Download - Carrots Protect Eye Health · Web viewa nutrient-packed, gluten-free seed. While most people think of buckwheat as a whole grain, it’s actually a seed that is high in both protein

Page 1: Carrots Protect Eye Health · Web viewa nutrient-packed, gluten-free seed. While most people think of buckwheat as a whole grain, it’s actually a seed that is high in both protein

A to Z

Beetroot Ingredients and their Nutritional Benefits:


Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is made from apple cider that has been fermented, producing healthy probiotics and enzymes and significantly slashing sugar and calories.

Apple cider vinegar benefits include improving weight loss, dropping blood pressure and cholesterol levels, stabilizing blood sugar, enhancing skin health and relieving acid reflux symptoms.

What is organic vinegar good for? There are a wide range of apple cider vinegar uses, from making all-natural household cleaners and bug sprays to whitening teeth and aiding in detoxification.

Opt for raw, unfiltered and organic apple cider vinegar with the mother still intact as this type of apple cider vinegar provides the most health benefits.

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

1. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

2. Enhances Weight Loss

3. Lowers Cholesterol

4. Improves Skin Health


Page 2: Carrots Protect Eye Health · Web viewa nutrient-packed, gluten-free seed. While most people think of buckwheat as a whole grain, it’s actually a seed that is high in both protein

Apple cider vinegar also contains specific components like acetic acid, lactic acid, succinic acid and citric acid, all of which have been shown to inhibit acne.

5. Reduces Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease. It forces the heart to work harder, causing the heart muscle to weaken and deteriorate over time.

Apple cider vinegar benefits your blood pressure levels, helping to keep your heart healthy and strong. Other natural ways to lower blood pressure include increasing your intake of magnesium and potassium, upping your fibre intake and swapping the salt and processed foods for whole foods.

ACV Relieves Symptoms of Acid Reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD or acid reflux, is a condition characterized by acid backflow from the stomach up into the oesophagus, causing symptoms like heartburn, belching and nausea.

Acid reflux is often a result of having low levels of stomach acid. If this is the case for you, drinking apple cider vinegar may help provide relief from acid reflux symptoms by introducing more acid into the digestive tract to prevent acid backflow.

ACV Boosts Gut Health

By opting for organic raw apple cider vinegar, you can add a healthy dose of beneficial bacteria into your diet. This bacteria can enhance the health of your digestive system and deliver a host of added gut bacteria benefits like increased immunity and an improved ability to digest and absorb nutrients. Incorporate one to two tablespoons into your diet per day along with other fermented foods such as kombucha or kefir for best results.

ACV Wards Off Seasonal Allergies

Many people use apple cider vinegar as a natural remedy for seasonal allergies. The healthy bacteria found in apple cider vinegar may promote immunity and support healthy lymphatic drainage to kick seasonal sniffles and allergies to the curb. Try drinking two tablespoons diluted in water next time your allergies are acting up.

ACV Balances Your pH

Although acetic acid, the primary component in apple cider vinegar, is acidic, it has an alkalizing effect on the body. A few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per day can keep your pH levels balanced to help optimize health.

ACV Relieves Cold Symptoms

If you feel a case of the sniffles coming on, a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar may be a useful natural cold remedy to relieve symptoms fast. This is because apple cider vinegar contains beneficial bacteria that can help give your immune system a quick boost, especially when you’re feeling under the weather.

ACV Lowers Blood Pressure


Page 3: Carrots Protect Eye Health · Web viewa nutrient-packed, gluten-free seed. While most people think of buckwheat as a whole grain, it’s actually a seed that is high in both protein

Acetic acid, the main component in apple cider vinegar, has been shown to reduce blood pressure levels and help improve heart health. For best results, dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in an 8-ounce cup of water and consume three times daily to help drop blood pressure.

ACV Aids in Detoxification

Apple cider vinegar can help balance your pH, encourage lymphatic drainage and enhance circulation, m


Page 4: Carrots Protect Eye Health · Web viewa nutrient-packed, gluten-free seed. While most people think of buckwheat as a whole grain, it’s actually a seed that is high in both protein



Barley is actually one of the oldest consumed grains in the world. It was a staple grain for peasants during medieval times for centuries and today is still included in the diet of many European, African, and Middle Eastern nations that have been eating barley for thousands of years.

Barley provides a range of important vitamins and minerals: fibre, selenium, B vitamins, copper, chromium, phosphorus, magnesium, niacin, and more. And when compared to many other grains, even other ancient whole-grains, barley is lower in fat and calories, but higher in dietary fibre and certain trace minerals. For example, a one-cup serving of cooked barley has less calories, but more fibre, than an equal serving of quinoa, brown rice, amaranth, sorghum, millet or wild rice.

Barley Nutrition Facts

About one cup of cooked hulled barley, which is about equivalent to 1/3 cup uncooked, provides:

● 217 Calories

● About 1 gram fat

● 10 grams fibre

● 7 grams protein

● 45 grams carbohydrates

● 1 mg manganese (60%)


Page 5: Carrots Protect Eye Health · Web viewa nutrient-packed, gluten-free seed. While most people think of buckwheat as a whole grain, it’s actually a seed that is high in both protein

● 23 mg selenium (42%)

● .3 mg copper (34%)

● .4 mg vitamin B1 (33%)

● 162 mg phosphorus (23%)

● 80 mg magnesium (20%)

● 8 mg vitamin B3 (18%)


Basil is a common aromatic herb in the mint family, the same plant family as other nutrient-dense, beneficial herbs, including mint, oregano and rosemary. Basil extract, or basil essential oil, is proven to help prevent a wide range of health conditions, which makes it one of the most important medical herbs known today

What Are the Proven Benefits of Basil?

Scientific studies show the following benefits of basil:

● Anti-inflammatory

● Antioxidant

● Cancer-fighter

● Pain-reducer (analgesic)

● Fever-reducer (antipyretic)

● Diabetes-preventer

● Liver-protector (hepatoprotective)


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● Blood vessel-protector

Studies show that basil has strong potential to act as a natural adaptogen, an herbal medicine that helps the body adapt to stress and to normalize the harmful effects of stressors on bodily processes.


Red Kidney Beans

High in protein 24g per 100g. Named for their close visual resemblance in colour and shape to kidneys, kidney beans are widely consumed and produced across the globe, and like cannellini beans or adzuki beans, they’re a common addition to chili and other delicious meals. Low in fat and rich in complex carbohydrates, minerals, proteins and vitamins, kidney beans nutrition has been linked to reduced risk of various of cancers, heart disease and diabetes.

Benefits of Kidney Beans

1. Lowers Cholesterol and Reduces Heart Disease Risk

2. Controls Blood Sugar

3. Helps Treat and Prevent Certain Cancers

4. Aids in Weight loss


Page 7: Carrots Protect Eye Health · Web viewa nutrient-packed, gluten-free seed. While most people think of buckwheat as a whole grain, it’s actually a seed that is high in both protein

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in terms of incidence and mortality in

In general, beans are strong cancer-fighting foods, and kidney beans nutrition has demonstrated defense against several forms of cancer.


When you sprout foods, you increase proteolytic enzymes that make both carbohydrates and proteins digestible. While your body produces proteolytic enzymes when you eat foods that don't contain digestive enzymes, your body is forced to manufacture them (instead of making enzymes it should be making). After a while, your body's ability to produce the right enzymes wanes along with its ability to fight off disease.

The good news: enzymes from sprouted foods can replace those your body no longer produces.

Sprouts as young as three days old contain 10 to 100 times the glucoraphanin, the main enzyme inducer, of the mature vegetable, which helps protect against chemical cancer-causing agents. Eating sprouted foods not only boosts the antioxidant vitamin C content, according to Dr. Mercola's Total Health Program (Dr. Joseph Mercola and Nancy Lee Bentley; 2003) but also increases the chlorophyll content (a good thing), which creates a hostile environment for harmful bacteria and detoxifies your body while boosting your oxygen and immune system levels.

Health Benefits of Sprouts

Some find sprouts to be a rather odd thing to eat when the full-grown variety is on hand, but they come with their own hugely beneficial packages of nutrients that are missing from the adult version, so to speak. It only stands to reason that from the seed to the full-grown plant, there are different nutrients, and some are concentrated. The vitamin E content, for


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example (which boosts your immune system and protects cells from free radical damage) can be as high as 7.5 mg in a cup of broccoli sprouts compared to 1.5 mg in the same amount of raw or cooked broccoli. The selenium content can go from 28 mg versus 1.5 on the same scale.

While an entire cup of sprouts may be more than you'd consume at a time, the above profile speaks to the nutrition they provide. In this amount, you get 43 percent of the daily recommended value in vitamin K (for bone strength and formation and increased protection from neuronal damage in the brain, which is helpful in treating Alzheimer's disease). You also get 23 percent of the DV in vitamin C (a proven infection fighter) and 16 percent of the folate (required for DNA, the genetic material found in all cells of the body, and amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, without which our chances of chances of developing anemia, heart disease, stroke, and cancer would increase).

Sprouts are also an excellent source of fibre, manganese, riboflavin, and copper, along with smaller but significant amounts of protein, thiamin, niacin, Vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.


Like most green veggies, broccoli really shines when it comes to cancer prevention. It’s now known that to a large extent, you can effectively prevent cancer with your diet, and the cancer-protective properties of broccoli have been well established in numerous studies. Even the American Cancer Society recommends eating broccoli and similar cancer-killer cruciferous vegetables several times a week for the best protection. Broccoli consumption improves the body’s ability to fight cancer in a variety of ways, including providing antioxidants, regulating enzymes, and controlling apoptosis and cell cycles.

Broccoli is a member of the brassica family of cruciferous vegetables — the same family that includes other greens like pak choy, cabbage, kale, Swiss chard and other life-saving


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veggies. These nutrient-dense vegetables are excellent sources of a family of phytochemicals called isothiocyanates. In addition to isothiocyanates, broccoli also contains sulforaphanes and indoles — two types of strong antioxidants and stimulators of detoxifying enzymes that protect the structure of DNA.

Broccoli is also full of minerals and vitamins, like vitamin B6 that helps with heart and brain health. Broccoli nutrition benefits heart health by preventing heart attacks and strokes and keeping arteries clear, in addition to correcting high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Broccoli even has benefits when it comes to your appearance. Broccoli’s high levels of vitamin A is necessary for skin health, eye health and even fertility. And a derivative of vitamin A found in broccoli, beta-carotene, is essential for liver health, immune functioning and has been shown to fight cancer.

Buckwheat – Gluten Free Grain:

Buckwheat – Gluten free a nutrient-packed, gluten-free seed. While most people think of buckwheat as a whole grain, it’s actually a seed that is high in both protein and fibre. It supports heart and heart health and can help prevent diabetes and digestive disorders. Buckwheat is a favourite amongst plant-based and gluten-free eaters alike since it provides a high source of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants include cholesterol-lowering effects, anti-hypertensition effects and improving digestion.



Page 10: Carrots Protect Eye Health · Web viewa nutrient-packed, gluten-free seed. While most people think of buckwheat as a whole grain, it’s actually a seed that is high in both protein

Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin C and vitamin B6. It is also a very good source of manganese, dietary fibre, potassium, vitamin B1, folate and copper. Additionally, cabbage is a good source of choline, phosphorus, vitamin B2, magnesium, calcium, selenium, iron, pantothenic acid, protein and niacin


Carrot & Carrot Juice Nutrition. Carrots are one of the highest contributors of vitamin A — the powerhouse vitamin for so much of our body — in the American diet. Carrots also provide ample amounts of vitamins C, D, E and K, as well as many minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium.

Carrots get their color from antioxidants called carotenoids. One of these carotenoids is beta carotene, a precursor to active vitamin A that is responsible for many of the carrot and carrot juice benefits that we know about today. Many studies have shown that beta carotene is crucial for improving immunity in the body, protecting skin and eye health, and fighting free radical damage that can cause various forms of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. (1)

Carrots have a wealth of valuable nutrition and when you juice them, you can get a concentrated dose of their healing power. From balancing blood sugar, improving blood health, relieving congestion, fighting inflammation and cleansing the kidneys to protecting


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eyesight, brain function and fighting Leukemia, carrot juice benefits can help nearly every part of your body!

Carrots are one of the highest contributors of vitamin A — the powerhouse vitamin for so much of our body — in the American diet. Carrots also provide ample amounts of vitamins C, D, E and K, as well as many minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium. Carrots are also highly nutritious and cleansing due to their high fibre content.

Carrots Protect Eye Health

Three crucial nutrients — beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin — within carrots considerably boost eye health.

Carrots are High Source of Antioxidants (Especially Beta Carotene)

Carotenoids, found in carrots and other orange vegetables, are potent antioxidants that can help reduce your risk of various forms of temporary illnesses and serious chronic diseases. Carrots and carrot juice benefit the immune system by helping to defend the body from free radical damage, harmful bacteria, viruses and inflammation.

Carrots Decreases Risk for Heart Disease and Stroke

Eating more deeply coloured orange vegetables like carrots decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially in adult women. Regardless of other cardiovascular risks, current research indicates that drinking carrot juice benefits heart health by lowering oxidative stress and improves the body’s defense against various forms of cardiovascular disease.

Carrots Protect Brain Health & Cognitive FunctionCarrots and carrot juice benefits brain health by helping to prevent against Alzheimer’s disease, improving memory, and defending against other types of cognitive decline. This is due to carrot’s ability to lower oxidative stress in the brain that can weaken nerve signaling capacity

Carrots Help Protect Against Cancer

Evidence suggests that consuming high levels of carotenoids from fruits and vegetables can be protective in relation to cancer recurrence. Studies show that these antioxidants in carrots may be able to fight leukemia cells and may play a role in reducing your risk of some of the most widespread types of cancers, including ovarian and breast cancer. (6, 7)


Page 12: Carrots Protect Eye Health · Web viewa nutrient-packed, gluten-free seed. While most people think of buckwheat as a whole grain, it’s actually a seed that is high in both protein


Cashew nuts are nutritionally much the same as other nuts: they are high in fat (around 50 percent), rich in vitamin E and a good source of minerals, particularly magnesium and zinc. While high in fat, all nuts are ranked highly for their healthy unsaturated fats.

Due to their high nutrient density and supply of many vital minerals, cashews and other nuts are often recommended most often to improve heart health. Cashews are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and numerous other beneficial compounds, including plant-based protein; dietary fibre; minerals like copper, zinc and magnesium; plus antioxidants in the form of phytosterols and phenolic compounds. The composition of the cashew kernel is about 21 percent protein, 46 percent fat and 25 percent carbohydrates (a portion of which is indigestible fibre), making it a filling, high-protein and high-fat food choice.

One of the key factors of cashews nutrition is their healthy fat content. Cashews are primarily made up of unsaturated fats in the form of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs that contain oleic acid) plus a smaller proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAS mostly in the form of linoleic acid). Roughly 62 percent of the cashew’s fats are monounsaturated fat, 18 percent polyunsaturated fats and the rest a mix of saturated fats.

Because of the positive effects of MUFAs and PUFAs on metabolism and other bioactive functions, many studies associate cashew consumption (and nut consumption in general) with a reduced risk for coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity.

¼ cup serving of cashews has roughly:

● 196 calories

● 5 grams of protein

● 1 gram of fibre

● 16 grams of fat

● 750 milligrams copper (84 percent DV)


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● 89 milligrams magnesium (33 percent DV)

● 167 milligrams phosphorus (28 percent DV)

● 9 milligrams zinc (23 percent DV)

● 27 milligrams manganese (15 percent DV)

● 11 milligrams vitamin K (12 percent DV)

● 2 milligrams iron (11 percent DV)

● 23 milligrams folate (6 percent DV)


Cauliflower is often considered one of the healthiest foods on Earth, and there is good reason why. With its rich supply of health-promoting phytochemicals, high level of anti-inflammatory compounds, and ability to ward off cancer, heart disease, brain disease and Coriander

Even weight gain, it seems there isn’t much cauliflower is unable to do.

Cauliflower is a member of the cruciferous vegetables family — also known as the Brassica oleracea family, along with broccoli, cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts and some other less common varieties.

Extensive studies suggest that cruciferous vegetables are an excellent source of natural antioxidants due to their high levels of various phytochemicals, as well as good suppliers of essential vitamins, carotenoids, fibre, soluble sugars, minerals and phenolic compounds. In fact, it’s believed that Brassica oleracea vegetables are the largest source of phenolic compounds in the human diet.

Cauliflower in particular is believed to be so beneficial due to its special combination of phytochemicals called carotenoids, tocopherols and ascorbic acid — all forms of


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antioxidants currently being extensively researched in order to understand more about how they keep the body healthy.

A one-cup serving (100 grams) of raw cauliflower (aka (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) contains about:

● 25 calories

● 5.3 grams carbohydrates

● 2 grams protein

● 0.1 gram fat

● 2.5 grams fibre

● 46.4 milligrams vitamin C (77 percent DV)

● 16 micrograms vitamin K (20 percent DV)

● 57 micrograms folate (14 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligram vitamin B6 (11 percent DV)

● 303 milligrams potassium (9 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligram manganese (8 percent DV)

● 0.7 milligrams pantothenic acid (7 percent DV)

● 0.1 milligram thiamine (4 percent DV)

● 0.1 milligram riboflavin (4 percent DV)

● 15 milligrams magnesium (4 percent DV)

● 44 milligrams phosphorus (4 percent DV)



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Celeriac has high contents of vitamins C and K, and various B vitamins such as, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), and vitamin B6. It is rich with calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc.

What Benefits Can You Get From Celeriac?

Because of its dense nutritional components, the intake of celeriac can actually offer a lot of health benefits for you. Some of these include the following:

• Maintains a healthy digestive system. Celeriac contains high amounts of dietary fibre, which is needed for proper digestion and metabolism. By keeping your digestive system in top shape, you can help prevent the development of various diseases that stem from metabolic dysfunction.

• Helps in fighting off free radicals. This herb contains high amounts of vitamin C, which has been proven to strengthen the immune system and destroy free radicals. Free radicals are the substances in the body that have the ability to turn healthy cells into cancer cells.

• Assists in energy production and storage. Celeriac is a good source of vitamins B6 and B5, niacin, riboflavin and thiamine, which all play a major role in macronutrient synthesis that is important for the production of energy.

• Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin K is important for your body as it ensures that the calcium your body absorbs goes straight to your bones and does not become deposited in your heart valves and arteries. This prevents the development of different heart diseases and cardiovascular conditions.

Celeriac also contains a considerable amount of potassium, a mineral that helps in preventing hypertension by regulating your blood pressure.

• Improves bone health. Celeriac contains high amounts of vitamin K and phosphorus, which help in bone metabolism and the prevention of osteoporosis. Vitamin K is especially


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important for bone health because it promotes calcium absorption and prevents bone deterioration.


The benefits of celery begin with it being an excellent source of antioxidants and beneficial enzymes, in addition to vitamins and minerals such as vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, folate and vitamin B6.

Celery also provides dietary fibre – especially when you eat more than one cup at a time – that boosts digestion and weight loss. In addition, celery’s high percentage of water and electrolytes can prevent dehydration, and special compounds help celery to act as a diuretic and reduce bloating. As a supplier of antioxidant flavonoids and polyphenol phytonutrients, other significant benefits of celery include its ability to improve liver, skin, eye and cognitive health.

