Download - Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -

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In 1 822,John Adam s

,then in hi s e ighty-s eventh

year , pres ented the Town of Quincy , Massachuset ts ,with ( to use the wording of the deed ) :

“the fragments of my Library

,which st i l l remain in my pos

se s s ion,except ing a few that I shall re serve for my

consolat ion in the few day s that remain to m e .

Upon thi s gi ft he imposed s everal condit ions, the

fi rs t being that a catalogue of the books be madeand printed . This catalogue was prepa red andi s sued under the t i t le : “Deeds and other documentsrelat ing to the s eve ral piece s of land , and to the Librarypresen ted to the town of Quincy by Pres identAdams

,toge ther with a catalogue of the books”

(Cambridge , As a present means of reference th is catalogue i s whol ly us e l es s

,S ince the

t i t l es are arranged ne ither a lphabe t i ca l ly under theauthor ’ s name s nor under the subj ect of which theyt reat

,but according to the languages in which the

books are printed,and to some ext ent according

to th e s izes o f vo lumes .Another condi t ion of deed was that none of the \

books shal l ever be sold , exchanged or l ent , or suffered to be removed from the apartment

,without a

sol emn vote of a maj ori ty of the superintendents .”

Unfortunately thi s condit ion has not b een compl iedwith

,for a compari son of thi s fi rs t catalogue with

the present wil l Show that some volumes are miss ing . One los s in part i cular

,Thomas Morton ’ s

New Engl i sh Canaan , i s a s evere one . For thi srare volume there has been subs t i tuted a copy ofthe lat e Charl es Franci s Adams

,Jr . ’ s edi t ion of

Morton ’ s book made for the Prince Society .

B e s ides the books los t or s tol en,many have

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been muti lated , in part by hard usage from frequentrem oval s


,and lack of proper ca re . but mostly

at the hands of autograph col l ectors,who

,in m anv

case s , have not he s i ta ted to cut or tear the top oreven the middle of t i t l e-pages .

I t was the wish of John Adams that the LibraryShould be placed in “an apartment of th e buil dingto be he reafter erect ed for a Greek or Latin Schoolor Academy


” and a provi s i on for thi s academy wasmade in another deed . After a number of t ransfe rs from one p lace to another

,thi s Library was

p laced in 1 882,in the Thomas Crane Publ i c Li

brary of Q u incy . In 1 883 an orderly arrangementand suitable card catalogue were begun under thedi rect ion of the lat e Charle s Franci s Adams , J r .


and fini shed in O ctober,1 884 .

The Library remained in the cus tody of theThomas Crane Library for nearly ten years


was pract ical ly unused for i t was of a characte r l i t t leca lcu lated to inte res t readers in a smal l communi ty .

Recogniz ing that works of th i s s ort could only bemade servic eab le when used in connect ion with theresource s of a large as semblage of l i terature , inviting to s cholars and s tudent s

,the Supervi so rs o f the

Adams Temple and School Fund of Ouincy voted .

November 29, 1 893 , to tran sfer the Adams Col leet ion to the Boston Publ i c Library . On De cember6

,1 893 , the Trus tees of the Bos ton Publ i c Library

voted to accep t thi s t ransfer . The co l lect ion nowstands in the annex to the Chi ldren ’ s Room . I tha s been catalogued in accordance with the sys temin use in the general l ibra ry , and the cards havebeen incorporated into the Publ i c and O ffi cial Catalognes . Since i t i s now a working part of theBos ton Publ i c Library and s ince i t s contentsare made avai lable through the general catalogue ,

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i t has not seemed nece s sary in the con struct ion ofthe present catalogue to do more than to give thet i t l es under the author ’ s name s .The value of the Library of John Adams i s in parta sent imental one . He was one of the UnitedState s Commis s ioners to France ,

and Minis ter toHolland

,during the Ameri can Revolut ion


wh ile in Pari s and at The Hague col lect ed manyof the volume s of which he made use in wri t inghi s D efence of the Const i tut ions of Governmentof the United States .

” Years later he was thes econd President of the nat ion . From the t imewhen he was a student in Harvard Col lege unt i lthe day of hi s death on the fift i eth anniversary of

the Declarat ion of Independence , July 4,1 826


drew books about h im . As a re sul t hi s Libraryi s an admirable spec imen of the int el l ectual tas te sof an American gentleman of the EighteenthCentury . Not only doe s i t conta in many of theGreek

,Lat in

,French and Engl i sh clas s i cs


a cons iderab le number of works on law ,commerce .

and agricul ture . The books,however

,on the con

s t itutional and pol it ica l hi s tory of va rious countrie s .among them a number of hi s tor ie s of the I ta l ianrepubl i cs

,give a special S ign i fi cance to the col lee

t i on . With the except ion of the Library of Col .Will iam Byrd of Virgin ia

,which contained 3438

volume s , i t i s po s s ib ly the la rge s t privat e col lect i onof books of i t s day made in thi s country .

Among other valuab le and intere s t ing works maybe especia l ly de s ignated Henri Es t ienne ’

s edit ion ofPlato ’ s Works in three fo l i o vo lumes (Pari s , 1 578 )enriched by the autographs of John and JohnQuincy Adams ; Wins low

’ s Good news from NewEngland ( 1 624 ) John Marshal l

’ s Life of Washington

,each of the five volumes contain ing an auto

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graph presentat i on from the author to J ohn Adams ;and Joseph V Varren ’

s Massacre o rat ion of 1 772 . anautographed presentat ion copy .

Three of the volume s once belonged to the Rev .

Thomas Prince,and two of them contain the book

pla te of the O l d South Library . In the B os tonPatriot of O ctober 23 , 1 8 1 1

,John Adams wrote :

“ I mounted up to the balcony of Dr . Sewal l ’ schurch

,where was a s s embled a col lect i on which Mr .

Prince had devoted himself to make from the twent ieth year of h i s age Such a treasure neverexi s ted anywhere e l s e

,and can never aga in be

made . I t s eems probable that in one or more ofh i s vi s i t s to thi s bal cony Mr . Adams borrowed thesevolumes and fai l ed to return them .

Among the numerous autographs are thos e ofJame s O t i s

,Elbridge Gerry , T . Brand Hol l i s

,Dr .

Benjamin Rush : as wel l as manuscript not es byThomas Prince in Oldm ixon ’

s Brit i sh Empire inAmer ica

,and Wins low ’ s Good news from New Eng

land,and numerous annotat ions by John Adams

in Mary Woll s tonecraft Godwin ’ s French Revo lut ion


s Histo i re des guerres c ivi le s,and Rous ~

s eau’

s Dis cours e upon in equal i ty .

Many volumes conta in the book—plate s of JohnAdams

,John Quincy Adams

,and Charles Franci s

Adams, the Elder . Thes e book-p late s of the son

and grandson of John Adams are evidence thatthey

,and doubtl es s l ate r members of the Adams

family,added to the col lect ion as i t original ly s tood

in 1 823 . At that t ime the number of vo lumes was2756 . In 1 883 , the numbe r was 2804, and at pre s entin 1 9 1 7 , the t otal enumerat ion i s 30 1 9 .

This catal ogue has been edi ted and put throughthe pres s

,and the preface wri tt en . by Lindsay

Swift,Edito r of Publ i cat ions .

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Abbot t , Charles , I s t Baron Tenterden . A treat is eon the law re lat ive to merchant sh ips and s ea

m en . With the copious annotat ion s of JosephStory . 3d Ameri can edi t i on . Exeter , N . H .

1 822 .

Abercrombie , John . The Brit i sh fruit—gardener ;and art of pruning . London . MDCCLXXIX .

Sm .

Académ ie francai s e . Dict ionnai re . See I nst itutde France .

Académ ie royale des s c i ence s , Amsterdam . See

Koninkl ijke Akademie .

Accadem ia imperia l e e real e del la Crus ca , Florence .

Compendio de l vocabolario degl i Accademicide l la Crus ca . Firenze . M .DCC .XXXIX . 5 v .

4Accine lli , France s co Maria . Compendio de ll e s tori e

d i Genova . [Anon ] Lips ia . MDCCL . 2 v .

“The se two books we re bought at Genoa in December 1 752.

There they were burned by the hand s o f the common execu

t ioner are proh ib i ted . They cost a zecch in . The supposedauthor i s a Genoe se pries t named Accinel l i, Manuscrip t note on f ly-leaf, p erhap s by John Adam s .

Account , An , of Denmark , as i t was in the year 1 692 .

[Anon ] See Mo lesworth,R .

,Viscount .

Account , An , of the European s ett l ements in America . [Anon ] See B urke , E .

Acherley,Roger . The xB r itannic cons t i tut ion : or


the fundamental form of government in Britain .

London . M .DCC .XXVI I . F°

Actes , mémoires , autres p ieces authent ique s concernant la pa ix d ’

U trecht . See Freschot , C .

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Adams,Charle s Franci s . An addres s on the occa

s ion of open ing the n ew Town Hall,i n B rain

tree , July29, 1 858 . Bos ton . 1 858 . 8°

Adams , Cha rle s Franci s , J r . The centennial mi l est one . An addres s in commemorat i on of theone hundredth ann iversary of the incorporat ionof Ouincy,

Mas s . Delivered July 4,1 892 . Cam

bridge . 1 892 . Plates . 8°

His tory of B rain tree,Mas s . ( 1 639 the

north precinct of B raintree ( 1 708 andthe town of Quincy ( 1 792 [With ap

pendix ] Cambridge . 1 89 1 . 8°

Some phase s o f s exual moral i ty and church di scip line i n co lon ia l New England . Cambridge .

1 89 1 . No . 2 i nAdams , Hannah . A v i ew of rel igions . 3d ed it i on .

Boston . 1 80 1 . 8°

Lacks the l as t four pages . This book was once in the posses s ion o f Dr . El iphalet Not t .” — Manu scrip t no te .

Adam s , John . Correspondence of the lat e Pres ident Adams . O rigina l ly publ i shed in the B 05ton Patr iot . In a s er ies of l ett ers . Number

7 , 8 . Bos ton . 1 809.

Deeds and other document s relat ing to the severa l p ieces of land

,and to the Library p res ented

to the town of Quincy,by Pres ident Adams

wi th a cata logue of the books . Cambridge .

1 823 . 8°

Four cop ies .I n 1 893 the J ohn Adams Library was p laced by the Town ofQu incy in the custody o f the Boston Pub l ic Library.

A defence of the cons t i tuti ons of government ofthe United States . London . 1 787, 88. 2 v .

8 . 260.9Défens e des const i tut ions américa ines

,ou de la

néces s i t é d ’une balance dans les pouvoirs d ’ungouvernement l ib re . Avec des notes et obser


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Adams , John . ( Continued .

vations de M . de La Croix . Pari s . 1 792 . 2 v .

D irected again st the attack of B aron A . R . J . Turgot .Same . Par i s . 1 792 . 2 v .

The name of Del acro ix as ed i tor doe s not appear on thet it le-page o r th is ed i t ion .

Discourses on Davila . A seri es of papers onpol it ical h i s to ry . Written in the year 1 790

and then pub li shed in the Gazett e of th e Un itedStates . By an American c i t izen . Bos ton .

1 805 .

This copy conta in s many margina l note s in the hand o f theauthor ; the se were in corporated in the repr in t wh ich app earedin vol

:6 of h is Works

Gesch l eden i s van het gesch i l tus s chen GrootB ritann ie en Amerika

,zedert deszelfs oor

sprong,in den jaare 1 754, tot op den t egen

woord igen t ijd . Amsterdam . 1 782 . Portra i t .

A Dutch translat ion of the abr idgment of the papers o fNovanglus , in reply to M as sachus e ttens is ,

“made in Ho l land ,apparent ly for the purpose of extend ing information re sp ecting the s truggle , and in sp ir ing con fidence in the author , whenhe was sol ic it ing an a l l iance fo r the United States with thatcountry.

” — Works o f John Adam s . Vo l . 4.

Novanglus [ ps eud . of John Adams ] and Massachusettens is [ pseud . of Danie l Leonard ] ; orpol i t i ca l e s says

,publ i shed in the years 1 774

and 1 775 , on the principal point s of controversybetween Grea t Brita in and her colon ie s . Theformer by John Adams

,the lat ter by Jonathan

Sewal l . Added , a number of let ters by Pres ident Adams to Wil l iam Tudor . Boston . 1 8 1 9 .

The p seudonym M as sachu se tten s is was at firs t attr ibutedt o Sewali , but later was found to repre sen t Leonard .

Works : w i th a l i fe of the author,notes and i l lu s

trat ions by Charle s Franc i s Adams . Bos ton .

1 850—56 . 1 0 v . Portrai t s . Plates . Facs imi les .

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Adam s , John Quincy . An addres s del iveredon the occa s ion of reading the Declara t ion ofIndependence

,on the Fourth of July, 1 82 1 .

Washington . 1 82 1 . 8°

No . I inAddres s to h i s con st i tuent s at Braintree


ber 1 7th , 1 842 . Boston . 1 842 .

No . 1 2 inLarge ly on the deve lopmen t of the nulli fi cation doctr ine .

Add 1 es s to the Norfolk County Temperance Society,

at Quincy , 29 Sept ember, 1 842 .

.Q .uincy1 842 . 8


No . 1 3 in 25 1 . 1 8

Argument before the Supreme Court . in thecas e of the United States vs . Cinque , and others ,Afri cans

,captured in the s chooner Amis tad


del ivered on the 24th of February and I s t ofMarch

,1 84 1 . W ith a revi ew of the cas e of th e

Antelope . New York . 1 84 1 . 8°

No . 1 0 inAn eulogy on the l i fe and charact er of JamesMadi son

,at the reques t of the Mayor , Alder

men,and Common Counci l of Boston . Sep

tember 27 , 1 836 . Boston . 1 836 .

No . 5 inAn eulogy on the l i fe and charact er of JamesMonroe 2sth of Augus t , 1 83 1 . Bos ton .

1 83 1 . No . 3 in

An inaugural orat i on,at the author ’ s ins tal la

t ion as Boyl s ton Profes sor of Rhetorick andO ratory

,at Harvard Unive rs i ty , 1 2 June ,

1 806 . Boston . 1 806 . No . 1,2 in

Two cop ies .The jub i l ee of th e Const i tut ion . A d is course del ivered the 3oth of Apri l , 1 839, being thefi ft i eth anniversary of the inaugurat ion ofGeorge Washington . New York . 1 839. Plate .

8° No . 8 1n


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Adams , John Quincy . ( Continued .

M r .


Adam s’ speech on war with Great Bri tain

and Mexico ; with the speeches of Mess rs . Wiseand Ingersol l

,t o which it i s in rep ly . [Bos

ton . 1 842? ] No . 1 1 in 25 1 . 1 8

Mostly in de fence of the r igh t of search .

An orat ion addre s sed to the c i t i zens of the townof Quincy) , on the Fourth of July,

1 83 1 Bos ton .

1 83 1 . 8 . No . 2 in 25 1 . 1 8

An o 1 ation de l ivered bef0 1 e the inhab itant s ofNewbu 1yport , July 4th ,

1 837 . Newburyport .No . 6 in 25 1 . 1 8

O rat ion on the l i fe and character of Gi lbertMot ier de Lafaye tte , [before the ] Congre s so f the United Sta te s , 3 I St December , 1 834 .

Wash ington . 1 83 5 . No . 4 inThe soci a l compact

,exempl if ied in the cons t itu

t i on of Mas sachuset t s ; w ith remarks ontheori es conce rning the origin and natureof government . A lecture before the FranklinLyceum


,November 25 , 1 842 .

Providence 1 842 . No . 1 4 inSpeech upon the right of the peoplet o pet i t ion ; on the freedom of speech and ofdebat e , on the resolut ions and pet it ions

to the annexat ion of Texas .Washington . 1 838. No . 7 in 25 1 . 1 8

Substance of the speech of J . Q . Adams,with a

part of the debat e ln the House of Representat ives rela t ing to the co l lect i on of dut ie son imports . Boston . 1 840 .

No . 9 inAdams , Zabd i el . The ~

evi1 des igns of m en made‘

subs ervi ent by God to the publ ic good ; part icular ly i l lus trated in the ri se

,progre s s and

conclus ion of the Ameri can war . A sermonpreached at Lexington on the n ine teenth of

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Adams , Zabdie l . ( Continued)Apri l

,1 783 . Boston . M



Addres s , An , of the twelve United Colon ie s ofNorth Am e i ica by thei r 1 epresentat ives inin Con o 1 ess

,to the people of I re land . Phila

del phia . 1 775 . 8 . No . 1 i nTitle-page cut for autograph .

Adriani , Giambatt i s ta . I s tor ia de’ svo i tempi .

[Edi ta da Marcel lo Adrian i ] Venet ia . MDLXXVII . 2 v . Sm .

Add ison , Alexander . Observat ions on the speechof Albert Gal lat in

,i n the House o f Repres en ta

t ive s of the United States,on the fore ign inte r

course bi l l . Washington . 1 798 .

The speech re ferred to i s on sh el f-number No . 1 inAdd ison , Joseph . The free-holder . O r

, po l itical

es says . [Anon ] No . 1 — 55 . December 23 ,1 7 1 5

— June 29,1 7 1 6 . sth edi t i on . London .

MDCCXXXI I .Autograph : John Adams o f Brain tree .

— M i s cel laneous works in vers e and pros eVv

ith som e account of the l i fe and wri t ings o fthe author , by Mr . Ticke l l . Vol . 3 . London .

MDCCXXVI . Plates . Sm . 8 .

Contents .

—3 . D ialogue s upon the use fu lne s s of an c ien t meda l s .

Esp ec ial ly in re lat ion to the Latin and Greek poe ts .Same . Vo l . 1 . 3 . London . MDCCLXVI .

P o r

t ra i t . sm .

Contents— 1 . Po em s on severa l occas ion s . An e s say on

V irgi l ’ s Georg i co

s . 3 : Dialogues up on the use fuln e s s of anc ien tmedal s . Esp ec ial ly In re lat ion to th e Lat in and Greek po e ts .O f the t ruth of the Chri s t ian rel igion . ( In V Vats on , Richard , edi tor . A collect ion of theological t racts . Vol . 5, pp . 76

— 1 02 . London . M .

DCC LXXXV . )Remarks on several part s of I taly

, &c .,in the

years 1 70 1 , 1 702 . 1 703 . London . M DCCLXVII . 1 2


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Admin is t rat ion , The , of the coloni es . [Anon ]See Pownal l , T .

Advocatus pauperum ,ps eud . Historia succ incta

H o sp ital is S . Elisabethae, extra muros Impe

perialis Monas ter ii S . M axim ini ord in i s S . Bened icti , prope Treviro s . Londin i . MDCCLXXXVI . I l lus . Plates .

E sopus . Mytho logia ZEsop ica [ i n qua ] ZEsop i

Fabulae Graeco-Lat inae ccxcvu Accedunt B abrize Fabulae e t iam auctiores . Secundum ed itionem I saac i Nicola i N ive leti .Praeponitur hi s to ria vi tae ZEsop i . Compos ita s tudio Joach im i Cam erarii : et adj iciturCebetis tabula . In usum Scholae ZEtonens is .

Londin i . 1 682 . 2 part s in 1 v . 1 2°

The f ir s t and second page s are muti lated .

[Nouveau choix de s Fables d’

Esope avec la vers ione lat ine

,et l

exp l icat ion des mots en fran

goi s Par feu M . Le Roi . Pari s .

The t itle-page and page s 1—32 are miss ing.

Affa ires de l ’Angleterre et de l ’Amérique . Tome1 — 1 0

,1 1 ( part 1 776

—78 . Anve rs . 1 776

78. 8The t itle-page of vol . 1 i s dated 1 777 ; of vo l . 2

, 1 776. The

paginat ion of vol . 2 var ie s frim the p reced ing ed it ion . Miss ingfrom th is set are vol s . 1 1 (part I ) ; 1 2—1 5 ; vo l . 8, t itle-page ,avis ; vol 9, notice ; I O, Table , Index .

This per iod ical , bear ing the impr int o f Anve rs , was is suedat Paris . at irregu lar in terva l s , and i s s a id to have b e enunder the ed i torsh ip o f B enj am in Frankl in , Anto in e Courtde Gébe l in , Jean B apt is te René Rob inet and others . Thereare two sect ion s : Journa l

,giv ing a narrat ive of event s r el at in g

to the Amer ican Revolut ion , and Lettre [ s ] d ’un ban quier deLondre s , giv ing an account o f the po l it ical and par l iamen taryproceed ings of Great B ri tain . The Lettre s h ave been ascr ibedto Edward Bancroft , MD .

Paul Le ice ster Ford, in the Pennsylvani a Magazine of His toryand B iography for July

,1 889 [ Per . Room give s a

de scr ip t ion o f the work, with a col lat ion .

The t it le-page of vol . 1 i s dated 1 777 ; o f vo l . 2,1 776. The

pagination o f vol . 2 varie s from the preced ing ed i t ion . Miss ingfrom th i s set are vo l s . 1 1 (part 1 2—1 5 ; vo l . 8, t it le-page ,Avis ; vo l . 9 , Not ice ; vol . 10, Tab le , I ndex .

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Affaires de l ’Angleterre (Continued)Same . 1 7


—79. 1 5 v . in 7 .

Bound in 8 vo lu in es , one o f wh ich is m iss ing, so that vol s .1 1 and 1 2 contain only . vol . 1 1 ( part pp . 1 -368,and Table ; vol . 1 1 (part pp . i—ccxx ix ; vol . 1 2 (part pp .


-24o 257—348, and Table ; vo l . 1 2 (part pp . cccxlv—ccccxx .

I n vol . 3 the page numbei's vary from the preced ing ed it ion s ,but the text and arrangemen t of pages are the same . I nvo l . 3 , foot o f p . cxxxj , the Avis , pr in ted in the preced inged i t ion s , is om itted . I n vol . 8 the ornament on the t itlepage i s new, and the Avis , m is s ing from the preced ing ed i t ions ,is bound in fron t o f p . 32 1 . Vol . 1 2 (part 1 ) conta in s twocop ies o f pp . 97—1 28. Vol . 1 3 contain s two cop ie s o f pp . ccxxvcc lxxx .

Miss ing from th is set are : vol . 2,t itle-page ; vol . 9 , pp . lv ,




vij , Avis . Table and I ndex ; vol . 1 5 , pp . lxv—xcj and a foldedta e

Vol . 1 3 inc lude s Re lat ion naive et impart iale des op érat ion sde l a flot te aux ordres du Lord Howe en Am érique . Vol . 1 5in cludes Expo s é des motifs de l a condu ite du ro i tres-ehrét ien ,

re lat ivement a l ’Angleterre .

Same . No . 57 , 6 1 , 67 . M .DCC .LXXVII I ,LXX IX . 233 3Contents — 57 . Vol . 1 1 (part p .p 209

—256.—Vol . 1 2 (p art

pp . cxxix- cl ix . 6 1 . V o l . 1 2 (part pp . cccl i—ccclxxvj , ccccjccccxx. 67 . Vo l . 1 2 (part pp . 97—1 28.

— Vol . 1 3 , pp . ccxxvcclxxx .

Bound in the original b lue paper covers . The t i t le s are on thecovers . Pp . ccclxxvij—cccc have been torn from vol 1 2 (partTh is s et conta in s vol . 1 1 (par t pp . 209—256, m i ss ing fromthe other cop ie s .M entioned by Ford , but m iss ing from al l Cop ie s in th isLibrary, are : vol . 6, Avis ; vo l . 9, Avis ; vo l . 1 0, Avert i s sement ;vol . 1 1 (part Tab le and I ndex .

Agath ias . Agath im Smyrnaei D e bel lo Gothorvmet al iis peregrin is h is toriis , l ibr i V . per Chri sto

phorum Personam Romanum , p riorem s anctaeB alb inae

,a Graeco i n Lat inum traduct i . ( In

Zos imus . H istoriarum l ibri VI . Pp . 457—558 .

Aurel i ae Al lobr . MDCV . )Aguesseau Henri Franco i s d

. (Euvres . Pari s .M .DCC .LIX 1 1 v .

Contents .

—1 . Abrégé de l a vie de d’

Aguesseau. D iscourspour le présentat ion cles lettre s de d

’Agues s eau, par Tartar in Terrasson , Coch in . Discours par Mor lhon . El ogede d Aguesseau,

par Thomas . Discours pour l ’ouver turedes aud ience s . Mercur iale s Réqu is i to ir e s autre sd iscours fait s en d ifféren tes occas ion s . In s truct ions surl es étude s propres a former un magistrat, autre s ouvrage s

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Agues seau , Henri Franco i s d’

. ( Continued)sur que l ques-uns de s obj ets de ces étude s . 2—4. Pla idoyer s .5 . Plaidoyers , mémoire s , d i s sertat ion s, autres ouvrage s .6. Reques tes sur les m at iére s doman iales . 7 . Reque s tesmémoire s sur le s mat iére s doman iales , avec d i fférente s

p iece s sur l a pa ir ie . Lettres sur les mat iéres cr im ine l lesc iv ile s . 1 0. Let tres sur le s mat ieres c iv ile s cr imi

nel le s . Cons iderat ion s sur les monnaies . M émoire surles action s de l a Compagn ie d

I ndes , &c . 1 1 . Méd i tat ionsph ilo soph ique s sur l ’o rigine de la j ust ice , &c .

Ainsworth,Robert . Dict ionary,

Engl i sh and Lat in .

A new ed it i on,with great add i t i ons . By

Thomas More l l . London. MDCCLXXII I .

43 3Aland , Sir John F0 1 tescue , I s t Baron Fortes cue .

Reports of s e l ect ca s es in a l l the Courts ofWestminster-Hall ; al so the opinion of al l thejudges of England relat ing to the grandes tpre rogat ive of the roya l fam i ly . In theSavoy . MDCCXLVI I I . F



Has autograph and book-p late of John Adam s , 1 770, withseveral MS . note s by h im .

Albert moderne,L ’

. See Al letz ,P . A .

Alexander Aphrodis iens is . See Them ist ius Eu

phradiens is .

Al len , Jonathan . Addre s s del ivered before the

Berkshi re Associat ion for the Promot ion ofAgri cul ture and Manufacture s

,at P itt sfi e ld


O ctober 4,1 82 1 . Pit t s fie ld . 1 82 1 .

Al letz, Pons August in . L’

Albert moderne,ou nou

veaux se cret s éprouvés et l i c i t es ayantpour obj et s de remédier a un grand nombred’

accidens qui intére s s ent la santé 2e

édi t ion , augmentée . [Anon ] Pari s . M .

DCC .LXXI .Al ley, Jerome . The judge ; or, an es t imate of theimportance of the j udi c ial character

,occas ioned

by the death of the lat e Lord Clare . A poemin three cantos . London . 1 803 . Sm .

A page or page s are mis s ing at the end .

[9 ]

Page 17: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Al l ix,Pe ter , D .D . Reflexions upon the books of

the Holy Scri pture for the es tabl i sh ing of thetruth of the Chri s t ian rel igion . ( In Watson ,Richa rd

,edi tor . A col l ect ion of theological

tract s . Vol . 1,pp . 220—504. Cambridge . M .

DCCLXXXV . )Almanach de Gotha . Annua ire d ip lomat iques tati s t i que pour l ’année . 1 868 . Gotha .

Portrai t s .Almanach de la cour pour l ’année 1 8 1 1 . St . Pet ersbourg . Plat e .

Almanach du Département de l ’Escaut , pour l’an

1 8 1 5 par C . F . Mani l ius . 7e année . Gand .

[ 1 8 1 5 ]Almanach pari s ien , en faveur des ét rangers , et despersonne s curieus es . Nouvell e éd i t ionaugmentée . Par i s . 2 v . in 1 . Map .

A guide to the work o f art in Paris ; the second part i s ageneral gu ide-book. Title-page mut ilated .

Almanach royal,année 1 778,

83 , 84,1 8 1 4, 1 5 .

Pari s . [ 1 777 4 v.

Als ted , Johann Heinrich Scient iarvm omn ivm

encvclopaediae tomvs p rimvs—qvartvs . ndvni . M .DC .XLIX . 4 V . in 2 . F



Autograph : Cotton Tuft s .Am e lo t de La Houssaye , Abraham N icola s . H I S

to i re du gouvernement de Venise . Pari s . M .

DC .

-LXXVI .Am ericaansehe Bybe l , opgedraagen aan den HeereAdams

, gezant der dert ien V ereenigde S taat envan Noord Amer ica by de Staat en generaalder V ereenigde Nederlanden . [Amsterdam ?

A pol it ical p arody.

American Academy of Arts and Sc iences . Catalogue of books

,in the l ibrarv . [Bos ton ] 1 802 .

[ 10]

Page 19: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Amm ianus Marce l l inus . ( Continued .

Rerum ges tarum qui de XXXI supersunt l ibriXVII I . Omnia nunc recognita ab JacoboGronov10 . Lugduni Batavorum . MDC XCII I .I l lus . Portrai ts .

Amm i rato , Scip i one , the E lder . Del l e famigl ienobi l i fiorent ine . Parte prima . [Ed i t ed by S .

Ammirato,the Younger . ] Firenze . M .DC.

XV . Genealogi cal p lates . F°

. No . 2 inDe l le famigl i e nob i l i napoletane . Part e prima .

Fiorenza . M D LXXX . Genealogica l p late s .

. No . 1 inAncient and pres ent s tat e , The , of Portugal . Bya gent l eman who res ided some years in thatcount ry . See Stevens , Capta in J .

Anderson , Adam . An his to ri cal and chrono log icaldeduct ion of the origin of commerce , from theearl i es t a ccounts to the pres ent t ime . Containing

,an h i s tory of the great commerc ia l int eres t s

of the Br it i sh Emp i 1 e . London MDCCLXIV .

2 v . Map s . F°


Anderson ,S ir Edmund . Les report s du treseru

dit e Edmund Anderson . Chival ier, Nadgairs ,

Seign iour Ch ief Jus t ice de l Common-Bank .

Des mults princ ipal s cas es argues 81 adj uges enle temps del j adi s Roigu El izabeth . London1 664, 65 2 v . in 1 Portra i t s . F


Ange l is , Domeni co de . Vita d i Giacomo AntonioFerrari . ( In Ferrari , G. A . Apologia parados s ica . Lecce .

Ange lon i , Bat i s ta , ps eud . See Shebbeare , J .

Anglo-Saxon Chron ic l e . Chronicon Saxonicum . ExMSS codicibus nunc primum integrum edid it ,ac Lat inum feci t Edmundvs Gibson . Oxonii .

MDCXCI I . Map . Vigne t te .

The Anglo-Saxon text and the Lat in tran s lation are in paral le lcolumns .

[ 12]

Page 20: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Annual Regi ster , The , or a vi ew of the hi s tory ,

pol it i c s,and l i t erature

,for 1 77 1 , 74, 75 , 79,


London 1 775This pub l icat ion is frequently referred to as Dods l ey

5 AnnualRegister . The volume s for 1 77 1 , 1 775 are of the 2d ed it ion .

Anseaume , Louis . De spreekende schildery. Zangspe l . Gevo lgd maar het Fransch van Ansaume


door Bartholomeus Ruloffs . Amsterdam .

1 78 1 . Vignette . No . 2 in 224.2

Answer t o a pamphlet , ent i tled , Considerat ions onthe publ i c exped i ency of a bridge from one partof Boston to the other. Boston . 1 806.

No . 8 in'

2 52 .9Answer , A11

,t o the ques t ion

,why are you a Federal

ist ? and why shal l you vote fo r Gov . S t rong ?

[Anon ] See Qu incy, J .

Ant idotvm continens pres s iorem declarat ionem

proprire et genvinae s entent iae qvae in synodo

nat ional i Dordracena as s erta es t et s tabi l i ta .

B elgice primum in lucem editum ,nunc

auctum Latin itate donatum . Acces s it dup lex index qua in nuper editis act i sscriptis Remons trantium synodo exhib i

t i s occurrunt . Herder-vviici . M .DC .XX .

Sm . No , 3 inAnt iqvi rhetores Lat in i . t il ivs v vs , Aqvila

Romanvs , I vl ivs v inianvs de figuris s ententiarum elocution is [ etc . ] Anonymvs

de loc i s rhetoricis . Alb in i Alcvini de arte rhetori ca dialogus . Omnia em endat iora velauctiora . Pari s i i s . M .D .XCIX . 4


Autograph : John Adams .Anton inus , Marcus Aurel ius . Pens ées de l ’ empereur

Marc—Aure l e-Anton in ; ou lecons de vertu quece prince phi losophe se faiso it alu i-meme . Nouve l le t raduct i on du grec , avec des notesdes variant es . Par M . de Joly . Pari s


Page 21: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Arm in ian magazine , The . ( Continued )Vol . Philade l phia . M .DCC .LXXXIX ,

M .DCC .XC . 2 v .

The pre face to vol . 1 is s igned by Thomas Coke and Franc isAsbury ; that to vo l . 2 by Franc is Asbury . No more wasubl ished . Con s is ts ch ie fly of rep rin ts from The Armin ianlizil

agaz ine , London

[Army] Meteorologi cal Regi ster for 1 826—1 830 :

from observat ions made by the Surgeons ofthe Army . Appended

,the Meteoro log ica l

Regi st er for 1 822— 1 825 . Phi ladelphia . 1 840 .

Map . 8°

Arr ivée , L’

,du brave Toulousain

, et le devoi r desbrave s compagnons de la pe t i t e mani cl e .

Troyes . No . 1 inAsselyn ,

Thomas . D e sp ilpenning,of verkwistende

vrouw,blyspél . Am s teldam . 1 726 .

No . 3 inAtterbury , Franci s , Bishop of Roches ter . Sermonsand di scours es on s evera l subj ect s and occas ions . Vol . 2—4 . London . MDCCLXI .

Autograph in each vo lume : John Adams . Vol . 2 i s o f the 7thed i t ion ; vol s . 3 , 4, of the sth .

Aubert de La Chesnaye des Bo is , Franco is Alexandre . Dicti onna ire h i s torique des moeurs


usages et coutumes des Franco i s . [Anon ]Pari s . MDCCLXVII . 3 v .

Auger , avocat . Mémoires pour s erv i r a l ’histo i re du droi t pub l i c de la France en mat iéres


impots , ou recuei l de ce qu i s’ es t pas s é

a la Cour des ai des , depu is 1 756 jusqu’


mois de Juin 1 775 . [Anon ] Bruxel l es .M .DCC.Lxx1x. 4


“Ce préc ieux volume est le recue i l de toutes les op érat ion s deMalesherbe s pendan t sa premiere prés idence de l a Cour

des a ides .” Barb ier .The hal f-t itle conta ins , written with p enc il , Presented by Mr.Malesherbe s in 1 780 to John Adams .”

[ 16]

Page 22: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Aust in ,Benjamin . Cons t i tut ional republ icanism ,

i n oppos it ion to fal lac ious federal i sm . Bos ton .

1 803 .

This copy lacks the t itle-page and pp . 3—8 .

Auteur,L ’

,de l ’H isto ire de la conjurat ion de Maxi ~

m il ien Robesp ierre . See Mont joye , C . F . L . V .

de La T .

Author of the Cri t i ca l h i s tory of England . See Oldm ixon , J

Avaux , Jean Anto ine de Mesme , Comte d’

. Negociat ions de Mons i eur le Comte d

Avaux enHol lande

,depu is 1 679, jusqu

en 1 688 . Pari s .M .DCC .LI I

,M .DCC .LI I I . 6 v .

Same . M .DCC .LIV . 6 v . i n 3 .

The t i tle-pages o f th is s et are muti lated .

B ., W . See B rown , W .

Babrius . Tsrgdorrxa . [Fabu lae . Graece et Lat ine . ] ( In Aesopus . Mytho logia AeSOp ica .

Part 1,1 09

—1 1 2 ; part 2, 94

— 1 1 2 . Londini .

B achaumont , Loui s Peti t de . M émoires s ecret spour serv i r a l ’histo ire de la républ ique des l ett res en France

,depui s MDCCLXII jusqu


j ours ; ou j ournal d’un obs ervateur . T . 2— 1 4 .


Sm .

Bacon,Franci s

,Baron Verulam and Viscount St .

Albans . The l i fe and re ign of K . Henry VI I .

( I n Hughes , John , compi ler . A comp l ete h istory of England . Vol . 1

,pp . 578

—640. London .

A portra it i s m is s ing in th i s copy .

Opera omn ia quae extant : ab innumeris

mend i s repurgata : cum indice H is prae~

fixa es t auctoris vita . [Edited by J . B . Schoenwetter and I . Gruterus . ] Francofvrt i ad Moe

nvm . M DC LXV. Portrai t . F

[ 17 ]

Page 23: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Antoninus , Marcus Aure l ius . (Cont inued)M .DCC .LXX . Portrai t .Autograph : John Adams .


Antonmus L i beral i s . Msrauogcpmoemv 0111 101v 11.

Transfo rmat ionum congerie s , in te rprete Guil ie lm o Xylandro Cum Thomae Munckeri

not i s,quibus suas adjecit Hen ri cus V erheyk.

Lugduni B atavorum . MDCCLXXIV .

Autograph John Adams .

Aphthonius , Sophi s tes . M6801 . Fabulae . JacobusKimedoncius

,fi l ius

,interpretatus es t ( In

Aesopus . Mytho logia Aesop ica . Part 1, 77

93 ; part 2 , 77—93 . Londini .

Apol l on ius Pergaeus . Conica : m ethodo novo i l lustrata

,81 succincte demons trata. Per I saacum

Barrow . Londin i 1 675 . Sm .

Apostol ius , Michael . Proverb iorum centuria I

XXI . ( In Robert i , Antonius . C lav is Homeri ca . Pp . 390

—470 Roterodam i . M .D .

CLXI I . )Greek text and Lat in tran slat ion in para l le l columns .

Append ix t o the Scripture l exicon . [Anon ] See

Ol iver, P .

Arator ; being a s eries of agricultural e s says .

[Anon ] See Taylor , J .,of V irgin ia .

Archimedes . Tauéxoi vi'

iv Opera,

nuncque primum 81 Graecé 81 Latiné in lucem ed ita Adiecta quoque sunt Evtoc iiAscalonitae i n eosdem Arch im ed is l ib ros Commentar ia

,i tem Greece 81 Latiné , nunquam antea

excusa . B as ileae . MDXLI I I I . Sm . f°


Ed i ted by Thomas Gechauff, ca l le d V enatorius . The Lat invers ion is by Jacobu s Cremonens is .

Archim ed is opera : Apo l lon ii Pergaei con icoruml ibri I I I I . Theodos ii Sphaerica : m ethodo novai l lu strata

,81 succ incte dem ons trata. Per I s .

Barrow . Lond in i . 1 675 . 3 v . i n 1 . Sm .

[ 14 ]

Page 24: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Argenson ,René Loui s

,Marqui s d ’ . Cons idera

t ions sur le gouvernement anc ien et prés ent dela France [Anon ] Amsterdam . 1 765 . V ign

ette .

Argol i , Andrea . [Ephemerides annorum L ,juxta

Tychon is hypothes es et accurate e caclo de

ductas ob servat iones ab anno 1 630 ad annum1 680. V enet iis . 2 v . in 1 .

1 6 1 .2 1

The t itle-page i s mis s ing ; the t itle 1 5 supp l ied from Cataloguegénéral des l ivres impr imés de l a B ib l iotheque nat ionale.

Con ta ins only the Canone s ephem er idum and no t the Ephem er ides .

Aristoteles . Comm entarii Co llegii Con imbricen s is

Societat i s I esu,in tres l ibros D e anima Aris

totelis Stagiritae , hac qvarta edit ione , Graeci

contextvs Lat ino e regione respondent is ac

ces s ione auct iores in Germania edit i . Co

loniae . M .DC .XVI I .Ope ra omnia qvae extant , Graecé 81 Latiné .

Cum Kyriaci Strozae l ib ri s dvobvs Graecol at ini s de Repub li ca in supp lem entum Pol it icorum Aristotel is Huic edit ioni access it i n omnes Ar is totel is l ibros commentarius Authore Gvi llelmo Dv Val . . qui81 ad iecit antho logiam anatom icam exscitis H ippocrat is 81 Galeni Lvtetiae

Paris iorvm . M .DC .XXIX . 2 v . F°


A trea t i s e on government . Trans lated by W i ll iam Ell i s . London . M DCC LXXVI .

[Works , in Greek and Lat in , paral lel columns .London ? Prev i ous to 1 625 ] Sm . 8


Contents . De mo r ibvs . Magno rvm moral ium . Evdem iorvm . Po l i t i corvm . Oeconom i corvm . Rhetoricorvm .

The t itle-page and page 73 7 and those fo l lowing are miss ing.

Armin ian magazine , The : cons i s t ing of extract sand or iginal t reat ise s on general redempt ion .

Page 25: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Arm in ian magazine , The . (Continued)Vol . 1

,2 . Phi ladelphia . M .DCC .LXXXIX


M .DCC .XC . 2 v.

The preface to vol . 1 i s s igned by Thomas Coke and FrancisAsbury ; that to vol . 2 by Franc is Asbury . No more waspub l i shed . Cons is ts ch ief ly of rep rints from The Armin ianMagaz ine , London

[Arm y ] Meteorologi ca l Regis ter for 1 826— 1 830 :

from observat ions made by the Surgeons ofth e Army . Appended

,the M eteoro logical

Regi st er for 1 822—1 825 . Philadelph ia . 1 840 .

Map . 8°

Arr ivée , L’

,du brave Toulousain

, et le devoi r desbraves compagnons de la pe t i t e manic l e .Troyes . No . 1 in

Asselyn , Thomas . De sp ilpenning,of verkwistende

vrouw,blyspél . Am steldam . 1 726 .

No . 3 inAtterbury Franci s , Bishop of Roches ter . Sermonsand d i s cours es on s evera l subj ect s and occas ions . Vol . 2—4 . London . MDCCLX I .

Autograph in each volume : John Adams . Vol . 2 i s o f the 7 thed i t ion ; vol s . 3 , 4, of the sth .

Aubert de La Chesnaye des Bo is , Franco is Alexandre . D i ct i onnaire h i s torique des moeurs


usages et coutumes des Franco i s . [Anon ]Par i s . MDCCLXVII . 3 v .

Auger , avocat . Mémoi res pour s ervir a l ’histo i re du droi t publ i c de la France en mat i éres


impots , ou recue i l de ce qu i s’ es t pas s é

a la Cour des aides , depui s 1 756 jusqu’


mois de Juin 1 775 . [Anon ] Bruxe l les .M .DCC .LXXIX . 4


“Ce préc ieux volume est l e recue i l de toutes les operat ion s deMalesherb e s p endan t sa p remiere p rés idence de l a Cour

des a ides .” — Barb ier .The hal f-t itle contain s , written with pencil , Presented by Mr.Malesherbes in 1 780 to John Adams .”

[ 16]

Page 27: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Bacon , Matthew . A new abridgment of the law .

By a gentleman of the M iddle Temple . In theSavoy . M .DCC .XXXVI—MDCCLXVI . 5 v .


A d ict ionary of Engl ish law .

Ba i l l i e , Robert . Operi s h i s to ri ei et chronologici

l ib ri duo , in quibus hi s toria sac ra 81 profanacompend ios e deducitur acreat ione mundiad Cons tan t inum Magnum . U na cumt ribus diatribis Per D . Robertum Bal l ium .

Am stelodam i . M DC LXVI I I . F°


Autograph s : B enj amin Wad sworth dated about 1687 . T i tlepage mut i lated for autograph .

Bal lou , Hosea . Commendat ion and rep roof ofUniversal i s t Church

,i n Bos ton

,Nov . 29,

1 829.

Unitarians . A sermon del ivered in the SecondBos ton . 1 829.

God the author of al l th ings . A sermon,de

l ivered in th e Second Universa l i s t Church,in

B os ton,July Boston . 1 829 .

B a l tus , Jean Francoi s . Réponse a l ’H is to ire de sorac le s

,de M r . de Fontenel l e . Dans laquell e

on refute le Sys teme de Mr . Van-Dale, sur

les auteurs des oracl es du pagan isme . [Anon ]Strasbourg . M .DCC VI I . Plate .

I 74-1 9De Fon tene l le ’ s H is to ire des orac les i s on she l f—number2979a.3o.

B ancroft , Aaron , D .D . Sermons on those doct rinesof the Gospel and on thos e con stitutent princip les of the Church , which Chri s t ian pro i essors have made the subj ect of controversy .

Worces ter . 1 822 .

O n the t it l e—page of th is copy is wr itten : Pre sen ted by the

rev . author to John Adams , Esq .

B ancroft , Edward , M .D . An es say on the naturalh i s tory of Guiana , in South Ameri ca . In l et

[ 18 ]

Page 28: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Bancro ft , Edward , M .D . ( Continued)ters from a gentl eman of the med ical facu l ty.

London . 1 769. Plate .A presentat ion copy to John Adams, with a note in the

author’ s au tograph .

“I t i s a work, cons ider ing the advantage s o f the author, o fgreat mer it.” — J . Adams . Works . Vo l . 3 , p . 1 4 1 .

B aour-Lorm ian ,Pierre Marie Francoi s Louis . J é

rusalem dél ivrée , opéra . 3e édit i on [Mus iquede Persuis . ] Pari s . M .DCCCXI I I .Words only.

B arbeyrac, Jean . Discours sur la nature du s ort .

( In Noodt,Gerard . Du pouvoi r des souvera ins .

Pp . 82—207 . Amsterdam . MDCCXIV . )On game s of chance .

An his torica l and cri t ica l account of the s ci enceof mora li ty

, 81 c . [Done into Engl i sh by Mr .

Carew . ] ( In Pufendorf, Samuel , Freiherr'

von .

O f the law of nature and nat ions . Pp . 1 —88.

London . MDCCXXIX . )— Vita v . c . Gerard i Noodt, juris consult i et ante

ces soris celeberrimi . ( In Noodt , Geraard .

Opera omnia . Vol . 1,pp . ( 5 Lugduni

B atavorum . MDCCLX . )B arett i , Giuseppe Marc

’ Antonio . A d i ct ionaryof the Engl ish and Ital ian languages . Added


an I tal ian and Engl i sh grammar . A new

ed it i on . London . MDCCLXX I . 2 v .

Au tograph : John Adams, July, 1 780.

B arnard iston , Thomas . Reports of cas es det ermined in the Court of King ’ s B ench

,w i th some

other ca s es ; from Trin . 1 2 Geo . I . to Trin . 7Geo . I I . In the Savoy . M DCC XLIV. 2 v.

FBaronius , Caesar . Annal es eccles i as t ic i

,ex X I I .

tomis Caesaris B aronii in ep i tomen re

dacti . Edit io al t era V na cum vi ta e ius

19 ]

Page 29: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


B aron ius , Caesar . ( Continued)dem i l lus tri s s imi Cardinali s ; ac nonnull is posthum is lucubrat ion ibus , ad Annal es pert inent ibus : necnon 81 not i s ad eosdem Annalesac br-eu i Avctario ab eo tempore quo Baron iusces sau it , vsque ad ann . 1 622 . Opera Henric iSpondan i Mogvntiae . M .DC .XX I I I .

3 part s in 1 v . F°


Barozzi , Giacomo . Regola del l i cinqve ordini d’ar

chite ttvra di M . I acomo B arozzio da V ignola .

Con la nuua agionta d i Michelangelo Buonarotidi carte s ett e . Roma . [ 1 6 42 plates .Engraved t i t l e-page . FTh is copy con ta in s a M S . tran sl at ion in French .

B arréme , Bertrand Franco i s . Le l ivre des comptesfai t s ; ou tari f généra l des m onnoies . Par is .M .DCC .LXXI .

Barr ington , Dairie s . Obs ervat ions upon the sta

tutes . chi efly the more anc ient , from M agnaCharta to the twenty-fi rs t of James the F irs t ,Ch . xxvi i . With an appendix, being a proposalfor new model l ing the s tatut es . [Anon ]Lon-don . MDCCLXVI . 4


Autograph : John Adams .B arrington , John Shute , 1 st Viscount Barr ington .

An es say on the teach ing and w i tnes s of theHoly Sp i rit ( In Watson , Richard , ed i to r .A coll ect i on of theological t rac ts . Vol . 4, pp .

363—467 . London .

B arrow, I saac . Lectiones op ticae 81 geom etricae.

Londini . 1 674. 2 v . in 1 . Sm .

No . 4 in— A t reat i se of the Pope ’ s supremacy added


A dis cours e concern ing the un i ty of the Church .

The fourth edi t ion . London . 1 700. Sm . f°


1 1 2 .2 . I


Page 30: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


B arrow,I saac . ( Continued)

Works . Publ i shed by H is Grace , Dr . JohnTi l lotson . London . MDCC . 3 v . in 2 . Sm .


Vol . 1 contain s John Adams ’ s book-p late .

B art , Jean , Vie de . [Anon ] See Richer , J .

Barthelemy, Jean Jacques . Voyage du j eune Anachars is en Grece , dans le m i l i eu du quatriém e

s iecl e avant l’

ére vulgaire . 3e e'

d i t i on .

[Anon ] Pari s . 1 790 . Text, 7 v . Atlas


1 v .

Th i s copy lacks the atlas .B arton ,

I ra . An orat ion at Oxford , on the fortvs ixth annive rsary of American independence .

Cambridge . 1 822 . No . 4 inA presentation copy to John Adams .

B aruffaldi, Girolamo . De l l ’ i s toria d i Ferraral ibri nove

,dal l ’ anno M .DC .LV

,f ino al

M .DCC . Ferrara . M .DCC .

Basanistes,pseud . See V icars ,

B asnage de B eauval , Jacques . Annales des Pro ~

vinces—Unies [ contenant les chos es les p lus remarquables arrivées en Europe , et dans l esautres part i es du monde ] avec la des cr ipt ion hi s torique de leur gouvernement . A la

Haye . M .DCC .XIX,M .DCC .XXVI . F

Contents . [ 1 . Depui s les négociat ion s pour l a paix de Munster[ jusqu

a 1a paix de B réda] . 2. Depuis 1a pa ix d’Aix-La

Chap e l le jusqu ’

a ce l le de N imegue .

Same . [TomeBastwick , John , M .D . The utter rout ing of thewhole army of al l th e independent s 81 s ectarie so r Independency not God ’ s o rd inance


Annexed , An appendix in way of answer toHenry Burton London . 1 646 . Sm .

[21 ]

Page 31: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Baxter , Richard . Rel iquiae Baxter ianae : or , Mr .

Richard Baxte r ’ s narra t ive of the mos t memor

able pas sages in hi s l i fe and t imes . Fa ithful ly

publ ish’

d by Matthew Sylves ter . London .

M DC XCVI . 3 part s in 1 v . Portra i t . F°

Th ere is bound with th is, as usual , Sylves ter’ s El isha’ s cryafter E l ij ah 's God cons ider ’d with reference to the decease ofBax ter . 1696. 1 8 pp .

The t i tle-page i s miss ing, but suppl ied in manuscrip t .Bayard , James . A br ief expos i t ion of the Cons t i

tut ion of the United States : with an append ix ,contain ing the Declarat ion of Indep endenceand the Art i cl es of Confederat ion . Philadel

ph ia . 1 833 .

Th i s copy i s in scribed Hon . John Q . Adams with the

re sp ects o f the author .”Bazin ,

Abbé,ps eud . See Vo l taire , F . M . A . de .

B azinghen , Fran co i s André Abot de . Trai t é desm onno ies

,et de la juri s d ict i on de l a Cour des

monno ies , en forme de di ct ionna i re . Pari s .

M .DCC .LXIV . 2 v .

Beatt ie , James . Essays . Edinburgh . MDCCLXXVI . 2 v .

Contents — 1 . On the nature and immutab il ity of truth , inOpp os it ion to sophistry and sceptic ism . 2. On poetry andmus ic as they affect the m ind . On laughter and lud icrouscompos it ions . On the ut il ity of clas s ical l earn ing.

B eaumarchais,Pierre August in Caron de . Me

mo i res . [Pari s i’

] M .DCC .LXXX . 3 v .

B eausobre , I saac de . Remarques h i s t or iques,cri

t ique s et ph i lo l ogues sur le Nouveau Testament .Avec la vi e de l ’auteur . A la Haye . MDCCXLI I . 2 v . in 1 . Coat of arms .

B eausobre , I saac de , and Jacques Lenfant . Anintroduct ion to the reading of the Holy Scriptures . ( In Watson , Richard , editor . A coll ect i on of theo logi ca l t ract s . Vol . 3 , pp . 1 0 1

3 1 4 . Cambridge .


Page 32: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


B eccadel li , Lodovico , Archbishop of Ragusa . V i tad i Pie t ro B embo , Cardinale . ( In I storici del lecose veneziane . Tome 2

,pp . xxxi i—l i . Vene

zia . MDCCXVI I I . )B eccar ia,

Cesare B onesana,M arches e d i . Dei de

l itti e del l e pene . [Anon ] Nuova ed izioneaccres ciuta . Harlem e Parigi . MDCCLXXX .

Plate .

Autograph : John Adams, Ju ly, 1 780.

An e s say on crimes and pun ishments , t ranslated from the Ital ian ; with a commentary at

t ributed to Mons . de Voltai re,t rans lat ed from

the French . 4th edi t ion . [Anon ] London .

M . DCC . LXXV . 8°

On the t itle—page i s wr itten : Thomas B . Adams , From h i sFather, 1800.

B egny, Docteur . Nouveau guide des me res ,ou p lan de conduit e des le moment de la conception ju squ

’ apre s l ’accouchement . Su iv i sd ’une maniere s imple d ’

élever les enfans . St .

Be lknap , Jeremy . American b iography . Boston .

MDCCXC IV,1 798. 2 v . 8


The hi s to ry of New Hampshi re . Phi lade l ph ia .

M .DCC .LXXXIV—MDCCXC I I . 3 v . Map .

— Same Vol . 1 .

Sacred poetry : cons i s t ing of psalm s and hymns .

s elected from the bes t authors,with varia

t i ons and addit i on s . 4th ed it ion . Bos ton .

1 804 .

Autograph : John Adams , 1 805 .

Same 1 820 .

Au tograph : John Adams .B e l le-Alesne , Maximi l ien , ps eud . Le magnifique e t

super l icoquent ieux fe s t in , fa i t a me s s i eurs mes

s eigneurs les vénérabl es saveti e rs,carleurs 81

[23 ]

Page 33: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Bel le-Al esme , Maxim ihen, pseud . ( Continued)

réparateurs de la chaus sure humaine . [TroyesNo . 3 i n

Be l l oy, Pierre Laurent Buyrette de Le s i ege deCala i s . t ragédie . Suiv ie de notes h i s to riques .Pari s . M .D .CC LXV . No . 3 inThe t it le-page, ded icat ion , and pre face, and pages 1 01- 1 1 2

inclus ive are want ing in th is copy .

