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  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income


    Case Study :

    Public contribution frombenevolent based collection forsocial welfare and example from

    successful institution

    July 2009

  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income


  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income


  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income


  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income


  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income


  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income


  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income


  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income


  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income


    Indonesias current stats

    Total population : 237,512,352[2] (4th July 2008est. estimate)

    GDP per capita : US$1,812 (about IDR19,932,000) per year

    GDP per capita : estimated IDR 1,661,000 permonth

    As of 2006, an estimated 17.8% of the populationlive below the poverty line, 49.0% of the

    population live on less than US$2 per day,[95]

    andunemployment rate at 9.75%.[96]

    Estimated population live with less than US$2 per

    day :=
  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income


    Potential fund collected fromZakat

    Potential of Fund collected from Zakat on fixedincome basis :

    Number of population : 237,512,352 Muslim population : 80%

    GDP per capita per month : IDR 1,661,000 Estimated of non disposable income : 10% Rate of collected fund per month : 2.5%

    Potential = 237,512,352 x 80% x IDR 1,661,000 x

    10% x 2.5%= IDR 789,016,033,344 (IDR 789 billion per


    Contribution can be made to population on poverty:

  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income


    Company background

    Owned and sponsored by a private Islamic bankto support non-core activities of the parentcompany in the area of managing the benevolentfunds

    Operates in 25 cities, with 5 exclusiverepresentative offices that operatedindependently, managed by 100 staffs and morethan 500 fund raising volunteers in all offices

    One of the largest in Indonesia, in term of assetunder management, chain of distribution, numberof contributors and number of managed parties(financed operators)

  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income


    Institution Xs Budget Plan (1)

    Fixed contributor on monthly basis : 12,000 Collected fund from monthly income : IDR


    Collected fund from 24 months effort : IDR

    72,000,000,000 Collected fund from CSR contributions : IDR


    Net fund to be managed : IDR 85,000,000,000

    Fund allocation for next 24 months program : 20% : social welfare / emergency (IDR 17


    30% : community development (IDR 25.5


  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income


    Institution Xs Budget Plan (2)

    Productive micro financing IDR 42.5 billion Expected net return from financing : 12% p.a.

    Expected net return from financing : IDR425,000,000/month

    Targeted micro-enterprise partner : 20,000

    Average financing exposure per partner : IDR2,125,000

    Current practice (as of end of 2008)

    Number of micro enterprise partner : 4,800

    Amount of fund contributed : IDR 8.3 billion Avera e financin ex osure : IDR 1 729 167

  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income


    Institution Xs Budget Plan (3)

    Community development fund IDR 25.5 billion

    Allocated to Education contribution IDR 10.5billion

    Allocated to Orphan program contribution IDR 10billion

    Allocated to Apprenticeship program IDR 5 billion

    Education Contribution / Scholarship Program Targeted to children from poor family, age 6 18 years


    Provide scholarship for 5,000 students for 24 months

    Average scholarship provided would be IDR 87,500 /month

  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income


    Institution Xs Budget Plan (4)

    Orphan Program Contribution / Orphanage FundProgram Provides orphanage operational fund for 24 months

    Covers formal education fund, daily operation supports,life skill development educations and mental religiouseducation

    Expanded to 3 provinces and planned to covers 8,000orphans

    Current practice : Deployed in 22 villages in NADsince 2006 Managed fund IDR 3.5 billion for 3,000 orphans and 67


    A renticeshi and Vocational ro ram started in

  • 8/14/2019 Case Study Distribution of Income