Celery Nutrition Facts

One cup of chopped celery has:

● 16 calories

● 0 fat

● 1 gram of protein

● 5 grams of fibre

● 5 milligrams vitamin K (37%)

● 36 milligrams folate (9%)


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● 22 milligrams vitamin A (9%)

● 263 milligrams potassium (8%)

● 1 milligrams vitamin C (5%)

● 40 milligrams calcium (4%)

● 0.08 milligrams vitamin B6 (4%)


Health Benefits of ChervilIn various folk medicines, Chervil was used as eyewash to refresh the eyes. Chervil was also made into a tea and ingested to reduce blood pressure. The active constituents of Chervil include its volatile oil, which has a smell similar to Myrrh. Chervil is also a rich source of bioflavonoids, which aid the body in many ways, including Vitamin C absorption. As with most herbs, chervil is an aid for digestion. When brewed as a tea it can be used as a soothing eye wash. Listed below are few of the most popular health benefits of using Chervil

Chervil Strengthens the Immune System

Chervil is a Diuretic Agent

Chervil Promotes Kidney Health

Research has discovered that consumption of chervil helps in improving the functioning of digestive organs and kidneys. It helps to make them strong, healthy and vitalized.

Chervil Lowers Bad Cholesterol


Page 18: Carrots Protect Eye Health · Web viewa nutrient-packed, gluten-free seed. While most people think of buckwheat as a whole grain, it’s actually a seed that is high in both protein

Consumption of processed foods, artificial sweeteners, oily foods, sweet items, meat etc. does not add any nutrition to your diet. These types of food are responsible for major illnesses which most of us are facing today. One of the health problems caused by it is higher levels of bad cholesterol. Chervil is one of the best options to lower the high levels of cholesterol easily. So ensure that you consume this herb regularly to combat this illness.

Chervil Relieves GoutChervil is said to display potent anti-inflammatory activity, and can help treat inflammatory conditions of the joints. Applying a poultice made from its leaves or taking an infusion of chervil may work in treating gout and rheumatism.

Chervil Regulates blood pressureChervil is a wonderful source of important minerals such as calcium, manganese, iron, zinc, magnesium, and potassium. Potassium helps to lower the blood pressure by neutralizing the negative effects of sodium in the body. It also helps the kidney in controlling the amount of bodily fluids, which is another factor that increases blood pressure.

Chervil Promotes DigestionAbout 100 g of dried chervil offers a significant amount of dietary fibre (around 11.3 g), which assists in keeping the digestive system healthy. Sufficient fibre in the diet is vital to maintain normal bowel movement, in turn improving digestion. So, addition of chervil to everyday meals can surely contribute to enhance digestive function.

Chervil Helps in Maintaining Heart Health

Chervil is quite beneficial for proper functioning of the heart and hence prevents number of issues related to blood flow from happening. They prevent varicose veins, hemorrhages and other similar issues as well as cure low blood pressure.

Chervil can improve visionEye is an important part of our body without which the entire world will appear dark to you. Now, this herb helps in improving your vision. Nowadays we people are too much inclined towards the screen of laptop, television and smart phone, which may create a negative outcome to your eye due to the rays produced from the screens. You have to consume this chervil herb in raw or in cooked form and get improved vision. So include it in your regular diet to get benefited.


Page 19: Carrots Protect Eye Health · Web viewa nutrient-packed, gluten-free seed. While most people think of buckwheat as a whole grain, it’s actually a seed that is high in both protein

Chervil as a DisinfectantChervil consists of antiseptic and disinfectant qualities which help to cleanse the skin thoroughly. If you have cuts, bruises, scrapes or wounds on your skin then apply this paste. This paste does not give you a burning sensation but is very mild on our skin. Thus it is quite beneficial for the skin.

Chervil - AntioxidantAs mentioned before, Chervil consists of plenty of minerals and antioxidant like selenium, manganese, potassium and magnesium. These minerals along with antioxidants help to remove free radicals from your body and keep our body fit and healthy.

Chervil Skin - Treat EczemaChervil paste is used to treat several serious disorders of skin like eczema. This paste helps you relive from dry, itchy and scaly skin naturally and quickly.

Chervil to enhance Blood productionYou must have family members or friends with low blood count or low RBC count. Low RBC count is dangerous for the health. So it is important to have those foods that increased the production of blood in your body. Chervil herb is one among the natural ingredient that is helpful in production of blood.


Chickpeas are a type of legume that offer a range of health benefits. Chickpeas help to increase satiety, boost digestion, keep blood sugar levels stable, increase protection against disease and more. Chickpeas nutrition is a potent package of protein, vitamins and minerals, which is why they are often included in many healing diets.


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Chickpeas Nutrition Facts

● 268 calories

● 12.5 grams of dietary fibre

● 14.5 grams of protein

● 4.2 grams of fat

● 84% manganese

● 71% folate

● 29% copper

● 28% phosphorus

● 26% iron

● 17% zinc

Chickpea Health Benefits

Chickpeas, are a great source of plant-based protein and fibre, iron, zinc, phosphorus, B vitamins and more. With so many vitamins and nutrients, chickpeas benefit the body in a number of different ways.

Chickpeas Help Control Blood Sugar Levels

Chickpeas, like all legumes, are a form of complex carbohydrate that the body is able to slowly digest and use for energy. This is essential, as all carbohydrates are not created equal; some quickly raise blood sugar levels and lead to “spikes and dips” in energy (these are called simple or fast carbs), while others do the opposite and give us sustained fuel (these are called complex carbs).

Chickpeas nutrition includes starch, which is a slow burning carbohydrate that the body does not react to by suddenly spiking glucose in the blood.

Unlike simple sugars- found in processed products like refined flour, white bread and pasta, soda, candy, and most other packaged foods- the starches found in chickpeas take an extended period of time to break down once consumed.

Starches contain natural sugars called glucose, which the body uses easily for many essential functions, however glucose can be troublesome for people who are pre-diabetic or who have diabetes. The process of digesting and utilizing the glucose found in all beans and


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starches is drawn-out, which is extremely important for diabetics who have trouble reaching a stable blood sugar level after contain sugars due to a resistance to insulin.

Chickpeas Increase Satiety and Helps with Weight Loss

Chickpeas are high in both protein and fibre, which helps to make you feel full and to curb food cravings and unhealthy snacking. Studies have shown that consuming fibre is correlated with having a lower body weight.

Beans make a filling addition to any recipe because of their fibre, complex carbs, and protein. These macronutrients work together to give us a feeling of being full after eating, while also helping to control our blood sugar levels and therefore maintaining our energy.

Frequently consuming foods like fat burning chickpeas is an excellent way to aid in healthy and sustainable weight loss. The -feeling of satiety makes you less likely to snack on empty-calorie, processed junk foods between meals which can stall your weight loss.

Chickpeas are even more filling if you pair them with other nutritious whole-foods, like vegetables or organic goat cheese. Because they are so low in calories but high in essential fibre and protein, they are a perfect food for those that need to lose some weight but who are watching calorie intake.

Chickpeas Improve Digestion Thanks to a High Fibre Content

Chickpeas make my list for the 20 Ultimate High Fibre Foods, with roughly 6-7 grams per half cup serving. Unfortunately the modern western diet that many Americans consume leaves them deficient in dietary fibre; in fact it’s believed that less than 5 percent of Americans get the daily recommended amount of dietary fibre that they need to consume through food each day.

Fibre facilitates in healthy digestion by quickly moving foods through the digestive tract, helping to decrease symptoms of IBS and constipation. Fibre works by drawing fluids from the body and binding them to the bulk of forming stool, which contains toxins and waste that must be removed from the body.

Fibre also helps to balance pH levels and bacteria within the gut, increasing healthy bacteria while also decreasing unhealthy bacteria. An imbalance in gut flora bacteria is often linked to many different digestive problems.

The high amount of fibre responsible for its filling effect and helps to improve digestion, but it does much more than this. Fibre aids in heart health, helps to control blood sugar levels, guards against cancer, heart disease, diverticulosis, kidney stones, PMS, obesity, and more.


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Chickpeas Help Protect Against Heart Disease and Cancer

Chickpeas have been shown to help balance unhealthy cholesterol levels, to reduce hypertension, and to protect against heart disease in multiple ways. This may be partially due to the high amount of fibre found in chickpeas, which helps people to avoid overeating and gaining harmful excess weight, especially around the vital organs.

Fibre works to create a gel-like substance in the digestive system that binds with fatty acids, helping to balance cholesterol levels. Both soluble fibre and insoluble fibre have been shown to be important in helping to control and manage hypertension.

Beans help to keep the arteries clear from plaque build-up, maintain healthy blood pressure levels, and decrease the chances of cardiac arrest and stroke. In fact studies show that having just one daily serving (about 3/4 cup cooked) of beans of any kind can help to decrease chances of a heart attack and to help balance “bad” LDL cholesterol.

Consuming beans has also been shown in studies to have protective benefits against cancer, in particular colon cancer, due to their high fibre content. Garbanzo beans were demonstrated in studies to help stall cancerous cells from further forming.

Chickpeas Provide Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Chickpeas nutrition boasts high levels of iron, zinc, folate, phosphorus, and B vitamins, all of which are especially important for vegetarians and vegans who may be lacking in these essential nutrients due to avoiding animal products. Chickpeas are great source of folate, also called Vitamin B6. Folate is important for helping the body to effectively produce new cells as it plays a role in copying and synthesizing DNA.

Additionally, chickpeas are a good source of 3 nutrients that help to reduce common symptoms associated with PMS: magnesium, manganese, and vitamin B6.



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Nutrition Benefits of Cinnamon

One tablespoon of ground cinnamon contains:

● 19 calories

● 0 grams of fat, sugar, or protein

● 4 grams of fibre

● 68 percent daily value manganese

● 8 percent daily value calcium

● 4 percent daily value iron

● 3 percent daily value vitamin K

A little bit of cinnamon goes a long way, and its antioxidant abilities are what makes it especially beneficial to include in your diet. As little as ½ teaspoon of cinnamon daily can have positive effects on blood sugar levels, digestion, immunity and more; however, stronger doses are also extremely beneficial for improving heart disease risk and cutting your risk of diabetes, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.

Coconut Oil


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Research has finally uncovered the secrets to this amazing superfood: namely healthy fats called medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). These unique fats include:

● Caprylic acid

● Lauric acid

Around 62 percent of the oils in coconut are made up of healthy fatty acids, and 91 percent of the fat in coconut oil is healthy saturated fat. This fat composition makes it one of the most beneficial fats on the planet.

Most of the fats we consume take longer to digest, but MCFAs found in coconut oil provide the perfect source of energy because they only have to go through a three-step process to be turned into fuel vs. other fats that have to go through a 26-step process!

Unlike long-chain fatty acids found in plant-based oils, MCFAs are:

● Easier to digest

● Not readily stored as fat

● Antimicrobial and antifungal

Coconut Oil Prevents Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure

● Coconut oil is high in natural saturated fats. Saturated fats not only increase the

healthy cholesterol (known as HDL cholesterol) in your body, but also help convert the LDL “bad” cholesterol into good cholesterols.

● By increasing the HDL in the body, it helps promote heart health and lower the risk

of heart disease. Coconut oil also benefits the heart by lowering high triglycerides.


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Coconut Oil is a Proven Alzheimer’s Disease Natural Treatment

● The digestion of MCFAs by the liver creates ketones that are readily accessible by the

brain for energy. Ketones supply energy to the brain without the need of insulin to process glucose into energy.

● Processed by the liver, which means that they’re immediately converted to energy

instead of being stored as fat.

Coconut Oil Reduces Inflammation and Arthritis

In a study in India, the high levels of antioxidants present in virgin coconut oil (VCO) reduced inflammation and treated arthritis more effectively than leading medications. (4)

In another recent study, coconut oil that was harvested with only medium heat was found to suppress inflammatory cells. It worked as both an analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

Coconut Oil in Cancer Prevention and Treatment

Coconut oil has two qualities that help it fight cancer: one, because of the ketones produced in its digestion. Tumor cells are not able to access the energy in ketones and are glucose-dependent. It’s believed that a ketogenic diet could be a possible component of helping cancer patients recover.

Two, as the MCFAs digest the lipid walls of bacteria, they also can kill the helicobacter pylori bacteria that has been known to increase the risk of stomach cancer. Even in studies where cancer is chemically induced, the introduction of coconut oil prevents cancer from developing.

Coconut Oil as an Immune System Boost (Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antiviral)

Coconut oil contains lauric acid (monolaurin), which is known to reduce candida, fight bacteria and create a hostile environment for viruses. Many diseases today are caused by the overgrowth of bad bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites in the body.

You can replace grains and sugar in your diet with coconut oil as your natural fuel source when you’re sick. Sugair feeds the growth of bad bacteria. Instead, take one tablespoon of coconut oil three times daily when sick, and consume plenty of vegetables and bone broth as well.

Coconut Oil Improves Memory and Brain Function


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In a 2004 study published in the Journal of Neurobiology of Aging, researchers found that the MCFAs in coconut oil improved the memory problems in their older subjects.


Coriander is a popular herb popular around the globe that resembles flat leaf parsley at first glance, but at first sniff, transports you to the Mediterranean, Mexico, Asia, and India. Coriander gives a fresh boost of flavour, without the addition of sea salt or other seasonings.

This versatile herb is used in everything from guacamole and salsa, to curries, noodle dishes, and chimichurri sauces of Argentina. Not only does this flavoursome, bright herb have unlimited culinary applications, but surprisingly to many people coriander benefits the body and has many known healing properties.

Coriander Benefits in Leaves & Seeds

One of the reasons that coriander is so unique is due to its versatility. While green and leafy, it brings a fresh, nearly citrusy coriander to foods. Once it flowers, it produces the seeds, and the coriander of the leaves intensify, plus the coriander seeds that it yields contain their own health benefits. While still citrusy in nature, coriander has a warm, almost nutty flavor, making it the perfect complement for pickling, sausages, breads, and it is one of the central spices in Garam Masala.

Coriander Nutrition Facts

Coriander is rich in phytonutrients, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds.

Vitamin A: 270 IU

Vitamin K: 12.4 mcg


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Folate: 2.5 mcg

Potassium: 20.8 mg

Coriander is very low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and the caloric value is nearly non-existent. It is a good source of dietary fibre, vitamins A, C, E, K, calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium. Just a ¼ cup of fresh coriander provides 270 IU of Vitamin A, and 16% of the daily value recommended of vitamin K.

The vitamin K and calcium content of coriander help to build strong bones, teeth, and hair. Coriander is considered the “anti-diabetic” plant in some parts of Europe, and research shows that it helps to lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, supports healthy cardiovascular function, and much more.

Coriander Rids the Body of Heavy Metals

Arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, lead, and mercury can become resident in our tissues leading to heart disease, hormonal imbalances, neurological conditions, infertility, and so much more. Coriander, also known scientifically as “Coriandrum sativum”, has been shown to bind these toxic metals together, loosening them from tissue, and facilitating their elimination from the body.

One study found that Coriandrum sativum significantly protects against lead induced oxidative stress, while another study found that coriander actually accelerates the removal of heavy metals from the body.

Protects Against Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is linked to a wide array of degenerative diseases including some types of cancer, heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s Disease, macular degeneration, and much more.

Coriander’s strong antioxidant properties, in part due to the flavonoid quercetin, helps to protect against the damage caused by free radicals in the body. A recent study found that coriander actually protects against oxidative stress, through its high antioxidant effects.

Coriander Lowers Anxiety and Improves Sleep

Coriander benefits your sleep cycle naturally and calms nerves, and can improve sleep quality through its natural sedative effects. A recent study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology found that high levels of coriander extract produce the same levels of anti-anxiety effects as the popular prescription drug, Valium (diazepam).

Coriander Lowers Blood Sugar Levels

Coriander’s leaves and stems helps to lower blood sugar levels in animal studies. The most significant study published in the Journal of Food Sciences, showed that when diabetes has


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been diagnosed, coriander helps support healthy liver function, and helps to balance blood sugar.

Researchers believe that the results support Coriandrum sativum (coriander) being used in cuisine, would in fact be a remedy for diabetes.(7) Chop coriander’s leaves coarsely, and the stems finely, and add to salads, salsas, and smoothies to lower your blood sugar levels and improve overall health.

Coriander Protects Against Cardiovascular Disease

According to the American Heart Association, a diet rich in potassium is an important part of controlling blood pressure because it lessens the effects of sodium on the body.(8)

High blood pressure increases your risk for heart failure, ischemic heart disease, and thickening of the heart muscle. In addition to helping lower blood pressure, coriander benefits actually helps to dissolve cholesterol build up in the arteries, protecting against atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Settles Digestive Upset

Coriander has been used throughout the world for thousands of years to settle nauseous tummies, prevent gas and bloating, relieve indigestion and heartburn, and ease stomach cramps. It aids in efficient digestion, by helping to produce digestive enzymes that aid in the breakdown of foods. In many cuisines, fresh coriander accompanies hot and spicy dishes because of its cooling effects.

Hot curry dishes, green chili, and spicy Thai noodle dishes all are better tolerated by many people with the simple addition of just a touch of fresh chopped coriander. This cooling effect can help prevent heartburn after spicy meals. If gas or bloating is a problem, try adding chopped coriander as a garnish for legume dishes, and to salads.

Curry Leaves


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The main nutrients found in curry leaves are carbohydrates, energy, fibre, calcium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium, copper, and minerals. It also contains various vitamins like nicotinic acid and vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E, antioxidants, plant sterols, amino acids, glycosides, and flavonoids.

Curry leaves are natural coriandering agents with a number of important health benefits, which make your food both healthy and tasty along with giving it a pleasant aroma. They contain various antioxidant properties and have the ability to control diarrhoea, gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion, excessive acid secretion, peptic ulcers, dysentery, diabetes, and an unhealthy cholesterol balance. They are also believed to have cancer-fighting properties and are known to protect the liver.


The beauty of Daikon is its ability to improve digestion, thanks to an enzyme called diastase, which helps relieve indigestion, heartburn and may even curb hangovers. ... Daikon radish also contains high amounts of potassium, vitamin C and phosphorus – nutrients that are essential for good health.

Top of Form


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When it comes to coriander, though, it’s considered milder and less peppery than other radishes. Served raw, it’s mild and tangy, with a crisp and juicy texture. When cooked, it tastes similar to cooked turnips. 7

● Has potential cancer-preventive ability. This vegetable possesses antioxidant phenolic

compounds that may help reduce certain types of cancer.

● Bolsters your immunity. The vitamin C in daikon stimulates white blood cell

production, which may speed up repair and healing in your body.

● Alleviates inflammation. Daikon juice’s anti-inflammatory properties can help decrease

inflammation throughout your system, which may lead to a healthier heart, lower gout and arthritis risk and reduced pain from injuries and muscle cramping.

● Promotes bone and skin health. Its high calcium content may be helpful in preventing

osteoporosis. It also has antioxidant benefits, which may help prevent wrinkles, increase circulation and even reduce the appearance of blemishes and age spots, giving your skin a natural glow.

● Helps with weight management. Daikon is a low-calorie and low-cholesterol vegetable,

but it’s high in fibre and many other nutrients – qualities that are ideal for people who want to maintain a healthy weight.


Flaxseeds, sometimes called linseeds, are small, brown, tan or golden-coloured seeds. They are a great source of dietary fibre; minerals like manganese, thiamine and magnesium; and plant-based protein. Flax is one of the richest sources of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, called alpha-linolenic acid (or ALA), in the world. (1)Another unique fact about flaxseeds is that they are the No. 1 source of lignans in the human diets; flaxseeds contain about seven times as many lignans as the closest runner-up, sesame seeds.


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Flaxseeds can be eaten as whole/unground seeds but are even more beneficial when sprouted and ground into flaxseed meal. Grinding flax helps you absorb both types of fibre it contains, along you to take advantage of even more of the benefits of flaxseed. (2) Additionally, flaxseeds are used to make flaxseed oil, which is easily digested and a concentrated source of healthy fats. Below you’ll find more about how to sprout and grind your own flaxseed, plus ideas for using all types of flax in recipes.

