Download - CASE 3 Meningitis

  • 7/26/2019 CASE 3 Meningitis


    CASE 3

    TUBERCULOUS Meningitis

    Stephen A. Ujano

    General Data: R.S. 20 y/o, male, from Bangui. Ilocos Norte

    Chief Coplaint: Headache

    !istor" of #resent $llness:

    4 wees !"#, $atient had on and off low grade fe%er, occasional cough and colds.

    2 wees !"#, still with on and off fe%er, consult $ri%ate &', was gi%en !aracetamol and (hloram$henicol.

    No relief noted. Noted to ha%e )loody s$utum.

    * day !"#, still with fe%er, headache, and noted to ha%e + e$isodes of %omiting, hence, consult was done.

    #ast Me%i&al !istor":#dmitted for !neumonia 2 months ago


    '(S: B!*20/-0 HR -0 )$m RR 22 c$m

    #nicteric sclerae, with cer%ical lym$hadeno$athy

    (lear )reath sounds

    No murmur, full and eual $ulses

    )e*rologi& E+a: &S (onscious, coherent

    (ranial Ner%es left lateral rectus $alsy1 3 nuchal rigidity



    o 20 y/o,

    o History of

    o low grade fe%er and occasional cough and colds,

    o on and off fe%er

    o no relief with !aracetamol and (hloram$henicol

    o )loody s$utum

    o Headache

    o 8omiting +9

    o #dmitted 2 mos ago due to !neumonia

    !H6SI(#7 :#&IN#"I5N

    o 8ital Signs "achy$neic 22c$m

    o 3 cer%ical lym$hadeno$athy

    o (lear )reath sounds

    o Neurologic e9am

    o &ental Status (onscious and coherent

    o 3 left lateral rectus $alsy


    3 nuchal rigidity

    ADM$TT$)G D$AG)OS$S:

    o "o consider (entral Ner%ous System Infection secondary to $ossi)le !ulmonary


    ,or*lating the Differential Diagnosis

    a. What is the chief complaint?

  • 7/26/2019 CASE 3 Meningitis


    - Headache

    b. Categorize headache as to Primary or Secondary-Secondary due to an identifia)le cause/disease1 (NS infection.

    c. What are the common causes Secondary Headache?

    #cute Sinusitis &eningitis Intracranial Hemorrhage Intracranial #)scess Brain "umor "em$oral #rteritis &edication5%eruse Headache most common according to ;H5

    d. Determine the headache syndrome as to Acute ecurrent! Acute "on-ecurrent!

    Chronic Progressi#e or Chronic "on-Progressi#e. #cute NonRecurrent. "he onset was sudden and occurred &

    o Hay =e%er

    o 9$osure to $ollutants

    o Nasal $assage a)normality $oly$s

    o &edical conditions ?R', cystic


    Clinical 'anifestations&

    o #cute headache

    o =e%er

    o =acial $ain/$ressure

    o Nasal drainage @ congestion

    o (oughing

    o SneeAing

    o Redness o%er the chees,

    nose or eyelids

    is$ %actors&

    o = > &

    o Hay =e%er

    o 9$osure to $ollutants

    o Nasal $assage a)normality $oly$s

    o &edical conditions ?R', cystic


    Clinical 'anifestations&

    o #cute headache

    o =e%er

    o =acial $ain/$ressure

    o Nasal drainage @ congestion

    o (oughing

    o SneeAing

    o Redness o%er the chees,

    nose or eyelids

  • 7/26/2019 CASE 3 Meningitis
