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Page 1: Casting Instructions For

Casting Instructions for 'Summon The Fairies Spell'1. Put the candle in place. Concentrate on what it is you want to do (obviously summon the fairies). Now light the candle. 

2. Place the 2 leaves on each side and your "gift" infront of the candle. Now imagine you and the fairies foing something. 3. Now chant:"Fairies of all kind here my call,Nature fairies, house faries, Let me see you allFairies O fairies here me nowLet me hear and see you and your soundsSo mote it be!(that night you should here voices talking to you so dont have much sound in your room the voices will be the fairies. Now befriend them and you can do anything, talk even play good luck)

Casting Instructions for 'Charge a crystal Spell'

Spell Casting:Light the candle, put the crystal in front of the candle and say:

Candle pleasecharge thiscrystal withyour powerto get protectionSo must it be.

Now take the crystal were ever you want, for the power to work

Casting Instructions for 'Enchant a Book Spell'

Light a blue and an indigo candle. Once done, you can begin to invoke a Goddess of Wisdom, and ask for her help to enchant the book. (The Goddess can be one within your own pantheon, doesnt have to be a specific one).Inscribe the book letting the inscription express the desired wish. Close the book when finished, then snuff out the candles.

Casting Instructions for 'Enchant Any Item Spell'

In order to cast this enchantment, you have to believe it will work and put 100 percent of your effort into the enchantment. That will increase it's effectiveness and make it actually have power. After you have decided to do that, sit down in a quiet room or wherever you feel most relaxed. Take the item you wish to enchant and hold it in your power hand(the hand you write with). Now close your eyes and picture the item in your mind. After the item is clearly picturized, imagine part of your inner power being transferred into the item and say; (item) (item) we are now together. I add my power to you forever."

So if your item is a ring, say ring in place of (item) and the same goes for any other type of item you wish to enchant. Beware: Do not try to over enchant your item! When you picture your energy moving into the item it should be a small piece of energy. Like pulling a little piece off of a cotton ball. Now that your item is enchanted you can use it to channel your power. Your item can also be used to protect you, like a charm or weak protective ward. Hope you enjoyed the enchantment and happy casting!

Casting Instructions for 'Enchant Object Spell'

If the item you want to enchant can be destroyed if it gets wet, use the Create Magical Charm spell instead. In place of a wand you can use any sort of stick or want like item.

Put the water into the bowl. Beside the bowl place the cloth and place your item on the cloth beside the bowl.

Dip your wand into the water and while stirring the water say the following spell:

Mix this water with air and wave,Make this bowl become its slave.Enchant the item which wet does get,From this bowl and its contents.

Then place the wand beside your item on the cloth and pick up your item and dip it into the water. When you did the item into the water say the following:

Enchant this thing that I do bless,And make its task the very best.

Casting Instructions for 'How to make a Wand/Staff Spell'

1) take one peice of the chosen wood and cut to approprate size 2) then sand it smooth3) say in a strong voice (after meditating) " i call upon the goddess to make this wand suitable for magic purposes.make it as strong as i and as i continue to gain strength so will it, so mote it be."

Casting Instructions for 'Holy Dagger Spell'

I place this spell on thy dagger T give it divine strength I wish it to pirce ones unclean spirt By the will of the gods and the heavens Grant my dagger the gift to pirce the unholly By my power 3 by 3 So mote it be 

Protection Potion and Spell

Page 2: Casting Instructions For

You will need the following items for this spell: 

item or items you want to enchant  1 bay leaf  pinch of celery salt or 1/2 piece of real celery  pinch of thyme  pinch of parsley  2 pinches garlic  1 lemon cut in half, or a few shakes lemon juice  4 cloves  pinch of sesame seed  pinch of dill  3 carrots cut in half  1 orange, halved  pinch of tarragon  pinch of oregano  1tbsp any coffee in strainer or lace  pinch of paprika  1 bag green tea  1 bag any tea with chamomile in it  4 pecans  sink full of warm water

With this spell and potion you can enchant any item or items. This is a very powerful thing to do, but it works great.You don't need every ingredient, but it works better. You can do this spell at anytime.