Top 10 Benefits of Flaxseed

1. High in Fibre but Low in Carbs2. High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids3. Helps Make Skin and Hair Shiny4. Helps Lower Cholesterol5. Gluten-Free6. High in Antioxidants (Lignans)7. Supports Digestive Health8. May Help Prevent Cancer9. May Help with Weight Loss10. Helps Decrease Menopausal and Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms

Flaxseeds are High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

We hear a lot about the health benefits of fish oil and omega-3 fats lately, which is one reason why flaxseeds, walnuts and chia seeds have become known for their anti-inflammatory effects. Fish oil contains EPA and DHA, two omega-3 fats obtained only from animal foods that are critical for optimal health. Although flaxseeds do not contain EPA or DHA, they do contain the type of omega-3 called ALA, which acts somewhat differently in the body compared to EPA/DHA.

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is an n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that has been found in studies to help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, improve platelet function, reduce inflammation, promote healthy endothelial cell function, protect arterial function and reduce heart arrhythmias. (3)

A study published in Nutrition Reviews has shown that approximately 20 percent of ALA can be converted into EPA, but only 0.5 percent of ALA is converted into DHA. (4) Also, surprisingly gender may play a big role in how well ALA is converted; in the same study young women had a 2.5-fold greater conversion rate than men. Regardless of conversion, ALA is still considered a healthy fat and should be included in a balanced diet.

Flaxseeds are High in Antioxidants (Lignans)

One of the greatest benefits of flaxseed is that it’s packed with antioxidants, specifically the type called lignans that are unique fibre-related polyphenols. Lignans provide us with


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antioxidants that help reduce free radical damage, therefore flax has anti-aging, hormonal-balancing and cellular-regenerating effects. They are found in unprocessed plant foods, including seeds, whole-grains, beans, berries and nuts. Unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as poor gut health, smoking, antibiotics and obesity, all affect circulating lignan levels in the body, which is why a nutrient-dense diet is important for restoring levels.

Lignans are considered natural “phytoestrogens,” or plant nutrients that work somewhat similarly to the hormone estrogen. Phytoestrogens in flaxseed can alter estrogen metabolism, causing either an increase or decrease in estrogen activity depending on someone’s hormonal status (in other words, flax has both estrogenic and antiestrogenic properties). For example, in postmenopausal women, lignans can cause the body to produce less active forms of estrogen, which is tied to increased protection against tumor growth.

Lignans are also known for their antiviral and antibacterial properties, therefore consuming flax regularly may help reduce the number or severity of colds and flus. Studies have also found that polyphenols also support the growth of probiotics in the gut and may also help eliminate yeast and candida in the body. (9)

Flaxseeds Support Digestive Health

One of the most well-researched benefits of flaxseed is its ability to promote digestive health. The ALA in flax can help reduce inflammation and protect the lining of the GI tract. Flaxseed has been shown to be beneficial for people suffering from Crohn’s disease and other digestive ailments. Plus, it promotes beneficial gut flora even in people with “normal” digestive systems. The fibre found in flaxseeds provides food for friendly bacteria in your colon that can help cleanse waste from your system.

Flax is very high in soluble and insoluble fibre, which means it’s very helpful for maintaining normal bowel movements. Because it can help bulk up stool and flush waste from the GI tract due to its gel-like quality, flaxseed is considered one of the best natural remedies for constipation. You can eat whole/ground flaxseeds to help keep you “regular” or take one to three tablespoons of flaxseed oil with eight ounces of carrot juice. You’ll also benefit from getting lots of magnesium from flax, another nutrient that promotes digestive health by hydrating stool and relaxing the muscles in the GI tract.

Flaxseeds May Help Prevent Cancer

As part of a healthy diet, flaxseeds may be able to help prevent certain types of cancer, including breast, prostate, ovarian and colon cancer. For this reason, flax is included in the Budwig diet protocol, a natural approach to helping prevent and treat cancer. The Budwig diet protocol involves eating at least one daily serving of a recipe made with cottage cheese or yogurt, flaxseeds, and flaxseed oil. For this reason, the Budwig diet is sometimes called the flax oil and cottage cheese diet or just the flaxseed oil diet. (10)


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A study published in the Journal of Clinical Cancer Research discovered that consuming flaxseeds may decrease the risk of breast cancer by decreasing tumor growth. (11) Certain studies show that women experience a reduced risk for developing breast cancer when they consume larger amounts of dietary fibre, lignans, carotenoid antioxidants, stigmasterol, vegetables and poultry. This has led some experts to recommend mostly plant-based diets for reducing risks of hormone-related cancers.

Benefits of Flaxseed: Flaxseed Nutrition Facts

When you look at the nutritional benefits of flaxseed, there are many things that will catch your attention. In fact, flaxseed’s nutrition profile makes it one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.

According to the USDA’s National Nutrient Database, two tablespoons of whole/unground flaxseed (considered about one serving) contains about: (15)

● 110 calories

● 6 grams carbohydrates

● 4 grams protein

● 8.5 grams fat

● 6 grams fibre

● 0.6 milligram manganese (26 percent DV)

● 0.4 milligram thiamine/vitamin B1 (22 percent)

● 80 milligrams magnesium (20 percent DV)

● 132 milligrams phosphorus (14 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligram copper (12 percent DV)

● 5 milligrams selenium (8 percent DV)

Faxseeds also contain a good amount of vitamin B6, folate, iron, potassium and zinc. As you can see, it’s no secret as to where the benefits of flaxseed come from with this nutrition profile.

Feta Cheese


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Feta is a soft brined cheese characterized by few to no holes, a tangy taste and no skin. Feta cheese nutrition will depend on exactly what brand and type of feta you get. Traditional feta is made either from pure sheep’s milk, or a combination of sheep’s and goat’s milk (and no more than 30 percent goat’s milk).

One serving of feta cheese (weighing about 28 grams) contains: (1)

● 74 calories

● 6 grams of fat

● 260 milligrams sodium

● 1.2 grams carbohydrates

● 4 grams protein

● 1 gram sugar

● 0.2 milligrams riboflavin/vitamin B2 (14 percent DV)

● 140 milligrams calcium (14 percent DV)

● 312 milligrams sodium (13 percent DV)

● 94 milligrams phosphorus (9 percent DV)

● 0.5 micrograms vitamin B12 (8 percent DV)

● 0.1 milligrams vitamin B6 (6 percent DV)

● 4.2 micrograms selenium (6 percent DV)

7 Benefits of Feta Cheese

Feta cheese -Protects against cancer


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Perhaps one of the most intriguing benefits of feta cheese nutrition? It’s cancer-protective effects. As a rich source of calcium, feta cheese allows you to take advantage of research.

Feta cheese -Supports bone health

You probably already know that calcium is good for your bones. After all, who hasn’t heard of the “Got Milk” campaign of the ’90s? However, countries with high dairy consumption also have high incidence rates of osteoporosis — so what’s going on, and why might feta be one of the answers to the calcium and dairy question?

First of all, it’s true — calcium supports your bones. It increases peak bone mass, especially in children and teens into those in their 20s. The greater your peak bone mass, the less risk you are at for osteoporosis and other conditions involving the loss of bone mass.

However, milk can hurt your bones, as pasteurized cow’s milk is one of the worst places to get the most calcium, due to its habit of causing acidosis (a high level of acid in the body). Instead, find other high-calcium foods (like feta), and try introducing more alkaline foods into your diet, such as parsley, spinach, and zucchini.

Feta cheese -Boosts immune system

Another protein found in feta cheese nutrition is called histidine. This protein was initially considered important only in infant health, but later was found essential in adults as well. (3)

When histidine is combined with vitamin B6 (also found in feta cheese), it undergoes a molecular process to become histamine. That compound is part of the inflammatory process. Although it is generally important to remove foods that cause inflammation from your diet, a small degree of inflammation is what allows your immune system to fight disease.

Eating foods like feta cheese sparingly, combined with a diet high in antioxidants to protect from the damage of excess inflammation, can ensure a healthy immune system ready to fight disease the way it was originally designed. (Plus, as a bonus, feta cheese contains probiotics, which also help your immune system fight infection and disease!)



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Allicin contains sulfur, which gives the herb its pungent savour and peculiar smell. The health benefits of garlic are innumerable. It helps fight heart ailments, cold, cough and lowers blood pressure.

Garlic benefits rank only second to turmeric benefits in the amount of research backing this superfood. At the time of this article’s publication, there were more than 5,100 peer-reviewed articles that evaluated garlic’s ability to prevent and improve a wide spectrum of diseases.

And do you know what all this research revealed?

Eating garlic regularly is not only good for us; it has been linked to reducing or even helping to prevent four of the major causes of death worldwide, including heart disease, stroke, cancer and infections. (1) The National Cancer Institute does not recommend any dietary supplement for cancer prevention, but it does recognize garlic as one of several vegetables with potential anticancer properties. (2)

Other than the most extreme, rare situations, I believe every person on the planet should consume garlic. It’s extremely cost-effective, super easy to grow and tastes absolutely fantastic. So find out more about garlic benefits, garlic uses, garlic research, how to grow your own garlic and some great-tasting garlic recipes.

Garlic benefits rank only second to turmeric benefits in the amount of research backing this superfood. At the time of this article’s publication, there were more than 5,100 peer-reviewed articles that evaluated garlic’s ability to prevent and improve a wide spectrum of diseases.

And do you know what all this research revealed?


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Eating garlic regularly is not only good for us; it has been linked to reducing or even helping to prevent four of the major causes of death worldwide, including heart disease, stroke, cancer and infections. (1) The National Cancer Institute does not recommend any dietary supplement for cancer prevention, but it does recognize garlic as one of several vegetables with potential anticancer properties. (2)

Other than the most extreme, rare situations, I believe every person on the planet should consume garlic. It’s extremely cost-effective, super easy to grow and tastes absolutely fantastic. So find out more about garlic benefits, garlic uses, garlic research, how to grow your own garlic and some great-tasting garlic recipes.

4. Garlic for Colds and Infections

Experiments have shown that garlic (or specific chemical compounds like allicin found in garlic) is highly effective at killing countless microorganisms responsible for some of the most common and rarest infections, including the common cold. Garlic actually might help prevent colds as well as other infections.

In one study, people took either garlic supplements or a placebo for 12 weeks during cold season (between November and February). The garlic takers were less likely to get a cold, and if they did get a cold, they recovered faster than the placebo group. Those who didn’t take garlic (placebo group) had a much greater likelihood of contracting more than one cold over the 12-week treatment period. The study attributes garlic’s ability to prevent the common cold virus to its star biologically active component component, allicin.

Garlic’s antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal properties can help relieve the common cold as well as other infections. Garlic’s allicin in particular is believed to play an important role in this vegetable’s antimicrobial powers.

5. Garlic for Male and Female Hair Loss (Alopecia)

A clinical trial was conducted to test what a survey has shown to be a growing practice in Turkey: using garlic to treat baldness. Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences researchers from Iran tested how garlic gel applied on the scalp twice a day for three months could affect people taking corticosteroids for alopecia. Alopecia is a common autoimmune skin disease, causing hair loss on the scalp, face and sometimes on other areas of the body. Different treatments are currently available, but no cure is yet known.

The researchers discovered that the use of garlic gel significantly added to the therapeutic efficacy of topical corticosteroid in the treatment of alopecia areata. (14) Although the study didn’t test it directly, applying garlic-infused coconut oil as a standalone treatment


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might even be more beneficial as a hair loss remedy because it mitigates the risk of absorbing harmful corticosteroids in the skin.

6. Garlic for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that can rob people of the ability to think clearly, perform everyday tasks and, ultimately, remember who they even are. Garlic contains antioxidants that can support the body’s protective mechanisms against oxidative damage that can contribute to these cognitive illnesses.

When it comes to Alzheimer’s patients, β-amyloid peptide plaques are commonly observed in the central nervous system, and these plaque deposits result in the production of reactive oxygen species and neuronal (cells in the nervous system) damage. A study published in the Journal of Neurochemistry found “significant neuroprotective and neurorescue properties” of aged garlic extract and its active compound S-allyl-L-cysteine (SAC). The researchers conclude from their findings that aged garlic extract along with SAC can be used to develop future drugs to treat Alzheimer’s disease. (15)

7. Garlic for Diabetes

Garlic has shown its ability to help diabetics as well. Eating garlic has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels, potentially stop or decrease the effects of some diabetes complications, as well as fight infections, reduce LDL cholesterol and encourage circulation. (16)

These are just some of the top nutrients found in garlic. Garlic also contains alliin and allicin, which are both health-promoting sulfur compounds. Garlic’s allicin benefits are especially well-researched in studies. Scientists are interested in the potential for these sulfur compounds derived from garlic to prevent and treat chronic and deadly diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, among other garlic benefits.

A study of diabetic rats showed that garlic may be very helpful at improving the overall health of diabetics, including the mitigation of common diabetic complications like atherosclerosis and nephropathy. These rats, which received a daily extract of raw garlic for seven weeks, significantly had lowered serum glucose (blood sugar level), cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Compared to the control group, the rats receiving raw garlic had 57 percent less serum glucose, 40 percent lower serum cholesterol levels and 35 percent lower triglycerides. In addition, urinary protein levels in garlic-treated rats were 50 percent lower. (17)

Another study also showed that for type II diabetes patients, garlic significantly improved blood cholesterol levels. Specifically, garlic consumption reduced total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol and moderately raised HDL cholesterol compared to placebo. (18)


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All of this shows how garlic benefits diabetics as part of a diabetic diet plan.

A clove of raw garlic contains about: (20)

● 4 calories

● 1 gram carbohydrates

● 0.2 gram protein

● 0.1 gram fibre

● 0.1 milligram manganese (3 percent DV)

● 0.9 milligram vitamin C (2 percent DV)

● 5.4 milligrams calcium (1 percent DV)

● 0.4 micrograms selenium (1 percent DV)


The health benefits of ginger are largely due to its antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties and content of therapeutic compounds like gingerol, shogaol, paradol and zingerone.

So what is ginger good for and how can you incorporate it into your diet? Here’s what you need to know about this powerhouse of nutrition.

What Is Ginger?

Ginger, also known as Zingiber officinale, is a flowering plant that is closely related to turmeric and cardamom. Ginger comes from rhizomes, which are underground stems that


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grow horizontally and form roots downwards while leaves and new stems sprout on top. Buds then form at intervals along each stem.

The health benefits of ginger are well-documented and ginger has been used across the globe as a natural remedy for thousands of years due to its medicinal properties.

It can be found in fresh, ground or capsule form — or even as ginger essential oil — and it’s associated with an extensive list of ginger health benefits.

Ginger Nutrition

Ginger contains a diverse array of many important vitamins and minerals. It also contains gingerol, a compound with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that has been linked to many unique health benefits.

100 grams (about 3.5 ounces) of raw ginger contains approximately:

● 80 calories

● 17.8 grams carbohydrates

● 1.8 grams protein

● 0.7 grams fat

● 2 grams dietary fiber

● 415 milligrams potassium (12 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligrams copper (11 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligrams manganese (11 percent DV)

● 43 milligrams magnesium (11 percent DV)

● 5 milligrams vitamin C (8 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligrams vitamin B6 (8 percent DV)

● 0.7 milligrams niacin (4 percent DV)

● 34 milligrams phosphorus (3 percent DV)

● 0.6 milligrams iron (3 percent DV)

In addition to the nutrients listed above, ginger also contains a small amount of calcium, zinc, pantothenic acid, riboflavin and thiamin.

Ginger is an Antispasmodic


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Ginger is an Anti-inflammatory

Ginger Regulates Blood Sugar

Ginger Relieves Joint and Muscle Pain

Because of its ability to reduce inflammation, adding ginger into your diet could help treat both muscle pain and arthritis-related joint pain.

Ginger Lowers Cholesterol Levels

From producing bile to manufacturing hormones, cholesterol is essential to overall health. However, high levels of cholesterol can build up in the blood, causing blockages and increasing your risk of heart disease.

Ginger Improves Brain Function

Neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s have been linked to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation in the brain. With its wealth of antioxidants and potent anti-inflammatory properties, ginger is believed to play an important role in the health of your brain.

Several animal studies have found that ginger extract could protect against brain aging and cognitive decline. (19, 20) Not only that, but a 2012 study also found that ginger extract helped improve cognitive function and attention in middle-aged women.

Ginger Blocks Bacterial Infections

In addition to its antifungal properties, ginger boasts the ability to fight off bacterial infections as well. Pathogenic bacteria are common culprits behind conditions like urinary tract infections, pneumonia and bronchitis.

Ginger Eases Inflammation

Although inflammation can be a normal, healthy immune response to injury and infection, chronic inflammation is believed to be a major contributor to conditions like heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer.

Ginger Promotes Proper Digestion

One of the most powerful ginger benefits is its ability to support digestive health and prevent problems like dyspepsia, a common condition of impaired digestion characterized by symptoms like pain, heartburn, fullness and discomfort.

Hemp Seeds41

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What Are Hemp Seeds?

Hemp seeds, or hemp hearts, are the seeds of the hemp plant, or Cannabis sativa. Although marijuana comes from the same plant, hemp seeds only contain a trace amount of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, and they will not get you high. In fact, hemp seeds are safe and very healthy to eat.

Hemp Seeds are a perfect and natural blend of easily digested proteins, essential fats (Omega 3 & 6), Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), antioxidants, amino acids, fiber, iron, zinc, carotene, phospholipids, phytosterols, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin D, vitamin E, chlorophyll, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, copper.

Benefits of Hemp Seeds

Hemp is Rich in GLA

Gamma-Linolenic acid (GLA) is a necessary building block for some prostaglandins — hormone-like chemicals in the body that help smooth muscles, control inflammation and body temperature, and are vital to other body functions. Researchers have surmised that GLA supplementation is necessary for proper hormone health, which is probably why many women suffering from PMS symptoms have been helped by it.

GLA and GLA-rich foods like hemp seeds have also been observed to help people with:


● Breast pain

● Diabetes


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● Heart disease

● High blood pressure

● Multiple sclerosis

● Obesity

● Premenstrual syndrome

● Rheumatoid arthritis

● Skin allergies

Hemp and Arthritis and Joint Pain

Research has shown that hemp seeds and hemp seed oil can be helpful in relieving rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

For treatment, take one tablespoon of hemp seed oil daily along with a quality fish oil.

Hemp and Weight Loss

Hemp is a natural appetite suppressant and can help you feel full longer and reduce sugar cravings. Some experts recommend that adding four tablespoons of the seeds to your breakfast will help curb excess hunger the entire day. This is partly due to the fibre in hemp seeds, which promotes satiety and in turn aids weight loss.

Hemp and Digestive Health

High in insoluble and soluble fibre, hemp seeds provide more than enough bulk to keep your gastrointestinal system regular. Additionally, this healthy mixture of roughage feeds the probiotics in your gut and helps secure a robust immune system.

Hemp and treating Cancer

Because of its perfect fatty acid profile of omega-3 fats and GLA, hemp seed helps naturally balance inflammation levels and strengthen the immune system.

Hemp and Heart Health

Some of the key ingredients in building a healthy heart include fibre, plant-based protein, healthy fats and eating less sugar. Hemp seeds help in doing all of those things. Research in animals and humans strongly suggests that hemp seeds can improve cardiovascular health and high blood pressure.


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Leek Onion

Leeks are allium vegetables that are closely related to onions, garlic, shallots, and scallions. With a milder flavour and larger size, they work well added to everything from salads to soups, where they add beneficial fibre and bulk along with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant polyphenols.

