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Page 1: Catalina Educator Symposium Schedule - pg1 › userfiles › files...Catalina Educator Symposium October 23, 2019 Trailhead visitor center The Catalina Educator Symposium is back to

Catalina Educator Symposium October 23, 2019 Trailhead visitor center

The Catalina Educator Symposium is back to create an opportunity for educators of Catalina Island to connect, network, share, and collaborate. Throughout the year our Catalina Island camps and educa�onal ins�tu�ons connect with learners of all ages to share the beauty and uniqueness of the island through experien�al learning. This symposium is a chance to share our success stories and our challenges with our Island colleagues to learn from each other and explore new opportuni�es.

This Symposium will bring together program directors as well as the frontline educa�on staff of camps, USC Wrigley, Catalina Island Conservancy, and educators that u�lize the Island on an annual basis. This day is about you as a Catalina educator, and the skills and knowledge that you possess. Get to know your fellow educators on the Island and what they have learned from teaching and represen�ng this very special place.

Program Schedule 8:30-9:15 Check-in and Con�nental Breakfast 9:30-9:35 Welcome and Orienta�on: Tony Budrovich

President & CEO, Catalina Island Conservancy

9:35-10:00 Key Note Speaker: Sarah Marcotte, Public Engagement Specialist, NASA’s Mars Exploration Program, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

“Engaging Every Learner: Using the NASA Engagement Pyramid to Reach Diverse Audiences”

From toddlers fascinated by a ladybug to adults looking for the latest science research, informal educators have an incredibly diverse audience with which to connect. How to ensure your programing successfully serves your core audience but also invites others in? One method utilized by NASA is the engagement pyramid. Join Sarah Marcotte in learning about this helpful engagement tool and its applicability in nearly any type of educational program.

10:15-11:15 Meet your Colleagues • Each par�cipa�ng ins�tu�on will elect a colleague in advance to deliver a 3 minute “All

About Us” introduc�on

11:15-12:00 Session 1: Building Produc�ve Partnerships: The Three “Must Haves”All a�endees will par�cipate in this interac�ve session designed to advance the conversa�on of what makes a successful partnership across different organiza�ons. Sharing first with colleagues at a table se�ng and then with the whole group, this session will start the morning off with high par�cipatory energy.

Page 2: Catalina Educator Symposium Schedule - pg1 › userfiles › files...Catalina Educator Symposium October 23, 2019 Trailhead visitor center The Catalina Educator Symposium is back to

Speaker: Nathan Erlandson, Director of Facili�es, Boy Scouts of America, West LA County Council "Campers as Partners: Reducing Consump�on at Emerald Bay"

Speaker: Ross Turner, Co-founder and President and CEO, Guided Discoveries “Developing Educa�onal Experiences for Students at CIMI: The Evolu�on of the Plankton Lab”

Speakers: Ann Close, Associate Director, USC Wrigley Ins�tute for Environmental Studies Lauren Oudin, Laboratory Director, Wrigley Marine Science Center “Recording Change: Building a Community Science Program”

2:00-2:15 Break

2:15-3:15 Session 3: Measuring Impact This session of presenta�ons and audience par�cipa�on will focus on the different ways we can measure the impact of our programs.

Leah Melber, Ph.D., Director of Educa�on, Catalina Island Conservancy “Grids for Great Evalua�on” Evaluating programs doesn’t have to be complicated. Using a simple grid system, anyone can create an evaluation plan to collect helpful data. It’s so easy, you’ll have a chance to create your own Grid before you leave!

Wendy G Teeter, PhD, RPA, Curator of Archaeology, Fowler Museum at UCLA Lynn Dodd, Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Prac�ce of Religion and Spa�al Sciences, USC “Ensuring Success of the VR Eagles Nest Hun�ng Lodge Project” This presentation will share the progress to date of a collaborative project that combines immersion virtual technology with excavations of the Eagles Nest Hunting Lodge in Middle Canyon, Catalina Island as developed through experts at USC and the 2008-2015 Pimu Catalina Island Archaeology Project. The session will then model examples of formative evaluation by involving participants in review of what's been created to date and ask YOUR opinions about the project and how to make it even better!

3:15-4:00 Program Conclusion We’ll end our �me together recognizing the impact our programs can have on par�cipants through presenta�ons from several Island program alumni who have gone on to stay connected with Catalina and inspire the next genera�on!

Facilitator: Cressita Bowman, Environmental Educa�on Specialist, Catalina Island Conservancy

4:00-4:45 Recep�on This is your chance to con�nue the conversa�on. Your registra�on includes one free drink �cket (wine, beer, non-alcoholic drink) to enjoy at Toyon Grill.

12:00-12:45 Lunch 1:00- 2:00 Session 2: Idea To Ac�on

This Q & A panel will focus on taking a great idea and making it a reality. Speakers will briefly share their success story before turning over the session to par�cipants for ques�ons on �ps, tricks, and advice.