Casting Instructions for 'Protection Potion and Spell Spell'Similar SpellsGender Coin CurseMemory Enhancement CharmHow to Bless a Wand or StaffGolden Wishing RingActivating Charmsawaken the magic in youTo find a Lost ObjectTo create a storm.To Find the TruthTo Bless a Sword/Weapon


Ritual Kit

VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.Spell Index   =>Spiritual Spells   =>Enchantment Spells   =>Protection Potion

1. fill up any sink 3/4 the way full with warm water

2.add in the 2 tea bags and the coffee. allow to steep until water is darkened. then remove them they wont be needed

3. if you have a lemon cut it in half and put it in or shake in some lemon juice

4. put in all of the spices and herbs above, if you have it fresh it will work the same. 

5. cut your orange and carrots in half and add them in along with the pecans 

6. your mixture might not look tasty but it should smell good. 

7.put in the item or items you would like to enchant and begin to slowly stir the mixture

8. while you are stirring say this spell and you don't have to memorize it:

a bay leaf for protection,celery for psychic ability,thyme for attracting loyalty

Page 3: Casting Instructions For

parsley for calmness and protecting thy home,garlic for healing and protection,lemon for cleansing,cloves for banishing the hostile, sesame for money,dill for luck,carrots for lust,orange for abundance of happiness,orange peel for love,tarragon for healing,pecans for employment and success,oregano for strength,coffee for anti-negativity,paprika for adding energy to a spell,chamomile for love and healing

stop stirring the mixture and reach in and find your item/s but do not pull them out hold them in your hand and repeat the spell

if it wasn't said right, simply say it again it won't hurt it

you shall know whether or not it worked, because you will feel the energy radiating off of the mixture and the room itself.take the object out and dry it. you will have more energy.

2. Casting Instructions for 'Spell to Bless a Pen Spell'3. Take your piece of hair and tie it around your pen. Next say: Goddess of 

( ) please bless this pen with my hair on it for me t use and me alone for magic.Then leave the pen out in the sunlight for one hour.

4. Casting Instructions for 'Angel of Spirit?s Chant Spell'5. Instructions

(1) Sit in a quiet place with the white candle lit and open your heart to the powers of the Element of Spirit and all that it represents.(2) Yell this repeating part and take in the energy of the angels.(3) With the chant done, you will notice a change in your personality. With each use of this chant you will notice even greater changes.

Incantation(1) Angel of Spirit I invoke your awesome might to give me your power and blessings!(2) Power of Spirit with virtue and treachery, bless me great!Power of Spirit with virtue and treachery, bless me great!Power of Spirit with virtue and treachery, bless me great!Angel of Virtue, facet of Spirit, give me your power!Angel of Virtue, facet of Spirit, give me your power!Angel of Virtue, facet of Spirit, give me your power!Angel of Treachery, facet of Spirit, give me your Power!Angel of Treachery, facet of Spirit, give me your Power!Angel of Treachery, facet of Spirit, give me your Power!(3) The great power of the Angel of Spirit come in to me and bless me.

You will need the following items for this spell: 

• A handful of coarse salt 

• A teaspoon of garlic powde

Casting Instructions for 'Protection Spell Spell'Similar SpellsGender Coin CurseMemory Enhancement CharmHow to Bless a Wand or StaffGolden Wishing RingActivating Charmsawaken the magic in youTo find a Lost ObjectTo create a storm.To Find the TruthTo Bless a Sword/Weapon


Ritual Kit

VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.Spell Index   =>Spiritual Spells   =>Enchantment Spells   =>Protection Spell

Mix them both together and then sprinkle some of the mix on every point of entry to your home. That means doorsteps, windowsills and even vents if you have access to them.