Top Health Benefits of Leeks

Leeks are versatile, tasty, and easy to prepare, so don't let their relative unfamiliarity deter you. Leeks have much to offer in the way of good health and, like garlic, it's thought that much of their therapeutic effect comes from its sulphur-containing compounds, such as allicin.

Allicin is not only anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal, but research has revealed that as allicin digests in your body, it produces sulfonic acid, a compound that neutralize dangerous free radicals faster than any other known compound.1

Leeks also contain kaempferol, a natural flavonol that's also found in broccoli, kale, and cabbage. Kaempferol is impressive in its broad yet powerful potential to boost human health. Research has linked it not only to a lower risk of cancer2 but also a lower risk of numerous chronic diseases. As reported in Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry:3

"Some epidemiological studies have found a positive association between the consumption of foods containing kaempferol and a reduced risk of developing several disorders such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Numerous preclinical studies have shown that kaempferol and some glycosides of kaempferol have a wide range of pharmacological activities, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticancer, cardioprotective, neuroprotective, antidiabetic, anti-osteoporotic, estrogenic/antiestrogenic, anxiolytic, analgesic, and antiallergic activities."


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Anti-Cancer and Heart Protective Benefits

Kaempferol, and by association, leeks, is also known to protect blood vessel linings from damage, possibly by increasing production of nitric oxide (NO), which helps blood vessels to dilate and relax.4

Consuming large amounts of allium vegetables, including leeks, has also been shown to reduce the risk of gastric cancer significantly as well as potentially colorectal cancer. As written in Environmental Health Perspectives:

"Allium vegetables have been shown to have beneficial effects against several diseases, including cancer. Garlic, onions, leeks, and chives have been reported to protect against stomach and colorectal cancers.

The protective effect appears to be related to the presence of organosulfur compounds and mainly allyl derivatives, which inhibit carcinogenesis in the forestomach, esophagus, colon, mammary gland, and lung of experimental animals."

Leeks Are a Phenomenal Source of Vitamins and Antioxidants

Leeks contain notable quantities of vitamins A and K, along with healthy amounts of folic acid, niacin, riboflavin, magnesium, and thiamin. Adequate intake of leeks during pregnancy may help prevent neural tube defects in newborns. B vitamins in leeks, in particular, may support heart health by keeping levels of homocysteine in balance (elevated levels of homocysteine are associated with heart disease, blood clots, and stroke).

Leeks also provide a concentrated source of antioxidants, even when compared to other antioxidant-rich foods.

Leeks Likely Provide Many of the Powerful Health Benefits of Garlic and Onions

Leeks have not been the subject of the extensive amount of research that garlic and onions have. However, that doesn't mean they're less healthful than their allium cousins. In fact, it's likely that leeks share many of the same health-supportive properties of garlic and onions.

Studies have demonstrated, for instance, more than 150 beneficial health effects of garlic,8 including reducing your risk for heart disease, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, and various cancers such as brain, lung, and prostate cancer.

Onions, similarly, are also linked to cancer- and diabetes-fighting properties, as well as decreasing blood vessel stiffness by releasing nitric oxide (this may lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease). As noted by the World's Healthiest Foods, it's to be expected that leeks, too, offer these impressive benefits:


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"Given their substantial polyphenol content, including their notable amounts of kaempferol, we would expect to see overlap with garlic and onions in terms of support for many health problems related to oxidative stress and chronic low-level inflammation.

These health problems would include atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, and allergic airway inflammation. We would also expect to see leeks providing measurable amounts of protection against several different types of cancer, mostly likely including colorectal cancer.

It's important to remember that even in the absence of research studies to confirm health benefits, leeks still belong to the same allium vegetable family as onions and garlic and contain many health-supportive substances that are similar to (or identical with) the substances in their fellow allium vegetables."


Lemons Aids in digestion and detoxification

Lemons Bumps up the vitamin C quotient

Since your body doesn’t make vitamin C on its own, it’s important to get enough of it from the foods and drinks you ingest. Luckily, lemons are chock-full of the vitamin.

What are the benefits of getting enough vitamin C? It stimulates white blood cell production, vital for your immune system to function properly. As an antioxidant, vitamin C also protects cells from oxidative damage. Plus, getting enough vitamin C helps the immune system keep colds and flu at bay. Drinking lemon water daily ensures your body gets a sizable amount of vitamin C daily.

Lemon Rejuvenates skin and heals the body

The antioxidants found in vitamin C do double duty in lemon water. They fight damage caused by free radicals, keeping your skin looking fresh. Getting enough vitamin C from your


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lemon water also keeps the body producing collagen, essential in smoothing out lines in the face. And, in one recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, regularly consuming vitamin C led to younger-looking skin and less wrinkles.

Lemon - Weightloss

Regularly sipping on lemon water can help you lose those last pounds. That’s because lemons contain pectin, a type of fiber commonly found in fruits. Pectin helps you feel full longer; that satiated feeling means you’ll chow down less throughout the day. Plus, did you know that when you’re even mildly dehydrated, you’re more prone to things like headaches, fatigue and an overall bad mood? Chugging down lemon water helps your body stay hydrated and feeling happy.

Lemon Boosts energy and mood

Skip the morning cup of coffee — lemon water can boost energy levels without the caffeine crash. Here’s how it works: Our bodies get energy from the atoms and molecules in foods. When negative-charged ions, like those found in lemons, enter your digestive tract, the result is an increase in energy levels au naturel.


Lemongrass is a plant. The leaves and the oil are used to make medicine.

Lemongrass is used for treating digestive tract spasms, stomach-ache, high blood pressure, convulsions, pain, vomiting, cough, achy joints (rheumatism), fever, the common cold, and exhaustion. It is also used to kill germs and as a mild astringent.

Some people apply lemongrass and its essential oil directly to the skin for headache, stomachache, abdominal pain, and muscle pain.


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By inhalation, the essential oil of lemongrass is used as aromatherapy for muscle pain.

In food and beverages, lemongrass is used as a flavouring. For example, lemongrass leaves are commonly used as “lemon” flavoring in herbal teas.

In manufacturing, lemongrass is used as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics. Lemongrass is also used in making vitamin A and natural citral.

How does it work?Lemongrass might help prevent the growth of some bacteria and yeast. Lemongrass also contains substances that are thought to relieve pain, reduce fever, stimulate the uterus and menstrual flow, and have antioxidant properties.


Just the taste of mangoes can create a delightful tropical experience for your taste buds, but did you know that the mighty mango also delivers a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals and enzymes to benefit health? And that it’s a great high-fibre food and high-antioxidant food? It’s true. It’s no wonder, then, that the mango is often referred to as the “king of fruits.”

Mango Nutrition Facts

Belonging to the flowering plant family Anacardiaceae and going by the scientific name Mangifera indica L., mangoes are filled with vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants.

One cup of diced mango contains the following:

● 100 calories

● 28 grams of carbohydrates


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● 3 grams of fibre

● 0.8 grams of protein

● 46 milligrams of vitamin C (76 percent daily value (DV))

● 1262 IU of vitamin A (35 percent DV)

● 23.1 micrograms of folate (20 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligrams of vitamin B6 ( 11 percent DV)

● 1.8 milligrams of vitamin E (9 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligrams of copper (9 percent DV)

● 6.9 micrograms of vitamin K (8 percent DV)

● 257 milligrams of potassium (7 percent DV)

Mangoes also provide calcium; iron; magnesium; and powerful antioxidants such as zeaxanthin, quercetin, astragalin and beta-carotene.

Health Benefits of Mango

Studies continue to indicate the health benefits of mango nutrition, including some new research conducted at Oklahoma State University. But I want to highlight 12 major health benefits of mango nutrition, giving you at least a dozen reasons why you should add more mangoes to your diet.

Mango Lower Blood Sugar Levels

More recently, mango consumption has been linked to the lowering of blood sugar among obese adults. Although it did not produce weight loss, regular consumption of mango did have a positive effect on their blood glucose. Meanwhile, other studies indicate blood sugar management with mango consumption as well glycemic control.

Mango for Blood Pressure Management

Since mangoes are a food rich in magnesium and potassium as well as low in sodium, they are another natural way to lower blood pressure . Called “the silent killer,” high blood pressure affects approximately 70 million American adults, which is nearly one in every three adults, while only about half of those have their blood pressure under control.

Mango for Brain Health

Considered one of the great brain foods, mangoes are packed with vitamin B6, which is essential for maintaining, if not improving, brain function. Vitamin B6 and other B vitamins


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are crucial for maintaining healthy brain neurotransmitters and also help in supporting a healthy mood as well as healthy sleep patterns.

Mango and Possible Protection from Age-Related Macular Degeneration

As part of their mango nutrition matrix, mangoes contain the antioxidant zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin works to filter out harmful blue light rays, thereby playing a protective role in eye health as well as possibly protecting against age-related macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of vision loss in the United States. Age-related macular degeneration destroys the macula, the part of the eye that provides sharp, central vision necessary for seeing clearly.

Mangoes Boost Bone Health

Mangoes contain good levels of bone-building vitamin K, and a vitamin K deficiency has been linked to a higher risk of bone fracture. Vitamin K is also important for proper calcium absorption, another important function for bone health. And remember: Mangoes also provide calcium, which is a major bone nutrient.

Mangoes Lower Heart Disease Risk

Mangoes contain high amounts of pectin, a soluble fiber that can help naturally lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Add that to the low sodium levels as well as high potassium and B vitamins.

Mangoes Combat Cancer

As mentioned, mangoes are high in pectin, which not only helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood, but can also guard against prostate cancer. A compound within pectin combines with galectin 3, a protein that plays a strong part in all stages of cancer.

Additionally, high dietary intakes of beta-carotene — of which mangoes contain a lot — can help protect against prostate cancer. Mangoes may also be beneficial for fighting breast cancer. Although research is still in the early stages, mangoes may be a helpful part of natural cancer treatment protocol.

Mangoes to Naturally Treat Anemia

Mangoes are also rich in iron and may be part of the answer for the millions of people worldwide who are iron deficient. In fact, an iron deficiency can lead to becoming anemic, since iron deficiency is the most common feature of anemia. If this describes you or a loved one, consider eating more mangoes and other iron-packed foods.

Mangoes Anti-Aging Attributes

No one wants to show signs of aging — especially before their time — and mangoes can help slow the process of natural aging due to their high amounts of vitamins A and C, which


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help produce collagen proteins within the body. Collagen is known to help slow down the skin’s natural aging process by protecting blood vessels and bodily connective tissue.

Mangoes Increase Immunity

Your immune system is your body’s first line of defense against unwanted invaders and has everything to do with keeping you healthy. As we’ve discussed, mangoes are rich in beta-carotene, which also helps bolster a healthy immune system. Likewise, extra beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A inside the body, and vitamin A can help you fight free radicals that can damage your body and health.

Mangoes Relieve Constipation

An average-sized mango can have up to 40 percent of your daily requirement for fiber, and fibre offers many health benefits, including acting as a natural remedy for constipation.


Millet 11g protein. Gluten free. The major nutritional difference between the two grains is their amino acid profiles: While quinoa is a complete protein, millet is not. Complete proteins contain all nine of the essential amino acids the body cannot produce on its own. Although most animal proteins are complete, few plant sources can say the same.

Millet is important because of its uniquely high content of nutrients, including impressive starch levels, vitamin B, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, and fats.

Health Benefits of Millet

This grain is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that provide many benefits. Let’s take a look at them below:


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Millet Protects Heart Health

Millet is one of the best possible grains to add to your diet if you want to protect [4]your heart. It is a rich source of magnesium, which is an important mineral for reducing blood pressure and the risk of heart attack or stroke, particularly in the case of atherosclerosis. Millet is also a great source of potassium, which further keeps blood pressure low by acting as a vasodilator. Reducing your blood pressure and optimizing your circulatory system is one of the best ways to protect your cardiovascular health. Furthermore, the plant lignans found in millet can be converted into animal lignans by the microflora in our digestive system and these animal lignans have been shown to protect against certain chronic diseases, like cancer and heart disease.

Millet Controls Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol levels go hand-in-hand with heart health, so the high fiber levels in millet make for an ideal cholesterol-lowering approach. Dietary fiber eliminates[5] dangerous bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) from the system while promoting the effects of good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol).

Millet Prevents Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease affecting millions of people around the world. Millet is a beneficial food staple in many countries (where diabetes is less frequently found). It is, perhaps, because one of the effects of millet is a reduced chance[6] of type 2 diabetes, thanks to the significant levels of magnesium found in it. Magnesium is considered as one of the important minerals for increasing the efficiency of insulin and glucose receptors in the body, thereby preventing this disease. A 30% reduction in diabetes has been seen in the population that consumes a magnesium-rich diet.

Millet aids in Digestion

As most fibre-rich foods boast, millet can help[7] move your gastrointestinal system along and eliminate problems like constipation, excess gas, bloating, and cramping. By regulating your digestive processes, you also improve your nutrient retention and reduce your chance of more serious gastrointestinal conditions like gastric ulcers or colon cancer.

Millet Prevents Cancer

Recent research has revealed fibre to be one of the best and easiest ways to prevent the onset of breast cancer in women. In fact, women can reduce their chances of breast cancer by more than 50% by eating more than 30 grams of fibre every day. Given that breast cancer is one of the most common and deadliest forms of cancer, this is an advice that every woman should consider!


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Millet detoxifies the Body

Many of the antioxidants in millet can clean up toxins from your body. Quercetin, curcumin, ellagic acid, and various other beneficial catechins can help rid your system of any foreign agents and toxins by promoting proper excretion and neutralizing enzymatic activity in certain organs.


Mint is low in Saturated Fat, and very low in Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Protein, Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Phosphorus and Zinc, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Folate, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Copper and Manganese.

Indigestion and gas: Mint is a calming and soothing herb that has been used for thousands of years to aid with upset stomach or indigestion. Mint is thought to increase bile secretion and encourage bile flow, which helps to speed and ease digestion (and which may also support healthy cholesterol levels).

Vitamin ContentMint leaves provide a considerable amount of vitamin A, as well as small amounts of other vitamins. Vitamin A promotes healthy skin and supports your immune system -- and also helps cells reproduce normally. Spearmint is high in vitamin A. Each 1/4-cup serving contains 924 international units, and provides 40 percent of the daily vitamin A intake recommendation for women and 31 percent for men, established by the Institute of Medicine. Mint also provides small amounts of vitamin C and B-complex vitamins, although it doesn't serve as a significant source of these nutrients.

Mineral ContentSpearmint, but not peppermint, also serves as a good source of minerals. It's high in iron, at 2.7 milligrams per serving, and provides 15 percent of the iron intake requirements for


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women and 34 percent for men, according to the Institute of Medicine. Spearmint also contains manganese -- approximately 11 percent of the daily requirement for men and 14 percent for women. Manganese supports healthy brain function and aids in the production of sex hormones, while iron helps provide cells with oxygen and aids in energy production.


Mushrooms’ Surprising Immunity-Boosting Benefit

Proven mushroom nutrition benefits include the ability to boost the immune system and combat many diseases by way of providing numerous important vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Mushrooms are also a high antioxidant food, which means they fight free radical damage. According to extensive research, many mushrooms contain a wide variety of bioactive molecules that have anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant abilities.

Mushroom nutrition benefits also include their capability to inhibit viruses and decrease the severity of illness in those who are already sick. For example, certain types of mushrooms are shown to increase production of B and T lymphocytes, which are the crucial immune cells that help control our response to pathogens (harmful bacteria), viruses, toxins and other substances that can make us fall victim to disease.

Cancer prevention is really the field where mushroom nutrition gets the most attention. For centuries, Asian cultures have used certain mushrooms as a natural cancer treatment because of these fungi’s ability to lower the risk for cancer through many mechanisms, including supplying germanium, a nutrient that boosts oxygen use in the body and fights free radical damage. In fact, over 200 mushroom species are used in traditional Chinese medicine practices, and 25 percent of these are found to effectively fight harmful tumors.


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Mushroom Nutrition Facts

Although most people think of mushrooms as vegetables, they’re in fact a type of beneficial fungus. The term “mushroom” refers to any macrofungus with a distinctive fruiting body large enough to be seen with the naked eye and picked by hand. As of now, mushrooms constitute at least 14,000 different plant species — and perhaps way more. The number of mushroom species on the earth is estimated to be 140,000, which suggests that scientists only know about 10 percent of the possible species at this time.

Although various types of mushrooms differ in terms of their exact calorie and nutrient count, in general they’re very low in carbohydrates, calories, fat, sodium and sugar. Meanwhile, provide a high level of nutrients — especially antioxidants, energizing B vitamins, copper and selenium.

One cup of raw white button mushrooms has about:

● 21 calories

● 3 grams protein

● Less than 1 gram fat

● 1 gram fiber

● 2 grams sugar

● 2 grams carbs

● 0.4 milligrams vitamin B2 riboflavin (23 percent DV)

● 5 milligrams vitamin B3 niacin (17 percent DV)

● 4 milligrams vitamin B5 pantothenic acid (14 percent DV)

● 0.3 milligrams copper (13 percent)

● 9 milligrams selenium (13 percent DV)

● 305 milligrams potassium (9 percent DV)

● 83 milligrams phosphorus (8 percent DV)

Health Benefits of Mushrooms

With so many species in existence, plus numerous compounds within each species that offer their own unique qualities, it’s hard to sum up the health benefits of mushroom nutrition


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and the perks you get when you eat them regularly. But here are six benefits common to most types of mushroom varieties:

Mushrooms Fight Cancer

Mushrooms can inhibit tumor formation, protect DNA from damage and stop cell mutation, all while protecting healthy cells and increasing the body’s ability to detoxify itself of dangerous substances.

Mushrooms Improve Immunity and Lower Inflammation

According to a 2005 report published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, mushrooms contain “compounds and complex substances with antimicrobial, antiviral, antitumor, antiallergic, immunomodulating, anti-inflammatory, antiatherogenic, hypoglycemic, and hepatoprotective activities.” (3)

That may sound like a mouthful, but what it means is mushrooms can enhance almost every system in the body and protect you from numerous diseases since they’re associated with lowered inflammation (which is really the root of most diseases) . Mushrooms also help alkalize the body, which is associated with improved immunity. A balanced pH level is crucial to health because, as some experts say, “disease cannot grow in an alkaline environment.”

Mushrooms also have the natural ability to fight dangerous bacteria and viruses. In fact, mushrooms need to have strong antibacterial and antifungal compounds just to survive in their own natural environment, which is why it’s not surprising that these beneficial compounds can be isolated from many mushrooms and used to protect human cells.

Mushrooms are even shown to have special fighting abilities against deadly multi-resistant bacterial strains and microorganisms responsible for gut and skin problems. In fact, some substances present in common antibiotics given to people when they’re sick — including penicillin, streptomycin and tetracycline — are derived from mushroom fungal extracts.

Mushrooms Protect Heart Health

Eating more mushrooms is one way to lower cholesterol levels naturally. Many types of mushrooms help lower LDL “bad” cholesterol and keep arteries from hardening, which are risk factors for heart disease.

Mushrooms have sterol compounds that interfere with the production of cholesterol in the liver, yet at the same time they can raise HDL “good” cholesterol. They also contain potent phytonutrients that help keep cells from sticking to blood vessel walls and forming plague buildup, which maintains healthy blood pressure and improves circulation.


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Mushrooms Support Energy and Improve Brain Function

Mushrooms are a great source of B vitamins, which help support adrenal function and turn nutrients from food into useable energy. B vitamin benefits include the ability to help with neurotransmitter function, which makes them stress-defying nutrients that help break through “brain fog,” prevent thyroid disorders and support a healthy metabolism.

