pp.

    597. IV Gy 151 Valacková, Daniela et al. Vzdelávanie Rómov a multikultúrna koexistencia. Bratislava: Slovenské padagogické nakladatelstvo, 2002. 206 pp.

    598. Vašečka, Michal et al. (Eds.) Čačipen pal o Roma. A Global Report on Roma in Slovakia. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 2003. 325 pp.

    599. IV Gy 28 Vašečka, Michal et al. (Eds.) Rómske hlasy. Rómovia a ich politická participácia v transformačnom období. Bratislava: IVO, 2002. 168 pp.

    600. P Gy 12 Veličkovski, Bone; Petrovski, Trajko. Dizionario. Rom - Italiano. Italiano - Rom. Bitola: Kiro Dandaro, 2002. 624 pp.

    601. Vermeersch, Peter. The Romani Movement. Minority Politics & Ethnic Mobilization in Contemporary Central Europe. New York & Oxford: Berhahn Books, 2006. 261 pp.

    602. Vermeersch, Peter. Roma and the Politics of Ethnicity in Central Europe. A Comparative Study of Ethnic Minority Mobilization in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia in the 1990s. Leuven: Katolieke Universitet Leuven - Faculteit Sociale Wetenscappen - Departement Politieke Wetenscappen, 2002. 324 pp. [Dissertation]

    603. IV Gy 179 Vesho-Farkas, Zoltan. Chernaja - Csi