Golden Wishing RingYou will need the following items for this spell: You 

1 simple gold ring (no designs or stone) wedding band will do

Page 4: Casting Instructions For

I got this spell from a book. It is not mine. It will grant you ANY wish you desire. Casting Instructions for 'Golden Wishing Ring Spell' Put on the ring.

Then say: "Ring of gold, ring of old, do my bidding as your told."Then wish away.Warning:1) Be careful what you for. 2) Tell no one. For remember, "Trust is a double-edged sword!"

Water EnchantmentYou will need the following items for this spell: 

Blue stone  Candle of any color (choose a candle that reflects the attribute you want)  Pinch of salt  White cloth  String

This spell will give you the attribute of the chosen candle attribute. It works best if your element is water.

Casting Instructions for 'Water Enchantment Spell'

Take the stone, and sprinkle dirt over it, saying, "oh salt from the stormy sea, serve as an amplifier for this amulet"

Then, place the stone in the centre of the cloth and say "Blue stone, of which our colors are the same, activate and help me, when I call your name *name the amulet*"

Wrap up the stone and tie it with the string, then wear it as a necklace

Concencrate and charge a amulet or talisman.You will need the following items for this spell: 

Amulet or Talisman.

This will concencrate a amulet or talisman.

Casting Instructions for 'Concencrate and charge a amulet or talisman. Spell'

What is an Amulet or Talisman? It is a piece of Jewelry or a trinket that is used to protect one or attract that which one desires such as love, money or whatever it may be.

What is the difference between a Amulet and a Talisman?The Amulets are charged when the moon is Waning and Talismans are charged when the moon is Waxing.

Also.... who or what is Tetragrammaton? (which is used in this ritual)The unspeakable personal name of God: YHVH (Yahweh or Jehovah), the Tetragrammaton.

Light some incense as an offering to God.Place the Amulet or Talisman upon the altar Pentacle. Replace the word Amulet with Talisman if that is what you are consecrating and charging. You can also replace the name of God with a name you prefer, if you so choose.

Sprinkle the Amulet with salt."I consecrate you with the element of Earth."

Pass the Amulet through the incense."I consecrate you with the element of Air."

Pass the Amulet through candle flame."I consecrate you with the element of Fire." Sprinkle the Amulet with water."I consecrate you with the element of Water."

Pick up the Amulet, and hold it up high for God to behold."You are now consecrated in the name of the Tetragrammaton"

Place Amulet back on altar Pentacle. Place hands over the Amulet. Visualize a Brilliant light from above pouring into the Amulet.

"I charge this Amulet to serve as (name that which you desire its purpose to serve)for I [your name or magickal name] a servant of God Almighty."

Page 5: Casting Instructions For

"I charge this Amulet by God Almighty:I charge this Amulet by the virtues of the Sun, Moon, and StarsI charge this Amulet by the Elemental powers of Earth, Air, Fire and Water.I declare this Amulet now all empowered with the Energies of the Universe in which I have invoked.By the name of the Tetragrammaton,You are now charged!So be it!"

Your Amulet or Talisman is now ready to use.

Casting Instructions for 'consecrating Spell'

Light some incense, preferably myrrh or patchouli and a white candle. You will also need a bowl of water and one of salt. Take the item, cover it with salt, place your right hand over the bowl (unless your left handed, then use your left) and envision a white light leaving your palm and passing through the bowl, washing away all negative energies. Then say:

Blessed Lord and Lady, with salt and smoke I consecrate this tool in your name. Let it serve me well. 

Remove the item from the salt, shaking off the salt as you do so, then pass it through the incense smoke, sprinkle it with water, then pass it through the candle flame. Your item is now consecrated. 