Ti tus,treurspél . Gevo lgd naar het Fransche

[ door J . Nom sz ] . De derde druk Amsteldam . [MDCCLXV . ] V ignette .

No . 1 in No . 3 inNO . 1 in has autograph : J . O. Adams, 1 780.

Z elm ire,treurspél . Gevo lgd maar het Fransche .

Am ste ldam 1 766 . Vignettes .No . 6 i n

Bembo , P iet ro , Cardinal . H istor iae V enetae l ibriX I I . [Vita s cr it ta da Lodovico B eccate l l i . ]( In I s toric i del l e cos e venez iane . Tome 2 .

Portra it . Venezia . MDCCVII I . )Th i s covers the per iod from 1 486 to 1 5 1 3 .

Benc1 , Sp inel l o . S toria del l a c i t ta di M ontepv1

c iano . F iorenza . 1 64 1 . Coat of arms .B énéd i ct in , U n

, p s eud . See V o ltaire , F . M . A . de .

B eneze t , Anthony . Some h is to r i cal account ofGu inea with an inqu iry into the r is e andprogres s of the s lave—t rade Also a re

publ i cat ion of the s entiments of several authorsof note , on th i s int eres t ing subj ec t ; part iculaean extract of a treat i s e

,by Granvi l le Sharp .

Phi ladelph ia . M,DCC


Benson , George , D .D . An essay concern ing ins pi rat ion , taken from [hi s ] Paraphra s e andnote s on St . Paul ’ s Epi s t le s . ( In Watson ,Richard , ed i tor . A col lect ion of theologi calt racts . Vol . 4,

pp . 469—480 . London . M .



Page 35: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Bess in , Pierre . ( Continued)Avgvs t i Thvan i H isto riis legun tur i ndex .

Genevze . M .DC .XXXIV .

Beuningen , Koenraad van . Lettres et négociat ions entre Jean de W it t et Conrard vanBeuningen

,mini s t re extraordinaire a la cour

de France . Depu i s le 1 9 . mars 1 660 jusqu’


1 667 . ( In Witt , J . de . Le t t re s et négo

c iat ions . Vol . 2,pp . 1 —35 1 ; 3 , 4, pp . 1—243 .

Amste rdam . M .DCC .XXV . ) —4

Two cop ie sBib le . A new t rans lat ion of I saiah ; with notessupp lementary to thos e of D r . Lowth andcontain ing remarks on many part s o f h i s translat ion and note s . By a layman . London .

M .DCC .XC . [ Soci ety for Promot ing theKnowledge of the Scrip tures . 8


Se lectze e V eteri Tes tamento histor iae, ad usumeo rum qui l inguae Latinae rud im ent is imbuun

tur . Nova edi t i o . Pars p rima,altera . Par is i i s .

M .DCC .LXXVI I . 2 v . in 1 .

[Le nouueau T es tament ; c’

e s t a d ire la nouuel lea l l iance de nos t re se igneur Iesus Chri s t . Charenton . M . DC . LXVI I I . ]Genevan ver s ion . The t it le-page i s m iss ing.

Le Nouveau Te s tament de Notre Se igneur JesusChri s t

,tradu i t en Franco i s sur l ’orig inal Grec .

Avec des notes l i teral es , pour écla i rc i r le texte .

Par M rs . de B eausobre et Lenfant . Amsterdam . MDCCXLI . 2 v . Plates . Vignet te s .

Book-p late : J . Q . Adams .Novi Jesu Chri s t i Te s tament i Graeco Lat inoGermanicae novae edit i on i s

,pars pr ima

, [ alt era ]in qva t res l inguae, vel so lae , vel inte r

s e col latee vnaopera l egi pos s int

Studio E ilhardi v ini . Apud I ohannem Hal

[26 ]

Page 36: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


B ib le . (Continued)lerford ivm ,

M .DC .XVI I . [V O] . 2,Rostochii ,

2 v . in 1 . Sm .

The text is in Greek, Lat in and German in paralle l l ine s .A synops i s of the four Evangel i s t s : or, a regu larh is tory of Jesus Chri s t

,in words of the

Evangel i s t s . Phi ladelphia . 1 8 1 5 .

B ib l io theca Americana . [Anon ] See Re id , Mr .

B ibl iotheca Ameri co-Septentrional i s . [Anon ] SeeWarden , D . B .

B ib liotheca h istorico-

philo logico—theo logica . Clas

s is 5 , fas ciculus 1 —6 . Am s telodam i . M .DCC .

XXI M .DCC .XXI I . 6 parts in 1 v .

The publ icat ion was ed i ted by T . Hase and F . A . Lampe .

B ib l iotheque des anc iens ph i lo sophes . [Publ iéepar M . Dacier . ] Pari s . M .DCC .LXXI . 9 v .

Contents — 1 . La vie de Pythagore ; s es Symbole s ; l a v ie d’

H iéroclés 81 ses Vers dorés . 2. Les commenta ires d’H iérocl és sur les Vers dorés de Pytli ago re . 3—9. Les oeuvres dePlaton , traduites en Francoi sI n th is copy the t i tle-page o


f vol . 6 is miss ing .

On the t it le-page of vo l . 1 is the autograph : J . Adam s . Atthe end of the same volume are manuscr ipt comments by JohnAdams .

B ige low ,Ty ler . Addres s

,de l ivered at the e ighth

anniversary of the Massachuset t s Peace Socie ty,

D ec . 25 , 1 823 . Boston . 1 824. 24 pp .

No . 5 inB i lbao , Spain . Unive rs idad y casa de cont ratac ion .

O rdenanzas ( ins ertos sus reale s p riv ilegios ) aprobadas , y confi rmadas por e l rey Nue st ro Sefior Don Phe l ipe quinto ano de 1 737 .

Reimpre sas M adri d . 1 775 . L .

B i l l ings ley, John . General v iew of the agricul turei n the County of Somerse t ; with obs ervat ionson the means of i t s improvement . London .

M .DCC .XCIV . Map . L .

[27 ]

Page 37: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


B innart , Mart inus , pseud . See Mart inez vanWauc

quier , M .

B inney, Amos . Documents relat ive to the inves t i

gat ion ,by order of the Secretary of the Navy ,

of the offi c ia l conduct of Amos B inney , UnitedStat es navy agent at Bos ton

,upon the charges

made by Lieutenant Joel Abbot and others .Publ ished by the accus ed . Boston . 1 822 . 8


B iograph ia Bri tann ica : or , the l ives of the mos teminent pers ons who have flouri shed in GreatB ri ta in and Ire land . Vol . 1—6 ,

part 1 . London . MDCCXLVI I—MDCCLXI I I . F



The fly—leave s in vo l . 2—5 have been cut for autograph s .B lackburne , Franci s . Appendix to the Memoirs ofThomas Hol l i s . [Anon ] London . MDCCLXXX . Portrai t s Plat es . L .

Thi s i s vol . 2 of the Memoirs . Vo l . 1 i s m iss ing.

Remarks on Johnson ’ s L ife of Mil ton . [Anon ]Added M i l ton ’ s tractate O f edvcat ion andAreopagit ica . London . MDCCLXXXV .

23 5-5Fly-leaf conta ins : John Adams , a gift from h i s fr iend ,Brand Holl is .”

B lackstone , S ir Wil l iam . Commentarie s on thelaws of England . Oxford . M .DCC .LXVI I IM .DCC .LXX . 4 v .

Vols . 1—3 are o f the 3d ed i t ion ; vol . 4 i s o f the 4th .

Same . Book 2d—4th . Re printed from the B riti sh copy [With Appendix . ] Philadel


Tab les .There are MS . annotat ions by John Adams . The t it le-pageso f vo l s . 2 and 3 are torn . I nser ted i s a manuscrip t le tter byWil l iam Parker .Law tracts . Oxford . M .DCC .LXI I . 2 v .

Plates .Both volume s have the autogr aph o f John Adams .

[28 ]

Page 38: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


B lackwe l l , Anthony . The sacred c la s s ics defendedand i l lus trat ed : or

,an es say humbly offer


t owards proving the purity,propr iety, and true

e loquence of the writers of the New Tes tament .London . M .DCC .XXVI I , MDCCXXXI .

5 parts in 1 v . Portrai t . 8°

241 .5Vol . 1 i s of the 2d ed i t ion .

B lai r , Hugh Lectures on rhe tori c and bel leslet t re s . 7 i h edit i on . Bas i l . MDCCLXXX IX .

3 v .

B lus sé, Abraham ,the Younger . Ob servat iones in

Eurip id is maxime H ippo lytum . ( In Exercitat ionum academ icarum spec imen primum-t ert ium . Pp . 1 —58. Lugdun i Batavorum . MDCCXCI I . )

B lus sé, Pieter, ed itor . Eerkroon op de hoofden der doorluchtige s taetsmannen , burgervaderen ,

zeehelden,en andere personaedjen ,

di e het nederlandsche gem eenebes t,door ge

trouwe diens ten en ede le daden, aen zi ch

verp ligten ; doorm engd med andere vader ~lands che dichtstukken . [Anon ] Dordrecht .MDCCLXXXII , MDCCLXXXI I I . 2 v .

Plate . Vignettes . 8°


Each volume con tain s a p resentat ion in scr ip t ion from theed itor to John Adams .

B odin , Jean Abrégé de la Républ ique de Bod in .

Londres . MDCCLV . 2 v. 1 2°

The s ix bookes of a commonweale . Out of theF i ench and Lat ine copies

,done into Engl i sh


by Richard Kno l les . London . 1 606. F°


83-5B o i leau-Despréaux, Nicolas . (Euvres . [Publ i éespar l

abbe Renaudot et M . de V alincour . ]Pari s . M .DCC .LXVI . 2 v.

Bo issyd’Anglas , Franco is Antoine, Comt e de . D is

cours préhm inaire au proj et de cons t i tut ion

[29 ]

Page 39: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Bo issy d’

Anglas , Franco i s Anto ine , Comte de .

( Continued)pour la Républ ique francai se


dans la s éance du 5 Mess idor, an 3 . Leyde .

MDCCXCV . No . 7 i nThere i s no t itle-page .

Bo l lan , Wi l l iam . Co lon i ae Angl i canae i l lustratae :

or, the acques t of domin ion , and the p lantat ionof colon ies made by the Engl i sh in America .

w ith the right s of the coloni s t s,exam ined


s tated, and i l lus trated . [Anon ] London .

MDCCLXI I .Auto-graph : John Adams I n J ohn Adams ’ s “Life and works ,vo l . 1 0, p . 35 5 i s a not ice of th i s book of wh ich he says“I scarce ly ever knew a book so deep ly de sp ised .

The freedom of sp eech and wri t ing upon publ icaffa i rs

,cons idered ; w i th an hi s tor i ca l v i ew of

the Roman imperial laws aga ins t l ibel s

[Anon ] London . MDCCLXVI .No . 2 in

B ombaci , Gasparo . H is tori e memorab i l i del la c i t tad i Bo logna , ri s t ret t e nel l e V i t e de tre huom inii l lu st ri

,Antonio Lambertacci

,Nanni Gozzadini


e Galeazzo Mariscotti . [Bologna M .DC

LXVI . ] Sm .

B onaventura, Federi co . Del la ragion di s tato et

del la prvdenza pol i t i ca l ibri qvatro . V rbino .

M .DC XXII I . Portra i t . Sm . 4°

B ond , J . ,of Gray ’ s Inn . A compleat guide for jus

t ices of the pea ce . In two parts . 3d edi t ionenlarged

,By J . W .

,of the Middle

Temple,Barri s ter . London . 1 706, 07 . 2 v .

in 1 .

B onifacio , Giovanni . Historia Trivigiana . Div i sain dodici l ibr i . Tr ivigi . MDXCI . Map .

Sm .

Boone , Nicholas . Mil i tary d is c ip l ine . The compl eat sol di er

,Added , The mi l itary law of


Page 40: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


B oone , Nicholas . (Continued)th e Mas sachuset t s-Bay . 2d edit ion . Boston .

1 706.

On the fly-leaf at the end i s written : Char le s Adams, h isbook

,feb . 1 777 ; al so : John Hunt . H i s book.

B ord ley,John Beale . Es says on husbandry and

rural affai rs . Phi lade lph ia . 1 799. Plate .

PlansThe fly-leaf con ta in s autograph presen tat ion by the au thorto John Adams .

B oreel , Willem . Lett res de Jean de Witt et Gu i llaume B oreel ; contenant l eurs négoc iat ionsavec la cour de France

,1 5 . aofi t 1 653 1 0 . j u i l let

1 659 ; 1 . j u in 1 662 — 4. décembre 1 664. ( InW i tt

, J . de . Lettres et négoc iat i on s . Vo l . 1 ;, pp . 352

—6 1 2 . Amsterdam .

Two cop ies . 21 5 .2. I ,2

B ore l , P ierre . Trésor de recherches et antiqvitez

gavlo ises et franco is es ; rédvites en ordre alphabétiqve . Et enrich ies de beaucoup - de

mots de la langue thyo ise ou theuthfranque .

Pari s . M .DC .LV .

B orough , Sir John . The soveraigntyof the B r it i shs eas . Proved by records

,his to ry

,and the

munic ipal l aws of th i s k ingdom . London.

1 686 . F°

. No . 8 inB oston . Committee on Pauperi sm and a House ofIndustry . Report . [Bos ton

No . 1 0 i nB oston Almanac , The for the year 1 844. By S .

N . Dickinson . Boston .

B oston Directory, The, 1 83 1 , 36 . Bos ton.

1 83 1 , 36. 2 v . Map . 1 6°

The i s sue for 1 836 lack s the map .

B oston-Gaze tte , The , and Country Journal . Watertown . 1 775 , 76 . F



Th is f ile conta ins the weekly issues for 1 775 : Comple te fo rAugust—Novemb er , and for Jun e 26 . Ju ly 3 , 1 7 , 24, 3 1 , De cem

[3 1 ]

Page 41: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Bos ton—Gazet te , The , (Continued)b er 4, 25 ; for 1 776 : Comple te for January , February, April ,June Septembe r—November , and for March 4, 18, 25 , May 6,1 3 , 20, July 1 , 8, 22, 29, Augu st 5 , 1 2, 1 9, December 2, 9 .

The i s sue s beginn ing with November 4, 1 776 were prin tedin B oston .

Bo tero,Gi ovanni . Del la ragione di s tato , l ib ri

die ci . Di nuouo ,i n ques ta quinta editione dal l ’

i s t es s o autore i n al cuni luoghi mutati, 81 aceres

ciuti et nel fine tre l ibri D el la grandezzadel l e c i t ta . Milano . M .D .XCVI I I .

Pp . 393—400 have b een misp laced in b ind ing, and are to be

found be tween page s 24 and 25 .

Bouche rie , Augus te . M émoire sur la conservat iondes bOi s . Pari s . 1 840.

I n serted i s a leaflet ent itled Acadérn ie des sc iences.

Rapp ortsur un M émO i re re l at if a l a con servat ion des bo is , par A .

Boucher ie .

B oudot , Jean . D ictionarium un iversal e Lat inoGal licum ex omnibus Lat in i tat i s autor ibusco l lectum . Tert ia-dec ima ed i t io . Par i s i is .M .DCC .LX . 8


— Same .,

Ed it io ane ta 81 emendata . Par is i i s .M .DCC .LXXIV .

Two . cop ies .B ougeant , Gui l laume Hyacinthe . H is to ire du tra i tédeWestphal ie , ou des négociat ions qu i se fi renta Munster 81 a Osnabrug, pour étab l ir la pa ixentre toutes l es pui s sances de l ’Europe . Par i s .M .DCC .LI . 6 v.

The t it le of vo l s . 1 , 2 of one s et , and of vol . 2 o f the other i s :H i s to ire des guerre s et des négociat ion s qui p récédérent letrait é de Wes tphal ie .

Two cop ies .B oulainvil l iers , Henri , Comte de E tat de laFrance

,dans l equel on voit tout ce qui regarde

le gouvernement eccl és ia s t i que , le m i l ita i re , laj us t i ce

,l e s finances , le commerce , l e s manufac

tures,1e nombre des habi tans , 81 en généra l

t out ce qui peut fa ire connoitre a fond cet t e

Page 43: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Bowditch , Nathani el . Remarks on the comet of1 8 1 9 .

On the t it le-page is written : Hon . John Adam s with theresp ects o f the Author .

B oyron , Michel . Le théatre de Mr . Baron , augment é de deux pi eces qui n ’avo ient poin t encoreét é imprimée s

,de diverse s poés ies du meme

auteur . Pari s . M .DCC .LIX . 3 v .

Bradford , Gamal i el , M .D . State pri son s and the

peneten t iary sys tem indicated , with obs ervat ions on managing thes e in st i tut i onsAlso

,s ome part i cular remarks and document s

relat ing to the Mas sachus e tt s S tate Pri s on .

By an offi cer of thi s e s tab l i shment in Charl estown . Charle s town . 1 82 1 .

B ret t , Thomas . A dis s erta t ion on the anc ient vers ion s of the B ib le ( In Watson , R ichard ,edi tor . A col l ect i on of theo logical tract s . Vol .

3 , pp . 1 —59 . Cambridge .

B rink , Jan ten Obs ervationes in loca veterum,

praecipue quae sunt de vindicta divina. ( InExercitationum academ icarvm sp ec imen primum - tert ium . Pp . 65

— 1 26 . Lugduni B atavo

rum . MDCCXCI I . )B riseux, Charl es E t i enne . L ’art de bat i r des ma is ons de campagne , ou l

’on t ra i t e de l eur distribut ion, de leur cons t ruct ion , 81 de l eur decorat ion . Pari s . M .DCC .LXI . 2 v . Plates .

Plans .B risson , Barnabé . De verborum quae ad jus pert inent s ignificatione l ib r i XIX . anet iex analect is Jo . Otton is Tabor is

,ed it i

novi s acces s ionibus l ocup letat i aJo . Chr ist iano I t tero . Francofurt i . M DC LXXX I I I .F


. 52 .6At the end i s B ris son’

s I I aQs'

c ov l iber s ingularis ; al so h isSe lectarum ex j ure c iv il i antiqu itatum l ibr i IV .


Page 44: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


B rissot deWarville , Jean Pi erre . Théori e des l o ixcriminel les . Tome 2 . Berl in . M .DCC .LXXX I .Vo l . 1 i s mi ss ing.

B risted ,John . Hints on the nat iona l bankruptcy

of Brita in,and on her resources to ma inta in the

present contes t with France . New-York .

1 809 . 8°

B ritton,Johannes

,Bi shop of Hereford . Br it ton .

The second edit i on . Faithfu l ly corrected ac

cording to d ivers anci ent manuscrip t s of thesame booke . By Edm . Wingat e . London .

1 640. Sm .

B romley. Sir George , Baronet , comp i l er . A col leet ion of origina l royal l e tters

,writt en by Charles

the Fi rs t and Second,James the Second

,and the

K ing and Queen of Bohemia ; with originalle tters

,writt en by Prince Rupert


Lou is,Count Palat ine

,the Duches s of Hanover.

1 6 1 9— 1 665 . London . 1 787 . Portrai ts . Fac

s imi le autographs . Chart .Most of the se let ters are by Freder ick V . of B ohemia, and h i sson, Charles Lou is , Count Palat ine . Many o f them are inFrench .

B rookes,Richard

,M .D . The genera l gazet teer :

or,comp end ious geograph ical d ict ionary

2d edi t ion , with great addit i ons London .

M .DCC .LXVI . Maps . 8°

Autograph . John Adams .B roughton, Arthur, M .D . Hortus Eastens is : or,a catalogue of exot ic plant s

,in the garden of

Hinton Eas t , Esqui re , in the mounta ins o f Li

guanea,in the I s land of Jama ica

,a t the t ime

of his decease . ( In Edwards , Bryan . The

his tory,c iv i l and commerc ia l

,of th e Brit i sh

co lon ies in the West Ind i es . Vo l . 1,pp . 475

494. London

[35 ]

Page 45: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Brown , Thomas , M .D . Lectures on the phi lo sophyof the human mind . Andover . 1 822 . 3 v .

Brown,Wil l iam

,C l erk of the Common Pleas . For

mulae bene p lacitandi . A book of entri es : contain ing vari ety of choice p recedents , of counts ,decla i at ions

,and d ivers other p l ead ings

By W . B . a c lerke of the Court of Common Pleas . London . 1 67 1 . F



Top of t i t le p- age torn off, probab ly fo i autograph .

Bruce , James . Travel s t o d i scover the source ofthe Ni l e

,in the years 1 768

—1 773 . Vo l . 2—6 .

Dublin . M ,DCC




,XCI . Plates .

Maps .

V 0 ] . 1 i s lacking. His travel s were pr incipal ly through Abyssm ia.

B rumoy,Pierre . Le theat re des Grecs . Nouvelle

édi t ion . Pari s . M .DCC .LXI I I . 6 v .

Brun , Veuve . Catalogue des l ivre s qui se t rouventaNantes , chez V e

. Brun . [Nantes ] M .DCC .

LXXVI .B runck, Richard Franco i s Phi l ipp e , ed i t or .


noinoig S ive gnomic i poetae Graeci . Argentorat iI MDCCLXXXIV . Vignettes .Autograph : John Adams . B ook-p late : J . Q . Adams .

B run i , Leonardo . De bel lo I ta l ico adversvs Gothosl ibri quatuor . ( In Zos imus . H istoriarum

l ib r i VI . Pp . 636—700. Aurel iae Al lobr .

MDCV . )H istor iarum Florentinarum l ibr i X I I . Qu ibusaccesserunt quorundam suo t empore in I ta l ia

gestorum 81 de rebus Graecis commentarii

i n lucem ed it i s tud io 81 opera S ixt i B runonis .

Argentorati . M .DC .X . F°


B ruzen de La Mart in iere, Antoine August in . Legrand dict i onnaire géographique

,his tori que et

cr it ique . Nouvel l e édi t i on Pari s . M .D CC .

LXVIII . 6 v . F°

[36 ]

Page 46: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


B ryant , Jacob . A new sys tem,or an analys i s of

anc ient mythology . 2d ed it ion . London . M .

DCC .LXXV,M .DCC .LXXVI . 3 v . Plat es .

Buc, S ir George . The l ife and re ign of Richard I I I .

( In Hughes , John , comp i l er . A complete history of England . Vol . 1 , pp . 5 1 4

—577 . Lon

don .

B uchan,Will iam ,M .D . M édec ine domes ti que

Traduit de l ’Anglo is par J . D . Dup lanil . Nouve l le éd i t ion

,augmentée sur la 6e éd i t ion

de Londres . Geneve . M .DCC .LXXXI,M .

DCC .LXXXI I . 7 v .

B uchanan,C laud ius . Two d is courses preach ed be

fore the Univers i ty of Cambridge [England ]July 1

,1 8 1 0 . And a s ermon p reached

before the Soc iety for M i s s i on s to Afri ca andthe East ; July 1 2

,1 9 1 0. Added

,Chri s

t ian res earches in As ia . Boston . 1 8 1 1 . 8°

Buchanan , George . Rerum Scot icarum hi s toria .

Ad ant iquiss im am Arbuthneti editionem ex

prim itur t extus . Sed nota s , summa curaaddidit Jacobus Man . Accesserunt index locup letiss imus , auctoris vi ta ab ipso s cripta , 81 D ialogus de j ure regni apud Scotos . Abredoniae.


Two cop ies .Buckingham , Jos eph Tinker . Proposa l for publ i shing, by subs cript ion,

the works of NathanielLardner

,D .D


in e leven vo lumes,octavo .

[Boston 1 8 1 4 ]The Works were apparently never publ ished .

Buffon , George Loui s Lecl erc , Com te de . Histo irenaturel le des oi s eaux . Tome 1—6 . Par i s .M .DCCLXX—M .DCCLXXV . Plates . [H istoi re nature l le . Tome 1 4

[37 ]

Page 47: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Buffon , George Loui s Leclerc , Comte de (Continned)

CEuvres complete s . Par is . M .DCCLXX IVM .DCCLXXVII I . 1 1 v . Portra i t . Plates .

Same . Tome 2—5 , 7—9 . M .DCCLXXV ,M .DCC

LXXVI . Plates .Buommattei , B enedet to . Del la l ingua tos canal ibri due . Impre s s i one quinta . Rivis ta e corretta dagl i Accademic i del la Crusca . Firenze .

MDCCLX . Portrai t .Buon insegni , Piero . Historia fiorent ina . Nuoua

mente data in luce . Fiorenza . M .D .LXXXI .

The fly—leaf con tain s the autograph of Rob to , Bromley .

Book-plate : J . Adams .Burgh , James . Pol i t i ca l di s qu i s i t i ons : or

,an eu

qu iry into publ i c errors , defect s , and abus es .In 3 vol s . Vol . 1

,2 . [Anon ] London .


On p arl iamentary governmen t in England .

A pre sentat ion copy, with autograph notes , to John Adamsfrom the author .

— Same . Vol . 1 —3 . MDCCLXXIV,MDCCL


B urke , Edmund . An account of the Europeans ett l ement s in Ameri ca . [Anon ] 4th ed it ion .

London . MDCCLXV . 2 v . Maps .— Art ic les [ I —xvi ] of charge of h igh crimes and

mi sdemeanors , agains t Warren Has t ings ; pres ented to the House of Commons

,on the 4th

dayop ril,1 786 . London . M



VI . No . 2 in 220. 1 0

Art i c le xvi i—xxi [ of charge of h igh crimes andmisdemeanors

,again s t Warren Hast ings ; pre

s ented to the Hous e of Commons,on the 4th

dav of Apri l,1 786. London . 1 786.

NO. 4 i n

[38 ]

Page 48: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Burlamaqui, Jean Jacques . Princip l e s of natura llaw . Trans lated into Engl i sh by Mr . Nugent .2d edit ion . London . MDCCLXI I I . 2 v .

Burman , Frans . Synops i s theologiae, 81 speciat imOeconom ize foederum Dei . Traject i ad Rhenum . M D CLXXI

,M D CLXXII . 2 V .

Sm . 4°

This copy is in comple te . Vol . 2, as bound, contain s pp . 41 5(772) o f tomus p rior, and pp . 1—1 60 (with the pre l iminarypages) of tomus po ster ior . The tab le o f content s o f tomusposterior ind icate s more than five hundred add i t ional p age s ,in clud ing Books VI—VI I I o f the Synops is theo logiae and theCon s i l ium de stud io theo logico fe l ic iter in s t ituendo .

Both vo l s . have autograph of John Adams , and are in terl eaved . Many of these in serted pages are fil led with manuscrip t letters ( or cop ies) written by John Checkley between1 720 and 1 728, and al so manuscr ipt notes in another hand .

B urn,R i chard . Eccles ias t i cal l aw . 2d ed it ion .

London . M .DCC .LXVI I . 4 v .

— The j us t i ce of the peace , and par ish offi cer .

7th edit i on . In 3 vol s . Vol . 1 . London .

M .DCC .LXI I .The top o f the t i tle-page i s cut .Same . 1 0th edi t i on . M .DCC .LXVI . 4 v .

Burnet , Gi lbe rt , Bishop of Sal i sbury . Bishop Burnet ’ s His tory of hi s own time . With the author ’ s l ife and notes . London . MDCCLI I I . 4 v . Port rai t . 8


Ed i ted by Thomas Burnet .I n vol . 3 , 4 the autograph , John Adams , i s part ial ly e ffaced byink . On the fly-leaf of vo l . 4 i s the au tograph o f Wm . Smith .

Dr . Burne t ’ s Travels,or lett ers conta ining an

account of what seemed most remarkabl e inSwitzerland

,I taly

,France and Germany

, &c .

Amste rdam . 1 687 .

Principa l ly on Swi tzerland and I taly .

Burrow , S ir James , compi ler . Report s of cas esadj udged in the Court of King’ s B ench s inceth e dea th of Lord Raymond ; in four parts , dist r ibuted accord ing to the t imes of h i s four suc

[ 39 ]

Page 49: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Burrow, Si r James . ( Continued)cessors , Lord Hardwicke , S ir Will iam Lee , S irDudley Ryder, and Lord Mansfi el d . Part 4 .

1 756—1 766. London M DCC LXVI—LXXI .

3 v .

Vol s . 1—3 have autograph s o f John Adams ; vol . 3 ha s al so thato f J . Quincy, J r. ; vol . 1 has book-p late o f John Adams .

B usby, Richard . Graecae grammat ices -rud imenta .

In usum Scholae Regiae W estm onas teriens is .

[Anon ] Londini . MDCCXX Sm .

1 5Au tograph . John Adams . Book-p late : Thomas A l leyne.

—Grammat ica Busbeiana,auctior em endat ior .

1 . e . Rud imentum grammaticae Graeco Latinae

metr icum In usum Scholae Regiae Westm onas ter 1ens 1 s . [ Cum Graecae grammaticae

compend i o . MDCCXLI I . ] Lond ini . M .

DCC .XLI I I . 8°

The top o f the t itle-page i s mu t ilated .

But ler , James,

I st Duke of O rmonde .

Carte, T .

But ler , Joseph , B ishop of Durham . The ana logyof _

religion ,natura l and revealed

,t o the con

stitution and cours e of nature . Added,Two

brief d i s s ertat i ons : 1 . O f personal i dent i ty .

2 . O f the nature of virtue . 7th ed it i on . London . MDCCLXXXV . 8


F ifteen s ermons preached at the Rol ls Chapel .To wh ich are added s ix s ermons . 5th edit ion .

London . M .DCC .LXV .

Th i s copy lacks the s ix add i t ional sermon s ment ioned on thet i tle-page.

Bynkershoek , Cornel i s van . Opera omnia . [ I o .

Gott l . H einecc ii p raefatio . Lugduni Batavorum . 1 767 . 2 v . in 1 . Portra i t . F


62.8Contents — 1 . Ob servatiq num jur is Roman i l ibr i VI I I .Opuscu l a

.var ixargument i . 2 . Op era minora . Quaest ionesjur i s pub l ic i . Quae s t ion e s Jur is pr ivat i .


Page 51: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Ca lonne , Charle s Alexandre de . Réponse a l ’écritde M . Necker , publ i é en Avri l , 1 787 ; connant l ’exam en des comptes de la s ituat ion desfinances rendus en 1 774, 1 776,

1 78 1 , 1 783 , 81

1 787 . Londre s . 1 788. Tables .— Reque te au ro i . Adres sée asa maj es té . [Londres . ] M .DCC .LXXXVI I .


s de fense ono

the charges o f financ ial m ismanagement , made again st h is as comptrol ler-general o f f inance o fFrance .

Calvinus , Johannes , profes so r of law at Heidelberg . Lex icon iurid icum ivris Caesare i S imvl


et canonic i : fvdal is it em ,civi l i s , crim inal i s :

theoretici, ac practici auctum exlucubrat ionibus Cviacn stvdio et operaIoanni s Ca lvin i

,a l ias Kahl Ed i t io post

rema avct ior cum praefat ion ibus

D ionys ii Gothofredi, 81 Hermanni V vlteii . Co

loniae Al lobrogvm . M .DC .XXI I . F°


Autogr aph : J er . Grid ley.

Cambreleng, Churchi l l Caldom . An examinat ionof the new t ar iff propos ed by Henry Baldwin ,a repre s entat ive in Congres s . By one of thepeop le New-York . 1 82 1 . Table .

Camden,Will iam . The hi sto ry or anna l s of Eng

land,during the whole l i fe and re ign of El iza

beth la te Queen thereof . [Added , The annal sof Mr . Will iam Camden

,in the re ign of King

James I . viz . from the year 1 603 , t o the year1 623 . Done into Engl ish ] Portrai t . ( InHughes


,compi ler . A complet e h is to ry

of Eng land . Vol . 2,pp . 36 1

—659. London .

Two cop ies on th i s shel f-number,bo th l acking the portra it .

Camerarius , Joach im . De V ita et mor ibus fortu

naque 81 interitu jEsop i . 66 pp . ( In ZEsopus .

Mv tho logia FEsopica . Londin i .


Page 52: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Campo , Antonio . Cremona fedel i s s ima cit ta e t

nobi l i s s ima co lon ia de Romani rappres entatain di segno col svo contato , et il lvstrata d

vmabreve hi s toria de l le co s e p iv notab i l i appartenenti ad es sa Mi lano . MDCXLV .

Portrai t . Plates . Maps . Plan . Sm .

The portrait s and plates ar e by Agost ino Carracci .H is torica del le vi t e de ’ duch i et dvche sse d iM ilano , con i loro veri ritratt i . Milano . 1 642 .

Port rai ts . Plates . Map . Plan . Sm .

No . 2 inForms l ibro quarto o f the author’ s Cremona fedel i s s ima, &c .

Re l ates p r in c ipal ly to the Sforza family .

Cand id examinat ion of Dr . M ayhew ’ s Obs ervat ionson the charter and conduct of the Society forthe Propagat ion of the Gospel in Foreign Part s .

[Anon ] See Caner, H .

Cando l le , August in Pyramus de . Note sur la p lacede la fam il le des cucurb itacées dans l a s éri e desfamil l es naturel les . ( In Soci ét é de phys ique etd’

h is to ire naturel l e de Geneve . Mémoi res .Vol . 3 , part 1 . Pp . 33

-36 .

Caner , Henry . A cand id examinat ion of Dr . Mayhew ’ s Obse rvat ions on the charter and conductof the Soc ie ty for the Propagat ion of the Gospelin Foreign Parts . [Anon ] Bo s ton .

1 76 3 .

Can is ius , Pe t rus . Catho l is cher Catech ismus , worind ie catho l ische Lehre nach den fiinf Haupts tiicken V . P . Petri Can is ii , erklaret wird . V er

fas s t von Adam Britt . Phi ladelphia . 1 8 1 0 .

Cape l la , Galeazzo Flavio . L’

anthropo logia di Galeazzo Cape l la . [Venet ia nel le case del l i heredid’

Aldo Romano , 81 d’

Andrea d’

Aso la. ] M .D .

XXXII I . No . 3 i n

[43 ]

Page 53: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Cap en , Rev. Lemuel . A farewel l addre s s de l ivereda t Sterl ing

,on Thursday

,January 2 1 , 1 8 19. 2d

ed i t ion . Bos ton . 1 8 1 9 . No . 1 1 inCap ito l inus , Jul ius . See H istoriae Avgvstae s cr iptores VI .

Capriata, Piet ro Giovanni . Del l’ hi s to r ia d i P ietro

Gi ovann i Capriata l ib ri dod ici . Ne ’ qval i S icontengono tutt i i monimenti d ’arme succes s iin I ta l ia dal MDCXI I I . fino a ] MDCXXXIV .

Genova . M .DC .XXXIX .

Carey, Mathew . A11 addres s to Wil l i am Tudor ,Esq ,

author of Le t t ers 011 the East ern S tate s .Intended to prove the calumny and s lander ofhi s remarks on the O l ive Branch . Philadel

phia . 1 82 1 .

Addres se s of th e Phi ladel phia Socie ty for thePromot ion of Nat ional Indust ry . [AnonNo . 1 — 1 3 . W i th supp lement ] Phi ladelphia .

1 8 1 9.

American pocket atlas . Phi ladelph ia . 1 805 .

TablesView of the very great natura l advantages ofI re land : and of the cruel po l i cy persuedtowards that i s land Added

,A sketch of

the pres ent deplo rab le condit ion of the I ri shpeasantry . Extracted from V ind ic iae H iber

n ioac. Phi lade lphia . 1 823 . 8°

V indiciae H ibern icae : or , I reland V indi cated : anattempt t o deve lop and expos e a few of themult i farious errors and fa l sehoods resp ect ingI reland . Phi ladelph ia . 1 8 1 9 .

Carkesse , Charles , compi ler . The act of tonnageand poundage , and rates of merchand ize , withthe further subs idy ; and al l oth er dut iesrelat ing to Hi s Maj es ty ’ s cus toms . [Vo l .London 1 728 . F



Autograph s . J . Gridley , John Adams .


Page 54: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Car leton ,Sir Dudley

,Viscount Dorchester . Let

t res . mémoires et négoc iat ions du Cheval ierCarleton Dans le t erns de son ambas sadeen Hol lande 1 6 1 6

, jusqu’

a la fin de 1 620

Ouvrage t radui t de l ’angloi s . A La Haye 81a Leide . MDCCLIX . 3 v .

Cart , Jean Jacque s . Lettres 51 Bernard Demuralt,Trésorier du pays du Vaud, sur le dro i t pub l i cde ce pays , et sur l e s événemens actuel s . Pari s .1 793 .

Carte , Thomas . An hi s tory of the l i fe o f James ,Duke of O rmonde added

,a very valuabl e

col lect i on of l et t ers s erving to verify themost materia l fact s in the sa i d h i s to ry . Vol . 3 .

A col l ecti on of l ett ers,wri tten by the k ings

Charles I . and I I . , the Duke of O rmondeand othe r great men

,during the t roubles of

Grea t Britain and I reland . London . M DCCXXXV . FVol s . 1 , 2 are lacking.

Cartwr ight , Maj or John . The Engl i sh cons t itut ionproduced and i l lus trat ed . London . 1 823 .

8Two cop ies .

Cartwr ight , Thomas , Pur i tan D ivm e . Comm en

tari i succ inct i 81 d ilucidi in Proverb ia_


mon is . Quibus adhib ita es t praefat io Johanni sPo lyandri . Am s telrodam i . 1 632 . Sm .

Au tograph : Edward Rawson h i s book.

Cary, Samuel . Review of a book ent it l ed,

“Thegrounds of Chri s t i anity examined

,by compar

ing the New Tes tament with the O l d,by George

Bethune Engl i sh .

” Boston . 1 8 1 3 .

Cast i , Gi ovanni Batt i s ta. 1 1 re Teodoro in Venez ia,

dramma ero i—comico,in due at t i [mis so in

mus ica dal S ig . Giovanni Paes ie l lo . Anon ]Pari s . An XI I — 1 804.

Libre tto on ly, with I ta l ian and French word s .

[45 ]

Page 55: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -



s let ters . [Anon ] See Trenchard , J .,and

T . Go rdon .

Causs in ,Nicholas . De eloqventia sacra et humana ,

l ibri XVI . Edit i o tert i a,

Lvtet iae Pa

r is io rvm . M . DC . XXX .

Autograph : John Adams .Cebes , of Thebes . KéBnrogOnfiaiouH ivuE. Cebe t is

Thebani Tabula . Graece et Latine . ( In Aes opus . Mythologia AeSOp ica. Part 1

,1 1 3

— 1 27 ;part 2 . 1 1 3

— 1 32. Londini .

Same . H ieronymo Wo lfio Oetingens i int erprete . ( In Ep icte tus . Enchi ri d ion . Vol . 1


pp . 4 1—67 . Co loniae. M D XCV . )

Cerceau ,Jean Antoine du . Conjurat i on de Nicola s

Gabrini , di t de Rienzi tyran de Rome en

1 347 . [Avec Les incommod itez de la grandeur .Comédie héroique ; et Divers es p ieces de

poés i e . ] Pari s . M DCC XXXI I I .Two cop ies .The original t itle o f Les incommoditez de la grandeur was Lefaux duc de Bourgogne, ou le s incommoditez de la grandeur .On the f ly-leaf i s wri tten : John Adams . Presented by Will iamVans Murray

,M in i s ter Res ident of the U . S . with the

B atavian Repub l i c .Ceriol , Federi co Furi o . See Fur io y Ceriol , F .

Ceris ier , Antoine Marie . Grondwett ige hers t ell ingvan Nederlands staatswezen,

zo voor het al

gem een bondgenoo tschap ; als voor het bes tuurvan elke byzondere p rov i ncie Tweededruk . [Anon ] Amsterdam . MDCCLXXXV


On a f ly-leaf i s a copy, apparently in the handwrit ing o f JohnAdams

,of a letter addres sed by the author to Adams on the

latter ’ s arrival at the Hague.

Tableau de l ’his to ire générale des ProvincesUnies . [Anon ] Utrecht . MDCCLXXVIIMDCCLXXXIV . 1 0 v .

Vol s . 4—10 have the author ’ s name on the t i t le-page . Thecopy on lacks vol . 9 .

[46 ]

Page 56: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de . H is to i re de l ’admirabl e Don Quichotte de la Manche . Nouve l l e édi t i on , Tome 1 . Paris . M .DCC .

LXVII I .Translated by Fil l eau de Sain t-Mart in . Tomes 2—6 are l acking.

— Vida,y hechos del ingenioso cabal lero Don

Quixote de la Mancha . Nueva edicion

i lus trada con varias laminas finas,y la V i da del

autor . Madrid . MDCCLXXVII . 4 v .

Plates .Chalmers , George . Pol it i cal annal s of the pres entUnited Co loni e s , from thei r s ett l ement to th e

peace of 1 763 . Book 1 . [T0 1 688. ] London .


No more publ ished.

Chamous set , Claude Humbert P iarron de . ( Euvres

comp lettes , contenant ses proj et s d’

humanité,de b ienfa i sance et de pat riot i sme : précédées deson él oge ; dan s lequel on t rouve une analys esu ivi e de ses ouvrages ; pa r M . l

Abbé CottonDes—H ous sayes . Tome 1 . Pari s . M .DCC .

LXXXII I . Tab le .

Tome 2 i s lacking.

Cham p ion ,Richard . Comparat ive reflec t i ons on

the pol i t i ca l,commerc ia l

,and c ivi l s tate

of Great Bri tain : with some thoughts conce rning emigrat ion . London . M



VI ICons iderat ions on the p res ent s i tuat ion oi GreatB ri tain and the Un ited State s of America

,wi th

a vi ew to thei r future commerc ia l connect ions ;des igned to

[expos e the dangerous t endency of a lat e pamphl et publ i shed byLord Sheffield , enti t l ed

“Obs ervat ions on the

commerce of the American s tates Interspersed with some observat ions on the s tate

[47 ]

Page 57: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Champ ion ,Richard . ( Continued)

of Canada,Nova Scot ia

,and the fi sheri es . 2d

ed it i on . Added,The plan of an act of Parl ia

ment for the es tabl i shment and regulat ion ofour trade with the American s tates . London .


This is a pre sentat ion copy from the author to John Adams .There are s cattered marginal notes in the h and o f JohnAdams .

Chandler , Samuel . Pla in reasons for being a Chri st ian . ( In Wat son , Richard , ed itor . A collect i on of theo log ica l t ract s . Vol . 3 , pp . 456

484 . Cambridge .

Charm ing , Will iam El lery, D .D . A di scours e onthe evidences of reveal ed rel igion

,del ivered

before the Univers i ty in Cambr idge at the Dudleian l ecture

,March 1 4, 1 82 1 . Bos ton . 1 82 1 .

8 . No . 1 5 inM emo ir of John Gal l ison . [Anon ] Boston .

1 82 1 . 8°

Rel igion a soc ial princ ipl e . A sermon del iveredin the church in Federal St reet



ber 1 0,1 820. Boston . 1 820 .

Two sermons on infidel i ty, del ivered O ctober 24,1 8 1 3 . Boston . 1 8 1 3 . No . 7 in

Chap l in , Ebenezer . [A second treat i s e on churchgovernment in three part s . By a ne ighbour .Boston . 1 773 . 8


No . 2 i nRe lates to church matter s in Bo l ton , Mass .The t itle-page i s miss ing, an d the f irs t few page s are mutilatedat the top .

Chapman , John , D .D ., Archdeacon of Sudbury . Ob

servat iones i n comm entario s vulgo U lp ianeos .

( In Demosthenes . Selectm orat iones . Pp .

xv—xlvi i . London . MDCCLXXI . )Char les I . , of England . See Carte , T .

Char les I I . , of England . See Carte , T

[48 ]

Page 59: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Checkley , J ohn . ( Continued).

’Burman 3 Synop s is theologize (mostly in vol . 1 , a few in vol .They are addre s sed to various persons and are upon varioussubj ects , but many of them relate to the troub les between theEp is copal ian s and the Puritans in New England, and to thewr iter ’ s trial and impri sonment in Boston .

The Speech of Mr . John Checkley , upon hi s tryal,at Boston in New-England

,for publ i sh ing the

Short and easy method with the dei s t s : towhich was added , A discours e concern ing ep iscopacy; i n defence of Chri s t iani ty , and theChurch of England

,agains t the de i s t s and dis

s enters . Added , the j ury’ s verdi ct ; his p l ea

in arres t of j udgment ; and the s entence ofcourt . 2d edi t ion . London . M .DCC .XXXVII I . Sm . No . 3 in

Ch i ld , Si r Josiah . A new di s cours e of t radeLondon . 1 698.

Au tograph : John Adams .Chomel , Noel , Abbé . Dict ionnai re oeconom ique .

contenant l ’art de fa i re valo i r les t erres, et de

met tre £1 p ro fit les endro it s les plus s t ér i les ;le s o in qu

’ exigent les bet es 51 com es etcel l e s a la ine, l e s chavaux,

les ch iens , &c . ;

une exact e d e s crip t ion des végétaux des

instruc t ions pour préveni r l es malad ies, e t pour

le s guéri r : avec une idée sommaire de cequ i concerne le s dro it s s e igneur iaux

, 81 ceuxdes communautes des ecc l és ia s t iques


rapport aux biens de campagne Nouve lleédit ion , augmentée , par M . de La Marre .

Pari s . M .DCC .LXVI I . 3 v . I l lu s . F°


Chrét ien , U n, contre s ix Juifs . [Anon ] See V 01

taire, F . M . A . de .

Christ ie, Wil l iam . Dis courses on the d iv ine un ity .

2d ed i t ion . M ontros e . MDCCXC .

[ 50]

Page 60: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Christyn ,Jean Bapt i s te

,and Franco is and Pierre

Foppens . Les dél ices des Pays Bas , ou descr ip


t ion géographique et his torique des XVI I .p rov inces belgiques . [Anon ] 6e édi t ionaugmentée de remarques curi euse s 81 intéressantes [ par Henri Griffet ] . Tome 4. Li egeM .DCC .LXIX . Maps . Plates .Tome s 1—3 , 5 are lack ing.

Churchi l l , Awnsham ,and John Church i l l , comp il ers .

A col lect i on of voyages and t ravel s . 3d ed it ion .

London . MDCCXLIV—MDCCXLVI . 6 v .

Portra i t s . Maps . F°

Th is set has two supp lementary vo lume s , with d i fferent t i tlepage s , general ly known as the Har le ian Col lect ion . Theyare marked on the back as vol s . 7 , 8 of the Church i l l Colleetion , but are separate ly catalogued The t itle-pages o fvo l s . 4, 6 are mutilated . B ib l iography, vol . 1 , pp . i—xx ix.

Churchman , John . The magnet ic a t las,or varia

t ion charts of the whol e terraqueous globe .

London . MDCCXCIV . D iagrams . L .

Chytraeus , Nathan . [Comm entarius N . Chytrae i

in Ep isto lam Ciceron is ad Q . fratrem . N .p .

N .d . ] Sm . 8°

The t itle-page and page s 1—36 are miss ing.

Cibber , Theophi lus , and others . The l ives of thepoets of Great B ritain and Ireland

,to the t ime

of Dean Swift . London . 1 753 . 5 v . 1 2°

Cicero , M arcus Tul l ius . Les oeuvres de Ciceron dela t raduct i on de Monsieur du Ryer, &c . Tome2,1 2 . Pari s . M . DC . LXX . Coat of arms .

1 6°

Opera omn ia : cum Grvteri et select is vari orumnoti s 81 indicibus lOcup letiss im is , accurante C .


Schrevel io . Am stelodam i . 1 66 1 . 4Book-plate and autograph : J . Q . Adams .The ora t ions of Cicero agains t Cat i l ine . [Translated into Engl i sh by Thomas Gordon ] ( In

[ 5 1 ]

Page 61: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


C icero , Marcus Tull ius . (Continued)Sal lus tius Cri spus , Caius . Works . London .

[ I 744 if ]Autograph : John Adams .Orat ionum se lectarum l iber

,ed itus in u sum scho

la rum Ho l landiae West-Fris ia : Hacnova edit ione ad fidem op t imorum codd . accurate recogn itu s . Londini . M DCC XXXIV . 1 2


F ly leave s and t i tle—page conta in autograph s of John Adams ,al so autograph of Gul ielmus Wh ittemore o f Cam

br idge , 1 75 1 .

Tul ly ’ s Five books De finibus Done intoEngl i sh by S [ amue l ] P [ arker ] , Gent . Revis


By Jeremy Col l i er . With an Apologyfor the phi lo sophical writ ings of CiceroBy H enry Dodwe l l . London . MDCCII .

Autograph : John Gerri sh .

Ci t izen ,A

,ps eud . Refl ect ions upon the admin i s t ra

t ion of j us t ice in Pennsylvania . By a c it izen .

Phi ladelphia . 1 809. 8°

Cit izen , A ,of M ary land

,pseud . See Maxcy, V .

Citoyen , U n,de Virgini e

,pseud . See Mazzei , P .

Clarendon and Whit lock compar’

d . By the authorof th e Crit i ca l h is torv of England . See Old

mixon , J .

Clarke, Samuel , D .D . A discours e concern ing theunchangeab le ob l igati ons of natural re l igionand th e t ruth and certain ty of the Chri s t ianrevela t ion . B e ing e ight s ermons preached inthe year 1 705 , at th e l ecture founded by RobertBoyl e . ( In Watson , Richard , editor . A collecti on of theo logi cal t racts . Vol . 4, pp . 1 09295 . London .

Clavis H om erica . [Anon ] See Robert i , A .

Clavius, Chri s toph . In sphaeram Ioann i s de SacroB osco , commentarius . Nunc quarto ab ip so

[ 52]

Page 62: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


C lavius , Chri s toph . (Continued)auctore recognitus n dvni . M .D CI I .Diagrams . Sm .

Clement XI V . , Pope . Interes t ing l et t ers of PopeC l ement X IV . (Gangane l li ) . Trans lated fromthe French ed i t i on publi shed at Pari s by Lot t inLe Jeune . 5th ed i t ion . Vol . 2 . London . M

DCC LXXXI . Vigne tt e . Sm .

Clerk ’s instructor,The

,By an at torney at

law See Reading, D .

Cluny, Alexander . Le voyageur américa in ou observation s sur l ’ e


tat actuel,la cu lture

,le com

me rce des colon ies bri tanniques en Am érique

[ etc . ] Adres s ées par un négoc iant ex

pér im enté, au t res-honorab le Comte deTradui t de l ’angloi s . Augmenté d ’un

préci s sur l ’Am érique septentrionale 81 la repub l ique des t re ize E tat s—Uni s par M . Jh [ oseph ]M [andrillon ] . Amsterdam . MDCCLXXXI I .Map .

Cluverius , Johannes . H istoriarum to tius mund iepi tome . Nunc aucta usque ad ann [um ]M DC LXVI I . Edit io septima Cum indice . Am s te laedam i . M .DC .LXVI I .

Al l the pages afte r page 800 are miss ing. The t i tle-page hasthe autograph of “John Tl i axter, Jun r.

Coade , George . A let te r to a cl ergyman,re lat ing

to his sermon on the 3oth of January [ann iversary o f the executi on of Charl es I . ] 2d

ed i t i on . London . M DCC XLVI I .The t i tle-page conta in s the autograph : John Adams .

Cobbett . W i l l iam . His tory of the Amer ican Jacobin s

,commonly denominated Democrat s . By

Pete r Porcupine Phi ladelph ia . 1 746 .

No . 2 in— Porcupine ’ s Works . Vol . 1

,2 . Phi ladelph ia .

[ 1 795 , Plate .

[ 53 ]

Page 63: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Co ch in , Henri . CEuvres de feu M . Cochin , écuyer ,avocat au Parlement , contenant le recue i l d e s esmémo ire s et consul tat ions . Nouvel l e éd i t ion .

Paris M . DCC . LXXI—M . DCC . LXXVI . 60

v . 4 .

Cocker , Edward . D ec imal arithm et ick Whereunto i s added h is Art ificial arithm et ick

Also h i s Algebraica l arithm et ick Corrected and publ i shed by John Hawkins 3d

ed i t i on . London . 1 703 . Sm . 8°

The top o f the t i tle-page i s cut , probably for an autograph .

Coke , Si r Edward . A book of entr ie s . 2d edi t ion .

London . M .DC .LXXI . F°

Certain s el ec t cases in law,reported . 2d ed i t i on .

London . 1 677 . F°

. No . 2 inThe fi rs t [ and fourth ] part of the I ns titvtes ofthe lawes of England London . 1628


MDCXLIV . 2 v . Portra i t . F°


The second [ and thi rd ] part of the Ins t i tutes ofthe laws of England . 6th edi t ion . London . MDCLXXX ,

MDCLXXXI . 2 v . F°


The twelfth part of the Report s of S'. EdwardCoke Also the forms and proceed ingsof Parl iaments

,both in England

,and Ireland :

with an expos i t i on of Poyn ings law . 2d ed it i on . London . 1 677 . F


Autograph : John Adams . Top o f t i t le-page cut for autograph .

Co lbert Jean Bapt i s t e,Marqu i s de Torcy . M e

mo ire s de. M . de pour serv i r a l ’his to iredes négoc iati ons depuis le t ra i té de Ri sw ick jus


a la pa ix d ’U trecht . Londre s . MDCCLVI I . 3 v . 1 6


Coleman , Will iam . An exam inat ion of the Pres ident ’ s rep ly to the New—Haven Remons trance :w i th an append ix contain ing the Pres ident ’ sinaugural speech

,the Remons trance and reply ;

with a l is t of removal s from off i ce,and new

[ 54]

Page 64: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Co leman , W i l l iam . ( Continued )appo intments

,made s ince the fourth of March ,

1 80 1 . [Anon ] New York . 1 801 . 8°

No . 2 inThe t itle-page i s badly t orn . The Remonstrance was


again stthe appo intmen t , by Pre s ident Je fferson , of Samue l B ishop tothe office of Col lector o f New Haven .

Col lection ,A

,of al l the treat ie s o f p eace , al l iance ,

and comme rce between Great-Brita in and otherpowers

,from the Revolut ion in 1 688, t o the

p resent t ime . London . MCCLXXI I . 2 v .

8 .

Col lect ion , A ,of intere s t ing

,authent i c papers


t ive to the d i spute between Great B ri ta in andAmerica ; shewing the caus es and progres s ofthat misunders tand ing, from 1 764 to 1 775 .

London . M .DCC .LXXVI I .Th is col lect ion is o ften cal led the Prior document s, and i scon s idered as a part of Almon ’ s The Remembrancer .

Co l lect ion , A ,of l et ters , writ ten by the kings Char le s

I . and I I .,the Duke of O rmonde

,the s ecre

taries of state,the Ma rques s of Clanri carde


other great m en, during the t roubl es of Great

Br i ta in and I reland . Se rving to verify andclear up matters related in the H is tory of thel ife and t imes of James

,the fi rs t Duke of Or

monde , London M DCC XXXV . F°


Th i s i s volume three o f T . Carte ’s The h i story of the l ife ofJames , Duke o f O rmonde

Co l lect ion , A ,of original royal le tt ers . See B rom

ley, S ir G.