Is chronic stress killing your quality of life? Certain types of mushrooms, especially reishi, are also considered adaptogens that lower cortisol, which means they can help your body to deal with stress and keep your mood more upbeat. Mushrooms can also lower inflammation that can trigger a decline in cognitive function, mood problems, low energy and age-related neurodegenerative diseases.

Mushrooms Help with Weight Management

Studies find that regularly substituting mushrooms for meat might help you to lose weight, since mushrooms are a low-calorie, nutrient-dense food. Eating mushrooms several times per week is linked with a healthy body weight, reduced waist circumference and better overall health.

And while you’re working to improve your weight, mushroom nutrition benefits include the ability to protect your heart and vital organs from suffering the consequences of inflammation and imbalanced hormones.

Mushrooms Provide Vitamin D

While we know that vitamin D is best obtained from sun exposure, certain kinds of mushrooms can also provide a decent source of this important vitamin. Vitamin D deficiency is a serious problem for many people and linked to everything from heart disease to depression.

Exposing mushrooms to UV light, whether they’re grown outdoors or indoors under certain light fixtures, increases their concentration of vitamin D. Eating vitamin D-rich foods can help reduce your risk for cancer, heart disease, mood disorders and bone loss. Studies show that in addition to supplying vitamin D2, mushrooms can also produce vitamin D3 (the kind best utilized by humans) and vitamin D4.

Mustard Seeds


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Mustard seeds are an excellent source of selenium and a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids and manganese. They are also a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, copper and vitamin B1.

Nigella Seeds

Nigella seeds are also known by several other names including fennel flower seeds, Roman coriander seeds, black cumin seeds and simply black seeds. They come from the flowering nigella sativa and, like most seeds, contain fibre, minerals and essential fats. As we tend to eat small amounts of seeds, the nutritional benefit is limited, therefore in spite of the presence of ALA, an omega 3 fat similar to that found in oily fish and walnuts, you would have to eat an unusually large amount of nigella seeds in order to get a meaningful dose of omega 3 fats.

Nigella seeds are, however, a unique source of thymoquinone, a plant chemical that may have valuable abilities in reducing mutant cell proliferation. It may also reduce histamine production, helping to alleviate inflammatory conditions, and also reduces the activity of parasites and bacteria in the mouth and gut. This completes the Holy Trinity among the


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health food brigade who recommend nigella seeds in the diet as they are “anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic”.


Onions are loaded with numerous health benefits, and scientists are still discovering how beneficial this vegetable really is. They're a very good source of vitamin C and B6, iron, folate, and potassium. The manganese content in onions provides cold and flu relief with its anti-inflammatory abilities.

Whether it’s white, red or yellow onions, these pungent allium vegetables pack numerous health benefits in addition to big flavour. Through a high supply of nutrients and antioxidants — including flavonoids and polyphenols — onion nutrition can help you maintain better blood sugar levels, facilitate in building strong bones and be protective against inflammation, which we know is at the root of most diseases.

Studies have linked onions to cancer and heart disease prevention, plus lower risks of developing arthritis, asthma, diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders.

Onions (species name Allium cepa L) are a member of the Liliaceae plant family, which also includes other flavourful allium vegetables like garlic and leeks. Allium vegetables contain therapeutic oils that hold sulfur compounds (cysteine sulfoxides), which are partially responsible for their signature smell and taste, but also for many of the health benefits of onion nutrition (especially when it comes to naturally treating cancer). (1)

Some of onion’s most important antioxidants include flavonoids like quercetin and anthocyanins. At least 25 different flavonols have been identified across all onion varities! Quercetin is considered an antihistamine phytonutrient that’s often found in allergy products because it can lower the effects of histamines on the immune system. And


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anthocyanins, the same type of antioxidants found in red berries, are responsible for giving red onions their deep colour.

Another form of onions’ flavonoids are alkenyl cysteine sulphoxides (ACSOs), sulfur compounds that have been reported to have a range of health benefits, including anti-carcinogenic properties, anti-platelet activity, anti-thrombotic activity, anti-asthmatic and antibiotic effects.

Ever wonder why your eyes water when cutting an onion? It’s because cutting onions punctures their cell membranes that store ACSOs. While it might be inconvenient to tear up while cooking, as you can see it’s a small price to pay for the very impressive roles that these compounds hold when it comes to disease prevention!

One cup of raw, chopped onions contains about:

● 64 calories

● 0 grams fat

● 2 grams protein

● 2 grams fiber

● 7 grams of sugar

● 8 milligrams vitamin C (20 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligrams vitamin B6 (10 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligrams manganese (10 percent DV)

● 22 milligrams folate (8 percent DV)

● 234 milligrams potassium (7 percent DV)

● 46 milligrams phosphorus (5 percent DV)

● 0.07 vitamin B1 thiamine (5 percent DV)

Raw Onion - Prebiotic

Raw onions are a member of the lily family, such as garlic is, by the way. Eating onions raw provides you with organic sulfur compounds, which are an important mineral in your body. They are destroyed when you cook them.

Raw onions contain chromium to boost insulin production, quercetin, which fights off free radicals, and Vitamin C. Since most of the flavonoids are contained in the outermost layers of the onions, you should peel off as little as possible before chopping, dicing and tearing.


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So, in other words, don’t over-peel them! If raw onions give you heartburn or indigestion, consider cooked onions, another high prebiotic food.

Prebiotics Equals a Happy Gut

Prebiotics are an invaluable part of a healthy diet — and a happy gut. If you want to ensure you’re getting the right amount of prebiotics, taking a 100 percent all-natural and full-spectrum supplement, such as Prebiotin, is highly advisable. While there are several different types of prebiotic supplements on the market, only those that are 100 percent all-natural and full-spectrum can guarantee you are taking the proper amount of pure and natural prebiotics.

Onion – Leek

Leeks are allium vegetables that are closely related to onions, garlic, shallots, and scallions. With a milder flavour and larger size, they work well added to everything from salads to soups, where they add beneficial fibre and bulk along with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant polyphenols.

● Like onions and garlic, leeks have sulphur-containing compounds such as allicin that fight

dangerous free radicals in your body

● Leeks contain kaempferol, a flavonol that may help fight cancer and lower your risk of

chronic diseases including heart disease

● Leeks contain notable quantities of antioxidants and vitamins A and K, along with healthy

amounts of folic acid, niacin, riboflavin, magnesium and thiamin


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● Leeks likely share many of the same health-supportive properties of garlic and onions,

including benefits for your heart and anti-cancer and anti-diabetes properties

Raw Leeks - Prebiotic

The great thing about raw leeks, besides being a high prebiotic food, that is, is that they can be incorporated into just about any dish. As a sweeter version of the onion, they can be tossed into pasta, added to a garden salad, or used as an edible garnish for your quiche.

Of course, they also work fabulously in soups, but if cooked, they won’t have quite the same prebiotic content. A one-cup serving of raw leeks including bulb and stem boasts 52 percent and 18 percent of your recommended daily values of Vitamin K and Vitamin C, respectively.


Health Benefits of Oregano

The one-ounce oregano amount shown in the nutritional profile is an indication of the nutrient ratio you'd get in a smaller serving, such as a teaspoon mixed in your favourite soup. However much you eat, oregano is an excellent source of fibre and the vitamins A (which maintains the immune system and vision), C, E (antioxidant power for cell protection) and K (to keep the blood from clotting).

Oregano also contains high amounts of folate (to help form RNA and DNA building blocks), lots of iron (to prevent anaemia), magnesium and calcium (for metabolizing the bones), and healthy amounts of vitamin B6 (for optimal brain function). There's also potassium in oregano (to maintain your heart rate and blood pressure), and manganese and copper (both important for the body's optimal use of the enzyme superoxide dismutase.

Ingesting oregano encourages sweat production as a mode of detox, helps rid the body of unwanted phlegm in the lungs, reduces fevers, and relieves diarrhoea. Medical use has found it to be helpful in the treatment of colds and flu, indigestion, and to regulate the


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menstrual cycle. Made into a poultice, oregano can be used to remedy sore muscles and eczema.

Mildly stimulating, oregano leaves and flowers contain properties that promote the flow of bile from the gall bladder into the intestines, which aids in digestion and prevents gas. Essential oils from the leaves include carvacrol andthymol, which have antibacterial and

Pak Choi

Do you know what vegetable is in the top three on the Aggregate Nutrient Density Index, meaning it delivers one of the highest levels of nutrients per calorie compared to other foods? That would be bok choy —also called pak choi and white cabbage — which not only has just 12 calories per 100 grams, but also packs a potent nutrient punch.

In fact, as a part of a powerful group of vegetables called cruciferous vegetables, bok choy isn’t just a great source of vitamins and minerals — it’s also been shown to prevent cancer. (1) And that’s not all. It’s also one of the top anti-inflammatory foods on the planet, making it a vital piece of the healthy lifestyle puzzle.

Its mild, sweet flavor and crispy texture make it a great addition to any dish, as well as an alternative to other leafy greens. Think kale is too bitter? Can’t eat collard greens without adding salt? Bok choy may be your new go-to superfood. Here’s why.

9 Health Benefits of Boy Choy


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Pak Choi Helps Treat and Prevent Cancer

Cruciferous vegetables are known for their glucosinolates, sulfur-containing chemicals that sometimes cause a bitter flavor. During the preparation, chewing and digestion of these vegetables, other compounds, such as indole, nitrile and sulforaphane, that have proven anticancer effects are created. (2, 3) These compounds are effective against cancer because they can do things like help protect cells from DNA damage and inactivate carcinogens. This is partly why bok choy and other cruciferous veggies are some of the top cancer-fighting foods around.

Bok choy also contains brassinin, an antimicrobial and often antioxidative substance that’s a proven chemopreventive agent. (4) Many studies have shown that individuals who consume multiple servings of cruciferous vegetables per week are at a lower risk of cancers, specifically prostate, colorectal, lung and breast cancer.

Pak Choi Provides Antioxidant Power

Free radicals can wreak havoc on the body. High-antioxidant foods like bok choy do a great job at scavenging these disease-causing molecules. Just one cup of this leafy vegatable can provide substantially more than your daily recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin A and vitamin C, both of which are some of the most powerful antioxidant vitamins in the body.

Beyond these traditional antioxidants, there are a number of phytonutrients and phenolic acids in this nutrient-dense veggie that also activate a number of beneficial antioxidant activities (6, 7). Its significant levels of selenium also help boost its antioxidant powers.

Pak Choi Reduces Inflammation

Bok choy provides omega-3s and vitamin K, which help lower the risk of unwanted inflammation. Inflammation is at the root of many illnesses and can cause considerable damage if left untreated. Many of the polyphenols found in this form of Chinese cabbage also help reduce inflammation.

Pak Choi Promotes Eye Health

Carrots are popularly known as the vegetable that helps keep eyes healthy, but thanks to substantial amounts of vitamin A and beta-carotene, bok choy is a serious contender. One cup provides the RDA of beta-carotene and over half of the RDA of vitamin A. The beta-carotene levels are high enough that the Macular Degeneration Association highly recommends it as a food that can help individuals suffering from macular degeneration — an eye disease that causes vision loss.


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Aside from being an antioxidant that can help prevent infection, vitamin A is also very effective at preventing cataracts, improving of low-light vision, and treating of dry eyes and other eye-related diseases.

Pak Choi Strengthens Bones

Bok choy has a stellar lineup of nutrients that help promote bone health. Iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and bone-building vitamin K are abundant even in small servings. In addition, this superfood is a much healthier alternative to fat-filled milk for getting the RDA of calcium and preventing calcium deficiency.

The primary mineral found in bones and teeth is made with calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin K is proven to increase bone density in osteoporotic individuals, as well as reduce fracture rates. (10) The combination of these minerals greatly contributes to the healthy growth and maintenance of healthy bones and muscles.

Pak Choi lowers Blood Pressure and Promotes Heart Health

As a calcium- and potassium-rich food, bok choy naturally lowers blood pressure. Potassium also helps process sodium, which reduces the damage sodium does to the cardiovascular system. (12) Vitamin K also helps with proper blood clotting.

The vitamin B6 and folate in this nutrient superstar help prevent the accumulation of a compound called homocysteine. When too much is created in the body, it can lead to damage to blood vessels and heart problems.

Pak Choi Aids in Healthy Skin and Hair

One serving of bok choy provides almost three quarters of the daily recommended levels of vitamin C, which helps grow collagen, a protein needed to keep skin and hair healthy. As a vitamin C food, the healthy levels of collagen help smooth wrinkles and improve complexion. (13) The antibacterial qualities of bok choy also help combat skin infections like acne and eczema.

Pak Choi Boosts the Immune System

Vitamin C is at the forefront of why this powerful veggie is an immune system booster. It’s a powerful antioxidant that helps bolster and maintain a healthy immune system. (14) Selenium, another mineral found in bok choy, also helps stimulate production of killer T-cells. Incorporating it into meals could be a way to fight off common illness throughout the year.

Pak Choi Assists in a Healthy Pregnancy


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Bok choy, along with many other leafy greens, provides a great serving of folate. During pregnancy, the body’s need for folate doubles due to the rapid growth and division of cells. Consuming enough folate foods and folic acid helps prevent birth defects like spina bifida and anencephaly and provides a number of other benefits to keep you and your baby healthy throughout your pregnancy.

It provides an insanely high level of vitamin A and C per serving. A one-cup serving provides 140 percent of your RDA of vitamin A and over 75 percent of vitamin C. From antioxidants and an impressive number of phytonutrients to an abundance of minerals like iron, calcium, manganese and folate, boy choy can benefit almost every system in the body.

Incorporating it into your regular diet can help decrease inflammation, fight free radical damage and give your body some of the most powerful tools it needs to fight disease.

100 grams of raw bok choy contains about: (17)

● 13 calories

● 2.2 grams carbohydrates

● 1.5 grams protein

● 0.2 gram fat

● 1 gram fiber

● 4,468 IU vitamin A (89 percent DV)

● 45 milligrams vitamin C (75 percent DV)

● 45.5 micrograms vitamin K (57 percent DV)

● 66 micrograms folate (16 percent DV)

● 105 milligrams calcium (11 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligram vitamin B6 (10 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligram manganese (8 percent DV)

● 252 milligrams potassium (7 percent DV)

● 19 milligram magnesium (5 percent DV)

100 grams of COOKED bok choy contains about: (18)

● 12 calories

● 1.8 grams carbohydrates

● 1.6 grams protein


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● 0.2 gram fat

● 1 gram fiber

● 4,249 IU vitamin A (85 percent DV)

● 26 milligrams vitamin C (43 percent DV)

● 34 micrograms vitamin K (42 percent DV)

● 371 milligrams potassium (11 percent DV)

● 41 micrograms folate (10 percent DV)

● 93 milligrams calcium (9 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligram vitamin B6 (8 percent DV)

● 0.1 milligram manganese (7 percent DV)

● 1 milligram iron (6 percent DV)

The major shift in nutrients between raw and cooked bok choy is the level of vitamin C and K depletion when the vegetable is cooked.


Parsley is powerhouse nutritious herb, whose benefits the body in many ways and is considered a naturally effective treatment for a wide range of symptoms and diseases. Derived from the petroselinum plant, parsley and parsley essential oil have been used as a natural detox remedy, diuretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent for centuries in folk


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medicine. Today, fortunately, many studies back up health claims about parsley that traditional populations have believed for many years.

According to a 2013 report in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, parsley has been used as “a treatment of gastrointestinal disorder, hypertension, cardiac disease, urinary disease, diabetes and also various dermal diseases in traditional and folklore medicines.” (1)

The impressive health benefits of parsley come via its active ingredients, which include phenolic compounds, antioxidant flavonoids, essential oils like myristicin and apiol, and various nutrients like vitamins K, C and A.

In addition, parsley and parsley essential oil are associated with helping to fight the following symptoms and disorders:

● Inflammation

● Oxidative stress, or free radical damage

● Anaemia

● Bladder infection

● Digestive problems, including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

● Kidney stones

● Bad breath

● Arthritis

● Bloating, or edema

● Gas

● Acid Reflux

● Constipation

● Poor immunity

● Skin problems

Parsley Nutrition

½ cup of fresh chopped parsley (or about 8 tablespoons) has about:

● 8 calories

● 0 grams of fat, sugar, carbs, protein or fiber


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● 496 mg Vitamin K (554%)

● 40 mg Vitamin C (54%)

● 128 mg Vitamin A (15%)

● 48 mg Folate (12%)

● 92 mg Iron (10%)

● 40 mg Calcium (4%)

● 16 mg Magnesium (4%)

● 168 mg Potassium (4%)


Your Heart Will Go Nuts for Peanuts

Peanuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, the type of fat that is emphasized in the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet. Studies of diets with a special emphasis on peanuts have shown that this little legume is a big ally for a healthy heart. In one such randomized, double-blind, cross-over study involving 22 subjects, a high monounsaturated diet that emphasized peanuts and peanut butter decreased cardiovascular disease risk by an estimated 21% compared to the average American diet.

In addition to their monounsaturated fat content, peanuts feature an array of other nutrients that, in numerous studies, have been shown to promote heart health. Peanuts are good sources of vitamin E, niacin, folate, protein and manganese. In addition, peanuts provide resveratrol, the phenolic antioxidant also found in red grapes and red wine that is thought to be responsible for the French paradox: the fact that in France, people consume a diet that is not low in fat, but have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to the


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U.S. With all of the important nutrients provided by nuts like peanuts, it is no wonder that numerous research studies, including the Nurses' Health Study that involved over 86,000 women, have found that frequent nut consumption is related to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

Peanuts Rival Fruit as a Source of Antioxidants

Not only do peanuts contain oleic acid, the healthful fat found in olive oil, but new research shows these tasty legumes are also as rich in antioxidants as many fruits.

While unable to boast an antioxidant content that can compare with the fruits highest in antioxidants, such as pomegranate, roasted peanuts do rival the antioxidant content of blackberries and strawberries, and are far richer in antioxidants than apples, carrots or beets. Research conducted by a team of University of Florida scientists, published in the journal Food Chemistry, shows that peanuts contain high concentrations of antioxidant polyphenols, primarily a compound called p-coumaric acid, and that roasting can increase peanuts' p-coumaric acid levels, boosting their overall antioxidant content by as much as 22%.

Peanuts' Antioxidants Key to their Heart-Health Benefits

Research published in the British Journal of Nutrition (Blomhoff R, Carlsen MH), which identified several nuts among plant foods with the highest total antioxidant content, suggests nut's high antioxidant content may be key to their cardio-protective benefits.

Nuts' high antioxidant content helps explain results seen in the Iowa Women's Health Study in which risk of death from cardiovascular and coronary heart diseases showed strong and consistent reductions with increasing nut/peanut butter consumption. Total death rates decreased 11% and 19% for nut/peanut butter intake once per week and 1-4 times per week, respectively.

Peppers (Bell)


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The bell pepper is, yes, sweet and versatile, but did you know that it also helps you fight everything from the common cold to cancer?

This delicious food is familiar to many of us for its sweet taste and ability to be stuffed chock-full of yummy stuff before being eaten. But the benefits go far beyond taste — bell peppers have a ton of incredibly essential vitamins, antioxidants and minerals that will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Pepper Nutrition Facts

The bell pepper is a cultivar group of the Capsicum annum species of plants, part of the family of foods known as nightshade vegetables. Botanically, it’s a fruit, but nutritionally considered a vegetable. While the other cultivars within this species are famous for their capsaicin content (which is what gives most peppers and chilis, such as cayenne peppers, their spicy taste), bell peppers contain no capsaicin and are referred to in many cultures as “sweet peppers.”