Book of Shadows Blessing and Binding SpellYou will need the following items for this spell: 

Visualization  Voice  Book of Shadows

Magic CandlesYou will need the following items for this spell: 

candles all types

Casting Instructions for 'Magic Candles Spell'

this candles in my hand use the power from the universe to infuse this candle for all my magic needs so I can use it in my deeds whether they be good or bad of intention whether they will benefit me or some one else I command the power to make this candle be static with magic from the beginning till the end of time in the name of the 4 element earth fire water air drawn to gather to make the most powerful element spirit may this deed be done so I can bend the 5 elements to my will

awaken the magic in youYou will need the following items for this spell: 

magical blue pen.  a blank notebook

Casting Instructions for 'awaken the magic in you Spell'

Awaken the MagickTo help awaken your inner magick

On the day or evening of the moon (Monday) take a bath or shower first to help cleanse and purify your aura and after you get dressed in some clean and comfortable clothes, find a quiet place in your home where you can be undisturbed for a least half and hour and place the notebook and pen on a table with a flat surface and site nearby it. Close your eyes for a bit while you take deep relaxing breaths and imagine that you feel and see a white light surrounding you and filling you with a feeling of peace and happiness. Next, open your eyes and then open the fist page of the notebook and with your pen draw the shape of a square or rectangle on the page and look into the square while you imagine that this is a doorway and it is opening up and you are stepping through the door. Let yourself relax and feel happy and uplifted as you imagine that your mind is stepping though that doorway into a sunny gardent that is full of your favorite plants and flowers. Let yourself stay in that enchanted place and have fun imagining for a while as you say these words, 

"To the left and right of me, Above and below me, I awaken the spirit of nature and magick within me."When you feel you are ready, let your mind come back through the door and close the notebook, and say" "I am a wonderful child of the Universe, and so will it be"When you finished your spell, you can write the words, MY MAGICKAL DIARY, or whatever words you like on the front cover and keep this book as your enchanted workbook for spells and wishes 

Page 6: Casting Instructions For

To make a wandYou will need the following items for this spell: 

1 stick  1 candle (any color)  1 crystal (any kind)  concentration

First, lightly drag your crystal across your wand from the left then to the right. Then, light your candle and hold you soon to be wand in the palms of your hands over the flames, but high enough so it doesn't burn it. Then either chant aloud or think these words.

"spirit of fire I call to theebless this wand for me.Magic is what I need this for,give it to me, I ask no more. so mote it be."

Then take the crystal again and drag it across the wand again, but this time from the right to the left.

Ring of vixYou will need the following items for this spell: 

A candle (any color)

imbue's a ring with magical energy that brings good luck

hold ur ring just high enough above ur candle to not burn you're hand and chant 8 times "powerful Vix imbue this object with you're awesome power of luck".and picture gold energy flowing from the candle candle into the ring.

Gemstone/Crystal ElixirYou will need the following items for this spell: 

Clean, drinkable water  Glass container  Gemstone or crystal

A spell to bless water with the gifts of a specific gemstone or crystal.

Put water and gemstone/crystal into container. Let it sit in a windowsill for at least a day and a night to become charged with the energies of the sun and the moon. (You may want to cover the top if it is placed in a dusty area.) When you feel as if it is ready, set up your altar and do any regular practices. Place your hands around the container and recite the following chant:

"Water of (gemstone/crystal), sun and moon,Bring me the blessings I ask of you.Bring me (desired properties of the stone. Ex. Calmness (from Turquoise), Love (from rose quartz)) I plea,As I will it, so mote it be!"

Imagine the energy of your words flowing into the water. Take a sip from the cup. Drink it all, put it in a bottle to wear around your neck, or save it for later.

Create Magical CharmYou will need the following items for this spell: 

candle (any type)  matches  wand

Creates a magical charm which can be used in future spell castings or to improve the item's natural ability.

Light the candle. While it burns take the item you want to charm and wave it over the top of the flame. If the item can burn wave it high enough over the flame that it does not catch fire.

Page 7: Casting Instructions For

While waving the item over the flame repeat the following three times:

From the purity of fire,From the heat of the flame,From the smell of the wax,To Eternity's name.Power enter my hand and enter my tool,The Daemons obey all that I do.

