Download - Cat Neuter Procedures

Page 1: Cat Neuter Procedures

Cat Neuter


Presented by: Renee L Smith

Page 2: Cat Neuter Procedures

Please note: the cat is completely anesthetized and being monitored closely during the neuter procedure.

Scrotum with testicles

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The hair is plucked from the scrotum. In cats; the incision is made through the scrotum, while in dogs the incision is made in front of the scrotum.

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close up view of hair plucking

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finished with plucking, next the scrotum has to be cleaned with surgical scrub solution

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wiping with alcohol

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Surgeon is making incision over the testicle and through the scrotal skin. Next, the testicle will be pulled out of the scrotal sac.

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After the incision is made, the testicle is pulled out of the sack. The long piece of tissue is the spermatic cord which contains an artery, vein, nerves and the vas deferens (tube that transports sperm from the testicle).

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Instead of placing a suture around the spermatic cord the surgeon is tying the cord on itself.

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The testicle has been cut away and the knot completed. The cord will be released back into the body. The procedure is repeated with the other testicle. The scrotal incisions are not sutured in cats, they heal on their own in several days.