Co llect ion , A , of po l it i cal t ra cts . [Anon ] See

St . John , H .

Col lect ion , A , of publ i ck‘

acts and papers,relat ing

to the princip le s of armed neutral i ty,brought

forward in 1 780 and 1 78 1 . London . 1 80 1 ,

Contain s an au tograph o f Rufus K ing.

[ 55 ]

Page 65: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Co l lect ion , A ,of s tat e-papers

,relat ive to the f i rs t

acknowledgment o f the sovere ignty of theUnited Sta tes of Ameri ca

,and the reception of

the i r mini s te r p lenipotentiary [John Adams ] ,by thei r High-Might ine s s es the States—Generalof the United Netherlands . At the Hague ,


Co l lect ion , A ,of voyage s and t ravel s

,cons i s t ing of

aut‘i ent ic wr i ters in our tongue,which have

not before been co l l ected i n Engl i sh , or haveon ly been abridged in other col lec t ionsCompi led from the Library of the lateEarl of Oxford London . MDCCXLVI I .2 v . I l lus . Maps . F


22 .7There are numbered as vo l s . 7 , 8 of the Church il l Col lect ion

forming a supp lement general ly known as the Harle ianCol lect ion .

Col lect ions , h is tor ica l and mis cel l aneous ; andM onth ly Lit erary Journal . Edited by J . Far ~

mer and J . B . Moore . Vol . 1,no . 2 . Concord

[N . H . ] 1 822 .

Co l lins , John An introduct ion to merchants-accompt s . London . M .DC .LXXV F



No . 4 inCo lman ,

Henry . An addre s s de l ivered before theMas sachus ett s Agri cul tural Soc iety , at the

Brighton catt l e show,O ctober 1 7th ,

1 82 1 . B os

ton . 1 822 . No . 6 in 290. 1 0

ColoniaeAngl icanae illustratae. [Anon ] See B 01

lan , W .

Combe ,Will i am . The r - 1 [ royal ] regi s te r . Withannotat ions by another hand . [Anon ] 2d

ed i t ion . Vol . 2 . London M, ,DCC LXXIX .

223 .25Sat ir ical ske tches o f the pr inc ipal nob il ity, the name s ind icatedby in i t ial s .

Comberbach , Roge r . The report of s everal casesargued and adjudged in the Court of K ing’ s

[ 56]

Page 67: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Condi l lac , Et ienne Bonnot de , Abbé de Mureaux .

( Continued)Cours d ’

étude pour l ’ ins truct ion du prince deParme

,auj ourd ’hui S . A . R . l

infant D . Ferd inand

,duc de Parme

,Plai sance ,

Guas tal le ,

81 C . 81 C . 81 C . Tome 1— 1 2,

1 4— 1 6 . Parme .

M .DCC .LXXV . 9 plate s .Contents — 1 . Grammaire . 2. L’art d ’écr ire . 3 . L’art dera isonner . 4. L’art de p enser . 5—1 0. H i s to ire anc ienne . 1 1

1 5 . Histo ire moderne . 1 6. L’étude de l

h is to ir e .

This copy lacks vol . 1 3 .

Trai t é des animaux On a j o in t unel ettre de l ’abb e de Condi l l ac , £1 l

auteur des Lett re s a uh América in [ J . A . Lelarge de Lignac ] .

Amsterdam . M .DCC .LXVI . 1 2°

Tra it é des sensat ions . Londres . M .DCCLIV .

2 v .

Trai t é des sys teme s ; o ii l’on en deme l e les incon

vén ients et l e s avantage s . Amsterdam . M .


Condo rce t . Marie Jean Anto ine Nicolas de Carta i ,Marqu is de . Lett res d ’un bourgeo is de New

Heaven [ pseud . de Condorcet ] a um c it oyen dcV irgin ie [ pseud . de Phi l ip Mazze i ] , sur l ’ i nut il ité de partager le pouvoi r l égi s lat i f ent replus ieurs corps . ( In Mazze i , P . Recherche sh i s torique s et po l i t i ques sur l e s Etat s-Unis del’

Am ér ique s ept entrionale . Tome 1,pp . 267

37 1 . Col le 1 788.

On page 266, in the handwrit ing o f John Adams , i s written :“The fo l l owing four let ters were written by the Marqui s ofCondorcet , a Man o f Science , but l it t le acquainted with History : ignorant , total ly ignoran t o f al l Writings on the Scienceof Government

The l i fe of M . Turgot . Trans lated from the

French . With an appendix . London . M .


Two cop ies .Outl ine s of an hi s torica l V iew of the progres s of

[ 58 ]

Page 68: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Condorcet , Mari e Jean Antoine Nico la s de Carta i ,Marqu is de . ( Continued)

the human mind . Trans lated from the French .

London . 1 795 .

Th is copy con ta in s frequent commen ts and cr it ic isms in the

handwriting o f John Adams .V ie de Mons i eur Turgo


t . [Anon ] Londre s .


Gonen de Prépéan, Stenographia exacta , s ive ,ars vocem loquentis scribendo exc ip iendi ,m ethodus nova : e Gal l i ca l ingua ad Lat inam dedueta

,addit is qu ibusdam B elgicm,

German icae,

Angl icae, I tal icae atque H ispan icae l inguae contract ion ibus

,s tud io J . Bos suyt . Gandavi .

1 8 1 4. 6 plate s . 8°

Ded icated to John Quincy Adams by J . Bossuyt .Conestaggio , H ieronym o Franchi de . Historia de l l eguerre del la Germania inferiore . [Cologne i

]M D C XXXIV . 1 6


Connect icut, Governor . Me s s age to the Senateand House of Repre sentat ives at the

commencement of the ses s ion'

of the GeneralAssembly

,in New-Haven


,A.D . 1 826 .

New Haven . 1 826 .

Cons i derations on the publ ic expediency of a bridgefrom one part of Boston to the other . [Anon ]See Tudor , W .

Cons iderat ions sur le gouve rnement anc ien et présent de la France . [Anon ] See Argenson ,

R . L ., Marqu i se d


Conso lato , 1 1, del mare , ne l quale s i comprendonotutt i gl i statvti , 81 ordin i , dispost i da gl i ant i chiper ogn i cosa d i me rcant ia

,di navigare

[Het consulaat van’

de zee, N ieulyks uyt

het I tal iaans in he t Nederduyts vertaalt [ bijAbraham VVes terveen ] . Leyden . 1 704. Sm .

Autograph : John Adams

Page 69: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Cons tant in , Robert . Lexicon Graeco latinvm novvm

ac recens Opera ac so lert iacu iusdam viril inqua Graeca peritiss im i . Genevae M .DC

VII . 2 parts in 1 v . F°


Cons t i tut ions des t reize Etat s-Uni s cle l ’Am ér ique .

[Traduit es par le duc de La Rochefoucauld . ]Phi lade lph ia ; et se t rouve aPari s . 1 783 .

B e s ide s the Con st itut ion th is volume conta in s the Declarat iono f I ndependence , Art ic le s o f Con federat ion , Treaty withFrance . 1 778. Treaty with the Un ited Ne therland s , 1 783 .

Th is i s a large paper copy, with book-p late o f John Adamsand cover stamped with the Adams coat of arms .

Cont inental Congre s s . Journal of the Commit teeof the State s . conta in ing the pro ceedings fromthe fi rst Friday in June

,1 784, to the s econd

Friday in August,

1 784 . [Phi ladelph ia . ]M



No . 2 i n No . 2 in

[Journa l of the Congres s , of the United Statesof Am er ica ; continued . Philade l phia .

Page s b e fore p . 3 are miss ing.

The t i tle i s quoted from Some mater ial s for a b ib l iography ofthe

“ offic ial pub l icat ion s of the Cont inental Congre s s , byPaul Le ice ste r Ford

Journals of Congres s . Contain ing the p roceedings Vol . 1— 1 3 . Phi ladelph ia M .


1 . Sep t . 5 , 1 774—Jan . 1 , 1 776. Ph iladelph ia . Aitken . M .

DCC.LXXVI I .Same . Jan . 1—Dec . 3 1 , 1 776.

Jan . 1 , 1 777—Jan . 1 , 1 778. New-York . Patte rson .

Jan . 1 , 1 778—Jan . 1 , 1 779. Ph ilade lph ia . Claypoole .

Same . Jan . 1 , 1 779—Jan . 1 , 1 780. M , ,DCC LXXX I I .

Jan . 1 [ Ph iladelph ia . ] Dunlap .

Jan . 1 , 1 78 1- Nov . 2, 1 782. New York. Patterson .

M .DCC,LXXXVI I .Same . Nov . 4, 1 782 M ,D ,CC LXXX I I I .

Nov . 3 , I 7S3—Jun e 3 , 1 784 . Phi lade lph ia . Dun lap .

Nov . 1, 1 784—Nov . 4, 1 785 . [ Ph iladelph ia . ] Dunlap .



Page 70: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Continental Congre s s . ( Continued)1 1 . Nov . 7 , 1 785-Nov . 3 , 1 786 . [Ph i lade lph ia. ] Dunlap .

1 2 . Nov . 6 , 1 786—O ct . 30, 1 787 . [ Ph ilade lph ia. ] M ,DCC,

LXXXVI I .1 3 .


88?1 787—Nov . 3 , 1 788. [ Ph iladelph ia . ] Dun l ap .

1 7Vo l . 1 has the index. Two cop ies of vo l . 6, which is ent itledRe so lut ion s , act s and orders of Congre s s Vol s . 8, 9,1 1 , are ent itled Journa l s o f the Un ited State s in Congre s sas semb led Vo l . 1 0 has no vo lume number . The t i tleof vo l . 1 2 in c lude s To the f ifth day of November, 1 787 .

Same . Vol . 1 — 5 , 7— 1 0,1 3 . Phi ladelph ia [ etc . ]

M .DCC .LXXVI INamely:

as above .


2. York-Town : (Penn sy lvan ia . Dun lap . M,DCC,LXXVI I I .

3 . Ph ilade lph ia . Dunlap .

7 , 1 3 , as in the ed it ion onTwo cop ie s o f vo l s . 1 , 2, 7 . The

“A” copy o f vo l . 2, and vo l s . 8and 1 0 lack the indexe s . Vol . 9 lacks the index and Journalo f the Committee of the State s .Same . Phi ladelphia . M ,DCC ,LXXXI I— 1 800.

1 3 v .

Namely1 -3 . Ph iladelph ia . Fo lwe l l . 1 800.

4—6, 8, 9, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3 , as in the ed i t ion on

7 . Ph i ladelph ia . Claypoole . M .DCC.LXXX I .

1 1 . [ Ph ilade lph ia . ] Dun lap .

1 2. [ Ph iladelp hia . ] M ,DCC,LXXXVI I .Vol . 1 ha s the index . Vol . 7 lacks a l l p age s after page 384,and the index . Two cop ie s of vo l . 8. Vol . 8 lacks the index .

Vo l . 10 has the index.

Same . Vol . 3 . New—York . Patterson .

Two cop ies . 200.3The j ournals o f the pro ceed ings of Congres s .

He l d at Phi ladelphia,from January to May


1 776 . Philadelphia . M .DCC .LXXVI .

Secret j ournals of the act s and proceed ings ofCongres s , from the fi rs t meet ing thereof tothe dis s olut ion of the Confederat ion

,by the

adopt ion of the Const i tut ion of the Uni tedStates [May 1 0,

1 775 , to Sep t . 1 6, Boston . 1 820

,2 1 . 4 v .

[6 1 ]

Page 71: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Convent ion ent re le ro i [ de France ] e t l’

impératr ice

re ine de H ongrie et de Boh eme,concernant le s

l imi t e s deS E tat s respect i fs aux Pays-basDu 1 6 mai 1 769 . Pari s . M DCCLXIX .

No . 3 inConvent ion ent re le roi [ de France ] et le princede Nas sau-We ilbourg,

concernant l es l imitesde leurs état s respect i fs . Du 24 j anvier 1 776 .

Par i s . M .DCCLXXVI . No . 8 inConvent ion ent re le roi t re s—chrét ien [de France ] e tla républ ique de Raguse , conclue a Raguse le2 avri l 1 776 . Pari s . M .DCCLXXVI .

No . 9 inCook , John . K ing Charles ’ s ca s e : or

,an appeal t o

al l rat iona l men,conce rn ing h i s t rial in the

High Court of Jus t i ce . Be ing,for the mos t

part , that which was intended to have beendel ivered at the bar

,i f th e Ki ng had pl eaded to

the charge’

With an add i t ional op inion,

concern ing the death of King James , ( InLudlow

,Edmund . Memoi rs . Vol . 3 , pp . 323

367 . Edinburgh . MDCCLI . )Cooper, S ir Anthony Ashley , 3d Earl of Shaft sbury .

Character ist icks : vol . 2 . London . MDCCXXXI I I .Characteris t icks of men , manners , opinions ,t imes . 5th edit ion . B irmingham . Printedby John Baske rvi l le . M .DCC .LXXI I I . 3 v .

Port rai t .Corio ,

B ernard 1no . L’

his tor ia di M ilano Conle vit e ins ieme d i tvtt i gl i imperatori , incom inc iando da Giul i o Cesare , fino a Federico Barbaros sa . Di mvovo ri s tampata [V inegia

Plate . Sm .

The impr int i s torn o ff, and some leaves at the end are wormeaten . All after the f irs t page of the seventh and last part o fthe h i sto ry of M ilan i s want ing. The re i s an autograph : JohnMorri s

,1 622, and a few l ines in autograph o f Brand Hol l is .


Page 72: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Corne i l le , P ierre . Chefs -d ’oeuvre ,avec les re

marque s de Volta i re . Tome 4. Pari s . AnXI I I : 1 805 .

Contents . N icom éde , tragéd ie . Sertor ius , tragéd ie .— Psyche,

tragi-coméd ie et ba l let .( Euvres . Tome 1 —3 , 5— 1 0. Pari s . M .DCC .

LVII I . 9 v . 24

Le theat re de P . [ et ] T . Corne i l l e . Nouvel leédit ion Amste rdam . M .DCCI . 5 v .

Portra it .Tome 4, autograph : John Adam s .

Corne i l le , Thomas . (Euvres . Tome 1 —6,8, 9.

Pari s . M .DCC .LVI I I .

Contents — 1 . Les engagemens du hazard — Le fe int ast rologue .

D . Bertrand de Cigarral . 2. L’amour a la mode . Le

berger extravagant . Le charme de l a voix . 3 . Le geOl ier deso i-mesm e . Les i l lustre s ennemis . — Timocrate . B érénice.

4. La mort de l ’empereur Commode . Darius . Stil icon .

Le ga land doub lé . 5 . Camma . Maxim ian . Pyrrhus .Persée 81 Dém étrius . 6. Anth io chus . Laod ice . Le barond’

Alb ikrac . La mort d ’

Ann ibal . 8 . La mort d ’

Achil le . D .

César d ’

Avalos . Circé . 9. L’

inconnu . Le Comte d’Es s ex.

B radamante .

Cornel issen ,Egide Norbert . De fat i s Kam el l iae

Japon icae , lusu s mytho -poeti cus . Dis cours prononce a la fin du banquet de la Soc i ét é [ royaled

agriculture et de botanique ] , le 6 févri er1 820

,époque de la XXI I . expos i t ion publ ique

de fleurs , l orsque la Kam el lia Japonica anemone flora obt int le prix de be l l e cul ture . [Also ,21301 111101 L innaeanum Lat in i s vers ibus donatum . ] Gand . 8


Factum , ou mémoi re qui éta i t des t in é a e tre prononce dans une affa i re content ieuse

,il S

agi s sa i t de deux tet es , l’une en plat re et l ’autre

en marble . [Anon Gand . ] An XIPlate .

“Cette facét ie fut écrite a propos d ’une d i scuss ion qu i ava itp ri s naissance au suj et d ’un concours ouvert par l ’Académ iede Gand, pour le bu s te de Jean Van Eyck , sur le véri tableportrait duque l on n

était pas d ’accord .- B arbier .

Page 73: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Coronel l i , Vincenzo Ma ria . M émoires h i s to r iques81 géographiques du royaume de la Moree , Né

grepont , 81 des places mar it imes , j usques aThes salon ique . Traduit de l ’ ital ien . Amsterdam . M .DC .LXXXVI . Plates . Maps .Plans .

Corpvs ivr is canon ic i not i s illustratvm : Gregorii

XII I . ivs sv editvm : com p lectens Decretum Grat ian i Decreta le s Grego rij papae IX .

, Sextum

decretal ium B onifacij papae VI I I . , Clement ina s ,Extrauagantes Ioanni s papac XXI I . , Extrauagante s communes . Acces servnt cons t itvtiones

novae svmmorvm pon t ificvm nunquam anteaeditae

,annotationes Ant . Naldi

Tomvs primvs . n dvn i . M .DC .LXI .Autograph s : J er . Grid ley, John Adams .

Correspondance pol i t ique sur l e s affa i re s prés ent esde la Hol lande . Tome 1 . Amsterdam . M .

D .CC .LXXX I I .Cons ist s o f letters and extracts from various j ournal s .

Coste , Jean Franco is De ant iqua medi‘co—philosophia orb i novo adap tanda . O rat i o hab i ta inCapi to l io Gu lie lmopo l itano in Com itiis Univers itatis V irgin iae , die XI I Jun ii M .DCC .LXXXII . Lugduni B atavorum . 1 783 . 8


Cost igan , Arthur Wil l iam . Sketches of s oc ietyand manners in Portugal . London .

2 v.

Cotton , Clement . A concordance to a l l the booksof the O ld Tes tament , acc01 d ing t o the translat ion al l owed by His lat e Mat ie


of Great B rittainA large and complete concordance to the B iblein Engl i sh

,accord ing to the la s t trans lat i on .

Now much enla rged by Samue l Newman . London . M .DC .XLII I . F



Conta in s A concordance to al l the bo oke s cal led Apocrypha.

[64 ]

Page 75: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Cowe l l , John . ( Continued)menti oned in the law writers , or s tatutesLondon . 1 637 Sm .

Top of ti t le-page t orn , probab ly for autograph .

A law dict ionary : or the interpreter of wordsand terms

,used e ither in the common or s tatute

laws of Great Bri ta in With An appendix,

contai n ing ant i ent names of p laces inGreat Bri ta in

,and ant i ent surnames

In the Savoy . MDCCXXVI I . F°


Th is is a later ed it ion o f the The inte rp reter.Cow ley, Abraham . [Works London P 1 7

2 v . in I .

The t itle-page and seve ral p rel iminary pages are miss ing.

Coxe , Wil li am . Sket ches of the natura l , c ivi l , andpol it ica l s tate of Swiss erland ; in a series oflett ers to 'W il liam Melmoth . 2d ed i t ion . London . M



Autograph : John Adams .Travels into Poland

,Russ ia


,and Den

mark . 2d edi t i on . London . MDCCLXXXV .

2 V . Plates . Maps .

Each volume has book—p late o f John Adams .Craftsman , The . [Weekly By Caleb D ’

Anvers .

of Gray ’ s -Inn Vo ls . 1 — 1 4. London .


,XXXI Plates .

Vignet te s .A po l i t ical period ica l , publ i shed under the name o f CalebD

’Anvers . The p rinc ip al contributors were Lord Bo l ingb roke, Pulteney, afterwards Ear l o f Bath , and Nicholas Amhurst .

Cramond ,Hercules . Out l ines of human l i fe


sketched by He rcule s Cramond,M .D . and

exempl ifi ed by memoirs of the author andhis fami ly . [London ] MDCCLXXXV .

Crasso , Nicolo . Andreae Maurocen i vi ta . ( In I storic i del l e cos e veneziane . Tome 5 , pp . vi il i i i . Venezia . MDCCXV I I I I . )


Page 76: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Crébil lon ,Pro sper J o lyot de . (Euvres . Nouvel l e

édi t ion,

augmentée de la vi e de l’

auteur .

Pari s . M .DCC .LXXI I . 3 v . Portra i t .Two cop ies .

Croce , I reneo della . Historia ant ica , e moderna :sacra

,e profana , del la c i t ta di Tr ies te fin


anno 1 698 . Venet ia . M .DC .XCVII I .I l lu s . Portrai t s . Coats of arms . F



Croke , Sir George . Report s of S r GeorgeCroke of the Court of K ings-Bench , and ;

of Common—Bench ; o f such s e lect cas es aswere adjudged in the sa id court s . Revis ed andpubl i shed in Engl i sh by Sir Harbott l e Gr ims ton . 3d impre s s i on . London . 1 683 . 3 v .

Portra i t . FAll the volumes have autograph o f John Adams ; vol . 3 hasal so autograph o f J . Q . Adams , 1 790, and George WashingtonAdams, 1 825 .

Crookshank ,Will iam . The hi s tory of the s tate andsuffer ings of the Church of Scot land

,from the

Res torat ion to the Revo lut ion . Ed inburgh .

MDCCLXII . 2 v . Sm .

Cudworth , Ralph . A t reat i s e concerning eternaland immutabl e moral i ty . With a prefa ce byEdward

,Lord B ishop of Durham . London .

1 73 1 . Port rai t . Sm .

Autograph : John Adams .The t rue intel l ectual sys tem of the unive rs e : thefi rs t part ; wherein . al l the reason and philosophy of athei sm i s confuted ; and it s imposs ib il ity demonstrated . London . MDCLXXVI I I . F .

Cujas , Jacque s . I acobi Cviacii Opera omniain decem tomos dist ribvta Edit io novaem endat ior et avctior opera cura Caro l iAnnibal is Fabro t i . Lvtet iae Paris iorvm . M .

DC .LVI I I . 1 0 v . Vignet tes . F°


The t it les o f the vo lume s vary .

[67 ]

Page 77: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Cul len , Will iam . Firs t l in es of the pract ice ofphys ic . New edi t ion . From the las t B rit i shedi t i on , enla rged by the author . Printed atWorces ter


,by I saiah Thomas . 1 790 .

3 v .

Cunningham ,Timothy . A new and complete law

dict i onary,or

,genera l abridgment of the law

London . M .DCC .LXIV,M .DCC .LXV

2 v . F°


Curt ius , Rufus Quintus . Histo i re d ’

Alexandre leGrand

,par Quinte Curce

,de la traduct i on de

Vauge la s ; avec les supp lem ents de Fre inshemius nouvel l ement t radu it s par M . l

AbbéDinouart . Pari s . MDCCLXXI I . 2 v .

1 2

Cushing, Caleb . The Treaty of Washington : it snegotiat ion

,execut ion

,and the d i s cus s i ons re

la t ing thereto . New York . 1 873 .

Cushing, Luther Stearns . Lex par l iam entar ia

Ameri cana . Elements of the law and pract i ceof l egi s lat ive as sembl ies in the Un i ted State sof Ameri ca . 2d ed i t ion . Bos ton . 1 859 .


D M .

,pseud . See Dezall ier d

Argenville , A .

Dacier , André . See Horat ius Flaccus . Remarquescr it iques sur les O euvres d ’

Horace .

Dafforne , R ichard . The merchant ’ s m irrour : or,

d irect i ons for the order ing and keepingof h i s accounts . London . 1 684. F



«1 No . 3 inDalrym p le , Campbel l . Extract s from a m i l i ta ryes say , conta in ing : reflect ions on the rai s ing,arming, cloathing and dis c ip l ine of the Bri t i shinfant ry and cava lry . Ph i ladelph ia . M .DCC


LXXVI . Plates . 8°

No . 2 in

[68 ]

Page 78: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Da lrymp le ,Sir John

,Baronet . M emo irs of Grea t

B rita in and Ireland . From the dis solut ion ofthe las t Parl iament of Charles I I . unt i l the sea~

batt le o f La Hogue . 4th ed it ion . Dubl in .


,LXXII I . 3 v . 8 .

Autograph : John Adam s .Dalton,

Michael . The country j ust ice : conta ining the p ract ice , duty and power of thejus t i ces of the peace , Added , an ap

pend ix ; being a compleat summary of al lthe act s of Parl iament , Also

,Addenda ,

conta ining the s tatutes of 1 6,1 7, 1 8 1 9

Geo . I I . In the Savoy . M .DCC .XLVI .


Dam iens de Gom icourt , Auguste Pierre . See Let

tres ho l lando isesDanet , Pierre , Abbé . Grand dict ionna i re fran co i s

et la t in . Nouvel le édit ion . Amsterdam .

M .DCCX,M .DCCXI . 2 v . 4


Vol . 1 i s French-Latin ; vol . 2, Lat in-French .


VI I I .Vol . 2 i s called ed it io al tera, and bears the earl ier date .

Dan ie l , Samue l . A collect ion of the h i s tory ofEngland : con ta in ing a bri ef account of themost remarkable affai rs of s tate . [From theConquest to the end of King Edward I I I . ]Port ra it s . ( In Hughes , John , comp i l er . Acomple te hi s tory of England . Vol . I , pp . 83236 . London .

Th i s copy lacks the portraits .Dares Phrygius , pseud . De bel lo Tro iano l ibri sex,

Lat ino carmine a Cornel i o Nepot e e leganterreddit i . ( In Homer . Qvae extant omnia . Vol .1,col s . 444—499 . B as ileae .

Th i has been attributed to Josephus Exon iens is . I t iscertain that Nepos had no part m it .

[69 ]

Page 79: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Darrow,David . The tes t imony of Chri s t ’ s s econd

appearing . 2d ed i t ion . Albany . 1 8 1 0.

Fly-leaf conta in s an autograph o f John Adams . 282-4The pre face i s s igned by David Darrow, John Meacham andB enj amin S . Youngs .

Daubenton Loui s Jean Mari e . Advice to shepherds and owne rs of flo cks

,on the care and

management of sheep . Trans l ated by a gent l eman o f Boston [James Bowdoin ] . Bos ton .

1 8 1 1 Plat es . 8

Dav i la , Arrigo Caterino . His to i re des guerresc ivi l e s de France

,sous les regnes de Francoi s

I I . , Charle s IX .,Henri I I I . 81 Henri IV . Tra

duite de l ’ i ta l i en Ave c des notes cr it iqueset h ist orique s

,par Mons ieur l ’Abbé M

[E . Mal l et et P . J . Gros l ey ] Amsterdam .

M .D C C .LV I I . 3 v . I l lus . V ignettes .

L . 8°

The h istoric of the c ivi l ] warres of France , writt en in I ta l ian . Trans lated [by Wm . Ayle sbury ] . London . M .DC .XLVI I . F


Day, Thomas . Refl exi ons upon the pres ent s tateo f England

,and the independence of America .

London . 1 782 . 8°

No . 3 inDe l

adm in is tration provinc ia le, et de la réforme

de 1’ impo t . [Anon ] See Le Trosne , G. F .

De la recherche de la véri t é . [Anon ] See Malebranche , N . de .

Dearbo rn , Henry A lexander Scammel . A memoiron the commerce and nav igat ion of th e B lackSea

,and the trade and marit ime geography of

Turkey and Egypt . Bos ton . 1 8 1 9 . 2 v .

Th i s copy lacks the volume o f chart s .

Dec larat ion of Independence . See Recue i l desl o ix const itut ives des colon ies anglo is es ; als oV erzamel ing van de Cons titutién der Vereenigde onafhangl ijke Staat en van Ame rika .

[ 70]

Page 80: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Defence , A ,of the Legi s lature of Mas sachus ett s ,

or the right s of Newengland vind i cated . B os

ton . 1 804.

On the motions adopted in the Massachuse tt s LegislatureW ith re ference t o the p roport ion of representat ion in the freeand s lave s tate s and to the mode of choos ing e lectors .

D éfense , La , de mon oncle . [Anon ] See V 01

taire , F . M . A . de .Defoe , Daniel . The hi s tory of the un ion betweenEngland and Scot land , with an appendix oforigina l papers . Added

,a l i fe of the cel e

brated author [by George Chalmers ] and acop ious index . London M .DCC .LXXXVI .

1. p .

The fly—leaf has the fol lowing autograph : The Un i ted States ,Nov . 1 4, 1 785 . Attest . John Adams .A tour through the I s land of Great B ri ta in . Divided into c i rcuit s or journ ies . Cont inuedby [S . ] Richardson and brought down tothe pres ent t ime by gent lemen of eminence .

8th edit i on . London . 1 778 . 4 v . Maps .

Walter Wil l s th i s a paltry imitat ion o f D e Foe .

Lowndes says it is an a lterat ion , w ith add it ion s , m wh ich De

Foe i s lo st .Degl

istorici de l le cos e veneziane ,i qual i hanno

s cri t to per publ i co dec re t o Tomo 1 — 1 0.

Venezia . MDCCXVI I I—MDCCXXI I . 1 0 v .

in 1 1 . Portra it s . 4 .

Contents — 1 . Le i stor ie venez iane lat inamente scr itte daMarcantonio Cocc io Sab el l i co , aggiuntavi la vita del l’ autore[ da Aposto lo Z eno ] . 2. Le i stor ie venez iane lat inamentescr itte da Pietro card ina le B embo

,aggiuntavi la vita de l l ’

autore [ da Giovann i de l l a Casa ] . 3 , 4. I s t orie venez iane volgarm ente scritte da Paolo Paruta , aggiun tavi l a vita del l'autore [ da Apostol o Z eno ] . 5—7 . I storie venez iane lat inamente scritte dal senatore ~ Andrea Moros in i, aggiuntavi lavita de l l ’ autore [ da Nico lao Cras so ] . 8, g. I stor ia del larepubbl ica veneta d i B at i s ta Nan i , aggiuntav i 1a vita de l l ’autore [ scritta da P . C . Z eno ] . 1 0. I storia de l la repubbl icaveneta d i M iche le Fo s carini, aggiuntav i l a vita de l l ’ autore[ scr itta da P. C. Z eno ] .

Vol . 1 i s bound in two vo lume s .

[ 7 1 ]

Page 81: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Dé l ices , Les , des Pays-Bas . [Anon ] See Christyn ,

J . B .

,and F . and P . Foppens .

Demandre , A . Dict ionnai re portat if de régles

de la langue francoi s e . [Anon ] Pari s .M .DCC .LXX . 2 v .

Autograph : John Adams , Pari s, March 6, 1 780.

Demarvil le , Les verbes francoi s ou nouvel legrammaire

,en forme de d i ct ionnaire . 2e edi

t i on augmentée . Londres . M DCC LXXI I I .

French and Engl i sh on Oppo s ite page s or in paralle l columns .Demosthenes . D em os thenis et ZEsch im s

opera,cum vtriusque autor is v i ta l i an i

comm entar iis , nouisque s cho l iis , ex quartarecognitione , Graeco lat ina : annota

t ionibvs i l lus t rata : per H ieronymvm Wo lfivm

( Etingensem Accedit v ita D emos thenis

ex paral lel is Andreae Schot t i Francofvrt i . M .DC. I I I I . Plate . F



Lat in and Greek in paralle l columns . 0

Aovot 8%A8%170L. Selectze o rat 1ones . Ad cod1ces

MSS . recensuit,

. not is insuper il lustravitRicardus Mounteney P raefiguntur ob

servat iones in Comm entar ios vulgo U lp ianeos

[ a J . Chapman ] : et tabula antiquae Graeciae .

Edit io quin ta . Lond in i . MDCCLXXI .

The ti tle-page is torn for autograph and the Tabula i s m is s ing .

Denham , S ir Jame s Steuart,Baronet . An inqu iry

into the princip le s o f pol i t ical oeconomy. London . MDCCLXVI I . 2 v . L .

Den ina , Giacomo Maria Carlo . Dell e rivoluz ionid’

I tal ia l ib ri ven tiquat tro . Torino . MDCCLXIX . MDCCLXX . 3 v .

An essay on the revo lut ions of l i t erature . Translated from the I tal ian by John Murdoch . London .

Pages 1 1 , 1 2, 59 and 60 are sl ightly mut il ated .

[ 72]

Page 83: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Dict ionnaire hi sto rique des moeurs,usages , et con

tum es des Franco i s . [Anon ] See Aubert deLa Chesnaye des Bo is , F . A .

Dict ionnaire portat i f des régles de la langue francoi s e . [Anon ] See Demandre , A .

Dict ionnai re univers el franco is et lat in , vulgai rement appe lé D i ct ionnaire de Trevoux . Pari s .1 77 1 . 8 v . F



D iderot , Deni s . ( Euvres de th eat re . Avec undis cours sur l a poés i e dramat ique . Pari s . M .

DCC .LXXI . 2 v . 1 2°

Didero t , Deni s , and Jean le Rond d’

Alembert , editors . Encyc lopédi e

,ou d i c t ionnai re rai s onné

des s ciences , des art s et des mét i ers , par unesoc i ét é de gens de let tres . 3e éd i t i on Geneve

[ etc . ] M .DCC .LXXVI I I,M .DCC .LXXIX .

38 v . Plates . Tabl es .Vol s . 1 0, 1 7, 1 9, 22, 24, 26, 3 1—3 5 are of the Nouve l le éd it ion .

D igges,Sir Dudley . Mémoires et in s truct ions pour

les ambas sadeurs , ou lettre s et negot iat ions deWals ingham

,min i s t re 81 s ecréta i re d ’etat , s ous .

E l i s abeth . Avec Les maximes pol i t iques dece mi n i s tre

,des remarque s sur l a v ie des

p rincipaux mini s tre s 81 favori s de ce t t e prince s s e . Tradui t de l ’anglo i s [ par Loui s Boul est e i s de la Cont i ] . Amsterdam . M .DCC .

The Mémo ires et in st ruct ion s pour les ambas sadeurs i sa trans lat ion o f h is , “

Compleat ambas sador” ; the Maxime sp o l i t iques i s the second part o f the “Arcana aul ica,” translated by Edward Wals ingham .

D iner,Le , du Lion d

’or,ou aventures s ingu l 1eres

arr ivées en jui l l et 1 783 , au Sr . M anzon,al ia s

Fort—en—Gueule,rédact eur de la gazett e int i

tulée ,Le Couri er de Bas-Rhin [Athenes8


Pre sentat ion copy to John Adams . The t it le-page and somepre l im inary pages are to rn

Page 84: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


D io Cass ius .

E11 1 6WAimvog éxkoydu’

I ooo'

1wou 1 06

E1cp171ivov. E Dione excerptae his tor iae ab Ioanne X iphilino . Ex interpretat ione Guil ielm i

B lanc i , a Gu il ie lmo Xylandro re cognita . Henric i Stephani in I oannem X iphil inum post duosegregios mes so res Spic i l egium . [Pari s i i s . ]Excudebat Henricus Stephanus . M .D .XCI I .

. NO . 2 i nGreek and Latin in paral lel columns .


bvAimvog Kaoo iou Pmuoumbv ioxooubv BiBMo.

news Dioni s Cas s ii Romanarvm hi storiarvm l ibri XXV ,

ex Gu il ielm i Xylandri

interpretat ione . [Recen su it H . Stephanus . ][Pari s i i s . ] Excudebat Henricus St ephanus .

M .D .XCII . F°

. No . 1 inGreek and Latin in paral lel columns .

Diodorus Siculus . Histoi re univers el l e de D iodorede S icile . Traduit e en Francoi s pa r l ’Abbé Te r

ras son . Nouvel le édit ion Pari s . M .DCC .

XXXVI I 7 v .

Vol . 2 i s o f the 1 777 ed it ion . Vo l . 1 , on ly, has the wordsNouve l le éd i t ion on the t it le-page .

Diogenes Laert ius II eol B low, Boy/11611 101 ] aouf


moqfi lsyudmov 176W év q nltooq ig sfi fioxqmodvrcov[31671601 De vit i s

,dogmatis 81 apoph thegmatis

eorum qui in phi losophia claruerunt l ib ri X .

Cum anno tat ion ibus H enr . Stephani . Pythag.

philo sophorum fragmenta . Cum Lat ina inter

pretat ione [G. Canteri . Pari s i i s ] . Excudebat

H . Stephanus . M .D .XX 2 v .

Autogr aph : John Adams , 1 784. Pari s .d m wog [31015 91011 61A1oyévn10VAaéon ov. P latonis

vita avcto re Diogene Laertio . ( In Plato . Opera omn ia . Pp . (7 Genevae .

D ionysms Hal 1carnas sen3 1s . To 860101161181101, iot o

011161 178 m i 0111 0011161, ovyyoo'

cuuaw . Scrip ta quaeexs tant , omnia , e t h istor ica, et rhetorica

[ 75 ]

Page 85: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


D ionys ius Hal icarnassens is . (Continued .

cum Lat ina vers ione Addi ta fragmentaquaedam

,cum Glarean i Chrono logia Ad

iect i i ndice s Opera 81 s tudio Fr ideri c iSylburgii V eterens is . Francofvrd i . MDLXXXVI . 2 parts in I v . F



Greek and Lat in i n para l lel co lumns . Autograph : JohnAdams , Pari s , 1 784.

The Roman ant iqu i t ies,t ransl ated in to Engl ish ;

with note s and di s s erta t ions . By EdwardSpelman . London . MDCCLVII I . 4 v.

33 2

D ionys ius Periegetes . A1ovuo1ov oinovuévngneon’

wn01g. D ionys ii O rb is des cript io commentariocritico 8zgeographic0 ,

ac tabu11s 1 llustrata

A Guil ielmo Hill . Londini . 1 658 . Foldedmaps .A1ovo iov oinovuévng neoufiynmg, 11 81 61 1 6WEi

iorafi iov

fi nouvnud1mv. D ionys ii O rb i s des cri pt i o , an

notat ion ibus Eustath ii et H enr . S t ephani , necnon Guil ielm i H i l l Commentari o c ri t ico 81

geographico . Londoni . MDCLXXXVII I .

Maps . Sm .

Tfig 116171011 nod 1 fig vfi v o’

mouuévng neo1fiyno1g, s iveDionys ii Geographia emendata 81 l ocupleta ta ,add it ione s c i l . geographiae hodiernae Grae co

carmine parit er donatae : Cum 1 6 tabul i s geo

graphicis . Ab Edv . Well s . Ed i t io t ert ia .

Lond in i . Map s . V ignette .

Sm . 8°

D isney, John , D .D . M emo irs of the l i fe and writings of Arthur Ash ley Sykes . London . MDCC I XXXV . 1 3 1 .9Th i s copy contain s an autograph note from Dr. D isney, andmany pages have manuscrip t notes in the writing of JohnAdams .

—Sermons . London M DCC XC I I I . 2 v .

[ 76 ]

Page 86: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


D issertat ions sur des part i es int éres santes du droi tpubl i c en Angleterre e t en France [Anon ]See Pet it , E .

Dod ’s Peerage , baronetage , and knightage , of GreatBri ta in and I reland

,1 866

,1 872 ,

inc lud ing al lth e t i t l ed clas s es . London . 1 866

,1 872 .

Plate s . Sm .

Dods ley,Robert . The preceptor : containing a

general cours e of education . 5th edit ion . London . M DCC LXIV . 2 v . I l lus .

Dodson . M i chael . The l ife of S i r M ichael Foster ,somet ime one of the judge s o f the Court ofKi ng’ s B ench

,and Recorder of Bri s to l . [Ed i

t ed by John D isney ] London . 1 8 1 1 . 8°

No . 3 in 1 6 1 .6

Dodwe ll , Henry . Annales Thucydidei . P raem it

t i tur apparatus,cum vi tae Thucydidis synops i

chrono logica . ( In Thucydides . Heoi

Hal onownmanoii noltéuou. Am ste laedam i . MDCCXXXI . ) NO . 2 inAn apology for the phi lo sophi ca l wri t ings ofCicero . ( In C i c ero , M . T . Tully ’ s Five booksD e finibus . London . MDCCI I . )

Domat , Jean . Les lo ix civi l es dans l eur ordrenaturel ; le dro it publ ic , et Legum delectus .

Nouvel le édit i on , revue , corrigée , 81 augmentéedes t ro i s ieme 81 quatrieme l ivres du dro it pub l ic


par M . de H eri court . Des notes de feu M . deB ouchevret , sur le Legum delectus . De ce l le sde MM . B erroyer 81 Cheva l i er 81 du supp lem ent

aux lo ix civ i l e s , de M . de Jouy . Pari s . M .

DCC .LXXVI I . 2 v . i n 1 . F°

Autograph : John Adams . Pari s, March 30, 1 780.

Donaldson, James , of Dundee . General vi ew of theagr 1culture of the County of Northampton , wi thobservat ion s on the means of i t s improvement

[ 77 ]

Page 87: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Donal ds on , James , of Dundee . (Continued)Added , an appendix ,

containing a compari son between the Engl i sh and Scotch systems of husbandry

,as pract i ced in the count ies

of Northampton and Perth . Edinburgh . MDCC XCIV . Sm . 4


Donat i , Ales sandro . Roma ve tus ac recens utriusque aedificiis i l lu s t ra ta . Edit io u lt ima


Am ste laedam i . 1 695 . Maps . Plates .

Do rches t er, Mas s . Proceed ings of the SecondChurch and Pari sh in Dorches ter ; exhib i t edin a co l lect ion of papers [ relat ive to Rev .

John Codman ] . 2d ed it ion . Bos ton . 1 8 1 2 .

1 8 1 . 1 6

On tit le- :page Pre s ident Adams, with respect from J . Codman .

Douglass , Will iam ,M .D . A summary

,h is to r ical

and pol i t i cal,of the fi rs t p lant ing

,progres s ive

improvements,and present st ate of the B rit i sh

s e tt l ements in North Ameri ca . London MDCCLX . 2 v . Sm .

Th i s ed it ion lacks the map .

Dryden ,John The character of Polyb ius


hi s wri t ings . ( In Polyb ius . H i s tory . Vol .1,pp . i—xxxv . London .

Du theatre , ou nouve l e s sa i sur l’art dramat ique .

[Anon ] See Merc ier , L . S .

Duane . Wil l iam . Sampson again s t the Phi l i s t ines,

or the reformat ion of lawsui t s and j us t ice madecheap , speedy , and brought home to every man

’ sdoor : agreeabl e to the principl es of the anc i enttria l by jury

,be fo re the same was innovated

by judges and lawyers . [Philadelph ia . 1 80—P]No . 5 i n 1 6 1 .6

Ducher , Coutumes général e [ s i c ] et l ocal esde B ourbonno is , avec des notes Pari s . M .


[ 78 ]

Page 88: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Duchesne Jean Bapti s t e Phil ipo teau . Compend i ode la h i s toria de Espana . Traduc ido encas te l lano por e l R . P . Jos eph Franc i s co de I s la,con notas cri t i cas . Corregido

,y enmendado

de orden del consej o . Tomo 2 . Madr id .


Vol . 1 i s lack ing.

Duff , Wil l iam . An essay on or igina l genius ; andits various modes of exert ion in phi losophy andthe fine arts

,part i cularly m poetry . [Anon ]

London MDCCLXVI I . 8°

Duhamel Du Monceau , Henri Loui s . A pract icalt reat i s e of husbandry . 2d edit ion . LondonMDCCLXII . Plates .

Dulaure . Jacques Antoine . Nouvel le des cr ipt iondes envi rons de Pari s . 2e éd it ion Pari s .M .DCC .LXXXVI I . 2 v .

Dumont , Jean , Baron de Carlscroon ,compi ler .

Corps universe l dip lomatique du dro it des gens ;contenant um recuei l des tra it ez d ’al l iance


paix,de treve

,de neutral i t é

,de commerce

, d’

échange avec les cap itulat ions impérialeset royales Amsterdam . MDCCXXVIMDCCXXXIX . 1 4 v . in 1 5 . I l lus . V ignettes .F



Dumont-Pigale , Esqui s s e d ’un grand tableauou mémoires pour s ervi r a l ’h is to ire des Provinces—Ume s des Pays-Bas , et part l cul iérem en t

a cel l e de Gui l laume V . Depui s l ’année1 776, jusqu

a ce j our . Par l ’auteur des XXXArt ic le s En Hol lande


Dumouche l Jean Bapt i s te , and Franco is Jos ephGoffaux, compil ers . Narrat iones excerptae exLat in i s scr iptoribus or

, Select narra t ions ,taken from Jus t in , Quintus Curtius , Cae

[ 79 ]

Page 89: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Dumouchel , J . B .,and F . J . Goffaux. ( Continued )


with conci s e re lat ion in Engl i shI st American , from the 3d P

’aris edit l on .

Phi ladelph ia . 1 8 1 0 .

Au tograph : John Adams .Dumouriez. Charles Francoi s Duperri er . The l i feof General Dum ouriez . In 3 vol s . Vol . 1 . London . 1 796 . 8


M emoirs; of Genera l Dumourier . Writ ten byhimse lf . Trans lated by John Fenw1ck Dubl in . 1 794. 2 v . in 1 . 8


Autograph : John Adams , Nov . 1 794.

Duncomb , Gi l es . Trial sOper pa is : or , the law of

England concerning j ur ies by nis i prius , &c .

W i th a complea t t reat is e of th e law of ev idence . 8th ed i t i on , with large addit ion s .

London M .DCC .LXVI . 2 v. Sm .

Book-p l ate : J . Q . Adams. Autograph : John Adams .Duponceau , Peter S tephen . A dis s ertati on on thenature and extent of the j uri s d ict ion of thecourt s of the United States . Phi ladelph ia .

1 82 1 . 8°

Dupu is , - Charl es Franco i s . O rigine de tous lescul tes , ou rel igion univers el l e . Paris . L ’anI I I . 7 v . in 1 2 .

Dupuy-Demportes , Jean Bapt i s t e . Tra ité hi s torique

, et moral , du b lason Am s t erdam .

MDCCLIV . 2 v . 1 2°

Du Refuge, Eus tache . Maximes pol it iques de Wals ingham . ( In D igges , Sir Dudley . M émo i reset i ns t ruct ions pour l e s ambas sadeurs . Pp .

50 1—569 . Amsterdam . M .DCC . )

Th i s work was publ ished by Wal s ingham under the t it leArcana aul i ca , or Wal s ingham

s Manual of pruden t ial maximsfor the statesman and the court ier . “I tsp or iginal was ananonymous French work, Trait é de la cour ou instruct ion descourt isan s by Eustache du Refuge , a d ipl omat is t and authorin the re ign of H enry IV .

” — D ictionaryof National B iography.


Page 91: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Eden , Robert , Archdeacon of Winton . Jurisprudent ia phi lologica

,s ive elem enta j uri s civi l is ,

secundum methodum et s er iem Institutionum

Just inian i, Oxonii . MDCCXLIV .

Plate .

Autograph s : J er . Gr id ley, John Adams .Edgar , Wi l l iam . V ectigal ium sys t ema : or, a com

p lete view of that part of the revenue of Grea tB ri ta in

,commonly cal led customs Lon

don . 1 7 1 4. Sm . 8°

Autograph : John Adams .Edwards , Bryan The hi s tory

,c iv i l and commer

cial, of the B rit i sh colonies in the Wes t Ind ies .

2d ed it i on London . M .DCC .XCIV . 2 v .

Plates . M ap s . 4°

Eidous , Marc Antoine . Histo ire des princ ipales découvertes fa ite s dans les arts et les sciences


sur-t out dans l es branches importantes ducommerce

,de la navigat ion 81 des p lantat ions

dans toutes les part ies du monde . Traduitede l ’Anglo is par M . E . Lyon . M .DCC .

LXVII .Autograp h : John Adams .

El iot , Charles . Miscel laneous wri t ings . Prefixedsome noti ces of h i s character . [Edited by Andrews Norton ] Cambridge . 1 8 1 4.

E liot, Ephra im . His torica l not ices of th e NewNorth Rel igious Society in the town of Boston


w i th anecdotes of the Reverend Andrew andJohn El iot

, &c . &c . [Anon ] Bos ton . 1 822 .

No 9 in 252 .9El liot

’s Washington pocket a lmanac ; or, stranger’ s

manual,for 1 827 . Washington 1 827 .

Emerson , Wil l iam . An h is torical sketch of theFi rs t Church in Boston . Added two s ermons .Boston . 1 8 1 2 .

Aut0grap h : John Adams .


Page 92: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Emmons , Richard , M .D . The Fredon iad or , inde

pendence pres erved . An ep ick poem on thelate war of 1 8 1 2 . 2d ed i t i on . Ph i lade lph ia .

1 830. 4 v . Port rai t s .Vol . 4 lacks the t it le-page .

Encyclopmdia ; or , a dict i onary of arts , s c iences , andmiscel laneous l it erature . I st American ed i t i on ,great ly improved . [With supplement ] Ph iladelphia . M .DCC .XCVI I I

,1 803 . 2 1 v . Plates .

Maps . 4The front isp iece o f th i s copy is lacking, the t it le-pages of al lthe volumes are at the end of the l ast volume , and vol . 3 ofthe Supp lement i s bound in two parts .

Enge l , Friedri ch . A new theory of human nature,

w i th a correspondent sys tem of educat ion .

Trans lated from the German . London M .


Engl ish , George B ethune . The grounds ofChri s t ian i ty examined , by comparing theNew Testament with the O l d . Bos ton .

1 8 1 3 .

A letter resp ectfu l ly addres s ed to the Rev . Mr .

Channing,relat ive to his two sermons on infi

del ity. Bos ton . 1 8 1 3 . No . 2 in

A letter to the Reverend Mr . Cary,contain ing

remarks upon hi s Rev i ew of The grounds ofChri s t iani ty examined Bos ton .

1 8 1 3 .

Engl ish officer,An , pseud . See Jardine , A .

Engl ish Pilot . The . The fourth book . Descr ib ingthe Wes t-India navigat ion

,from Hudson ’ s

Bay to the River Amazones Enlarged .

London . MDCCLXXV . Map s . Profi l es .FAutograph : John Adam s .

Engl ish Revi ew,The . Vol . 1 0,

November,1 787 .


[83 ]

Page 93: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Eon de Beaumont , Charl es Genev1 eve Loui s Auguste André Timothee

,Cheval ier d ’ . Lett res ,


et négociat ions particul iéres du

Cheval i er d ’

Eon Londres,MDCCLXV .

3 v . Sm .

Les 101 s i rs du Cheval i er d ’

Eon de Beaumontsur d ivers suj et s importans d

adm inis tration,

&c . ,pendant son s é j our en Angleterre . Am

s terdam . MDCCLXX IV . 1 3 V .

Vol . 1 3 conta ins an index to the work.

Ephémérides du ci toyen , ou bibl i otheque ra i sonnée des s c iences moral es et pol i t iques . 1 769.

Tome 3 , 7 , 1 2 . Pari s . M .DCC .LXIX . 3 v .

Ed ited at th i s t ime by Pierre Samuel Dupont de Nemours .

The t it le-page s o f vol s . 3 and 1 2 are muti lated .

Ep ictetus . All the works of Epictetus,wh ich

are now extant ; Trans lated from theorigina l Greek , by Elizabeth Carter . Withan introduction

,and notes . Dubl in . MDCC


Au tograph : John Adams , 1 770.

Enchi rid ion Lat in i s vers ibus adumbratum . PerEdvardum Ivi e . Oxonim. MDCCXV . Plate .

Vignette . Sm .

In Greek and Lat in .

Enche ir idion . I t em ,Cebet is Thebani Tabula de

vi ta humana p rudenter ins tituenda. Access ere

,S imp l icij in eundem Ep icteti l ibellum doc

t is s ima s chol ia , Arrian i comm en tariorum deEp ictet i d isputation ibus l ib ri quatuor . I t em


nonnul la al ia eiusdem argum ent i,in s tud ioso

rum grat iam . Omnia H ieronym oWo lfio int erprete

,cum e iusdem annotat ion ibvs . [Graecé

et Latine ] Cum indice . Co loniae . M D

XCV . 3 v. Sm .

Th i s copy i s bound in one vo lume , the t it le-page is m iss ing,and the f i rst hundred page s are bad ly worm-eaten.


Page 94: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Ep isto la eccles ias tarvm ,quos in Belgio Remon

s trantes vocant , ad exterarvm eccles iarvm re

formatos doctores,pas tores

,th eo logos : qua

s entent iam suam de przedestinatione 81 annexise i cap it ibus exponunt Oppos itae Ep is to laede legatorum clas s i s Walachrianae ad eosdem

doctores s ingu latim d irectae . n dvni Batavorum . 1 6 1 7 . Sm . No . 2 i n

Equicola, Mari o . Del l ’ i s toria d i M antova l ibr icinqve Riformata per BenedettoO s anna . Seconda impres s ione . Mantova .

M .DC .X . Sm .

Erasmus , Des iderius . [Adagiorum ep itome perEb . Tapp ium aucta . Co lon iae .

The t it le-page i s mis s ing, but the volume contain s a printer’ sdevice used by Gymnicus between 1 547 and 1 563 ; and , according to the B ibl iotheca Erasmiana , the ed i t ion with the abovet it le and imprint i s the only one of th is work pub l i shed byGymn icus with in these dates .

Erasmus , D e s iderius , comp i l er . Parabo larvm s iues im il itvdinvm ,

quae ex Ari s totele,P lutarcho


Pl inio ac Seneca , ol im ab Erasmo Roterodamo co llectae, post ea per Conradvm Lycos

thenem iuxta alphabet i ordinem reuocata

sunt , l oc i commvnes [Geneva ] M .DCIX . No . 2 in

Escribano . Jos eph Mat ias . I t inerario espanol,o

guia de caminos,para i r de s de Madrid a todas

las c iudade s , y vil las de Espana . Anad ido

,y corregido en e s ta te rcera impres s ion .

Madrid . 1 767 .

“Presented by Mr . Lagoanere Amer i can Agent at Corunna toJohn Adams . D ec. 20,

— Manuscrip t note .

Esp ion anglo is , L’

. [Ani

on ] See Mairobert , M . F .

P . de .Es sai sur les grands événem ens par les pet it escause s . t i ré de l ’h 1 s t01re . [Anon ] See Richer,

[85 ]

Page 95: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Es say, An , on orig inal gen ius . [Anon ] See

Duff, W .

Essay , An , on the right of property in land .

[Anon ] See Ogi lv ie , W .

Es t ienne , Charle s . D ict ionar ium his toricvm , geo

graph icvm , poet icvm , autho re Caro lo S tephanoColonize Al lobrogvm . M .DC .XXX I I I .

2 1 32 co lumns .— Same . 2002 co lumns .

The t it le-page i s m iss ing, al so some page s at the end.

Es t ienne , Henri . Lexicon Graeco latinvm ,seu , ep i

tome Thesavri Graecm l inguae ab Henrico Stephano cons truct i

,quae hactenus sub nomine Ioh .

Scapvlae prodiit : l exicon sanevltra praecedenteseditiones locup letatum . Acces se

runt opuscula de d ialect is,de inuestiga

t i one thematum , 81 al i a . Co loniae Al lobrogvm .

M DC XVI . 8°

Book-p late : J . Q . Adams ; autograph : John Adams .Est ienne , Robert . The saurus l inguae Lat inae inIV . tomos divisus , cu i pos t novis s imam Londinensem edit ionem ,

acces serunt nuncpr imum Henr ic i S tephani annotat iones auto

graphae . Nova cura recensuit suasque

animadvers iones adjecit Anton ius B irrius .