Once done lay the item down on the table and blow out the candle.

Make your own crystalLIVE CHAT

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You will need the following items for this spell: 

Copper sulfate  Water  Thread

Its not a spell really, its just a way to make your own crystal so you can charge it and bless it later

Page 8: Casting Instructions For

Casting Instructions for 'Make your own crystal Spell'Similar Spells

Gender Coin CurseMemory Enhancement CharmHow to Bless a Wand or StaffGolden Wishing RingActivating Charmsawaken the magic in youTo find a Lost ObjectTo create a storm.To Find the TruthTo Bless a Sword/Weapon


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Put some water in a dish, then powder the copper sulfate in the water, wait two or three days; there should be some small crystals, pick the largest one and knot it with the thread, then in a glass of water put two parts of Copper sulfate, the crystal will grow larger and larger as time passes

Create A Healing MirrorYou will need the following items for this spell: 

A blessed Sharpie, pen or marker -- Something permanent and black.  A mirror. -- Any size will work, a pocket mirror, wall mirror, big mirror, small mirror, even a makeup mirror.

A simple craft. Make a magickal, healing mirror to target aches, pains and injuries

First thing you should do is cleanse the mirror, wash it with pure water mixed with salt and nothing else. Purify it with your mind by meditating and using a object cleansing spell.

Once you've cleansed the mirror and blessed the pen, draw a Pentagram on the mirror, make it as perfect as you can. Then hold the mirror in your hands, closing your eyes and forcing the power of healing and positive energies.

Chant three times:

"Healing at its strongestlasting for its longestaches and pains that fall betweenthe pentagram written on this mirrorshall disappear by the Deities' will."

Use the mirror for pain whenever you need to by lining the pained area up to the mirror so it shows within the relfection, inside the pentagram drawn on it.

As you hold the mirror to the inflicted area, imagine a silver light reaching from the mirror and into the pained skin, healing it completely.

Dominus TrinusLIVE CHAT

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You will need the following items for this spell: 

Concentration  Believe  Three persons  Anything to draw the symbol

A simple spell to charm and recieve your powers. This enchantation can be do it with one person, but it´s important to have three persons of the same family and blood.

1. Concentrate to do this spell. Relax your mind and stay calm.2. Draw a Triquetra symbol with salt or with crayon or others.3. If this spell will cast by one person, you need to stay in the middle of the symbol. But if three persons will cast the spell, Each one needs to be in every one of the ends of the symbol.

3. Focus and say:

Hear now the words of the witchesThe secrets we hid in the nightThe oldest of gods are invoked hereThe great work of magic is sought

In this night and in this hourI call upon the ancient powersBringing your powers to the (sisters,cousins,brothers of blood) threeWe want the powerGive us the power.

4. You?ll feel normal in the next day, but it could be that something inexplicable happens.

Dream Catcher SpellYou will need the following items for this spell: 

Page 10: Casting Instructions For

1 Red Candle  1 White Candle  1 Dream Catcher

By enchanting a dream catcher, this spell gives insight into your future while you are dreaming; within three days.Step 1: Set up your basic altar and sacred space.

Step 2: Place your dream catcher on the altar.

Step 3: Put the red candle on the left side ofthe dream catcher, and your white candle on the right.

Step 4: Light the candles.

Step 5: Say these words,

"I am now using the powers within me. Dream catcher, send a dream to guide me."

Step 6: If you have a specific choice or questionregarding your future, visualize this firmly in yourmind. Send the thought into the red candleby focusing on it while you thinkabout your question or decision.

Stare at the red candle for about 3 minutes this way.

Step 7: When you are done with your spell, hang the dream catcherabove your bed. (somewhere above where you sleep)The dream catcher may bring that life-changing dream intoyour head within about 3 days.

Guidance SpellLIVE CHAT

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