There are various colour varieties of bell peppers, with the most common being red, yellow and green. However, you may find them more infrequently in orange, brown, white and lavender. There are also nutritional differences between colours of bell peppers — for example, a red bell pepper contains over eight times the amount of vitamin A than a green bell pepper.

My favourite thing about bell peppers is their extremely high concentration of antioxidants. Just one of these handy veggies will provide more than twice the daily recommended amount of vitamin C, and three-fourths of your daily needed vitamin A intake.

If you’d like to reduce your risk of illness, heart disease and cancer, you should probably keep reading about the incredible bell pepper.

One medium-sized red bell pepper (about 119 grams) contains:


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● 37 calories

● 5 milligrams sodium

● 7 grams carbohydrate

● 5 grams sugar

● 1 gram protein

● 152 milligrams vitamin C (253 percent DV)

● 3726 international units Vitamin A (75 percent DV)

● 0.3 milligrams vitamin B6 (17 percent DV)

● 54.7 micrograms folate (14 percent DV)

● 2 grams fiber (8 percent DV)

● 5.8 micrograms Vitamin K (7 percent DV)

● 1.2 milligrams niacin (6 percent DV)

● 0.1 milligrams thiamine (4 percent DV)

Reduces risk of cancer and heart disease

Like so many healthy foods, bell peppers play a role in reducing your risk of cancer and heart disease when they’re a regular part of your diet. Bell pepper nutrition lists a large number of carotenoids, plant-based antioxidants that help reduce the damage that oxidation causes on your cells. The red variety of this type of pepper in particular contains very high quantities of beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin.

Eating foods high in carotenoids (especially beta-carotene!) has been shown to help reduce the risk of cancer and significantly reduce the free radical activity in your body. (2)

Supports healthy eyes

I just mentioned that bell peppers contain high levels of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. Those two antioxidants are must-haves when it comes to keeping your eyes healthy! Green bell peppers have over half a milligram of lutein and zeaxanthin, which makes it one of the best natural sources of these antioxidants!

Lutein is already a well-accepted natural treatment for macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in older adults. By filtering out short-wavelength UV light that can easily damage the retina, this antioxidant helps protect the degeneration of eye cells that lead to this disease. Researchers at Harvard discovered that just 6 milligrams of supplemented lutein per day can reduce your chance of developing this disease by 43 percent! (4)


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For older people who already have cataracts, lutein can improve vision. Other eye-related benefits include reducing eye fatigue, decreasing light and glare sensitivity and improved acute vision.

Improves immunity

Bell pepper nutrition contains more than one sickness-fighting power punch! The high presence of vitamin A is essential to fighting both serious diseases, such as cancer, as well as more short-term illnesses, such as the common cold.

Much research has been conducted on the immune-boosting benefits of vitamin A supplementation, especially in low- and middle-income nations where children are extremely susceptible to vitamin deficiencies that lead to illness and disease. In one study out of London, vitamin A supplementation increased childhood mortality by an astonishing 24 percent, while also noting that a deficiency in this nutrient increased the children’s immunity to things such as diarrhoea and measles.

Another child-related study in Colombia found that the country saved over $340 million dollars when supplementing just 100 children with vitamin A that would have otherwise been deficient. (6)

If you undergo a significant amount of stress, bell peppers may also help improve your immunity because of their high vitamin C content. People who have high amounts of vitamin C in their system are less likely to contract everything from colds to cancer, and vitamin C is essential to correcting the weakened immune system associated with high stress levels.

In general, bell peppers are one food that can help reduce inflammation in your body, which is actually at the root of most diseases.

Peppers Helps you maintain good mental health

The good vitamins in bell pepper nutrition are also beneficial in maintaining prime cognitive health. It’s why bell peppers are consider one of the best brain foods.

One such benefit of bell peppers is the high presence of vitamin B6, which increases the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine, sometimes referred to as the “happy hormones.” High levels of these hormones are associated with improved mood, higher energy levels and more concentration, while low levels have been commonly linked with several mental disorders such as ADHD. (8)


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A vitamin B6 deficiency has also been shown to contribute to cognitive impairment that comes with age and may even increase risk of Alzheimer’s and/or dementia. (9)

Peppers Keep your skin glowing and healthy

Not only is a large amount of vitamin C good for your immune system, but it’s also great for your skin! This, along with the carotenoids found in bell peppers, improves the health of your skin and promotes collagen production.

People with high levels of Vitamin C have skin that is less dry and wrinkled, and they also are at a lower risk of developing skin cancer. I highly recommend that, in addition to healthy sunbathing habits, you fight skin cancer with food.

Potatoes – White

Potato Starch Nutrition Facts

What is potato starch exactly? Well first, let’s talk about what is starch. Starch is an odorless, tasteless, soft white substance that is made by all green plants. Potato starch is the starch found in potatoes that are a product of the potato plant. The potato plant (Solanum tuberosum) is a member of the nightshade family and produces edible tubers more commonly known as potatoes.

Is a potato a grain? No, it is definitely not a grain. As a vegetable, the potato contains a large variety of nutrients, including potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, copper, vitamin C and B vitamins. So you would think that its starch would also be rich in some or all of these nutrients, but unfortunately as you’re about to see, potato starch’s claim to fame is definitely not its vitamin and mineral content.


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One tablespoon of potato starch contains about: (1)

● 40 calories

● 10 grams carbohydrates

● 0 grams protein

● 0 grams fat

● 0 grams fiber

There are around eight grams of resistant starch per tablespoon of raw potato starch as well, but not much else in the way of nutrition.

Pros and Cons of Potato Starch

Let’s take a look at possible potato starch health benefits as well as some negative aspects of this vegetable starch.


Blood Sugar Helper

Many healthy starches fall into the category of resistant starch foods. As a resistant starch, potato starch has been shown to be helpful to blood sugar regulation.

What is a resistant starch? Resistant starches are able to travel through the body’s digestive system without being changed. Another example of a resistant starch similar to potato starch is unripe bananas.

A scientific study published in the journal Diabetic Medicine in 2010 investigated whether or not consumption of resistant starch could help people struggling with metabolic syndrome. The single-blind, randomized study had 20 subjects with insulin resistant consume either 40 grams per day of a resistant starch supplement or a placebo for a 12-week period. The study results showed that consumers of the resistant starch had improved insulin sensitivity compared to the placebo group. Overall, the researchers conclude that “consumption of resistant starch improves insulin sensitivity in subjects with the metabolic syndrome.” (3)

Potatoes Boost Good Bacteria

As a resistant starch, potato starch acts as a prebiotic in the body, which means that it actually feeds the good bacteria in your intestine. Research demonstrates that the helpful effects of resistant starches on the digestive system are likely the result of beneficial short-chain fatty acids being produced by bacterial fermentation taking place in the large intestine.


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Potatoes are Gluten-Free

For anyone trying to avoid gluten, one of the health benefits of potato starch is the fact that it is is naturally gluten-free.

Pumpkin Seeds

Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds Reduce Inflammation

Replacing saturated fats with healthy, unsaturated fats makes a deep impact on the amount of inflammation in your body. In fact, a research study in 2015 found the replacement of pumpkin seed oil in the diet of people suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in the walls of the arteries) reduced the effects of these diseases on test subjects. (8)

If you’re seeking to live a disease-free life, introducing anti-inflammatory foods and supplements into your diet is one of the key actions you need to take.

Pumpkin Seeds as a Nutritional Aid for Cancer Patients

You read that right! While there is no “cure” for cancer, pumpkin seed oil has been proven in several studies to support the health of cancer patients and/or a reduced risk of cancer.

Pumpkin seeds are one vegetable seed proven to reduce the risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women. (9) Additional research has found the nutritional value of pumpkin seeds to possibly prevent and treat breast cancer. (10)

The future is promising for men as well as women — pumpkin seeds may also reduce or inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells. Pumpkin seed oil, in particular, can reduce the effects of specific carcinogens, making it a useful natural cancer treatment for many different types of cancer.


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For those currently being treated for cancer, pumpkin seed oil may also be an answer to common problems. Its antioxidant properties create a filter for radiation and protect against or prevent small intestinal damage from methotrexate, a treatment for several types of cancer and also rheumatoid arthritis. (13, 14, 15).

Pumpkin Seeds are Good for Prostate Health

Perhaps the most well-documented aid of pumpkin seed oil for health is its vast effectiveness on maintaining a healthy prostate. It has been known to protect against prostate cancer, but it’s also great for prostate health in general!

Long used as a folk medicine for prostate health, pumpkin seed oil reduces the size of an enlarged prostate, especially in the instance of benign prostatic hyperplasia (age-related prostate enlargement). (16, 17) That’s why I pumpkin seed oil use is one of three steps to improve prostate health!

Pumpkin Seeds Encourages Mental Well-being

We all need to consider the health of our brains and mental states. Pumpkin seed oil can help you do that in more than one way — the Cucurbita maxima compound of this oil improves memory, while its tryptophan content is a scientifically proven, effective treatment for social anxiety disorder. Insomnia also may be reduced by the tryptophan in pumpkin seed oil, as it breaks down easily within the body into serotonin to induce peaceful sleep. (20)

Pumpkin Seeds are Great for Heart Health

Is it any surprise that an anti-inflammatory supplement would be great for the heart? Through a process that may involve the production of nitric oxide, pumpkin seed oil exhibits antihypertensive and cardioprotective effects, meaning it can protect you from heart disease and/or heart attacks. (22) It also reduces high blood pressure in postmenopausal women, according to research published in Climacteric: The Journal of the International Menopause Society. (23)

Pumpkin Seeds Treat Diabetes

Diabetes has many causes, one of which is poor diet. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are manageable, and even treatable, with good diet strategies and supplements. Possibly due in part to its low glycemic load (along with other factors), pumpkin seed oil is scientifically proven to be a considerable antihyperglycemic, or natural diabetes treatment. (24)

Pumpkin Seeds can Soothe an Overactive Bladder


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A 2014 study published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine suggests pumpkin seed oil extracts (from both the Cucurbita pepo and Cucurbita maxima varieties) effectively treat urinary disorders, specifically overactive bladder. (25) This indicates consuming pumpkin seed oil is an important part of maintaining a healthy excretory system.

One cup of unsalted pumpkin seeds nutrition contains (7):

● 11.9 grams protein

● 11.8 grams dietary fibre

● 6.6 milligrams zinc (44 percent DV)

● 168 milligrams magnesium (42 percent DV)

● 588 milligrams potassium (16.8 percent DV)

● 52.1 milligrams iron (11.7 percent DV)

● 9 milligrams phosphorus (5.9 percent DV)

● 35 milligrams calcium (3.5 percent DV)


In a quest to find the world’s healthiest foods, it would be nearly impossible to miss out on one of the best complete protein foods available: quinoa.

Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) is a 7,000-year-old plant that originated in the mountainous regions of South America. While it is commonly known as an “ancient grain,” quinoa is technically not a grain or cereal grain, but a seed, and does not contain gluten.


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After its explosive rise to the top of the worldwide eye on healthy nutrition, quinoa nutrition was recognized by the United Nations in 2013 as a potential factor in “eradicating hunger, malnutrition and poverty.” Because quinoa has a broad nutritional profile and is easy and inexpensive to cultivate, the UN declared 2013 the “Year of Quinoa.” (2)

Whether you’re searching for a quality gluten-free carbohydrate, or just interested in why quinoa is the subject of so much hype, you’ll be excited to see what it can do for you.

However, the real beauty of quinoa nutrition lies in its protein content and other extremely beneficial nutrients.

Quinoa Nutrition Facts

The nutritional profile of quinoa is impressive by itself, but some of the best parts about quinoa nutrition aren’t going to be obvious on a nutrition label.

For example, quinoa is a rare plant food that is actually a complete protein source. Although not every food you eat has to be a complete protein, it’s somewhat rare for a plant food to have the complete profile of all 20 amino acids, including the 10 essential acids our body doesn’t produce on its own.

Sure, it doesn’t quite match the protein content of grass-fed beef, but for a plant-based food that’s often used as a base or part of a side dish in recipes, 8 grams of protein is still an astounding feat, especially for people following a vegetarian or vegan diet. For an average-sized adult female, one cup of quinoa is over 17 percent of what the USDA recommends for daily protein intake.

Chenopodium quinoa has 442 milligrams of l-lysine, one of the most well-documented of the essential amino acids. That’s more than a fifth of what you need each day — and ensuring you get enough l-lysine is crucial for a wide variety of health reasons, from preventing cancer to reducing anxiety.

Lastly, for a food that operates like a grain, quinoa seeds boast a great protein to carbohydrate ratio. This is because the germ constitutes nearly 60 percent of the entire grain — comparing that to wheat germ, which makes up less than three percent of the kernel. (4)

One cup of cooked quinoa contains:

● 222 calories

● 4 grams of fat

● 13 milligrams sodium


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● 39 grams carbohydrate

● 5 grams fibre

● 8 grams protein

● 1.2 milligrams manganese (58 percent DV)

● 118 milligrams magnesium (30 percent DV)

● 281 milligrams phosphorus (28 percent DV)

● 77.7 micrograms folate (19 percent DV)

● 0.4 milligrams copper (18 percent DV)

● 2.8 milligrams iron (15 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligrams thiamine (13 percent DV)

● 2 milligrams zinc (13 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligrams riboflavin (12 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligrams Vitamin B-6 (11 percent DV)

● 318 milligrams potassium (9 percent DV)

● 5.2 micrograms selenium (7 percent DV)

● 1.2 milligrams Vitamin E (6 percent DV)

Types of Quinoa

While most of us are used to seeing the more common white quinoa, there are actually about 120 varieties throughout the world. According to the Whole Grains Council, three categories of quinoa have been commercialized for sale: red, white and black.

Generally, chefs appreciate the nuanced differences between the three types, but the typical consumer will probably be equally happy with any choice.

White Quinoa – This is the most widely sold variety of quinoa, and takes the least amount of time to cook. It’s sometimes referred to as ivory quinoa.

Red Quinoa – Because it doesn’t easily lose its shape, cooks prefer using this type of quinoa in cold salads or other recipes where the texture of a distinct grain is preferred.


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Black Quinoa – The taste of black quinoa is more different than the white and red varieties, with an earthy, sweet flavour profile. It takes the longest to cook, needing about 15–20 minutes to be completely done.

8 Quinoa Nutrition Benefits

Quinoa Aids in weight loss

Due to its high insoluble fibre and protein content, quinoa can increase that “full” feeling you have after a meal, known as satiety. Whole grains and pseudocereals have been consistently shown to increase feelings of fullness after meals when compared to refined grains. (7) It is also believed that quinoa may influence the action of hormones that play a role in appetite, such as gherkin, peptide YY and insulin. (8)

If you take a look at research that studies the impact of quinoa nutrition on the human body over time, you’ll find that eating quinoa is associated with weight loss, as well as an improvement in the levels of cholesterol in the blood. (9) Eating quinoa on a regular basis may even be one way to prevent obesity. (10)

In an animal study conducted in 2014, researchers in Paris, France found that quinoa consumption led to higher energy expenditure (read: they moved more), better glucose processing and less dietary fat absorption. (11)

Another reason quinoa may help you lose weight is because it contains over half of the manganese you need every day. Manganese impacts hormones and digestive enzymes, making it easier for your body to digest and use the food you eat efficiently.

Quinoa is a Nutritious gluten-free alternative

Quinoa may be beneficial for people following a gluten-free diet, providing nutrients they are missing after eliminating traditional grains from their diets. A 2009 study reviewed diet records of patients with celiac disease who followed a gluten-free diet, finding that most subjects relied heavily on rice as their primary grain source, which made their diet inadequate nutritionally.

However, by changing their primary whole grain source to quinoa, the subjects were able to meet their protein, iron, calcium and fiber needs. (12)(13) Even when studied over time, celiac patients can easily tolerate quinoa on a daily basis. (14) Using quinoa as a primary grain instead of other gluten-free alternatives may help ensure a more balanced diet for celiac suffers, as well as others who follow a gluten-free diet.

Quinoa May help fight cancer


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Since quinoa is such a great source of antioxidants (which I’ll delve into a little later), it’s probably no big surprise that it has anti-cancer properties. However, the extent of research might shock you — quinoa as a standalone food and three specific nutrients found in quinoa seeds are some of the most revolutionary topics of research regarding preventing or treating cancer.

The first of these nutrients, saponin, is also the most controversial. Saponins naturally occur in various types of plants and have a mild “detergent” quality — that’s why when you rinse quinoa, you’ll notice a soft white foam forms.

Saponin sometimes acts like an antinutrient, and in some foods can negatively impact the lining of the intestines and contribute to leaky gut syndrome, as well as destroying some healthy red blood cells.

However, they also have shown promising results when tested on cancer cells — saponins have caused cell death in glioblastoma (aggressive brain cancer), leukemia and lymphoma cells in the lab. Their permeability (meaning their ability to travel through various organ linings) is actually one factor in their potential power against cancer.

Quinoa’s second “super nutrient” in cancer research is known as lunasin. The subject of scientific scrutiny since 1996, Lunasin is a peptide with a number of potential health benefits, most notably its ability to bind to and break apart cancer cells. Lunasin is particularly special because, in both lab and animal tests, it kills only cancer cells while leaving healthy cells untouched. (20)

The lunasin found in Chenopodium quinoa is considered bioactive, which simply means that eating quinoa is a useful way to have this nutrient actively operate in your body. (21)

Finally, quinoa also contains an antioxidant known as quercetin, which has significant success in stopping the spread of lung cancer as well as others. Quercetin works by fighting free radical damage related to a large number of diseases. It’s one of the reasons quinoa, which contains one of the highest levels of quercetin found in any food, is an anti-inflammatory food. (23)

Quinoa Supports a healthy heart

Quinoa’s anti-inflammatory nutrients also make it a great addition to a heart-healthy diet. Heart disease is currently the leading cause of death worldwide, but the reasons behind it are often related to diet and lifestyle issues that are simple to correct.

One of quinoa nutrition’s benefits is its high level of heart-healthy fats. Quinoa contains about 4 grams of fat per cup and contains no trans fats. About 25 percent of the fat found in quinoa is oleic acid (a healthy monounsaturated fat) and 8% is alpha-linolenic acid, the type


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of omega-3 found in plants. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) has been shown to decrease the risk of death from heart attacks.

A diet high in ALA can also help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Researchers agree that consuming ALA by eating high-ALA foods has the most impact, rather than trying to take it in supplement form. (25)

Three other nutrients found in quinoa nutrition also support heart health: butyrate, potassium and magnesium.

Butyrate is a fatty acid that you can get from certain foods and supplements, and that a healthy gut can make out of fibre content. It can slow or stop the spread of atherosclerosis, a common and dangerous condition characterized by hardening and narrowing of the arteries and disrupting blood flow.

One serving of quinoa provides you with almost a tenth of the potassium you need each day. A major contributor to heart disease in Western culture is our tendency to eat foods high in sodium and not consuming enough potassium. Potassium reduces stroke risk as well and naturally lowers blood pressure.

Eating foods with a large concentration of magnesium, such as quinoa, reduces risk of stroke and heart attack.

Quinoa Contains disease-fighting antioxidants

A specific type of antioxidants called bioflavonoids, or flavonoids, is found in large amounts in quinoa. This group of antioxidants garnered interest in the mid-90s for their disease-preventing benefits. One particular class of flavonoid, polyphenols, may play a role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer, osteoporosis and diabetes. (28)

Quinoa is also high in other antioxidants, quercetin (mentioned above), kaempferol, vanillic acid and ferulic acid, important for the reduction of inflammation, a risk factor for chronic diseases.

In 2016, researchers discovered the presence of beta-carotene in quinoa. When consumed through diet (not supplements), beta-carotene and other carotenoids benefits the body by scavenging the free radicals often responsible for premature aging and various diseases.