B as ileae . M DCC XL—M DCC XLI I I . 4 v .


Each volume conta in s autograph of John Adams .Estrades , Godefro i, Comte d

. Let tres,mémoires et

négoc iat i ons de Mons ieur le Comte d ’

Estrades ,tant en qual i té d ’

ambas sadeur de S . M . T . C . enI tal i e , en Angleterre 81 en Hollande , que commeambas sadeur pl én ipotentia i re a la Pa ix de N imégue Nouvel le éd i t ion Londre s . MDCCXLI I I . 9 v .

Two cop ies .

[86 ]

Page 96: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Etrennes de la nob les s e , ou état actue l des fami l l e snobles de France

, et des ma is ons et pr lnces

s ouverain s de l ’Europe . Pour l ’année 1 778 .

[Publ i ées pa r F . A . Aube rt de la Chenaye desBoi s ] Pari s .

Euc l ides . Les élém ens d’

Eucl ide,du R . P . Déchal

les,et de M . Ozanam . Démontrés & aug

mentés Par M . Aud ierne . Nouvel le edit ion

,augmentée . Pari s M .DCC .XX

VI I I . Plates .Elem entorum l ibri p riore s sex ,

i tem undecimus

et duodecimus , ex vers ione Lat ina Feder ic iCommandin i ; sublat is iis quibus ol im l ibr i hi aTheone

,aliisve , vitiati sunt , et quibusdam Eu

e l i d i s demonstrat ion ibus res t itutis , a RobertoS imson . Glasguae . M .DCC .LVI .

Book-plate : J . Q . Adams .

[The el ements of Euclid . Books 1—6 ,1 1

,1 2 ex

pla ined in a new method,together w ith

the uses of every propos i t ion th rough a l l partsof the mathematicks . Writ ten in French byC . F . Mill i et de Chales

,and now done into Eng

l i sh,and purg

d from errors . London .

Sm .

The t itle-page i s miss ing, but i t seems certa in that th i s i s l aterthan the 3d ed it ion , pub l i shed in 1 700 ; the Engl ish tran slatorcannot be determined . Autograph : John Adams .

Eusebius Caesariens is . Thesaurus t emporum ,Ev

sebii Pamph il i Caesareae Palze st inae ep i s cop iChron icorum canonum omn im odae h istoriae

l ib ri duo,in te rpret e H ieronymo I tem au

t ore s omne s dere l i cta ab Euseb io H ieronymo

cont inuante s\ Ope ra ac s tudio Joseph i

Just i Scal iger i Ed i t i o a lte ra ejusdem Josephi Sca l igeri no tae 81 cas t igat iones in Lat inam H ieronym i interpretat ionem& Grze ca Eu sebii Ejusdem Isagogi ~

[87 ]

Page 97: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Euseb ius Caesariens is . ( Continued)corum chrono logiae canonum l ibri tres . cvm

duobus indicibus rerum 81 autorum . Am s telo

dami . M DC LV I I I . 5 part s in 1 v . F°


Eutocius . E11; 1 61’


|houg 11891 ocpaioag m i. MU

Mvfioov, 71011 1 61 61717101 fi nouvfiuam . In Arch im edis

l ib ros de sphze ra et cylindro ,atque al io s quos

dam , Comm entaria,nunc primum 81 Greece 81

Lat ine in lucem edi ta . Bas ileae . MDXLI I I I .

Diagrams . ( In Archimedes . Opera,quae

quidem extant , omnia . B as ileae . MDXLI I I I . )

Evans , John , comp i ler . A narrat ive of the proceedings of the re l igious s oci ety of the peoplecal l ed Quakers

,in Phi lade lph ia , agains t John

Evans . Added : a report of the evidenceof the cas e of John Evans versus El l i s Yarnal land others . Phi ladelphia . 1 8 1 1 .

Evarts , Jeremiah . Review of Ameri can Un itar ianism . [Extracted from the Panop l i s t . Anon ]Bos ton . [ 1 8 1 5 ] No . 9 inOn f irs t page i s written : M rs Abigai l Adams .

Everett , Alexander H i l l . New ideas on p0pulation :

with remarks on the theories of Malthus andGodwin . Boston . 1 823 .

Onhfly-leaf i s : Pres ident Adams with the be st respect s o f the

aut o r.Everett , Edward . Addres s t o the two branches ofth e Legis lature , on the organ izat ion of thegovernment

,for th e pol i t i cal year commenc ing

January Bos ton . 1 838 .

A defence of Chr is t ian ity , agains t th e work ofGeorge B . Engl ish

,ent i t l ed

,The grounds

o f Chri s t i ani ty examined,by comparing the

New Testament w ith the O ld . Boston .

1 8 1 4.

Fly-leaf contain s au tograph presentat ion to John Adams fromthe author . A few p age s contam manuscr ip t note s .

[88 ]

Page 99: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Faber , Bas i le . The savrvs ervd it ion is scho las t icae :

s ive supe l lex ins tructis s ima vocum ,verbo rum ,

ac locutionum cum adjuncta in loc i s pl eri sque interp re tat ione Germanica ; add it is i t emd ict ion ibus Grae cis ; j am ol im pos t al iorvmoperas per Avgvs tvm Bvchnervm doctorum ob servat ionibus auctus . Novam hanc ed it ionem post binas suas priores ChristophorvsCe l larivs innum eris acce s sionibus lo cu

p letav it . Acced it Index Germanicus vocum

locut ionum que cop ios is s imus . L ip s iae . MDC XCVI . F



Book-plate , J . Q . Adams ; autogr aph, John Adams .Thesavrvs ervdit ion is scho last icae om nivm vsvi

et discip l inis om n ibvs accomm odatvs pos t cel eberrim orvm v iro rvm Bvchneri , Cel lar i i , Graevi i

,operas et adno tat iones et mvlt ip l ices And .

Stvbel ii e t Io . Mat . Gesner i cvras itervm recens itvs [ a J . H . Le ich io ] . Francofvrti et

L ip s iae . MDCCXLIX . 2 v . F°

. 3 1 .6A the sauru s of the Latin language . Autograph : John Adams .

Fane l l i , Frances co . Atene att ica des cri tta dasuo i princ ip 1 1 s 1no al l ’ acqui s to fatto dal l ’ armivenete ne1 1 687 . Venezia . MDCCVI I . I l lus .

Portra i t s . Plans . Facs imi le . L .

Fantoni Cas trucci , Sebast iano . I s toria del la c i t tad’

Avignone e del Contado V enes ino,s tat i de l la

s ede apostol ica ne l la Gal l ia,co ’ lumi d i mol te

principal i materi e de l l ’ i s to ria vn iuersale cc

c les ias tica,e la i ca . Venet ia . M .DC .LXX

VI I I . 2 v . i n 1 .

Farm er , Hugh . A d i s s ertat ion on miracle s . Anew ed it i on . Edinburgh . 1 798 .

An e s say on the demoniacs of the New Tes tament London . MDCCLXXV . 8


The general preval ence of the worsh ip of hum ansp i ri t s

,in the ant ient heathen nat ions

,as se rted


Page 100: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Farm er , Hugh . (Continued)and proved . London M .DCC .LXXXII I .

An inqu iry in to the nature and des ign of Chri s t ’ stemptat ion in the wildernes s . 2d ed it i on , enlarged . London 1 765 .

Pages 147- 1 58 are miss ing.

Let t ers t o the Rev . Dr . Worthington , in answerto hi s lat e pub l i cat ion

,int i t l ed , An impartia l

enqui ry into the cas e of the Gospel dem oniacks .

London . 1 778 . No . 2 i nFausto da Longiano ,

Sebast iano . Vita,et gest i d ’

Ezze l lino te rzo da Roman,da l ’origine al fine

di sua famigl ia . Avtore Piet ro Gerardo P'


douano Bassano . Port rai t .

Favart , Charle s Simon . Annette en Lubyn , tooneel

s pe l ; met zang . Gevolgd maar het Franschedoor P . F . Lyns lager . Am ste ldam 1 780 .

Vignette . No . 5 ln

Fearne . Charles . An es say on the learn ing of cont ingent remainders and executory devis e s . 5th

edit ion . [W ith notes by John Jos eph Powel l .Dubl in . 1 795 , 96 . 2 v . 8


Fede ral ist , The , on the new cons t i tut ion , writtenin 1 788, by Mr . Hamil ton

,Mr . Madis on and

Mr . Jay New edit ion . Washington .

1 8 1 8 .

Autograph : John Adams .Felltham , Owen . Resolve s : divine

,moral l

, po

l itical l . London 1 63 5 . 2 v . in 1 . Sm .

The t it le-page o f the f irs t vo lume i s mis s ing, and the firs t lea fi s torn.

[Reso lves z divine ,moral

,pol i t i cal . The tenth

impress ion . With new and seve ra l other add it ions

, both in pros e and verse , not extan t

Page 101: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Fe lltham ,Owen . (Continued)

i n the fo rmer impres s ions . London .


4 -4Contents . Re solve s , etc . Lusor ia : or, occasional p ieces .[Verse . ] With a taste o f some letters . A br ief charactero f the Low-Countrie s under the States .The tit le-page, engraved t i tle-page , othe r pages at the beginn ing, page s 3 53 , 3 54, and page s at the end, are miss ing. The

t itle 18 supp l ied from the Brit ish Museum Catalogue o f pr intedbook s .

P enning , Dani el . The young algebrai s t’ s compau ~

i on,or

,a new and ea sy guide t o algebra . 2nd

edi t i on . Added,an appendix on the rudiment s

o f quadrat ic equat ions . London 1 75 1 .

Fo lded tab le . 1 2°

Autograph : John Adams .Féraud , Jean Franco i s . D i ct i onna ire grammat i cal ,

de la langue franco i s e . [Anon ] Avignon .

1 76 1 .

Same . Nouve lle e’

d i t ion Pari s . MDCCLXVI I I . 2 v . 1 52.7

Ferguson , Adam . The hi s tory of the p rogres s andt e rminat ion of the Roman Repub l ic . London .

MDCCLXXXI I I . 3 v . M ap s .Ferrari , Gia como Antonio . Apologia parado s s icad i Iacopo [ s ic ] Antonio Ferrari , d ivi sata in trel ibri . Nel la quale s i d imostra la precedenza


che dee avere l ’antichis s ima,e fedel i s s ima ci t ta

d i Lecce . Ne ’ parl iam ent i general i del regnoRicavata dal suo m anuscritto originale


ri s contrata con le m igl ior i cop ie p er ope rad i Lazzaro Greco Co l la v ita del l ’ autore[ di Domenico de Angel i s ] . 2da ediz ione .

Lecce 1 728.

Feutry, Aimé Ambro i s e Jos eph . Nouveaux opuscules . Dij on . M .DCC .LXXIX .

No . 2 in

Opuscu le s poet iques et phi lo logique s . A LaHaye . 1 77 1 . 8


Page 103: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Fleming, Robert . The ful fi l l ing of the Scripture .

O r,an e s say , shewing the exac t a ccompl i sh

ment of the word of God in hi s works containing h is tori es of the works and thes ervant s of God i n the Church of Scot land .

Charl e s town 1 806 .

Thi s includes Part 1 only o f the three parts of the completework.

F leu ry , Claude . Droi t publ i c de France ; ouvrageposthume

,publ ié avec des notes

,par J .

B . Daragon . Pari s . M .DCC .LXIX . 2 v .

The fly-leaf in each volume contain s the fol lowing : “Pre

sented by Mons ? De Tourne l le , Consu l of France at Corunna ,on the 1 9 Dec . 1 779 to John Adams .

Fo ley , Robert , compi l er Laws re lat ing to thepoor

,from the forty-thi rd of Queen-El izabe th

to the thi rd of K ing George I I . With cas esadjudged in the Court of King ’ s Bench4th ed it i on . In the Savoy . MDCCLVII I .

Autograph : John Adams .Fontana,

Fulvio . I pregj del la Toscana nel l ’ impres e p iv s egnalate de ’ Caval i er i d i SantoSt efano . Firenze . MDCCI . Plates . F



Fontene l le , Bernard Le B ovier de . (Euvres . Nouvel l e édi t i on augmentée . Paris M .DCC .

XLI I . 6 v . Portrai t . Plates . Vignettes .

Contents . 1 . Dialogues des morts . Jugement de Pluton .

Lettre s galan tes . 2. Plural ité des mondes . Histo ire desoracle s . 3 . Histo ire du theatre franco is V ie de Corne i l le .

Réflexions sur la p oét ique . Discour s académiques . 4.

Eglogues . Poé s ie s d iverses . 5 . Eloge s des académic ien smorts depu is 1 699 jusqu ’

en 1 7 1 7 . 6. Eloges des académic iensmorts _depuis 1 7 1 8 jusqu

en 1 739 .

Foo te , Henry Wi lder . Annal s of King’ s Chape l .Vol . 1 . Bos ton . 1 882 . I l lu s . Portra i t s .Plates . Map Facs imi le s .


Page 104: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Forbes , Duncan , of Cul loden .

’ Whole works .Edinburgh . 2 v . Portrai t . Sm .

263 .4Contents . 1 . Though t s on re l igion , natura l and revealed . 2.

A letter to a b i shop , concern ing some importan t d i scoverie sin philosophy and theology. Re flexions on the sources o fincredul ity with regard to re l ig ion .

Fo rce,La

,de la de s t inée

,ou influence du s ort sur


his to ire du coeur humain . 2e part l e . Londres et Pari s . M .DCC .LXXIX .

Part ie 2 : Les deux éto ile s h i stoires écossai se s . Two cop ies .T 1 tle of one copy read s Prem iere part ie .

Fo rtescue , Sir John . De laudibus l egum Angl iae .

Written original ly in Lat in . Trans lated intoEngl ish

,i l lust rat ed wi th the notes of Mr . Sel

den . Prefix’

d,Mr . Se lden to the reader


and a large his tor ical preface [by F . Gregor ]Added the preface of the firs t edi tor

,with the

tes t imonie s of Bale,Pitt s

,and Du Fresne ; the

Summ s of S ir Ralph de H engham comm only ca l led H engham magna and H engham

parva , with Mr . Selden’

s notes 2d ed it ion .

In the Savoy . MDCCXLI . 3 v . in 1 . Plat e .

FAutograph : John Adams .

Foscarini,Michele . His toria del la republ i ca veneta .

[Vita sc ri t t a da Pier Cater ino Zeno . Venezia .

MDCCXXI I . [ I s torici del le cos e veneziane .

TomeThi s covers the p eriod‘from 1 669 to 1 690.

Foste r , Sir M ichael . A report of some p roceedingson the commis s ion of oyer and terminer andgoal [ s i c ] del ivery for the t r ial of th e rebe l s inthe year 1 746 in the County of Surry [ s i c ] , andof other crown cas es . Added

,Discourses upon

a few branche s of the c rown law . Oxford . MDCCLXII . F



Book-p late and autograph of John Adams .

[95 ]

Page 105: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Fowler , Edward , B ishop of Gl ouces ter . The des ign o i Chris t ian i ty . ( In Watson , Richard .

editor . A col l ect i on of theological tract s . Vol .6,pp . 3 1 1

—420. Cambridge . M .DCC .LXXX

V . )France . M in is tére de la marine e t des colonies .

Bureau des l ongi tudes . Annuai re pour l ’anPar is . 1 8 1 8—2 1 . 3 v . 1 2


Two cop ies o f 1822.

Franc is . Sir Phi l ip . [Ev idence of our t ransact ion sin the Eas t Ind ies . Also

,An enqu iry into our

nat iona l conduct to other countr ies . London ?

The t itle-page , p reface to p . ix, and some page s o f An eu

qu iry” are miss ing.

— O riginal minutes of the Governor-genera l andCounci l of Fort Wil l iam on the s et t l ement andco l lect i on of the revenues of B enga l : with aplan of s ett lement

,recommended to the Court

of D i rectors in January,1 776 . London MD

CCLXXXII . Table . 4°

Franco ,Demetrio . His toria e glor ios i ges t i et vi t

toriose impres e fatt e contra Turch i , dal S ignorD . Gi o rgio Castr iotto ,

detto Scanderbeg, p rincipe d ’

Ep irro Di nuouo r i s tampat i

[Trans lat ed from the Lat in of D . Franco . ] V e

net ia . M .DC .LXXIX . No . 2 inTh i s book is not ment ioned in Petrovitch’s B ibl iography o fScanderbeg. 1

Frankl in ,Benj amin . [Letters 1 766 ( In

Repos i to ry,The . Vol . 2 ( part pp . 57

—74 .

London MDCCLXXXIX . )Contents . To Thomas Ronayne concern ing the e lectricity o f the fogs in I rel and . To M . Dubourg . concern ing the analogy between magnet ism and e lectric ity.

To the same , in an swe r to some quer ies concern ing the choiceo f glas s for the Leyden exper iment . To the same, on thedeath o f person s who are struck with l ightn ing. TO Messr s .Dubourg

pand Dal ibard, concern ing the mode o f rendering

meat tender by e le ctr ic i ty . To M . Dubourg . on the

[96 ]

Page 107: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -



,Judge . An appendix to the

“Extract s from the j ournal s kept by the Rev .

Thomas Sm i th conta in ing a varie ty o fma tt ers col lected bv Samuel Freeman Portland . 1 82 1 . 1 2


No . 2 i n 25 3 .7Ch iefly devoted to the hi story o f Falmouth , now Portland ,Maine .

Frend , Wil l iam . Evening amusements ; or , thebeauty of the heavens d i s p layed . In wh ichsevera l s t riking appearances in the heavens

,during the year 1 8 1 7 , are des crib ed . To

be cont inued annual ly . London . 1 8 1 7 . Sm .

Frere , George . A short h i s tory of Barbados,from

i ts fi rs t d is covery and sett lement,to the end

of the year 1 767 . [Anon ] London M DCCLXVI I I . Sm .

Th i s copy has the autograph : John Adams . On the t it lepage i s written : “By Samue l Fre re o f Barbados .

Freschot , Cas imir . His to ire du Congre s et de lapa ix d ’

U trecht , comme auss i de cel le de Rastadt81 de Bade . [Anon ] Utrecht . M DCC XVI .

Freschot , Cas imir , comp i ler . Actes,mémo ires


81 autres p i ece s authentiques conce rnant 1a pa ixd’

U trecht . Utrecht . M .D .CC .XI I I—M D CCXV . 6 v . Plates . Charts 1 2


Tome 1 i s of the 2d ed i t ion .

Fr iede l , Loui s e Béate August ine . Le confis eurimpérial

,ou l ’art du confi seur dévoi l é aux gour

mands . 3e éd it ion Pari s . 1 8 1 1 . Plates .

Con ta in s rece ipt s for pre serve s , cord ia l s, essences, etc.,as we l l

as for confect ionery.

Fr iend of Peace,The . By Phi lo Pac ificus [ pseud .

of Noah Worces ter ] . Vol . 2 (no . November

,1 8 1 9. Cambridge . 1 8 1 9. 8


NO. 3 in

[98 ]

Page 108: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Fro issart , Jean . His toi re et chroniqve memorabl ede M es s i re Ichan Froi s sart . Revev et corrige par Denis Sauuage de Fontenai l le sen Bri e . Pari s . M .D .LXX I I I I . 4 v . in I .


Chron icles o f France, England, and Spa in .

Frommann ,Andreas . Synops i s m e taphys icae , ou

to logiam et pneumato logiam comp lectens .

Editio qu inta . [Anon ] Glasguae . M .DCC .

LXII .Fu l ler , Franc i s , M .A. Medicina gymnastica : or ,a treat i s e concermng the power of exerc i s e ,with respect to the an imal oeconomy 2d

ed i t i on,wi th addi t ions . London . MDCCV .

Ful ler , Stephen P . P lan of the Hancock lot g ivento the Town of Quin cy by John Adams


erly Pres ident of the U . S . [O rigina l drawing ] Bos ton 1 829. Scale

,feet to

1 inch . On parchment .Ful ler, Thomas , D .D . The holy s tate [ and theprofane s tate ] . Cambridge . 1 642 . Portrai ts .L .

Fur io yCeriol , Fadrique . I l conci l io, et cons igl ier i

del pr incip e Tradotto d i l inguaspagnuo la per Alfonso d ’V lloa . Venet ia .

M D LX . No . 4 inGai l lard , Gabri e l Henri Hi s to i re de Charl emagne .Pari s . M .DCC .LXXXII . 4 v .

Histoire de la rival i t é de la France et de l ’Anglet erre . Seconde part i e . Seconde époque . Tome1 —4 . Pari s . M .DCC .LXXIV .


Same . Supp lem ent . Tome 1 —4. Pari s . M .

DCC .LXXVII . —8Gall icanus , V ulcat ius . See H istoriaeAvgvstae s criptores VI .

[99 ]

Page 109: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Gardiner , Robert . In st ructor clerical is . Part 1 , 3- 5 .

[Londp n ] 1 7 1 3—MDCCXXVI I .

Contents — 1 . Direct ing c l erks , in the present p ract ice o f theCourt s of K ing’ s B ench and Common Pleas . Viz ., I n theabbreviation and contract ion o f word s . 3 . Col lect ion ofchoice and use ful p receden ts for p lead ings , both in the K ing’ sB ench and Common—P leas . A cont inuance o f bars , andoth er plead ings .Part 1 i s of the 7th ed it ion ; part 3 o f the 4th ed i t ion ; part 4,o f the 3 d . Part 5 i s in 2 vol s . Parts 1 , 3 , 4 have autograph :John Adams .

Garn ier , Antoine . Rudim ens , ou premiers p rincip es de l a langue lat ine . Combinés avec ceuxde la langue fran90 1 s e . [Anon Pari s ? I 78There i s no t itle-page .

Gas send i , Pierre . De motu impres so . Ep is t . IV .

Contra M orinum . D is s ertatio de natura dem ons trat ionis . ( In D e Tri eu , Phi l ippe . Manuductio ad logicam Pp . 25

—30. Oxoniae.

Gaston ,Will iam . Speech

,upon the l oan b i l l .

Del ivered in the House of Repres entat ive s , incommittee of the whole

,on the 1 8th and 1 9th

of February,1 8 1 4, on th e mot ion to fi l l the

b lank with twenty-five mi l l ion s of do l la rs . ( I nWard , Artemas . Speech del ivered onthe fi fth day of March

,1 8 1 4. Pp . 25

—59. B os

ton . No . 1 1 i nPrincipal ly on the War of 1 8 1 2.

Gebhardt , Adam Gott l i eb , compi ler . Recuei l dest ra it é s de paix


am it ié,d ’a l l iance

,de neutral i t é

et autres conclus entre la Républ ique fran ca is ee t le s différente s pui s s ances de l ’Europe depuis1 792 jusqu

a l a paix général e . [Anon ] Vol .1 . Gott ingue . 1 796.

Geddes , Michael . Miscel laneous t ract s . London .


Most o f these tract s are polemics again st the Roman Cathol icChurch . Vol . 3 i s of the 2d ed it ion .

[ 100]

Page 111: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Gibbon , Edward . ( Continued)Same . A new ed i t ion . Vol . 2—6 . London .

MDCCLXXXI I I .M i s cel laneous works . With memo irs of hi sl i fe and wri t ings

,composed by h imse lf :

with occas ional notes and narrat ive , by John ,Lord Sheffield . Dubl in . 1 796 . 3 v . Portrai t . 8


Giffen Hube 1 t van Commentar ii in t itvlvm d i

ges torvm ,de divers is regul is j uri s ant iqu i ,

perutiles ac neces sar ii . H isce acces serunt

demvm l ib r i duo Dn . Ioanni s Rami Comm entariorum in regulas juri s civi l i s 81 canon ic i .Nunc primum ornat ius edi t i . Francofurt i .

M .DC .VI . 2 v . in 1 . 1 6°

Gifford , John , pseud . See Green , J . R .

Gilbert , Sir Geoffrey . An h is to ri ca l v iew of theCourt of Exchequer

,and of the King’ s revenue s


there answered . By a late learned j udge . Inthe Savoy . M .DCC .XXXVI I I . Sm .

Au tograph : John Adams .The hi sto ry and practi ce of the High Court o fChancery . In the Savoy . MDCCLVI I I . 8


Autograph : John Adams .- A t reat i s e of tenures , in two part s ; By alat e l earned j udge . 2d ed i t ion . [London ]M .DCC .XXXVI I I .

Treat s o f Great B ritain . Margins o f page s 1—60 p rofuse lyannotated .

Gi l let , Ransom H . The federal government ; itsoffi cers and the ir duti es . New York . 1 872 .

8 .

Gi l l ies , John , LL .D . The hi s tory of anc i ent Greece,

i t s colon ie s , and conques t s t i l l th e divis ioriof the Macedonian Empire i n the Eas t . London . MDCCLXXXVI . 2 v . Map s .Book—p late s : John Adams .

[ 102]

Page 112: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Giovio ,Paolo . D e vita Leoni s Decimi Pont . Max .

l ibri qvatvo r . H is ord ine temporum acce ss erunt Hadriani Sexti Pont . Max . et Pompe iiCo lvmnae Card inal i s v itae

,ab eodem Paulo

I ovio conscriptae . Florent iae . MDLI . F°


NO . 1 in- Elogia virorum bel l i ca vi rtute illustrium veri sim aginibus suppos i ta , quae apud Musaeum spectantur Florentiae . MDLI . F



NO. 2 inGiraffi , Ales sandro , Marches e . An exact h is toryof the late revo lut ions in Nap l es Rendred to Engl i sh by J [ ames ] H [ owel l ] . London . 1 663 , 64. 2 v . in 1 . Portra i t s .

The second volume i s ent itled : The second part o f Mas

saniel lo . By J . H . Esquire . Tit le—page has autograph : ICranch .

Le rivo lvt ioni di Napol i . [Venet ia . M .DC .

XXXXV I I . ] 1 6°

The t it le-page i s mis s ing .

Same . Genevae. M .DC .XLVI I I .Girard , Gabrie l . Synonymes francoi s Nouve l le édi t ion augmentée de note s


M . Beauzee . Pari s . M .DCC .LXIX . 2 v .

Les vrai s principes de la langue franco i s e . Pari s .M .DCC .XLVI I . 2 v . 1 2


Two cop ies .Glover , Richard . Leonidas

,a poem . London .

M .DCC .XXXVI I . Sm . 4°

Godelevaeus , Wilhelmus , comp i ler . In T it i LiviiPatav 1n 1 l lb I‘OS obs ervat iones , ex variis avc

torvm lvcvbrat l ombus co l lectae. Francofvrti

ad Moenvm . M .DC .XXVII . F°


No . 2 i nAcces serunt Fragmenta vetvstiorvm his tor ico rvm collecta p er Franc i scum Ri ccobonum .

Page 113: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Godo lphin , John . The orphan ’ s l egacy : or , a t es tamenta ry abri dgment . In three part s . I . O fla s t wil l s and te s taments . I I . O f executors andadmin is trators . I I I . O f l egaci es and dev i s es .

4th ed it i on . London 1 70 1 .

Autogr aph : John Adams .Ewfiyooog Go l doowg. A view of the admiralj uri sd ict i on As al so d ivers of the laws ,customs

,rights and priviledges of the High

Admiral ty of England . Added , an ext ract o i the anc i ent laws of O l eron . W itha catalogue of al l the Lords H igh Admirals .

2d ed i t ion . London . 1 685 . Coats of a rms .Sm . 8


Goldoph in . John , compi l er . Repertorium canonicvm : or, an abridgment of th e eccl es ias t i ca llaws of th i s realm

,cons i s t ent with the temporal :

wherein the mos t materia l point s re lat ing tosuch pers on s and th ings as come with in thecognizance thereof

,are succ inct ly treat ed . The

3d edi t ion added an appendix . London .

1 687 .

Autograph : John Adams .Godw in , Franc i s , B ishop of Hereford . Annals ofthe reign of Queen Mary . Trans lat ed fromthe Latin by J . H . With add i t iona l notes by

J . S . Portrai t . ( In Hughes , John , compi le r .A complete h i s tory of England . Vol . 2

,pp .

329—368 . London .

Godw in , Mary Woll s tonecraft . An hi s tor ica l andmoral v iew of the or igin and p rogres s of theFrench Revoluti on ; and the effect i t has produced in Europe . Vol . 1 . London . 1 794 .

8Contain s many manuscr ip t notes, apparently by John Adams .No more was publ i shed .

[ 104]

Page 115: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Gordon , Thomas . A cordia l for low spiri t s . Beinga col lect ion of curious t racts . [Ed i ted byRichard Baron ] In 3 vol s . 3d impres s ion .

Vol . I . London . MDCCLXI I I . Plate .

Au tograph : John Adams .Gordon , T homas , and John Trenchard . The independent Whig : o r , a defence of primi t ive Chri st ian ity, and of our eccl es i as t i ca l es tabl i shment ,aga ins t the exorb i tant c la ims and encroachments of fanat ical and di saffected c l ergymen .

5th edit i on . With add i t ions and amendments .

[Anon ] London M .DCC .XXXI I . 2 v .

Contain autographs o f B enj amin Brad stree t, 1 734, and Samue lPlumer, 1 765 .

— Same . Vol . 3 3d ed it ion . M .DCC .DI I . [ s ic ] .

A reprint o f the 6th ed it ion bound with the t it le-page of the3d ed it ion .

Gordon ,Wil l iam . The h i s tory of the ri s e , progres s ,and es tab l ishment

,of the independence of the

Unit ed States of America . London . MDCCLXXXVI I I . 4 v . Maps .On the margin o f preface of vol. 1 i s a long manuscr ip t note byJohn Adams , in crit ici sm of th 1 s work .

Gourvi l le Jean H eraul t de . M émo ires,concernant

l es affa i res auxque l l es il a ét é emp loyé par l acour

,depui s 1 642 jusqu

en 1 698 . Nouvel l e ed it i on Tome 1 . Maestri cht . M .DCC .LXXXI I .

1 2°

Gradus ad Parnas sum ; s ive novus synonymorum

thesaurus . Ab uno é Soci etate Jesu . See

Chast il lon , N .

Graecae grammat ices rud imenta in usum ScholzeWes tmonasteriens is . [Anon ] See Busby,

R .

Graham , Catharine Macaulay The h i s to ry ofEngland from the acces s ion of Iames I . tothe e levat ion of the Hous e of Hanover . B V

[ 106]

Page 116: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Graham ,Catharine Macaulay . (Continued)

Catharine Macaulay . Ed it ion I I I . Vol . 1 —5 .


Portrai t . 8 . 230.3No more was pub l ished . Vol . 5 i s of the 1 s t ed i t ion . All thevolumes con tai n the autograph . John Adams .

Grammar , A ,of the Engli sh tongue . [Anon ] See

Stee le , S ir R .

Granucc i , Niccolo . Specch io di vi rtu nel qvalebrevemente s i des criue la buona amic i t ia , lagrandezza

,e princ ip io del matrimonio


la cas t i ta . Lucca . 1 566 . No . 2 inGravesande , Wil lem Jacob van ’ s . Mathemati cale lements of natural phi losophy


d byexperiment s : or

,an int roduction to S i r I saac

Newton ’ s phi losophy . Trans lated into Engl i shby J . T . Desagul iers , and pub li shed by hi s son ,J . T . Desagul iers . 6th edi t i on . London . M .

DCC .XLVI I . 2 v . Plat es .Gray , Harri s on . A few remarks upon some of thevotes and resolut ions of the Continenta l Congres s

,he ld at Phi ladelphia in September


the Provincia l Congres s , held at Cambridge inNovember By a friend of peace andgood orde r . [N .p 1 775 . No . 2 inAll the page s in th is copy are mutilated .

Gray, J ohn . The es sent ial pr inc ip le s of the we althof nat ions

,i l lu s trated

,in oppos i t ion to som e

fa ls e doctrine s of D r . Adams Smith,and others .

[Anon ] London . 1 797 .

No . 6 inGreat Britain . The s tatute s at large

,from Magna

Charta , to the end of the la s t Parl iament , 1 76 1 .

By Owen Ruffhead . London . MDCCLXII IMDCCLXV . 8 v . in 9. 4


Autograph : John Adams .Parl iam ent . House of Lords . The debate s andproceedings of the House of Lords

,during the

[ 107 ]

Page 117: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Great B ri ta in . Parl iament . (Continued .

th i rd , fourth s es s ion of the s ixteenth Par l iament . [Jan . 24 July 1 1

,1 786 Jan . 23 Mav

30,London . MDCCLXXXVI , MD

CCLXXXVI I . 2 v .

1 62 .3 .Sessi0n Session'

4.3—Hous e of Commons . A complete and au

thent ic detai l of the s everal debates in theHous e of Commons on the Eas t-Ind ia b i l l

the 27th of NovemberLondon . 1 784.

The debates and p roceedings of th e Houseof Commons

,during the fi rs t fourth ses

s i on of th e s ixteenth Parl iament . London .


Interrogato ire de M . Frank l in devant laChambre des communes . ( In Franklin

,Benj am in . La s cience du Bonhomme

Ri chard . 4e éd i t ion . Pp . 27—8 1 . Philadelph ie .

M .DCCL XXVI I I . )Re lates to the Stamp Act.M inutes of the evidence taken before a

comm itt ee of the Hous e of Commons ,appoin ted to cons ider of the s evera l art ic l e s ofcharge agains t Warren Has t ingsPart 2 . London . M .DCC .LXXXVI .

N0. 4 in 1 6 1 .6

Precedent s of proceed ings in the Hous e ofCommons . See Hatsel l , J .

— The reports of the s ecret and s elect comm ittees , appointed by the Hous e of Commons ,to enquire into the caus es of the war in the

Carnat ic ; and the s tate of j us t i ce in the provinces of B engal , Bahar , and O ri s sa . London .

2 v . Tables .

[ 108 ]

Page 119: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Great Bri ta in . Privy Counci l . (Continued)to Great-Britain , for five years , ending the 25thMarch 1 784 . London . M DCC LXXXV .

Tables . No . 2 in 1 62 .3 .Ses s i0nWar


Office . The manual exerci s e,as ordered

by His Maj e s ty,in the year 1 764 Ph

i ladelph ia . MDCCLXXVI . Plates .On mi l i tary tact ics . NO. 3 in

Green , John Richards . The hi story of France ,from the earl i es t t imes , t i l l the death of Loui sS ixteenth And

,cont inued unti l the

conclus ion of the pres ent war,by a c i t izen of

th e United State s . Vol . [ 1 3 . Philadelphia .


1 796, 97 . 3 v . Portra i t s . Plates . 4 .

Green , John Richards , edito r . A res idence inFrance

,during the years 1 792 ,

1 793 , 1 794,and

1 795 ; des cribed in a s eri es of let t ers from anEngli sh lady : with general and incidental remarks ou the French character and manners .

Prepared for the p res s by John Gifford1 s t American edi t ion . El izabeth

town . 1 798 .

Gregorius Turonens is , Georgius Florentinus , Saint .L

h isto ire des Francoi s de S . Gregoire . Avecle supp lem ent de Frédégaire De la traduct ion de M . de Marol le s , avec des remarqves .

Paris . M .DC .LXVII I . Portra i t .— La s econde part ie des His toi res de S . Grego ire ,

Evesque de Tovrs ; contenant s es l ivre s de laglo i re des martyrs des confes s eurs

,avec les

quatre l ivres de la vi e de S . Mart in , celuy dela v ie des p eres . De la t raduct ion de M . deMarol les Par is . M .DC .LXVI I I .Thi s is vol . 2 o f h is work : L ’

histo ire des Franco i s .Gregory,

David . The elements of a s tronomy,phys

i cal and geometr ical . Done in to Engl i sh,wi th

[ 1 10]

Page 120: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Gregory , David . (Continued)add i t ions . I n 2 v01um es . Vol . 1 . London .

MDCCXV . Plat es . 8 .

Vol . 2 i s miss ing. The t it le-page contains an autograph o f

John Adams .Grot ius , Hugo . His toria Go tthorvm ,

V andalorvm ,

Langobardo rvm : Am stelodam i , apudLudovicum E lzevirium ,


The / title-page of th i s copy i s sl ightly mut il ated .

— The right s of war and peace,in three books .

Wherein are exp la ined,the law of nature and

nations,and the principa l po int s re lat ing to

government . Trans lated into Engl i sh .

To which are added,al l th e large not es of J .

B arbeyrac . London . MDCCXXXVI I I . F°


Autograph : John Adams .Gro t ius, Petrus . Lett res et négoc iat ions entre Jeande Witt et P . de Groot , mini s tre extraord inai rea la cour de Suede . 1 668—69 . ( In W it t , J . de .

Lettres et négoc ia t i on s . Vol . 4, pp . 244-388 .

Amsterdam .

Two copie s .Grot ius , W i l lem . V i tae j ur i s consu ltorum quorumin Pandect is extant nomina conscriptae. Lugdun i B atavorum . M DC XC . Sm .

Grove , Henry . A sys tem of moral ph i lo sophy .

[Edited and completed by T . Amory . ] Vol . 1 .

London . M .DCC .XLIX .

Gruterus , Janus . Ad Corne l ivm Tacitvm d iscvrsvs

al iqvot , dvc ibvs , legat is , cons iliariis, praefect is

regum princ ipumque , pace bel lo non modoiucundi , s ed vti les , ed it ione s ecunda auctiores

Francofvrt i ad Moenvm . M .DC .XXVII . F


. No . 3 inIn Titvm Livivm notae maxima part e po l iticae .

( In Gode levaeus ,Wilhelmus , compi ler . In Tit iLivii Patavin i l ibros observat iones . Francofvrti ad M oenvm .

NO . 2 in

[ 1 1 1 ]

Page 121: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Gual do P ri orato , Galeazzo , Conte di Comazzo . Re

lation i del le c i t ta d i Bologna,Fiorenza


e Lucca Bolog . 1 675 .

Guénée , Antoine ,Abbe


. Lett res de quelques Juifsportugai s , a l lemands et polono is , a M . de Voltai re . 4c édi t ion . [Anon ] Pari s . M .DCC .

LXXVI . 3 v .

A defen se o f the Jews from the sarcasms o f Volta ire .

Guicciardini , Frances co . La h i s toria d’

I talia .

Nuouam ente ri s contrata : ornatacon l ’annotat ion i da Thomaso Porcacch i .

Con vn Giud i c i o fatto da l medes imo , per di scoprir tut t e le bel l ezze d i ques ta hi s t or ia . V e

netia . M .D .LXX I I I I . I l lus . Sm .

The his to rie of Gvicciardin : conta ining thewarres of I ta l i e and other partes , cont inved formani e yeares vnder sundrie kings and princes

Reduced in to Engl ish by Geffray Fenton . London . 1 599 . FRe lates to the h i s tory of I taly and France from 1 490 to1 532.

The h is tory of I ta ly,t rans lated from the I tal ian

by Aus tin Parke Goddard . 3d ed i t ion .

London . MDCCLXI I I . 1 0 v .

Gu ide , Le , ou nouve l l e des cript ion d’

Am sterdam .

Nouvel l e éd i t ion,augmentée . Am s terdam .

MDCCLXXI I . P‘late . Plan .

Habington , John . The l i fe and re ign of EdwardIV . Port rai t . ( In Hughes , John , comp i l er .A complet e h i s tory of England . Vol . 1

,pp .

429—48 1 . London .

The po rtrait i s m i s s ing in th i s copy.

Hagedorn , Chris t i an Ludwig von . Reflexions surl a pein ture . Tradui tes de l ’al l emand par M .

Huber . Tome 2 . Le ipzig . M .DCC .LXXV

[ 1 12]

Page 123: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Hardy,Thomas . The genuine t ria l of Thomas

Hardy,for high t reason

,from O ctob er 28

to November 5 , 1 794 . By Manoah S ib ly. Lon(10 11 . M .DCC .XCV . 2 v . 8


Vol . 1 i s o f the 2d ed i t ion .

Harrington , James . The O ceana and other works .Col lected

,m ethod iz

d,and review

d , with anexact account of h i s l i fe prefix

d ,by John To

land . Added , an append ix, conta in ing a l l th epol it i ca l tract s wrote by th i s author

,om it t ed

in M 1 . Toland ’ s edit ion . 3d edit i on . London .

M .DCC .XLVII . Engraved t i t l e—page . Portra i t .Autograph : John Adams .The O ceana and other works . With an accountof hi s l i fe by I ohn Toland . London . MDCCLXXI Engraved t i t l e—page . 4


Harr is , I saac , compil er . Harris ’ Bus ines s directory of the ci t i es of Pi t t sburgh Al legheny

Pi t t sburgh . 1 844 .

Harr is , James . Hermes or a phi los oph ical inqviryconcern ing vn iversal grammar . 3d edit ion .

London . MDCCLXXI . Plate .

Au tograph : John Adams .— Phi lo logi cal inqui ri es in three part s . London .

MDCCLXXXI . 3 part s in 2 v . Portra it .Plate . 8


Phi lo sophi ca l arrangements . London . M DCCLXXV . Plate .

Three treat i s es . The fi rs t concerning art . Thesecond concern ing mvs ic paint ing and poetry .

The th i rd concerning happines s . 4th ed i t ion .

London . MDCCLXXXII I . Plate .

Harris , Thaddeus Mason . The j ournal of a tourinto the terri tory northwes t of the Al leghanymountains ; made in the spring of the year 1 803 .

W i th a geographical h i s t ori ca l account of

[ 1 14]

Page 124: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Harr is,Thaddeus Mason . ( Continued)

the State of Ohio . Boston . 1 805 . Plate .Maps . P lans . 8


Harris , Wil l iam ,D .D . ,

compi l er . A complete collecti on of al l the marine treat i es subs i s t ing between Great—Brita in and France , SpainCommenc ing in the year 1 546, and includingthe defin i t ive t reaty of 1 763 . [Anon . ] London M .DCC .LXXIX 8 .

Hart ley , David . O f the t ruth of the Chr is t ian rel igion . ( In Watson , Richa rd , edi tor . A col ~

lect ion of theologi ca l t racts . Vol . 5 , pp . 1 —75 .

London . M .DCC .LXXXV .

Harvard Co llege . Catalogus eorum qu i abanno MDCXLII

,ad annum MDCCXCI

,al i

cujus gradus laurea donat i sunt B os toniae .

M DCC XCI . No . 2 i nSame . Ab anno MDCXLI I , ad annum MDCCC

B ostoniae. M D CCC . No . 3 inCatalogus s enatus academ ici , eorum qui muneraet offi c ia gesserunt , quique al icujus graduslaurea donat i sunt in U nivers itate Harvardiana

Cantabrigiae . MDCCCXXI .No . 4 in

— Laws . Cambridge . 1 820. No . 5 inHast ings , Warren Mr . Hasting ’ s Rev i ew of thes tat e of B engal . London . MDCCLXXXVI .

Hatsell , John , compi ler . Precedents of proceedingsin the House of Commons ; with obs ervat ions .London . M .DCC .LXXXV . 3 v . i n 1 .

Vol s . 1 , 2 are o f the 2d ed i t ion .

Hauteri ve , Alexandre Maurice B lanc de Lanautte ,Comte d ’ . De l ’ eta t de la France

,a la fin de

l ’an VI I I . [Anon . ] Par i s . An 9

Contain s many manuscr ip t notes by John Adams .

Page 125: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Hawkins , Wil l iam ,serj eant at law . A treat i s e of

the pleas of the c rown : 4th edi t ion , withlarge addit i ons . London . MDCCLXII . 2 v .

i n 1 . F°


Autograph s : John Adams and Charles Adams .Hayward , S ir John . The l i fe and raigne of KingEdward the S ixt . ( In Hughes , John , comp i l er .A complete h i s tory of England . Vol . 2

,pp .

273—328. London .

Two cop ies on th is she l f-number. The portrait i s m iss ing inone copy.

Hearne , Thomas . Ductor h i s tor icus : or, a shortsys tem of universal hi s tory

,and an introduc

t i on to the s tudy of i t . 3d ed i t i on . London .

1 7 1 4. Sm .

Au tograph s : Wi l l iam Smith .

Heath ,Will iam . M emoirs of Maj or—general Heath .

Bos ton . 1 798.

On fly—leaf : To the Pre s ident o f the U . S . Sept . 22d, 1 799.

Hebert , Jean . Trait é des l ongi tudes,ou la naviga

t ion dans son j our . Pari s . M .DCCXVII I .

Heereboort , Adrianus . [M eletem eta philosophica.

Ln vn i B atavorvm ? M DC LIV ?] 5 partsin 1 v . Sm .

Contents — Ep istola:

D isputationes ex philo soph ia selectae.Collegium physmum . Col leg ium logicum . Colleg ium

ethicum .

The t it le-page i s m iss ing.

Same . Am ste lodam i . M DC LXV .

The Col legium logicum i s omitted from th is ed i t ion , and i s tob e found i n the Phi lo sophia naturah s [No . 2 i n Autograph : John Adams .Phi lo soph ia natural i s

,nov i s commentari i s par

t im é Nob . D . Cart es io,C l . B er igando [Beri

gardo ] , H . Regio, aliisque petit is , part im

ex p ropria op in ione dictatis , exp l icata. Accedit

ejusdem auctoris Pneumat ica . Am stelodam i .

M DC LXV . Sm . No . 2 in

[ 1 16]

Page 127: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Hengham , Sir Ralph de . ( Continued)m ae . Magna H engham ,

Parva , vu lgo nuncupatm. ex vett . codd . MSS . cum C1. Selden i

not is . Londini . MDCCXXXVII . F°


No . 2 inHenry


I V . , Ki ng of France . Les amours de HenriIV

,avec s es l et tre s galantes a la duches s e de

B eaufort,

a la marqui s e de Vern eui l .Vol . I . Londres . M .DCC .LXXXI . [Bibl i otheque amusante ]

Henry , Robert , D .D . The hi s tory of Great B rita in .

Writ ten on a new plan . 2d ed i t ion . Dubl in .

MDCCLXXXIX— 1 794. 6 v .

Herbert , Edward , Baron Herbert o f Cherbury . Thel ife and raigne of King Henry the E ighth . ( InHughes


,compi l er . A comp lete h i s tory

of England . Vol . 2,pp . 1 —268 London .

Two copies , both lacking the p ortrait .Herodianus . H i s to ire d ’

H e’

rod i en,t radu ite du grec

en fran co is ; avec des remarque s sur l a traduct i on . Par l ’Abbé Mongau lt . Nouvel le édi t ion .

Pari s . M .DCC .LXXXIV .

[31min H erodani historiarum l ibriVI I I . cum not i s an imadvers ion ibus Jo . Henr ici B oecleri . Tert ia ed i t io . Acces s i t IndexGraecus locup letiss imus autore B altasareScheid io . Argento rat i . M DC XCIV . 2 v .

1 34 1 5The Greek text and the Lat in vers ion by Po l it ianus are inparal le l columns .

Herodo tus .

I orop id'

wl éyou.'


ioa i .

H isto riarum l ib ri IX Musarum nom in ibus in

s cripti Gr . Lat . cum interpretat ione Laurent iiVal lee . Ex MS . membrana M ed iceaGraecismo remo ll ito i ndustria Jacob iGronovi i . Ejus dem Narrat i o de vi ta

[ 1 18 ]

Page 128: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


He rodotus . (Continued)Homeri Gr . Lat . i nterpre te Conr . H eresbach i o .

Lugdun i B atavorum . 1 7 1 5 . 2 v . in 1 .

F 52 .7Lat in and Greek in paralle l co lumns . The t op o f the t itle-pagei s cu t for au tograph .

I oroou’

bv 7t6y01, O'

énwpacp6usv01 uofi oai . H is

toriarvm l ibri IX Musarum nom in ibus in script i

Gr . et Lat . ex Lavr . V al lae interpretatione

cum adno tat ionibus Thomae Gale i et I acobiGronovii . Ed itionem curavit et suas itemqueLvd . Casp . V alckenar ii notas adiecit Petrvs

We ssel ingivs . Am s te lodam i . MDCCLXI I I . Engraved t it l e-page . F



Latin and Greek in paral le l columns .The h is to rv of Herodotus . Trans lat ed from theGreek . By I saac Litt l ebury . 3d ed it ion .

London . M .DCC .XXXVI I . 2 v. Maps . 8°

Hervey,James . A col l ect i on of [his ] lett ers . Pre

fixed,an account of his l i fe and death . London .

MDCCLX . 2 v . Portra i t . Sm .

H ierocles , the New Platoni s t . Les commentai resd’

H iéro c lés,su r les Vers dorés de Pythagore ;

rétabl i s sur l es manuscrit s, 81 t radui t s en fran

co is avec des remarques . Par M . Dacier .

Pari s . M .DCC .LXXI . [B ibl iotheque des anc iens phi los ophes . Tome

H i l l , Will iam . Grammat icarum in Dionys ii Henri]1mow anno tat ionum sys t ema , in usum tyronum

conc innatum . Lond ini . 1 688. Map s . Sm .

No 2 in 1 32 9Conta in s a dupl icate t it le-page , wh ich i s dated 1 687 .

Same . Lond ini . MDCLVII I . Folded maps .

No . 2 inH ippocrates . Aphorism i , H ippocrat is

et Cels i loc i s paral le l is i l lu s t rat i , s tudio et curaJ ans sonii ab Alm e loveen . Notulas addid it


Page 129: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Hippocrates . ( Continued)ed itionem curavit Anna Car . Lorry . Pari sus .


H is to ire de la conjurat ion de Louis-Phi l ipp e—Jos ephd’

Orléans ; surnommé Egal i t é . Par l ’autet

i r de l ’H isto ire de la conjurat ion de M axim ilien Robespi erre . See Mont joye , C . F . L .

V . de La TH isto i re des négoc iat ions et du t ra i t é de pa ix desPyrenees . [Anon . ] See Courchetet d

Esnans ,L .

H isto ire des trai t és de paix et autres négociat ionsdu d ix-s ept ieme s iéc le . [Anon . ] See SaintP rest , J . Y . de .

H isto ria Gotthorvm , Vandalorvm ,Langobardo

rvm : ab v one Grotio part im versa , part im inordine dige s ta . Am stelodam i , Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium

,M DC LV .

The engraved t it le-page i s mis s ing in th is copy. The t itlepage is mut ilated .

Histo ria succincta H o sp ital is S . El isabethae . See

Advocatus pauperum ,ps eud .

H istoriae Avgvs tae scriptores VI . ZEl ius Spart ianus . Vule . Gal l icanus . Jul ius Cap ito l inus .

Trebel l . Pol l i o . ZEl ius Lamp ridius . Flav iu sV osp iscus . Cum noti s selectis I saac i Casaubon i

,Cl . Salmas i i Jani Gruteri . Cum ind i ce

locup let is s im o rerum ac verborum . Accurante

Cornel i o Schrevelio . Lugduni B atavorum .

M D C LX I .Histo r i cal and cri t i ca l es say , An , on the t rue ri s e ofnob i l ity . [Anon . ] See She lton , M .

H istorica l law- t racts . [Anon . ] See Home , H .


Lord Kames .H itt , Thom as . A treat i s e of frui t—t rees . 2d edi t ion .

London . MDCCLVII . Plates . 8°

Autograph : John Adam s

Page 131: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Ho lt , S ir John . A report of al l the ca s es determined by Sir John Holt

,Knt . from 1 688 t o

1 7 1 0,during which t ime he was Lord Chief

Just ice of England . In the Savoy . M .DCC .

XXXVII I . Black lett er . F°

Home , Henry , Lord Kames . Elements of cri t i c i sm .

7 th edi t ion . Ed inbu i gh . M ,DCC


2 v . Portrai t . 8°


I n both volumes , book-p late : J . Q . Adams ; autograph . J .Adams .Essays upon severa l subj ec t s concern ing Brit ishantiqu it i es . 3d edi t ion . Edinburgh . MDCCLXI I I .Contents . Introduct ion o f the feudal law into Scotland .

Con s t itut ion of parl iament . Honour . D ign ity. Success ion or de scent . H ered i tary r ight .Autograph : John Adams .Histori ca l law—t racts . 2d edi t i on . [Anon . ]Edinburgh . MDCCLXI .Autograph : John Adams, 1 76 1 .

Homer . Hymnus in Cererem ,nunc primum ed itus

a Dav ide Ruhnkenio . Lugdun i B atavorum .


I l ias Graece et Lat ine . Annotat iones in usumGulie lm i August i , Duci s de Cumberland .

&c ., s crips i t atque edidit Samuel Clarke .

Edit io s ecunda . Lond ini . MDCCLIV . 2 v .

M aps .

Book x i i i-xxiv ed i ted by 8 . Clarke , son o f the original ed i tor.’

I ?ttd§og Bifilm A ,E

,I . I liados l ib r i I . V . IX .

Cum scholiis brevioribus, et ind ice In

usum scholarum . Londini . MDCCLX . Sm .

Autograph : John Adams .The I l iad . Trans lated by Alexander Pope .

London . MDCCLIX . 4 v . I l lus . Portra it .

In al l volume s , book-p late : J . Q . Adams , 1 78 1 . I n vol . 1 , auto s

graph : John Adams ; in vol . 4, J . Q . Adams .

[ 122]

Page 132: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Homer. (Continued)Same . Vol . 3 , 4 . Glasgow . MDCCLIV . Sm .

Autograph : John Adam s .The Odys s ey . Translated by Alexander Pope .

Vol . 2—4. London . 1 760.

Vol s . 3 , 4 have book-p late : J . Q . Adams , 1 78 1 . Vols . 2, 4,

autograph : John Adams, 1 783 .

Qvae exs tant omnia I l ias , Odys sea,B atracho

myomach ia ,Hymn i

,Poemat ia al iquot cum

Latina ve rs ione omnium quae c ircum feruntur

emendat is s . al iquot loci s iam cas t igat iore per

petuis i t em ius t isque in I l iada s imul Odyss eam Io . Spondan i M auleonens is comm entar iis

Pindari qu inet iam Theban i Epi tome I liados

Latini s vers ib . Daretis Phrygij de bel loTro iano l ibri

,a Corn . Nepote el eganter lat ino

vers i carmine . Edit io vlt ima superi ore l imat ior . B as ileae . [MDCV L ] 2 v . in I . F


Autograph s : Jeremiah Gr id ley, John Adams .Hono rai re , U n

,des Acad . des s c iences d ’

Am iens, &c .

See La Ma i l lard iere , C . F . L .,Vicomte de .

Hooker , Richard . Works,in e ight books of eccles i

ast ical po li ty,

With an account of h i sl i fe and death [by I saac Walton ] . London .

1 666 . F°


Autograph s : John Adams, Nathl Will i ams .Horat ius Flaccus , Qu intus . O euvres d ’

H orace,en

lat in , traduite s en franco i s par M . Dacier,et

le P . Sanadon . Avec le s remarques cri t iques,

hi s torique s et géographiques,de l ’un et de


autre . Amste rdam . M .DCC .XXXV . 8 v .

Plates . Vignettes .Opera . I nterp re tat ione not is i llustravit Ludovicus Desprez in usum se reni s s imi Delphin i , ac serenis s imorum princ ipum Burgundiae ,

And ium B itur igum . Hu ic editioni access ere V ita Horat i i

,cum Dacerii not i s


[ 123 ]

Page 133: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Horat ius Flaccus , Quintus . ( Continued)chrono logia Horat iana, praefat io . De satyrade Romana . Edit io 1 oa . Londin i . M DCCXL . Sm . 8


— Remarq ues cr it iques sur l es O euvres d’

Ho race,

avec une nouvel le traduct ion [ par A . Dacier ] .

Tome 1,2, 4

— 1 0 . Par is . M .DC .LXXXI—M .

DC .LXXXIX ._1 2


Hosack , David . A biograph ica l memoir of HughWil l iamson Del ivered on the fi rs t ofNovember

,1 8 1 9, at th e reques t of th e New

York His tori ca l Soc iety . New York . 1 820.

No . 1 1 inSame . 1 82 1 . Portra i t . No . 2 in

Houdart de La Motte , Anto ine . Odes .'

3e e'

d it ion ,augment ée . Par is . 1 7 1 1 2 v . Plate .


Howe , Sir Will iam . Campagnes mi l i tai re sAm érique . La Haye [ et c ] . MDCCLXXX


I .

Howe ll , James . S . P . Q . V . A survay of thes ignori e of Venice

,of her admired pol icy , and

method of government, &c . London . M .

DC . LI . Plate . Vignette . F°

43 .6

Hughes, John , edi tor . A complete h i s tory of England : with the l ives of al l the k ings and queensthereof ; t o the death of Wil l iam I I I .London . 1 706. 3 v . Portra i t s . F



Vol s . I and 2 were comp iled by John Hughe s . Vol . 3 waswritten by B ishop Kenne tt . Two cop ie s o f vol s . 2 and 3 are

on th i s she l f-number . The volumes o f th i s set al l l ack theportraits , and vol . 1 lacks al so the cover, t itle-page , f i rst twopage s o f the p reface , and last th ree pages o f the index .

Hume , David . The his tory of England,from the

invas ion of Jul ius Caesar to the Revolu t ion in1 688. New edi t ion Prefixed

,a short

account of his l i fe,wri t ten by himself . Vol .

2—8 . London . MDCCLXXVI I I .

[ 124 ]

Page 135: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Hutchinson , Thomas . ( Continued)he was member and speaker of the Houseof Rep i esentat ives , and hi s government of

[Mas sachusett s Bay ] colony during the periodthat preceded the War of Independence . ByPeter O rlando Hutchinson . Bos ton . 1 884 ,

1 886 . 2 v. Portrai t . Facs imi le s .The hi s tory of the Prov i nce of Mas sachuset sBay , from the charter of King Wil l iam andMary

,i n unt i l the year 1 750 . Bos ton .

MDCCLXVI I .Top of t it le-page torn for autograph . Th is i s vol . 2 of thefi rs t ed i t ion of Hutch inson ’ s H istory.

Hutton , Charles . A cours e of mathematic s . Compos ed for the use of the Royal Mi l i tary Acade

my . London . 1 8 1 1 3 V . 8°

Vo l s . are o f the s ixth ed i t ion .

Hutton , Sir Richard . The young c l e rks gu ide : or,

an exac t co l lect ion of Engl i sh pres ident s [ s ic ]For al l s ort s of indentures

,l et ters of

atturney,rel eas es

,condit ion s

, &c . Compi l ed by Sir . R . H . counsel lo r . l oth impress ion London . 1 659 . 3 v . i n . 1 .

Hyde ,”

Edward,I s t Earl of C larendon . A col l ee

t i on of s evera l t racts Publ i shed fromhis lordsh ip ’ s original manuscripts . London .


Contents . Vind icat ion o f mysel f from the charge of h ightreason -Re flect ion s upon severa l Christ ian dut ie s — Aga in stthe mu l tip lying controve rs ies . A d ialogue of the want o fre spect due to age . Contemp lat ion s upon the p salms o fDavid .

Autograph : John Adams .The his tory of the rebel l ion and ciV 1 l wars inEngland

,begun in the yea r 1 64 1 . Wi th

conclus i on thereof in the year 1 660.

Vol . 2,part 2 ; vol . 3 , part I

,2 . Oxford .

MDCCXX . 3 v . Portrai t s .Book-p late : J . Q . Adam s . Au tog raph : John Adams .

[ 126 ]

Page 136: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


I ard in ,Le ,des racines greqves . [Anon . ] See

Lance lot , C .

I l lust rat ions of prophecy . [Anon . ] See Towers ,J . L .

Im part ial h i s tory , An , of the late revo lut ion inFrance

,from it s commencement to the death

of the queen,and the execut ion . of the deput i es

of the Gironde party . Phi lade l phia . M .DCC .

XC IV . 2 v . in 1 . 8°

Contain s manuscript notes in margin , apparent ly by JohnAdams .

Independent Whig, The : or , a defence of pr imit iveChri s t ian i ty . [Anon . ] See Gordon ,

T .,and J .

Trenchard .

I nst i tut de France . Académie francai s e . Dictionnaire de l

Académ ie franco i se . 4c édit ion .

Pari s . M .DCC .LXI I . 2 v . Vignettes . F°


I nst itut ions as t ronomiques . [Anon . ] See Keill , J .

I ns truct ions for office rs detached in the fi e ld : conta in ing a s cheme for forming a part i san . London . M .DCC .LXX . Plans .

I s idorus,Saint

,Bishop of Sevi l l e . Chronicon . ( In

Grot ius , Hugo . His toria Go tthorvm . Pp .

705—740 . Am s telodam i . M DCLIV . )

I vernois , S ir Franco i s d’

. Des caus es qui ont amenél’

u surpation du Général Bonaparte , e t qui pré

parent sa chute . Londres . 1 800 . 8°

242 .6‘From the author . On French finance s under the Con sulate .

Des revo lut ions de France e t de Geneve . Londres . 1 795 .

“From the author .Etat des finances et des re s s ources de la Republ ique fra


ncaise , au 1 er j anvier,1 796 . Londres .

1 796 . 8 . No . 2 in 242 .2

Pp . 65—72 are miss ing.

His to i re de l’

adm in is trat ion desfinances de la Républ ique franca is e pendant 1’année 1 796 . Londres . 1 796 .

“From the author .

[ 127 ]

Page 137: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


I verno is , S ir Franco i s d’

. ( Continued)Same . [London P 1 79Lacks the t it le-page .

An his tori ca l and pol i t i ca l vi ew of the constitu

t ion and revo lut ions of Geneva in the eighteenthcentury . Translated by John Farel l .London . M .DCC .LXXXIV . 8


Just i ficat ion d ’un magi s t ra t accus é de vol,et

suspendu de ses emploi s,sans avo ir ét é dé

clare atte int et conva incu . [Geneve P] 1 786 .

Folded tabl e .The magistrate was the Just ic ier Viret .A short account of the late revoluti on in Geneva ;and of the conduct of France towards thatrepubl i c

,from O ctober 1 792 , to O ctober 1 794.

In a ser ies of l et t ers . London . 8°

No . 2 in 283 . 1 5The t it le-page i s mut ilated . Translated and enlarged fromTableau de la révolut ion franca ise a Geneve [242Tableau hi stor ique et pol it ique de l ’adm inis trat ion de la Républ ique fran cai s e pendant l ’année1 797 , des causes qui ont amené la révo luti on du4 s ept embre , et de s es résu l tat s . Tome 1 .

Londres . 1 798.

On the f inanc ial cond i t ion o f France .

Tableau h is tori que et po l i t i que des deux dern i eresrévolution s de Gen eve . Par Londres .1 789. 2 v . 8


Tableau h is to ri que et pol i t i que des pertes quela révo lut ion et la guerre ont caus ées au peup l efranca i s . Londres . 1 799.

“From the author .”

Jab lonski , Johann Theodor . Neue s teutsch

frantzos isches Vvorter—Buch heraus ge ~

geben durch Peter Rondeau [ p s eud . ]Aufs neue iibers ehen . durch Augus t Johann Buxtorff . Bas el . 1 740. 4


“John Q . Adams , bo ’ t at S t. Petersbourg FebY.

1318 , 1 782.

[ 128 ]

Page 139: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Jebb , John , M .D . Works,theologica l



pol it ical,and miscel laneous . With memoirs of

the l ife of the author, by John Disney . London .

MDCCLXXXVI I . 3 v . Portra it .— Same . Vol . 1

, 3 .

Vol . 1 of thi s s et lacks the ti t le-page . The content s are mostlytheologica l in characte r.

Jel inger , Chr is t opher . Usury s tated,overth rown ;

or,usuries champions with thei r auxi l iarie s


shameful ly di sa rmed and beaten : by an answerto i ts chi ef champion

,which late ly appeared in

prin t to de fend i t . And godline s s epi tomized .

London . [ I 67— P] Sm .

Tit le-page muti lated .

Jenks ,Will iam ,D .D . An eulogy i l lus t rat ive of the

l i fe,and commemorat ive of the benefi c i ence of

the la te Jame s Bowdo in,with not i ces of hi s

fami ly ; pronounced in B runswick , (Maine ) , atthe reques t of the t rus tee s and overs eers ofB owdoin Col lege

,on the annual commence

ment,Sept . 2d ,

1 8 1 2 . Boston . 1 8 1 2 .

Jerubbaa l : or , a V indicat ion of the sober t es t imonyagains t s in fu l comp lyance , from the except ionsof Mr . Tombs , in answer to h i s Theodul ia .

London . 1 668. Sm .

Johnson , Al exander B ryan An addres s to theUtica Lyceum

,del ivered February 1 7 , 1 825 ,

prefatory to hi s cours e of le ctures on the ph i los ophy of human knowledge . Utica . 1 825 .

No . 5 in—The phi lo sophy of human know l edge

,or a

trea t i s e on language . A cours e of lectures del ivered at the Ut i ca Lyceum . New York .

1 828. 8°

Johnson , Anthony . An hi s torica l account of thes everal Engl i sh t ran s lat ion s of th e B ible


the oppos i t i on thev met wi th from the church

[ 130]

Page 140: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Johnson ,Anthony . ( Continued)

of Rome . ( In Watson , R ichard , editor . Acol lect ion of theologi cal t ract s . Vol . 3 , pp . 60

1 00. Cambridge .

Johnson ,Samuel , LL .D . The l ives of the most

em inent Engl ish poet s ; with cri t ical ob s ervat ions on their works . New ed it i on , corrected .


oudou . MDCCLXXXII I . 4 V . Portra i t .8Vol . 3 has autograph : John Adams . Al l have hi s book-plate.

Jo ly, Claude . Mémoi re concernant le Card inal deRetz . [ 1 648— 1 655 ] ( In Joly , Guy. Memoires . Vol . 2

,pp . 1 23

—2 1 8. Geneve M .

DCC .LXXVI I . )On the re l igious h i s tory o f the per iod, in France .

Jo ly, Guy . Mémo ires S i i i V i s d ’un Mémoireconcernant le card inal de Retz

,extra i t d ’une

hi sto i re manus crite , compos ée par C laude Jol i ,et Mémoires de madame la duches s e de

Nemours . Nouvel l e éd i t ion,

Geneve .

M .DCC .LXXVI I . 2 v .

Jones , Sir Thomas . The reports of several specia lcas es adj udged in the Court s of King ’ s B enchand Common Pleas at Wes tm ins ter

,in the

reign of K ing Charl es I I . 2d edit ion in Frenchand Engl i sh . In the Savoy . MDCCXXIX


FAutograph s : J er . Gr id ley and John Adams .

Jordanes . De Getarvm s ive Go thorum origine,

rebus ges t i s . Ex recogn it ione Bon . V vlcan ii

B rvgens is . ( In Grot ius,Hugo . His toria

Gotthorvm . Pp . 605—703 Am s telodam i .

M DC LV . )De regnorvm ac temporvm svcces s ione l iber . Deor igine actvque Getarvm l iber . ( In Zos imus .H is toriarum l ib ri VI . Pp . 560

—635 . Aurel iaeAl lobr . MDCV . )

Page 141: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Jos ephus , F lavius . Ta 860108611 816 1. Op era quaeextant . nempe Antiqvitatvm Ivdaicarvm l ib riXX . S igi smundo Ge lenio int erprete . Debel lo I vdaico l ib ri VI I . ( i nt erprete , vt vulgocreditum es t

,Rufino Aquileiens i ) quibus ap

pendic is loco acces s i t D e vita I osephi . Ad

versvs Ap ionem l ibri I I . ex in terpretatione

Rufin i a Gelen io emendata . De Machabaeis,

s eu de imperio rat ionis l iber I . cum paraphras i

Erasm i Ro terodam i . Quae Gree co lat ina edi t ioGraecorum Palat inae B ibl io thecae manuscript .cod icum co llatione cas t igatior facta est

Genevae . M DC XI . F°


His to ire des Ivifs . Tradvite sur l ’originalGrec reveu sur d ivers manuscri t s par Mons ievr

Arnavld D’

And il ly. Pari s . M .DC .LXVIIM .DC .LXVI I I . 2 v . I l lus . Maps . P1

Journal des scavans , pour l’

année M .DCC .LXXX,

mai,j u in

,vol . 1 , 2 ,

s eptembre ;mars . Pari s . M .DCC .LXXX

,M .DCC .

LXXX I . 5 v .

Journa l du nord . Supplement . N0 . XXX . Ju i l l et1 8 1 0 . [Copenha ue .

Conta in s the Réglem en pour l ’arm em ent en cour se et p ourl es p r ise s dans les Duchés de


Sch leswig et de Hol ste in .

Cop enhagu e les 28 mars 1 8 1 0. S igned,Frédér ic R.

J ournal h i s torique et pol it i que des princ ipaux événemens des d ifférentes cours de l ’Europe . No .

XLII . Samed i 1 4 octobre 1 780. Geneve .M .DCC .LXXX . 24


Journa l l ittérai i e et bib l iograph ique . Mai, 1 802 .

Hambourg . 1 802 . 8 . 2 1 3 .5

Jouvancy, Jos eph de . Appendix de d iis et hero ibus

poet iCi s ; ou abrégé de l’

histo ire poétique .

Pari s . M .DCC .LXIV . 24°

Novus apparatus Gracco—Lat inus,cum interpre

tat ione Gal li ca . Ex I socrat e,D emos thene


[ 132]

Page 143: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Kames , Lord . See Home, H .

Keil l , John . Ins t i tut ions as t ronomiques , ou leconsél émenta i res d ’

as tronom ie avec de nouvel le s table s d ’

équat ion corr igees ; et part icu

l ierem en t l e s tab les du so le i l , de la lune dessatel l i tes ; [Anon . Traduites et augmentees par P . C . Le Monn ier . Pari s . M .

DCC .XLVI . Diagrams . 8°

Kelyng, S ir John . A report of d ivers cas es in pleasof the Crown

,adjudged and determined in the

re ign of the late King Charl es I I . With direct i ons fo r j us t i ce s of th e peace and othersAdded

,the report of three modern cas es


strong and Li s l e The King and PlummerThe Queen and Mawgridge . Dub lin . M



B ook-plate : J . Q . Adams .Kemp , Franco is Adriaan van der . His tori e der

adm i s s ie i n de ridderschap van Overys s el , van

Jr . Johan D e rk van der Capel l en . Leyden .


Kennet t ,White , D .D .,B ishop of Pe t erborough . See

Hughes, John . A complet e hi s tory of England .

Ker, John . Selectarum de l ingua Latina ob s ervationum l ib er al t er . Londin i . MDCCVII I .

Vol . 1 i s m iss ing. The t i t le-page i s mut il ated . Contain sautograph s : John Adams and Eben Parkman .

Kimber , Edward . The peerage of England . London . 1 766. 26 plates of coat s of arms . 24


The peerage of Scot land . London . 1 767 . 1 6

p la tes of coats of arms .King , Si r Pet er , I St Baron King . An enqu iry intoth e con st i tu t ion , di s cip l ine , uni ty and worship ,of the primi t ive church

,that flourish ’

d with inthe fi rs t three hundred years afte r Chri s t

[ 134]

Page 144: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


King, Sir Peter . ( Continued)By an impart ial hand . London . 1 7 1 3 . 2 partsin 1 v . Sm . 5382-3Autograph : A . Eliot, 1 770. On t i tle-page : “Wm

. Wel steed’


book, 1 7 1 4.

Ki rk land , John Thornton . An orat ion , del iveredat the reque s t o f the Soci ety of (I) B K, i n thechapel of Harva rd Col lege

,July 1 9, 1 798 .

Boston . 1 798 . 8°

No . 6 1n 25 2 .8

Knox , John , of London , pub li sher . A new col lec

t i on of voyages,d i s coverie s and travel s . Lon

don . MDCCLXVI I . 7 v . Plate s . Maps .Plans .

— A View of the B rit i sh Empire,more e spec ial ly

Scotland,with some proposal s for the im

provement of that country,the extens ion of its

fi sherie s,and the re l i ef of the peopl e . 3d ed i

t ion , enlarged . London . MDCCLXXXV .

2 v . 8°


Knox , John , Scott i sh ref0 1mer The hi s tory of thereformat ion of rel igion wi th in the rea lm ofScot land With the l i fe of the author

Added , I . An admoni t ion to Englandand Scot land . by Anthoni Gi lby . I I . Thefi rs t and s econd books of di s cip l in e . Glasgow .

MDCCLXI . Port rai t . 4.

Autograph : John Adams .Knox , V ices imus . The spi ri t of despot i sm . [Anon . ]Phi lade lph ia . MDCCXCV

Knox, Wil l iam . The jus t i ce and pol i cy of the l ateact of Parl iament

,for making more effectua l

provi s ion for the government of the Prov inceof Quebec , as serted and proved ; [Anon . ]London . MDCCLXXIV .

Koenigliche Akademie der Kii ns te , Berl in . Verzeichnis s der Werke l ebender Kiinst ler

,1 858 .

4 1 . Kunstaus s tel lung . Berl in . 8°

[ 135 ]

Page 145: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Ko lb , Gregor . Examen juri s canonic i j uxta V .

l ib ros decretal ium Vienna . MDCCXXVII I .

Koninkl ijke Akademie van V Ve tenschappen ,Am

s terdam . Histoi re dc l ’Académ ie royal e dess ci ences : année M .DCCXX . Avec l es M émo i res de mathématique de phys iqueAmsterdam . M .DCCXXIV . Plates .

Koran . The Koran , commonly ca l l ed the Alcoranof Mahomet Trans lat ed from the originalArab ick into French , by th e S ieur de Ryer .The whole now faithful ly t rans lated in to Engl i sh . I s t Ameri can edit ion . Springfi eld .

1 806 .

Title-page muti lated for autograph .

Kyd , S t ewart . A treat i s e on the law of bi l l s o fexchange and p rom is sorv notes . 3d edit ion .

London . 1 795 .

L * * M . l’

Abbé . See Laugier , M . A .

L . , M . de,pseud . See Longchamps , P . C . de .

La B ruyere , Jean de . Characters : or , the mannersof


the age . With the Moral chara cters ofTheophra stus . Trans lated from the Greek .


d , an account of hi s l i fe and writ ings .Made Engl ish by s evera l hands . 5th ed it ion .

Added , an original chapt er of th e manner ofl iving wi th great men [By N icholasRowe ] London . 1 709 . Plate . 8 .

Autograph : John Adams .La Chat re , Edmunde ,

Comte de Nancay . Mémoires de M ons i eur de la Chas tre

, contenans

la fin du régne de Louis X I I I . 81 le commencement de celui de Loui s X IV ( In La Rochefoucauld , Franco i s , Duc de . M émoi re s de l am inori t é de Loui s X IV . Vol . 1

,pp . 1 — 1 65 .


[ 136 ]

Page 147: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Lalande , J . J . le F . de . ( Continued)M .DCC .LXXI

,M .DCC .LXXXI . 4 v . Plates .

Tables . 4°

Topi c 4 is.o f the fi rs t ed it ion .

LaMai l lard iere , Charl es Fran c01 s Lefevre , V icomtede . . Le p rodui t et le dro i t des communes , etautres b iens : ou


encyclopéd ie rurale ,écono

m ique et c iv i l e . Par um Honora ire desAcad . des s c iences d ’

Am iens , 81 C . Par i s . 1 783 .

2 v . in 1 .

Lamberty , Gui l laume de . M émoires pour servir al’

his to ire du XVII I S iec le , contenant les négo

ciations , t rai tez , réso lut ion s et autres docum ens

authent iques concernant l es affa i res d ’

état ; l iéz

par une narrat ion hi s torique des principauxévénem ens dont il s ont ét é précédez ou su iv is ,81 particu liérem ent de ce qu i s ’ es t pas s é a laHai e

,qui a touj ours été comme le centre de

tout es ces n égociat ion s . A l a Haye [ etc . ]MDCCXXIV—MDCCXL . 1 4 v . Maps .Tables . 4


I n serted are book-p l ates o f Joseph O

Xaup i.

Lam igne , J . H is to ire du Pr ince d ’

Orange et deNas sau , etc . [John W i l l i am Fr i s o , Pr ince ofO range ] . Lewarde . M D CCXV . 2 v. in 1 .

Port ra it . Plate . M aps . Plans . Vignette s .

Lampridius , Ae lius . See H istor ia Avgvs ta s criptores \7I .

Lance lot , Claude . Le iardin des rac ines greqves .

mis es en vers fran co i s . 3c éd it i on . [Anon . ]Pari s . M .DC .LXXIV .

The French verse s are byLemaistre de Sacy.

Lance lot , Claude , and others . Novve l le méthode

povr apprendre fac i l ement la langve greqve :

contenant les régles des decl inaisons [ etc .

Anon . ] Pari s . M .DC .LV .

Written by C. Lancel ot , A . Arnau ld and P. Nico le.

[ 138 ]

Page 148: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Landais , Pierre . Memoria l,to jus t ify Peter Lan

dai ’ s conduct during the las t war . [PartBos ton . MDCCLXXXIV . Diagrams .

Sm . No . 3 inThe imprint i s mut ilated .

Lange , Wilhelm . De anni s Chri s t i l ibr1 duo .

Lugdun i Batavorum . M D C XLIX . Sm .


Contain s autographs : N . Wi l l iams , Jonathan Mitchel l , 1650,

an d Benj amin Wad sworth , 1 694.

Langendijk, Piet er . Don Quicho t , op de B ru iloftvan Kamacho ; blyspél . Amsterdam . 1 736 .

V ignette .La P lacette , Jean . Divers t rai t és sur des mat iére s

de consci ence Ams terdam . M .DC .XCVI I . Engraved t i t l e-page .

Es sai s de mora le . Nouvelle éd i t i on . Tome 1 .

Amsterdam . M .DCC .XXXII . Engravedt i t le-page .O euvres d ivers es . Tome 1 . 5 , 8 . Amsterdam .

M .DCC .XXXVI I I . Plate s .Contents . 1 . Le trait é de la fo i d ivine . 5 . La mort des juste s ,tome I . 8. Le t ra it é de la consc ience .

Pages 207, and 208 o f Tome 5 are muti lated .

Trai té des bonnes oeuvres en généra l . Amsterdam . M .DCC . Plat e . 1 2


Autograph : John Adams .Lardner , Nathaniel . A his tory of the Apos tl esand Evangel i s t s . Cambridge . M .DCC .LXXXV . [Watson , Richard ,

ed itor . A coll ect i onof theologica l t ract s . Vol .O f the argument for the t ruth of Chri s t ian i tya ris ing from the ful fi lment of our Saviour ’ spredict i ons conce rn ing the des t ruct ion of theTemple , and the ci ty of Jerusal em ,

and the di s

pers ion of the Jews . ( In Watson , Richard ,ed itor . A col lect ion of theological t racts . Vol .5 , pp .

1 03— 1 76 . London .

[ 139 ]

Page 149: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


La R ive , Auguste de . Recherches sur le mode dedi st ribut ion de l ’électricité dynamique dans lescorp s qu i lu i s erven t de conducteurs . ( InSoci ét é de phys i que et d

his to ire naturel l e deGeneve . M émoires . Vo l . 3 , part 1 . Pp . 1 09

La Rochefoucau ld , Franco i s , Duc de . Mémoire s dela m inori t é de Lou i s XIV . Avec une p i éface nouvel le Par M. le Duc D . L . R .

Trévoux. M .DCC .LIV . 2 v . 24°

1 65 . 5

Le s pens ées,maximes

,e t réfl exions morale s

avec des remarques 81 note s cr it i ques , morale s ,pol it iques 81 h is toriques sur chacune de ces pensécs

,par Amelot de la Hous saye 81 l

abb e deLa Roche

, 81 des M aximes chrét iennes parM adame de La Sabl iere . Pari s . M .DCC .

LXXVI I .Au togr aph : John Adams , Paris , 1 780. B ook-p late : CharlesFranci s Adams ( the e lder) .

La Rochefoucau ld-L iancourt , Franco i s AlexandreFrédéric , Duc de . Trave ls through the UnitedStates of North Ameri ca , the country of theI roquois

,and Upper Canada

,in the years 1 795 ,

1 796, and 1 797 : with An authent i c account ofLower Canada . [Trans lat ed by H . Neuman .

Vol . 1 . London . 1 799. Maps . 4°

73 .4Vol . 2 i s mi s sing.

La Ro cque , de,va let de chambre de la re ine .

E tab l i s s ement d ’une ca i s s e gén éral e des épargnes du peup le B ruxe l l es . M .DCC .

LXXXVI . Tab les .Larroque , Dani el . Nouvel l es a ccusat ions cont reMr . Vari l las

,ou remarques cr i t ique s contre une

part ie de son prem ier l ivre de l’

H is to ire d e


hérés ie . Amsterdam . M .DC .LXXXVI I .


1 2 NO . 2 in

[ 140]

Page 151: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Lee ,Charl es . Memoirs Added , hi s pol it i caland mil i ta ry es says ; al s o , l et ters t o and frommany di s t inguished characters

,both in Europe

and Ame rica New-York . 1 792 .

The ,m emo irs are by Edward Langworthy . Tit le-page and

fly-leave s mut ilated for autographs .Lee, Will iam . United State s Consul a t Bordeaux .

Les Etat s-Uni s et l’

Angleterre, ou souven irs e t

réflexions d ’un citoyen améri ca in . [Anon . ]Bordeaux . 1 8 1 4 .

On the causes o f the War o f 1 81 2.

Lee , Will iam . 1 772— 1 840 . The hog Composed

by a father,for hi s son . [Anon . ] City of

Wash ington . 1 823 .

Le Grand , M arc Antoine CEuvres de Le Grand,

comédi en du roi . Nouvel l e éd i t i on,

augm entée . Pari s . M .DCC .LXX . 4 v .

At the end o f each volume i s the mus ic o f some o f the a i rsin the p lays .

Legrand , Anto ine . I ns t itut io ph i losoph ia ,s eenu

dum princ ip ia Domin i Renati D escartesnova m ethodo adornata 81 exp l icata Londini . MDCLXXI I .

Autograph s : R ichard Hal l . The top o f the engraved t it lepage i s cu t.

Le land , Thomas . The his tory of remarkab le event sin the kingdom of Ire land . London .

M .DCC .LXXXI . 2 v . 240.4Lenglet du Fresnoy, Nico las . Géographie abrégée


par demandes et par réponses Avecb


préci s de l ’anci enne géographie . 8e édi t i on,

augmentée d ’un abrégé de la sphere 81 duglobe ; par M . Drouet . Pari s . M .DCC .

LXXIV . Plate . Maps .Leo , Ambros iu s . De Nola opus culum . D is tinc

tum,p l enum

,clarum ,

doctum, pulcrum ,


graue, var ium 81 vtile . [Co lophon z I ncus sum

[ 142]

Page 152: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Leo ,Ambros ius . ( Continued)es t hoc opus opera d il igent iaque prob i u i r i I pannis Rubri V ercel lan i . V enetiis anno salut i s .

M .D .X I I I I . Plans . B ird ’ s eye View. V ign

ettes . F°

The hal f-t it le i s : D e agro No lano deqve mont ibvs V esvvio et

Abe l la caeter isqve agr i l im it ibvs . Copp erp lates by GirolamoMocetto . A plate to face f. xxvii i i s mis s ing.

Leonard , Daniel . See Adams , John . Novanglusand Mas sachusettens is .

Le P rince de B eaumont , Jeanne Marie . Magas indes adole s cent es , ou dialogues d

’une sage gouvernante avec ses éléves de la premiere distinct ion . 5e éd it ion Lyon . M .DCC .LXXV .

4 v . in z . 1 2°


Lerouge,Georges Loui s , publ i sher . At las am éri

qua in sept entriona l contenant les déta i l s desd ifférentes p rovinces

,de cc vast e cont inent .

Traduit d es cartes l evées par o rdre du gouvernem ent bri tannique . Paris . 1 778. 26

map s . FThe fronti sp iece i s miss ing .

Pilote américain . Tradui t de l ’angloi s . Par i s .1 779. 2 V . i n 1 . F . No . 2 inA collect ion of sail ing chart s of North Amer ican waters . Thet itle-page i s mis s ing from vol . 1 . Bound with th is i s a co l lect ion of e leven maps o f the We st I nd ies and B ermuda, ten o fwh ich were pub l ished by Lerouge in 1 779 .

Le Roy, Charles . Tra it é de l ’orthographe francoi s e

,en forme de dict ionaire [Anon . ]

Nouvele éd it i on , augmentée sur l a révi s ion deM . Restaut . Poit i ers . M .DCC .LXXV .

Le Royer, A . Nouveau procédé pour obten i r l ’acidega l l i que . ( In Soci ét é de phys ique et d

his to ire

naturel l e de Geneve ; Mémoires . Vol .3 , part 1 , pp . 79, 80 )

Lesl ie , Charl e s . A d i scours e shewing who i s a truepas tor of the Church of Chr is t

, [ and The

[ 143 ]

Page 153: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Le s l ie , Charles . ( Continued)ep i s t l e o f St . Ignat ius to the Trall i ans . London . Sm . No . 2 i nA short and cas ie method with the dei s t s .

Where in the certain ityof the Chri s t ian rel igi oni s demons trated

,by infal l ib l e p roof

,from four

rules . [Anon . ] 8th edit i on . London :and sold by John Checkley . Bos ton . 1 723 .

No . 1 inJohn Checkley was impri soned in B oston for se l l ing th is work .

F ly-leaves mut i lated for autograph .

Let i , Gregorio . Relat ione del la cort e d i RomaDel s ign . cau . Gi rolamo Lvnardo [ pseud .

of G. Let i ] . Col Maes tro di camera del s ignorFrancesco Ses tin i . E Roma ricercata nel suos i to zdel s ig. Fiorav . Mart inel l i . Venet ia .


Le Trosne , Gu i l laume Franco i s . De l ’adm in istrat i on p rov inc ia le

, et de la réfo rme de l ’ imp6t .

[Anon . ] Bas le . M .DCC .LXX IX .

De l ’ordre social , ouvrage su ivi d’un tra i té élé

m entaire sur l a valeur , l’argent

,la c i rculat ion



indus tr ie 81 le commerce int éri eur 81 ext éri eur .Pari s . M .DCC .LXXVI I . 8


Two' cop ies .Letter, A,

from a V i rgin ian to the members of theCongres s to be he l d at Ph i lade lph ia , on thefi rs t of September , 1 774. [Philadelphia . ]1 774. 8


Letter from Mr . Monroe to Mr . Mad i son . [Washington . 1 8o8. ] 8


No . 5 in 25 1 .4On re l at ion s between Great B r ita in and the United S tates .

Cut from a copy of Le tters from M es sr s . Monroe 81 Pinkney23 ]

Lettere di princip i , le qva li 0 S i s crivono da princip i,

o a p r inc ipi,o ragionan di p rinc ip i . 2a edi

t ione Vene t ia . M .D .LX I I I I—M .D .LXXVII . 3 v . Plates . 8


Compiled by Giro lam o Ruscal l i . Vo l s . 2, 3 are of th e 1 st ed it ion .

[ 144 ]

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Hosp ital , G . F . A . ( Continued)Trait é analyt ique de s s ect ion s coniques et de leurusage pour la résolut i on des équat ion s dansles p rob lémes tan t déterm inés qu

’ indét erminés .Ouvrage posthume . Pari s . M .DCC .LXXVI .


Plat es . Vignett es . 4 .

L ibrary Company of Ph iladeph ia . A catalogue ofthe books

,belonging to the Library Company

prefixed,a shore account of the inst itu

t i on,with the chart er , laws and regulat ions .

Phi ladelph ia . M DCC LXXXIX .

No . 1 in— Same . [Firs t— ]Thi rd Supplement . Philadel

phia . M DCC XC I I I— I 796. No . 2—4 in

L ife, The , of S i r Walter Ralegh . [Anon . ] See

Ol dys , W .

Li l ly , John . Modern entr i es , be ing a col lect ion ofse lect p leadings in the Courts of King ’ s B ench ,

Common Pleas and Exchequer Added,

a col lect i on of wri ts in most ca s es now in p ract i ce . In the Savoy . M DCC XX I I I . F



Autograph : John Adams . The p lead ings and wr it s are inLat in .

L indsey , Theophi lus . V indicia P ries t leiana : anaddres s to the s tudents of Oxford and Cambridge ; occas ioned by a l et t er to Dr . Pries t leyfrom a pers on ca l l ing hims e l f an undergraduate


but publ i cly as crib ed to Dr . Horne,Dean

of Cant erbury London M .DCC .


“Pre sented by the author to John Adams . Autograph : JohnAdams .

L inguet , S imon Nicolas Henri . Appel a la pos téri t é ,ou recue i l des mémoires et pla idoyers de M .

Linguet , pour lu i-m ém e contre la communautédes avocat s du Parlement de Par is . [Waerbeek ? ] M .DCC .LXX IX . 8


[ 146 ]

Page 156: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Linné, Carl von . A sys tem of vegetab les .Trans lated from the thi rte enth edit i on ofthe Syst ema vegetab il ium of the late Profes sorLinneus ; and from the Supp lementum p lantarum of the pres ent Profes sor Linneus . By aBotanical Soci ety

,at Lichfi eld . Lich field . M


Lips ius , Justus . J . Lips ius , Nicolao H acquevill io .

[Ep i s to la de hi stor ia ( In Wheare , Degory . Relect iones hyemales de rati onelegendi his torias . Pp . (3 Cantabrigia . M . DC . LXXXIV . )

L iset , Abraham . Amphitha lami,or, the account

ant s c lo s et : be ing an abridgment of merchantsaccounts kept by deb i tors and cred i torsA new me thod London . 1 684. F



No . 5 i nLitt leton , Adam . Lingua Lat ina l iber dict ionarius

quadripartitus . Dr . Adam Litt le ton ’ s Lat indi ct i onary

,in four parts . N .p . N .d .

The t it le and p rel iminary pages are want ing.

Litt leton, S ir Thomas de . Tenures in Engl ish .

Lately perus ed and amended . London . 1 600.

L ivingston , Edward . Extracts from the proj ectedpena l code : ent i t led of offences whichaffect wri t ten cont ract s” New O rl eans .1 823. L .

Proposed code for Lou i s iana.L i vius Patav1nus , T itus . Les décades de Tite-Live .

Avec l es Supp lém ens de J . Fre inshem ius ; nouvel lement augmentées d ’un abrégé chrono lo

gique : mises en francoi s par P . Du-Ryer . Ams terdam . M .D .CC . 5 V . Portra it . Plates .Engraved t i t l e-pages . 1 2


Histoi re romaine de T it e-Live,t raduit e en fran

[ 147 ]

Page 157: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Liv ius Patavinus , Titus . (Continued)coi s

,avec les Supp léments de Fre inshem ius .

Nouve l l e édi t ion . Pari s . M .DCC .LXIXM .DCC .LXXI I . 1 0 V .

Vo l s . 4—1 0 we re tran s lated by F . Guérin . Vol s . 1 -4, 8—1 0 are

of the Nouve l le écl it ion . Vol . 4, 8—1 0 were ed i ted by P . C.

Cos son .

H is toriarum ab urbe cond i ta l ibr i qui supersuntXXXV . Recen suit , 81 noti s illustravit

J . B . L . Crev ier . Paris i is . M DCC LXVII IM DCC LXXXI . 3 V . in 6 .

H is toriarum quod extat . Ex recens i one I . F .

Gronovii . Am s te lodam i Apud Dan ielem

Elzevirium . 1 678 .

The engraved ti t le-page i s muti lated .

L ibr i omnes supers t i tes , recogn i t i et emendat ia Franci s co Modio ; nvnc et iam comparat i

cvm m embran is B ibl iotheca Palat ina e lectoral is

,m el ioresque fact i cur!1 t ert ia Iani

Grvteri : cvivs accedunt aliqvot in Corn .

Tacitvm dis cvrsvs Francofvrt i ad Moe

nvm . M .DC .XXVI I I . 3 parts in 1 V . Port rai t . F



Locke, John . Works . Vol . 2, 3 . 4th ed it ion .

London . M . DCC . XL . F°


Each t itle-page has autograph . John Adams . Vol . 1 15 miss ing.

The reasonab lenes s of Chri s t iani ty,as del ivered

in the Scri p tures . ( In Watson , Richard , ed i tor .A co l lect ion of theo logica l t racts . Vol . 4, pp .

1 — 1 08. London .

London . Court of Common Counci l . Addres s espresented from the Court o f Common Counc i lt o the King [ etc . London .

Sm .

A pre sentat ion copy, contain ing h is book-p late, from Mr . Busho f Great O rmond St . with autograph note ; and rep ly fromJohn Adam s , dated 1 785 .

Addres se s , remons trances , and pet i t ions ; comm encing the 24th of June , 1 769,

pres ented to the

[ 148 ]

Page 159: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Lou is IX . , of France . Les étab l is semens de SaintLoui s

,roi de France

,su ivant le text e or ig inal

suivi s du Panégyrique de S . Lou is,

prononcé le 25 aou t 1 784, par l’

abbé deSa int—Mart in . Pari s . M .DCC .LXXXVI .

Lou is XI V of France . St i l e un ivers e l dres s é pourtoutes les cours et juri sd ict i on s du royaume .su ivant l ’ordonnance de Loui s X IV . Du m 0 1 s


Avri1 1 667 . Pari s . M .DC .LXXVI .Autograph : John Adams .

Lou is XV .,of France . Lett res patentes du roi


portant confi rmati on de la Convent ion entrele roi 81 l ’ impératr ice re ine de H ongrie . Donnée a Compiegne le 22 ao ii t 1 769 . [Pari s


No . 4 inLet tres patentes du ro i

,qui d és ignent 81 fixent les

p rovinces auxquel les s eront attachés différensVi l lages 81 l ieux cédés au ro i par la convent ion

conclue en 1 769, entre sa maj e s t é 81 l’ im

pératr ice re ine de H ongr ie 81 de BohemeDonnées a Comp iegne le 6 aou t 1 773 . [Paris


4 No . 5 inLouvre , Musée du . Not ice des s ta tues

,bus tes et

bas-rel iefs,de la galerie de s ant iques . Pari s .

An X I . 1 2°

— Same . 1 8 1 4.

Love ll , James . Propagat ion of t ruth , or Tyrannyanatomized” i n


four let ters to the Pres ident ofthe United States . A late Senator of Mas sachusetts . The Pres ident of Harvard Un ivers ity The undergraduat es th ereof B ost on . 1 808. 8


No . 4 inLowe l l , John , LL .D . M r. Madi s on

’ s war . A dispas s ionate i nqu iry in to the reasons al leged byM r . Mad is on for declaring an offens ive and

[ 1 50]

Page 160: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Lowe ll , John , LL .D . ( Continued)ru inous war against Great-Brita in . Togetherw ith some sugges t ions as to a peaceab l e andconst itut ional mode of avert ing that dreadfulcalamity . By a New England farmer [ pseud .

3d edi t ion . Boston . 1 8 1 2 .

No . 8 inThe New-England patriot : being a candid compari s on of the princi p le s and conduct of theWashington and Jefferson admin is trat ions .

[Anon . ] Boston . 1 8 1 0 . No . 7 in

Perpetual war , the pol i cy of M r . Mad is on .

By a New—England farmer . Bos ton . 1 8 1 2 .

No . 7 i nTreats of the impre s sment o f seamen and the causes of theWar o f 1 8 1 2 .

Lucas , Ri chard . An enqui ry after happines s .

5th ed i t i on . London 1 7 1 7 . 3 V . in 2 .

Sm .

Vol . 3 i s of the 4th ed i t ion . Vo l . 2 i s entit led Human l ifevol . 3 , Rel igiou s perfect ion .

Lucianus Samosatens is . Nonnul l i é Luciani Di 1l ogi s [Gra ce et Lat ine ] se lect i , et in duas part esd ivi s i ; omne s scho l iis i l lust rat i ab Edwardo Leedes Acces s i t eti am quie

quid scrip serunt Gra vins , Gronovius

Londin i . M DCC XXXVII I . Sm .

Fly-leaf torn fo r autograph .

Lucret ius Carus , T itus . O f the nature of th ings,

i n s ix books , t rans lated into Engl i sh verse ; byTho . Creech . London . MDCCXIV . 2 v .

Plate 8°

O f the nature of th ings , i n s ix books . I l lu s tratedwith p roper and use ful notes . Adorned withcopper—pla te s

,curious ly engraved bv Guernier

and others . [Engl ish and Lat in ] London .

MDCCXLI I I . 2 v . in I . Sm .

The tran slat ion i s in prose .

Page 161: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Ludlow, Edmund . M emo irs . With a col l ect ionof original papers [Also King Charles

’ scas e : o r an appea l to al l rat ional men ByJohn Cook ] Vol . 3 . Edinburgh . MDCCLI .

Mostly on the Civ il War in Engl and , 1 642—1 649.

Lunardo , Gi rolamo , pseud . See Let i , G.

Lunt , W i l l iam Parson s . compi ler . The Chri s t i anp sa lter . Bos ton . M .DCCC .XLI .

The cover i s stamped with the name o f J . Q . Adams .Lus ignano , Steffano , Bi shop of L im is so . Chorograffia , et breve hi s toria vn iversale del l

’ i s o lade C i p ro p rin cip iando al tempo di Noe per infino a1 1 572 Bologna . 1 573 .

Lutwyche , S ir Edward ,compi ler . Un l ivre des

entri e s : contenant aux i un report des resolut ions del court sur divers e except i ons p ri s e s aspl ead ings

, et sur auters matters en l ey ; surdant

(pur la p lupart ) en le Court de Common—Bank ,enter le 34 an del roy Charl es le s econd , 81 le 2

an del ra igne de sa pre sent maj e s ty, la ro igne

Anne . London . 1 704 . 2 v . B lack—l et ter .F


The text is in Latin . T i tle-pages muti l ated.

Luzac , Jan . O ra t io de Socrat e c ive,publ ice habi ta


d ie 2 1 . Februarii MDCCXCV . Probat iones 81 adnotat iones de Socrate et de republ i caAtt ica praes ert im Disqu i s i t i o de ep is tat is ac

p roedri s Atheniens ium ,et de Socrate ep is tate ,

ad calcem adj ectae reper iuntur . Lugdun i

B atavorum . MDCCXCVI . 4°

No . 5 inDed icated to John Adams . The copy on contain s a tran slat 1on by Jas . Wm . Jenks o f the ded i cat ion . Two. cop ie s .

Rechtsge leerde m emorie , waar in onzyd ig onde rzogt word de gegrondhe id der klagten van denkon ing van Groot—B rittannien ,

over de ge

[ 1 52]

Page 163: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Mably , Gabrie l Bonnot de , Abbé . ( Continued)De la l égi s lat ion , ou princ ipes des lo i s . Part ie 1 ,2 . Amsterdam . M .DCC .LXXVI . 2 V . i n 1 .

Con tains numerous marginal comments in the handwrit ing o fJohn Adams .

Same. Part i e 1 .

Des dro it s e t des devo i rs du c i t oyen . Kel l .M .DCC .LXXXIXDes princ ipes des négociat i ons

,pour servir d ’ in

troduct ion au droi t publ ic de l ’Europe , fondésur le s t rai tés . Nouvel le éd i t ion . A La Haie .

M .DCC .LXVI I . 1 2°

Le dro i t publ ic de l ’Europe fondé sur les t ra it ezconclus jusqu

en l’

année 1 740. Nouvel l e édit i on . Augmentée de remarques par M r .

Rous set . Amsterdam . M .DCC .XLVI I I . 2

v .

Le dro i t publ i c de l ’Europe , fond é sur les t ra i t és .Nouvell e éd it ion . Geneve . M .DCC .LXXVI .

3 V .

Observat ions on the Greeks . From the Frenchof the abbé de Mably . ( In Trans lat ions fromthe French . By D . Y Pp . 1 — 1 5 1 . Lynn .

Obs ervat ions sur l ’histo ire de France . Gen eve .

M .DCC .LXV . 2 v .

Autograph : John Adams,1 778.

Observat ions sur l ’h i s to ire de la Gréce : ou descauses de la p ro spér it é et des malheurs de sGrecs . Geneve . M .DCC .LXVI .

Observat ions sur le gouvernement e t l es lo ix desEtat s—Unies d ’

Am érique . Amsterdam . MDCCLXXXIV .

Two cop ies .Observat ions sur le s Romains . 2e édi t ion . Ge

neve . M .DCC .LXVII

[ 154 ]

Page 164: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Mably, Gabrie l Bonnot de , Abbé . (Continued)( Euvres pos thumes . Pari s . 1 790 . 2 v .

Contents . 1 . Du gouvernement et de s lo i s de Pologne . 2. Dugouvernement et des lo is de Pologne . D e la s ituat ion p ol it igue de la Po logne en 1 776. Le banquet des pol it iques .The t


it le~ page conta in s an anecdote about Marmontel , probably in the handwrit ing of John Adams . There are manuscrip t notes throughout


the book .

— Remarks concern ing the gove rnment and the

laws of the United States of America : in fourl et ters

,addre s s ed to Mr . Adams ; from the

French with notes by the t rans lato r .

London . M,DCC ,LXXXIV .

Macaire-Prinsep , J . M émoire sur l ’ influence despo i sons sur l e s p lantes douées de m ouvemen s

exc itable s . ( In Sociét é de phys ique et d’


to i re nature l l e de Geneve . Mémoires . Vol . 3 ,

part 1 . Pp . 67Macaulay, Catha rine . See Graham, C . M .

Macgowan , John . Works . London . 1 825 . 2 v .

Portrai t .Contents . 1 . Dialogue s o f devil s . Death , a vis ion . Prie stcraft de fended : a sermon by the Shaver A farther defenceof p riestcraft . The Arian s ’ and Socm ians ’ monitor . Alooking glas s for the p rofe s sors of rel igion . A rod for thesluggard , or the great evil o f id lenes s represented . Thechanges o f Ephra im , or the backs l ider’ s warning. A caut ionto drunkards , or the s in o f intemperance censured . Thecanker-worm , or the gourd o f creature-comfort withered . 2.

Joshua ’s p ious re so lut ion , o r the duties o f family re l igion andhousehold government cons idered . Pe rez-uzzah , or thedanger of innovat ions and o f d i s cord cons idered . Somethoughts on occas ional p rayer . The l i fe of Joseph .

Socin ian ism brought to the te st . Discourse s on the Bookof Ruth , and other important subj ects .

Machiave l l i , Nicco lo . Histoi re . Nouam ente

ri s tampate . [V inegia . ] Aldus . M .D .XLVI .

Contains seve ral page s o f manuscrip t at the beginn ing andend .

Works . Trans lated from the origina l s ; i l lustrated with note s

,and s everal new plan s

on the art of war,by Ell i s Farnewo rth . 2d

[ 1 55 ]

Page 165: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Machiave l l i , Niccolo . (Continued)edit ion . London . MDCCLXXV . 4 v . Portrai t . Plans .

Mackn ight , James , D .D . All the act ions recordedin the Gospel s are p robable . ( In Watson ,Richard , edito r . A col lect ion of theologicalt racts . Vol . 5 , pp . 1 77

— 1 99 . London . M .

DCC .LXXXV . )O f the argument for truth of the Chri s t ian re

l igion ari s ing from the convers ion of the worldto Chri s t ian ity . ( In Watson , Richard , ed itor .A col l ect ion of theo logi cal t ra ct s . Vol . 5 , pp .

1 99—267 . London .

Maclaine , Arch ibald , D .D . A seri es of let te rs address ed to Soam e J enyns , Esq . ; on occas ion ofhis View of the internal ev idence of Chri s t iani ty . 2d ed i t i on . London . M .DCC .LXXVII I .

Autograph : John Adams, Quin cy.

Mac laur in ,Col in . A treat is e of algebra .

Added an appendix,concern ing the general

propert i es of geome t ri cal l ine s . 2d edit ion .

London . MDCCLVI . Diagrams . 8°

The app end ix i s written in Lat in .

Macomb , Alexander, M aj or-Genera l . A treat i seon mart ia l l aw and court s-mart ia l ; as praet ised in the United S tates of Ameri ca . Published by order of the United S tates M i l itaryPhi losophical Soci ety . Charl es ton

, ( S .

1 809.

On the cover i s stamped : Presented by the author to John Q .

Adams , Pres ident of the United State s . B ook—plate : J . Q .

Adams .Macquer , Pierre Jos eph . Dict ionnai re de chym ie .

2e éd it i on , augmentée . Pari s . M .

DCC .LXXVI I I . 3 v .

Contents . 1 . A—Ea. 2. Ec-M . 3 . N—S .

Each vo lume has autograph : J . Adam s .

[ 1 56 ]

Page 167: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Malynes , Gera rd . Consuetudo,vel

,l ex me rcatoria :

or,the anci ent law merchant . 3d edi t ion .

London . V . in 1 . F°

. 52 .4Contents . Con suetudo . A collect ion o f a l l s ea-laws .Advice concern ing b il ls o f exchange , by John Mar ius . Themerchant ’s m irrour, by R ichard Dafforne . An introduct ionto merchants-accomp t s , by John Col l in s . Amphithalami



the accountants c lose t , by Ab raham Liset . The j uri sd ict iono f the admiral ty o f England asserted by R ichard Z ouch .

The anc ient sea-l aws of O leron , Wisby, and the Hanse towns ,by Guy Miege . The soveraignty o f the Brit i sh seas , by SirJohn Boroughs .Each of the se except A col lect ion o f al l sea—laws , has aseparate t it le-page and paginat ion .

Autograph s : J er . Gr id ley, John Adams .Man i l ius , Marcus As tronom icon l ibri quinque .

( In V irgilius Maro , P . Opera . Vol . 2,pp . 55

1 98. B ipont i . MDCCLXXXI I I . )Manual exerc i s e


,as ordered by Hi s M aj es ty


i n the year 1 764 . See Great B r ita in . WarO ffi ce .

Manual , The , of he ra ldry : being a conc i s e descript ion of the s everal t erms used

,and contain ing

a di ct ionary of every des ignat ion in the s c ience .

sth ed i t i on . London . I l lus . Colored plat e . Sm . 8


Manue l l exique . [Anon . ] See Prévost-d’

Exi les, A . F .

Maranta, Robertus . Praxi s, sev de ord ine ivdicio

rvm tractatvs , vu lgo specvlvm avrevm , et lvmen

advocatorvm dictus , cu i , vltra additiones PetriFo ller ii , s tud i o

, 81 op era Ioanni s Ryland iiColon ia Agripp ina . M .DC .L . L .

Autograph s : J er . Gr id ley, John Adams .Marcet , Franc is . De l ’action des poi sons sur le

régne Végétal . ( l n Soc i ét é de phys i que et d’

h is to i re naturel l e de Geneve . M émo i res . Vol .3 , part 1 . Pp . 37

Marchant de B eaumont , Francoi s Mari e . Le conducteur de 1’éet ranger a Pari s . 2e éd i t i onPari s . 1 8 1 4 . Plates . 1 8


[ 1 58 ]

Page 168: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Margon ,Gui l laume P lantavit de La Pause de . M é

moires du Duc de Vil lars . [Anon . ] La Haye .

M .DCC .LVI I I .‘

3 v . 1 2°

Mariana,Juan de . D e rege et regi s inst itvtione

l ibri I I I Eiusdem de ponder ibus 81 m en

suris l iber . Edit io secunda . [Madrid ] M .

DC .XI . 2 v . i n 1 .

On fly-leaf is wr itten r Mariana was I year im p r iso in’

d by theDuke of Lerma in Ph il ip the thi rd ’ s t ime for thi s book, 1 624,

on we ights and measure s Purchased in 1 782 T . B . H .

[Thomas Brand Holl is ] .Historia genera l de Espana . 1 4a impre8 1on .

Madrid . M . D . CC . LXXX . 2 v . F°


Both volume s have book-p late of John Adams . On t it le-pageof vo l . I i s written : J . A . to G. W . A .

Marien, Thomas Antoine de . Tableau des dro i t s81 usages de commerce relat ifs au pas sage duSund . Copenhague . MDCCLXXVI . Table .

Marin ,Pierre . Dictionnaire portat i f

,franco i s et

ho l lando is . 8e éd it i on,

augmentée parJean Holt rop . Dort . 1 773 . 2 v.

V ol . 1 i s French-Dutch ; vol . 2 i s Dutch-French . Vo l . 2 wased i ted by Erne st Z eydelaar .

Mar ius , John . Advice concern ing b i l l s o f exchange .

With two tab les of n ew st i l e and old s t i l e . 4th

edit ion,very much enlarged London .

1 684. F°

. No . 2 inMarmora, Andrea . Del la hi s toria di Corfv . Libriotto . Venetia . M .DC .LXXII . Map . Portrai t . Engraved t i t le-page . Sm .

The coat of arms o f Wi l lm Bromley o f Worcestersh ire i sin se rted .

Marot , Clément , and Theodore de B éze , t rans lators .Les p seavm es de David , mis en rime francoi s e , pa rC . M . [ Cl ément Marot ] et T . D . B . [Théodorede B éze . Avec la mu s ique ] . Charenton . M .

DC .LXVI I I . No . 2 in 264.24Same . La Haye . M D CCXVI .Some page s are missing at the end of th i s copy

,wh i ch i s in

poor cond i t ion .

[ 159 ]

Page 169: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


M arshal l , John . The l i fe of George Washington .

Compi led under the inspec t ion of BushrodWashington . Prefixed

,an introduction


tain ing a compendious view of the colon iesp lanted by the Engl i sh . Phi ladelph ia . 1 805 .

5 v . Port ra i t .I n each vo lume i s John Marshal l ’ s note o f presentat ion o f theset to John Adams .

Marshal l , Joseph . Travels th rough Hol land,Flan


,Denmark , Sweden , Lapland ,

Russ ia,th e Ukra ine

,and Poland , in the years

1 768, 1 769, and 1 770 . 2d edit ion . Vol ., 3 .