Even though it’s not an antioxidant, manganese also plays a role in the function of the antioxidants found in quinoa nutrition. Numerous enzymes that function as antioxidants require manganese to operate.

Quinoa Helps keep your gut healthy by decreasing inflammation


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In a 2016 study, quinoa and amaranth were assessed for their function as prebiotics. Prebiotics are undigestible fibre compounds that work with probiotic enzymes to become “fuel” for the beneficial bacteria living in your gut, and are associated with lowered disease risk, lowered inflammation levels and a better functioning immune system.

Scientists found that both of these pseudocereals (which they referred to as common superfoods) have prebiotic potential and can serve to improve gastrointestinal health by balancing the levels of good bacteria functioning there.

The butyrate in quinoa (which I explained earlier supports heart function) may also be part of its gut-repairing abilities. Low levels of this fatty acid (or the inability to metabolize it) are linked with inflammatory gut diseases, such as IBS, Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis.

However, increasing butyrate levels helps to decrease inflammation in the gut and may potentially play a part in the medical solutions for these conditions. Butyrate not only suppresses future inflammation, but causes apoptosis (cell death) in overabundant T-cells that serve as the source of the inflammation.

Succinic acid is also found in quinoa nutrition, which is another anti-inflammatory nutrient significant for its role in maintaining gut health.

Be aware that quinoa is high in phytic acid, which can bind to minerals in food and decrease their absorption. Therefore, even though quinoa does contain a significant amount of minerals, your body may not absorb them all due to the phytic acid content.

Soaking quinoa in water prior to use can help reduce the phytic acid content. One cup of quinoa should be soaked in 2 cups of water with 1 tablespoon of either fresh lemon juice or goat milk yogurt for between 12–24 hours.

Quinoa Supports bone health

Instead of drinking processed milk to build healthy bones, you might want to try eating more quinoa.

Because of its high manganese, magnesium and phosphorus content, quinoa nutrition is a bone-building powerhouse — it might even help to prevent osteoporosis. (35)(36)

Quinoa Reduces diabetes risk

Eating manganese-rich foods may be one key to maintaining healthy blood sugar and decreasing your risk of diabetes. In one 2013 animal study, adding manganese into the animal diet helped to fight insulin resistance.

This may be because of manganese’s part in the process of gluconeogenesis, involving the conversion of amino acids into sugar and balancing the amount of sugar in the bloodstream.


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Increasing your consumption of butyrate-rich foods also seems to play into diabetes, as butyrate inhibits the inflammation related to insulin resistance.

Magnesium intake is also associated with a lower Type II diabetes risk, and you can get about a third of your daily required magnesium with just a cup of quinoa.

Overall, it seems that quinoa nutrition improves glucose tolerance and might be a part of preventing and/or managing diabetes and related conditions.

Rocket (Arugula)

What Is Arugula Beneficial For?

Arugula, which is called rocket or roquette in Europe and Australia, provides generous portions of vital nutrients — including vitamin K, vitamin A and folate. In addition, arugula salad is a good source of eye-healthy beta carotene in the form of carotenoids called lutein and zeaxanthin.

But even more than individual vitamins and minerals, arugula is known to provide special chemical compounds called isothiocyanates, which have anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative activities. This makes it a great addition to a healing diet that can reverse signs of aging and disease.


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Arugula (which has the scientific plant name Eruca sativa) is a member of the Brassica family of cruciferous vegetables — the same group that includes vegetables like broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, kale and Swiss chard. These protective vegetables are known to be an excellent source of anti-cancer phytochemicals that neutralize free radical damage and slow the aging process.

Cancer’s link to your diet is unquestionable, and a healthy diet filled with brassica vegetables, called “carcinogen killers,” supplies high levels of various antioxidants that speed up the removal of toxins from the body. In fact, one of the key dietary recommendations for cancer prevention of the American Cancer Society is to include brassica cruciferous vegetables in your diet on a regular basis.

Many studies show that frequently eating brassica vegetables can do even more than help fight cancer. Cruciferous veggies like arugula are also associated with a lower risk for obesity, diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders and heart disease. What’s even better is that arugula’s benefits can easily come in a double dose since it’s easy to eat more than one cup at a time of this leafy green.

One cup of raw arugula has about:

● 5 calories

● Less than 1 gram of protein, sugar, fat or carbs

● 1 gram fiber

● 22 milligrams vitamin K (28 percent DV)

● 475 milligrams vitamin A (10 percent DV)

● 19 milligrams folate (4 percent DV)

● 6 milligrams vitamin C (4 percent DV)

● 32 milligrams calcium (4 percent DV)

● 0.06 milligrams manganese (4 percent DV)

Health Benefits of Rockett

Rockett Fights Cancer

Arugula, like many other vegetables in the cruciferous family, contains glucosinolates, which are key phytonutrients believed to a type of natural cancer remedy. When you chew


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arugula, these compounds mix with a digestive enzyme called myrosinase that turns them into other cancer-fighting nutrients known as isothiocyanates.(2)

Arugula contains large quantities of sulfur-containing isothiocyanates, including sulforaphane and erucin, the same phytonutrients found in veggies like kohlrabi and Chinese cabbage. These are what give most cruciferous vegetables their signature sulfur smell and are also believed to be responsible for their cancer-fighting activity. (3) Many studies find a strong relationship between higher consumption of raw vegetables containing these special compounds and a lowered risk for cancer. (4)

Isothiocyanates neutralize free radicals and dangerous carcinogens that can lead to DNA damage and cell mutation. They also inhibit cell proliferation and stop cancerous tumor growth. Studies show that arugula and other cruciferous leafy greens can especially help prevent cancer within the gastrointestinal track, such as colon and bladder cancer, along with breast, lung, esophageal and prostate cancers.

Rockett Protects Eye Health

What is arugula beneficial for when it comes to eye health? It can help protect eyes from age-related disorders because it’s a great source of protective carotenoid antioxidants. These special compounds have been extensively researched in relation to their ability to prevent macular degeneration, one of the leading causes of blindness in older adults.

Arugula is a type of natural treatment for macular degeneration because it’s high in carotenoids like beta carotene, leutin and zeaxanthin. These are known to protect the retina, cornea and other delicate parts of the eyes from UV damage and other effects. (5) According to studies, lutein and zeaxanthin may also protect you against eye disease because they absorb damaging blue light that enters the eye.

Rockett Improves Heart Health

Arugula is capable of improving the health of blood vessels, acting as an anti-inflammatory food that lowers levels of cholesterol and homocysteine. This is one reason why cruciferous vegetable intake is known to lower the risk for heart disease and overall mortality. (6)

A diet high in low-calorie, high-nutrient vegetables is also linked with better blood pressure, improved circulation, and a lower risk for having a heart attack or stroke. Vegetables provide not only important inflammation-lowering antioxidants, but also crucial nutrients like potassium and magnesium that help control heart rhythms and dietary fiber, which removes cholesterol and toxins from the body.


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Rockett Helps Maintain Strong Bones

One cup of arugula provides about over a quarter of the recommended daily value of vitamin K — making it a great source to prevent vitamin K deficiency. Vitamin K is essential for bone health and also for helping with blood clot formation.

In fact, some experts feel that vitamin K builds bones better than calcium to a certain extent. It’s thought to be a key player in developing a strong skeletal system, which is why studies show that people who consume more vitamin K tend to experience lower rates of bone fractures and osteoporosis.

Rockett Aids in Weight Loss

What is arugula salad useful for when it comes to losing weight? Arugula is an extremely nutrient-dense food, considering it has only five calories per cup but loads of antioxidants. Because people tend to eat more than one cup of leafy greens at a time, arugula is essentially a superfood for weight loss and a great way to obtain plenty of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients while still sticking to a low-calorie diet overall. Leafy greens like arugula provide detoxifying nutrients and dietary fiber, which help fill you up, prevent deficiencies and provide ongoing energy.

Rockett Improves Digestion

Like other leafy greens, arugula is an alkaline food that helps restore the body’s optimal pH level. An optimal pH level is crucial for digestive health in addition to a supporting a strong immune system.

Additionally, arugula is a hydrating food that helps nourish the digestive tract and aids in the removal of toxins or waste from the blood and digestive system. Regularly eating leafy greens like arugula is one of the best ways to help naturally prevent constipation and improve the health of the gut lining, colon, intestines and other digestive organs.

Rockett Helps Prevent Diabetes

Although people tend to only eat arugula leaves and not the seeds of the plant, clinical research confirms that plant extracts taken from arugula seeds help fight blood sugar fluctuations. A diet high in green vegetables is thought to be a type of natural diabetes remedy since it improves insulin responsiveness. Arugula extract, or oil taken from the Eruca sativa seeds, is considered an effective prevention and treatment method for improving insulin response, reducing hyperglycemia, and lowering high cholesterol and triglycerides.


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But even eating arugula salad leaves in place of other foods can have blood-sugar and inflammation-lowering effects — since it’s virtually free of sugar and carbs, yet a good way to fill up and add more volume to your plate.

Rockett Reduces Skin Inflammation and Infections

Arugula extract is also considered effective in preventing or treating skin disorders, according to traditional Middle Eastern medicine practices. According to centuries-old tradition, what is arugula known for when it comes to skin health? For many years, practitioners believed that arugula’s oils can prevent inflammatory skin diseases and be a natural treatment of eczema or psoriasis. (8)

Eating the raw leaves of the arugula plant can also provide defense against UV skin damage and slow signs of aging skin, since its antioxidants fight cell proliferation and protect skin’s elasticity, immunity and appearance.

Rockett Supplies Important Vitamins and Minerals

Arugula contains folate, a very important B vitamin that helps prevent neural tube defects in unborn babies and reduces the buildup of a harmful blood chemical called homocysteine. It’s also a good way to obtain manganese and prevent calcium deficiency; in fact, arugula is similar in terms of calcium quantity to spinach nutrition but has fewer mineral-blocking oxalates. This means that less calcium is inhibited, and your body can actually absorb and use more. In addition, arugula provides smaller quantities of iron, potassium, zinc, copper and magnesium.


First and foremost, sauerkraut’s live and active probiotics have beneficial effects on the health of your digestive tract — and therefore the rest of your body too. That’s because a very large portion of your immune system actually lives within your gut and is run by


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bacterial organisms, what you can think of as “your gut’s bugs” that live within your intestinal flora. Microbial imbalances have been associated with enhanced risks of various diseases, but luckily obtaining beneficial microorganisms from probiotic foods has repeatedly demonstrated health benefits in clinical settings.

After eating foods like sauerkraut that provide probiotics, these gut bugs take up residence on the lining and folds of your intestinal walls, where they communicate with your brain via the vagus nerve. They also act like your first line of defense against various harmful bacteria or toxins that enter your body. Some beneficial probiotic bacteria found in sauerkraut and other cultured veggies are more or less permanent residents because they form long-lasting colonies. Others come and go more quickly but still have important anti-inflammatory effects.

As described in a 2009 report published in The Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology, “the use of antibiotics, immunosuppressive therapy and irradiation, amongst other means of treatment, may cause alterations in the gut composition and have an effect on the GIT flora. Therefore, the introduction of beneficial bacterial species to the GI tract may be a very attractive option to re-establish the microbial equilibrium and prevent disease.” (4)

A 2006 report published in The Journal of Applied Microbiology states that probiotic benefits from cultured foods include:

● Reduced overall inflammation (both in and out of the GI tract)

● Improvement of digestive disorders like leaky gut syndrome, ulcerative colitis, IBS and


● Improved immunity

● Better nutrient absorption

● Prevention and treatment of diarrhea

● Prevention and symptom reduction of food allergies, including lactose intolerance,

milk protein allergy and others

● Improvement of high blood pressure

● Reduced risk of cancer

● Alleviation of arthritis inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis and chronic juvenile


● Reduction of eczema symptoms

● Lowered cholesterol

● Protection against H. pylori infection


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● Better immune response in HIV/AIDS patients

● Improved vaginal health and prevention of bacterial infections like UTIs and bacterial


● Natural remedy for the liver/brain disease hepatic encephalopathy

This is due to probiotics’ direct and indirect influences on various organs and systems, especially the rate at which your body produces inflammation and controls hormone production. The “good bacteria” and other organisms living within your gut might as well be considered an organ in their own right, because they’re critically important to the health of your brain, hormones, heart, lungs, liver and digestive organs (and, after all, contain the majority of your immune system).

Sauerkraut Nutrition Facts

Sauerkraut is very low-calorie, but as you can see it’s an anti-inflammatory food and is packed with benefits. Besides having probiotics to offer, sauerkraut is a good source of antioxidants and dietary fiber, thanks to its main ingredient: cabbage. Even eating a small amount daily — just several tablespoons — provides a great source of nutrients, including vitamin K, vitamin C, calcium, potassium and phosphorus — and, of course, probiotics. As an added bonus, the proliferation of microorganisms in fermented vegetables enhances their digestibility and increases absorption of their various nutrients. (5)

One reason you might want to stick to a smaller serving? It’s a bit high in sodium (with about 20 percent of your needs in every ½ cup serving) considering sea salt is one of the main ingredients.

A half-cup serving of sauerkraut (about 75 grams) has about: (6)

● 14 calories

● 0 grams fat

● 4 grams fiber

● 3 grams carbohydrates

● 1 grams sugar

● 1 gram protein


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● 496 milligrams sodium

● 11 milligrams vitamin C (17 percent DV)

● 10 micrograms vitamin K (8 percent DV)

● 1 milligram iron (6 percent DV)

● 1 milligram manganese (6 percent DV)

● .1 milligram vitamin B6 (6 percent DV)

● 17 micrograms folate (5 percent DV)

Benefits of Sauerkraut

1. Supplies probiotics that help improve digestion2. Improves immune function3. Reduces inflammation and allergies4. Supports cognitive health and mood5. Provides cancer-fighting antioxidants

Saurkraut Supplies Probiotics that Help Improve Digestion

Microorganisms present in sauerkraut, including those of the lactobacillus bacteria genus, essentially “feed” the good bacteria in your gut, which improves digestive health. Research shows that within sauerkraut, Lactobacillus plantarum is the predominant LAB bacteria strain that’s born during the fermentation phase. (7)

We still have a lot to learn about the exact types of beneficial bacteria that grow within cultured foods, but for the first time, a 2003 report published in The Journal of Applied Environmental Microbiology demonstrated the complex ecology present in sauerkraut fermentations.

Because they can help lower the presence of toxins, inflammation and bad bacteria living within your digestive tract, probiotics bacteria are beneficial for reducing symptoms like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation (yes, they help you poop!), diarrhea, bloating, food sensitives and digestive disorders.

We often hear that probiotic yogurt is one of the best foods to eat for better digestion and preventing illnesses, but non-dairy cultured foods like sauerkraut have the same effects.

In the process, sauerkraut and other fermented foods help you better absorb nutrients from the food you’re eating, regularly go to the bathroom and even help manage your appetite, thanks to their effects on hormones.


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Saurkraut Improves Immune Function

Although most people don’t realize it, the gut the organ that contains the majority of your immune system, and sauerkraut’s probiotics play a major role in regulating gut health. Beneficial bacteria can educate, activate and support the immune system.

Recent scientific investigations have supported the important role of probiotics as a part of a healthy diet that can provide a safe, cost-effective and natural approach that adds a barrier against many types of microbial infections. Research has shown that probiotics can be effective at fighting diarrhoea, antibiotic resistance, Clostridium difficile colitis, various infections, inflammatory bowel diseases, constipation and even cancer. Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains have been proven beneficial on intestinal immunity and can increase the number of IgA and other immunoglobulins in the intestinal mucosa.

Saurkraut Reduces Inflammation and Allergies

Autoimmunity — one of the root causes of inflammation — is a state in which the body attacks its own tissues because it suspects that it’s being harmed by an outside “invader,” whether this is a food you’re sensitive or allergic to, toxins from household and beauty products, poor quality air, water, and so on.

Sauerkraut’s beneficial probiotics help increase and regulate NK cells, which are nicknamed “natural killer cells,” that control the body’s inflammatory pathways and take action against infections or food allergy reactions. (10) This, in turn, can lower your risk for developing virtually every chronic disease there is, from heart disease to cancer.

Saurkraut Supports Cognitive Health and Mood

It’s not hard to image how our brain and digestive systems are connected — think of the last time you felt “sick to your stomach” or had butterflies in your belly from being nervous. Researchers are still learning about the fascinating and intimate relationship between your gut and brain, especially how this relationship is actually bidirectional, or a “two-way street.”

It’s not just that your mood can affect your digestion, but, it turns out that the health of your digestive system can also affect your nervous system, brain function and moods!

All of this is possible because of the vagus nerve, one of 12 cranial nerves that helps form the primary channel of information between the nerve cells in your intestinal nervous system and your central nervous system in your brain. Communication via the vagus nerve is impacted by the various populations of bacteria in your gut. Depending on what kind of bacteria are present in different proportions within your gut, different chemical messages can be triggered that impact your ability to learn, remember and sort information.


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Probiotics are one of the natural remedies for mood disruption, like depression. In multiple human trials, supplementing with probiotic foods like sauerkraut led to an improvement in mood and reduction of depression symptoms, making it a valuable adjunctive (additional) therapy for depression.

In animals, probiotics such as sauerkraut have even been found to reduce some symptoms of anxiety and improve autism markers.

Saurkraut Provides Cancer-Fighting Antioxidants

Aside from the numerous benefits that sauerkraut’s probiotics offer, its main ingredient cabbage also has a lot going for it. Cabbage is a disease-fighting vegetable all on its own. Cabbage is among a group high-antioxidant foods and cruciferous vegetables known for being powerful cancer-fighting foods.

One reason cabbage and other cruciferous foods have protective effects is because they supply various antioxidants and dietary fiber. Cabbage has phytonutrients, including isothiocyanates and indoles. In laboratory settings, these have shown protection against cancerous cell formation and have positive effects on lowering inflammation. (19)

Sulforaphane, a particularly potent member of the isothiocyanate family, is capable of increasing the body’s production of Phase II enzymes that can help fight free radical damage. This compound is found in cabbage, although it’s even more prevalent in broccoli and broccoli sprouts.

Although most sauerkraut is made from white or green cabbage, some varieties use red cabbage, too. Red cabbage has its own class of special antioxidant properties called anthocyanins. These flavonoid phytonutrients, which are what give blueberries and wine their deep colors, have strong antioxidant activities that help fight cardiovascular diseases, cancer and cognitive disorders.



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Spinach is considered to be one of the healthiest foods on earth, with researchers identifying more than a dozen different types of flavonoid antioxidants alone that are present in spinach, not to mention all of its other nutrients. Spinach nutrition has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant abilities, and if you combine that with its very low amount of calories, it is easily one of the most nutrient-dense foods in existence.

Spinach is a vegetable that belongs to the Amaranthaceae family food group, which also includes other nutrient-rich plant foods such as beets, Swiss chard, spinach and quinoa. Foods in this family have been shown to be helpful with protecting the central nervous system, reducing inflammation, and delaying the aging process by protecting cells.

Spinach’s phytonutrients include such carotenoids as beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, the same time of antioxidants found in other vegetables like carrots, kale, and broccoli. Spinach also supplies flavonoids, which are a type of powerful antioxidant that protect against disease by fighting free radical damage within the body. These protective compounds make spinach on of the best anti-aging foods there is.

Aside from supplying high levels of antioxidants, spinach nutrition also offers an impressive amount of vitamins and minerals overall. It’s considered a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and minerals manganese, zinc, and selenium. This makes spinach useful in protecting various systems and functions within the body, everything from digestive health to eye sight.