London . MDCCLXXII I . 8

Vol . 1 i s want ing .

0 0

Mart in , Dav id . Tra i te de la rel ig ion naturel le .Amsterdam . M .DCC .XII I .Au tograph s : John Adams, and Ralph Bolton, Inner Temple .

Mart in, Franco i s Xavier . O rl ean s term reports ,or cas es argued and determ ined in the SuperiorCourt of the Terri to ry of O rl eans . Vol . 1 , partI, 3 . New-O rleans . 1 8 1 0

,1 1 . 2 V . in 1 .

No . 6 , 7 in 1 6 1 .6

Mart ineau,James

,comp i l er . Hymns for the Chr is

t ian church and home . 1 4th ed i t ion . London .

1 859. Sm .

Mart ine l l i, Fioravant i . Roma r icercata nel svo s ito .

Quinta impres s ione , accres c iuta . Venet ia . M .DC .LXXXIX . No . 3 in 1 74. 1 4

Mart inez de Jarava, Antonio . Ael ii Anton ii Ne

bris sensis De institutione grammat ica l ibr iquinque . Matriti . [ 1 6I n Span i sh . Autograph : John Adams .

Mart inez van Waucquier , Matth ia s . D ict ionarium

Teuton ico—Latinum novum , s ive b iglotton am

pl ificatum opera 81 labore M art in i Binmart i ‘ Nunc denuo em endatum

s tud io 81 di l igent ia Johanni s de Wi lde . Amstela dam i . MDCCXLIV .

[ 160]

Page 171: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Mas sachus et ts . ( Continued)Journal of debates and proceedings in the convention of del egate s , chosen to rev i s e the Cons t itut ion of Mas sachusett s

,begun and hol den

at Boston,November 1 5 , 1 820

,and cont inued

by adj ournment to January 9, 1 82 1 . Reportedfor the Bos ton Da i ly Advert i s er . Bos ton .

1 82 1 .

This report was made by Nathan Hale and O ctav ius Pi cker ing.

Adj utant General . M inutes and proceed ings ofa divi s i on court mart ial

,begun and holden at

Boston,on Tuesday

,O ctober 29, 1 805 , as they

relate to the t rial o f C .apt Joseph Loring,j un .

Boston . 1 806 . 8°

Commis s ioners to survey Canal Route s fromBoston Harbour to Connec t i cut and Huds onRivers . Report of th e Comm is s i oners on theroute s of canals from Bos ton Harbour to Connect icut and Hudson Rivers . Bos ton . 1 826 .

Folded map .

Governor . Addres s by His Excel lency JohnDav is , del ivered before the two branches ofthe Legis lature . January Bos ton .

1 834.

Message of Hi s Excel lency Levi Lincoln,com

municated to the Legi s lature , January 4,1 826 .

Boston . 1 826 .

General Court . Journal of the H onovrable

House of Repres entat ives of His Maj e s ty ’ sProv ince of the Mas sachuset t s—Bay

,in New~

England,begun and held at Bos ton


Wednesday the thi rty—firs t day of Mav,1 769 .

Bos ton . M ,DCC

,LX IX . F



Title-page cut for autograph .

— Journa ls , proceed ings and debate s of the

Counc i l , and the House of Repres en tat ives .relat ive to th e convening the General

[ 162]

Page 172: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Massachus etts . Genera l Court (Continued)Assembly at Harvard -Col lege Boston .

1 770 . No . 4 inTitle-page has autograph . J . Adams .Report on the merit s of the claim of the Stateof Ma s sachusett s on the Nat ional Government ,for expense s of the Mil i t ia

,during the la t e war .

Boston . 1 822 . 8 . 1 4 1 .27Resolve s [From Oct . 25 , 1 780 to Apri l

Bos ton . M,DCC



LXXXVI I I . 8 parts in 2 V . F°

Both volumes conta in autograph of Cotton Tuft s .Mas sachusetts Agr icultural Journal . Vol . 5 , no . 4.

July,1 8 1 9 . Bos ton . 1 8 1 9 . F


. No . 5 inAfterwards cal led the Massachuset ts Agricu ltura l Reposito ryand Journal .

Massachuset ts Agricultu i al Repos i tory and Journal . Vol . 6

,no . 2 ; vol . 7 , no . 3 , 4. Bos ton .

1 820,23 . F


Vols . 1 and 2 o f th is per iod ical were the Paper s communicatedt o the Massachusett s Soc iety for Promoting Agriculture .

Mas sachusetts General Hosp i ta l . Trustees . Addres s to the subscribers and to the publ ic .

[Boston 8°

Massachuset ts M edical Soc iety . Report on thespott ed or petechia l fever . Bos ton 1 8 1 0.

1 5 1 .9Massachusetts Regi s ter and Bus ines s D irectory .

1 8 1 8,25

—48, 50, 5 1 , 54

—58. Bos ton [ etc . 1 8 1 8

32 v . 1 2°

81The re are two cop i


e s for the years 1 829, 32, 34, 37, 45 , 48.

Massachusetts Soc iety for Promot ing Agr iculture .

Papers on agricu lture , cons i s t ing of communicat ions made to the Soci ety . Bos ton .

1 799. Plates . No . 4 in 290. 1 0

Later numbers of these papers are inc luded in vol . 1 , 2 o f theMassachusett s Agricu l tural Rep os t iory and Journal .Papers for 1 8 1 0

,1 8 1 1 . Boston . [ 1 80 1 ]

1 8 1 1 . Nos . 1, 3 , 4 in

Papers [ for No . 3 in

[ 163 ]

Page 173: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Mathe r, Cotton . Magnal ia Chri s t i Ameri cana :or

,the eccle s ia st ica l hi s tory of New-England ,

from 1 620,unto 1 698 . In seven

books . London MDCCI I . F°


Autograph s : Sam ] . Shepard , Cotton Tuft s , and John Adams .Mathias

,Thomas James . The pursui t s of l i t era

ture . A satirical poem in four d ialogues . Withnote s . [Anon . ] 8th ed it i on . Dubl in . 1 798.

Pursui t s of l i t erature . A sat i rical poem in fourd i a logues

,w ith notes . [Anon Also

,A trans

la t ion of the Greek,Lat in

,I ta l ian and French

pas sages quot ed in the p refa ce s and notes .

Prefixed , a prefatory epi s t le , i nt ended as a gene i al vind icat ion of s ai d poem . Phi ladelphia .

1 800.

Maubert de Gouves t , Jean Henri . Lettres du Cheva l i er Robert Talbot [ p seud . ] de la sui t e (11 1

Duc de Bedford 81 Pari s en 1 762 . Sur laFrance comme el l e es t dans s es divers département s Mises en fran co i s par M r . Mau

bert de G . Amsterdam . MDCCLXVI I I . 2

v .

Maunory, Gui l laume de . Grammaire et d i c t ionnai re francoi s et esp agno l . Pari s . M .DCCI .

Maupertuis , Pierre Loui s Moreau de . The eloge ofM . de Montesquien . Trans lated from theFrench [by B ( In M ontesquieu , Charle sLoui s de Secondat, Baron de La B réde et de .

Reflect ions on the caus es of the r is e and fa l l o fth e Roman Empire . Pp . i i i—xxi . Glasgow .

MDCCLVI I I . )(Euvres . Nouve l l e édi t ion , corrigée 81 augm en

tée . Tome 1,2, 4. Lyon . M .DCC .LXVII I .

3 v . Port ra it . 8°

Contents . V ol . 1 . Essa i de co smologie ; D iscours sur les

[ 164]

Page 175: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Mazze i , Phi l ip . (Continued)bourgeoi s de New-Heaven [ pseud . de Condorcet ] sur l

un ité de la légi s lat i on . Col le , et s etrouve aParis . 1 788 . 4 v .

A fly-leaf in vol . 1 contain s a quotat ion from D iogenes Laert iu s in the handwrit ing of John Adams .

Mel ish ,


J ohn . The travel le r ’ s d i re ctory throughthe Un i ted States . Philadelph ia . 1 822 .

Fo lded map . 1 6°

Memo i r o f John Gal l ison . [Anon . ] See Chann ing, W . E .

M émo ires de la m inori t é de Loui s XIV . Par M .

le Duc D . L . R . See La Rochefoucau ld , F . .

Duc de .Mémo ires du Duc de Vi l lars . [Anon . ] See Mar

gon , G. P . de La P . de .

M émo ires pour s ervi r a l ’his to ire du dro i t publ i c dela France en mat ieres d

impé ts . [Anon . ] See

Auger , avocat .Memo irs of Thomas Hol l i s . [Anon . ] See B lackburne , F .

Menon , La sc ience du mai t re d ’

hé tel , confiseur, a l

’usage des offi c i e rs . [Anon . ] Suitedu Mai tre d ’hot el cu is inier . Nouvel le éd it i onPari s . M .DCC .LXXVI . Plat es .

Mercier , Lou is Sébas tien Du théatre,ou nouvel

es sai sur l’

art dramat ique . [Anon . ] Amsterdam . MDCCLXXI I I . 8


Tableau de Pari s . [Anon . ] Tome Hambourg . M .DCC .LXXXI . 2 v in 1 .

Same . Nouvel le éd i t i on Amsterdam . M .DCC .


Mercure de France . (No . 2 1 aou t 1 784 .

Paris . 1 784 .

Merigot , J . G., the Younger . Cata logue des l ivres

de théo logie , j uri sp rudence s c iences e t arts ,

[ 166]

Page 176: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Merigot , J . G .,the Younger . (Continued)

bel l es—l ett re s et his toi re Pari s . M .DCC .

LXXXI I .Meu len ,

Wil lem van der . G . Vande r Muelen inHis toriam Pom pon ii de origine j uri s , et omniumm agistratuum 81 succe s s ione prudent ium , exer

c itat iones . Traject i ad Rhenum . M DC XCIM DC XC I I I . 3 part s in 1 V . 8


241 . 1 1

Autograph : J . Adams book-plate : J . Q . Adams .Mey,

C laude . compi le r . Maximes du dro it publ i cfrancoi s 2e e


dit i on Double de la p récédente . [Augmentée par G. N . Maultrot et

autres ] Tome I, part ie 1 —3 ; tome 2 ,

part i e1 —3 . Amsterdam . MDCCLXXV . 2 v . in 6 .

Cet ouvrage a été p ro scr it, et le gouvernement en a fait fairedes recherches tres-sévéres .

”— Peignat.

Mézeray, Franco i s Eudes de . Abbrege'

chronologique , ou extraict de l ’his to ire de France .

Par is . M .DC .LXXVI . 7 V . Portrai t s .

Contents . 1 . Faramond a Charlemagne . 2. Loui s I a Phil ippeI . 3 . Loui s VI a Charles IV . 4. Ph il ippe VI a Louis X I . 5 .

Charles VI I I a Henry I I . 6. Francoi s I I a H enry I I I . 7 .

H enry I V .

— Abrége'

chronologique de l ’histo ire de France .

Nouvell e édi t ion , augment ée . Amsterdam .

MDCC .LV . 4 v . Portrai t . Plate .

Contents . 1 . L’

origine des Francoi s . L’

état de l a re l igion .

Le regne des ro is de France depu is Faramond jusqu ’


Louis I . 2. Charle s I I . a Lou is X I . 3 .

pCharles VII I . -H enr i

IV . 4. Louis X I I I . , Lou is X I V .

Vol . 4 i s a continuat ion by de Limie rs .M idd leton , Conyers . The his tory of the li fe of

M arcus Tul l iu s Cice ro Vol . 1,2 . London


Vol . 3 i s mis s ing. Vol . 1 i s of the sth ed it ion , vol . 2 o f the 6th .

Both volumes conta in the “D etur” p late of Harvard,Col lege

(N . Hurd, and autograph of John Adams .Misce l l aneous works . Contain ing al l his wri t

[ 167 ]

Page 177: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


M idd leton , Conyers . ( Continued)ings

,except the Li fe of Cicero . London M .

DCC .LI I . 4 v . Portrai t . Plates . Plan .

5 39There are manuscrip t notes in the margin by John Adams .Each volume has h is autograph .

M i ddlesex County, England . A pet i t ion of thefreeholders of the County of M idd les ex , pres ented to His Ma jes ty [George the 24thof May,

1 769 . [London Sm .

No . 2 inCal l in g attent ion to those gr ievances, o f wh i ch th is countyand the whole nation complain .

M iege , Guy. The anc ient s ea- laws of O le ron ,Wisby , and the Hanse-towns , s t i l l in fo rce .

Taken out of a French book , i n t it l ed , Les us 81coutumes de la mer . And rendred into Engl i sh

,f0 1 th e us e of navigat i on . London . M

CDLXXXVI [ 1 686 ] . F°

No . 7 i n

[The new s tate o f England . London ?

3 part s in 1 v .

The t itle-page and page s at the beginn ing and end are miss ing.

M i l lar, John . Observati ons sur la d i s t in ct ion de srangs clan s la soc i ét é . Par J . M i l l ard . Traduit de 1’Anglo is . d ’apre s la seconde éd i t ionAms terdam

,et se t rouve a Pari s . M .DCC .

LXXVI I I . 1 2°

M i ller , Ph i l ip . The gardener ’ s kalendar . 1 4thed it i on Prefixed , a short int roduct ion tothe s c i ence of botany

,i l lu s trated with copper

plates . London 1 765 .

The t itle-page conta in s an autograph o f John Adams .M illeran , René . Les t i t res . Dont on qual ifietoutes sort es de personnes ( In Richelet ,C . P . Les plus bel les le t t re s des me i l leursaut eurs francoi s . Pp . 325

—356 . B rus se l les .

168 ]

Page 179: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


M i rabeau , Honoré Gabri e l Riquetti , Comte de . Desl ett res de cachet et des pri sons d ’

état . [AnonPart ie Hambourg . M .DCC .LXXXI I .

M irabeau , Vic tor Riquett i, Marqui s de . Théori ede l ’ imp6t . [Anon PariS P] M .DCC .LXI .

M itford , Wil l i am . The hi s tory of Greece . Vol . 1 .

London . M DCC LXXXIV . Map .

Th i s f ir s t ed i t ion i s complete in four volumes .Mo lesworth , Robert , V is count . An account ofD enmark

, as i t was in the vear 1 692 . [Anon . ]London . 1 694.

— Same . 6th edit ion . Glasgow . MDCCLI I .Autograph : John Adam s .

Mo l iere . De l is t ige vryster, 6f de vers chalkte

voogd ; b lyspél . In vaerzen aan byzonderemaat

,n6ch rym . gebonden . Am steldam . 1 730 .

Vignette . No . 2 inAn adaptat ion o f L’

Eco le des‘

mar is .0

(Euvres . Nouvel le éd it ion . Tome 3 . Par is .M .DCC .LX .

Same . Nouvel le édi t i on . Tome 2—7 . Londres .M .DCC .LXXXIV .

Mo l loy, Charles . De ivre marit imo et naval i ; or ,a treat is e of affa irs mari t ime

,and of commerce .

8th ed i t ion . London . MDCCXLIV . Plates .

Montagu , Edward Wort ley . Reflect ions on the

ri s e and fal l of the ant ient repub licks . Adaptedto the p res ent s tat e of Great Bri ta in . 2d

ed it i on . London . MDCCLX .

Autograph : John Adams . I ncorrectly att ributed to Mon tagu ’ s tutor , Forster .

Mon taigne , Michel Eyquem de Es sai s,ave c les

notes de M . Cos te . Nouve l le éd i t ion . Lon

dres . M .DCC .LXXI . 1 0 V . Portrai t .

[ 170]

Page 180: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Montaigne , Michel Eyquem de . (Continued)Essai s . Nouve l l e édi t ion Ensemble la v iede l ’autheur . Amsterdam . M .DCC .LXXXI .

3 v . Port rai t .Montalte , Louis de , pseud . See Pascal , B .

Montesquieu , Charl es Loui s de Secondat , Baron dela Brede et de . Ebauche de 1’ éloge h i s toriquedu Mall de B erwick . ( In Fitjam es , Jame s , Dukeof B erwick . Mémoires . Vol . 1

,pp . xvi i

xlvi i i . Pari s .( Euvres . Nouvel l e éd it ion augmentée .

Amsterdam . M .DCC .LXXVI I . 6 V . Maps .

Contents . 1 -4. De l’

esp rit des lo i s . 5 . Let tre s persane s . 6.

Les cons idérat ion s sur les causes de l a grandeur des Romains81 de leur décadence . Le d ialogue de Sylla 81 d’Eucrate .

Le temp le de Gn ide . L’

e s sai sur l e gout , fragment .Re flect ion s on the caus es of the ri se and fal l ofthe Roman Empire . Trans lated from the

French . 4th ed it ion . Added,The éloge of

M . de Montesquieu,by M . de Maupertuis .

Glasgow . MDCCLVII I . Sm .

Monthly Antho logy, The . Vol . 7 , Septembe r .1 809 . [Bos ton No . 8 in 1 3 1 . 1 6

Monthly Magaz ine , The . Vol . 29, no . 1 95 . Pebruary 1

,1 8 1 0 . London 1 8 1 0 . 8


Monthly Review , The ; or Literary Journal , en

larged . Vol . 1 8 [2d s eri es ] , December, 1 795 .

[London No . 3 in- Same . Vol . 1 797 .

Montjoye , Chri s tophe Fe'

l ix Louis Ventre de LaTouloubre . Histo ire de la conj urat ion deLouis ~ Philippe

—Joseph d ’

Or léans , surnommé Egal i t e

. Par l ’auteur de l’

H is to ire

de la conjurati on de Maximi l ien Rob espie rre .

Paris . 1 796 . 3 v . Portra i t .Manuscr ip t notes, p robab ly by John Adams, in margin , havebeen cl ipped in b ind ing

Page 181: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Montp ens ie r , Anne Marie Loui s e d’

Orléans ,Duches se de . M émoires . Nouvel l e édit i on .

Maes tri cht . M .DCC .LXXVI . 8 v . Portrai t .

Th i s copy lacks the port ra it .M oral phi losopher , The . [Anon . ] See Morgan , T .

More , S ir Thomas . The l ife and re ign of K . Ed

ward V . and Richard I I I . Portrai t s . ( InHughes

, J ohn , comp il er . A complete h i s toryof EnO


land . Vol . 1,pp . 48 1

—5 1 3 . London .

The portrait s are miss ing in th i s copy.

Moreau , Jacob Nicolas . Pr incipes de morale,de

pol i t ique et de droi t publ i c ou di s courssur l

histo ire de France Pari s . M .DCCLXXVI I—M .DCCLXXIX 9 v . Portra it .

On each t itle-page i s wri tten : John Adams , Pari s , March 1 2,

1 780. Th is autograph has b een cut from top of tit le-page ofvol . 2 .

Moreau de Saint-Méry,M édér ic Loui s E l i e . A

topograph ical and pol i t ical descript ion of theSpani sh part of Sa int Domingo . Trans la tedfrom the French by Wil l iam Cobbett . Phi ladelph ia . 1 798 . 2 v .

Mo re l de Chédeville , E t ienne . Tam erlan , op éra ent ro i s a ctes . [Les parol es de M . Morel , l a mu

s ique de P . Winte r . ] Pari s . 1 8 1 5 .

Word s only.

Mo re l l , Thomas . Thesaurus Gra ca poesems ; s iveLexicon Gra co-

p rosodiacum : ve rsus , et syno

nyma comp lecten s Cui pra figiturDe poes i

, seu prosod iao

Gra corum t ractatu s .Etona . 1 762 . 2 V . 4


I n vol . I i s a portrait o f More l l engraved from a sketch byHogarth .

Moreri , Louis . Le grand d ict i onnaire h is torique ,

ou le mélange curi eux de l ’his to ire sacrée et p ro

[ 172]

Page 183: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Mo rse , Jedidiah . ( Continued)The Ame ri can geography ; or , a view of thep resen t s i tuat ion of the Unit ed State s of Ameri ca . Elizabe thtown . M


Maps .The . American universal geography . Bos ton .

MDCCXCI I I . 2 v . Plat e . M aps . 8°

Mo rs e , Jedid iah , and El ij ah Parish . A compen

dious his t ory of New England , de s igned fors chools and privat e famil i es . Charles town .

1 804. Map .

The f ly-leaf i s in scr ibed : Hon . John Q . Adams, Esq ., respectful ly from J . Morse .

Mort imer , Thomas . A new and comple te di ct i onaryof trade and commerce . London . MDCCLXVI

,MDCCLXVII . 2 v . Plate . Maps .

Plans . F°


Morton, Thomas . The new Engl i sh Canaan . Withintroductory matter and notes by Charl esFranc i s Adams , Jr . Boston . 1 883 . [PrinceSoc iety . Publ ica t i ons ] Sm .

Moshe im , Johann Lorenz von . An ecc les ias t icalh i s tory

,anc ient and modern . Trans lated

from the or iginal Lat in,wi th not es and chrono

logical tab les , by Archibald M acla ine . Firs tAmer ican edit ion . Phi ladelphia . 1 797, 98 .

6 v .

Mottev i l le , Franco i s e B ertaut de . Mémoires,pour

s ervi r a l ’histo ire d ’

Anne d’

Autriche,épous e

de Loui s X I I I . ro i de France . Amsterdam.

M .DCC .XXI I I . 5 v .

Motrin de la Balme , Elém ens de tact iquepour la cava ler ie . Pari s . M .DCC LXXVI


Plates .Autograph : John Adams .

— Essa i s sur l’

equ i tat i on Amsterdam 81 se

trouve aPari s . M .DCC .LXXII I . Plate .Autograph : John Adams

Page 184: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Mouffle d’

AngerV il le , V ie privée de Loui sXV

,ou principaux événem ens

,part i culari tés

et anecdotes de sOn regne . [Anon . ] London .


This book has been ascr ibed to Arnoux Laffrey, but bothQuérard and Barb ier att ribute i t to Mouffle d

Angervil le .

This ed it ion lacks the portra its . There are autographs ofJohn Adams , al so manuscript note s on the margin .

Mue l ler, Johann Chri s toph . B ohem iae regnum

[Tabula . Cum tabul i s c irculorum s ingulorum ] ex Mul lerian is al iisque chorograph ic is

subs idiis del ineatum nunc nov iter revisum et

em endatum per H omann iano s Heredes . Norimbergae . 1 742

—76 . 1 3 sheets . Various

s cales . Folded in cas e .

Murator i,Lodovico Antonio Annal i d ’ I tal ia da l

princ i p io del l ’ era volgare,s ino al l ’ anno 1 750 .

Napo li . MDCCLXX I I I . 1 2 v . i n 6 .

A cont inuation of th i s work i s on she l f-numberDell e ant ich ita es tens i ed i ta l iane . Parte prima .

Modena . MDCCXVI I . Plate . Genealogicalchart s . Vignettes . F


This copy lacks the p late .

Dis s ertazioni s op ra le ant ich i ta i tal iane . Operapostum a data in luce da l Proposto Gian—Francesco Sol i Muratori

,suo nipote . Milano . M

DCCLI . 3 V . Portrai t .Murray, Rev . John . Letters and ske tche s of s ermons . Boston . 3 v .

Th i s copy lacks the portrait .Murray, Lindley , compi ler . Extract s from thewritings of d ivers em inent authors , of di fferentrel igious denominati ons ; and at various periodsof t ime , represent ing the evi l s and pern i c iouseffect s of s tage plays , and other vain amusements . With some addit ions . Phi ladelph ia


1 799. 8°

[ 175 ]

Page 185: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Musée impéria l des monum ens franca i s . Histoi redes arts en France . Par A lexandre Lenoir .Pari s . M .D .CCCX . 1 2


Muyden , Johannes van . Compendiosa I n st itut ionum Jus tin ian i tractatio in usum co llegiorum .

Edit io 3a . U ltrajecti . M DC CCVI I [ s ic ] .

Contain s autograph s o f J er . Grid ley, Jo : Campbe l l , and J .Adams .

Naism ith , John . Observat ions on the d ifferentbreeds of sheep

,and the s tate of sheep farming

in the s outhern di s tri ct s of Scot land . Edinburgh . M


,XCV . L .

Nan i , Gi ovanni Batt i s ta Fel i ce Gaspare . His tor iade l la repvblica veneta [ 1 6 1 3 2a impress ione . Venet ia . M DC LXI I I .The t it le-page i s mu t ilated.

The h is tory of th e affa i rs of Europe in thi s present age

,but more part icularly of the Repub l ick

of Venice . Written in I tal ian . Engl i shed bySir Robert H onywood . London MDCLXX I I I . F


— I s to ria del la repubb l ica veneta [ aggiuntav i lavi ta de l l ’ autore da Zeno ] . Port ra i t . ( InI storici del l e co s e venezi ane . Tome 8

, 9. V e

nezia .

Nat iona l cal endar , The , and annals of the UnitedS tates ; for 1 820—22 ,

24, 29, 32—35 . By Peter

Force . Washington . 1 820—1 835 . Pl ates .

There were none pub l i shed fo r the years 1 825 , 26, 27 . Thereare two cop ie s for 1 820, 1 822, 1 824. The

“A” copy for 1 820contain s a p lan . I n the i s sues for 1 833 , 34, i s written : Hon .

J . Q . Adams , from Pe ter Force .

Naudé, Gabri el . B ib l iograph ia po l it ica . ( InWheare

,Degory. Relectiones hyemales de

rat ione legendi hi s t orias . Pp . 225292 . Cantabrigia . M . DC . LXXX IV . )Th i s has a separate t itle-page.

[ 176 ]

Page 187: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Ne therlands . Staten -Generaa l . Resolut ions importante s de leurs nobles e t grandes pui s sance sles état s de Hol lande et de West-Fri s e , pendantle m in is tére de Mr . Jean de Witt . Traduite s duho llando is . Amst erdam . M DCC XXV .

Two cop ies .Nev i l l e , Henry . Plato redivivus : or , a d ialogueconcerning government . [Anon . ] London .


On fly-leaf is written : T . Brand Hol l i s to J . Adams .New abridgment , A , of the law . By a gentl emanof the Middle Temple . See B acon , M .

New Annual Regis ter , The , or general repos ito ryof h i s tory

,pol it ic s

,and l i t erature . 1 780,

8 1, 98 .

London . 1 78 1—MDCCXCIX . 3 v .

New-England farmer, A . See Lowe l l , J .

New England M is s i s s ipp i Land Company . M emoria l of the agent s of the New England M i s s iss ipp i Land Company to Congres s

,with a V in

d icat ion of the ir t i t l e a t law annexed . [Cityof Washington . No . 1 inPresen tation copy with autograph to John Adams from PerezMorton .

A vind icat ion of the rights of the New EnglandMi s s i s s ipp i Land Company , by the agent s ofsaid Company . C i ty of Washington . 1 804 .

No . 2 i nNew-England patr iot , The . [Anon . ] See Lowe l l ,

J .

New Hampsh ire . Governor . Governor ’ s mes sage .

[June 2 ,1 8 1 9 . Concord .

New York , State . The cons t i tut i on of the Stateof New—York , together w i th the rules and o r

ders , s tanding committees , and l i s t of membersof the Senate 81 As s embly, fo r 1 826. Albany .

Map . Plans .— Report s of the proceedings and debates of the

[ 178 ]

Page 188: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


New York , State . ( Continued)Convention of 1 82 1 , a s sembl ed for the purposeof amending the Cons t itut ion

,of the State of

New York . By Nathan ie l H . Carter and Will iam L . Stone . Albany . 1 82 1 . Plan .

New-York Review,The . June

,1 825 , January , 1 826 .

[New York . 1 82 1,

No . 1 0,1 1 in

Newton , S ir I saac . The method of fluxions andinfin i te se rie s ; with i ts app l i cat ion to the geom etry of curve- l ines . Trans lated from theauthor ’ s Lat in original . Subjo in


pe rpetua l comment upon the whole work .

By John Cols on . London . M .DCC .XXXVI .

Plate . Diagrams . 4°

Page s and the two unnumbered page s are boundbetween pages 338 and 339 .

— Phi losophia natura l i s p r inc ip ia mathemat ica .

Edit io ult ima . Am sta lodam i . M .D .CCXXI I I .

Newton , Thomas , Bishop of B ri s tol . Dis sertat ionson the prophec ies , which have remarkably beenfulfi l l ed , and at th i s t ime are ful fi l l ing in the

world . London . MDCCLV I I I, MDCCL IX .

3 v.

V 01. 1 i s o f the 2d ed it ion . Each vo lum e has autograph o fEliz . Kemb le , and on f ly-leaf i s wr itten . L ibrary o f the Earlo f Shrewsbury. B el onged to the family of the “Pride o f theBrit ish stage” Kemb le .

N i cho l ls , John . Recol lect ions and reflect ions,per

sonal and pol i t ica l , as connected w i th publ i caffa irs during the reign of George I I I . London . v . 8


Vo l . 1 i s o f the 2d ed i t ion .

N icho ls , Will iam . Hsoi doywv l ib ri s eptem . Ac

cedunt Liturgica . L ond in i . 1 7 1 7 . 2 V. i n 1 .

Pla te .Has autograph : John Adams . The f i rs t part i s aa ppara hraseof the church catech ism in Lat in hexamete rs . The Liturgicacons ist s o f tran s lat ions o f some port ion s o f the Book ofCommon Prayer into Latin verse .

Page 189: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


N icholson , Wil l iam . The fi rs t princip le s of chemis try. 3d ed it i on London . M .CC .XCVI .Plate . 8 .

Autograph : John Adams , 1 796.

N ico lai , Chri stoph Fri edrich . V erze ichn iss e ine rHandbib l i o thek der nii tz lichs ten deut schenSchriften zum V ergnugen und Unterri chtewel ch e zu haben s ind bey Friedrich Nicolai

,in de s s en Buchhand lungen zu Berl in und

Stett in . 4 . Auflage . [Berl in ?] 1 795 .

Autograph : T . B . Adams .N ico lson , Wil l iam ,

B ishop of Carl i s l e . The Engl i sh hi s t o ri ca l l ibrary . In three parts . Giv inga short V i ew and character of most of our hi storians ei th er in print or manus crip t . 2d ed it ion , augmented . London . M .DCC .X IV .

FAutograph : John Adams .

N ieupoort , Will em Hendrik . Rituum,qu i o l im

apud Romanos ob tinuerunt , succincta exp l i cat io . Ed i t i o t ert ia pr ioribus mult o auct ior 81

num ismat ibus i l lus t rata . Trajecti ad Rhenum .

MD CC XXI I I . Plates . Tab les .N ieuwentyt , Berna rd . The rel igious ph i l os opher :or

,the right use of contemplat ing the works of

the Creator Trans lat ed by John Chamberlayne . London . 1 7 1 9, M DCC XX . 3 v .

Plat es .Vol . 1

, 2 are o f the 2d ed it ion . Th i s copy once containedautograph s of Joseph Add i son , and was in the l ib rary of theEar l o f Shrewsbury .

N iles , Samuel . The true Scri pture-doct r ine oforigina l s in s tated and defended . 2d

edi t ion . Premis ed , a br ief d i scours e on the

decrees of God Boston . 1 757 .

The last four pages are missing. Autograph : John Adams,1 75 7

[ 180]

Page 191: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


No rton , Jacob . ( Continued)January and February

, 1 8 1 9 ,before the Firs t

Rel igious Soc iety in Weymouth . Boston .

1 8 1 9.

Remarks on An addre s s from the Berean Societyof Universal i s t s in Boston , t o the congregationof the Firs t Church in Weymouth , i n answerto a se rmon de l ivered in sa id church , December 1 8, 1 808, ent i t l ed The will of God , respecting the salvat ion of al l men

,i l lus t rated .

” Also,

a few st ri ctures on a performance of SamuelThompson

,ent i t led “Universal res torat i on vin

d icated Bos ton . 1 809 . No . 8 i nThe t itle-page and several pages at the beginn ing o f th i s copyare mut i lated .

Seasonable and candid thoughts on human creedsor art i cl es of fa i th

,as re l igious tes t s


w ith an attempt to as certa in the truecharac ter of Jesus Chri s t By an orthodoxcl ergyman of Mas sachusett s . Bos ton . 1 8 1 3 .

No . 6 in 2 1 1 .3Th ings set in a proper l ight ; in answer to a l ett erfrom T . A . t o a fri end

,by an orthodox clergy

man of Massachuset t s . Bos ton 1 8 1 4. 4°

No . 8 1n No . 7 i nCont inues a controversy begun by the author in h i s Seasonable and cand id thought s on human creeds or art icles o f fa ith

answered by Rev . Thomas Andro s in h i sSeasonab le thoughts , etc . , in a let ter to a fr iend [No . l in

Norw ich Un i versity, Northf ield , Vt . A j ournal ofan excurs i on made by the corps of cadets


the Ame ri can Li terary,Sc ient i fi c and Mil itary

Academy , under Capt . Alden Partridge , June .

1 822 . Concord . 1 822 . No . 1,2 in

Not i ce sur la vie de S ieye s . [Anon . ] See Oelsner .

C . E .

Novus apparatus Graeco Lat inus,cum interpre ta

t ione Gal l i ca . [Anon See Jouvancy, J . de .

[ 182]

Page 192: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Novvel le méthode povr apprendre fac i l ement lalangve greqve . [Anon . ] See Lance lo t , C.


and others .Nugent , Thom as . The new pocke t d i ct ionary of

the French and Engl i sh languages . [Correctedand improved ] by J . S . Charrier . 3d ed i t i on ,enlarged . London . 1 78 1 . 2 v . in 1 . Sm .

Aut0graph : John Adams Paris , 20 March , 1 783 .


B eirne ,Thomas Lew is , B ishop of Meath . Re la

t i on naive et impart ia le des opérat ions de laflot te aux ordres du Lord Howe en Am ériquedepuis l ’arrivee de l ’es cadre de Toulon

,j usqu

au départ du ‘ Lord Howe pour l ’Angleterre .

Avec des obse rvat ion s . Par um offi c i er qui as ervi sur la flott e . Londres . M .DCC .LXXIX .

( In Affai re s de l’

Angleterre et de l’

Am érique .

Tome 1 3 , pp . cclxxx—cclxxxvij , cc lxxxix— cccxlvj . [Paris ]

Observat ions on modern gardening . [Anon . ] See

Whateley, T .

Obse rvat ions sur le t ra i té de pa ix conclu a Pari sle 1 0 févrie r 1 763 . [Anon . ] See Sainte-Cro ix


G . E . J . G . de Clermont-Lodeve .

Observat ions upon the s tatutes,chi efly the more

anci ent . [Anon . ] See Barr ington ,D .

Oce l lus Lucanus . Oce l lus Lucanus en Grec et enFranco i s ave c des dis sertat ion s sur les principa le s ques t ions de la métaphys i que

,de la phi

s ique , 81 de la moral e des anciens ; qui peuventservir de su it e a la Phi los ophie du bon sens


par M . le marquis d ’

Argen s . Utrecht . 1 762 .


Autograph s : John Adams .Oelsner , Conrad Enge lbert. Not ice sur la v ie deS ieye s . [Anon . ] En Suis se . MDCCXCV .

Portrai t . 1 6°

[ 183 ]

Page 193: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Ogi lvie ,Will iam . A11 es say on the right of propertyin land

,with respect to i t s founda tion in the law

of natu re ; i t s presen t es tabl i shment by themun ic ipal laws of Europe ; and the regulat ionsby which i t might be rendered more benefi cia lto the lower ranks of mankind . [Anon . ] London

Oldfie ld , Joshua . A11 es say towards the improvement o f reas on ; i n the pursuit of l earning andconduct of l i fe . London . M DCC .VI I .

Oldm ixon , John . The Brit i sh empi re in Ameri ca,

contain ing the hi s tory of a l l the B rit ishco loni es , 011 the cont inent and i s lands of America . In two volumes . [Vol . I . ] London .

1 708. M aps .Contain s autograph and seve ral page s of manuscrip t notes ofT . Prince . This volume be l onged t o the New England Library, now in the Boston Publ ic Library, and has the Princebook-p late .

Clarendon and Whitlock compar’

d . Occas ional ly added

,a compari s on be tween the H is tory

of the rebel l ion,and other h i s to ri es of the Civi l

War . By the author o f the Crit i cal his torvof England , 81 6 London . 1 727 . Sm .

On t itle-page i s autograph : James O t i s .The hi s tory of England

,during the re igns of the

royal Hous e of Stuart . By the authorof The cri t ica l h i s tory of England . London .

M .DCC .XXX . F°


Autograph : John Adams .Oldys , W i l l iam . The l ife of S ir Walter Ralegh


from hi s b i rth to hi s death on the s caffold .

[Anon . ] London . MDCCXL . Portrait .Sm .

“This seem s t o be an unauthorized reprint

,with numerous



ions , of O ldy’ s Life of Rale igh publ i shed ina in.

[ 184]

Page 195: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Ossat , Arnaud , Card inal d’

. Letres [ s i c ] , avec desnotes h i s to riques 81 pol i t i ques de Mr . Amelotd e la Hous sai e . Nouvel le éd it ion , augmentée Amsterdam . M .DCCVI I I . 5 v .

Portra it .Th i s copy lacks the portra it . The letters deal with affa i rsat the Papal court .

—Same . M .DCCXXXI I . 5 v .

Osterwa ld . Jean Frédéri c . Tra i t é contre l ’ impureté .

Amsterdam . M DCC VI I . Plate .

Autograph : John Adams . The t i t le—page has been mut ilatedfor autograph .

A treat i s e concern ing the caus es of the pres entcorrupt i on of Chri s t ians

,and the remed ies

thereof . ( In Watson , Richard ,ed ito r . A co l

l ect i on of theolog ical t ract s . Vol . 6, pp . 1 1 5

3 1 0 . Cambridge .

Oughton , Thomas . O rdo judiciorum ; s ive , methodus procendend i in nego ti is et l itibus in foroeccl es ias t i co-c ivi l i Britannico et H ibern ico .

Londin i . M .DCC .XXXVI I I . 2 v . L . 8°


Ovidius Naso , Publius . Metam orphoseon l ib ri XV .

I nterp retatione 81 not is il lus travit Dani el Chris

p invs Helvet ius ad usum sereni s s im i Delphin i .28 ed it i o . Lond ini . MDCCVI I I . Sm . 8



Au tograph s : Tho . Tryo-n, 1 7 1 1 ; J . Adams, Hague, 1 784.

Les oeuvre s d ’

Ovide , t raduct ion nouvel l e parMons i eur de M art ignac ; avec des remarques .1 e edit ion . Tome 1

, 3 , 5—9 . Lyon . M .DC .

XCVII . 7 V . Port ra i t . 1 2°

Latin and.

French upon opp os ite page-s . Vols . 1, 6, 7 have

engraved t i tle-page s .Opera omnia IV . vo lum inibus comprehensa ; cumintegris Jacob i M icy l l i , Hercul i s Ciofani , e t

Dan ie l is H eins ii not is , et Nicola i H e ins ii curi ssecundis cura et s tud i o Pet ri Burmanni


qui et suas in omne opus notas ad iecit . Ams te lodam i . 4 v. 4


Vol . 1—3 of th i s s et have engraved t i t le-page s .

[ 186 ]

Page 196: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


P Mr . de . See Pauw, C .

Padoano ,Pietro Gerardo

,pseud . See Faus to da

Longiano . S .

Paine , Thomas . Common s ense ; addres s ed t o theinhabi tant s of Ameri ca . Writ t en byan Engl ishman . 2d edi t i on Phi lade l phia .


8 . No . 2 inThe l ower part of page s 73—78 i s to rn off ; page 79 i s m i s s ing.

Palfrey, John Gorham . A his tory of New England .

New York . 1 866 . 2 v .

This s et has two cop ies o f Vol . 2 .

Paral le le de la conduit e des Carthaginoi s , a l’ egard

des Romains [Anon . ] See Séran de LaTour ,

Pareus , David . M i s cel lanea cateche t ica . In qu ibus p ra cipvi articvli rel igionis Chri s t iana i ntereuangel ico s reformatos , 81 heterodoxos controvers i

,persp i cue exp l icantur . ( In Urs inus ,

Zacharias . Corpus doctr ina Chri s tiana ec

cles iarum . Francoforti .

No . 2 inParis, Treaty of, 1 763 . Tra it é de paix entre le roi ,

le roi d ’

Espagne , et le roi de la Grande—Bretagne , conclu a Pari s le 1 0 févri er 1 763 . Avecl’

access ion du roi de Portuga l . Pari s . M .

DCCLXI I I . N0. I inParkinson Richard . The expe r ienced farmer


enti re new work,i n which the whole sy s tem of

agricul ture , husbandry and breed ing of catt le .

is exp la ined . Phi ladelph ia . 1 799. 2 V .

Parl iamentary Regi s t er , The . [Vol . No . 43

( or no . of the Se cond Ses s ion of the pre s ent[ 1 5th ] Parl iament . June 1 5 , 1 782 . House ofCommons . London .

The t it le i s on the cove r

Page 197: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Paruta, Paolo . Historia vinet iana . [Vita scri t tada Apos tolo Zeno . ] Venezia . MDCCXVII I .

2 v . Portra it . [ I s torici del l e cos e veneziane .Tome 3 , 4 1 4


4Th is covers the per iod from 1 5 1 3 to 1 573 .

The his tory of Venice,

Likewis e , the Warso i


Cyprus,by the same authour Made

Engl ish by Henry,Ea i l of Monmouth . Lon

don . 1 658. F°

Pas ca l , B lai se . Les provincia les,ou let t res écri t es

par Loui s de Montalte [ ps eud . ] a umprovinc ia lde ce s am i s

, et aux RR.PP . Jésu i te s , sur lamora le 81 la po l i t ique de ces peres , avec un d i scours pre

l im inaire [ par Et ienne Rondet ] contenant un abrégé de la vi e de M . Pascal , 81l’

his to ire des Provinc ial es . Nouvel l e édit ion .

[Pa i is . M .DCC .LIV . 24°

Autograph : John Adams .Pasor, Georg ius . Grammat ica Gra ca sacra Novi

Te s tamenti . Gron inga Fr is iorum . M D CLV .

[Manuale Nov i Tes tamenti , pra t er I ndicem anomalorum et difficiliorum vocabulorum Libe llumque de accent ibus . Ed i t i o correctior . Lips ia .

All before page 5 i s miss ing. Page 5 i s mut ilated . The t it le i ssuppl ied from the Brit i sh Museum Catalogue of printed books .

Pattee , Will i am Samuel . A h i s to ry of ol d Braint ree and Qu incy , with a sketch of Randolphand Holbrook . Quincy . 1 878. I l lus . Portrai t s . 8 .

Pau lus Warnefridi , Diaconus . De ge s tis Langobardo rvm l ibr 1 VI ( In Grot ius , Hugo . Historia Gotthorvm . Pp . 74 1

-932 . Am stelo

dami . MDC LV . )Pausan ias . Tfig


ifiog nepufiyno ig. Hoc est,

Pausania Accvrata Graeciae des cript io, qva

lector cev manv per eam regionem circvm

[ 188]

Page 199: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Peck , Wil l iam Dandridge . Natural hi s tory of thes lug worm . Bos ton . 1 799. Plates . 8


No . 2 in 290. 1 0

— Same . ( In Papers on agricul ture . Pp . 9—20 .

Boston . No . 4 in 290. 1 0

Pe irce, James . A tractate on church mus i c ; beingan


ext rac t from Pei rce ’ s Vindica t ion ofthe d i s s ent ers . London . M DCC LXXXVI .

No . 1 inPenn , John . Cr i t i ca l , poet i ca l , and dramat i c works .London . v . 250. 5

Pennsylvania . Act s of th e General Assembly .

Lancaster . 1 802 . 8°

The charters and act s of As s embly of the Province of Pennsylvania . Philade lphia . M DCCLXI I . 2 v . in 1 . F



Cons t i tut ion de la Républ ique de Pensylvan ie ,t e l le qu

’ el l e a été établ ie par la Commis s iongénéral e extraord inai re

,é lue a cet effet

, 81 ass emblée a Philadelphie , dans ses s éances , comm encées le 1 5 j u i l l et 1 776, cont inuées pardes ajournem ens succes s i fs , jusqu

au 28 s eptembre su ivant . ( In Frankl in , Benjam in . Lasc ience du Bonhomme R ichard . 4e éd it ion .

Pp . 82—1 45 . APhiladelphie . Se vend aPar i s .

The laws of th e Prov ince of Penns ilvania. Collected into one vo lume by order of the Governour and As s embly of the said Prov ince . Phi ladelph ia . Andr . Brad ford . 1 7 1 4. F



The original t it le-page i s mis s ing, and one in manuscr ip t issubst ituted for it .

Pensées sur l a révolut ion de l’

Am érique-Unie .

[Anon . ] See Pownal l , T .

Péréfixe , Hardou in de Beaumont de . His to ire duroi Henri le Grand . Revue , corrigée 81 augmentée par l ’auteur . Par i s . M .DCC .LXXVI .

[ 190]

Page 200: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Pernety, Antoine Joseph . Dis s ertat ion sur l’

Am é

rique et sur les naturel s de cett e part ie dumonde . ( In Pauw ,

Cornel i s . Reche rche sphi losophiques sur l es Améri ca ins . Vol . 3 , pp .

3— 1 36 .

Same . Dis sertat ion sur l’

Am érique et les Am éri

cains,contre le s reche rche s phi lo sophiques de

M . de P ( In Same . Vol . 2,1 1 6 pp .

Perpetual war , the pol i cy of Mr . Madi son . By aNew-England farmer . See Lowe l l , J .

Perrin,Jean Bapt i s t e . The elements of Engl i sh

conversat ion,with new

,fami l iar and easy dia

lognes , each preceded by a sui tab le vocabulary ,

in French,Engl i sh , and I tal i an . A new edi t i on ,

enlarged with a choice of Engl ish id ioms,

bV Chambaud . Naples . 1 8 1 4.

Perry, Sampson . A d isqui s i t ion of the stone andgrave l ; with stri ctures on the gout , when combined with those dis orders . 7th edit ion , en

larged . London M DCC LXXXV .

Peste l , Frederik Wi ll em von . Commentarii de Republ ica Batava . Lugdun i B atavorum . MDCCLXXXII .Fundamenta jur isprudentiae natura l i s . Ed i t i ot ert ia aucta . Lugduni B atavorum . MDCCLXXVI I . 8


Pet it , Emil i en . D is sert at ions sur des part ies intéres santes du droi t publ ic en Angleterre et enFrance Sur la l iberté personnel le . I e

part i e . [Anon . ] Geneve . M .DCC .LXXVI I I .

Petron ius Arb iter , Caius . Pétrone . Latin et franco i s ; t raduct i on enti ere , su ivant le manuscri tt rouvé a Belgrade en 1 688 Nouvel l eédi t ion Augmentée de l a contre—crit ique de

[ 19 1 ]

Page 201: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


P etron ius Arbiter , Caius . (Continued)Pétrone . Amsterdam . M .DCC .LVI . 2 v .

Plates .— Satyri con cvm Petron iorvm fragment is , nuncite rum l imatum 81 auctum s tudio M . Go ldast i

de Haim insfeldii . Accesservnt seor s im doctorum anno tat iones , s cho l i a , obseruat ione s

[ co l lectae a Georgio Erhardo ,i . e . M . C .

Lundorp ] . Francofvrti . M .DC .XXI .Autogr aph : John Adams .

Petrus Lombardus . Sentent iarvm l ib r i IV . quibusvniuersa theologia summa continetur . AbAntonio Monchiaceno Demochare Ros sona o

recognit i . Mogvntia . M .DC .XXXII .

Phaedrus . Fabl es de Phedre , avec des notes,deséc la i rci s s ements

, 81 un pet i t d ict ionna ire a la fin .

Par M Profes s eur au Col l e'

ge de Loui sle Grand [Bourgeo is ] . 3e éd i t i on Pari s .MDCCLXX .

Ph i lade lph ian ,A. , p s eud . See Walsh , R .

, Jr .Philadelph ien Le , a Gen eve , ou lett re s d

’un Am érica in sur la dern iere révolut ion de Genevepouvant s ervi r de tableau po l it ique de Geneve


en 1 784. Dub l in . 1 783 .

Philalethes , pseud . See Morgan, T .

Ph il ippe de Remi , Sire de B eaumano ir . Coustumes

de B eauvo is is . Ass is es et bons usages duRoyaume de Jerusal em , par Jean d

I bel in . Et

autres anc i ennes coutumes . Le tout t iré desmanuscri t s . Avec des notes 81 un glossa i re

,par Gaspard Thaumas de


La Thaumas s iere . Bourges . M .DC .XC 2 V . i n 1 .

FOn fly-leaf i s a comment on B eaum anor, apparently in thehandwrit ing of John Adams, cop ied from Barr ingt on ’ s Observat ions on the statutes .

Page 203: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


P i efre l in , J ero sm e,pseud . ( Continued)

s eigneurs les savet i ers, sur le Mont de la Savato

[Troyes 1 6°

No . 2 inTh ere is no t itle-page .


P ie rce , John , D .D . A d i s cours e del ivered, 9 Novem

ber,1 8 1 7 , the Lord

’ s Day after the complet ionof


a cen tury from the gathering of th e Churchin Brookline . Boston . 1 8 1 8 .

The church referred to i s the First Church o f Brookl ine .

Pre sentat ion copy of the author to John Adams .The right of private judgment in rel igion

,Vind i

cated agains t the c laims of the Romi sh church ,i n a Dudleian l ecture , del ivered before the

Univers i ty in Cambridge , 24 O ctober, 1 82 1 .

Cambridge . 1 82 1 . 8°

No . 1 3 in 2 1 1 .3Presentat ion copy of the author to John Adam s .

P igan io l de La Force, Jean A imar . Nouveauvoyage de France ; avec un it in éra ire , et descartes Nouvel l e éd it ion , augmentée .

Pari s . M .DCC .LXXX . 2 v .

P igott , Nathani el , and o thers . New precedentsin conveyanc ing : conta in ing curiousdraughts

,drawn or set t led by M r . Pig



,and other eminent hands ;

and now pub l ish’

d from origina l manus cript s .In the Savoy . M .DCC .XLI I . F


P i ll e t , René M art in . L’

Angleterre vue aLondrese t dans s es p rov inces

,pendant um s e


j our de d ixannées

,dont s ix comme pri s onn ier de guerre .

Pari s . 1 8 1 5 .

P indar. Ep itome ac svmma vn iversa I liados H0

meri,Pindaro Thebano auctore . ( In Homer .

Qva extant omnia Co lumns 428—443 .

Bas i lea . [MP itt , Will i am , of Pendeford Genera l vi ew of theagricul ture of the County of S ta fford : w i th observat ion s on the means of its improvement .London . M DCC XCIV . Sm .

[ 194]

Page 204: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Plan of a treaty of commerce , to be entered intobetween the i r High Might ine s ses th e Es tatesof the Seven United States of Hol land , and1 3 United State s of North—America

8° No . 6 in

P lat ina,Barto lommeo . Historia B . Plant inae de

V i t i s pon t ificvm Romanorvm . A d . 11 . I esv

Chri s to vsqve ad Paulvm I I . Cv i ,Onvphrii opera

,rel iquorum pontificum

vitae,vsque ad P

'ium V . 81 Anton ii Ciccarel lae ,vsque ad Clem entem VI I I . ad iuncta sunt .Accesservnt nvnc demvm omn ivm pontificvm

vera effigie s Colonia . M .D .C . Port ra i t s . Vignettes .There i s a manuscr ip t index at the end . Pp . 3

—14 are miss ing.

Opus,de V it i s a c ges t i s summorum pont i fi cvm

ad S ixtum I I I I . deductum Acces s it .brevi s Romanorum pont ificum , con

s i l iorum sub i l l i s celebratorum 81 imperatorum

catalogus . [Lugdun i B atavorum P] M . DC .


Probably p rinted at Leyden . On fly-leaf o f th is copy at end


hialmuel Mathe r H is Book i f h i s father wi l l please to give

P lato . d rmvog 011101111 01 omC6neva . Platonis

opera qua extant omn ia . Ex nova Ioanni sSerrani interp retat ione , H enr . S tephanide quorundam locorum interpretat ione . indicum , 81 multorum contextus Gra c i emendat io .

[Par i s i i s . ] Excvdebat Heur . Stephanvs . 1 578.

3 v . FGreek and Lat in in p ara l le l co lumns . Autographs : John andJ . Q . Adams .Tof


i fi eiovHitdm wog Astowt a 061C6u8v01. D ivin iPlatonis Opera omnia qva exs tant . Mars i l ioFic ino int erprete . Vita Platon is a Diogene Laert io ,

Timoei Locri opusculumal iaque plurima , huic edit ion i acces serunt .

[ 195 ]

Page 205: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Plato . ( Continued)Adiectus es t index . Geneva . M . D . XC .

Autograph : John Quincy Adams .Les oeuvre s de Platon , t raduites en francoi s ,avec ( l es remarques . Par M . Dacier [M . de

M aucro ix,M . Rac ine et Jean Grou ] . Pari s .

M .DCC .LXXI . 7 V . [B ibl iotheque des anc iems ph i lo sophes . T . 3 1 33 .2

On t itle-page o f vol . 1 i s the autograph . J . Adams . At the endo f the same vo lume are manuscr ip t comments by John Adams .The Republ i c of Plato . In t en books . Translated from the Greek by H . Sp ens . W ith aprel iminary dis cours e concern ing the philosophy of the anc ient s by the trans lator . Gla sgow . M .DCC .LXI I I . Sm .

The t i t le-page i s mutilated for au tograph . There are manus cr ip t annotation s in the margins , by John Adams .La répub l ique de Platon , ou D ialogue sur l a j ust ice . [Tradu i t par J . Grou . ] Pari s . M .

DCC .LXI I . 2 v .

Plato red ivivus . [Anon . ] See Nevil le , H .

Plautus,Titu s Maccius . Comoed ia . Accedit

comm entarivs ex var iorum not i s 81 observat ion ibus

,ex recens ione Ioh . Frede r ic i Gronovn .

Edit io nov i s s ima . Am stelodam i . M DCLXXXIV . 2 v . Engraved t i t l e-page . 8


Autograph s : John Adams .The merchant , t rans lat ed from P lautus [byGeorge Colman ] . ( In Terentius Afer, Publ ius .

The comedi es of Terence . Vol . 2,pp . 30 1


London . MDCCLXVI I I . )P layfa i r , Will iam . The his tory of Jacob ini sm

,i t s

crimes,crue lt i es and perfid i es . With an

appendix , by Peter Porcup ine [ ps eud . of Will iam Cobbet t ] . Phi ladelph ia . 1 796 . 2 v .

Playford , John . The whol e book of Psa lms : withthe usual hvmns and sp i ri tual songs . With

[ 196]

Page 207: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Plutarchus . ( Continued)Les vies de s hommes i l lus tres , t radu ite s en francoi s , avec des remarques h i s toriques 81 cr it iques ,pa r M r . Dac ier . Nouvel l e édi t ion , sevue 81

corrigée . Tome 1 —1 5 . Pari s . M .DCC .