Spinach Nutrition

According to the USDA 1 cup of raw spinach has the following nutrients (based on daily recommended amounts for adult females over 18):

● 7 calories

● 1 gram protein


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● 1 gram fiber

● 1 gram carbohydrates

● 145 mg Vitamin K (223% DV)

● 141 mg Vitamin A (28% DV)

● 58 mg Folate (18% DV)

● .27 mg Manganese (15% DV)

● 8.4 mg Vitamin C (14% DV)

● 0.8 mg Iron (10% DV)

● 24 mg Magnesium (7.5% DV)

● 30 mg Calcium (3.75% DV) 800

● 167 g Potassium (3.6% DV)

Health Benefits of Spinach

Spinach Protects Against Cancer

Studies show that consuming leafy green vegetables and cruciferous vegetables – including such kinds as spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, mustard greens, turnip greens, collards, and kale – can dramatically protect against the occurrence of various types of cancers, especially colon, breast and prostate cancers.

Spinach is able to slow down cancerous cell formation because it defends against DNA damage and limits oxidative stress through the presence of such antioxidants as neoxanthin and violaxanthin. (4) According to studies, spinach’s carotenoids protect cells from mutations which can ultimately lead to cancerous tumor growth.

Spinach nutrition also contains both chloroplast and chlorophyll. Studies have found that because of these properties, spinach acts as a cancer protector by pulling out carcinogenic substances from the body, detoxifying the body, reducing inflammation, and slowing free radical damage. (5)

Spinach Defends Against Heart Disease

Spinach limits inflammation in the body, which is one of the main risk factors associated with heart disease development. Studies show that spinach can protect heart health by improving the functions of nitric acid, which improves circulation, blood pressure, and blood


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vessel health. Spinach contains two antioxidants called neoxanthin and violaxanthin which researchers have identified as being extremely useful in lowering body-wide inflammatory responses. Spinach is one of the best known sources of these specific compounds.

Spinach nutrition is able to help heal blood vessel-related problems, including atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. The protective compounds found in spinach work together to keep arteries clear of dangerous plague build up, to lower cholesterol levels, fight high blood pressure, increase blood flow and to maintain healthy, strong blood vessels.

The fibre found in spinach also works to reduce high cholesterol levels and slows down the absorption of glucose into the blood stream. Together these factors greatly reduce the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

Spinach Boosts Immunity

Spinach supplies high levels of vitamin A and vitamin C, which are actually both considered antioxidants that are especially useful in maintaining a strong immune system. Vitamin C and vitamin A’s antioxidants keeps your immunity strong against bacteria, viruses, toxins, and other harmful invaders which can cause disease and illness.

Spinach protects immunity by lowering inflammatory responses, reducing cell damage, and aiding in digestive health too, which is very important for absorbing immunity-boosting nutrients from food.

Spinach’s antioxidants also protect skin, eyes, and oral health by protecting from tooth decay and gum disease or infections. They also protect against more serious conditions including free radical damage, which can result in heart disease, cancer, autoimmune responses, and cognitive disorders.

Spinach Can Protect Against Diabetes

Spinach contains protective steroids called phytoecdysteroids. In studies, this steroid has been shown to increase glucose (sugar) metabolism and to help keep blood sugar levels stable. This is extremely beneficial for people with pre-diabetes, diabetes, or other forms of metabolic syndrome, since it minimizes the requirement for the critical fat-storage hormone insulin.

Compounds found in spinach have also been found to lower the risk for complications that can arise when someone has diabetes. (7) Diabetic patients can experience heart disease, blindness, nerve damage, numbness in limbs, and other complications which spinach and other vegetables can help protect from.


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Spinach Protects Eye Health

Spinach nutrition contains vitamin A in the form of carotenoids, which benefit eye sight by preserving the health of the retina, macula, and cornea. Two of spinach’s carotenoids called lutein and zeaxanthin are primary antioxidants needed to prolong eye health, especially as someone ages.

Spinach is correlated with decreasing the risk for age-related eye disorders including macular degeneration. For example, zeaxanthin found in spinach works to filter out harmful light rays from entering the cornea. And spinach’s other carotenoids protect vulnerable tissues of the retinal area from oxidative stress that can result in blindness, cataracts, and other complications.

Spinach Helps Maintain Bone Health

Spinach supplies a high amount of essential bone-building vitamin K. Vitamin K is needed to keep the skeletal structure healthy and helps to prevent conditions related to loss in bone mineral density, especially as someone ages. This includes warding off osteoporosis and bone fractures. Vitamin K also has the roles of helping with blood clotting and turning off inflammation in the body.

Spinach Preserves Skin Health

Vitamin C and vitamin A found in spinach nutrition can help to fight UV light damage which can lead to skin cancer or the appearance of aged skin. Frequently eating foods such as spinach which contain antioxidants is helpful in fostering new skin cell growth and supporting the production of collagen, one of the main building blocks of skin that is responsible for its elasticity and youthful appearance.

Therefore a way to naturally slow aging and to increase skin’s immunity is to eat spinach and other antioxidant-rich vegetables.

Spinach Helps with Detoxification

The phytonutrients found in spinach can help to detoxify the body and support liver function by preventing bacterial overgrowth from occurring in the gut microflora. Reduced inflammation of the digestive tract has been associated not only with the flavonoids found in spinach, but also with its carotenoids.

Lower levels of inflammation protect the vulnerable lining of the digestive tract and stomach, reducing the chances of developing leaky gut syndrome or other digestive disorders.

Spinach is also a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber is needed to maintain digestive health because it helps with regular bowel movements, carries waste and toxins out of the body, prevents constipation or diarrhea, and can detoxify the digestive tract.


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Spinach Defends Against Cognitive Decline & Neurological Disorders

Studies have shown that vegetables including spinach can help slow the aging process. According to studies, spinach can protect brain health from age-related diseases and even reverse existing damage that has taken place in the cerebral cortex of the brain following a stroke.

Antioxidants found in spinach work to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress that is associated with a decline in cognition, behavioural, and motor skills. (10)

In animal studies, the group given spinach supplements, the animals showed reversal in age related signs of cognitive impairment and overcame some of the difficulty with and motor skills. The group given spinach experienced improvements in the ability to complete behavioural tasks and improvements on scores for cognitive tests. This suggests antioxidants found in spinach can delay both mental and physical signs of aging.

Spinach High Source of Magnesium

According to researchers, spinach is one of the best sources of magnesium. And very importantly the magnesium in spinach stays intact after being cooked too. (11) Magnesium is a vital nutrient within the body that contributes to overall cellular health and plays a part in more than 300 different bodily functions. Unfortunately however, many adults in developed nations are actually experiencing a magnesium deficiency – and most aren’t even aware of it.

Magnesium is needed to regulate calcium, potassium, and sodium which together all control neuromuscular signals and muscle contractions. This is why a magnesium deficiency can sometimes result in muscle pains and cramps. Magnesium deficiency is also associated with insomnia, mood disturbances, headaches, high blood pressure, and an increased risk for diabetes.

Organic spinach in particular, as opposed to conventional/non organic, can be a good source of magnesium- and studies have shown its one of the most absorbable food sources of magnesium too. While some people do best by taking magnesium complex supplements to overcome a deficiency, regularly consuming foods high in magnesium like spinach can also offer help in reducing these negative symptoms.

Sweet Potatoes


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Sweet Potato Nutrition Facts

Sweet potatoes are high in many important nutrients. They contain a good amount of fibre as well as vitamin A, vitamin C, manganese and several other vitamins and minerals.

One medium cooked sweet potato contains approximately:

● 103 calories

● 23.6 grams carbohydrates

● 2.3 grams protein

● 0.2 gram fat

● 3.8 grams dietary fiber

● 21,907 international units vitamin A (438 percent DV)

● 22.3 miligrams vitamin C (37 percent DV)

● 0.6 milligram manganese (28 percent DV)

● 0.3 milligram vitamin B6 (16 percent DV)

● 541 milligrams potassium (15 percent DV)

● 1 milligram pantothenic acid (10 percent DV)

● 0.2 milligram copper (9 percent DV)

● 1.7 milligrams niacin (8 percent DV)

● 0.1 milligram thiamine (8 percent DV)

● 30.8 milligrams magnesium (8 percent DV)

In addition to the nutrients above, sweet potato nutrition also contains riboflavin, phosphorus, vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium and iron.


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Sweet Potato Nutrition: Sweet Potato Benefits

1. Stabilizes Blood Sugar2. High in Antioxidants3. Boosts Brain Function4. Enhances Immunity5. Promotes Vision Health6. Aids in Weight Loss

Sweet Potato Stabilizes Blood Sugar

Sweet potatoes are an excellent dietary addition for those with diabetes as they have been shown to help reduce and regulate blood sugar levels. In fact, there are several studies focused on learning more about the connection between the sweet potato and diabetes. Caiapo, in particular, is a type of white sweet potato that has been studied extensively for its anti-diabetic properties.

In one study out of the University of Vienna in Austria, 61 participants with diabetes were given either four grams of Caiapo or a placebo daily for three months. At the end of the study, the sweet potato group had significantly lower blood sugar levels than the control group. (2)

Another small study published in the journal Metabolism showed that treating diabetic patients with Caiapo for six weeks helped improve insulin sensitivity. (3) Insulin is the hormone responsible for the transport of sugar from the blood to the tissues where it can be used as energy. Improvements in insulin sensitivity allow it to work more efficiently in the body to maintain normal blood sugar.

Additionally, sweet potatoes are high in fiber, with each medium sweet potato fulfilling up to 15 percent of your fiber needs for the entire day. Fiber slows the absorption of sugar to help prevent spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels.

Sweet Potato are High in Antioxidants

Antioxidants are compounds that help fight off harmful free radicals to reduce the risk of chronic disease and prevent damage to the cells. Antioxidants may protect against diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. Besides being rich in fibre and many important vitamins and minerals, sweet potatoes are also loaded with these beneficial antioxidants.

Orange-fleshed sweet potatoes are especially high in beta-carotene, which is the pigment responsible for their characteristic vibrant orange flesh. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that can help promote healthy vision, improve respiratory health and even protect your skin.


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Sweet Potato Boosts Brain Function

Some research has found that eating sweet potatoes could help boost brain function and improve memory thanks to their abundance of nutrients and antioxidants.

One animal study out of Chungnam National University’s College of Pharmacy in Korea, for instance, treated rats with purple sweet potato extract and found that it prevented oxidative damage in the brain, enhanced cognitive performance and improved memory.

Another animal study conducted in China in 2010 showed that purple sweet potato extract helped protect against brain aging and improved spatial learning and memory ability in mice.

Avocados, beets, broccoli and leafy green vegetables are examples of other brain foods that can help boost focus and memory.

Sweet Potato Enhances Immunity

Sweet potato nutrition is jam-packed with vitamin A, with each medium potato cramming in about 438 percent of the daily vitamin A requirement. This vitamin plays a role in many aspects of health, but it is especially important in terms of immunity.

Vitamin A helps stimulate the production of immune cells that fight off disease and infection. It also can help kill off harmful cells and has been shown to have anti-tumor properties in some animal studies. Many studies have even reported that vitamin A supplementation can help reduce the risk of death from infectious diseases in certain areas where vitamin A deficiency is common.

Getting enough vitamin A from foods like sweet potatoes is crucial to maintaining healthy immune function. Other top vitamin A foods include carrots, kale, spinach and apricots.

Sweet Potato Promotes Vision Health

In addition to boosting immunity, vitamin A is also integral to maintaining healthy vision. A deficiency of vitamin A can result in symptoms like dry eyes, night blindness, a buildup of keratin on the conjunctiva and even total vision loss in severe cases.

One medium sweet potato can meet and exceed your daily vitamin A needs. In fact, if you can squeeze even just one-fourth of a sweet potato into your diet, you’re set for the entire day.

Not only that, but sweet potatoes also contain important antioxidants that can contribute to vision health as well. Beta-carotene, for example, has been shown to slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration, a condition that can result in vision loss.


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Other eye vitamins that you should incorporate into your diet include vitamin C, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.

Sweet Potato Aids in Weight Loss

If you have a few stubborn pounds that you’re trying to lose, incorporating this nutritious root vegetable into your diet may be able to help. The sweet potato benefits weight loss because it’s super nutrient-dense and loaded with fibre to help keep you full.

Fibre moves slowly through the digestive tract, helping promote satiety and cut cravings to aid in weight loss. Just one cup of sweet potatoes boasts a whopping 6.6 grams of fibre, or up to 26 percent of what you need for the entire day.

A recent 2017 animal study also found that purple sweet potatoes, in particular, may have extra weight-busting benefits. Mice were fed a high-fat diet and were supplemented with purple sweet potatoes, which were shown to reduce body weight and fat accumulation over a 12-week period.


What is a Tomato?

Tomato is considered both, a fruit and a vegetable and forms an integral part of cuisines across the globe, especially in the Mediterranean region. Daily consumption of tomatoes provides a great boost to the health, along with improving the flavor of food. You can find them in different foods like pasta, pizzas, ketchup, and various beverages. They are relatively easy to cultivate and grow very quickly, making them a great food source, which is a big reason why tomatoes are a staple food for many nations.

The scientific name of tomatoes is Solanum lycopersicum and they are believed to be native to Mexico. However, the Spanish colonization of America and Central America caused tomato cultivation to spread. They are an annual nightshade plant and grow in clusters of small to moderately sized, round red fruits. They have soft, pinkish red flesh and a number


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of seeds, as well as a slightly sweet taste. They are considered both, vegetables and fruits and weigh approximately 4 ounces.

Nowadays, tomatoes are grown in countries all over the world and there are thousands of cultivars and varieties that can provide you with unique health benefits. Let’s explore a few of the reasons why they are such a valuable food item for human health.

Tomatoes Nutrition Facts

The health benefits of tomatoes can be attributed to their wealth of nutrients and vitamins, including an impressive amount of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K, as well as significant amounts of vitamin B6, folate, and thiamine. They are also a good source of potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper. They have dietary fiber and protein, as well as a number of organic compounds like lycopene that contribute to their health benefits.

Antioxidant Agent

Tomato contains a large amount of lycopene, an antioxidant that is highly effective in scavenging cancer-causing free radicals. This benefit can even be obtained from heat-processed tomato products like ketchup. The lycopene in tomatoes defends against cancer and has been shown to be effective in fighting prostate cancer, cervical cancer, cancer of the stomach and rectum as well as pharynx and esophageal cancers. It also protects against breast and mouth cancer, according to studies published by the Harvard School of Public Health.

Rich Source of Vitamins and Minerals

A single tomato can provide about 40% of the daily vitamin C requirement. [1] Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant which prevents cancer-causing free radicals from damaging the body’s systems. It also contains abundant vitamin A and potassium, as well as iron. Potassium plays a vital role in maintaining nerve health and iron is essential for maintaining normal blood circulation. Vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and controlling bleeding, is also abundant in tomatoes.

Protect the Heart

The lycopene in tomatoes prevents serum lipid oxidation, thus exerting a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases. A regular consumption of tomatoes has been proven to decrease the levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. These lipids are the key culprits in cardiovascular diseases and lead to the deposition of fats in the blood vessels.

Counter the Effect of Smoking Cigarette


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The coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid, in tomatoes, fight against nitrosamines, which are the main carcinogens found in cigarettes. The presence of vitamin A in high quantities has been shown to reduce the effects of carcinogens and can protect you against lung cancer.

Improve Vision

Vitamin A, present in tomatoes, aids in improving vision and preventing night-blindness and macular degeneration. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that can be formed from an excess of beta-carotene in the body. A lot of vision problems occur due to the negative effects of free radicals and vitamin A, being a powerful antioxidant, can help prevent them.

Aid in Digestion

Tomatoes keep the digestive system healthy by preventing both constipation and diarrhea. They also prevent jaundice and effectively remove toxins from the body. Furthermore, they have a large amount of fiber, which can bulk the bowels and reduce symptoms of constipation. A healthy amount of fiber helps stimulate peristaltic motion in the smooth digestive muscles and release gastric and digestive juices. This can regulate your bowel movements, thereby improving your overall digestive health and helping you avoid conditions like colorectal cancer.

Lower Hypertension

Consuming a tomato daily reduces the risk of developing hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. This is partially due to the impressive levels of potassium found in tomatoes. Potassium is a vasodilator, meaning that it reduces the tension in blood vessels and arteries, thereby increasing circulation and lowering the stress on the heart by eliminating hypertension.

Manage Diabetes

A study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that daily consumption of tomatoes reduces the oxidative stress of type 2 diabetes.

Skin Care

Tomatoes aid in maintaining healthy teeth, bones, hair, and skin. Topical application of tomato juice is even known to cure severe sunburns. Daily consumption protects the skin against UV-induced erythema. They rank high in the preparation of anti-aging products


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1. Relief from Arthritic Pain

Turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties have been instrumental in treating osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The antioxidant also destroys the free radicals in the body that damage the cells. Anybody suffering from the condition should consume the spice on a daily basis to relieve themselves of mild joint pains and inflammation, though it should be understood that it does not stand as a substitute for medication.

2. Cancer Prevention

The compound curcumin present in turmeric has been known to interfere with cancer development in the body. While the studies are in the early stages of research, curcumin shows promise in the fight against cancer and in boosting the effects of chemotherapy. This property of turmeric becomes even more potent when paired with freshly ground black pepper.

3. Brain Protection


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There is another power compound present in turmeric that has not been studied as much as curcumin - aromatic turmerone or ar-turmerone. Research has found that this compound promotes repair in the stem cells of the brain - the same stem cells that can help in the recovery from neurodegenerative diseases like stroke and Alzheimer's. Studies also suggest that curcumin may help to improve memory in Alzheimer's patients.

4. Digestion Improvement

When consumed raw while suffering from a digestive problem, turmeric can help treat the condition. The major components of the spice stimulate the gallbladder to produce bile, instantly making the digestive system more efficient. It is also known to reduce symptoms of bloating and gas.

5. Healing Properties

Turmeric is every grandmother's pet suggestion to treat any cut, burn or infection. Its natural antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties make it an effective disinfectant. The powder can be sprinkled on the affected area to help it heal faster. Instead of turning to a pill, the next time you experience an upset stomach or heartburn, try this super spice instead.

6. Delay in Diabetes

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of curcumin have been found to delay the onset of Type 2 Diabetes in people with pre-diabetes. It further helps moderate insulin levels and boosts the effect of medications that treat diabetes. However, it is important to consult a health professional before combining it with strong medication.

7. Immunity Booster

Lipopolysaccharide - a substance in turmeric with anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal agents helps stimulate the human immune system. Take a teaspoon of the spice powder in a glass of warm milk daily and you'll see it work wonders as it reduces your chances of catching a flu.

8. Liver Detoxifier

Turmeric is known to increase the production of the vital enzymes that detoxify our blood in the liver by breaking down and reducing the toxins. By improving blood circulation too, turmeric is instrumental in promoting good liver health.



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Walnuts can provide a good amount of protein as well as some manganese, copper and magnesium. One ounce of walnuts contains approximately: (29)

● 183 calories

● 3.8 grams carbohydrates

● 4.3 grams protein

● 18.3 grams fat

● 1.9 grams dietary fiber

● 1 miligram manganese (48 percent DV)

● 0.4 miligram copper (22 percent DV)

● 44.2 miligrams magnesium (11 percent DV)

● 96.9 miligrams phosphorus (10 percent DV)

Walnuts are also an excellent source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, which can slash inflammation and decrease the risk of disease.

Some animal studies have found that walnuts may also improve brain function. For example, a 2011 animal study reported that supplementing rats with walnuts resulted in significant improvement in learning and memory. (30) Walnuts may also improve heart health by reducing cholesterol levels and blood pressure.