LXXVI I I 1 4 V .

Tome 1 1 i s entitled , Supplémen t aux Vies tomes 1 3- 1 5are ent itled , (Euvres morales , traduites en Franco i s, parM . l

abbé R i card .

Vita paral l ela , cum s ingulis a li quot . Graece et

Lat ine Adduntur variantes lectione snotae et indices Recensuit August inus B ryanus Londini . MDCCXXI I IXX IX . 5 V . Portrai t s .Vol s . 2—5 ar e dated 1 723 , 24, and are ent it led H o réoxovnan nl a , i


] Bior P lutarchi Paral le la , s eu vitaparal le la . Vol . 1 contain s an addre s s to the reader by Mos esDu Sou l .

Poetae minores Gra c i Qu ibus subjungitureorum pot iss im i

im qua ad philosophiam moralem pert inent

,i ndex ut i l i s . Accedunt et iam

observat iones Radulphi W intertoni in Hes io

dvm . Cantabrigia . MDCC .

Autograph : John Adams .Pol ignac , M elch ior de , Cardinal . L


poéme sur la rel igion naturel l e . Tradui t parM . de Bougainvi l l e . Bruxel l es . M .DCC .LXXI I . 2 v .

Preceded by D iscours p rél iminaire and El oge de M . le Card ina l de Po lignac, par Claude Gros de Boze . Book-p lates :John Qu incy Adams .

Po l it i ca l (Economis t,The ; and emporium of s tat i s

t i ca l ph i lo s ophy . By a soc i ety of gent lemen .

Vol . 1,no . 1 . Bal t imore . 1 824 . 8


There i s no t itle—page .

Po l it ique hollandai s,Le . Tome 1 —4. [ 1 2 fév

1 78 1 1 0 fév .,

Amsterdam . [ 1 78 1

There are four cop ies o f vol . 2, f ive o f vo l . 3 , and three o fv01.

_4. This pe riod ical was publ i shed weekly, and deal t with

pol it ical affa irs in Holland and Europe.

[ 198 ]

Page 208: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Po lyb ius . Les h is to ires de Polybe . Avec les fragmens ov extrai t s dv me sm e avthevr, contenantla p luspart des ambassade s . De la traduct ionde P . DV Ryer . Pari s . M .DC .LXIX , M .DC .

LXX . 3 v .

All the vo lume s contain the book-plate o f the R ight H on :ble

Charles Moore, ;Lord Tul lamoore .

The history of Polyb ius : princ ipa l ly of theRoman peop le

,during the fi rs t and s econd

Punick Wars . Trans la ted by Si r H [ enry ]S [heeres ] . Added

,A characte r of Polybius

and his writ ings . By Mr . Dryden . 2d edi t ion .

London . M DC XCVII I . 3 v . in 2 . Maps .


101 001661! 101 000C6uev01. H is to r iarvm l ib ri qui su

persunt , i nterprete I saaco Casaubono . I acobvs

Gronovivs recensuit . Am s te lodam i . M DCLXX . 3 v .

Pompadour , Jeanne Antoinett e Po is son , Marqui sede . Memoi rs of the Marchiones s of Pompadour . Written by hers elf Trans latedfrom the French . London MDCCLXVI .

2 v .

I t i s bel ieved that Madame de Pompadour d id not write theseMemoirs . Autograph i n vol . 2 : John Adam s .

Pope , Alexande r . Works . In s ix volumes . [V O] .

With the commentari es and note s of Mr .

Warburton . Dubl in . M DCC LI I I .Contents . 1 . Juven ile poems .Works . Vol . 2— 5 . Edinburgh . MDCCLXIV .

Plate s . Sm .

Contents — 2. Moral es says , sat ires , &c . 3 . Dunc iad . 4. M iscel ~laneous p ieces in prose . 5 . Letters, vol . 1 .

Vol . 5 i s muti lated, and after page 404 leave s are want ing.

Vol s . 2—4 have book-p l ate : John Quincy Adam s .Works . In four volume s

,complete . Vol . 3 , 4 .

Ed inburgh . MDCCLXIV . Sm .

Contents . 3 . All h i s miscel lan ie s in prose,and part o f h is

letters . 4. The re st o f h i s le tters , and wil l .Vol . 3 has autograph : John Adams .

Page 209: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Porcup ine , Peter, pseud . See Cobbett , W .

Portenari , Angelo . Del la fe l ic i ta di Padova l ib r inove

,nel l i qual i s i raccontano gl i anti ch i ,

e modern i suoi pregi, 81 honori , et i n part icolare

s i commemorano l i cittadinj suo i i l lu s t riPadova . 1 623 . I l lus . Plans . F


Pot te r , John , Archb ishop of Canterbury . Archa o

l ogia Gra ca : or , the ant iqui t i es o f Greece .

4th edit ion . Vol . 1 . London . M DCC xx1 1 .

Plates . Plans .Vol . 2 i s mi ss ing. Au tograph : John Adams .

Pouchot , Mémoire s sur la dern iere guerrede l ’Ame


rique s eptentr ionale , entre la Franceet l

Angleterre [ 1 7 54—60] Yverdon . M .

DCC .LXXX I . 3 v . Maps .Poul lain de Saint Foix, Germain Fran co i s . The

hi s tory of the City of Pari s ; or anecdot es concern ing the origin and improvements of thatcelebrat ed cap i ta l . Trans lated from mons ieurde St . Foix . ( In Trans lat ions from the FrenchBy D . Y . Lynn .

Powe l l , John Jos eph . Essay upon the law of cont racts and agi eements . Dubl in . 1 796 . 2 v .

in 1 . 8 .

B ook-plate : John Qu incy Adams .Powna ll , Thomas . The admini s t rat ion of the

colon ie s . 6th edit ion . London . M .DCC .LXXVI I . 2 V . 8


On f ly-leaves of bo th volumes i s writ ten : Govr Pownal lpre sen ts as a Te st imony of h i s Es teem 81 Re spect s th i s Copyof the fol lowing work to M r. Adams .”

A memorial add res sed to the sovere ign s of America . 1 39 pp . ( In his Amem orial , most humblvaddre s s ed t o th e sove i eigns of EuropeLondon [ 1 780. No . 2 in

— A memorial,most humbly addres s ed to the

sovere ign s of Europe , on the present s tate of


Page 211: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Pries t ley , Jos eph . ( Continued )A11 e s say on the fi rs t pr inciple s of government ,and on the na ture of pol i t i ca l

,c ivi l

,and rel igious

l iberty , including remarks on Dr . Brown’ s Code

of educati on,and on Dr . B alguy

s Sermon onchurch authori ty . 2d edit ion

,enlarged . Lon

don. M DCC LXXI .Experiments and observati ons on d iffe rent kindsof ai r . London . MDCCLXXV—MDCCLXXIX . 3 v . Plates . 8Vo l s . 1 and 2 are of the 2d ed i t ion .

Experiments and obse rvat ions relat ing tovarious branches of natural phi losophy ; witha cont inuation of the Observati on s on a ir .

London . MDCCLXXIX [.vol . 2 ,B irmingham .

2 v . Plates .An his to ry of early op in ions concern ing JesusChri s t p roving that the Chri s t ian churchwas at fi rs t Unitarian . Bi rmingham . MDCCLXXXVI . 4 v . Chart . 8 .

Vol s . 1,2 of th i s copy contain manuscr ipt notes by John

Adams .Phi lo soph ical empi ric i sm : contain ing remarkson a charge of p lagia r ism respec t ing Dr . H —s


interspers ed with various observat ions relat ingto d i fferent kinds of ai r . London . 1 775 .

No . 1 inPrim it ia et rel i quia . [Anon . ] See We l les ley , R .

C Marques s of Wel l es l ey .

Pr inc ip les of law and gove rnment , with An inquiryinto the jus t ice and pol i cy of the pre s ent war


and the mos t effec tua l means of obtain ingpeace . London . MDCCLXXXI . 2

parts in 1 V . Sm . 1. p .

The“present war was the American Revolut ion .

Proces-verba l de l im ite s avec le canton de Berne .

du 1 5 novembre 1 774. rat i fi é par le roi [ de


Page 212: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Procés-verbal de l imi te s ( Continued)France ] le 9 avri l 1 775 . Pari s . M .DCCLXXV . No . 7 i n

Procop ius Caesariens is . De bel lo Gothorvm l ib riI I I

,per Chris tophorvm Personam Romanum ,

p riorem S . Balb ina in Lat inum traductus . ( InZos imus . H is toriarum l ibri VI . Pp . 246

42 1 . Aure l iae Al lobr . MDCV . )De bel lo Pers ico l ibri I I

,Raphae l e V o laterrano

in terpre te . De bel lo V and ilico l ib ri I I . ( InSame . Pp . 1 1 7

—244. Aurel i ae Al lobr . MDCV . )

Procop ii rhetoris et h istorici de I vs t in iani Caesari s aedific i js Orat iones sex

,Arnoldo V esal iens i

interprete . ( In Same . Pp . 422—456 . Aure l iae

Al lobr . MDCV . )Vandal i ca et Gotth ica . Emendata p lurim is

loci s : accedent ibus supp lem entis é m anuscr ipt i s : s ic ve rsa Lat ine ab v one Gro t io . ( InHi s toria Go tthorvm , V andalorvm , 81 Langobardorvm . Pp . 1—604. Am s telodam i . M

DC LV . )Produ it , Le , et le droi t des commune s . See La

Mai l lardi e re , C . F . L .,V icomte de .

Pto lemaeus , Claudius . Geographiae l i bri octoGra co -L at in i Lat in e primum recogniti 81 emendat i , cumtabul i s geographic is ad mentem auctori s re s titut is per Gerardum Mercatorem : j amve ro ad Gra ca 81 Lat ina exemplaria 81 PetroMontano it erum recognit i , et pluribus loc i scas t igat i . Adjecta insupe r ab eodem nominarecentia e t a quipo l len t ia ex var ij s aucto r ibus

veteribus et recent iorib . magna cura col lecta,

i n gratiam et usum geographia s tudioso rum .

Agnsterodam i . 1 605 . 28 maps . Portrai t .

F No . 1 in

[203 ]

Page 213: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Pucho l , Sebas t ian . [The rud iment s of the Spani shgrammar . Adapted from Capt . John Stevens ’ 3grammar . London ? 1 72The t itle—page i s miss ing, and the above t it le i s suppl ied .

byconj ecture . Contain s the book-plate o f W i l l iam Glanv i l leBoscawen .

Pufendo rf , Samuel , Freiherr von . The complea thi s tory of Sweden Trans lated from the

original H igh Dutch and continued .

to th i s pre s ent year . [By C . Brockwel l .London 1 702 . 8


Both cove r s are gone , and severa l leaves are mut i lated .

De jure natura et gent ium l ibr1 octo . Lond in i

Scanorum . M DC LXXI I . Sm .

O f th e law of na ture and nat ion s . Doneinto Engl i sh by Bas i l Kennet t . To whi ch are

added al l the large notes of Mr . B arbeyrac ,trans lated from the bes t edi t i on . 4th edit ion .

Prefixed,Mr . B arbeyrac

s prefatory di scourse .

conta in ing An hi s tori ca l and cri t i cal accountof the sc ience of moral i ty Done intoEngl i sh by M r . Carew of Lincoln ’ s Inn . London . MDCCXXIX . F


Autograph : John Adams .Pu lton, Ferdinando . [ Col lect ion of s tatutes , re

peal ed and not repealed . LondonSm .

The t i t le—page is l acking, and the above conj ectured t i t le anddate are taken from Anthony 11 Wood ’ s Athena Oxon ienses .

This book may b e Pu l ton ’ s Abstract of al l the p enal s tatute s( d ige sted alphabe t ical ly) . I t i s in poor cond i t ion .

Purchas , Samuel . Pvrchas h is pi lgr image . O rRe l at i on s of the world and the re l igions oh

s erved in al l ages and place s d iscouered,from

the creati on vnto th i s p re s ent . In fovre parts .

2nd edi t ion . London . 1 6 1 4 . F°


The t itle-page contain s an autograph of J . Adams .Pursu i ts , The , of l it e rature . [Anon . ] See

Mathias,T . J .


Page 215: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Quincy,Jos iah . ( Continued)

The hi story of Harvard Un ivers i ty . Boston .

1 860 . 2 V . Plates . Facs imi les . Vigne t tes .

“For the Adams ’ L ibrary in the town of Quincy from E l i zaSusan Quincy ’

Memoir of the li fe of Jos iah Quincy,j un . of Mas

sachusetts : by hi s son,Jos iah Quincy . Boston .

1 825 .

For the Adams ’ Library, in the Town o f Quincy, from Jos iahQuincy .

Remarks on some of the provi s ions of the laws ofMas sachusett s

,affect ing poverty, vice , and

cr ime . Cambridge . 1 822 . 8°

On pr i son s in Massachu sett s .

Quint il ianus , Marcus Fabius . Préceptes de rhe'


rique,t i rés du Quint il ien , a l

’usage des éco l i e rs .Pari s . M .DCC .LXXI I I .

Rabe lais, Francoi s . ( Euvres , publ i ées sous le t i trede Fait s et dit‘s du géant Gargantua et de sonfi l s Pantagruel

,avec des remarques his

toriques 81 c ri t ique s de mons ieur Le Duchat ,sur tout l ’ouvrage . Nouvell e édi t ion [Par is ]M . DCC . XXXI I . 6 v . Portra i t . Plates .Map .

Racine , Jean ( Euvres . Nouvel le éd i t ion augmen tée . Tome 1 . Amsterdam . M .DCCXXI I . Plates .

(E uvre s . Nouvel l e édi t ion , p lus correct e 81 p lu sample que le s précédentes . Pari s . M .DCC .

LXX . 3 V . I l lus . Vignette s .

Radc l iffe ,John , M .D . Pract ica l d ispensatory .

Contain ing prescr ipt ions,fi t t ed for a l l

d is eases . [Edi ted ] by Edward S trother . 5thed it ion

,with addi t ion s . London . M .DCC .


Severa l page s have manuscr ip t notes in the margin .

Page 216: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Raguenet , Franco i s . Histoi re du Vicomte de Turenne . Nouvel le édit ion . Pari s . M .DCC .

LXXI I . Plates .Ralegh , Sir Walte r , The l ife of . [Anon . ] See

Oldys , W .

Ram say, David . The hi s tory of the Ameri can Revolution . Phi ladelph ia . M .DCC .LXXXIX . 2

v 8°

Autograph in vo l . 2 : John Adams .Rap in-Thoyras , Paul de . The h is tory of England .

Trans lated into Engl i sh with addit i ona l notes ,by N . Tindal . 2d edi tion . London M DCCXXXI I

.M DCC XXXII I . 2 v . Maps .

Tables . Genea logi cal charts . Vignettes .

FAutograph in vol . 1 : John Adams .

Rastel l ,Wil liam . A col l ect ion of entree s,of declar

at ions,barres

,rep l i cat ions

,re io inders , i s sues ,

verdi t s,

and diners other matters . Newlyamended , and enlarged [London ]1 596. F



The t it le-page of th i s copy is missing. Book-plate of JohnConduitt .

Ravanne , Cheval ier de , ps eud . See V arenne , J .

Raymond , Sir Robert , I s t Baron Raymond . Re

port s of cases argued and adjudged in the

Court s of Ki ng ’ s Bench and Common Pleas,

in the reigns of the late King Wil l iam,Queen

Anne,King George the Firs t

,and Ki ng George

the Se cond . 2d edi t i on with addit i onalre ferences to the former and later reports


George Wi lson . London . MDCCLXV . 3 v .

8Vo l . 3 i s ent itled Entr ies o r plead ings , in many o f the case sreported by Raymond, re ferr ing to th ose cases Co llected by George W il so in .

~ Autograph in vo l . 3 : John Adamst itle-page o f vo l . 1 , 2 muti lated for autograph .

Raymond,Si r Thomas . Report s of divers special

case s adjudged in the Court s of Ki ng’ s Bench,

[207 ]

Page 217: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Raymond , Si r Thomas . (Continued)Com omn Plea s , and Exchequer , in the reign ofKing Charle s I I . 2d edi t ion , correc ted ;with addit ional references ; and threetables . In the Savoy . 1 743 . F



Autograph : John Adams .Raynal , Gu i l laume Thomas Franco is , abbé . Histo i re du Parlement d ’

Angleterre . Nouvel l eédi t i on

,augmentée . Londre s . M .DCC .

LI . 2 v .

H is to i re du s tadhouder'

at , depui s son origine jusqu

a présent . 6e éd it i on . [Am s terdam P]M .DCC .L . 2 v . V ignettes .

His to i re phi lo sophique et pol i t ique des établ i s s emens et du commerce des Européen s dans l e sdeux Indes . Geneve . M .DCC .LXXX . 5 v .

Portra i t . Plates . Maps . Tables .Contents . 1-4. Text . 5 . Atl as .

A ph i losoph ica l and pol it i ca l h i s tory of the se tt l ements and trade of th e Europeans in the EastandWest Ind i e s . Trans lat ed from the Frenchby J . Jus tamond . 3d ed it ion . London . MDCCLXXVII . 5 V . Portra it . Map .

Staatsomwente ling van Amerika . Uit hetFransch . Amsterdam . MDCCLXXXI .Two cop ies .

Read ing , Danie l . The c l erk ’ s ins t ructor in thepract i ce of the Courts of King ’ s B ench andCommon Pleas . 2d edi t i on . By an atto rneyat law . In the Savoy . MDCCXLI . 2 v .

Sm .

Autograph : John Adams .Réal de Curban , Gaspard de . La s cience du gou

vernem ent,ouvrage de morale , de dro i t et de

po l i t i que Pari s M .DCC .LX IM .DCC .LXVI . 8 v . Port ra i t .

V 01. 6 was printed at Aix—la-Chap el le ; vol s . 7, 8, at Amsterdam .

[208 ]

Page 219: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Reflexions upon the devotions of th e RomanChurch . With the prayers

,hymns 81 le s sons

th emse lves , taken out of the i r authentick books .

London . 1 674 . Plate . S 111 .

On f ly-l eaf i s written Hannah Gardne r from her Father , 1 764 ;a l so autograph of J ona. Amory

, 1 786. Book-p late (muti lated )of B enj . Andrew s , J un , N . Hurd , engraver .

Regnard , Jean Franco i s . CEuvre s ; nouvel le éd it i on revue , exactement corrigée , 81 conformea la représenta t ion . Par is . M .DCC .LXXVII I . 4 v .

Contents . 1 . Ave rt is sement sur la vie et l es ouvrages deRegnard . Voyage de Flandres , et de Hol lande . Voyagede Lap on ie . Voyage de Po logne . Voyage d’Al lemagne .

La provenca le , oeuvre posthume . Voyage de Normand ie .

Voyage de Chaumont . 2. Coméd ie s : La sérénade ; Le bal ;Le j oueur Le d i s trait ; Attendez-moi sous l ’orme . 3 . Coméd ie s :D ém o cr ite ; Le re tour imprévu ; Les fol ie s amoureuse s ; Lemariage de la fo l ie ; Les M énechmes , ou l es j umeaux. 4.

Coméd ie s : Le légata ire un iverse l ; La cr it ique du Légataire ;Les souha its ; Les vendange s , ou le bail l i d ’

An iéres . Sapor,tragéd ie . Le carnava l de Ven i se , ballet . Poés ies d iverse s .

Régnier , C laude Ambroi s e , Duc de Massa . See

Recue i l des lo ix cons t i tut ive s des colon ie sanglo ises .

Reichard , He in ri ch Augus t O t tokar . I t inéra i rede poche de l ’Al lemagne et de la Sui s se , avecles routes de Pari s et de Pétersbourg. Fran cfort M . 1 809. Map .

Re id , Mr . American res ident in London .

Bib l iotheca Amer icana ; or, a chronologica lcatalogue of the most curious and interes t ingbooks

,pamphlet s , s tat e papers , 81 c .

,upon the

subj ect of North and South Ameri ca,from the

earl ies t period to the pres ent , i n print andmanuscrip t [Anon . ] London . MDCCLXXXIX .

Autograph : J . Q . Adam s .Re l igio clerici . London . 1 68 1 . Plate .

The top o f the f ir s t page o f p reface i s cut .Remarks on Johnson ’ s Li fe of Mi l ton . [Anon . ]

See B lackburne , F

Page 220: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Rem embrancer, The ; or, an impart ial repos itory ofpubl i c event s . [Vol . I I I , part 2 . London .

No . 1 2 i nSame . For the year 1 777 . London 1 778 .

The front isp iece i s a portrait of Frankl in “engraved from an

original p icture by J nO. Lodge .

Réponse a l ’H isto ire des oracle s , de Mr . de Fontenel le . [Anon . ] See B altus , J . F .

Repos i to ry,The . Contain ing various pol i t ical ,

phil osoph ical,l i terary

,and miscel laneous art i

cle s . Vol . 2 , part 2 . [Jan 1,

London .

MDCCLXXXIX . 2 v . in 1 .

Reresby,Tamworth . A miscel lany of ingen ious

thoughts and ref lect ions , i n ve rse and pros e .London . MDCCXXI .

Respons io Rem onstrant ivm ad libel lum cui t i tuluses t

,Spec imen calvmn iarum atque he terodoxa

rum op in ionum , ex Rem ons trant ium ,Apologia

excerp tarum . Instar prodromi in lvcem emissum per quatuor profes sore s Leyden ses . Harderwic i . 1 63 1 . Sm . No . 5 in

Retz, Jean Francoi s Paul de Gondi , Cardinal de . Laconj urat ion du comte Jean-Loui s de Fiesque .

( In h i s Mémoires . Tome 4, pp . 33 5—42 1 .

Geneve . MDCCLXXVI I . )Relates to the h i s tory of Genoa.

Mémo ires , contenant ce qu i s ’e s t pas s é de re

marquab le en France pendant les premieresannées du regne de Loui s X IV . Nouvel l eédi t ion . Geneve . M DCC LXXVI I . 4 V .

Each vo lume has autograph : John Adams .Review of Amer ican un ita r iani sm . [Anon . ] See

Evarts, J .

Ricard , Samue l . Tra it é généra l du commerce.

Ed i t ion refa i te , rédigée 81 cons idérablem ent augmentée par Mr . de M [Thomas

[21 1 ]

Page 221: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Ri card , Samuel . ( Continued)Antoine Mari en . ] Amsterdam . MDCCLXXXI . 2 v .

0 11 verso of cove r i s wr itten : A Son Exce l lence MonsieurAdams de la part de son tres humb le 81 tres ob é is san t Serv i teurT . A. Marien .

Riche let , César Pierre . Dict ionnaire de la languefranco i s e , anc ienne et moderne . Nouvel l eédi t i on

,augmentée d ’un tre s-grand nombre d ’

art i c le s . Lyon . B ruyset-Ponthu s . M .DC .C .

LIX . 3 v . F°

Same . Lyon . Chez les freres Dupla in . M .

DC .C . LIX . 3 V . F°


Richelet , Césa r Pierre , edi tor . Les p lus bel les l ett res des mei l l eurs auteurs fran co i s

,avec des

not es . Augmentées des t i t res dont on qual i fi etoutes sortes de pers onnes

,par le S i eur de

M i l l eran . B russ el les . 1 696 . Engraved t i t l epage . Portra it . 1 2


Les p lus bel l es l ett res franco i s e s sur tout es s ortesde suj et s

,t i rées des mei l l eurs auteurs

,avec des

notes . Tome I I . A la Haye .Engraved t i t l e-page .

Ri che l ieu, Armand Jean du Ples s i s , Card inal , Ducde . Tes tament pol it i que . [Avec les Obs ervat ion s de l ’abbé de S . Pierre . ] ( In Recue i l destes tamen s po l i t i ques . Vol . 1 ; 2, pp . 1 - 257 .

Amsterdam .

Somet imes attr ibuted to P . H . Du Chastelet .Ri cher, Adri en . Essa i sur les grands événem ens

par l es pet i te s cause s , t irée de l’

h i s to ire . Nouve l l e édi t ion . [Anon . ] Geneve

,et se t rouve

aParis . M .DCC .LXXI I I . 2 v .

Vie de Jean-Bart,chef d ’

escadre s ous Lou is XIV .

[Anon . ] Am s t erdam . M .DCC .LXXX I . Port ra it . 1 2


Conta ins a l is t of naut ical terms .


Page 223: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Roberts , Lewes . ( Continued)en larged . London . MDCLXXVI I .

Maps . F°


Th i s book contains the autograph o f Thomas Prince, and h i sbook-plate o f the N . E . Library .

Robert son , Will iam ,(1 . 1 686 . Thesaurus Gra ca

l ingua,in epitomen

,s ive compendium ,

t e

dactus ; e t alphabet ice , s ecundum Constant in im ethodum , et Schrevel ii

,referatus . Canta

brigia . 1 676 . Sm .

Au tograph s : Abrah am Dawson , 1 701 , Joseph Dawson , 1 7 1 3 ,and John Adams , London , 1 783 .

Robertson , Will iam . 1 72 1— 1 793 . L

his to ire del’

Amérique . Traduit e de l ’Anglois Par i s .

M .DCC LXXVII I . 4 v . Map s .Same . Nouvel le éd it ion , d ’apre s la 2e

éd i t ion anglo ise . Amsterdam . MDCCLXXIX .


in each volume.

John Adam s.

An h is t or ical d isqu i s i t ion concern ing the knowledge whi ch the anc ients had of Ind ia . Phil adelph ia . M


,XCI I .

The hi s to ry of America . 3d edit ion . London .

MDCCLXXX . 3 v . Maps . 8°

B ook-plate i n each volume : John Adams .

The hi s tory of Ameri ca , Books IX . and X .,con

tain ing the h i s tory of Vi rginia to the year 1 688 ;and of New England to the vear 1 652 . Philadelph ia . 1 799.

Aut0graph : John Adams , Jan . 25 , 1 799 .

The hi story of the reign of the Emperor Charle sV . A new edi t ion . London . MDCCLXXVI I . 4 v . Port ra it s . Plat es .

Rob inson ,Hugh . Annal ium mundi un iversal ium .

origin es rerum, (ac progres sus , ) sacras jus ta

a c s ecula re s,ab orbe condi to tradent ium ,

tomusunicus . In lucem edidit Thomas Pierce .

Londini . 1 677 . F°


Pr incip ally O ld Testament h i s to ry.


Page 224: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Robison, John . Proofs of a consp iracy agains t al lthe re l igions and gove rnments of Europe ,carried on in the s ecret mee t ings of FreeMasons

,I l luminat i

,and reading soci et ie s .

3d edit ion . Phi lade lph ia . 1 798 . 8°

On f ly-leaf i s written : Jer emy B e lknap , 1 798, from Mrs . A .

Adams .Rohan , Henri , 1 er Due de . Divers po l it ique discours es , made at s everal t ime s uponseveral occas ions . Now render


in to Engl i sh . By G [ eorge ] B [ ridge s ] . London . 1 660 . 8


No . z in 1 73 .5

The memo ires of the Duke of Rohan : or , a fa ithfu l relat ion of the most remarkable occurrencesin France

,espec ia l ly concerning thos e of the

Reformed churches there . From the deathof Henry the Great

,unt i l l the peace made

with them,in June

,1 629 Engl i shed by

George B ridges . London . 1 660 . Sm .

No . 1 inThe t it le-page i s mut i lated . Autograph : John Adams .

Ro l l in, Charle s . The anci ent hi s tory of the Egypt ians

,Carthagin ians , Assyrians , Baby l onians ,

Medes and Pers ian s , Macedonians , and Gre

c ians . Trans lated from the French . 5th edit ion . London . MDCCLXVII I . 7 V . Portrai t . Maps . Plan .

The hi s tory of the art s and sc ience s of the anf i ents . Trans lated i i om the French . 2d edi

t i on . London . M DCC LXVI I I . 3 V . Plate s .

Plans . 8°

The me thod of teaching and s tudying the bel le sle tt res

,or , an introduct ion to languages poetry ,

rhetoric,his tory , mora l phi losophy ,

phys i cs,

81 C . 6th edit i on . L011 .don M . DCC . L .XIX

3 v.

The Roman hi s tory from the foundat ion of Rome

[21 5 ]

Page 225: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Ro l l in , Charles . ( Continued)t o the Bat t l e of Act ium .

°Trans lated from theFrench . 3d ed it ion . London . MDCCLXVII I . 1 0 v . Portra it . Plates . Maps .Vol s . 6—1 0 are by Crevierfi n cont inuat ion o f Roll in ’ s work.

Rondeau , Peter, pseud .

See Jablonski , J . T .

Ros s i , O ttavio . Le memorie bres c iane , opera hi storica

,e s imbo l ica . i eduta da Fortvnato

V inacess i . Nuoua impres s ione accresciutadi cons iderabl i num ero de marmi B rescja .

M .DC.XCI I J . I l lus . Port ra it . Engravedt i t l e-page .

Rousseau , Jean Bapt is t e . ( Euvres . Nouvel le édit ion . Londre s . M .DCC .LI I I . 5 V .

Rousseau , Jean Jacques . A di s cours e upon theorigin and foundation of the inequa l i ty amongmankind London . MDCCLXI .Du contrat socia l ; ou principe s du dro i t pol i t ique .

Amsterdam . M .DCC .XLIIEmile , ou de l education . Amsterdam . M .

DCC .LXI I . 4 v . Plat es .

Espri t , maximes , e t princ ipes . Neuchétel . M .

DCC .LXIV . 1 2°

La nouvel le H élo ise , ou lettre s de deux amans .Nouvel le éd i t i on Neuchat e l , et Pari s .M .DCC .LX IV . 4 v Plates .There are occas ional manu scr ipt notes , and the t itle-page ofvol . 2 has autograph : Adams .

CEuvres de M . Rous seau de Geneve . Nouvel l eédi t ion Neuchatel . M .DCC


M .DCC .VI I I . 9 v . Portrai t . Plates . 1 2°

Vols . 7 , 9 are en t it led Oeuvre s d iverses , and th i s is the runn ingt itle o f al l the volume s .A treat i s e on the soc ia l compact ; or the p rinciple sof po l i t ic law . London MDCCLX IV .

There are two cop ies on th i s shel f-number, the fir s t o f themon large paper .


Page 227: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Rulh i ere , C laude Carloman de . Eclaircissemens

hi storiques sur les causes de la révocat ion del’

Edit de Nantes , 81 sur l’

état des p rotes tant sen France

,depu i s le commencement du regne

de Loui s X IV, jusqu

a nos j ours . Tirésdes différentes archives du gouvernement .

[Anon ] Part ie 2 . [ParisVol . 2 has no t itle-page .

Rum fo rd , Count . See Thompson , S ir B .

Rusce l l i , Gi ro lamo , compi le r See Lettere d i pr inc ip i .

Rush , Benj amin . An account of the b i l ious remi tt ing yel low feve r

,as i t appeared in Philadel

ph ia,in 1 793 . Phi lade lphia . MDCCXCIV .

M ed ical inquiries and obs ervat ions . Added anappendix , on the dut ies of a phys i cian ,and the methods of improving medic ine . [Vol .I . ] 2d edi t i on . London . MDCCLXXXIX .

Same . 2d American edit ion . Phi ladelphia . M .


Presen tat ion copy from. the author to John Adams .Same . Vol . 2 . New ed it ion . M .DCC .XCVI I .Presentat ion copy from. the author to John Adams .Same . Vol . 5 . 1 798.

Presentat ion copy from the author to John Adams .Same . 2d ed i t ion

,enlarged . 1 805 . 4 V .

Medical inqu iri e s and obs ervat ions , upon thed is ea ses of the mind . Phi ladelph ia . 1 8 1 2 .

Pre sentat ion copy from. the author to John Adams .Rushwo rth , John . H is tor ical co lle ct ion s of p r ivate pas sages of state , weighty matters in law ,

remarkab le p roceed ings in five parl i aments .

B eginning the s ixteenth y ear of King Jame s,

anno 1 6 1 8 . and ending the fi fth year of KingCharls , anno 1 629 . Digested in order of t ime ,

[218 ]

Page 228: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Rushwo rth , John . ( Continued)and now publ i shed . London . 1 682 . Portra i t . Plat e . Vignette . F



Two cop ie s . The portra it is miss ing from the“A” copy.

Russe l l , Joseph , A.M . A sermon preaced at Princeton (Massachus ett s ) Apri l 8th ,

1 798. And occas ioned by the death of Madam Rebecca Gi l l .Bos ton . 1 798 . No . 2 in

Rutherforth , Thomas . Inst i tutes of natural law :

being the subs tance of a cours e of l ectures onGrot ius De j ure bel l i et pac i s . 3d edi t ion .

Whitehal l . M ,DCC ,XC IX . 2 v .

Autograph in vol . 1 : John Adams .Sabat ier

,An tom e . Les tr01s S iecl es de notre l i t

térature , ou tableau de l’

esprit de nos écrivains ,depuis Francoi s I

, jusqu’

en 1 772 : par ordre al ~

phabétique . [Anon . ] Tome 2, 3 . Amster

dam, et s e t rouve a Pari s . M .DCC .LXXII .

2 v . 1 2°

Sabel l icus , Marcus Anton ius Cocc ius . His toria re

rum V enetarum ab urbe condi ta l ibri xxxi i i .

[Vita ab Apos tolo Zeno cons cripta . Venezia .

MDCCXVI I I . I s torici del le cose venez iane .

Tome 4Thi s h istory comes down to 1487 . This copy i s bound i n twovolume s .

St . John , Henry,Viscount Bol ingbroke . A co l lec

t ion of po l it i cal t racts . [Anon . ] London .


A di s s ertat ion upon part i es ; in seve ral le ttersto Ca leb d ’

Anvers . 8th edit ion. London .

M .DCC .LIV . Plate . 8Autograph : John Adams .Misce l laneous works . Vol . 2

, 4. Edinburgh .

M . DCC . LXXII I . 2 v . Sm .

- Port rai t du M”. de Berwick . ( In Fitzjam e s,

Jame s , Duke of Berwick . Mémoi res . Vol . 1,

pp . ix—xvj . Pari s . M .DCC LXXVI I I . )

[219 ]

Page 229: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Sa int-Jul ien , Le courier burle s que de laguerre de Pari s

,envoyé a M . le prince de Condé ,

pour d ivert i r son altes s e durant sa pri s on . [Anon . ] ( In Retz , Card inal de . Mémoi res .

Tome 4,pp . 2 1 5

—307 . Geneve . M .DCC .LX

XVI I . )Re late s to the h istory o f the Fronde .

Saint-Marti n,Louis P ierre . Panégyr ique de Sa int

Loui s,prononcé dans la chapel le du Louvre ,

le 25 aofi t,1 784 . ( In Loui s IX . , of France .

Les établ is sem ens de Saint Loui s . Pp . 523

573 . Pari s .Saint-Prest , Jean Yves de . H i s to i re des tra i t és depaix

,et autres negot iat ions du d ix-s ept ieme

s iéc le , depu is la pa ix de Vervins , jusqu’

a lapaix de Nimegue . [Anon . ] Amsterdam .

M .DCCXXV . 2 V . F°


Saint Réal , César V ichard ,Abbé de . Conjurat ion

des Espagno ls contre V enis e en 1 6 1 8 . Pari s .M .DCC .LXXXI . 24


Sainte-Cro ix, Guil laume Emmanuel Jos eph Guilhem de C le rmont—Lodeve , Baron de . Obser

vat ions sur le t ra it é de paix conc lu a Pari s le1 0 févri er 1 763 , entre la France


Espagne 81


Angleterre . [Anon . ] Amste rdam . M .

1 92 .8Contain s a few marginal no te s in French in the writ ing ofJohn Adams .

Salke ld ,Wil l iam . Report s o f cas es adjudged in theCourt of K ing’ s B ench ; together with s evera lspecial cas es adj udged in the Court s of Chancery

,Common Pleas

,and Exchequer ; from the

Revolut ion to the t enth year of Q . Anne . Vol .3 . In the Savoy . M .DCC XXIV . F



Autograph : John Adam s .Same . In two volume s . 3d edi t i on . MDCCXXXI , 1 732 . 2 v . in 1 .

Page 231: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Sanders on , Robert , Bishop of Linco ln . De jurament i p rom is

so ri i obl igat i one pra lect i ones septem . Londini . 1 647 . 32


Autograph : Jer . Gridley .

Sansovino ,Frances co Tatt i

,cal l ed Sansovino . De l

governo de regni e t del l e repvbl iche ant i che e t

moderne l ibri XXI . Venet ia . M D

LXVII . Sm .

Saracini , Giu li ano . No t itie h is toriche del la c it tad

Ancona,gia te rmine del l ’ ant i co regno d ’

I tal ia . Roma . M .DC .LXXV . Coatof a rms . F


Sard in ia. Leggi,e co s t ituzioni d i S . M . da os ser

vars i nel l e materi e c ivi l i,e cr iminal i ne ’ s tat i

del la M . S . Loix, et const i tut ion s du ro i .Lesquel l es devron t étre observées dans s esétat s dans l e s matiéres c ivi l es , 81 crimine l l es . Torino . M .DCC XXII I . F



Text in I ta l ian and French in paral le l columns . The vignettehas been cut from the t i tle-page .

Sarp i , Piet ro . (Fra Paolo . ) Histor ia del Conci l ioTrident ino d i Pietro Soave Polano2a edit ione Geneva . M .DC .XXIX . Sm .

Saunders , Sir Edmund . Les report s du t res erudi t eEdmund Saunders des d ivers p lead ings e tcase s en le Court del Bank le Roy en le t empsdel re ign le roy Charles le I I . In twovolumes . 2d ed i t i on , correct ed : withsa id Report s

,t rans lat ed into Engli sh [ i n 2 vols .

with s eparate t i t l es and paging ] . In theSavoy . MDCCXX I I . 4 v . in 1 . F



The top of the t it le-page of volume 1 i s torn .

Saunderson ,N 1cholas . Se l ect part s of Saunders on ’ s

Elements of Algebra . For the use of s tudentsat the univers i t i e s . 5th ed i t ion , rev i s ed byJohn Hel l in s . London M DCC XCI I .


Page 232: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Savary,Jacques . The universal dict i onary of trade

and commerce : with large addit i ons and im

p rovem ents , adapt ing the same to the pres ents tate of B rit i sh affa i rs in Ameri ca

,s ince the

la s t t reaty of peace made in the year 1 763 .

[Trans lat ed from the French ] By MalachyPo stlethwayt . 4th edi t ion . London . MDCCLXXIV . 2 v . Plat e . Maps . Vigne t t es .

Savi le , George , 1 s t Marqui s of Hal ifax . M isce llani es . Gla sgow . MDCCLI .The t it le-page i s mut ilated fo r autograph s .

Saxe , Maurice , Comte de . See Mor itz ,Graf von

Sachsen .

Scarron ,Paul . Roman comique . Pari s . M .DCC .

LVI I . 3 v .

Sch i l ler , J ohann Chri s toph Friedri ch von . Ge

sch ich te des Abfal l s der ve re in igten Niederlande von der spani schen Regierung . Leipzig .

1 80 1 . 2 v . i n 1 . 1 6°

Schrevel ius , Cornel ius . Lexicon manual e Gra co

Latinvm et Lat ino—Gra cum . 4a edi t i o . Lugd .

Batavorum . 1 664 . Port ra i t .Lexicon manuale Gra co-Lat inum 81 Lat ino-Gracum : s tud io atque opera Joseph i Hi l l . Adca lcem adjecta sunt sentent ia Gra co-Latina

Edi t io undec ima . Londini . M .DCCXXXVI I I .On the tit le-page i s wri tten , Jo : Adams Book ; on the in s ide ofthe back cover, Georgius Adamus 1 8 1 4 ; and on the in s ide ofthe front cover the names o f four member s o f the Adamsfamily tran sl iterated into Greek .

Schroeder , Johann . Pharmacope i a medico-chym ica .

Editione qvarta . n dvni . M .DC .LVI . Sm .

4 1 5 1

Autograph s : J ohn Adams , Franci s Morton .

Schubert , Clemens . Libri qvatvor De scrvpvlis

chrono logorum a c primvm ed it i, cvm

[223 ]

Page 233: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Schube rt , C lemens . ( Continued)p raefatione Davidis Chytrae i : 81 autho ris exem

p lar i chrono logia . Argentorati . 1 575 . F°


No . 2 inSchu l tens , Johann Jacob Observat iones in lo ca

ve terum, p raecipue quae sunt de vindicta divina .

( In Exercitat ionum academ icarum spec imenprimum—tert ium . Pp . 1 29

—1 96. Lugdun i B a

tavorum . MDCCXCI I I . )Science , La , du mai tre d

h0tel . [Anon . ] See


Scot land . The laws and acts of Parl iamentsof Scotland . [From James I . to Charles I I .May 26, 1 424

— Sept . 1 7 , Col l ected byS ir Thomas Murray . Edinburgh . MDC .

LXXX I . 2


v . i n 1 . F°


The t i tle-page of the f i rst part i s lacking.

Scot land , Church of . Genera l As s embly . Thefirs t an d second books of di s c ip l ine ; togethe rw i th some act s o f the General Assembly, c lea ring and confirm ing the same : and an act ofParl iament . ( In Knox , John . The hi s t oryof the refo rmat ion of rel igion wi th in the realmof Scotland . Pp . 465

—53 5 . Gla sgow . MD

CCLXI . )Scott , Thomas . Votiva Angl ia : or the desn es andwishes of England Where in are vnfo lded

manie s trong reas ons to p erswadehis Majes t ie to drawe his royal l sword , for theres tor ing of the Pallatynat , and Electorat , tohis sonne in lawe pri nce Fredericke , to his onl iedaughter the ladi e El i zabeth aga ins t thetreacherovs s rpat ion of the Emperour ,th e King of Spayne , and the Duke of Bavaria

Wri tt en by S . R . N . I . V trecht . M DCXX I I I I . Sm . No . 2 i n

[224 ]

Page 235: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Sepp , Jan Chri s t iaan . De VI I vereenigde nederland sche prov inc ien , naar de n ieuws te m eetin

gen naauwkeurig ge teekend en in ’ t koper gebragt door Chri s t iaan Sepp en zoon . Amsterdam . 1 773 . NO s cale .

Seran de La Tour , Abbé . Pare l léle de la condui te des Carthagino i s , a l

’egard des Romains,

dans la s econde guerre punique , avec la conduit e de l ’Angleterre , a l

’ egard de la France ,dans la guerre déclarée en 1 756 . [Anon . ]


Sergeant , Thomas . A brief sketch of the nat ionalj udi c iary powers exerc is ed in the Un it ed State s ,from the fi rs t se tt lement of the co lon i es to thet ime of the adopt ion of the p res ent Fede ra lCons t i tut ion . ( In Duponceau ,

Peter Stephen .

A dis sertat ion on the nature and extent of thej uri s di ct i on of the courts of th e United States .Pp . 1 3 5

— 1 67 . Phi ladelphia .

Ser inge , Nicolas Charl es . M émoire sur les cucurbitacée s . ( In Soc iét é de phys ique et d

h isto ire

nature l le de Geneve . M émoires . Vol . 3 , partPp . 1

Sévigné, Mari e de Rabut in Chantal , Marquis e de .Recue i l des l et t res de Madame le M arqui s e deS evign e

,a Madame la Comtes s e de Gr ignan


sa fi l l e . Nouvel l e édi t ion augmentée . Pari s .

M .DCC .LXXV . 8 v . 1 6°

Shakespeare ,Wil l iam . Works . V O1. 2, 4—6 . Edin

burgh . MDCCLXI . Sm .

Each volume has autograph : John Adam s .Works . Vol . 4 . London . MDCCXLVII I .

32Book-p late (mut 11ated) : Dav1 s .[Works . Vol . 8. London ? I 7

_ p]Book-plate : Davis .

[226 ]

Page 236: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Sha ler ,Wil liam . Ske tches of Algiers , pol it ica l , h istorical and c ivi l Bos ton . 1 826 .

Pre sentation copy to John Adams from the author through hispub l i shers .

Sharp , Granvi l le . An account of the ancient divis i on of the Engl ish nat ion into hundreds andt i things . London . M .DCC .LXXXIV . Sm .

8Two cop ies .

0 0

An account of the cons t itut ional Engl i sh po l i tyof congregat ional court s : and more part i cularlyof the great annual court of the people

,ca l l ed

the View of Frankpledge . 2d edit i on . London . M .DCC .LXXXVI .

A declarat ion of the peop le ’ s natura l right to ashare in the legi s lature ; which is the fundamental principle of the Bri t i sh cons t i tut ion ofs tate . London . M .DCC .LXXIV .

Autograph : John Adams .Same . 2d edi t i on . M .DCC .LXXVExtract from a repres entat ion of the injust ic eand dangerous tendency of tol erat ing s lavery .

Phi ladelphia . M DCC LXXI . 1 2°

N0 . 2 inThe j us t l imi tat ion of s lavery in the laws of God


compared with the unbounded claims of theAfrican traders and Brit i sh Ameri can s laveho lders . With a cop ious appendix . London


M .DCC .LXXVI . Sm . NO. 1 inThe law of l iberty , or, royal law ,

by which al lmankind wi l l certain ly be judged ! Earnes tlyrecommended to the s erious cons iderat ion ofa l l s laveholders and s lavedealers . London


MDCCLXXVI . Sm . NO. 3 inThe law of pass ive obed ience

,or Chri s t ian sub

miss ion to personal inj uries . [London .

Sm . NO. 2 inOn s lavery.

[227 ]

Page 237: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Sharp ,Granvi l l e . (Continued)

The law of re t ribut ion ; or , a S erious warn ing toGreat B ri ta in and her colonie s

,founded on

unque s t i onabl e examples of God’ s temporal

vengeance agains t tyrants,s lave—holders , and

oppres sors . London . M DCC LXXVI .

Remarks concern ing the encroachments on theriver Thames near Durham-Yard . London .


Remarks on severa l very important prophec i es .2d ed it i on . London . M .DCC .LXXV . Sm .

On certain p rophet ic passage s in the B ible.

A repres entat ion of the inj us t ice and dangeroustendency of to le rat ing s lavery . London . MDCCLXIX .

The t it le-page conta in s an au tograph of S. El iot .A short Q ke tch of t emporary regulat ions for theintended set t l ement on the gra in coas t ofAfrica

,near S ierra Leona . [Anon . ] 3d edi

t ion . London . M DCC LXXXVI I I . Tables .Sm .

A short t rea t is e on the Engl ish tongue . Beingan attempt to render the read ing and pronunciation of the same more easy to fore igners

[Anon . London MDCCLXVII . 8°

A tract on the law of nature,and pr inc iples of

ac t ion in man . London . M DCC LXXVI I .

051 the il legal ity o f subj ect ing mankind to involuntary servi

t i e .

Tract s,concern ing the ancient and only true

legal means of nat ional defence,by a free

mi l it ia . 3d edi t ion . London . 1 782 . Sm .

Conta in s a book-plate : Cathne . Sharp , Leadenhal l Stre e t .

[228 ]

Page 239: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Short t reat i s e,A

,on the Engl i sh tongue . [Anon . ]

See Sharp , G .

Siderfin , S ir Thomas . Les reports des d ivers spec ial ca ses a rgue 81 adj i i dge en lo Court del Bankle Roy , e t auxy en le Co , Ba . 81 lExchequer, enl es prim ier dix ans apres le res taurat ion del5 011 Tres-exce l lent Maj esty le Roy Charles leI I . Seconde edit i on : Revue 81 corrigee

par Robert Dobyns,

avec un ad ition

par Edo ii ard Ch il ton 81 Robert Skinner . London . MDCCXIV . 2 v . i n 1 . B lack- l et ter .

FAutogr aph s : John Adams and J er . Grid ley .

S idney, Algernon . Dis cours es concerning government . Added

,A short account of the author ’ s

l i fe . Edinburgh . M .DCC .L . 2 v .

Each volume has autograph : John Adams .The works of Alge rnon Sydney . A new edi t ion .

[Edited by J . Robert son . J London . MDCCLXXII . Port ra i t . 4


Sigon io , Carlo . H isto riarvm de regno I taliae l ib riqu indec im . Qui l ibr i h i s to riam ab annoDLXX . vsqve ad MCC. cont inent Acces s i t

rerum mem orabil ium i ndex . Francofvrt i

ad Moenvm . M .D .LXXV . F°

. No . 1 inS i l ius I tal icus , Caius D e be l lo Puni co secundo


poema ad fidem veterum mon im ento rum cas

t igatum , fragmento auctum . Operi s integried it i o p rinceps . Curante Joan Bapt . Lefebvrede V il lebrune . Pari s i i s . M .DCC .LXXXI .

S imes, Thom as . The m i l i ta ry guide

,for young

offi cers Vol . 2 . Ph i lade lph ia . M ,DCC


XVI . Plate s . 8°

The t it le-page conta in s an au tograph of John Adams.

S impson , Thomas . Es says on s eve ral curious anduse ful subj ects , in speculat ive and m ix

d mathe


Page 240: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


S impson , Thomas . ( Continued)mat icks . London . M .DCC .XL . Diagrams .

No . 1 in

Mathemat ica l di s serta t ions on a vari ety of phys ical and analyt i ca l subj ect s . London . 1 743 .

No . 2 in

M is cel laneous t ract s on some curious , and veryinteres t ing subj ect s in mechan ics

,phys ical-as

tronomy,and speculat ive mathematic s ; where !

i n the preces s ion of the equinox, the nutat ion ofthe earth ’ s axi s

,and the motion of the moon in

her orbi t,are de termined . London . MDCC

LXVII . Plates . No . 3 i n

Sinclair, Sir John , Baronet . The his to ry of thepubl i c revenue of the Brit i sh empire . [Part 1 J ,2 . London . MDCCLXXXV . 2 v . in 1 .

— Prospectus d ’un ouvrage int itul é : Analys e del ’ etat po l i t ique d ’

Ecos se : Ouvrage entrepri s pour expl iquer l es principes de la philosophie s tat i s t ique . [Londres .

No . 2 i nThe


bottom o f the t it le-page and the pre l iminary pages aremut i lated .

Sist in i , France sco . I l Maestro di camera : t ra ttatodi muona ricorretto , s econdo i l ce rimonia le

romano . Veneti a . M .DC .LXXXX IX .

Re late s to the card inalate . NO. 2 inSkinner , Robert . Reports of cas es adjudged inthe Court of King ’ s B ench

,from the th irty

third year of King Cha rles the Second,to the

n inth year of King Wil l iam the Third . Withs ome arguments in spec ia l cas es . Publ i shedby hi s son Matthew Skinner . In the SavoyM DCC XXVI I I . Black- l e tt er . FAu tograph : John Adams .

[23 1 ]

Page 241: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Sleidanus , J ohanne s . Ep is tre a Edovard Dve

de Somni erset,Comte d ’

Erford . B riefve dec larat ion d

aucunes choses qui s e trouuent

diffi c i l es en l ’his to ire de Phi l ippe de Comminestouchant la guerre d ’

I tal ie , s ous Charles 8 .

( In Com ines , Phi l ippe de . M émoires . Pp .

726—744. Pari s .

Smith , Adam . An inquiry in to the nature andcauses of the wealth of nati ons . 2d ed it ion .

London . MDCCLXXVII I . 2 v . 1. p .

Autograph : John Adams .Recherches sur la nature et les caus es de lariches se des nat ions . Tradu i t de l ’anglo i s .

Yverdon . M .DCC .LXXXI . 6 v .

Smith , John , of Cambridge , England . A dis cours eon prophecy ( In Watson , Richard , ed i t or .A col l ect i on of theological t racts . Vo l . 4, pp .

297—362 . London .

Smith , Thomas , of Falmouth , Maine . Extractsfrom the j ournal s kept by the Rev . ThomasSmith , lat e pas tor of the Firs t Church ofChri s t in Falmouth

,i n the County of York


( now Cumberland, ) from 1 720 to 1 788, wi th

an Appendix , contain ing a vari ety of othermatters , se l ected by Samuel Freeman . Portland . 1 82 1 . 1 2


Smith , Will iam ,D .D .

,of Phi ladelph ia . Works .

Vol . 2 . Phi lade lph ia . 1 803 .

Vol . 1 i s m i s s ing.

Smo l lett , Tobias George . A compl ete h i s tory ofEngland , from the des cent of Jul ius Caesar , toth e Treaty of Aix la Chape l l e

,1 748 . London .

MDCCLVII I—MDCCLXV . 1 6 v . Portrai t s .Plates . Maps . Facs imi le s . 8 .

Vols . 1—3 are of the 2d ed it ion ; vol s . 4— 1 1 of the 3d . Vols . 1 216 have the t i t le : Continuat ion of the Comple te hi story o fEngland . Vo l s . 2— 1 4, 1 5 contain the autograph : John Adams .

Page 243: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Sophoc l es . Philoctéte , t ragédie , t radui te parM . D e la Harpe . Pari s . M .DCC .LXXXI .

No . 2 inSoules , Franco i s . His toi re des trouble s de l ’Am érique angla i s e . Tome 1 2 . Londres . M .

DCC .LXXXV . 2 v . 8

South , Robert . Twe lve s e rmons preached uponsevera l occa s ion s . Vol . I .

osth ed i t ion . Lon

don . 1 722 . Portra it . 8

Spart ianus , Ae l ius . See H istoriae Avgvstac s cripto res VI .

Spec imen calvmn iarvm atque heterodoxarum op i ~

n ionum ex Rem ons trantium Apologia excerptarus : ins tar p rodromi ad p raem onendos omnesveros Chri s t i anos in lucem em is sum

,per S .

theo logiae profes s ores in Academia Leydens i .

n dvni B atavorvm,ex offi c ina B onaventvrae

81 Abraham i Elzev ir . M D CXXX . Sm .

No . 4 i nThi s tract has been att ributed to Ant . Walaeus .

” Willems .

Spectac les , Les , de Pari s , ou calendrier hi s to ri que 81chronologique des théatres . 34e part i e . Pourl ’ann ec 1 785 . Pari s .

Spectateur, Le , du Nord ,j ournal pol i t ique

,l i t t e

rai re e t m oral . Jui l le t,1 798 . En Bas s e—Saxe .

[ 1 798 ] 8°

Spenser , Edmund . The fa iry queen . With aglos sa ry London . M DCC LVI I I . 2 v .

Portra it . Plates .Sp inckes , Nathan iel . O f trus t in God : or

,a di s

course concern ing the duty of cast ing our ca reupon God in al l our d iffi cu lt i es Togethe rwith an exhortat ion to pat ient suffering forrighteousnes s : in a s erm on . 2d edit ion . London . MDCCXIV . Sm .

Sp i r it , The . of de s pot i sm . [Anon . ] See Knox, V .

[234 ]

Page 244: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Sp ir i t , The . of the t ime s . Search,S imon , pseud .

Sprague , Jos eph E . An addre s s del ive red beforethe Salem Charitable M echani c Associat ion .

July 4,1 82 1 . Salem . 1 82 1 .

An in scrib ed copy from the author to John Adam s .Staatkundigen Ho l lander , Den . Uit het Frans chvan de Pol i t ique Ho l landai s . 1 . Dee ] 1 . Stuk .

1 78 1 . No . 2 . [Leyden ? 8

S tael-Ho ls te in , Anne Loui se Germaine Neckar ,Baronne de . De l ’ influen ce des pas s ions sur lebonheur des i ndividu s et des nat ions . Lausanne en Suis s e . 1 796.

Contain s manuscr ipt note s in margin , written by John Adam s .A mut i lated copy.

Stark , Jame s Henry . Antique views of ye towneof Bos ton . Bos ton . I l lus . Portrai t s . Facs imi le s . Maps . L .

State pri sons and the peni tent iary sys tem vindicated . See Bradford , Gamal ie l , M .D .

Staughton , Rev . Will iam . Addre s s del ivered atthe opening of the Columbian Coll ege in theDi s t ri ct of Columbia January 9, 1 822 . Washington C i ty . 1 822 .

On education .

Stee le , Sir Richard . A grammar of the Engl ishtongue : with the art s of logick,

rheto r ick.

poe t ry, 81 C . Publ ished by John B right land .

8th edit ion . [Anon . ] London . 1 759 . Foldedplate .

Autograph o f John Adams on the t it le-page .

Stephanus , Carolus . See Est ienne , Charles .

S tephanus , H enricu s . See Es t ienne , Henri .Stephanus , Robertus . See Est ienne , Robert .Stevens , Captain John . The anc ient and p i e s ents tate of With an index


a map of Portuga l andSpain . By a gentl emanwho i es ided s ome years in that country . London . 1 706 . Map . Sm . 8



[235 ]

Page 245: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Stewart , Dugald . Dis sertat ion fi rs t : exh ib i t ing agenera l view of the progres s of metaphys ica l ,eth ica l . and pol i t ical ph i lo sophy , s ince the re

vival o f l et ters in Europe . Part I I . Boston .

1 822 .

G iven as a pre l iminary d i s sertat ion in the seventh ed it ion o fthe. Encyclopaed ia B ritann ica . Contain s the autograph ofJohn Adams . O riginal board covers with damaged back.

Element s of the phi losophy of the human mind .

London . 1 8 1 4, v .

Vo l . 1 i s o f the sth ed i t i on ; vol . 2 i s of the 2d ed i t i on , publ ished by Constable 81 Co . , Ed inburgh .

Same . Bos ton . i 8 i 8 . 2 v . in 1 .

St i l l ingfleet , Edward , D .D .,B ishop of Worces ter .

O rigines B ritannicae, o r the ant i qu it ies of theBri t i sh churches . London . 1 685 . F



Autograph : John Adams .Stockdale ’s New compan ion to the London calen

dar , or court and c i ty regi s ter for the year1 783 , 1 785 : be ing a l is t o f a l l the changes inadmini st rat ion , from O ctob er 1 760,

toth e pres ent t ime . London . [ 1 783 , 2 v .

No . 2 inStraatman , Henri de . Testament po l i t i que deCharle s , duc de Lorraine et de Bar Nouve l l e éd i t ion [ publ i ée par J . B . de Chévremont ] .

( In Recuei l des tes tam ens pol i t iques . Vol . 2pp . 259

—384 . Amsterdam .

Strabo . Heel rfigysmyoaqi iag [31min I Z '

. De s itvorbi s l ib ri XVI I . Grece 81 Lat in e s imul iam ineo rum qu i pari te r 81 ‘

Geographiae et utriusquel inguae s tud i o s i sunt , grat iam edit i : ol im quidem ,

ut putatur, aGvarino V eronens i , 81 Gregorio Tr ifernate [ s ic ] in Lat inum conuers i : acde inde Conrad i H eresbachij op era ad e iusgeneri s autorum fidem recogn iti : nunc uero

po str em i

im,eruditorum al iquot indus tria ac

[236 ]

Page 247: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Suetonius Tranquillus , Caiu s . (Continued)cum ejusdem an imadvers ionibus , ut e t comm en tario i n tegro Laevin i To rren t ii , I saac i

Casauboni , Theodori Marc il ii,et cum not i s ac

num ismatibus , quibus il lus tratus es t a CaroloPat ino Edi t i o t ert ia auctior Tra

ject i ad Rhenum . 1 708. I l lu s . Folded shee t s .Engraved t i t l e-page .

Book-p late : Tho : Ruddi inan .

De XI I . Caesar ibvs l ibri VI I I . Eivsdem D e

illvs tr ibus grammat icis e t de c lari s rhetoribvs .

I saacvs Casavbonvs recensuit : 81 l ib ro sadiecit An imadvers ionvm . Ed it i o al teraaucta . [Geneva ] M .DC .XI .App ended i s C. Svetonii Tranqvil l i Liber I IX . s ive tresim p eratore s Caesare s Vespas ian i, in terpretat i, 81 emendati aTheod . Marc i l io .

Autograph : John Adams , London , Nov .,1 783 .

Suidas . Lexicon , Greece 81 Lat ine . Textum Graecum cum m anuscr ipt is codicibus co l latum a

quam p lur im is mendis purgavit , no tisque i l lu stravit : vers ionem Latinam ZEm il ii Port icorrexit , indicesque adjecit Ludo lphus

Kusterus . Cantabrigiae . MDCCV . 3 vVignette s . F


Vo l s . 1 , 2 contain autograph : John Adams , S ep t . 1 8, 1 784 ; af ly-leaf of vol . 3 i s cut for autograph .

Su l l ivan , James , Governor of Mas sachusett s . Thehi s tory of the D is tr ict of Maine . Bos ton .

Printed by I . Thomas and E . T . Andrews .1 795 . Map .

Pre sentati on cop y by the author to John Adams , with in script ion on fly-leaf.

Su l ly , Maximi l i en de B e'

thune , Due de . Mémoire s .Mis en ordre , avec des remarques par M . L .

D . L . D . L . [ l’abb e de l ’EcluseJ . Nouvel le

édit ion,revue 81 corrigée . Londre s . M .DCC .

LXVI I . 8 v . Portra i t .-Memoirs of Maximi l ian de Bethune

,Duke of

[238 ]

Page 248: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Sul ly, M . de B .,Duc de . (Continued)

Sul ly, prime minis ter to Henry the Great . Contain ing the hi story of the li fe and re ign of thatmonarch

,and hi s own admini s trat ion under

h im . Trans lated from the French [by Charlott e Lennox ] . Added

,The t ryal of Ravaillac

fo r the murder of Henry the Great . 4th ed it ion .

London . M .DCC .LXI I I . 6 v . Portrai ts .Map .

Each vo lume contain s autograph : John Adams , 1 772 .

Summ onte ,G iovann i Anton io . H is tor ia del la c i tta


e regno di Napol i . 3a ediz ione , divari e note accre s ciuta . Napol i . M .D .CCXLVI I I—MDCCL . 6 v . Portra i t .

Superv i l le , Danie l de . Elem en s dv chri s t iani sme .

ou abrégé des vér itéz e t des devoi rs de lare l igion chrét ienne ; a l

’usage des plus pet i t senfans . 3e édit ion . Amsterdam . MDCCXI I . 1 6


No . 2 i nLes vér itéz et le s devo irs de la re ligion chrét i enne :ou catéchi sme , pour l

ins truct ion de la j eunes se .

2e édi t ion,

augmentée d ’un“Abrégé

a l ’usage des plus pet i t s enfans . Amsterdam.

MDCCVI I I .Autograph : John Adams .

Sur l a legi s la t ion et le commerce des grains . [Anon . ] See Necker , J .

Sweden . Kongl igt statsdepartem ent . Rapport asa maj est é le ro i de Suede

,par son minis tre


e tat , sur les relat ions pol i t iques de laSuede ave c la France

,avant 1a declaration de

guerre . St .

—Pétersbourg. 1 8 1 3 .

Swi ft , Jonathan . Some account of the l i fe andwrit ings of S ir Wi l l iam Temple . [Anon . ]( In Temple , Sir Wil l iam . Works . Vol

. I,

pp . ( 3 ) London . MDCCXXXI . )

[239 ]

Page 249: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Sw i ft,Jonathan . ( Continued)

— Works . With the author ’ s l i fe and character :no te s Edinburgh . M .DCC .LXVII I .

I 3 V . Sm . 8°


Each vo lume has book-p late : John Adams .Swift , Zephan iah . A sys tem of the laws of theStat e of Connect icut . Windham . 1 795 , 96 .

2 v . 8 .

Each vo lume contain s two autograph s of Ce sar Rodn ey, oneof the Signers o f the Declaration of I ndep endence from Del aware .

Sw inburne , Henry . A treat i s e of te s taments andlas t wi l l s . 5 th edi t i on , enlarged . In theSavoy . MDCCXXVII I . F



Top o f t itle-page torn for autograph .

Sylves ter, Matthew El isha ’ s cry after El ij ah ’ sGod cons ide r ’d and app ly

d,w i th reference to

the deceased of the l ate reverend Mr . RichardBaxter . Who left th i s l i fe D ecemb . 8th

,1 69 1 .

London . 1 696 . F°

No . 2 inSynops is m etaphys icae, on to logiam et pneum ato lo

giam comp lectens . [Anon . ] See Frommann ,A .

Tableau de Pari s . [Anon . ] See Merc ier,L . S .

Tab leau his tor ique et pol it i que des deux dern i eresrévolut ions de Geneve . Par See I verno is , Sir F . d ’ .

Tacitus , Caius Corne l ius . The modern court i er :or

,th e mora l s of Tac i tus upon flat t ery . Para


d and i l lust rated with obs ervat ionsby the S ieur Amelot de la Houssai e . Newlydone out of French . London . 1 687 .

Opera supp lem ent is,not i s et d issertationibus

illustravit Gabri el B ro tier . Par is i i s . MDCCLXXVI 7 v . Engraved t i t l e—pages .

Traduct ion comp lette de Taci t e . Par is . M .

DCC .LXXI I 7 v .

Tome s 3—7 were ed i ted by J . H . Do lttevil le . All the vo lumes


Page 251: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Taylor , John , of Virginia . ( Continued)— An inqui ry in to the principl es and pol icy of thegovernment of the United States . Fredericksburg . 1 8 1 4 .

Autograph : John Adams . Book-p late : J . Q . Adams .-New vi ews of the Const i tut i on of the UnitedStat es . Washington City . 1 823 .

Book—p late : J . Q . Adams . Contains a le tter from Mr . Garnett , Washington , Feb . 7 , 1 824, present ing thi s copy to J . Q .

Adams .Temp le , Danie l . Sermon

,preached in the O ld

South Church , Bos ton , Sabbath evening, Dec .

1 6, 1 82 1,j us t before h i s departure , as a

mis s ionary to Western As ia . Boston . 1 82 1 .

No . 1 2 inTem p le , S i r Will iam . Lettres de M'

. le cheval i erGui l l . Temple , et autres min is tres d ’ etat

,tan t

en Angleterre que dans les pa'

i s étran'

gers .Contenant une rela t ion de ce qui s ’ es t pas s é

depui s l ’ann ec 1 665 , jusqu’

a cel l e de 1 672 .

Publ i ées par Jonathan Swift . Traduite s del’

Anglo is [ par P . A . Samson ] . A la Haye .

M .DCC . 2 v .

Most o f the letters were written by Will iam Temple.

Works . Prefix’

d Some account of the l i fe andwrit ings of the author [ by Jonathan Swift ] .


ondon . MDCCXXXI . 2 v . Portrai t s . L .

8Th is ed i t ion lacks one of the p ortraits . Autograph ( in vol .John Adams . Title-page o f vol . 1 tom for autograph .

Terent ius Afer , Publ ius . Andr ia Ade lphique . Exed itione Wes terhoviana. Accedunt notae An

gl icae. Cura C . K. D i l laway . Ph i ladelph ia .

1 850 .

Pre sentat ion copy from the author to C. F . Adams , the e lder .Comed ies

,t rans lat ed -1nto fam i l iar blank vers e .

By George Colman . 2d ed it i on . London .

MDCCLXVI I I . 2 v . Folded p lates .


Page 252: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Terent ius Afe r , Publ ius . (Continued)Com oed im s ex Anglo—Lat inae . S ix comedies ofPubl ius Terentius in Engl i sh and Lat ine . ByCharles Hoole . London . 1 676 . Sm .

The t it le-page i s mut ilated and several pages are miss ing fromth i s copy.

[Comoediae s ex cum Donat i comm entari i s ,

scho l iis B as ileae . 1 6 1 6 ]The t it le-page and the f irs t e ight page s of the text are miss ing.

Thacher , Pete r, D .D . A sermon,preached to the

Soc ie ty in B ratt le-Street , Bos ton , March 25th ,

1 798 . And occas i oned by the death of MadamRebecca Gi l l B os ton . 1 798. 8


No . 1 inThem ist ius Euphradiens is . T3 1 06 Osuiot iov E6


ifiovg 8131 01111 01, t ovt éou napoupo'

iosrg nod. Myor.’



Aq>oobtotéoog areoi wvxfig [3664101 6130,not fl SQl siuaouévng é

v. Omnia Them is t ii opera,

hoc es t paraphras es , et orat iones . AlexandriAphrodis iens is l ibri dvo De anima , et De fatovnvs . [V enet iis in aedibus haeredum AldiManut ii

, 81 Andreae Asu lan i . ] M D XXX I I I I .

FEd i ted by Victor Trincave l li . Autograph s : J er . Grid ley, JohnAdam s .

Theodos ius , of Tripo l i . Sphaeri ca : m ethodo novai l lustrata, 81 succincte dem ons trata . PerI saacvm Barrow . Lond in i . 1 675 . Diagrams .Sm . No . 3 in

Théor ie de l ’ impot . [Anon . ] See M irabeau, V . R .,

Marquis de .

Th iery,L i i c Vincent . Almanach du voyageur a

Pari s . Année 1 784 . Pari s .

Thomas , Will iam . The ‘

his torye of I talye . Abooke exced ing profi table to be red . London .

[ I 56 1 . J B lack—l et t er . Sm .

The t it le-page contain s autograph : The B e res fo rde .

Page 253: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Thomp son , S ir B enj amin , Count Rumford . Es

says,pol it ica l


,and phi lo sophical .

London . 1 796, 98 . 4 v . Plates .Vo l . 2 ( e s say 6) is bad ly decayed and mutilated . Vo l s . [ 2—4]have on the cove r the t it le . Count Rumford ’ s Exper imenta le s says , pol it ical , economical , and ph il osoph ical , and are of alater ed it ion , in tended to form vo l . 2 of the work. On fly-leaf :‘With the author’ 3 comp ts.

Thornton , Wil l i am . Cadmus : or , a treat i s e on theelements of wri tt en language With anes say on th e method of teaching the surd ordeaf , and cons equent ly dumb , to speak . Ph i ladelph ia . M .DCC .XCI I I . Tables .Prize d i s sertat ion , wh ich was honored with the Magel lan icgold meda l , by the Ame rican Ph ilosoph ical Soc iety. Autograph copy presented to John Adams .

Thou ,Jacque s August e de

,the Elder . Abrégé de


H isto ire un ivernelle . Par M . Rémond

de S te . Alb ine . La Haye . M .DCC .LIX .

1 0 v . 1 6

His toi re un ivers el l e . depui s 1 543 , jusqu’

en 1 607 .

Tradui te sur l ’édit ion lat ine de Londres . Londres . M .DCC .XXXIV 1 6 v . Portrai t s .

Plates . Vignett es . 8°

Thucyd ides . Hsol Hal onovvno i anofi nol éuov

[3167601 De bel lo Peloponnes iaco l ibriocto

,cum adno tation ibus integris Henrici

S tephani, 81 Joanni s Hudsoni . Recensuit , 81

notas suas addidit Jos ephus Was se . Edit ionem curavit , suasque an imadvers iones adjecitCarolus Andreas Dukerus . Cum variis di s s ertat ion ibus

,m sct0 f . co llat ionibus

,et ind icibus novi s

locup letiss im is . [Added Annales Thucydideiab Henrico Dodwel lo . ] Am s telaedam i .

MDCCXXXI . Maps . Plate . F°


Greek and Lat in in paral le l columns .Hsoi roi


) Hal onowno i anoii nol éuov Btfiitia 6111 03.

De bel lo Pe loponnes iaco l ibri o cto . I idemLatine , ex interpretatione Lavrenti i V al lae


Henrico Stephano nuper recognita , quam ZEm i

[244 ]

Page 255: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Tractatus m e taphys icae. I nchoatus d ie sept ini o

mens i s J u l ii anno ni il les imo s ep t ingente SS imo

v iges imo secundo . Manuscript . 1 07 ff .

The book app ears to be written by several hand s . I t contain s near the end the autograph : Alex V ilant . 1 734. On f lyleaf i s au

.tograph : Andreas V ilant .

Tracy,Antoine Loui s C laude D estutt , Comte d e .

Trait é d ’

écononi ie pol i t i que . Par is 1 823 .


On pap er cover ti t le is writ ten : Pre sented to John Adams byLa Faye t te . Tran s lated by T . Je fferson .

Trai t é d ’

am itié et de commerce,conclu ent re le roi

[ de France ] e t les Etat s -Unis de l ’Am ér iques ep tent rionale

,le 6 févri er 1 778 . Pari s . M .

DCCLXXVII I . No . 1 0 inConta in s a few marginal note s p robab ly i n the handwrit ing ofJohn Adams .

Trai té de commerce ent re Sa Maj e s t é et le duc deM ecklenbourg, conclu a Hambourg le 1 8 septembre 1 779 . Pari s . M .DCCLXXIX . 4


No . 1 2 inTrait é de comme rce et de marine , entre Sa Maj es t é

et la vi l l e de Hambourg,conclu a Hambourg

le 1er avri l 1 769 . Pari s . M .DCCLXIX .

No . 2 i nTraité de l ’o rthographe franco i se , en forme de dic

t ionaire . [Anon . ] See Le Roy,C .

Traité de paix entre sa maj es t é 1’ impératrice re ineapos to l ique de H ongrie et de Boheme e t

sa maj es t é le ro i de Prus s ie,

fai t a Teschenle 1 3 mai 1 779. Pari s . M .DCCLXXIX .

No . 1 1 i nTrait é de pa ix entre le ro i [ de France ] , le ro i d

Espagne et le ro i de la Grande-Bre tagne, con


c lu a Pari s le 1 0 février 1 763 . Avec l ’acces s iondu roi de Portugal . Pari s . M .DCCLXII I .

No . 1 in

[246 ]

Page 256: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Traité entre le ro i [de France ] et le prince-évéque ,l ’ egl is e et l ’ e ta t de Li ege Conclu aVersai l le s le 24 mai 1 772 . [Also , Lettrespatentes ] Pari s M .DCCLXXII . Map .

4 No . 6 inTrans lat ions from the French . By D . Y . Lynn .


Contents .

— Ob servat ion s on the Greeks from the French o fthe Abb é de Mab ly.

— The h istory of the Ci ty o f Paris ; oranecdotes concern ing the origin and improvements of thatce lebrated cap ital . Trans lated from Mons ieur de St . Foix.

Treaty , A ,of amity and of commerce between the

United State s of Ameri ca , and hi s Maj es ty , theKing of Prus s ia . 1 786.

Trebel l ius Po l lio . See H is to riae Avgvstae s cr iptores \f I .

Trenchard , John , and Thomas Gordon Cato ’ slet ters . [Anon . ] Vol . 2—4. London . MDCCXX I I I



Book-p late : Lemue l Adams . Hartford .

Tr i cot , Laurent . Les rudiment s de la langue latine ,a l ’usage des col leges de l ’U nivers ité de Pari s .1 4e édit ion . Pari s . M .DCC .LXXVII .Autograph : J . Q . Adams, 1 778.

Trigland , Theodore . Paedia j uri s,s ive examen

I ns titutionum Oxoniae . MDCCX .

Autograph s : J . Gridley and John Adams .Tro is s iec les, Les , de notre l i tt érature . [Anon . J

See Sabat ier , A .

Tronch i , Paolo . Memorie istoriche de l la c itta diPi sa . Livorno . M .DC .LXXXI I .

Trumbu l l , B enj amin . A complete hi s tory of Connect icut , c ivi l and eccle s ias t i ca l

,from the emi

grat ion of i ts fi rs t planters from England , inMDCXXX , to MDCCI I I . Vol . 1 . Hartford .

1 797 . Portrai t s . Fo lded map .

Vo l . 2 is wanting.

Page 257: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Trumbul l,John . Descript ion of the four p ictures ,

from subj ec ts of th e Revolut ion , paint ed byo rde i of the Government of the United Stat es ,and now p laced in the rotunda of the Cap i tol .New York . 1 827 . Plates . No . 6 in 1 70.9

Tudo r, Wi l l iam . Cons iderat ions on the publ i c ex

pediency of a bridge from one part of B os tonto the other . [Anon . ] Bos ton . 1 806 .

Two cop ies . NO . 6, 7 inTufts , Cotton , M .D . An orat ion

,in honour to the

memory of General George Washington ,del ivered before the i nhab itant s of the town ofWeymouth

,on the 22d day of February , 1 800 .

Bos ton . 1 800. 8°

Tu l l , Jethro . Horse—hoe ing husbandry : or an es

say on the princ ip les of vegetat ion and t i l l age .

4th ed i t ion . London . M .DCC .LXII . P lates .

Title-page contain s autograph : John Adams .Turnbu l l , George , LL .D . The princip l e s of moralphi lo sophy . London . MDCCXL .

Tyrre ll , S ir James . The genera l h i s tory of England ,both eccles ias t i ca l and civi l . Vol . I

, 3 , part 2 .

London . MDCC,MDCCIV . Plat e . Gene

a logical cha rt . Tables . F°

Each volume has autograph . John Adams .Under-sheriff, The . See Ma l lory, J .

Un ited States . An act to es tab l ish an un iformsys tem of bankruptcy throughout the Un it edStat es . Enacted Apri l 4,

1 800. Phi lade lph ia .

1 800.

— Acts pas sed at a Congres s of the United State sof America . I s t—3d se s s ion Phi ladelphia .

3 v . i n 1 .

Same . 2d Congres s,1 s t

,2d s es s ion . Philade l

Page 259: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


United S tates . Congres s . (Continued)eenth year of the s overeignty of the saidUnited States . Phi ladelphia . M .DCC .XC I I I .F



[Pres ident’ s mes sages and reports of depart

ments to the 6th Congres s , I s t Ses s io n . Phi lade l ph ia . 1 799, 29 pamphl et s in 1 v .

Tables .Many of the pamph let s are o f ed i t ion s publ i shed or printed byorder o f the House of Repre sentat ive s .

[Report s of committees . Philade lphia . 1 799,

70 pamphlet s in 1 v . [6th Congres s .

I s t Ses s ion . House ]Adj utant General . [M i s c el laneous general regulations . By authori ty of the War Department . Washington . 1 825Part ly in MS ., partly p r inted c irculars .Census . Fifth census ; or, enumerat ion of theinhabitant s o f the United Stat es . 1 830. Washington . 1 832 . L . f


. No . I in— Same . As corrected at the Department ofSta te . No . 2 inCons t i tu t iona l convent ion

,1 787 . Journals


and proceedings,of the conventi on , as s embled

at Phi lade lph ia , Monday, May 1 4, and diss olved Monday

,Sept ember 1 787 , which

formed the Cons t i tut i on of the Un i t ed Stat e s .

Bos ton . 1 8 1 9.

Two cop ie s , one o f which conta in s the book-plate of J . Q .

Adams .Navy Department . Regi s t er of the commiss ioned and warrant offi cers of the navy of theUni ted States ; inc luding officers of the marineco rps , &c .

, &c . 1 82 1 , 22 ,1 827

—30 . Washing

ton . 1 82 1 —30 . 8 v . etc .

There are two cop ie s for the years 1 827 , 1 828 and 1 829 . Thei s sue for 1 830 conta ins on the t i t le-page : John Quincy Adamsfrom h i s m0

. ob t . s ervt . R . B . Maury .


Page 260: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


United S tates . (Continued)Postmaste r General . Table of the post offi cesin the Un ited States

,arranged by states and

countie s : as they were October 1 , 1 830 ; w i th aSupplement , s tat ing the offices es tab l i shedbetween the I S t [ s i c ] O ctober , 1 830, and thefi rs t of Apri l

,1 83 1 . Washington . 1 83 1 .

Ouarter Master General . Message from thePre s ident of the Unit ed States a ccompanyinga s tatement of expenditures from the I s t ofJanuary

,1 797 , by the Quarter Maste r General ,

and the navy agent s , for the contingenci es ofthe nava l and mi l i tary e s tab l i shments

,and the

navy contracts for t imber and s tore sWashington C i ty . 1 803 . 3 v .

Vo l s . 2 and 3 are ent it led, Documents accompanying ame s sage

State Department . Letters from the Secretaryof State to Mr . Monroe

,on the subj ect of im

pres sm en t s,colonia l t rade

,810 Also

,ext racts

from , and enclosures in , the l ett ers of M r . Monroe , to the Secre tary of State , prior to the j o intmis s ion of h im and Mr . Pinkney . Accompanying the message of the Pres ident of the UnitedState s , of 22d March , 1 808 . Washington City .

1 808 . No . 6 in— A regi s te r of offi ce rs and agents

,civi l

,mil i

tary , and nava l , in the se rvice of the UnitedStates . With the name


,and condit ion of

all the ships and ve s s e l s be longing to the UnitedStates , and when and where bui l t . 1 8 1 7 , 1 9 ,

23 , 25 , 27 , 29, 3 I 33 , 37. 39, 43 , 45 Washington . 1 8 1 8—45 . 1 2 v .

The re are two cop ie s for the years 1 823 , 25 , 27 , 29 . The vo lum e for 1 825 i s interleaved and contain s large add i t ion sapparent ly in the handwrit ing of J . Q . Adam s when in advan cedyears . One of the cop ies for 1825, and both cop ie s for 1 827are stamp ed on the front cover “J . Q . Adams, Pre s ident of theUn i ted States .”

[25 1 ]

Page 261: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


U n ited S tat es . State Department . ( Continued)Rep0 1 t upon we ights and measures , by JohnQuincy Adams , Secretary of Stat e Washington . 1 82 1 . Tables . 8


Prepared in obed ience to a resolut ion o f the Senate o f theth ird March , 18 1 7 . On fly-leaf is in scribed : From John Quincy Adams to h is father .Treasury Department . C i rcular to consul s[WashingtonContains D irect ions for putt ing up and transmitt ing seed sand p lants .—A dige s t of the exi s t ing commercial regulat ion s of foreign countries , w ith which theUnited St ate s have intercours e . Wash ington .

1 833 , 36. 3 v .

— Lette r from the Secreta ry of the Treasury .

accompanying the copy of a lett er from theCommis s ioners [ of the Federal Bu i ldings ] ofthe Citv of Wash ington , in the D is tr i ct of C0lumb ia ,

and sundry s tatements exh ib i t inga v iew of the rece ipt s and expendi tures of a l lmon ies ent rus ted to them ; Ph i ladelph ia .

1 798. F°

-Report of the Secretary of the Treasury , onthe subj ec t of publ ic roads and canal s . Apr il

Washington . 1 808. No . 5 i n— War Department . O ffic ial army regis t er for

1 828. Wash ington . 1 828.

Un ited States M i l i ta ry Academy , West Point . Anexpos é of fact s

,concern ing recent transact i ons


relat ing to the corps of cade ts of the UnitedStates ’ M i l i tary Academy , at West—Point , NewYork . Newburgh . 1 8 1 9 . No . z in

Regis te r of th e officers and cadets . 1 8 1 9—25 .

[Poughkeeps ie , etc . ] 1 82 1 —25 . 6 v . in 1 .

The i s sue for 1 8 1 9 i s en titled Catalogue o f cadets Thei s sue for 1 825 has a l i s t in manu scrip t, in se rted at end ,

ofcade ts admitted in 1 825 .


Page 263: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Var i l las , Antoine . Réponse de M r. Vari l las a lacri t ique de Mr . Burnet . Sur l e s deux premierstomes de l

H isto ire des révolut ions arrivéesdans l

Europe en mat iere de rel igion . Pari s .M .DC .LXXXVII . No . 1 i n

Ve l ly , Paul Franco i s . Histoi re de France,depui s


étab l issem ent de la monarchie jusqu’

au regnede Louis X IV . Pari s . M .DCC .LXVI I .

26 v .

I n th i s ed i t ion , V e l ly’

s part end s with tom e 7 ; Claude Vil lare t’ sbegin s with tome 8

, J . J .. Garnier

s with tome 1 7 , p . 348.

There are no i l lustrat ion s . Tomes 3 , 4, 1 7, 18 bel ong to aNouve l le éd it ion .

Venner, Samue l . The Bri t i sh merchant s as s i s tant :or a complete v iew of the B ri t i sh customstogether with , an abs t ract of al l the laws , nowin force

,re lat ing to the cus toms , to the 5 Geo .

I I I . i nclus ive Edinburgh . M .DCC.LXVI .FTwo cop ie s . The fir s t copy has autograph : John Adams


1 773

V era Figueroa y Z i’

i fi iga, Juan Anton io de , Condede la Roca . Le parfa i t ambassadeur . Compos é en Espagnol par Anton io de Vera et deCunn iga Nouvel l ement t radui t en franco is .Leide . 1 709. 2 v . in 1 .

V ergi lio , Polydoro . De rerum inventoribus l ibriocto . Nova ed i t io . Acces serunt

C . Pl in ii,Alexandri Sard i , al iorumque de

eadem materi a co l l ectanea , sequenti pagel lacons ignata . Argento rat i . M .DC .VI . 2 v .

i n 1 .

Autograph : J . Adams .V ernon , Thomas . Cas es argued and adj udged inthe High Court of Chancery . In the Savoy .


t ra i t . F°

Title-page o f vo l . 1 mutilated . Autograph (vo l . JohnAdams, 1 770.


Page 264: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


V erona i l lus t rata . See Maffe i , F . S .

V erto t d’

Aubeuf, René Aubert de , abbé . Ambassades de Mess ieurs de Noai l les en Angleterre .

[Edited by C . Villaret . ] Leyde , et s e t rouveaParis . M .DCC .LXI I I . 5 v. 1 2


The h istory o f the Knights Hosp ital l ers of St .John of Jerusalem ,

s tyled at pre s ent ,the Knights of Malta . Trans lat ed from theFrench . Edinburgh . M .DCC .LVII . 5 v .

Each vo lume has autograph : John Adams .The hi s tory of the revolut ion in Sweden .

Written original ly in French , and nowdone into Engl i sh , by J . Mitche l . 4th edit i on .

London . MDCCXVI . Sm . NO. 1 inContain s autograph s : John Glover and R i chard Glover, 1 728.

The revo lut ions of Portugal . Done intoEngli sh from the las t French editon [byGabriel Rous s i l l on ] . London . M .Dcc .xx1 .

Plate . Sm . 8°

No . 2 in 2 1 3 .9On the t it le-page o f i s wr itten : John Adams from h isB rother Cranch .

V erzamel ing van de Cons t itutién der V ereenigde

onafhangl ijke Staa ten van Amerika , benevensde Acte van Onafhangl ijkheid ,

de Artijkelenvan Confederat ie , en de tractaaten tus schenZ ijne Al lerkr is tel ijks te Maj es teit en de V eree

n igde Am erikaansche Staaten Dordrecht . MDCCLXXXI , MDCCLXXX I I . 2

v .

Two cop ies . Vo l . 2 of fir s t copy has autograph of JohnAdams , the fly-leaf of vol . 1 i s cut for autograph .

V erzamel ing van s tukken tot de dert i en V ereen igde

Staeten van Noord—Amerika betrekkel ijk. Leyden . MDCCLXXX I . 8


Two cop ies .V icars , Aioéoewv o


iot oio ig: or, a new wayof decid ing old controvers i es . By B asan istes

[255 ]

Page 265: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


V icars , (Continued)3d ed it ion , enla rged . London .

1 8 1 5 .

Th is treat ise on the Trinity i s attr ibuted in a manuscr ip t notein a copy of the ed i t ion of 1805 to Robert EdwardGarnham .

V ie de Jean—Bart . [Anon . ] See R icher , A .

V ie de'

Mons ieur Turgot . [Anon . ] See Condorcet , M . J . A . N . de G ,

Marqui s de .

V ie p rivée de Louis XV [Anon . ] See Mouffl e


Angervi l le ,

Vil lani , Gi ovanni . Cron i che d i Mess er GiovanniVi l lani c ittadino fiorent ino

,nel l e qual i s i t rat ta

de l l ’ origine d i Fi renze , 81 d i tutt i e fat t i 81guerre sta te fat te da F i orent in i nel la I ta l ia .

[Edited by G. Faso lo . Colophon : Stampate in V inetia per Bartholomeo Zanet t i Casterzagense . F


V i llani, Matteo . His tor ia , il qvale cont inva l’


t or ie d i Giovan Vi l lan i svo frate l lo . Et cominc ia da l l ’ anno M CCC XLVI I I . Con dve tauo le .

Venet ia . M .D .LXI I . 4°

V i l lars , Due de , M émoires du . [Anon . ] See Mar

gon , G. P . de La P . de .

V iner , Charles . A general abridgment of law andequi ty alphabet i ca l ly diges ted under p ropert it l es . Aldershot in Hampshi re . [ 1 74 123 v . FAutograph of John Adams in each vo lume, excep t vol . 8, wh i chhas b een muti lated for autograph . Vo l . 23 i s an index to thewhole work.

V irgil ius Maro , Publ ius . B vcol icorvm, eclogae X .

Georgicorvm ,l ibr i I I I I . ZEne idos , l ib ri X I I .

Et i n ea,M avri Servi i commentarii

avct iore s . Acces s i t Fab ij Planciadis Fulgentijl iber de cont in ent ia Virgi l iana , auct ior . I tem

Jun ij Philargyr ij comm entar io lus in Bucol i ca

Page 267: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Vo i ture , Vincent de . Lettres et autres oeuvres .

Nouve l le édi ti on , augmentée de l a suitte

de la conclus ion cle l’

H is to ire d’

Alc idal is e t

de Ze l ide [ par le Si eur Des -Barre s ] . Tom . 2 .

Amsterdam . M .DCC . IX .

The top of the t itle-page i s cut . Vol . 1 i s mi s s ing.

Vo lney , Cons tant in Franc01s Chas seboeuf, Comtede . Travels through Egypt and Syria , i n theyears 1 783 ,

1 784 81 1 785 . Trans lated fromthe French . In two volumes . Vol . I I .New York . 1 798.

Vol . 1 i s miss ing.

Vo lta ire , Fran c01 s Mar ie Aroue t de . La B ibl e enfinexpl iquée par p lus i eurs aumoniers de S . M . L .

R.D . P . 3

e édit ion , augment ée . Tome I .

Londres . MDCCLXXVI I .Contents . Gene s i s—Ruth .

Um Chrét i en contre s ix Juifs . [Anon . ] Londres . MDCCLXXVI I . No . 1 inLa défens e de mon onc l e . [Anon . N .p . 1 7658


Lett res ch ino i s es , ind iennes et tartares . A Monsi eur Paw , par un Bénéd ict in [ p seud . ] Londre s . No . 2 in

CEuvres . [Geneve 37 v .

Diagrams . Portrai t s . Plates .Vol s . 1 , 1 1

— 1 3 , 20, 25—30, 33—37 are unbound . Several volumesare mutilated . Vo l ta ire ’ s Piece s détach ées, on she l f-number

are usually cal led the three last vo lumes o f the ( Euvres .

Vol . 3 1 has autograph : John Adams .La philosophic de l

h isto ire . Par feu l ’AbbéBazin Gen eve . MDCCLXV .

No . 1 inThere are a few note s in the margin s, appar ently in thewrit ing of John Adams .Pieces d étachées , attribuées a d ivers hommescélebres . [Pari s ] M .DCC .LXXV . 3 v .

Usual ly cal led vol . 38—40 o f Voltai re ’ s (Euvres , Geneve ,M .DCC .LXXV

[258 ]

Page 268: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


V o l tai re , Francoi s Marie Arouet de . ( Continued)Théétre . Tome 1 , 3—8 . Neufchate l . M .DCCLXXI


Trai t é sur la tol e'

rance [ a l’

occas ion de la mort deJean Calas . Geneve

,aux dépens de l ’auteur . ]

M .DCC .LXI I I . No . 2 inV op is cus , Flavius . See H istoriae Avgvs tae s cripto res VI .

V oss ius , Gerardus Johannes . De historicis Lat in i sl ibri I I I . Edit io al te ra

,prior i em endat ior 81

duplo auctior . Lugduni Batavorum . 1 65 1 .

Vignett e . Sm .

V oyage du j eune Anarchars is en Grece . [Anon . ]See B arthe lemy, J . J .

V oyage pi ttoresque de Pari s Par M . DSee Dezall ier d

Argenvil le , A . N .

V ry, Frank de . De advocaet van Frank de Vry :s chryver der Orangeboom en . Voor de vierschaar der rede . Pleidooi van andwoord .

[Amsterdam ? 8°

W . ,E . See Wins low,

E .

Wai l ly, Noél Franco i s de . Pr inc ip es généraux e t

part icul i ers de la langue francai s e,confi rmés

par des exemples t i rés des bons auteurs .

8e édit ion . Pari s . MDCCLXXVII .

Auto-graph : John Adams . Book-p late : J . Q . AdamsWainewright , Jerem iah . A mechanical account of

the non-natural s : being a bri ef exp l icat ion ofthe changes made in human bodies

,by ai r



&c . , with an inqu iry into the nature and use

of baths upon the same princip l es . 2d edi t i on .

London . 1 708 . SmWa lpo le, Horace , 4th Earl of O rford . A catalogueof the royal and nob le authors of England


l i s t s of their works . 2d edi t ion,corrected and

[259 ]

Page 269: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Walpole , Horace , 4th Earl of O rford . ( Continued)enla rged . Vol . I I . London . MDCCLIX .

Plate . Sm .

Vo l . 1 i s mis s ing.

Wal sh , Robert , J r . An appeal from the j udgmentsof Great Bri ta in respect ing the Un ited States ofAmeri ca . Part firs t

,conta in ing an hi s tori cal

out l ine of thei r meri t s and wrongs as coloni e s :and s tri ctures upon the calumnies of the B ri t i shwrite rs . Phi ladelph ia . 1 8 1 9 .

Free remarks on the sp ir it of the Federa l Cons titut ion

,the pract i ce of the Federal Government ,

and the ob l igati on s of the Union , resp ect ingthe exclus ion of s lavery from the Terri tor iesand new State s . By a Phi ladelphia . Phi ladelphia . 1 8 1 9. 8 .

A pre sen tat ion copy to John Adams in scr ibed by the author .Warburton , Wil l iam ,

B ishop of Gl ouces ter . The

doctrine of grace : or , the offi ce and operat i onsof the Holy Sp iri t v indicated 3d edit ion .

London . MDCCLXII I .Contain s a detur” book-plate o f Harvard Col lege on wh ich i swritten : N : R i ce by S . Locke, 1 773 .

Ward , Artemas , LL .D . Sp eech,del ivered in the

House of Rep resentat ives of th e United States,

on the fi fth day of March , 1 8 1 4,on a b i l l making

appropriat ions for the support of the mil i tarye s tab l i shment of the United Stat es for the yearone thousand e ight hundred and fourteen .

Washington C i ty . 1 8 1 4 . No . 1 0 i nWarden , Davi d Bai l i e B ib l iotheca Americo-Sep

tentr ionalis : being a choice co l l ect i on of booksrelat ing to North America . [Anon .

Pari s ] 1 820. No . 3 inThe t it le i s rep eated


in French .

Wardle , G. L A Circumstan t ial report of the evidence and proceedings upon the charges preferred agains t Hi s Royal H ighnes s the Duke


Page 271: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Waterhouse , B enj amin , M .D . Cautions to youngpe rsons concerning heal th in a publ i c l ecturedel ivered at th e c los e of. th e med ical cours e inthe Chapel at Cambridge

,Nov . 20,

1 804 : conta in ing the gene ral doctrine of chronic d is eas es ;shewing the evi l t endency of the us e of tobaccoupon young persons ; more especial ly the pern icious effect s of smoking c igarrs ; with ob ser

vat ions on the us e of ardent and vinous sp i ri t sin general . [Cambridge ] 1 805 .

A pre sentat ion copy to Mr . [John ? ] Adams , in s cribed by theauthor .

Dis s ertat io medica de sympathia partium corpori s humani , ejusque , in exp l icandis et curandism orbis . nece s saria cons iderat ione . Lugduni

B atavo rum . MDCCLXXX . No . 9 in 1 70.9

An es say concerning Tus s i s convuls iva , or ,whooping- cough . With observat ions on thedi seas es of ch i ldren . Boston . 1 822 .

A presentation copy to the Adams Library, in scribed by theauthor .

Watson, Richard , Bi shop of Llandaff . Chem icales says . 3d edit ion . Vol s . 1—4 . London .


Vol . 4 i s o f the I st ed i t i on . Vol . 5 i s m is s ing.

A col l ect ion of theo logi ca l t ract s . Cambridge .

M .DCC .LXXXV . 6 v .

Watson , Robert . His to i re du regne de Ph i l ippe I I ,roi d

Espagne . Ouvrage t radui t de l ’angloi s .

[Par le comte de M i rabeau et Jean Durival . ]Ams terdam . M .DCC .LXXVI I I . 4 v . Port ra it .Autograph s ( i n vo l s . 3 , John Adams , Pari s, March 1 0,

1 780. A f ly-leaf in vo l . 2 has been torn for autograph .

Wattevil le , Alexandre Lou i s de . Histo ire de l aconfédérat ion he lvét ique . Edi t i on nouve l le


avec la cont inuat ion jusque s en 1 533 . Berne .

1 757 . 2 v . 1 6°

Page 272: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -



,D .D . A narrat ive of the pro

ceed ings of the corporat ion ofHarvard Col l ege ,relat ive to the late dis orders in that s eminary .

Cambridge . 1 807 . No . 5 i nThe upp er corner o f a l l the page s are mutilated .

W ebs ter , Danie l . A discourse,de l ivered at Ply

mouth,December 22 ,

1 820,in commemorat ion

of the fi rs t se t t lement of New England . B os

ton . 1 82 1 .

Webs ter,Noah . A brief h i s tory of ep idemic and

pe s t i l ent ial d i sease s , with the principa l phenom ena of the phys i cal world , which precedeand accompany them

,and observat ions deduced

from the facts s tated . Hartford . 1 799. 2 v .

A col lect i on of es says and fugit iv wri ti ngs .Bos ton . I . Thomas and E . T . Andrews . MDCCXC .

Weekly regi s t er . See N i les ’ Weekly regis ter .We l les ley, Richard Col ley , Marques s of Wel les l ey .

Primit iae et re l i qu iae . [Anon . ] Lond in i .


Contain s o rigina l Lat in verse s and several Engl ish trans lat ion s from Greek and Latin poet s .

Welwood , James , M .D . M emors of the mostmateria l t ransact ions in England

,for the las t

hundred years,preceeding [ s i c ] the Revolut ion

in 1 688. A new edi t ion,correct ed . Glasgow .


Autograph : John Adam s . Book-p late : John Quincy Adams“.Wentworth , Thomas . The off i ce and duty of ex

ecu tors . London . 1 668.

Autograph s : John Adams and Sam1 Quincy, 1 760.

Wes t , Gilbert . Observat ions on the hi s tory and evidence of the re surrect ion of Jesus Chri s t . ( InWatson , Richard . A collect ion of theologi calt racts . Vol . 5 , pp . 289

—443 . London . M .


[263 ]

Page 273: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


West , Samuel , D .D . A sermon,preached before

His Excel lency James Bowdoin , Governour :of Mas sachusett s

, May3 1 , 1 786 : be ing theday of genera l e lec t ion . Bos ton .

No . 4 inAutogr aph : R i chard Cranch . The ti tle-page and pp . 5 , 6 are

miss ing from th i s copy .

Whate ly , Thomas . Observat ions on modern garden ing . 4th ed it i on . [Anon . ] London .


There are a few manuscrip t notes in the autograph , probablyo f John Adams . The top o f the t it le-page i s cut o ff. Archb ishop Whately s tates that h is uncle, J . Whately, was theearl ies t wr iter on land scape garden ing.

Wheare , D egory. Re lectiones hyemales de rat ione81 m ethodo legend i utrasque hi sto rias , c ivil es81 eccles ias ticas Acces s i t Gabri e l i s Naudaci B ibl iographia pol i t i ca . Praem ittitur Jus t iL ips ii epi s to la Adjectus est i ndex . Cantabrig iae . M . DC . LXXXIV .

The t itl e-page contain s an autograph of John Adams .Wh ite , Dani el Appleton . A vi ew of the jur isdict ion and proceedings of the Courts of Probatein M as sachus et ts

,with part i cular reference to

the County of Es sex . Salem . 1 822 .

Th i s copy i s a p re sentat ion copy to John Adams from theauthor.

Wh ite , Will iam ,D .D .

,Bishop of Pennsylvan ia .

Lecture s on the catech ism of th e ProtestantEp i s copal Church . With suppl ementary lectures ; one on the min i s t ry ; the other on thepubl i ck service . Phi lade l ph ia . 1 8 1 3 .

Wh itney, Pet er . The hi s tory of the County ofWorce s te r, Massachusett s . Prefixed a map .

Worces ter . I . Thomas . MDCCXCI I I .

W icquefort , Abraham van . L’

his to ire des Prov inces-Unie s , des Pai s-B as . Depu i s le parfa i tétab l i s s ement de cet état , par la Paix de Mun


Page 275: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


W ins l ow , Edward . ( Continued)a part in the fore-named t rouble s London . 1 624. Sm . No . 1 inContain s manuscr ipt note s . Page 67 i s numbered 59 .

W interton , Ralph . Poetae m inore s Graec1 . Accedunt et iam Ob servat ione s Radulph i Wintertoni in H es iodvm . Cantabrigiae . M DCC .

Autograph : John Adams .Winthrop , John , Governor A j ournal of the

t ransact i ons and occurrence s in the s ett l ementof Mas sachusett s and other New Englandcolon i e s . from the year 1 630 to 1 644 . Hartford .

M ,DCC ,XC . 8°

Autograph . John Adams .Winthrop , John , LL .D . A lecture on earthquakes ;read in the chapel of Harvard-Col lege

,N . E .

November 26th 1 755 . On occas ion of the greatearthquake which shook New-England theweek befo re . Bos ton . 1 755 . Sm .

No . 1 in 1 70.9Conta ins marginal comments apparently written by JohnAdams .

Wirt , Wil l iam . Sketche s of the l i fe and charact erof Pat i i ck Henry . Phi ladelph ia . 1 8 1 7 . Portrai t .On th e ded i cati on page i s written : John Adams from TheAuthor .

W itherspoon , John . D .D . Works . Prefixed anaccount of the author ’ s l ife

, by JohnRodgers . Phi ladelph i a . 1 800 . 3 v .

Wits , Herman . n yp t iaca ,et Asno


icpi iitov. Sive .

de JE gyp t iacorum sacrorum cum H ebraicis co llat ione l ib r i t res . Et de decem tribubus I s rael i sl ib er s ingu laris . Acces s i t D iatrib e de LegioneMarco Aurel i o Antonino . Edit io s ecunda .

fulminatri ce Christianorum,sub Imperatore

Am s te lodam i . M .DC .XCVI . Engraved t i t lep age . Sm . 4


Tit le-page cut for autograph .

[266 ]

Page 276: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Witt,Jan de . Grand Pens ionary of Hol land . Let

t re s e t négoc iat ions entre Mr . Jean de Witt .et Mes s i eurs les p l énipotentiai re s des

P rovm ces—Unie s des Pais—Bas , aux cours deFrance


Angleterre 1 652— 1 669 . Tra

dui te s du ho llando is . Amsterdam . M .DCC .

XXV . 4 v . 1 2°

Two set s .The true intere s t and pol i t i cal maxims of therepublick of Hol land and VVe st-Fries land .

Written by John de Wit t,and other great men

in Holland . London . MDCC I I . Port ra it .

Contains autograph of G. Markham . 1 70 1 ; John Cranch , 1 787 ;by the latter th i s book was pre sented t o John Adams .See a l so Netherlands : Staten-Gen eraal .

Wo lcott , O l iver . An addre s s t o the people of theUnited Stat es

,on the subj ect of the report of

a committee of the House of Repre sentat ive s ,appointed to exam ine and report , whe thermonies drawn from the Tr

,easu i y have beenfai thful ly appl i ed .

” Bos ton . 1 802 . 8°

No . 4 inWo lff , Chri s t ian , Reichs fre iherr V on . Cours demathémat ique , contenant toutes l e s part i es decet te s c ience . Tradui t en Franco is


augmenté . Nouve l l e édi t i on . Pari s . M .

DCC .LVI I . 3 v . Plates . 8°

Th i s ed i t ion was ed i ted by Charle s An to ine J ombert .

Elem enta mathes eos u ii iversae . Ed i t io nova auct ior Genevae . MDCCXXXI I—MDCCXXXVII I . 4 v Port i ait . Plat es . 4


Ins t itut i ons du dro i t de la nature et des gens ,clans le sque l l e s

,par une chaine continué


dédui t de l a nature meme de l ’homme,toute s

s es obl igat ions 81 tons s es dro it s . Tradui te sdu Latin par Mr . M avec de s note s


[267 J

Page 277: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Wolff,Chri s t ian

,Re ichsfi e iherr von . ( Continued)

pa i E l ie Luzac . Tome 1 . Leyde .

MDCCLXXII . Vignett e .Book p late : J . Q . Adams .

Wood , John . The hi s tory of the admini s t rat ion ofJohn Adams

,esq . lat e Pres ident of the Uni ted

States New York . 1 802 . 8°

1 40. 1 2

Woodward , Augustus B . Cons idera t ions on theexecut ive gove rnment of the Un i t ed S tat es o fAmerica . Flatbush . 1 809 . No . 1 2 i n

Wo rces te r , Joseph Eme rson . Remarks on lon

gevityand the expe ctat ion of l ife in the UnitedStates , re lat ing more part icularly to the Stateof New Hampshire . ( Cut from Ameri canAcademy of Art s and Sc ience s . Memo irs .New serie s . Vol . 1

,pp . 1 —44. Cambridge .

No . 7 inWorceste r , Noah , D .D . ,

edi to r . The friend ofpeace . By Phi lo Pacificus No . VIVol . I I . Cambrdge . November

,1 8 1 9 .

With the original blue paper cover . NO. 3 In 25 1 4

Wo rkman , B enj amin . Gauging ep itom ized . O r,

a short t reat i s e of gauging . Phi ladelph ia .

World d isp layed , The ; or , a curious co l l ecti on ofvoyages and t rave l s

,s e le cted and compi led

by Smart , Gold smith , 81 John son . I s t American ed i t ion

,en larged . Phi la delphi a . 1 795 , 96 .

8 v . Plate s . Portra i t s . 8°

Wotton , Anthony . De reconciliat ione peccatoris ,l ibri qvatuor . In quibus doct rina Ecc le

s iae Angl icanae de jus tificatione imp ij exp l i

catur & defend itur Bas i lese . M DC XXIV . Sm .

Xenophon . Td suoionoueya . Qvae exs tant opera,

in dvo s tomos d ivi sa . Grace c multo quam

Page 279: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Young , Sir Wil l iam ,2d Baronet . The hi s tory of

Athens pol i t ical ly and ph i losoph ical ly cons idered

,with the view to an inves t igat ion of the

immediate caus es of e levat ion,and of decl ine .

operat ive in a f i ee and commercial s tate . London . M .DCC .LXXXVI .Contain s the book-p late s o f John and J . Q . Adams .

Z abarel la , Giacomo , Count , the Elder . De rebvs

natvral ibvs l ibri XXX . Quibus quaes t iones,

quae ab Aris to te lis interpretibus hodie tractaris ol ent , accurate d iscut iun tur . Edit io po strema .

[Franco furti . M .D .XCV I I . JThe ti t le-page i s bad ly muti l ated .

Zanott i , Giovann i Piet ro Cavazzoni . Le pi t ture d iBo logna . 3a ed iz ione con nuova , e copiosaagg iunta .

Bologna . MDCCXXXI II 74-1 3

Zarate , Agusti n de . His to ire de la découvert e et dela conquéte du Perou , t radui t e de l

espagno l ,par S . D . C . [De B roé , Se igneur de Citri de laGuett e ] . Paris . M . DCC . LXXIV . 2 v .

Plate s . Map . 243 .8

Zeno ,Piet ro Caterino . Ma 1 c 1 Antonii Coccii Sabel l ic i vi ta . Portrai t . ( In I storici del l e cosaveneziane . Tomo 1 , pp . xxix—lxvi i . Venezia .

MDCCXVII I . )Vita del s enatore M ichele Fos carini . ( I n Same .Tomo 1 0

,pp . l l l—V l l l . Venezia . MDCCXX

II . )Vita d i Batt i s ta Nani . Port rai t . ( In Same .

Tomo 8,pp . i—xxvi i . Venezia . MDCCXX . )

—Vita di Pao lo Paruta . Portrai t . ( In Same .

Tomo 3 , pp . i—xxxvi i . Venezia . MDCCXVI I I . )

Z os irnus . Z os im i Com . H isto riarum l ib r i VI,Pro

c0p ius [ s i c ] De bell . Justin ian i l ibri t ot idem ,


Page 280: Catalogu E of the John Adams Library -


Z os imus . (Continued)Agathiae H is toriarum l ibri V . J o rnandis Ep .

De regn . succ . et reb . Geticis 81 c . l ibri duo .

Leonardi Aret ini De be l lo I ta l ico advers . Go

thos l ibri quatuor . Accurante Joa . Leunclavio .

Aurel iae Allobr . MDCV Recensuit

D .D . [ s i c ] 1 736 . F°


The t itle-page i s mis s ing and i s supp l ied in manu script .Z ouche, R ichard . Elem enta j ur i sprudent iae defini

t ion ibus,regul is 81 sentent iis j uri s c ivi l i s

,i l lu s

t rata ; accesserunt descr i p t i ones j ur i s 81 j udic i i ,sacri

,mil itar is

,et marit im i . Am s telodam i .

[ 1 68 1 ? JCon ta in s the ded icatory ep ist le of the Elzevir ed i t ion , dated1 652.

— The juri sd ict i on of the admira l ty of Englandass erted . London . 1 686 . F


. No . 6 inZweerts , Phi l ip s . Semiramis , of de dood van N inus .

Treurspel . Den tweeden druk . [Anon . ]Am s te ldam . 1 745 . 1 6


No . 4 in

The Pub lic Library of the City of B os ton : Printing D epar tm en t .

[27 1 ]